Saturday, March 11, 2017

La Piloto #4 3-10-2017: Lift Off!

As we drop into our comfy couches this evening, Monica leads a team to examine the taxi that was used as a decoy and abandoned.  She is curses-foiled-again-impactada.

John and Yolanda finish the flight in his Red Baron (Cesna?) special.  She was loving it.  He offers to teach her to fly – all she’s got to do is say the word.  She asks what’s he want in exchange?  Growing up, she realized early on, men always want something in exchange with a woman. He had to work hard and scrabble for all he has.  A smile from her is enough.  Actually, he’s trying to do right by her for saving his life and risking her own at the same time.  She answers she would have done that for anyone.  (I kind of doubt it.)  So, consider them even now.  Just to be totally honest, though, it bugs her; she doesn’t appreciate being in gunfights or having the police hounding her all the time.  And, so, she’s heading home.

Dave is upset that the Lucios are always a step ahead of him and Monica.  They cannot keep this up or it’s watching over the drug inventory in the medicine closet of the DEA office in Barrow, Alaska for him.  Moni says they captured a phone call between Zeki and Zulima last night telling her there’s been a hit ordered on Lisbet.  (Ms. Blonde Ambition).  Dave remembers that Yoli is supposed to be with her this evening and so her life’s in danger also.  He tries calling but there’s no answer.  They can’t get there in time.  They form plan.  Outside the house, Oscar’s two goons are watching the girls enter.  They call him for directions considering there’s a second girl with Blonde Bette.  Oscar has them describe her and thinks about it.  He tells them to kill her also.  (Viewerville gasps a communal breath of angst.)

Bette thanks Yoli for the offer of a loan but turns it down as dirty.  How better to clean it but by using it for good, right? The men enter just then and begin to try getting in their jollies before killing them.  Monica and the posse show up outside.  They enter and she pops one of the goons in the chest.  They take the rescued femmes-nearly-fatales to the station for their statements.

Bette is worried she’s told them they could still be in danger. Monica tells them they must have pretty powerful enemies to try this.   it could happen again. Yoli cuts in and stops Bette from blabbing her head off.  No, nothing unusual.  They don’t have any enemies –just bad luck these jerk wads were in the vecindad and broke in.  Any paperwork to fill out? Yep.  Ok.  Moni leaves.  Curses-foiled-again!

Crazy Zuli meanwhile, is doing some sort of voo-doo love charm thing on Zeki’s image.

Bette is ready to leave town, go back home and forget the grand life of stewardessing for a 2-bit airline.  She can’t make enough to pay the rent and the bank wants to foreclose on her.  (Uh, how’d she buy the house in the first place then, I am hearless enough to wonder.)  Why not just give her statement??? “--Are you crazy???  All you’d do is get yourself killed.  You’d be the one to pay!  Look around you!  Everybody works for John Lucio.  He’s told her.  Even the cops here are cashing in on their share of the pie.  Everyone in power is up to their necks in it!!  Open your eyes!!  There’s no witness protection!  Do that and as we leave they kill us both.”

Back at Rancho de Drogas Lucio, Oscar says they burned the wings of the girl mules (messengers) Bette, and supposedly another of the stewardesses.  Which??? Oscar plays ignorant.  John warns him he had better find out and then it better NOT be Yoli who got burned along with her or he’ll be in deep doo-doo creek without his gun for a paddle.

Back at the station, Yoli admits that they’re pawns of fate.  They just find themselves in the midst of it all and have to go with the flow.  “—I do what’s indicated.  It’s all we can do.” In a locker room, Monica and Davuro discuss the evening’s exploits.  Why kill the stewardesses?  “--One day you’re fine and the next you wake up dead in this business.  What do we do with them?”  “--Nothing.  Let them go.  We don’t have anything against them so let them go.”

Zeki and Zuli are having some pillow talk.  She’s jealous but has no reason to be.  He wants her to stay out of John Lucio’s way and his bed.  If she tries getting sexually involved with him Zeki will string her up by her toes and strangle her.

At the station, Yoli mentions to Moni that it’s a bit strange how she and the other officers just happened to be in the neighborhood when the two of them were being attacked inside the house.  Moni stutters out that a neighbor must have heard the commotion and called suspecting something bad.. ….Uh, they’d been victims themselves not too long ago.  Oh?  What’s their name and where do they live?  So they can thank them, of course.  Moni doesn’t have that information.  She leaves and says she’ll offer a car but Yoli refuses.  She later tells Bette she doesn’t believe a word the woman cop said.

