Thursday, July 25, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #180 Wed 7/24/13 I could see but now I'm blind.

We will, it seems, be lurching from crisis to crisis in these exciting final episodes.  Unsurprisingly, Balzac [heh heh] has the night off.  He will be hiding under Jean Marie's bed until further notice.  

He throws himself under the bus
Lili feels it in her gut -- her papa is in danger!  And she's right.  Because at that very moment, José Ángel walks blindly into traffic and kneels in front of a minibus.  He holds out his arms to stop it, as if he believes he really is Super Superman.  In an amazing confluence of good reflexes, good brakes and good luck, the bus stops short.  The big guy is safe.

The driver jumps out and shouts: What's wrong with him?  Does he have a death wish?  But urchin Lili defends Arriaga, tells the driver to stop yelling and leads the big guy out of the street.  "I'm blind, Lili," he tells the little girl.  "I can't see!"

Espanto, still doing his Howard Stern cleans the streets gig, watches and reports back to Kendra:  Arriaga has been struck blind!

Kendra sits in a tony restaurant, stunning in a green minidress.  Recognizing an opportunity for evil, she tells Espanto to get  Arriaga to go back home with him.  Then she smiles as she fantasizes about the juicy ransom she'll demand from Victoria.

Urchin Lili wants to know how José Ángel lost his sight.  Did someone hurt him?  "Me lastimaron en el alma," he says.  "They hurt me in my soul."  Lili is going to help him back home but Espanto approaches, addresses him by name and offers to accompany him.  Arriaga hesitates a moment, then allows Espanto to take his hand.  He thanks Lili and stumbles off with the man in orange.

Now we find out who Kendra dressed up for.  Salsero sits opposite her in the restaurant and listens to her pitch.  She has had many lovers but he was the only one who satisfied her -- in every way.  What does he think about picking up where they left off?  Remember how they planned to collect a huge ransom for Victoria and run away together to a Polynesian island?
Then Kendra confides:  "I'm Nelson's sole heir and his insurance policy is in my name."

Salsero nearly bursts out laughing:  "You're planning to kill your daughter's father?"

Kendra fingers his collar and tie and doesn't bother denying it.  She'll also get the shares in Meta Imagen and Odette will pay a pretty penny for them, she says.  "Great plan, right?"  She stares at him with her beautiful, dead eyes.

Nelson Brizz sits at what was once Paula's desk and writes a lame letter to Victoria: 
I'm sorry I did things that way.  I didn't mean to hurt Arriaga.  But I was tired of keeping quiet; and before leaving it was important for you all to know how far Aníbal Balvanera had gone.
[So very very lame.]

Salsero proposes a different plan to Kendra.  Instead of murdering people, how about they turn themselves in to the police?  The two of them should pay for all the harm they've done.

I've got you under my skin
Now it's Kendra's turn to look amused.  She wonders if his little girlfriend knows his history.  He assures her that she doesn't -- and when she finds out, she's going to kick him to the curb.  Then forget her, Kendra advises.  She's willing to accept him as he is.  He is her man.  His caresses are part of her, she longs for him in her bed … Besides, she has a fool-proof plan to get rid of that idiot Nelson Brizz --  a method of murder undetectable at autopsy.

Salsero is skeptical -- there's no such thing as a perfect crime!  Kendra won't give him the details now.  Soon she'll be a poor little rich widow and the two of them can enjoy her fortune.

And what does Salsero have to do?  Just end things with boring Betty.  Kendra leans in and kisses him.  He kisses her back.

Lean on me
Arriaga stumbles down some steps on the street, ineptly guided by Espanto who is in a hurry to get to his wreck of a car.  Suddenly someone calls out "¡José Ángel!"  "¡Super Superman!"  Nikki and Francisco have spotted him and are on their way over.  Espanto scuttles away before Nikki can get close enough to see him.  Francisco wants to know who the man was.  Arriaga explains that he was helping him because … because … I can't see!  I'm blind.  Nikki and Francisco are stunned.

