Tuesday, June 06, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #22 6.6.17: A Star is Born...Under the Guise of Heavy Makeup and Cheap Extensions

• Calao finds Fausto exiting his hotel room and the two get into a fist fight. When Fausto gains the upper hand, and begins to choke Calao, he pulls out a knife and stabs Fausto in the ribs. Calao gets up, cleans his knife on Fausto’s shirt and leaves him a pool of his own blood.
• At Furia, Genesis instructs Leticia to start cleaning the empty offices for now. Leticia obliges but wants to know if she’s officially hired since she doesn’t have papers. Genesis tells her that she hasn’t but it will get sorted out soon. Genesis then leaves as Leticia pushes the cleaning cart to the first office. She bumps into Morgana, who tells her to watch out where she’s going, and leaves without another word. Leticia, however, remembers when Morgana went to Chavalin’s bakery and inquired about Laustela. She comments on how small the world is.
• Laustela tells Rosario about Ryan’s and Morgana’s recording. Rosario is shocked and Laustela chides herself for crying as Ryan is not worth it. She is also tired of crying, especially after all that happened to her in Mexico. Rosario then tells her that Rita is with Paloma but she needs money for her medicine. Laustela goes to get the money but Rosario demands to know what is going on as she’s been very distant lately.

• A man goes to throw away his garbage and finds Fausto. He goes to help and Fausto grabs him and demands he dial the last number in his cell phone, immediately. The man grabs Fausto’s cell phone from his pocket and dials.
• Laustela tells Rosario what happened with Danilo last night. Rosario now knows why he was asking so many questions though Laustela vows to kill him if he dares to do anything to Paloma. Danilo walks in, hopes they aren’t talking about him, and ask Laustela to be his girlfriend, much to hers and Rosario’s disgust. Laustela shakes her head but Danilo hopes Paloma doesn’t grow up alone, should Laustela deny his offer. Rosario wants to know what he wants but Danilo asks that she mind her business and asks Laustela again to accept his offer as she has nowhere to turn.
• At Mr. Blake’s house, a doctor looks over Fausto and tells Mr. Blake that Fausto was lucky as the knife wound missed any vital organs. He then leaves with Luisa to get paid as Mr. Blake asks Fausto about the attack. Fausto tells him that it was some random women and thanks Mr. Blake for his help. Mr. Blake is surprised to see he stayed in LA so Fausto reveals that Tona resurfaced though he hasn’t told her that Laustela is alive because Estela Carrillo isn’t Laura Oviedo. Mr. Blake shrugs, doubtful.
• Laustela reminds Danilo that she will keep quiet about the money laundering and sing in his band but nothing else. Danilo reminds her that he still likes her and wants her for himself as Ryan walks in and demands to know what is happening. Danilo asks Laustela to give Ryan the good news: she and Danilo are officially in a serious relationship. Ryan is shocked and Danilo kisses Laustela, who tries her hardest to not throw up in his mouth. Ryan wishes Laustela the best, in her relationship and solo career, as Danilo tells them that everyone gets what they deserve. Ryan storms out as Danilo asks if he seemed mad.
• Mercy goes to her office with Joe and asks him about the problem at Furia that he refused to tell her about last night. Joe is hesitant but can’t say more as Ryan comes in and curses Danilo before telling them that Laustela and Danilo are officially together. Mercy worries that Furia will suffer because of this but Ryan vows to win the 20% and storms out.
• Rosario chides Danilo for betraying Ryan but Danilo explains that they are only half-brothers and Walter always reminded him of that fact. Laustela reminds Danilo that there will be nothing between them, despite what they tell the world, but Danilo thinks that she will fall for him like she did with Ryan. Laustela slaps him and Danilo smiles at how hard she hits. He then asks how he can soften her heart before telling her that the man who has been bothering her will do so no longer. Laustela asks if he killed the man but Danilo reminds her that she owes him big time. He then drags her to the stage as she must learn all his band’s songs as Rosario looks on, dejected.
• Luisa as Mr. Blake if he wants her to get rid of Tona but he shakes his head though he worries Tona may kill Laura when he needs her alive and well. Luisa reminds her that Laura may not be alive but Mr. Blake is tired of talking about the same thing. He prefers to talk business and Luisa asks if she calls the Senator to go over everything but Mr. Blake is quiet.
• Ryan finds Laustela resting her head in the hallway and goes to ask if she’s tired from rehearsal since it’s official that she’s part Danilo’s band. Laustela asks him to leave her be as he slept with a woman he doesn’t even like and Morgana told her so. Ryan reminds her that she is dating Danilo but Laustela reminds him that she and Danilo have no slept together. Ryan thinks that’s strange, since she has already gotten all she’s wanted, but Laustela tells him that he slept with Morgana out of revenge and he will regret it one day, just like all the mean-spirited things he’s told her lately. Ryan doesn’t think so but she already has a new boyfriend to take care of her and storms out.
• Laustela gets up and walks back to the stage before running into Leticia. They hug and she explains that Genesis got her a job, though it’s probationary as they wait if her lack of papers. Laustela promises to help her as well as Leticia asks if she spoke with Chavalin about the woman who was asking her about her. Laustela nods and Leticia reveals that she just saw the woman and her name is Morgana. Laustela tells Leticia to stay away, as Morgana is dangerous, and Leticia nods.
• In the lobby, Danilo runs into Ryan, who demands to know what his problem is. Danilo just wants to make things clear: Laustela has moved on and he needs to move on as well. He then tells Ryan that he is convening a press conference tomorrow to announce Laustela as the new vocalist. Ryan thinks it’s ridiculous to record an album with Morgana’s voice only to announce Laustela as a vocalist as the press will eat him alive but Danilo thinks that his band is on the up and up with Laustela. Ryan reminds him that his band is part of Furia, and he can’t just do what he wants. In fact, Laustela won’t sing in his band but Danilo reminds him that the decision has been made. Ryan thinks he only made Laustela a vocalist because he wants to sleep with her but Danilo tells Ryan that he will make sure Laustela forgets all about him. Ryan then punches Danilo, who hits the ground hard, as several bystanders swarm them and hold Ryan back. Ryan shakes them off and walks away but Danilo gets up and launches at Ryan. As they continue to fight, Genesis begs Ryan to stop but both continue to go at it.
