Saturday, June 10, 2017

La doble vida de Estela Carillo, #25 Friday, 06/09/17 Regrets, threats, and intolerable inepts (courtesy of RgvChick)

We start back with Ryan finding out that Laura is with Danilow because she’s being threatened with deportation and being separated from Paloma. Ryan Crazy Eyes Cabrera wants to go break his bro’s bones, but Rosario says it would be too dangerous for Laura. Ry wonders once again what makes Mexico so scary, but Rosario has spilled enough beans for now. He realizes that he has been acting like an imbecil with Laura but Chayo asks him to take things slow.

Laura doesn’t want to talk about Paloma’s dad with Mercy, since he’s dead. She says a tearful goodby to Paloma (I’m crying a bit, too). Then, in the car, she cries some more, thinking about what she’s been through with her daughter (saving her from whatever was threatening them in Mexico, crossing the border, playing together). Next thing you know, she’s back at the house, just when Mercy is about to take Paloma shopping and teach her to call her mommy (wtf!). She says that she just can’t separate from her daughter, it would be a terrible mistake. Mercy is a mom, she must understand. (Does she? She did abandon a child, right?)

Just outside the house they run into Ryan. Paloma jumps into his arms (wanna bet that Laura would like to do the same?). He says that he knows everything and apologizes for doubting her. She doesn’t look impressed, she was forced to be with Danilow, but he went with Morgana willingly. Touché!
Back at the ranch, Rosario lambasts Laura for leaving with Palomita without her knowing. Laura apologizes, she was just afraid of Talisman. Chayo says that they should never be apart, the three of them, no matter what men are around!
Danilow shows up and in a good mood,too, he’s singing right until Laura slaps him for putting Paloma in danger. The first two slaps seem to only turn him on, but with the third, he starts to threaten her. Match made in Heaven these two!
Later on he offers her a bracelet, which she throws down the toilet.

Mr. Blake is back to doing his usual business, which involve Senators, shady Saudi business men and God knows what else. Luisa tells him that Fausto is at his hotel room, recuperating. Blake is not worried, he’s in no rush to find Tona or Laura. For now he’s back to doing business, proving Luisa he’s not a delirious fool. He has the upper hand, because he knows that Laura is alive while Laura thinks that he’s dead.  

Morgana is at Danilow’s office, asking for his help, now that she’s back at the hotel. He owes her, after all… He tries to sweet talk her, but what she wants is a solo album. So Dani goes to let Ryan know. Ry tells him he knows all about what he’s doing with Estela. Dani finds out that he has the gun, so he threatens he’ll go to the police and tell them about Estela’s false testimony. Then he explains what he intends to do with Estela and wins a punch for it. Dani doesn’t lose his cool, though.

Leticia reunites with her kids. Hugs all around, while Tomas watches from the background. Papa can’t be with them but here is Tomas, the new husband. The kids start asking questions, they get the fixed marriage explanation, find out that dad left them for another woman and baby (from Tomas). Maria doesn’t believe them, she just wants to see her dad. LetMe explains that Erasmo is not even taking her calls anymore, so she found a job to support them. Now Maria thinks it’s Let’s fault for allowing dad to come to the US.
Alone with Tadeo, she insists that she wants to speak with their father. Tadeo understands Letty’s explanation, their friend thinks this happens all the time, takes Letty’s defense.

Mercy is not happy that Estela took Paloma back. Joe wants to talk about their relationship, since he started divorce proceedings and now they can be together. Mercy is not too happy about it. Joe thinks she deserves to be happy, Mercy says she was happy with Walter and she wants to keep their thing a secret. She’s older and she only got with him for vengeance. And he will find a young new thing as soon as he’s single again. Also, if he insists that their thing is real, then they should break up.

Danilow comes to visit Asdrubal. He wants to promote Morgana, but ED only wants to hear Regia sing. Dani thinks there is plenty of room for everyone, but Asdrubal doesn't agree. And they are not partners, he’s just an errand boy (lol). 
Dani complains to ED about Ass, gives an ultimatum. Ed asks him to relax, take things slow and proposes he start his own business with his help. 

Estela and Morgana fight over the rehearsal space. Estela doesn’t think Morgana is good enough for Furia, but Ryan confirms the new disk. She storms out, but she’s upset because she’s jealous. He explains that this is Danilow’s idea and he wants to give his bro something else to do while they figure out what to do. Laura asks him to stop putting her in danger if he wants to help her.

Ryan is sure there is more to the blackmail than what he found out, but Steve thinks he should wait. He has a plan about Furia, he wants to talk about it.

Laura and Chayo talk about that she will never reveal the whole truth to Ryan. Paloma is making a drawing of her, Chayo and Chayo’s sister!! Hm...

Tomas tries to reassure LetMe about the kids and in the meantime he’ll take care of her papers. They need to live together, to be able to fool Immigration. Tries to force a kiss, she pushes him, he apologizes.The guy is soooo shady!

Laura is rehearsing, when a journalist calls for her. What are her immediate plans? Dani answers for her and says that they’re a couple, Ry and Este are past tense. And kisses her. Later  she argues with Dani about ruining her image. As soon as she’s able, she will tell everyone that he was lying.

Chayo calls some Senora Inojosa, who doesn’t live ‘there’ anymore.

LetMe visits Chava. He’s surprised that none of his contacts worked; she’s surprised, realizes he has been helping all along. She will pray for him, too. He finds out about the marriage, he’s shocked (and sad).

Steve’s deal to Ryan: what if a Furia artist visits the primos to give them courage? Genesis comes with some contract and meets Steve. Love at first sight? Could be.

Calao comes to see Danilow, tells him that ED lost a client that Danilow could get his hands on.

Laura wants to sing for the primos, she loves to help people. This reminds her of the life she had in Riverdale, she was living her dream, working to give her child a better future. She had given up on being a singer and there’s no point in talking about this anymore.
Ryan realizes that Laura feels really forced to sing and insists that there has to be more to the story. Laura reminds him that what broke them up was not trusting one another. Ry doesn’t know who hurt her and how, but their story is still writing itself and together they can make it through. She cries and swears that she never stopped loving him. He wants her to promise they will never be apart again. And kiss!

PS: sorry for the typos and inconsistencies, this hasn't been edited.


Thank you, Adriana Noel, looking forward to it.

Regrets, threats, and intolerable inepts.

