Monday, November 16, 2015

La Vecina Highlights and Discussion #105-109 Nov. 16-20

Here's this week's post.


Thanks, Sara. I'll do Friday.

Thanks for posting the page, Sara. My thoughts from yesterday...

Why the hell is Tonio wasting this effort trying to get Isa back? Thank goodness she told him off and sent him packing again, but I'm really mad at Tonio right now.

I'm very thankful that Bruno injuring himself during soccer practice meant he missed his date with Laura, where Pedro's henchman was secretly watching her like a hawk. Rosa let Laura know she was being watched, so now she's on alert.

Chelo cracks me up with his overly dramatic gestures. Nat actually seems to be willing to give him a chance. Funny that he wants to pitch Tonio's convoluted love story to the tn writers.

Sebastian's Rastafarian disguise was a hoot. But thank goodness he is so paranoid (about Titina and her bros), because he saw the hitman who is following Tonio. Why Tonio continues to walk around without his bodyguards is a mystery to me.

Hi Vivi!
Vivi - I don't think Antonio was trying to get back with Isa. I think he was just acknowledging to her, as a gentleman, that her ruined exposición was basically his fault.


Denise- I agree a big part of why he went to see her was about that, but he also seemed to be arguing with her about the breakup and trying to change her mind. I need him to say it out loud to her and everyone else that their relationship is over. So far, those words have only come out of Isa's mouth.

You have a point.

Finally back, sigh, life stuff

Thanks Denise and Diva for the recaps last week that I just barely had a chance to read
Vivi I agree with you about Tonio needing to tell somebody, preferably Sara, that its totally over with Isa, for good, for realz this time. It would make me feel better at least
I can post highlights/what I remember from today in a minute but I probably won't remember everything


Ok, so, Tuesday, no notes version

Tonio is sick :(
Sebas is paranoid (has been good and bad and funny) He wants to stay in a hotel so nobody will find him. He borrows Tonio's car since Tonio doesn't feel good enough to drive. Sebas asks Rafa to drive him, as they drive out, sicario guy pulls in front of them on a moto and reaches for his gun, either he sees they aren't his targets or thinks two is too many cause he zooms off w/o shooting and Rafa and Sebas have no idea what just almost happened.

Tonio calls the guards to drive him home

One of Titina's bros, Arnold? is asked to cover for his friend who works room service in what I assume is the only hotel in town this very night. He laughs and laughs (and so do I) but eventually agrees

Pedro is psychopathically jealous, even when guerro henchie calls to tell him that Laura did NOT meet Bruno, he's still sure there is something going on (just cause he's right doesn't make it ok)
Laura calls Bruno to tell him about being spied on. She will get away from Pedro somehow, someday, but she has no idea how.

Edwina is awesome! Not only does she make Lucita feel better about not having the rocket named after her, she convinces Lucita to buy Simon a navigation system in exchange for a mention on the cohete, and then beats her at poker so Simon can decide the placement of her name. Lucita calls her Simon's novia and when Simon corrects her says, well she should be, you're missing out. (yay Lucita) Edwina looks pleased about that.

Tonio is so sick he can't get his key in the lock. Sara comes and helps and calls the doctor, and puts Tonio in a cool shower to lower his fever.
Turns out Tonio has Dengue
Sara will tend him
Its super sweet, especially when he wakes up and says sweet things to her.
Its totally unfair to intercut that with scenes of abusive Pedro
But they do

Oh yeah Isa gives her consent for her life story so far to be used in a telenovela
And she will get revenge

Oh and Nelson finally talks to Ric personally
But can't figure out who he is
But hears him say they're out to get Sara
And figures out which Sara
And leaves her a ransome note style warning to look out (yeah, that's not going to go well )

oh crap I forgot
Cheo is smug about how the photos of him and Tonio in the paper came out
But then the insurance guy calls and they aren't going to pay any more than in the agreement he signed
So Cheo is screwed

If anybody else remembers more
Tell it



Hi Sneaky! Thanks for the hilites.

Lucita made me laugh when she told Simón that Edwina should be his novia because "ya no cueces al primer hervor" (You're not getting any younger).


Denise - Yes! That was funny. (the whole thing was actually)
Thanks for the exact words, I couldn't remember them, and wasn't sure I'd heard right anyway
That's why its nice to be able to talk about it here, I can count on you guys to fill me in :)

I think Lucita has kind of adopted Simon, now all she has to do is teach him to play cards;)

Sneaky- I just got home, so haven't watched yet. But had to sneak a peek at your recap. Now I'm looking forward to the episode. Thanks, Sneaky!

