Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - Episodes 7 and 8

Posting a discussion page early today. Sneaky two shoes will post a recap tomorrow afternoon!

Sneaky two shoes's recap below!

Lets jump right in shall we.

Sole tells Free Spirit the pile of stolen stuff on the table is private business and sends her off to get ice cream w/Evaristo’s grandsons. And she goes! When she’s gone Sole and Evaristo go through thed stuff and discuss the problem. Apparently Evaristo got Sole a birth certificate for Analu, don’t ask how, but he says it’s a good’un and she’ll never have problems w/it. He’s never been too happy about getting her new ID w/ her actual name but Sole realizes she took her away from everyone and everything she belonged to and couldn’t take that away too. Evaristo says Sole better keep Analu in the house for the next few days so Ramiro doesn’t seek her, ‘cause he’ll recognize her right away and she tells him bout their other problem Santiago’s visit and memory loss. They both know he’s supposed to be dead so they may have been in on the accident.

Mopey and Abue meet a talented young man playing the oboe on the street, they compliment him, he compliments Mopey, he was there last night when she performed, but she doesn’t have to be ashamed b/c he’s handicapped too, in a wheelchair =silla de ruedas.

Ramiro tells his dad bout being robbed and beaten and seems to agree to come home and admit defeat after much urging/browbeating by dad.

Sole tells Free Spirit they have to do an inventory b/c Evaristo, who was the lover of her mother and took care of her after her mom died, owns the house and land the shop is on and has been letting them live there rent free all these yrs but now wants it back for one of his grandsons.

Ramiro has been waiting hours to see the police chief and report his robbery but there’s been an assault nearby and he’ll have to wait some more.

While Sole and Free Spirit are doing the inventory Isidro stops by to talk to Sole. She’s super uncomfortable thinking he’s going to propose and tries to keep his mouth busy for a while w/food, but eventually has to let him talk. He swears he wasn’t mean to his late wife like everybody says and he hopes they’ll be good friends when she is his suegra=mother in law. Ha! Sole is indignant and calls him a rabo verde which is like a combination of cradle robber and dirty old man.

Orlando sees Ramiro waiting on the pier and remembers accidentally having him

beaten, goes over to see if he’s looking for him, but no Ramiro has no idea who was involved and they are soon fast friends. Inaki bums a ride to work off Santiago one more time. They chat and Inaki tells about his hot new job and the brat he has to work with and his rich boss. Santiago recognizes the boss’s surname (which is more than I do frankly) but can’t place where he heard it. Inaki thinks its b/c the fam is rich and famous and then starts asking how he made out w/dream girl. Santiago respects her and no he hasn’t hit that yet, he’s building a relationship, and she’s not that kind of girl, and nxt time you can ride the bus.

Tio’s secretary needs to escort some visitors and Bad Seed takes the opportunity to eavesdrop on tio’s convo w/Jenny. Inaki catches her and tsk tsks

Orlando introduces Ramiro to Sole and he’s about to show them a photo on his phone of the missing girl he’s looking for, but oh darn he must have left his phone at the hotel –

Orlando ‘hey what was her name?’ - Sole: ‘Hey! Orlando, can you help me move some heavy boxes?’

The crisis is averted, for now, but Ramiro is determined to come back to this town w/more photos, he just won’t give up

Ramiro flashes back to Mopey catching him and Gina macking at the office – hey, they’re engaged! Mopey looks mopier than usual and leaves quickly. Ramiro over praises Mopey and Gina gets nervous and defensive saying ‘yeah, but nobody will want her w/a handicap’

Orlando asks Free Spirit if she’s told her mom yet about her new novio and mentions Sole told him she had the classic tn blood pressure problems.

Mopey tells Leonore the housekeeper about the oboe player she met who is happy despite his handicap. Turns out he’s not so happy after all, he has a bit of a drinking problem and is that Gina in his flashback? It is! Looks like she was a real witch to him, to be fair he doesn’t seem like the nice, stable guy Mopey thinks he is either, but when he had an accident (some of the dialogue here seems to indicate they planned an accident but it was more serious than planned, but I really don’t know) and was left paralyzed, she took his $$ and ditched him ‘ sorry sweetie but I wasn’t born to be a nurse. Ciao’

Sole burns Ramiro’s stuff

Abue blames herself for the accident, ‘why did I let them drive?’

Bad Seed is actually tormented by causing the accident and has repressed the memory, when she wakes up screaming ‘I didn’t mean to’ from a dream in which she remembers Mopey comforts her.

And because of the psychic triplet thing Free Spirit wakes up crying w/o knowing why.

