Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friday 10/17 QE. Honey, you need more than garlic and pepper to put flavor in Alonslow

Hi everybody!. The recap is now finished, and I want to thank Margarita Chilaquiles for her contribution. Since I wasn't feeling well I took the liberty of copying some of her recap and just adding a little more (What I copied from her is in blue). Thank you everybody for your patience and understanding.

Ernesto berates himself when he sees Lorena with Alonslow. Alonslow is very patient with Lorena and she thanks him for helping her to learn to drive.

Jaime tells Maruja that he told his mother that they are getting married and she doesn’t mind. Maruja can’t believe it. Jaime tells her that she even offered her house for the reception. Maruja thinks is a great idea, but Rosi is not happy. She says she doesn’t like the witch’s house and besides; have they forgotten about their guests? What are Zulema and Lorena going to say? Jaime reminds her that they forgave him and now they are all a big happy family. Zuleama says that she is going to float the idea by Zulema and see what she says. Rosi is offended that her opinion doesn’t count.

Sara calls Ickturo and tells him that Jacky threaten her to tell about the embezzlement. She yells at him and tells him that if she falls, he falls. She hangs the phone and tells to herself that she would love to disappear, but she has to get her revenge before leaving.

Lorena and Alonslow arrive at Alonslow’s house and Lorena offers to cook. ALonslow tells her that he doesn’t think he has all the ingredients. She tells him that she will send him to the store if she needs something. Alonslow accepts and Lorena goes into the kitchen.

Diana is talking to Zulema about Ernesto, she knows that he loves Lorena, and feels bad that Lorena can’t see it. Zulema tells her that it is Ernesto’s fault because he is a womanizer. Diana philosophies about men and their cheating ways, but then she reminds herself that there are good men like… Omar (if only you knew) Zulema agrees.

Lorena checks the kitchen and tells him that she will able to cook something. She remembers Ernesto and how they cooked together in Ernesto’s house. ALonslow notices that she is pensive and asks her if she needs something. She tells him that she needs pepper and garlic. He says he’ll go get it. Toribio shows up and tells her he was following his nose, he is very happy that she is there. He also tells her that always liked her for his son. Lorena asks if there have been many girls. He says no, he is not a womanizer.

(Part 2)--------------------------------

Ernesto talks to Jimenea. He tells her that he is not in the mood to go to the party with his coworkers because he saw Lorena with Alonslow. Jimena tells him that he can’t be moping all the time he needs to go out. She won’t take no for an answer, she hangs up.
Zulema notices that Omar’s shirt smells of woman perfume and makeup. She is now certain that Omar has another woman.

Speaking of the devil Greta comes into Omar’s office. Omar is worried about their relationship, he wants to define what is happening between them, but Greta tells him that he shouldn’t think. He should just feel.

Tiberio is very happy about Lorena’s cooking he is eager to taste “alta cocina” high cousine. The phone rings and is Clara asking Toribio why hasn’t he shown up for Tai Chi.

Magdalena comes to look for Jaqueline. Catalina opens the door and is rude to her. Jacky apologizes to Magdalena. She tells her that she came to thank her for Ickturo’s donation. Jacky tells her that it was dirty money, but Magdalena seems no to mind. She tells her that the money gets purify once it is dedicated to the divine light. Jacky tells Magdalena about Sara and the money she stole from Hortensia. Magdalena tells her to bring her by her house to help her see the light.

Toribio tells Clara that he is getting very flexible he can reach his feet…with his ears. Clara laughs at his joke and asks him to come to the class. She suspects that Catalina is not letting him come, when she asks him he changes the conversation.

Maruja asks Zulema if she would be willing to go to the wedding if it was celebrated at Hortensia’s. Zulema says that she doesn’t mind. Maruja doesn’t believe her because she looks moody. Zulema tells her that she is upset because of Omar and the shirt.

The phone rings again at Alonslow’s, this time is Hortensia looking for Lorena. She asks her to come as soon as possible.

