Thursday, June 08, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #24 6.8.17: Can Tacky Douchebags Write Love Songs?

• Ryan begs Paloma to drop the gun as Rosario comes and sees her. Rosario drops her tea cup and they both run to Paloma and take away the gun. Paloma tells them that she found it in Danilo’s room and Ryan then chides Rosario for leaving the girl alone. He demands to know where Laustela is but Rosario asks him to calm down, especially because she didn’t let Paloma play with a gun on purpose. She then picks up Paloma and hugs her.
• Laustela keeps singing and Calao, who is drunk as a skunk, tells Talisman, who is also drunk as a skunk, that she’s not bad at all but she’s missing a little extra something. Talisman walks over to Laustela and screams at the Danilo, who is talking to two girls sitting on his lap, that his lead singer is missing something. Calao agrees that she’s missing two extra things and Talisman rips off Laustela’s shirt. Laustela, shocked, tries to hold her shirt up as Nina, Fausto’s call girl, screams that they should leave the singer alone as she is there to entertain them. Calao demands she shut up and pushes her on the chaise as Danilo grabs a gun from one of the security guards and points it at Talisman. Talisman takes out his gun too, points it at Danilo and tells him that he was just giving Laustela fashion tips. Laustela comes and dares Talisman to touch her again because then she’ll take care of him personally. He and Danilo laugh before putting their guns away as Laustela chides them for their pissing contest. Asdrubal notices the fight and goes over to them as Laustela tells the men to leave her be so she can sing. Talisman tries to start another fight but Asdrubal puts everyone in their corners and the party continues as Laustela sings.

