Friday, July 04, 2008

Guapos Thursday, July 3, 2008: Many mini conferences

This is kinda slapdash tonight. We had our annual town outdoor holiday celebration and I was out late. Music! Burgers! Dancing! And the little kids stomping around on bubble wrap to the Star Spangled Banner - our “fireworks” in a high fire danger area. Hey, it doesn’t get any better than that.

Reruns: Connie fakes to a believing Andrea that he loves Luci. She is wounded and livid, and ends up on the ground. Luci overhears and is surprised and touched. They return inside to the party of the Casa Belmonte family and Flor’s dad and sister. Luci asks Karla to clean up a mess outside, meaning Andrea. Karla doesn’t want to be treated like a servant, but flounces out. Mili announces to the gathered families that she wants to renounce her inheritance, though she seems reluctant.

And on to the new stuff: Mili says she never wanted Granny’s money. Everyone is impactado. Alex looks stunned. Damien says Hugo, you can’t let her do that! Connie says don’t do that! Luci says finally Mili is doing the right thing. Alex asks why she made that absurd decision. Mili says that the important thing that Regina left her is in her heart and that the lawyer just told her the will stipulates that she has to stay in Casa Belmonte, and now that she and Hugo are starting a new life, they want to move out. She doesn’t seem terribly convinced herself.
Flor whispers to Alex to please not make a scene in front of her papa, and Alex tells her to stay out of it. Her dad hears this and says hey, what’s up? He tells Alex not to take that tone with his daughter.

Luci asks Robledo if the money will go to her children or to Connie. Connie says is that something else you want to take from me in the divorce? Alex is unhappy and heads up the stairs. Hugo pets Mili tenderly and Mili just looks stunned.

Outside, Karla is talking to Andrea, who is still on the ground. Karla says Connie faked the scene with Andrea so that Luci wouldn’t divorce him and destroy him financially and politically. Andrea perks up and asks Karla where Connie is sleeping (the guest room) and to help her get into the house unnoticed (no way!). Andrea says she has to talk to Connie – she’s not going to be dumped like that. Karla says okay, wait in the garden and I’ll tell you when the coast is clear.

Damien has taken Hugo into a private room and is telling him that he’s an idiot- that money could be ours! Ours? says Hugo. Well, our side of the family, says Damien. Hugo says he and Mili aren’t interested in the money. Damien says it’s a massive sum and you don’t appreciate money because you don’t know how hard it is to earn it. Hugo says oh, and you have experience with that? Damien sputters. He says he is thinking of Hugo’s future. Hugo says he has a good job at the company firm, and he’s not marrying Mili for money. Why can’t his father get that through his head? The decision has been made and that’s that.

Meantime, Connie has taken Mili into his study and she is telling him that he never wanted her to get the inheritance and now everything will be back the way it was before she came, so he should be happy. Connie is serious and says you are wrong. I told my mother that I would look out for you, and I want to respect her last wishes. Mili says is that the only reason? Connie doesn’t answer. Mili says I want to leave this house and this is the only way.

Connie says I don’t want you to leave. Mili is touched and hopeful that he will finally say those three little words: I’m your father. Why? asks Mili. Connie says because I like you here. Mili says why? and Connie says you were adopted by my mother, you are like part of the family. Is that all? she asks. Connie says do you need more reasons? Mili says just one, do you have one more? Connie stammers, can’t say anything, then finally says please stay.

Mili is getting tearful. She says in that case, I have to go. Living here is hurting me too much. She leaves. Connie looks like he’s getting tearful too.

Alex and Flor are in their room. Alex is weepy and says he didn’t want this to happen and he’s going to try to fix it. Flor says quit thinking about her and think about me! I’m your wife, the mother of your child. Alex says he doesn’t want to fight. Flor says why? Because you care about how I feel, or because you need time to think about how to hang on to her? Alex says it’s impossible to talk to someone who doesn’t want to understand. (Of course the problem is that she understands perfectly.) Alex stomps out. Flor looks miserable, but her lipstick is nice and glossy at least.

Connie is weepy too. He is at his desk, talking to the photo of Mili’s mother. He asks her to help, and says he lost her and doesn’t want to lose Mili too. Luci comes in and he hides the photo under some papers. Luci says why are you crying? Connie says for you. The background music changes to happy tubas – we’re in comedy territory again. Luci says I’d like to believe you, but… Connie says I’m ready to change. I’m ready to be a new man if you’ll give me the opportunity. Luci says I’ve already given you so many, and I was always wrong.