Later Lorena arrives at Hortensia’s. She asked her to come because she wanted to know if Lorena is willing to testify against Sara. Lore says yes. Hortensia shows Lorena some jewels and tells her that she is giving them to her as her inheritance. Lorena doesn’t want to take them, and tells her that she doesn’t need them. All she wants from her is her love as her grandmother not her mother. She thanks her and leaves.

Maruja calls Paula and Greta into an emergency meeting and tells them that Zulema is almost sure that Omar has a lover. Maruja then tells Greta that that’s why she asked her to come. Big impactada face from Greta. Maruja then clarifies that all she wants is for Greta to check on Omar and find out who is the other woman (Talk about asking the fox to guard the hen house). Greta is very relieved that they don’t suspect her, and tells them that Omar is a Saint, he is only dedicated to his work; but Paula and Maruja believe that there is another woman and he sees her at work. Greta is nervous again.

Alonslow calls Lorena, and she tells him about Hortensia’s gift. Of course Alonslow is repeating aloud what Lorena is telling him. She tells him about Sara and how they are going to accuse her of trying to kill Hortensia. Bruto overhears and thinks that he has to let Sara know. Alonslow then changes the conversation and invites Lorena to dance (yes we know that they’ll go to the only club in the whole Mexico city and guess who else will be there)

Betina tells Ivan that they need to win the contest. She is already planning how to spend her money; she wants to buy her mother a trip to Thailand. Ivan tells her that he has a vague idea on what to do with his part.

Next we see that Lorena and Alonslow are dancing and Rosi and Julian are seating. Rosi is still upset because she doesn’t want the wedding at Hortensia’s house. They argue a little more. The camera pans out to the back and we see that Ernesto is just arriving with Jimena.

Bruto arrives to Sara’s hotel. She is upset and wants to know what he heard. He tells her that she (Sara) is being investigated. Sara says that nobody has any proof of what she did, but then she remembers about Jacky. Bruto asks her if there is something wrong. Sara snaps at him. Bruto gets upset and manhandles her, but Sara is not Diana and she tells him so and slaps him. This seems to calm him down because he just turns around and settles on the bed. Sara is surprised and asks him what he is doing. He tells her he is spending the night there.

Ernesto sees Lorena with Alonso and wants to leave at once, but Jimena tells him not to let her bother him. She wants to dance, but Ernensto is uncomfortable. Rosi sees Ernesto. He tells her it's not what she thinks and she says what she thinks doesn't matter and Lore doesn’t care 'cause she's happy and back with 'Slow. Ouch.

Bruto and Diana go to finalize the divorce and Vasco tags along. Bruto agrees to give her sole custody of the kid and says he never forgave her for getting pregnant on purpose ('cause his lack of a condom had nothing to do with it....) she tells him he's get the point. They agree they never want to see each other again.

Jacky talks to brother Efrain. She tells him that she can’t find somebody that she has been looking for. Brother Efrain tells her that maybe she is not meant to find this person. Jacky thinks that he is very wise and get very excited because he tells her that he’ll give her some of his knowledge. He also gets very excited but in a different way. He tells her to close her eyes; he is going to transfer some of his light. He moves his hands over her and Jacky feels chills, she says that she is feeling something so different so spiritual. Brother Efrain tells her that he is also feeling it. He kisses her and they end up in bed.

Ickturo and Sara meet and he talks her into laundering her portion of the loot by passing it to his account for a fee. She agrees and they do the transfer electronically and she closes her account. They then go to the bank together where he gets all the cash while Sara waits outside. He goes back outside and hails a cab. Sara tries to get in with him and he shoves her out. Then he goes back home and tells mom to come away with him, they have to pack ASAP.

Maruja tells Zulema that Greta hasn’t seen anything out of the ordinary and that she will keep an eye on him. Zulema is a little relieved.

Alonslow arrives to Lorena’s house; he came to talk to Zulema about the bariatric operation.
Ernesto tells Jimena that all he wants is for Lorena to be happy even if it sounds “cursi” corny. Jimena states the obvio, Ernesto really loves Lorena.

Sara tells Bruto she was just scammed out of millions. He's visibly impactado since she told him she was flat broke.


