Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MEPS, March 10th - A Shopping Spree and Mud Wrestling - Eddie's Had a Long Day

From last night: Damian gives her the earrings, the violins play . . . He wants her to wear them on their wedding day.

At the Herreria Tinoco, Silvestre the ironworker guy that made Nanda’s charm for Eddie way back in the day, is in his workshop and his daughter, Martina, who is a nurse, comes in and is worried about him hurting himself. She says she goes to work so he can rest. She calls him “Viejito Chulo” – Handsome Little Old Man. She makes him promise to rest so she won’t worry.

Damian and Nanda are coming down the escalator at the mall, while Eddie goes over his checklist of things he needs to buy – he’s got everything but a car. Damian gets a call from Babs. She tells him to make sure Nanda doesn’t go to see Soledad. While window shopping, Nanda sees Eddie. He sees her too. They stare at each other – she smiles – he does not. He asks how the wedding plans are going. She babbles her ridiculously perky babble. He asks if she’s definitely getting married. She says yes, and she still doesn’t know his name. He looks flustered, and just then Damian calls for her. Damian comes over and she wants to introduce him to Eddie, but he’s vanished again. Eddie watches them leave – he looks pissed.

Silvestre has a guest. He’s come by to see when his doors will be ready and Silvestre says they won’t be ready for at least a month. The guy says he needs the doors in 2 weeks. Silvestre tells him his daughter doesn’t want him working, she takes good care of him. He goes on to say how she works late every night at the hospital. [I have a feeling her “night job” is not nursing!] He hopes one day she fines a nice man to make her happy.

Eddie’s bought himself a new ride.

Babs comes into Gonzo’s office to tell him she had to cancel her appointment at the beauty salon because of wedding preparations. Gonzo the Wuss is crying and says he misses Babs, and can’t live without her. They hug and she thought bubbles how she despises him. Gonzo tells her about what happened with Liliana at the mental hospital. He says Nanda was destroyed by the experience. Babs tries to convince Gonzo it’s best for Liliana to live in “her world”, although it’s not the ideal situation, at least Liliana is calm and safe in the hospital. BOW has a PhD in lying.

Eddie shows up at the local cantina “Las Copetonas” to meet Jacinto. We get a quick glimpse of the rubber pool apparently used for mud wrestling. Eddie didn’t even blink – even though they have a ringside table! Jacinto tells Eddie that he told Margarita about the expired milk, and about the ultimatum she gave Jacinto that they either turn La Hiena in, or they go far away from there. Jacinto tells Eddie that the milk isn’t in the barn anymore. Eddie says if the milk’s gone then they must be “processing” it.

Margarita isn’t buying a word Jacinto has told her about where he was going, and she’s going out to look for him.

Revolting Camilo is getting’ down and dirty with Natasha. Oy vey. More pouring wine over their bodies a la Feo and Root!

Gardenia asks Margarita if she wants her to go with her to find Jacinto. Gardenia says yes, Margs says at least she’ll have a witness to whatever she finds. Margarita is sure Jacinto is cheating on her.

Back at the cantina that has a “cow” motif – even the plates and tablecloths are black and white like cows! Jacinto shows Eddie the business card that he found in Margarita’s papers. Eddie tells Jacinto he ran into Fernanda at the mall this afternoon. Jacinto wants to know what Eddie’s planning on doing, and Eddie says he’ll tell him, but first he wants to find out what’s going on in the Elizalde’s hacienda and exactly who is the guy Nanda’s marrying. Jacinto says he can tell Eddie in a few words: Damian Gallardo is a “miserable canaya” – a “miserable SOB”.

Nanda is showing off her earrings in front of the family. Anibal tells Erik he doesn’t think Camilo is going to show up. Erika looks uncomfortable. Nanda says she’s not there for Camilo, she’s there because she’s her maid of honor and has to help her with the wedding. Anibal says it’s all stupid stuff. What a sweetheart – he lives up to his name, huh? The phone rings and extra bubbly Fernanda runs to answer – its younger brother Santiago calling. Anibal says it’s too bad Erika fell in love with Camilo, her life would be very different with Santiago. Gonzo tells him to shut up. Anibal says the wedding is a good chance for Erika to fix her “mistake”. Too bad Pris doesn’t tell the whole family about Anibal’s inability to “levantarlo”!!!