Ryan knows about Danilo's threats and blackmail, but still can't do much about it. At least, he is not thinking about how he might be able to a little divert Danilow's attention elsewhere.

I like the Genesis-Steve pairing...hopeofully their relationship won't be tainted by Danilow.

Poor Chavalin...his heart is getting broken. LetMeGetInDeeperDoodoo is gonna get a rude awakening.

Busy morning...more laters


...he is now thinking...



Oh-noes! Tomas is not only unstable, but a horrible kisser!

RgvChick - Yep, it's about time somebody noticed what a great catch Genesis is.

Last things first, we finally see Laura and Ryan sort of on the same page in the last scene of the episode where they actually talk and kiss. Laura still can not come clean, but she is not telling as many wall to wall lies as usual.

MercyMe and LauStela are having their Paloma talk and LauStela finally nonchalantly mentions almost unnoticed that Paloma's Dad can't come back and claim Paloma if he is dead. She leaves Paloma with Chayo, Ryan and MM for about five minutes then FlakeStela has the fellow turn around and go back to the house to announce she has changed her mind again. What mind?

We must assume that BBQBun knew beforehand how the coke would affect DaniLow. If he was obby-noxious and abrasive straight, who could be looking forward to the new and improved, zipped out on coke DaniLower. His 'piece' offering to his piece, Morgash, of her own solo album does not go well with BBQBun. There is one notch below open warfare with McBun and (hopeofully) McFies as DaniLower announces that McBun should give him the money for this adventure.

With his snout full of white, DaniCoke goes to visit El Dorito to ask that BBQBun be removed. DainLower is noticeably twitchy with some issues it appears, with the old nose too as he complains to El Dorito, who is slowly walking in a small circle around DaniLow. There is some convoluted conversation, with El Dorito telling DaniLowIQ that if he starts his own business he might be able to replace BBQBun. All this was not real clear to me.

Unbelievably in a TN, we missed a wedding. Our first clue was LetMeCutYouOffHubba being able to visit her kids who are still in a 'holding' facility, rather than in the process of preparing for international travel. Then TomMutt just plain old announces that he is the new Hubba, much to the kids surprise.

Poor Chava was not invited either, um well, maybe just as well, he is still in jail. LetMeTellYou visits and wells him and he is pretty disappointed. He says he was working on the kid problem from in jail, but it appears it was all for nought as NewHubba has solved those problems. Tomas seems to want to consumate all this, but LetMe still has him cut off 'caus she doesn't Luuuuurve him. Um, Let, would you be the first in human history to sleep with someone you don't actually love? Come on, gratitude sex can be pretty good, maybe better even than NO SEX.!

Litle Paloma paints a picture of Tres Mujeres, her Mom, Rario, and ROSARIO's SISTER. Da Da Da Dunnnn...............Then we see Rosario calling a disconnected number.

DaniLow is begging for a beating. In a confrontation with Ryan where Ryan tells him he is onto him, Ryan tells DaniLower he had better keep his hands off LauStela. DaniLow actually tells him his hands are not what he should be concerned about, as he is 'Bigger' than Ryan.


Danilo is not only a narcissist, but a CRACKHEAD.

Adriana, take your time! We know it will be well worth waiting for!

Good morning patio peeps.

Well, I see our denizens are well rested and witty right out of the gate this morning.

"Regrets, threats, and intolerable inepts". Wow RgvChick.

I have to say that the other day I honestly did have Genesis and Steve hopefully getting together in a comment but I deleted it for fear of being wrong. Yet again. So the one thing I might actually have speculated may actually come true! Sigh. Steve looked like he was hit by the "lightening bolt". As well he should. She is beautiful and a nice person.

I had a very long work week and faded in and out of this so most is "new" to me.

Kirby, thank you for the excellent mini-cap.

"If he was obby-noxious and abrasive straight, who could be looking forward to the new and improved, zipped out on coke DaniLower" had me smiling Kirby.

"Unbelievably in a TN, we missed a wedding". So Kirby, you are saying we mercifully missed it right? I didn't understand in that scene with the kids they actually did it, just that that was their intention.

At the jail scene, I found my stomach churning. I really wanted to believe Tomas was a good man but my heart sank, this is going to be really bad. Chava looked so devastated.

"DaniLow actually tells him his hands are not what he should be concerned about". Dan is drugged, deluded and dreadful. thankfully I was spared this scene.

Dan's brazen boldness in asking ED to get rid of Badbun is sheer stupidity. Did he learn nothing from the neck nick which he got for simply sidestepping BB? The neurons in his brain are clearly not connecting. Badbun will not take this lightly.

Have we seen Rosario's sister?

Africa, the actress playing Morgana is doing an exceptional job portraying her as the scheming, self serving grafter she is. I have seen nothing kind or compassionate about her, so I am saving my care and concern for Laura and Paloma.

Thanks all!


Yeah Steve, crackheads do a lot of damage on their way down, but they are always on the way DOWN.

What a sweet little bird! How on earth did you get so close??

FL seems to have the bluest skies and greenest grass.


My Pleasure Diana. Thanks.

I'm a bird whisperer. That is a Brown Thrush. First cousin to a Robin, only a visitor.
If you sit still long enough a bird does not notice you if it is busy. And a big lens.


No. shoot, I suppose that is who Rosario was calling, and I didn't write her name. it was something unpronounceable even for Spanglish. Maybe Adriana caught it. All that indicates that she has been around recently enough for Paloma to recall her. MercyMeee and Rosario were talking about family blood versus real here and now family and Merc asked Ros about family and she said something to the effect of things not being exactly right with her blood family and Laura and Paloma being her real family.

Rosario called and someone answered. Rosario asked to speak to xxxx yyyy and the one on the other end said no one of that name lives here. So...??

Early on when Rosario was hospitalized for diabetes, the sister came to visit but didn't want any more to do with Rosario. Maybe it's another sister that Paloma remembers? Cause these two weren't close.

I'm actually feeling bad for Tomas. He doesn't seem mean, just troubled. Leticia should give his first wife a call for background on him, but this is a TN so of course she won't.

Good morning to all on the patio from my patio. Gorgeous day here. Sunny, breezy, a bit cool.

I did not understand many words, but I did get a lot of info from the visuals. That very pointed toed boot of Dan's kicking Ry's door. What a delusional, drugged out braggart. We all knew that Dan on drugs was going to make a quantum leap into crazy stupid .

