Thursday, October 05, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #39 10.5.17: Guilty Consciences & Hovering Exes

Francisco uses the defibrillator paddles on Virginia but there is nothing to do. She has flatlined.

Susana is listening to music in the living room when Emilia comes and asks what she is doing all alone. Susana tells her that Osvaldo left but she gave him her phone number and he left her a message thanking her. Emilia has not seen but she pulls out her phone, sees the message, and smiles. She then tells Susana that she is going out and kisses her good night.

Osvaldo arrives at the hospital and receives a message from Emilia asking him to go to the apartment in Polanco. He tells her that he must take care of something first and then he will go. He then goes to Jorge and asks him how bad his mother’s accident is, as he has somewhere to be. Fabiola chides him for being so insensitive and he agrees to stay after texting Emilia that he will be late. Emilia texts him that she will prepare the bubble bath and champagne as she wants to cover him in bubbles. He smiles as Fabiola decides to call Margarita to tell her what happened. Margarita doesn’t happen so Fabiola calls Antonio to tell him the news and he promises to tell Margarita and then go with her to the hospital. They hang up and Antonio can reach Margarita to tell her what happened. Antonio offers to pick her up but she would rather go in her own car and then leave later. They hang up and then Ramon calls Antonio to ask if he can miss work tomorrow as he was attacked outside his house and badly beaten. Antonio gives him permission and promises to call tomorrow to see how he’s feeling. They both hang up.

In her apartment, Emilia gets the cheese, champagne, and her face ready for her fresh piece of meat.

Ramon and Juana sit down for a moment and Ramon complains about the pain. Juana suggests they leave for the night and come back tomorrow to see how Virginia is doing. He agrees as Margarita comes, bids them hello, and goes to hug Julio. The nurse then comes out of the OR and tells them Francisco will be out right now to tell them how Virginia is doing. Francisco then comes out a second later and reveals that Virginia had a lot of damage to vital organs when she came in, and they did everything they could to save her, but she has passed away. Francisco feels impotent because he couldn’t save her, as she was like family, but Fabiola is sure he did everything he could. Everyone, even Osvaldo, begins to cry as Juana realizes she was the last person to talk to Virginia. Margarita offers to call Antonio so he can tell Roxana, since she was Virginia’s best friend, and go tell Hortensia. A few feet away, Juana then calls Luisa to tell her about Virginia. At the news, Luisa begins to cry.

Antonio wakes up Roxana and tells her about Virginia. Roxana breaks down and shakes her head. She begs Antonio to take her to see Virginia but Antonio tells her it’s pointless because they are preparing the body for the burial. Roxana continues to cry and tells him Virginia was her only friend. Antonio tells her that he will pick her up tomorrow and leaves as Roxana continues to cry uncontrollably.

Margarita goes to see Hortensia, who thinks she’s there to ask her to move back, but Margarita gives her the news about Virginia. Hortensia asks her how Julio and the boys are doing and Margarita tells her they are holding it together, barely, and Hortensia nods. She thinks that they don’t get out of one tragedy when they are back in another. Margarita nods.

The next morning, Luisa tells Dalia the news and cries. Dalia wonders if Luisa is really hurt over her death, as Virginia was not the best boss, but Luisa explains that they cohabited for years and she wonders how Julio and the boys will manage. Dalia nods as the phone rings. It’s Antonio, who asks her to please take care of Diego as he goes to the funeral. Luisa will be at his apartment soon and hangs up. Dalia walks Luisa to the door.

At the wake, everyone huddles around, standing awkwardly and silently, as Antonio and Roxana arrive. Roxana immediately goes to the casket and begins to cry.

In the show, Lucho tells the other mechanics that the Medina family goes from bad to worse, first Ricardo and Kathy and now Virginia. Poncho thinks they need a cleanse and Rulo suggests they find employment elsewhere, lest they be the next victims of whatever bad luck has befallen the family. Poncho reminds him that he already broke his nose but Rulo asks him to shut up and then asks about Ramon, who has not shown up for work. Lucho explains that they beat him up last night and landed in the hospital as Dalia comes in and overhears him. Rulo shrugs his shoulders but Dalia looks worried.

