Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Llena de Amor #77 (Mex. 82) Tue 11/30/10 Marianela seeks enlightenment.

Repeating the pro-seat-belt/anti-vehicular-homicide PSA, Emanuel runs outside back to the crash scene to drag a little girl who had gone through the windshield out of a ditch. He hauls her inside, then collapses.
Back at the House of Hate, Kristel and Mauricio are too busy sucking face to care that Fedra is in the hospital.
Over at the dollhouse, Ilitia is too nervous to sleep and tells Brandon she’s a terrible person to have treated Muñeca the way she did. Brandon assures her she’ll have plenty of time to make it up to her mother. They snuggle up.
Moving on to new material…Paula, Benigno, and Delicia are in the foxhole, upset that Marianela left without saying goodbye. Or in Benigno’s case, offended that she left the battlefield. Don Máximo tells them sometimes it’s necessary to leave the battle to regain strength, and she’s actually on an important mission for him. Paula says she hopes the mission is to swing on over to Switzerland and find Gretel.
Mere meters away, Gretel is still tied up, rocking back and forth and trying to maintain her feeble grip on sanity. She recites facts to herself… ”My name is Gretel Ruiz y de Teresa…I’m in the third year of law…my siblings’ names are Emanuel, Kristel, and Axel…” She freaks out a bit when she can’t remember what day it is, but soothes herself by repeating Oliver’s name and remembering their brief boudoir-buddy bonding. She apologizes to him for saying she didn’t love him… “I did it to save you, mi amor.”
Su amor drags his sad self home after another day of Gretel deprivation. Doris is still up, unable to sleep, and she can tell he’s sad about the horrible way Gretel treated him. Oliver cries that he would have done anything for Gretel, anything, and he will never ever forget her, even though she tore his heart out and threw it in the trash. He’s now just one more dead guy, so Doris can go ahead and put makeup on him. Doris says she can’t create happiness with makeup. She hugs him and says she wants to see the happy guy he was before.
In the hospital in Madrid, the handsome doctor gives the report and another PSA: the chocolates contained a deadly poison, but they can save Mari from that. The bigger issue (so to speak) is her weight…she’s a ticking time bomb! High cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood sugar! She’s got to lose weight.
Nereida rifles through Axel’s room and finds…something.
Kristel and Agent Orange snurfle and slurp some more. Then it occurs to Kristel to wonder about her mother’s heart attack. Agent O insists Fedra was faking it to get attention. More importantly, he’s had no personal attention for DAYS. They set about remedying this tragedy. Nereida pokes her hand and a videocamera into the room.
Ilitia and Brandon are still entwined on the sofa. She thanks him for being so good to her when she’s been so bad (but he doesn’t know the half of it). Ilitia smiles seductively, closes her eyes, and leans toward him, leading with the lips. Brandon then executes a lengthy and hilarious should-I-or-shouldn’t-I mime routine. He’s about to kiss her, then pulls back and says he’s working, so no go. Ilitia says it’s just a little kiss. He replies that what’s going on between them is much more than a little kiss. They’re interrupted by a call on Brandon’s radio about an emergency. “No! Don’t leave me!” Ilitia says. So they get to the kissing. It would seem Brandon has taken those kissing lessons we recommended. Flora walks in, then comically tiptoes back to the kitchen.
Doc Hottie continues his dire warnings of the perils of the pounds. Marianela’s organs are overstressed, so she’s got to make a radical change in her lifestyle. Mari cries thinking about how hard it’s going to be. Carlota says she could stand to lose some weight herself, so they’ll work on it together. Solidarity. Mari is also still upset that Emanuel tried to kill her. Carlota urges her to buck up and fight for her life. Marianela agrees that Emanuel is not going to win. She is going to live. Ha, take that!
Meanwhile, Emanuel is teetering on the brink, himself. For some reason he’s still in the house with the guy who lost his wife looking after him. Where the heck are they and why aren’t there any ambulances? He’s trying to stay awake. Bereaved guy tries to get him to talk about the love he lost in order to keep him awake. He mumbles about her leaving him. “Wait, she’s still alive?! I can never see my love again, but you can!” bereaved guy says, a little too perkily for a guy who just lost his beloved wife. Emanuel decides he’s going to Madrid to fix things with Mari. You know, assuming he doesn’t die from lack of medical care in this emergency-aid-forsaken shack first.