Watching El D circling Dan made me a little dizzy. Maybe Dan will end up in that big pot of soup that the guy keeps stirring. #friedgreentomatoes!

Diana, I think that the only time we saw Rosario's sister was when she came to the hospital and told Laura she would not help Rosario.

Uhoh ...maybe there is a reason some of us were wary of Tom. Perhaps Rosy' s message is that even if a guy seems kind and friendly, he might have a not so friendly hidden agenda for you! #tedbundy There is a reason women do not talk to strangers.

Am I supposed to suspend my disbelief about how quickly Dan was able to transform the house on that ramshackle ranch ?

Niecie...I once turned down a job after talking to the person who had it before me, but I don't know if I would call an exwife. You might not get the truth. Even someone's family will hide things about their son of daughter . They think that you will "fix" their child.

Thanks Sue"sAndLens. I thought I was just not all there. I remember the first shot of that house on DaniLow's Ranch being something a self respecting Cherokee would not live in with some homeless looking guy "greeting" them. Now, wowzers, pretty dam nice. There must be a Home Depot, Lowes, and Bed Bath and Beyond nearby.

Susanlynn - Sure, the ex might be so glad to be free of Tomas. Too bad Leticia was so busy trying to deal with her own problems, she didn't think to probe Tomas about his own. Telling her his ex had a restraining order was a great opening and she just let that ball drop.

Recap is up, guys. Thank you for sticking around, even if I'm late.
Gotta run now, be back later to comment.

Niecie..I am surprised that Tom shared the restraining order thing so quickly. I know someone whose wife took out a PFA against him, and I am pretty certain that he does not share that piece of info about his character with anyone let alone a complete stranger . He just put his mask back on and moved on to the next unsuspecting woman.

Rosy seems to be sending several messages in this telenovela. One is that women should beware of stranger men (,Fausto, Tomas). Another is that it is dangerous to cross the border. Another is that the music business is controlled by criminals. Another is that it is pretty easy to transform a hovel into a lovely home. Another is that if your hubby leaves to find a better life for the family , he may not return if he finds a better life for himself. Another is that cowboy hats and boots rock. Another is that certain guys can actually rick a man bun. #neverstoplearning

Sorry..rock...not rick.

Thank you , Adriana, for fitting a recap into your busy life.

Oh, I forgot to say what really confirmed my hate for Dan...putting his hand in Rosario's chest and pushing her away so that he could get in Lestela's face. I see his anvil getting heavier and heavier. Arrogant little boy .

Good Morning!

Rosario's sister's name is Idalia Hinojosa. It really was interesting that Paloma would draw a picture of someone she has never met. I think the writers need to brush up on their child psychology. If it had been MercyMe or Rita, that would have made more sense.

Laustela missed another opportunity to come clean with Ryan and the statement she made to him that "wanting to know more can get you into more problems" was keeping the truth from him won't get him into more problems???

That scene with the kid telling Maria and Tadeo that they should be grateful and that their mother was only wanted the best for them was touching. I was waiting for the divine light to come up (Touched by An Angel-style).

They finally mentioned the meeting of the Cartel minds. Looks like the cartels are getting tough on El D...they want him to leave his clients and he told them "no." Could it be that restaurant man is setting up DaniLowButHigh and leading him towards the other cartels??? That wouldn't be so bad...the higher he goes, the greater the fall, the deadlier the anvil.



SusanLynn, "Tom shared the restraining order thing so quickly" To me, that was a sign that he thought nothing of that restraining order and probably thinks that whatever he did was justified.


Fad=rcical?? I meant farcical LOL

BTW, Adriana Noel, thank you so much for that great recap!!


Adriana thanks so much. I wonder how you do it when you have your own personal Paloma to love and distract you.

When DaniLowerThanWhaleShit shoved Rosario out of the way I wanted her to kick him right in his hayseed-size jewels. I have noticed that LauStela is not afraid to slap him into next week. He had better remember he has to sleep sometime, ask Willie Nelson. His wife interrupted a nap with a Louisville Slugger. Almost killed the ole boy.

Kirby, "LauStela is not afraid to slap him into next week" What I fear is the backlash when DaniLow gets fed up with that...I keep thinking of that statement he made to MorgaSlut that he prefers it "forced." We saw a bit of it, then he backed off, but now that he's a crackhead...I don't even want to go there...


Thanks, Adriana. A treat getting your recap.

Nice that Laustela finally opened up to Ryan a little. But can somebody please -- I'm looking at you Laustela, Joe, and accountant what's your name -- tell him about the money laundering in his own business? The way I see it, all the good (well, gray) people except Chayo, Paloma, and Steve are at risk of being charged with money laundering. If she stays mum, what is Laustela's plan? My plan would be to ask Ryan to help me get into Canada with a new identity.


RioChik I always wince too, but we may be selling LauStealth short. DaniLow might get away with it once but I suspect he'd be a Soprano the next time he woke up.

Note to Self: Don't pray for rain unless you really mean it.

Yes, Lestela gave DruggedoutDan at least three slaps across the face. She is feisty , but he is still bigger and stronger than she is. And let us all pause for a moment and remember a name from the past..Lorena Bobbit who took the matter into her own hands. And because sleeping at night like a normal person, I think that Dan is just going to keep taking drugs and getting permanently dopey all the time.

Advice for Tom, people do sometimes fall in love at first sight, but you should not share that information with the object of your desire until somewhere between your fifth and twentieth wedding anniversary or so. Otherwise they may get skittish and alert the authorities or...get a restraining order. #somefolksneverlearn is raining there ? #sunnyandbreezyhere

Kirby, I take it you're getting an overabundance of rain? I think what I got some days ago headed that way...feel free to send (some of) it back over is freekin' hot over here and no chance for relief. And you are right that we may be selling Laustealth chort, she has started showing some "caj*****" at least more than any of the men.