• In Puebla, Maria packs a giant bag as Tadeo chides her for bringing so many thin, especially when they will be traveling through the desert. Maria tells him that it’s all she has and reminds him that he is bringing his guitar too. Tadeo thinks he can get a job with the guitar, while she can’t with her bag of things, and Maria proposes they call Leticia and ask for more money so they can travel in style. Tadeo takes the phone away and proposes they empty some things from her bag instead.
• Danilo and Ryan continue to fight as Genesis reminds them that they are causing a scene. Danilo asks Ryan to stop but chides him for hitting his brother. Ryan reminds him that they are only half-brothers and Danilo already betrayed him. Danilo can’t believe that he caused a scene, just for a woman, but Ryan wants Danilo out of his house ASAP. Danilo obliges but reminds Ryan that he won’t kick him out of Furia before storming out.
• The next day, Laustela tells Rosario that they need to leave Ryan’s house ASAP. Just then, Ryan comes and Paloma asks him why he’s all beat up. Ryan explains that he fell and Paloma asks if he is moving away with them because she wants him to be her father. Ryan explains that he will not but he will always love her, regardless. Rosario then takes Paloma to the garden as Ryan looks at Laustela, who thanks him for saying those kind words to Paloma. Ryan tells her that he feels them though he wonders how Laustela will tell Paloma that Danilo is going to be her new father. Laustela explains that he will understand her actions, one day, but Ryan leaves without another word.
• At Furia, Danilo goes over the new status quo with the band. Danilo will stay on as the manager but the band should adjust their songs to adhere to a female soloist. Laustela comes and reminds them that she has no other choice though the band members are happy to have her there and compliment her singing and class. Laustela asks them not to exaggerate but the band members think she is amazing and tell her so. Danilo then asks them to begin rehearsal before they go to the press conference. Laustela looks uncomfortable as hell.
• Joe asks Genesis about Soto, who has not come back, and Genesis explains that she called his wife, who tell her that Soto has been sick lately. Jose will follow up with Soto’s wife later and Genesis takes the opportunity to tell Joe about Leticia, hers and Laustela’s friend who will be the new cleaning person. Joe thinks it’s fine, if she talked to Ryan and Mercy, but Genesis reveals that Leticia is undocumented, much to Joe’s chagrin.
• Fausto eats breakfast as Luisa tells him that he is leaving tomorrow because Mr. Blake’s house is not a hotel. Fausto thinks it’s horrible that she must take care for a blind man but Luisa reveals that he saved her life and she owes him. She then tells Fausto to reiterate to Mr. Blake that Laura is dead though he would like to think otherwise. Fausto reminds her that Mr. Blake would like to look elsewhere but Luisa know he would only do so for more money and reminds him that he leaves tomorrow before storming out. Fausto laughs at her bad attitude.
• Danilo storms into Joe’s office, pissed that Joe, Ryan and Mercy have left him alone at the press conference but Joe explains that they don’t agree with his changes and have decided not to attend. Danilo tells him that his band’s decisions are his as he is the manager but Joe explains that it was a cooperate decision and suggests he doesn’t get into any more trouble. Danilo tells Joe that he doesn’t need insubordination in his company and fires Joe, who promptly tells him to go to hell as he’s worked there for 10 years. As they are about to get into a fight, Mercy bursts into the office and asks them if fights have become the new norm. Danilo demands Joe leave but Mercy explains that he can’t fire the company’s lawyer. Danilo smiles and threatens to reveal that Mercy and Joe were lovers before Walter died. Joe pushes Danilo, who pushes back, and tells him that he is bringing his own lawyer to Furia because Joe won’t meddle into his affairs again. Danilo then storms out as Joe and Mercy wonder where Ryan is during all this mess.
• Ryan is swimming in the pool when Morgana comes, scarcely dressed in a bathing suit, and tells Ryan that she has not been able to recapture Danilo’s attention. Ryan wonders if that’s why she told Laustela that they slept together and Morgana apologizes. Ryan tells her it doesn’t matter and Morgana wonders where she will live now. Ryan suggests she stay, as Danilo and Laustela are on their way out, and Morgana gets in the pool and tells Ryan that she knows he is only letting her stay to make Danilo and Laustela jealous. She then suggests they have a child together though, to get the 20% Danilo so desperately wants. She hugs him and Ryan doesn’t stop her.
• In the dressing room, Laustela tells Rosario and Genesis that she wishes she could leave Furia ASAP as the recent changes in Danilo’s band have only caused her trouble, especially with Ryan. Genesis asks her why Ryan would care and Rosario explains that Laustela is now also Danilo’s girlfriend. Genesis is shocked, as Danilo doesn’t seem like her type, but Laustela asks her to stop because she is now a different woman. Genesis doesn’t understand but she goes outside to check on the press as Laustela tells Rosario that people will now think the worse of her. Rosario suggests she not think about it because they know the real reason that she’s doing it. Laustela agrees as there is a knock on the door. It’s a stylist they called to give her look an update. Laustela smiles and nods as the stylist explains what he is going to do.
• At the press conference, Danilo explains that he has chosen a new voice because is now the owner of Furia and thought it was best to make way for a new incarnation of the band. Either way, his efforts will be focused elsewhere though he may collaborate on a song or two moving forward. The reporters are surprised that he will no longer be singing, especially since they just released an album with his and Morgana’s voice but Danilo thinks it would still be a good collector’s item. Milton does have one question: what will be different about his band at a time when any idiot can build a band. Danilo tells them that not any idiot can build one, though the new soloist would a woman and her name is…
• Laustela, all dollied with curly hair, extensions to her back, a tight corset, and shorts with a bedazzled hat, announces herself as Regia! She makes her way onstage, under the cover of shadows, and announces that she will show them what she’s made up before asking the band members to begin their song. She begins to sing as everyone watches, mesmerized.
• Ryan pushes Morgana away and tells her that he won’t use her to have a baby nor to get the extra 20%. Morgana jumps on him and tells him that she would be okay with that but Ryan is looking for something else. Morgana realizes that he is talking about Laustela and suggests he force her to register Paloma as his but Ryan proposes they change. Morgana wonders what he would like to talk about or they don’t have to talk either and she kisses him.
