Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon, #55, 10.21.2017 Beni and Lu are no more, and Two traitors are uncovered

Please forgive the short recap. I was busy watching the World Series.

Repeated scene:
Sofia hears banging on wall, and scoots over and bangs wall with her feet. She thinks that this is all her fault and asks Ramon to forgive her.

New scenes:
Juana is serving Julio, Julia tells her to stop and just come sit with him. She can’t because she is worried about what Ramon did to Fabi. “Well you will have to get used to it, because Ramon didn’t think twice before hurting you and Fabi”. Juana tells him that Ramon is her son, and she can't help but feel bad.Julio tells her to stop feeling so bad because it hurts him to see her so bad (I am rolling my eyes at this time). He goes to hug her and tells her she makes him the happiest man alive, and then HE rolls his eyes (Juana does not notice)
Fabi is crying on the couch feeling sorry for herself. Maggie tries to console her, but there is no consoling her. Antonio gets there and tries his part.
Luisa is feeling sorry for having hurt Benito; he calls her and apologizes because Adalgisa told him to. Well since Adalgisa is so important for you go with her. (Here we go again)
Antonio continues to try to help her, and tries to convince her to go back to the shop. She does not want to because it reminds her of Ramon. She feels bad that she turned her back on her family for Ramon.
At casino Julio and Emilia run into each other. They go gamble.

Antonio runs into Maggie outside of the apartment, tells her he misses her but Maggie is not buying it since he is back with his wife. She wants to see him the least amount possible.
Juana and Fabi on phone, Fabi is very sweet to her. Juana gives her good advice about not giving up on life.
Francisco texts Fabi that he wants to see her tomorrow. Fabi does not want him to think she can love him again. Maggie tells her to be honest with him.
Diegito tells Roxy that he is hungry, Antonio walks in and Roxy begins to question if he saw Fabi and most importantly did he see Maggie. (She feels she has a right to ask him)
Frank and Fabi meet at a restaurant, Fabi tells him that she is grateful, but she rather not see him, because she does not love him. Frank looks shocked that Fabi does not want to be with him. He tells her she is confused, and that he just wants to be by her side. He does not have to love him yet.  Frank tells her that he always knew that she would figure out that Ramon was no good for her. And she did figure out.

Rulo calls Dullo (not sure what his name is) to let him know that he still has not seen Frank.

Frank continues to insist that he wants to be by Fabi's side, that’s all he wants and he will try to win her heart again. She agrees to let him stay in her life. She tells frank she is going to work at the shop again.
Dalia is thinking that she was so stupid because all she did just caused Ramon to get further away from her.
Vero calls Porfi and wants him to go with her to court, but he tells her that he can’t go with her because Veronica’s case is more important so he is going with her. He tells Maggie that he is going with her.
Benito and Luisa continue their little game, and I’m too tired to keep playing it with them.
Fabi goes to her job at the boutique, and tells her boss she is quitting. Her boss is sad to see her go and tells her that she will always have the doors open there.
Benito gets home and Adalgisa tells him she is worried because Fredesvina has not gotten up yet. At that moment Fredesvina comes in, yawns and starts talking to them in Spanish Adalgisa says it’s a miracle that she is talking in Spanish. Fredes pretends she has no idea what they are talking about. She tells that that she does not remember talking in English.

Susana goes into Emilia’s room takes her phone and goes thru it and finds “Orlando’s” number.

Benito is happy that his mother is talking in Spanish again. She spills sugar and pretends to see a prediction in it. She says she sees someone with something on the fore head than she says it’s horns (in Latin America when someone is being cheated n they are said to be with horns, or “le estan metiendo los cuernos” which translates to they are sticking them with horns”) so for Fredes to say this hits home for Benito because he thinks that Luisa is “sticking him with the horns”

Fabi walks to the shop and as she sees the mechanics she has flashbacks of her and Ramon. She tells her self that she will work hard to take him out of her heart. Lucho sees her and tells her he is glad she is back, and then he asks about Ramon, she tells him she does not know about him because they broke up. She leaves.
Fabi walks into the office and sees Dalia; Dalia tells her that she is surprised to see her there. Fabi says that she does not need to pretend because she knows that Dalia is aware of what Ramon did to her. But Fabi says that she is glad to be rid of someone that is not worth her time. She then warns Dalia never to mention Ramon again. There is only one relationship between Fabi and Dalia, and that is a working relationship. Fabi runs into her office and cries she again begins to remember Ramon. She cries but tells herself that Ramon is not worth her pain.
Susana goes to a public phone and calls “Orlando” and Osvaldo picks up, she hangs up on him and begins to cry because she realizes that Osvaldo and her mother are lovers. She will never forgive her mother. She then texts Osvaldo from Emilia’s phone and tells him she wants to see him at a cafeteria. He wonders why there and not at the place they always meet, she texts that she felt like variety. He then texts that he feels like her. Susana cries.
Susana goes home and returns Emilia’s phone, and then tells her she needs her to go to school with her.
In court the judge renders his verdict, against Porfirio’s client. Porfirio then states that there must have been some sort of fraud because with the evidence the judge should have ruled in his favor.