Just one Kiss
… was all it took for Salsero to realize he still has the hots for Kendra.  Is that a yes?, she asks, ignoring the ringing of her cellphone.  Yes.  Salsero is in.  And the phone?  She's not going to answer, it must be Nelson.

[Some on the Patio on getting nervous.  Salsero is just messing with Kendra, right?  RIGHT???]

"You know, Kendra, you don't have to kill Nelson Brizz."  They don't need Brizz's money, Salsero tells her.  He has prospects in Brazil, they can make big money, they can live there like kings. And now he realizes he never should have left Kendra.  Betty is so straight-laced, so naive, and her son is so spoiled -- he really cannot stand the kid.
[Oh wait.  That could be true … nah.]

And speaking of kids -- "Don't worry about Mia," smiles Kendra.  They can leave her behind.  They kiss again.

In the Balvanera mansion.  Lili reflects that baby Adrián is her brother, not her cousin.  And Vikki's baby will be her cousin, not her brother.  It's so hard to understand … everything is in flux.

Vikki turns to Cande and asks as delicately as she can:
Where is the child Cristina had?

Ears prick up all over the Patio as Cande says plainly:  I buried her in the cemetery in Santa Rita.

The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Arriaga, flanked by Nikki and Francisco.  Vikki and Lili embrace him and Lili calls him papá.  He is touched by this.  Does that mean that he is still her father?  He will always always be her papá.  Always.

Arriaga reaches his hand out to Lili and gropes, er, blindly.  The others, watching closely, realize something is wrong.  Nikki, on the verge of tears, explains:  "Super Superman can't see." And Arriaga tells them how his vision suddenly got blurry and then -- he was struck blind!  Noooooo!

[Arriaga can't see but we can and we notice that Vikki still has on the lovely green dress she wore for the aborted wedding.] 

At the police station, Adriana and Vicente tell Captain Robles they want to press charges against the man who robbed their child 18 years ago -- Aníbal Balvanera!

Back at the mansion, Vikki, now in slacks and white jacket, wants to take her blind King Lear for a Day to an ophthalmologist [although her first thought must have been to run and change her clothes.]  Guzmán will drive them.  

The women stay behind and weep and pray. Nikki is almost unendurably sweet to her cousin Lili.  [Good thing we are getting to the end of this.]

Kendra finally checks in with Espanto and is a tad cranky when she learns that the plan to snatch blind Arriaga has been foiled. She will have to move more quickly than she planned.  She opens her purse and takes out latex gloves and a baggie with a vial of poison inside.  [Is it too much to hope that she confuses it with her eyedrops?] 

Captain Robles is amazed to hear about the dark side of his old friend, Aníbal Balvanera, a man he always considered above reproach.  But Adriana, Vicente and Antonio convince him otherwise and are prepared to testify against him.

Hapless Nelson Brizz leaves a lame phone message for Nikki.  He says he owes her an explanation for what happened in the church (but offers none); he didn't want to leave without talking to her (but apparently plans to do so).  He wants her to remember that he loves her. 

Now Nelson's phone rings and we see it is Salsero calling from a pay phone.  In a muffled voice he warns Nelson:  "Beware the Ferretti!  That woman means to do you harm!"

"Who is this?" sputters Nelson.  The 'anonymous' caller merely repeats:  "Just watch out.  That woman is a murderer and she is out to kill you!"

Kendra is shown in a dress shop looking for something very special. [A dress to kill, perhaps?]

Was there ever a character as lame as Nelson Brizz? He discounts the caller, certain it is just one of Aníbal's dirty tricks.  Well he's off to Chicago and the Old Coot can't hurt him now.

