Friday, September 22, 2017

Enamorandome De Ramon 9/21/2017 Capitulo 29: A fake doctor, a fake Private Eye, and a fake lover wants back in.

Repeated scene: Ramon is at the receptionist’s station and asks about Fabiola’s condition, the nurse asks if he is a relative, and he says he is her boyfriend so the nurse tells him that her doctor ordered a cat scan. At that moment Frank shows up on his high horse, and tells Ramon he only gives updates to patient’s relatives.  
New scene:
After Frank rides off in his horse after having been an ass to Ramon. Ramon bends over in pain. A nurse rushes to him to see what’s wrong.
Roxy and Virginia are having a lunch date at the “McDonalds” and let Diego run to the playground so that the two chismosas (gossipers) can catch up. Roxy tells Virginia that Tony did not go get Diego at school today, which suits her just fine. Virginia than tells Roxy that she has a lot of problems of her own as well, including the fact that Ozzie has left the house, and that Julio has money problems. Roxy does not want to offend anyone but she tells Virginia that Julio does seem kind of dark in his attitude, and “don’t you think he might have another woman?” Virginia does not think so, but thanks a lot girl you have now planted the seed of doubt. Roxy being the awesome friend that she is tells Virginia you need to hire a detective to follow him. Virginia does not think it’s necessary. Roxy tells her “don’t you want to know where he wastes his money?” Virginia worries that if she does hire a detective Julio may find out about it.
At the hospital the nurse is evaluating Ramon’s condition, he continues to bend over with pain. Blood pressure is normal, she says, but she will go get a doctor to check him because he may have broken a rib. Ramon continues to bend over with pain until nurse leaves, and then miraculously he heals, runs out, finds himself a lab coat, and goes looking for Fabiola. In the hall he runs into the nurses who are taking Fabi back to her room. “Dr. Ramon” asks how is the patient doing?, takes the cat scan results, pretends to evaluate them and gets the nurses to confirm that there is nothing wrong with her according to the technician. “Yes I agree there is nothing wrong with the patient” says Dr. Ramon.

Porfirio in his apartment is playing guitar for Vero, (it is so obvious that he is just pretending to play, lol), and she is impressed. Who would have thought, Vero says the attorney is a musician! Well not to boast about myself, but “when I was young I had a band”. Oh “wow why do you hide your talents?” asks Vero, well he’s not hiding them he confirms, and he just had not had a chance to show off his talents until now. Vero continues to praise him and tells him that she LOVES a sensible man (bats her lashes), play another Eric Clapton. He obliges and plays another Fake song.

Ramon has made his way into Fabiola’s room, he is afflicted because she won’t wake up, he begins to cry by her side because he feels guilty that it was his fault they had the accident since he asked her to go faster. He begins to say that he is such an idiot, when Fabi wakes up and says an idiot but I love you. Francisco then walks in and sees Ramon and kicks him out of the room. As they both leave Fabi becomes thoughtful and fades back to sleep as she does so, she says Francisco, in a longing sort of way (which makes one think, oh no)

Chava calls Rulo to give him an update about Fabiola, he is worried that they may have gone too far, but Rulo doesn’t care and says don’t worry, and b.t.w. if you turn me in you go down with me. (He has him over by a barrel).
Francisco takes Ramon out of the hospital and tells him next time he is calling the cops (wtf – who does he think he is) as they are arguing outside of the hospital Antonio shows up and gets between them, Ramon explains that Fabiola is OK because he saw the nurses with the cat scan. Francisco calls him an idiot, how could a simple mechanic know how to read a cat scan (again wtf with this guy he is so arrogant). Ramon responds that he doesn’t but the doctor can. Antonio then asks Ramon what happened. So Ramon explains about the breaks not working, and they crashed into a pole.