Sole goes to Chana in the middle of the night to beg her to buy the shop for whatever she has saved up, ‘they have to leave NOW don’t ask questions remember the man you said you saw looking for me in the coffee, don’t ask questions, I don’t care if the money isn’t very much it’ll be fine, but we have to go now and could you help me explain to my daughter’ So they go back to the house where Analu is wondering where her mom is in the middle of the night and spin some tale about Sole being sick and her doc sending her to the DF to see a specialist and Analu buys the whole thing, even that they have to leave now, tonight so they can find a place to stay in the city and get to the appointment in time.

Santiago dreams that he and dream woman have the same tattoo on the shoulder.

Bad Seed of course has the matching tattoo and seems fully recovered from her nightmare/memory freak out last night.

Sole and Free Spirit schlep. Sole won’t let Analu carry the box o’ secrets.

Analu feels bad she will miss Santiago’s visit.

On the bus to the DF Sole tries to restrict Analu’s movements by telling her that city people can be dangerous and from now on she can’t just go off w/o telling her

Bad Seed gets some bad news from Evaristo – ‘yr husband is alive, I have it from a trusted source who saw him. I can find him for you but I need some $ to get started.’ Not only will Bad Seed not give him $ to investigate, she never wants to see him again. Marcelo is for sure dead and his death broke her to pieces and how dare he suggest she has something to apologize to her husband for and how dare he try to get $ from her in this way and she and her shiny blue sunglasses march back to her car and drive home where she pulls out Marcelo’s wedding ring (s?) and flashes back to the police giving her his personal effects. Even though they found a wallet and ID w/the body they still need her to help identify the body. Tio is there w/her and as she clings to him she tells him through her tears about the matching tattoos they got on their shoulders on their honeymoon. Tio goes and looks at the body and says ‘it’s Marcelo’ and Bad Seed breaks down in sobs. (why did he say it was him? Did the body have a tattoo? Was it to badly mangled to tell? Why would he tell her it was him if he knew it wasn’t?)

Ramiro is back home and tells his dad about running into Gina’s granddad, he went back the next day but found an empty house and no trace of granddad. Marcelo was looking for Analu when he found out about Gina, maybe they are connected. Ramiro is sure its not a coincidence.

Free Spirit arrives w/Sole in the city as Santiago is on a bus to SN to see her and check if she has a tattoo, cause he just couldn’t wait.

Bad Seed and Mopey videoconference. Bad Seed doesn’t want to talk about or think about last night’s “nightmare” nor does she want Mopey to think she needs her and she has no interest in going to Mopey’s foundation and meeting her friends, she’s got important meetings and things to do byee.

Free Spirit insists on carrying all the luggage and they end up getting in the cab of the friend Santiago asked to cover his shift so he could go see Analu, so if he had been there, he would have seen them first thing. They tell the taxista they need a place to stay that is decent and inexpensive and close to downtown. Since he is Santiago’s bud he takes them to Santiago’s madrina Remedios’ pension to stay and luckily she does have an empty room for them.

Leonore the housekeeper has a headache. Mopey sends her to her room to rest and she gets there just in time to see the maid drop some of her very private papers (so private we don’t get to see what’s on them) Said maid gets chewed out and when Abue comes to see why she gets to look at the papers and asks if they should talk about it, but Leonore doesn’t want to and so she leaves it alone.

Since they left in the middle of the night and didn’t tell anyone they were going, Orlando goes to see Free Spirit the next day but nobody answers and he’s getting worried, Maribel passing by chides him that he can’t go even one day w/o seeing Free Spirit w/o getting in a state. Isidro passing by says she probably went for a walk and will be back.

Santiago stops by Sole’s place to see Free Spirit and finds Orlando waiting outside. Practically the first thing Orlando says is ‘Analu is mine, stay away from her’ (so, delusional then) They get into a shoving match till Chana comes by and tells them Analu flew the coop and neither one of them gets her. They are aghast but Santiago is sure she’ll be at the pier Fri to meet him.

Ramiro tells Abue about his trip and various trials and tribulations. Abue always believed Analu was alive b/c Mopey had the psychic triplet thing and felt she wasn’t dead, but now she thinks its time to end the search for the good of the family, she doesn’t want it to turn into an obsession, and she thinks it would be best if he told Mopey.

Bad Seed and Inaki make a non-agression pact. She’ll be nice to him at work and he’ll make her shine in the eyes of her uncle. They shake on it just in time for Tio to come in and be impressed w/the peace and the presentation “they” prepared.

Remedios shows the room and its pretty and spacious and airy, they’ll take it. She feels the need to warn them there are circus people roaming around/renting the other rooms, but they don’t mind.

Orlando gets Maribel to ask Chana where Analu is. Chana calls Maribel on her envy and doubts her friendship and tells her nothing.

Valentin, he of the wheelchair and oboe, stalks Mopey.