• Ryan puts away the gun as Rosario comes and tells him that Paloma has finally fallen asleep. Ryan thinks it’s incredible that Laustela is there, playing the singer and accepting Danilo’s help and favors, when she should be taking care of Paloma. Rosario asks that he not talk that way but Ryan knows Laustela only pretended not to care about fame and then left with Danilo as soon as he promised her the moon and stars. Rosario reminds him that he forced Laustela to live with him, after he forced her to declare at his trial, but Ryan thinks his actions worked perfectly for Laustela, eventually. Rosario explains that Laustela wouldn’t do all those things he said and Ryan asks if she’s been forced to do them. Rosario is quiet.
• Danilo drinks to Laustela’s health as she finishes her song and everyone cheers.
• Rosario tells Ryan that all Laustela has done has been for her child and demands to know why Ryan is even there, since he’s so disappointed in her. Ryan tells her that he came for Danilo, who needs to sign some documents, but Rosario thinks that’s an excuse to see Laustela, since Danilo could’ve signed them in Furia. Ryan shakes his head and tells her that Laustela should be taking care of Paloma, since she’s supposedly doing everything for her, but he will take the gun and asks that Rosario to remind Danilo that there is a child in the house before storming out.
• Laustela walks over to Asdrubal and El Dorado and demands to know what she must do for their business. Asdrubal explains that she just needs to become a hit and fill stadium after stadium so they can launder the money. Laustela thinks they have no shame but Asdrubal suggests she toast with El Dorado. Laustela shakes her head but Asdrubal demands she drink and she chugs down half a bottle of tequila, much to Asdrubal’s surprise. She then hears Nina screaming and sees how she tries to fight off Talisman and Calao, who are getting rough with her. Laustela remembers her own time in the brothel, when men would get drunk and handsy with her, grabs the tequila bottle and crushes it on Talisman’s head. He goes down as Calao tries to fight Laustela but stops when she holds the broken bottle up to his throat.
• Tadeo falls on the ground but gets up and runs to Maria, who is on the ground convalescing. He tells her to get up but she can’t run any longer. As Tadeo lays down next to her, and seems to give up too, a truck approaches. Tadeo tells Maria, who immediately gets up and tries to catch the driver’s attention.
• Nina begs Laustela to not get in trouble and lower the bottle but Laustela is tired of the abuse men subject her and all women to. Talisman fires a warning shot in the air and points his gun at Laustela as Asdrubal gets in front of him and orders him to stop. Danilo comes and asks what happened as Asdrubal orders Talisman to go check his wound and for Laustela to get out. Laustela takes Nina with her and Asdrubal promises to take care of the rest of the girls as they leave with Calao. Danilo tries to leave but El Dorado wants him to stay because they have to talk business.
• The coyotes drive back to the shack and assume the escape teenagers have all died either way, like idiots. The beat-up coyote doesn’t care as they lost the reward money either way but the coyote reminds him that no one needs to know that.
• Leticia is cleaning at Furia when she receives a call from the coyote, who tells her to deposit the money he asked for in an account he will send soon via text message or her children die. Leticia agrees but begs to talk to her children. The coyote hangs up and Leticia tells Genesis that she has to go before hurrying out. Outside of Furia, Leticia cries and calls Erasmo. She hopes he answers, quick.
• Erasmo is resting on the couch when he hears his phone ring. Bonita offers to get it, as he’s tired from his trips, and sees that it’s Leticia. She thought he had set Leticia straight but Erasmo thinks it may be something regarding his children. Bonita thinks Leticia is just being needy and suggests he block her number. Erasmo doesn’t know how but Bonita does and offers to do it. Erasmo nods and she blocks Leticia’s number.
• Leticia curses her luck, as she can’t reach Erasmo and decides to call Tomas, who answers on the first ring.
• Mercy walks into Paloma’s room and holds her teddy bear. Morgana comes and asks if she misses Paloma. Mercy asks Morgana to not walk around the house like she owns it, even if she’s Ryan’s guest, but Morgana hoped they could be friends. Mercy would rather die but Morgana reminds her that they can form an alliance, and take down Laustela together, as she can give Ryan a child and obtain the 20%. Mercy thinks about this.
• Ryan tells Steve what happened with the gun but Steve is confused as to why Laustela had it in the first place. He asks if she took it but Ryan doesn’t know as Laustela left another gun inside the original blue suitcase. Steve wonders why they switched the guns but Ryan doesn’t know and he’s tired of the situation, especially because of Paloma. He will take the little girl away but Steve warns him of the legal ramifications for kidnapping a child. Just then, Ryan receives a call from Joe and asks to meet him at Mercy’s house.
• Mercy suggests that Morgana never have kids because she will only ruin them but Morgana thinks Mercy will eat her words when Danilo impregnates Laustela and gets the 20% from under them. Mercy reminds her that Ryan already has a little girl and she would rather have her than a child Morgana will say is Ryan’s. She then reminds Morgana to lock herself in her room before storming out.
• At the park, Tomas gives Leticia the money the kidnappers asked for. She promises to pay him back but Tomas tells her not to worry. He then asks her where they should deposit the money and Leticia explains that it has to be at the bank and account they sent her. He offers to go with her and she accepts before thanking him again. He smiles and wipes her tears.
• The truck is revealed to be a border patrol officer, who gives both Tadeo and Maria water, but then handcuffs them.
• Tom and Leticia go to the bank and deposit the money into the ATM. Just then, Leticia receives a call and Tomas answers. After a few seconds, Tomas begins to talk in English and Leticia demands to know why. He hangs up and tells Leticia that her children are at an immigration detention center.
• Calao stops the truck and lets Nina out. Before leaving Nina thanks Laustela for her help and reminds her that there is always a way to turn her life around.
• Tomas tells Leticia that her children have likely escaped, as they are in a San Diego detention center, but he will go see them, alone, as she could be deported as well if she shows up there. Leticia worries that her children will be deported and their kidnappers will find them but Tomas promises to take care of everything. Leticia nods and Tomas assures her that everything will be okay. Leticia thanks him again as she receives a call from Laustela, who asks if the kidnappers have called since she couldn’t use her phone where she was. Leticia explains that Tomas is helping her but she will keep her updated. Laustela nods and hangs up as Paloma runs to her and gives her a hug. Rosario looks at Laustela, worried, and Laustela asks if something happened.
• In San Diego, Maria and Tadeo eat their lunch, grateful for the food. Just then, Tomas comes with two officers and introduces himself. Tadeo asks if their parents are on their way but Tomas is quiet.
• Rosario explains what happened with Paloma and the gun as Laustela shakes her head. She hopes Ryan doesn’t use the incident to get revenge for Danilo’s betrayal but Rosario thinks he only said it out of anger. Laustela worries that he will use it against her though.
• Danilo talks to El Dorado and Asdrubal about his next assignment. Asdrubal explains that the boss is a secret romantic and Danilo asks if it involves the mysterious woman he saw at their other party. Asdrubal nods and thinks he has a good memory when he’s interested. He then asks Danilo to write a song, if he can, for El Dorado’s woman, though Talisman and Calao doubt he can. Asdrubal smiles, hands Danilo a guitar and proposes he do it on the spot to prove his talent. Danilo explains that he doesn’t know anything about the mystery woman but Asdrubal thinks he knows enough.
• Joe tells Ryan and Mercy that they can call child protective services and report Laustela for child endangerment. Mercy reminds them that Laustela can say Paloma isn’t Ryan’s but Joe explains that it doesn’t matter though Ryan would have to make a statement and Laustela could argue that he made it up. Ryan refuses to report Laustela and will find another way to gain Paloma’s custody so she can live with them.
• Asdrubal eggs Danilo on and he begins to sing, horribly and miserably, as everyone laughs. They berate Danilo, who laughs along slowly, but continues to sing. He stops suddenly and proposes he do the song another day but Asdrubal warns him that he doesn’t leave the party until he composes a song. Danilo explains that an artist needs space to create and Asdrubal agrees that an “artist” does before smiling.