Juana and Andrea arrive back at Luisa’s neighborhood and Juana is very happy because Andrea spoke out loud, Jorge is there too and asks what did she say? Juana doesn’t know because the doctor did not say. Juana says don’t pressure her.
Lucho calls Antonio tells him about the car, how it is very damaged and will let the insurance take a look to see what they determine happened.
Ramon calls Juana to let her know about the accident. He says she is fine, don’t panic. Juana of course gets concerned and says she will be there soon, she tells Andrea that Fabi is OK. Jorge and Andrea go with her too. Dalia walks back into the room where she had just left Juana, Andrea and Jorge to find that they are gone.
The whole gang (Juana, Andrea, Ramon, Antonio and Jorge) go in to see Fabiola. Fabi gets very happy to see them all there especially Juana.
Juana tells her that she should have never been taking lessons. Then Fabi looks at Ramon and says “the lessons are the best thing that ever happened to me”. Antonio then says that since the brakes failed, they will wait for the report from the insurance company to see what went wrong.

Virginia PI is on duty tonight, she is in the Parking lot at Julio’s office, it’s already dark outside, and her lights are off (car lights that is, not sure about her other lights but they are probably off too). She sees Julio leaving his office, and thinks about it for a second and then she begins to tail him (detective music playing in the background).

Francisco walks in to check up on Fabi, he will release her from hospital tomorrow, he acts cold towards her and begins to leave. She calls him back, “I understand you are mad but don’t treat me like your enemy”, he doesn’t pay too much attention and continues to be butt hurt, but says how have you been? Well she then tells him that many things have happen to her since they broke up, and one of them is that now she can collect the money, and guess what Franks mood magically changed and he is no longer angry. Well Frank says he is happy for her (and himself). Fabi tells him why does he talk to her with so much anger, “well what do you expect? It’s not easy to be without you” (you little moocher). Fabi tells him, “We can be friends” well “no Fabi I can’t be just friends, don’t worry, I will find the way to be happy”.

Outside in the waiting room Juana volunteers to stay to take care of Fabi, Antonio, Andrea and Jorge leave.  Ramon says he wants to stay too, Juana is suspicious about his desire to stay. He then confesses that he and Fabi are dating. Juana although she had suspected the possibility, is nonetheless still concerned. She worries that there are too many differences between them, Ramon tells her that Fabi doesn’t see any differences. Juana tells him that Fabi is immature, indecisive, not too long ago she was going to marry Frank. Ramon says “I want this to be forever”, Juana wants him to be happy and thinks this will not work. Ramon keeps pleading with Juana, and says all he wants is her support. Juana reminds him about Sofia, he says that was then and even if she walked in to his life right now everything with Sofia is over, done, finito.  Well what about Fabi’s family they won’t support this. “Well some will and some won’t that’s why we haven’t told everyone yet”. This is going to bring you problems Juana tells him, “can’t you just support me” Ramon tells her.

Fabiola is having a day dream and it’s about Frank, she remembers how their relationship used to be, and then remembers that Francisco just said that they can’t be just be friends. She says those are beautiful memories, but I love Ramon.

Ramon and Juana arguing. “I wanted you to support me”, Juana then says “it’s more than just the money, her habits, her quirks, etc., etc.” well Ramon says they will overcome all obstacles, because this is true, sincere love. He then asks Juana for her blessing, (he asks her in such an emotional way that even I wanted to give him a blessing), “yes my son of course, I just want you to be happy, and my little girl too” “I promise we are going to be happy” Ramon replies.

Virgi PI continues to follow Julio, he goes into a parking lot, gets out of the car and Virgi PI parks nearby, (not very well hidden – all Julio had to do was turn around and he would have spotted her).

She sees him go into a market. Parks the car and goes in to the market as well. Intriguing detective music plays (think Maxwell Smart). Julio is in market, buying wine, she is following him, he gets flowers. Then Virgi PI thinks to herself “Julio no, not another woman noo!!”

At Emilia’s house Susana and Ozzie are leaving, oh too bad Emilia was going to introduce Susana to a friend (male friend – Amigo as opposed to Amiga) that is coming to dinner. Ozzie notices that she said Amigo, but says nothing.