Santiago gets home sad b/c Analu was gone and Remedios comforts him. Analu goes to get towels for her mom’s bath and runs into Santiago in the hall – ‘how did you find me?’ - ‘I live here, what are you doing here?’ ‘the taxi driver at the bus station recommended this place’ and kiss.

Sole is assuring herself that no one will find them here, so she gets a nasty jolt when she goes into the hall and sees the reunion kiss.


I can't watch the whole two hours today, but one thing I did catch is Isidro asking for Ana Lucia's hand. How did you all like that? Did not see that coming and I think am still laughing. Respect for Isidro's self esteem!

Yeah, Isidro has some chutzpah! LOL!

And just like that, nice, happy oboe player, turns into angry drunk, stalker guy in his free time. If that's what marrying Gina turns you into, then Ramiro dodged a bullet!

Now I'm really thinking Gina will surface at some point. She seems to have woven her "you're so vain" self into too many lives. Methinks a certain shy gal was taken with our street performer. Haven't seen her smile that much in 6 episodes.

But still frustrating that one eye on the show last night and the other on a hockey game, every time I switched back someone was weeping crocodile tears. Good lord, give us a break.

And Soledad takes the TN honors for " Manipulating Mother of the Year." Anyone else want to slap her silly last night?

Happiest moment of the night, the ad for Yago back on Monday. Woohoo.

Daisynjay- I have been jonesing for Yago all week! So ready for it to be back next week.

Yes, I wanted to slap Soledad last night, and wondered to myself what will be the most unforgivable to Ana Lucia-- learning Soledad lied about her origins and kept her from her family, or learning that she lied about her health and made her worry needlessly? In any case, at this point she's just piling on to crap she's going have to face up to when Ana Lu learns the truth. I laughed at the end when she saw the lovebirds kissing. They just got there. What's she going to do now to get Ana Lu away from Santi?

Just finished the episodes and am wondering: now that Ana Lucía is living in a pensión with " show biz" people who might be considered "scandalous" to some, will Ana Lucía take her aerial acrobatic talents to the clubs to make some extra $$$.

I am enjoying gum snapping Evaristo.

Gina sure got around.

Well, at least Ana Lucía and Santiago found each other right away and we didn't have to go through days of near misses.

What a leach. Soledad

Until last night I wasn't sure if I should be sympathetic to Gina but whoa, she was a piece of work. I really hope she is dead now.

Funny how they go from ALau calling Valentin a good example to the next shot of him drinking alone in a wreck of a place. I'm worried he has lost his mind and is dangerous now that he is stalking ALau.

I'm completely confused by the Santi/Marcelo death. It looks like Tio saw the body, with tattoo, and confirmed it was Marcelo. (It even looked like last night that ALet did care for him, maybe love, in her own selfish way). Was there someone else in the car that just happened to have the same tattoo?

Once Santi gets his memory back I fear he will hurt ALau and go back to ALet.

For all of ALet's bad dreams and feeling guilty, it hasn't stopped her from continuing to inflict pain on ALau. Tonight looks bad for ALau and Ram.

Soledad really is annoying. I did laugh when she came out and saw Santi and ALuc kissing. She knows she kidnapped a child, a child still looked for 20 years later by her family. It is time to give up the ghost.

Jarifa- The showbiz people living at Remedios' pension are the performers/aero-acrobats/dancers who work with Anibal and Inaki's dad. There's no indication that any of them do any work outside of their chosen profession, so I don't see AnaLu being tempted into pole work at the local strip joint. She's actually now in the perfect place for that job Anibal offered her.

OK. What will the writers do now to keep Inaki from coming back to the pension so that he doesn't see AnaLu? Too soon for anyone who would reveal the truth to learn the truth.

Whoa! I wasn't expecting to see Carlos de la Mota. I didn't realize he was in this, haven't been watching complete episodes, but I finally saw him.

And I finally recognized Evaristo as the daffy old dad from MEPS. He's very different in this role! Inaki looks familiar too.

I was thinking that when Marcelo confirmed the tattoo, it could have been any tattoo. ALet didn't tell him what it looked like, did he?

I would actually love for Inaki to see ALu and somehow not recognize her, or think it's a huge coincidence, or some other credibility-straining dodge. Just so that we can be spared a few more near-misses. Imagine: a costume party where everyone wears a mask; ALu walks past Inaki while carrying a large object that obscures her face; they have an entire conversation with her back turned to him (washing dishes or something); they're both in the same room, but a power outage leaves them in the dark.

I was thinking last night that with some small tweaks and minor adjustments, this would actually make a good comedy. In fact, I might like it better as a comedy.

Thanks, Vivi, I missed that with my spotty viewing!

