Wednesday, October 08, 2008

QE - 10-8 Wed. Chalo is dead? Hortensia is forgiven? Al is main galan again?

See what happens when you drop off for a week? There actually is progress sometimes! Sigh...

I'm posting early because I may not be able to post later. We had airplane issues and our flight was delayed all day so I'm not getting home until later tonight. I'm going to see if I can get something together for you after all, but in the mean time, you all can at least post here.

We start with the pathetic grunting invalid (sorry, it's Snorty) and Omar forgiving her. She manages a handshake. I think she's actually touched. I'm seeing rehabilitation for her, for sure....

Zully is consoling Lore who is happy that she finally has the family that she always wanted. She thinks it's a pity that she can't share all this with Ern. Zully tells her pride is not a good console, or something along those lines, and that she should just call him. Of course she won't, she's still upset that he doubted her or something, besides she needs to confront Sara.

We go to said Ern lamenting the situation as well. Ivan is actually encouraging him. He is trying to manage the kids. Sorry but Ern earns some points here, I'm not giving up on him just yet!

He tells the kids he's got some news. The bad is that he's not going to be working at the restaurant anymore, so they will have to tighten their belts and watch their spending. He says the good news is that he can now spend more time with them! He's still got the institute classes so he's not unemployed but it's not enough to maintain a whole family. Funny he seemed to be ok before he started at the restaurant.... anyway, this leads the little girl to put back some of her cereal so they won't be as poor, and Ern very lovingly hugs her and says things aren't quite that bad and he gives her more cereal. CUTE!!!

Di can't get a hold of the lawyer about Vasco, and Julian says he'll check with Rossy after he compliments the ladies for their cooking. They are worried.

We then flash to Sara in bed waking up suddenly from a nightmare and realizing I think that Lore really was after her but no problem she'll get everything back that was hers, including Al. Hmmmm, me thinks not.

At the mansion Snorty is shaking her hand violently and our brilliant nurse declares to Omar that she must want to say something so she gets a pen and paper. She tells them that Sara better not enter the business. Omar makes that his mission and says between he Jaime and Vasco she'll never set foot in there again.

Julian is on the phone with Rossy who asks him how it's going with the new sis he stole from her. He says great and she was only on loan to Rossy. She tells him to enjoy it now because soon he'll leave that house when they are married. He's not so sure with those two great cooks. She scolds him of course. He is called for breakfast and Lore remarks how well the baby slept, but they say it was her who slept well because the baby cried all night!

Back at the mansion, Snorty is still up in arms and declares that this is punishment for Sara. Omar is befuddled because he says they are the first ones who would want to punish her but there is no proof, on account of the dead nun and all. Snorty continues scribbling that Sara tried to kill her, she is a murderess. omar believes her but wonders how they will prove it. he then tells everyone not to ever let Sara back in there and if she returns to let him know.

Out in the country Barb and Jaime are fretting over Vasco, when the doc has them summoned he says the wounds are really bad and he is hemorrhaging and that natural medicine is not enough and he needs to get to a real hospital so they have called for an ambulance. Barb says it's so far to a hospital and there isn't enough time, but just then the ambulance shows up so they go running after it.

Additions from Julie:

- Snorty wrote Bruno a note that he's not getting another penny out of her- Bruno beat the hell out of Diana so she took the baby and went to her mother's house and then she went to the police station to file a complaint against him

- Sara was going to use wimpy chiles (or maybe they were green onions, I didn't see) on her TV show, Julian swapped them out with habaneros, when she put them in the hot pan she choked from the burning smoke and threw a tantrum on the air (it's a live show). She was hoping to get some sympathy from her sugar daddy but instead he told her to... I didn't get all of this but I think she's supposed to apologize on TV the next day and say she had a nervous breakdown or something!

From Calamity Cakes:

Ernie finally gets hold of Lore just as she gets ready to start the community cooking classes. His tone is appologetic and it seems hers is too so wedding bells and hearts and doves seem to be back in the picture for the two of them. They admit neither one could get either one out of their head during the separation. Lore still doesn't have the presence of mind to tell him what happened. They agree to have her call him later in the day to give him a time and place to talk about ....stuff. Then Julian bugs her by phone during the class for a recipe that he doesn't tell her Sara's show is apparently using that day. Lorena gives him the recipe and shuts off her phone so she can teach without interruptions and apparently forgets to turn it back on after the old folks' class is over.