The eye doctor examines Arriaga while Guzmán and Victoria stand by anxiously.  "Doc, why can't I see?"  Would you believe psychogenic blindness?  [or as Arriaga told urchin Lili: Me lastimaron en el alma.]The big Angel can recover but he will need psychotherapy and a life as free of anguish and anxiety as possible.  
[Was there ever a big galoot who was such a girl?  Not that we love him any less for it … ]

In the Balvanera kitchen, Nikki, Lili and Polita agree: the person guilty for Babygate is Aníbal.  And Cande?  Candelaria thought she was doing a mitzvah. And if Adriana hadn't told her about her stolen baby, she would never have known who Lili really was.

The aforementioned Cande, still in her ivory bridal dress, wanders into the kitchen and asks the girls if they have seen Aníbal.  No.  No one has seen him.  [It's only now that people are noticing his absence.  Hmm.  Maybe he doesn't cast as long a shadow as he thinks.]

He's Leaving on a Jet Plane
The smug Old Coot sits in the cabin of the small private jet which flies high above the city.

Meanwhile, back on the ground, Adriana and Vicente march into the Balvanera mansion and demand Aníbal's, er, head.  Robles has come for him.  Ay.  Too late.  The Old Coot bamboozled them again and he is going to get away with it!  Arrrrgggh.

Aníbal unbuckles his seatbelt and settles into the leather.  He underestimated that lowlife Nelson Brizz and didn't think he'd have the nerve.  But Aníbal Balvanera will never be defeated.  He'll come up with a way to regain control.

He smiles slightly as he removes his boutonniere. The blond flight attendant brings him his cognac and announces they'll be in New York in four and a half hours.

Suddenly his ease is replaced by anxiety.  "Damn, I was in such a hurry, I forgot the diamonds!"
[Let's hope this is big trouble for the smug Old Coot.]  

Closing the Barn Door After the Horse is Gone
Robles tells the family that Aníbal won't be able to leave the country.  All the airports have been alerted.

Candelaria steps up.  Aníbal may be fleeing from justice but she is ready to turn herself in and pay for her mistakes.  

Lili rushes to her and throws her arms around her. She begs the police not to take her grandmother away.

Kendra arranges to dine with Nelson at their favorite restaurant tonight.  He has some Meta Imagen paperwork to complete and turn in.  They agree to meet at the house.  ¡Besitos!

Salsero tells his godmother, Imperia, that he has decided to confess, even if it means losing Betty.  But before he turns himself in to the authorities, he has to do something to combat Kendra Ferretti's evil.

Vikki explains to Nikki that Arriaga's blindness was caused by emotional shock.  He is going to stay in the bodyguard quarters for now because he is familiar with that space.

While Guzmán is guiding Arriaga to his room, Nikki informs her mother that Aníbal has flown the coop and Cande has been arrested.  Adri, Vicente and Lili are at the police station trying to help her.

Lili and Adriana have both mellowed out since earlier in the day.  Now they agree that Cande did a good thing in seeing that Lili grew up with a loving family.  Lili apologizes to Adriana and Vicente for the way she spoke to them earlier and asks them for time.  There is so much to get used to -- and the worst thing is that her papa is blind!

Avances:  Tomorrow is Part One of the Three-Part Grand Finale.  Salsero confesses his terrible secrets; Kendra puts on her terrible latex gloves and later, her terrible widow's weeds. 


NOvelaMaven - Thank you for the recap! Great title, too. LOL

Howard Stern ... yes! The past two days it has been driving me crazy, wondering who Espantoso's wig reminds me of.

Betting pool again ---- My money is on JA not getting his sight back until the next Big Emotional Event. The birth of his son. IN fact, maybe he'll get it back in time to drive Vikki to the hospital.

Salserrrooooo.... Hopefully, he was recording that convo with Kendra. Step. Away. From. The. Skank. Ho. Porfis.

Nikki's dress was as short as the make 'em. I have tops longer than that dress.

So much to love about this episode but even more to love about the recap. NovelaMaven, you intertwined wit and humor and gave this recap amazing depth and dimension. Marvelous.

"Arriaga reaches his hand out to Lili and gropes, er, blindly", "blind King Lear" and of course, "[Was there ever a big galoot who was such a girl? Not that we love him any less for it … ]" were among my favorites.

doris, yes, wasn't the Howard Stern nod perfect??

