Monday, August 14, 2017

La Candidata 8.14.17 Chapter 45: Alonso Leaves Everything for Regina

Cecelia explains to Hernan that she can’t control herself and she feels herself sinking deeper and deeper. She begs him to help her because her family won’t and he begs her to start from zero and move on. She hugs him but he pulls away after a second because he can’t fall in her trap anymore. She asks if he still loves her, and he does, so she asks him to help her. At that moment, he kisses her but they are interrupted by Mauro, who needs to speak to Cecelia. Hernan promises to call her later and walks out as Mauro closes the door. He demands to know what the plan is and Cecelia reminds him that he asked her to keep Hernan under control. Mauro wants to know if she will betray Alonso but Cecelia confesses that her plan with Hernan involves Isela and he shouldn’t tell Alonso, under any circumstances. Mauro demands she start talking or he will tell Alonso.

Regina believes Alonso is planning something because he would never give up his candidacy. Daniela reminds her that Alonso wanted to win his family back but Regina is doubtful because the presidency is his life’s work. Daniela thinks she should use his announcement to her advantage, just like he has used her, but Regina doesn’t work that way. Daniela urges her to rethink her stance because these are the rules of the game.

Jose and Natalia call a doctor, who explains that his mother died of a heart attack. Jose asks if a good fright could cause this and the doctor assumes it was just that though they can request an autopsy when the coroner gets there, if he suspects foul play. The doctor then leaves and Jose cries on Natalia solider.

Isela and her henchman grab Ximena and push her into their car at gunpoint. Isela orders her not to look at her face though Ximena wants to know if they work with Chivo. Isela tells her no, laughs and explains that her nightmare is far from over because they have very compromising photos of her. Ximena tells her that she doesn’t have money but Isela doesn’t want money, she wants Ximena at her disposal whenever they need her or she will release the photos and then she can explain them to the police and her parents. Ximena begins to cry and Isela orders her henchman to take her out of the car. He obliges.

In the lobby of the Governor building, Mauro tells Cecelia that she made a mistake with Emiliano and he will have a hard time protecting moving forward. However, they must focus on Alonso right now because he just gave a press conference where he all but called Regina the Savior of Mexico.

Ignacio watches Nayeli’s last video to him with Gerardo. He shakes his head in frustration, as it’s the last image he has of his daughter, and then thanks Gerardo for all his help despite his betrayal. Gerardo tells him that his betrayal hurt but the person responsible for everything is Mario, who Regina insists on protecting. Ignacio gets up and goes to get another drink before announcing that they will take care of him.

Emiliano arrives home with Hector and asks him if they can talk about anything since they will be spending a lot of time together. Hector will think about it but it depends on whether Emiliano behaves. Emiliano apologizes for his recent behavior but he’s been going through some tough times and has a lost a lot of friends. This is on top of the fact that both his parents are horrible. Hector asks him not bunch Regina with Alonso because she’s a great woman. Either way, Alonso is the way he is because power corrupts people and he will learn that soon enough. Emiliano tells him he will never understand that and walks away.

Juana Galindo is cleaning the senate offices and sees a newspaper article detailing Almiron’s death. She remembers when he told her to keep quiet about what she knew or her son would pay the consequences. Just then, Nieves walks in and interrupts her thoughts. Nieves asks if she’s done cleaning and Juana nods before leaving.

Regina urges Emiliano to go to therapy, with this doctor who is supposed to be very good, and he agrees to go if it would calm her. They agree to meet later and then Regina hangs up as Daniela walks in and tells her that the shelter just received a sizable donation from Fernando Escalante. Regina is shocked.

Omar orders Chino to take care of Marcia and make sure she doesn’t speak to anyone as he’s not feeling so good today. Just then, Marcia walks in with a cup of tea and some medicine but Omar thinks she’s trying to poison him so he asks her to try it first. Marica looks at him and then at Chino before trying the tea. She then asks him when he’s going to trust her again but Omar orders Chino to take her out of his sight. Chino obliges.

Regina runs into Gerardo in the hallway on the way out of her office. He asks if they can talk because he needs to explain what happened. He offers to talk privately in his office and Regina agrees.

