Friday, May 15, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, May 14, 2009, The Pot is Stirred and the Plot Thickens

Good gentle reader, please post this for me. Thanks.

Barb continues her act with Anibal. Things are really bad at Grupo Lactos.

Gonzo, Fer and Santiago await word from Barb. Santi and Aurora are in luuv.

Barb tells Anibal that everything depends upon him, including her marriage. Gonzo wants to know who gave up Damian. She’s about to tell him when Anibal grabs the phone from her hand and says it was “me.” Gonzo is shocked. Damian has violated their trust and deserves the worst. Gonzo tells Fer that it was Anibal. Both Fer and Santi condemn him. Aurora tells them she’ll wait outside. That girl has such good manners for someone who was raised by a witch.

Vlad, who only has eyes for Pris, is just eating up everything she says. He steals a kiss, she backs away. He is overcome with love. Damian comes out of the bedroom and claps at Vlad’s performance. Damian will show him the way.

Barb asks Anibal why he took the blame since he already has plenty of problems. Anibal says it was for a good cause and stops Barb from calling Gonzo and supposedly telling the truth. Stupid Anibal gives her many reasons why Damian should have been exposed by him, the older brother. She’s so grateful and such a liar.

Artemio talks to Manzanares who has news for him. Half the problem, the Franco Santoro part, is solved. Tonight he’ll handle the priest. Manzanares reveals that with what he knows about Eduardo Juarez he has won the lottery.

Steve tells Ed there is no way the Cayman Bank will tell them anything about Rebeca’s accounts. They’ll look in the Yellow Pages. Steve asks if the Grupo Lactos’ receptionist will help them. Ed tells Steve that she’s related to Jacinto and Gardenia and that none of them will betray their bosses. They are still talking about Rebeca being a friend of Barb. Ed asks the waiter for a phone book and Steve makes up a message for Rebeca on behalf of Barb just in case.

Jairo and Lucio return to Lucio’s place with food and drink. Gardenia is still locked up. She still can’t keep her mouth shut. Now she’s getting scared.

Manzanares has gone to Padre Bosco’s church. He tells the good father more lies about his supposed son. Manzanares is digging for information about who is around and about the church at night. When he finds out nobody, he leaves and says see you later.

Camilo climbs out of the bushes when he sees Aurora around the pool alone. Wouldn’t it be nice if she pushed him in. He wants to accompany her into the house. She declines. She tells him she’s waiting for Santi. The snake says he’s going for a walk just like her. Fortunately, Santi comes out and breaks up Cam’s fun.

Dominga curses Aurora. She thinks Aurora will return with her tail between her legs. Just then there’s a knock at the door. She thinks it’s Aurora and gets a stick. Surprise, it’s two thugs who say they are from the phone company. They are installing a phone on the orders of Artemio Bravo. Dominga knows she has now won the lottery, too.

Steve admits that so far their plan to find Rebeca Sanchez was a failure. So, they’re going to talk to Isaac Newton.

Fer wants to talk to Cam. She wants to know what he did at Las Animas. She warns him not to stick his nose in her business and that he has no right to mess with Franco Santoro. She says the truth, “you’re an imbecile.” And, if you hit Jacinto again, you’ll answer to me. Cam is shocked.

A licenciado tells Steve and Ed that he has no idea who they are talking about. He’s the only Isaac Newton in the area. Ed asks if the name Ciro Palafox means anything to him. Isaac denies it. Then Ed shows him Ciro’s riddle, and with chin quivering, Isaac reads the riddle. The old man cries. Ed asks him if the note means something. He finally says, yes, a lot. Isaac reaches into his desk and pulls out an envelope. He says that note means that he is the “elegido” (chosen, heir) of Ciro Palafox. He nervously opens the envelope, pulls out a paper and booklet. Isaac tells them that the note means that his mission is over and that theirs has just begun.

Mrs. Ciro and Simon can’t find anything in the room where Ciro’s effects have been stored. Finally she pulls out the Birth Certificate with the name of Artemio Bravo on it. This is going to be the next card she plays. She doesn’t know she’s just jumped on a train that will take her straight to Hell.

Ciudad de Toluca. Isaac shows Ed and Steve the Last Will and testament of Ciro Palafox and tells them that Ciro committed himself to Miraflores to get away from his family. Isaac pulls out the Prince by Machiavelli. The message that Ciro marked in the book refers to winning by force. Ciro wrote the message 30 years ago. He now hands Ed the will. Ed will get an inheritance that will change his life.