Ilitia is sleeping in Brandon’s arms on the sofa.
Lorenzo is upstairs in bed, dreaming that Muñeca and Begoña have woken him up for a threesome. Oh, no, wait, they both want to strangle him because it’s his fault they’re both dead. Asesino! He wakes up, gasping and choking.
Marianela and Carlota are home from the hospital. Carlota tries to show Mari the documents about her inheritance from Luis Felipe. Mari wants nothing to do with the money, because it’s brought her nothing but trouble. Nonsense, says Carlota. Mari is getting the lucre when she turns 21, and if anything happens to Carlota before then, her lawyers have orders to hand over every centavo to Mari. Mari says of course nothing is going to happen to Carlota. Is that an anvil sitting up there on that ledge?
Emanuel is unconscious and has a fever. FINALLY the medics arrive.
Brandon’s awake, running his fingers through Ilitia’s hair and telling himself out loud not to fall in love with her. “What was that?” she asks, waking up. “Nada,” he says. The phone rings and Ilitia jumps up and calls Lowrenzo downstairs and pushes the phone into his hand, hurrying him to answer it. Low takes his time. Finally he answers and Garduño says he knows where to meet him, and no surprises. Lowrenzo hangs up and tells Brandon Muñeca will be killed if they know he has brought a police officer. Brandon assures them that he will return Muñeca, safe and sound. Smitten kitten Ilitia adoringly bats her eyelashes at him until Low notices.
Nereida perkily wakes up Kristel and Malicio with a breakfast tray for two. She just as perkily informs them that Fedra has just arrived home from the hospital. Kristel tries to throw Agent O out, but he says he’s never jumping out the window again. He will leave through the front door.
Fedra is escorted in by her entourage, but she just whines because Emanuel is not there. Where is he? Delicia says he didn’t sleep at the house. Fedra thinks he’s at Ilitia’s house. Axel says he probably stayed with la gorda. Benigno and Delicia have a whispered aside, wondering whether maybe he followed Mari to Spain. They won’t tell Fedra what they’re talking about.
Emanuel is loaded into the ambulance. Then the medic has a long chat with the locals about whether they know the guy or have any emergency contact information for him, and they suggest checking his pockets for a wallet, and the medic says oh, sure, we will try that, and by the way he probably won’t survive long enough for hospital treatment, but no rush, you people have a nice day, and finally the ambulance is on its way.
Fedra is furious when Mauricio prances down the stairs with Kristel. She tries to attack him but Kristel says if she doesn’t leave him alone, she will mention a few choice little tidbits which she’s sure Fedra won’t like. “What’s she talking about?” Axel asks Fedra. Delicia runs in and tells them that Emanuel is dying.
It’s evening in Madrid, and Carlota and Marianela dine on delicious salad. Part kajillion of our PSA…dieting doesn’t mean you have to die of hunger, you just have to eat reasonably and the right foods. Mari says fine, but she really isn’t hungry at all. Carlota understands; she’s upset about everything, too. Unbelievable that Fedra deceived them all these years, and she’s really a prostitute and Emanuel isn’t Emiliano’s son! Mari mentions that there’s another big secret in the family, and another deceiver. Is it true that Gretel is the child of Paula and Máximo, the one they thought died?
Lowrenzo and Ilitia drive out to some field. Garduña drives up with Muñeca. “Look, your ratbastard husband and your bratty daughter. Are you sure you want to go back to them?” Garduña asks Muñeca. He thinks she’d be better off staying with him. She says thanks, but no thanks. Across the field, Lowrenzo is baffled by Ilitia’s complete trust in Brandon. Isn’t he the guy she hated? What happened? Never mind, but he will not fail us, says Ilitia. Brandon and Oliver are hiding behind some bushes in combat gear, guns aimed.
Fedra throws a little tantrum trying to figure out what’s going on, and finally someone calls back to tell them which hospital to go to. Spiderus relays the message that they’d better hurry, because Emanuel isn’t expected to survive. So Fedra has a helpful fit of hysterics, delaying the trip to the hospital.