• Tomas explains to the ICE agent that he is a family friend and can pay a fine for Maria and Tadeo. The agent tells him that they came into the US illegally and they are waiting for the Mexican authorities to confirm they are form Mexico before deporting them. He suggests Tomas call their parents, if he knows them, and tell them to come so they can claim their children. Tomas understands and leaves as there is nothing he can do.
• Laustela goes to Ryan’s house and thanks him for saving Paloma. She also wanted to explain what happened but Ryan doesn’t care. What he does care about is Paloma and he wants her back in his house, ASAP. Laustela is taken aback.
• Asdrubal finds Danilo in the chaise and asks him how the composing goes. Danilo shows him the tequila bottle he’s been drinking and tells him that he can’t compose in such a state. Asdrubal throws a baggie of cocaine at him and tells him to take it, so he can concentrate. Danilo thinks it over.
• Ryan wonders if Laustela is so stubborn that she doesn’t think about her daughter’s well-being first, especially because Danilo can hurt the little girl. Laustela reminds him that he can’t live without Paloma but Ryan explains that she can visit her any time she wants. Laustela wonders if she will live with him first and then he will register her just to get the 20%. Ryan never said he would do that, he just wants Paloma to stay with him for her own safety. Laustela asks if Mercy or Morgana will take care of her daughter but Ryan warns her that Danilo’s acquaintances are not the best influences and he can involve the authorities if she doesn’t comply with his wishes. Laustela asks if he’s threatening her because she can talk too, if it came to that. Ryan is quiet and Laustela storms out.
• That night, Tomas explains to Leticia what happened with her children. She laments the fact that they will be deported, especially because she will have to go back with them so she can protect them. Tomas grabs her hands and nods.
• Rosario hugs Laustela and they both look at Paloma as she sleeps. Laustela wonders if Ryan is right but Rosario is shocked that Laustela is event thinking about giving up Paloma. Laustela reminds her that she crossed the border so Paloma could be safe but Rosario explains that she can take care of Paloma, no problem, but she shouldn’t be apart from her mother. Laustela cries and reveals that Paloma’s scare at the hospital was ordered by El Dorado and she’s scared that they will do something else to her daughter. Rosario asks her not to cry but Laustela knows that no one will understand her sacrifice even if Paloma is safest with Ryan. Rosario proposes that she think it over, at least for a little while, and then decide.
• Leticia tells Tomas that she would need money to go over the border but Tomas proposes that she let her children be deported and then they can find a way to help them cross. Leticia shakes her head and explains that she would be too worried about them if she left them alone. She grabs Tomas’ hands and tells him that she has to say goodbye. Tomas is silent and then confesses that he has fallen in love with her but Leticia is quiet.
• Laustela looks over Paloma, who is sleeping soundly, and cries.
• At Furia, Ryan asks Joe what would happen if they had to go to court. Joe asks him for the gun, so he look to see if it’s registered, but Ryan asks if they can jump that step. Joe explains that they may not need to research that much and opens the bag to see if the registration documents are inside. He finds the tests Calao performed on the gun which matched two sets of prints, one belonging to Estela Carrillo and the other belonging to Laura Oviedo. Joe asks if he knows who Laura is but Ryan tells him that he has never heard the name. Joe assumes that Danilo most likely had the gun investigated and Ryan nods.
• Talisman shows a prostitute how to fire a gun at El Dorado’s house as Calao and Danilo wake up. Danilo, inspired, begins to sing, surprisingly well, and plays his guitar. Asdrubal comes and tells him that he sounded a lot better, thanks to the cocaine. Danilo nods and Asdrubal gives him another baggie. Danilo promises to compose the best songs of the genre for Regia to sing. Asdrubal nods and leaves as Danilo puts the baggie in his pocket and smiles.
• Laustela goes shopping with Paloma, who is enamored with the butterfly shirts Laustela has picked out for her. As Laustela looks for another in her size, Paloma runs off when she sees Talisman in a bright red hat. She asks him if he will give it to her, and Talisman obliges, as Laustela notices who she’s with, runs to her, and rips the hat off her head. Talisman picks it up and tells Laustela that there is nothing wrong with Paloma wanting to try out his hat. He proposes that he take Paloma to a store that sells hats but Laustela asks him to leave them alone. He nods but reminds her that he will see them at Danilo’s ranch before leaving.
• In Genesis’ apartment, Leticia gathers her things and goes to leave but finds Tomas standing in the doorframe when she opens the door. He needs to talk to her but Leticia explains that she has to go and say goodbye to Genesis, who came late last night and left early that morning. Tomas tells her that she doesn’t have to return to Mexico or leave her children because he has a plan. Leticia doesn’t know how and Tomas proposes that she marry him so she can be legal. Leticia is shocked that he would propose that but Tomas asks if it would be horrible to marry him. Leticia shakes her head and Tomas gets on one knee and proposes before placing a key ring on her ring finger and kissing her hand.
• Rosario asks Ryan to leave if he came to insult Laustela but Ryan has a couple of questions for Rosario and he hopes she answer truthfully.
• Tomas asks if Leticia if she doesn’t want to marry him because she’s already marry but Leticia explains that she married Erasmo in the church, only. She is just not used to doing things this way and she barely knows him. Tomas understands but in the US things are different and people marry after a short time of knowing each other all the time. He goes into an impromptu history lesson about how the first European immigrants had arranged marriages but Leticia knows that was a long time ago. She asks if they should marry even if they don’t love each other but Tomas is quiet.
• Laustela goes to Ryan’s house with Paloma but Rita tells him he’s out but she will call Mercy. Paloma asks if they are coming back as Mercy comes and welcomes Paloma. Paloma tells her that the ranch has a big garden and then asks Laustela if she can go play. Laustela asks Rita to take her and then tells Mercy that she came to leave Paloma with them, much to Mercy’s surprise. Laustela explains that she loves Paloma too much to let her stay at Danilo’s ranch.
• Tomas explains that he loves Leticia, even though she doesn’t love him, and confesses that she changed his life. Leticia confesses that she feels safe with him but doesn’t love him. Tomas thinks that will come later, like with the Europeans but Leticia is unsure. Tomas tells her that the Europeans didn’t divorce so they must’ve fallen in love eventually and Leticia nods. Tomas asks if she can love him, someday, even though she will only marry him now for her children. Leticia is quiet and Tomas kisses her.
• At the ICE detention center, Maria asks Tadeo if he believes Tomas’ story because she finds it strange that her parents didn’t come for them. Tadeo reminds her that their parents don’t have papers as the agents open the cell and push another male prisoner inside. Tadeo asks the agents to not leave his sister with only men but Maria asks him to be quiet lest they are separated. The other detainee tells him that he has no issue with them, especially after the journey he’s just had. Tadeo notices that he is not Mexican and asks why he made such a long trek and the detainee tells him that’s a long story. He laments the fact that the Americans are even willing to kill because they think immigrants are going to steal the jobs they don’t want to do anyway.
• Mercy tells Laustela that she made the right the decision, especially if she wants her relationship with Danilo to prosper. Laustela doesn’t want to talk about that though and tells Mercy that Paloma will stay with her as will Rosario. Mercy doesn’t want to but Laustela is adamant that Rosario be her eyes and ears regarding Paloma. Mercy accepts but asks Laustela to make the situation legal and register Paloma, not only for the 20%, but also to avoid any legal issues later, especially if Paloma’s real father shows up. Laustela tells her that the father will never show up and Mercy asks her why she’s so sure and where the father is. Laustela is quiet and Mercy asks if she left and stole Paloma.
• Rosario tells Ryan that she won’t betray Laustela’s confidence and asks that he not insist. Ryan, however, reminds her that yesterday she told him that Laustela wasn’t with Danilo of her own free will. Rosario is quiet and Ryan asks if Danilo discovered that Laustela is really Laura Oviedo. He asks if Danilo is blackmailing Laustela with that information and Rosario nods. She confesses that Danilo is forcing Laustela to sing in his band and be his woman or he will make sure she is deported back to Mexico. If that happens, Paloma and Laustela will be in grave danger…