Niecie, I was thinking the same thing earlier...even if they do come clean with everything, just about everyone will get jail time. I still don't get why the cops, or even Ryan, haven't followed up on Pedro C's murder. If that gets cleared wouldn't clear up everything, but it certainly would help.


chort = short


Thank you Adriana, you done good. It adds to what Kirby did in his mini cap
Thank you both. I was sitting there last night watching Danilo and Ryan have a conversation and reading the closed caption and I was like really shocked to see what Danilo said, he's comparing himself to Ryan? saying that he's bigger than Ryan and I'm thinking "is he out of his freakin mind?" seriously? If Thats all he's betting his relationships on they won't last shrinkage occurs with age,Lol. And if I misread Iam red faced, but you can't see it cuz I'm darkskinned,Lol. That
Crack is really frying his brains. I
Loved that she flushed that braclet or
Necklace down the toilet. Thats where
His life is going,cuz he's a bigo dumb

And mercy wantin to replace her Baby. She a bigo baby daughter thief.Im glad
Laura came back got her paloma. She's
Not hers either but she's more hers than "mercy the mercyless".Ok so they
Kissed are they or aren't they back?And for How long? Let's see it's Saturday tomorrow Sunday and then Monday and Tuesday morning it'll all be over again,until the next time they make up. Makeup to brakeup.
Ok well, later. Until I can think of something else to say.

Kirby, "There is some convoluted conversation, with El Dorito telling DaniLowIQ that if he starts his own business he might be able to replace BBQBun. All this was not real clear to me."

From what I understood, Restaurant Man is suggesting to Danilow that he could start his own business. If he does set up his own business, they can become associates and that would leave BBQBun out.


Rvg..I had forgotten all about Pedro.

I guess that Laura went through hell in that bordella which probable toughened her up to life and men. She said that Paloma's father was dead. Does she think that Blake is dead? Does she think that Fausto is dead? The writers are really keeping us guessing about a lot of things, including who Paloma's parents are. And why are they bringing Rosario's sister up and how does paloma know her? Kids usually draw pictures of themselves and their families..the people around them all the time.

Sue, I am not sure. Where is the line between raining and flooding? It rained for a week, stopped for a day to catch it's breath and be 90 again, and is pouring out there again now.

It has been so dry for nine months or so with wildfires all over. In my prayers I forgot to mention that we can't use it all at once.

:-) kj

RCheek yeah that is about what I got from the Merry Go Round conversation with El Dorito. But ummm...DaniLow already has a business and is money laundering so I was not sure about these businesses and what a new business would be unless he meant away from Ryan. In reality I thought El Dorito was just giving Stoner a bunch of gobbledy gook to pacify him and see what he had up his sleeve.

Is Blake Paloma's Daddy?
Is Paloma psychic?
Did somebody in the brothel beat Laura's brains out?
Is that why she does not appear to have one?
If you are a CrackHoe but male what are you?
If Morgana were not easy would she still be alive?

SusanLynn, "why are they bringing Rosario's sister up and how does paloma know her? Paloma has never met Rosario's sister.Rosario only mentioned her sister to Paloma once so it doesn't make sense to me why Paloma would be drawing a picture that includes her. Maybe the sister is going to end up being someone's mother?? Oh my, could it be Danilo's mother??? Or BBQBun's mother?? I can't remember what she looks like...was she wearing a bun?

Kirby, Danilow does have a business and is money laundering, but he is not getting the full benefits that an "owner" (of the laundering business) would have...including power and mo' money.


Thanks for the quick recap Adriana.

I am confused by many things in this TN but one that I truly do not understand is Leticia's repeated 'justification' of why she can (or cannot) marry Tom. In almost every reference to her previous marriage she mentioned that it was "in a church". Normally one would think that a church wedding sealed the deal in terms of 'until death do us part' (no divorce possible in the eyes of the church/God) but that a civil ceremony (which can be dissolved ) did not take place in Mexico. So is Leticia's saying she can marry Tom in the US because she was not legally married to Eraserhead in Mexico?

Anon 2:44: In Mexico, only civil marriage is recognized as legal. Persons wishing to do so may also have a religious ceremony, but it has no legal effect and does not replace in any way the legal binding civil marriage.


Niecie: You're right on Leticia.

What's it going to take ? Black eyes, punched in the stomach, raped ?

Adriana great recap. I had a comment but it disappeared.I hate that,so I'll
Try it again. And thank you Kirby for
Your contribution to the discussion until Adriana could put up the recap.

Crazy is crazy in this show. Merciless
Mercy is out of her freaking mind. How
Was she going explain to ryan that his
Soon-to-be adopted daughter is calling her mom? No wonder she don't have all of her kids around. Heaven only knows
What she did to the babys she talks of
When shes all doped up. I'm glad Laura came back to get Pali even just to keep her away from that crazy woman. Thats like jumpin out of one maggot filled pot into another.

Now that Ryan knows a little about the
Trouble she's in maybe he can help her I can't Believe what cracklo(the names we've come up with for this jackass) said to Ryan about being larger than he is. If He bettin his relationships on that it Won't last, cuz shrinkage comes with age. I think that's what he was talkin About, cuz if not I'm red faced,Lol, but yall can't see it cuz I'm dark skinned,Lol.

It is so sunny here after a week of rain. But my friend who is down south
Says it's raining, I think she said in
Or near Jupiter Florida. We might get
Some of that tomorrow here in North Fla. It's comin back up says the Tim the weather guy.

Tomas.....whats up witb this guy? Im
Kinda glad he spoke up about their dad
Cuz they think he's the best thing since cheese grits. And I like cheese
Grits, I don't like erasmo or ever his
Name is. He seems whipped, yall heard how she was talking to him about that phone blockin number thing?Like he was
Dumb. I don't know what's going on with you Tomas but you need to step up and be a man and stop forcing yourself on the lady you claim to love. Ok he
Had me before he done the force kissin
Thing. Walk it back and straighten up
You dont need to join the ranks of the stupid men in this show.Poor chav.FREE

I LIKE Genesis. Her and Steve would be
A good match. Is all of her clothe short in the ? Her wedding gown will
Probaby be a two price.

So what you're saying RgvChick is that
Eraserhead was free to marry pretty ugly and letty is free to marry letme kissyouletty cuz their marriage was not legal in Mexico? Interesting.It'll
All come out in the wash, as the old folks used to say. And want to watch it it's going to be.

Thank Adriana.


Is all her clothes short in the middle?" Thats what I meant to say.

Kirby I love love love the moon on top of the electric post. Cute bird too. You work
Magic with camera.

Adriana Noel, as wonderful as anticipated.

