Monday, September 04, 2017

La Candidata 9.4.17 Chapter 58: Who Will Survive and What Will Become of Them?

Hey all! This is my final recap for this novela and I wanted to say a few words to those who were with us every step of the way.

First, I’d like to thank my fellow recappers, Sandie, Cynthia, Anita, Jarifa, and our leader, Urban. You are all amazing and talented people and our team was stronger for it. We battled some crazy scheduling (I couldn’t have remained sane without your help) but we came out stronger on the other side.

To our faithful commentors, SpanProf, Lynette, Loriloo, Steve, and many others, I thank you for taking the time to leave behind words of encouragement for now and the future about this twisty tale. It’s you guys we do this for and it’s a gift to have found so many kind people to share it with.

Please know that this patio was very special to me and I hope to see all of your again very soon (hopefully another Giselle Gonzalez production) 

Regina now knows that Noemi was telling the truth and Cecelia is, in fact, her sister but Cecelia tells her that Noemi barely knows 10% of the truth. Gerardo tells Regina that he came to tell her this but Cecelia stops him because only she can tell Regina the truth. Cecelia confesses that she has known Regina is her sister, her whole life, and she feels relieved because she finally told her the truth. Regina reminds her that she slept with Alonso and Emiliano, whilst knowing she was her sister, but Cecelia explains that she was able to do it because she hates her. In fact, she reminds herself how much she hates Regina and that has given her the strength to do what she has done and she can do a lot more. Regina asks her to leave but Cecelia refuses and tells Regina that she is not better than her because they are sisters and that means they are the same, no matter how much she denies it. Gerardo tries to get Cecelia to leave and screams for Daniela to call a doctor, as Cecelia doesn’t look well, but Cecelia announces that she’s good and they aren’t calling anyone. She stands in front of the door and blocks their way.

Alonso tells Teresa that he isn’t giving her one red cent unless he proves that Ximena is pregnant and the baby is Emiliano’s. Teresa chides him for thinking so little of Ximena but Alonso reminds her that Ximena may be following her example. Teresa reminds him that she is a one-man woman and he should stop digging himself into a deeper hole but Alonso reminds her of the consequences should she say anything about Ximena’s pregnancy to anyone. Teresa is aware but she tells him that her lawyer, and not the one he hired for her, knows she’s with him and he should remember what is at stake. He asks again what she wants and Teresa tells him that he will have all the prove he needs but, first, he needs to pay off her debt at the casino so she can play again because she needs to distract herself. After that, they can talk calmly. She then thanks Alonso for his time and leaves.

Gerardo asks Cecelia to leave again but she promises to calm down. After a few moments, she tells him that she needs to finish talking to her sister. She then looks at Regina and tells her that she now knows how she feels about her and why because Mario chose her and gave her everything, his love and his protection, while she got to live in the shadows. Regina reminds her that she didn’t know the truth and it is not her fault but Cecelia accuses of never suspecting anything and living in a fantasyland while she lived off scraps. Regina can only look at her, silently, as Cecelia’s nose begins to bleed. She tells Regina that her hate is the only thing she has left and it is the only thing that will keep her going until she destroys her. Regina tells her that she’s bleeding and tries to help her but Cecelia attacks her as Daniela and the doctor walk in. They pull her off Regina but Cecelia refuses their help and leaves. In the hallway, she finally breaks down and cries.

Mario arrives at the Governor’s building and runs into Mauro, who tells him that Alonso is looking for Cecelia. Mario is too, but she’s not answering her phone, though Mauro already knows that he has lost control of her. Mario is taken aback and Mauro explains that he has contacts in the Senate who told him that Cecelia visited Regina. They also told her that Cecelia left, distraught, from what he can only imagine was a very familial and heartwarming encounter. In fact, they don’t have to think the worst, as she and Regina are sisters after all. He does need an alternative plan, ASAP, but Mario reminds him that he has the proof to bring down Alonso, so he shouldn’t fret. Mauro nods and tells him that he has all the proof he needs, and they will be released to the press and police should anything happen to him, but Alonso’s associate still scare him. Mario is lost and Mauro confesses that Alonso has deep connection with narcos, a connection Mario knew nothing about. Mauro thinks that Alonso doesn’t trust Mario, as much as he would like to think, but he trusts him and he needs his help to get a new life. Mauro suggests Mario do the same because Alonso will not hesitate to get rid of him when the time comes. Mario nods and goes to leave but Mauro suggests he first find out what Cecelia told Regina before talking to Alonso.

