Saturday, June 01, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #143 Fri 5/31/13 Yawn Carlos is Finally Exposed; FF Makes His Demands Known; It's A Crazy Day In BalvaneraLandia!

This recap will not be in order. I am starting with Betty first.

Betty's Dilema Continues:
Betty's family has arrived at the hospital, that would be Felipe and the Pau and Guzmancito. Salsero is with Betty. We'll get to Salsero and Betty in tic. Pau wants to know about the bebe that Betty is carrying, will the bebe make it? The Doc thinks there is a good chance she'll lose the bebe. Salsero is in with Betty and Betty wants to know about the low one, did the cops get him? Salsero tells her he's dead, the cops shot him during the shoot out, he'll never hurt her again. She looks relieved but wants to know where Guillo is, he must be with his Abue. Salsero tells her that the low one took him to the country and that Abue doesn't have him, he ran away. The cops are looking for him now. Betty is really upset cause they looked for poor Guillo for four months already and never found him. Now he is all alone and noone to care for him. Salsero wants her to be calm. Meantime, out in the waiting area, Felipe and Pau want to know if Betty knows about the low one being dead and that Guillo is missing. Guzmancito is sure that Salsero told her. They hope Betty takes this well cause if not she could lose, and Felipe cuts Pau off and they are going to the chapel to pray.

Nikki and Roy have come to see Guzmancito. Nikki says she came cause her Moms told her what happened, she likes Betty and if he needs anything to let her know. Guzmancito tells her he doesn't need anything when along comes Lili and tells Nikki to stop making excuses to see Guzmancito, take care of your husband she says. Frankie puts his arms on Lili's back, and Nikki calls Lili, Rufiana and tells her she is there for Frankie, not for Lili's opinion. Frankie says he appreciates Nikki coming but she must have better things to do. He kisses Lili's hands and don't they look so loving???? Nikki is a mite freaked out, and tells Roy this is a happy couple the girlfriend supporting the guy she loves.Frankie says that is how it is supposed to be, as he's sure Nikki and Roy are so happily married. Roy finally has had enough and tells Frankie, no ,not so much. To an amazed Frankie and Lili he tells them they are not happy and will be getting a divorce. Cara de impactada de Lili and Frankie! Nikki tells Roy they gotta go and Nikki tells Frankie that she hopes Betty is well soon. They go, and Lili remarks that marriage was over quickly!

Salsero and Betty are continuing their convo. He tells her the police have a general idea where Guillo might be and they are looking, but she's got to stay calm for that bebe she is carrying. She is amazed he knows. He also tells her he knows why she didn't tell him. She explains that by breaking up with him she thought the low one would give Guillo back to her. She never stopped loving her Santino. He just adores her, she is his whole life. He wants them to be a big happy family, that would be Santino, Betty, Guillo and the bebe she is carrying. He'll even give that bebe a name. What a guy! Betty is crying and Santino doesn't want her to cry. She says they are tears of happiness, not sadness. She will always thank Dios for bringing him into her life. He promises he will struggle every day to be worthy to be the man in her life. Ruh Roh, scent of an anvil, Carlos, what do those snails say????

Outside again in the waiting area, Lili is trying to convince Frankie to keep up the subterfuge with Nikki about them dating. Nikki even convinced Roy to come with her. Lili wants to put a stop to Nikki toying with Frankie, which begs the question, why would Roy out and out tell Lili, especially, that he and Nikki are divorcing. Get a clue Lili, but she isnt' seeing the clue only that Nikki is spoiled and gets what she wants. Frankie tells Lili he did try that just now but it isn't right. Lili wouldn't mind a bit if Frankie let it be known there is something between Lili and Frankie and to stop being a pawn for Nikki. She wants him to think about it.

Now Pau is with Betty and they are talking about the low one and his Mama and how she could have gone along with taking Guillo from Betty cause his Mama knew how violent, abusive and jealous the low one was. Pau thinks it is gonna hurt his Mama cause a death of a child always does that. Betty just wants her little treasure, that would be Guillo, and gets very agitated. Pau tries to calm her down, but it's useless until Betty doesn't feel so well. Pau runs into the hall, screaming for a Doctor or a Nurse, Anybody for help!

While this is going on, we see Guillo at the dump, praying to the Virgincita for him to find his Moms. He feels Dios is busy but maybe the Virginicita can intervene for him, she is a Moms too after all. He isn't crying, he just wants his Moms. So Sad. No sighting of Mezcalitos.

Later, the doctor comes out and says there was a detachment of the placenta and now Betty has lost the bebe. They all sit down. The Doc explains they tried to do everything they could to save the bebe, but they ended up doing a D&C and she is still woozy from the anesthesia. She is depressed and very emotional right now, and they also wanted to know about the bump on her head. She is under observation for that. She needs cheering up and the family promises to do that. They are all very upset and Santino is with them. They will give her lots of love. They want Betty to be happy for a change.

Salsero has called Commandante Robles for an update on those scumbags they arrested. Salsero thinks they ought to be rotting in jail. Robles assures him they will be rotting in jail for a long time. They are put in the paddy wagon and off they go to La Carcel! Good Riddance!

Frankie is thinking about where his nephew Guillo is, oh where oh where can he be?