Camilo and Natasha are talking in bed about nothing important – that is, Camilo is telling Natasha how he’s not like other men. Barf.

Eddie asks how Gardenia found the business card. Jacinto also tells Eddie that Gardenia caught Damian and La Hiena in the car together “revolcandose” – revolcando is “knocking down”. Jacinto feels bad for Fernanda, but Eddie say she gets what she deserves. The MC of the Cantina announces that the show is about to start. The girls come out in bikinis. One girl’s name is “Caramelo”, one is Estrellita, the other is “La Venenosa Venus” (the poison Venus) – who is Andrea from “Al Diablo Con Los Guapos”, and her teammate Martina La Rompehuesos” or “Bone Breaker” – who the crowd doesn’t seem to like much. Jacinto explains to Eddie that it’s Martina, Silvestre’s daughter. Eddie can’t believe it, and wants to know what she’s doing there. Apparently, Martina is in debt to La Hiena. I guess Babs dumped Silvestre to give the work to an iron company in Toluca, and left Silvestre without a job, and now he’s practically blind. Martina had to leave school, but Silvestre still believes she’s a nurse, and she pays for everything.

Babs is telling someone over the phone that first thing in the morning they need to transfer a big sum of money from Grupo Lactos’ account to an account in the Cayman Islands in the name of Rebecca Sanchez (Bab’s real name).

The lady mud wrestling continues, but Eddie looks kinda disgusted. Don’t most men like this sorta stuff? Martina and La Venenosa won.

Margarita and Gardenia are on the street asking a guy eating an elote if he’s seen Jacinto. They guy says yeah, he’s over at the Cantina. Gardenia the drama queen is shocked to hear Jacinto’s at the Cantina of Ill Repute with those women! She does a really ridiculous impression. Both women say: “Es el culmo!” or “That’s the last straw!”

Some guy grabs Martina’s legs and the other girl kicks him. A fight breaks out in the Evil Cantina – the women are actually throwing closed fist punches and breaking bottles over the guys’ heads! The crowd seems happy. These chicks are tough! Eddie Ever-the-Gentlemen tries to intervene and help the girl but she says she can take care of herself and continues to beat up some guy who lands in the mud pool. Eddie can’t resist and throws a few punches. Gardenia and Margarita arrive at the door of the Cantina just as a couple of guys are falling out the door. Margarita elbows her way in – brilliant. Eddie and Jacinto hide inside from Margarita. She didn’t see them. In the midst of the fighting, with Jacinto hiding his face behind a chair, the boys finalize their plan, Eddie tells Jacinto that without his help he won’t be able to do anything, and that his new name is Franco Santoro. Jacinto leaves the Evil Cantina, the girls are waiting outside. Margarita wants to know what the hell he was doing at the Cantina. This time Jacinto has no quick answer and says nothing.

Fernanda (who must be taking at least 500mg of Prozac) comes bouncing down the stairs in her 50’s style skirt that’s only missing the poodle, with the box with her wedding dress in it. Babs wants to know where she’s going and Nanda says to her Nana Soledad’s house. Babs ain’t happy. Babs says she has something really important to show Nanda. Babs says she understands, but what she has to show her is more important “primordial” (fundamental) and it’s about her sister Liliana.

At the mental hospital Liliana is crying while remembering her visit with Nanda and how she tried to convince her that Eduardo was back. She says she knows Fernanda didn’t believe her, but she’s sure it was him.

Eddie, under the name of Franco Sartoro is checking into a nice hotel.

Babs is showing Nanda Liliana’s official diagnosis – psychosis ____. Nanda has seen enough and tries to leave to go see Soledad, but Babs tells her it’s late. Nanda agrees and says she doesn’t want Soledad to see her “depremida” or depressed. Nanda takes her dress and goes back upstairs.

Eddie’s in his luxurious hotel room, and we see all the bags of stuff he’s bought on the couch. I get weak in the knees thinking about being in a gorgeous hotel room with FC, with money to spend and bags of new goodies! But hey, who needs money and new stuff when you have FC in a hotel room anyway? LOL They just need to leave some food and water outside the door every 6 hours or so! Maybe some vitamins too.