Roxy calls Augi, “my love I miss you” well he acts a little moody and says “oh you have time to call me”, he thought she was busy with Antonio. She doesn’t get it, well Augi tells her about Tony’s little prank, where he answered her phone. She gets mad and tells Augui she can’t stand Antonio. I miss you, I need you, and I need you too. Even if I cry like a baby you won’t come back. No honey bunny I have to fix the Diego situation here. “Well now I’m mad”…pouty face hangs up.

Julio gets into his car and leaves with flowers and wine, Virgi is backing up and almost hits a car which happens to be Ozzie driving Susana’s car. They get out of the car see that it’s Virgi, Ozzie introduces Susana as his girlfriend tells Virgi be careful. And by this time Julio is gone.

Margarita is having dinner with Antonio, she calls Fabi at hospital because she did not know about accident. “I am so worried how are you?” well Fabi says she is fine, so Maggie says she will go see her tomorrow. (I’m with BAE now so no time for you Fabi)

Antonio gets a call “Why the hell do you answer my phone” Roxy yells on the other end. Maggie asks are you still interested in Roxana; no not at all and don’t be jealous. “I’m not jealous I just want to know where I stand” He replies “I know I asked you to stay away but it was for Diego. I love your lips” she loves his lips too, they kiss, then he tells her that until Diego can see that Antonio has a right to start his life over with another woman, Diego can’t see them together. She agrees it’s for the best.
Julio gets to Emilia’s with wine and flowers, he asks “where is your daughter?” “She went out with boyfriend, you want a drink?” “Yes Whiskey”.
Virgi gets home, defeated “why is he cheating on me?”
Juana walks in to Fabi’s hospital room and says she will stay to take care of her. I want to choke Ramon because he let you drive. No it’s not his fault and besides I like Ramon a lot, Juana thinks “too much”. Juana asks how did Francisco react to the accident, well frank and I broke up. Things changed in my heart. “Juana I love Ramon, we are together”. Juana confesses she knew it and that Ramon had asked her not to say she knew. Fabi asks her if she is mad, nope not mad just super worried. “I am going to tell you more things separate than unite you” Juana says, to which Fabi says “I never knew what it felt to be in love”. “But if you don’t agree too bad because we are never going to leave each other”. She tells Juana that they will be happy. “I need your approval I need your blessing because you are very important to me.” Juana goes to hug Fabi and says “I hope everything works out. Just don’t break my heart.” Fabi swears she won’t.
Jorge is at Andrea’s house waiting for Margarita, because he does not want to leave her alone, Andrea says stay, no I can’t you know how I feel about you “I wish we did not share the same blood” gets up and leaves. Andrea gets a text message from Margarita she is not coming home but I’m nearby. Andrea guesses correctly that she is at Tio Antonio’s apartment.
Roxy is coming out of the bathroom, she feels sick because Antonio pissed her off.
Julio gets home late. Tells Virgi who’s already in bed that he was at a client’s. I thought so she says. She is upset but does not say anything.