Thankfully, a somewhat less frenzied JA has emergerged, and tearful exchanges with Lili revealing he will always be her father.

Kendra never fails to call Vicky "gorda". Go ahead, if that's the worse you can say (and of course Vicky looks great), have at it.

I felt sorry for Cande only as Lili was upset. As far as I'm concerned, they can lock her up and throw away the keys.

NovelaMaven, I'm hoping you are right and that Anibal forgetting the diamonds is his undoing...

While we hoped for a different scenario, Santino's present journey was inevitable. In order for complete redemption, he has to not only confess but to stop Kendra, a monster who he himself must take responsibility for. But can he or anyone stop Kendra, evil incarnate? The only question remains is will he survive this war?

NovelaMaven, thank you for all of the laughter and insight you have provided in all of your fabulous recaps. Your contributions have enriched and enhanced this marvelous story. It's been a pleasure!


NovelaMaven- Still chuckling over your description of JA. He's a VERY sensitive guy. LOL!

The (lame) farewell messages sealed his fate. Nelson is a goner. Poor little Mia. I just hope that Salsero won't meet the same fate as he pretends to be on Kendra's side in order to bust her.

When I saw Anibal on that plane, all I could think about was the silly way Bernarda ended in Triunfo del Amor-- her private jet blew up, just when she thought she was getting away. I felt bad for the poor innocent pilot and flight attendant, and it ticked me off that serial killer Bernie had such a quick and easy end. I am glad that Anibal gets to live another day, so that he can (hopefully) get proper punishment. Let's hope the people who were expecting those diamonds aren't so understanding.

Howard Stern cleans the streets! Ha! I almost spilled my coffee on that one, Novela Maven xD

@Vivi: I feel bad for Mia as well, but I know she'll grow up surrounded by people who love her. Vikki, Nikki, Adri...the list goes on.

Salsero is so noble. My heart is breaking already at the thought of Bety breaking up with him.

NM, fantastic recap as always. I loved "[Oh wait. That could be true … nah.]" LOL! Thank you for your wonderful recaps, they've always been a joy to read.

Like you, I was nervous when Salsa-Dude started playing the Ho, but held out hope that he was just playing along so he could incriminate her. I knew he HAD to be playing along when he didn't blink when she said she'd leave Mia behind, as if in no biggie. There's no way he'd tolerate that from her or anyone.

I am rooting for Salsa-Dude because he's wanting to do the right thing, unlike Gramps. A happy ending for Salsa! I DEMAND it! LOL.



Thanks so much for this marvelous recap!

I'm with Elvira, I too DEMAND a happy ending for Salsa Dude. I just knew he couldn't be falling under the Ho's spell. I too want him to put a big ole wrench in her mis planes! I hope there is some way he can send the Ho to her doom.


I liked your take on JA. I am glad he calmed himself, but it's so sad seeing him groping around blindly. It will probably take another big shock or an emotional something for him to get his sight back. I'm hoping it is soon.


Now that would have been cool if Anyballs' plane had blown up! I never saw TdA, but I kept waiting for the plane to crash with Anyballs on it. I too have a feeling those diamonds he left behind is so not going to be good for him!

I feel for Cande, I really do. I know she wants to pay for her sins, but I got the impression that she also wants to atone for Anyballs' sins, and that ain't right. He needs to pay for his own sins. She was so bamboozled by him. She actually really loved him and he had not one iota of feeling for her at all. Just to shut her up! At least we now know what happened to Cris and Angel's baby. She is culpable yes, but not as Anyballs is. I just wish she had told the truth, once she found out who Lili really was. I don't want her to be the stool pigeon for Anyballs.

Can't wait for tonight to see what happens.