Anyway, sorry for my momentary lapse! Eddie’s on the phone with his Not-Red Haired-Not Really A Gringo-Friend Steve. They’re discussing Grupo Lactos. It’s hard to just stop at “Lactos” – I always want to add “Intolerant”. Steve says he’s sent him some information about Grupo Lactos’ competitors also, Industria Prolasa” – which I assume is Priscila’s families’ business. OMG, I love when FC speaks English. Well, in this case all he says is “Un favor mas, Esteve.” Eh-Steve! I love that! All Mexicans do that, I know, but it sounds better when FC says it. Esprite, estress, esleeping, etc. Eddie wants Steve to get an appointment in his company’s name for him. Steve says he’s already ahead of him, he’s asked for an appointment in the name of Franco Santoro, who is the Director of Operations for Powermilk Latino America. Esteve says when they confirm the appointment he’ll let Eddie know.

Eddie then calls a girl in the hotel to come and pick up the memory card for his computer so she can print out the documents. Eddie’s obviously not taking any chances on something happening with his hard drive.

Margarita, Gardenia and Jacinto are still fighting back at the house. This is really none of Gardenia’s business, but she’s hangin’ in there. He explains that Camilo wasn’t home and that he and one of the other workers had to go to the cantina to look for some guy Camilo wanted them to find named Franco Santoro, a friend of the Elizalde family. Margarita says nothing he’s telling her sounds logical. Just then Gardenia thinks the name Franco Santoro is familiar to her. She thinks something really strange is going on, and wonders what if this Franco Santoro is the same guy that La Hiena was talking to on the phone, and explains to Margarita and Jacinto how she hit redial and got the number, but didn’t call it.

At the Cantina, the boss, Jairo, is telling Martina that she’s going to have to pay for all the damages because of the fight that she caused. She’s mad and says she’ll never let his clients touch her.

Jacinto wants to know why Gardenia is so sure that the person La Hiena was talking to was Franco Santoro. She really doesn’t have a good reason to believe it was him, it could have been anyone, but she’s sure of it. Margarita wants still wants to know what all the mystery with Jacinto is about and he says Camilo’s friend wants him to find him a house to rent without anybody knowing about it and that he’s going to be the Administrador. He says if they still don’t believe him it’s their problem and walks out. Margarita asks what Gardenia thinks and she answers “como un gato encerrado” – that someone is up to no good.

Anibal’s in bed and Priscila is telling him he’s not going to sleep, he better perform his obligations as a husband. He tells her not to treat him like a sperm donor, and she says it’s impossible to treat him like something he hardly resembles. She says it’s a business deal and that he hasn’t done his part. He says she hasn’t done hers either, that Babs told him that her family knows about the powdered milk.

Cut to a bulldozer digging a great big hole, the truck arrives with the bags of powdered milk. Looks like they’re going to bury it.

Fernanda can’t sleep, she’s thinking about what Liliana told her about Eduardo being back. Nanda gets out of bed and walks to the window. She thinks to herself why is Liliana talking about Eduardo, but never says anything about their mother or their brothers? Fernanda’s non-perky alter ego says it’s because Liliana is relieving the happy times of their youth, just like Nanda does. Perky Nanda thinks about how many times in the past she’s thought about what would have happened if Eduardo hadn’t gone away. Alter Ego Nanda says: “Hypothesis A: When Daddy Gonzo found out that she and Eddie kissed, he had Eduardo sent far away. Or, Hypothesis B: They had hid their romance but at some point they would have gone far away together to enjoy their intense love. PerkyNanda says in reality it’s something else. Alter Ego says, yeah, you got tired of waiting for him and decided to marry some other guy who adores you, but do you really love him?

Previews: Looks like Anibal hasn’t “performed”. The old man at the mental hospital talks with Liliana about Eduardo and revenge. Babs catches Flor, the receptionist, talking with Franco Sartoro in the lobby.


Hi Melissa. Sure enjoyed your riff on imagining time with Eduardo in that hotel room. Food water and vitamins aren't quite as romantic as "a loaf of bread and thou" but more practical. Good thinking girl.

I haven't seen this yet, but I love Colunga's angry look, so I'm sure I'll enjoy seeing him glare at Fernanda. Sounds like the plot's thickening already with Gardenia thinking he's Babs' mysterious evil contact.