Thanks Maricruz. So sorry you are feeling "under the weather". I think we're all feeling this way, what with Omar's shenanigans and Alonso getting back together with Lorena. Hopefully there will be better things to come during Ultimas Semanas. Rest and get well, amiga.

Howdy =)

Inconsistent weather can totally wreck havoc on your health Maricruz, sorry you're not feeling well. Rest up, and take it easy girlfriend.


Jimena talks Ern into going to the disco with his workbuddies and tags along to make sure he goes. 'Slow talks Lore into going to the same disco and she brings Julian and Rosi along. They all run into each other and Rosi talks to Ern. He tells her it's not what she thinks and she says what she thinks doesn't matter and Lore doens't care 'cause she's happy and back with 'Slow. Ouch!

Bruto and Diana go to finalize the divorce and Vasco tags along. Bruto agrees to give her sole custody of the kid and says he never forgave her for getting pregnant on purpose ('cause his lack of a condom had nothing to do with it....) she tells him he's get the point. They agree they never want to see each other again. Vasco and Barb move to the same neighborhood as Omar and Zuly, ad Diana promises she and the baby will come visit often.

Snorty tries to give Lore her jewels since she has nothing left to give, and Lore tells her to keep them, 'cause she wants no money, just love. Snorty think to herself she'll have to learn how to show love.

Ickturro and Sara meet and he talks her into laundering her portion of the loot by passing it to his account for a fee. She agrees and they do the transfer electronically and she closes her account. They then go to the bank together where he gets all the cash while Sara waits outside. He goes back outside and hails a cab. Sara tries to get in with him and he shoves her out. Then he goes back home and tells mom to come away with him, they have to pack ASAP. Sara tells Bruto she was just scammed out of millions. He's visibly impactado since she told him she was flat broke.

Maru asks Zuly if she's cool with the wedding being at Evil Acres and Zuly says it's your wedding, have it where you want and I'll still come. Mary notices she looks upset, so Zuly tells her about the perfume in Omar's clothes. Maru tells her she'll look into it and drafts Greta into spying for her (yup, she asks the culprit for help). Greta tells Maru that she's stuck to Omar like glue and sees no evidence there is another woman, it must all be in Zuly's head (what a skank!). Maru reports to Zuly and they agree that Greta should investigate some more.

That's all I remember. Take care folks.

Thanks to both of you for the recap! Missed a couple of things you filled in for me.

Maricruz, get better soon!

Thanks, Maricruz and Margarita. You two make a great team. Maricruz, I hope that you feel better soon. Well, I guess the lesson to be learned from this episode is that there is no honor among thieves. And Bluto so deserves the penniless, pathetic Sara. Diana should thank her lucky stars if Bluto is truly out of her life and her baby's life para siempre. I'm starting to wonder if Lorena will actually end up with Dr. Slow. She is still having some happy Ernie flashbacks....maybe we'll get a surprise ending. And sure Torby is happy Lorena is back with Slow...He's thinking about her kitchen the fact that she is not a crazy , morally bankrupt person. Regreta has sunk even lower by lying to her friend . I am hoping that karma catches up with her.

Thanks Maricruz and Margarita. I hope you feel better soon Maricruz.

Things are looking really bad for Greta. By lying to her friends, she'll definitely end up alone and by herself. I can imagine it now with Paula and Maruja being detectives and finding her out. While Omar (the cad who is still dead to me) will probably be forgiven.

I'm still holding on to the hope Lorena will not choose Slo but she's been acting so dumb lately I starting to want someone better for Ernesto. Maybe Jimena is the better choice...

Thanks Maricruz and Margarita! Maricruz I hope you feel better soon. I think you came up with one of the all time great titles on this one. It's perfectly in theme and also spot-on.

I was amazed that Sara allowed herself to be conned by Ickturo. I doubt she'll stay down long. Even though we are in Ultimas Semanas there's plenty of time for her wreak havoc on his life.

How many episodes are left , and what will novela will follow this show ???? I wonder when we'll get Manana Es Para Siempre ???