Yawn Carlos (thanks Barbara) and the Angel:
Angel has come to pick up Adri at Yawn's place (Joan) and Adri introduces Yawn to the Angel, Ruh Roh! From the look on Angel's face Adri thinks that maybe, just maybe Angel knows Yawn, they both deny it. She tells Yawn that Angel is Ms Vikki's bodyguard, as if he didn't know. He says he is pleased to make the aquaintance of the Angel, well not that, but you know. Anyhoo, Adri gets a call, it's Ms Vikki, and the Angel lights into Yawn he wants Yawn to tell the truthiness or he will, Yawn is so not impressed with this craptastic news. So Angel wants to know about if Ms Vikki knows about this little game of Yawn's  of being two different people. Nah, not so much but he wants Angel to take Adri home and then come back and he'll explain everything. Yawn gives Adri a script to read, he wants her opinion and Angel and Adri go. Angel agrees to come back. Hmmm......

FF and His Daily Bitchin' Session, It's All About the Kendho:
They need to talk the FF says to Ms Vikki who is in her little home office. He accuses her of wanting the Kendho to lose the bebe! Que, Que, What????? Vikki has no idea what the hell FF is going on and on about. Well, it's cause Vikki told Nikki who went and bitched at Kendho. Ms Vikki tells him she only told Nikki the truth, cause she deserved to know. Oh now FF has gone too far, he accuses Ms Vikki of poisoning Nikki's mind and he will not have the mother of his future child endangered to have a miscarriage by the likes of them, captas???? Ms Vikki is so amazed he feels this way cause he was a failure with their family, as a parent and a husband. You tell him Ms Vikki. He think she is no better, cause wouldn't it be fun if Nikki found out about the Angel and now Carlos(Joan) being Ms Vikki's lovas????? Ms Vikki thinks he is off his rocker! He brought that Ho into her house the last time she almost miscarried and he took care of her. He slept with Nikki's BFF, he's just digusting! He throws in her face at least he found a woman of his own kind. Okay, I have to stop here. Own kind, does he know about Macaria? What a Ho that woman is, just sayin. Okay back to the recap, and Ms Vikki's choice of lovas is not stellar she has sunk so low as to be the lova of an employee (Angel) and the lova of a LactoNerd (Carlos) thanks NovelaMaven! Well, Ms Vikki has had enough and asks FF why if he found some Ho so wonderful, why is he still living in her house and why he won't sign those damn divorce papers, explain please! Of course it's all about the Benjamins, dinero, insert your own money term here, anyhoo, she has just seen his true, petty and cruel self.

Angel is dropping Adri off, she wants to know why he was so quiet on the way back to Balvanerialandia? He doesn't have time to explain he is off again and to tell Ms Vikki he'll be right back. Adri now steps into BalvaneriaLandia to hear the tail end of the screaming match! Ms Vikki can't stand FF anymore and meets Adri in the hall. She wants to know what the hey that was all about. Well, she tells her about FF accusing her of trying to get the Kendho to miscarry, and how she told Nikki the truth about the Ho and FF. Adri says Nikki was bound to find out anyways. Adri tells Vikki that FF's brain has been replaced by a, wait for it, peanut! Do we have those on the Patio by any chance??? Ms Vikki is out of patience and Adri suggests they have a drinky pooh to calm down. They go.

Anyballs Has A Meet With a Strange Guy and Cande:
Seems Anyballs has bought a place and the guy hands him a contract or bill of sale and the keys. Anyballs is pleased his orders have been followed. Guy leaves and then Gilda buzzes and says Cande is there for a visit. He invites her to come in. While he is waiting for Cande to arrive he thinks to himself he has got this place and it will convince Cande that he will take care of Lili, he is trying to get Cande to trust him unconditionally cause he doesn't want Cande running and telling about Lili. Cande is a mite shy of coming to Anyballs' office there might be a tad of chisme, she couldn't even tell Cris about the Anyballs Papa bit and what would happen with her SIL and Lili if they found out? Anyballs says she is brave. Anyballs has a warning for her, don't trust the FF. Why is that she wants to know. Well, FF is not happy about the coming divorce and he is just capable of anything. Now Cande thinks he would go against her, oh, not so much, but against Anyballs well hell yeah! He infers that since Cande is close to Anyballs, FF will use that. Cande thinks that Anyballs is protecting her. He swears he will make it up to Cande and Lili for all he has done, as a matter of fact he'll do it gradually, give Lili what is rightfully hers, and as a matter of fact he has bought a greenhouse just for Lili. That's why that guy was there. Anyballs knows how much Lili loves plants. Cande is looking puzzled.

Nikki and Roy Take Care of Bidness:
Nikki and Roy are at the Civil Registry and decide this is what they both want. They both go in. Later they come out and can't beleive how easy that was, to get the divorce. They thought it would be a lot harder to get. So now Nikki removes her wedding rings and gives them to Roy and he takes his off and they say be seeing you. Quite sad, but they have parted as friends. They even hug. What an end to a four month marriage!

