Saturday, November 08, 2008
Fuego en la Sangre, 11/07/08: Boy, Oh Boy! This Babe, Ruth, Is Back in Town!
Alrightie then. Sofia has just confessed her love for Juan to her sisters and says she could sense Juan felt the same for her. (So what was her first clue, the kissing or the horn-toad in his pocket?) What a downer though, cuz unfortunately fate has separated them and (say it with me, class--) they will never be able to be together a-gain. Jimena asks Sofia if she’s ever thought about what she might do if another woman gets close to Juan like Demian got close to her. (Will somebody tell the folks in charge of CC to agree on one spelling of Demian/en?) Sarita scolds her sister for doing what she told Sarita she shouldn’t: give up happiness with the man she loves. Sofia insists it’s not the same because with her and Juan there is just too much grief keeping them apart. (I’ll say, and it’s all coming from you!) Just then Augie rolls in to tell the three of them that he’s moving back into the house to protect them from Mama and Fernando. They all look at each other like, “Who? What? You lovable, crazy old geezer, you!”
Downstairs in her office Gabi knocks back a brandy and remembers Ruth Uribe’s arrival a few minutes ago and Ruth's informing her she was there to “settle accounts” with Gabi over allowing the loss of her parents’ hacienda to the Reyes’. Ruth, she tells herself, presents a danger to her because she’s Eva’s daughter and she is worried about her return to Cd. Serdán. No way does she want to consider what might happen if and when Eva and Ruth come face to face. Ruth, she thinks admiringly, reminds her of when she was young because Ruth has such self-confidence and is afraid of nothing and no one. “She seems more like my own daughter than Eva’s.” (Possible accidental baby switch alert! Ha. Sofia should be so lucky.)
Gabi knocks back a second brandy and wonders if Raqui ever told Ricardo the truth that she couldn’t have children and so Ruth isn’t his. She remembers the time when she and Raqui planned the fake pregnancy because Ricardo was so desperate to have kids --and we all know that Ricardo of The Snake Buckle and Gory Guffaws never takes no for an answer. So Gabi fitted Raqui out with a fake belly. Raqui planned to sleep in a separate bedroom for the last few months under the pretense of not wanting to be “bothered” in her “condition”. Raqui asked, but Gabi would not tell Raqui the name of the woman who was having the baby. In exchange for the newborn Eva was soon to deliver, whatever the sex, Raqui promised to give Gabi the land that Juan Robles-Reyes would never sell to Gabi while he was alive.
After swallowing the last dregs of a third brandy, Gabi tells herself that that deal was useless in the long run because the Reyes’ managed to take back their land anyway. Because of the threat Ruth poses, she decides to forbid her daughters from telling Eva that Ruth is back.
In the kitchen over at the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes), Eva is still inconsolable at the loss of Rosario. Quintina tells Eva that she is sure one day Eva will still come face to face with her real daughter. Eva reminds Quintina that that is impossible since Ruth left the country and would never be returning. She tells Quintina that she saw the picture of her daughter at the Uribe’s when she worked for Raquel. She looked beautiful and ladylike and she imagines Ruth is very good and sweet. (WRONG! As the Hubster says, Ruth definitely is not going to be sharing in any group hugs with them anytime soon.)
Cut to the muddy back streets of Cd. Serdán where rowdy Ruth is now rushing through the muck, appropriately enough, in a silver Jeep Renegade and slopping anyone who is unlucky enough to get in her way. (No, it’s not the American Indian reference. It’s renegade, as in “rebel, somebody who chooses to live outside laws or conventions”.) She gets out and struts around (her knee-length leather jerkin slit down to her bared waist and hooked with a single fastener, her push-up bra in full-push) thinking the town is still the stinking muddy pit it was years ago. Ruth smiles smugly to herself that she’s returned to take revenge on the Reyes’ for taking her parents’ hacienda away and once she’s done with them she’ll leave ASAP, and when she goes, “those Reyes brothers are going to learn just who Ruth Uribe really is!”
