Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #85 Tuesday 8/16/11 Missing Episode??

Good evening Señoras y Señors,

I wanted to post and let you all know I won't be able to post this week, I am struggling with a very bad migraine and I am supposed to be leaving in the morning for a vacation in northern California. I am hoping someone can help out or you are all free to discuss here and I will be back next week ready to go!! Thank you and everyone have a wonderful week!!


I'll start it off and take you to the first commercial...

> Roberta is losing confidence in her mom

>Selene, looking rather cute and perky, spills the soup about Roberta's pregnancy... Rafa was the ex-kids daddy. Augie is happy to learn this... "now don't tell anyone else"

>Renata, Coni, Hon with Adri ... she's better but can't believe about Daniel... next!

>Icky lawyer with Gonzo... uh oh, Blanca's involved Renata

>Blanca consults with a lawyer, she wants to sue the Co.... looks like she's got a case... bitch!... jerk!... next!

>Regina on phone with Jerry... the Co.'s in trouble... blah blah blah

>Matias with wreck girl's sister... does anyone care?

>Renata, Coni, Adri... girl talk ... ho hum

>lurking Augie overhears Renata say she's done with Jerry... grins... this is news?

Go to commercial.



I watched it and this may be out of sequence....

Alfonsina and Zeke's son has run away...Carlos runs in asking Jero for permission to have the help go help find the runaway chamaco.

Dr of the Ta-Ta's finds the boy (can't remember his name) getting ready to get on a fishing boat, Dr. Ta-Ta's makes nice with the boy and talks to the fishing boat guy and let's him know the boy is a minor (duh) and lends an ever helpful ear.

Karina talks to the padre about the conjugal visits and wants to know if she will be a bad wife if she doesn't go do her wifely duty at the jail, The padre is kind enough to absolve her of her duty and to our relief Kari won't be trudging to the jail on bumping uglies day.

Mr I today was Chema who showed up at the hospital with a teddy bear for Adri, this after Matias came in with a ginormous oso de pelushe. Coni went after Matias and explained that she had asked Chema to keep his distance, Mati says he is weirded out that Chema is about his age but if he makes her happy...

Antonio visits Fina and lets her know he knows her identity. (This was the fade to black ending)

oops that would be oso de peluche*

From the second scene:

Jero calls his secretary for info on EM.

Berta tells Sele not to talk about her to Augie. Oops, too late.

The three Monterrubio males agree to protect Renata from business trouble.

Fina marches in and slaps Gonzo a good one for hanging with Regina Soberon. She shrieks she'll never give him a divorce.

Tony reads about a double homicide involving Cantu and the ex mayor. He calls Cantu's assistant for information.

Fina shrieks the house and properties are in her name. When she starts slamming Regina Gonzo kicks her out.

Oh, and Gonzo has a great phrase when he tells Fina never to return to his office, Evitame la pena = Spare me the grief.

New word of the day
Renata to Agustín
piroper - compliment

Thanks Reba. I heard Renata say the word but I thought she said "piropero", no wonder I couldn't find a translation.

A night of surprise visits:

- Augie calls Berta and they rendezvous.

- Antonio surprises the heck out of Fina by telling her that Cantu confirmed Pepa and Fina are the same person and one of her two daughters, Roberta or Renata, is Regina's daughter!

As I saw this on Daily Motion, I'm not sure if I was seeing the avances or if Augie met Roberta of the Big Mouth before the avances, but Augie Doggie wasted no time in asking Roberta why she said Jero was the father of her child and not Rafa.

Also in the avances (again, on Daily Motion) Jero is offering to drive Dr. Tata home. She could barely contain her excitement. Good grief.

How convenient that it was Dr. Tata to be the one to find Alfie's missing child.


The competing peluches scene was kind of funny, but I think Teresa still wins by a landslide for best use of stuffed animals. Speaking of which, was that Arturo-Bear that Matias brought, or just his estranged sibling?

Antonio is the worst. Did I really hear him tell Isidro that his detective found that there is no connection between Pepa and Fina? So now Isidro's giving up on that trail? The. Worst.

Feel better, Jules! And have a great trip.

Well, well, so many revelations: if Dr. Tatas didn't tell the fisherman that Ponchito was a minor would he have assumed he was an elf or a leprachaun who needed to go fishing? If Antonio really gets Isidro to tell him if Gonzo or Regina hire another investigator wiill he really just avoid dupication as he says? Oh, Antonio you are so dead to me.

The only act of justice of the telenovela gods is that by playing his own spiteful smarter-than-thou game by sidling up to Fina flashing all his knowledge, idiot Antonio just moved his sorry a$$ to the top of the Fina hit list.