Two lines in particular stood out as stellar, "Mr. Blake is back to doing his usual business, which involve Senators, shady Saudi business men and God knows what else" and "Ry doesn’t know who hurt her and how, but their story is still writing itself and together they can make it through". Most excellent.

I am really liking Laura. I'm with all of you in being frustrated that she hasn't been more upfront with Ryan, but let's face it. He was with Morgana not five minutes after they broke up. That certainly didn't seem to indicate he was thinking about Laura, does it? I would not be forgiving myself, let alone trusting him with my biggest, darkest secrets. At least she threw the truth in his face "At least she She doesn’t look impressed, she was forced to be with Danilow, but he went with Morgana willingly. Touché". Yup. And there you have it.

And I simply loved that she flushed that bracelet away! I'm not even sure she really looked at it? It might have been a fortune in diamonds but she didn't care. I admire spunk and Laura is loaded.

"just when Mercy is about to take Paloma shopping and teach her to call her mommy (wtf!)". Thanks for that Adriana, I did not get that from their conversation. Blech.

Nina, “Im Kinda glad he spoke up about their dad Cuz they think he's the best thing since cheese grits”. Loved the way you phrased that – perfect.

Niecie, I keep going back and forth on Tomas. Your advice to Leticia was good but I feel she more than anyone is making bad choices. Why would she not turn to Laura, Chava and Genesis, people who really care about her? I suspect is was mostly timing - Tomas seems to be spending every waking moment coming to Let's aid. Because Chava seems so good, I'm expecting Tomas to be all bad. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Susanlynn and Niecie, now I remember the sister and what occurred. Thank you.

RgvChick, you nailed it that it is the civil, not religious ceremony that is binding in Mexico. But to many, it is the religious ceremony that is the more important.

"Arrogant little boy" :) Susanlynn, I wonder how much longer Dan will be worth more alive than dead? Badbun it would seem would not handle treachery well. Dan trying to outsmart Badbun is absurd.

Kirby, we could use some of your rain. After weeks of it, we are having a nice day but are expecting a heat wave starting tomorrow.

Adriana Noel, thank you so much. This was great!


Thanks NiNa. Genesis still reminds me of that girl who was on Sabado Gigante for a long time, clothes wise, and is now doing Queen of the Song, Alajandra Espinoza. I think they shop at the same store, or are roommates. :-)

The weather here in Sarasota is bipolar, raining and under 80 and not raining and mid nineties.

Kirby, you have such an amazing talent for photography...that's a beautiful pic of the bird and to catch it with the seed in it's mouth...STUNNING!!


Another Saturday with nothing to do...

Oh, Dani-low, the devil, the devil is calling
From threats to exploits, and money laundering.
Your luck will be gone, and the good will prevail,
It's you, it's you must go and we will gladly hail.

Oh, don’t back, just simmer down in hell,
And when you burn remember Caray well,
Cuz we'll be here mocking and cursing you,—
Oh Dani-low, Oh Dani-low, we hate you so!



Kirby, I agree with RgvChick - that shot is absolutely amazing.

Your subjects obviously trust you. I'm speechless.


Rgv thanks that Blue Jay was stealing a peanut. He was moving so fast it is a bit blurry.

Here is the little thief right before he made off with his prize.

Bird whisperer, and a BIG bag of peanuts and sunflower seeds. :-)

Thanks again

Rgv you have been studying song writing in the DaniLow school of Pickin and Grinnin?

Wow, beautiful...the colors are so vivid..breathtaking!


"Quacker22 you are clear to land on runway 35, over"

Sorry to hijack our Double Life thread, rainy Saturday with all my chores caught up.

Naaahh...I wouldn't want to end up where he is going. I think I'd rather study with Alejandro Fernandez ...or Juanes would do just fine!!


Awww, those quackers remind me of one of my favorite movies..."Fly Away Home"


I swear I can't for the life of me figure out why LauStela will not set Ryan down and tell him the whole story. Maybe not about her former life as a hooker or whatever she was forced to do, but the current stuff with DaniLow and the El Dorito Gang. Thanks Julie.

Go downtown with Ryan and locked into a room with a couple of detectives from LAPD and this shit would be over. Or if she is brave, play along for a while all the time making recordings on her phone to use as evidence.

Juanes is pretty good. Alejandro Sanz and Shakira used to have a lot of chemistry in their videos too.

Well, if she goes to the police, Ryan will go back to jail (for Pedro's murder) and she along with him because she perjured herself. That would leave Paloma pretty much alone with Rosario who is also an illegal and has no financial means. So right now, they are between a rock and a hard place. Seems like they are going to have to kill off all the baddies off themselves to be able to "live happily ever after."


OK yeah that makes sense. For practice, they could see if they have the stomach for killing by whacking DaniLow.

Now that would be a good start!


I don't know if it'd do any good for her to trust him I mean he can't do a whole lot behind bars and then those phone calls he make really work I mean were they really going to do anything for her? that's why they need a free chav free chav Free chav. Maybe when they get tired of hearing me say'free chav" And do something about it but they can't really hear me anyway so, what the hell. Ok its late, I'll watch the rest of "I Dream of jeannie" and then Watch something else and go to bed.Not That yall need to know that but I'm typing so I thought I'd just throw it on in there, LOL:) Ooo I know need to get some rest, have a good night yall.

So many comments, so little time to answer to all of your great insights. Daughter and daddy are at the pool now, so I'm taking advantage of a few spare moments to go over your brilliant theories.
Hope I don't forget something...

RgvChick - "Regrets, threats, and intolerable inepts. " THIS is amazing! Copy recap title :)

Kirby - thank you for the brief recap - great start to the chat! And yes, where was THAT wedding between LetMe and Tomas? I thought I blinked and had missed it, but apparently we were spared another LetMe letdown. Your photos are a treat!
My personal Paloma - Clara - will be two in September and she is quite a handful - that's why I'm always late with the recaps, but she also kind of helps me better understand Laura's dilemma. I was crying right along with her when she tried to leave Palomita with Mercy and judging it for it and I gave her a virtual high five when she came back.

Niecie, I don't understand why all the good/ grey guys are hiding the truth from Ryan, either. He will rightfully resent them for it - this is his legacy, he has the right to know the truth!!

Nina, I didn't like Tomas before the kissing, but I definitely don't like him after. I feel like he's forcing himself to be patient, but when he snaps, LetMe will be in big trouble. I'm not conflicted at all about him, I think he's just a very astute predator.
Free Chav! Free Chav! Free Chav!!