Quintina rides Eva to town in the taxi-scooter and drops her off a few yards up from Ruth and Eva leaves without seeing her. Quintina starts to rush off and Ruth is walking in the middle of the little street. Quintina nearly runs her over in the taxi-scooter and the two have a snippy encounter because snotty Ruth refuses Quintina’s apology. Ruth, apparently the queen of c--- (rhymes with stunt), calls Quintina an old hag and pushes her down into the mud. Franco comes up and warns Ruth to lay off her and she wallops him upside his head. “Nobody tells me what to do. Got it?” she sneers at the two of them. Insults being her strong suit, she calls them low-class and not worth her time, makes a snide crack about Franco being “married to this old hag”, pinches his cheek and tells him to take a hint and clean his boots, and then struts her stuff on down the road. Quintina, gawd love ‘er, yells back at the b---- (rhymes with witch) “Let us tell YOU something: cover up those boobs!”
Franco and Quntina wonder who the crazy broad was and he says whoever she is it’s plain she’s not from around those parts. (Newsflash! She is and wishes to gawd that she wasn’t.)
Back at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondos y del Escandon), Sarita complains to Augie that he’s always griping about the same thing with Mama and Fer. Gramps sticks to his guns though. Suddenly, out of the blue, Sofia says that Rosario might have wanted to tell her she knew where her baby girl was. Augie says maybe so, but too late since now they’ll never know for sure. Rosendo knocks at the door just then and tells them Oscar is downstairs wanting to speak with Don Augustin.
Over at the cottage Oscar tells Augie how Gabi took Jimena’s hand when she was unconscious and signed her name to the divorce papers, and then tricked him into signing also. Augie tells him to call his personal lawyer because then the divorce is invalid.
A while later in the kitchen of the Double R, Juan is pacing around because he’s anxious to know whether Sofia accepted Demian’s marriage proposal or not. Franco and Quintina tell him she couldn’t have because it’s obvious she still loves Juan. Qunitina changes the subject to the incident in town with the crazy woman (dear, sweet Ruth) that afternoon. They tell Juan about the fight and that they don’t think she’s from around there. Franco, who likes his fillies rough, says he thinks that she is as rude as she is pretty.
While Ruth is driving back to the Double E she is remembering the large charge she got from fighting with Franco and Quintina. She is just itching to have her run-in with the Reyes brothers now and laughs at the thought that they will probably be course, paunchy old men and ugly.
Downstairs in the hallway of the main house, Augie faces off with Crabi and tells her that as 20% owner of the hacienda he’s exercising his rights and moving back into the hacienda, specifically to protect his granddaughters from her. She smirks as usual and tries to kick him out but he calls her bluff. Before he heads up to his room with his things he asks Gabi if she is certain that the night Rosario was killed Feo Nando was actually there by her side for the entire night. “Did he ever leave your sight?”
Crabi thinks back to taking her sleeping pills and worrying where in blazes Fernando had gone off to. She lies of course and says he was with her, why? Augie tells her it’s “Because he’s a poisonous varmint and capable of a great deal of villainy, and you always defend him! So, I am warning you again. Be very careful, Gabriela, because YOU could be his next victim. --Are you really listening?? HIS NEXT VICTIM!!” Gabi frowns at him, but as campana bells dramatically send us off to the commercial break they symbolically are ringing in Gabi’s head as well.
After the break, Augie has disappeared and Ruth rolls in with her suitcase, push-up bra still in push-up mode, broadly hinting that Gabi have the help take up her bag. (Anybody else wonder how come nobody ever told Rosario to cover up HER bon-bons?) The two Cheshire cats of the house purr warily at each other as we zoom over to their prey, Franco and Juan, having a meal in the field together.
Juan’s so depressed and anxious about Sofia that he can’t eat. Franco asks if Juan is going to talk with her or not. Juan says that’s “the heart of the matter” (el meollo del asunto) because he doesn’t know if he should even be talking to her. Oscar has told him to be careful about how he handles himself. So he isn’t exactly comfortable with the whole business. Franco asks if it’s because Juan doesn’t trust Sofia. Juan says don’t be a stupid jerk, of course he does. It’s just that since his memory still isn’t fully back he doesn’t want to step in it.
Suddenly Juan gives in and decides he’s going to see Sofia now and get it over with. Franco says “Go for it, Bro’ !” Juan, shirt-tails and kerchief in full swing, jumps onto Capricho, and those of us in Viewerville remembering visions of delicious Demian in his devastating toreador duds can’t help but notice Capricho is the slicker looking of the two here. (Query 1: Will Juan ever learn to dress like anything other than a major slob? Query 2: Does the fact that Dra. Leonora at least taught Juan to shave mean there is still hope for him?)
