Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #56 11.1.17: Incriminating Emails & Breakroom Deals

Dario suggests Sofia get smart and offer something more than $10k as he got $100,000 just to kidnap them. She offers him double, and will give him the PIN to her cards also, if he takes her to be with Ramon. Dario tells her that she’s in no position to make demands, so she will give him the PINs first and then, if the money is there, he will reconsider. She obliges, and he writes them down.

Porfirio calls a representative at the construction company to tell them that the judge has dismissed their fraud case against Groupo Cresta, but the representative is beyond words. Porfirio offers to gather the proof, and go to trial again, but the representative would rather dissolve their relationship and find another law office to represent them. He hangs up and Margarita offers to go talk to them personally, especially because it was her fault, but Porfirio prefers to forget the matter and deal with the loss of their most important client alone. He asks Margarita to leave and she obliges.

With tears in her eyes, Luisa goes to see Juana and tells her that Benito broke up with her because she told him about the kiss she gave Finito. Juana chides her for being so stupid but asks her to come in for tea and they’ll brainstorm what she can do to get him back. Luisa nods and goes inside.

Dario goes to see Ramon, who realizes that the second kidnapper left but has no idea why, and makes sure he is bound tight and won’t get loose while he’s away. Dario warns him not to think about escaping or else and leaves.

Luisa is crying over her tea and explains that Benito broke up with her because she lied about the kiss on top of kissing Finito. Juana thinks Benito is being too strict, but Luisa kicks herself for lying in the first place. Juana suggests she give Benito time and he will eventually forgive her, she just must be patient. Luisa nods and sips her tea.

Antonio arrives at the shop and sees Fabiola in her office. He opens the door and engulfs her in a big hug, happy to see she’s back. Fabiola tells him that the shop is where she needs to be, especially because she needs the distraction, and Antonio agrees before telling her that she’s very efficient and he needs her. She smiles, and he leaves then as Francisco sends her to text message, inviting her to lunch. Fabiola texts that she would love to.

Benito arrives home, with sad eyes, and Fredesvinda asks him what happened. Benito tells her that it’s not important, but he took care of something he needed to do. As Benito goes to his room, Fredesvinda smiles to herself and realizes Benito and Luisa probably broke up and, even though he will be sad for a while, Adalgiza will console him.

As the mechanics eat lunch, Rulo asks if anyone knows why Fabiola broke up with Ramon. Lucho wonders how he knows and Rulo explains that he heard Fabiola say it that morning. Dalia comes, and Poncho asks if she knows why they broke up though Dalia chides them for being nosy. The guys just want to know about Ramon, since is their friend, and Dalia explains that Ramon left Fabiola at the courthouse the day of their wedding. Everyone listens intently.

Francisco and Fabiola arrive at a high-end restaurant and Fabiola chides him for not telling her they were going somewhere so formal. As they sit down, he explains that he wanted to remember old times and points to a table, the very one he proposed to her at 2 years ago. Fabiola looks at it and nods. She whispers that it seems so long ago since then and remembers how happy she was before her parents and Ramon. Francisco thinks they should think about the happy times, like how happy they were during that dinner. Fabiola is surprised he remembers all that, even what she ate, but Francisco confesses that he has loved her since they first met. Fabiola nods and asks if it was love at first sight for him. Francisco nods but it doesn’t seem like it was for Fabiola.

Poncho is shocked to learn Ramon left Fabiola like that, but everyone tells him that it happened, even if he doesn’t believe it. Poncho won’t let it go through. He finds it strange that Sofia found Ramon so easily and assumes someone told her where to him. Dalia quickly changes the conversation and tells them that it doesn’t matter, what matters is that he left Fabiola and it must be love with Sofia because, if it was for money, he would’ve stayed with Fabiola who inherited a million dollars in a life insurance policy. Everyone is shocked, and Dalia explains that the money was almost Ramon’s too as Juana manages it for the Medina sisters. Rulo quietly considers this new development.

Margarita, alone in her office, drinks a pill for her headache as Porfirio quietly asks if he can come in. He apologizes for screaming at her as it’s not her fault they lost. Margarita reminds him that the case was too important, as his reputation, and she messed it up. Porfirio tells her that clients come and go, and they will be fine, but he wonders how she feels, as this case was important to her. Margarita is sad to have failed him, but Porfirio proposes they go to dinner to celebrate the fact that everyone who falls, gets up again. Margarita agrees but wonders what Veronica will think. Porfirio tells her that tonight is their night and Veronica will understand. He leaves.