The Angel and Yawn Carlos Take a Meeting and Some Truthiness Comes Out:
The Angel has come back to Yawn's place but Yawn wants to be called Carlos! Okay, Carlos or juarever! Angel will not allow Carlos to lie to Adri or Ms Vikki anymore. Carlos wants to explain, but the Angel doesn't want to hear it. He doesn't get why Carlos told Ms Vikki he is the LactoNerd and Adri a hot shot film maker. So Carlos explains exactly what happened lo those many years ago. He tells the Angel that not only did Anyballs fire him from Meta Imagen he also blacklisted him from any company in Mexico. Then when Carlos showed up at Ms Vikki's wedding, Anyballs threatened to kill him, so Carlos went to Spain and became Yawn Constatine, famous filmmaker, blah, blah, juarever! Angel mimicks him with the blah, blah, blah, Angel could care less about the Yawn story he just wants to protect Ms Vikki. So Yawn asks why. Ruh, Roh the Angel admits to being deeply in luuurrvvee with Ms Vikki and Yawn says he knew it, he just knew it, from the first time he saw them together. Angel swears there is nothing going on between he and Ms Vikki unlike with Yawn the lying liar who lies. Yawn can't understand that if there is this great love, why nothing is happening. Well it just isn't, it's personal! Angel wants to know why Yawn lied about being a lowly employee. Well she rejected him once before as a lowly guy and now he wanted to see if she would choose him over the rich Yawn. Well, Angel now calls him Yawn (Joan) Constatine cause that's his name in this story, juarever. Now Yawn thinks he has a competitor in the Angel but the Angel insists nothing but nothing is going on and he is giving Yawn till tonight to tell Ms Vikki, cause if he won't the Angel will. Well Yawn calls Ms Vikki as Carlos, right in front of the Angel, for a meeting at Josie's apartment, you know, the one he is staying in. She'll be there!

Adri and Ms Vikki are Going to the Same Place:
Adri wants to take Ms Vikki away from all her troubles, come on get happy and to dress up just for Carlos. She goes to do that.

Another Ruh, Roh
Yawn has a meeting with the writer of his film and Yawn wants some changes. The writer won't do it, it's his story. Yawn tells him, fine no deal. The writer goes off.

Adri Gets The Call:
Yawn calls Adri and tells her not to bother with that script he gave her, that contract has been cancelled. She understands, these things happen. The Angel comes in looking for Ms Vikki but Adri tells him she is changing they are about to go out. She asks after Betty and the Angel, who hasn't been updated, says she is the same. Adri feels for her. Anyhoo, she rips up that script and Angel wants to know what she did that for? Well the film got cancelled yada, yada, you get the drift. So Angel says what if Ms Vikki wrote a script. Would take too long. Well what about what she has already written, you know "Amores Verdaderos" Hmmmm.... Adri thinks it is great but what would Ms Vikki say??? Adri and Angel will think of a way to get it to Yawn. Ruh Roh!

The Fateful Meet:
So Adri, Angel and Ms Vikki are in a garden area and they are going to listen to a Yawn lecture he is giving to some film students. Ms Vikki is excited to finally be meeting Yawn, oh, noes. Adri pulls Angel aside and tells him she liked his idea of giving Yawn "Amores Verdaderos" and she sent him a copy of it. Double Ruh Roh!!! Now Angel thinks it is a terrible idea, but Adri is sneaky and opened a new email account, sent Yawn the book that way, and he'll never know Ms Vikki is the author. Adri hopes Yawn likes it cause then he'll make a movie about it. Ms Vikki wants to know what is going on with the whispering of the Angel and Adri, oh, nothing, just telling Angel about this lecture. We see Yawn with his back turned talking to the some of the school people. Adri points him out but Ms Vikki doesn't quite see him and the press wants some comments but Yawn tells them after the lecture, if you please. Adri grabs Yawn and of course introduces him to Ms Vikki who is flabbergasted, perturbed, really pithed off. Ms Vikki can't beleive that Yawn knows Adri. She feels she has been played for a fool! Angel drags Adri off and says that trust him Yawn and Ms Vikki need some alone time. She can't beleive he played her like a fiddle, er, like an idiot, all this time she thought he was a LactoNerd and here he is a famous filmmaker, what is wrong with him????? Yawn tries to tell her this is neither the time or the place to explain. She wants to know if he had planned on telling her at the LactoNerd place. The press is hounding him with questions about the film and he blows them off. Josie comes and Ms Vikki walks off. Josie tells her not to be mad, they have been besties for many years, Ms Vikki is pithed at her for lying to her about Yawn. Ms Vikki doesn't think she can forgive her and off she goes.

Adri is so mad at the Angel for not telling her that Yawn and Carlos are the same person, her and Angel are friends, correctomundo? Oh, yes, but, but, he only found out today. They see Ms Vikki hauling butt out of there and Adri tells Angel to go after her. He goes.

The Lecture From Hell:
Yawn has started his lecture, when Adri interrupts. She wants to know why he lied to her and her sister, Yawn or Carlos or juarever your name is. He says Adriana, but she keeps talking. Adri says he abused their  trust and she isn't working with a lying liar and she goes. The students and press are all looking at Adri and Yawn has to deal with it.