REnata is enjoying making Jero sizzle between the ears so he thinks Augie is there with her all the time. Augie doesn't have nearly as much money as Jero so the EmpMont may need Jero later to save the day.

I loved how Gonzo called Fina on her greed and avarice and told her he didn't care if she got all the money but he wants to be left alone. Dpn't make me lock you out of the business doors. He also assured her he never considered threatening her home in order to bail out the empresa. She is finding her self surprisingly ineffective in trying to wheedle and appeal to Gonzo's big heart.

Sister of Miss-Hit-and-Run is so boring I can't think why they added her in unless she just needed to strut her sexy tight jeans down the hospital hallway. Gag me if she makes a play for Mat, but he does seem to enjoy some attention to women who aren't predators like Roberta.

Augie is possibly having the most fun of all. He can tantalize Renata while scrubbing the streets for willing drop-em damsels all the while busting Jero's chops and he might even show up and give Dr. Tatas a twirl.

A great episode. Sorry you were feeling poorly Jules. I hope vacation is a fabulous and instant cure. Thanks so much to Carlos, Ruby, Sylvia, Reba, and of course Susanita. I love the pitch in and get it done spirit of this group. No slackers here.

Wasn't that a lion Mr Inappropriate junior Chema had? Anyway he needs to get a clue.

Julieta is definitely liking Matias and he seems to like the attention.

So Dr. Nasty wants Kari to continue being his wife after all he has done huh?

I loved the look Renata had on her face as if it's saying i can't be bother by you now Jerko. Auggie was loving every minute of it too.

So explain to me how Fina thinks walking into Gonzo's office and slapping him silly like that is sweet talking him into staying with her and not divorcing her behind pronto?

Gonzo is right money is all that Fina cares about.

Antonio the idiot does he think that was smart confronting a possible serial killer?

As for BSC Blanca WTF????? So she is suing the company and blaming Renata as the one who committed fraud?Hon wants to give himself up to the authorities before Renata is ever charged because she wasn't there when Blanca committed this act.

Gonzo talks Renata into sitting down and talking to Regina. Looks like he now believes that Jerko was telling the truth about Fina lying about Renata being La Bonita.

Previews Dr. Tata's flirts and plays up to Jerko who doesn't seem to mind this and flirts back at her. Renata confronts Fina over her lie Jerko saying she was La Bonita and why would she do that? What has she done to make her hate her so much?

Aw, Jules. Hope the migraine is gone by now. Understand what you were feeling. Enjoy your trip, get some great fresh air and relax. Looking forward to hearing about your fun when you get back.

Wow! I think most of the details got up already. I had to do the Daily Motion thing late last night too because of a dinner engagement. Was pretty tired, but some of the scenes sure woke me up.

That FIna Slap - Blu, I agree with you. That shrieky screaming that Berta and Selene do too - so attractive. And these women wonder why the men (well, except for Augie who goes for anything) don't want them. Loved Gonzo in all his fury basically telling her to take a hike. She seemed genuinely stunned that her threats meant nothing.

And Toni - I think his ploy may be to let Fina know he has the details - but he'll keep quiet if she helps him destroy Gonzo. Think? Maybe she can teach him how to make facial expressions - one thing she's good at.

One preview too - Nata confronts her "mama" on why she told Jero she was La Bonita. Looks like everyone is "on" to Fina now. Just like on Llena - Mama can still do a lot of damage even if her real nastiness is revealed.

Augie and Berta meet - that can't be good.Is he getting a little too sure of himself? He's starting to spread his conspiring and someone is going to slip. And if Selene finds out... maybe that will be good actually.

And the start of Jero saving the company starts - he's doing his research. (Anyone else think his screen was a little, well, "cutesy" for a guy while he was talking to his assistant in Spain? ) Does also beg the question - who is running this vast empire? If it's that poor assistant - woman needs a MAJOR raise.

New spare girl - don't get it. Matias hook up? Coni-Chema - - -still confused here too. Why doesn't she straighten this out if she wants back with Hon? Or is she really not sure now? Even if Hon takes the fall for the company mess.... yeah, I'm baffled.

Such good stuff - watching late is dangerous though. Kept me awake thinking about this stuff.Yikes!

Sorry you aren't feeling well Jules and thank you to everyone who stepped in to fill in the gaps.

So-o-o what a surprise (not) Antonio has gone all the way to the dark side. When he phoned Cantu's assistant I thought he was hoping to find some backup info for the investigation. But No-o-o he was just making sure that there was no one else who knew the truth. Now he has shut down Isidro by lying to him and he rushes to Fina -- probably to form an alliance to separate Gonzalo & Regina. He better watch out Fina's plans to break them up already included two murder attempts. He's just put himself and Regina both in the crosshairs.