• Laustela finishes the song and everyone claps as she goes to hug Rosario offstage. The reporters continue to bombard Danilo with questions and Danilo announces that he is also the manager and creative director so they should take it easy on him. He explains that Regia will sing their new songs, old songs and they are working on new material as well. Milton, frustrated with the situation, leaves.
• Rosario tells Laustela that she looked incredible and Laustela smiles and admits that her dream came true, despite all the pain and suffering that she has endured. Milton comes and tells her that, despite all the makeup and the new outfit, he knows she is really Estela Carrillo. Laustela asks him to leave and go write another disparaging story about her but Milton admits that he is surprised by her authenticity and voice, especially in a genre of music where you aren’t easily surprised. He congratulates her on her talent and leaves as Laustela smiles with Rosario.
• Later, after Laustela has changed, Danilo walks into the dressing room and congratulates her on her new public image. He reminds her that all questions should go through him first though and then asks Rosario to leave him alone with Laustela as he needs to talk to her. Rosario obliges, after some discussion, and Danilo reminds Laustela that everything they talk about is between them. Laustela nods but tells him that she isn’t afraid of him. Danilo reminds her that she should fear the people he works for and leaves.
• At the park, Leticia explains her current situation to Tomas and hopes to win some money, quick, so she can help her children. Tomas offers to pay for her children’s plane tickets but Leticia shakes her head though she will go back for them personally so they don’t have to cross the desert themselves. She then confesses that she misses them very much.
• In his room, Morgana continues to kiss Ryan but he stops her and asks that she not say anything to anyone about their encounter that morning. Morgana asks that he not leave her hot and bothered but Ryan asks her to leave again as Mercy comes and catches them. Morgana walks out, goes for her bathing suit, and then walks out again, as Mercy shakes her head and wonders when her home became a brothel. Ryan explains that nothing happened but Mercy laughs and asks if he and Danilo are exchanging women.
• Leticia begins to cry and Tomas tells her that everything will be okay. He then asks her to repeat that everything is going to be okay, in English, before smiling. He caresses her face and she smiles too.
• In the Mexican-US border, Tadeo and Maria travel by truck as the driver warns them to get down when he tells them. Tadeo grabs Maria’s hand and tells her that everything will be okay. Maria is scared that their parents will be mad but they have no chance to think as the driver cut off by another truck. Two armed men get out, find Tadeo and Maria in the backseat, drag them into their truck and drive away. The driver of the truck they were originally in throws his guitar and her bag on the ground and drives off.
• Mercy demands to know if he will let Danilo keep the company. She suggests he negotiate with Laustela or offer Danilo another record deal, anything so that he doesn’t keep the 20%. Ryan shakes his head and Mercy reveals that Danilo already fired Joe and they are going to be in big trouble should he gain more power. Ryan wants to kill him but Mercy suggests he register Paloma as his, then all their problems would be solved. Ryan doesn’t want to use Paloma as a pawn in their sick game but Mercy reminds him that Paloma will have a better life with him, especially because he loves her as a daughter. Ryan doesn’t agree and Mercy thinks they should find a way to register the girl without Laustela’s consent. Ryan doesn’t agree with that either so Mercy gives up, for now, though she will put order in her house at it is her right. She storms out as Ryan sighs.
• Tomas goes with Leticia to look at an apartment. It seems like it is in a bad neighborhood, and far from peaceful, but she will take what she can get. She thanks him for coming, especially because she can’t continue to live with Genesis for free, but Tomas is sure that she will get to keep her job at Furia. Tomas then opens the door to the apartment and they find that the inside is worse than the outside. The landlord comes and they shake hands. Leticia admits that she thought the apartment would be better but it has two rooms, as she requested. The landlord reveals that it’s only one room, as the other is being rented by a couple who already paid, and explains that the rent is so cheap because of this. Leticia didn’t know it was cheap, as she can barely pay it, but Tomas suggests she go to his apartment. Leticia shakes her head and Tomas promises to find another apartment for her as that one is too disgusting.
• Maria and Tadeo are taken to a shack by the desert and tied up. Maria tries to scream for help but the men tell her that they are kilometers from anyone. Tadeo wonders why they were taken but promises Maria that he won’t let any harm come to her. They see that the shack is filled with other teenagers, just like them, tied up against the wall.
• Danilo comes home with Laustela and Rosario as Augustin comes down with their bags. Mercy tells them that, as a courtesy, she asked all their things be packed so they can leave faster. Rosario thinks it is for the best though Laustela reminds Mercy that she and Ryan used her and now want to kick her out. Danilo wants to know what she is talking about but Laustela only wants to know where Paloma is. Mercy doesn’t answer though she chides Laustela for using them to get into Furia. Laustela reminds her that she is a manipulator as well but Mercy wants her out of the house, ASAP. Morgana comes and eggs Mercy on but Mercy tells her that she wants her gone too as Ryan comes down the stairs and asks that everyone calm down. Mercy tells Ryan that she’s tired of living with these two “women of the night” but Ryan announces that Morgana stays, much to Laustela’s chagrin. Morgana acts hurt at Mercy’s words but Danilo thinks it took Ryan no time to fall in love with Morgana. He grabs Laustela, who shakes off his touch, as Paloma comes down the stairs with Rita. Laustela tells her they must go but Paloma wants to stay and Mercy suggests she leave her with them so the little girl can have a decent life. Laustela thinks Mercy is crazy to even suggest it and Danilo suggests she come with him to the ranch Walter left him. Laustela doesn’t want to but Danilo grabs Paloma from Laustela and asks the girl if she would like to go to a place full of butterflies. Paloma nods and Danilo tells them that there is plenty of room at the ranch for all of them. Laustela is quiet and Danilo suggests she leave with them as Paloma will be most comfortable if Laustela takes care of her. Laustela finally agrees but warns mercy and Ryan that she will see them at Furia before storming out with Rosario, Paloma, and Danilo…


