Monday, August 21, 2017

La Candidata 8.21.17 Chapter 50: Teresa Provokes a Fight With Regina

As Regina and Emiliano walk to the tv station, Gerardo manages to catch up to them and stand in the way as a shot rings out. The shooters hit Gerardo in the shoulder and drive off as the three of them fall to the ground.

The news spreads like wildfire because of the video cameras Fernando placed outside the station.

In his office, Alonso sees the news and shakes his head, angry.

Mario and Noemi see the shooting on their computer and stress about how little information everyone, including Hernan, has about the shooting. Noemi demands Mario use the power he’s always flaunting to do something but Mario asks her to shut up and makes a call.

Fernando also hears about the shooting but is disappointed that the cameras didn't capture more. He then sees that Lorena has entered without his permission; she is shocked that he knew about the shooting but didn’t say anything. Fernando explains that he is not the one responsible, even if he knew about it, neither was he the one who shot the gun. Either way, she shouldn’t say anything as several children died under her watch as Secretary of Health. Lorena tells him that she is there to clear her name as well and Fernando suggests she be quiet or he won’t help her; also, she should never enter his office without prior notice. Lorena is quiet but she looks scared.

Jose apologizes to Natalia for his actions but Natalia is disappointed as she thought he was different. She walks away and Blanca approaches Jose, who suggests she leave as he doesn’t want to hurt her any more. Blanca nods, visibly sad, and goes to change.

Gerardo, with his arm in a sling, arrives at the police station, and goes to see Regina and Emiliano who are waiting in one of the offices. Regina goes up to him and asks if he’s okay; she tells him that she tried to go with him in the ambulance but they asked her and Emiliano to go to the station. Gerardo looks at her and Emiliano and then explains that it was a just a graze. Regina, with tears in her eyes, thanks him but she had no idea what had happened and no idea why they aren’t looking for the shooter. She explains that they told her it was a botched robbery but it was an assassination attempt. Gerardo nods and asks her to be patient, as they don’t know how long they will be there, and the police station is the safest place for them. He tells her that the interview was a risky idea as there are plenty of people who will do anything to cover up Alma’s death, everyone from the police themselves to the security detail. Regina sighs and Gerardo tells her that they will help her, always, unless she goes against their interest, then they will kill her. Regina assumes it was Alonso who ordered the assassination but Gerardo shakes his head and confesses that Alonso asked him to save Emiliano. In fact, he was powerless to stop the attempt on their lives. Emiliano wants to know why they were almost killed and Gerardo explains that it was a warning to stop investigating or things will get worse. Emiliano thinks Alonso needs to do something and Regina knocks on the door to try and get her cell phone but, instead, she gets a visit from her lawyer, Guillermo. Regina doesn’t know him and Guillermo tells her that Fernando sent him.

Ximena and Ignacio see the news of the shooting on her laptop, via Hernan’s show. She is worried about Gerardo, who got shot, but has no news on him. Hernan then reports that Gerardo was shot in the shoulder and is okay. Ximena grabs her phone to try and call him as Ignacio tells her that Alonso is likely behind the shooting. Just then, Teresa walks into the living room and asks them what happened. Ignacio tells her and Teresa chides Ximena for hiding the truth from her even if Gerardo has proved, once again, that he doesn’t care about them or his unborn child. Ximena just wants to see how Emiliano is, as Gerardo is okay, but Teresa ridicules her for worrying about the son of her romantic rival. She thinks Ximena has no dignity but Ximena thinks she doesn’t either was Ignacio appears whenever Gerardo isn’t home. She walks away and Ignacio goes over to Teresa and confesses that Ximena may be right.

Hernan leaves the news room and asks his team for any updates on the assassination attempt. He then runs into Cecelia, who he though had left, but she explains that she saw Regina and Emiliano as they were leaving and witnessed the shooting. Hernan goes to get a camera but Cecelia chides him for trying to get a scoop when she’s visibly shaken. Hernan nods and tells her that Alma’s case will likely be closed now but Cecelia goes to walk away, tired of his attitude. Hernan holds her back and apologizes; he suggests they go to his office and then he will take her home. Hernan needs to finish something and then they will go. Cecelia nods, hugs him, and thanks him for his help.