Antonio goes to Margarita and tells her that he must be close to Roxana, for now, as she just lost her best friend. Margarita nods and asks him to do what he must. Across the room, Ramon sees Francisco walk inside, shake Osvaldo’s hand, and then ask the sisters, especially Fabiola, how they are doing. The girls are doing fine but Francisco asks if they would like something to calm them down. They shake their heads and he steps away as Margarita confesses that the death of Virginia reminds them of the death of their parents. Francisco nods. Across from the sisters, Julio sits down, dejected, and Margarita asks Hortensia if she would like something. Hortensia points out that Antonio and Roxana, who are hugging, are now closer than ever and it is her fault because she chose to be someone’s second choice. Margarita reminds her that it not the time to discuss this and walks away.

In Julio’s apartment, Luisa tries to get Diego to eat something but he’s not hungry. The doorbell then rings and it’s Benito, with a bouquet of flowers for Virginia since he can’t leave his post to go to the funeral. He asks her to put them in water and Luisa nods before letting him pass. He asks her how she feels and Luisa admits that Virginia’s death was sudden and shocking, especially after all the years she’s worked for her. Diego then comes and asks Benito why people die. Benito explains that everything does and then tells him that, like a butterfly, people sometimes leave their bodies and become something better. Diego doesn’t want his parents to die though and then asks Benito to show him the butterfly’s life cycle. Benito promises to take him to the country one day and show him. They high five each other as Luisa smiles.

As Ramon and Luisa stand a few feet away from the Medinas, Fabiola passes by and gives Ramon the stink eye, silently. She then goes to sit down next to Hortensia and Francisco sits down next to her and puts his hand on her shoulder while looking at Ramon. Ramon sees this, gets jealous, but controls him, especially after Juana warns him to not make a scene. Fabiola then asks Francisco why he is looking at Ramon so much and Francisco asks her why he looks so beat up and bruised. Fabiola explains that he was attacked and Francisco laughs at Ramon’s bad luck. Fabiola scuffs at his joke and then Francisco leaves to answer his phone, which won’t stop ringing.

Outside the wake, Francisco answers Dalia’s call. She chides him for sending guys to beat up Ramon after she gave him Ramon’s address. Francisco denies this and hangs up on her. Dalia curses her stupid actions as she’s sure Francisco beat him up.

As the priest comes and leads everyone in a prayer. Jorge hugs Julio and Osvaldo and asks them to be together but Osvaldo shakes off the hug and reminds Julio that he’s not there for him and he never will forgive him. Jorge begs him to get over the car thing but Osvaldo will never forget how he landed in jail. He tells Julio that he is not his father but Julio demands he respect him. Osvaldo reminds him that respect is earned and he should forget he has a son before storming off. Jorge tries to follow him but Julio hugs him and asks that he let him go. Jorge breaks down in his arms.

Juana takes Ramon to his apartment and asks him to lay down as he has not rested since they were at the hospital. He then asks her for a glass of water and Juana obliges before asking why he and Fabiola were so cold at the wake. Ramon tells her it is nothing but Juana remembers that he was jealous of Francisco. Ramon admits he was but it was not the time to tell her anything though he will talk to her later. Juana is unsure but Ramon reminds her that all couples fight but they will be fine.

As Fredesvinda decorates cupcakes, Adalgiza looks at job offerings. She finds one in at a funeral home as a public relations representative but Fredesvinda thinks she should find something more cheerful as working at a funeral is so dark and gloomy. Adalgiza agrees and Fredesvinda offers to help her look for other offerings.

Sometime later, Virginia has been cremated and the family gathers to put the urn in a niche. Everyone is in tears as the priest leads them in one final prayer and prays for her eternal rest. Jorge then puts the urn in the niche and cries in Osvaldo’s arms. Andrea steps forward and hugs him tightly before going to stand by Fabiola. Jorge, who can’t control himself anymore, runs out and Andrea follows him. Roxana, who is also a wreck, asks Antonio to take her home. Hortensia goes to stand by Julio as Ramon goes to stand by Fabiola and asks her if they can talk later. She nods silently as Francisco watches them and Ramon asks if she’s okay. Fabiola nods again and Ramon promises to call her to see if she’s home. Fabiola nods again and Ramon leaves. By the niche, Hortensia laments how life has first taken Ricardo and now Virginia. She offers her full support and tells Julio that she will be home if he needs her. She then asks Francisco for a ride home, as they have a lot to talk about, and Margarita goes to hugs Fabiola.

