Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Abismo de pasión #7 3/20/12: She's Makin' a List...and Rollin' Her Eyes...

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Casa Castañon:


Lolita and Carmina let themselves into Augusto’s office – María Santísima, they had a key the whole time – and…it turns out he shot the wallpaper. “I’m a coward!” he sobs. Yeah, no kidding. What a waste of chili peppers.

The Citrus Sister hangs around to try to cheer him up as only she can. “She’s not worth suffering over; just forget about her. But meanwhile, what shall we do with her inconvenient corpse?” Augie says Estefanía will never enter this house again, nor will he ever speak her name. Coz that’s what love means, right?

[Poor Estefanía. I will miss her. She’s the only telenovela gal I’ve seen who can walk across the room in high hells without looking like a ten-dollar rental.]

Carmina goes out to tell the Body Squad to take her sister away. Blanca shows up with Elisa and tells them to take the body to the church for a funeral mass. Carmina starts to argue with her, pointing out that they are not a Catholic family, but Blanca is having none of it. Estefanía has been Catholic for a long time. Blanca wins.

[All of this calls the whole Linda-Blair-in-the-confessional scene into question, of course. Clearly Carmina is not Catholic, so she shouldn’t have been in there to begin with. And why would the Padre be bound to keep quiet about anything BeelzeBarbie says? Oh well; I guess it isn’t any weirder than the fact that the baby birds started out as parrots and ended up as doves.]

Meanwhile, Augie starts drinkin’. Well, somebody had to – it’s telenovela law, you know.

Church and Cemetery:

Rosendo’s funeral is very well attended, while Estefanía is off in a side-chapel with only Elisa, Lolita, Lucio and Blanca, and the Padre to attend her. Naturally both parties end up in the cemetery at the same time, and naturally – or unnaturally, I guess I should say – Alfonsina makes a big scene. She refuses to enter until the Castañon party has vacated the premises. When Damián moves forward to comfort Elisa, Alfie announces in front of God and everybody that he is forbidden to have anything to do with “the daughter of the woman who killed your father.” [What is with this chick? Did she get blackballed from the Little Chili Peppers sorority in junior high?] Padre Lupe finally shakes himself out of his dreamy trance and tells her to shut up. In the nicest possible way, of course.

Lucio, in a very classy move, asks Gael to escort the ladies back to Casa Castañon (they have been joined by Ramona and Paloma at this point.) He and Blanca will stay for the burial of Don Rosendo.

Later at Casa Arango:

The Padre brings Damián the amulet his father was wearing when he died. He thought he would want to have it. As the Padre leaves – he sure looks cute in his little dress! – Damián gets his mother’s abandoned amulet and holds the two together in his hand.

Gabino comes to pay his respects and tell Doña Alfonsina that he is at her service. [You know, that Gabino could be a bit of all right if he’d cut his hair and suds his pits a little. But I digress.] She accuses him of being complicit in her husband’s affairs, but he says that doing what he was told did not mean he approved. All right, then, you want to help? Cancel the contracts with the Castañon farm. I don’t want anything to do with those people ever again.

Back at Casa Castañon:

Carmina tells Gael to beat it; they don’t feel like socializing. Always the hostess. Meanwhile, Lucio berates Augusto – come out of your office already! Think of your daughter! Looks like wardrobe has given Augie a second fright wig to wear on top of the first one; no wonder he doesn’t want to go out. As he leaves, Lucio confronts Carmina about the amazing coincidence of her and Rosendo planning to leave town at the same time. “I had nothing to do with that man,” she says. Oh yeah? Then why were you arguing that day at the procesadora? Well, of course I went to tell him to stay away from my sister. “I don’t believe a word of it,” Lucio says. “And I hope one day God will make it all clear.” Honey, you better hope she doesn’t take to killin’, coz you’ll be number one on the list.

Entre las Dos Casas:

Presumably these houses are only about 14 feet apart, because people seem to teleport between them. Gabino catches Carmina skulking around the hallway and takes the opportunity to blackmail her – you’d better pay me off, or everyone will know it was really you who caused all this mess. She poofs back to her sister’s bedroom, where she raids the jewelry box. This better shut him up, she says to herself in the mirror, or I’ll kill him. Gabino moves to number one! Guau, that didn’t take long.