In his office, Alonso calls the head of the police station and gets an update. Once he’s hung up, he informs Mauro, who tells him that this has proven they are in control of nothing. He wonders what will happen now and Alonso assumes that Regina will stop the investigation into Alma’s death but will likely make him pay by winning the presidency. Mauro asks if he’s sure, as Emiliano almost died, and that may scare her enough to remove herself from the presidential race. Alonso knows Regina though and she won’t stop. He laments that he has lost his wife and child but reiterates that he will be the president of Mexico. Mauro nods.

Guillermo takes Regina, Emiliano, and Gerardo into a hotel room, explaining that they will be safer there. He wonders if Regina will cease and desist in her investigation, especially after the assassination attempt, because he and Fernando want her to be save so she can be their president. Regina is taken aback by his request but lets it drop, for now, and asks to speak to Fernando so she can thank him. Guillermo prefers to let them rest, for now, and suggests they get some sleep tonight. Once alone, Emiliano asks Regina if Gerardo is going to stay with them. Regina, shocked at his comment, reminds Emiliano that Gerardo saved their lives. Emiliano nods and thanks Gerardo, who tells him it was no problem. Gerardo then announces that he’s leaving but Regina asks him to wait as she needs to talk to him, alone. Emiliano goes to the room and Regina tells him how much she laments what happened but she is deeply grateful for what he did. She beings to cry and Gerardo reiterates that she would do anything for her. Regina nods and then asks him to tell her the truth: was Alonso responsible? Gerardo shakes his head and tells her that the assassination was ordered by someone with more power than Alonso; he then asks what she plans to do. For now, she can only think about her son and Gerardo admits that he would prefer to stay though Regina reminds him that Ximena is likely worried and would like to see him. He explains that he already spoke to Ximena and told her he’s okay but she’s right and he will go see his daughter. Regina thanks him again and tells him that her life will not be enough to thank him for what he did. She then hugs him, tight, but neither of them notice that Emiliano is watching them from his room. Instead of interrupting though, he slowly closes the door behind him.

Alonso goes to visit Cecelia, who is surprised to see him there when he should be with his wife and child. Alonso doesn’t know where they are though as Fernando’s lawyer took them to an undisclosed location and he hasn’t been able to get in touch with them. He then asks Cecelia where she was and she explains that she was at the channel during the assassination attempt when his worst enemy, Gerardo, saved them. Alonso asks that she keep her sarcastic remarks to herself and Cecelia notices that he’s in bad shape. Alonso sits down next to her and confesses that he’s lost his whole family and needs her; he asks her if he can spend the night and Cecelia nods before kissing him. She then hugs him tight and Alonso, seemingly defeated, can barely muster the strength to hug her back.

Magda arrives at Omar’s house and runs into Marcia, who demands to know what she’s doing there. Magda reminds her that she doesn’t have to give her any explanation but wonders what she’s doing dressed so formally. Marcia explains that real women dress like her but Magda dresses like she wants to scare men away. Magda shakes her head and tries to go upstairs but Marcia reminds her that she’s the lady of the house, for now. Magda reminds her that she is, for now, but it won’t last. She then makes her way upstairs to visit Omar, as Marcia should be doing, but Marcia reminds her that Omar will never leave her for Magda though this warning falls on deaf ears.

Hernan tells his co-worker that he must leave to see Cecelia but he then receives a text from her asking him not to come. He tells his co-worker that they can keep working as his plans fell through.

Emiliano calls Ximena and tells her that he’s fine, as is Regina, and her father left a while ago. He can’t tell her more as there is a knock on the door and he hangs up after a swift goodbye. Regina then comes in, tears in her eyes, and asks Emiliano to forgive her as she never thought this would happened. Emiliano asks her to forget it but confesses that he was scared; Regina nods and tells him that she felt the same. Emiliano asks her what will happen now and Regina promises to make sure no harm ever comes to him. Emiliano then asks what will happen to Alonso but Regina has no idea as there are still plenty of things they need to think about it. She then tells him that all she wants to do is hold him close and hugs him, tight.