The Angel Catches Up With Ms Vikki:
She can't beleive he kept things from her again. She wants to know why he and Adri didn't tell her? Well it was cause he  just found out a couple hours ago. Adri has caught up and told Ms Vikki she told off Yawn or Carlos or juarever his name is and won't be working with him again! Ms Vikki is really mad at the Angel she has no words! He wants to explain. She doesn't want to hear it and finally here comes Yawn to do it himself. Yawn accuses Angel of telling her the truth and Angel denies it, it wasn't him. Ms Vikki accuses Angel of being the great secret keeper. Anyhoo, Angel wants Ms Vikki to listen to Yawn Carlos and get the truth. Yawn Carlos admits he asked the Angel to not say a word. Adri is pithed and she and Angel go off, but not before she tells Yawn Carlos it was sooo great to work with him, not!!!! So now Ms Vikki and Yawn Carlos are you know, alone!

Nikki Tells Her Tatio The Way it Really Is:
Nikki has a little something, something she needs to tell her Tatito, they are at BalvaneraLandia and he wants to know if one of her whims went astray, cause he is there to grant her every wish, doncha know! Well guess what Tatito she says, well not really, but she does tell him she is getting divorced! Que, Que, What???? from her Tatito. Tatito asks the question about did Roy not make Nikki happy, but Nikki admits that they tried everything to save the marriage but nothing worked, sorry. Tatito doesn't like the idea of divorce in the family, there has never been one, and I bet if he had his way there wouldn't be one, ya know! She understands he doesn't want the chisme to spread but it's too sad but nothing to be done. He really thinks it's Roy's fault but Nikki swears it isn't. They have already signed the papers and they'll be divorced soon cause they have no kids. Tatito is so not having it. He thinks being away made her make a rash decision. She forgot how to deal. Nikki tells him so sorry so sad, she is not going to put up appearances so people won't talk, like her Moms and Snappy Pappy do! She isn't them!!!! She stalks off as her Tatito yells out for her. Tatito is lookin' a little peeved!

Lili and Roy Meet At the Greenhouse:
Lili is having a little thinking session and she thinks if Nikki and Roy actually divorce then guess what? Frankie will never fall in love with her. Ok, Lili, enough with the Disney dreams now, move on. Roy comes in and says he has to talk to Lil Lili, well seems she has nothing, but nothing to say to him! He begs to differ but he owes her an explanation! She thinks he will lie to her. She gives him hell, and rightly so, about he had all those girls before and he only wanted her after she got rid of her "little problem" ya know the virginity thingy, that's what he did, remember??? Oh, he remembers alright and tells her he was scum before, but that changed when he met her. She isn't buying what he is selling. He tells her not a day went by when he wasn't thinking of Lili and he's changed. Lili of course doesn't believe him. He tells her about calling the house, getting Polita who he calls Sweet Poli who told him that Lili and Frankie were dating and soon getting married. Lili does tell him they only did that so he would stop calling her. Lili wants him to work on his marriage with Nikki, I wonder why that is, hmmmm???? She thinks there must be some reason he married Nikki. Roy comes out with it, he only married Nikki for her money and what it could get him, nothing else. Roy feels what he and Lili had was beautiful and she stresses the had part as in, in the past. Roy feels now that Lili knows the truth, and here he has real tears in his eyes, he is despicable and she  was right to reject him. He goes and Lili has tears in her eyes too.

Yawn Carlos and Ms Vikki Have Their Showdown:
Ms Vikki feels this was all about revenge and he plotted this out for twenty five long years. Yawn Carlos just wanted her to choose him this time. Ms Vikki feels this is spiteful, and Yawn Carlos says that he was so sad knowing that the woman he loved twenty five years ago didn't choose him cause he wasn't good enough, this was just a test he tells her, only a test to see if she'd choose him. Ms Vikki is really upset and says he judged her for a mistake she made all those  years  ago and he will always be just Carlos to her, when she kissed him she wasn't kissing Yawn and as a matter of fact she doesn't even wanna know Yawn now! Yawn thinks she is saying these things cause of the Angel. She wants to know what about the Angel, hmmmm... Well, Angel is in love with Ms Vikki, he told Yawn so, so the question is.......................................

Is Ms Vikki in love with Angel???? And on this cliff hanging question we end this epi!


Nikki throws those unsent letters in Frankie's face, Really!!!!

Guess who is locking lips now?? I'm not telling Y'all, you'll have to watch Esta Lunes to find out!!!!!!


Good Afternoon Y'all:

Lo Siento this is up late. Had a power outage right after I posted my PEAM recap. It was out for four hours, thank goodness I had started this recap last night and saved it. Please enjoy. I haven't edited yet, so please excuse any errors ; )

Ok, I have now edited out all the errors. Please enjoy ; )

Dear Mads:

We used to have peanuts on the Patio. But because of the unfortunate association with the Brain of Nelson Brizz, we had to get rid of them. They have been replaced by pretzel sticks. ;)

Oh what an episode -- and you got it all, the highs and the lows. Thank you for this, especially when you had to soldier through not just double duty but a power outage. You are a champ!

Things are moving along now, aren't they. Since we have lots of episodes left, I fear new and unforeseen complications in BalvaneraLandia (good one!), plot twists more irritating than Guillo's whine. (And likely cheesier as well.)

Well, there's still Adriana's "Vicente" waiting in the wings ...

I forgot to ask --

What is the magical blue liqueur that the Balvanera sisters enjoyed together -- and why aren't they trying to sell it to US?

Great work Mads, and with the challenges of power outages too!