Hi all! I've fallen behind, so I'm typing this with one hand over my eyes :P I'm planning to get caught up this afternoon and will gladly recap tomorrow if no one has claimed it yet.

Sara, thank you for posting the page!

I just finished watching Monday's episode. Hmmm, so Ramon's the one who took out Bruno? Is he ever NOT a hothead?

I'm with y'all--I need to hear Antonio say that it's over.

OK, off to watch yesterday's now....

Gracias for the Tuesday recap, sneaky!

I don't know what I enjoyed more...Edwina and Simon allllmost kissing or Edwina kicking Lucita's butt at poker. Plus the fact that that whole thing was about Lucita being enthralled with the rocket and wanting her name on it. You go, Lucita!

And then there was this:
"Its super sweet, especially when he wakes up and says sweet things to her.
Its totally unfair to intercut that with scenes of abusive Pedro
But they do"
*sob* this show!

Now I have a question I should have asked before: I missed the first part Monday, did Ramon break Bruno's leg or is it just damaged in a less serious way?


I heard "second degree" something something...sprain? But oh, sure, he'll be ok in a few days *roll eyes*

Javi, at least, was convinced that Ramon went for the ball on purpose. And knowing Ramon like I know Ramon, I wouldn't put it past him.

Diva -*sob* this show! is right. That's one of my most/least favorite things about this show, I want all lightness but I guess that's not realistic, and they do a good job making it realistic and we care about these imaginary people, darn it.

(If I'm honest I probably don't want all lightness, arrrgghhh, me)

They keep a good balance of light and dark and it keeps things from getting to that point where it's unrealistic and annoying.

"Cara de marciano"! I love how they throw these little jokes in!

Okay, totally random: Titina and...Marcelo? I mean, I don't know if the world could handle that level of obnoxiousness, and they'd probably bring out the worst in each other, but they'd love the drama.

I want a cohete sticker! Or maybe a t-shirt.

What slogan would we put on the t-shirt?

"I rode the cohete"

Or perhaps one of the sayings we heard on the show?

"God may squeeze you, but He won't break your rocket"

La Vecina #108 Th 11/19/15 Part 1

I'm sure they'll show us again today, but Juancho has designed a logo for the rocket effort so people can have "I support the rocket" stickers for their businesses. And now, he and Edwina have heard my pleas and they're planning a whole line of rocket merchandise!

Seriously, saqueadores! You really didn't think people from the community would start turning them in? *snort* Losers! Pedro has to agree to pay for the losses. Anselmo reports in that the stove at El Molcajete is rigged to blow. Also, there's a police helicopter still scouting the area where the most recent valve was found, but Anselmo is sure the guys they're looking for are going to get away.

As for the ones they *did* catch, they have no idea who their bosses are. But the cops are still looking for the ones who got away and they end up finding yet another valve. Hugs and high fives all around!

Crap. Sara can't find the engagement ring to give back to Cheo. Simon says he'll help her search her room, and if they don't find it there, they'll go look at…dun, dun, dun…El Molcajete. My heart attack is averted when Sara decides she's just going to have to go to…dun, dun, dun…El Molcajete…alone!...but when she goes to get her keys, there's the ring! Alas, when she's about to head down the hall to see Antonio…dun, dun, dun…Cheo is there! Sara hands over the ring. So we're done now, right? Right? No, 'cause Sara needs to yell at Cheo for being a total ass in the DF. And Cheo starts to yell at her for being Antonio's "lover" but Simon and Bruno tell him to hit the road.

Anselmo asks if Pedro's really going to pay the other dudes but Pedro laughs--hell no! He just said that to get them to shut up. His only objective is keeping Conatrol SG open. He'll deal with the rest later. Pedro gets the bad news that the other valve was found. Ha ha! Losers!

Pedro's frenemies complain about him. Once they get rid of Antonio, Pedro's next on the hit list. Dudes, I suggest just moving Pedro up on the list. If you're gonna do it anyway. Just saying.

All Antonio's phones are ringing and it wakes him up. He ignores them and goes zombiewalking off to find Sara.