Teresa is making herself tea and asks Ignacio if he would like some. Just then, Gerardo walks in and sees him and asks if he’s part of the family. Teresa demands to know what he is implying but Gerardo demands to know why she’s talking to him in that manner. Teresa is just shocked that he would disrespect her and imply that she’s having an affair with the only person who takes care of her while he goes off and saves his lover and her child. Ignacio asks her to be quiet but Teresa chides him for not seeing how great she and Ignacio are and only pursuing Regina. Ignacio asks her again to be quiet but Teresa demands Gerardo apologize.

Mario arrives at Omar’s and tells Marcia that he came as quickly as he could though Marcia tells him that they can’t do anything because Magda is upstairs, and she vowed to kick her out of Omar’s house, so they can’t give her any ammunition. Mario asks her not to worry as he has a reason to be there and they shouldn’t disturb Omar and Magda. He then pushes her against the wall and tries to kiss but Marcia resists and reminds him that she must go upstairs and make sure Magda doesn’t influence Omar. Mario doesn’t care and continues to kiss her but Marcia shakes him off and tells him that she won’t lose all she has. Mario warns her that she will lose it all if she doesn’t sleep with him but Marcia will, just on her terms. Mario is shocked that she thinks she gets to decide anything but goes to leave. Marcia argues that it would be dangerous to sleep with him, right now, but Mario thinks it was more dangerous to reject him. He then storms off. Moments later, Marcia goes into Omar’s room and finds Magda sleeping next to him though they are both dressed. She walks inside and looks at the scene, shocked.

The next day, Regina is looking out the window when Emiliano comes and bids her good morning. She asks him how he slept and he tells her it was good but Regina confesses that she barely did because her mind was going a mile a minute. She was thinking about what happened, about him and about her marriage; she apologizes for putting him in a situation that put his life in danger. Emiliano thanks her for encouraging him to say the truth but Regina tells him that she will leave everything, if he asked her to, for him. Emiliano doesn’t say anything and then goes to the balcony to look at the skyline. Regina follows him and asks him what he thinks. Emiliano confesses that he has also been thinking a lot, and he’s disgusted that those in power did what they did. He then confesses that he wants her to win the Presidency because she’s the best person to lead Mexico. Regina is extremely happy to hear him tell her that and Emiliano vows to change from now on. She hugs him and they hold onto each other, pulling strength from their ordeal for the future.

Fernando meets with Franco and they both sign the contract that makes him the majority shareholder at the channel. The lawyers then leave and Fernando reiterates to Franco that he would like the channel to fully support Regina though Franco argues that they must maintain neutrality. Fernando knows Franco would know what to do but reminds him that his orders should be followed as he is the majority shareholder. Just then, Lorena walks in and stops as his secretary told her that he was alone. Fernando asks her to come in as they are celebrating. Franco nods but looks visibly uncomfortable.

Marcia walks into the dining room and finds Magda eating breakfast. Marcia tells her that she should dress better and work on her figure if she plans on replacing her as the lady of the house. Magda has no plans to do so as she never has been, and never will be, a prostitute. She does suggest Marcia start looks for other accommodations, perhaps a room in the gutter, as she’s used to, because she won’t stop until she’s out of Omar’s house.

In her office, Daniela tells Regina about Lorena’s visit. Regina is shocked and Daniela explains that Lorena didn’t say why but said it was urgent. Regina hopes she doesn’t show up again and then asks Daniela to prepare a memo announcing that she is fully focused on her campaign, despite the assassination attempt. Daniela nods and tells her that she’s happy she’s okay as Alonso walks in. Daniela takes her leave and Alonso is happy to have finally found her. Regina is quiet.