Roxana and Antonio arrive home with Diego and she asks him to go to his room for a bit while she talks to Antonio. Diego asks if she’s stand and Roxana nods before explaining that Virginia was her best friend and she misses her. Diego tells her what Benito said about butterflies and Roxana thinks it’s a beautiful comparison. She gives him a tight hug and he promises that everything will be okay before leaving. Once alone, Roxana admits that she can’t bring herself to admit Virginia is dead, she misses her too much. Antonio confesses that he felt the same way when Katy and Ricardo died but time heals all wounds. Roxana nods and Antonio offers to change the doctor’s appointment, as he doesn’t want to pressure her. Roxana thinks they should keep it and get the results ASAP. Antonio nods and then leaves. Roxana continues to cry on the couch.

Osvaldo goes to see Susana and tells her about Virginia. She hugs him and Osvaldo explains that she had an accident but couldn’t resist the operation. Susana asks him why he didn’t tell her but Osvaldo didn’t think of it. He tells her that they just deposited her ashes in the niche and hugs her tighter.

In his room, Julio cries and curses her for following him to the casino and starting the chain of events that caused her death. He breaks down and admits that, after all their years together, he needs her but she will no longer be there with him.

Emilia gets home and sees Osvaldo laying down on Susana’s lap. She demands to know if he left just to come back every night but Susana reminds her that he is her boyfriend and always welcome in their house. She then reveals what happened to Virginia and Emilia apologizes for her crass manner. She thinks Osvaldo should’ve told her but Susana wonders why. Emilia shakes off the question and asks Osvaldo how he feels. Osvaldo shrugs and then decides to leave as he didn’t want to cause any problems. Once alone, Susana chides Emilia for her attitude.

Fabiola meets Ramon at a café and confesses that he feels horrible about everything that happened with Virginia but he doesn’t want to be in a fight because he loves her. He holds her hand but Fabiola asks if he’s sure he loves her because he wasn’t honest about Sofia. Ramon explains that he didn’t bring her up because she is in the past but Fabiola reminds her that the earrings prove she is not in the past. Ramon reminds her that he left the earring at Luisa’s so they are not that important but Fabiola chides him for wanting to know everything about Francisco but not divulging any information on Sofia. Ramon doesn’t want to hear about Francisco, especially after he didn’t let her go at the funeral, but Fabiola reminds Ramon that she has a history with Francisco and he was there for her when her parents died. Ramon wants to know how long he must live with the fact that Francisco is her support system and not him but Fabiola reminds him that he felt bad because Virginia died in his arms. Ramon nods and asks her to call him when she’s done consoling Francisco. He tries to leave but Fabiola holds him back though Ramon is tired of being the insensitive jerk who must watch her console Francisco, time after time, and she can’t get over some earrings he doesn’t care about. After a moment, he puts some money on the table for the coffee and confesses that she’s tired of being treated like a doormat. He storms off as Fabiola cries.

In her apartment, Jorge and Andrea console each other. Jorge can’t face the fact that Virginia is dead, especially when she wanted to talk to him. Andrea reminds him that her parent’s death was also sudden and Jorge realizes that Virginia’s death reminds her of it. Andrea tells him that time will help him heal but Jorge feels guilty because Virginia found out about their relationship and was likely very nervous on the drive over, which is why she called Juana. He blames himself for her accident and death but Andrea doesn’t think so. Jorge knows it’s the truth and reminds her that they are cousins, which is what Virginia was likely going to remind them of, and Andrea tells him that he promised to never leave her. Jorge nods but now he is not so sure because of his guilt. She grabs him hand and begs him to reconsider but Jorge knows that Virginia died because of him and it hurts him to be close to her. As Andrea cries, Jorge tells her that they can’t be together.

