Tuesday, July 07, 2009

MEPS, July 7th: There's a Fine Line Between Love and Hate

Capitulo 101

Wow Melinama! I’m impressed – Yiddish in Paris. I only speak "Yiddglish” – I was raised on it. My grandmother used to recite “Little Red Riding Hood” to me in Yiddish and the only word I could understand was “voolf”. You’re actually going to learn correct grammar and everything? What, are you meshuga? J/K. Have fun!

From last night: Sherlock Santoro is at Gepetto’s pad trying to get the scoop on Ana Gregoria Brava. Silvestre doesn’t know who the father of Ana Gregoria’s baby was. Silvestre also doesn’t know anything about the “enemy” that his mother referred to in her letter.

Fernanda calls Fr/Ed and wants to see him immediately, he sounds hesitant, but says he’ll be right over.

Babs arrives back at the Hacienda to take Abora to the witch. Santi can’t believe she wants to go “shopping” with Babs. Babs enters and Santi offers to go with, but Babs weasels out of that one and off they go. Santi’s suspicious of Babs plans for Abora.

Silvestre makes Fr/Ed swear that he’s not searching for the truth just for vengeance. Silvestre lectures Fr/Ed in a fatherly way on how bad it is to hate and want revenge.

On the way to the SUV, Cadmilho tries to flirt with Abora. As she walks away, he looks at her lecherously – guess he forgot all about the woman of his dreams – Lo-vel-ee Nor-tone.

Babs cell phone rings, is Scumian (still wearing Melinama’s favorite pink tie!). Abora heads to the truck so Babs can speak in private. He says he’s been trying to call Fernanda but she doesn’t answer, he wonders if she knows where Nanda is, of course she says she does, and with whom!

Fr/Ed lovingly bids adieu to Silvestre – Martina tambien, but before she goes she tells him that she and Dr. Cuteguy are “novios”. Silvestre is thrilled. Martina gives him the phone number of the condo where the girls are staying.

At the Casa De La Witch, Abora follows the Witch lady into the private room, while Babs waits outside and calls Abora names.

Santiago has gone to visit the local Padre to discuss the “Platicas” or marital discussions prior to the wedding ceremony and to set the date. Too bad, the Padre is all booked up for the next 2 months. Santi is sad. Padre says too bad, so sad, guess you’ll have to wait unless there’s a cancellation.

The Witch tells Abora that her life will become more and more miserable until she relieves herself of her anguish – it’s for her own good. She needs to come clean about everything. She says the secret she has to reveal is horrible. (Yeesh, it’s not THAT bad to be an orphan! Abora has one hell of an inferiority complex.) Abora asks exactly what the Witch does with the secrets she learns. Witch says the secrets never leave the room. But whoa! Abora says the secret has to do with Babs! Even the Witch is surprised! Babs paces in the Witches’ waiting area and plays with hot wax from a candle.

Nanda is nervously awaiting Fr/Ed’s arrival at their “secret” place. He finally shows up. (Note: Has Nanda cut her bangs shorter? They look good.) Fr/Ed wants to know why they had to meet there, she says it’s the only safe place they can discuss Lili. She fills him in on the lie about Dr. Obregon kidnapping Lili.

Back at Witch Central, Abora confesses that she caught Babs doin’ the deed with Damian. The Witch can’t believe it.

Nanda and Fr/Ed agree that this kidnapping story is another one of Bab’s lies, but that Obregon is in on it and is trying to extort money out of Gonzo.

Damian arrives at The Love Shack and lurks around looking for his beloved wife and her lover.

Fr/Ed says he’s going to find Obregon and have a little chat with him. Dam sees Nanda chastely pouring coffee for Franco.

Back at Freddy Krueger’s Grandma’s House complete with an altar prominently displaying the Santa Muerte, the Witch asks if Babs or Dam knows that Abora saw them. Abora says no, and that she hasn’t said anything because she didn’t think she had any right to butt into other people’s lives. The Witch tells her that Babs is the only person in the family she can trust with these “things from the other side”, because she and Babs are the only ones with the “power”.

Nanda wants to how much longer they have to keep Lili locked up in the condo. Fr/Ed is pissed and asks if she thinks Lili was better off before. The annoyance between these two is so thick! They bicker about Lili – but it’s really the underlying situation between them.

Damian calls Babs from the vacation house and she says she’s busy and hangs up on him.

Fr/Ed asks Nanda what happened – she answers that it was just an accident that happened between them. He’s really mad. He asks if she was in a place at Las Animas the night before at the party where nobody else was, like maybe where he’s hidden Gonzo’s stolen car? She asks why he would ask her something like that and says now that you’ve brought up the subject, she asks him if he remembers that it was Babs who told the big lie about the car getting stolen in front of Grupo Lactos.