Julie- The guy who played the doped up dad and his evil brother in MEPS was Rogelio Guerra. But if you watched Lo que la Vida me Robo, Eric del Casillo was the priest (Rogelio Guerra once again played clueless dad to Angie B's heroine). Or if you saw Que te Perdone Dios, Eric del Castillo played the tyrant father who married off his young daughter to Sergio Goyri's villain.

So the way I am interpreting this Santi/Marcelo mystery from what has been told: Remedios said that her husband died protecting Santi and said to take care of him at all costs, because Santi/Marcelos's life was in danger. We don't know who that husband was and how he was related to Marcelo, but I am hypothesizing they took another victim's body and painted a tattoo? And then they themselves got into an accident? What I am unsure of here - while talking to Evaristo, it was unclear if Ana Le is involved in this "accident". She made herself out to be a grieving widow, and if she ordered that accident and Ev executed it, why pretend in front of him?

Julie - Actor playing Evaristo, Eric del Castillo, IS the dad, though from Soy tu Duena, no? Was he in MEPS also?


Ah yes, you're right, Ria. He was in STuD. IMDB says he was also in Pasion and Mundo de Fieras, which are the only other things I've seen him in, but I don't even remember those characters. (Amusingly, "Soy Tu Duena" is listed in IMDB as "Woman of Steel." I'm surprised they don't call it "Valentina Vallaba, la Vibora" since that's what they called her, over and over and over again.)

Thanks Ria for the info about Remedios husband dying protecting Santi. I missed that fact. So somehow he knew someone was out for Marcelo. At this point it could be ALet, to hide ALu but I'm thinking Gina, if still alive, could be guilty too. I could see her wanting revenge on Mauricio for providing Ram with the info on her past but also, maybe thinking that his dying would be revenge on ALet. One love for another. We don't know if ALet possibly leaked the info on Gina for Marcelo to find and Gina found out or suspected.

Carvivlie- Right after Santi's first encounter with AnaLu, when he called Remedios and told her, she told him to be careful because her husband warned her before he died (after the accident he and Santi were in) that the young man was in danger and she was to watch out for him. We don't yet know any of the circumstances of the accident or how Remedios' husband came to be with Santi.

But Evencio certainly has his fingers in a LOT of pies! Gina's granddad; exposed Gina's past to Santi and Ramiro; Soledad's (sort of) step-dad; helped Soledad get fake birth papers for AnaLu and a new life elsewhere 20 years ago; helping Soledad keep her secrets and stay a step ahead of AnaLu's family; and Ana Leticia's accomplice. I'm sure we'll learn even more about him, but what game is he playing? He seems to be playing all sides.

I also thought that perhaps Ana Leticia should have been more specific about what the back tattoo looked like to Tio Mariano. I had a funny thought in my head that dead guy had a tat of Hello Kitty on his back, and Tio Mariano was thinking to himself, "OK, you crazy kids. If that's the kind of tattoo you both got to symbolize your love, more power too you! I won't judge..."

Gracias Ria and Sneaky!

Soledad isn't the worst mother of the year. Teresa Alarcon was the worst of the whole decade. Soledad is just too chessy and she played the "I'm sick game " to Ana Lu like all other cliche toxic mothers. She is actually more of a comic relief. She even hid a strange box in the closet expecting no one would find it in the future LOL. Whatever is inside is better off burned.

So Gina was with Valentin. He looked quite distraught in the future due to his economic status. I guess my predicition about an alchoholic character came true after all, just hope he won't need extra kidneys ! Will he become Ana Let's accomplice ? Or is he just a shy stalker seeking happiness?

Ana Lu is better off in Mexico accompanied by oh so dangereous strangers than with the people that claim to be her best friends . I hope she finds the sisters soon so that there won't be any hit or miss anymore.

Inaki and Ana Le are so funny together . I look forward to him meeting up with Ana Lu :)

I am looking forward to Yago again , I had a lot of withdrawals about it🌝

EWaristo is playing both sides evidently for his personal gains but there might be a personal reason for it. Maybe EWaristo knew the triplets parents. Speaking of the actor he did play a lot of priests and supporting characters but he did potray a tyrant father of triplets in Nina Amada Mia.


Thanks Vivi! So confusing. Is the accident with Santi and Remedio's husband one in the same for Marcelo's death? I thought Remedio didn't know Marcelo's real name so named him Santi. If he was in the car with Marcelo then he would have known his real name. Or is it two accidents? One where everyone thinks Marcelo died in it (but he disappeared?)and two, Santi and Remedio are in a separate accident (Marcelo has lost his memory from the previous accident and now is Santi)? Am I confusing myself?!

Greetings to all... Thoroughly enjoy the recaps and the pithy and hilarious comments too. I come here to refresh my English!
Thank you very much. Keep up the good work!!