When Maruja told Greta about Zulema's suspicion about Omar seeing another woman, they were with Paula. Greta looked nervous and started to play with the chain on her neck. Did anyone else think that Paula registered suspicion?Greta is really hateful, especially since she went after Omar and broke through his resistance mainly because knowing he was an Amendariz, she assumed he had money. I could never understand why Maruja and Paula are her friends. Remember her awful behavior with

Since Jimena seems to be showing up with Ernesto regularly (dropping in at his house, going with him to the antro), I am wondering whether he will end up with her. I am moving toward the inevitable --that Lorena and Slow will wind up together. Wouldn't it be nice to be surprised??

By the way, when Hortensia offered Lorena her jewels and she declined them, she also said that she thought Hortensia might need the money given her situation.What a Saint!!

When they write "ultimas semanas' how many weeks are usually left?
NJ Sue

Thanks Maricruz and Margarita! Poor Zulema! Greta is such a low life! Sheesh! Of course, so is Omar!!!

Hope you feel better Maricruz. There are alot of allergy problems around right now and I am getting over that and a headache that won't leave!

Don't know what ails Lorena right now but it seems she caught whatever Alonslow has! She needs to snap out of it and soon!

Ultimas semanas generally means 6 wks. left.

I'm still inclined to believe Ernesto will win out. My theory is Ern was Lorena's first and must be her only.... That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it.

Thanks for the great re-caps.

Okay, when I heard Ernesto's little speech to Jimena about how he just wants Lorena to be happy, I'm thinking "ruh-roh" this sounds like a nail in the coffin of their relationship!

Plus,Alonslow is almost reaching saint status right now:

First, escorting Lorena to the Basilica and praying together, their two blonde faces beaming up at the Virgencita while the riff raff look on from behind the barricade just about seals the deal right there.(foreshadowing anyone?)

If that weren't enough, there was the romantic boat thing with wine and Mariachi's. Then the super patient and wonderful driving contrasted with the impatient humiliating driving lesson with Ernesto.

Then there's the miracle of cirugia bariatrica which will save dear mother's health! (she's gonna need a dose of attractiveness and self esteem real soon methinks)

Then the clincher: the comment from I think it was Toribio to Lorena about how Alonslow was never a "mujeriego". Yes, yes, unlike Ernesto....I get it, I get it!! Dang! I think it's a done deal and I'm not happy about it, though Dr. Constipated is seeming a little more endearing lately.

It's looking like being mujeriego is unforgivable to the telenovela gods.

randy, sea.

I forgot about the Efraim and Jaqui scene. I thought it was pretty funny. What's the saying, you can dress a monkey in silk but it's still a monkey? That's our Jaqui!

Call me a cock-eyed optimist but I'm still rooting for Cakes' ending.

Randy in seattle: You make it sound so possible, but I am wondering if Sara, who has threatened to get even with Alonslow, will knock him off before the end leaving Ern for Lorena, because she siad Ern is the love of her life and/or because Diana taped Ernie's show but has never shown it to her. Lorena was so impressed with the DVD Slo' did, can you imagine if she sees a cooking show done in front of millions and dedicated to her? That's got to count for something.

Also, Jimena so far has just been like a big sis and has got to come to Ernesto's defense somewhere along the line to clear things up for Lore about the true nature of their current relationship IMO. She has offered to do it 2 or 3 times already and who else would know better than Jimena how much Ern has "matured" and changed than the only other woman he might have considered settling down with? Just my best guess and hopeful thinking.......

Thanks Maricruz and Margarita for a great recap. Hope you are feeling better Maricruz.

Cap'n Sylvia, yes, it was really gratifying to see Sara duped by Icky. Finally, a little justice.

Great comments today. I also think there is a flickering ray of hope that Lorena may still end up with Ernesto.

Sara's being peniless is bound to fuel her hatred and thirst for revenge. I am sure we'll be seeing something despicable from her soon (unfortunately). Diana in MA

Like it that you all are seeing hope for Ernesto (although I really don't want to see Alonso bumped gods!)...but who knows.

So far the body count has been pretty low in this one. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for our two chefs to end up together.

St. Alonso can't die. Then Ernesto would always feel that he was Lorena's second choice.

No, no. Lorena either has to marry both of them, or become a nun.