Sofia is remembering when she in Ramon first met. She begins screaming, and Dullo comes in, she offers to pay him more money than her dad is paying him if he lets her and Ramon go. He asks how much are we talking about? She says about $100,000 pesos.
Vero gets a call from the adversary, and she tells him that she will handle Porfirio. She says she will make Porfirio think that Maggie is the one giving information to the enemy.
Benito goes to ask Luisa if she is being honest with him because his mother saw that he was being cheated on in the sugar. Luisa confesses that she did kiss finite but does not remember because she was drunk. She feels guilty about it. Benito tells her that he will never forgive her. She begs him not to leave her because she will die. If she dies he will not send flowers to her funeral. He leaves upset, and Luisa stays behind crying.

Back at the ranch Dullo wants the pin numbers for her cards to see how much he can get. If he can get the money she promises he may consider letting her and Ramon go.


Thank you, Sandie. geez, these people.

So, Fabi has left PAra Siempre 21. Que lastima. the retail world must be reeling now.

Hello, Roxy and Ant and MArg. Still here.

Benito is a little boy. Sugar can't lie?

Yes, Susana, Mom is your competition. She likes to gamble in more ways than one. The holidays this year will be awkward.

I miss the parrot.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Sandie. Wouldn't you know the show was coincident with demands from ghosts and monsters for treats and i missed the entire show. I even turned on a TV within sight of the front door and aimed it so I could see it, but quickly forgot about it when the first wave of Monsters (and Monster's MOMS) showed up. Halloween is great.

Who can resist Sofia? She is going to outbid Frankenthemouth for her and Ramoon's freedom.

Sophia thinks she is bidding against her Father, and she and Ramoon have no idea it is actually Franknthemouth who is paying Rull-o and Dull-o. If she is really sharp she will keep her cards close to her vest and let the Dim Bulbs show their hand, It will be a whole different ballgame when (if) she and R learn that it is not Papa, but Frankinthemouth who is behind all this. That should only take 37 episodes to play out.

I can hardly care less for the remainder of these inconsiderate dysfunctional boobs on this show. But I would pay to see Francisco burned at the stake.

Emilia will get hers, but will have to wait years until she is bedridden in a Shady Pines or hospice somewhere and it has been years without one visitor or phone call and she realizes not ONE soul on this earth cares whether she is alive or dead or whether she has pooped all over herself or not.

In the grand scheme of life, you don't get away with it forever. R&D (not Research and Development) may get away with it for awhile, but it will eventually catch up with them. And fate is kinda like Chris Rock explained the Popo. "If they have to run you down and catch you, they bringin' an ass whippin with them."

Happy Wednesday Patiooooo.

Sugar don't lie: Benito should do what he should have done 30 years ago.

Too Late.

He is far past the age when people make major life changes.

If Antonio lets Rocks(inherhead) get away with this, he has rocks too.

I wonder if the Parrot is getting a balanced diet and if he is happy with his current photographer.

Kirby: I didn't see the 2 other traitors comimg, but wasn't surprised.

Taken this morning just after sunrise, neighbor's yard.

Steve: Even after Suzanna overheard her Mom talking to he exboyfriend?

Sandie, your recap was so detailed and very well written. Thank you for taking time from the game to watch this!

I so appreciate the humor you infused in this particularly "Well since Adalgisa is so important for you go with her. (Here we go again)> Simply great.

Even thought everything that happened was dismal and depressing, there are 2 things to be enthused about. First, your avatar Kirby. What can I say? Perfect.

Second, Sophia. The girl has grit, determination and intelligence. Bound but not helpless, she realizes she uses her most obvious gift - her brain to concoct a simple plan sure to intrigue her less savvy and very stupid captors.

Whatever will Frank do?? We've been saying we don't know where he was getting money for the initial payment, let alone funds to continue in a bidding war. And really, could he be any more dense? Fab has told him in every possible way she isn't interested but he can't believe that a stud, such as himself isn't irresistible. Blech.

I feel no pity for Susana. Yes, Susanlynn, the holidsys there aren't going to be festive are they? Emilia sleeping in full fledged make-up is scary. Do I dare tell her Halloween has come and gone :)

Thank you Sandie!