Jairo and Lucio, who’ve been to Happy Hour, great Manzanares and invite him in for a drink.
They say something about Gardenia that I didn’t get. Sorry.

Gonzo chews up Anibal. Gonzo accuses him of betraying his own family. He asked for discretion and forbade anyone mention Damian publicly. Barb listens in the background and finally comes out and defends Anibal. Pris enters and wants Anibal to tell her what happened to thousands of her dollars. Anibal, as they say, is now between la espada y la pared. I love that expression.

Finally Issaac asks for Ed’s complete name. Ed says that Ciro knew his real name and tells Isaac that he is Eduardo Juarez Cruz. Isaac tells them he should go to the bank with the papers and his official ID. Isaac tells him it’s going to be $160 or $180 million dollars. So, now where will Ed get his official ID since Manzanares has stolen it?

At Grupo Lactos Anibal tells Daddy that he has some business with Pris. Gonzo and Barb leave Ani and Pris alone. Ani tries to fake her out. She says you aren’t going to get away with it. She wants her money. He can’t come up with it. She trusted him implicitly with her money. She threatens him with telling Franco Santoro that the man he’s about to do business with is a thief. She says – come up with the money or I can be as bad as you.

Barb is fake crying again. Gonzo asks her why. She tried so hard to save him from this pain. But, my son contradicted my orders. She says I’m not their real mother, but I’ve done everything for them. How can anybody think she’d try to hurt Fernanda. She’s worked 15 years to gain the goodwill of his family and they are always ready to throw her in the garbage. Gonzo, the Dumb, tells her how much everyone loves her. She’s so hurt. Gonzo begs her not to think such things. She’s so hurt that she doesn’t know if she can forgive them.

Fer greets Aurora. Aurora says she had to return because she realized she loved Santiago. Fer says at least she knows that such a love exists. Aurora assures her that some day she will find the love she deserves.

At Lucio’s Jairo and Manzanares share a drink. Manzanares slides Jairo’s compensation across the table. Manzares says that Santoro is clean and not a trafficker. Jairo opens the envelope and counts the cash. Manzanares asks about Lucio. Jairo leaves to pee. Meanwhile Lucio is feeling up Gardenia who is bound and gagged. Finally, Manzanares opens the door and stops Lucio. Lucio threatens him. Apparently Manzanares has some standards. He won’t hurt women. Manzanares tells Lucio to get lost and finally pulls a gun on Lucio who keeps fighting him. Gardenia cowers in a corner. The gun goes off and we are left to wonder who got shot.

Avances: Sparks fly between Fernanda and Ed and Gardenia realizes she has to escape somehow.


Pasofino, Thanks for the swift and concise recap. Great job. I checked the side bar and your recap was already tagged by some kind soul.

This is a gripping episode on so many levels. I love the plot flying along like this. But, I am hoping the padre doesn't get taken out, useless of me to want it I know. Then there is Gardenia who needs to find a way to club the useless Lucio and escape. I think Manzanares is going to be rid of them both soon enough. Wonder if the shot is the moment...

Thanks, Pasofino. That was an interesting cliffhanger . So who got the bullet...Manz or Lucio ??? If it's Manz, Padre is safe for awhile. If Manz has the passport on him, Lucio will find it. Will he and Jairo try to blackmail Fr/ed with it ? Fr/ed needs that passport to get the money from Ciro. Of course, Fr/ed could apply for a new passport. My daughter's passport was stolen when she was in New Zealand and she had to apply for a new one. if Lucio caught the bullet, Gardenia may survive since Manz was defending her . I noticed that Manz did not tell Artemio that Franco was actually Eduardo. Was Manz planning to blackmail Ed ? So, who got the bullet , and where will the plot go from here ? p.s. I am sick of Babs's crocodilt teas...boohoohoo. And Gonzo just keeps falling for her act proving that there's no fool like an old fool. [Word verification : ''dresses.'' Do you think that's a sign that I should go to the mall and buy some new ones ? ]

Sounds like another lively episode. Thanks for the recap, Pasofino. As usual, they're pointing towards hot doins' on Friday night. Looking forward to watching this later on today and even more to the promised sparks between Eduardo and Fernanda in tonight's episode. These writers know how to keep us coming back for more.

Thanks Pasofino. What an exciting episode. If Gardenia had smashed the nightstand on Lucio's head that whole situation could have been avoided. But no...... I think Lucio caught the bullet or maybe that is just wishful thinking. At least now we know where Fr/Ed and Esteve are going to get the money. At least it didn't go to Simple Simon and the Wicked Witch.

Thank you Pasofino.