Thanks for the detailed and hilarious recap Melissa! Thanks,
for the vocabulary, especially that "revolcandose". Other
highlights for me:

Revolting Camilo and Natasha doing the Feo and Root! The actor playing Camilo does a great job being someone you'd love to turn Martina La Rompehuesos” or “Bone Breaker” loose on! (This is
the girl that got herself knocked up by Hilario (sp) on DA, isn't it?)

Speaking of which "The lady mud wrestling continues, but Eddie looks kinda disgusted. Don’t most men like this sorta stuff?" Fun-ny! If Eddie doesn't like their wantoness, he should focus on Martina's arse-kicking skills, he could hire her to take out ol' Rut 'N Strut!

Here is the supposed diagnosis of Lili: Patient with Paranoid Psychosis or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Loooong time since I took psych, are these the same? Why is it in English?

Also love the hard to stop at lactos and wanting to add "intolerant". But here's my fave: "OMG, I love when FC speaks English. Well, in this case all he says is “Un favor mas, Esteve.” Eh-Steve! I love that!" Had me crackin' up!!


Great recap Melissa. What I want to know is where I can get a cow tablecloth? I think we should all have cow tablecloths. What a hoot! Is Martina the girl that worked in the kitchen in Destilando? She had a big crush on Hilario. I never liked her weird teeth.

How many of us can shop at the mall in 3 inch heels? I can barely walk from the car to my front door in those things!

I had to FF through Camil-Ho's scenes. Ack...he is just gross.

Khalilah, it was driving me nuts not to remember where I'd seen the mud-wrestling nurse before. Por supuesto! The evil serving maid in DA. Thanks!

I escream when I esee your hilarious comments on Esteve. I'm in for one of those black and white cow tablecloths, too. Hope they carry that theme on throughout the novela. See how many cow theme items the viewer can find in every episode. Melissa, there were so many laughs in your recap, thanks so much.GinCA

Melissa: Ha!! Great recap & I'm agree with you on FC & a posh hotel room with a "do not disturb" sign on the doorknob. How am I kidding? FC in a Motel 6 would suit me just fine!

Naranje Camilo is gross. He kisses worse than Franco in FELS (who always reminded me of a leech looking for some soft flesh to latch onto...ew). And what is with dribbling red wine on naked bodies? That stuff stains, which is why whipped cream is preferable. :-0

Oh Eduardo you are just
but I LOVE it when you smile. Here's hoping there's a little levity coming your way.


Argh. OK, that was "I agree with you" and "Who am I kidding?"

Maggarita in need of editing

I think Esteve is too weird. What is up with his hair? He looks like a rooster.

Yep, Melinama, that's what was her name? And yes, the first time I saw Esteve he scared me but I think his American accent is pretty good. And Connie, Camil-Ho is right on for that arrogant slug! GinCA, I'm with you: finding cow themes might come in handy as the tide of eee-vil rises!


Excellent recap, Melissa. Your descriptions are both accurate and colorful. Also, thanks for telling us about the article pertaining to the Aztec novels. It was very interesting.

This TN seemingly has it all; beautiful women, lovely scenery, elegant horses, and passably good looking men. As an added bonus, mud wrestling. Our cup runneth over.


Except for FC's beautiful glare the mud wrestling was my favorite part. I felt like I was watching old pals kick a**, Sayin-I-Wanna from Destilando and her partner Venus who's been in practically every other TN I've ever watched. It was cool when they beat up the bar letches. Not that I'm violent or anything, it was just good dirty fun.

I know exactly where we can find a bunch of cow stuff. My BIL's wife in Mexico is a cow-aholic! She was the first person I thought of. There are cows all over her house, tons of crap in the kitchen on display, right down to little forks for hors d'oeuvres. She even has a cow bedspread. I wanted to ask my BIL how he can stand it! I'm off to look for a picture.

Melissa~~~Thanks for that fun recap. I think that we may have had the same fanrasy seeing Ed all alone in the great big posh hotel suite...pobrecito. Where was I?...Oh, Martina also played Doctora Loca , the psychiatrist who fell in lust with Don Loco in Duelo de Pasions. This actress seems to play a wide range of characters. She was certainly kicking butts and taking names last night , and Eddie did look muy dismayed and out of his element in that bar featuring girl wrestlers. The bar boss was on Querida Enimiga .

