Saturday, November 20, 2010

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of November 15

Hola, Telemundo fans! It’s NovelaMaven and it’s my turn to start this week’s discussion page. I am following Aurora and Alguien Te Mira. Jean is keeping you updated on La Fantasma de Elena, and Los Exitoso$ Gomez.

But there’s only so much we can say in one post. Thanks so much to everyone who comments during the week and keeps the discussion alive!

Aurora: ¿Peor que en tus novelas, eh Ma?

Last week my local Telemundo reception kept getting scrambled. (All I could think of was some little guy on a rooftop in southwest Milwaukee trying desperately to jiggle the dish and clear up the signal.) So I started watching Aurora on the Telemundo website the day after each broadcast. I find that I like watching it like this, although it means I’m always a day behind. So this discussion doesn’t include anything that happened on Friday. Sorry!

Okay. This is all getting deliciously complicated:

(So complicated, in fact, that it cries out for daily recaps. Are there four crazy people out there who might be interested? I’m deliberately giving lots of detail today in the hopes of enticing people who have been sitting on the fence and may not have seen every episode. You know who you are!!!)

The focus has shifted to vengeance.
All of Aurora’s targets for revenge have, indeed, acted badly, some worse than others. But Vanesa has twisted the events of the past in such a way that they are unrecognizable. She convinces Aurora that Natalia and Lorenzo were a couple long before Aurora arrived on the scene. They planned to have Lorenzo seduce Aurora so they could control her money. He never loved her. Natalia backs up Vanesa’s story, making it seem credible.

Lorenzo, in reality, is nearly blameless. He never betrayed Aurora. His only sin was refusing to listen to her explanation after the fateful birthday party. Now Vanesa has cast him as the principal villain.

Twenty years ago Natalia was guilty of cowardice. She knew what Vanesa was up to but, because of some hold Vanesa had on her, she kept silent. It was, of course, Vanesa, not Natalia, who invited Lorenzo to that birthday party. (The contemporary Natalia has become much more Machiavellian, and much easier to dislike.)

Now Vanesa pretends that Natalia’s sin of cobardía was hers. Meanwhile she commits far worse offenses against her nemesis, Aurora.

Dr. Gustavo congratulates himself for saving Aurora’s life but she despises him for destroying her love.

Even though Inés is now repentant, Aurora still blames her for not standing up to Gustavo in the past.


As we learn more about the Lobos family’s adoptive son, César, we realize he is a very dangerous character. He may be protective of Natalia and Nina, but he is a menace to just about everyone else. He and two of his thug buddies are planning Blanca’s abduction. (His biological parents will undoubtedly turn out to be involved in the story. Whose love child is César?)


Blanca loses her enthusiasm for César when she catches him in bed with his ‘lawyer’.

Aurora announces to los Ponce de León that she and Blanca will be living together in their own apartment.


It looks like Dra Elizabeth has committed a murder, (and not her first one, most likely) on behalf of cryonics: When Jane Doe didn’t die according to plan, Elizabeth helped her along.


With a little pulling of strings on Natalia’s part, Lorenzo is invited to work on a theatrical piece in Madrid. Natalia is desperate to get him to accept the job. She’ll do almost anything at this point to keep him away from Aurora.

Nina is willing to take her obsession for Martín further than anyone imagined.


What follows is more or less a recap of Thursday’s episode with some expanded references to previous events:

As part of her new plan to avenge all the harm she has suffered, Aurora seduces Lorenzo in her new apartment. As they are engaging in something that looks more like love than war, Aurora begins to slip back into the cold. Her lips turn blue. She can’t speak but she can move her eyes which are open wide with fear. She is aware of everything that is happening. A terrified Lorenzo bundles her up and races her to the cryonics clinic. Elizabeth takes charge and
works frantically to bring her around while Lorenzo prays for Aurora’s life.

At the graduation party turned family tragedy:
The guys at this stag party in honor of Martín’s med school graduation bring in a big beribboned box from which two bimbos emerge. [We can see clearly that one of them, wearing a blond wig, mask, and bunny ears, is Nina. How is it that her brothers can’t recognize her? Tighten the beanie y listo!] Blondie throws herself at Martín; he does what’s expected. When he tries to pay Blonde Bimbo for her services, she peels off wig and mask and reveals her identity. When he sees it’s his own sister, Martín is overcome with horror. (It will take years of therapy to get past this one. As I said before, we need the guy from El Clon!)

Outside the bedroom, César is putting the moves on Bimbo 2. But he backs off quickly when he realizes it’s Nina’s friend Vicki. Then César rushes into the bedroom, takes in the scene and punches Martín in the nose. Fortunately he mistakes the postcoital scene for a precoital one or he would probably kill his brother on the spot.

Martín wipes his bloody nose and proclaims his innocence. He had no idea who the girls in the box were and neither did César. Martin: You think I did it on purpose? You think I’m capable of doing such a thing? Well, no, acknowledges César, I don’t, no. He puts a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder. It was just a few kisses, he thinks.

Apparently that’s what Vicki thinks too. But Nina corrects her: Sí pasó, pasó todo! (Yes, it happened! Everything!)

César wants to take Nina and Martín home, but Martín refuses to
go with them.

At the Lobos apartment, Dr. Gustavo pays Natalia a surprise visit. [There is a hint here that these two have a past. Could Gustavo be Nina’s father?] They talk about keeping Lorenzo and Aurora apart – Natalia still thinks they are talking about Beta Aurora. The conversation is cut short by Dra Elizabeth’s phone summons: Aurora has suffered a relapse! (recaída). Gustavo is on his way. (Salgo por allá ahora mismo!) But he leaves a message with Natalia: Tell Lorenzo we need to talk.

Aurora languishes in intensive care, a breathing tube in place and monitors flashing in the background. Even though she can’t speak, her mind is active. She believes she is dying and these are her last thoughts:
Mi hija no sabe que soy su madre.
(My daughter doesn’t know I’m her mother.)
Mi padre no recibió lo merecido por lo que me hizo.
(My father didn’t get his just deserts for what he did to me.)
Mi madre no pagó por su silencio.
(My mother didn’t pay for her silence.)
Natalia no se arrepentió de su traición.
(Natalia didn’t repent her betrayal.)
Lorenzo, mi venganza estaba comenzando y no pude terminar.
(Lorenzo, my vengeance was starting and I couldn’t finish.)
Martín, de verdad me querías; tú no merecías un amor tan imposible.
(Martín, you really loved me; you deserved better than an impossible love.)
Perdón, hija….

The monitor flatlines and Elizabeth hurries to Aurora’s bedside and begins chest compressions. Se nos va! (She’s leaving us!) Gustavo tries defibrillation but Aurora doesn’t respond. She is gone! Lorenzo and Martín rush in and implore the doctors to freeze her. You don’t get it, says Gustavo. There’s nothing we can do! Ella es Aurora, mi hija! (She’s my daughter, Aurora!) She came back from the dead once. She doesn’t have a second chance!

Aurora’s Funeral:
All the principals are in black. Inés finally tells Blanca that Aurora was her mother and Lorenzo is her father…

Not to worry…
The death scene and funeral are in Aurora’s mind! She continues to be very much alive and hooked up to ventilators and cardiac monitors in the clinic:
Así habría sido mi muerte, una triste despedida sin palabras.
(Is that how my death would have been, a sad, wordless farewell?)
How fortunate that my time hasn’t come yet because I still have a lot to do in this world.

Aurora comes to. Dra Elizabeth removes the breathing tube.

And after the worst party of Martín’s life:
César takes Vicki home and warns her against pulling any stunts like that with Nina in the future – imagine what could have happened! Vanesa flounces in wearing a revealing garment, maybe a nightgown? César politely offers his hand when Vicki introduces him and Vanesa arrogantly ignores it. [It almost makes you understand why he is looking to make his living preying on rich girls.]

Martín shows up at the clinic looking for his father and he learns that Aurora has suffered a crisis; and that it was Lorenzo who brought her in for treatment.

Gustavo scolds Aurora for her behavior and thanks Elizabeth for saving his daughter. He knows she was with Lorenzo and wants to know what precisely she was doing that caused her temperature to dip so low.

Vanesa berates Vicki for telling her she was going out with her girlfriends and then coming home late at night with César. Vanesa finds the bimbo disguise in Vicki’s bag and Vicki spills the beans: it was Nina’s idea. And she’s the one who ended up making love with her brother, Martín. Well not her brother by blood, but almost. ¿Peor que en tus novelas, eh Ma?
(Worse than in your novelas, eh Ma?)
Vanesa allows herself a small, mean smile. Peor, she repeats.

Lorenzo continues to cool his heels in the clinic (no pun intended), trying to get the arrogant Crionica folks to tell him what is happening with Aurora. He is joined by Martín, equally frantic to find out about Aurora.