Sometime later, Regina has calmed down but she confesses to Gerardo that she is shocked at how sick things have become and how stupid she was because she didn’t realize the truth. Gerardo reminds her that Mario was able to hide his secret well and Regina asks him how he found out about Cecelia. Gerardo explains that he ran into El Cuervo in jail and he told him everything he knew about Mario and his illegal activities though he still doesn’t have the proof he needs. Regina looks at him and nods. She confesses that she always thought her mother was delusional but she now knows the truth. She begins to cry and tells him that her life is a mess before begging him to get her out of the office. He obliges and they go.

Ochoa goes to see Mauro in his office and tells him that there has been a spike in narco activity, including murder. Mauro tells him that he spoke to the person in charge of public safety and has requested that anyone involved in criminal activity be arrested on site. Ochoa thinks that it will only make things worse, as most of the people involved are with El Chulo. Mauro demands he tell Alonso then, as he is the only one who can control him, and Ochoa nods before suggesting that they also speak to the press, who are impatient for answers. Mauro promises to take of it and Ochoa leaves as he calls Cecelia but only gets her voice message. He demands to know where she is as their world is falling apart around them.

Regina calls Noemi, who is at home, and asks her how she’s doing. Noemi tells her that she’s safe and will be waiting for her at home. When Noemi hangs up, Emiliano comes up behind her and asks her about what is happening. Noemi confesses that his mother finally confirmed what she told her. Emiliano asks that she tell him but Noemi thinks he should talk to Regina, as he is too young to understand. Emiliano reminds her that he isn’t and asks if it has anything to do with Mario’s other family and all the wild stories she told his mother. Noemi tells him that they aren’t stories and confesses that Regina finally found out “that woman” is her sister. She tries to leave but Emiliano asks her about the woman she’s referring to. Noemi turns around, takes a deep breath, and confesses that Cecelia Aguilar is Regina’s sister and, therefore, his aunt. Emiliano is speechless as Noemi tells him that she is the daughter of Mario with a prostitute. Noemi apologizes for telling him but he was going to find out sooner or later. Emiliano says nothing but walks away as Noemi tries to stop him.

Mario arrives at the Senate building whilst talking to his lawyer about drafting a POA to handle any and all of Omar’s affairs before he becomes to delusional to sign. The lawyer will take care of it and Mario hangs up before asking Daniela where his daughter is. Daniela asks if he means Cecelia or Regina but Mario is quiet. Daniela confesses that Cecelia visited Regina and told her everything.

Alonso chides Ochoa and the rest of his team for the mess they have failed to contain including murder, mayhem and rising gas prices, especially during election year. Mauro tells him that they will be holding a press conference to tell the press how they will handle the situation. Alonso nods and asks if he has spoken to the president because it’s obvious he’s trying to ruin his campaign. Mauro doesn’t think it’s the president’s fault but everyone’s and it all leads back to the poor job they have done regarding the economy, in the Mexican government and many others. Alonso asks everyone to leave him alone with Mauro and then asks Ochoa to gather up his people and kill all the narcos in their way. Ochoa nods and leaves with the rest of the team. Once alone, Mauro calls Alonso crazy, as his actions are likely to start a civil war, and suggests he talk to El Chulo and put a stop to this. Alonso refuses and tells him that he will talk to the president first and, should he want to ruin his career, Alonso will make sure to ruin it first.

Moments later, Mauro is holding the press conference in the Governor building lobby. The reporters demand to know if the military is going to storm the city and help get the recent wave of crime over control. They also demand to know what is going on with gas prices but Mauro refuses to answer any of their questions. When one reporter demands he acknowledge that the situation has gotten out of control, he ends the press conference and walks away. He runs into Cecelia, who has been hiding behind the wall leading up to the elevators, and demands to know what she is doing at the Governor’s building and in such a state. Cecelia begins to cry and confesses that she has no idea where else to go. Mauro offers to help and takes her to his office.