I may be wrong but I think Anibal's trip to NYC was to fence the diamonds for cash. With the police out to arrest him, perhaps his account back in the DF will be frozen and he knows he needs cash. But he may just have to turn the plane around and get the diamonds which will lead to his arrest or death by heart attack. Jail seems the more just alternative.
As for the Nelson/Kendra/Salsero dance of death, well I think Nelson and Salsero will make it and Kendra will perish but who knows. What crime has Nelson committed that deserve jail time? I can't remember. If Salsero does survive, he may have to spend some time behind bars but Beatrice is used to waiting for her men to be released.
As for Cande, given her age, I think she may get off with probation; she did confirm Adriana's claims so she may get points for helping to confirm the charges against Anibal.
But the real question is how will Espanto's murders be avenged? Jail, death? I hope the police discover all of his disguises and make him wear the granny dress/wig when he's booked into jail for life.
The rest of the cast seemed destined for happiness.
And all of this in three episodes!

@Madelaine, I agree with your feelings about Cande. I wanted her to get punished for the longest time, but after seeing the last two episodes I think her disillusionment with Anyballs is punishment enough. If she goes to jail, it will be for a short time. I'm also glad that Lili said she loved her last night.

Thanks for the great recap NovelaMaven. Hilarious. Lot's of great lines, was tickled by:

"Recognizing an opportunity for evil..."

Almost like she has a duty isn't it? And leave Mia? What pumps this pretty lady's blood? Clearly, the heart was left out when they put her together.

Howard Stern? Yes, certainly... but for some reason the first person I thought of was Otto Mann.

Please forgive me everyone but I'm not all that in love with Vincente. He seems selfish, self-centered, envious, and vengeful. I know, he deserves to be all that and more, but this seems to have suddenly become the Vicente Celorio show.

"I would have been every bit as good a daddy as Arriaga!"

Oh really? I guess we'll never know.


thanks , Novelamaven for another wonderful, snappy, clever recaps.

Dances really made the ultimate sacrifice with the fake passion with the ho. He took a trip to Brazil and suggested to the ho that they escape there. My student from Brazil was talking about the tribes that still live in the jungles of Brazil, so maybe Dances has made arrangements for the ho to have an extended (para siempre) stay with one of those tribes. She really is a gorgeous woman, if only there was a brain in that lovely head ...and a heart in that ample chest.

I think that Bea will stand by her man. Bea seems to be a very patient , understanding person, and she is head over heels in love with Dances and his skills....dancing...and otherwise. ( That was a good fake kiss he planted on the ho...what a sacrifice.)

Carlos, if I have to call Perla from Alborado "underprivileged", you have to cut the lovely VIcente some slack. Come on...Animal got him sent to jail and separated him from his onetruelove and his daughter. Plus, he's very yummy...and looks especially good in green and coral.....and sends flowers...and pushes baby carriages...and saves lives...that has to count.

Espanto channeling Howard Stern ...perhaps. However, , I got a KISS vibe. Those long, curly, jet black locks.

As for Anibalvanera...I thought that plane was surely going to explode and felt sorry for the innocent crew. Let's face it, he is overdue to pay for his many sins. Sucks to be you, AniBalvanera.

Finally, a warning to those thoughtful, concerned souls buzzing around the big guy...let him know where you are .at all times.... being stepped on or bumped into by a big dude is never as fun as it sounds.

Don't be hating on the pretty, Carlos.

Musing on Kendra

Carlos: "What pumps this pretty lady's blood? Clearly, the heart was left out when they put her together" and Susanlynn:"if only there was... a heart in that ample chest".

Exactly...not only is she missing a heart, but a soul. If it were not for greed and the necessary evil to accompany it, she would be emotionally barren.


Vivi, just choked on my water. Good one!


NovelaMaven - Thanks for a marvelous recap. Appreciate the vocab and all the zing you bring to the details.

I’ll confess I was looking forward to Arriaga laying some Blind Fury Aikido on Espanto’s a** when he realized Howard Stern [NovelaMaven - lol!] was a fraud, but I am glad Guzman and Nikki found him before the wigged one led him away.