Diana, Laura is kind of growing on me, too. The three slaps she gave Danilowest were pretty great (although she's playing with fire, I love her spunk), but what sealed the deal for me was the fact that she didn't leave Palomita with MercyNutty.

Susanlynn, I had a WTF moment when I saw the ranch, too. Not necessarily for the actual building, but the entire thing is decorated to a T - when did Danilowest have the time to launder money, sex up Morgana, threaten Laura AND find the right shade of curtains to go with the mantle centerpiece and whatnot? Maybe he hired Calao and Talisman to do most of the decorating?


I don't get why would Palomita care about Rosarios's sister, either. I thought that "sister" was code for Paloma's real mother (something that they told her to fool her), but then Chayo immediately called her actual sister, so who knows.

Rgv & Kirby, I agree that Lau and Ry should start killing their foes, and who better to be the first recipient of this treatment then Danilowest? After all, everybody and their mother have a gun just lying around, what are they waiting for?

Alfredo, loved your description about our main couple: they're in love but they both lie, he sleeps around, she's keeping crucial secrets from him - bottom line, they're hot together, so all is well. :))
Your bit about Rosario's dilemma at losing her real family, while having a surrogate one, hits close to home for me (lot of that happening with this show, aside from the illegal stuff, thanks God). I have my family back home and we try to keep in touch and visit constantly, but it's not the same thing anymore, so now we have a kind of surrogate family here, to spend all celebrations and holidays with. It sucks sometimes, but it also opens your world to different new possibilities.
I'm thinking El Dorito (LOL) is trying to fool Danilowest, who thinks is doing great in his illegal activities, but will be the fall guy when all is said and done.

The church vs civil marriage is apparently a thing. I had both, I couldn't have a religious ceremony without the city hall papers, but if you only get your God blessing you're not legally married. One of my co-workers just got married and they only went to church. I was like wtf, but she was very cool with it - considering this is her 4th wedding and she's only 36, she's probably right. Getting a divorce in France is a nightmare apparently.

The whole Cartel guerra went right over my head - I don't really care about the money laundering details, as I hate narco novelas and I try not to pay to much attention to everything that is not mushy telenovela fare. Thanks, guys, for clarifying it for me.

Adriana. .I , too, hate the narco novelas.

Rvg..I finally got to see the strawberry moon last night! I raced with it for over an hour coming home from a concert. It was Kirby's photo. Small , distinct, but wrapped in a misty aura. Verra magical.

It is going to be a hot , sunny day here.

Good Morning, All!

I don't like narco dramas/telenovels or anything with violence, but this TN just keeps me captivated. I turn away, lower the sound, or just walk away for a bit when someone is getting beaten up or tortured. I'm just glad there aren't too many of those scenes. It seems to me that Ocampo and the writer's have included thrown in every possible miserable, distressing and/or dangerous situation an immigrant can encounter in pursuing "the American Dream." That's probably why there are some storylines/scenes that we just can't figure out why they have been included (i.e., LetMe/Erasmutt/TomAss) and seem to drag out the actual Laustela/Ryan.

SusanLynn, so glad you got to see the Strawberry/Rose moon. Nature's phenomenons are the most stunning and brilliant occurrences that we are so fortunate to witness.



"My personal Paloma". Clara looks like the sweetest little angel!

Adriana, I too was a bit choked up when Laura returned for Palomita. It's obvious I am a huge Laura fan.

"After all, everybody and their mother have a gun just lying around, what are they waiting for?" made me laugh although it's pretty much the truth, isn't it?

Alfredo, thank you for posing the question "What is his angle as the cartel must be paying him handsomely to play the part". I think we are all wondering. I don't quite think badbun is the mastermind, but do think he is second in command. I think the real number one is someone we haven't seen...Bad's bun must be hiding his third eye because he seems to know or find out everything. He is going to be extremely perturbed when he finds out Dan is STILL going behind his back to ED. I'm starting to wonder if any of the henchies actually believe ED is in charge. No presence, no charisma - nada.

Nina, I'm with you on "free Chav". We need him back and ready to save Let if need be. I'll chime in and maybe someone will listen :)

One more look at Kirby's sensational avatar and I'm off!

Happy Sunday all!


ooops...forgot the word "story" after Laustel/Ryan


RgvChick, our comments crossed.

I don't like to watch violence, particularly violence against women either. I usually stay away from "those" TNs, but like you, wouldn't consider missing an episode here if I don't have to.

One exception for me was La Malquerida but as I was recapping I had to stay with it.

As I mentioned above, I think there will be some cringeworthy action after Badbun gets a whiff of Dan's continuing brazen behavior.

I can't believe you've only been commenting here for a short time. You have fit right in and your comments are always smart and insightful.


Thank you, Diana, you all have made me feel most welcome. You all keep me on my toes...which is keeps the mind sharp :-)

RgvChick,maybe all the moneywashin and
Mercy and her invisiable kids,letme & crazy new hubby, the immigration stuff problems is All just filler(wow what a filler)for Surrounding laura and Ryans love srory.Cuz If the truth comes out he helps her out the truth is out and they finally get back together he adopts Paloma, chayo reconciles with her sister and everything, that'll be the end of the Tn. But they put all this stuff in there just to kind of... you know stretche it, out makes it more interesting maybe, I don't know.
I do enjoy their scenes together.Dont
Like the narco tns either.Way To much blood.

Nina, I agree, filler does make for a more interesting TN. IMO, the money laundering, MercyMe and her invisible kids (and not so invisible kid-Joe) are relevant and make for appropriate filler. Even Rosario's dilemma and now the Genesis/Steve relationship are pertinent to the actual story line--these characters have had a significant influence on the protags from the very beginning of the TN. It could be that the Letme/ErasMutt/TomAss storyline will be an appropriate "filler" but I have yet to see any benefit or hindrance to resolving the protags' situation.


TomAss. ? :-) :-) :-)

Yeah, Diana this girl kinda fits in doesn't she?

Does anybody know who that guy is in the pin with letty's daughter? And what is her name?
I've seen that guy that's plain Tomas
Before, without the 2-tone hair color.
I think he was a goodguy in that one, and I don't remember the name of it. I hope he's not about to creep us out with his bad behavior.Dumnilo is doing
Enough of that.