That night, Alonso meets with El Chulo in his house as no one can see them together. He chides him for failing to control his people, especially because he’s ruining his campaign when he specifically wanted him to ruin Regina’s. El Chulo demands he lower his voice and explains that they turned over his father’s lover to him, so he could make her disappear, but they stole her. Alonso is shocked and El Chulo reminds him that Marcia could do a lot more damage to his campaign, if she talks, and that is why the mess in the city. He asks Alonso to mobilize all of his people and help him find her. If not, he can forget about his career as president. At this, El Chulo leaves but Alonso stops him and asks who gave him Marcia.

In his office, Mauro chides Cecelia for ruining their plans. He reminds her that Alonso will throw her out of his life if he finds out the truth but Cecelia doesn’t understand. Mauro is shocked that she doesn’t realize the gravity the situation but Cecelia begs him to lie and tell Alonso that she knew nothing of her origins until recently, when Mario confessed the truth. She tells him that she can’t lose Alonso as well but Mauro is silent. He then receives a call from Alonso, who demands to know where Cecelia is because she was supposed to take care of Marcia but Marcia is still alive and can ruin him. Alonso then instructs him to find out why Cecelia turned Marcia over to her mother and ask Ochoa to find Marcia before it’s too late. Once he hangs up, Mauro looks over at Cecelia and tells her that she did everything wrong and now everything is ruined. She demands to know what happened and Mauro tells her that it has to do with Marcia and Isela. He reminds her that he warned her Isela would ruin her and now she has.

Teresa arrives at the apartment and opens the door to Ximena’s room. Ximena asks her why she locked her up and Teresa reminds her that she was not behaving. Teresa then caresses her face and tells her that she looks terrible before demanding to know why she got pregnant. Ximena begs her to leave her alone and tries to leave but Teresa pushes her against the wall demands she tell her if Emiliano is the father. Ximena nods and begs her to not tell anyone, as she doesn’t want to have the baby, and Teresa asks if she’s going to kill him. After a moment, Teresa tells Ximena that she will help her get rid of the baby but she has to follow her instructs to the T or Gerardo will find out the kind of whore she is. She hugs Ximena, who nods, slowly.

Daniela packs up Regina’s things, so she can move them to campaign headquarters, as Fernando reminds her that they need to work twice so that Regina’s numbers improve, especially after the Gerardo fiasco. Daniela reminds him that Regina is not a robot but Fernando would like to say something, especially to Regina’s right hand woman who convinced her to accept his help in the first place. Daniela nods and he tells her that he have Marcia, Omar’s lover, and she knows a lot about the San Roman family; if they use her correctly, she may be able to bring down Alonso. However, she also knows a lot about Mario and, at this, Daniela stops him and prefers he tell Regina. Fernando explains that he knows Regina would be against his methods, which is why he told her, because she is someone with a clear goal in mind and Marcia is key to destroying Alonso.

In the hospital waiting room, Jose brings Natalia a tea. She thanks him and he sits down next to her. After a moment, he tells her that Omar is with a notary and asks if she should be there with him. Natalia shakes her head and tells him that she no longer cares what happens to the money. In fact, all she wants is to leave the scum in her life behind and he is her only hope. Jose grabs her hand and promises to never let her down. Natalia nods and tells him that she is going back to her house, as she doubts Omar will be discharged tonight, and asks if he will meet her there. Jose nods and she gives him back his tea before leaving.

In Omar’s room, Mario and Magda meet with the notary. She asks if Omar is sure that he wants to leave everything in Mario’s hands but Mario chides her for questioning his methods as she called him, in the first place, to help Omar. He then demands she wait outside but Omar stops him. Mario, frustrated by the situation, tells him that he did as Omar asked but Omar wants everyone out of the room, except the notary. Everyone obliges and then Omar asks the notary to help him rewrite his last will and testament, as he doesn’t know how much time he has left. The notary obliges.

Gerardo drops Regina off at her parent’s house and gives her a kiss good night. Once alone, she remembers when she spoke to Cecelia about her past, her mother and how she came to work with Alonso. She then remembers when Cecelia confessed to having a sister but she could never confess the truth to her sister because it would destroy her father’s reputation. Regina remembers this and sighs, heavily.

At home, Alonso has fallen asleep on the couch when Emiliano arrives and looks at him. He clenches his fist, with tears in his eyes, and looks down at his father but doesn’t say anything. After a moment, he leaves and Alonso wakes up, none the wiser.