I enjoyed the comic relief of the Vicky/Carlos/Adri/JA debacle amidst the tragedy of Bea's situation. Loved the whole reveal and seeing Carlos and JA getting told off by the BV sisters. LOL!

Good grief! I think the writers hate Bea.

Not pleased that Lili continues to pine for Guzman, or that he joined in the game of pretending they are dating to stick it to Nikki and Roy. But Lili showed the pride, I wish she'd show with Guzman, by telling Roy off. Both Roy and Nikki should be working hard to win back their true loves after the stupidity they committed. Glad that Nikki will be sharing those letters with Guzman.

Nikki showed some character growth this episode (finally) with both the way she handled the divorce with Roy, and the way she told her Tatito about the divorce. Bravo!

Can't wait for the smooching, and it better not be a dream!

NovelaMaven- I thought it was green—absinthe?

WoooWooo Madelaine--Please have some more blackouts. This was great. I couldn't wait to see how you were going to treat the Yawn/Carlos show down. It was spectacular. Ingenious of Y/C to ask about Big A's feelings. You could tell he was weighing lying against truth-telling. I think he decided to tell the truth only because of how Vikki feels about truth vs. lies. At that moment he wasn't sure if Miss Vikki might choose Y/C or not and if she *did* he wanted the truth out there.

NovMav--Actually, Extra-Large, imported, Virginia Peanuts are available at the Vikki Table. She's cracking (no, crushing) them and eating the nuts with a vengeance. (With each bite she throws back her head and calls out the name of those nuts--Anibal, Nelson and Yawn/Carlos).

Vivi--It was blue. Let me think now. Oh, it was probably Curacao.


Hmm...Bombay Sapphire?

Guau, Madelaine! Power outage and everything, and you still manage a spectacular recap! My fave: "Ok, Lili, enough with the Disney dreams now, move on." INDEED. Oh, now that Nikki's divorcing, he'll never fall in love with you?? How has she still not gotten the message that it ain't gonna happen, noway, nohow. Lili needs to expand her horizons. Maybe another night at the club with Polita? Hang out at the swim club more? There must be some way for her to meet people and realize she isn't limited to Royero or Guzmi.

I was just at the grocery store and I saw three kinds of blue liquor: Curaçao, Bombay Sapphire, and one other I can't remember the name of. Something Azul.

Tarantula Azul tequila; that was the third one.

oops. My bad, Anita. I didn't notice those Virginia peanuts at the Vikki table.

As for the blue stuff, of the candidates our crack research team has proposed, I'm thinking Blue Curaçao. It's the only one that is a liqueur, right?

ROY claims he was basura before Lili but now he is a CHANGED MAN. He wants to scratch his way out of the Romance and into the Novela. Do we let him? I'm not quite convinced.

Did anyone else think he looked like a little toy soldier with the white straps of his sling criss-crossed on his back?

Thanks, MAdelaine.I am hoping that Bea pulls through. SHe deserves some happiness after all the years she had to deal with that horrible guy. I like the chemistry between BEa and SUnglasses. I want to see their happilyeverafter.

Madelaine - wonderful! I absolutely loved this recap. You are one funny lady! Thank you so much.

The real tragedy last night was the continuing assault on Bea by the writers. Weepy is still lost, Pau will be "leaving" soon and sooner or later Kendra is going to out Salsero. Bea must be the TN's designated victim.

NovelaMaven - "a little toy soldier with the white straps of his sling criss-crossed on his back" - too funny! He even walked with a little back and forth hobble at the hospital.

Nikki and Lili are just annoying, acting like two jealous school girls. If Guzman were smart, and it was earlier in the TN, he'd go find bachelorette #3.

I think it's Blue Curacao - it's pretty good on ice. But what happened to the Baileys? New attitude, new look, new drink? Go Vicky!

Yawn - yawn! And what a verbal smack down the BV girls gave him.


Isn't it kind of mean to demean the poor soul in the story
by calling him "Dump Daddy"?My heart goes out to him.

Thanks for all the great comments, y'all.

Anon 1:45: I did change the name from Dump Daddy to Mezcalitos which is his name, and I know he lost his family in a fire, but does that give him the right to keep Guillo from his Mother? I say no. Mezcalitos should have taken Guillo to the nearest Police Station and have Guillo tell his story. Mezcalitos is not helping Guillo reunite with his Mother and I certainly have a problem with that.

Anon 1:45

You are right that it was a bit mean to call Mezcalito, Dump Daddy. I do feel for him, but I don't really like as I said, in my previous post, that he is doing nothing to help Guillo to reunite with his Mama.

Madelaine - Great play by play of all the action. I like that you divided Bea's story from the rest.

Mexcalito is a sweet old man, but he is thinking only about himself and his needs, not about what's best for Guillo. He is not even asking the little boy about his life before he found him, but instead stuck in his own suffering from losing his family. That's not being a good grown-up.

I was looking forward to seeing Salsero with the baby. Poor Bea - at least when Guillo was with leo the low and his mother, she knew they wouldn't harm him. Now she has no idea what kind of danger he could be in.

Guzmancito -Following the lead of a lovestruck 18-year-old, really?

At 18, there's no reason for Lili to wind up with anyone at the end, if Roy is the best they can do. For me, above all Roy is just too damn lazy to join the Arriaga clan. They're a hard-working bunch.