The Witch is performing a “limpia” or a cleaning of Abora’s spirit and lets out a scream. She asks the spirit that’s tormenting Abora to reveal itself – of course the spirit shows up right on time. The spirit is a beautiful woman in a white dress, she’s very sad and crying. She asks Abora to tell her who the woman is – Abora doesn’t have a clue. Feeding her more clues, the Witch says it’s a beautiful handkerchief with the letters R.S. on it – what does it mean Abora? Witch says Abora better spill it now because she’s losing the image and Abora screams that it’s her Mother! Abora admits to the Witch that Rebecca Sanchez is her mother!

Wow. I’m doing this from You Tube and they recorded the beginning of a commercial with the actress who plays Aurora doing a commercial for Kotex! LOL

Fr/Ed and Nanda are still arguing when her phone rings – she doesn’t answer it. It’s Erika the Pain in Butt who has come to the office looking for Nanda. Florecito says she has no idea where Fernanda is. Now Fr/Ed’s phone rings and he doesn’t answer it either. They look at each other angrily – Oops, its Erika calling Franco! Now the truth comes out about how jealous Fr/Ed is of Damian and Dam, listening in the background and he’s FURIOUS! Fr/Ed says the difference between he and Nanda is that for Nanda marriage is just a circumstance, and for him is something “transcendental”. Excuse me for a moment while I compose myself – how many guys ever say THAT! He says for Lili’s sake they shouldn’t speak of this anymore, but she persists and asks if he’s actually going to marry Erika.

Erika is about to leave but Florecita stops her, obviously dying to confess what she knows about Damian to somebody, and who better than Nanda’s best friend.

Nanda tells Fr/Ed that he can’t marry Erika because they kissed and Erika is her best friend. Dam’s still listening and calls Nanda’s cell phone and sees for himself that she doesn’t answer his call. Nanda screams that she’s going to stay married to Damian and after hearing this, Damian leaves.

Abora tells the Witch she always hoped to meet her mother, but now she’s dead. The Witch goes off to get Abora something to “protect” her. Abora cried and whispers sweet nothings to her dead mother.

Florecita has brought Erika into Nanda’s office. Florecita tells all about seeing Damian while he was still a fugitive.

Damian calls his boyfriend Vlad and tells him to come home right now. Vlad’s not Dam’s beck and call boy and says he’ll check with his boss and call him back.

After a bit more fighting they go back to talking about Lili, and Fr/Ed leaves abruptly – Nanda is frustrated and confused.

Babs pays off the witch and the witch tells Babs that Abora is very dangerous for her, and that Abora has seen things she should have never seen. She tells her about Abora seeing her with Dam and . . . wait till tomorrow for more!


I'm not imagining this but I think that Damian finally threw his blackberry against the wall. You ladies can be happy now. You finally got your wish. A cell phone toss.

I can't wait till the bruja gets to the Rebecca Sanchez part. Babs will be muy impactada for sure. This was the spoiler that we all were exposed to months ago. that Aurora is Babs' daughter.

we can forget about Dr. Pluto. He ain't comin back.

This bickering by Franco and Fernanda is like a freaking lovers quarrel and Damina can't do anything about it.

Just curious, is Rolando-Priscilla's hermano a veteran of some American films as a villain? He sure looks familiar.


I loved how bored the witch looked when it took Abora so long to spill about what was bothering her. She had her head resting on her hand and looked like she was either about to go to sleep or throttle Abora to get it out of her. The pre-views for tomorrow make it look like the witch held on to the info about Becky Sanchez being Aurora's mom. Bab's didn't look like that kind of bombshell had been dropped on her.

I loved the bickering between Fr/Ed and Nanda and between Damian and Vlad. What great chemistry in those two couples. :)

-Vivi in DC

One more thing. When Fr/Ed first asked Nanda about her being someplace she wasn't supposed to be during the party at Las Animas, he was fishing to see if she would fess up to leaving the letters in his bedroom, or at least look guilty about it. When she clearly appeared to have no clue what he was talking about, he then brought up the car thing to save himself. He knew it made no sense when he mentioned the car, but it was the only thing he could come up with to not look like a complete crazy person.

-Vivi in DC

Really great recap, Melissa, so many funny lines! Back at Witch Central, Freddy Kreuger's Grandma's House, Sherlock Santoro. Yes, I noticed the Santa Muerte as well. That's getting way too common in Mexico.

Erika, you are beyond an imbecile! Fer doesn't answer your cell phone call so you show up at her office to schmooze about the party? I know it was to set up the Flor/Erika scene, but still...
What are the chances Erika will make good use of this info? Slim and none, methinks.

I was so frustrated when the witch didn't tell Babs about the Rebeca Sanchez part. What is she playing at? If she only tells the bombshell about Abora viewing the Damn/Babs coupling, Abora's life expectancy drops way, way down. For a minute or so I thought maybe the witch was feeling some sympathy for Abora, but apparently not.

While frustrating as hell, the scene with Fernanda and Fr/Ed was well acted by both. And why would Damn be jealous of such a feuding pair? Did everyone think he heard everything they said, i.e., Fer talking about their kissing.

I think Priscilla's brother was a love intererst (his side only) in Destilando. He was muy in love with Gaviota. Didn't he play the Italian restaurant owner who was on the scene for awhile?