Antonio and margarita wake up in each other’s arms, “go with me to get my apartment” Maggie says, he says he will, but gets a call from Roxy, she has to go to doctor so pick up Diego today. Sorry Maggie, to the back of the line you go.
Luisa and Dalia are having breakfast. Ramon leaves, tells them he is going to see Fabi before work and will take her flowers. Dalia says her boyfriend should be the one taking her flowers. Well little Dali, Ramon is her Novio (boyfriend) so suck-it up girly and stay out of it as Luisa recommends she does.
Virginia goes into Julio’s closet to go thru his jacket. Smells it. “Perfume, he has a lover, I can’t lose him”
Fabi having breakfast at the hospital. She hopes tio asks Juana to come back soon. Juana smiles at her, and then Francisco comes in with a huge bouquet of red roses. “Forgive me, for having been such a jerk yesterday” then says he wants to still marry her (of course he does all 1 million of her).I can’t offer you more than friendship, she tells him. He is not happy about this and begins to argue with her.
Andrea goes to pick up Jorge. Virginia is there and tells them that she loves the way they are such great cousins. They leave and then Virginia says “thank you god for the wonderful son you sent me in Betito’s place”.
Fabi tells Frank “I love Ramon” Frank is not happy about this and says we were together, we were going to get married, and this dirty mechanic comes to mess everything up. Ramon arrives at hospital with red roses of his own, but a little more humble bouquet. Juana intercepts him; she does not want him to run in to frank. Fabi and Frank continue their discussion, he chides her because she had defended him, and then Fabi says we are over.  Juana outside of Fabi’s room tells Ramon that Frank is inside with Fabi, so Ramon now more than ever wants to go see Fabi. Juana wisely tells him that “If she loves you she will give you your place”
Fabi tells Frank “Ramon makes me happy” but Frank does not get it and says that he will wait for her, as he gets ready to leave the room Ramon walks in and runs into Frank.


WOW Sandie. As usual, your recap is much better than the lame show. I especially like the 'bats lashes, play me some more Clapton'. I thought she was batting lashes trying not to bust out laughing on camera.
I notice that Veronica is wearing very scant makeup, as these TN honies go. I wonder if they are keeping her plain vanilla in preparation for turning her into a hottie later on, as she really is a knockout.

And yeah, Frank's horse is pretty high. I was thinking the whole time 'Fab, for once keep your pretty little mouth SHUT. But no. I knew what had to happen. It was like trying to stop Irma.

Wanna Yo Juana is officially on my shitlist. MYOB twerp and stop running amok proving to everyone that you truly are just a dumbass second class citizen maid. Tearfully try to talk Ramoon out of Fabi and when that fails go straight to the hospital at light speed under the pretense of 'seeing' Fabi, but in reality to try with her to break them up. We'd better not catch you sticking your tongue in some married man's mouth, Hoochie. You might have a few of your own words to eat.

Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Clause, and that lump of coal he left you is warming up a new oven. How many more clues do you need to figure out that your taste in men reminds us of a shiteating dog? You hate to see somebody do someone wrong, but when it is almost by invitation, my sympathy starts to evaporate. Jorge will leave too when he finds out after all this time that he was a gift.

Sandie, I also enjoyed your 'awesome friend that she is' on Rocksie too. That was funny.

The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. When Maxwella almost backed out in front of her son, Ozzie was laying on the horn like the jerk he is. Here in Florida, that kind of honking many times brings out an old fashioned parking lot beat down. A simple toot is sufficient to get your attention. Four or 5 means get out of the car and come talk to me, more than that means 'come slap me around'. Try it.


Sandie: Loved it!

Thank you, Sandie.

"Roxy is coming out of the bathroom, she feels sick because Antonio pissed her off" - Oh, oh!
Anytime a woman in a TN feels sick or faint it is an Oh, Oh!

In the conversation where Franc was trying to get Fabiola back and marry him, instead of affection, what was coming through was disrespect, contempt, violent tendencies. So many red flags. How can Fabi even consider being fiends with him. She should run and hide. Instead of being glad that he was her doctor, she should demand a doctor change.

What differences between Ramon and Fabiola? He finished high school, vocational school as a mechanic. Skilled, very employable. She finished high school, college dropout, quarter owner of a small business with about 10 employees. Not really skilled or employable. I would say, Fabi needs to work to get to Ramon's level.

Sandie, a great recap as always.

Well, we all knew FrankenFart was going to make a beeline to Fabi when he found out about the money. Kirby, "Fab, for once keep your pretty little mouth SHUT." Now why was that the very first thing she told him? I do hope she sees how quickly he turned on the charm after she told him. Lucio, "what was coming through was disrespect, contempt, violent tendencies. So many red flags." ITA what did the girl saw in him in the first place? He is a complete fake...the violent tendencies worries me... could Julio have not spotted her? she was driving practically behind him.