Juana goes to Julio’s apartment to see if the boys or Julio need anything. Luisa is worried, as Julio has not come out of his room since he came from the cemetery, and Juana offers to go and see if he needs anything. She walks to Julio’s room, knocks, and lets herself in. Julio is on the bed, grabbing his arm, as Juana comes in and asks if he needs anything. He admits that he feels nauseous, shortness of breath and his arms hurts before collapsing on the bed. Juana realizes that he is having a heart attack and screams for Luisa to come soon. Luisa runs to the room and offers to call the ambulance and Jorge. Juana begs Julio to calm down as they will help him soon.

Andrea can’t bring herself to let Jorge go but he thinks it’s for the best. Just then, he receives a call from Luisa, who tells him about Julio. He hangs up and leaves but doesn’t allow Andrea to go with him. She sits down on the couch and cries, dejected.

In her apartment, and over coffee, Hortensia tells Francisco that she is happy Fabiola has left Ramon. Francisco is not so sure but he knows they are in a fight. Hortensia suggests he take advantage of the situation and win her back. Francisco tells her that he was in the funeral for Virginia, but also Fabiola, and asks Hortensia if she has any suggestions. Hortensia chides him for not thinking on his own and tells him to go and see Fabiola, right now. She then gets a splitting headache, and Francisco asks if she’s okay, though Hortensia instructs him to leave her be and find Fabiola. Francisco nods and obliges before leaving.

Jorge begs Julio to let them take him to the hospital but Julio doesn’t budge. Just then, the doctor and EMTs arrive and give Julio the once over. Juana tells the doctor that Julio just lost his wife and the doctor takes his blood pressure but finds that he is not having a heart attack. He assumes his high blood pressure comes from the stress of Virginia’s death, as spousal death is one of the most impactful. He prescribes a relaxer and hands it to Jorge while telling Julio to be calm and rest. Luisa offers to go get the medicine and Juana leaves Jorge and Julio alone. Julio then admits to Jorge that he feels guilty over Virginia’s death as eh wasn’t the husband or father she would’ve wanted. Jorge asks him not to fret but Julio reminds him that Osvaldo is not there because of him. Jorge knows Osvaldo will return one day but begins to cry. He tells Julio that Virginia died too suddenly and Julio nods. Jorge then asks him to sleep and Julio slowly drifts before stating that he doesn’t know what will happen to Betitio now that Virginia’s dead. Jorge is confused.

Fabiola arrives home and goes to open her door when Francisco arrives. He asks her how she feels and Fabiola tells him that she feels okay though Francisco sees that she’s been crying. Fabiola nods and admits that she has been thinking about her parents and Virginia. As she cries harder, Francisco asks if he can come in. Fabiola nods and opens the door.

Luisa comes with the medicine for Julio and Juana thinks they should give it to him, right now. Jorge comes and suggests they give it to him later as he just fell asleep. They nod and Juana thanks their stars that nothing happened. Juana then asks Jorge how he feels and Jorge tells them that he feels better. Juana asks if he wants something to eat but Jorge prefers to eat later. He then goes to his room as Luisa and Juana lament how everything has fallen on him. Juana thinks it’s good he’s with Andrea so many hours in the day, that way they can take care of him. Luisa agrees and laments that he will miss his mother forever. Juana nods and tells her that a mother is forever.

Later, Jorge cries in his room as Juana and Luisa knock and come in. They have left him a sandwich and Julio’s pills on the table and he should get some sleep. They ask that he call him if he needs anything and then leave with one final look. Once alone, Jorge can’t help but cry his eyes out as he has lost his mother and Andrea on the worse day of his life...


Alfredo, your real is exceptional! Such sad events and you depicted the emotions beautifully, thank you!

Quick comment...I found it hard to feel sorry for Julio. He was surprisingly affected, but he took no responsibility for the accident...he blamed Virginia for being persistent and following him to the casino; well if he hadn't been gambling she would have never thought to follow him. I really don't think Virginia's death will change him; he might mellow for a few days, but I bet he'll be back to his old ways soon. I do have to give him some credit, though, since there is no indication that he was unfaithful. He is just a selfish, conniving cheat with a bad habit.