Back at Haughty Haven, the latest addition says she doesn’t remember anyone from town and then complains to Crabi that she was nearly run over in the street on her way over. Crabi suggests she stick around the hacienda then to avoid contaminating herself further with the hoi palloi, aka, those who are always told to eat …cake.
Outside Sofia has Rosendo help her onto Mr. Ed. She says she’s finally gotten the urge to ride through the grounds of the hacienda again. Rosendo is glad to see her getting back to her old self. (Yeah and the sooner the better, I say. She is getting on my last nerve.)
Back inside the main house, Gabi, always figuring it’s better to keep her friends close and her enemies even closer, gives Ruth All-Fer Nando’s old bedroom to stay in. When Ruth asks whose room it is she tells her that it used to be Sofia and Feo’s when they were married. Ruth asks if Sofia isn’t one of her daughters and Gabi says yes. When Ruth asks for details about Fernando Gabi puts her off and says they’ll talk later and then leaves. So, Ruth, whose scale is tilting way over at “T” for tacky by now, begins rummaging through all of Fernando’s (and supposedly, Sofia’s) drawers and closets. She comes across a photo of Sofia when she was married to Fernando and says to herself that since they were kids she has always hated Sofia. Mistakenly thinking Fer is still Sofia’s husband she now plans to steal him away from her.
A couple minutes later Gabi comes back in. Ruth sprawls her royal highn[a]ss on the bed as Gabi introduces her to Fatima. Ruth grunts and rolls over saying she likes riding and feels like a ride on horseback (seems the only thing missing here is a bunch of grapes to pop into her mouth). After an awkward second or two she looks at Gabi and nods her head in Fatima’s direction in a hint as huge as the side of a barn that Gabi needs to order Fatima to have the men get her royal highn[a]ss ready with a horse to station that royal backside of hers on immediately if not sooner. Gabi does. She advises Ruth that she can ride any of the horses in the stable except for her dead husband’s which refuses anyone but her daughters to ride it. Ruth giggles a bit and says she can control him. “Nobody can refuse me, neither horses nor men.” Gabi smiles politely but then looks over at the dresser with the picture of Fernando and Sofia that nosy Ruth had obviously dug up and left there. Gabi’s smile turns again to a look of disquieted impactada. Ruth just smiles mischievously up at her.
Somewhere on the grounds, Sofia is walking along one of the footpaths when Juan appears on a handsomely prancing Capricho. (Got to admit that without Rosario as musical entertainment it seems the next best show in this town is watching Capricho going through his moves, which for true lovers of horseflesh, is the essence of beauty in motion. I am jaw-dropping impactada. Capricho is almost too elegant an animal for the likes of our J-wan.)
Juan tells Sofia that he’s surprised to see her there alone. She asks why and he says he thought she’d be hanging with that “other guy.” Sofia tells Juan that he thought wrong. Demian left town. He smiles and says sure he left town, because she rejected Demian for him! She reminds Juan that she told him she was never going to love anyone again. Juan’s smile fades and he insists that she blew off Demian because she really is deeply in love with him. “Sofia, please! Stop denying what you feel for me.” Juan comes closer to her and takes her arm. “Just look at how you tremble in my arms.” They embrace and he kisses her. She can’t resist (and we’re back to her chewing his chinstrap again).
Sofia finally pulls back from Juan and tells him it’s true, she does love him but it isn’t going to work. He tells her emphatically that of course they can be happy together again. All that’s needed is for him to find their daughter and deliver her into Sofia’s hands. Sofia, suddenly hopeful and bright-eyed, asks if Juan really thinks they can be happy. He answers with another passionate lip lock that sends a tingle throughout all of Viewerville.
Ruth comes trotting by at that point and stops to stare at the two of them kissing each other. Thinking Sofia is cheating on Fernando, she plans to tell Fernando about what she’s just seen. (Ha! Big whoop, Ruthie.)
Eventually Sofia pulls away just as Juan is about to get carried away and to carry her away. “No, this isn’t any good, Juan.” “—What’s wrong with loving? Why are you denying yourself?” “—I’m in a hurry. I have to go.” He grabs her arm. He is literally B-B impactado. She says she’s going to a place where she finds peace and consolation and he asks if that isn’t there with him. Sofia just answers with a “Let me go.” Can’t he go with her? She refuses and says good-bye but does caress his face first. (That’s it. Put gas on that fire, Sofia. Sheesh.) They share one last passionate kiss. She looks up at him and tells him to forget this moment. (Yeah, right. Give it a rest. Sofia is her own kind of selfish and cruel and Juan is such a putz to take it, but hey, we all know she doesn’t really MEAN to be.) As Sofia rides away Juan tells himself he’d have to be stone cold dead to forget her kissing him like that (and vice verse, Eduardo. Vice verse. Ice, anyone?)