Kirby, I also agree with your comments about JuanaWanna. Her little speech to Ramon was disappointing. How many years were they apart? he was raised by his grandmother, wasn't he?
He lived on his own in Tijuana and now she expects him to just accept her advice without question. Doesn't make sense to me that he would need her approval.

Thanks Sandie!

I'm just glad me and Diana's fear of amnesia didn't come to pass.

So whose baby is Roxy carrying because she was schtuping both not too long ago.

I really feel bad for Virginia. She seems like the loneliest person on the show.

Sandie, this was excellent. I agree, it was far better than the episode itself.

What clever screen shots. Loved Clapton but Don Adams was my favorite.

"Frank shows up on his high horse" was so true!

"Frank says he is happy for her (and himself)". I had to laugh - how could Fabi not have missed his transparent reaction when hearing she was "in the money". He is so cold and condescending.

“But if you don’t agree too bad because we are never going to leave each other”. No. No. No. As soon as those words are uttered, a separation is inevitable, isn't it?

"In the conversation where Franc was trying to get Fabiola back and marry him, instead of affection, what was coming through was disrespect, contempt, violent tendencies. So many red flags". Spot on Lucio. No need for me to add anything.

Juana's loves Fabi, but sees her faults. Look how badly Fabi treated Juana when the news about the inheritance was revealed. Fabi can be a bit haughty herself. What Juana doesn't realize is that while true Fabi went fro BadFran directly to Ramon, Ramon went from Sofia to Fabi. Both have unfinished business, and I suspect Ramon is in for a world of hurt from his past.

I agree Kirby and Rgv Chick, Juana needs to get her own life in order and the first thing she needs to do is kick Julio to the curb.

Kirby, I agree that Vero is quite beautiful. She does seem sort of smitten (while he is nice I can't quite see why). I'm still not sure if she has any ulterior motives.

Initially, I did not see anything redeeming in Virginia. I'm frustrated with her putting up with Julio and her spoiled little snot of a son (Oz) but a little sympathy has invaded my thoughts.

Two comments in particular changed my mind. Your "Jorge will leave too when he finds out after all this time that he was a gift" Kirby and your "she seems like the loneliest person on the show" Carvivlie. Jorge (and of course Betito) are the only good things in her life.

Thank you for bringing some sunshine into this cold, rainy day Sandie!


Virginia was one aisle over in the liquor store/florist behind him. A spouse can usually 'feel' when the other is near, it is like wifi or bluetooth for people. But then that is for humans, I see now why she was not discovered.

Virginia may be the lonliest on the show, but it is HER choice.

What got me about WannaJuana was how she tried to put the full Nelson on Ramon, and to a lesser degree Fabi. She didn't sit down with Ramoon and say "Hon, I wonder about you and Fabi. I sure hope your different backgrounds is not a problem, just be careful." She put it ALL on. Boo Hooing, wringing her hands, stroking his face, you would think he had just been drafted to go to Afghanistan in Infantry.

Crimmidy Wanna, he is getting deliciously close to banging the cute boss chick. A lot worse could happen to him. woof.

Thanks, Sandie, for that snappy recap. I especially enjoyed the photos..Eric Clapton and Maxwell Smart in the same recap..amazballs!

Por tells VEr that he was in and when he young , he had a band. Yes, sure, POr, you and every other lawyer in the world.

Please remind me, are Roxy and ANt divorced or separated? ALso, what is this girl doing...besides these two deluded guys? Does she have a job? Can she not make a decision? Does she want them both? chance and no dignity either. Next.

Kirby..."A spouse can usually feel when the other is near." true !!! Is it the pheremones? Fi, FIe, FOe, Fum.....

And Virginia..again with the sniffing.

Remember Miguel's girlfriend in VIno? Was it Erika? As soon as we saw her inhaler and she started the wheezing, we knew that she was not going to live long enough to be MRs. Miguel. Adios , Virginis. Hola, JUanna. If you juana have Julio , he may soon be an eligible bachelor again. Take out those pig tails.