I'm looking forward to seeing what's up with Augustin & Roberta. Everything seems to be going his way right now -- hence his ever present grin. Makes me channel my father when he used to threaten to "wipe that smile off your face."

Ditto on the scene with Ponchito & Marina. Too trite & not up to the writing standards we've come to expect from this show.


Feel better Jules and enjoy a much deserved vacation!

Thanks everyone for filling in all the details in your comments. This is such a fabulous group. One thing I noticed, didn't Blanca give another name to her lawyer and not the one we know her by? She even gave him a passport. I didn't bother to take note of the name at the time, just knew it wasn't familiar. Anyone else catch this?

Augie's sh*t eating grin is funny. Can't wait till it's wiped off. So now Renata's also-ran (Augie) has joined forces with her foe (Berta), and Regina's also-ran (Toni) has joined forces with her foe (Fina). I see big trouble for our two leading ladies because of these unholy alliances.

The only purpose I can see in having Marina find little Ponchito is now everyone will love her and welcome her into the circle (except Mati). She's in like Flynn. And it looks like there's some major flrting that she and Jero will be doing. Focus Jero, focus! You're supposed to be winning Nata back. Of course, he is trying to help the Empresas MR, and that is a very good thing.

I know the Catholic Church isn't big on divorces, and I'm glad Padre has told Kari that she doesn't have to fulfill her conjugal duties, but he SHOULD also be telling her to divorce Alvaro's a**! Since when is it a good idea for some to stay married to an abusive, cheating, alcoholic, immoral buffoon? Aren't these some pretty good grounds for divorce? What does it take for a priest to finally say to someone that they need to pull the plug on a toxic marriage?

Thanks to everyone for pitching in here. Jules, get to feeling better and enjoy that vacation.

Vivi, I did notice that Blanca used a different name with the lawyer but forgot to get it and add it in. While watching I thought, hmmm, you went to work under an assumed name and sabotaged the company... now this lawyer thinks you have a good case?

Did she find this lawyer while watching late night television?

Didn't that fisherman seem just a bit too willing to take Panchito aboard?


Jules, how rude of me, I forgot to wish you a good trip with lovely weather. Thanks for posting early so we could comment while we were all het up. I hope you recovered from your migraine.

Yes, I also noticed that Blanca used a different name with her lawyer. Did she bother to tell the guy that she used an alias and lied profusely on her resume? I think she said her name is Dominica de la Rivera.

Carlos, I didn't really know what to make of that fisherman's willingness to take Ponchito out on the water. Weird.

Cheryl, good point about Augie having the best time of all. He's got the good girls thinking he's quite the gentleman and he's got the bad girls thinking he's quite the stud. He's a busy guy.

Is anyone else as amazed as i am with the actor playing Augie? I took me all this time to figure out he is Federico (of the arranged marriage to Aimee) from Corazon Salvaje. Even though he is playing a creepy stalker again his character is entirely different. It took me a while to learn that the true enjoyment and entertainment in these novel as is found in the villains.

I do think this novela is the best I have seen for keeping the plot moving. My one problem with it is that the concept of loyalty to a spouse or lover seems not only to be missing, but disloyalty is romanticized in an adolescent manner

Yeah i noticed that BSC Blanca used another name too. How does she figure she can win a case when she used a alias and lied on her resume? But not only that she supposedly is blaming Renata for what happen and Renata wasn't there at the time.This woman is definitely not working with a full or half a deck at all.

Looks like Jerko is trying to help out the MR business from behind the scenes with the banks.

So if BSC has been working with an assumed name all this time, who in our beloved group may possibly have the same last name - one of our married ladies? One of the gents who changes a name....now I'm intrigued by that. We may actually get something on who the blazes this nut-job is?

Guera - so funny channeling your father. My mother use to love that line. That grin reminds me of a coach I worked with in my "younger" days who would always tell the group when we got sure of ourselves in a practice " Don't get so cocky!"

I'd just like to smack it off his face. Makes my skin crawl now.

That scene with Ponchito trying to board the boat and the fisherman agreeing was just weird. Is the guy totally brain-dead? Or was he maybe thinking, "this kid is obviously a runaway; if I let him on my boat that will keep him in one place while I call the authorities to come pick him up." The guy didn't seem like much of an actor though so it was hard to tell. He just kind of stood there and said, "oh, okay." Like he's the sort of person you wouldn't think exists, who could be handed a bomb or bundle of drugs at the airport and he'd try to get on the plane with it.