I was awfully happy when Dam smashed his cellphone. Sweet, sweet memories. He is an awfully adorable bad guy. I wonder if the witch is rethinking her alliance with Babs? What were those weird chocolate-colored things on the front of Fer's dress? Thanks for a fun recap!

Thanks for a great recap Melissa. You get extra points for doing it from youtube.

Wow, the tension between Fernanda and Fr/Ed. Almost as hot as their love scenes. Even her calves looked tense! We know this lady can kick ass and for sure she has the legs to do the job.

Plus: Damian tossed the phone.
Minus: Aurora spilled the truth about Rebecca Sanchez being her mother. And Barb still doesn't know. Dang!

Thanks Melissa for the great recap...I liked "back at Witch Central" as well.

I'm glad someone other than Father Bosco and I are concerned about EdFr's need for REVENGE. Thanks Silvestre for making that point.

Now we know why Nanda had on the party dress at the office, she looked so fetching in her scenes with FC!

Sandy in TN

Thanks, Melissa. Woweewow. The tension between The Bickersons was impressive. I thought that there might be an explosion. I noticed that they did not touch or even come close to each other. I especially enjoyed Fr'ed taking a moment to polish his sunglasses . [The Furure's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades] It made me think of that little dance between Dam and Barb and Barb helpfully cleaning Dam's glasses for him . Watching Dam skulking around them doubled the pleasure of the scene. Could this be the storm before the big MOMENT when Fer and Fr'ed finally take the BIG STEP? In novelas, isn't there a huge fight between the two leads before they do the deed ?

Hola again...I stretched out my second cup of coffee reading the comments I missed on last night's recap.

Anonymous...thanks for that tip on Eduardo C's brother. Of course! That dense head of hair! A real giveaway. The Hirsute Brothers we oughta call 'em.

And Carlos...Mala Gente by Juanes is one of my favorites (in addition to A Dios Le Pido and Camisa Negra). Lucky Cynthia to have such a slick theme song!

I only watched a few episodes of Peregrina because I had the hazy idea that I could just pick up Spanish by tuning into a show. Not so easy. Especially with the convoluted stolen baby plot lines. Still, I eventually found this site and that's made all the difference.

Yes, there is such very good chemistry, maybe the best ever, in this TN between Fernanda and Franco. We went to see a movie "The Proposal" with Sandra Bullock and there was NO chemistry, especially in comparison with MEPS. We're all spoiled now after having seen Sylvia and Fernando!

Sandy in TN

Sandy~~~We went to see The Proposal , and I was very disappointed. You're right...zero chemistry.

Very nice recap Melissa. I was watching off and on last night so missed quite a bit.

Good for Fernanda for holding her own with Fr/Ed. At least she doesn't back down.

So Abora lets the cat out of the bag on Babs and Dam. I'm surprised she remembered it.

There was a phone toss--finally!

We've said it before--Erika needs a job or a hobby or something. She just pops in whenever she feels like it.

Nicely nicely, Melissa! You had an action packed episode with black magic, spats & the much anticipated cell phone toss. Snarkarific!

I wasn't sure if Damn heard Fr/Ed & Nanda's quarrel but the body language was loud & clear. Then again, Damn continues to paw Nanda even when she flinches & wipes off his kisses so maybe he really is that dense. Good think he has his bromance with Vlad, who may actually be a brighter bulb than Damn.

I think Fr/Ed & Nanda's chemistry is scorching hot right now. They play "sexually frustrated" very well...here's hoping it's as hot when they finally get to do the horizontal boogie.


Aaahhh, the witch session was so Funnieeeee. Got a kick out of her wide eyed response to Aroara's second on the list 'secret'! But Bruja needs to tell BeckyBarb: Don't kill her she's your daughter AND don't kill me I'm a wiitch.

Bonney, I couldn't stop laughing either. The witch is so darn funny and ridiculous. Did you notice all the smoke when they entered the room? It made me cough and gag just looking at it.

Plaid pants--Ugh.

Thanks for the recap Melissa. I got a kick out of witch sessions and Aurora's revelation. Bonney, definitely liked that wide-eyed response from the bruja. She was like, "OK... not quite what I expected, but good." , each time. She still may tell Barb the 2nd revelation, probably be tonight. No reason for her to keep that info. Right now, Aurora's life is about to be cut short. 2nd revelation should keep it going for awhile.


Muchas gracias, Melissa, por el recap magnífico. I couldn't believe how fast you got it up on the Web. Did you actually do it from YouTube before it aired on Univision on the East Coast? Anyway, I really appreciated it.

I too kept wondering whether Damnian overheard what Fer and Fr/Ed were saying. Certainly when they were shouting at each other, he must have, but I'm not sure about most of the conversation.

And is anyone else worried about the slip of paper Martina gave her dad with the phone number on it? Slips of paper seem inevitably to be discovered by the Wrong People. And since I was already worried about Lili before that, now my alarm level is up even higher.