Elisa confronts her auntie about what she’s doing in Mom’s bedroom. Carmina says you mouthy little brat, your mama was too permissive with you, that’s the problem – from now on things will be different. Unfortunately, we believe her.

At the Church:

Ramona tells the padre that she was present at the accident and that the car was returning to La Eremita, not leaving -- and also she heard Steffi’s last words, something like, “I had to stop him, or them.” What’s more, she overheard Rosendo earlier in the day arguing with a woman who was definitely not Steffi. “Who was it? Who? Who?” squeaks the padre, apparently suffering a bout of amnesia (or misplaced professional discretion.) Sorry, I didn’t see her face. [You're going on the list sooner or later, hon, but for now we'll write your name in pencil.]

At the Blue House:

Carmina shows up to pay Gabino off with a pearl necklace. What am I supposed to do with this? It’s not like I can sell it. That’s what you get, she says; it’s all I have. What about this house? Don Rosendo put it in your name. [Yeah, it’s so much easier to sell a house than a necklace. No wonder you’re such a captain of industry.] She says don’t play games with me – you’ve got as much to lose as I do. If I tell Alfonsina how deep you were into all this subterfuge, there’s no way you’ll ever be the Big Chili Pepper at the factory, and there go your delusions of grandeur. She tells him he makes her sick and marches out to the front patio, where she really does look sick.

Penultimate Shocker:

That nasty little Begoña visits Alfonsina and manages to insinuate – hell, she actually comes out and says – that Augusto knew about the “affair,” he was wildly jealous, and she wouldn’t be surprised if he provoked the accident somehow. Which means, of course, that Augusto killed your husband. Shouldn’t he pay for that? Huh? Shouldn’t he? Guess she didn’t get into the Little Chili Peppers either. And they probably drew a mean picture of her on the playground sidewalk.

Ultimate Shocker:

Carmina topples backward on the church steps and her eyes roll back in her head, which is to say, she looks the same as usual – horizontal and crazy – but for once she’s not running her mouth, so they get worried and take her to the doctor. ¡Sorpresa! You’re pregnant...Señorita. Wonder how long it will take Mrs. Dr. Begoña to shop that all over town? Orangina better get fizzy in a hurry – and we know with whom…


thanks, Blue Lass... copying my comment from yesterday's blog here..
comment on tues ep..
man! i lost it last night, had not heard that song in so long..

entre tus manos esta mi vida, Senor.
Entre tus manos pongo mi existir.
hay que morir para vivir.
entre tus manos yo confio mi ser.

so sad to see that noone came to the watch for Estefania while the whole town was there for Rosendo... how are all these people going to feel when they all (those that survive the time jump) realize their mistake...
and lost it again when Elisa hugged the coffin and remembered her mother's smile and comforting words...

what a moving episode on the kids side!! and Padre so comforting with Damian!

WHOA!! have to save reading it for lunchtime but could not help read the first paragraph.. what a start!!
María Santísima, they had a key the whole time – and…it turns out he shot the wallpaper. “I’m a coward!” he sobs. Yeah, no kidding. What a waste of chili peppers.
ROFLOL!!! that was brilliant snark!

I'm not even past the fourth paragraph and I'm laughing hysterically.

Ten dollar rental
What a waste of chili peppers
BeelzeBarbie (this one is a keeper and I'm stealing it of you don't mind)

Back to reading. I'll be back later with more praise.

Blue Lass, this is hysterically funny.
I had a break between patients and had a chance to read this. So many funny lines, but I'll select this:

"[You're going on the list sooner or later, hon, but for now we'll write your name in pencil.]"

Too funny.

I'll be back later with more.


Blue Lass this is a gem. So many great lines and fun names; BeelzeBarbie is my favorite.

While this probably won't happen, I want to see Fina and the Orange One face off after Fina (if she's alive from all her evil doings) discovers she picked the wrong sister. This fantasy fight has the potential to be epic.