Alfredo, you never cease to amaze me. How you manage to write these recaps so quickly and comprehensively is unbelievable. Thank you for being so generous with your time and talent.

I don't know how much longer I can put up with Danodious. He has become so hateful and repulsive...I feel nauseated just to look at him and listen to his obnoxious remarks and threats. He is out of control; he thinks he has pretty much everyone under his control...I can't wait till someone finally decides to do the right thing and bring him down. I want to see Tasmania devour him...very slowly.

Why do these women keep making such asinine decisions--LetMeBeDesperate is actually going to go live with a complete stranger; Laustela is going to go live at Danodious's ranch...talk about going from "Guatemala a Guatepeor" (Spanish expression for going from bad to worse).

Fauxpas survived--cosa mala nunca muere (bad things never die) and Letme's kids might just end up with La Toña. AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!

I guesss it's obvious that I am extremely upset after this episode...I need to eat a whole box of Hopeos.



Dang, you're quick, Alfredo! I'm still watching the episode... in fact, right this minute, Leticia and Tomas are sitting on a park bench with an ad for beer. After pizza and hot dogs, now beer. Remind me never to visit that park!

Holy crap, this is horrible to watch. I'm going to bed and reading the recap in the morning :-( (Leticia's kids, what the hell?!)

Thanks Alfredo, good recap of a very Stressful episode. These people are
Uber crazy. I'll comment more on tomorrow.