Thanks Sandie! I missed last night's episode while celebrating Halloween.

I guess it's logical for Sophia to think her father had them kidnapped since he tried before. I hate though that Frank wins AND doesn't have to pay up.

Julio and Juana sound icky together.

Glad Susana now knows the truth. Her relationship with her mom wasn't good before--I think in one of the early episodes she told Ossie she just wanted someone to care about her like his family did for him. I do feel sorry for her. I think she hasn't had much love or attention from her mother. She has just been looking for it in the wrong place, i.e. Ossie the jerk.

RATS. In a way, I didn't want Sophia to come through with the cash and force Dumb and Dumber to attempt to extract money from where there is none, Francisco. A major blowup between those three would have been great, but I am not sure how it would benefit Sophia, (the only one I give a chipmunk turd about).

Sandie, you did a wonderful job even though trying to watch the World Series. This World Series has had me biting my nails, for sure! I missed most of it too between the World Series and Halloween trick or treaters, I was absentee from Ramon.

Luisa should have dumped Benito long ago. He's no prize for sure! She needs to find someone who is mature and does not live with mommy. She needs a real man, not a mama's boy who runs his life.

Sandie and Cynthia....Hubba always tells me what happened in the World Series. He seems verra excited about it. I will not tell you the team that he is rooting for😊

Do the Spanish have ceramic tile floors and walls and everything so when they throw stuff it is guaranteed to break?

Thanks all for your comments.
Cynthia: same here I'm glad it's over tonight. I would not be able to survive another week.

Carvivlie: I agree about Juana and Julio, there is no chemistry there. She keeps calling him Don Julio, what's up with that. I don't want them to end up together because Julio is a weasel.

Alfredo: "possibly more exciting then Ramon" yes a tad more exciting. Just a tad, especially since Sofia is about to deal dumb and dumber an offer they can't resist.

Diana: I do feel sorry for Susana, it must be so disgusting to find out that your own mother has betrayed you. But she is going to have the last laugh, I just know it.

Kirby: Agreed Emilia will get hers, but I sure hope it's sooner rather than later.

Susanlynn: World Series has been Epic IMHO. Ups, downs, drama, unbelievable feats, heartbreak, joy, but most of all very entertaining. Just like some of our TN's, and just like our TN's the Gran Final is tonight. Can't wait!!

Sandie, thanks for this exquisite recap and prying yourself away from the World Series.

At least we took some steps--some good, some not so good--last night.

Susana finding out that Mommy is roosting with the peacock will get some anvils going. How she was able to keep it together when Zombie woke up was impressive...the girl has much restraint.

Juana and Julio--sickening how he is playing her like a puppet and she allows it.

Sofia was quick-thinking, though it doesn't take much to outsmart dumb and dumber; she should be able to get herself and Ramon free in no time. And if the Francofart is smart, he won't pay anything--his mission was accomplished. OTOH, if he doesn't want to pay up, dumb and dumber can always blackmail him and threaten to spill the beans about him.

Though not her best character, Esmeralda is doing a good job with her performance. Alfredo statedit perfectly,"She's too good an actress for this drivel but damn if she doesn't give it her all. Those flashbacks to the good times with Ramon were sad, mostly, because the chemistry these too share is amazing." The pain one suffers from a disappointment such as she is going through was well portrayed...though I hated that she allowed Francofart to talk her into allowing him to be close to her.

Does anyone know the title of the song being played when she was in her office? Nice song.

Veronica becomes more evil by the minute. What is her motivation for destroying Margarita? Surely it's not because of Poorfi; Veronica doesn't really seem to care about him. Could there be another motive? Revenge possibly?

Kirby, love your avatar. My day wouldn't be complete without one of your amazing pics.

Thanks RGV, I like Susanna because she gives as good as she gets. As when Oz (was forced by her Mom to dumped her, she ratted him out to the school.

I'm glad Sophia is trying to outsmart her and Ramoon out of this instead of just trying to screw her way out.

And if someone had already beat the BeJesus out of me at least once I would not go to the BATHROOM let alone outside without my 12 gauge and double ought buckshot.

I think it is "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" by AC/DC. :-)

Thanks sandie. "well you're going to have to get used to it because Ramon didn't think twice about hurting you and fabi". Well ain't that the pot callin the kettle black?

Did Porfi fire marg? That nasty heffa
Was sent to mess up that case against
That company. Porfi was an easy target .He'll kick himself when the truth comes out. She even planted evidence on marg's Phone. When she fall it will be a hard one.

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