Carvivlie- Santi/Marcelo was in the same accident as Rem's hubby. We don't yet know the circumstances. All we know is that the accident left Santi in a coma for a bit and Rem's hubby died from his injuries after giving her the warning. He obviously didn't have time to tell her Marcrlo's name before he croaked. We'll just have to wait for a flashback to get more details.

So wouldn't it be a hoot to buck TN cliches and have the sisters discover each other. Then they realize how they have been had and work together to get the lives and loves they want...all the while keeping up the pretense of undiscovery. I think her sisters would let AnaLe have the majority of the riches for their freedom and the life they want. I could so buy into that plot line.

But we won't and all these stupid near misses will get tiring. I'm already done with Soledad's weepy fake outs.


That would work, except for the fact Leticia also wants all the love and attention of Abuela and Tio. Oh, and she's BSC! :)

Thanks again Vivi! Now I get it.

Lets jump right in shall we.
Sole tells Free Spirit the pile of stolen stuff on the table is private business and sends her off to get ice cream w/Evaristo’s grandsons. And she goes! When she’s gone Sole and Evaristo go through thed stuff and discuss the problem. Apparently Evaristo got Sole a birth certificate for Analu, don’t ask how, but he says it’s a good’un and she’ll never have problems w/it. He’s never been too happy about getting her new ID w/ her actual name but Sole realizes she took her away from everyone and everything she belonged to and couldn’t take that away too. Evaristo says Sole better keep Analu in the house for the next few days so Ramiro doesn’t seek her, ‘cause he’ll recognize her right away and she tells him bout their other problem Santiago’s visit and memory loss. They both know he’s supposed to be dead so they may have been in on the accident.

Mopey and Abue meet a talented young man playing the oboe on the street, they compliment him, he compliments Mopey, he was there last night when she performed, but she doesn’t have to be ashamed b/c he’s handicapped too, in a wheelchair =silla de ruedas.

Ramiro tells his dad bout being robbed and beaten and seems to agree to come home and admit defeat after much urging/browbeating by dad.

Sole tells Free Spirit they have to do an inventory b/c Evaristo, who was the lover of her mother and took care of her after her mom died, owns the house and land the shop is on and has been letting them live there rent free all these yrs but now wants it back for one of his grandsons.

Ramiro has been waiting hours to see the police chief and report his robbery but there’s been an assault nearby and he’ll have to wait some more.

While Sole and Free Spirit are doing the inventory Isidro stops by to talk to Sole. She’s super uncomfortable thinking he’s going to propose and tries to keep his mouth busy for a while w/food, but eventually has to let him talk. He swears he wasn’t mean to his late wife like everybody says and he hopes they’ll be good friends when she is his suegra=mother in law. Ha! Sole is indignant and calls him a rabo verde which is like a combination of cradle robber and dirty old man.

Orlando sees Ramiro waiting on the pier and remembers accidentally having him beaten, goes over to see if he’s looking for him, but no Ramiro has no idea who was involved and they are soon fast friends.

Inaki bums a ride to work off Santiago one more time. They chat and Inaki tells about his hot new job and the brat he has to work with and his rich boss. Santiago recognizes the boss’s surname (which is more than I do frankly) but can’t place where he heard it. Inaki thinks its b/c the fam is rich and famous and then starts asking how he made out w/dream girl. Santiago respects her and no he hasn’t hit that yet, he’s building a relationship, and she’s not that kind of girl, and nxt time you can ride the bus.

Tio’s secretary needs to escort some visitors and Bad Seed takes the opportunity to eavesdrop on tio’s convo w/Jenny. Inaki catches her and tsk tsks

Orlando introduces Ramiro to Sole and he’s about to show them a photo on his phone of the missing girl he’s looking for, but oh darn he must have left his phone at the hotel –
Orlando ‘hey what was her name?’ - Sole: ‘Hey! Orlando, can you help me move some heavy boxes?’
The crisis is averted, for now, but Ramiro is determined to come back to this town w/more photos, he just won’t give up

Ramiro flashes back to Mopey catching him and Gina macking at the office – hey, they’re engaged! Mopey looks mopier than usual and leaves quickly. Ramiro over praises Mopey and Gina gets nervous and defensive saying ‘yeah, but nobody will want her w/a handicap’

Orlando asks Free Spirit if she’s told her mom yet about her new novio and mentions Sole told him she had the classic tn blood pressure problems.


part 2

Mopey tells Leonore the housekeeper about the oboe player she met who is happy despite his handicap. Turns out he’s not so happy after all, he has a bit of a drinking problem and is that Gina in his flashback? It is! Looks like she was a real witch to him, to be fair he doesn’t seem like the nice, stable guy Mopey thinks he is either, but when he had an accident (some of the dialogue here seems to indicate they planned an accident but it was more serious than planned, but I really don’t know) and was left paralyzed, she took his $$ and ditched him ‘ sorry sweetie but I wasn’t born to be a nurse. Ciao’