Gustavo and Aurora are alone in the hospital room with the door closed. He demands details! Without them, he can’t prevent it from happening again. All right then.

She tells him: We were just about to make love. And then I felt cold and I couldn’t move and I couldn’t speak, but I could think. We were nude in bed and I felt alive, me sentí más viva que nunca… (I felt more alive than ever…)

We don’t understand why Aurora supplies the color commentary to her creepy father.

And said creepy father, seemingly a serial adulterer, doesn’t understand why Aurora would involve herself with Lorenzo, knowing he is married to Natalia. Her answer:
Porque me quiero vengar!
(Because I want vengeance!)

At the Lobos apartment:
César and Nina are greeted by an anxious, suspicious Natalia when they arrive home together. Are they hiding something? What about Martín and Lorenzo? They were at Martín’s graduation party but they don’t know where Lorenzo is.

Natalia tells César that Lorenzo lied – he was supposed to be with his friend Ernesto tonight. Listen, César, says Natalia, a lot of stuff happened while you were in jail. There’s this woman named Aurora…

And back in CryoLand, Aurora asks Gustavo:
Me vas a volver a secuestrar?
(Are you going to kidnap me again?)
Gustavo takes offense. Everything I did was for your own good, then and now, he says. Aurora grants that he was right about some things, wrong about others.

But let’s talk about this vengeance of yours, he says. She asks if he’ll help her get even with the people who have harmed her. If it involves punishing that Lorenzo guy, he’s on board. You betcha!

Here’s what Dr. Gustavo has to do: He must deliver a message to Lorenzo.

And so he does, with great enthusiasm:
Gustavo asks Lorenzo: What are you doing with my granddaughter?
And Lorenzo replies: I don’t owe you any explanations. You’re the one who owes me the truth: What happened to my Aurora?

And Gustavo gets to twist the knife that Aurora placed in his hand:
You still call her yours? Did you know that after her last birthday party, she went abroad, the happiest young woman in the world? That she had a child by Federico? And that for my daughter, you meant nothing?

And at los Lobos:
Natalia finishes telling César about Lorenzo and Aurora’s love, a passion from the past that has flared up with the return of the daughter. César promises Natalia that he won’t allow Lorenzo to make her suffer because of Aurora.

Back at the clinic:
Martín enters Aurora’s room at the clinic, strokes her hair, and promises to watch over her through the night.

Blanca, happily innocent of all the nasty stag party business and still unaware of Aurora’s crisis, arrives early at Lorenzo’s studio. She asks for help preparing for her exams at the School of the Arts. He is reluctant, but then agrees. She is out of sight, maybe in the changing room, when Natalia bursts in and fills the air with shrill reproaches for Lorenzo’s absence last night. Blanca hears her accuse him of spending the night with Aurora.

It is, in fact, Martín, who has spent the night with Aurora, keeping vigil at her bedside. She awakens to the sound of his voice singing to her. She reminds him: he shouldn’t waste his time on her.

Martín knows it was Lorenzo who brought her to the clinic. Why were they together so late at night? We were kissing, she says. Your father is my impossible love.

Martín is devastated. His father is a married man with a family! She tells him her only concern is avoiding hurting Martín himself. Well it’s too late for that, he says, and walks out.

Back at Lorenzo’s studio, Blanca hears Lorenzo say he was with Aurora at the clinic all night because she fell ill -- although she is now much better. Blanca leaves to go to Aurora. Natalia keeps hammering away at Lorenzo. She tells him Gustavo came to the house looking for him. Everyone, says Natalia, knows about you and Aurora.

Lorenzo retorts angrily:
Entre nosotros no hay nada!
(There’s nothing between us)
He went to see her because she wanted him to know something about her mother, nothing more. But you know what? I’ve decided! We’re going to Spain! Natalia’s face lights up. (Anyone else finding Natalia even more insufferable than Vanesa?)

César assures Nina he didn’t tell their parents about her horny conejito act. Little sister turns a deaf ear to César’s insistence that her feelings for Martín are wrong. (Ay, Nina, if even César, who has the moral compass of Tony Soprano, thinks it’s wrong, believe me, it’s wrong!)

Martín tries to get Dra Elizabeth to explain Aurora’s illness to him but she refuses. Just then, a tv report comes on about a missing person: Julia Castillo, a young woman who was spending a few days in Manhattan disappeared two weeks ago. The police have found no trace of her. Elizabeth recognizes that Julia is the dying Jane Doe she bought from the hospital to fill the empty capsule in the clinic; and the Jane Doe she murdered when it looked like she wasn’t going to die after all. Elizabeth’s interest is evident to Martín: Do you know her? he asks. Elizabeth just walks away without answering.

In Aurora’s clinic room:
Inés reproaches Gustavo for not telling her sooner about Aurora’s crisis. He makes a snide remark about her ignoring her messages because of her little pills, but she sets him straight: Blanca woke her up in the night with a pesadilla and she had to attend to her: she dreamed she was with her mother and it wasn’t Inés. Aurora hears this and reads it as a sign of Blanca’s increasing affection for her. And at that moment, Blanca enters and throws her arms around Aurora.

In a scary warehouse somewhere:
Apparently César hasn’t given up on his plan to kidnap Blanca. He shows his accomplices a nasty looking space where he plans to hold her captive. César wants to be the one to take charge of her. His accomplices discourage that: after all, she already knows him. She won’t recognize him, he says. They will do it tonight. During the recital.

Nina thanks Vicki for helping her and keeping her confidence. When Vanesa appears, it’s clear she is in on the secret. But Vanesa assures Nina that she wants to help!

At the Cryonics Lab:
Martín sees the Ponce de Leon family – Inés, Aurora, Blanca and Gustavo – walking Aurora out of the clinic. Soft tinkling music plays. Martín music. Aurora assures Martín she’s fine. Then Lorenzo, enters the scene. We hear ominous angst-producing drum beats. Lorenzo music.
Says Gustavo brusquely:
Y usted – ¿qué hace aquí?
(And you – what are you doing here?
And Lorenzo answers, addressing Aurora:
Necesitaba saber como estabas.
(I needed to know how you were.)


Alguien Te Mira

Things continue along their grim course…

Eva wakes up in a disgusting basement amid jars filled with the victims’ hearts. She manages to climb on a barrel and get to a window. She figures out how to remove the bars on the window and crawls out into a space surrounded by a tall, chain-link fence. She hears footsteps behind her. It’s her captor who, once again, overpowers her and brings her back to his hide-out.

Tatiana tells Rodrigo to keep away from Benjamin. He’s so angry he almost tells her about Benja’s extracurricular activities. But he holds his tongue.

Piedad is overcome with pains in her belly and fears she’s losing her baby. Tatiana takes her home. Even when she’s doing a good deed, she can’t keep her mouth shut. She upsets Piedad by trashing Rodrigo. Piedad nearly tells her about Benja, but she too manages to hold her tongue. Later, Piedad starts bleeding. She tries to reach Rodrigo, but he doesn’t answer. He shows up at her place hours later. The crisis has passed, but he wants to stay with her. He is still there the next day when Julian shows up carrying a white rose and looking none too pleased.

Benja goes to Camila’s apartment building seeking solace. He calls her from downstairs but she is already entertaining a gentleman caller, Renato. She meets Benja in his car, and starts getting very friendly until they are interrupted by her boyfriend. Benja and Renato fight. Benja leaves in his SUV. Renato rides off on his bike. And skanky Camila is left alone in the parking lot.

Julian continues in his role of ‘protector’ to Piedad and Matilde.

Benja goes back to the clinic where he sees Julian. The two make peace and Benja agrees to see not only Piedad’s but also Julian’s patients for the day. (Must not be a very busy practice!)

Mauricio is rotting in jail next to the crazy guy. Mauricio’s lawyer tells him he’ll have to hand over the sex tapes if he wants to be able to negotiate his release.

Carvajal also tells Mauricio he has to hand over the tapes. She notices Mauricio’s conversation with the policeman, Amador (who has been Mauricio’s deep throat in the department even though everyone was blaming Eva) and confronts him. He denies any involvement with Mauricio.

The crazy guy’s confession seems more and more motivated by a desire for ‘three hots and a cot’ than by actual guilt.

Tatiana is driving Matilde crazy by talking about Mauricio. At last, Matilde loses her temper, asks her never to mention his name in her presence: he is dead to her. Unfortunately, she can’t escape him after all. The DA’s office calls Matilde to give a statement in Mauricio’s presence. He finally admits that the sex tapes exist but continues to deny involvement in Eva’s disappearance. In the end, he agrees to tell the authorities where the tapes are.

Pedro Pablo has filed charges against Lucía La Loca. He’s also investigated her references and discovered that they were all falsified. None of the ‘employers’ listed had even heard of her. She herself is busy with target practice and cutting up the pages of her books into heart shapes.