Blue Lass this was hilarious. I didn't watch last night because I was not in the mood to be saddened by the funerals. But with your snarky recap in front of me, I'll be ready to face my recording this evening and will be able to see the humor in the episode. Muchas gracias amiga!

LOVE the BIG Chilly Pepper theme between Lucio and Gabino..
and the Chilly Pepper sorority rejects Begoña and Fina ... LOL!!
btw, Gabino and Carmina's first meeting happened at the blue house, that is why they asked each other what they were doing there... and that is why Carmina was collecting all her personal belongings from the blue house before she saw him, she wanted to leave no sign of her there... so she could continue spreading the theory it was Este who was with Rosendo... she should have brought Este's perfume bottle and left it there... some folks might identify it with Este... well, maybe she will later...
then Carmina gets home in a flash to go through Este's stuff and leave the perfume bottle there and has the brilliant idea of taking all of Este's jewelry... love how the 'Fur Elise' music was driving her nuts... i bet she has nightmares with that melody...

Citrus Sister? BeelzeBarbie? Horizontal & Crazy? Am I sensing who is going to be the butt of our nickname vengence?

This was such a great recap, Blue Lass. I especially loved:
-Baby birds started out as parrots and ended up as doves
-Did she get blackballed from the Little Chili Peppers sorority in jr. high?
-2nd fright wig to wear on top of the first one
-Gabino moves to #1. Guau, that didn't take long.

Very, very funny. We needed that.

Rosemary la Otra

This was great Blue Lass. I don't have time to watch this what with those 2 hour marathons on Familia -- but I love reading your stuff. This had me chuckling right through the tragedy.


I can't help it -- it's impossible to take this stuff seriously. But it's nice to have lots of plot to work with (unlike, ah, *some* telenovelas we know.)

Thanks for clearing that up about the Blue House, Marta. I totally couldn't figure out what Carmina was doing running around in the dark with her pajamas in her purse. I know she's crazy, but it seemed a little early for her to start to unravel.

Well Blue Lass...I felt like we were watching this together last night. I too was distressed by A's fright wig (couldn't the prop people do better?) and also found myself musing on Gabino's hawtness...really thought Carmina should have tried him out rather than foisting pearls off on him.

The "makin' a list" theme, and wonderful quips helped relieve the sadness of this episode. "Ten dollar rental" and "looks the same as usual--horizontal and crazy" were my top picks. But there were plenty more. Wickedly well written.

Why would Padre Lala wonder at all? He HEARD the confession yet he dithers when people accuse Estefania and insult her child; and acts clueless when the curandera talks of another woman.


With so many scary closeup's of BeelzeBarbie's face (love that name!!!!), I have to have this TN on in the background while I do stuff in the kitchen. I just can't take that much of Sabine Berger. [She looks so much better on Ni Contigo Ni Sin Ti - I don't run screaming from the room when that one is on].

Thanks much for the awesome recap - much well-placed snark!

The Gabino character with his blond locks and fair coloring could look like a male model if he wanted to. But he does crazy psycho so well - his character on La Reina del Sur was absolutely chilling. Gabino is very lightweight in comparison.


I feel a little better knowing that I am not the only one who finds Gabino kinda attractive. I wish the cleanliness of his hair was more consistent.

I don't get Padre Lala either.

Oh and la Naranja from hell did manage to stuff a lot in that purse didn't she?

Blue Lass: Thank you for the great recap. My favorites were "Looks like wardrobe has given Augie a second fright wig to wear on top of the first one; no wonder he doesn’t want to go out" and "Meanwhile, Augie starts drinkin’. Well, somebody had to – it’s telenovela law, you know." Excellent!

Like Sara and Karen, I laughed at "BeelzeBarbie" along with Sara and Karen and at "Citrus Sister" along with Rosemary. You were really on your game.

ITA with Martaivett and others at the lack of mourners for Estefania. A very quick and erroneous leap to judgement for most.

I mistakenly thought Ramona did see Citrus Sister's face during her fight with Rosendo. Thank you for clarifying that she didn't.

Thanks again Blue Lass.


the bad wig was also on Gael yesterday when Padre came home during the storm... it was like Gael had just stepped out of an electicity expo in the science fair.