I thought Dominga looked totally freaked out that Artemio Bravo had a phone installed in her house. What was that all about? And why would Artemio still be paying for Aurora's upkeep when she's an adult now?

Like the action on this show. Never a dull moment. But I need some of the mysteries to be unravled 'cause I'm getting a headache trying to figure out what's what :)

We know Gardenia is going to be ok & Ed's pasaporte needs to be found. But can't figure out how 1 bullet could get both of them, maybe Lucio had a knife. Then Jairo hightails it
& Gardenia looks through Manzanares' pockets to find out who he is & guess what Eduardo's pasaporte.

Now we know where Ed is going to get $3mil, which will be for Fernanda's school, community center.

El guapisimo can fall into mierda & you know the rest.

I think the bullet hit one of them , and the other's face was supposedly showing shock that the gun had gone off . So, who do you think was shot ? And, if Eduardo can retrieve his passport and access the money, he's a millionaire while the Elizade family has fallen into ruin thanks to Beckybabs. I'm sure that Dam will eventually spill the beans about BB.

And what's up with Art having a phone installed at Dominga's??? I agree that she looked scared when the phone guys told her that Art had sent them. [By the way, one of those guys played the servant of Antonio's nasty mother in Alborada.]

I really didn't think Dominga was getting a telephone. I thought they were "installing" something else - like a bomb. Just a thought.

Wouldn't it be great if the bullet hit both Lucio and Manzanares.

I thought the phone guys were hit men but I could be wrong.

I think Lucio was the one shot because that scum-sucking dog has outlived his usefulness. His face just grosses me out. While the other guy is no angel, at least he has some respect when it comes to women.

Thank you for the recap, pasofino!

For a moment there, I thought Camilo was going to hit Fernanda. What a schmuck.

We’ve got to give Manzanares credit for not wanting to let Lucio hurt Gardenia.
Can it be real? Son of Satan …er … Lucio will die? One can only hope.

I watched the non-digital channel last night so I could have CCs, and the screen reception is terrible. Was a new phone installed at Dominga’s, or was it a replacement phone, maybe with a wiretap?

I forgot about that Doris! I was thinking the same thing. He needs a beat-down and quick. Cadmil-Ho is just slimy.

Well done Pasafino. I love your work. Time for speculation. It looked to me from the facial expressions that Lucio was shot, but it serves the plot better if it was Manzanares. Padre Rumpole er, ah Bosco will be saved, Eddie's ruse may be safe for a while, and we'd be able to despise Lucio a bit longer. Another possibility is that it's just a flesh wound(often the case in TNs).

Now a grammar question. Esteve said, talking to Eddie about tracking down Becky Sanchez:

"Hopefully, tiene que ser la que estamos buscando."

Shouldn't that have been:

"Hopefully, tenga que ser la que estamos buscando."?

Do the rules apply to Gringuese?


Dominga did look freaked out by the phone. It seems like she's had a lot of autonomy over how she keeps control over Aurora and how she spends the money Bravo sends her. But looks like he wants to keep better tabs on her, just when Aurora decides to rebel and leave. Bravo's not going to like that news at all, and she knows it. And now there's no reason why he can't be in immediate contact with her.

I also don't think he has maintained Aurora out of the goodness of his own heart. He's controlling her and keeping her captive, probably to use against Barb somehow, hence there's no reason why he would stop sending money once she's an adult. Dominga's her jailer, not her caretaker.

-Vivi in DC

Recap fino, Pasofino, gracias. What a lively episode! Great setup for the Friday nite weekly final. Interesting that Manzanares didn't report the info on Eddy to Cigarman, that suggests that he was the one that caught lead in the guts later in the episode, buying time for Eddy on the Cigarman front, and of course save Rumpole the friar.
The editors must have left something important on the floor. The whole scene where Babs was crying to Gonzo because she was feeling that he was accusing her of causing pain to Fernanda, etc, needed a little introduction. As it was, it din't make ANY sense to me.

My impression of the phone at Dominga's was that the phone was a replacement with enhanced features, probably wiretapping capabilities. That actress sure does the duty as a hag.
Suddenly, Eddy is a very wealthy man, but he won't have access to his $ right away. He'll have to put off the payment to Lactoseintolerance for a while, but I bet that he ends up saving the company with his windfall, ends up the owner, fernanda gets her cenetr built, as an outline for the rest of the TN. The details are yet to be filled in.

Carlos, i think that Esteve's lack of use of the subjuctive is an expression of his gringo "origins", as are his occasional stumblings with quite common words. I'm thinking also that he is "el zorro" in Ciro's quote, Eddy being "el leon". They are making a great team.