Like the witch, I was surprised when Abora came out with her Deep Dark Secret. Since she does remember seeing Damn and Barbie do the deed, why in the world does she trust her, especially since she knows that Santiago does not? I think I'm going to have to get a new beanie--this one no longer fits!

Melissa, again nicely done and very funny. Thanks. It was fun seeing Sergio finally embrace his roots. Well done, Damien.

One would expect a self-respecting witch to observe certain ethics such as patient confidentiality. She did after all assure Aurora that her secrets are safe with her. If you can't trust your primary care bruja, then who can you trust?


Your Primary Care Bruja! LOL. Only a doctor could come up with that!

Good morning everyone.....thanks for the recap....love the mornings so i can read and watch the show over again....too neat..... first...did damian throw his cell phone? i did'nt think it was his phone...I thought it was a glass...2nd.....I too think that the phone number given to Gepetto by martina will lead to Lili being discovered
3rd...has no one discovered the caretaker of the country house missing?......4thly......i was thinking the witch may use the mommy information to blackmail babs for more $......i was so waiting for Ed/Fr and Fernanda to grab each other as they stomped off and kiss like crazy.....how frustrated i was.....hahahaha....
hope tonight has more action..

Thanks Melissa. I haven't watched my tape of the episode yet because I enjoy reading the recap and comments first. After reading the comments I do have a couple of questions that I hope the tape will clear up. Are the Bickersons related to the Hirsute brothers? Are both brothers in this novela?

Hey gang, I think this has come up before but we have no flippin' idea who Fr/Ed's father is, right? Maybe it's Geppetto...that would fit well, don't you think? Then Fr/Ed & Martina could be sibs & we wouldn't have to worry about consanguination or Bad A$$ Artemio coupling with Soledad.

[I guess the coffee is finally kicking in]


Melinama: oy revoir!
[a little delayed but I couldn't resist...the gray matter is working very slowly these days]

No.oooo she can't trust her primary care bruja but Bruja did give her a montra for comfort. Sounded like something from a prescribed list of 'aspirn should help you with that'.

BeckyBarb needs to be told also to call off the dog (Cadmillo).

I looked very closely during Damian (of short fuse and future) tirade with Vlad. If Barb doesn't take him out I award that honor to Vlad.

I was waiting to catch the phone toss but I thought I saw him transferred it to his other hand.

The lover's combusting talks are so precious. I don't think Damian was close enough to hear anything because he just tip-toed away. An angry Damian would maybe have clipped the hedges on his way out. Besides how physically intimate would people get on a broad lawn broad daylight no tree or hedge Damian? Vlad would have advised him he was wasting his time there.
Those two LOOKed like two polite acquaintences having coffee and then disagreeing on something.

OK, it's been several days now that we've not seen hide nor hair of Lil. I, for one, want to see for myself that she is safe and sound. You would think that Nanda would check in on her every few days and that Nurse Marti would give the occasional update. Maybe even get a Dr. to check her over.


Rolando is
Archie Lanfranco, he was Luciano in La Madrasta

I couldn't find anything about him being in U.S. m.ovies

Melissa, once again thanks.

Carlos, you are really on your game this morning. The primary care bruja is priceless.

I too worry about Lili and after last night I am now worried about Padre Bosco. Where is he? Why did Santi go to the strange new padre about the nuptials? We now have 3 MIA's.

I didn't see the phone toss but I did see the coat toss into the open convertible. How did he do that? I would have ended up with a jacket in mud puddle or something equally vile.


Thanks for the great recap, Melissa! I don't know why some nights I can understand almost every scene, and others, I'm completely clueless. Last night was a clueless night!

Judy B: I think Nanda's tense calves are from having to walk on the lawn in her stilettos. Have you ever tried that? Even in 2-inch heels, you sink right in unless you walk on tip-toes. I was thinking Babs must have been having the same problem last night. Lots of lawn walking in high heels.


Jane, I've noticed if I'm tired or distracted I don't understand a word they say. I have to really focus and that seems to help. ITA about walking in the grass in heels. It's no fun to have your heels sink into the ground and then you tip over and fall off your shoes.

I enjoy watching Fernanda's tense calves. I don't mind them getting big and powerful.


Melissa, great recap, and very funny names!

I agree that giving Silvestre the phone number where Lili is staying is a harbinger of doom.

I was surprised that Fr/Ed thought it would be easy to find Obregon, since no one else can find him.

I think the chocolate colored shapes on Fer's dress were just abstract patterns. I sort of liked them (while not concentrating on her tensed calves, of course!).

I really found Fr/Ed to be mean and childish in his controntation with Fer. He kept putting on his shades right in front of her, which is very cold. The whole scene reminded me of Rodrigo and Gaviota in Destinando Amor, who often mistrusted each other, and were too stubborn to back down or admit anything. It's just that to me, Eduardo Yanez is better at playing stupid, thick-headed and infantile. To me, Colunga is better when he's smart and above it all. But as many have pointed out, often the big argument is right before the big love scene, so let's hope.