Sandie, that was EXCELLENT! I just loved all your little quips of snarkiness. Your pictures of Eric Clapton and also Maxwell Smart just got me laughing. After all the sad news with the earthquake in Mexico and now the hurricane in Puerto Rico, I needed to smile and your recap just did the trick. Thank you.

You know it just occurred to me that Emilia doesn't know that Julio is Osvaldo's father. I think that is kind of strange because any guy that my daughter would be dating, I would think to ask his last name. And if Emilia knows Julio's last name, I would think that she would think to herself, hmmm....Osvaldo is a Medina and so is Julio, I wonder if they are father and son?

I am really likeing Porfirio lately. I think he's a really good catch.

Yeah we all figured that Francisco would try to inject himself back into Fabi's life once he realized the million $$$ was coming true. I don't even want to call him a "dog" because dogs are better than he is. Dogs are loyal, no matter what.

Yup. Unbraid those pigtails and woman up girly. That prize lump of coal may soon be back on the (legal) market. Funny Susy.

Cynthia..yes, a daughter would not be happy about her mother dating her boyfriend's father.#doubledates?

When those braids get out.

Yeah, Cynthia, they teased us last night with a near miss or two with Emilia and her daughter's novio and talking to Susanna and Oz about a male friend. So that will be another Father / Son smackdown at least verbally when Oz and Jul come face to face at Em and Su's home.

#doubledates #creepy

Thanks everyone for your comments.
I had fun doing this recap for two reasons I love music hence Eric Clapton and I love the turns this TN is taking. I can't wait until Ramon breaks Franks nose like he did Rulo's.
I agree with most everyone that Juana did go over board with her disapproval of Ramon and Fabi's relationship. Unfortunately her premonitions about their relationship having many hurdles will come true, we are only in episode 29 with a lot more TN to go before these two can have a happily ever after, if that is even in there future.
Unlike some of the comments I am not liking the Porfi and Vero story line, it does not add value, at least not yet.
One last thing, the possibility that Roxy is pregnant irks me. She will not even know who the father is. I am hoping she just had some bad chile rellenos and that there is no bun in the oven.


Virginia is beyond sad. She is pathetic. Her reaction to the possibility that Julio is cheating, instead of being, "How dare he! After I've dedicated the best years of my life to him, he treats me like this? I'll teach him to cheat on me! Why, I oughta.....". she's all, " oh, alas, woe is me! (whining) ... I can't lose him! But I wuuuvv him!" All she needed to do to complete the picture was to wring her hands .... she was already wheezing and panting in distress! Sad

Anon 2:23, ITA Virginia is very disappointing. I know she has gone through a lot just with having a son like Benito, but she is a sorry excuse of a "woman." Even her hair and clothes are drab. how does a woman like that manage to have a successful business?

OT Susy, I didn't answer your question yesterday about my goats. Before the babies I had 15 females and 2 young males. Then the babies came--7 males and 1 female. And NOOOO, goats are not monogamous, but they're not as bad as roosters LOL

Chickie, so...15 females and all those kids..kudos to those 2 hardworking young male goats. Reminds me of Hubba's favorite joke. #youth

I was going to ask...did anyone notice the monitor that was supposedly hooked up to Fabs...the BP went from the 200s to the 100s a few that normal???

Very cool shot Kirby.

Rgv Chick, you have quite the family!

Sandie, I have a feeling that Roxie is indeed pregnant (suspicion, not spoiler). I'm betting the baby is Antonio's. I think these two are destined to be together, right or wrong.

Cynthia, your description of BadFran was great "I don't even want to call him a "dog" because dogs are better than he is. Dogs are loyal, no matter what". Great!

I think the big transformation will not be Vero but Juana, once she follows your suggestion to take the pigtails out Susanlynn. Was the "Heidi" luke ever in? :)


It looked like the monitor by Fabi was going through the initial power up self diagnostics while they were shooting the scene with her.