Cheo's still down at Bruno and Simon's place insulting Sara. She tells him it's over, they tried, they failed, and she doesn't love him. What he did to Isa/Antonio was too low. Antonio shuffles in as Cheo's telling her she'll never be Antonio's wife and tells Cheo to shut up. He gets shoved, but he won't leave . Neither will Cheo. Cheo insists Antonio tell Sara she'll never be more than "plata de segunda mesa" (second choice, side dish) and Sara slaps him, like, fifty times. No, wait, sorry, that was me rewinding repeatedly. Antonio finally can't stay upright anymore and gets hauled down the hall by Sara and Simon. In the meantime, Cheo spews some more venom and finally leaves.

Rafa calls to tell Nelson and Pepe he needs their help with the valves they found. He and Sebastian are thrilled they made this big bust, but they know they need to get the head of the organization. Rafa gives him the keys to his place so he can meet Titina. He tries calling Antonio again.

La Vecina #108 Th 11/19/15 Part 2

Antonio's fever is up again after the confrontation with Cheo and the medication isn't bringing it down. Sara calls the doctor again and then calls Merce to update her. Merce repeats what the doctor said about keeping Antonio hydrated and then recommends putting "jitomate asado, rodajas de papa, o ajo" (grilled tomato, sliced potatoes, or garlic) on his feet and then covering them with socks, to help bring down the fever. So…make a salsa and stuff it in his socks, got it! She offers to come help, with Antonio or the restaurant, but Rosa's taking care of…dun, dun, dun…the restaurant. Sebas calls on the house phone and Sara gives HIM the update. He insists on giving Antonio the good news, and it does cheer him up a bit. And then Antonio wants to call Uribe. They're up to 4 busts today.

Pedro mentions 3 more valves, but I don't know if they're included in the ones that were found, or if he means three more besides the 4. In any case, he's congratulating himself for telling the guys to abandon them. He calls Nelson for an update and Nelson can't resist being sarcastic about how Pedro should know what's going on, right? Pedro snaps at him to find out what Conatrol is going to do and report back. Nelson says to himself that Pedro's days are numbered.

Antonio updates Uribe and says this is proof their community outreach project is working. He didn't tell Uribe he was sick, though. The doctor shows up and says Antonio has had a setback. Sara rats him out for not quite resting and the doctor nags him about needing ABSOLUTE REST. Antonio whines about having stuff to do. The doctor will prescribe stronger medicine, but if Antonio doesn't behave himself and the meds don't work, he's going to be hospitalized.

Juancho shows Simon (but not us) the logo and mentions their Cohete Merchandise idea, but Simon doesn't think anyone will want that. Ha! Simon, when will you learn? We all luuuuuuuuuuurve the rocket! Us and the multitude of followers on the show's generic version of a Facebook page for Cohete San Gaspar. "A la conquista de un sueño fuera de este mundo" ("[dedicated] to the achievement of a dream that's out of this world").

Sebastian is waiting for Titina, but Quique shows up instead. Hey, get Quique to deal with Titina! Quique does indeed insist on waiting around. Then he wants to interrogate Sebastian, but Sebastian has Quique's number. "Do you want the truth or should I just tell you what you want to hear?" Quique blathers for a while and then leaves. Darn. I was really hoping to see him and Titina get into it.

Sara is feeding Antonio soup, but he whines that he's not hungry. Not that he doesn't appreciate her taking care of him (*cough* since the dumbass won't take care of himself *cough*). Uribe calls Antonio and the Governor wants a meeting with Antonio tomorrow to talk about rewarding the people who helped bust the saqueadores. Uribe tells him to make a good presentation and blah, blah, blah…I can't hear it because I'm screaming inside my head and I think I'm going to cry! Antonio tells Sara "I have to meet with the Governor tomorrow" and she's all "The hell you do!" Seriously, dude! Sara chastises him soundly and he has the dumbassness to say "Are you accusing me of not knowing how to delegate?" and she's all "Duh, 'cause you're a perfectionist!"

La Vecina #108 Th 11/19/15 Part 3

Finally, Titina shows up at Rafa's. She hands over the stick some other woman peed on (in a plastic baggie) and Sebas looks about as sick as Antonio. Titina doesn't know how it happened, 'cause she was being careful--well, yeah, you big lying liar, so careful you're having to fake it now! I refuse to repeat her blather. Sebastian demands a DNA test. Heh…I'd start with demanding an actual baby! He stays firm. If she won't agree to a test, she'll never see him again! She tries to feed him that line everybody's been saying for days "In San Gaspar, if a woman tells you it's your baby, it's your baby!" but Sebas has a loophole…"I'm not from San Gaspar, and that's not what we say in the DF. If it's really my baby then there's no problem doing the test." And if it's his baby, he'll look after them, but that doesn't mean marriage. Titina counters that he'd better marry her--or else!