Gerardo arrives home and finds Ximena, who sees his bruises and asks him what happened. He doesn’t answer and she tells him that she’s relieved to see him. He nods and asks why she didn’t answer his calls. She assumes her phone ran out of battery but then confesses that she has something important to tell him. After a moment, she tells him that she is going to live with Teresa but Gerardo shakes his head. He sits her down and explains that he is taking Teresa to the doctor and he will likely suggest they put her in a hospital. Ximena shakes her head and tells him that she will take care of her mother, as she’s the only thing she’s got, but Gerardo reminds her that Teresa abuses and mistreats her. Ximena doesn’t care, as Teresa is her mother, and she will stay with her. At this, Ximena storms off and leaves Gerardo to think things over.

In her apartment, Mauro tells a freshly showered Cecelia, now in bed, that he will resolve everything but she needs to sleep now and she better not ingest anything else. He then tells her that he will sleep downstairs but she promises she will be good and asks him to go home. He will but she has to give him all the drugs she has stashed around the apartment first. Cecelia sighs and Mauro tells her that he needs to see her well. She thinks about this for a second and then opens up the first drawer in her nightstand. She takes out a baggie of cocaine out and gives it to Mauro, who looks at her, before telling him that it’s all she has. He goes over to her and gives her a kiss on the forehead as she thanks him for his help. As he goes to leave, Emiliano runs up the stairs and demands to know if he’s sleeping with her too. Mauro thinks he’s crazy but Emiliano demands Cecelia talk to him. Mauro look at Cecelia and she asks him to leave them alone. He asks if she’s sure and Cecelia begs him to please leave them alone. He obliges and goes as she stands up and looks at Emiliano. She is unsure of what to say but goes to touch him though Emiliano shies away from her touch. He demands to know if she knew they were related and Cecelia nods. He demands to know what kind of horrible, garbage of a person does what she did to him. She confesses that it’s difficult to explain but begs him to forgive her. When she goes to touch him again, Emiliano demands she never touch him again because she disgusts him. In fact, he’s disgusted in himself. Cecelia quietly looks at him and Emiliano thanks her before leaving. Once alone, she walks out to the patio and hugs herself as she walks toward the edge.

In the hallway, Mario demands to know why Magda put those crazy ideas into Omar’s head. He asks if she would prefer Natalia and her lover enjoy the money but Magda confesses that she made a mistake trusting him. Mario confesses that he made a mistake thinking she was smart. At that moment, the notary comes out of the room and Magda asks him what Omar said. The notary explains that Omar drafted a new will and they will find out soon enough what it says. He also warns him that Omar did so with a clear mind and in full use of his faculties so they will not be able to challenge anything or enjoy his money until after he has passed. He then excuses himself and leaves a shocked Magda and angry Mario behind.

Regina is waiting for Emiliano when he arrives at her parent’s house. She calls out to him and Emiliano, with tears in his eyes, asks her what happened to their family. She asks him to calm down but Emiliano confesses that he hates his father, grandfather and Cecelia. Regina hugs him and promises that everything will be okay.

The next morning, Mario storms into the cabaret and finds Isela. He reveals that the sewer lip has been blown wide open but reminds him that he is the first rat that will come crawling out and he will pay for what he’s done. Mario doesn’t think so but she reminds him that she runs a prostitution business and that means she has lists upon lists of important people that wouldn’t want to see her in jail or they wouldn’t be able to enjoy her services. He grabs her, pushes her into her office, and demands she give him the list of names because he has to save himself since Cecelia told Regina the truth and Alonso, who is involved with narcos, will find out soon enough. He demands to know if she knew about Alonso’s connections and Isela nods before revealing that she turned Marcia over to them. He curses her and begins to throw papers around looking for the list of names. Isela will turn it over on one condition: he divorce Noemi, marry her and recognize Cecelia has his daughter.

Fernando meets with El Chulo in his office and explains that he asked to meet him at the behest of Chulo’s bosses, who are very unhappy with his work as of late. Chulo asks if it’s part of his plan to push him out of the business and reveals that he was unable to find Marcia, even though he combed through all of Bizco’s past associates. Fernando hands him a drink and asks him to explain himself. El Chulo knows he has Marcia but Fernando asks if he is going to continue on his self-destructive path because his bosses are waiting for an answer. El Chulo tells him that it all depends on him and offers an exchange: Marcia for Lorena. Fernando thinks he’s lying but Chulo takes out his phone, dials one of his men, and asks him to put Lorena on the phone. He hands the phone to Fernando and Lorena, badly bruised and heavily guarded, begs Fernando to not let her die. Fernando looks at Chulo, who has a wide smile on his face.