And now Pedro Pablo’s and Lola’s baby girl is missing!
Lucía gets little María Jesus’s attention when Lola is in the mall with the two younger girls and somehow manages to get her away from her mother.

Lucía has also been busy in the family’s neighborhood. She has placed flyers in all the mailboxes accusing Pedro Pablo of being a sexual predator.

Stay tuned…

Part Two by Jean: Aquí está!

Los Exitoso$ Gomez-

Franco, Amanda and Ricardo are still trying to kill Marcela. Ricardo hires a kidnapper. Franco pays the ransom but the packets of money only have real bills on the top. I assume that he hoped that the kidnapper would kill Marcela in retaliation for not receiving the ransom. But Ricardo has not hired a very good kidnapper and Marcela convinces him to let her go. She pays him and he identifies Ricardo as the man who hired him. Marcela tells Franco that she knows that he is trying to kill her.

Sol faints and is ordered to bed. Apparently she isn't pregnant, though. At Marcela's suggestion, Alex of the weird hair, comes back to do the news with Gonzalo. She puts the moves on him big time and unfortunately he succumbs. Tomas and Charly go to Las Vegas, which gives Gonzalo a place to get it on with Alex.

Sergio convinces Dani to help him find out where Martín is being kept. They trick Dr. Carlos and find the apartment but only Sergio sees the comatose Martín. It all comes to nothing because Carlos moves Martín so that the apartment is empty when Gonzalo takes Sol there. Sol won't believe Dani because she didn't see Martín herself. Dani finally convinces Sol that Gonzalo isn't lying and she goes to see him only to find him with Alex.

La Fantasma de Elena-

Lots happened this week as usual.
Elena Lafe – After a good night’s sleep, she went from catatonic to amnesiac. While she was asleep, Dulce tried to kill her by injecting a poison in to her IV. Elena didn’t have an IV line in at any other time during her stay in the clinic but whatever. Dulce gets interrupted by Martín and Ruth. She kills a nurse in the bathroom of the clinic for no apparent reason. Maybe she just didn’t want to waste the syringe of poison. She may have also killed another nurse earlier to steal her uniform.

The now amnesiac Elena doesn’t want to stay at the clinic. The only thing she remembers is the ocean so Eduardo lets her go to her father’s hotel in the Keys with Laura. Montecristo follows them. He is going to tell Dulce where Elena is so that she can finish the job but when she finds out that Elena is so far away, she insists on Montecristo killing Elena.

The week ended with Monecristo befriending Elena on the beach and inviting her to go swimming where he presumably was going to try and drown her. Laura finds them before he can can do this.

Andrea’s wedding- Rebeca pushes the wedding date forward but Andrea is showing more symptoms and collapses during the ceremony. Katie Barbieri really gets to chew up the scenery as the anguished mother. Dr. Tibia may have some kind of a cure that involves a bone marrow transplant. Darío wants to be the donor even though he has a dicky heart but Eduardo is willing, too. No one will tell Andrea what is the matter with her.

Milady- We get to meet Milady’s father. At first, he isn’t sure he wants to meet his daughter. He shows up at the wedding and is supportive of Clara. Clara identifies Milady to him as his daughter and he decides that he wants to meet her. Clara asks Jesusa to tell Milady about this. She decides that she doesn’t want to meet her father but we know that won’t last.

Meanwhile, Michel realizes that since he is older than Milady, there are some holes in Clara’s story about him and Milady being half-siblings. Clara denies everything. Go for the DNA test, kid.

Nena, Anacleto, Latoña and the Twin-
Nena et al are about to go the police station with Latoña’s statement but La Gemela (LG) is watching the house. She follows them and in trying to escape from her, Nena’s car is hit by a train. Amazingly, they all survive and seek refuge in Padre Aguas’ place. They convince the Padre of the truth of their accusations and he calls Eduardo and asks him to come over to talk about something to do with his son. Of course, LG is listening and she gets to Padre Agua’s place first. The good guys have realized that LG is on the way and try to escape by car but LG ambushes them and apparently has locked them up somewhere.

That's it for me for a couple of weeks. I am going to Argentina. NovelaMaven will keep posting and I'll jump back in when I get back

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Hi NovelaMaven, thanks for the recap on Alguien te Mira. Of the four novelas that is the only one I watch.

They still have us guessing. But I was thinking, on the nite the murderer chased after Eva, they showed us that Rodrigo was in the bar that nite and getting loaded , Benja was looking for Camila, and Mauricio was in jail. The only one I can't account for is Julian. He was shown at home. So, I wonder if he's the guilty one!!!

Even though Lucia is a sicko, I don't think she is involved. And I don't think Pedro Pablo is involved. They don't seem to give any obvious clues.


NovelaMaven, I don't watch Telemundo much. However the couple of TNs I have seen on it were absolutely awesome. (Zorro, Dona Barbara) I just wanted to stop by to say I enjoyed your highlighted vocabulary words and phrases. They are delightful, fun and educational. Thanks so much for including them in your recap and for highlighting them.

Keep up the good work. We readers and students of Spanish appreciate it very much!

hi there,

Newbie poster here...I'm loving these weekly Telemundo recaps.

I live in Canada where we don't get either Univision or Telemundo...we have a channel called Telelatino (which in fact, has more Italian programming); and we get a single novela shown way behind the States.

They just finished showing Amor Comprado a few months ago, and now are on to Mas Sabe el Diablo (with english subtitles, thank goodness).

My Spanish understanding is very very rudimentary. I guess I get the gist of what is going on most of the time; but do a lot better if I could read it (no spanish subtitles here).

Since we're so behind in all the novelas --heck, we don't even get to see most of the good ones on TV....I have resorted to watching them online. Youtube has been good; but it's always a bit hard to find full series as they're always being taken down due to I recently discovered over the summer that the Telemundo site posts entire episodes, and that I can actually see/stream them here in Canada (Telemundo being owned by NBC, I thought it would be the same as and the other major networks where if you are not watching within the United States--they have your IPs blocked, and thus you cannot watch).

So, I've been diligently going through tons of Telemundo novelas with their site; and just wished that there was a resource like Caray, Caray for english recaps for Telemundo...thus; when I started seeing these recaps popping up; I was definitely stoked.

They might not be in full details; but it's a welcomed resource considering I have no clue what is going on most of the time on screen! It at least gives me some direction to go back and figure out.

My fave is currently El Fantasma de Elena....I actually was upset that they "restarted" everything post-fire (well, for what I could understand prior! crazy plot lines are sometimes even harder to decipher...what....the guy is a horse man?? whaaaa? lol); but it's actually starting to get pretty good as of late. Don't really care of the A-plot; I'm in love with Michel and Milady (I giggle everytime I hear Milady's name for some unexplainable reason!).

Alguien te Mira has me for the first 20 eppys; but I started to lost interest...there's just too many pretty faces and its hard to keep straight everything with my lack of understanding QTH is going on!

I wanted to like Aurora; so that I could "start" a novela and watch it properly (as opposed to joining it late; and thus having to watch marathons of episodes to catch up and/or finish the novela)...but I'm not liking Aurora herself....I think I'll have to give it some more time to flesh out a bit...

So, because of that...big thank you for doing this! Pleas do keep it up; and I might just start posting all my random questions that I have! :)

Greetings from the Great White North! :)

NovelaMaven thanks once again for making this possible and a big shout out to Melinama our blog mom.

Welcome CanuckFan from the Great White north.

Aurora is creeping me out with the Martin and Nina relationship granted they're not related by blood but Martin has only ever thought of Nina as a sister. Nina is kind of sick and twisted to sleep with him just because she is jealous of his relationship with Aurora.I agree the more i see of Natalia the less i'm liking her at all. She may have had a excuse for what happened in the past because her parents needed their job. She always knew that Lorenzo great love was for Aurora and it seems like she doesn't have a clean past herself either.

Vanessa is a typical female villain and right now she'll get away with manipulating everyone for awhile.Looks like she is short on cash and needs some hush money to keep Aurora's secret hidden.

Gustavo the mad scientist put his own daughter on ice for 20 years and now that she's up and awake. He's still trying to control her life.

Blanca is really going to go crazy when she finds out Aurora is her mother and she happens to like Martin her half brother too but doesn't know that he is her half brother.

Gustavo even has his own hence woman Dr. Elizabeth experimenting on unsuspecting people who are brought to her to test out their latest discoveries. She'll do anything for Gustavo that's how much she is in love with him.

Hi jean and thanks for the LEG update. I caught up last week, but found myself behind again this week. So thanks for the upsdate. It really sounds like they are closely following the original story. Do you know if they are going to keep doing half hour episodes?

I'm also trying to figure out if Cesar and Nina have the same father or different ones which make Natalia very hypocritical with her judgments and behavior towards Aurora.

Poor Aurora is being manipulated by Vanessa wait until she learns who was responsible for the stunt pulled at her last birthday party 20 years ago.