DDave, good analysis.

Esteve= el Zorro

Eddie= el León

Artemio= el Lobo

Problem solved. Thanks.


This is probably the second novela I have ever followed and I must say I'm impressed (mostly) with the writing, the plot and some of the actors. Very entertaining.

I'm loving this blog too. I enjoy reading everybody's comments and some of the insight I get.

The way La Hiena is able to start to cry at will and then smiles when her victim's back is turned cracks me up. She is a true psychopath.

What was the point of having the viewers watch Aura awkwardly remove her tiny weightless purse and hand it to !Santi? (A woman would likely hand it to another woman because the powder room has no place to put it.) He didn't bring it to her outside. So, it was purposely left inside. Are we to guess who will find the Sanchez name in the purse?. I'll start...It will be Dingbat and he won't do a thing with the knowledge. Or maybe Cad and he will look her up on Craig's List Adult Entertainment. But I feel pretty sure it will not be Fernanda.

I love this show!

Craigs list--Ha! :P I thought that was odd too. What is Santi going to do with it? Most men back away like it's going to bite them or something.

Thank you Pasofino. I got so lost with the Newton meeting. I caught on to the life changing inheritance part. Then I made the leap of cellabration to MY plan. Grab Fernanda, tell her you're taking her for a meeting in say... Cayman Islands and she should leave word with Margarita to attach a Main Hall to that Community Center. Something appropriate for Palafox University.

I think Barb is setting up her disappearing act with that 'they don't love me' scene. I shouldn't be surprised because she is the type that would want everyone feeling guilty about the part they played in chasing her off.

Yes, Carlos, Cigarman (and la Hiena, too) = los lobos

Bonnie, I like your plan, but something tells me that it won't go that way.

Odd that the figure given by Newton, $168-180M is too close to the figure of the forgotten/mysterious money that Babs took earlier

I love watching Babs in the background. She is so evil. Her expressions are priceless.

DDave, I had Babs figured as el Castor. ( Sorry everyone, El Diablo made me say that. Hope I'm not expelled.)


Susanlynn, word verification "dresses." No, not "I'm going shopping for new dresses." Instead, "Ed gets out of the shower and checks his voice mail before he dresses."

When Manza' found the passport, I thought it was just too easy. Too early in the plot for Artemio to find out Ed's identity. If Manza' survives, he'll report it to Art. He's too much of a hired gun, to go against the boss. Didn't Art say, "Don't discuss it on the phone"? That's why Manza' held the info. But if Manza' dies and Lucio or Jairo takes the passport, it will remain hidden for awhile. So I think Manza' dies.

I agree with Vivi. Dominga is afraid of the phone because she lost her prisoner, and Dom thought she could hide the fact. Now, if Art calls and says, "I want to talk to Aurora," Dominga is dead meat.

Aurora's purse. Remember The Goodbye Girl? The guy goes to LA but leaves his guitar, so the girl knows he's gonna' come back. I think that's why Aurora gave him her purse.

Remind me please what part 'el zorro' plays in the quote.

Did anyone consider that Ed's "inheritance" is rightfully Liliana's? That's who Ciro directed the clues to. I think Ed will get with the program. Either way it will probably be used to bail out the GL business.

I also thought the purse was Aurora's sign, she'd be back. She and Santi exchanged a "luving" look when she handed it to him. But, if Barb found it, we'd have an interesting plot twist.


MONEY NOT BELONG TO ED? ???! Save the lactos! no-no-no. Barb goes to jail or dies and all her stolen wealth is returned to the company. Prissy gets her share and Abby goes to jail. I'm happy.

Thanks, Pasofino, excellent recap!

I'm voting for Manzanares as the plugged one. Of course, I don't know how that gets Gardenia out of there unless Jairo is willing also to stop Lucio from pawing her. As soon as that gun went off I thought: Ah, that's how they keep Cigarman from finding out Eduardo's identity so soon! It also removes the ghastly priest killing event, although I remember seeing one where a priest was done in.

I LOVED the scene with Isaac Newton Barrera. It certainly solved Ed's money problems. The stolen passport is an impediment, but as another commenter said - new passports are doable. Pretty classy to have a highlighted copy of Machiavelli's The Prince as a plot element.

Pasofino, thanks mucho! Ciro did give the chess piece to Ed. Ed is to take care of/save Lil just like his mother did for 15 years. I do hope he finds her a reputable doctor. She is going to need a lot of help when she leaves the funny farm. Soledad was her only contact with the outside world. Just wait until the dear widow gets wind of it, things will certainly hit the fan.