In Alonso’s office, Magda tells him that his father did a new will and no one will be able to use his money until he dies. Alonso calls her an idiot for not stopping him and demands she leave. Magda is shocked but Alonso screams for her to leave as Emiliano walks in. He closes the door and asks Alonso if he is mistreating Magda now. Alonso thinks he should be in school but Emiliano thinks he should be in jail.

In her parent’s garden, Regina meets with Daniela, who tells her that she has to let Marcia tell her story, especially if Alonso has a video of her and Gerardo. Regina nods and finally realizes that she has to play dirty and use other methods if she hopes to win and get rid of all the death, drugs and murder.

Alonso demands to know what Emiliano is talking about. Emiliano reminds him that he poisoned him against Regina and made him believe she was a corrupt woman who was responsible for Florencia’s death. On top of that, he made him believe that she only wanted power and never cared for her family when the only monster in his life was Alonso himself. Alonso is still confused and Emiliano confesses that he pushed him to sleep with his aunt. At this, Alonso is taken aback but Emiliano demands he stop pretending he doesn’t know that his mother and Cecelia are sisters. Alonso is floored.

Mauro lets himself into Cecelia’s apartment but calls out her name. He goes into her bedroom and finds a glass of half drunken whiskey and some cocaine on her chest of drawers. He sighs and goes to wake her up but Cecelia doesn’t respond. He begins to shake her and asks her to wake up but Cecelia doesn’t move. He puts his hand on her neck and whispers “no, no, no”…


Alfredo: Good recap. The countdown of who wins the Presidency.

Ximena will get an abortion!

Muchas gracias for all your fine work, Alfredo. This hasn't been the easiest series to cover and you have consistently provided excellent work considering your other obligations. I hope we can work together again in future.

It looks like Regina's chandelier is being lit in rapid succession on all its tiers. She is no longer in denial and she dismissed Cecelia as the garbage she is. Good work. Regina will survive this. I wonder whether Cecelia was high on cocaine during this confrontation.

Based on the look on Alonso's face when Emiliano told him, he's completely spooked. He had better hope that the general public will never find out about this. It makes me think this is one time when he would actually commit murder.

Alonso is calling Teresa's bluff. He knows that Emiliano has to be the sperm donor. He also knows that Teresa is batshit crazy. But what is even more disturbing is how Teresa treats Ximena and that the girl is willing to stay with her mother. “Because you were not behaving” indeed! This needs an immediate intervention. There is no way that Gerardo would ever think of Ximena as a whore and Teresa knows that. She is gaslighting Ximena yet again because she knows that Ximena isn't a whore. That she is can be debated. She certainly isn't the one-man woman she told Alonso she is.

Ximena looked scared out of her wits.

Omar's will is going to be interesting. I think we will definitely hear it read shortly.

Isela demanding that Mario divorce Noemi and marry her? In your dreams, Isela.

If Cecelia is dead Isela and Mario are responsible for it as much as Isela is responsible for Cecelia's irrational hatred of Regina. May they both rot for this.

Thanks Alfredo for all of your excellent recaps. This novela is moving at a rapid pace towards its conclusion. I wonder if Cecelia is really dead. It is almost too easy a departure from this life after all the wreckage she has done. I found it interesting that Mario and Mauro seem to be collaborating - against Alonso? Lorena is in trouble now. I wonder what Fernando will decide about her. She has been trying to play the power game without being sufficiently clued in on how to make it work in her favor. I wonder if Alonso will play Teresa's game and give her the money in exchange for Ximena's abortion. Unfortunately I will miss Tuesday and Thursdays episode so I appreciate all of the work done by the hard-working recappers.

Thank you Alfredo and your entire recapping team. This is probably the most unusual TN I've ever seen - right up there with "Yago" - but even more twisty, like you said earlier. It has been rather disturbing at times but the acting has been spectacular. Like Susana in this episode...

I can't decide if Ceci is really dead. I could see Alonso killing her, and making it look like an overdose, but it seems like the info he got from Emi that would make him want to shut her up, came after the fact.

I hope Omar gave everything back to Natalia but I guess we'll see. I'm surprised that Marcia has become such an important piece of this puzzle. And I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for Lorena.