Sole burns Ramiro’s stuff

Abue blames herself for the accident, ‘why did I let them drive?’
Bad Seed is actually tormented by causing the accident and has repressed the memory, when she wakes up screaming ‘I didn’t mean to’ from a dream in which she remembers Mopey comforts her.
And because of the psychic triplet thing Free Spirit wakes up crying w/o knowing why.
Sole goes to Chana in the middle of the night to beg her to buy the shop for whatever she has saved up, ‘they have to leave NOW don’t ask questions remember the man you said you saw looking for me in the coffee, don’t ask questions, I don’t care if the money isn’t very much it’ll be fine, but we have to go now and could you help me explain to my daughter’ So they go back to the house where Analu is wondering where her mom is in the middle of the night and spin some tale about Sole being sick and her doc sending her to the DF to see a specialist and Analu buys the whole thing, even that they have to leave now, tonight so they can find a place to stay in the city and get to the appointment in time.

Santiago dreams that he and dream woman have the same tattoo on the shoulder.
Bad Seed of course has the matching tattoo and seems fully recovered from her nightmare/memory freak out last night.

Sole and Free Spirit schlep. Sole won’t let Analu carry the box o’ secrets.
Analu feels bad she will miss Santiago’s visit.
On the bus to the DF Sole tries to restrict Analu’s movements by telling her that city people can be dangerous and from now on she can’t just go off w/o telling her
Bad Seed gets some bad news from Evaristo – ‘yr husband is alive, I have it from a trusted source who saw him. I can find him for you but I need some $ to get started.’ Not only will Bad Seed not give him $ to investigate, she never wants to see him again. Marcelo is for sure dead and his death broke her to pieces and how dare he suggest she has something to apologize to her husband for and how dare he try to get $ from her in this way and she and her shiny blue sunglasses march back to her car and drive home where she pulls out Marcelo’s wedding ring (s?) and flashes back to the police giving her his personal effects. Even though they found a wallet and ID w/the body they still need her to help identify the body. Tio is there w/her and as she clings to him she tells him through her tears about the matching tattoos they got on their shoulders on their honeymoon. Tio goes and looks at the body and says ‘it’s Marcelo’ and Bad Seed breaks down in sobs. (why did he say it was him? Did the body have a tattoo? Was it to badly mangled to tell? Why would he tell her it was him if he knew it wasn’t?)

Ramiro is back home and tells his dad about running into Gina’s granddad, he went back the next day but found an empty house and no trace of granddad. Marcelo was looking for Analu when he found out about Gina, maybe they are connected. Ramiro is sure its not a coincidence.

Free Spirit arrives w/Sole in the city as Santiago is on a bus to SN to see her and check if she has a tattoo, cause he just couldn’t wait.

Bad Seed and Mopey videoconference. Bad Seed doesn’t want to talk about or think about last night’s “nightmare” nor does she want Mopey to think she needs her and she has no interest in going to Mopey’s foundation and meeting her friends, she’s got important meetings and things to do byee.


part 3

Free Spirit insists on carrying all the luggage and they end up getting in the cab of the friend Santiago asked to cover his shift so he could go see Analu, so if he had been there, he would have seen them first thing. They tell the taxista they need a place to stay that is decent and inexpensive and close to downtown. Since he is Santiago’s bud he takes them to Santiago’s madrina Remedios’ pension to stay and luckily she does have an empty room for them.

Leonore the housekeeper has a headache. Mopey sends her to her room to rest and she gets there just in time to see the maid drop some of her very private papers (so private we don’t get to see what’s on them) Said maid gets chewed out and when Abue comes to see why she gets to look at the papers and asks if they should talk about it, but Leonore doesn’t want to and so she leaves it alone.

Since they left in the middle of the night and didn’t tell anyone they were going, Orlando goes to see Free Spirit the next day but nobody answers and he’s getting worried, Maribel passing by chides him that he can’t go even one day w/o seeing Free Spirit w/o getting in a state. Isidro passing by says she probably went for a walk and will be back.
Santiago stops by Sole’s place to see Free Spirit and finds Orlando waiting outside. Practically the first thing Orlando says is ‘Analu is mine, stay away from her’ (so, delusional then) They get into a shoving match till Chana comes by and tells them Analu flew the coop and neither one of them gets her. They are aghast but Santiago is sure she’ll be at the pier Fri to meet him.

Ramiro tells Abue about his trip and various trials and tribulations. Abue always believed Analu was alive b/c Mopey had the psychic triplet thing and felt she wasn’t dead, but now she thinks its time to end the search for the good of the family, she doesn’t want it to turn into an obsession, and she thinks it would be best if he told Mopey.