I don't care who got shot, just get Gardenia out of there.

I always think that Teflon Barbie is laughing when she goes on one of her crying jags, what a piece of work.


Carlos, are you translating el castor as Fine red baize (Mexico) or The two brightest stars in the constellation Gemini. (m), or 'the Beaver'?

Thanks Pasofino, fine recap!

I sure like the way this novela moves along. Even the crying scenes aren't too long - as they were endless in FELS. But, I am sick of Barbie's act. I think her big hissy fit was just to add fuel to the fire. She wants to see Gonzo have a heart attack. He's dumber than dirt, all he had to do was call the police inspector. Instead, he called his mommy...

A couple of notes:

Pris said she is missing hundreds of thousands of dollars (not just thousands of dollars). Also, why wouldn't she run to Papa with the news instead of Franco Satorro?

It would appear that some options for the passport are:

1) Gardenia gets it and escapes and gets it to Eduardo.

2) Lucio is shot and Manzanares gives it to Artemio Bravo - doubtful

3) Manzanares is shot and Lucio takes the passport to Barbara - who does NOT inform Artemio Bravo - because she is now irritated with her boss,

4) Manzanares is shot and Lucio uses it to try to blackmail Eduardo

5) Manzanares hid it before he went back to Soledad's old house and hid it somewhere where it may "pop-up" in some future episode at the wrong time to the wrong person.

Since so much of the story places emphasis on names, how about the apple of his mother's eye Manzanas is wounded. Decides to get out of the killing spy business and dealing with riff-raff like Lucio lucifer, and gives the evidence to Frankly Edwardo.

Great recap, Pasofino, for an exciting episode. No CC's and high school Spanish makes comprehension challenging, so thanks for your recap.

It would be so satisfying if Lucio received the bullet but it probably will be Manzanares so Padre Bosco can survive and Franco is not revealed as Eddie to Artemio. But then how does Gardenia escape and what happens to Eddie's passport in Lucio's hands?

I was thinking Jairo skipped out quickly so he wouldn't have to share half of the money Manzanares gave him in the envelope or so Lucio wouldn't know exactly how much money was given? Jairo definitely needs to be sentenced to spend a long long time in the big house before this novela ends.

Was the amount that Anyballs stole from Pris' account $60,000? It seems like it should have been more though I wouldn't turn up my nose at that amount.

Looked like both Fr/Ed and Esteve were really enjoying that meal with the tortillas, guacamole and whatever else including that nice red beverage. Yummy looking. GinCA

Silverfox~~~That was a very logical list of possibilities. It will be interesing to see which direction the writers cose.

Yes, Gin in CA, the food did look good. Although I don't know if I can remember Colunga ever really eating anything on screen!

The "gringo" cliché about finding the food too spicy was pretty funny.

A few things:

1) I think Manzanares was the one shot, though I would not mind if it was that worthless scumbag Lucio.

2)Speaking from experience here, Damian's undershirt is white that was somehow stained in the wash and it has a 'pinkish' tint on it. I have been wearing those undershirts since I was a little kid. Once ina great,great while, I will screw up and have a white shirt mixed with the reds and the result is just like Damian's shirt. Thought I would clear that up even though it was a few episodes ago.

3) Erika's smirk was more of a disbelief wtf kind. I don't think she is jealous of Fernanda or thinks ill of her.

4)So Isaac Newton Barrera is Ciro's attorney...Hmmm isn't Liliana the supposed heir or heredera?

5) In my one year of telenovela viewing, i'v noticed Mexicans use the term licenciado for attorneys... which leaves me with a question. On Yo soy Betty La fea, why do Columbians address their bosses as Doctor/Doctora even though they do not have aMD or PHD degree??!?! Even Nicolas and Betty were identified as such...

6) i'm the only one here who wants to see Babs soft side which I think will come out soon... (I hope) :) ****Raises hand****

7) Laurisgar is transferring her files to other video hosting services and will be back soon. This must be a new thing for ongoing novelas. Felsnovela's FELs stuff is still there. Same with the Betty La fea stuff and Princess Eiza's stuff. there must be a new agreement with Televisa. I' will post moire about copyright stuff later........


Ibarramedia--you're back! :-}

el zorro, the fox is sly & crafty but small & not very strong, el léon is strong, Ed has to be both to take on los lobos, the wolves.

Ed will not keep that money, it will go to Lili, who will use it for good things with Ed's guidance. No problem with the wife from hell Graciela & the son simple Simon, I think Artemio will take care of that problem.