Diana: Yes I think she probably will be pregnant, but I hope it's not Antonio's. I like Antonio with Margarita not with Roxy.

Susanlyn: Roxy and Antonio are separated, divorce has been filed. So in process. She is in real estate. When she came back to Mexico she called her boss to see if she could work while she was back in town.

Welcome back Alfredo. Agree on every point. Rocksie is one of those 'Only friend on Earth' friends.

Yup. Juana was actually in TEARS over the rich/poor pairing. You'd think her frippin hamster died.

Alfredo: Just noticed your avatar, I can't wait for that TN to come to the U.S. I so enjoyed Silvia in LC that I am missing her strong portrayal of Regina.

Alfredo: Mabuti nga kayo sa likod Caray Caray Alfredo.


RGV Chick: I see that Julio's still upping the ante against the Good Guys still. Has he gone into the murderous territory yet ?

Kirby: How's everything going with you & your wife & kids in the Sunshine State ?

"It's funny, but when this thing started, Margarita and Antonio seemed like a great option. Now Porfirio seems like the real catch and poor, robotic Antonio has more baggage than an airplane cargo hold" as well as your comments on Marg were well said Alfredo.

Glad you are've been missed.


Hi, Lovely Enamorandome Patio People. This is Lila. I didn't know where else to ask this question:

Anyway, I saw a bit on Univision about "Me declaro culpable".

I didn't read the article for fear of spoilers but the clip was interesting. Do you know if Univision is going to get it? Just curious. Is there a recent post on upcoming novelas.

Again, sorry! :)


Steve I survived the storm without a scratch as I was ready for it a year ago. wife and kids. I just raise other peoples kids when they lose interest.

Alfredo I wondered about the Dalia scenes too, but was soo thankful we didn't have to sit through an episode long O'Campo style sermon that I just counted my blessings and assumed it was understood.

Alfredo, I was quite bothered by the near date rape of Dalia. Last week when I recapped on the episode last Friday, I had a hard time with it and was glad Ramon came to her rescue.

The Rulo character is just as bad as the "Orlando" charcter he played in Tres Veces Ana. It's like he's the same guy, but with a different name. And he still looks greasy and gross!

Hi Lila!!!

I followed your link to "Me declaro culpable" - what a great cast. I have missed Daniela Castro and this looks great.

I am very intrigued by "Caer" - I'm looking forward to seeing Gabe Soto just so I can forget Vino and see him in something else.

Are you watching anything currently?

Hope you post again


Diana..I saw the promo with Gabe Soto. I will give that tn a try. I have not heard anything about the tn Lila asked about.

hi, Lila, we miss you, Amiga.

Hi, Lila!!

On Sept. 6th, Steven posted "Upcoming Telenovelas: Stevey's Notes (Pt. IIB)" There is a section on the TN you asked about.

That should be "Stevey " not Steven...autocorrect was persistent :-/

Thank you, Sandie, for this recap which allowed me a space to crash!

Super Alfie, Diana, Susanlynn, and Rgv Chick! Hi! I miss you guys, too! I've not watched anything since Vino and have been thinking a lot about Mexico for obvious reasons. I was able to listen to the news and understand all the horror about the earthquake and, oh, it's all too much, but it made me think of you all and I DO miss Caray!

Thanks for the date of Stevey's upcoming novelas post. I will be sure to check it out. Maybe I'll watch for when the Gabe Soto one comes out as well: I'd love to see him get a better story line than he got in Vino.

Love you guys, hope to see you around the ranch on a new novela soon. Enjoy!

Sandie lovely recap. I just read this
One. Lots of goings on.Something virgi
Said"thank God for sendin her a baby in Betitos place" didnt like that at all.
Can't replace one child with another. I think they got everybody thinkin she pushed out Jorge. That'll blow up on
Them too.
Frankfark is a piece of crap.All he cs
Fabi is right they'll be happy.It just
Not until the end, when all the happy endings happen.

Nina...loved this , "Not until the end when all happy endings happen."

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