Found it! Go see my profile for the pic of the cow kitchen! I don't know how to post it in the comments. The pic is a couple years old - she has even more now.

I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the recap. I'm definitely going to start using "Camil-ho Naranjo".

So I wonder if little bro Santiago is going to show up for the wedding. Or maybe he's too busy trying to deal with his other psycho sister Marisa on Las Tontas!

Is Santiago Meester James with the really bad accent? I don't think I've seen him yet.

There's a restaurant in San Antonio called Steers and Beers that uses those same tablecloths and the last time we were there they were selling (as well as other items with the same motif). Texas Tacky I believe it's called.


Thank you Melissa!
The mud-wrestling scene was not my cup-o-tea, but I was amused by the sound effects accompanying all those "closed fist punches and breaking bottles over the guys’ heads!". I think I heard a few more "crack"s than there were punches and the timing was a bit off.

And "Not-Red Haired-Not Really A Gringo-Friend" EsSteve had me laughing. My super-fluent niece took me to a Mexican restaurant in Oakland where they had a column on the menu entitled: "Esnaques" (Snacks).

What was her name, the pesty wanna-be girlfriend on Destilando? It took me half the show to remember where I'd seen her.

I think her "real" name in Destilando was Sanjuana. LOL, I'm glad I'm not the only one who knew her face but couldn't remember where from!

"Copetonas" - LOL - great pun for a bar with girls in bikinis!

Today's the big day - saying bye-bye to cable. However, it looks like I'll still be able to get Univision on a digital subchannel (not over the air, but a long story having to do with my neighbors). I'll know for sure this evening.

Alas, even if it works, it will be slightly mangled, I'll only have it on the one TV with the digital tuner, and won't be able to tape it (since recording device does not have a digital tuner), so its usefulness will be extremely limited. However, it's better than nothing, and I'm all about the cheap thrills these days!

I found the scene change timing of Prissy's talk with the donor hubby and then the big hole in the ground very funny!

Dorado Dave, I think Damien is the equivalent of a 'man-pleaser'. He gets a kick out of charming Fern. What I see is his self admiration for gimmicks that work like Mariachi bands and roses and pearls under glass. He ALmost got me with that one.

Thank you Melissa. I was at that questioning the walls situation many times last night ('what-what'?). Of course I knew the heroic/a recappers would do the 'Mister Rogers' and explain the MEPS world to me.
Thank you all.

That frozen cold hard look Ed/Franco has adopted is more frightening to me than Barb's frozen cold etc. Could be because she smiles like la hyena at the kill. But maybe Franco frightens me because I'm watching the changing of a personality, good to evil.

I don't find the slutty Camillo entertaining at all. The fight following the infantile mud bath I did find entertaining however. I suggest they do that at the real life mud parties. Maybe add some lap dances?

In answer to whether OCD and Schizophrenia are the same, NO.

Schizophrenia is a thought disorder and OCD is an anxiety disorder, in which obsessive thoughts/behviors are exacerbated by an increase in their anxiety. From what I have seen thus far, Lilliana has neither and even if she had done the drugs and had killed her mother, most likely, the behavior would have been related to panic at getting caught. The only behavior they show of this young girl, is normal teenage behavior; however, if I was going to guess on a future diagnosis, the way she was beginning to express herself, I might come up with Manic behavior. Ret

Thanks for a very funny recap.

It´s interesting that Martina, who was Sanjuana on Destilando, is here the daughter of Silvestre, who was Roman, Hilario´s father on that same show. Also, I thought she´s a great actress, really acting like a nurse in the first part, then going wild in the mud wrestling.

As for Camilo, I didn´t even notice him. Was there actually a guy in Natasha´s love scene? Just kidding!

Melissa, that you so much for the recap. Since I know no Spanish, when I don't know what is going on I make up my own story. I thought Geppetto was asking the Nurse if she wanted to make a real boy. Who knew it was her dad? Ha!

Connie, YES, Esteves hair was bugging me to.

I totally had to FF through Camilo. It wasn't until 3/4 through FELS that I started to do that. But Camilo really bugs me.