Was Kari's visit with Alvaro in prison in yesterday's episode? He is expecting conjugal visits after his little tantrum? I was hoping that he might make himself useful by telling Kari that he can't be Alfie's baby's daddy.

Hasn't Regina had enough time to mention to Gonzo that Roberta was in the hospital before the wedding? I guess it just hasn't come up.

Say what you will about Augie, he is a good listener.


Aha! Just found you guys. Jules usually posts her recaps in the afternoon, so I assumed it was late in coming.

Thanks for doing such a great job of recapping the action everybody.

Like Cheryl, I'm wondering what the new gal in tight jeans is there for. Has to be some plot-driven reason.

And got quite a chuckle out of Dr. Ta-Ta's rescue of the little fellow. I assume he was so hypnotized by her chest that he would agree to anything. Ditto the weird deck hand.

Thought the Padre-Kari conversation was a PSA. The Catholic church, and many fundamentalist churches are strongly anti-divorce; so explaining that remaining a spouse did not mean submitting to the doc's demands for sexual congress was pretty important. And understandable as far as Kari's character has been shown...she's a small town, devout woman. She married her husband because her father wanted her to. She is submissive to male authority, whether in the family or in the church hierarchy. So getting permission to not have to bed the Doc anymore was important.

Some churches allow divorce in the case of abuse, alcoholism or "unrepentant infidelity". And some churches are fine with it under any circumstances. But not the Catholic church. So granting Kari this leeway was very important, and I supposed aimed at every abused Hispanic woman out there watching this program.

Thanks Judy. This is one of many reason why I am not Catholic and could never be. So the only hope for Kari being free of Alvaro and able to marry Laz is if Alvaro dies?!

I can't believe..- Interesting thoughts on how marriage and fidelity are portrayed in this tn. I'm still thinking about it. Let's look at the marriages affected by infidelity (and other issues):
-Kari and Alvaro: Infidelity, plus abuse and substance dependence. Kari takes her vows so seriously that she can't even consider divorcing Alvaro.
-Alfonsina and Zeke: Her infidelity resulted in the loss of her home, husband and child. She is also expecting a baby, which she will have to raise on her own due to her infidelity.
-Gonzo and Fina: He seems to have known for a while that his marriage to Fina was not healthy. Meeting Gina just made that crystal clear, but he and Gina did not have relations until he told Fina (for the second time) that they were finished, and moved out of the house. Now, you could say they had an emotional affair, and you could say that they shouldn't have had relations until he was divorced. But I personally don't consider it cheating. Maybe it’s because I know how evil Fina is.
-Hon and Con: Neither cheated, but they both think the other did. They have been reacting out of jealousy, mistrust and hurt. But it looks like they are slowly building back their trust. Once they leave their pride behind and just tell each other the truth, I think they will be back to normal.

Carlos: Could Gina be assuming Gonzo already knows Berta was in the hospital before the wedding?


Judy, ITA your words ring so true and although it is hard for more sophisticated women to understand this level of submissiveness, it is an important message to reassure a woman's right to dignity even though she practices her devotions in a conservative manner. It was good to see the guards there to grab ex-Doc just as he was ready to practice his old habits with his poor long suffering wife. I am more than ready to see this thread of the plot break off.

@Vivi and Cheryl...yes, it's hard to see that submissiveness...from our perspective as American women...but the culture in Mexico is quite different. I recall Gonzo stating that it was a "machista" culture, and the church is very strict on divorce.

I attend a conservative Lutheran church-- even though I am not conservative-- but we actually had a sermon once titled "Why Divorce is Adultery". This in spite of the fact that many in the congregation are divorced. In fact, the divorce rate in our suburb is at least 50% and I wouldn't be surprised if the rate weren't nearly as high in our church. So there's a big disconnect between dogma and practice. But for someone like Kari, in her small town in Mexico, divorce would be unthinkable.

I don't know how the writers are going to resolve this but none of us, I'm sure, would be sorry to see the doc meet his Maker. They can sort that out between themselves!

Cap'n Sylvia: Need your help, por fa.

I have been to Daily Motion this evening to try to catch tonite's capitulo.

I have put in: CMESDET cap 86 and the only thing that shows up is "Una Familia con Suerte". I've tried different variation of the above, but cannot find cap 86.

Help, por fa!!!!!


Susanita, sorry about the late reply. I had to pick my sis up at the airport. I couldn't find Cap 86 of CME on Daily Motion either. I found part of it on Justin.TV though:

Part 1

Couldn't find the second half, sorry!

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