Ha! Once again, I am still watching the episode... but I thank you, Alfredo. This must have been a doozy to recap. In VEA it would have taken a month for so much stuff to happen!

I thought I saw Wonder Woman tonight, but it was Laustela with a broken bottle. I think that woman by the pool had a girl-crush on her. Hell, for a minute there I did too. But then she didn't kill Talisman.

I was shocked, just shocked when Tomas proposed to Leticia. Haha no, I'm sure we all saw it coming a mile away. The only shock was that he didn't do it sooner.

I like kid #3 in jail. You know, two more teenagers and we have enough for a Power Rangers team... just sayin.

It's becoming ever clearer that El Dorado is not really the Big Cheese. It appears that he doesn't do anything unless BunMan sends him a telegram about it first.

And speaking of BunMan, good call encouraging Danilo to use coke. To be honest, it was probably overkill, since the guy seems destined to self-destruct... but since he's being played by a star I'm sure that he'll have more lives than a cat and more luck than... than... a telenovela villain, I guess.

Love the title, fitting!! And the recap...incredible as always.

Laustela was badass tonight and seemed to have made some headway in showing the baddies she can stand her ground. I wanted to cheer when she defended herself against Talisman and when she stood up for Nina by hitting Talisman over the head. Unfortunately, she made an enemy who is going to strike back. Although it's going to break her heart to send Paloma with Ryan, it is the smart thing to kudos to her.

Thank goodness Ryan actually had the smarts to follow up on the switching of the guns which led to him finding out that Danilow was blackmailing Laustela YAY!

The LetMe-Tom situation is still disturbing to me. Although he seems to be helping her and offered to marry her so that she and the kids could remain in the US, there's just something that bothers me about the guy. He's too pushy and is taking advantage of the situation to make her dependent on him.

It looks like we're finally making a little progress, but then it occurred to me that we're only a third of the way into this TN; so there is sure to be more road blocks, more frustration, and may more tears for Laustela.

Signing off for now...more tomorrow.



may = many

Julie, Danilow on coke...(more) scary and dangerous. He will most definitely self-destruct, but unfortunately, there will be casualties. Well, if the casualties are the baddies...that wouldn't be so bad.



Thanks Alfredo,. a work of art as always. We are lucky to have you on the team.

Yep DaniLow take the coke. Like a bullet to the head but traveling like a snail.
Fine-A-Lee cRyinWoos is getting a clue. He DOES have a brain cell to keep that one company. If Laura would just tell Ryan where she buried the bodies or what-friggin-ever she is hiding it would clear up so many problems. She would rather live the life she is living than be sent to Mexico? WTF did she do? I've been to Mexico, it's not so bad. More tomorrow friends.


And BTW they showed Paloma with the gun again and as I suspected I was as wrong as two left feet.

Wow, that was speedy quick , Alfredo. Thank you for that detailed recap.

As if Dan could not get dumber ...he takes the coke. Like he is not delusional enough.