Melissa: “Nanda and Fr/Ed agree that this kidnapping story is another one of Bab’s lies, but that Obregon is in on it and is trying to extort money out of Gonzo.” Fr/Ed knows that Dr. Obregon knows that he took Lili. So, how could he think that O is in on the kidnapping? Or am I missing something?
Ibarramedia: “ I'm not imagining this but I think that Damian finally threw his blackberry against the wall.” I saw it too. He took out a couple of lamps with it. If I weren’t at work I’d check it out on You Tube.
Juanita:” Since she does remember seeing Damn and Barbie do the deed, why in the world does she trust her, especially since she knows that Santiago does not?” Why indeed???
Carlos: “ If you can't trust your primary care bruja, then who can you trust?” I guess you can only trust your primary care bruja if no one pays her off.
Carlos re” Lili: “Maybe even get a Dr. to check her over.” Any volunteers? I know, she’s not DDenia!

I think I mentioned before that they are having a lover's quarrel. We have to remember that Fernanda does not know that Franco is Eduardo. Regular people-friends or co workers do not argue like that.
Notice Fernada's tone of voice as she stresses some words. That is unversal regardless of what language a female speaks.


You can only trust your primary care bruja by paying more money, sure she becomes bruja for hire or mercenary bruja. But money always talks. Just don't let Babs know that you are paying her more than what Babs is paying her.


I had to tape a lot of episodes last week and have just finally caught up and watched last night's episode in "real time". I cannot believe how much I love this show and how much all of you add to my enjoyment. Thanks so much to all the recappers for their dedication and time.

Because I am late to this, I hope you can put up with my verbiage, but I just have to add my vote to how incredibly HOT the dance scene was between Fr/Ed and Fer. In particular the first part where all was unspoken between them was just one of the best romance scenes I think I've ever watched. Someone said FC does angry, sexy so well--how true! Maggarita, oh yes, he is just so fine. Bonney, I loved your recounting of the scene.

I was worried that Fer didn't quite understand why Fr/Ed was so hurtful to her during the dance and that their cold estrangement would last for awhile. As she said, Franco knew she was married so the extent of his jealousy (not bearable in a guy for real) about Dam's appearance was unknown to Fer . I was afraid she would believe that perhaps Fr/Ed really didn't care about her.

BUT the fight scene put an end to that concern! Though they may be furious at each other, Fernanda would have to be a dolt (which she is not) not to know that Fr/Ed cares about her. Yes, I loved that Fernanda held her own in the fight. When Fr/Ed claims that for Fernanda marriage is just a circumstance or mood, but for him it is transcendental-- she immediately countered with "are you going to marry Erika?".
I laughed when Fr/Ed told Fer that she played with people's feelings--her husband's and then was almost ready to say his feelings as well. But he didn't want to admit it, so he shouted that she played with everyone in the world's feelings! Too funny. These two are definitey muy romantic.

Just have to add a few other commets. Fer's acting is really so wonderful. Yes the bathroom scene was so good, so heartfelt. I also loved the scene where she is listening to Gonzo telling her that Babs had received a phone call from Obregon about Lili. Her facial expressions went from learning the deceit of Babs to the care and sadness she felt for her father knowing how much he was going to be hurt by Babs' betrayal. Touching.

I'm not sure that Damian heard the words between Fr/Ed and Fer. But there was no way he could think that fight was about business.

Thanks for the opportunity to unload. I will be so sorry when this telenovela ends!

Melissa, I love your fun and snarky recaps.

I have been on cell phone throwing high alert so it seemed to me that Dam threw something with his right hand and the cell phone remained in his left. The promos showed the lamp and other things receiving his wrath but since he always has that ice and scotch/whiskey/whatever drink in his hand at whatever hour of the day, perhaps he threw a glass. Just a guess as I didn't review on YouTube. Knowing Vlad, the doormat, Vlad will probably give a troubled look and then clean it up himself.

The actor playing Rolando was the Italian restaurant owner in France who saved starving Gaviota's life and when he came to pursue her in Mexico City, drove our mentally challenged Rod into fits of jealousy....our recurring T N theme.

I don't see how Dam heard a thing that Fr/Ed and Fer were discussing but as Melissa stated, he left after Fer shouted she would continue with her marriage.

And who prepared the coffee at the summer house, the little girl (probably not) or Nanda. If rich Nanda knows how to make coffee and cleans up, I am impressed. How long will old guy be at the bottom of that hill!! GinCA

Damian is really priceless, the cellphone & the jacket toss. He doesn't pack too well either.

Maybe Fr/Ed thinks Dr. O is in on the extortion, but I doubt it, & Babs doesn't need any help with that, which Fr/Ed also knows.

I have to get my mind in a español mode before watching the TN or going to class. I have no idea how anyone can speak 5 languages & turn them on & off. It really is a slow process for me, should have started younger. But hopefully it's helping me to hang on to some brain cells.