Cesar looks like he's going to end up in jail again with his kidnapping plot.

Federico looks like he is need of money too and will probably team up with Vanessa to get it.

I wonder if Lorenzo's friend the one he's always confiding in if he maybe either Cesar or Nina's father?

Ines i can see how she went along with Gustavo because she wanted to save her daughter.

Jean thank you also for doing your recap.

Algiuen Te Mira well unless they throw in a big surprise i can say to me i believe Julian is the killer. Benja was bust trying to hook up with Camila. Rodrigo was at the club getting sloshed and then went over to Piedad's to stay with her because she thought she was losing their baby.Mauricio was locked up. No way do i believe Pedro Pablo is the killer. Loca Lucia is fatal attraction crazy maybe she might kidnapped their young daughter but i don't believe she is the serial killer. It has to be a man they way he knocked out Eva and slung her over his shoulder last night.

The neighbor that Lola shot i think he said he was going to sue them for that he might have been recruited by Lucia.

Tatiana every episode i see why Benja cheats on her she is just so annoying with her sanctimonious know it all attitude.I was so wanting Rodrigo or Piedad to tell her the truth but they stopped themselves. From the previews it looks like Camila's ex boyfriend might drop the bomb on them on Monday.

El Fantasma De Elena this one is my favorite there always seems to be something going on per episode. Although it's cliche ridden it's enjoyable so i like it.

Andrea thank goodness she passed out and finally admitted to her mother she not really in love with Michel. Their marriage would have been disastrous.

Besides i love the Michel and Milady as a couple they are so adorable. Michel does need to go get that blood test with Milady though. He's figured out that he's older than Milady and he keeps catching his mother in her lies so take it to the next step otherwise Clara won't stop manipulating you or at least trying.I too like them far better than the main couple.

Clara disgusting how little she thinks about her own daughter, she still trying to keep Michel and Milady away from each other at all cost just to maintain her persona.Her telling Michel you don't have the right to question me on my life or past judgment on me. Hello lady so you're telling him how he has to live his life with a girl he doesn't love in order to keep your reputation in tact? Get real!

About Alguien te Mira--
Ann and Blu, while I continue to enjoy this show, and all the signs are pointing to Julian as the killer, I keep thinking they aren't playing fair with us. For me, a really great mystery is a puzzle there for the solving. Here, the writers just keep messing with us, teasing us. And we don't really know about timelines, exactly where people were at crucial times.

Also, it's getting a bit nasty. If they do something to little María Jesús, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep watching!
Cap'n Sylvia--
How great that you dropped by! Thanks so much for the nice words. I'm a fan of your recaps,you know!
Welcome CanuckFan--
Yes, the Telemundo website is a fabulous resource. As for the quality of novelas, well... I have a theory. Fairytales are always short. Telenovelas are always long, often too long. So when a novela starts as a fairytale (like 'El Clon' or 'Aurora', it necessarily morphs into something else over its 4 to 6month life span. So viewers who signed on for the fairytale are disillusioned or bored or disgusted after the initial magical promise.

'Aurora' is turning into a good old Hell hath no fury kind of tale. It's heading way way way over the top and I think it's going to be a fun ride (if you have the right warped sense of humor!)

By the way, I wish we had Italian stations where I live. (Although I can watch some shows online, of course!)

The 'Who's your daddy?' issues on 'Aurora' can only get more and more convoluted. But I do wish Aurora would level with Blanca. She deserves to understand why Martín is off-limits to her and why Aurora is not her rival in love. Ah well, I suppose that will happen... in 4 months or so:)

I hope you're right about César going back to jail. In my opinion, the sooner the better!

I'm hoping once Milady meets her father who is rich and powerful and he discovers how much Clara has selfishly hurt Milady he'll become her ally to expose all of Clara's lies. Right now Milady doesn't want to have anything to do with her biological parents mainly because of Clara.

Elena Lafe wakes up and doesn't even remember her best friend Laura.Eduardo gets her released from the crazy house and she goes back with Laura to her father's hotel. Problem i have with this storyline after all Montecristo has done to try to find Elena Eduardo just sends her off with Laura?I know telenovelas logic or more like non logic.

Eduardo tells Martin that his child with Elena is alive and Montecristo had something to do with their baby being taken the day it was born. He can't think of who helped him though.Said person was eavesdropping on this conversation when she heard Eduardo talk to Padre Aqua. He called Eduardo to have him come over and talk about his son the one missing from him and Elena.

The Nena, Anacleto and Latona surviving the train barreling towards them on the train tracks was a riot. But i don't get the timeline between when Nena,Padre Aqua, Anacleto and Latona were leaving the house and crazy gemela got there in record time to see them all come out together leaving his house. I know novela logic? Go figure. The crazy one has them locked up somewhere.

Dario offering to give up his bone marrow to save Andrea?

Dulce why did she kill the nurse what was her reason. I said this before Dulce is reacts when her emotions are at their highest and doesn't fully think things out.Plus she is a stone cold killer too.

Body count is at seventeen and maybe more come Monday because from the previews it looks like she killed someone else. The question is who?

Montecristo doesn't like to kill he likes to have someone else do his dirty work. That's why he tried to get Dulce to go to where Elena is with Laura at her father's hotel to kill her off instead. of him. He now knows that Elena Lafe doesn't remember him, it looks like from the previews he's had a change in plans and tells Dulce he's going to try to win Elena's affection for real this time. Drawback to that plan Elena has already had some memories flashbacks.

Things are really heatling up Martin collected a couple of guns shotgun from Kalima the shotgun may have been used to kill the two mid wives who helped Elena give birth to her baby.

Margot it looks like she is starting her revenge against Dulce, she's onto Dulce and how she killed her half sister Margot.

The crazy Gemela has her gun and a electric power saw looking like she the mistress of Jason from one of the Friday the 13th movies.

NovelaMaven totally agree with you on Algiuen Te Mira is this the best they can do? As a die hard mystery lover it wasn't hard for me to make this guess even early on. I know they threw in Mauricio as like a suspect we should seriously consider also but Julian has really done so many suspicious things already and his attitudes it's hard not to label him as the killer unless like you said they throw in another person as the suspect.I am also very disturbed if they do something to little Maria Jesus she is so adorable and Lucia is so wacko. I wish her mother would call the guys with the straight jacket for her because even Dr. Phil would tell her she needs some serious help like in a padded cell away from people.I'll still watch because i want to see her get what she deserves and i want to see if Eva survives.Benja i expect him to kicked to the curb once holier than thou Tatiana finds out about him and Camila. Rodrigo i want to see him get cleaned up, so i'll stick it out.

Aurora yeah there's a lot of Who' Your Daddy? going on with this novela. The one thing that also made me pause is Martin is supposed to be in love with Aurora but he had no problem sleeping with the hooker his friends gave him for his birthday.He has the nerve to get angry with his father for being with Aurora the night they were trying to busy. Can we say hypocrite?

Thanks Novelamaven for the recap on ALGUIEN TE MIRA.
I've been saying for the last few weeks that I thought Julian was the serial killer.But I don't understand why. How could he be a psychopath and serial killer without manifesting any strange behavior --until recently. All these years, his close friends and associates at the clinic never saw anything strange about him. And what about Matilde? He seems to love kids and be good with them. Can it be that he chooses women with kids that he thinks are "bad" women? But that wouldn't explain Rocio Lynch, and I didn't watch this from the beginning so I dont know about the other victims.

While I like the novela, I agree that they aren't playing fair, as Novelmaven said.after DONDE ESTA ELISA, I was expecting a mystery that made sense the way that one did. perhaps at the end, they will tie up all the strings and it will make better sense.

Oh but César, IMHO, is so good-looking, I would hate it if he were all bad. He's protective of his mom and sis, so I hope he ends up being redeemed in the end. 'would love for him to end up with Vicky.

Welcome, CanuckFan! Loooved Mas sabe el diablo - hope you will too. As for Fantasma, the Michel/Milady storyline is also my fave.

Would you be so kind as to post the internet link to the Telemundo site that specifically plays the full episodes of AURORA. I would really appreciate it. I am having trouble locating where it is, exactly. if the full episodes are under a spanish name, could you give the name so I know what to click on? Thanks

Anon 12:34, this is the page I use:

The episodes are numbered. Friday's was #15. They are usually divided into 5 parts, so they are labeled simply #15 1/5, 2/5 and so on. They have short ads at the beginning and snuck in at odd places but they are usually much less obnoxious than the commercials on tv:)

I hope that helps!

Thank you NovelaMaven and Jean!