Bad Seed and Inaki make a non-agression pact. She’ll be nice to him at work and he’ll make her shine in the eyes of her uncle. They shake on it just in time for Tio to come in and be impressed w/the peace and the presentation “they” prepared.

Remedios shows the room and its pretty and spacious and airy, they’ll take it. She feels the need to warn them there are circus people roaming around/renting the other rooms, but they don’t mind.

Orlando gets Maribel to ask Chana where Analu is. Chana calls Maribel on her envy and doubts her friendship and tells her nothing.

Valentin, he of the wheelchair and oboe, stalks Mopey.

Santiago gets home sad b/c Analu was gone and Remedios comforts him. Analu goes to get towels for her mom’s bath and runs into Santiago in the hall – ‘how did you find me?’ - ‘I live here, what are you doing here?’ ‘the taxi driver at the bus station recommended this place’ and kiss.
Sole is assuring herself that no one will find them here, so she gets a nasty jolt when she goes into the hall and sees the reunion kiss.

Till next time


So I tried some of the recap suggestions, it helped w/the hand cramps to try to watch while it was on and only take notes during commercials but I'm not sure it made typing it up any faster, oh well its a work in progress :)

Thanks, SneakyTwo! That was really good. (Yeah, there's always going to be a lot of typing.)

Sole placated ALu by sending her out for ice cream?? That's so... condescending, or something. And it's not a nice way to use ice cream!

Gina is turning out to be a real treasure. Not. It would be great for ALau if Gina were permanently dead, so with ALau's luck Gina just has to be alive.

ALet in the bathtub sure seemed to enjoy washing her legs. Maybe she was thinking how lucky she was to still have both of them.

I've never considered myself a DZ fan, but I don't mind him in this. Except for his hair. It's so... I dunno. There's nothing technically wrong with it. I don't know why his hair has always bugged me. (I can't stop looking at it. Maybe it's too thick and luxurious for my taste!)

Gracias again Sneaky!
Julie , I laughed when ALet was washing her legs, she should be glad to have them both cause Karma is a genereous concept!

I don't think it's DZ's problem that people don't like him much . He is always casted in rather monotone productions which make it feel that DZ is less worth of an actor compared to Flavio Medina. Flavio would not feel motivated either to work under unfree productions thus he would suck balls too. That's the reason Flavio works in free producers like Moreno and Giselle Gonzales, it allows for wilder sense of fashion:) . I always thought that DZ's hair looked weird though.

I must admit that I found the coincidences funny. When Sole & Ana Lu met the taxi driver I already knew in which ditch they were heading to !

I hope Marifea and Orlando stays in that miserable puebla for the rest of the show but my odds are low.


Flavio works under not Flavio works in *

Sneaky's recap is in the main post now. Thank you Sneaky two shoes!!


So I can't figure out if Valentin was a bad guy to start, like Gina's granddad said or whether Gina made him that way. Also I'm starting to doubt Evaristo's entire story about Gina since he's so shady himself.

One thing DZ does well is that lost longing look as his heart's desire walks away. He reminded me of that last night
Oh Isidro, what in the world would make him think that's even a possiblity? He's got a very healthy ego.

Julie - they said it like take these two grown men out for ice cream, which, slightly less condescending, maybe? There was a definite 'run along and play dear' vibe.

Jarifa I noticed the gum too, it just adds another layer of something, tough guy? hood? to his character.

Sneaky, thanks for an excellent recap. After a while you will find your own recapping style/ procedure. Mine had completely changed in the time I have been recapping.

Interesting and twisted codependency between Ana Laura and Ana Leticia.

Great job, Sneaky!

Valentin was set not the guy Evaristo was saying led Gina down a bad path. In the argument between G & V in the bedroom they mentioned that when she met and married him, his family had money, but then they lost it all. So Val started working all the time to try to support Gina. Later, it seems that she had convinced him to get himself hurt on the job so that he could get a payout. But it backfired, he was paralyzed, and Gina took off with all the money.

Typing on my phone. Sorry for the autocorrect typos. I think you got my meaning. :)

Thank you Sneaky2shoes and know it must be a chore these 2 hour recaps. I find myself zoning and dozing throughout the show.

At least Ana Leticia is self aware and no wonder a little off, blaming herself as a child for her parents, one sisters disappearance and maiming of another.

It's stupid and a stretch for me a grown man has an accident and he is fed, clothed and housed by someone that doesn't even know his name. Wished they tried harder than that.

If Ana Lucia gets hurt, when Santiago realizes she isn't the woman of his dreams, Leticia is, it's her own damn fault.


Sneaky Two Shoes, this was a terrific recap.

"Mopey looks mopier than usual and leaves quickly" and "Valentin, he of the wheelchair and oboe, stalks Mopey" were among my favorites.