Poor Salsero. I felt so bad for him, having to kiss KendraHo back. If I'm remembering correctly, when Salsero told Bea he'd done terrible things, he added that he had never killed anyone. Now, if a guy tells you he's been bad but never killed anyone, you should figure that he's committed everything up to that. Maybe Bea would wait for him.

Carlos - Glad you brought up Vicente saying he would've been as good a dad as Arriaga. I thought, "oh, no he didn't say that!" Vicente, sorry dude but don't even go there.

I'm thinking that Kendra may get the exploding plane as she tries to leave the country. With villains like her, jail is rarely enough in TNs. As for Aníbal, I predict a major beatdown from some thugs in New York.

The thing that will hold Bety back from forgiving Salsa is Guillo. He does need a good father figure. Bety already had a horrible experience with Leonardo, and even her father isn't the best role model. We only have three episodes for her to make a decision, which scares me.

Vicente pays for his arrogance every time he looks down at the face in the cradle and sees Joan Constantín staring grumpily back at him.

Mark my words -- by the time the kid has the fine motor skills, he'll be draping his onesies around his neck as make-shift ascots.

NovelaMaven---Thank you for a great recap and all of your great recaps, they were a fun read for sure. Some of the lines that I liked this time around are---She opens her purse and takes out latex
gloves with a baggie with a vial of poison inside. [Is it too much to hope that she confuses it with her eyedrops?] and---Kendra is shown in a dress shop looking for something very special. [A dress to kill perhaps.}

Damn, I was in such a hurry, I forgot the diamonds.
We dont know what the diamonds are all about but there is plenty of speculation. Someone yesterday mentioned blood diamonds. Could those diamonds or the loss of them leed to Anibal's blood?

Anonymous--7-25 9:36 Make Espanto wear the grany dress and wig when he's booked. So funny.

Susanlynn---If only there was a brain in that lovely head and a heart in that ample chest. That was a great thought.

How is this all going to play out? Can't wait for tonight.
the gringo

"Mark my words -- by the time the kid has the fine motor skills, he'll be draping his onesies around his neck as make-shift ascots."
NM - very fortunate that I didn't have a mouthful of tea when I read that one. LOL!!!

Assuming there are Thursday and Friday shows, and if there are only three episodes left, why is there a 2-hour Gran Final on Sunday? Shouldn't it be just a 1-hour Gran Final show?


@Gobluefan: I've been wondering the same. The finale is actually 3 hours, I believe. I assume there will be no capitulo tomorrow night, but a recap of everything that's happened.

Gobluefan, usually the first hour of a 2 hour finale is a repeat (of the previous episode).

I suspect that will be the case on Sunday.


For those of you wondering about the Gran Finale for this TN. In Mexico, it was shown in it's entirety with commericals. It was all shown on a Sunday. In Univision's infinite wisdom ; ) they decided to chop up the finale into three days. The Gran Finale actually starts tonight, then the second part is on Friday night and the third part is on Sunday along with a retrospective I believe, with all the actors, sort of like Abismo de Pasion did. So tune in every night including Sunday so you don't miss a thing. : )

A retrospective sounds good Madelaine! Thanks for the info.


The retrospective was not part of the orginal finale. It came either before or after the finale in Mexico. Now they could show that on Friday. I don't know yet, but in either case, the finale of this TN is gonna be great all three days!

Oh, and yes they are showing AV on Friday same time, same channel : )

"Vicente pays for his arrogance every time he looks down at the face in the cradle and sees Joan Constantín staring grumpily back at him."

NovelMaven - lol!

NM, Fabulous recap, you never disappoint! I TOO thought QTH when Vicki switched from wedding attire to a pantsuit one scene later. Yet Nikki had the same 8 inch heels and micro mini wedding attire on after several scenes throughout the day. Really? No changing into fuzzy socks and sweats after running around the park in those heels?

And Viv: I TOTALLY thought TdA when Anibal was in the jet. I always want the worst villains to rot in jail and not get off the hook with a quick death. I want them to become impoverished and humiliated. For crying out loud, KendHo is still getting away with her act of "nice girl" from a good family. I want her exposed!!!