Hey, what is up with Badbun's look? He is rocking the vest in a very unDave way, but is he wearing jeggings or leggings ? Those were some tight, highwater pants.... And not in the good way like William Levy's wet, white pants in LA Tempsetad.

And Tom has fallen in love with Letmewedyou after knowing her for what...a week? And she changed his a week? Also, I thought that she was married to Eraser .

Alfredo, you rock. Truly.

I admire the way you phrase things, conveying the message clearly and succinctly: " Asdrubal puts everyone in their corners" and "Leticia curses her luck, as she can’t reach Erasmo and decides to call Tomas, who answers on the first ring". Fantastic recap!

I'm still processing the episode.

I gather the purpose of the “pool party” is to let the henchies drink to their hearts content and let their libidos run wild and free. Color that the most unappetizing get together I’ve ever seen. From the endless groping and pawing of the women, to the lewd and lascivious behavior, to the violence, I was grateful to be watching, not participating. However, I am rather pleased being able to use both “lewd” and “lascivious” in the same sentence, something I can't recall ever doing before. With the exception of Laura and the women, what an unappealing bunch.

I hated the fact badbun is ensuring Dan gets hooked on coke. RgvChick, I agree that this is a disaster but when all hell breaks loose, (which we know it will), if there are a few evil casualties, then so be it.

"It's becoming ever clearer that El Dorado is not really the Big Cheese. It appears that he doesn't do anything unless BunMan sends him a telegram about it first" was perfect Julie. El Dorado sat there with no purpose, simply taking up space.

I can't decide if Tomas is one of the nicest people here or if he is going to morph into an evil spectre. Don't we have enough evil here already? Susanlynn, I think Let was married in the church but not in a civil marriage.

It was hard to watch Let's children suffer. It seems clear Tomas is not going to get them out.

Laura is fierce. And while I agree she's made an enemy in Talisman, I think she can do bad "all by herself". Kirby, I also wish Laura would tell Ryan (and us) her full backstory but I don't think it will be any time soon unfortunately...

Alfredo, thank you, thank you.


Good Morning to All!

Diana, you are correct, LetMeHaveMyKids was only married through the church. I would think that would be more sacred and binding than a civil marriage, but I guess not. I thought it was strange how TooGoodToBeTrue kept bringing up "the Europeans."

That flashback Laustela had gives more creedance to the fact that she was at the bordello for quite some time. And it also had to have taken quite some time (and bad experiences) to have changed her from the quiet, naive young girl she was to this hardened, daring woman. When she was telling Rosario that she wanted to take Paloma to live with Ryan, she said that the reason she fled from Mexico was to get Paloma away from those people. So, I think that whatever is "driving" Laustela has more to do with Paloma than with herself.

Talisman with a red hat? Bad fashion choice! He is the one that needs that fashion tip!


Diana, hopefully LetMeAbandonMyKids' children will be returned to home or wherever they were living before their Mom went on her excellent adventure. I lay a lot of this at her feet, being fricking delusional about ErasMyPast and not telling her kids the truth.

Listen, Letme, believe me, you are not the first or the thousand and first woman who has found herself in this predicament. It is not good, but in the long run you will thank him for being out of your life and somebody else's issue. Go home, fix things with your kids, tell them the truth, figure out a workable plan for you and the kids, and live your life.

If someone tells you can make thousands in no time at all, with a modest investment, do not believe him/her. If she/he tells you that he has fallen in love overnight when there is not much to love, don't believe that either.

Thank You Rosario. My view of you has changed immeasurably. Now Ryan has enough truth to operate on rather than trying to figure out "What Happened ! ?". In view of what Rosario told him, if he figures out Merc and Joe it will be a small crisis in comparison. He already knows his Mom pretty well, at least enough to hide her happy pills, so Joe/Mercy may be a surprise, but that will be about it.

Unlike some of you, I was overjoyed that AssBun is getting DaniLower on coke. This is approximately the same methods used in the sex slave business to enslave naive young people. I hope DaniLow goes balls to the wall on the coke like he does on everything else, and we will get our reward for seeing his despicable ass this whole time.

LauStela may be shocked how easily Paloma adjusts to being in her mansion with her Ryan and her Chayo with her butterfly garden. And with all this, she may not miss Mommie as much as Mommie misses her. Laura you have shown yourself to be very adept at creating or getting into life changing problems and absolutely NO skill at solving them. You should not be raising a child anyway in your current life. Sorry

AssBun probably hopes to use the coke to control DaniLower, thinking that DaniLower is not smart enough to go out and buy his own. Before that happens he needs to start mixing it and gradually switch him over to heroine or Fentanyl then he will pretty much have him for a short while, then he will self dispose. Kind of like those new biodegradable plastic packing peanuts. You add water and they turn back into soybeans or something like that. Bye !

"He laments the fact that the Americans are even willing to kill because they think immigrants are going to steal the jobs they don’t want to do anyway. "

Ocampo's Message (IMO) Do NOT go to the USA...there is no American Dream...only American Nightmares!


RgvChick, "And it also had to have taken quite some time (and bad experiences) to have changed her from the quiet, naive young girl she was to this hardened, daring woman". You are totally right! I had been hoping that her stint in the bordello was short lived. That was clearly only my dream, not reality it appears.