In his office, Alonso asks Cecelia to calm down but Cecelia tells him that he will look weak in front of the male electoral college because of his declarations. First, because he forgave Regina for cheating on him and now because Regina is supposedly the best person to lead Mexico. Alonso thinks, in any case, that he will win points with female voters and look like an ideal husband who forgave his wife. At this Cecelia turns to leave, surprised that he forgave Regina, but Alonso demands to know why she cares so much. Cecelia reveals that Regina, not only has the advantage, but no longer needs him to finance her campaign as Fernando Escalante made a sizable donation to the shelter and is likely to donate money to her campaign as well. Alonso asks how she knows and Cecelia tells him that it is all over the media. She urges him to remember who his true rival is before leaving.

In his office, Gerardo reiterates that Mario is guilty but Regina doesn’t believe him. Gerardo thinks Almiron’s was convenient but Regina thinks Gerardo may be soiling her father’s reputation when he is, in fact, clean. Gerardo tells her about what Ignacio told him and reiterates that he is on her side and would never lie to the woman he loves. He asks if she thinks he’s bad person but she shakes her head. He tells her he has been thinking about her for 20 years and would never deliberately hurt her. He holds her hands in his and confesses that she is the best thing he’s had in his life.

Natalia tells Jose that she is going to take care of all the funeral arrangements and he thanks her as he can’t think about anything right now. She asks if he would like to perform the autopsy but Jose shakes his head. He doesn’t want his mother’s body violated, especially because he knows nothing will come of it. He stops for a second and tells Natalia that he knows what he must do. He goes to leave but Natalia begs him to not to anything crazy and only focus on giving his mother a proper send off. Jose stops for a second and tells her that he is going to have the wake in his mother’s house and would prefer she use her money for anything. He then leaves as Natalia wonders what to do next.
Juana runs into Daniela and tells her that she needs to see Regina, ASAP. Daniela tells her that she isn’t there but she can leave a message though Juana reiterates that she can only talk to Regina and asks Daniela to tell her when Regina is back. Just then, Mario comes and Daniela tells him Regina is not in her office. He nods and then looks at Juana, who looks visibly uncomfortable, as Daniela introduces them. Mario smiles a sly smile as Juana takes her leave. Once alone, he asks Daniela why Juana is working there.

Regina tells Gerardo that she has to go pick up Emiliano but she will call him so they can talk later. She leaves.

Juana runs into Mario again in the hallway. He tells her that they need to talk and drags her away to the janitor closet.
Teresa arrives at Ignacio’s house and begins to knock like a madwoman. He demands to know why she’s there and she tells him that she’s there to keep him company during this difficult time. He doesn’t want her company but Teresa doesn’t care. She wants to know what he plans to do now but Ignacio explains that the office is taking care of Nayeli’s burial. Teresa means what he plans to do about their child and even offers to take a DNA test. Ignacio, who has heard enough, grabs her, and throws her out of his house, calling her a piece of trash. Teresa thinks he’s one too since he slept with her even though Gerardo was his friend. Ignacio warns her not to threaten him because he will tell Gerardo himself. Teresa keeps screaming but Ignacio demands she leave and slams his door in her face.

Mario closes the window to the janitor’s closet and tells Juana that they both recognize each other from when she used to clean the apartments where his prostitutes leave though he warns her not to say one thing about it or her son will be motherless. He demands to know if she understood and Juana nods.

That night, as they have Jose’s mother’s wake, Natalia speaks to the funeral director and asks if she can pay for something, in secret at least, but he tells her that he doesn’t want any problems and leaves. Just then, a young woman arrives, looks at Jose and hugs him, fiercely. Natalia observes from the door and a neighbor explains that the young woman is Blanca, whom Jose dated for years and his mother wanted him to marry her. The neighbor then reveals that there is a rumor going around the neighborhood that she and Jose are dating but she doesn’t believe one word as she’s too classy a woman for Jose. Either way, she’s old enough to be his mother. Natalia just looks at her and the neighbor walks away after a moment.

Hernan, post coitus, sings Cecelia’s praises in bed. She tells him that he is the only one who makes her feel safe and he urges her to leave her post in Alonso’s office and come work with him and Gerardo, who is an upright gentleman. Cecelia tells him that she can’t leave Alonso now and reminds him that Gerardo is cheating on his pregnant wife and approved the construction of several casinos, for a price, so he doesn’t seem like a good man. She reiterates that neither Regina nor Gerardo is clean and tells Hernan to be careful because, when you begin to work for a politician, you begin to agree and believe the things they say in their speeches.
The next morning, Nayeli is buried as everyone cries for a young life taken too soon. As Emiliano and Ximena share a look, Regina and Gerardo share one too though Teresa secretly smiles at the irony of it all. Jessica then throws a single rose on Nayeli’s casket and storms off. Ignacio tries to catch up to her but she doesn’t want to see him again in his life. As she leaves, Ignacio looks back the Gerardo and the burial, thinking about all the wrong decisions he made.