In his office, Gerardo and Ignacio talk about what happened. Gerardo tells him that Emiliano is safe but they must continue investigating, in secret. For now, they will focus his campaign but Ignacio doesn’t know what he is talking about. Gerardo explains that they called him from the party and asked him to continue his bid for president so he has decided to move forward. Ignacio reminds him that he asked him to find out what happened with Nayeli, and Gerardo remembers, but prefers to let Alonso think he’s won, for now. Ignacio nods and smiles before telling him that saving Emiliano did wonders for his numbers so now is the best time to announce his candidacy.

Alonso vows that he had nothing to do with the assassination attempt but Regina argues that started the chain reaction that almost ended in the death of their son; she chides him for always saying he has a lot of power but being powerless to prevent the shooting. Alonso sighs and tells her that nothing he says will change her mind…it doesn’t even matter that he sent Gerardo to save them. Regina is quiet and Alonso asks if she’s seen the numbers yet, Gerardo is now a hero in the eyes of the people. Regina thinks he should’ve been the one to try and save them but Alonso explains that he was ordered to stay in his office by the president himself. Regina understands, he must respect and obey those who brought him to power. After a moment, she tells him that they have nothing else to talk about; she’s sick of his lies and mind games and manipulation tactics. Alonso asks her if this is how their marriage of 25 years ends but Regina realizes that their marriage was over long ago but neither of them saw it. Alonso thinks about this for a moment but decides to leave.

Mario’s bodyguard reports that Lorena and Fernando are leaving his office as they speak. By the entrance, Lorena asks Fernando about his recent purchase of the tv station; she asks if he likes to collect businesses but Fernando explains that money calls money. He then asks her to lay low until he can get her an appointment with Regina. She nods and asks if they will meet later but Fernando has an inauguration for a new intensive care wing at the children’s hospital. Just then, his security detail tells him that they must go through another door as they are being watched. As Fernando and Lorena leave, his security detail captures Mario’s bodyguard.

Magda meets with Alonso at the Governor Building and tells him that Omar’s condition is deteriorating and he should go visit his father, regardless of how busy he is. He nods and tells her that he will go visit him, soon, but Magda stops him and gives him a look. Alonso tells her that he is not leaving his father alone but can’t visit him now; either way, his mother should take care of her husband as it is her duty. He then leaves but Magda continues to worry.

Daniela brings Regina the final report for the President of the Senate. She thanks her and asks if all her appointments are cancelled. Daniela nods but reminds her that she had a meeting with Fernando, who wants to finance her campaign, and she can’t keep putting it off. Regina is thankful for his help but reminds Daniela that she is not bound to anything except Daniela reminds her that she is as Fernando is inaugurating an intensive care wing at the children’s hospital. Regina stops for a second and tells her that she will go but that doesn’t mean she will accept his help. Daniela doubts it but lets the subject drop. Once alone, Regina picks up her cell phone and considers her next move.

Natalia meets with Noemi and tells her that she found out the assassination attempt much later, after everything had happened. She feels horrible that he grandson almost died while she was off chasing a man. Noemi assures her that everything is all right now and Regina will also stop pursuing the investigation into Alma’s death. Natalia then gets a call from Joe but ignores it; Noemi thinks it for the best as she was never going to have a long-term relationship with Jose, much less live with him.

Cecelia tells Alonso about the inauguration and Mauro tells him that he has been invited as well and plans to go as it’s for the good of the public. Cecelia nods and tells Alonso that he must go as well though Alonso wants to know if Regina is going to attend. Mauro thinks she will, especially with all the press that will be there, waiting to see how husband and wife, bitter rivals for the presidency, act in public. Magda then comes in and tells him that things have just gone from bad to worse: Regina just petitioned for divorce. They all visibly groan, cursing their luck.
Mario arrives in at an empty street and sees the bodyguard he sent to watch Fernando in an adjacent car, beaten to a pulp. He asks another one of his guards what happened and he explains that Fernando’s men found him and he must be taken to the hospital. Mario is happy that they didn’t kill him but the guard knows that this was a warning from Fernando. Mario agrees and then lets the bodyguard be taken to the hospital. Once alone, Mario wonders what Fernando is hiding.