Kirby, it was a bit dismaying to see how quickly coke seemed to enhance Dani's voice and creativity. Dani is none too bright and I think he would have self destructed anyway "Kind of like those new biodegradable plastic packing peanuts" as you so wryly noted!

"If she/he tells you that he has fallen in love overnight when there is not much to love, don't believe that either". Too bad you couldn't give Let that advice directly Kirby :)


Kirby, what you say makes a lot of sense. Letme should have gone back the minute Erasmutt told her he was already married. From the few scenes we saw of Maria and Tadeo, it doesn't seem they had such a hard life in Mexico. And to put your faith in a perfect stranger is completely irrational and irresponsible.


Diana. I agree with you about that disgusting pool party. It was like Beach Blanket Bingo if Frankie and Annette hung around with criminals and prostitutes who were alcoholic drug addicts.

Sunny, clear and getting warmer here..


Thank you, Alfredo, you rock, as always.
I actually hated this episode. Seeing Estella go from quiet life as a teacher to the crowd she's hanging with now... And wtf, she'd rather separate from her daughter then tell Ryan the truth and together try to find a way out of this mess. I 'm actually finding her rather unlikable right now because she's not only allowing her daughter to be in danger (Danilow's crowd can still get to the girl from Ry's house), but she knows that Furia is being used for illegal activities and basically everyone she knows is in danger because of that.

Letmegetcitizenship is either very stupid or very gullible. Another woman who decided to leave her kids in order to give them a better life down the line... This is a touchy subject for me, because I come from a so called poor country, too, and I've seen the damaged done to kids left with relatives or even alone by desperate parents. Maybe I didn't get this right, but what was LetMe's desperation, aside from missing Erasmutt too much?

Thank you, Alfredo, you rock, as always.
I actually hated this episode. Seeing Estella go from quiet life as a teacher to the crowd she's hanging with now... And wtf, she'd rather separate from her daughter then tell Ryan the truth and together try to find a way out of this mess. I 'm actually finding her rather unlikable right now because she's not only allowing her daughter to be in danger (Danilow's crowd can still get to the girl from Ry's house), but she knows that Furia is being used for illegal activities and basically everyone she knows is in danger because of that.

Letmegetcitizenship is either very stupid or very gullible. Another woman who decided to leave her kids in order to give them a better life down the line... This is a touchy subject for me, because I come from a so called poor country, too, and I've seen the damaged done to kids left with relatives or even alone by desperate parents. Maybe I didn't get this right, but what was LetMe's desperation, aside from missing Erasmutt too much?

Diana, the way I see it, it doesn't matter much if Laura made an enemy of Talisman. Although she doesn't know it, he turned off Palmoma's oxygen. He is an enemy.

I TOTALLY agree with Kirby, Diana, anyone who says Laura should tell Ryan something - if not everything. The lies that Ryan told Laura pale in comparison to what Danilo is involved in.

In all seriousness, if there is one thing that I can take away from my years of watching telenovelas and other dramas, it's to never cooperate with a blackmailer. The blackmail can escalate, and you can never be free. You also don't know that the blackmailer won't reveal your secret inadvertently or that the blackmailer's evidence won't be stolen by someone else.

Adriana, I believe that really was LetMe's desperation - missing Erasmutt too much. Their deal was that when he got established in the States, he would send for her and the kids. She must have decided that by now he ought to be established enough, and she could come along and help him out so as to bring the kids over sooner. Another example of someone's (Erasmo's) failure to tell the truth wreaking havoc in everyone else's lives. LetMe had reason to believe that he really missed her, so naturally (in her fantasy-prone mind) she thought he'd be thrilled for her to pay him a surprise visit.

Wow, I would take advice from you folks any day. However, these characters seem to always make the worst choice possible.

Isn't it interesting that we have become so wary (especially perhaps women,) that we find it extremely hard to trust a seemingly good guy trying to help a stranger. I once tutored a wealthy Russian woman who asked me why American women smile at strangers on the street because that would get you in trouble in her native country. Also, some people wonder why Americans smile and say "hi" when they pass someone.

Kirby, farmers around here always grew a lot of potatoes and corn. They are still growing acres of both field corn and sweet corn , but they have switched fro m potatoes to soy beans. I guess because soy beans are used in so many ways and have less problems than potatoes .

Well, our strawberries where are delicious but only here for a few weeks , so I need to enjoy a dish.


I just get discouraged when they have people doing brainless, unexplainable things for the sake of the plot.

I am watching La Piloto too, and it is actually more believable in most situations (though I know little about the South American drug trade) than this show OR......wait for it........VEA. The bad guys are blessed with good luck and an understaffed, not too bright Law Enforcement on their trail, but all in all it is pretty real-looking.

LetMe(fillintheblank) would be a stalker in many shows.

Laustela should have Child Protective Services on her ass by now, and from what little we know, has had some bad luck which she nurtures and waters and cultivates into full blown disasters. If she picked up and got a new life once she could do it again. When it came to light that her fake Daddy was a criminal, what was that a clue to do?