Carlota confirms that Gretel is the daughter of Paula and Máximo. “How dare you do such a thing? How horrible. WHY?” Mari demands. Carlota says she was very rigid and snobby, and couldn’t stand the idea of a servant’s child carrying the family name. “How can you have any peace? How can you sleep at night?” Mari asks. Carlota says she can’t; she’s been tormented all these years. She thought Gretel would be better off with Fedra and Emiliano as parents, and no one knowing she was a servant’s daughter, but she was a fool. “Thanks to you, Gretel is the saddest person I’ve ever met in my life,” says Mari. She refuses to try to understand Carlota’s reasons for doing such a horrible thing. Gretel’s been abused her whole life, and now she’s been sent away and no one knows where she is. “It’s my fault,” Carlota moans.
Gretel is still rocking in the cellar, still repeating her data to keep her sanity, and giving her bladder the workout of its life. Are they even giving her water? Then she starts repeating what she knows about Fedra. “You can’t go crazy,” she sobs to herself.
Garduño calls Lowrenzo from across the field and says if anything funny happens, Muñeca will die. Then he drives up closer. Oliver moves around to get a better view. Everyone gets out of the cars and Ilitia runs over to hug Muñeca. Garduña laments the loss of his best Maratón opponent ever. Oliver pops out and aims his gun at Garduño and his henchman. They point their weapons back. Muñeca and Ilitia run to hide behind the car with Lowrenzo. Two on one; it’s not looking good for Oliver.
Emiliano is at the pensión. Netty tells him that Mari went to Spain, and the last time she saw Emanuel was at the airport. Emil thinks he must have followed Mari. Netty says he better not have. She’s very mad at him. Emil says Emanuel is totally completely in love with Marianela; he could tell. Netty says their love was doomed from the start. Like ours, says Emil. Fedra had a heart attack. He can’t leave her now, because any shock could kill her and he can’t kill the mother of his children. Fedra calls and tells him about Emanuel’s injuries.
Brandon joins the standoff. The baddies hop in their car and back up. Then they drive at full speed toward Oliver, who doesn’t move. They stop just short, as a swarm of officers storm the car. Garduño gives up. Lowrenzo gets a call about Emanuel, which somehow stuns Ilitia and Muñeca in the midst of all this drama.
Carlota wants to be the heroine who finds Gretel and tells her the truth and unites her with her real parents, so she gets Mari to agree to keep her mouth shut about it until then.
The doc tells Emiliano and Fedra that Emanuel has serious head injuries. They’ll have to wait until he wakes up to find out what secuelas he has. Fedra doesn’t know what that means. She hyperventilates. Emil tries to calm her down. “How can I calm down when my son has secuelas?” she screeches. Ilitia runs in, all Baby this and that, as if she didn’t spend the night wrapped around another fellow. Emanuel wakes up and asks to be taken to the airport. He’s got to go to Spain. But wait. He can’t feel his legs. The doctor calmly says they will do tests and find out what’s wrong. Emanuel has a breakdown and throws everyone out of his room.
“Ha, Emanuel, I am alive in spite of you, and I am going to improve my life. You are not going to win.” Marianela says.
Emanuel tells himself he is going to manage to walk again, and then run to Marianela.
Marianela does a lot of exercising in a gym, still in turtlenecks and long sleeves and hideous headbands, and time passes. Meanwhile, Emanuel does a lot of physical therapy. Eventually, he gets out of his wheelchair and teeters across the lawn. As time passes, he walks more comfortably. It looks like one of those ape-to-man evolution animations. One day, he runs…right into Ilitia’s arms. Marianela is still exercising away. In the pool, we see her evolve into a smaller figure and ever-so-much-smaller swimsuits. And nary a bit of loose skin remaining! She is slim and trim, no bangs, no headband, no glasses, no turtlenecks. Free at last, this poor actress is free at last.
Mañana: Emanuel wins some athletic competition and announces (yet again) his engagement to Ilitia. Marianela debuts her new look.
Tomafal – what Nereida said Fedra had; why she went to the hospital. Anyone have a translation? Or did she say something else, and the captioner got it wrong? I can't tell.
Secuelas – Fedra seems to think this means something horrible, but it just means “results.”