Wow, you perked up my dreary lunch time Blue Lass. This was MAHHHvelous!. And hysterical.
And I agree, what was with the birds. Such a cute scene but all I could think about was how the heck did those birds get so blasted big in such a short time...and heck, their doves? Note to self: get out my Emilia beanie and keep it close from now on.

Again, the kids outshone most of the adults and it just breaks my heart that we have to say farewell to them soon. Damian dealing with that mother, I can see he already sees her for what she is. Elisa, so strong in the face of such cruelty from Cruella's and Orangina's big mouths. And caring and sweet in comforting his friends. Ok, I'm tearing up just thinking of them.

Just knew the Carmina " oh I'm so faint" meant preggers. And El Stupido is prime candidate to be doing the Orange Squeeze soon. And of course, the good doc knows that already. He's not exactly the strong, silent type. (emphasis on the silent).

Sara, don't feel bad about Gabino. Right now, he looks better than Auggie. Speaking of whom, when the light bulb went off when he heard Elisa's name, I was like "yeah, you self-centered (fill in the blank), remember her? YOUR DAUGHTER?" Man, he's just pond scum to me right now.

Thank you, Blue Lass! I had a hard time watching this episode and the last few. It's been too sad and dark for me. I enjoyed your recap immensely, though! "BeelzeBarbie" is an instant classic, for sure.

As much as I like the kid actors, I think I will actually enjoy this more once we get past the funereal stuff. At least I hope it will get a little less gloomy.

How is Padre so clueless? He actually knows who was having the affair! Doy, Padre. Maybe the irrationality is in the DNA. At least he didn't get his sister's nastiness.

I think Gabino is guapo, too...although his stylistic choices leave a lot to be desired.

Blue Lass, thanks for the full load of snark contained in your delightful recap. Loved the BeelzeBarbie name and so many other great phrases already cited.

That catty little Begonia! What a nasty gossip--she made me want to reach in and slap her sideways. Way to add some additional damage to Elisa's future.

Gabino could clean up, but that wouldn't help his conniving outlook nor change the pointy shape of his head. If he were a dwarf, he'd be named Sleazy.

La Paloma

The original baby birds died. Ramona had Paloma lie to Elisa and tell her they were the same birds, although they were so darned big, and there was one more of them (Pal said it was a gift from granny). Elisa bought that story. Afterall, Ramona is a curandera with magical healing powers. :)

La Infanta Azul:

Your Royal Blueness, this is a hysterical, rollicking recap—I loved it. Thank you, thank you.

I have got to start in on my favorites—there are so many!

On Augusto
" turns out he shot the wallpaper. “I’m a coward!” he sobs. Yeah, no kidding. What a waste of chili peppers."

Perfection. You named the weak sister in THAT household alright, and it ain't Carmina.

Poor Estefanía. I will miss her. She’s the only telenovela gal I’ve seen who can walk across the room in high hells without looking like a ten-dollar rental.

Blue Lass, you are not leaving me time to catch my breath with your witty asides. I laugh, I giggle, I smirk.

On the sanctity of the confessional and the taxonomy of birds:

"And why would the Padre be bound to keep quiet about anything BeelzeBarbie says? Oh well; I guess it isn’t any weirder than the fact that the baby birds started out as parrots and ended up as doves."

This was simply a brilliant recap. Your polished snark found the funny edges of a wronged saint, a priest,
a demon and a loser.


One of the birds died and she put it in a treasure box. Please bury it! I had an awful maggot experience when I was her age. My dad kept doves and put a dead one in the trash. Later when I took the trash out...

I think she did bury it R la O. And the toy they used to stand in for the dead bird had me guffawing last night.

I guess there is no accounting for taste but after looking up the actor who plays Gabino I am even more ...shall I say hot and bothered. Dude is straight up HAWT. The fact that he plays scumbags must speak to the me from 20+ years ago who definitely had a thing for bad boys. Lol

Hmmm. Sorry for my TMI lol

Happy Happy Joy Joy! The ducks have returned to my backyard. They come visit every spring for a month! So while checking the date to see if today was the first day of spring (no, it was yesterday) I saw that today is...
Benito Juarez' Birthday! Has anyone else (besides Jarocha) seen that on a calendar? Just my kitchen calendar from Office Max.