Manzanares is supposed to meet with Artemio 1st thing in the morning after whacking Padre Bosco
tonight & telling all he's found out about Franco Santoro. So I think he is the one that's dead. Maybe Jairo gets rid of Lucio, but I feel sure Gardenia is going to find the pasaporte.

Bonney, sorry, I was just being silly since we were giving animal names to some of the characters. Please try to wipe that from your mind or at least the fact that I said it. My inner child(adolescent?) trying to escape.

Variopinta, gee, you sound certain. I admire women with confidence in their opinions.

Ibarramedia, I was afraid that you had been abducted by extraterrestrials. Welcome back.


Hi Ibarramedia, "licenciado" is a generic title for someone with a college degree (unless they're an ingeniero or a doctor or something instead). It's not just for attorneys.

Carlos, I've never been one to lack an opinion, however being correct is another story.

Which one don't you agree with or is that none?

Someone mentioned Aurora's purse.
Who would ever know the name Rebeca Sanchez name in the Gonzo house other than Babs?

Damian's clapping last night made me laugh - mostly because I still own a Clapper, and you have to clap just like that to get it to work. Good thing mine's in a different room, or I think Damian would have been turning my lights on and off!

I don't think Manzanarez was planning to blackmail Fr/Ed - he told Bravo he had lots to tell him, but didn't want to do it over the phone. Heh, now it's looking like he won't be able to.

But maybe he's not dead. Maybe Lucio's not dead either (bummer). Maybe they both end up in the hospital for a little while.

I don't think Manz. saved Gardenia out of respect or gallantry - I think he's trying to do a clean job for Bravo, and if some girl's getting beaten and raped that's going to cause him a lot of problems as a witness. Like, for example, illegally posing as a drug agent to get these guys to help him.

Regarding the passport, yeah he could get a new one, but in order to do so he'd need additional paperwork with his real name. Unfortunately, he already burned ALL proof of Eduardo; the passport was the only thing he saved. And he's going to need it to prove his identity in order to claim the inheritance since it's signed over in his name, right?

Unless his birth and baptismal certificates are among his mother's things (along with the love letters) that Margarita already rescued from Soledad's house before Lucio moved in.

Oh, Dominga's new phone. I think Bravo had it installed (or upgraded?) because as Vivi already said, he's paying Dominga to hide Aurora from her mother. Now that Operation Lactose Intolerance is coming to an end, he's (supposedly) going to let Barb have her kid back. So Dominga's got to be ready for that phone call.

I hadn't thought about a bomb, but that's possible too. Maybe it's rigged to blow up only if someone dials a particular number, or if someone calls from a particular number.

I thought Dominga looked scared rather than thrilled too, but who can blame her - those guys were scary. Since when does it take two men to install a phone?

Here's another thought, Fernanda's & Camilo's argument last night is setting us up for something. If Camilo breaks into Fr/Ed's house again, Fernando is going to tell. So Fr/Ed's pasaporte is missing, who does he suspect, canalla Camilo, hmmmmm

Loved the recap Pasofino. I'm in agreement that it was Manzanares that got shot buying Eddie more time. I say that because it looked as though his eyes glazed over when the gun fired and Lucio had a shocked looked on his face. We'll find out tonight either way. I also think that money Ciro left is really for Lilliana (spelling?) So Eddie turns up the notch in his fliration with Nanda. She's falling hard for Franco. Camilho is really getting on my nerves and I'm sick of Babs crocodile tears. All in all a good show LOL.

Julie, I heard Manza' say something about women in general. I forget the exact quote, but something like, "Nobody's going to treat a woman like that." (Unless I heard it wrong, which is ningun farfetched.)

We've all noted what a clean, professional, skilled criminal he is. I picture him living by some sort of mafia-style honor code.

Variopinta, I like all your opinions as it turns out. I just especially admire confidence and certainty. Don't waiver or change.


Paula H I thought I heard that too. So it's not just you.

Pasofino, thanks for the excellent recap. Fun to read all the different ideas about plot directions. I was holding my breath all through the Isaac Newton stuff and Fr/Ed's life-changing inheritance. This episode seems like a major turning point in the story. No boring filler here, especially the cliffhanger ending with the gunshot.
La Paloma

Oh, I missed him saying that. Interesting moral code... it's not okay to be rough with a woman, but you can kill a priest! Or maybe the deciding factor is profit - it's immoral to hurt people unless someone pays you to do it!

Have to love those scriptwriters, they can change an opinion real fast. And it is their job.