Thanks Alfredo. What took you so long? :-)
Is this show supposed to be comedy? Like Spanish version slapstick?

I missed a lot of it running to the kitchen for Hopeos. (burp)
'scuse me...

So Summer Camp, no, that's not it, what's the producer's name, something camp, anyway, you know, is known for "Message" TNs, we have heard. Given that, what is the message we are being taught here? The only thing I am getting is "Squirrels are much smarter than humans."

Or is it "Totally unsupervised teenagers may make unhealthy decisions."?

If Leticia Rivera (English translation LetMe BeStupid) moves OUT of living at Genesis and IN with Tomas the Strange Stranger, can we assume she is bright enough to clean toilets and mop floors? God forbid this chick ever get a drivers license.

They need to take just a small portion of that hundred kay LauStela is toting around or has hidden somewhere, and have DaniLow killed. Simplest thing for all concerned. Hide it from his DaniLow's Mother, and then Ryan has his company back.

Alfredo: The Train-wreck continues!

Good morning, all. I have not even had my bowl of Hopeos yet , and here is the recap. Alfredo, you are amazing and amazingly kind. Thank you.

I have not had a chance to read the recap yet, but I love the title.

This episode was excruciating to watch. I guess none of these people ever had someone say the words that I sent my children out the door with every morning , " BE kind. Do your best. Make good decisions."

Fausto lives...boo. Satan must be putting. He has such plans for him.Fausto acted like he was at a fine hotel having room service.

LEtmetakeachance may be in big trouble with TOmas. So he actually has a hone to take her to??? Where does he get the money because he always seems to be roaming around that park. Or is his home in another brothel?

I cannot stand listening to DAn,sing song voice. He is so irritatingly arrogant.I am so hoping that Badbun discovers what he is up to and grills him. Yeah, I am ready for Dan on the Barby...

I think that my favorite scene was at the very end when Morforme noisly bit into that apple standing next to Mercy.

Pouting..not putting. Sorry. I need my Hopeos.

"Aman goes to throw away his garbage and...." Finds more garbage..Fausto.

Who is Danilo's mother? Do we know her?

There has only been brief mention of her Julie. Some woman , obviously, who MercyMe's husband had and affair with. I got the impression it was much more than a one time thing. But we don't know whether she is alive or dead now.

" Morforme noisily bit into that apple". yeah, me too, it reminded me of Roy Rogers giving Trigger an apple.

Okay..loved the recap..hated the episode. So much angst . So many bad people! I wonder how long Laura was in that bordella.

This is another telenovela where I hate both the antagonists and the (supposed) galan. Evidently the definition of galan has changed in the last few years. The reason the new movie Wonder Woman is such a success , I think, is that she is a true hero..strong, intelligent, compassionate, protective. ..yeah, the way heroes should be. I hate both Ry and Dan. Joe seems sweet but he is cheating on his wife...and his has young children. The jury is still out on Dicey Park Dude Tomas. We will have to wait to see what hapoens when Letmedancewithdanger moves in with him. I am skeptical.

Question..Does that rundown "ranch" even have a livable structure on it? I do not like the way Dan grabs Paloma away from Laura . The bad bordella folks are still pursuing Laura, so maybe slipping away to the "ranch" will be to her benefit for now because Faust knew she lived at Mercyme's mansion.

So..is Ry's strategy to work on having a baby with Morchances ? I cannot believe that he has fallen for her blatant play for him.

It pisses me off that they want to show a guy like Ryan as a stereotypical weak man with no self discipline and self control who falls into Morgagme's juvenile trap. Believe me I have shut down more Morganas than I have fingers and toes. For every Morgiveittome, there are ten nice girls who are just as hot (and a LOT sexier) who you can actually talk to also. OK...

Sue we saw an old hermit looking fellow living there when DaniLow and MorGoLower drove out there but what he came out of did not look like what we would call a liveable structure, IE: running water, electricity and air conditioning.

FWIW, Dicey Tom looks like a wormy little shrimp so if push comes to shove, hopefully DancesWithWolf will be almost a physical equal if she needs to escape.

Hey, all, busy morning but I managed to eat a whole box of Hopeos drenched in dark chocolate syrup and I am still limited in "good thoughts" about this episode.

SusanLynn, according to what D-evil has been saying, he has been working on it and it is almost ready to be moved into.

Kirby, Trigger will not be happy to be have any type of association/comparison with MorgaSlut...conniving (W)ITCH!

If D-evil's mom is still alive, I feel sorry for her...and she would probably deny, to her dying breath, that D-evil is NOT her son.

If cRyinWoos goes running to Stevie or his Mommy with his troubles and is willing to give MorgaSlut the time of day, then he deserves her and her devil-child. Good riddance!

What's with Blake? He wants Laura "alive." Why? To torture her? Beat her? Get her back into his "beezness"? Or does she have something on him...some type of incriminating evidence?