Hombre~~`I have to agree with your analysis of Eduardo Yanez's and Fernando Colunga's strengths...so true. FC plays smart , polished, and sophisticated so well, wheras Ed is more suited to the rough and ready common man roles....or the big teddybear roles. I think that I missed something. Does Bruja know that Barb is Becky ? [Boy...That's a lot of B's.] So, what do you think Barb will do when she discovers that she is Aurora's Mommy Dearest ? Maybe Martina should get Dr. Cuteguy to check on Lili. A lot of people must be on vacation right now.

Melissa, I forgot to mention your comment on Fr/Ed's use of the word "transcendental" to describe his idea of marriage. Where'd that come from. LOL. Yeah, sure, marriage to Errika would be so transcendental. GinCA

GinCA: "The actor playing Rolando was the Italian restaurant owner in France who saved starving Gaviota's life..." Does anyone know his name. Wasn't he in FELS briefly too before Feo killed him?

I knew that guy looked familiar. He wasn't on DA very long I don't think.

What was that flippant remark Franco made as he was leaving? Something with the word tarde? Fernanda responded as in 'same to you'?

Oh, I'm getting him mixed up with the restaurant owner in a previous novela--can't remember his name. The one with three girls in a boarding school, one having a personality disorder. The leading lady went away and worked in a restaurant with the gay owner who became her very good friend and father figure to her daughters. He was bald but very handsome. Also had a small part in FELS.

Are you thinking of Anselmo that escaped from jail and went looking for Rosario?

Re: Rolando Variopinta at 11:35 says he's played by Archie Lanfranco. I don't recall him in FELS but I can't even remember what happened at the beginning of MEPS at this point. GinCA

It's not Archie Lanfranco. I think it's the guy that escaped from jail and went looking for Rosario.

Maybe Archie LaFranco is the restaurant owner that rescued Gaviota.

Melissa, a heartfelt thank you for the terrific recap. "Lo-vel-ee Nor-tone" was the best!

The recap and comments were brillant and fun. I miss Lili too. I also throught Damian transferred his cell phone to the other hand throwing something else instead(deliberately taunting us once again) :) but could be wrong.

Dam and Vlad have been bickering quite a bit lately. I hope they patch things up soon.

Diana in MA

Beth~~~Do you mean Rosario's husband who escaped from jail and was killed by Feo ? I think his name is Manuel Landate or something like that. He is a wonderful dancer , and he competed on Bailando por la Boda de Su Suenos. [I wish they would bring that show back...great dancing and a lot of novela stars danced on it. Jackie Gonzalos of Tontas and her partner won. Susana Gonzalos [Camila of Pasion] also competed , and Edith Gonzalos was a judge !!!]

Yes, Susanlynn! It's Manuel Landeta. He's been in a few novelas I've seen. Great actor! I'd love to see him dance. He has a mysterious sexiness that doesn't come through in the photos I've seen of him.

When was the cell phone throw? How did I miss that?

You know, I think I saw more than just surprise on the bruja's face when Aurora said that the hankie belonged to her mother. I thought I saw something more ominous - like recognition. I don't know if Babs and Rosenda have done business before, but Rosenda seemed to really react to the name "Rebeca Sanchez."

Beth, I would love to be Lil's doc. I was a fan of her when she was an awkward obnoxious teen. She was one of the few characters early on who actually seemed to have some snap. I suspect DDenia could use a checkup as well, and of course mudwrestlers probably have their share of aches and pains.

Mentioning DD, I once saw a new patient, who was very well-endowed, for a bad sore throat. After examining her, I was about to leave the room and she asked,"Aren't you going to examine my breasts?" A little puzzled, I asked if there was a problem with her breasts. She said, "No, but every other Dr. I've seen has wanted to examine them." I didn't approve, but I understood.


Another great recap, Melissa. Thanks for the summary and the hilarious descriptions.

When Barb was walking away from the camera in her plaid pants, I decided she is very sure of her power to overcome anything, even the broad horizontal lines of a heavy plaid.

Carlos, I loved "primary care bruja." We've seen similar characters in more than one novela, some working with and some against. Agree with commenters that said bruja can be paid off (if they don't abide by some oath?!)

The black lines on Fer's dress looked like a large abstract flower to me. Then there was some swirl of yellow fabric with a black rose pinned on?? An uncalled for extra.

The intensity/chemistry of the argument scene was super. Waiting for tonight to follow up on that and to see if it's truly a cell phone that Damian throws (be still my beating heart!).
La Paloma

Did Fr/Ed & Fer say anything about Lili that if Damian overheard could be detrimental? I know they mentioned her & Obregón.
and fr/Ed said sth about once Lili was ok they wouldn't need to see each other. Damian was too late to hear the part about Barb.
When Fr/Ed stomped off, Fer yelled "have a nice day".
Loved the fight, it will be among the best scenes. Typical fight between lovers.

Rolando is Archie Lanfranco, Luciano in La Madrasta. I think he was a lawyer.