Thanks for the clarification, Sara. I guess I was too stressed out seeing maggots on la paloma se llama Shannon pop to the front of my mind 45 years later.

I understand. That would traumatize me too!

BeelzeBarbie...Ding ding ding, lights flashing, perfectly brilliant! That moniker is a keeper forever.

Blue Lass, you have some amazing viewing and writing skills, no doubt about it. This recap is not the first time I've wished I could be in your head while watching this show.

Some of my favorite, howl-inducing lines have been mentioned, but I'll add [Yeah, it’s so much easier to sell a house than a necklace. No wonder you’re such a captain of industry.] Bwahahahaaa!

La Paloma, "If he were a dwarf, he'd be named Sleazy", too too funny.

R la O, rest easy amiga, Elisa buried the little dove in a tiny grave under a big tree before she let the other three fly away.

When BeelzeBarbie fainted I thought "oh goodie, leukemia!", but then I realized she was likely preggers. I hope the kid is a boy and grows up to look exactly like Rosendo with Rosendo's voice.

How can the entire town not see that Fina and Mina are absolutely bat s**t crazy?

Chica Azul, I should have waiting to watch the episode until I had your recap at hand. The episode was way too sad and depressing (poor children!) yet I was laughing my patoot off this morning while reading your masterpiece. Thank you thank you thank you!

Jijí. This has got to be the only NICE group of people in the world who would appreciate a line like, "Oh goody -- leukemia."

BTW, I guess I'm committed -- I started bingo card #8 all over again, this time in orange highlighter, of course. I've already got "fainting," "automobile accident," "gun fired," and "¿qué haces aquí?" Can gratuitous shirtlessness be far behind?

blue lass and talismaniacs out there, did you check out Gabino's belt buckle size as he approached Lucio at church? I could not help but notice it... maybe he shops at whatever thrift shop Antonio sends his 'tired of this' belt buckles to.

Blue Lass - Thank you for the recap. Wonderful snark, I might add, especially my fav -- the one about crossing a room in heels/ten-dollar rental. (BuaHahahahahahaaaaa!)

Rosendo's Media Naranja (pun intended!) definitely was bringing on the crazy last night!

As for Padre Loopey, he must have selective memory from the confessional... otherwise this telenovela would wrap up by next Friday.

I was impressed how the actress playing Elisa did so well in her bedroom, petting and loving on an artificial bird. ;o)

Augusto = cobarde. Gah. Well, at least there was no ghastly mess to clean up.

Padre Lupe seemed to teletransport between both funerals, from the scene where they're commenting that only four people will be attending Estefania's, and the whole town is at Rosendo's. Next scene, he's leading the parade for Ros' funeral. Que the ****? Did I miss something there? Time warp? Senior moment here?

my guess is that the whole town there is pretty small, so from church to the cemetery which seems to be right smack center of town anyway, is only a few hundred yards... and the room where they watched Estefania's body is a chapel on the side of the church... so he can hop back and forth between the two areas of the church... that is just my guess.

Doris, time warp? Of course my horse, I even did a rewind because I thought I'd missed something. Nope, just Padre Loopy teleporting between funerals.

Marta, I totally missed Gabino's belt buckle. That's not like me. I must have been drooling over his bicep (yup, only one was on display, so weird), which IS like me. Hee, I just re-watched the scene, Gabino definitely shops at the Fresno Goodwill. Good eye!

Blue Lass, there is gratuitous shirtlessness every night in the half time credits. If that doesn't count maybe the Hot Nasty (Gabino) will help us out a little. Fingers crossed.

I'm guessing that there's more or less an unwritten bingo rule that says you can't count it until it actually happens in an episode...but at least we all know that fire (not in fireplace), kissing in water, and pecs a'plenty are coming...

Ooo.... Hot Nasty. Perfect.

Down, girl.

I think I picked the wrong card. I'm playing #4 and I've only got one so far. Unless I can count "amnesia" for Padre Loopy. I need Damien to put on a disguise, get drunk, and fall down the stairs.