I'll comment more tomorrow since I have to get to bed. I did want to say how creepy the Nina/Martin hook-up was. I was as disgusted by it as poor Martin. Someone asked about who is Casar's dad. Cesar is adopted. Both his mother and father are a mystery. In Martin's defense about why he would hook up with a prostitute after saying he loves Aurora- she had just broken his heart and told him they could never be because she was in love with a married man. I think he fell into the fateful hookup because he was angry at Aurora and upset about what she said to him. There was a bit of revenge there. And it bit him right in the butt.

In Alguien- I think they are making Julian really obvious right now as the possible killer. But I'm not going to underestimate the writers. They may just have a surprise for us. But Julian would make sense. He's very judgemental about working mothers, single mothers, or bad mothers. All the women killed were working single mothers. Some who had custody of their kids, some who didn't. Although he may not have killed before (which we don't know), Rodrigo pointed out to Piedad that Julian has ALWAYS been manipulative. And let's not forget that although Matilde was threatened, she was not killed. Almost like the killer couldn't bring himself to kill her, but wanted to scare her straight (show her the importance of motherhood). That would fit Julian, who wouldn't want the mother of his child to be killed. It would make sense, but I still feel that the writers might have a surprise.

Vivi i disagree i think he would have killed Matilde if she was accessible and he wasn't going to get caught. The fact he was getting info by his relationship with Eva and plus Matilde talked to him as she was being stowed away at the police safe house he couldn't get to her. Needless to say that pent up anger he has was put to use by him killing Rocio instead.

I do agree though if it's not Julian the writers would really have done a good job in making us think right now it's Julian.

I do believe the killer does have a problem when it concerns single mothers. Probably he had a bad relationship with his own mother.

On Aurora while Martin may have been upset and disappointed by what Aurora told him about not having a chance to have the kind of relationship he wanted.I think it's a poor excuse for to jump into bed that quickly with another woman. Vivi like you said he paid for that bad judgment by finding out he had sex with his step sister.What also gets me is his attitude towards his father he doesn't have a right to act like he's Aurora's man or protector when she made it known to him that they won't have the type of relationship he wants.

Thanks for the great comments, everyone!

Vivi, your points about Julian in 'Alguien' are well taken. As NJ Sue has said, he's been on her radar screen for weeks now. But I don't know -- there are a lot of creepy characters running around on this show...

About Aurora...
Vivi, even though César is adopted, I have a hunch his biological parentage is going to be significant at some point. There's a reason that Lorenzo and Natalia adopted precisely that little boy at that time. I'm sure that back story is forthcoming. And in the meantime... Shallowgal points out, he IS so good-looking! LOL

Blu, I agree that Martín's hooker hook-up was not only distasteful but out of character for this 'new age' kind of guy. And it does knock him off his moral high ground -- or at least it should! But it IS a stock TN ploy for the hero's pals to set him up like this with the predictably disastrous results. Remember 'Las Tontas no van al cielo'?

But yeah, when you add the fact that the 'hooker' was actually his own stepsister, the Ick Factor increases exponentially!

Morning all. I for sure agree that it was out of character for Martin to sleep with the hooker, but I think the set up for it was his disappointment with Aurora. I don't think there is one charcter right now who is pure and good. He was the only one, and now not even him. So this will be an interesting tn where not a single character represents some moral ideal.

I still think that if Julian is the killer, he would prefer to control Matilde rather than kill her. He's had plenty of opportunity to kill her, without anyone suspecting. The killer is the one who sent all the clues to the cops that he planned to target Matilde. The killer had never done that before. Before, it had always been a surprise who he killed. Why would he draw such a huge and clear target on Matilde's back so that the cops were all over her? But not with anyone else? It just seemed to me that it served the purpose of scaring Matilde "straight", and punking the cops, while he killed someone who was in Matilde's circle, but not her.

NovelaMaven i like the fact that so far in this novela not that many characters have a high moral ground to stand upon. It's kind of unrealistic the way they write most of these novelas as the heroine being the next mother Teresa and the hero the next saint.

Vivi you may have a point but Julian is a manipulator like Rodrigo said and he gets off on manipulating people in his inner circle.I think he's playing a sick psychological game with Eva and Matilde so while he may have been trying to scare Matilde straight to stop having her relationship with Mauricio. I'm still of a mind he would have killed her if she wasn't heavily protected.He's using Eva and making her look like a fool getting information from her about the investigation going on about the killer. Matilde stupidly tells him she was going away for awhile but she couldn't tell him where. He needs to release his pent up anger issues so he targets Rocio instead.

Thanks NovelaMaven and Jean for your summaries.

As for Alguien, yes, I agree that they're making a strong case for Julian as the killer. Do we know why he got divorced from Matilde? He may have some other issues besides the control thing.

I don't think little Maria Jesus will be hurt, and I hope that terrible Lucie is stopped. But since we're not in ultimas semanas, lots more things can happen. I think Camila might be the next victim, although that would go against Vivi's theory, because she doesn't have kids, does she?

I also think that since Piedad and Rodrigo are sort of the main characters, Rodrigo will have to save the day and stop Julian to redeem himself (if Julian really is the killer).

As for Fantasma, I just LOVE Ana Layevska (la Gemela) as a villain, and her outfits are wild! She's very pretty, very kooky, twisted, really makes me laugh every time I see her in action.

I also think that Andrea will end up with Walter, and Michel with Milady, which means Corina gets nobody, which is too bad, since I really like her (although I hated her at the beginning of the show, but she changed). I also love Kati Barbieri (Rebeca)'s acting, and also the acting of the woman playing Latoña.

Hombre i like how you're thinking and i feel the same way.I don't see how Camila will be killed because like Vivi said she doesn't have any kids. But then again this serial killer isn't working with a full deck anyway so we never know he might change his MO. I hope little Maria Jesus isn't hurt and Loca Lucia needs to be locked up quickly.

As for Ana Layevska on Fantasma de Elena she is really playing her crazy gemela role great isn't she?I think this her first role as the main villain?She is definitely making me laugh at her antics also.

I agree with the couples you've mentioned as for Corrina she has definitely turned her act around from the way she acting in the first episodes of this novela. I'm thinking and guessing she might end up with the bartender or owner of the bar she works at?

I just love the Michel and Milady storyline they are just so cute together.

Love how Rebecca has also changed from how she was at first in this novela and so has Latona.

Thanks to everyone for their comments because it just adds so much to the shows! For Aurora, I really wish they would clear up just a few of the parentage questions- enough so that we don't have to continue to be creeped out by these relationships.

Also, I think Aurora's desire to seek revenge on everyone is a little crazy. Sure, a bunch of 20 year olds made mistakes 20 years ago, but how horrible were they? And Lorenzo really is blameless- actually it was Aurora who lied to him when they were kids, so I don't understand why she is so angry towards him. Aurora's parents are probably the most to blame but even then- the father did save her life after all. Aurora seems very arrogant to return to a life she has been away from for twenty years and expect to have all the relationships she once knew to be exactly the same. How many people have the life at 40 that they envisioned at 20? Of course this is novelalife and not real life!

I am again liking Elena because it's so much better to see the heroine speaking instead of staring into space. And am I crazy or will Montecristo fall in love with Elena again and be unable to harm her?

For Alguien, I agree with everyone that Julian looks like the killer. But it seems too early for the killer to be revealed, so do they have something up their sleeves? Also, the writers in "Elisa" revealed the killer about 2/3 of the way through the story and then they provided other plot entanglements so maybe we are about to have our question answered.

Matilda1, I don't know if Montecristo will fall in love with Elena again and not be able to kill her (a definite possibility), but thinking back, has he killed anyone with his own hands? He had Kalima kill a few people, and of course Dulce has killed lots of people. But maybe Montecristo, for all his tough talk, can't actually kill anyone with his own hands (same with Eduardo, who always says he's going to kill Montecristo, but never would).

Matilda1, About 'Aurora'--

I agree that Lorenzo is blameless. Aurora became crazy for 'venganza' only after Vanesa fed her lies and convinced her that Lorenzo never loved her.

Aurora now believes that Natalia and Lorenzo were a couple. They were making fun of her. Lorenzo was only pretending to fall in love with her. According to Vanesa's story, Lorenzo was after the Ponce de León money.

Vanesa has prevailed on Natalia to back up her story.

Before Vanesa planted this poisonous and false history in her mind, Aurora felt only love for Lorenzo. She also felt she had to respect his marriage to Natalia, as much as it hurt her.

Before Vanesa's evil intervention, Aurora re-entered the world very humbly. Yes, she resented what her parents had done 20 years ago (with good reason!), but she wasn't dominated by a thirst for revenge. She WAS a lovely fairytale heroine. But I've never seen a telenovela about a bunch of people being nice to each other!

Hombre De Misterio so far Montecristo hasn't killed anyone by his own hands either he has had Kalima do the deed or Dulce.

I think Montecristo is going to try to win Elena love this time but is he really capable of love for her.I think Montecristo was truly in love with Elena until he learned she was pregnant with Eduardo's child.Montecristo has such a unnatural hatred for his half brother Eduardo he vowed he would never raise a child that was Eduardo that's why he helped crazy gemela with the baby switch.I can see he may fall for her again but we all know it's not going to work out for him because eventually Elena will get her memory back.