Ximena is also walking away from the funeral when Emiliano catches up with her. He begs to talk to her and Ximena stops. He tells her that he laments what happened with Nayeli but Ximena reminds him that she called him for help and he didn’t answer. Emiliano confesses that he never thought things would get this bad but Ximena doesn’t care. She tells him that they are no longer anything and demands his leaves. Emiliano reluctantly obliges as Ximena cries.

Daniela and Regina are waiting for Emiliano when Teresa comes and asks if she’s leaving or waiting for Gerardo so they can have a quickie in the car. Daniela asks her to leave them be, as it’s been a difficult day, though Teresa notes that it’s difficult for her too because she’s pregnant. Just then, Mauro comes and asks to speak to Regina. Teresa leaves and Mauro warns Regina to stay away from Gerardo and his family but Regina think he’s no one to give her advice. Once he’s left, Emiliano comes and tells her that he’s leaving with Hector. Regina nods and hugs him.

On his way out of the cemetery, Mauro runs into Cecelia, who came with Hernan but now wants to go as she’s uncomfortable. Mauro offers to take her to the office but Emiliano arrives with Hector before they can leave. He gets out of the car and asks her if he is a better lover than Alonso though Cecelia doesn’t answer. Mauro asks Emiliano to control him but Emiliano calls Cecelia a loose woman and leaves with Hector. Once alone, Cecelia cries.

Natalia storms into her house and finds Omar. She calls him a murderer for killing Jose’s mother but Omar screams for Chino to come and save him. Once Chino arrives, Omar tells him to not let Natalia close to him because she will kill him, before running upstairs. Once they’ve gone, Marcia comes out and begs Natalia to help her as Omar ordered Jose’s mother’s execution and she’s next.

Regina and Daniela arrive at the senate building and she notes that Ignacio may be going through hell though she can’t imagine what it must feel like to lose a child. Alonso arrives and asks Regina for some time to talk. Daniela goes to leave but Regina prefers she stay and they all go inside her office. Just then, Alonso’s phone starts ringing and he announces that there is a microphone in her office because he has an application on his phone that detects any listening devices. At this, Daniela steps out of the office and goes to look for Andres as Regina and Alonso find the bug under the conference table. Regina is shocked.

Daniela finds Nieves in the hallway and asks about Andres as he arrives and asks if she was looking for him. Nieves leaves and Daniela demands to know if he put a microphone in Regina’s office; his silence says it all. He finally admits that he did put the microphone and Daniela confesses that the worse part of it all is that she knows exactly when he put it in the office.

Fernando talks to a woman and tells her that Regina is a hard woman to impress but he hopes to win her over with his donation to the shelter. He then asks the woman, who is revealed to be Lorena, what the next step is. She smiles and tells him that they are going to destroy Alonso San Roman.

Regina is incredulous that someone would place a microphone in her office. Alonso reminds her that she still needs him because she would’ve never found the microphone without him. Regina reiterates that she won’t go back to their party or work for his campaign but Alonso wonders how she would feel if he worked for her. Regina demands to know what he means and Alonso tells her that he will withdraw his bid for president and help her get elected instead.

Lorena tells Fernando that everyone, especially Alonso, will have to pay for what they did to her. Fernando urges her to tread lightly, as Alonso leaves no loose ends, though he cautions her that her revenge his one thing and his business ventures are another. Either way, she will need proof to bring down Alonso and that takes time. Lorena reiterates that they treated her badly, even threatened her, but Fernando knows she kept something from Alonso and Lorena nods; she always has an ace up her sleeve. Fernando suggests she use it and goes to leave though Lorena would like him to stay. Fernando doesn’t mix business with pleasure; either way, he has a meeting with Regina and then she will have her revenge. He then leaves and Lorena closes the door.

Daniela demands to know why he bugged Regina’s office and Andres explains that he did it hoping to get enough dirt to bring down Mario. Daniela wonders what else he would’ve found out in the meantime but Andres thinks the end justifies the means. Daniela asks him if Gerardo knows about the microphone or ordered him to put it but Andres tells her he didn’t. She then goes to leave but Andres follows her and tells her that he did what he did for a good reason. Daniela thinks that he would’ve told her what he was doing if he thought was he was doing was a good thing; she reminds him that he used her and storms off.