Thank you so much NM for all your fun, clever recaps. I'm so happy to see you are recapping for La TempeSTUD (good one)! Regardless of what Mejia slings at us, I know you will spin it into gold!

And the onesie ascot--HILARIOUS!



Thank you so much for your lovely words. You haven't gotten rid of me quite yet -- Mads and I will be sharing tonight's part of the Gran Final:)

Maybe Nikki's dress was so short because she and Lili have started borrowing each other's clothes. Well just a thought.

I also had a Bernie flashback when I saw Aníbal on that plane. I hated the device back then (killing innocent people in a crash to get rid of a villain) and sure hope our writers are going to resort to it here.

Bailey Marie:
Yes, poor Mia. On the other hand, growing up with Kendra would be a dreadful fate for any child. And you're right -- there is a terrific pool of loving people who would step in and look after her.

Oh yeah, absolutely. I'm standing on my table on the Patio and demanding a happy ending for Salsa dude.

I kind of feel for Cande too. I think the writers were inconsistent with her character. When she first showed up, she was tough and smart and independent. Her Anibalic trance was hard to understand. Fortunately, though, she seems to have snapped out of it.

Anon 9:36:
Do you really think Aníbal would take a chance on going back? I wonder. Maybe he'll try to get someone else to fetch the diamonds -- but who could he possible trust to do it?

Listen. Vicente is a surgeon.

Otto Mann? I had to look him up. I thought it was one of your highbrow allusions. Well, maybe it is, dude.


" if only there was a brain in that lovely head ...and a heart in that ample chest."

Sooooo funny. But you have to admit it -- the one thing she does have is DA NOIV!

Kendra and Nelson are not married, so she will not officially be a widow and if the family chose to, could bar her from the funeral. However, they don't care enough about her and Nelson to do anything about it. I'm sure it's Nelson she's gunning for and I'm sure she'll play up the "grieving widow" to the max, veil and all. LOL

Poor, poor Nelson. I never liked him from the beginning, but this guy never committed any crime! He's only guilty of being a jerkilicious donkey's behind without a brain cell to tell him he's hooked up with an evil (though very beautiful) nightmare.

I don't think Vicente is arrogant at all. He lost his daughter and gets her back after she's all grown up. He's shown to be caring, thoughtful, gentle, funny ... everything Adriana remembered and loved (not to mention a hottie and super super doc) who just found out this is his daughter and he loves her. Of course he's going to tell her he would've been a great dad for her! And who's to say he wouldn't have been an even BETTER one than Arriaga? As someone said, we'll never know!

Thanks for the recap NovelaMaven, it was excellent as always.

Wasn't it ironic that Cande buried the baby in the Cementery of Santa Rita? Just where Espanto had told Adriana her daughter was buried.

Just a heads up for the recappers in case anyone is planning to watch the next episodes online to have the recaps earlier. I think Univision may be editing the episodes differently from Televisa.

I felt like the things shown in the advances in Univision should have been in this episode and I just checked the Amores page at Esmas and there's an extra 15 minutes after Lili tells Adri and Vicente about her dad's blindness containing those scenes.



"Now, if a guy tells you he's been bad but never killed anyone, you should figure that he's committed everything up to that."

Words to live by, my friend :D

I'm so glad you've been enjoying my recaps. As I told Diana, I've got a half of one coming tonight so stay tuned. I'm also very anxious to see how this all plays out. [But it does look like it's going to come up roses for your little Orchid, at least in the end.]

Thanks so much!

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed Vikki's puzzling costume change in what was meant to be a continuation of a single scene.

I fret about the shoes too. Those poor actresses. Their feet must be killing them after having to wear those silly stilettos and platforms for hours on end. I almost hold my breath every time Vikki clumps down the Balvanera staircase in heels. In that aspect at least, the male actors luck out. (Well except for Roy and his unfortunate high-heeled sneakers.)