Regina arrives at the cabin and sees Gerardo, who walks up to her and they kiss. She smiles and then tells him that she already petitioned Alonso for her divorce. He asks her if she’s sure and Regina reiterates that she can no longer be married to a man like Alonso. Gerardo leads her inside the cabin but worries about how Alonso will react when he hears the news. Regina no longer cares and goes to stand by the fireplace. Gerardo goes to her and confesses that he’s dying to kiss her but Regina can’t. He tells her that they will soon be free to love each other and then asks her what she would do if they were free. Regina tells him that she would kisses him until she can’t breathe and he would make love to her until the end of time. They kiss again.

Mario meets with Isela, who tells him that Fernando is staying at the fanciest hotel in the city and he is staying alone. Mario is surprised that is all she could find out but Isela explains that it is all the hotel administrator has seen though Larry did see Lorena visit Fernando every day at his office. Mario doesn’t understand and she explains that, if they are lovers, they only had sex at his office as that is the only time they’ve been together. Mario wants her to pay off the administrator to watch and report back on Fernando daily, especially since Fernando knows he’s being watched. He also tells her that she no longer should worry about Alma’s death or Cecelia going to jail. Isela smiles and tells him that he can breathe easily too because she won’t send him to hell anymore. Mario walks away without a word.

Teresa calls Nieves and asks about Gerardo. Nieves tells her that he is at an inauguration at the children’s hospital but Teresa demands to know the address.

Sometime later, Regina and Gerardo walk out of the cabin, all smiles, and Gerardo grabs Regina, twirls her around and gives her a kiss. She asks him, playfully, to stop because she must go but Gerardo reminds her that he must go too because they are rivals for the presidency. Regina nods and asks if he has thought about his first order of business as president. Gerardo declares that he will order to be at his side forever but Regina reminds him that democracy doesn’t work that way. Gerardo jokes that he will be a dictator then and asks Regina what she would do as president. Regina would first draft up a law that states he can never leave her arms. Gerardo smiles and tells her that he would surely vote for her and Regina laughs before giving him one final kiss.

Fernando welcomes various guest, including Hernan, to the inauguration. Hernan walks around and runs into Mauro, who congratulates him on his current success but warns him that it is fleeting and he should be careful. Hernan nods and walks away but runs into Cecelia, who is happy to see him, but Hernan is not happy to see her. Cecelia asks if he’s angry, as he sent him a message not to come, but he reminds her that they are nothing and leaves. He walks by Daniela, who is on the phone leaving Regina a message; she hopes she is on her way or she will kill her. As she walks around the event, she runs into Emiliano, who asks about Regina, and Daniela explains that she hasn’t arrived yet. Alonso comes, ignores Daniela, who walks away, and asks Emiliano if he’s suddenly interested in hospitals. Emiliano explains that he came to support his mother but Alonso assumes she’s with her lawyers as he already petitioned him for a divorce. Emiliano assumes he celebrated with Cecelia already but Alonso is quiet.

Outside the hospital, Regina is making her way up the stairs when Teresa comes around the corner, sees her, and shouts for her to stay away from her husband. Regina turns around and Teresa reminds her that she’s pregnant and her actions are destroying a family. Regina tries to walk away but Teresa grabs her arm and tries to stop her. Regina warns Teresa not to touch her and tries to shake her off but she pushes too hard and Teresa falls back on the ground with a thud…


Thank you, Alberto, for the excellent recap!

Regina never should have accepted Escalante's lawyer let alone his assistance. His moving in on her turf under the guise of taking care of her was an inapprpriate move not to contest.

Lorena knows too much.

I laughed when Gerardo asked Ignacio if he was part of the family.

It was fun seeing Magda being spunky for a change.

Alonso the dog just had to spend the night with Cecilia because he was so alone. Give me a break! Then Alonso thinks it's his mother's place to be taking care of his father. He just doesn't want to be bothered.

Alfredo: Teresa falling down like that....just made Alonso the next President of the United Mexican States!

Excellent and very complete recap, Alfredo! Well, I was right about how the assassination attempt would end. Just shows what a few years of novelas will do for you. :) It's a good thing that Emiliano has finally reformed, but Teresa just keeps getting worse. What do you want to bet she will blame Regina for her "miscarrying?"