Autocorrect is at it again...Alfredo, i meant to say that your recap is exceptional.

Thank you Thank You Mr Alfredo. Finely done. How depressing, nt you, but the episode.

I think Julio is faking it. Or RGV Chik got it right. He is sorry momentarily, but not changed.
So SusanLynn, is there enough anguish there to turn your bad boy around and you and he can find true TeleNovio hoppiness?

Where is Sofia when you need her? Ramon even saved her earrings.
Ramoon needs to find Sofia and get away from all those Townies. Believe me they are cut from different cloth than the suburbanites and country people.

OK If Virginia is really dead, we are going to need a ghost or something. She left too many loose ends.

So Doctor Frankenfarter is soon to be kicked out of his Apt. but has money to pay UnRulyo and his sidelkick handsomely (according to them) to beat Ramoon. OK. Now Dalia the teenage witch overhears that they beat the living daylights out of her Luuuuurve and will do WHAT? Oh #WaitWhat! this is a TN. When you come to possess information on someone planning a nuclear attack or something you do.....? NOTHING..Right. I almost forgot./



Thank you, Alfredo.

Fabiola is following in Roxana's steps. She likes the excitement of Ramon and comfort of Francisco.

Alfredo, beautifully crafted.

"In her apartment, Emilia gets the cheese, champagne, and her face ready for her fresh piece of meat" was amazing. Side bar worthy!

It was a night of terrible tragedy. Death, near death and pure, unadulterated heartbreak. The sadness of Virginia's untimely passing was almost eclipsed by Jorge's guilt. "Once alone, Jorge can’t help but cry his eyes out as he has lost his mother and Andrea on the worse day of his life..."

Virginia's family is now fractured. There appears to be little hope for reconciliation. Oz's clear annoyance in being at the hospital gave way to genuine tears and sadness. I was relieved he comforted his brother and proved that there is a heart beating in his chest.

I was a bit surprised that Oz did not tell either of his "women" about Virginia's death until after the fact. I thought it noteworthy though that he went to Susana and not Emilia first.

I am annoyed at the sophomoric behavior of Ramon, Fabiola and BadFran. The angry stares, the mis and non-communication. Ack. Grow up.

Roxana was devastated. I thought Antonio could have offered a bit of comfort when she leaned against the doorframe after he delivered the news.

There were a few bright moments, few and far between. Benito's story about the butterfly was touching.

Well, seeing that vision in pink has truly lifted my mood. Thank you Kirby! I commented yesterday that I did not think Virginia was going to die either. I agree there are too many unfinished storylines. I forget who posted that Virginia's death would clear the way for Julio and Juana, and they were right.

And Julio? "there is no indication that he was unfaithful. He is just a selfish, conniving cheat with a bad habit" was spot on Rgv Chick.

My original comment disappeared but just wanted to thank you Alfredo. This was fantastic.


Wow, Alfredo, you continue to amaze me with your dedication to delivering such speedy, detailed recaps to your groupies here in the patio..always a bright way to start my day .

What does Emilia see when she looks in the mirror? Yikes..those layers of that even safe. She does seem to like young blood, and Oz is not looking at the face.#closeyoureyesandthinkofenglandoryourcar

Kirby, "townies made me think about college when it was us gownies against by he townies. . As for mi telenovio (who actually resembkes mi real novio),I am temporarily occupies in the Scottish Highlands trying to comfort a Brad lad.

What a downer of an episode. I think that Julio was truly shaken by Virginia's dying, but I guess we all have known a few folks who treat people terribly and then grieve when they are gone. If Julio was putting on a show, he would not have been crying alone in his bedroom.

...braw lad...thank you autocorrect

Remind me again why Ramon and Fab broke up ?

Kirby, I wish I could capture tbat color pink for a sweater. So beautiful.

Lucio. Good observation of Fab being like Roxy wanting the excitement of Ramon and the comfort of Fran. Perfectly stated. However, I feel very uncomfortable whenever Fran is on screen..what a jerk.

Thanks so much Alfredo!!