Brilliant Julia. I carefully put the coffeee aside this morning and enjoyed your recap. So many funny comments, had to protect the 'ole laptop.

The whole "I can't feel my legs" seemed a bit weird considering he was able to rescue the little girl before collapsing, but hey, TN medical issues always defy reason. I think there had to be something wrong with him that prevented him for any decent length of time from running to Spain after Mari.

Sooooooo glad the turtlenecks and ugly athletic wear are now gone for Mari. And loved how she gave it to Tia, but the fact she asked Mari not to say anything means something will happen to her before she finds Gretel. Wanna bet? Find that girl soon or Oliver is going to get himself killed.

I missed how much time had passed - son called? Did they flash something on that? If it's a year or so I guess Eman thinks Mari is never coming back and if Ilitia did stand by him, well, guess it makes sense he's back with her. maybe she did "change" a bit in her attitude....guess we'll see. Do like her new "do".

Didn't see the last of this but good grief, does this mean Gretel has been in the wine cellar for months and months...or years!? Switched over to the Ohio State basketball game...sounds like I missed a lot of drama. But believe me, there was a lot of physical mayhem in the game as well.

You were having fun with alliteration Miss Julia. "Brief boudoir-buddy bonding." Hah

And I DID notice, along with you, that Brandon has improved on his Doggie Chow kisses. Thank God.

Also agree that the bereaved widower was a little too perky trying to keep Emanual awake and non-comatose. I know men "move on" faster than women, but's only been an hour or two.


And "tamafal"? No idea. Sounds like Middle Eastern food to me.

Julia- Wonderfully funny and snarky as usual. What an episode! By the way, it said that TWO YEARS has passed! I appluad them for their realism on how long it would really take for Mari to transform so drastically, but like others it left me horrified that Gretel has been in the cellar that long. She was barely hanging on to sanity after 1 week. She must be a babbling idiot or catatonic after 2 years.

And does Axel have all his memories back? If so, how has he managed to live under the same roof as Fedra- regardless of her "heart" condition. And after learning to walk again, Eman decided to give up on the one he loves, and decides to marry the one he's with?! I guess Ilitia must have been like Florence Nightengale, nursing him back to health during those years.

Mari looked fantastic in her new (real) body. I loved the bang-less, free flowing hair and the tan. Yeah, Tia saying that Mari will inherit all from her is for sure a death warrant for Carlota. Which means Mari will be an even bigger target for Fedra when she returns.

I just cannot get over Gretel being lock up in the cellar for 2 YEARS! I can't believe that Delicia didn't go back down to the cellar to find out what all those noises were about. Ugh!

Julia, Excellent and hilarious. My favorite:

" her bladder the workout of its life. "

So I guess the world stood still for 2 yrs. so Mari could lose weight and Manny could learn to walk. I wonder if Doris went to LA, Muñeca visited Garduño in prison for some torid Maratón, and if Gretel has become a know-it-all wine snob?

Am I the only one that thinks that the new Marianela looks like one of those Japanese cartoon girls?

No, I have no idea why Manny could walk well enough to save the little girl, then took 2 yrs. to learn to walk again. Clearly a bad secuela.


Wow Julia, you had an action packed episode, what fun. I went into the kitchen to get a bowl of soup and came back to a paralyzed Emanuel. That was weird. As Daisy points out, the writers had to figure out some way for his wings to be clipped otherwise he'd be flying off to Spain.

What in your recap made me laugh the hardest? I think when you said the poor actress is free at last, free at last. FINALLY rid of that hot fat suit and ringlet wig. I wonder if her cheeks will be a normal color now instead of the overheated rosy blush she had before?

Gretel is stuck in the cellar for TWO YEARS?!?!? Oh say it ain't so.

I was also a bit confused by what Nereida said. Tomafal? I was thinking she said toma falso, or something like faking it, but I couldn't really find that as a translation and it didn't totally make sense either.

Awesome recap Julia, quite hilarious how you pointed out the weird inconsistencies and goofiness in this episode. More later but it's back to work for me now, ugh.

Clever recap, as always, Julia. Lol'd at your observation that Eman's recovery sequence "looked like one of those ape-to-man evolution animations."

Can't believe we sped past two years of happenings in one night to find Eman back with Ilitia and Mari a tanned and trim hottie.

Carlos, your questions re: Gretel as a wine snob and the torrid jail Maratón session were hilarious. Here are some of mine: What happened to Begoña's baby? Is he still in the orphanage? Has anyone even noticed that Begoña is missing? Is clueless Emiliano still being hoodwinked by Fedra?
I'll be tuned in tonight 'cause they've got some 'splain' to do on this how.


Sorry, meant to say "on this show".

Well, I'm certainly looking forward to tonight. We've got to find out what everyone else has been doing for two years. Can Fedra really have gone so long without killing Max? How did she not have someone hunt down Marianela and Carlota in Madrid? Have Axel and Delicia remained in complete stasis all this time and not gotten together or investigated any of the things they were wondering about? Was Gretel at the very least untied and given means of relieving and washing herself? What's Brandon up to? I'm dying to know.