Y'know, come to think of it, Lorena DOES look good in a uniform. Always better turned out in a chef's coat than in her regular duds.

Jaqui is so funny! I loved how she felt the divine light with Efraim. So I think it's unlikely she could be Sara's next victim.

However, either Ikturo or Bruto could get hit. We definitely want to see Bruto suffer. He's the worst!

I've only seen about 5 novelas, but in every one, we knew who the heroine would end up with. But in this one, it really is a toss-up, and what's gonna happen to the loser? I can't see either getting killed. The only thing I can think of would be one has to move out of the country for his career.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Maricruz, Get better fast and thanks so much for your valiant efforts to bring the recap through rain, snow, dark of night and allergy/flu attacks. You are as always a trooper par excellance!!

I hate to be an aguafiestas but doesn't the alpha girl always end up with the alpha boy per telenovela law? I mean Soto certainly gets top billings on the esmas web site and in the opening credits each night. I know everyone prefers her more mature, deeper relationship with Ernesto who seems to have been instantly cured of his mujeriego-ness but the law is the law.

Nice to see Sara get so easily taken by the dumbest swindler on the block! How well deserved especially since she knows he is basically a doofus but still tricked her. Great!! Pie cart justice!

Thanks Maricruz & Margarita!

I have thought the same thing as Jardinera, that Sara's revenge on Alonso might be to kill him. Or maybe she'll try and kill Lorena and Alonso will die saving her.

I've also had the totally weird thought that Zulema's surgery will go badly. Sara could sabotage things like she did in the restaurant, getting revenge on Alonso (as the surgeon) and Lorena and her family.

I expect both galans will be with us until the end.

I don't think we've seen the last of Valeria. If Sara does dispose of Icky, his death would open the door for her return. Valeria and Alonso are good friends, both love children and have their medical careers in common. They'd make a great couple. This would clear the way for Lorena and Ernesto to be together and a happy ending for all. Diana in MA.

I don't know if I want to see Icky get killed. He doesn't beat women or disrespect his mother. On the other hand, I'd love to see him go to jail. I don't think enough telenovela bad guys go to jail.

This has been an interesting discussion. While I know Soto is listed as top billing, I'm sticking with Maricruz and Jardinera...Lorena slept with Ernesto and another novela rule is that the virgin only sleeps with the man she marries.

It looks as though a big telenovela rule is going to be broken no matter how things turn out: either she doesn't marry the big star, or else she doesn't marry her first lover.

There are some rules that I would prefer never to see broken. But the Final Couple Matchup is usually so predictable that it's not even fun. I really appreciate the element of doubt here!

Unless, in a shocking twist, Alonslow and Ernesto are one and the same! See, they were siamese twins, and the operation to separate them gave all of the personality to Ernesto. Alonslow actually didn't survive the procedure, but the mad scientist doctor installed robotic works in him and sent him to live with Toribio. Then he altered all the parents' memories so they would all just think they had their own kids and nothing weird happened. Thus, since Saint Alonslow is not a real person, Lorena is free to marry Ernesto, and keep Alonslow on hand as a robot do-gooder.

Rhonda from St. Louis take a look at my post Fri. 17 7:57 A.M. EDT.
M. from Westlake

Thank you everybody for you good wishes. By Sunday I was feeling way better, I think I got the stomach flu or food poisoning, because I got sick really fast and unexpected. Luckily nobody else in my family got sick.
About the novela, I'm looking forward to the ending; it seems that it will be full of surprises, which is a refreshing change after the weird ending of Al Diablo. I agree with Cherylnewmex the alpha male always gets the girl, and to me the alpha male is Ernesto.

Julia what a great theory! I love the way you mind works; that would be the perfect answer, let’s hope the writers have as much imagination as you do. LOL!

M. from Westlake - sorry I stole your idea! I guess it wasn't that weird after all.

I wish I had a nickel for every time that multiple people suggested the same idea for a plot development. That's not stealing. It's great minds thinking alike. :-)

(That's not to say that great minds can't have non-duplicate ideas too... awesome idea to have Alonso be a RoboDoc!)

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