Meanwhile, upstairs at the Double E, Jimena and Sarita are helping Augie get re-situated in his old room. Jimena is anxious to know why Oscar came to see him. He explains that Oscar told him about how the divorce went down and that Oscar wasn’t happy the way it turned out. Jimena says she wasn’t either but she thinks it’s too late to do anything about it. Grampa Augie says it’s never too late and when you want something you fight for it and never give up. Augie asks the two of them where Sofia has gone. Nobody knows. For days it seems she’s gone somewhere she says gives her “peace and consolation” and Augie says she told him the same thing. He thought it might be the church, but turns out it isn’t. They’re all intrigued by the mystery.
Juan follows Sofia to the convent’s orphanage and peeks in while she plays with the three little girls there. Sofia asks if she can take them out for a walk every so often to keep them from being locked inside there all the time. The mother superior gives her permission and then turns around and sees Juan at the door. She invites him in. Mother Superior says they always kept him in their prayers because of the generous way he fixed up the orphanage. He says if that’s the way it’s been then that’s the way it will stay as far as he’s concerned.
Juan turns to Sofia and explains that he had to follow her to find what place gave her “peace and consolation”. Now he understands why it does. He thinks the little girls are beauties and wonders if he can stick around. She smiles and says fine. He feels a strange tug in his chest as he looks at the three little girls and wonders about them himself. Sofia explains that they’re all the same age as Maria Guadalupe would be now and that she’s grown to love all three of them. Tearfully they wonder if she is with somebody who will love and care for her. Juan tells her not to torment herself and swears to her that their little girl will show up eventually.
As for Fernando, he’s sneaking into the empty locker room at the Bad Love Bar in town. He takes out the letter with Armando’s confession about kidnapping Sofia’s baby that he tricked him into writing before killing him. Feo puts it inside Armando’s locker along with the clothes Fer used to disguise himself as Juan the night he kidnapped the baby. He figures that before the building is torn down he’ll make sure someone opens the locker and blames everything on poor, dumb, dead Right-Armando.
Back outside the orphanage, Juan tells Sofia that she may think he’s crazy but he is certain she is feeling the same way he is, that one of those little girls is theirs. Sofia says yes, she thinks so too, but suggests it could be they’re just so eager to find her that they’ll think any little girl might be theirs. She admits to him then she no longer thinks he took away her little girl. She knows he always comes through with whatever he promises her and she trusts him to bring her back their daughter. From a long shot that suggests somebody is spying on them from a distance, we see the two of them embrace.
Back in Puebla City, Oscar has come to see Augie’s lawyer. The lawyer says that Augie was correct and that the divorce is invalid. He and Jimena are still legally married.
A bit later Juan gallops back through the fields remembering what Sofia just told him outside the orphanage. He’s happy as heck cuz she trusts him now. He promised to get her daughter back and that’s just what he plans to do. Ruth, who must have followed him to the orphanage and back because she’s still on horseback, is watching him from a different clearing in the trees.
Back at the Double E, Gabi tells Jimena she wants her to tell her sisters that she needs to speak to them right away. Jimena tells her Augie and Sarita are around but Sophia isn’t. Gabi grumbles that’s because Sofia’s no doubt off seeing that starving wretch of a Juan Reyes. Jimena says, “Speaking of the Reyes’, I want you to explain to me how you divorced me from Oscar while I was sick.” Gabi frowns back at her and is muy impactada from the question.
Out in the back fields, Ruth pretends to lose a rein on her horse and she gallops past J-wan screaming for help like the distressed damsel she isn’t. Juan sees a woman on a run-away horse and immediately jumps on Capricho to rescue her. Once he’s stopped her horse he gets down to help her dismount. She swings herself around and mounts Juan. Faking tears of fear, she locks her legs around his waist and slides seductively down the entire length of his lower body as she makes a “feeble attempt” to stand up and “recover”. Juan feels awkwardly abused and confused by another silly, seductive female --and (good on him) it shows.