I hope now that Ed has new digs and new clothes he will need a shower so he can get all dressed up to party!

My son said the mud wrestling wasn't Rosario and to let him know if she showed up in this one and then he would watch!

I am not a cow-aholic but I do love those black and white ceramic cow pitchers that pour milk. So I have one in my kitchen, though I never use it for that purpose because, of course, I am lactose....intolerant. I know more info than one cares to know. So, Melissa, if you don't like the cow motif in your sis-in-law's kitchen, does that make you lactose intolerant. GinCA.

GinCA - A little "cow" goes a long way as far as decorating. Maybe one little creamer for coffee. I'm lactose intolerant when it comes to interior design and the consumption of milk! LOL We're all about Lactaid in my house.

This is probably TMI, but a good friend of mine and I used to call being lactose interolerant "Laughing Cow Disease" in honor of the little triangles of Laughing Cow cheese. You know if you're lactose intolerant if your "cow laughs" after eating the cheese!

Melissa, Thanks for the fun and thought provoking recap. There was a lot of fun material to snark at last night. I loved the mud scene too and had to look up Martina to find Sanjuana but thanks to Hombre for getting the extra link to Hilario's dad Roman., the foreman on Destilando.

Reverso says revolcarse is also a modismo for "a roll in the hay". Useful word for later, I am sure. . .

Well, Willa is insulted about the poodle skirt (she really isn't that little fussy poodle type) and I didn't like the black extra chunky high heels with white and aqua outfit was just not part of any fashion. But it does lend itself to her uber-perkiness.

Melissa many of us were there with you on any hotel, any time with FC, your description and asides were very apt. And yes, Judy, Colunga does angry look with so much sex appeal!

Gardenia is just smart enough to be really annoying in her presumptive way of nagging at her BIL more than his wife does. The two of them are likely to cause Jacinto some dangerous trouble with their impulsiveness. I am hoping that Jacinto can survive all this to be Franco/Eduardo's best buddy. I also love Esteve and hearing FC say anything in any language. Funny how we kept only the pronunciation of the letter itself with the ES for "S" in English.

Melissa, you crack me up! "If your cow laughs." Ok, ok, I'm a closet cow fan also. I only have a salt and pepper shaker set but I do like the milk creamer thing!

Melissa - thank you for the recap and keeping me current. Maybe I'll actually get to watch tonight's episode! Too funny about the BIL's wife that is a .... wait for it .... vacaholico.

I'll have to be sure to tell DH his 'cow died laughing' the next time ... well ... .you know ....


If you recall, in Amor Real, Manuel was angry most of the time. I agree that no one has as sexy an angry look as Fernando. It would be worth getting in a fight with him just to see that grrr look.

I love cows too... I used to have a plastic cow that I kept in the refrigerator. It had a motion (or light?) detector in it that would go "moooo" when I opened the refrigerator door.

LOL on "Geppetto," Molly... I can see the resemblance. ;)

I was truly confused last night when Gardenia started talking about Franco Santuro. I thought she knew what she was talking about! I wonder if this record-breaking conclusion-jumping will become a regular thing for Gardenia. Maybe she can win a gold medal in the Telenovelympics! (Other events include Triathlon, in which you must slap an in-law, fall down a flight of stairs, and swap a baby.)

Where did that business card come from?

Copetonas is a place in Argentina & also could be from copetón meaning tipsy as in borracho. What do you think?

Liliana recognized Eduardo by his ojos, wonder why Fernanda couldn't?

FC with a car, a house, a cell, a computadora, credit cards, what more could anyone ask for? Of course, the car, the house, cell, computer & credit cards are unnecessary. TG no more FELS.

Gonzo doesn't do a thing at his business anymore, Babs makes all the decisions, wuss is right.

FC's English so far
Thank you, when he was at Harvard
The list is growing

Martina is Mariana Rios, she sure looks familiar but I'm still trying to place her in DA.

Great recap!!!

Variopinta said:

"Liliana recognized Eduardo by his ojos, wonder why Fernanda couldn't?"

Because she's so insanely perky that her eyes are darting around a million miles an hour and she apparently has problems focusing.

Someone said yesterday that Ed should have checked out the identity before he started using it...maybe so...or Garginia is making jumping to conclusions a new sport as you suggest Julie.