Thank you Alfredo! It's been a pleasure working with you on this team. Your recaps were a pleasure to read as well. So thank you again for all your hard work.

We are on the count-down here till Friday and it will be one nail biting episode after another. Hopefully, Regina will win for President!

I am actually feeling very sorry for Cecelia right now. She appears to be dead from an overdose. It's also different seeing Mauro being "fatherly" toward her and caring about what happens to her. After all the wrong she has done, she's actually just a really messed up young woman who had the unfortunate luck to be born from a prostitute mother who never cleaned up her act and never behaved motherly and a father who kept her hidden as an embarrassment. It's got to really hurt very badly. No wonder she had a bad cocaine addiction. I'm sure she has been trying to cover over the pain all these years. He mother was no help at all in making her feel like she was a nothing and calling her a bastard child many times.

I think Alonso will play along with Teresa until Ximena gets an abortion and then have her (Teresa) "taken care of" by his thugs.

I don't feel sorry for Cecelia. If she was intelligent enough to get a journalism degree in the US she should have been smart enough to get psychiatric help to deal with her family issues. A good shrink would have encouraged her to either confront her parents head-on or walk away from them, or both in that order. She could have applied to stay in the US and made a decent life for herself in some major city and never looked back. I find it incredible that she didn't consider the possibility of their evil rubbing off on her.

I do agree that death from an overdose at this point is the easy way out for her.

In view of Mauro's reaction to this I think he's out to bring Alonso down. The next question is whether Alonso realizes this.

Thank you, Alfredo, for yet another outstanding recap. It was great working with you, also!

The action in these final episodes is really something else: nothing is extraneous. Hopefully it all will be resolved.

Again, Mauro was a real stand out for me last night. I am enjoying his sarcasm and especially his treating Mario as an equal.

There is hope for Emiliano with him being duly disgusted with having had sex with his aunt and having had realized that Alonso had poisoned him against his mother.

That was quite the look of shock on Alonso's face when he found out who Cecilia really is.


What is stunning is that Cecelia doesn't realize the gravity of the situation if Alonso finds out that Regina is her sister. Mauro is stunned. Maybe mama Isela dulled her understanding of incest.

Isela is as morally bankrupt as Mario. He has no qualms about killing when a person gets in his way, but she had no issue with dragging her daughter into a life she didn't need to be in.

Isela may or may not realize that she envies the fact that Cecelia didn't have to follow her into prostitution. Cecelia may be illegitimate but she had an education that could have liberated her from a sordid life. Had Isela encouraged her to pursue a career in something legal and above board Cecelia would not have fallen to what she did.

That she further encouraged her into incest with Emiliano should doom her to a nasty fate. I believe she fully understood the impact that the discovery could have on Emiliano, Regina, and everyone else related to them but -- like many narcissists -- could not conceive of Cecelia having any different feelings about it from her own.

Alfredo--This is the proof in the pudding that you are a fantastic writer. Every word you put down was right there on the screen. Thank you. Your farewell speech was touching and we know, thankfully, that this isn't the last we've heard from you. More later....

UA--to quote you, "If she was intelligent enough to get a journalism degree in the US she should have been smart enough to get psychiatric help to deal with her family issues."

There are already too many intelligent people out there that don't or won't get any kind of help for mental issues. Cecelia is just one more. Perhaps she wasn't aware of her situation as a child, most don't, and don't become fully aware until their teenage years (i.e. Emiliano and Ximena), and still ignore it. Cecelia let her resentment for recognition, beginning with her mother's approval and her part-time father, grow into hatred. This hatred was promulgated and encouraged by Isela. She probably believed Mario would take her out of "the Life" but instead he set her up to be his funnel for setting up politicians and business men he didn't like or were in his way.

We don't really know why Cecelia returned home to be bullied by both her parents, but without it, we wouldn't have had a story, so let's just go with it.

I'm sure Teresa threatened Ximena into doing her bidding. I think she would have preferred staying with her father, but she said all the things necessary for Gerardo to hear, even though she might not believe them herself. Or at least that's my interpretation. She's too young to be "taking care of her mother because she's all Ximena has." Gerardo should have put his foot down--although I don't know how he would have prevented her from physically returning to her mother.

I sure would like Ignacio would come clean with Gerardo sooner rather than later or not at all about Tere.