Davuro is caught spying in the offices of the airlines.  He makes a deal with Davuro and will keep his mouth shut.  He and Dave are birds of a feather—both thieves.  Ok.

Later than night Bette and Yoli discuss what alternatives Bette has.  Perhaps she can join the gang as a mule after all.  Yoli will handle it.  And the next morning she does.  She has Zeki call John and ask for a reprieve for Bette.  She’s thought better about things and wants in.  John agrees—but only as a favor to Yolanda!  Zeki welcomes Bette to the family and makes a big deal about had he known he’d have never permitted anything to happen to her, no sireebob!  Zuli overhears this from the inner office and frowns, pissed and possibly jealous.  John advises Oscar that Bette’s now working for them as a mule.

Meanwhile, Yoli scopes out the flight schools in the area and is bummed she still hasn’t nearly enough to pay for it all.

Bette tells the gals she’s in the family now with them.

John is still bleeding and having problems with the wound.  He won’t see a doctor.  (I’m not sure but they bring up doing business with or in the U.S.?)  In Colombia, they’re still chasing after Gamba, now in a police car and handcuffed.  Someone’s trying to rescue him—make that murder him.  Its Arley, head henchman character.  Gamba tries to convince Arley to change sides but Arley’s answer is see you in Hell, buster!  Kaboom!  Gamba is French Fried small potatoes and his exit is much grander than he deserves!!

John has the hots for Yoli.  He calls and asks if she’s thought more about his offer.  He wants to teach her to fly.  So???  She gives in.  They spend the day with lesson one.  The first kiss is attempted.  She relaxes around John now.

Meanwhile, Davuro hands over some proof stolen out of the airline’s offices to Moni.

John gets a call from O telling him Gamba’s been taken out.

Arly goes to a strip club to get information about the stolen money.  (whose and why?)  The guy is shot in his bed………………


Thanks a bazillion Jardinera.

Oh, I was overjoyed when we saw the blonde and the brunette in bed together!

Then the fellows with guns showed up and it ws shootemup and drug money after that. RATS !

Thanks Jardinera. I loved "femmes-nearly-fatales". And wow, narcotraficantes AND vodoo love ceremonies. Definitely not the sweet romance/love in bloom series I've been used to.

Zuli seems to be jealous of Yolanda,now that the latter is attracting serious attention from John Lucio. Methinks Zeki is indeed right to be jealous of the Big Cheese even though Zuli assures him she doesn't like men "without class".

Vivi's point about the murky ethics of both the DEA officer and the drug runner make this more interesting. The good guys are also bad, the bad guys have moments of goodness...well, all except Oscar!

Definitely Must See TV as Gringo used to say.

Thanks so much, Jardinera! I just watched the episode. An exciting way to start off the weekend. :) And Alfredo, thanks for providing the additional info.

I had been wondering why they had just dropped the fact that one of the airport security had stolen the $5 mill, so I was not surprised that the Lucios finally tracked him down and got their money back. Before Arly shot him dead, he told him the rest of the money was in his car.

And of course, now they also know there's a DEA mole (un sapo-- literally a toad) in the airline, thanks to Gamba spilling that bit of info before he went kaboom! How soon before they figure out it's Dave/Arturo? Or will others be suspected and get hurt before they realize it's him? I bet Oscar would just love for it to be Yolanda, so that he can get rid of her once and for all.

John isn't even using the pretense of "business" to see Yolanda anymore. He wants to spend time with her (even when two willing chicks are hanging all over him), and he knows the quickest way to her heart is through flying. He almost got that first kiss too.

Interesting that when the other flight attendants were talking about how John is totally gaga for Yoli, and that they think she could become an item with Arturo too, jealous Zuli tried to put Yoli's looks down by calling her a "negrita." And no, it wasn't in the term of endearment sense that we're so used to hearing in tns. She just straight up called her a darkie. One of the other stewardesses scolded her by saying that Yoli really IS pretty. All kinds of cultural implications both in the first comment, and the response. Too much to get into here. But I did think the comment was funny, coming from, Zuli, someone who was practicing a religion of African origin-- Santeria.