Sara shows up at Slow's and tries to worm her way out of her predicament, but for once his brain receptors don't short out and he gives her what for about what she did in breaking him and Lorena up, Chalo and otherwise criminally ursurping Lorena's past, present and future.

When Lorena gets back home at Zulema's Julian calls to tell them to turn on the tv and watch Sara's cooking show. They laugh so loud they wake up Diana who comes out looking like the wife of Frankenstein's monster. Just as Lorena's telling her to make a complaint at the local police station, Bruto parks himself in front of the gate and starts yelling he's sorry, it'll never happen again and let's go home. Diana panicks but goes outside anyway and confronts him. Lorena calls the police then Zule and Lorena join Diana in front. Lorena takes a few threatening steps towards him just as the police show up and he races off in his car. Zule and Lore join Diana at the police station while she makes her statement and a few minutes turns into hours while Ernie's calling to see what's up with their date and ovbiously can't reach her.

And as you all have said how great, I simply have to include this gem from Ferro, an observation on the finer points of Alonspeak:

"No she went to the Alonso school of delivering life-altering news! "Ok first act normal like what you are going to tell is no big deal, even though it is like the biggest deal ever. Then, don't ever get to the point until the person you are talking to is ready to punch you in the face.

Then stall some more, delivering lines like you are writing blurbs for a book jacket or movie poster. Stuff like 'this is the biggest news ever, just wait until you hear it' and 'what I am going to tell you will change your life' works great. Remember to speak slowly. Eventually, after a commercial break at least, you can finally deliver the news. Make sure to only give a little bit at a time, don't drop the whole bomb at once.

Hint around a little, say something that doesn't make sense without the rest of the information to support it, so you can have some more 'what? I don't understand' comments from who you are talking to. This makes it take even longer. Also, remember to keep a blank look on your face so the person listening to you STILL doesn't know if they should be excited, worried, or what. If you do this right you can make it take 15 minutes to tell someone what you ate for lunch. Good luck."

And I personally found Mike's comment so hysterical that I want to include it here as well:

Surprised the Sara character didn't flourish in the habañero smoke, I mean, her being a demon spawn and all. Would've expected a deep breath and a glassy-eyed smile followed by a spew of pea soup.

Thanks all!!!


I didn't get to see all of this, but I can add:

- Snorty wrote Bruno a note that he's not getting another penny out of her

- Bruno beat the hell out of Diana so she took the baby and went to her mother's house and then she went to the police station to file a complaint against him

- Sara was going to use wimpy chiles (or maybe they were green onions, I didn't see) on her TV show, Julian swapped them out with habaneros, when she put them in the hot pan she choked from the burning smoke and threw a tantrum on the air (it's a live show). She was hoping to get some sympathy from her sugar daddy but instead he told her to... I didn't get all of this but I think she's supposed to apologize on TV the next day and say she had a nervous breakdown or something!

Other stuff happened, but I was making and/or loudly chewing my dinner.

Hey, Kris, very impressive to post while on the road and in transit! Thanks!

“Zully tells her pride is not a good console, or something along those lines” Pride is not a good counselor? Lorena just had to confront Sara before she could do anything else, like tell Ern what’s happening in her life.

“Ern earns some points here, I'm not giving up on him just yet!” Hear, hear! I second that motion!

Julie, wasn't Bruno's expression when he read that note totally satisfying? "¿Qué the HECK?" Of course, it'll make him get meaner, but the moment was rich. I hated hearing Diana get beaten and what her face looked like. I wouldn't have been with that jerk past the first time he touched me like that.

Julian's my hero tonight, slipping those awful chiles into Sara's ingredients. Anyway, Julie, hope YOUR dinner was great!