If anyone is still confused about FrEd and Fer's discussion about Dr. O, the deal is that while Fer and FrEd certainly know that Dr. O doesn't have Lili, they were wondering whether Gonzo's story meant that Dr. O was running a side-scam of his own to get some ransom money out of Babs for Lili. Dr. O would be counting on the that FrEd and Fer would have to keep their mouths shut about Lili's true whereabouts.

FrEd and Fer want to track down Dr. O just to be sure, and FrEd says it won't be hard to find him.

Carlos, I love that story! I've often wondered how many doctors take advantage of their positions that way. I know it happens, I just hope not too often.

Carlos~~~You are such a giver...willing to give checkups to all the young pretties...how about the bruja? She looks like she could use a good doctor. I've had doctors in class. They , too, do not always look in your eyes when you are speaking to them. C'est la vie.

Yes, what the bruja is going to do about the Rebeca Sanchez info is intriguing. I also thought she reacted to that name. Maybe she does know that's Babs' real name.

Regarding her keeping Abora's secrets as patient confidentiality, that was a complete lie. The whole point of the visit with the bruja was that Babs had retained the bruja to pry just those secrets out of Abora, thinking she'd discover Abora was Artemio Bravo's amante.

Maybe she does know the name Rebeca Sanchez because she's known Babs forever. After all, she's a corrupt bruja, which would fit in with knowing Rebeca Sanchez is the name Barbara Elizalde was born with. Whoever said she may be planning to squeeze more money out of Babs for that nugget may be on the right track.

Fr/Ed could think Obregon was trying to blackmail the Elizaldes and only called Babs. Of course, Dr. O knows Lili is safely stashed, but Fr/Ed may think he'd try to get $$ from the Elizaldes who DON'T know she's safe.

Maggarita: "Oy Revoir". Priceless!

drizedulGreat reap, Melissa, thank you.

Finally! Sendel sends a phone flying. I was actually already laughig when Vlad so deftly turned the table on Dam, too busy to talk, hangs up, and Dam keeps blabbing.

Fer/Eddy arguing was interesting, but I missed a lot, it was too rapid fire, and I didn't have CCs last night. Franco is lettig Eduardo slip in too much, I can't see how he's not far from being found out by Fer. She is very astute, can't believe that she wouldn't see it by now.

Bruja looks like she's playing Babs for something, by not revealing the info on Abora's mommy, but what could that be? I'm thinking that Babs is going to do something truly nasty to Abora before she finds out who she is. How very odd that Abora thoughtbubbles that she "loves" her mama. Of the several adopted people I know, half hate their birth bother for having abandoned them. Not our half wit tho.

I like the scenes with gepetto and Eddy, he takes a real fatherly interest in Eddy, I wonder why they have included that.

If I understood correctly last night, neither Eddy nor Fer think that Dr. O has been in contact with Babs, that she's made it up, but were open tp the possibility that he's trying to scam Babs, et al.

dorado dave

Beth~~~Guess what !!! You can see Manuel dance on youtube. Just type in : Youtube-Bailando-Manuel Landete. He was injured towards the end of the show , and his son took his place. Never send a child to do a man's work. Sonny was not nearly as good a dancer as his papa. Manuel's wife was also in the audience. They've been married a long time. The man can groove.

Beth, thankfully most physicians are very ethical and don't take advantage of the trust their patients put in them. However, if a neurosurgeon offers to examine your breasts at a cocktail party...

Susanlynn, actually the bruja reminds me of some of my younger more affluent patients.


bonney churros: I think the flippant remark that Fr/Ed made as he was leaving was something to the effect that he forgot to say that he had found an excellent psychiatrist who could help Lili get better quickly, and so if there's no reason for Fr/Ed and Fer to continue to see each other, "¡Qué tengas una buena tarde!"-- an ironic "Have a good afternoon" or "Have a good life." And Fer said "the same to you--have a good afternoon." She was furious, and so was he. At least, that's what I made of that scene. I could be way off.

Carlos: I'm surprised you didn't advise your well-endowed female patient to have her head examined. If you don't realize that every trip to a doctor does NOT entail a breast exam, you're an idiot.


GinCA, I'm with you. The cell stayed in the left hand. I think he chucked his keys. I actually replayed it because everyone had been talking out here about his infamous abuse of cell phones.

Maggarita, of course you are right, but often the less than brilliant patients make for the best anecdotes.


Carlos: LOL!!!! I'm sure you could write a HIPAA-compliant book!


Thanks for the recap! I could not resist the comment about the Kotex commercial, so here goes my impression of what the rest of it would have been like:

"Hi, you may recognize me from the mousy character I play in your favorite novela. Most people don't appreciate how hard it is to have to act so misguided and dimwitted on a daily basis. But Kotex does. Kotex knows that even when Tia Florencia's in town for a visit, I still have to look as clueless and woebegone as ever. And I sure can't do that while I'm worrying about leaving an unsightly stain on my virginal frock, now can I? That's why I trust Kotex!"

On you=tube I also saw Liliana & Erika in a commercial, Lili was cut off & all I saw was hazlo, couldn't catch Erika's at all.