I missed part of the epi but I see the money was recovered. I suppose Yoli wont get this update so she wll continue to be trapped in her situation.

Anon 12:06- Just by the very fact that Yoli (and all the other flight attendants) know who John and Oscar are, what their business is, that they own the airline, and even know where they live, they will ALL continue to be trapped in their situation. The only out is death, or new identities. The $5 million really isn't an issue anymore.

Any other La Sombra del Pasado viewers who recognized the Lucio hacienda as that one?

Hello friends!

I'm watching this novela, but as usual, I'm not caught up enough to comment.

I do have a question that I hope our talented recappers (or anyone) can help with! In common usage in Mexico, would "Fantasy Football" be translated to "Futbol de (la) Fantaśia"(?) or does it remain in English like translating "Packers." I'm helping my son with a project!

Hope all my Caray friends are happy and well.


Sandy in TN

Sandy- From what I've seen online, it remains in English.

Jardinera--Not only do we get a clear recap of what's going on, we get a Jar Special Effects rendition. Only you could pull that off in a narco story. Brava!

Alfredo--Thank you for the extras. I had no idea why the guy in bed was shot by the same guy that made popcorn out of Gamba.

Yoli certainly asked the right questions of Monica. I hope she DOESN'T follow up to thank the neighbors. It's too soon for Dave to show up as Dave. (Vivi et al--Dave's nom de plume is Alberto--so we have to drop the Arturo and Davuro in favor of Al or Davberto).

I'm starting a list of Jar's Jems. Here are my favorite ones for today:
She [Monica] is curses-foiled-again-impactada.
They cannot keep this up or it’s watching over the drug inventory in the medicine closet of the DEA office in Barrow, Alaska for him [Dave].
They [the popo] take the rescued femmes-nearly-fatales to the station for their statements.
Lisbet--(Ms. Blonde Ambition).
Back at Rancho de Drogas Lucio
[John says] it better NOT be Yoli who got burned along with her or he’ll be in deep doo-doo creek without his gun for a paddle.
Gamba is French Fried small potatoes and his exit is much grander than he deserves!!

(Jar--I hope you don't mind, but I put a page break into the front page recap.)

Anita- Thanks for pointing that out. I just started calling him what he was called in the recaps, and because I liked Jardinera's Duro nickname so much. Dalberto just doesn't have the same ring. Daverto?

Has it come up that Oscar is gay? There seemed to be something in the previous episode when he was wanting to shoot the gals and Ziki said something like "if they were guys, you'd be drooling all over them."

Judy- Yeah, Zeki made that crack implying Oscar is gay, which was when Oscar pulled out his gun and shot too close to Zeki's ear. He doth protest too much, I think. If Oscar is gay, that might account for his hyper masculinity. He feels the need to overcompensate, because being gay in their world would be unacceptable.

I'll tell ya Vivi, I have to watch these things twice to catch half of what's going on. Kudos to the recappers who are working so hard on this. The older I get, the slower my brain seems to function. Not happy with where this is going!

Vivi, thanks. I'll keep it as Fantasy. miss you! I'm a victim of slow brain syndrome too! Is there a tonic for this? Fish oil? Five Hour Energy for the brain? Head stands?

Novelas are no fun without The Patio, I plan to join my old friends soon. While I'm not a fan of Livia Brito, love Arap Bethke and Juan Coluchlo so I'm giving La Piloto a try.

Hey Sandy, when you find the elixir, let me know. I'm chugging along on diet and exercise, but dang, it gets harder every year.

Livia Brito can be annoying when she's playing the hysterical ingenue but her role, as written in this one, seems very likable and endearing.

I think Olivia and Amanda are naive young women, dazzled by money and luxuries.

I also think Livia is very good in this (Yoli is a strong, spunky character). I think I've seen her in almost all her tns, and even though I was annoyed by her character in Abismo, I think it was the way it was written (along with almost all the other female roles in that tn). I think she's a perfectly fine actress, and on a shallow note, I like her tall dark looks.


"the fact that one of the airport security had stolen the $5 mil" was definitely something I missed! And “there's a DEA mole (un sapo-- literally a toad) in the airline, thanks to Gamba spilling that bit of info before he went kaboom!” I thought so but wasn’t certain.