Sara is still lecturing Antonio and he keeps accidentally insulting her. He finally says he won't go. I kinda don't believe him, but I also think if they just put all the furniture in his way, he'd never make it out of the apartment anyway. He calls Sebas to tell him to take the meeting, but Sebas is, um, in a meeting. So Antonio decides to call Rafa. He's still out in the mountains, but he's cool with taking the meeting--him and Sebastian.

Rafa leaves Nelson in charge at the site and Quintin's going to drive him back to town. Nelson thought bubbles that now Pedro will trust him more.

Titina gets home and tells The Bros about her meeting with Sebastian. Annnnnnd they're off!

Sebas is pre-emptively drowning his sorrows when Rafa's doorbell rings again. It's Rafa! He sees the bottle and figures it didn't go well. "I told you not to ask for a DNA test!" Sebas weeps over his impending doom. Rafa cuts him off, since they've got their big meeting with the Governor. He'll bring him a coffee, but no, sorry, he's got nothing for Sebas' other problem. When Sebas has sobered up a little, he tells Rafa that Quique came by looking for him.

Lucita texts Simon that she bought the positioning system for the rocket and it'll be in next week. [Insert hysterical uncontrollable recapper laughter here!] Now all they need is for the Space Agency (and I really, really want to call it MASA) to give its approval.

Cheo didn't get as much for the ring as he paid for it. He figures he'll have to sell his truck, his TV, his stereo…his apartment! All so he can make up for what the insurance won't pay. Roque suggests Cheo take up stripping. Anyone who thinks this is a viable plan, flash some singles! Cheo calls someone, who offers him a small loan…Cheo makes a face and bends his elbow, signaling that he thinks whoever he's talking to is "codo" (literally "elbow," figuratively "cheap"). Roque suggests asking Lucita…or Pedro! Cheo figures he's got nothing to lose, but he'd have to go to SG and track him down.

Antonio is awake and feeling better. Or maybe I should say, feeling frisky? He calls Sara to come over and get in bed with him. OK, ok, maybe he's just being a gentleman and not wanting her to be all uncomfortable sleeping in the chair. *snuggles*


You know what that means? Tomorrow we get to start with *snuggles* :D

I just finished watching Tuesday's episode and making my way through.

Poor Tonio. I got dengue fever when I was in Peace Corps. Not fun. :(

The great thing about Chelo showing up with wine and cheese (how surprisingly thoughtful) is that it saved us from having an extended scene of Isa and Nat bitching about Tonio and SebAss.

Ok. I just watched Wednesday's episode. Poor Laura!

I'm kind of mad at Nelson and Pepe for not doing something more proactive than an anonymous note under the door of her restaurant (left Saturday night when the restaurant doesn't open again till Monday), when Sara's life could be in danger!

Diva loved the recap, thanks
these I especially liked/agreed with
"Dudes, I suggest just moving Pedro up on the list. If you're gonna do it anyway. Just saying." - Yes please!

"Sara slaps him, like, fifty times. No, wait, sorry, that was me rewinding repeatedly" - omg yeah
" I kinda don't believe him, but I also think if they just put all the furniture in his way, he'd never make it out of the apartment anyway. " yep pretty much what I was thinking - geez Tonio if you can barely stand up what are you going to do in your meeting w/the guv, sweat on him, or shiver?

I was really hoping to see Quique and Titina together too!


oh and thanks, Diva for filling me in re Bruno's leg, good to know its not broken, though that thing he's wearing looks like a cast.

hey Vivi! Glad you're catching up, I'm not sure Nelson and Pepe know how serious the threat to Sara is. Anselmo doesn't act like he thinks filling the place w/gas is a big deal so I'm confused too. Are they really planning on blowing up the restaurant that Pedro still owns?

ok new topic
I loved when Bruno told Tonio to eat or he'd get hemmoragias (ungh spelling) that don't quit, and then said what? I know you're not supposed to tell a sick person he might die but its better he knows and then Tonio started eating, maybe Sara should bring Bruno back over to scare Tonio into being good again


Thanks for the fab recap, Kat! Ugh! Why won't Cheo disappear already?