Julia, I think you can have "character sings" for the funeral procession. And we're working our way right up to "false accusation of paternity" PDQ.

You crack me up, Blue Lass.

Wasn't it decided I can print a card without looking and play? Can mark retroactively? I've got my orange highlighter ready. Sorry to not remember the answer.

Yes, we got the okay for retroactive marking.

I need someone to fall down the stairs, too. Preferably after a fistfight over the theft of an important object.

So Carmina is pregnant? Let me guess, it will be a girl, she will grow up and fall in love with Damian.


Woo hoo! I printed #9--that means I mark....let me see...

Villain confesses to priest
Gun fired
Dramatic moment enhanced by thunderstorm.

The rest of the card doesnt't look too promising tho.

Oh, of course the singing! How did I not pick up on that? And while they were singing I was noticing how one of them was doing their own melody and timing.

Carmina will have a daughter who will fall in love with Damien?! EWWWW! Incest! Unless he will discover Rosendo isn't his biodaddy, or Carmeany was playing more extracurricular sports.

*Sara notes "Carmeany" for future recaps*

May I use that Julia? If NovelaMaven will teach me how I'll even use the TM symbol.

Julia, I was being short-sighted. With the characters, all three are viable options.


You get "character sings," too, Sara, and "real pregnancy." Also I think "te lo juro" -- remember when Orangina was swearing on their father's head to Steffi that she was through with Rosendo?

I'm enjoying this altogether too much. It's kind of sad, really.

Not sad at all. I think I might start playing bingo with every TN from now on!

I stuck around after El Tal to see BeelzeBarbie in Ni Contigo. She doesn't look nearly as bad. In fact, she looks kinda like Meredith Baxter-Birney. Or is it Betty Broderick? (Lifetime movies, anyone?)


RlaO- Yes, she is quite normal and respectable in Ni Contigo. Quite a shocker for Sabine M.

Can someone send me the link for BINGO again?


I just looked at it and realized I had the settings too private. Anyone should be able to open it now.

Thanks! I'm going to try our Card #3.

In regards to Padre Lupe, I think he needs the curandera to remember who she saw arguing with Rosendo because then she could blow the whole thing wide open and set people straight on just whom was leaving with Rosendo. Padre lupe knows who it is but he can't say a word, because even tho Carmina is not Catholic he is still bound to keep silent about what she told him.

Thanks, Blue Lass. I needed that.

I don't think anyone else would have been able to pull me out of the slough of despond induced by this maudlin episode. I feel as if you are channeling a circa 1980's Cher -- Whap! Snap out of it NovelaMaven, you say. And I do. I do.


Sara, on my PC you get the ™ symbol by holding down "alt" and keying in 0153. Hope it works for you.

Oh and as for Gabino's hotness --

After seeing his character in La reina del sur, I can't see him as anything but subhuman. In fact, I'm not even sure he's a primate.

And his look here is very similar -- if he pulls those greasy locks into a ponytail, I'll have to turn off the set -- though the evilometer is ratcheted down a notch or a zillion.

Trouble is, there are no age-appropriate telenovios in this show -- they're all either too young or too decrepit. (My lower limit is 40; otherwise they remind me of my students, and EEEUUW.)

So Carmina is pregnant? Let me guess, it will be a girl, she will grow up and fall in love with Damian.

ouch! i feel pain for Elisa already... growing up in that kind of toxic environment if there is a child of Augusto and Carmina's (or so he woudl think)

Elle: Good point IRT Ramona being able to identify who was arguing with Rosendo. It would be a great loophole.

NovelaMaven Test™

Blue Lass so true about the dearth of telenovios. The actor playing Gabino (Salvador Zerboni) is in his 30's. I may have to dump him or risk being called a cougar. *snort* It's going to be hard, though. I'm kinda glad I didn't see him in LRDS so his "image" (such as it is) is not sullied. ;-)


Carmeany(™ Julia)


Oh, Sara, don't be a cougar. Be a zebra! It's the latest thing.

I think it means you see potential telenovios in black and white terms...either you like them, or you don't. No other pesky factors like age or tendency to evil or lack of hygiene need come into play.

