Thursday, November 13, 2008
Doña Bárbara - Tues. & Wed., Nov. 11 & 12 - the rebullones say that DB will recover; Federica finally gets a bun in the oven

Sleazy BP says that if DB dies and Marisela inherits El Miedo, she'll need a right hand man.

Cecilia and Antonio reconcile.
Sleazy PB tells Leon and Tigre that if DB dies, he will take over.
DB wakes up and says that she feels dirty and can't believe this happened to her again. She is also upset because all the respect based on fear that she has built up over the years will disappear when everyone knows that she was a victim.
The rebullones come back and that means, according to Juan Primito, that the DB will recover.
Santos tells DB that he loves her; he wants to start over. She says that she will stay alive only because of his love.
In a scene that I couldn't capture with a picture because they never showed DB and Marisela on screen together, Marisela tells her mother that the fact that she donated blood to save DB's life does not mean that she feels any differently than before. She says that she didn't want DB to die because of Santos. She didn't want to have Santos choose her only because she reminded him of DB. When DB asks how Marisela plans to take Santos away from her, Marisela replies that she won't do that. Santos will affirmatively choose her over DB.
When he thinks DB might be dying, Lorenzo goes to town to try and get a drink. Josefa won't serve him. He overhears Pernalete and Mujiquita talking about the search for the rapist and he sees the picture of Chepo. He goes back to Altamira and tells Antonio that he has to speak to Santos. He tells Santos that he recognizes the picture and he knows the name - Chepo Maduro but he can't remember from where.
Eustachia shoos sleazy BP away from Marisela.
Santos insists on knowing what happened with DB and Chepo. She truthfully tells him the story of her first rape but when it comes to why she ran out of the church, DB starts to lie. She says that she couldn't let Chepo escape but when she found him, she wasn't able to kill him. She conveniently leaves out the part about torturing him and killing the other two rapists she has found. She also doesn't tell him that she has sent Melquiades to kill Chepo and is working on a trap to get the 4th rapist, the one in the army who has now befriended Chepo, into her power.
Carmelito tries to cheer Gervasia up and is about to kiss her when Genoveva runs out and calls her a shameless slut. You'd think Genoveva would want a nice guy to marry Gervasia.
Marisela and Lorenzo waste their breath trying to tell Santos not to take DB back.
Federica comes to the schoolhouse to teach her catechism class and Cecilia loses it. She drags Federica to see Dr. Arias for another pregnancy test. Braced to have her deceit revealed, Federica faints away when Dr. Arias announces that she is in fact pregnant. Cecilia is impactada. Hopefully, Dr. Arias will examine Federica because he could certainly tell that she isn't three months pregnant.
Santos overrules BP concerning the movement of cattle at El Miedo and BP complains to DB. DB has all the employees come in and much to BP's disgust, she says that at El Miedo, Santos' word is law.
Marisela is devastated when Santos tells her not to make him choose between her and DB. He says that DB is his woman and Marisela and Lorenzo will just have to accept that.
Labels: barbara
Infuriating that Federica turns up pregnant. I can't STAND her!
great post. This brings me answers to most of my questions. Poor Marisela is not about to win Santos..find this hard & dark re: Santos wishes. I would really like to see Marisela evolve,& flourish to the mast finas, mast elegancia muher misol as annouced by GenesisR
Any hope ??
If you send one, you'll be sent to purgatory because I have high spam filter. But I look at what's in purgatory every day and will put you in the celestial choir (a nod to Quintina) if you send me something.
My copy of Dona Barbara has a glossary of Venezuelan words in the back (with definitions in Spanish). I assumed that the author provided it, and that it would be included in all editions. I guess not. My copy is from the Collecion Austral (no. 168), published in Spain.
I too hope Fedrica gets a 'special' ending in this novela...
Novelera, to watch episodes you might have missed, the link is
The streaming video sometimes stops freezes if they have too much traffic, but they are complete and appear the day after the airing. Alas, there are no subtitles in these.
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