Outside Margarita’s office, Porfirio runs into Veronica, who asks how the trial went. Porfirio reveals that they lost, despite their preparations, but Veronica is shocked to see him so calm. Porfirio tells her that they will be fine and Veronica nods before inviting him to the movies. Porfirio tells her that he’s going to dinner with Margarita to celebrate and Veronica reminds him that they lost so there is nothing to celebrate. Porfirio warns her not to overstep her bounds because he’s made his feelings clear about Margarita and never lied. He then tells her that they will talk later and leaves, much to Veronica’s anger.

Dario comes out of the ATM, happy to see Sofia told the truth about how much money she had on her cards. He goes to his car and thinks he should make a separate deal with Sofia and not tell Rulo as this deal is all his own. He drives off.

Susana and Emilia are in the car, driving to the university, when Susana tells her that they should stop and get a coffee as they are early. Emilia is reluctant but agrees and Susana points out the closest one.

From an internet café, Veronica sends Porfirio an email explaining why and how he lost the case against Grupo Cresta. Once sent, Veronica tells herself that Porfirio will finally know the kind of “friend” he has.

Emilia and Susana walk up to the café, but Susana goes back to the car for her phone. Emilia goes inside and passes by Osvaldo, who is sitting by a table waiting for her. He jumps up to hug her, but Emilia is shocked to see him there. He tells her that she told him to come as Susana comes and reveals that she sent the message because she wanted to see them together to tell them the P.O.S. they are. She knew that Emilia never cared about her, but she went too far by stealing Osvaldo right from under her. She wishes she was never born before telling Osvaldo that he is a right who dragged himself through the dirt for money. Emilia and Osvaldo try to reason with her, but Susana finally knows why her father left because she a vile human being who doesn’t deserve love. She storms out as Emilia reminds Osvaldo that this confrontation was precisely what she wanted to avoid. She also leaves as Osvaldo realizes that he now has no one.

At the shop, Rulo thinks about the million dollars that Juana manages and wonders if he should ask for a ransom. He goes to call Dario but decides against it as Dario doesn’t need to know everything. He decides that the ransom is his business only. He then receives a call from Dario, who demands he talk to Francisco ASAP as they need their money. Rulo tells him to make sure he takes good care of Ramon and Sofia and he will take care of the rest. He hangs up and closes a door to find Chava standing behind it. He has heard everything and tells Rulo that he overdid it now. Rulo is shocked.

Dario arrives and tells Sofia that he got the money and is happy to learn she wasn’t lying. Sofia reminds him that it would be stupid to and asks him when he will let her go. Dario tells her to not get ahead of herself as it’s not so easy to betray the person who ordered their kidnapping. He will move some things around and go about things the best way possible for both.

Chava thinks Rulo has some big ones to act like he doesn’t know where Ramon and Sofia went but he kidnapped them himself. He wonders what Rulo will do when he lets them go and what he won out of kidnapping them. Rulo tells him that he won some serious money and Chava shouldn’t talk as he has been robbing the shop with him. Chava thinks that’s different than kidnapping but Rulo demands he shut up and listen to his business proposition, one that just came up. Chava perks up at this.

Porfirio calls Margarita from the restaurant to tell her he is waiting, and she tells him she will be there soon before hanging up. As he waits, he checks his email and sees the one recently sent by Veronica and opens it. He is shocked to read it.

Dario unties Sofia and takes her to see Ramon, who hugs her as best he can. They ask each other if they are okay and they both are but Dario tells them that he will tie Sofia up again and let them talk. Sofia reminds him that they have a deal, but Dario prefers to be cautious.

Fabiola arrives at Margarita’s and finds Hortensia outside. She welcomes Fabiola with a big hug, much to her surprise, and tells her that Margarita told her where to find her and suggest they go inside. Fabiola reluctantly obliges.

Rulo explains that Ramon was the original target, but Sofia was at the wrong place at the wrong time and they had to kidnap her too. However, because of the million dollars, they can now ask Juana for a ransom. Chava is unsure, as he doesn’t want any trouble, but Rulo asks him to decide or shut up, or else. Chava agrees and Rulo tells him that he will tell him the plan, in detail, in a bit, after he moves some things around. Chava agrees.