I really was hoping Virginia wouldn't die. How much pain does this family have to go through. They could have kept her in a coma for a few weeks or months.

The actor playing Jorge did an amazing job last night.

I think Julio is going to be a man lost for awhile. I bet Virginia took care of everything in the house and was his grounding place--even though he lied to her all of the time.

Antonio was super cold to Roxi. The woman was devastated and he didn't look even a little sympathetic at any point. Which made me cool towards him as a person. I don't like him that much anymore.

The whole triangle of R, F and F is boring and stupid. I like Lucio's comment. Maybe Fab is just a younger Roxi.

Will Virginia's death be a wake up call for Julio ? If it truly is, the love of a good woman could save him. #hopefulromantic

Carvivlie, we are in total agreement about Antonio. I probably should like him. I want to like him. But, there's just something amiss...

Now that there's a cooling off (freeze off is more like it) between Fab and Ramon, now should be a good time for Sophia to come roaring back. I do think Sophia would be a match for Dalia and wouldn't put up with her nonsense for one minute. How she and Fabiola will react to each other is another story. I'm actually pulling my chair back to Sophia's table. She did nothing wrong and didn't deserve to lose Ramon. Ramon and Fab are like bratty children when they spat, which has happened once too often for me.

While Julio does seem crushed, I think it's still the shock of how he is going to take care of himself. And Betito. His first thought should have been "I need to ensure Betito continues to be well taken care of". Not who was going to it since Viginia died. Susanlynn, I am not at all behind Julio and Juana. She's too vacant and he's too self absorbed.


Diana: Julio & his cohorts upping the ante again ?

Thank you Alfredo great recap.

Diana and Carvivlie: I agree about Antonio, he was very cold towards Roxy in the beginning, he left her crying at the doorway. Which does not explain why at the funeral he was all hugging her and comforting her in front of everyone. I think Antonio is like Roxy and Fabiola. He likes having hot Roxy, and dependable Maggie.

This TN just took a turn for the worse, Virginia's death creates more havoc and heartbreak. However this TN is only a 1/3 of the way done so things had to get bad before they get better. And we have the whole Sofia and the Narcos story line. She has been relatively quiet for the past 25 episodes or so. And although I'm team Fabi I am looking forward to the excitement that Sofia will add to the TN.

Susie, Ramon and Fabiola broke up because of the earrings. They could have probably gotten over it quickly if Francobuster hadn't been such a tick and it surely didn;t help that she defended Francobuster being there to comfort her. I agree with those who said that teh R, F And F triangle is getting boring and stupid.

I also agree that Benito's comforting words for Diego w and Pierre Louis's (Jorge) performance are noteworthy.

I really don't think Virginia's death will be a wake up call for Julio. I scoffed athis comment that he needs her...since when? He told her if he had money to pay all his debts he would no longer be living with her. I think he was crying mainly because, as Carvivlie pointed out, she took care of everything--the household issues and their children, especially Betito. He also knows that ultimately he is responsible for her death. If he ever finds out that Jorge blames himself for his mother's death, will he have the decency to tell Jorge the truth? I don't think so, but I'm hopeoing that he does.

While Antonio lack of empathy was disturbing, it didn't really surprise me. The man just lacks ability to show affection or emotion.

Now will EMilia put 2 and 2 together if she finds out Julio's wife died in an accident?


Kirby, what an amazing shot!1 It truly is showing off it's beautiful pink wings!

You know, watching Frankerfarter, Fabinfarter, Dilly Dalia, Ramooon, Roxy fox 'em both and Box a'Rox, I wonder if I fit the target demographic for this show.

I mean, Golly Gee I am already out of High School.

Thanks RGV Chik

I was just curious if anyone knows if Caer en tentación is going to be recapped?

The story looks very good and I know there are a lot of Silvia fans here.


What a stunning blue sky backdrop for that picture Kirby.

"fox 'em both" hee, hee.


Sandie..yeah, lots of these people seem to want two ..Rox, Fab, Fran, Ant, Marg, Emilia, Oz. What is up with that? A new trend in telenovelas?

Kirby, let's be honest You are out of Hugh school, but you have been in and out of detention hall.

Diana, the ten pm tn looks good.