"Too much to get into here. But I did think the comment was funny, coming from, Zuli, someone who was practicing a religion of African origin-- Santeria.” — touché and Bingo!! Definitely part of her personal psychological conflict of feeling socially and culturally inferior due to her trash heap start in life in her desperate attempt to better her lot in life and in going this route to do it, pardon the pun. It is definitely an ironic and humorous jab at her/society's prejudices. She’s the shakespearean clown in this tragedy.
Thanks for the fill-in Alfredo and Vivi and whoever else, y’all! Also I realized too late I’d forgotten the break, so thanks for adding it! I raced this off half asleep as my husband’s mom passed away a couple of days ago and we had to leave on a 12 hr drive to AL yesterday. So, I am not able to socialize this weekend the way I normally would.

I am thrilled to see so many of you all back in the saddle for this one, whether weekday-wise or weekend stoppers-in. I have missed doing weekends with Caray buddies.

AND now, especially since I found Hulu +, though later than Hell to the party, has added the tn to its list of Latino line-ups I will not be stumble-bumbling along with the storyline. YAY!! I now have CC’s to help me!!

I like Davuro and Daverto as well as El Duro de Dave. Hard to do it this time around.

“Oscar ... has a giant soft spot for John.” Yup. It is hard, as O will see, to learn you have to share your best friend and/or sibling with their newfound significant other/partner for life.

JudyB "I'll tell ya Vivi, I have to watch these things twice to catch half of what's going on.” Normally I’d say for me it’s thrice but with no CC and crap audio sans sound stage acoustics (I AM spoiled, aren’t I?) it’s plain too numerous to count!!! Anyway, it is great to know my ear isn’t as elderly and over the hill as my body makes it feel…..


I am happy to see L Brito champion this role. She's taken it by the teeth and is doing a terrific job. She is definitely star studded quality. Although I don't see Arap Bethke as anything special, he does alright for a 2nd string-to-be galan. He will never be a heart throb leading man IMNSHO. If he would only learn a bit of diction. Actually, I don't see Juan Eduardo Colucho as one either. In the U.S. I'd see him as a nerd. Period y punto. Sorry, Colucho fans, but Fernando Colunga he ain't.

Jardinera- A special thanks to you for jumping in to take on this tn, along with Alfredo. I know that not only has your work schedule been challenging, but you've had family illness to deal with too. I'm so sorry about your suegra. All the best to you, your husband, and your family. You know I'm usually a sucker to jump in to recap, but I made a promise to myself to finally take a recapping break, and for the most part I'm sticking to it (except I jump in to recap La Dona 1-2 a week, when I feel like it). If you and Alfredo ever need anyone to fill in when a day when you need help, feel free to give me a shout out.

To any one else out there who hasn't recapped in a while, or has never recapped, why not give it a try?!

I love your on-point analysis of Zuli.

Jardinera...I too am sorry to hear that your husband's mother has passed away. Never easy to lose family, regardless of their age.

Had to laugh when you said Colucho was no Colunga. Alas, NOBODY is Fernando Colunga. Evidently those days are over. Actors are still coming along who clearly spend half their life in the gym, but still....don't come close to our Fernando in terms of seductive charm and "hombria". Oh well....

(((Jardinera)))..So sorry to hear of your family's loss. Many of us here can to relate to losing parents and inlaws. Never easy losing those we love.

Judyb..good to "see" you. I have been worried about you. Has anyone seen Carlos? Do you ever hear from Sylvia, Novelamaven , or ElnaJune?

I am not watching this show . It is on after my bedtime since I still get up at 545 on weekdays, and I do not like the narconovelas. I am enjoying "El Vino el Amor." It is picking up speed with an ice cold bad girl whom we all love to hate. Shiverrrr


Jardinera, let me also add my condolences on the loss of your mother in law. Will keep you all in my prayers.

I am unable to watch this but wish you all well and hope you enjoy this.

So nice to see your post Judy...


I just finished the last two episodes and boy is it moving. Thanks to Alfredo and Jardinera!!!

I'm enjoying this more than I thought I would. WOw Oscar being gay would be interesting. Going to keep my eye open for clues.

Hard to see John turning out to be a narco with a heart of gold but Yoli is so desperate for real friendship she is open to taking what he gives.

Jardinera, so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending good thoughts your way.