Labels: Fuego
As crazy as this telenovela seems, It kind of makes sense now. Ruh roh or maybe ruth roh lol. Beanie cap for me. ;)
Raquel cannot have kids and Eva got knocked up by Bernardo, who I assume does not know this. Gabriela is also Pregnant with Ruth and when Eva gives Birth, Gabriela takes away the baby without Eva protesting(She regrets this, and keeps bringing it up with gabi in arguments)Gabi gives birth to Sofia and unkowingly gives Raquel her own kid, Ruth. While Sofia who is really Eva's baby remains wioth Gabi thinking she is really hers. Oh wow, the baby stealing,swapping mess we have here. In exchange for the shenanigans , Gabi gets the land.
Back at Hacienda San agustin, I like how Sarita was having fun with Don Agustin's North American Indian headdress.(complete with soft indian cry sound effects) I like seeing Sarita Smile and have a light moment with Jimena and Abuelo. :)
Like I said earlier, Ruth sure has the most guts and agressiveness out of all the young girls we have seen so far. And You would think that Maracuya looks tough. Heh.
Great to see Gabriela get pwned by Jimena with her question about the divorce. That sure shut up Gabi who always has something to say.
Maybe Juan should mess around with Ruth and turn her to the light side and away from the dark side.( I can almost imagine Ruth as a sith lord)if Sofia keeps playing hard to get. Lol. We know Ruth does not likee Franco but Fancies Juan.
In the proximo capitulo, we see juan carrying Ruth inside the Main house of the hacienda while Gabi and Sofia look impactada as you guys would say. i wonder what Juan was thinking when he asked Ruth Where she lives. He surely would tell Root "I know that place very well. Practically go there everyday." i can't wait to see the look in Root's face when she finds out that Juan live in her old Hacienda. This is getting more intriguing.
Thanks. I figured you all posted all the guys pictures so the girls pics would not be so much to ask for some of us guys here. :) ;)
There MUST be a baby switching angle somewhere. No spoilers, but I just don't think they'd stick poor Eva with Root as the long-lost hija. And, since in telenovelas sangre es todo, it might explain Crabi's lack of any human affection for Sofía.
Well I am a bit bi-polar on the whole Ruth thing.
On the up side, Ruth hates Sofie and has for years. I can't fault her there. Seriously growing up with sweeter than sugar Sofie would just make you want to puke. You betcha. Sofie is so self absorbed & of course Juan plays right into it. You know what we called girls in high school like Sofie & who knew with that flat ass sense of humour you could be such a tease.
2) Ruth creeps me out and I have seen other women in this guy's Telenovelas, Joselyn in Mundo & Sabine Moussier in EEAYO, these women are so sexually charged that they are always rubbing on things and touching themselves. How have they not gone blind?
Root reminds me of a power tool (think Roto Root-er). My brain is hurting from trying to sort out everyone's baby swapping proposals. All I know is, Root looks and acts like Crabi, a fact that Crabi noticed as well.
Anvil: Demian gave Sufria his bull fighting good luck charm. How long will he last in the ring without that?
JudyB, how is the hubby doing?
Doris, how is the wedding coming along?
Stephe, is the book almost done?
Molly, is it raining enough for you?
Hellooo...didn't the promo finally have Franco and Sarita getting busy? 'Bout freak'n time!
Creemelo, fall has come to the lovely PNW hasn't it? Although there was some lovely sunshine today. I do like it, but I wish the leaves on my sweetgum had fallen before, now I'm raking wet leaves. Blech!
As for the babies, why doesn't someone suggest DNA testing. If they have an MRI they should have lab that could test DNA.
What I do know is that they should have used a stand in for Gabriela in her flashback scenes. She looked very unconvincing and way too old to be an expectant mother. Freaked me out actually.
I don't think I've ever seen such convoluted and improbable baby-swapping in all my life. Dohfia and Root and departed Rosy and singer Margarita's little girl who really died and turned out NOT to be Rosy, AND the Bobbsey Triplets in the orphanage, AND no DNA testing knowledge in all of Mexiloon. Cripes.
Ruth smiles smugly to herself that she’s returned to take revenge on the Reyes’... Insults being her strong suit, she calls [Quintina and Franco] low-class and not worth her time... We've actually been waiting for this b!tch to show up?? “Nobody can refuse me, neither horses nor men.” That's probably where you've been all this time, stables all across Mexico, you heifer. Whatever floats your boat.