I hate to say it, but until Tonio says out loud that he and Isa are over, and he wants Sara to be his girlfriend, Cheo is going to be proven right. Sara will continue to be plato de segunda mesa.

Yay. So glad the real community watch folks are starting to get results.

Sneaky- I think the money Pedro has invested in the restaurant is chump change. I think he has no qualms about blowing it up.

Thanks, Diva!
Oh my gosh, nobody does it better!

"Sara slaps him, like, fifty times. No, wait, sorry, that was me rewinding repeatedly."
"Annnnnnd they're off!" Yes they were!

Okay, now I'm scared for Rosa. And Laura. And Nelson. And Antonio - darn his stubborn hide.


Gracias, todos :D

Mr. 5ft was asking just how long the restaurant has been filling with gas, and I'm thinking by the time someone comes to open it, it'll be about 24 hours? So my hope is that whoever opens the door gets a whiff of gas, backs the hell out of there, and calls someone. I guess that would still screw Sara up, because she'd lose a day or a few days while she gets things checked out and the stove repaired and the cops start investigating because CLEARLY the line was cut. But it won't be as big and dramatic as burning down the whole restaurant.

I think now that the note from Nelson and Pepe is going to take on a whole other meaning by the time it gets found.

La Vecina, Friday, 11/20 Part 1 (Some scenes combined)

Antonio and Sara are snuggling and talking. Anto tells Sara that he and Isa are done. Sara says, “Make sure you’re not doing this just because of me.” Sara wonders if Dengue is passed on by kissing. They are about to do the scientific experiment when the doorbell rings. Snugglus interruptus.
It’s the Buffed Boys, aka Titinta’s brothers want to get their hands on Sebastian. Sara does not know where he is, she says. They believe her and decide to go look for him at the San Gasp Hotel.
Sara calls Sebas to warn him. Anto signals for the phone, and proceeds to give Sebas detailed instructions on what to say and how much to reveal at the meeting with the governor mañana. As he is doing this, Sara receives a call from Rosa. Sara tells Rosa who to pay when and where the payment for the refrescos guy is. (Ominous creepy feeling regarding Rosa’s well being now.)
As Anto sleeps his fever spikes again. Sara will have to use some of those “remedios caseros” her Mom recommended yesterday.
We see Sara applying potato slices to the bottoms of Anto’s feet. ¡Ay! It tickles. No fair, says Anto. Now you know my weakness. No fair using this info against me! Sara says that she has a weakness too. “It’s you,” she says. She plants a tender kiss on him, but then pulls away saying that she won’t keep on kissing him because his temperature might go up again. “¡Te odio!” he says in jest.

Sebas and Rafa are collaborating on the preparations for the meeting with the governor. “I can see why Antonio values you so much,” says Sebas. They discuss the Quique situation. “He called me ‘ordinario’(low class)! Rafa says he doesn’t worry about “el qué dirán”(what people will think or say). “ I don’t really care who knows about my preferences. I just want to keep my private life separate from my professional life.” Sebas agrees. As they speak, we see Quique lurking outside, suffering with jealousy and swearing that he’s really through this time. He walks away.
Next morning Marina calls and tells Rafa that there is a fracture in one of the ducts, so he needs to go to the site ASAP. Sebas will have to do the gov. meeting solo.

Anto is feeling better. The doctor is attending to him. Sara tells the doctor how she applied the remedio casero of the potato slices to the feet. The doctor laughs and says his abuela used to do the same thing. He opines that the “cariño” applied with the potato slices is what effects the cure. Antonio agrees. He also agrees that he’s got to rest in order to get better.

Laura, at home, runs across Pedro’s map of the válvulas. As she’s trying to figure out what she is looking at, Pedro walks in the door and does his usual controlling father impression. Laura’s eyes widen as she nodds that she will leave Pedro’s things alone.

At Conatrol, Nelson says to Pepe that he heard throught the grapevine about the meeting with the governor. Nelson has a “corazonada”(hunch) that it’s about those válvulas. He thinks he should tell the saqueadores that the plant will probably remain open, so that they, the pilferers, will get over confident. Pepe says No, no, no. Too risky. Just wait this out.