Blue Lass and friends:

I started Bingo Card #5 for Abismo. The orange highlighter looks good on "love shack", "real pregnancy","gun fired", dramatic moment emphasized by thunderstorm", "blackmail", and "automobile accident".

But I need the word from Julia on the following:
1. Carmina is a thief. But can either Estefe's jewelry or perfume be considered "an important object?"

Seeking clarification in California,


Blue, Sara and Julia:

Pity the poor Abismo viewer over 55. If I were to develop a crush on, say, Zepeda, I would no longer be a cougar, I would be a lioness!

But Eric del Castillo reminds me of my Grandfather and if Augusto asked me out on a date I would want to cut on myself.

What to do?


"So Carmina is pregnant? Let me guess, it will be a girl, she will grow up and fall in love with Damian. "

Good thinking, Carlos, and she might be the blonde in the "opening".

"An important object" is usually something with the power to turn the plot, or something that is almost a character itself. It has clues as to someone's real identity, or their entitlement to an inheritance, or has some real significance. Examples would be Lupita's locket in UFCS, the lirio brooch in Llena de Amor, the will out of the safe in El Tal, or Mili's medallion in Guapos. I'm not sure whether Stefi's jewelry counts. We might have to wait to find out how significant that is. Or you could just orange it out...I won't stop you.

"Oh, Sara, don't be a cougar. Be a zebra! It's the latest thing.

I think it means you see potential telenovios in black and white terms...either you like them, or you don't. No other pesky factors like age or tendency to evil or lack of hygiene need come into play."

Or that my hormones are out of whack. Jijí (™ Blue Lass) Is trademarking the spelling of a sound possible. I'm mainly just please as punch to have a new formatting trick and wanted to give credit...I mean, I *did* copy her avatar idea yesterday, too..

wow. I think I am a creeper.

Damian and any child of Carmina's with the defunct Hot Sauce King can't fall in love, since they would be siblings. I'm guessing Altair will be playing one of her usual roles-- the high class outsider who comes to shake things up for the local good girl. She's very good at it. :)

Add Renata's 'R' necklace in CME to the significant objects list. Oh, and the doll in TDA.

I just rememebered that these writers don't mind dabbling in incest, since Josue fell in love with Lucrecia in Mi Pecado and they were siblings. Plus, Lucrecia was the product of incest between her mother and grandfather. Let the games begin!

I think Altair is the girl (do I remember hearing she is a cousin?)who comes back with Damian as his novia.

Vivi and Julia

Steph's jewels or perfume--not too important. Got it.


@Elna you pity the people over 55....and we're lionesses! Great. Nothing wrong with that. I figure anybody "unreal", as in a telenovio rather than the young neighbor next door is fair game for fantasy. Just call me Senile and Shameless.

Sara, did you notice that the kid who plays young Gael is named Diego Velasquez? Too funny.

I won't say too much, but I looked over the cast list again, and I think the TN gods are sending us a honey. We just have to wait for grown-up time.

Josue and Lucrecia weren't biologically siblings or raised as siblings, but she was a product of incest. Maybe it's only okay in backstory?

Vivi, thanks. I knew there were some better examples of Important Objects that I just wasn't thinking of.

I'm with you JudyB, as long as it's make believe almost anyone is a cutie. Tho some are so young I see them more as potential yernos.

Julia- That's right. Duh! They just thought they were siblings for a bit before the BIG incest reveal came out. Man, that tn had some intense back stories.

Dear Judy B

OK then, all age bets are off. Lionesses unite! High 5 to Judy b!



So I can wear my I Heart Chema shirt again and not be embarrassed?

Blue Lass- I was extra careful in the watching of the half time credits (grumble grumble) tonight. As if there wasn't enough to like about the kid... he has a great name too! :)

Guys, have tons of work now, even a meeting with India folks, but the recap for wed (and what an ep it was!) will be up by tomorrow mornin... i promise!

Jarocha, i think they pressed the fast forward button for pretty much the whole episode tonight... nonstop action!!

Here is a link for the photo gallery comparing AdP to CdR:

This recap was so funny. I was crying. I love the list and penciling people in.

My favorite: "Presumably these houses are only about 14 feet apart, because people seem to teleport between them."

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