And TazLuisa seems to want Laura to stay "dead?" Why? Is she jealous of her?

What Laustela needs to do is go to CuteCop (hopeoing that he is a young Harrison Ford/ Denzel Washington type), tell him all she knows so he can get all the baddies, and have him put her, Paloma, Rosario...and even Chavalin, into the witness protection program.

Ocampo's message (IMO): If you go to the USA illegally, you will have some part in prostitution, human trafficking, money laundering, blackmail, torture, murder...let's see what else? so much more bad stuff...

still waiting for those Hopeos to take effect...



Kirby, " Dicey Tom looks like a wormy little shrimp" ITA I know we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but this guy...mmmmm, bad vibes, bad vibes, bad vibes)) )) )) )) ))


RioChik....and if you're moppin floors even a good boss (Chava) may not pay minimum wage, time and a half for over forty and double time for Sundays and provide complete health insurance.


Well, I was thinking he could get into some kind of accounting business, but even if he didn't pay minimum wage, I'd rather work for a sweet, kind-hearted soul than an evil scumbucket...and I'd do some moonlighting (the good kind).


PS at 12:39 I meant cRyinWuss, not cRyinWoos...although that could fit too.

Kirby, that's a beautiful eagle...that tail is mesmerizing


Chava looked to have a pretty respectable little bakery going, I assume he was the owner, as it closed when he was arrested. His LetMe issue appeared to be that he created a job for LetMe out of the goodness of his heart, as he was not 'replacing a departed worker' and she somehow based on one TV spot mistakenly believed she was now on the payroll of General Electric or Ford or somebody.

If Chava can get out of jail somehow and quit his moonlighting, or moonlight fixing computers or lawnmowers or something legal, he should be OK. Just stay away from delusional people, it rubs off on you. It is hard for capable men to resist being 'fixers' or heroes. Better known as 'I have a big problem I can't solve, so I will just give it to YOU, and now it is yours, not mine.' Boy, it would be easy to mistype Heroes as Hopeos. Funny how life works.

Yeah, Crying Wuss is about right. Like, you have a pair, Ryan, they are handy for more than undercover work.

Thanks. That is why I took it, because it is hard to get a top shot of that big white tail in the sun.

Kirby: "It pisses me off that they want to show a guy like Ryan as a stereotypical weak man with no self discipline and self control"

Hey, it pisses me off that they want to show a guy like Ryan as a galan. He's pathetic. We could stuff him full of Hopeos and it would not fix the problem, though it might get him hopped up because Hopeos are full of caffeine.

In fiction, we have all kinds of heroes, including antiheroes, but unfortunately we're not seeing a lot of any kind of hero in TNs lately. At best, we get disappointing people who have occasional moments of heroism.

Ryan is more a victim than a hero. I get it that even heroes have their bad days; Superman died once. But shouldn't we be able to see a spark of heroism in our galan no matter how bad things get? I don't see that with Ryan. He is being a boob.

Danilo is a boob too, but at least he owns his boobitude. Ryan sure snapped out of that shame spiral quickly.

I still say the simple solution is to have DaniLow killed. It just makes sooo many problems go away.

This telenovela just keeps sinking lower and lower on the happy scale. Maybe we are supposed to feel grateful that we dont know any of these people and have relatively safe, happy lives. Well, that is what I am hanging on to for now.

Almost all the guys are stupid or evil or both. The women have all been abused or had cheating mates . Morg is a product of some dark past! However, we do not know the back stories on Rosario and Gen. Happy pasts...probably not. Where are the characters to admire and emulate? If I were considering coming to the U.S. , I would be scared off. I have got to see something with a strong woman theme. A woman who is not being terrorized by the men..or other women.. around her

So what did you think about the brawl? That was kinda wussy too. To me, they weren't hitting each other very hard..they seemed to be using their forearms rather than fists.

Yeah, Chava did "have a pretty respectable little bakery," but he wasn't doing the baking. He told LetMe that he would have someone/some other business bring in the baked goods. I 'm thinking it was more of a "front" for his other business.


Julie..",Hopeos are full of caffeine"...I did not know that. Maybe I should stop eating them before bedtime.

Are they trying to show us spoiled little rich kid Gringo or something with cRyanWuss? That is what he looks like with all these people kissing his behind stealing cars on command and his Porsche and mansion. And WEAK.

I wouldn't follow him into battle.

SusanLynn, Hopeos come in "caffeine-free" too...


I have no idea what they are trying to show us with cRyanWuss. He has not shown any bravery, intelligence, strength, (physical) restraint or any other qualities of a "galan."


Thanks, Alfredo. Great title and recap. A man goes to throw away his garbage and finds Fausto. -- This made me laugh.

I did enjoy the fistfight between Ryan and Danilo. And kudos to Leticia for telling Laustela about Morgana’s snoop visit to Chavelin’s bakery -- not keeping mum about important stuff like everybody else. Other than that, last night was the pits.