Love this novela, gives you plenty to think about. I knew almost nothing about Machiavelli & now Isaac Newton has mentioned Medici.
Machiavelli & Medici were contemporaries with some betrayal & mistrust, but can't find anything earth shattering in that period of Florence Italy

Julie, it's a professional matter. He can kill people for business, but not for pleasure.

From True Lies:
Helen: Have you ever killed anyone?
Harry: Yeah, but they were all bad.

Variopinta, and the worst of it is that we have to live with their decisions. Too bad they don't have to consult with us. Imagine how FELS might have been. Carlos

How would FELS have been?

Carlos, no hope for FELS, it was a mistake from the beginning. If it wins even one award, I'm going to be P.Oed.

Beth – I also wondered why Ed put the money in his name because, as you say, it is rightfully Liliana’s. But … consider that la Hiena may grab any money in her name, or even the scumbaggier Elizaldes (to save the company). It is actually safer in Ed’s name right now. I hope he’ll give it to Lili at a later date, like a true galán should, as it is rightfully hers. And maybe when she gets it, she'll kick all her bad-*ss rellies to the curb.

What if . . . Artemio Brava took Aurora when she was born, told Babs the baby died, and Babs has no idea her daughter is alive? Plausible in telenovelaland and to the plot, unless I’m forgetting some earlier scenes.

I think Dam’s pink tee shirt is our visual, to remind us these are bachelors and Dam always had servants do his laundry. He didn’t know about separating lights and darks.

Ibarramedia – I was afraid you’d been sucked into the FELS vortex and its nuclear waste effect. It’s good to see you posting.

Re: “licenciado” --- I’ve noticed in lots of the South American telenovelas, they also say “doctor” equally for the same salutation.

Variopinta, but it did serve to bring us all closer, much as the monster did for the villagers in Frankenstein. Paula, alas, you are all too right and we might never have gotten to meet Dr. Babe. Carlos

Just back to read all the interestong new comments. Ibarramedia~Welcome back. We missed you. Doris~Good point about the inheritance being safer with Ed. And, of course, he will eventually give it to Lili. I thought I heard Manz say something to Lucio about daughters and Wives as he was trying to get him off Gardenia. If only she could have landed a stron kick to those family one deserves a good kick there than Lewd Lucio. Bleccchhh. Can't wait for tonight's episode.

I believe Eduardo said he was putting the money in the name Ciro knew him by, almost as if it was to honor him. But it will complicate things for him to prove who he is.

Great opinions and thoughts from all...that was quite an episode! I thought I heard Manzanares say something to the effect "if she had been my wife or my daughter..."

I noticed that the passport photo seems to have been taken after the Franco haircut...still looks like Eduardo, of course.


I thought Ciro specifically left the money to Eduardo Juarez Cruz. It seemed to me that when he said that name, Isaac Newton nodded that it was the right one. Since Ciro himself gave Eduardo the chess piece, he intended Eduardo to have the money. Lili would not be able to defend her inheritance from anyone if he'd left it directly to her, at least not until a significant detox period has passed. Of course, Freduardo's going to use some of it for his revenge, but perhaps the principal is in better investments than my 401K and any money Eduardo uses would be quickly replenished!

Ciro gave the white knight to Ed, so he wanted Ed to have the inheritance. Also Ciro told Lili, I forget the words, something like "The white knight is your path to freedom." Someone remember better? Anyway, Ciro wanted Ed to be equipped for the battle, so he wanted Ed to have the money, not Lili.

Novelera, we posted simultaneously. Great minds think alike!

Ciro could have given the white king to Liliana at any time, but he didn't. He gave it to Eduardo. The clue that Isaac Newton was waiting for was hidden in the white king. The money's rightfully Eduardo's, as far as I can tell, but I'm sure he'll share it, because that's the kind of guy he is.

You BOTH posted while I was still typing! LOL!

Thanks for the recap Pasofino. Agree with most everyone, has to be Manz buying the bullet. Lucio is such a favorite, he has to live. ;)
Before Manz went to check on Lucio/Denia, the way he was looking at Jairo, I thought Manz was going to start tying up some loose ends be doing in Jairo and Lucio. I almost thought he was going to plug Jairo right there. Oh well, guess we can't have everything. :) Hopefully Denia can escape in the confusion, but then something has to happen with the passport. Wouldn't be good to fall in the hands of Lucio or Jairo. Then again, might be good if it did. Fr/Ed can beat the crap out of them and get it back! :)
I'm not sure about the phone with Dominga, there was already a phone there, an old red one, and they were bringing in a new one. Not sure why they would need a new one? I thought Dominga looked totally freaked just because they mentioned Artemio's name. Ruh roh, she's probably wondering what she can tell him now with Aurora gone.
I think Damian will be in his pink T's quite a bit. With all of the media attention, I don't think he can leave the apt for awhile.