I personally don't have a problem with you using "dump daddy". You shouldn't change it because Anon is offended. Don't "feel mean".

The re-capper was joking about a fake character in a fake situation. Anon, you are aware that Mezcalito and Guillo are not real...correct?

Can I suggest that you become a re-capper and volunteer your time? I've heard that it takes about 5 hours to write one of these.

In defense of alliterative nicknames--Dump Daddy was a perfect description of Mezcalito. He was sitting on top of the dump with his three dogs while Guillo did all the work. Would King of the Dump been better? Or Garbage Picker Dad or Trash Picker Dad? Although there is now a tv show about Pickers.

Besides, landfills used to be called dumps.

Madelaine--you go for it girl. Your recap is your recap.

Your faithful follower, Anita

Coming before the day is done: an AV EXTRA - The Uni-color Meta*Mart insert in the AV Gazette, featuring People on the Patio and the Collective Wisdom of Diana.


Niecie- Well Nikki is pretty lazy. But I hope that changes soon.

Thank you Madelaine---There was a lot going on last night, a lot to try and figure out. Thanks to your great recap, I'm right on track now

I think that it was super nice that Dances told Bea that he would love and care for the 2nd Leo baby.
Well she lost the baby but now she really, really knows how much dances cares for her. Poor Bea when
the Dances truth comes out.

I'm all for The People on the Patio
and the Collective Wisdom of Diana

I think that Dump Daddy was a good
name, not unkind---it's true.

I do disagree with you guys about Adri's drink last night though. It looked green to me not blue and I
immediately thought of Creme De Menthe liqueur. Anyway, that was my guess.
the gringo

Gringo- Glad to hear my TV wasn't the only one to register a green hue. Either way, Adri sure was enjoying it


GRingo...I didn't.t notice the color of the drink,, but your idea that it was crime de menthe brought back a very distinct memory of having grasshoppers orbcrime de menthe parfaits for dessert at my fav restaurant tTHe VIllage INn as soon as I could legally order them...yum. THanks for that memory as I enjoy the breeze here and wish that I had one now instead of coffee that I.m drinking..

Orbcrime....hmmm...I thought that I typed ...or crime...

...or crime. ?....make that ...or creme.....the technology ghosts are changing my words...que ?....

Susanlynn---Technology ghosts LOL
They bother me too.
the gringo

Fabulous recap Mads as always!

love "OK Lilli, enough of that Disney dreams and move on". (Can I add a partial lyric of a song of which I could not remember what movie it was sung or who sang it)- "There are plenty of fish in the ocean, go out and gather a few....."

Novela Maven, how about that nose of Roy, yes! he really looks like a toy soldier and the first time he appeared, I was thinking could he be a bastard son of Nelson Brizz?

I wish there was a way that they could delay telling the truth about Guillo to Bea. She is in severe trauma and would really kill her about this big news about her son. But they did, Oh I'm so worried for her!

I am so outraged the way FF defended Kendho's position to Vikki. I am amazed at his attitude.

I am not offended by the term Dump Daddy. It sounded something like P Diddy. Musical that is.


Madelaine - Thank you for the recap. It was great!

Thanks so much y'all for more great comments.

Does anyone think that Anyballs is on the up and up with Cande? I think he is doing to her, what he did to Ms Vikki and Adri and probably his poor dead wife. He is bamboozling Cande I think. Oh, sure I really think he will be helping Lili, but only outside of the family, not welcoming her I don't think. Sure he got her that Greenhouse, but what else can he give her where the family won't think it is odd, so to speak? I know he paid for her schooling too, using the excuse it was in her Mama's memory, which Ms Vikki bought, but what will Ms Vikki think of this Greenhouse when she finds out?

Kendho and FF are seriously coming undone. His demands are way over the top and if I had been Ms Vikki I would have kicked him in his nether regions and but him out on the street no matter what he threatened. Ms Vikki has taken a lot from this stupid idiot and it's about time some of her demands where met, know what I'm sayin?

Nikki and Frankie need a little alone time to clear the air, without any interruptions from Lili or Polita. They need to go away some where and have a well, frank conversation. Lili needs to get over Frankie and move on. You can't make someone love you!

I think Roy is truly on his way to redemption. I thought it was very manly of him to tell Lili exactly why he married Nikki. He actually manned up and told the truth. I think he really does love her, truly. He had the saddest puppy dog eyes and he really cried. I also like the fact that he had Nikki's back right in front of Frankie and Lili and their little "show". He told Frankie and Lili how it really was. Amazing. So I really think this redemption is real.

Kendho is making mistakes. She is totally unglued. I don't think it's hormones either. I loved Aribeth's screencap where they showed Kendho whining and crying to FF and as soon as she turned her back, there was that evil sh*t eating grin. I can't stand her! I really hope someone gets that bebe cause if not, I worry for the poor little thing.


I am so glad your brother is doing so well : )

Oh, about that drink that Ms Vikki and Adri had reminded me of that drink Yolanda would drink on LVO (La Verdad Oculta) she was forever drinking that when she would go over to see Adolpho.

Ya know we have been through some alcohol on this TN. First there was Baileys, then Smirnoff, and now this crazy blue/green drink. I wonder if this green drink is like the Pear Robe of drinks that TN's use. I have seen it on other TN'S too, hmmmm.......