Creemelo, the fantasy book is out the door and in the hands of the NY publisher I hope will decide to buy it, and I'm hard at work on a dark paranormal novella for another market. Thanks for asking! :)
No one else should be riding my precious Capricho but EY. A big man for a big horse; they match. Anyone else just wouldn't look right, clothed or naked. Ole!
Calamity and all you Fuego recrappers...Hooray...a new villanous on the scene. I only get to see 5 mintues or so of this but Ruth has certainly added a lot of zing to the plot. And I keep thinking, wouldn't it be fun to play this role! Way more fun than playing Sofia.
As always, Calamity, you have that wonderful sly sense of humor that makes the recap (if not the actual script) soooo entertaining. Bien hecho, amiga!
Oh...Molly...raking up sweet gum leaves. What do you do with those ubiquitous little prickly balls? They used to drive me crazy. Our Ohio hurricane toppled one of ours and we had the other taken out but in a way, I miss the challenge!
Stephe...I just realized you are the saucy Stephe who comments on Cuidado (that .....has my name!) Enjoyed looking at your blog and your mother is awesome!
That makes all the youngsters in their twenties. As if...Bwaaahhaa
Pablito is probably being played by a vertically challenged fifty three year old man.
I do sneak a peek at the show about twice a week, and it's so reassuring that despite new characters, deaths, etc., not much has changed with the Reyes and Elizondo families.
Anyhow, I was in Mexico City last week, and saw the 2 hour finale of FELS! Hallelujah,it does end.
I'm not divulging anything about the end, other than it was par for the FELS course.
Also got to see a couple of episodes of "Manana es para Siempre", the FELS replacement with Fernando Colunga.
It didn't inspire much "pasion" in me. What a disappointment, but maybe it will soon improve - like our economy. Or the peso's value vs. the dollar. Not likely.
I would love to see a new, great novela. Are those extinct now?
Regards to all.
And then they introduced Demian, and I thought, "okay, there is no way this won't be awesome." And yet it wasn't awesome. How can Cristian de la Fuente be boring? I still don't understand.
So now we have the long-awaited Root Uribe. I'm afraid to get my hopes up... but somehow I think this is going to work.
She HAS to be Gabi's daughter. She's got the slapping gene.
Gabi doesn't seem to think she made a baby with Mr. Uribe, but that doesn't mean anything - she's very forgetful about her misdeeds.
Creemelo-joan - Our Son's wedding is two weeks away. It's going to be here before we know it. My outfit is done. WooHoooo!
Ruth .... looks like she has been rode hard and put up wet one too many times. Eewww.
Yes, JudyB, it's me. I admit it! :) Over here, it's all about the el pan, the bread... Thanks for the kind words about my mom, and it is a relief your hubby is doing better. Keep fighting the good fight.
I sense a lot of hostility to Ruth from the comments. I think she's really funny in the conclusions she's jumping to (like thinking Franco is married to Quintina, Sofia's still married to Feo, Sofia's cheating on Feo with some stranger, not knowing that the guy she's seducing is her enemy, etc.) She's already way more fun than that clingy Leonora. And I kinda like the way she looks. Although not nearly as much as my favorite, Sarita, who was quite silly clowning around with that indian headress! :)
She saw the picture and asked Gabi questions about Sofia and Fernando. Gabi danced around it.
What a way to make a splash in Cerdan...
If sofia is the heroine here, Rosario and Ruth are tragic girls. Ruth because I don't think she is really evil. Must be a messed up childhood living with Ricardo Uribe. He probably abused her while she was younger. Now through circumstances not her fault, she comes home to find out she has no Hacienda to come home to.(Make no mistake, the Robles-Reyes Bros deserve to get back the Hacienda)
I agree with Hombre de Misterio, lots of hostility directed to Ruth. But then again there are few guys here and we view things from a guys perspective. I'm looking forward to seeing what Ruth brings to the table.
The actress came on-screen and from the first moment has done an amazing job playing her character as this full blown b!tch who is really, really mean, and intent on hurting people she doesn't even know. Granted, Ruth has issues that make her this way, but the actress is pouring it on thick so that she gets the reaction she needs--pure disgust with no sympathy (I suspect because Ruth is being set up for a huge change of heart or something down the line). Women aren't supposed to like her; men are supposed to see the sexy, the potential, and give her a chance.