Fabiola lets Hortensia inside the apartment and Hortensia asks her to sit next to her, so they can talk. Fabiola obliges, and Hortensia goes into a whole spiel about how Ramon is a good-for-nothing and she always knew it. Fabiola stops her and Hortensia nods before asking her what she plans to do. Fabiola tells her that she went back to the shop to distract herself and then asks Hortensia how she feels. Hortensia explains that she’s better, thanks to Francisco’s pills, and asks if she thought of getting closer to Francisco. Fabiola tells her that he has been looking for her, as Osvaldo lives with him and told him what happened, but she is unsure. Hortensia thinks he’s a great man to talk to her again after what she did; it shows her how much he loves her. Fabiola thinks she did nothing wrong, but Hortensia shakes off her comment and suggests she give Francisco another shot, even if she doesn’t love him right now. She will forget about Ramon eventually and get back with Francisco, she only needs to give him a chance. Fabiola considers this.

Ramon asks Sofia about the deal she made with Dario and she explains that she gave Dario her PINs, so he could get money out of the ATM and let them go. She apologizes for getting him kidnapped though Ramon wonders how Rosendo even found them. Sofia assumes that he had her followed and Ramon chides her for trusting Dario since he doubts he will let them go and betray her father. Sofia hopes he does as there was nothing else to do except wait or make a deal. Ramon is unsure as their kidnappers have not gotten rid of them, but Sofia apologizes again and hopes everything works out.

Margarita arrives at the restaurant and finds Porfirio fuming. He demands to know why she betrayed him and shows her the email he received, demonstrating that she sent the lawyer from Grupo Cresta the documents they needed to win the trial. Margarita tells him that someone is trying to make her look guilty and asks Porfirio to trust her but Porfirio, with tears in his eyes, tells her that he doesn’t want to see her again. He won’t even sue her because he wants to make sure he never has the displeasure of seeing her face and chides her for throwing away years of friendship. Margarita begs him to listen but Porfirio leaves without another word.

Luisa runs into Julio on her way out of the apartment and bids him good night and tells him that Susana called him to tell him something about Osvaldo. She leaves, and Julio picks up the note and assumes it has to do with the university.

Susana is walking through the city, begging her dad to please let her stay with him for the time being. He finally relents, and Susana tells him she will be on the first flight to NY tomorrow. She hangs up as Julio calls her. She explains that she is Osvaldo’s ex-girlfriend and wanted to tell him that he is sleeping with her mother, who maintains his lavish lifestyle like a gigolo, and he sells stolen exams. Julio thinks she’s just hurt because Osvaldo broke up with her and hangs up though he doesn’t seem convinced himself.

Ramon thought he would never see Sofia again and then he heard the news about her father and fiancée and thought she went to live in the US. Sofia tells him that she only ever wanted to find him and even turned her father in to make sure he was safe. Ramon is shocked, and Sofia explains that being the daughter of a narco is luxurious, but you constantly live in fear and wonder how many people they have hurt to maintain their power. Ramon admits that he respects her because she gambled and won. Sofia tells him that she only wanted to be happy and did what she had to be happy. Ramon thinks it’s ironic they are back where they started but Sofia notes that he doesn’t love her anymore. Ramon nods and admits that he liked her, a lot, but he only wants to run into Fabiola’s arms as soon as possible.

Susana’s father calls Emilia and tells her that he is going to help their daughter and doesn’t believe any lies she says because she knows Susana is telling the truth. He also warns her that she will lose her monthly stipend for Susana as soon as his daughter is in NY. He hangs up as Susana arrives. Emilia demands to know what she told him, and Susana tells her that she told her the truth: she was her ex’s lover. Emilia screams that it’s not true, but Susana doesn’t care, she knows the truth, and only came to get her things because she can’t stand the sight of her for another night. She storms off to her room as Emilia wonders what she will do.

Fabiola drops off Hortensia, who tells her to not wallow in self-pity because she will be fine. Fabiola, who looks annoyed, exhausted, and plain exasperated at this point, nods and bids her good night before leaving.

Susana is packing when Emilia comes and asks her to fix things because what happened with Osvaldo was a mistake. Susana doesn’t want to forgive her because she exchanged the love of a daughter for a roll in the sheets. She then tells Emilia that Osvaldo is only with her for money and she would do well to remember it. With that, she leaves.