It'll be interesting to watch as Dulc,crazy gemela and Montecristo race to get their hands on Elena's inheritance.

Wildcard Elena was definitely more open towards Montecristo because of her memory loss. So that maybe for a while a little romance between the two until her memory returns.

Finally today got a chance to see Thursday and Friday episodes. I'm a little lost, but your comments help so much.

One thing that makes me question Thursday's episode: I cannot believe any woman can start turning into an icecube with Pila on top of her and kissing her wildly! This is too much of a stretch!

Re Friday, am more than a little lost, really. But I sure don't like the Aurora-out-for-revenge. Somehow, shouldn't there be something inside our heroine that makes her question Vanesa's lies? One bump on the head and she becomes totally open to evil. Hope this part of the story ends soon. Lois

You are so funny! But very correct- he's such a babe I can't take my eyes off of him in every scene he's in. But one comment on Pila. In Elisa he did some outstanding acting- very reserved and aloof- and not a lot of over-acting like we see so much of in novelas. In this novela he seems to be less reserved and more out there. I hope he doesn't turn into the typical overly-dramatic novela guy.

aaaah yes!! Pila is H-O-T!! loved him since I first laid eyes on him in Mas Sabe El Diablo.

Haha Lois good one and too true no women would be frozen solid after making out with Pila.

Matilda1 i think the same writers who gave us Donde Esta Elisa are working on Algiuen Te Mira.I believe we have to give the director credit too for not asking for the over dramatics in that novela.

Shallowgal i'm just surprised all of that Pila hotness didn't help melt lopsicle Aurora.

Thanks so much NovelaMaven and Jean for creating a Telemundo spot.

The only one I'm watching now is Alguien te Mira, although Aurora stacks up on the DVR.

I can't imagine who El Cazador would be if it's not Julián. And threatening Mathilde without actually harming her would fit right in for Julián being the killer. I can see his motive being wanting Mathilde to suspect and/or break up with Mauricio. But he does appear to really love his son, and thus can't bring him that pain.

I think Loca Lucía has María Jesús, but harm seldom comes to children on TN's, so I think she'll get away all right.

And, a hearty welcome to Canuck Fan! Great to know our very special world of telenovelas is reaching past our northern border.

PS: My Capcha word was "wingout", but when I first saw it I thought it was wingnut, and thought of Lucía.

On Aurora it seems like Cesar has been hit by cupid's arrow he wanted to call off the kidnapping of Blanca.But the other kidnapper told him no way. Aurora made Lorenzo think she had a romantic evening with Martin. Lorenzo told Nina and Martin that they would live together while he went away. Nina thinks the new arrangements are great while Martin told her no way is this happening and he keeps telling the delusional twit he only thinks of her as a sister despite inadvertently sleeping with her.Blanca tries to escape and get a gun left behind by Cesar.Cesar kissed Blanca and they fought but he wore a mask. Blanca gets loose but has second thought on shooting her captor and is overcome. Cesar feeds her foods but the food is thrown on him he takes off his shirt and Blanca sees his tattoo on his back.Gustavo is called about the kidnapping and is asked for ransom or Blanca will be killed. As everyone gathers to help Gustavo leaves with the money. Dr. Elizabeth calls the police even though they were warned by the kidnappers not to involve the police.

About Aurora --

Here are a few expressions that caught my attention in yesterday's show (Monday):

¡Hiciste un papelón!
(You made a fool of yourself! hacer un papelón)
Aurora says this to Inés the morning after she nearly reveals Aurora’s identity to Martín. (Aurora manages to convince Martín that her mother is just rambling.)

¡No hay marcha atrás!
(There’s no going back!)
César’s accomplices tell him he can’t back out on the plan to kidnap Blanca. It’s too late!

¡Una mujer no se regala!
(A woman doesn’t give herself as a gift, i.e. doesn’t throw herself at men.)
Martín tells Nina not to be so forward – not with him and not with any man!

No te conviene mirarme.
(You shouldn’t look at me; it’s not in your best interest to look at me. Verb: convenir: to be advisable.)
César, his face covered with a ski-mask (pasamontañas), catches Blanca staring at his bare, tattooed back and tells her that, for her own good, she shouldn’t look at him.

On Algiuen Te Mira the head of the police gets Mauricio sex tapes he wants everyone working on the case to view the sex tape about Eva. The new detective in charge i think her name is Luisa tells them that it's not necessary and to have some respect towards Eva who they used to work with she view it alone.

Camilia meets up with Benja and they talk about her boyfriend catching them making out. She tells Benja overconfidently that he's so in love with her not to worry he won't say anything.

Julian with his single white rose is told by Rodrigo to leave Piedad alone right now because of her health and the safety of the baby.

Lola finds little Maria Jesus with crazy Lucia and warns her to stay away from her children she then tells Pedro when she gets home what happened.

After Julian leaves Piedad apartment she comes out and has words with Rodrigo over Julian. Rodrigo wants to know who does she want him or Julian. Since he's the baby's father but Piedad tells him as long as he's a addict she doesn't want him apart of her baby's life.

Camilia comes to work and sees her boyfriend Renato waiting there he hints around strongly to Tatiana that they're not really boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. Camilia manages to convince him to keep his mouth shut by saying how much she loves him.

Rodrigo gets visited by his old boss who gives a place to go to discuss his addictions. Rodrigo is upset and resentful in deep denial about his problem but meanwhile he was snorting up more cocaine before his old boss visit.

Luisa comes out in a daze from watching the sex tapes Mauricio has made with the women he has been with.She tells the head of her department that a couple of women who's tapes are in the briefcase have been killed by the killer. Julian comes in making a big production on what's going on and if they have any idea where Eva? Julian is told no and to go home and let them worry about finding Eva.

Pedro confronts crazy Lucia about going after his family and how he has the names of several men she pulled the same stunt with. Lucia looks desperate and crazy says it's not true but Pedro tells her she is lying and she will prosecuted. Lucia claims she is pregnant with his child. UGH! Not again did these writers call up the writers from STUD for this stupid plot? Lucia mother comes out as Lucia introduces Pedro to her as the father of her child.

Matilde doesn't want to have anymore to do with Mauricio but thinks about him when she is with her son.

Lola tells the kids about talking to strangers much less going off alone with them.

Pedro comes home in shock and tells Lola he can't press charges against Lucia she's pregnant with his child. Hello DNA test you're suppose to a lawyer that means you're supposed to be smart.

It looks like the killer maybe revealed tonight.

On Fantasma de Elena.

Dario told Eduardo the truth about trying to take Elena's inheritance and gave him a key to i don't know if was a safety deposit box or what he said to Eduardo maybe documents to where he has embezzled some of Elena's money to. He explains his reasoning and that he was just trying to get back their father's money that he lost.He makes Eduardo promise if he dies during the transplant to take care of his son little Eduardo. He also tells Eduardo Dulce killed Margot. But keeps insisting Eduardo doesn't understand her like he does.

We see that Padre Aqua,Nena,Anacleto and Latona are indeed alive but tied up somewhere in a storage area.

Kalima tells Montecristo they have to flee because the cops confiscated the shotgun he had and his knife it's too incriminating. Montecristo tells Kalima he's not leaving until he gets Elena to go with him.

Rebecca rants to Corrina and Walter about Dario and why he should try to save his daughter after leaving her for Dulce. They all pray for Andrea to be saved.

Eduardo tells Martin about what Dario told him about Dulce being responsible for killing Margot.Martin wants to talk to him but Eduardo tells him he can't right now because Dario is getting a transplant.

Crazy gemela recruits Dulce to help her get rid of the four she's kidnapped and tells Dulce if she doesn't everything will blow up in their faces.

Martin and Ruth discuss how evil Dario and Dulce are and if they're both responsible for Margot's death? They do know that they are both trying to steal Elena's inheritance.

Dulce threatens the guys she hired to find her son to work better and find out where Dario has hidden him. They are digging a big grave to bury the bodies of crazy gemela's hostages.

Montecristo visits Elena making plans to meet up with her later he leaves quickly after Laura comes out. Eduardo told Laura he has to wait to he gets news on how Andrea is before he can see Elena.

Crazy gemela has a massive meltdown while to execute her four hostages.She hears first Daniela's voice she runs out leaving the electric saw behind her. Gemela then starts to see her sister in the rear view mirror. She panics and runs out from her suv seeing visions of her sister tormenting her from the grave.

Anacleto bumbling gets the saw started and the four try to escape with Nena telling Padre Aqua and Anacleto to hurry and call the police before crazy gemela comes back here as she slowly gets out with Latona.