Yaaa. More in than out.

Alfredo good recap, sad episode. Jorge
Has some thinking to do. I'm hoping this will help Julio straighten up and
Fly right. He's got an opportunity to
Be good Stronge man.He and jauana can
Help each other. But Then they'll have
To deal with helltensia from middle earth. She's already stickin her evil
Nose in fabi and ramons messy problems

Roxy is in her element now.She's gonna
Work it for all its worth. Now I agree
With helltensia on that,she's a hussy.
I believe her grief is real,now she has no one to tell her plots to.What a hot mess this family is in. Ozzy is so
Messed up.Momma and daughter,that will
Not end well. Julio better get his but
In geer, thats why he need jauana. He
Better not step his but back into that casino.Straighten up and be a man. Make Your family proud. Atleast try.
Dr fart and dalia are dirtdarbers.dont
Like them.They should getswept away by Nate. Speaking of,how are U over there in the westside Kirby?I saw The gov. on tv yesterday giving out Warnings About nate. Even tho he is on
A northern route the flooding is an
Issue.I don't care how many models the
Weather people have these storm are so
Unpredictable. We thought Irma was comin up our way, and she shifted west
Tho we weren't left Out. we got water,
Flooding,power outages, damaged homes
Some people still aren't back yet.
O well we'll hope for the best. Even for the tn people.

Thanks Alfredo.


So, class, what have we learned? Having an inhaler will not help you if you decide to use your cellphone while driving.PSA

Alfredo, I have seen the Statue of David in FLorence ! I was very surprised that he is on a very high pedestal, and you look up at him.

Every time I see the previews of Sofia running in her wedding dress, then see Fabi and Ramoon, I hear Katy Perry and see her 'Hot and Cold' video.

thank you Alfredo

I'm a little relieved that you are not taking on a new novela maybe you will stay around longer and not totally burn yourself out. Your recaps are amazing and I want them to come forth well into the future.

the speed of the funeral was shocking, I think they went from hospital directly to funeral home. Ramon was as injured as before and Ozz's ladies didn't know. It would have been interesting to see them all there, i guess the story wasn't ready for that yet...

i don't know who I care about in this story, they all seem so juvenile. Even if Julio loses all of the money I think Juana will be just fine, she always dealt with life without money. The girls are young and go on with their lives.

the patio is the best part! thanks everyone.

oops i forgot to Susanlynn . Print shop on Sunday can't wait

"Antonio is like the statue of David. Good to look at but as stiff as a board".

Thanks for putting on paper what I was thinking but in perfect fashion Alfredo!

Alfredo, you have been such a driving force here. With all due respect to all of the wonderful recappers, I believe we have you to thank for diving right in and providing the crucial, initial wonderful recaps. I am so grateful! As Rena noted, you do so much...

Looks like no TNs tonight (at least here on the east coast). Drat.


GumDrops, just turned it on....Foooootbale

Crappers..and no not talking about the FrancoPoop...twiddling my thumbs...what to do, what to do :-/

Kirby, if you have nothing else to do, you could send me that pink birdie with the lovely wingspan :-)

Ooohh, Rena thanks for mentioning the funeral, I brought to mind something I wanted to comment on. Antonio aka David, was SO presumptuous to ask Luisa to take care of Diego while everyone went to the funeral. Juana and Ramon were there, why wouldn't Luisa be expected to go?

Cause lulu is the maid.They don't come
To the mistress'funeral,or creamation.
She didn't treat lulu very well. That one time I saw her talkin to lulu she was Very nasty to her.I guess she died beFore she could apologize for that.No
Tn tonight. Ok until Monday nite.Ya'll
Have a good weekend.

He has quite a portfolio. I'll ask him.

Or maybe he thought she'd want help by
Doin whatever he asked. In this case watch lil D.

Rgv Chick, that's a good question.

It would have made far more sense that Luisa be there, rather than Juana. I'm not particularly a fan of Antonio, but perhaps Luisa had said she wasn't going or even opted to take care of Diego rather than go? I don't know.

This past week there has been a stunning display of stars against the dark sky early in the morning here. A few hours later on my way to work, there was a bright full silvery moon illuminating the morning. It was beautiful and humbling.