Laustela nods but tells him [Danilo] that she isn’t afraid of him.
Really? Then why did you agree to join his band, move to his ranch, and keep Ryan in the dark about his money laundering? Hope you at least retrieve that gun and hang on to it.

But Ryan is the most deluded of the them all to think he can sex it up with Morgana and toss her out when he's ready. She is a human tick and will not be shaken off for nada.

If Tomas is a hustler, he's better at it than I thought. Chavelin, hurry up and get out of the pokey. All hell is breaking loose with the dummies on the outside.

Kirby.." It is hard for capable men not to be fixers and heroes." Wow, did that sentence hit me. Ever since Hubba was a teen, he has been called on to move refrigerators, take care of his sister, help his family, and get jobs to pay his own way. His phrase is " Everybody wants me to make it happen." He has taken care of me, his parents and my parents as they aged, his children, his grandbabies, friends, and random strangers Now,that's a hero.

How old is David Z? Isnt he a little long in the tooth to be playing a spoiled little boy living at home with his mom and letting her scold him about his girlfriends? Now, Dan looks very young and could have been one of the spoiled teenage boys I had in detention Hall in the past.

Sue, yeah me too. I speak from experience. If it were not for people like your 'Hubba' half the stuff on this planet would not get done. People know better than to even bother calling the useless fellows.

A human tick is pretty good. Who was it in another TN we all saw we called a human barnacle?

Susanlynn -- God bless your husband and all the unsong heroes like him. They are the ones that truly make this world a better place and I don't know what I'd do without them.

Ryan is no more than a spoiled brat right now. I wish Mercy could kick him out too, but then it's his house. This TN moves fast though, so hopefully this downturn won't last long. Maybe Steve will put his foot down.

In RL, DZ is 43 and Dan is 28. I don't know how old they are supposed to be in the TN, just that CryanWuss is older than D-evil.


My guess is Danilo is 20 something and Ryan low 30s. Before the will reading, Mercy wasn't bugging Ryan about giving her grandkids like most moms would've if Ryan were pushing 40.

Niecie...Oh, I did not know that Ry owned the house. Mercyme surely acts like she is the Queen of the castle.

Kirby..I think that there is at least one barnacle \tick in each and every telenovela. Disgrace and Lilian really stuck to that house no matter what happened or how many times Dave told them they were leaving. Well, in the end,they finally left...one went to jail and the other to the great beyond.

Ry is making Dave look good . Dave resisted Gracie for most of the show no matter the state of undress she was in or how grabby kissy she got. . .and Gracie did not outwardly look like a streetwalker like Morg. I guess everything is relative. When Dave starts looking strong and ethical , you know that the current galan is pretty pathetic.

Alfredo, you continually top yourself! Not an easy feat. Thank you for another wonderful gift - this sterling recap.

The title was perfection. Wow.

"Ryan is shocked and Danilo kisses Laustela, who tries her hardest to not throw up in his mouth" had me smiling away. Of course, I also loved the garbage/Fausto line. Side bar worthy.

"Ryan wonders if that’s why she told Laustela that they slept together and Morgana apologizes. Ryan tells her it doesn’t matter"...OK. Will someone please refresh my memory as to why we are supposed to like Ryan? Two unlikeable siblings.

Galan?? None here.

I fell asleep and missed most of this. Julie and RgvChick, if you had a hard time watching the children being kidnapped, I would also have. Leave the kids out of it.

Alfredo, I'm also confused why Leticia seems intent on moving from Genesis' kind hospitality. And speaking of...What is Genesis' story? She is sweet, kind, beautiful and her midriff tops don't bother me in the slightest (unlike Morgana, who obviously does not own any full length blouses). Seems she might be far more interesting that Let. And I suspect, a tad bit brighter.

Calao is going to be in hot water when it's discovered Fausto (unfortunately) lives.

Kirby, we need Chava back. Pronto.

Susanlynn, it's nice that your husband is so kind, caring and generous with his time. It seems like you both are a match made in heaven. God bless.

Alfredo, thank you!

Back to work...


I must have selective amnesia where Milton is concerned. I never recognize him when I see him, I when I see his name I always think, who's that? I've recovered for now. Maybe next time I'll figure it out faster.

I believe Leticia's reason for trying to find an affordable place with two rooms is because she's expecting to bring the kids over soon. (One room for them to live in, and one room for the pet unicorn.) I don't know if she still thinks she's getting Erasmo back, too. But she should absolutely stay with Genesis for as long as possible.

If this water waiting for DaniLow gets any hotter it is going to boil away before he makes his splash. I assume CalLow will join him.

The LetKids would have never pulled the boneheaded stunt they did if they knew the truth about EraseMutt. So a big part of this falls on LetMePretendItAintSo for leading her kids on rather than just telling them the hard cold truth. If they are big enough to attempt to illegally sneak into another country they are big enough to know that their Mom and Dad are like the parents of about half the kids they know------not together. It is only unfathomable to LetMeBeStupid.