Anon 4:33:
You're right that Nelson never committed a crime. But he has been an insensitive jerk and has hurt a lot of people. I think his family has cared more for him than he deserved. And if he dies, he will be mourned -- also perhaps more than he deserves.

I didn't even realize that was the same cemetery because Espanto mentioned it by its name instead of its location. Thanks for pointing that out.

And thanks for pointing out that Univisión is doing some dicing and splicing with these episodes. They do like to keep us on our toes. :)


"Listen. Vicente is a surgeon."

Yes. I suspect I would have been able to recognize that without ever even having seen him operate.


Oops! Some of my best friends are surgeons.


NM: I didn't mean that Nelson's family wouldn't mourn him. I know they still (yes, undeservedly) care for him. I meant that they don't care enough about his relationship with Kendra to bother with trying to keep her away from a funeral.

Also, the Santa Rita cemetery is not the same one Espanto sent Adri to. That one had a different name, but I don't remember what it was. But definitely NOT Santa Rita.

You are right anon, I just checked the Amores page and Espanto told Adri that her daughter was buried in the Panteón de Dolores. I actually remembered that scene with him saying the words Santa Rita for some reason, my brain is mixing things.


NovelaMaven, thanks so much! The Howard Stern comment really cracked me up. I was thinking 80s rocker, but HS is dead on.

I always wonder if the poor actresses only wear those shoes while they're actually shooting, and as soon as they're off camera they step into some nice comfy flipflops or sneakers. They work such long days most of the time...I can't imagine spending my whole life in short, skintight dresses and spindly stilettos. Do people really do that? Not in Seattle. I'd be begging for a role as a yoga instructor or something.

I didn't mind Vicente saying he'd have been a great dad, too. I'm sure he would have been, and will be. JA is pretty great, but his daddery has not been flawless. He dithered way too long about telling Lili about things like dating Vicky. He was a little too controlling and ragey regarding Roy.

About Vicente: I'm sure baby Adrián will get to know how good can he be as a dad. I'm sure Vicente will love him as if he was his own.

Just like JA loves Lili, even if he now can't say "my only blood" when refering to her.


"Maybe he'll try to get someone else to fetch the diamonds -- but who could he possible trust to do it?"Salsero?

If Nelson dies, Kendra still has her alleged ace in the hole. Wouldn't Mia inherit even though she is illegitimate? There is the DNA test as proof.


P.S. Kendra is assuming Nelson has money to inherit. Doesn't she believe him when he says they're broke?

There is nothing for Mia to inherit - plus, she has NO Balvanera blood, being from the Brizz side. But what about long-lost Brizz relatives? After all, supposedly Nelson Brizz was an acceptable husband for Anibal way back when, so he must have come from a socially elite (or at least acceptable) family.

Anon 6:48 - I agree. Plus, once they find out (and this being a tn, they will) that Kendra had something to do with Nelson's demise, the insurance payments will be denied. Insurance companies do not like to pay out! Poor little Mia.

NM thanks for your recap. I'll say more when you and Mads post later.

Thanks, Anon and Jarocha, for clearing up the name of the cemetery that Espanto mentioned: Panteón de Dolores.

I'm not sure where in the world women wear shoes like that to do more than preen and pose. One thing is certain -- in these novelas, it's the shorties who have it the worst. (I remember poor María Desamparada running everywhere in her stilt shoes. And those little girls on El Tal -- ni lo menciones!)

About Nelson's worldly goods:
Aside from his insurance policy which names Kendra as his sole beneficiary, he owns 20% of the shares in Meta Imagen. That has to be worth something, right?

Wow! Can't wait for final. Thanks in advance to all the recappers; ya'll are awesome. que padre


"Vicente pays for his arrogance every time he looks down at the face in the cradle and sees Joan Constantín staring grumpily back at him.

Mark my words -- by the time the kid has the fine motor skills, he'll be draping his onesies around his neck as make-shift ascots."


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