As a viewer transported to Mexiloon, Root irritates the hell out of me after just one day. As Stephe the Writer in her livingroom, Ruth is one of those characters I admire and love to study in hopes of making my own better, and I want to see how she's going to flip the town on its ear. Much applause to the actress, who is damned good to have gotten such a strong reaction from me! Don't mistake the snark for real hate.
I tend to ramble (what a surprise) but does that make sense?
I'm glad guys are here, so that we have more variety in our discussions.
That's not to say that I think she's a nice person (it seems to me that she takes pride in wanting to ruin people's lives), but I think she will be great for the story.
And it is pretty funny that she's making all these assumptions about people.
As for her appearance, I doubt that I will look that good when I'm 44 (imdb says she was born in 1964), even with a wig and false eyelashes.
Okiedok. With all due respect, nearly getting hit with a scooter is not like getting hit with a jeep and Root should have both seen and heard her coming because we saw Root was in both earshot and direct view of Quintina and the camera and sound crew made a big deal about Quintina revving up before shooting off. You can get angry from fright and scream all you want but you don't generally get physical after an apology --that is an ingrained social, and now legal, more.
Besides, Quintina was screaming a heartfelt I'm sorry all over the place and asking if Root was ok. Root lost it and pushed Q into the mud afterward and Franco didn't lay a hand on Root, either. He only warned her to back off and relax. She STILL had to turn around and whack him on the face because she is Root Uribe and NOBODY talks to a Uribe, let alone Root, daughter and prized only child of Ricardo of THE SNAKE BUCKLE AND GORY GUFFAWS, the RR massacre-main-man, like that! That was not enough, she had to get super-cheeky with both of them after the initial fright and fit were over with. She enjoys lording herself over everyone and everything. She acknowledged she enjoyed that fight with Q and F.
IMHO The woman as written is plainly over-the-top arrogant and intentionally mean and full of mischief that most in society would not think of doing after age 16 at best. That was made clear by the way she kept hinting at Gabriela to have the servants hop to it. She didn't even acknowledge Famtima's existence except as a human tool and then would only communicate through a third party. Then, she rifles through personal things and drawers of her hosts and doesn't care who knows, even leaves the picture out as a taunt. It's as if she treats her hostess more like a major domo than the doña. --Ok. I'm done. ?: > }
Perhaps she's like this to drive home to us Mexiloonies that she just... might ... be.... Gabi's ... spawn.
Gabi always whines that her daughters aren't enough like her - maybe now she'll realize how lucky she is.
Probably not, but it'd be nice if one person came out of this a little bit smarter.
I was laughing out loud LMAO with this. Especially when she came across the drawer of Fernando's stinky underwear. **Classic** You should have seen the look on her face and she quckly covered her nose. :)
I don't think she left the picture out to taunt someone. I think it just got left out there carelessly. Imho.
A little OT: It is interesting that there is a lot of talk about Cindybin, well I was just reviewing the finale of Pasion De gavilanes to see if it had some similarities with Fuego. I happen to read an entry by her and she even listed a webpage.
I did not bother to read it as I had no time. Feel free to do so. Perhaps It may be educational. **Shrugs Shoulders**
--Uh oh Snophia getting upity, Crabi's building, her arm is tensing, she brings it up and SMACK...
But with Root she just strikes out--no warning--kind of like a snake.
Hey, don't treat Quintina...SMACK. No warning!
I believe if those two got in a fight it would be a hair pulling, slapfest for all to enjoy! :)
Loved the Capricho eye candy. I wouldn't like Ruth much if she were a real person, but I love her as a character in FELS. She will stir the pot, for sure, and may well be Crabi's real daughter. She seems just the type of gal to get Fer all excited, so I hope she can mess with his mind (for starters).
La Paloma
I LMAO at the look on Juan's face when Root coiled herself like an anaconda around his body, like "Dios mio! First in the jungle, and now another one? Babe Dra. and this woman both wrap very well... Dohfia, not so much. I should rethink this para siempre crap..."
doris: ditto's ITA. Root has got to be my alltime fav of his, but not the show. --I love this new character. Actually I love the way SZ has captured her and made her so believable. Speaking of dominatrix, that just might be up Fer's ally. AND if she goes after him and fools around and she is really Gabi's daughter, now THAT would be some terrific irony and cosmic payback.
(Creemelo laughing maniacally!!!)
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