Fabiola goes to visit Juana and engulfs her in a big hug. Once inside, she explains that she dropped off Hortensia and came to visit her and Andrea. Juana calls Andrea over and the three go in the kitchen to have a snack.

Betty, Roxana’s nurse, leaves for the night as Antonio sits down next to her. He receives a text from Margarita, apologizing for screaming at him last night and asking if her friend can come see her. Antonio tells Roxana that he received a text from Lucho and must go help him immediately. Roxana hopes it’s nothing serious and Antonio leaves without another word.

Francisco talks with a colleague about covering his shift and then runs into Rulo, who asks him if they can talk about a pending payment he owes him for kidnapping a mechanic and a girl. Francisco gets nervous and Rulo asks if they should go elsewhere to talk. Francisco nods and they go.

In Andrea’s room, Fabiola reveals that Francisco has not stopped looking for her since he found out about Ramon leaving her at the altar because he wants to be close to her while she gets better. Though she made it clear that she can’t love him back, yet, she admits that it feels good to know someone loves her. Andrea nods but warns her to go slowly as Ramon’s wound is still fresh and she shouldn’t jump into something else so soon. Fabiola nods but asks that she not tell Juana as she will likely be bothered by the fact that she is seeing Francisco so soon after Ramon, despite how much support she’s offered. Andrea agrees but asks that she think things over, carefully, and Fabiola agrees; she’s had enough heartbreak for a lifetime.

In the doctor breakroom, Rulo reveals that he works at Antonio’s shop though Francisco barely remembers him. Rulo reiterates that he’s only there to get the money he owes him and Dario though they expect a big tip for a job well done. Francisco tells him that he can only give him $5k more but Rulo wants double what was originally agreed. Francisco shakes his head but Rulo reveals that the price is so high because Sofia is the daughter of narco and they are in contact with him, so he better be careful. Francisco reminds him that he is not, as he never asked them to kidnap Sofia, but Rulo reminds him that he ordered the kidnapping, so he’s involved. The money is only to disappear for a few months while things come down after they release Sofia, or they will give her all his personal information, since she hasn't seen their faces. Francisco tells him that he needs time to gather the money and Rulo warns him that he has a week to get it all or else. He leaves as Francisco curses his luck…


Alfredo: "Incriminating emails & backroom deals" ROFLOL.

Sounds like former US SOS Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Nice work Mr. A. Thank You lots. Your transcripts of this rapid fire SpanScream language are story savers.

I believe Susanna could have actually done more damage if she had planned things more, rather than going on sheer hate, hurt, and anger, but she did alright.

Sophia didn't buy much with all that money did she? I am beginning to truly hate Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest. I want those three to turn on each other, as we are beginning to see with Rull-o and Dull-o and their secret side deals. So Frankenfarter has a week? Maybe he needs to up the rent on his $10,000 a week? Ha.

Benny, Lu, Wanna, Wolfio, WhoreWitch, I wonder if what we use against fire ants would work on them. Send them over to Tampa, we are having a frightening number of hit and runs there. Note: Do not walk drunk along a busy highway at 3:00AM in Florida. Some of the drivers are drunk too. You'll meet each other.

Looking at those ropes, it looked like you could see a loop, as in a shoelace, indicating that they are tied with slip knots. IE: Thinking if one could squirm around and get their teeth on the end they could untie each other. Many truly secure knots are not easily untied.(from boating) There are a few, used for mooring and anchoring,etc. but I'd be surprised if these numbskulls would know them. probably overthinking this one. next......

At the very end of the show a preview was shown of Ramoon, did everyone see that? Don't want to commit a spoiler sin....

Poor Poorfyi, you should know at your age, you don't Hop the Help. Now look at the mess you are in, and you can't even figure it out.


You're a smart guy. If things don't make sense, they don't make sense. Don't you smell a rat, or is it wearing too much perfume?

Alfredo, your excellent, fully detailed recap was far superior to last night's episode.

"Juana chides her for being so stupid but asks her to come in for tea and they’ll brainstorm what she can do to get him back" made me smile for many reasons. JUANA chides her for being stupid? HA! They'll "brainstorm". My, that will be a very short conversation...Sorry, my sarcasm is showing.