The money belonged to anyone that delivered that piece of paper. Newton denied knowing anything until he saw that. Then he asked Fr/Ed his name & Fr/Ed thought for a moment & realized that Ciro knew he real name & therefore that's the one he gave, luckily.

Yes, Ciro's instructions were to give the money to whomever had the piece of paper. I don't think it mattered what name Ed used. I don't believe Ciro would have really had time to get a name to Isaac Newton or that it would matter. And, it was more or less TN luck that got Ed to the hospital so that he could get the white king from Ciro. :) You bet, for sure he'll share with Lili. Also, now they have a copy of "The Prince" to help them figure out their strategy. :)


Thanks for the recap Pasofino and thanks for the welcome everyone. i've been very busy the past 2 weeks.

I read somewhere that FELS won the best telelnovela award. Sorry to dissapoint.

What are the odds that the gunshot hit no one? I still thin Manzanares gets nailed.

So for now Eduardo is the administrator of the money. He has to give it to Liliana when she gets better. Looks like we are almost halfway to the end.


Novelera, Paula, Julie, hey I'm convinced. Actually, Ciro labeled Lil as a pawn. I think that there are many things that we aren't privy to nor have any idea about. Certainly Eddie is special(not in the little bus sort of way). Kind of devinely chosen like King Arthur. Nanda must be special too. For the moment we just have to sit back, enjoy, and watch things unfold...sure, that's what I plan to do...when pigs fly. Carlos

novelera - just be glad you don't have Grupos Lactos stock in your 401k!

Thanks to all for reminding me that Ciro gave that chess piece to FrEd. There is so much to keep up with and remember with this telenovela. I wonder if the Lost writers wrote this one, too.

Ciro~~~Good analogy King Artur/Eduardo. He is the King, isn't he ??? At least to a lot of us ladies.

Luckily, maybe the bullet ricocheted on their belt buckles and plugged them getting 2 birds with 1 stone. Manzanares' and Lucio's facial expressions lead me to think either one could have been shot though Lucio's was more convincing. However, Manz is the one who needs to go to protect Fr/Ed. GinCA

jeff, you are right, Newton had no idea who was to receive the inheritance. The holder of the paper was the "chosen one". Didn't Newton call him the 'Eligido"? Then he asked for Eddy's name.

Oh, and Carlos~~~My hub is always telling our daughters to ''let things unfold''....but ...they never do.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to miss tonight's episode. I had a DirecTV problem at my vacation house. I drove 400 miles to keep an appointment with a DirecTV repairman, confirmed with DirecTV last night and guess what? No show and no matter what I said to DirecTV it's just too bad.

I say boycott DirecTV. There, that's out.

Ibarramedia, you gave me the idea since the bullet could hit no one, one or maybe both. We'll see tonight. GinCA

Susanliliana, I kinda lke being mistaken for Ciro. There are worse things than being a wise, mystical, meddlesome old fart. Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Carlos

Of course, there is another possibility, the bullet could have hit Gardenia! Ah, but, no... She is mentioned in the avances. Phew. :)


Doris, oh no, "the Lost writers"! Does that mean Ciro comes back from the dead? :)

I say Manz's face looked more like death. We'll see soon. It has started. A lot of replaying, Manz has given the money to Jairo.


Carlos...yes, Carlos!```Sorry about that. I was either in a hurry and careless or I have now started sending messages to dead telenovela characters. Could be either. However, you ARE wise and mystical...but a meddlesome old fart...never !!! Keep the good , funny, insightful comments coming, and I will try to get the name right...Eduardo. [You wouldn't mind being mistaken for him , verdad ???]

Susananda, muchisimas gracias. You only confirm what you once said, "coming here is a chance to hang out with the cool kids." Thing is, you are one of the coolest of the cool kids. Keep your zingers coming. Carlos

hello.... great recap...thanks...
i am coming on late tonight, its 8:30 Ca. time and i am waiting to see tonights espisode....i am hoping it was Manzanares who took the bullet and gardenia whacks lucio on the noggin then runs with the passport....once she knows its edwardos she will help him out by giving it back to him....hopefully... she had a kid crush on him and she will do the right thing (hopefully)its almost time for the you all tomorrow...BN in CA.

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