Where the hell is that pool? I would love to enter at one end and exit the other several pounds lighter.

I dont think it took Eman 2yrs to recover he was up and running well before Mari lost all the weight.

Awesome recap, thank you. I have now caught up with all the Llena episodes. Great recap, you are brilliant!

Wow, two years! Like others here, I am dying to know what happened with everyone else! Bring on tonight's episode! :D

Thanks Julia for the recap. I too was a bit confused with Eman's sudden paralysis unless he had some spinal swelling or something. So it took Mari two years to lose the weight while Eman rehabilitated and resumed his relationship with Ilitia. That also means that Gretel has been kept prisoner in that blasted wine cellar for two years. Ugh.

I'm a little disappointed that as far as we know, Mari has spent all her time in Madrid in the gym. I hope she's gotten out and seen the sights! I love Madrid and would happily spend years wandering around those streets and in the art museums. Exercise doesn't have to be formal and tedious.

great recap, Julia! love your
"She is slim and trim, no bangs, no headband, no glasses, no turtlenecks. Free at last, this poor actress is free at last".

as far as
Eman decided to give up on the one he loves, and decides to marry the one he's with?!
well, there seems to be some of that running around across novelas, since the exact same thing happened in Eva Luna last night.

Whatever happened to Jacky? I thought she was determined to get her claws in Emanuel. Did she just give up? I was counting on her to realize Begoña had disappeared but she seems to have disappeared herself.

And did Lowrenzo give up on evicting the orphanage? So many loose ends hanging all over.

Thanks for the recap Julia. You ask quite a few good questions as well. Where is Jacky?

The thing that is annoying about the if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with is that everyone knows the person is settling and no attempts are typically made to really love the second person. I wish the writers could create more plausible (I know, I know) scenarios.

Nevertheless, I can't wait to see what has happened in two years.

Wonderful Julia.

Along with everyone else, I can't believe Gretel has been terrorized - abandoned and alone for several years. “Thanks to you, Gretel is the saddest person I’ve ever met in my life,” says Mari. I'm sorry - there is no act selfless enough for Carlota's redemption in my book.

And now life for the new Mari begins. It will be interesting to see how and if the emotional component is dealt with. Has her soul and heart lightened and grown?


Julia, this was peppered with so many terrific funny bits that I’m going to just give up on citing them and say a blanket “Awesome!” You were in high form last night. Just loved it. Prime Julia stuff.

What I didn’t love is that Eman, who just had to get out of his bed to go find Mari, apparently didn’t even try. Heck, if he can walk, he can fly to Spain, no? So much for his great and undying love. Maybe Ilitia is more tolerable now that she’s seen the error of her ways. Also, Altair (Ilitia) now has to wear a wig maybe for the rest of the show. Too bad.. I liked her asymmetrical ‘do.

And what about poor Brandon, sidelined in love again?

I hope Mari was going to university in Spain

Julia, thanks so much for this delightful recap! Loved that description of the paramedic taking Emanuel away after chit-chatting with the crowd.

“Brandon then executes a lengthy and hilarious should-I-or-shouldn’t-I mime routine.” Well-said! I thought I would never forget the jerk he played in MP, but Brandon’s facial expressions of “What? Where? Who?” will be my memory. He’s doing the naïve macho poli to the hilt.

“She is going to live. Ha, take that!” LOL!

“Mari says of course nothing is going to happen to Carlota. Is that an anvil sitting up there on that ledge?” Oh, indeed, it has to be.

“So Fedra has a helpful fit of hysterics” LOL! For a “strong” mean female, she’s such a wuss sometimes. It’s like she got arrested in childhood emotionally.

“n the pool, we see her evolve into a smaller figure and ever-so-much-smaller swimsuits. And nary a bit of loose skin remaining!” ROTFL! And since it took dos años (time warped into 30 seconds or so) we know that she will probably keep it all off. Telenovela law #5 or so.

“Where the hell is that pool? I would love to enter at one end and exit the other several pounds lighter.” Ebony, LOL! I’m with you, chica!

“Toma” means capture, seizure of something, or storming a fort, etc. If this is Mexican slang, it’s pretty new and not in a single one of my half dozen slang dictionaries. Maybe it was the captions, but I heard “tomafal” too.


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