Well kids I didn't know how to tell you that your Pappy has pretty (:-)) much abandoned us, but I have replaced him with this nice man who lives in the park.


Kirby, "I didn't know how to tell you that your Pappy has pretty (:-)) much abandoned us"
Great line...you're so smart!

I agree, had LetMeLie been honest with them, they wouldn't have attempted such a dangerous trip.


Kirby, maybe Leticia will go a step further and pretend to the kids that Tomas is Erasmo. "Now kids, I know Daddy looks a little different. He's very self-conscious and doesn't want to talk about it, so please don't say anything."

Alfredo, you worked your magic and made a purse of silk out of pigs hide.
Even tho The episode was harsh. That Dumbasslo is pondscum. He has really sunk to a new low. Hes got a target on his back and front.If he gets hit they
Won't know who did it,he done pist off
So many people. Laura better not hop in the sack with that parasite. She already Did that with fallin fausto.
He's another parasite. The people she has involved herself with.Her and ryan
Are two of the most screwed up main love Characters I have ever seen in a tn. And they're sitting on the couch just Running each other down, and both of them are to blame. Making them lame ass Bad choices. And paloma stuck in the Middle of that foolishness. Both of em Need a stick on their butts,just for Being stupid and dumb. On purpose.
Ok rant over, until the next time. And
That Will probably be after tonite.

Tomas:wouldn't it be interestingly shocking if he turned out to be EL D?
It could happen. Look at who we've been considering being EL D. We have a
Certain look in mind. What if he looks
Like a white blond guy: enter Tomas. Guys at this point nothing would surprise me.
These people are crazy on this show.

And what's the big secret Laura is hiding? Why O why wont she just spill
The beans? Inquiring patio people want
To know. In the meantime we watch two teen bonehead youngins get kidnapped for the Sextrade thats so goshdarn popular around the world today. When
They should have kept their butts home
Til mom could send the money. But look
Who mom and dad is, where's the smart
Cell? It probably jumped ship when it saw there was no hope of being used.

I did not mean to write this much. But I'm sitting in the garage waiting room waiting for my car to be fixed so I got nothing else better to do,so I comment.
I hope Tomas is a good, cuz if he is
Leticia you have hit the tn jackpot baby. What if he wealthy? Then she can eat off of Doritos and hopeos can get her hot little hands on. Ok that's it for now.
That Sir Alfredo.

Then she can eat all the Doritos and hopeos she can get her hot little hands on" is what it was supposed to say.

Julie that is as plausible as ErasMutt dumping 'Pretty' and coming back to Delusional Chick.

Rio: Thanks, takes one to know one.

NiNa you are on a roll: where's the smart (brain) Cell?
It probably jumped ship when it saw there was no hope of being used.

Kirby those eagles are beautiful against that blue sky, we don't have blue sky up here in North florida been raining all day for the past two days. Not complaining cuz we needed this rain to put out those fires. every now and then we will get a blue patch. It's Good sleepin in weather.

Milton may be someone that may prove to be more helpful than harmful. He was a lot more cordial than previous times; and he did understand and agree to keep "Estela's" name out of the news.

I'm trying to be hopeoful...


Thanks NiNa it has been raining for 4 days here in SorrySota too. But Goodbye fires, Hello green grass.

But you have to catch the right angle for the sky to come out blue blue blue in a photo. Try explaining that to an Eagle. :-)

Is Milton, Wilmer in La Piloto an hour later? That's what scrambled my brain cells. They could be brothers.

Milton is persistent, so you might be right, RgvChick. And, being a reporter, he is probably our best candidate to be an undercover superhero.

I don't know if it's weird or not, but right now I'm feeling more suspense over Leticia's stuff than the Laura-Ryan-Morgana-Danilo mess. Maybe because of those four, Laura is the only one I like, and because I think that story will be in spin cycle for a while, whirling around and around. Meanwhile, I haven't the faintest clue where Leticia's story is going or what Tomas is up to, and I can't wait to see where it goes.

As for Fausto, how nice for him that he didn't die. That was a deep wound, though. It could get infected. Here's hoping.

More explanation on Milton--after Milton told Laustela that he knew she was Estela Carrillo, she told him she did not want to use a name that had brought her so many problems. He then told her that he is not the type of reporter that would destroy in one single report that which may bring him many more (opportunities for follow-up reports).


Kirby, no not the same guy as in La Piloto


Kirby..Your photos are amazing. We need calendars.

Question..When Tomas told Letmegetinmoretrouble that she should live with him, did he mean in the park on that bench? So far, we have had no sign of either a job or a home for Tom.

I hopeo nothing bad happens to those two crazy , stupid kids who tried to run for the border.

I hate most of these people.

She (Laustela) was not exactly a saint in La Malaquerina either, but was slimmer.

Thanks Sue. The originals are high resolution pretty high quality. If you see something you could use, just ask, I luuuuurve giving my pics away.

Yeah that TN was pretty sickening.

Tadeo seems familiar. I've seen him in something else.

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