Sophia has emptied her bank account and Ramon has drained her heart. "Ramon nods and admits that he liked her, a lot, but he only wants to run into Fabiola’s arms as soon as possible". I seemed to recall he more than "liked her"...and while he feels what he feels, I think there might have been a far gentler way to impart that to someone who released you to save your life and who has given up everything for you. And Ramon, it might interest you to know the love of your life didn't believe in you, didn't move heaven and earth to try and find you (unlike someone else) and is now dining in 4 star restaurants with her ex. I'm just sayin'...

While Dario may be a slightly sharper tool than Rulo, I sense (and hope) that this is not going to end well for either. Fran is the stone who cannot be bled for more as there is none to be had. And really, if you realized you kidnapped a drug lord's daughter, wouldn't you run for the hills? Idiots.

I did feel for Marg last night. Porf thinks she betrayed him and hence the end of a beautiful friendship. I want to see if Mags will sit and stew or if she will fight to clear her name.

I think Susana's revenge was sweet. She got Emilia where it matters most - her wallet. I suspect her gambling jaunts will soon be a thing of the past.

Until Fredesvinda is written out of the story, I don't care about Ben and Luisa. Sorry. He broke up with her because of a kiss? C'mon...

Kirby, someone is taking a nice dip. Sensational avatar. I did wonder if Soph and Ram could work on each other's "handcuffs". And I totally agree the kidnapping morons know much about types of knots. Or, much else for that matter.

Alfredo, this was great. Thank you!


know little about types of knots.


Thanks. I think someone is thinking, "Darnit, that fish was right HERE when I flew over, but now where'd he go?" Or "Is that a GREY feather I see coming in up there?"

I have said it before to deaf ears, Fabi is a Fan Club Builder, in that she ALWAYS has a reserve boy. Girls like her think they will actually die if they go more than three days without being fawned over by a boy.

As the fish flew, I hope the poor guy found some food :)

Kirby, yes, you have said Fabi has a pot boiling on the back burner (so to speak).

If positions were reversed, Sophia would have gone "manhunting" and would have taken no prisoners. I think it takes more than a few hours to recover from having your heart broken. But obviously, I know nothing. Fabi's world is a place I just don't live in.


"Dario suggests Sofia get smart and offer something more than $10k as he got $100,000 just to kidnap them."

Holy Smoke(ing weed or crack) is that how much Fartenfarther actually offered these two nimrods to kidnap Ramoon, or is Dull-o just blowing smoke to Sophia?

If he did, that indicates he never had any intention of paying them, as he in no way has a hundred Kay of disposable cash. If that is the case, he never planned on paying them to begin with, but didn't Rull-o tell DullOh that they hadn't agreed on a price an episode or two back? I suppose he was just lyng to Sophia as a way to attempt to get as much from her as she had.

Diana, I suspect he just stopped for a snack anyway, as it is a small pond. The big meal size fish come from rivers and salt water.

Thank you, Alfredo, for yet another speedy recap of all the action..and inaction. I do not know how you supply the recap with such record speed.

A brainstorming tea party with those two!! Did the parrot ask for one lump or two? Were there crumpets? Lu, you dope, Benny belongs to mommy. Go find the kisser.

Mary, this is what happens when you reject a good guy who loves for a guy who is separated and looking to rebound. Free throw.

Things care going to get messy if Sofia's dad gets out of jail , dies not pass go, does not get $200. ,and sends someone like crazed Danilow for his daughter. That would mean byebye to Rullo, Dullo, and probably Ramonio. And what will Daddy donifvhe ever finds out that Sofia is the one who blew the whistle on him?

Great recap, AAA!! What a pleasure it is to read your masterpieces.

Diana and Kirby, you've said pretty much everything I wanted to say. Maybe I should make a habit of coming to the patio late....I could just copy and paste your comments :-)

While I liked Susana's sweet revenge, I didn't care much for her performance...she was somewhat off.

Fabiola is digging her grave with the shovel Francystco handed her...hope she can climb out of that hole in one piece.

Luisa cries ugly. ...and she went to Wanna for advice? what a laugh that was...

Kirby, WOW...great pic!

Thanks Alfredo!!!!

The greed of Rulo and Dulo will be their undoing. As they each try to play the other hopefully it will all come out against them. Though if Rulo tries to blackmail Juana for Ramon's release, will Fab believe he was really kidnapped or just trying to get money?