Regina is shocked that Alonso would withdraw his candidacy but he will, if she would like him to. Regina wants to know what his conditions are but Alonso has none or rather, no unreasonable ones. Regina nods and confesses that she thought, for a moment, he would do it without asking anything in return though Alonso reminds her that no one gets anything for nothing. He proposes they meet for dinner later and discuss his terms. At that he bids her goodbye and leaves.

Marcia tells Natalia that Omar is crazy and has her locked up in the mansion; he is willing to do anything to keep her at his side. Natalia notes that she was capable of anything to have him too but Marcia explains that he was different in the beginning, gentle and sweet, even. Natalia laments her situation but reminds her that everyone gets exactly what they deserve before leaving. Marcia follows her and begs her for help, again, and swears she’s telling the truth. Natalia suggests she report him to the police, just like her, and leaves.

Gerardo goes to see Ximena, who is crying in her room. He tells her that he knows how she feels but she doesn’t think so he suggests they go for a walk so she can get from fresh air. Ximena doesn’t have the strength to move, especially since Nayeli just died, and she must save the little she has for Teresa. Gerardo tells her that taking care of Teresa is not her responsibility and begs her to please tell him what is wrong. Ximena prefers to sleep though and not think about anything. She then puts her head on her pillow and slips her hand out of Gerardo’s.

In his office, Alonso tells Mauro that he has a plan in place and it seems to be working as Regina is always doubting herself. Mauro hopes that Alonso lets him in on the plan but he wonders what he will do when he has Regina back. Alonso explains that you need the right pray to catch a big fish and once he has the big fish, then he will decide what to do with it. For his plan to work though they must get rid of Gerardo.
Daniela fills in Regina on her conversation with Andres. Regina wonders if Gerardo knows about the microphone but Daniela doubts it though she’s still reeling from Andres’ betrayal. She asks Regina to forgive her but Regina tells her not to worry about it.

Marcia goes to see Omar in his room and he calls her Magda before thanking her for coming, as he’s not feeling good. Marcia is taken aback and Omar chides her for forgetting her own name. He then asks her to find the contracts for the construction company immediately. Marcia obliges but has no idea what is happening.

Natalia goes to visit Noemi and confesses that she’s confused about Omar’s actions of late. Noemi asks for clarification and Natalia reveals that Jose’s mother appeared dead after Omar threatened to kill her if Jose didn’t obey his orders. However, she died of a heart attack though there are plenty of ways to cause one, especially where Omar is concerned. On top of that is the fact that Marcia told her Omar has her kidnapped and that only complicates things. She tells Noemi that she needs Mario’s help.

Cecelia gives Alonso Fernando’s bank statements but explains that nothing seemed out of the norm. He looks them over as Mauro tells him that Fernando is like King Midas. Cecelia agrees on top of the fact that he’s rich, he is also good looking and single and helping Regina. Alonso doesn’t want to hear about all that as he is trying to win Regina back. He does ask how things are going on the Gerardo front but Cecelia explains that he didn’t even smoke pot in college. Mauro thinks they should use Teresa’s addiction and the casino deal but Alonso needs something else. If anything, they could invent something. After a second, Alonso tells Cecelia that she should seduce him, especially since she already goes to see Hernan regularly. He reminds her that people reveal a lot of themselves after a roll in the sack and she’s perfect for it. Cecelia does not look happy at his proposal.
Daniela finds Juana and tells her that Regina can see her though Juana thinks they should talk later. Daniela asks if something happened but Juana begs her to please not fire her as she needs her job. Daniela tells her nothing will happen to her but they should go talk to Regina.

Andres goes to Gerardo’s office and tells him what happened with the microphone they found in Regina’s office. He confesses that he put it there and Gerardo demands to know why. Andres explains that Mario visits Regina often and he thought it was the best way to get the proof they need to bring down Mario. Gerardo chides him for placing the microphone before telling him but Andres argues that it was the best way to achieve their goals; it was the only reason he did it.

Juana goes to see Regina and thanks her for everything she has done for her and her son. Regina notes that she already thanked her and asks if there is anything wrong at home or at the shelter. Juana tells her no, thanks her again and goes to leave but Regina asks her to come back. She tells Juana that Daniela though whatever she had to tell her was important so she should talk freely. Juana explains that the last time they saw each other, Regina looked sad so she wanted to ask her how she was feeling. Regina can’t answer as Gerardo comes and asks Regina if they can talk. Regina looks at Juana and asks if she’s sure there was nothing else she wanted to say. Juana nods and leaves as Gerardo tells Regina that he’s there to explain what happened in her office. Regina demands to know if he’s there to explain why he’s spying on her.