Madelaine: Let's add dedication to the long list of superlatives describing your amazing talent.You consistently set the bar higher and meet every challenge.

'Ruh Roh, scent of an anvil, Carlos, what do those snails say????" was one of my favorite lines. You wrote this excellent summary from the heart and it shows.

Except for Bea's seemingly endless heartbreak (I agree Vivi, the writers must hate her), one of the saddest moments was "Roy feels now that Lili knows the truth, and here he has real tears in his eyes, he is despicable and she was right to reject him. He goes and Lili has tears in her eyes too." Stated perfectly Madelaine.

I guess I can't take Carlos too seriously. He isn't a viable threat, just an annoying side plot.

It was great fun seeing the Balvaneras' annoyance at JA, regally fleeing from him as he frantically tries to catch up and explain. I have a feeling (no spoiler) that Vicky may toy with Carlos a bit until JA is ready to get over his guilt and declare his love for her.

Between Paula and Bea, I fear for a tragic ending for most of Francisco's family. I hope I am wrong.

Gracias Madelaine!!


Diana- I think all the tragedies happening in Francisco's family will give Nikki a chance to show some maturity, step up, and really be there for Francisco, as he has always been there for her. He's going to need a lot of emotional support when they eventually find out about Paula.

"Does anyone think that Anyballs is on the up and up with Cande?"

Mads, I'm sure he's not. He is definitely bamboozling her, doing everything he can to keep her from spilling the beans. And oh boy is she gonna be mad when she finally realizes that.

And may I add --

Mads, there was nothing "mean" about anything you wrote. You are exquisitely kind, even to our imaginary friends who don't always deserve your consideration.

I agree that we have a good opportunity for Nikki to step up and support Frankie now. That will be satisfying to see.

On the eventual Lucía reveal --
Lili may or may not be thrilled when she eventually learns that Adriana is her mother (because it means, in a way, that she is losing Cristina again) but she is going to be devastated when she finds out that Arriaga is not her father. I'm quite curious to see how this all plays out.

NM--On the Lucia reveal and her bio-dad: Enter the handsome (and probably successful) Vicente. Maybe he's a famous landscape architect? Or Agronomist, or EPA administrator? Something Lili can be proud of. I don't think that 18 years of love and support from Arriaga will break their emotional bond.


About Cande, what I really should have asked was do we think Anyballs is REALLY in love with her? I don't think he is. He is just using her to get what he wants. I agree with what you said though.

Anita and NovelaMaven:

I agree, NOvelaMaven, what you said about Lili losing Cristina again only more painfully so. Lili will have a lot to process, but I think she will always think of the Angel as her Papa.

Anita: I agree, if Yawn is successful, maybe Vincente is too. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he was an Agronomist? I think they would have a great bonding moment.

I think once Lili finds out that Adri is her real Mama, isn't she almost that already toward Lili, I think Lili will accept it eventually. She will be happy about it I think, but I also think she will always consider Cris her Mama. The reaction I want to see is when the rest of the Balvanera women, Ms Vikki and Nikki find out who Lili really is. I think Nikki will be the Balvanera that will have the biggest problem with that. They have been at odds, Lili and Nikki, for a long time. I can't wait to see what happens with that.

Yes, I know that this is only a telenovela. Yes, I know what
a dump is . I read Caray Caray simply for a translation and
don't enjoy the analysis, but that's just me. Thank you for
helping me to understand the storyline a little better. Please forgive me for daring to deviate from the "mutual
admiration society."

Madelaine, your recap is excellent as always. Sorry that I'm so late getting here.

What a great episode. Poor Carlos probably never really had a chance but his silly plan, blundering kiss, and his scarf pretty much sealed the deal for him. Oh well, looks like he'll get to make the movie version of the Vikki José Ángel epic romance. My snails are available to play... ummm... the snails.


" I think Nikki will be the Balvanera that will have the biggest problem with that."

That would be the most likely thing, Mads. I'm hoping the writers take it in the less predictable direction: Nikki and Lili reverse roles -- for a while -- with Nikki becoming The Wise Child and Lili putting on the Diva. (And of course, color commentary from Polita on the cousins.)


I do think Cande is really the "love of Anibal's life," among all his other women. But his biggest love is himself. He's been given a second chance to get with Cande and all he's doing is squandering it with lies and coverups.

Anon 11:42:

Thanks for your comment. We welcome all comments whether we agree with them or not. What is it about the analysis you don't like? Please tell me what the problem is. Thank you.


Lol'd at your snails comment ; )


Interesting comment about the reverse of Lili and Nikki, wouldn't that be a hoot? Let's see if that comes to pass.


You and I are thinking along the same lines. Anyballs is all about himself. I think if Anyballs weren't so into it's all about him, Cande and he would make a wonderful couple.

Anibal is incapable of really loving anyone, including his own daughters, except himself. Cande, I think, represents the woman he could never have easily, the one who left him when she found out what a liar he is. For that reason who pined after her all these years. You're absolutely right that now that he has the opportunity to win back the one who got away, he's once again ruining it with lies to cover his a** and to get what he wants.

So right...ANyballs onetruelove is and always will be...ANyballs. Que lastima.