Kris, thanks for the start and we’re sending good energy for your trip!


k: Very much enjoyed your "on the fly" efforts and results. Here's a part of what else happened somewhere along the line in the second half --if you can fill in all the details later, even better:

Ernie finally gets hold of Lore just as she gets ready to start the community cooking classes. His tone is appologetic and it seems hers is too so wedding bells and hearts and doves seem to be back in the picture for the two of them. They admit neither one could get either one out of their head during the separation. Lore still doesn't have the presence of mind to tell him what happened. They agree to have her call him later in the day to give him a time and place to talk about ....stuff. Then Julian bugs her by phone during the class for a recipe that he doesn't tell her Sara's show is apparently using that day. Lorena gives him the recipe and shuts off her phone so she can teach without interruptions and apparently forgets to turn it back on after the old folks' class is over.

Sara shows up at Slow's and tries to worm her way out of her predicament, but for once his brain receptors don't short out and he gives her what for about what she did in breaking him and Lorena up, Chalo and otherwise criminally ursurping Lorena's past, present and future.

When Lorena gets back home at Zulema's Julian calls to tell them to turn on the tv and watch Sara's cooking show. They laugh so loud they wake up Diana who comes out looking like the wife of Frankenstein's monster. Just as Lorena's telling her to make a complaint at the local police station, Bruto parks himself in front of the gate and starts yelling he's sorry, it'll never happen again and let's go home. Diana panicks but goes outside anyway and confronts him. Lorena calls the police then Zule and Lorena join Diana in front. Lorena takes a few threatening steps towards him just as the police show up and he races off in his car. Zule and Lore join Diana at the police station while she makes her statement and a few minutes turns into hours while Ernie's calling to see what's up with their date and ovbiously can't reach her.

Kris, sounds like a great episode. I'll have to watch it on youtube during lunch today.

Choking on smoking hot chiles, that's awesome! I know from experience that throwing habañeros in a hot pan can clear the house. I hope hope hope that Sara has to apologize tonight on her show. I'm being selfish because it's my night to recap and I'm in the mood for a treat.

Sounds like our sweet Lorena is on a roll, first Sara and now Bruno. Thank goodness Diana finally left the brute, it took long enough.

Great job Kris. It's amazing how you managed to do this while on the road! And thank-you commenters for adding to the mix. I can't wait to see Sara breathe hot smoke and Lorena threaten Bruno.

Kris, thanks to you and the other commenters for the great summaries.

When Dr. Wifebeater/Dr. Despicable (credit judyb for the very appropriate nicknames) hit Diana, I just had to turn it off. Blech.

Looks like I missed a lot but maybe it's not too late for Ernesto and Lorena!?

Hoping for some good things to happen tonight - Diana in MA

It was a very satisfying episode. When Sara threw her on-air tantrum, either Zulema or Lorena said something like "the real Sara is showing herself." And yes indeedy the look on Bruno's stupid face was priceless when he read Snorty's note!

Meanwhile poor Ernesto still has no idea what's going on... Lorena had time to tell him during their brief phone chat, but wasted it by saying "I have so much to tell you."

She could have said "Long story short, I've found my parents" and that would have done a LOT to put his mind at ease...

No she went to the Alonso school of delivering life-altering news! "Ok first act normal like what you are going to tell is no big deal, even though it is like the biggest deal ever. Then, don't ever get to the point until the person you are talking to is ready to punch you in the face. Then stall some more, delivering lines like you are writing blurbs for a book jacket or movie poster. Stuff like 'this is the biggest news ever, just wait until you hear it' and 'what I am going to tell you will change your life' works great. Remember to speak slowly. Eventually, after a commercial break at least, you can finally deliver the news. Make sure to only give a little bit at a time, don't drop the whole bomb at once. Hint around a little, say something that doesn't make sense without the rest of the information to support it, so you can have some more 'what? I don't understand' comments from who you are talking to. This makes it take even longer. Also, remember to keep a blank look on your face so the person listening to you STILL doesn't know if they should be excited, worried, or what. If you do this right you can make it take 15 minutes to tell someone what you ate for lunch. Good luck."

Also on the peppers - my wife just uses regular hot peppers to make her own salsa, my son and I leave the house when she is cooking them up in a pan. It's like someone sprayed pepper spray through the whole house. I can't imagine what a habanero would do.

Julie: It's amazing that Ernesto and Lorena haven't connected on everything that's gone on. Still.

However, I now understand why after reading Chris' explanation of Lorena attending "Alonso's school of delivering life-altering news". I'm still laughing.

The recappers and commenters on this site are simply the best. Diana in MA

I just re-read my Alonso school post - that was off the cuff and born from frustration, but now that I read it again that might just be the best thing I've ever written.