Another amazing pic, Kirby, what birds are those? I don't think I've ever seen those...beautiful color on the beaks and legs.

Nina, Letty's daughter's name is Maria and her son is Tadeo. The guy that's locked up with Maria and Tadeo has no name yet. He was arrested and shoved in there a couple episodes ago; it was implied that he was not from Mexico...probably some other country and was probably here for some time because he is the one that said that "here the gringos kill you because they think we come to steal their jobs, but it's work that none of them want to do."


Skimmers. Look closely, the lower mandible is longer than the upper. These are the ones who fly along right on the water with the lower mandible (bill) in the water and if it touches something edible it closes it's beak quickly and has a snack.

Thanks. OK back to normal

Nina, someone here (I forget who) noticed the actor who played TomAss (smiling RgvChick), Andres Zuno was also in Guapos. I looked him up and he was also in Pasion (both of which I saw but I only vaguely remember him from Guapos).


RgvChick, I'm not familiar with skimmers either. Kirby, more interesting information and another spectacular picture. Breath taking.


Gee, I enjoyed Passion ,but I cannot remember this actor in it. What part did he play? I remember William Levy, Marcelo Cordoba, and Sensation Rulli in it , but not this guy. Was it a minor role?

Thanks for the warning, Diana !

Alfredo, yes, now it's ringing a bell. He was a weasel in Pasion. Thank you!

Susanlynn, yes, it was a minor though pivotal part as Alfredo noted.

I'm looking for Ryan to ratchet things up a bit. He has a lot to atone for because of the Morgana debacle (IMHO). Women don't open their hearts, let alone open up to cheaters. Yes, I know they "technically" had broken up, but your brother's girlfriend? No thanks.

Happy Monday all...Sigh.


And of course, the actor played a terrible role in Guapos!!!


Good Morning, Everyone!!

Diana, ITA if I were Laustela, it would take me a VERY long time to forgive and forget...if ever. But this is TNland so everything is on FF mode.

I also feel for Joe (although not a saint). I'm assuming he was in a loveless marriage which doesn't excuse his infidelity, but people will always look for comfort/love elsewhere in those situations. And when there is someone who makes themselves available, it can be very hard to resist. MercyLess is giving him the cold/freezing shoulder and from what she said, she is most likely just gun-shy. She has had at least 2 failed relationships with age-appropriate men, her husband obviously cheated on her, so I can see where she would be doubtful of a younger man and his fidelity. We really don't know the circumstances under which she gave up the other child, so I'm still on the fence about her and hopeoing that, in the end, she will soften (which we are already seeing in regards to Paloma) and be content.

Trivial Observation: Some have already commented about how quickly Danilow's ranch was fixed up and even decorated, but did anyone notice the flag? That was puzzling to me.


Good morning. sunny, breezy , and 80 here on my patio, but it is supposed to go up yo 90 again.

Rvg..I did not notice the flag..just how luxurious the place had miraculously become.

I am getting a vague image if Tom in Paion. Longer hair? A soldier? Did he hit on Camila ?

I think that Ry should get a a dose of penicillin before pursuing Lestela again.

RgvChick - I didn't notice the flag. What was it of?

At Danilow's ranch...when Ryan was going into the house, I saw the American flag...on top of the house.


Sorry, Not when Ryan was going into the house, it was one of those shots they show when they change the setting for the next scene...they showed the front of Danilow's house and the American flag was flying above the house...I thought it was maybe the building is some type of government facility in RL.


Oh yes, now I remember it! Definitely not Danilo's doing, so they probably did some on location shooting at a government facility.

Oh yeah, I saw the flag, but thought it was just kind of one of those 'patriotic' things, since it is here in the US. I half assumed that the Rent-A-Bum / Greeter might have had it up there.

Kirby, Rent-A-Bum / Greeter,,,funny! Ivthought I was seeing things, had it been a flag with a skull, i wouldn't have questioned it.


I just came across a quote that seems to apply to Dan, both drugged and undrugged.

" Half of the harm that is done in the world is due to people who want to feel important." T S. Eliot

Temp is rising.

SusanLynn, how long ago did he write that? I wonder if his percentage would go up if he wrote that today.


RioChik yeah it was on a short pole on the very peek of that big cupola on the very top of the building. I swear, I remember them driving out there in this mid to late nineties red two dollar F-150 with a headlight mangled and silver accents and what they saw looked liker 'Away in a manger' with RAB/G stumbling out with his Daisy Red Rider.

Anyway, glad DaniLowerThanWhaleShit has it dolled up now for him and his new girlfriend, what's her name, CalLow?

"And the other half is done by people who think they are but are NOT."

Kirby Johnson, 2017

Thanks, Adriana!

People sure like to hit Danilo. I wonder how much brain damage has sustained so far, and how much more he can endure without inconvenient side-effects.

YES to Genesis and Steve!

It appears that the man we know as El Dorito is hoping to team up with Danilo against BunMan. So obviously El Dorito is not the real head honcho, because the real head honcho would just pay a bigger guy to push BunMan off of a roof.

...well, that's obvious to us, but Danilo is slow. See above regarding drain bamage.

Julie, how would we know there was brain damage?

Yeah, the problem with Danilo and brain damage is that we couldn't tell unless he had serious symptoms like if his speech center got knocked out. And I'm pretty sure that that particular symptom would make a lot of people very happy.

Oh, I did see a suggestion above that El Dorito might be playing with Danilo in accordance with the real boss's orders. ED can't be very bright himself if he thinks Danilo would be a good business partner, or if he thinks the two of them can take BunMan down.

I can't see an annoying insect like DaniLow being of more than a transient value to El Doeito and BunMan except for his part ownership in Furia.

That said, I thought El Dorito's hypnotic circular conversation was simply a setup to out DaniLow. On The Other Hand, I am not clear what purpose that would serve, as BunMan already knows he can not trust DabiLow, unless they are planning on having him do something even HE would normally balk at. And I can't imagine what that could be, short of cutting something off, or maybe killing his half brother. Julie, weren't you saying coke is a powerful anesthetic? :-)

OMG RvgChick- yes I definitely think his percentage would go up if he wrote it today and I'm not going to get political but y'all use your imagination.

Maybe ED,danilower,bunman will off
Each other.

Danilo is already a numbskull, so the coke probably can't hurt him too badly.

Poor Dan...