Ruth meanwhile claims to Dulce she is now in charge of all of Elena's money and orders Dulce around like her servant. Dulce sweetly tries to get Ruth to sign the papers for her dummy company to get her hands on Elena's money.

On Alguien, I think the female detective is Luisa Carvojal. Her boss, the prosecutor or DA, is Angel (I think). Julian is sooo creepy when he weeps on Piedad's shoulders, while we all know (I think) he's the killer.

As for Lucie and the pregnancy, I agree, AGAIN with this theme? But 1) she may hot even be pregnant, and 2) if she is, she'll have no problem seducing a corrupt doctor into faking her sonagram, and/or DNA. Pedro Pablo may be a lawyer, but he's up against all the telenovela laws, which are a lot harder to get around than normal laws. :)

Hombre De Misterio too true about telenovela laws:)

Hombre De Misterio i don't know if you remember but the actress who plays Eva, the actor playing Angel as Luisa boss on here and the actor playing Pedro Pablo were all on Perro Amor.

Blusamurai, you're right about those people on Perro Amor. Fantasma also has some actors from Perro Amor, namely the ones playing Corina and Latoña. Oh, and also Margot/Ruth!

Well, we were all right. The killer on Alguien was revelaed last night, and it was Julian, of course. Maybe now he will start to become really unhinged, get sloppy, and drop some clues. I think Piedad was starting to get a creepy feeling when he was all "I wonder how the killer thinks?", and he also asked her if he'd ever told her about his mother. She said no. A few here have said that the killer must have had some issue with his own mother to target single mothers. Those tricky writers played with us though before revealing the true killer, by having Eva hallucinate almost all of our main players as the killer. When Piedad came down the stairs, my jaw dropped to the ground. Lol!

Looks like Rodrigo is making slow steps towards getting help for his addiction.

I thought it was creepy and inappropriate how the head D.A. wanted to watch Eva's sex tape in front of all the officers. I am glad Luisa stepped in and put a stop to that and just had her and the other female officer watch. Luisa is my favorite female character in this. She always makes sense. She made a big point about the tapes not falling into the wrong hands, but I don't trust that D.A. and some of the other male officers. I'm glad that Mauricio hid Matilde's tape, precisely because he didn't want her tape to get into the wrong hands. It seems that he really is in love with her.

Luisa may soon be onto Julian. She mentioned to the DA that she thinks the killer is amongst that group of docs and their circle, and that she found out there was an unsolved death when they were all in med school together. So Julian's murderous ways go way back.

Pedro Pablo came to his senses last night. He's now sure that Lucy is not pregnant, doubts that in his drugged state his soldier could stand at attention, and that if she is pregnant, it likely isn't his, which could be proven with a DNA test. He and Lola have decided to confront her together. Which I think is a great idea, but also makes me very worried at the same time. I can see it going very badly, and Lucy La Loca going apesh!t with a gun on them. Yikes!

Free Eva!

Vivi, Amen!!! Free Eva! At this point I'm 99.9% sure she's going to survive. The big head fake was when she got to those chained gates, which surely the athletic Eva could have climbed over, and then was grabbed again.

Amaya is now very good as the psychopath. I think portraying the ambiguity was difficult. He was always unlikeable because of his fixation on Piedad, plus his nastiness toward Rodrigo. I have a big problem with anyone who's nasty to Christian Meier, a major heartthrob for me since he was in Zorro. Anyway, Amaya is doing a great job in this part. When he was fondling Eva my skin crawled.

I haven't seen any "ultimos capitulos" announcements, but I don't think I want to see WEEKS of Eva strapped to that bed. And, if she gets out of there, Julián's goose is cooked.

The one thing I can't really predict is how the Camila/Benja/Tatiana triangle is going to end up.

Vivi great points and i love Luisa also, i've liked her ever since she told Eva not to trust Julian also. But poor misguided Eva didn't listen to her until it was too late. Even when she started to distance herself from him she got manipulated by him again.

I also liked that Pedro Pablo came to his senses last night unfortunately i got the feeling that storyline will not end well. Either Lucia is going to kill one of Pedro Pablo or Lola. Or Lola who has her own gun will kill Lucia.

Novelera i'm thinking the Camila/Benja/Tatiana will blow up from Camila boyfriend Renato he was about to expose them on Monday. I'm guessing that once he learns that Camila is still messing around with Benja that will be it for them.

In the original i heard they exposed the killer around the same time as like with this one.I think it was 90 episodes.

As for Eva i don't know if she survives,like you said Novelera she'll be tied up for several weeks because i don't think we're anywhere near Ultimas Semanas yet.The preview for tonight's episode it didn't look good for Eva but then again they could be misleading us like when Eva was hallucinating about each main lead as the killer.

Vivi you're right Piedad was really thinking about what Julian told her, the question is did he say that to her on purpose or was it a slip of a tongue on his part?

Fantasma De Elena wow a lot happened last night and i was very surprised about the revelations also.

The hostages got out safely and Padre Aquas called Eduardo and told him about crazy gemela being responsible for robbing Elena Lafe's baby.

Eduardo must have called Leonor because after the crazy gemela got a taxi to catch from her major meltdown she tried to grab the baby and take off with it. But Leonor told her that's not happening and the baby is Elena Lafe's YEAH!

Michel gets closer to the truth about Milady parentage and his as he went to confront Milady's father about who his mother was with.

Clara was trying to get Jesusa to convince Milady to go see her father but Jesusa told that heifer she has the nerve with all the lies she has told plus abandoning Milady and willfully hurting her now to ask her to convince Milady to see her father. Jesusa accuses them both of abandonment but Clara tells her that's not true her father didn't know until now about Milady. Jesusa says whether he did or didn't it doesn't matter because Milady doesn't want anything to do with them now because of Clara's lies. Bravo Jesusa tell that heifer where to go.

Eduardo tells Martin it was crazy gemela and Montecristo who was in on the kidnapping of his child with Elena Lafe.

Rebecca is told that they have to wait to see how Andrea reacts but the surgery of the transplant was successful. She ask about Dario and is told by Dr. Tabis that he had complications. Sounded like he's probably in a coma?

Milady had a heart to heart with Eduardo about her parents as he told her he will always be there for her whatever she needs.

Crazy gemela ran to Dulce for help saying that Eduardo knows about the baby switch along with Martin.

Pure comedy Anacleto and Nena are met by the female officer who asked what happen as Anacleto clumsily describes crazy gemela holding them hostage with a gun and electric saw.Nena tells the police officer to follow they also have Padre Aquas and latona as the female officer request for more squad cars Anacleto wants to know if they're getting locked up.

Eduardo,Leonor, his son and Martin drive down to see Elena at her father's hotel.

Montecristo sneaks up to Elena as she sits outside by herself he tells her she is really his wife and that Eduardo and Laura have lied to her. Elena is confused by this and ask him why they would do that but Montecristo says it was because the Dr. said she had gone through a serious trauma and they shouldn't upset her more.

But Elena starts to remember the night she gave birth and how Montecristo acted with her as she gave birth she runs away from him with him following on her heels.

Milady has a talk with Chapparro about her father, at first she question her if she's going to lie to her too but Chapparro assures her that she won't and she proceeds to tell Milady that her father never knew anything about her existing until now. This causes Milady to pause in her thinking.

Dulce dresses crazy gemela up in a black wig and presents her to Ruth as the new domestic help to wait on Ruth hand and foot.

Ruth gives Dulce all the papers she wanted to be signed i get a feeling that Dulce is still not getting her hands on Elena's money regardless of those signed papers.

Elena keeps running away from Montecristo, as Eduardo and crew arrive looking for her the maid tells them Laura has gone to the beach to bring back Elena.

Laura sees Elena running and then sees she is being chased by Montecristo.Elena runs and flags down a driver who stops for her unfortunately it's Kalima as Montecristo catches up to her and puts her in the truck they drive off.

Michel wants the whole truth from Clara he tells her he had a nice long chat with Milady's father about her.

I just LOVE La Gemela in that black wig, as Ninotchka, the Russian maid! Of course Ana Layevska was born in Russia (actually Ukraine), so she's got the accent down pat.

Not surprised about Julian --but really impressed with the actor's portrayal. So Vivi was right about
Julian's having a problem with single or "bad" mothers. Interesting, it came out that he considers Eva a bad mother because Amparo doesn't live with her. Also interesting that Julian started killing at 18!! Obviously, everything ties in with his mother --he almost told Piedad about his mother, and when Eva said his mother must have harmed him, he freaked out and tied her up again. I also like the fact that not only are we seeing how crazy Julian is, but also how crafty he is and how he tried to protect himself in the past from being discovered. (At the time, I wondered whether he had the woman call Matilde to tell about the tapes to throw suspicion on Maurizio, as it seemed strange that a woman would call out of the blue while she was in M's apartment).