Hey, Sue, de-stem the strawbwerries, cut in half. Top a bowl of Hopeos with a dab of whipped die for. We actually have a spring carnival of sorts here called the 'Strawberry Festival' and it goes on for days with major performers. I have never caught 'HighRocks of the Heels' there though.

kirbo said " what was that a clue to do?" sorry bout your luck Ryan, but I disappeared. PS. you do write a nice luuuurve letter.

Soybeans keep forever too, potatoes, not so much.

I do agree that Laustela should tell Ryan about her past and what she is currently dealing with. I also agree that Ryan’s lies pale in comparison to what Danilo is involved in, but I also think that Ryan’s “problems” pale in comparison to what and who Laustela is dealing with. Although the two situations have intermingled (because of Danilow), Laustela still has much more to deal with than Ryan (who pretty much has run to others, including Laustela). Why should she rely on Ryan when all he has done is use her to get himself out of a murder conviction, had her car stolen so that he could “protect” her, and use MorgaSlut as retaliation against her. He has never really solved any of his own problems. In this last situation, if it hadn’t been for Joe, he would have never found out that Danilow was blackmailing Laustela into doing everything she is now doing.

I also agree that El D’s people can get to Paloma at Ryan’s house, but it will take a lot more effort to get to her there than it will be if she is at Danilow’s ranch or anywhere else with Laustela. She does need to be honest with Ryan about why she has decided to have Paloma live with him so that he can make the place more secure.

SusanLynn, I heard this mornign that the Rose Moon is supposed to make berries sweeter...I though about you and your strawberries.



Kirby, " If she picked up and got a new life once she could do it again" How true, how true!!

SusanLynn mornign = morning and "though" = thought...too much rushing!


Rvg and Kirby, I think that I have a special place in my heart for strawberries because they are my favorite fruit, love the deep red color red with the green leaves, and they have such a limited growing season here. Also, My grandmother had a strawberry patch on her farm and made homemade strawberry ice cream. However, shhh...the real reason is the memory of an old beau who used to take me on hikes and pick wild strawberries for me. #summerandstrawberries

RgvChik.... Rose Moon

Rvg..what is the Rose Moon? I love that name. If I ever write a romance novel, I am going to use that as the title.

SusanLynn, It's always nice to have those "hidden" memories...sometimes they are the sweetest ...or at least some of the sweetest :-)


Thanks, Alfredo. Absolutely fabulous.

I am blown away by the comments. Such great insight.

Yep, it does appear Laustela worked in that bordello for awhile. After what she's been through, it's amazing she could fall in love AND make love to Ryan. Maybe before the bordello she had a happy sex life with, ugh, Fausto? The fact that Ryan wants to protect her daughter should be enough for her to tell him the whole truth to help her with this mess. Ryan came clean to her about the car on his own and boinking Morgana pales in comparison to the deep s*** she's in. No way can she deal with this alone.

I can't stand Danilo, but I hate drugs more. Asdrubal is bad to the bone. Also hated Asdrubal's slow reaction to Talisman trying to rip Laustela's top. I get nobody gives a damn about the hookers and other women silly enough to be there, but as the performer they want so badly Laustela should've been treated with respect.

If Danilo gets taken over by drugs, will Ryan and Steve try to put him in rehab? So far, Danilo has given Ryan no reason to care about him, but I keeping thinking the top villains are Mr. Blake and the real El Dorado and that ahole Danilo might find redemption.

Whoever first coined "Erasmutt" nailed this bum early. You do not let someone put a block on your phone that stops you from hearing about your kids. Is Tomas loco or just a helpful nice guy. He did try to get the kids for Leticia, so at least he wasn't trying to isolate her from everyone. The test is how he'll act with Chavelin.

SusanLynn, check it out...


This morning on the news, they referred to it as the "Rose Moon"


Rgv .thanks!! So interesting. Maybe the title of my novel could be Strawberry Moon. In wish I would have known about it at 9.11 this morning so that I could have seen it!

One of the reasons I love Caray is that I am always learning something new as I communicate with kindred spirits !

SusanLynn, I got to see it this morning as I was feeding my was gorgeous. I also thought of Kirby and how he likes to take pics...that would have made an awesome pic.

I'm pretty sure they said you could still some of the effects tonight.


RGV see above

Kirby! WOW!! I was hoping you had taken a pic of it!! AWWWESOME!! I had taken a look at your avatar earlier but you still had the eagles.

Thank You!!


Rgv, I agree that Ryan hasn't done much to help Estela so far, but since she is willing to let Paloma live with him then she must trust him enough, right? Imo, her actions are just plot point messes, which is so annoying.

About Danilow using drugs- so glad that Paloma is moving out, the kid has a knick fir finding things that a child should never touch and the grown up morons around her have no clue how to hide things. Imagine she finds the powder and thinks it's sugar??
Danilow had a funny face when he took the drugs, luke he was concocting something... he better use those drugs for himself (stupid is what stupid does) and not on Estela, you know, to "convince" her to sleep with him faster.

RgvChick: Thank you for the link!

Kirby, sensational. I'm in awe...

I will echo Susanlynn's comments. What a generous, thoughtful group this is.


Thanks. I had to promise to be nice the rest of the year to get it to sit on that telephone pole.



Very observant Adriana Noel.