If he does meet an early demise, I suspect there might be many organs that could be harvested. Eyes? Lungs? Heart? etc.

Brain? Nopis.

Being dumb is one thing, but Dan never, ever learns his lesson. He just keeps going back for more.

Think you are right Julie, the coke will likely only numb the 1 or 2 fully functioning brain cells the man has. Ack.


Diana, heart? I don't think so...the man doesn't seem to have one. He started out as just being a dimwit, but he has slowly progressed to an egotistical megalomaniac. IMO, he will do anything (including killing his own half-bro) to get what he wants and does not like answering to people of authority...he wants total control over everything and everyone. And right now, he does have control over almost everyone at Furia--Ryan, Laustela, MercyMe, and Joe.

The coke...that will only destroy the few rational brain cells he has. It will only make him feel (more) invincible and intensify his desire for power..


Dani is good with Paloma (similar developmental ages). He actually seems to like her - I wonder if that will become significant at some point.

Julie, yes, he does seems to like her, but then she is of no threat to him and has nothing that he could want...other than Laustela's attention which he gets by telling Paloma to go play. Will it be significant? I doubt it, if anything, he may refrain from hurting someone in front of her. I hate to think what he would do to her if he and Blake ever cross paths and he finds out how valuable she is to Blake. Shudder, shudder, shudder...


What this TN needs is a break from all the baddies...send Ryan and Laustela to the island Rodrigo and Gaviota went to in DA , have them eat lots of hopeos for a few days, and give us something to root for.


What this TN needs is more funerals. Shooting, killing, blood, crying. teeth spitting out.
Sesame seed bun, no rapes, light on the mayo. And Ice Cream.

Like "The Perfect Country and Western Song"

Funerals? That depends on who you are hoping to kill off. If we are talking about pruning our bad guy collection, then I'm on board. There are way too many of them, and way too many of them are "mysterious."

I'd also be open to killing off Tomas whether he's a bad guy or not. He seems to have money to burn, and Leticia and her kids would appreciate the windfall. Because this is fiction, we don't have to wait for probate or anything, and the bank could just cut Leticia a check tomorrow. She will make even more money when she writes a book about the sex dungeon she finds in the basement.

HaHa Kirby, the Schwan's man just left my house and left plenty of ice cream!

Yup, yup, yup, Kill all the baddies...Steve is anxious to add to his list too, I bet.

Oh, and FREE CHAVA! FREE CHAVA! He can marry Leticia after her windfall.


Steve is so busy with La Piloto Bang ! Bang ! he is probably exhausted.

Hey Steve what kills more people than airplane crashes?
Airplane 'Women Drivers'......Ja Ja Ja

I am hopeoing that the two groups of baddies start taking each other out. I got my hopeos up when I thought that Cal had killed despicable Fausto..but

I wonder how long Laura was in that brothel and if Paloma is her daughter or one of the other girls. Is Blake the father or the abuelo?

Listening to Dan's singsong nonstop talking is getting on my last nerve. In one telenovela,we kept saying, "Shut up, Doris." Now, we need "Shut up, Dan.," His constant chattering is getting to be like nails on a chalkboard.

Julie, is it retroactive?

Heyyyy if she marries him and then he dies, does she have to give her papers back and go back to Mexico?
If not that is a pretty good business "Black Widow Immigration Service" Of course you would soon run out of .killable spouses, so you would have to get fake papers for them and fake their....Forget it too complicated, better to just sneak in at night.

I believe DaniLow's speech equivalent is Gomer Pyle USMC.


SusanLynn, I would be very surprised if Paloma turned out to be Laustela's daughter. Wouldn't her flashbacks include someone handing her the baby right after she delivered? And I also seriously doubt that Blake is the father...grandfather? maybe...but I would hate to think that Paloma has any of his blood...hopeoing NOT!

Kirby, looks like those pelicans are outnumbered :-)


Ugh, don't compare Danilow to Gomer Pyle. Gomer was nice. I also found Gomer's speech to be far more coherent than Danilo's.

I agree, Julie, I could understand Gomer much more than I can Danilow..or maybe it's all the slang that makes it more difficult to follow him.


Delurking after weeks of moving and catching up.
Good - Gensis and Steve cute couple alert, really that was it
Ryan you went all weak is water, see British comedy Are you Being Served, then you risk a lot to take Paloma. More scenes with Paloma and you might regain you galan status.
Laura trust the man who wants to protect your possible child, that is a good sign. Also when you kiss him do you not hear the theme music its meant to be.
Letica stop talking and listen to that little voice, its quiet but it is saying any man with a restraining order needs a second look.
Hoping this week we see a little happiness.
Side not how do we break Chav out of jail, do we need to contact the boys on Prison Break.


Sue those are the pelican's peeps.


Ya know the thing I really want is to see Danilow get his. Laura, I don't even care anymore. She's apparently got some pretty big secrets, but if they don't involve farm animals, Ryan will forgive her.

Leticia, if it's this much trouble, just get your kids and go back to Mexico. Lots of people are perfectly happy there. And I have a sneaky suspicion that one of these days Mexico may look pretty good compared to TomAss. You have two kids who adore you, quit while you are ahead, some people have much less.

After showing us what a great fellow Chava is, we only see him through bars. Huh?

DaniLow, arrogant, smirking, illiterate little punk ass, singsong talker can't even write a song ---- loser. Whatever BarBQueBun can dream up, I hope he is majorly pissed while he is concocting DaniLow's eventual punishment.

#WaitWhat? When did they change the name of the band. It was Heirarches of the Hills or something and now it is not even close. Jeraches or something.

I think the hierarchs of the hills was a captioning error. It's been los jerarcas (that's prolly not how you spell it)
oh look what's happening, giggity!

Hey, this is fun..commenting while the episode is on!!! I have no idea what's happening, but it looks like Mercyme just tried to fire Rita for some reason.

And Dan is meeting new folks. The more people he meets, the more chance of him rubbing someone the wrong way.

Wow, that is the BIGGEST door I have ever seen !!!

Yeah, it would be nice to comment while watching. And yes, Merciless tried to fire Rita. Maybe that door could fall on Danilow, break his jaw so he couldn't talk.


OK, their whole name is Las Jerarcas de la Sierra. So that translates to High Priests of the Mountains, which could also be Hierarchs of the Hills. But it's kind of weird to translate a band name.

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