Thanks Alfredo about the money, then Francisco never had any intention of paying these two OTHER idiots, as a fellow 4 months behind on his rent does not have any way to get his hands on a hundred grand. And they are even bigger idiots to believe he could/would.

Luisa and Wanna commisurating looks like National Geographic when the two dung beetles were fighting over a turd.

"digging her grave with the shovel Francystco handed her"..yep. good description RGV. Even more reason for Ramoon to stay with Sofia. Cystco as ovarian cyst?

Hey Alfredo,annoying episode,but good
RecAp. All the plots and lies and hick
Ups these people are going through.And
They brought it on themselves.Emilia's
Famous stupid words "this is exactly
What I wanted to avoid".Well gee dumb
ass what the hell did you think would
Happen? Slipping and dippin and doin
With your daughter's boyfriend? Who is
A king size jackass, so no great loss there. Girl you dodged bullet.

Come on margarita, get ready to kick some ass. I want to see her open up a big can of whipass on that bitch, cuz
She is evil nasty nasty.And poor Porfi
His heart is busted. Not just for the
Loss of a multi-million dollar case but a possible love he's been wanting for a long time.

I Totally agree Ms Chick, goin to jaja
For advice is like goin to a gardener
For advice on dental care.Lol.

Thank you Alfredo


NiNa, I believe the reason Luisa went to JaJa is because she is acting as the Parrot's agent.

Right SusanLynn?

"Emilia's Famous stupid words "this is exactly What I wanted to avoid".Well gee dumb
ass what the hell did you think would Happen? Slipping and dippin and doin
With your daughter's boyfriend?"

Great Nina. Just great.


The parrot should have been named executor of the money. I think that he\she would have resisted Wolfio's charms.

Alfredo awesome as always.

I agree with Nina episode was eh.I am beginning to feel like that about many of the episodes, but I will not despair the action filled, heart wrenching scenes are soon to come but don't hold your breath.

The only worthwhile scene was when Susana exposed the traitors. Ozzie he could care less, he is so dense. The fact that Julio did not believe Susana irks me. He is in for a surprise when he discovers that Emilia and Ozzie are a thing.

Here's hoping to some more exciting episodes for this TN.

Shallow waters. I fear that the parrot may drown in them.

I have it on good information the Parrot's name is Landers.

Abby Landers

Bird Guy

Kirby..Does the parrot have a sister named Ann who is also a giver of advice?

I still don't have an inkling of who ends up with whom. Will Marg rewin Porf's heart or will she get ANt, the guy she was longing for? I do not think that ROxy's scheming deserves winning back the guy she threw away and who is not the party responsible for the baby who is on the way.

I think Fabi is supposed to be the lead actress , so she has to end up with Ramon once she is convinced that he did not leave her at the I think that poor , determined Sofia may not survive because of crossing her dangerous dad..unless the writers have brought Valente into the story for her reward.

Emilia will no longer have the funds to keep her in mascara. Que lastima.

I still think that Juana may redeem Wolfio..wishful thinking on my part? Or maybe Pedro will wear just the right cardigan one lucky day ,and Juana will decide on the good as bread, stable, seasoned lawyer who knows how to cross all the " t"s and dot all the "I"s. Who knows... Pedro could be a quiet tiger..still waters, you know?

Ben and Lu and Mom...I do not care.

If Julio and Juana indeed get married my money is on her redeeming him and him truly falling in love with her. If they just stay novios then he is only after the money and will be brought down.

This is my dream scenario: Fabi gets back with Francisco and in her style, marries him in two weeks. About the same time, Sophia finally gnaws through the wall and she and Ramoon escape. On his return to town, Fabi gives Ramoon approximately the same speech he gave Sofia earlier, "Sorry chumparooton, you've been replaced, now scram.".

After which Ramoon miraculously remembers that he is crazy about Sofia, and they move to Dallas and start making little Sofiaitas.

Back to the biggest small town in Mexico, D.F. and we find Julio has discovered his problems have just begun as Frankenfarter has discovered that Julio has been gambling away Frankenfarter and Fabi's money rather than investing it. Epic war ensues of Evil vs Rotten and they kill each other. Ahhhh peace on Earth Goodwill to men.

Pedro: If there is snow on the roof that does not mean there is no fire down below.

Shakebeer, I think

I'd love for Julio to be redeemed. But
If he don't jaja has made a grave boo
Boo. And it will her big time.

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