I had to look up "ojos"; you know it is all so much funnier when I don't know what people are talking about. I did like the flashback of Liliana trying to make young Ed laugh by crossing her eyes. Very cute and shows not everyone in that family were jerks to the people who worked for them.

When is Fernanda getting married and how long can they keep the secret that someone is dead? Can't she find out Sole is dead, get over it and get married? Will she cancel the wedding, because it doesn't seem like the two events are really going to be that close together.

I took "Copetonas" to mean "biiiiig cups," i.e. big drinks and/or big boobs.

Nanda reminds me of those stupid squirrels that sit on my fence taunting my dogs. They dart back and forth and wiggle their tail. It drives them crazy. Stormy almost went over a balcony chasing a squirrel once. You couldn't even say the word squirrel. I had to say it in Spanish so she wouldn't go crazy.

Thanks for the recap Maggie. You made many observations that I missed. I especially like your Esteve reference.

I also have a cow story. I went to my first prom with a really cute guy named Bobby. After the prom, we went to a friend's house [on a dairy farm]. There was a cow statue on the fireplace mantel , and each couple stood in front of it and my friend's mother took our pictures. Years later, I showed my photo to my friend Gen when I was going through some old photos. Gen loved and collected cow stuff. She looked at it said nothing about my gown or cute date. Instead she asked me, ''Do you still have that cow statue?'' Also, in DA , the actress playing Martina played a servant who was horny for Hilario [the stable boy]. Her name was San juanna , but we called her Sanwannawannawanna. She would not take ''no'' for an answer and was a very annoying character. She became kind of a confident for the equally Isadora who wannawannawannad Hot Rod who no wannawannawannad her.

When I go to the big flea market that I go to twice a year I'm going to look for cow stuff! I will take pictures of course. :-}

For all you naked swimming fans (and you know who you are!) on the last Cristina that had Garbriella and Root on they showed the naked swimming scenes of our "boys." If you recorded it you can play, stop, rewind, play, stop, rewind. It's a beautiful thing!

Julie: "I'll only have it on the one TV with the digital tuner, and won't be able to tape it (since recording device does not have a digital tuner), so its usefulness will be extremely limited. However, it's better than nothing, and I'm all about the cheap thrills these days!"

I'm glad you'll have something. It's all I have and while it keeps me from jumping in to recap, you don't need anything more just to watch. Good luck and glad you're still with us.

Connie, I happened to catch that, it was the one with Pedro right? I like this one best:

Thanks Agnes (and others who have offered advice and good wishes). I'd still be here even if I couldn't watch at all. I love this telenovela - I can't even explain why (it's more than just FC), so I'd have to follow along here no matter what. And it wouldn't be half as much fun without this group. :)

Great recap!! They are all wonderful! This is my first novela since Pasion. I tried to get into Fuego but after three weeks, I just couldn't take it anymore! I did check in here to lurk and read the recaps, though. Kudos to all of you who made it through to the end!

I love MEPS so far, (and, it's so fun to say MEPS!). It's moving along very nicely. I can never see too much of FC. I love Lucero as an evil character. Loved her in Alborada, so I thought she'd have her work cut out for her making me hate her here! So far, she's doing a good job of it!

LOVE the nickname Esteve. Whenever I see him, I think he's rockin' the Tintin look (Belgian cartoon character). If you have never seen Tintin, check it out! I swear that was the inspiration! LOL.

Looking forward to the next few months with this show. I hear the one after this will be the new Carla Estrada production, and I believe Daniela Romo (Alborada) has signed onto it! YAY!!

OMG - I can't wait for a new novela from Carla Estrada. Is it a period novela or modern day? I think Daniela Romo was the best actor in Alborada by far, with FC running a close second. Dona Juana was a terrific part for her. I loved Modesta too. Hopefully FC will sign on also, he and
Carla Estrada seem to work very well together. MEPS should be done filming in Mexico fairly soon, I think. Hopefully the timing would workout for them.

Here's the scuttle on Carla Estrada's
TN. El Sortilegio, remake of the 1985 TN "Tu o Nadie". So far Wm Levy Cuidado con un Angel & Belinda are confirmed. Will debut in 2009.

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