One of the other prostitutes who was with Alma at the party, Estela, packs up her bags and leaves her apartment. Out on the street, she runs into Hernan, who stops her and asks her for a few minutes to talk. She asks that he let her go but he begs her to please tell him the name of the boys who were with her at the party where Alma died; he promises to leave her be if she answers. Estela thinks this over…


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Gracias, Alfredo.

I've been wondering whether Omar has Alzheimer's but now I'm also wondering whether he's faking it.

Ultimas semanas now, so Mario's fall should be starting soon. And Teresa needs to be the next to go.... to the manicomio.

I hope the big incest reveal doesn't wait too much longer. No catfights so far but I'm sure the male viewers would love to see on with SG and SN when that bomb explodes.

Thank you, Alfredo! There was so much to like in this episode. Yes, Noemí is incredibly cut and dried.

Urban, there is always the possibility of a Regina/Teresa catfight.

I think Omar is really losing it to some kind of dementia. I sure hope Marcia can see her way out of there. I loved Natalia's reaction "we all get what we deserve" to her.

Poor Sra. Galindo! I was hoping she was far away from harm leading a better life certainly not underfoot at the govt. building. I also felt sorry for Estela being detained by Hernán as she was trying to get out of town before it was too late.

Natalia sure got more than an earful at José's mother's wake.

So, Lorena is back. I guess she didn't get the message when she was kidnapped. I do not anticipate her roaming free very long since she is up to no good. Too bad for Regina that Escalante is not legit.

Regina should not have been so surprised at Alonso finding the microphone. Just because she is squeaky clean does not mean she should not anticipate "dirty tricks."


In fact, someone who is squeaky clean should expect dirty tricks to be played against them. Such people are often perceived as incredibly stupid about human nature.

Jarifa: New Hash-Tag: #DIETERESADIE!

That snake smiling at Nayeli's funeral pissed me off to no end!

Regina tried to pull a Nixon dirty trick ? ROFLOL!

Thanks Alfredo, it really helps me as I miss Monday and Wednesday evenings as I have Spanish classes. I feel sorry for Ximena. She was the one young person who seemed to have the potential to be normal human being but now she is trapped. I found it hilarious that Alonso is suggesting to Cecelia that she should use her wiles to trap Gerardo. She is being used like a prostitute in government circles. Alonso was competing with his son as to who was the best lover. Now it seems he wants to include Gerardo in that circle. I wonder how much Hernan really fell for Ceceliaś wiles and attempts to control him.

Very thorough recap, Alfredo! You always get some details that get past me. Whoa! Fernando Escalante is not a good guy after all. He's in league with Lorena, of all people. Who could have foreseen that! Rotten Isela, intimidating a kid like Ximena! And Ximena is so psychologically battered that she could end up dead or in a mental institution. I loved how Héctor told Emi what life is like for people who actually have to work, and how he stood up for Regina.

I think Hernan got wise to Cecelia. It must hurt but he will get over it.

Escalante wants to take Alonso down and Lorena will probably be an effective partner for that. However, if this hurts Regina's image....

Lynette, Ximena had that potential during Week 1 when she tried to get away from Teresa. However, she has been sucked back into the quagmire narcissistic mothers create for their children and she is just as damaged as Emiliano.

You are right about Cecelia being pimped out in government circles. She could have avoided this, but didn't. Since she went to university in the US she should have gone to a campus shrink about her situation. Since she didn't and ended up going back to her mother's home after graduation she was doomed. However, since she is sufficiently intelligent to understand that this was a mistake, I don't feel sorry for her.

OT: El bienamado. I figured that eventually Justina would be teaching Chuy Muertes how to read and write!

OT: yes, that was cute!

Not halfway through the recap yet, but I have to go out in little bit. Alredo, you are tireless and so generous with your time. Thank you for continuing to deliver top notch recaps for us lesser beings.

Shame on me for believing Escalante was a trustworthy good guy. He disguised himself perfectly. Maybe he does want to do a lot of good, bring down Alonso in the process, but he is using Regina. And oy vey, I was shocked to see it was Lorena he was talking to. She's no one to get involved with, unless he knew her from antes. He's now on my infra-red radar screen. Dang.

I'm not so sure Hernan is completely over Cecelia, unless he likes a roll in the hay while he's bringing Alonso and Mario down.

Cecelia is pure poison. How else could he see her when he knows she is boinking both a father and a son? Hernan will feel even dirtier when he finds out about the worse element of incest.

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