Thanks, Jardinera. I'm pedaling as fast as I can to keep up with this story. the rescued femmes-nearly-fatales - what a zinger.

Zulima is a trip. Always thinking of No. 1. And the nerve to put down Yoli's beauty with that negrita crack when she knows Yoli is gorgeous or she wouldn't have recruited her for stewardess in the first place. If Zeki knows about Yoli's little Santeria shrine, he must like playing with fire.

Yeah, Zeki likes playing with fire to taunt Oscar about being gay. As Mister T would say, I pity the fool that would even subtly call out Oscar for being gay (true or not) in front of his crew.

Jardinera, my condolences to you and your family on the passing of your mother-in-law. How sweet you are to write a fabulous recap for us. Take care.

OT: Thanks for the kind words, all. Yeah, it's been a rough 6 moths and the last 30 days it was first my closest aunt--a second mother almost for me and the last truly close adult of my parent's generation in my nuclear family. Now this for my hubby and his family and mostly, my FIL who is 94 and totally lost without her by his side. --It is like despite common sense, you feel truly adrift at sea, separated from all you once knew as you and yours before the universe began--before you took the reins of your own life and your kids of theirs. One cannot heal till after the ceremony and the tearful good-byes are past.


Carviville: "John turning out to be a narco with a heart of gold" = tragic hero. No way but down for him. Yoli will be his Achilles heel I am certain.

NiecieMD: "Yoli is gorgeous or she wouldn't have recruited her for stewardess in the first place." Indeed.

I have to admit that this show's been rockin' and rollin' from the first scenes. Nothing to this point has been poorly done, either. This is a true first for Looneyvision.

Shoutouts to Susanlynn and Diana. Only way I'm able to watch this is the next day, either on DVR or Hulu. Going to bed with the chickens since I too get up early.

Susanlynn..haven't heard anything from Carlos in ages, although Baylor is doing well basketball-wise. Ditto for Elna June and NovelaMaven. Miss them all.

Diana, sure hope you don't get that dreadful snowstorm predicted. Praying for warmer weather all around. Freezing out here but no real snow.

Judyb...The forecast for our area was updated this morning to 18to 24 inches after a winter of very little snow. It is two systems that are going to converge ..One from the northwest and the other from the southwest .And I am on spring break this week. Hahaha Are you supposed to get anything?

Yep. Judy B. Let's send an APB on Susanlynn and Diana!! =/ : ?0

***On Demand, Hulu+, and Live-streaming Univision are now carrying the show the day after. I am gonna use that for the morning after the late night before viewing myself.

Oh, hey Susanlynn! Sounds like another "perfect storm" as in you got nowhere to be but home and roasty toasty.


Stay safe and warm, everyone! It's hard for me to believe this storm is coming, since it's so clear and sunny this morning, and we've had no snow so far this (mostly) warm winter.

Vivi..Are you in this storm's path, too? The car is full of gas. We just got groceries, and I am planning on an at home spa day . All the local farm boys are putting the plows on their trucks. We have not had much snow this winter.

Susanlynn- It won't be as bad as it will be for you guys further north, but supposedly enough to cripple us for a day.

Have no idea what to expect here. I'm always surprised since I never watch the weather but it sure sounded dire for you folks out East. Praying that you and yours will all be safe and sound, whatever may come.

Oh and Sylvia Sharkbait...haven't heard from her either. But a couple of years ago she was having a fine time sailing around to far and distant places. Always an interesting life, that one!

So far, so good!

Jardinera--My condolences as well to you and your family. It's hard to acknowledge the loss of our parents' generation, the one we looked up to and come to realize we are now that older generation to our children and grandchildren.

Live life to the fullest and derive great joy from your family (and your Caray family is right there with you).


Thank you for the recap and condolences to you and your family. Positive thoughts going your way.

I am not "watching" this TN, but I have been reading the recaps. And from the looks of the patio, I might join in, time permitting. My work schedule is upside down, so I usually don't read the recap til 3pm. Anyway, so great to hear from so many of you.

Hasta Pronto

Hope everyone in the path of the winter storms stays safe and warm.

Thanks to all of you for stopping by😊😊

Jardinera, sorry to hear of you loss and thanks for the recaps. I couldn't comment this weekend, but I am hoping to be able to part of the patio for this one.


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