Great work, Alfredo.

Teresa probably fell deliberately. She might even try to sue. However she will not get away with this.

More tomorrow; I'm wiped.

La Candidata returns on Thursday, only 3 episodes will air this week. Next week only 4.

Thank you Alfredo - much appreciated. I really thought that Emiliano would be killed. Seems I don't know as much about telenovelas as SpanProf. Marcia still has a lot to learn and it seems Magda really cared about Omar before his dementia set in. She has made some unfortunate choices and now is being treated as a prostitute by Mario. I wonder what Escalante wants from Regina.

Lynette: Escalante will continue upping the ante!

Thanks, Alex for the info.

Well, that's why, several weeks ago, when our state legislature was shut down for a few hours because someone had sprinkled a possibly "toxic powder" around, and then was re-opened because the powder turned out just to be flour, I said to myself that if it had been a telenovela, the closure due to "toxic powder" would occur at the end of one capítulo and finding out it was only flour would be at the beginning of the next capítulo.

SpanProf: Where was this ? LA or FL ?

Steve: IL

Super Alfie--gracias. It was just like watching. Nice touches--fireplace. Oh dear. Silvia N. again to be accused of causing a miscarriage after the fact--Nata in CME. Thanks, Alfredo, and all the rest. Am sitting about 20 ft from Lake Ontario.

Please, friends, no discussion of any real-world political stuff. That is against the rules.

Alonso seems to have conveniently forgotten how disgustingly cruel his father had been to Natalia. This horrified him when he found out about it, so what makes him think that Omar's dementia wouldn't make him worse? I guess it's All About Me or he just hasn't witnessed this yet.

As to Escalante's ultimate goal, it's still a mystery. Could he have an eye on Regina herself for non-political motives? If so then Gerardo had better get more bodyguards.

The current possibility of Regina and Gerardo as opposing candidates could represent a win-win for Mexico. Whoever wins won't matter if they marry at the end or after the curtain comes down because Mexico gets the perfect First Couple.

Thank you Alfredo,

I think from now until the end we will be getting these explosive episodes. Tere had to find a way to give Gerardo the news about the miscarriage so why not blame his lover, right? (pathetic)

Speaking of pathetic, ITA about Alonso and his whole I am so alone whiny story to Cecilia, they actually deserve each other so I hope they end up together. Loser with loser.

I think Lorena is not as corrupt as all of the other characters, yes she wants things to go well for her and she doesn't mind power and money, who does? I think she may be the key to unraveling all of Escalante's plans, whatever they may be. She is a little leery about getting into trouble with the master of puppets whoever that may be at this point, but ultimately she may do the right thing. Keeping my fingers crossed, but not holding my breath.

Thank you Alfredo! You did an excellent job and I am on pins and needles waiting for tonight because of Regina trying to rid herself of that pesky fly called Teresa, she ended up pushing her down. (And things like this always happen on stairs/steps).

Oh, yes. The Staircase of Doom in the San Roman mansion still hasn't seen this action.

Well there was no "tonight" and we all have to wait until Thursday to see what transpires. If Teresa doesn't die, or become mortally wounded (we can only be so lucky) she will use this opportunity to attack Regina in every way she can.

Urban, I am wondering if the "Staircase of Doom" at the San Roman mansion will involve Marcia.

Cynthia: Teresa will lose the baby!

Steve, Teresa already lost the baby last week when she was in the hospital. She just pretended to still be pregnant. Maybe you missed it last week?

Cynthia: Has UniMas preempted this TN until Thursday ?

Steve: Yes. It has been preemepted.


I was on the team for YNCELH and that was frequently pre-empted in its last weeks to drag it out. That was during the month of November and it went well past the beginning of PyP, which meant some heavy double and triple duty for me.

I dearly hope that this producer gets to do a longer series soon.

When is Teresa NOT trying to provoke a fight with Regina? And every time, someone tells Regina to leave Teresa be. Teresa is starting fights, and still no one calls her on her behavior. And those bangs are a crime worthy of the karmagedden list. She needs to go.


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