Being frustrated definitely brings out my sense of humor, but that was a dead-on description of how some people give "big news" in these things. It's so artificial and ridiculous it drives me nuts.

Of course, blurters can cause all kinds of trouble too. But at least they're quick!

Ferro, yeah, your post on life-altering news was really good since you exactly mirrored in writing the Teachings of the Escuela Alonso.

Surprised the Sara character didn't flourish in the habañero smoke, I mean, her being a demon spawn and all. Would've expected a deep breath and a glassy-eyed smile followed by a spew of pea soup. Say, where is Padre Merrin these days?

Yes, were awesome...that whole rant about delayed news should be posted on the sidebar somewhere. Alert Melinama....

I just got to see this episode this afternoon (making chicken soup for ill daughter last night) but here's what struck me....I am SO GULLIBLE.

When Sara was protesting her innocence to Alonso, she was really believable (to me) even though I knew better...and the part is being written and played as if Sara truly believes it herself.

And alas, when Dr. Despicable was outside the gate, pleading for forgiveness and promising a change from now on....a part of me was going....oooh maybe he means that sick or what!!!???

Anyway, I'm never going to sneer again at someone who goes back to a bum...I understand the tricks your mind can play. UGH!...wish I'd discovered an extra-smart gene instead of this!

Now, minor point...has anyone noticed Sara's weird upper lip when she grimaces? The part underneath her nose is just bizarre...another botched plastic surgery? Or some kind of scar from childhood? It's strange.


Ferro, I love it when you go on a rant. This one about Alonso is classic Chris Ferro, absolutely brilliant and perfect. I remember one time long ago a commenter was dissing you about something and you ripped them a new one. Ahhhh...I smile at the recollection.

JudyB, maybe you are gullible, but I think your falling for their stories says more about their wonderful acting skills. Except for poor Gabriel Soto nearly everyone in this TN is really quite good.

Haven't noticed Sara's lip yet. I'll be on the lookout for it.

I've noticed the lip thing. It looks like she's sticking her lips out or sort of curling them apart. It's hideous. It turns her whole mouth into a weird rectangular shape.

I think it's enhanced by an optical illusion created by very shiny lipgloss applied around her lips, but I'm usually watching on a tiny screen from across the kitchen, so maybe something else is happening.

I did feel some pity when she was pleading with Alonso, but it was the kind of pity that I'd feel for a rabid dog while signing a petition to have it put to sleep for the safety of the community.

Bruno, on the other hand, I was hoping would get stabbed with a dozen dirty steak knives.

I realize that Sara's done more harm than Bruno has, so I'm not sure why I feel more compassion for her despite her loathsomeness. Maybe it's because she, unlike Bruno, really does seem to need some tiny amount of affection - like when she used to ask Snorty for hugs, or the way she still wants Alonso even though Lorena's moved on to another guy. Bruno doesn't even seem to have that tiny bit of interest in other human beings. He sure as heck wouldn't be a doctor if it didn't pay well.

Julie...I agree...the character of Sara manages to evoke some desperate pathos. I even had the impression that if Chalo, at breakfast, had said, No I really loved YOU...she might not have let him drink the orange juice. But I could be wrong...I've discovered this huge substrarum of gullibleness and that's it.

Or maybe we can just say she doesn't handle rejection well!

We don't know anything about Bruno's parents but clearly they didn't dump him in a garbage can.

Once or twice I've wondered if Carmen Becerra had a mild cleft palate repaired, which could explain that odd lip. But, probably not. Still, it reminds me of a repaired cleft, well made up or well repaired.

Julie--"I did feel some pity when she was pleading with Alonso, but it was the kind of pity that I'd feel for a rabid dog while signing a petition to have it put to sleep for the safety of the community." LOL! Another fabulous classic line!

Ferro, you always crack me up when you're on a rant. Never stop, please!


Kris, I just watched this episode on youtube and it looks like you and the commenters covered all the important stuff.

Go Lorena!!

Thanks everyone. No point in reinventing the wheel so I posted your additions. Thanks for pitching in, and what hysterical comments. I'm sorry I was out of commish, but I did manage to make it home. Oh well. :)

Thanks again!!

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