The thing I like about this and about Donde Esta Elisa (besides the slick look and wonderful use of music) is that rather than being a conventional 'whodunnit," the writers make it about the why, unravel the antecedents, and also offer alot of ensuing complications.

I think Benja is going to wind up with Camilla, because their affair has to get out and I don't think Tatiana could live with the knowledge. Probably Rodrigo will kick cocaine with the help of the pretty woman in the NA group. Maybe it will seem like they will get together for a while, but I agree that in the end he and Piedad will get together.

Happy Thanksgiving All...

OK, I had a tough time with last night's Elena...I think my brain wasn't working; and my already minimal Spanish became non existent.

What exactly went down between Michel/Clara/Milday? Do they know they aren't blood related?? I know Clara was giving the whole "you're not good enough for my son" speech...I wanted to give Milday a hug as she weeped on the hospital chair. lol

and... QUICK SAND????? REALLLY??? hahaha.

and, another Elena question; but who is that lady that Milday was talking to re: her father? Who is she, and why does she always seem to be wearing a pilot (?) uniform?

Well it looks like Eva has been killed but i think Julian is definitely slipping up when he visited Piedad and what he told her she was looking at him like he grew two heads.

Pedro Pablo and LOla confronted the loca Lucia at her home over her supposed pregnancy. You could see the panic on Lucia face when they demanded that she get a DNA test with Pedro Pablo telling her if she really is pregnant the baby isn't his anyway. Lucia quickly covered up and said if they want to test who the baby's father is they have to wait nine months.

Julian had a talk a with Piedad and told her how worried he was over Eva missing.

Before that he was with Eva in his hideaway he was cleaning her up and gave her water. Eva asked him what made him like that as Julian gave his convoluted answer that women who neglect their children need to pay for it. Eva immediately guessed that the cause of Julian unstable mental state must be his mother.Julian looked at her for a few moments and tied her backed up and left her there.

Back at Piedad's apartment she allowed a tired Julian to stretched out and catch a few zzzzzzz's in her bed.

Tatiana continues to complain to Benja about Rodrigo as Benja keeps realizing his marriage to her has hit the rocks.

Rodrigo stops by Piedad by surprise to cook her dinner as Piedad tries to get him out he picks her and carries her into her bedroom finding Julian sleeping in her bed. They argue with Rodrigo questioning her if he's really the father of her child.Piedad of course slaps him to let him know she's not a slut.

Rodrigo storms out in a angry jealous huff. As Julian makes a another disturbing statement to Piedad.

Lola comes to the office upset over the Lucia business as Camila taunts her about being late and coming and going whenever she wants.

Rodrigo goes to Benja for advice asking if Piedad was messing around with Julian behind his back because of him finding Julian Julian at her apartment. Benja tells Rodrigo the only thing keeping apart him and Piedad is his cocaine addiction.

Benja calls Camila he's jealous of her spending time with her boyfriend Renato during their conversation he hangs up.Possibly to go over to Camila's place.

Tatiana tells Matilde that Piedad is pregnant as Matilde starts to get upset that baby might be Julian but Tatiana tells her not to worry the baby is Rodrigo's.

Julian comes back to his hideaway as Eva wakes up she tells him she won't ever give him the satisfaction of begging him to spare her as Julian threatens to do harm to her daughter. Eva begs him to leave her daughter alone she's innocent.Julian taunts her as Eva goes off on him and finally he stabs her with a knife.

Previews it seems that Matilde is starting to suspect Julian.

Fantasma De Elena Elena is taken off by Montecristo and Kalima as Laura runs back and tells Martin and Eduardo she's been taken by Montecristo. They hopped into Martin's car in pursuit.Martin calls the authorities for a roadblock to stop them.

Dulce and crazy gemela are talking about the inheritance as they prepare Ruth's food. Dulce gives crazy gemela poison to feed slowly to Ruth to kill her off like she did to Margot she tells crazy gemela don't worry it can't be traced.

Rebecca,Walter and Corrina stand vigil watching and waiting for Andrea to wake up from her surgery.Rebecca visits Dario who has slipped into a coma from the transplant operation.

Milady talks to Chapparro about her father as she learns that she and Michel aren't related by blood at all and that her father didn't know about Clara getting pregnant. She is learning how much lies Clara has told to her to keep her apart from Michel.

Clara meanwhile is confronted by Michel over the amount of lies she has told to him and Milady making them suffer for what so she can keep her precious image.

Clara insist she did it for his future and she loves him as if he was her child regardless and what about Milady ask Michel.Clara wants Michel to forgive her but Michel ask her why did she do that to Milady she is her real child how could she do that to her. Clara disgusting doesn't think Milady as hers since she gave her up and think Milady is too beneath Michel for them to be together. This woman makes mt skin crawl with her sickening reasoning.Michel tells her he won't forgive her and that he'll be with milady as Clara warns him if he does the only who will get hurt is Milady so think about that.Clara tells Michel he can still have a great future with Andrea and if he doesn't want to hurt Milady anymore to forget her.This causes Michel to have second thoughts.

Montecristo and crew come upon the roadblock and evade it looking for another way to get around it. As Laura tells Eduardo and Martin how it was probably Montecristo who Elena met down on the beach so that he's has probably planned this all along when they came down here.

Padre Aquas joins the family at Andrea's beside telling them what crazy gemela did kidnapping Elena's baby with Montecristo.Everyone mentions how sick she is and never should have been let loose.

Nena and Anacleto comically tell the woman police officer with Latona what happen with crazy geemla they are then asked why they kidnapped Latona but they tell her with the help from Latona they didn't kidnap Latona they saved her from crazy gemela.Latona confirms this.

Crazy gemela ask Dulce to get her a gun because she wants revenge on Latona for betraying her.

Montecristo and crew stop at a gas station and steal someone's suv they left alone for a minute.Martin and crew haven't found them yet but hear over the radio how Montecristo is now in another vehicle.Montecristo and crew get by the roadblock in a the stolen vehicle. As Elena ask for a bathroom break.

Eduardo and crew arrive at the roadblock and learn about what kind of vehicle they do have now and they take off.

Michel sits in his room going over what he should do concerning Milady as his sister comes in to talk to him he tells her that she is Clara and their father's only child and he is adopted.

Clara meanwhile goes to the hospital as she sees Milady walking towards her she ask for a few minutes to speak to her alone. Milady rudely and justified coldly tells her that's not necessary since she now knows every single lie she told her.

Clara swallows big and admits she did lie but it was for her own good as Milady mocks her biological mother oh really was it really for me or for yourself.Clara can't quite look Milady in the eyes at this question as Milady tells her now she will be with Michel. Clara tells her she can't because she is only just a maid and she doesn't know the lifestyle that Michel has lived in nor would she fit in it.Wow with a mother like this i would rather be a orphan.Milady tells Clara she doesn't care anymore what she thinks or believes because her opinions don't matter to her not now or ever. Clara tells Milady that this so-called love she thinks she has with Michel won't last long nor will it pay the bills or put food on the table.Milady tells off Clara brilliantly and says not to ever worry about her ever again. Since she in capable of having a ounce of love or compassion for her own daughter.Clara tries once more and tells her to think about what her being with Michel would do to Andrea who is recovering from surgery.

Milady walks away from a put in her place Clara who stands there looking like the lying dope that she is. Milady starts to call Michel as she has second thoughts. Michel at the same time tries to call Milady but stops as he thinks about how his being with Milady will affect Andrea.

Montecristo and crew stop to give Elena a bathroom break.Montecristo calls Eduardo bragging that he has Elena and that Eduardo needs to accept his terms.Eduardo tells Montecristo he now knows how he and crazy gemela plan the kidnapping of his son from Elena and that they will pay for it.

Crazy gemela calls Nena's place and threatens to get even with them especially her mother. Nena calls the police afraid because crazy gemela is on the loose.

Dulce tells crazy gemela not to worry because Montecristo has Elena and soon they will be getting rid of her and Ruth and all that money will be theirs.

Ruth looks at the files of the company and complains how complicated everything is.

Elena sneaks out of the store at the gas stop but is seen by Kalima who chases after her.Montecristo is still on the phone bragging to Eduardo that he has the upper hand now as he realizes that both Kalima and Elena are gone.

Eduardo tells Martin he's had enough and he will handle Montecristo now.Martins tells him that's not necessary but Eduardo won't listen so martin let's himleave and gives him a gun.

Elena runs but is caught by Kalima who has a knife drawn on her,Elena knees him where it counts. She tries to run off but steps into quicksand this is the second time with quicksand the first was when crazy gemela left Latona in a secluded area alone and Latona got out of her wheelchair and fell in one.

Previews Montecristo tries to get Elena out of the quicksand he fights Kalima who tries to stop him.

No show tonight a Cantifinas movie and soccer game tonight.

Yes, they must have had a special on quicksand on Fantasma. And just when Elena had gotten in such a nice hit on Kalima!

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