La Vecina, Friday Part 2

[Theme song – Hmm hmm hmm ... que me hace suspirar...]

Nelson calls Pedro and tells him about the coming meeting and the probable outcome of the plant’s staying open. Pedro is tickled and says to Anselmo, “My plan is working! Bwa ha haa. He can’t wait to shut Carmelo up with this news.

Edwina and Simón speak Astrophysics while Juancho monitors the social media activity. Juancho tells Simón that there are so many people asking questions that he, Juancho cannot answer. Simón will need to do a video chat. Simón says that ain’t gonna happen cause he gets panicky when talking to groups of people.

In the D.F., Uribe is excited and effusively spills to Slick Ric all the details about the successes in finding válvulas, and he even tells Ric that they are about to trap the saqueadores! This means the plant can remain in operation.
“We will all benefit by the plant remaining open,” comments Ric with a sly smile.
Ric calls Pedro to inform him of the latest, but of course Pedro already knows about the meeting through Nelson. “What about our plans to off Andrade?” Ric wants to know. “We’ll leave him be for now. Let him think his plan’s working,” is the reply.

Sebas goes by the hotel and is immediately accosted by the Buffed Bro’s. (They’re so cute. Ya can’t hate ‘em.) In his room, they put a head lock on him and insist he has to agree to marry their sister. But he has a meeting with the governor! Too bad, they say. He’ll have to miss it if he doesn’t agree to go along with the wedding plans.

Sara is trying to get Anto to drink some liquids, but he is resisting. Sebas calls. He tells Antonio that he is not going to make it to the meeting with the governor. Titina’s brothers have kidnapped him! Anto says he’ll call the police, but the brothers are unimpressed with the threat.

Ric is pithed because Pedro isn’t going to off Antonio, and Anto is going to come off as a hero besides!

Anto has Sara call Marina to tell her to contact Rafa. He’s going to have to go to the meeting by himself as Sebas won’t make it. It’s a no go, of course, because Rafa can’t make it either. Marina will try to get the meeting postponed.

Carmelo comes to Pedro’s cave/office to discuss recent events in the business. Carmelo questions Pedro’s decision to allow Anto to continue living. He thought bubbles that he’s not going to go along with Pedro’s strategy.

Sebas is still “lidiando” with the brothers. Yes, he will see to Titi’s and the baby’s security – as long as the baby is his!
The brothers are incensed with Sebas’ insinuation. Titi was a virgen when she took up with Sebas!
Sebas says, “Are you kidding?!”
Brothers torture him some more.
Sebas: “I mean, not only was Titina a virgen, she was actually a saint!”


La Vecina, Friday Part 3

Marina informs Sara and Antonio that the governor is already on his way. Maybe she could say he was in an accident or something like that. No, no. He’ll think of another way. Sara: “Why don’t you just tell them you have Dengue?” “No, I’ll look like a flake for not telling them earlier.”
Sara tries to help Antonio get up and make a showing at the meeting, but Anto is in no shape to even make it to the front door. He falls back in the bed.
Sara: “Okay, okay. What if..... I go in your place? As far as the pueblo knows, I’m your assistant.” Hmmm. This could work.

The brothers to Sebas: “Titina didn’t make this baby by herself, and she sure isn’t going to raise it by herself.”
Sebas: “Look, I’m not getting married, so kill me if you must.”
Bros: “We’ll do better than that. We’ll leave you somewhat incomplete. Arnold, did you bring the scissors?” Yes, he did, and they’re big ‘uns.

Sara tells Bruno she’s going in Antonio’s place.
Antonio tells Marina Sara’s going in his place and could she send some necessary doc’s to the “residencia municipal” (not sure here).

Ha ha, Sara is contemplating what she should wear to the big meeting as Bruno questions whether she can actually pull it off. Hey, she’s conducted all kinds of meetings, she insists. This is not her first rodeo.

Sebas is facing the big scissors. Okay, okay! Just put away those things, he says.
“We knew you could be reasonable,” say the brothers in unison. “Whaddaya say we have ourselves a wedding in 15 days?” they suggest.
Sebas: “That’s kind of soon, no?”
Bros: “We gotta do this before Titina starts to show. We’re not going to let her be the object of people’s ridicule.”
The guys draw up a contract.