I'm still a bit lost (especially trying to watch this for 2 hours), so appreciate your summary and all of the excellent comments today too.

:If Ana Lucia gets hurt, when Santiago realizes she isn't the woman of his dreams, Leticia is, it's her own damn fault". tofie, thank you for reminding us this isn't a love story where Ana Lucia has the starring role. Her sister does. It will be interesting what his reaction will be when he sees Leticia.

I had to laugh that Ana Lucia and Soledad weren't even settled in and Santiago appears. Perhaps when you leave and don't wish to be found, you might try to go a bit further away??

Vivi thanks for the backstory. I'm looking forward to meeting Gina. Seems like she will gie Leticia a run for her money.


Diana- They went all the way to Mexico City, one of the biggest cities in the world! But when you're in a telenovela, every town is a small town. :)

Thanks guys,

Vivi thanks for clarifying Gina and Valentin's convo, I thought it sounded like they had planned the accident for the payoff but wasn't sure if I was just imagining it. So there was some other guy before Valentin, wonder if we'll get to meet him.

Looks like we're going to 1 hr epis next wk, anybody want to recap a day?

Gracias for these recaps, everyone. Since the temperature has skyrocketed I have problems with my computer heating up during viewing.

When Ana Lucia went out of the house with Evaristo's "nietos" I started worrying about whether they were going to rape her. However, I realize now that Evaristo would probably kill them for doing so. Man thinks he's Vito Corleone.

Soledad is going to pay dearly for her actions, as will Orlando. She treats Ana Lucia like a child and he treats her like property.

Of course the investigation results are destroyed in order to delay the action. How many episodes is this supposed to be?

I'm truly hating the little-girl voice on Ana Laura. I know a few real-life examples and those women all irritate me.

Thanks, Sneaky Two Shoes. A fun, informative recap.

Nothing to add, but it was fun seeing Soledad's shock that AnaLu and Santi were together again despite all her diabolical plotting. She was the Wile E. Coyote of this episode.

Wonderful recap Sneaky Two Shoes! I know I'm missing a lot but once I read the recaps I realize I'm missing most of it!

The funny moments in this seem to be unintentional. Whoever said this would make a great comedy s right. I think I would enjoy it more as a TN spoof.

Urban- I believe there is supposed to be two seasons of 70 episodes each (there'll be a two month break in between or something like that). A total on 140 episodes. I'm wondering if season 1 will end after AnaLu has finally been found and reintegrated into her family.

What are they thinking by doing that?

Urban- NovelaLounge thinks it's so that both the US and Mexico will see the final at the same time. I really don't know. Maybe they think the US audience has less patience to watch a 140 epi show in one go. Many US shows have a mid season break, some lasting a long time.

I know, but if that doesn't work in Mexico it could kill the genre.

I don't have a problem with 140 episodes; that's the right length for some stories. Back in the 90s when I began watching it was the right length for something like this one. However, people's attention spans are not what they used to be and that is an issue.

Urban- Mexico won't have the break. Just us in the US. That's why we've started months before them. This tn isn't supposed to start until late summer in Mexico. With the season break in the US, we'll sync with Mexico in season 2.

Where is the source that it will have 140 episodes? I don't think I would last that long watching Mopey throwing fits every single episode . I hope to God that the torture will only last 70 episodes and that Soledad get's cancer.

Countx- Look up Tres Veces Ana dos temporadas and you'll see a number of sources, including Univision.

I tell you that novelas like this and PyP make me very happy to not have had a sister. I don't think I could have gone through an entire life of hearing a sister repeatedly telling or attempting to show me she is better in any way than I am.

Count, considering that Soledad is playing the invalid card to wreck Ana Lucia's romance (a cliche I added to your list) she probably will get sick for real.

Soledad didn't play the invalid card to wreck AnaLu's romance. She did it to get her out of the town where she knew it was a matter of time before Ramiro returned or Santi regained his memory and revealed to AnaLu the truth about her origins. I don't think Soledad has any issue with AnaLu having a boyfriend.

Vivi I saw the news.. Well Uni is thinking bright. I saw the Twitter feed for Tres Veces and no one has complaints, And everyone is hailing it as the best novela ever. It even has more ratings than CBS ( Cancel Best Shows) . Spekaing of CBS I wish meteors would fall on them . I cannot believe Person of Interest is getting canceled. Now that was a great show.

I don't think Soledad would like Santi as a choice for Ana Lu. If Soledad wasn't a witch I would even support her arguements. But as I said Ana Lu is better off busting champagne with perfect strangers than with Soledad, Isidro, Orlando and Marifea!


Since Ana Lucia is 25 and hasn't been in love yet I have to wonder whether Soledad kept her away from young men. That is a rather advanced age to not have had a boyfriend or two.

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