Connie says I broke up with Andrea and Luci says I know, I heard. Connie fakes being surprised. He says I’m sorry you had to witness that, but when I saw her coming into the house, well, I had to put her in her place. Luci looks doubtful. Connie goes over to her and says come back to me – you are the woman I want at my side. Luci says why now?

Connie says because I’m sure this time that I could lose you forever if I don’t do something. She studies his face, puzzled. He leans in to kiss her, she turns her face a bit away and Braulio comes in. He says dinner is served. Luci studies Connie some more.

In the foyer, Roblado is telling Bobby and Alex, Mili and Hugo, that he regrets the scene earlier in the day (Mat’s pal getting a well-deserved pounding in the street by Mili) and Hugo says huh? Roblado tells Connie he’s sorry but he has to run (what? and miss a fun –filled Belmonte dinner?)

Everyone files in to dinner, except Bobby who lingers to ask Lina if she’s okay. She thanks him for standing up for her, but she’s worried that he’ll think she’s one of those girls. He tells her never! Just then Marisela comes up and asks to talk to him. Lina takes off and Bobby tells Marisela they have nothing to talk about. He goes on in to dinner.

With everyone out of sight, Karla is trying to sneak Andrea in. But oops here come Alex and Flor down the stairs. Karla says dinner is served, go on in. They look at her oddly and head for the dining room.

At the table Connie comments that Luci is looking lovely. Flor’s dad says she always is. Connie pours Luci some wine. Vale says she is surprised by Milagros – Mili, you should think about it. Our grandmother loved you and left you that money so you would be cared for after she was gone. Mili is pleased and says Hugo and I just need each other, but thank you, sister.

Connie announces that he is going to support Mili’s decision. Alex says of course you will, you’ll get the money. Connie says don’t be an idiot! Things get tense and Hugo suggests changing the subject. So Domingo asks Marisela why she’s not sitting with Bobby Marisela says we’re not together every single minute. Domingo says you two have had such a long engagement – when’s the wedding? Bobby says no wedding, we’ve broken up. Marisela pleads why did you have to say that in front of everyone? Domingo is upset and asks what happened. Bobby says to Marisela do you want me to tell, or shall you? Flor says they’re adults; they know what they’re doing.

Whew, and we haven’t even finished the soup course.

In the kitchen, the entire staff is preparing the next course and Lina tells them that Mili is renouncing her inheritance. Everyone is impactado, most of all Braulio who slides down the fridge, his face frozen in a nutsy smile.

Up in the guest room, Karla is quick filling Andrea in that dinner is over and Flor’s family are leaving. She hands Andrea something that looks black and slinky and says it’s Luci’s. She runs off.

In the lobby, the two families are saying goodnight and Connie and Domingo puff a bit about their new joint venture. Flor stands with her hand resting on her belly lest we forget. Domingo tells Marisela that he and she are going to have a serious talk.

Alex and Flor go on upstairs and Luci and Connie are alone. She thanks him for not opposing Mili’s decision. Connie says he did it for her (Luci). He says he wants to start a new life with her, save their marriage. A little muted comedy trumpet plays in the background. Connie takes her hands. Luci doesn’t know what to make of all this. He really lays it on thick. He kisses her lightly and says he would be honored if she would join him in the guest room. She is falling, and says “Constancio!” He says I’ve never felt so alone.

Luci says goodnight and starts up the stairs. When she can’t see, he shudders with disgust, then goes over to make himself a drink. You are so easy to deceive, Luci, he says to himself. I got you!

Bobby is walking on the night lawn with Lina and is telling her that she’ll forget this experience much faster than she thinks. She doubts it. He offers her his jacket as she’s chilly. She thanks him for understanding and he says he knows what it’s like to be treated badly. She says they have that in common. He says we should be together. Lina gets shy and says it’s late. He tells her to get a good night sleep and tomorrow will be much better. She thanks him again, and he gives her a kiss on the forehead. We see Horacio in the shrubbery where apparently he’s been eavesdropping. He shakes his head.

Mili in her bathrobe answers the door to her room. It’s Braulio and he doesn’t mince words. Mili should not have renounced her fortune. She is the lost grandchild that Regina had been searching for, Regina loved her and wanted her to be secure. Mili says don’t reproach me. Braulio says it’s like renouncing her love. Mili says I carry that love within me and I don’t care about the money.