Then I went to work and read these wonderful recaps and comments and were treated to two beautiful bird shots and a gorgeous red flower.

Life is good. Thank you all.

Sleep tight.



It feels like a Sunday night sitting around twiddling my thumbs.
I think the hall monitor have dozed off.
Diana sounds like she may be in for the night.
Susy prob has a date with 'Hubba'.

NiNa if you are still up, I don't think that little make believe storm in the Southern Gulf will even give us much of a high tide here unless it really pours on the coal. The Gulf water is still pretty warm, but it needed a running start to really do anything just in the Gulf. Thanks for asking.

Kirby: Hoping those anvil start hitting Julio, Antonio & Co., soon!

Kirby..right you are. Just got home from a Barry Manilow concert. Missed the telenovela, so I am anxious to read the recap. Maybe Julio has already seen the light !

Diana, I noticed the full moon tonight, but it had a haze around it. Still gorgeous.

Oh, just Ramon tonight.

OT..Rena..yes, the print shop. I will be watching at midnight.Do you ever read the discussions at compuserve outlander? They really analyze both the books and the TV show up, down, and sideways. I especially love when Diana Gabaldon comments. You should have read the opinions about Geneva.


Rena..." I don't know who I care about in this story.." ...And there you have it. #dropthemike

That bright moon y'all see is the harvest moon.It's big it's bright, and
It lights up everything. You can turn the porch lights off and enjoy the moonlight."Dancing in the moonlight" can be Fun with your sweerheart.Thats the Theme song hallmark is using for their Harvestlove movies this year.
They are good ones too.

Hi, Nina. Remember Chickie telling us about the strawberry moon? I haven't watched any Hallmark movies lately. Any good ones that you would recommend? Have a good Sunday. Tomorrow we will see what is happening to the folks in our telenovela.

Well one thing Susanlynn they won't be
Dancin in the moonlight. Here are some
Good ones:All my heart: Inn love. It's about this couple that own a bed and breakfast inn, with their troubles of love mixed in there. Love stuck cafe,
Harvest moon, there are so many. There
Good movies, if you get a chance take
A peek.Nobody is shootin anybody. Its
A good brake from all the horrible stuff that's goin on. true , NIna. We all need a little respite from what has been going on late!y. I appreciate the patio.

So do I SussyQ. We are a crazy good group of folk that enjoy a good laugh. We are very opinionated.In a good fun way. And some of us dont live that far
Apart. Tho we'll probably never see each other, I do enjoy tappin on the keys with you guys.

Thank you Alfredo for your amazing and detailed recap. I always love your writing. Please forgive me for not getting in here sooner, but my uncle passed last Wednesday, so I'm whirling around between family and plans for family members to fly into town.

I am wondering what Julio's next move is---to wine and dine Juana? Gosh I sure hope she wises up! I am very sad that Virginia died...I just didn't expect that to happen. As for Juana, I don't want to see her get all school girl on Julio's attentions (which he probably will wait a minimal amount of time before trying to schmooze on Juana). I just don't trust him.

I guess Roxana lost her best friend now. I don't like Roxana at all. It just really bothers me about this "I don't know who the father is" kind of thing and she is still technically married to Antonio.

Rena and Susanlynn, there is a FB page for Outlander discussion if you are on FB. I'm an addict with that one too.


Welcome everyone to the Luuuurve Bote, I am Captain Stoopig and I would like to welcome you aboard one of our rare Mexican cruises. We will be docking in two days in Mexico DF for the 'Take Two They are Small' cruise. Our vessel departs in about 45 minutes, so all aboard, relax and find Luuurve with us in the DF.

Your Captain

I have to wonder what Emilia supposedly does for a living/gambling money. She does not appear to work, and we do not see her visiting the gravesite of some lucky man who is dead rather than still married to her.

We have never seen any hint of Susanna's Father though his one time existence is pretty much a biological certainty. Is she a professional gambler? She and Julio and recent Nevada events do not show gamblers in a positive light, which, by the way, does not clash with my personal preconceived notions about gambling in general.

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