Sara looks stunning in her short white dress. Anto is transfixed. He collects himself and gives her some instructions. She is to collect the doc’s that Marina is sending. She must keep her cell phone on and use the “manos libres”(blue tooth, hands free) that Anto is giving her. With a little luck, they just might pull this off.
“Sara,” Anto says, and he pulls her to him. Now a heart-stopping kiss. (Let’s just see that again. Uh huh – it’s heart-stopping.)

Sebas reviews the “contract.” It’s fine except for the fact that it’s mostly mis-spelled. The bros say to shut up and sign already. Sebas signs with a false name. Oops, the one brother asks to see his voting card.

Sara arrives at the place where the meeting will be held. Marina is there with the doc’s. Jeepers, Sara doesn’t understand “ni papa”(a darned thing) of the graphs or charts. “May God find us ‘confesados,’” utters Marina. Sara puts in her earpiece and goes into the meeting. She is greeted warmly by the “Secretario,” and is introduced to the “Gobernador.” She gives a warm hello to all as Anto tells her in her ear not to lay it on too thick.

Rosa opens the restaurant doors, picks up the mail (including Nelson’s note of warning) and remarks to herself that the place smells terrible – like rotten food, though, not like gas. She tries to figure out what has happened and then tries to get Sara on the phone. It’s busy, of course.

At the meeting Sara is able to keep up the charade of knowing what she is talking about, as Anto helps her when she falters. She successfully answers the officials’ questions regarding the percentages of gasoline lost to the saqueadores.

Back at El Molcajete Rosa has put a pot on the stove to boil. She thinks something is not right, and she increases the flame. Then she takes some trash bags as if to go out to the trash.
A couple is walking by El Molcajete. They hear a loud bang, and we see smoke coming out of the restaurant. We don’t know what has happened to Rosa.

Cue the music.


Thank you for the Friday recap, Denise! What a cliffhanger!

I loved "snugglus interruptus" :D

I guess the "residencia municipal" is like the mayoral equivalent of "The Governor's Mansion."

"Let’s just see that again. Uh huh – it’s heart-stopping." Word!

"Sara puts in her earpiece and goes into the meeting." That was cute! I wish she'd taken Marina in with her. In my experience, Admin Assistants tend to know even more than their bosses about what's going on. (Well, ok, I used to be one in a former life, so I might be biased!)

"We don’t know what has happened to Rosa." *sob* Ok, I'm making up my mind that she's fine until the show says otherwise.

Fabulous, Denise!

I'm also going to believe that Rosa is fine and escaped the blast. Now we know why Anselmo unplugged the fridges- to mask the smell of the gas. Guess he's not totally stupid.

Love that Sara has saved Tonio's bacon once again. They really should have hired her when they had the chance.

SebAss continues to get what he deserves at the hands of the buff bros. Those guys are both terrifying and adorable. :)

I guess she's hired now! She's going to need money for repairs...and a raise for Rosa, since she'll end up running the place.

Thanks for your comments, Diva and Vivi :-)

Diva - Yeah, I thought Marina was going to go in with her, so I was surprised to see her leave Sara to fend for herself. On the other hand, Sara looks all the stronger and more capable this way.

Vivi - "Love that Sara has saved Tonio's bacon once again." Sara sometimes gets him in trouble, but then she can really come through for him too. Diva may be right. Sara may get an official position out of this.


Thanks sneaky2shoes, Diva, and Denise for ya'lls recaps this week!

Loved all the cute Sara/Antonio moments, especially them toogling(?) if they could kiss or not. And I will totally ignore that even though Antonio is not with Isa and Sara has confessed her feelings, Antonio has yet to reciprocate using actual words.

Haha Sebastian tried to outsmart the Bros with a fake signature, but they out maneuvered him.

Also liked that scene between Bruno & Sara when she explained that she was going to Antonio's meeting, I enjoy their easy going relationship.

Poor Rosa, hope she's getting a pay raise out of all of this


I'm feeling a little unsettled. The snuggling is awesome, but I really want to have the "OK, so we're novios now, right?" conversation.

Thanks so much for the recap Denise its great

I really don't get why Tonio doesn't just tell his boss he's sick, has he never taken a sick day before?

I loved when ProtaSara said the bluetooth gig was just like being a spy, so cute

Rosa is ok, Rosa is ok, Rosa is ok. If I say it enough it'll be true, right?

Hey is our Sara ok? We haven't heard from her all week.

Sneaky- Sara was fighting of a cold this week and prepping for vacay.

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