For the most part, the recaps are excellent. The recappers
and most of the commenters are obviously intelligent, well-
educated people. It's just that I personally don't enjoy mean, crude, snarky commentary. It really detracts from
my enjoyment of the story. However, as has been pointed
out several times before, I can opt out if I don't like it. Madeleine, you sound like a very nice person, and I feel
sure that this is all in fun for you and those who enjoy this
type of humor. I didn't mean to make a big deal out of a
comment about a fictional character. Thank you for all
the time that you devote to this site. It is very helpful.

Anon 1:51:

Did you ever watch Refugio Para El Amor? There was a character in there I really liked named Don Chelo, an opera star, that fell on bad times. Mezcalitoes reminds me of him a bit, except Don Chelo found an infant in a garbage can and kept him and redeemed himself by changing and taking care of this infant that couldn't take care of himself. He didn't do the right thing until almost the end of that TN. In his defense, the child he found in the trash was only a couple of hours old and couldn't speak for himself.

In this situation with Mezcalitoes I have a problem with him and wish that Mezcalitoes had asked Guillo about how he ended up in the middle of the DF by himself and learned more about Guillo and saying well since I lost my daughter and my grandson, I'll just keep him. That is irresponsible!

I use the snark cause sometimes these writers aggravate me in the way they write these characters sometimes. I can't help it. I also sometimes like to inject humor into the recap, especially when it is very sad, like with Betty. I really tried not to do that with her cause she is one of my favorite characters and doesn't deserve what is happening to her.

None of the recappers really does a straight bare bones recap. We do sometimes, if there aren't enough recappers for a TN, but we like to flesh it out a bit.

I do welcome everything you said and please don't give up coming here. If you have a specific question about what was said by any of the characters, please feel free to ask. We will give you the answer without all the snarkiness. Thanks again.

Thanks for the recap Madelaine!

I agree with all of you, poor Beatriz lives in her own tragic telenovela while the rest of the doofus enjoy the comedy.

I have to say, I do enjoy the drama queen qualities of the Balvaneras. At least they are enternaining.

I took a peak at the ratings for the novelas in Mexico and I bet they are missing AV. La Tempestad is failing hard, it gets lower ratings every week. Salvador Mejía should just quit trying to make more novelas, he seems to have lost the touch with the viewers in Mexico and I doubt it'd be easy to sell that novela with all the bad acting from the leads, especially the lead girl who's clearly never acted before.


By the way, Enrique Lizalde has died today. He was an iconic figure of telenovelas and he had a lovely voice.


Madeleine, what a gracious person you are! No, I haven't
watched that program and evidentally haven't given enough thought to the Mezcalitoes character. I agree with what you have said. I guess I was hoping that his finding Guillo might somehow lead to a better life for him down the road.

So now what will become of Guillo's lamb? He looked delicious.


Jarocha- What a shame about Enrique Lizalde. I've seen him quite a bit in the older tns shown in the afternoons, and I remember him from the first tn I ever watched, Esmeralda. He did have a lovely deep voice. It seems that so many actors from Mexico's golden age of tns are dying off right now.


Thanks so much for the info about La Tempestad. That one is supposed to replacing this one when AV is over. Maybe they will hold off airing it here and we will get another TN then. And thanks for the info on Enrique Lizaldo.

Anon 2:39:

He may yet redeem himself. I also shouldn't be so quick to judge him, but the way Mezcalitoes is going I fear he isn't coming around anytime soon. I'm crossing my fingers he does the right thing.


You are so wicked! ; ) ; )

"Later they come out and can't beleive how easy that was, to get the divorce. They thought it would be a lot harder to get."

I guess the writers forgot that the happy couple also said their "I do's" in a church wedding in front of Dios. They need an annulment or a declaration that 'no marriage ever existed' (aka a Catholic 'divorce') from the bishop before Nikki and Guzman can tie the knot in another church wedding. Because in the 'eyes of the Church' Nikki and Roy are still 'man and wife'.

Anon 5:22:

Nikki and Roy CAN get a divorce. You see in the Catholic Church, if the couple has never had relations or if they married under false pretenses, as in for money and no love, they CAN get divorced. No problem. Church wedding by priest included.

In the Catholic Church, there IS NO divorce. Nikki and Roy can get an annulment, though.

Anon 7:34:

You are correct, in the Catholic Church it is called an annulment but in this epi they were getting a civil divorce. I only wrote what I heard : )

Anon 5:22:

I went back and looked and listened to my recording and it did say they were getting a divorce. I know in the Church it would be an annulment, but I believe they are getting a civil divorce. Nikki and Roy mentioned divorce in the scene where they went to the Civil Registry and she told her Abue Anyballs that she was getting a divorce. I only write what I hear and see. I don't use captions of any kind and I wanted to make sure I hadn't made a mistake maybe confusing the words annulment and divorce. I didn't they did say divorce.

Vivi: It does feel like the end of an era when you keep seeing all those very familiar actors pass away.

Madeline: You are right. Nikki and Roy are getting a civil divorce and an they should be able to have an annulment at the Catholic church.


Got to get back here. I have a question on the Actor, Enrique Lizarde who has passed on. Earlier this afternoon there was a short Primer Impacto bulletin and showed at first Annibal Balvanera then Mr. Enrique and mentioned funebre. I was confused for a while. Was it the actor who played Annibal or the actor who played Lic. Itturalde in "Camila" who died? My condolence to the family.

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