I didn't think about Danilo's expression until you mentioned it just now. I blieve you are right and I am shuddering to think he might be holding the coke to feed to an unsuspecting Laura.

That would be gruesome.



Wow..thanks, Kirby. I will look for the moon tonight . the moon and the ocean are such calming influences!

Off to see Wonder Woman now. Later,Gators!

Adriana I saw that look too. Hopeofully her previous job exposed her to coke and she knows what to look out for. Unless she is dumb enough to go ahead and knowingly use it as part of........Jeezo I just answered my own question.

It is my understanding that it is almost impossible to secretly get enough coke into an unsuspecting victim.
And it does, I am told, have a very distinct taste.

Kirby: Body Count increased again last night ?


Steve, naaaa, I don't recall anybody gtting whacked last night.. SHOULD have, but you don't always get your way.

Excellent, Alfredo (I only just now got to read it).

"they are waiting for the Mexican authorities to confirm they are from Mexico before deporting them" gee, that is nice. Why didn't they bother doing that with Laustela?

"Tomas tells her that the Europeans didn’t divorce so they must’ve fallen in love eventually and Leticia nods." Sure, fallen in love eventually... or screwed around on each other... or looked forward to dying at the age of 40 because they didn't have antibiotics... or frostily tolerated one another regardless of their feelings... I mean, divorce wasn't an option for most people.

"Laustela asks if [Ryan]’s threatening her because she can talk too, if it came to that." What could she say about Ryan? He's the one who ISN'T laundering money.

Actually it's pretty frustrating that Laura doesn't confide in Ryan AND Mercy AND Joe, and the whole bunch of them band together to defeat Danilo and the El Dorito Gang.

I'm confused about the test results Joe found in the gun bag. I thought Calao said on Monday the prints did NOT match the real Estela's.

So now Paloma is out of a house that has guns and cocaine, and back to the house that has poisoned perfume and Mercy's pills. I hope those pills are well hidden.

I will be surprised if Danilo gives Laura the coke. If he does, she will get wound up enough to split his head in two with her bare hands. But I think it's more likely that he will plan to give it to her, but at the last minute not be able to resist snorting it all by himself.

Coke is a local anesthetic (usually used for eye surgery), so if he tried to sneak it in her food, her tongue would get numb right away.

Ooh Susanlynn I hope you like Wonder Woman. :-)

Julie if MercyMe can't get her hands on those pills little Paloma is probably safe. Remember MM squawking about Ryan keeping her pills and rationing them out per the instructions from her Doc?

Realistically, even with his past shenanigans, Ryan is looking to be the most stable of the bunch, along with Rosario. Paloma is with the best two available, as best I can see.

I hope BBQBun is ready for a zipped out on coke Danilow as Dani begins to hit his 'Ten feet tall and bulletproof' stride.

Woop Woop!!!! Its friday. Thank you Alfredo nice recap. I like that stuff is happening rather quickly. And the dumbasslo is turnin into a dopehead.It
Won't end well for him.

So happy Ryan knows about what his 1/2
Assed half bro is doing. I'm also glad
That she took paloma back to Ryan so
She can be safe.But he better watchout
For wideopenmorg. I wish laura talk to ryan, cuz now she'll be surrounded by
Drunkards and dopehead.

Tommy is still a mystery. Is he for real or......what?
That talisman is real pervert.They can Go ahead and kill him off for my part.

Ok for now. Dinnertime! Yummo!!!
Thanks Alfredo.

Nina, I agree that Ryan needs to watch out for MorgaSlut. I'm hopeoing that one of Laustela's conditions is that MorgaSlut be kicked out. Ryan needs to consider that MorgaSlut may still be do something, either on her own or through Danilow's manipulation, to endanger Paloma...and she would definitely oblige since she is interested in the 20% too...via her own child. If Ryan can't figure that out, MercyMe may bring that to his attention. MercyMe is pretty smart...she had Danilow and MorgaSlut pegged from the very start.


Something to ponder--

Assuming Realstela is El D, his girlfriend, whatever...those baddies may have targeted Laustela to do the "dirty work" because if the something goes wrong and there are arrests made, Laura Oviedo would be the one to take the fall and RealStela would remain "clean".


I'm here, folks, behind and catching up. There were just to many distractions on English news feeds--try watching three versions at once....

Thank you Alfredo for the last recap and this one. Loved all the comments, too--Wonder Woman indeed. But she folds as fast as she fans. Hope she learns a second song besides La Doble Vida. We got two looks at her from TopBun. The first one definitely showed interest of the intimate kind; the second one was just a stare. Poor thing, he just doesn't know what to make of her. Wait till he finds out she's not who she says she is passing as.

It did take super strength, though, to bring Paloma to MercyMe's mansion, exposing her to Morgana'sumbilical.

Yeah, I had to laugh at Laustela's disguise for singing in the banda. The "outfit" was ripe for ripping.

Ok, have to read La Piloto yet.

Anita..yeah, I am getting a little tired of that song. next !

OT..I loved Wonder Woman and felt quite empowered as I walked out of the movie theater . Gal (Wonder Woman) is perfect in the role. she made me believe in Amazons and female super heroes! Loved the costumes, too.

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