Mili is weeping now and says that she needs to leave because she can’t be around Alex who she loves to distraction. She is miserable with him around and she wants the opportunity to try for happiness with Hugo. Braulio is touched, and hugs her.

Hugo is in his room and Damien comes in, stabbing his finger in the air and saying they haven’t finished their conversation. Hugo says you’ve always lived for money and your own advantage and I’m not that way. Damien says I thought you said you wanted to destroy Alex. Hugo says all I feel for him now is pity. Damien says are you afraid he’ll take Mili away? No, says Hugo, Mili can’t be happy as long as she’s in this house, we would be miserable here. Because it would be hell for her, for Alex, for his wife and because she’s the daughter of… Hugo catches himself but Damien latches on to that. Daughter of who? Hugo thinks of a way out: He says I mean Flor is the daughter of Sergio and Sergio’s a dangerous guy. Hugo says he’s tired of talking about stupid stuff and Damien takes off.

Connie is starting to unbutton his cuffs in the guest room when here comes Andrea out of the woodwork. Que haces aqui? She says you can’t leave me like that, I love you, etc. Connie is frantic and tells her to leave. Git! We can talk tomorrow. She says she can’t wait. Andrea undoes her robe and says are you sure you want to leave all this? Connie’s eyes pop out, he stammers. He is a goner. They start necking.

Luci is taking off her makeup, and she thinks about how Connie invited her to his room. Meantime, in that room, Andrea is on top of Connie who is struggling and says she likes danger too much. The door flies open and it’s Luci. Connie is busted and Andrea smiles slyly.

Mili in her bathrobe is getting some milk from the fridge and here comes Alex in a sleeveless T-shirt. He says he can’t sleep either and that she shouldn’t give up her inheritance. He and Flor will move out instead. Mili says it’s his house, that’s his family. He says you’re family too, you’re my father’s daughter. I don’t want to lose you – you and I can learn to live together as brother and sister. Mili says you remember how you almost kissed me? Alex says that won’t happen again. Mili says our love continues as strong as ever and it needs to end. Let me go!

Alex pleads with her – we had to give up our love, don’t make me give up seeing you. I need you. You are my strength, my inspiration, my reason for living. Mili says no, your daughter is your reason for living. Flor is your wife. Don’t kid yourself, we can never learn to be just sister and brother. Let me try to be happy with Hugo, like I did with you and Flor. Let me have my life.

This feels like a goodbye says Alex. It is, says Mili. Alex says but even if you leave with Hugo, we will see each other. Mili says only at holidays and special family events. Good night.

Luci is letting Connie and Andrea have it with both barrels. Connie fidgets on the bed. Luci tells Andrea that’s my robe, give it to me! Andrea takes it off and Connie’s eyes bulge again. Luci says you need some cellulites treatments my dear. Andrea makes slitty eyes. Connie says I swear I didn’t know she was here – appearances can be deceiving. Luci says you are the one who’s deceiving. This is the last humiliation you hand me! She swears revenge and slams out.

Andrea says see what your stupid wife did? She said I had cellulite! Connie rolls his eyes.

Andrea is arguing with Damien in his room. He’s not in the mood for love and she says it isn’t always about what he wants and when. He says he’s tired, and all this discussion of marriage tonight – a marriage which is by the way never going to happen. Karla laughs derisively. She says what’s up with you tonight – you’re marrying me! Damien says it’s that Milagros is giving up her inheritance and Hugo is supporting her. Karla is amazed and calls Mili an idiot.

They sit on the bed and Karla rubs his back. Damien says I’m sure Hugo is hiding something. Isn’t Milagros an orphan? Karla says as far as I know – she was raised in the convent. Damien says get lost, you’re taking up all the air. Karla takes off smiling.

It’s morning and Braulio is rolling a nice breakfast tray into Mili’s room. He wants to talk to her alone, but says he could never be mad at her, as she is his one and only niece. But he thinks she’s making a mistake. He thinks she is betraying her mother and her grandmother. Her mother fled the house with a broken heart and her grandmother couldn’t help her. But she could help Mili – that is what she wanted to do. And if you leave it would break my heart. You are the only family I have. Brualio, who is sitting behind her, rests his head on her shoulder. Don’t leave me, I beg you.

Luci is meeting Nestor for breakfast. She orders vodka, but he says it’s early for that, so she changes her order to vodka with orange juice. She raves a bit about how awful Connie was last night. She wants a divorce and quick. Nestor says better to reach some settlement without going to court, because court could take months and months. Luci asks for more vodka and less juice. She says it would pay for her to wait until the two companies are melded because then she could get a lot more money. Nestor thinks things could get very ugly.