Emi sure had to grow up in a hurry. Can you imagine how he now feels about his "family" now? Poor thing, it will be hard to look his mother in the face and not see Cecelia naked, having sex with him and encouraging him. And the disillusionment in his grandfather Mario. Wait until he hears what else Alonso has been up to, as well as Omar.

I didn't see the Marcia/Lorena thing being so critical to the downfall coming this late either. In fact, I rather wish the narcos hadn't been brought into it at all. Political fraud can be big enough without it. It just seems too easy a way out to blame all the corruption on the drug and sex trade.

I still wish Magda would leave the set and not come back for any more scenes.

And least, but not last (we still have 4 episodes to go) WHY has Mario worn a winter neck scarf through this whole telenovela? Or Hernan? Does it really get that cold in Mexico City while the women appear much more skimpily dressed. Or must women suffer for fashion's sake even in make-believe lives. Oh, well, tell that to wardrobe.

No, thank YOU, Alfredo, for all you have done and for another excellent, and in this case final, Candidata recap. OMG. Is Cecilia really dead? I was hoping for a little redemption for her, at least (a not-too-long jail sentence for her role in Susana's murder, for example). Maura was awfully decent to Cecilia. He should have slept on her downstairs couch because he was right to be worried about her state of mind.

Anita, you are right about Ximena. We all know that Teresa had to have threatened her in some way. The girl looked terrified. She has every reason to fear for her life, which is why Teresa should have been locked up indefinitely in the manicomio after the murder/suicide attempt. That scene where Teresa put her elbow into Ximena's spine told me she would kill her if she met with any more resistance.

As to the narcos I think that their part of the story was originally meant to be the 20 episodes that didn't happen because this series was cut short due to local controversy. Knowing how the plot threads are woven in TNs and US soaps they couldn't back out of what was on tape at that time. Especially if this was shot the same way that YNCELH was done (Which I don't know).

Gerardo should have had Teresa locked up in a manicomio and sent Ximena to a shrink, followed by a foreign boarding school with the understanding that this would be temporary and for her safety.

Alfredo Merci Beucoup, mil Gracias, arigato, mahalo, and any other way to say thank you is not sufficient. You have such a busy schedule with all the other recaps you do that it amazes me how accurate, thorough and magnificent all of your recaps to this TN have been.

This TN by far is one of my favorites not because of what it is about, but the acting has been phenomenal. Take this episode, Susana and Silvia had an amazing interaction. Mauro's reaction to Cecilia's downfall was amazing and in a way heart-warming. Emiliano, who typically has not been one of my favorite characters had an incredible scene with Alonso. And many others including Mario's house of cards beginning to crumble. The scene with Isela was spectacular. He is finally seeing everything crumble and is desperate for a way out.

My favorite scene was indeed Mario and Isela. The actor playing Mario is so cool, and sophisticated but he now knows he is doomed, he is beginning to lose his cool and is taking it out on Isela. I do think that Isela asking Mario to marry her is ludicrous, I thought she hated him?

I am looking forward to the end, but feel that there is too much pending to be able to be covered cleanly in the 4 episodes that are left. I agree that the insertion of the Narco plot has added a new dimension to this TN, but IMHO not needed at all.

We shall see what they come up with.

Again Alfredo, you outdid yourself with this one.

UA--You are absolutely right. 20 episodes missing. That would have left plenty of time to arc the narco involvement.

Sandie--I'm also moving this tn up to one of my favorites and not just about the acting, which has been phenomenal, but also the story line has been edgy and not one of the traditional to-be-expected stories involving rich land owners juxtaposed with humble servants dressed in traditional garb.

Also, I think Isela is desperate and knows she is doomed. Could this be a last grasp to clean up her reputation and her daughter's before her end? I think she also knows Mario is doomed, despite his power and "prestige" and thus is going for broke. OTOH, she also knows she has a successful business going, aside from the fact that a lot of its financial success is based on extortion. (Not that I want her to come out of this smelling like a rose.)

No wonder Mario has gone berserk looking for her list of "clients." He needs it to shut them up and get one more round of cash out of them before he disappears. Hmmm.

Nothing is going to save Isela now. Mario will go down and she will end up being dragged no matter what she does.

UA: The Narcos' storyline was cut short for obvious reasons (political Clearing Throat).


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