Now if FC did a commercial, what would it be? Viagra for the men, because their mujer just saw FC or hot flash meds for women for the same reason.

Someone said sth about Wm. Levy not having the build of FC. He is built different like a swimmers build but I ain't knocking it. And he is several years younger. Check the cod piece to the left.


make that to the right

Hm, a commercial for FC...Bowflex, maybe?

"If you're tired of your woman lusting after me in all those shirtless scenes, it's time to take action...order Bowflex and you too can make her sigh 'ay, papito!'"

Variopinta, what with your codpiece and Kat's Kotex commercial, my day is now complete. Millertime!


Melissa - thank you for the recap! I'm not going to have time to watch my recording, so you have helped me out a lot.

Carlos - I'll bet she'd let an orthopedic surgeon examine them, too!

I think that FC would be great for a commercial for Mexico. Tourism would soar.

I was just sitting on the patio , and a cardinal and a Blue Jay were fighting. [Birds..not baseball players] I named them Fr'ed and Fer.

Variopinta i'm the one who mentioned that William body isn't as muscular as FC. Trust me it's not an complaint. Anytime Mr. Levy's shirt was off or his lockerroom scenes in CCEA i was transfixed and drooling. I was just pointing out the distinct differences between. William's and Fc body structure. Which i wouldn't mind sculpturing even though i don't do sculpturing. Everybody needs an hobby right?

Anon 5:41
Definite differences in body type. WL is long & lean & I don't think he is even 30 yet. FC is 43, and the body changes, no matter what we do to stop it. You know, maturity. But I think Fc will look gorgeous at 60.

I've been in the medical field for many years and thank heavens I've only worked with doctors who maintain a professional attitide toward their patients. If a doctor is tempted to examine a womans breast when it's not indicated, that sounds more like fondling than examining and he should lose his licence. I'm sure it does happen with men who should not be allowed to practice medicine in the first place. I'm very much against any type of sexual abuse so I don't consider this a humorous topic (even for a cocktail party). If you can't trust your doctor, who can you trust?

Addendum: Carlos I hope you or the female nurse that was with you (as required by law) documented that experience on the patients chart. She sounds like she could be trouble for a doc with less scruples.

Anon, thanks for your input. Carlos

I will stake my reputation on this.


He threw something with one hand, but his other hand held the phone high enough that it was still in the frame. He held it up to demonstrate that his cell phone did not get hurled.

It was not the phone. I guarantee it.

Here is the clip. A little before halfway (hack 3:45).

As Damian flings something with his right hand, his left rises as part of the follow-through. For just an instant, you see the phone in his left hand.

That boy is toying with us.

Paula, of coursr you are right. I rewound and watched a couple of times and he rather emphatically snapped it shut in his left hand and held it up for a moment. In the coming attractions he definitely launched something across the room taking out severl fragile objects. I'm hopeful. Carlos

I do believe Sergio reads this blog & is keeping us in suspense.
Funnyyyy PaulaH

I caught the youtube clip where Aurora told the bruja that Rebeca Sanchez is her other. The bruja really reacted to that. Makes me wonder who she is and what her connection is in this story. Maybe Babs' mother?

Variopinta, they have finished filming the novela long ago. The Gran Final was last month. It does not matter if they read the blog or not. It will not affect the outcome of the novela or phone throwing.


Heck! Here on Caray we've been talking about Sergio's phone throwing since before MEPS even started in the US!

Yeah, the phone-throwing talk goes way, way back. (Probably isn't unique to Caray, either, but we can dream!)

Thanks for saying where the non-phone toss was, Paula. I skimmed through the first four parts on YouTube, but gave up before looking at part 5. Yes, I am a slacker!

5ft Kat - "Tia Florencia" - LOL!!

I'll take responsibility for the false alarm on the non throw. From my vantage point, it seemed like he was doing it in one swift motion.

On that note, I did not think it was such a big deal whether he threw it or not that we had to have a video frame by frame analysis of the clip. Folks it's not that serious.

I did chuckle on how orgasmic the responses would be with the so -called cell phone throw. It won't be the end of civilization as we know it if he made a throw or not.

Looking forward to tonight's episode and more of the beautiful Fernanda, Gardenia and Babs. OT: the new show En Nombre del Amor is not bad at all. I might be watching this fultime along with MEPS. Almost good enough to be on the 9pm slot.

I think we get the best ones at univision which happens to be broadcast on Canal de las estrellas 5. Incidentally all happens to be by Televisa.


I'm sorry you don't share our enthusiasm about the phone-throwing history. I guess it's one of those things where you had to be there.

Well, Dam definitely threw the cellphone in tonight's [Wednesday] episode. I think he could have been a pretty good pitcher. The suspense is now over. Good night.

A mini toss. After which he quickly picked up the phone to call Vladimir and yell at him. Not really a phone smashing attempt but a mini toss nonetheless.


Susanlynn, thanks for the Manuel Landete video. He's amazing!

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