Luci says tomorrow is her nephew’s wedding and she wants him at her side. Nestor says it will be an honor.

Mili is lying on her bed, hugging her big white bear and remembering what Alex said to her in the kitchen. Then she remembers Braulio begging her not to leave him. Hugo comes in and says did you want to talk to me? Mili’s eyes shift around and she says yes. The background music gets threatening. Hugo smiles.

In the kitchen, Horacio is telling Lina that she looks better. She says yes, and she escapes to do her work. Horacio tries to get out of Socorro what happened and Socorro manages not to say anything. Horacio says he overheard Bobby talking to Lina in the garden and if Bobby hurts his girl, he’ll run him over with his car. Socorro looks surprised.

Lina is vacuuming and Bobby comes in with a huge arrangement of sunflowers. They’re for you, says Bobby. Lina is overwhelmed.

At the office, Connie is telling Andrea she blew it and now he’s definitely going to have to get the divorce. Andrea is mad too and says how was I supposed to know you were faking all that? You should have told me at least. You said some very hurtful things. She reminds him of his promise to marry her. She says don’t mess with me.

Mateo comes in and apologizes for coming right in, but no one was at the reception desk. Connie sends Andrea for coffee. Mat says he was surprised by Connie’s call and is Connie ready to sign the settlement? Connie says I’ll come right to the point: How much is my wife paying you for this divorce? He hands Mat a check and says it’s to make sure the division of properties favors Connie.

He says his shares cannot be touched, nor the house in Cuernavaca as both were from his parents and Luci has no right. Connie says she doesn’t get the house or any of the properties either, except some land we have out in the country somewhere. And 5% of my income. Mat says so basically you want to screw her over? Connie says that’s rough terminology. Connie tells Mat that that check is just a start. If Mat shows himself to be on Connie’s side, that amount could double. Mat studies the check, then smiles and reaches over Connie’s desk to shake hands. Connie smiles and freeze frame.


It’s Hugo and Mili’s wedding. The priest asks for their I do’s. Hugo gives his, but Mili hesitates.


Great recap, Maggie. I think you started to say something and left it out. Mili said thank you sister to Val and then had to cover up and say that she meant to say niece.

Continuing on yesterday's talk about conflict of interest: What Mat did today would get him disbarred, but we never really believed him to be ethical, so it's no surprise.

Wedding scene: We can only see his back, but I don't think it was a priest, because Mili and Hugo had agreed to get a civil ceremony only. If it were a priest it would be Padre Manuel anyway.

Whoa what is this? Bobby and MP2 engaged or is that just Domingo pushing again. Looks like both of his little girls need his help to get and keep the men they have latched on to. Poor Bobby looks like he is going to have two father's on his tail and he is just the innocent in the mess.

Can't argue with Grandpa Robledo making tacks before dinner. Who would knowing sit through one of those gigantic snit fests with a final course of Tums instead of mints.

Very touching scene agin with Connie and Mili. He is such a dolt for not just telling her the truth and she gives him every chance. So now we know that Damian and Val are the only family members clueless about Mili's origins. I'm surprised that Luci has kept quite with her coconspirator Damian.

Gee what a surprise - Mat could be bought off. His grandfather would be horrified. I guess for some people there just is never enough money to satisfy them.

Poor Mili being subjected to emotional blackmail by her father, her one true love and her uncle and all for different reasons. I wonder if she will be able to hold out against all the pressure. She is right in not wanting to be around Al especially since she knows the truth. She has enough integrity to encourage him to stick with Flor and be a parent to his baby when she could very easily spill the beans and Florinda would be divorced before she knew what hit her.

Looks like the worst day of Al's life is about to arrive.

NinaK – thanks for being so observant!

What I didn’t recall is that Karla was not aware that Mili is Connie’s daughter. Here she is the household spy and doesn’t know that?

I think everyone is off barbecuing right now. Fooey on the network for running an episode tonight and ignoring a national holiday where everyone is off watching fireworks in the sky instead of fireworks at Casa Belmonte.

Maggie I'm surprised that they are running an episode today as well as they usually don't during our holidays. In any event Thank God for DVR.

I agree that it is surprising to me that snoopy Karla doesn't know about Mili but then Damian doesn't and Luci isn't going to give up another secret to a SERVANT!

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