Thursday, November 02, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #57 11.2.17: Bumbling Kidnappers & Surprising Revelations

Rulo calls Chava outside the breakroom and tells him that they have a week to ask for the ransom though they need to find Juana’s phone number. Rulo assumes Dalia must have it and asks Chava to get it though he needs to be careful, so she doesn’t suspect anything. Chava agrees but wants to know how much they ask for; Rulo thinks half a million is perfect, so they don’t say they like to take advantage of people later. He smiles to himself.

Francisco wonders how he will gather the money Rulo is asking for when he receives a call from Hortensia, who congratulates him on calling and visiting Fabiola. Francisco agrees and then tells her he has a patient and hangs up in a huff.

Andrea bids Fabiola good night and then goes to answer a call from Santiago. Once alone, Fabiola tells Juana that she heard about her and Julio, but they have nothing to worry about them. She was mad in the beginning but now she understands that you must be with whoever makes you happy and that’s a harsh lesson she’s learning. Juana wishes her, and Ramon never met but Fabiola tells her not to worry, she will be okay but must go as she has to wake up early to go to the shop. She then bids Juana goodbye and goes.

Osvaldo calls Emilia repeatedly to no avail. He curses Susana for ruining his gold mine, but he will do whatever he can to win back Emilia. The doorbell rings and it’s Julio, demanding to know if what Susana told him is true. Osvaldo denies it and explains that she’s angry because he broke up with her and is trying to ruin him. Julio asks him about the stolen exams and Osvaldo realizes it was Susana who sent the email. Julio wonders if there is some truth to what Susana said and worries that Osvaldo is doing something that can lend him in jail. Osvaldo chides him for worrying now and not when he went to jail because he stole back his car. He reminds Julio that Susana’s mother got him out that time and screams that everything Susana said is false. Julio drops the topic, for now.

Antonio meets Margarita in a nearby café and offers his support however he can. Margarita nods and begins to cry uncontrollably on his shoulder.

Julio asks Osvaldo if he would like to move back with him, but Osvaldo shakes his head as he doesn’t want Julio controlling his life every step of the way. Julio tells him he’s wrong, but Osvaldo would rather just receive monetary assistant right now. Julio nods and tells him that he will continue to give him money if he returns homes. He asks Osvaldo to think about it and leaves without another word.

A dejected Porfirio arrives at Veronica’s house, much to her surprise, and confesses that Margarita betrayed him and sold information to Grupo Cresta. Porfirio is shocked that she would throw away their friendship like that and tells Veronica that she doesn’t want to see Margarita ever again and fired her right away. Veronica fakes surprise and indignation and holds Porfirio hands as he wonders how Margarita could’ve lied to his face like that.

Margarita tells Antonio what happened, but she can’t understand how it happened. Antonio believes her and assumes that it was someone in the office who sent it to discredit and destroy her. Margarita thanks him but is hurt that Porfirio didn’t believe her. She tried to prove her innocence, but he would have none of it. Antonio suggests she sue Porfirio and force him to prove her innocence, but Margarita doesn’t have any energy for it. Antonio asks her to think it over tomorrow, when she’s clear headed. She nods and apologizes again for her harsh words last night. Antonio asks her to forget it.

Veronica asks Porfirio for more details and he tells her that Margarita sent the files from her own email, without a care in the word, and someone sent him an email proving it. Veronica asks him why she did it, but Porfirio has no idea. She wonders if he will sue her, but Porfirio shakes his head, the damage is done, and he won’t get his friend back at the end of the day. He prefers to not see her again. Veronica caresses his face and suggests he forget her then and not suffer for someone who isn’t worth it.

Antonio is sure Porfirio will realize his mistake and apologize but Margarita is resigned to having lost him as a friend. She knows she did nothing wrong but it’s not her fault if he chooses not to believe her. She hugs Antonio again.

Rulo calls Dario and tells him that he spoke to Francisco, but he told him that he didn’t have it and to give him a week. Dario tells Rulo to keep pressuring Francisco and hangs up. Rulo then tells Chava that they have a week to get the ransom but Chava wonders how they will make Juana believe they have Ramon as everyone thinks he ran away with Sofia. Rulo doesn’t think it matters as she won’t be able to communicate with him and will have to pay the ransom unless she wants to risk his life.

Dario plans to keep withdrawing money from Sofia’s cards and see how he can get his hands on the rest of the money Sofia offered. He smiles to himself.

Antonio takes Margarita back home and asks if she feels better. Margarita nods and gives him a big hug before going upstairs. Antonio then receives a call from Lucho, who thinks he put his foot in his mouth because Roxana asked to speak to him and he told her he wasn’t’ with him. Antonio tells him not to worry and then hangs up before getting in the car.

Over coffee and cookies, Dalia tries to lift Valente’s spirits by telling him job hunting is tough, but he will find something soon. Valente nods but he will go out again tomorrow and hopes he will get something then. Dalia smiles and then Valente bids her and Luisa good night and leaves to his room. Dalia then asks Luisa why she looks so down, and Luisa reveals that she told Benito that she kissed Finito, because she was drunk though, and he broke up with her. Dalia tells her that she should’ve stayed quiet, but she was drunk, so it shouldn’t matter. Luisa tells her that Benito doesn’t think so and Dalia suggests she forget him then because he can’t see the great woman he’s leaving behind.

Over dinner, Benito confesses to Adalgiza that Luisa was cheating with Finito and Fredesvinda was right. Adalgiza is sad but she tells Benito that he’s a great man that any woman would be lucky to have. Benito doesn’t know who, especially now that he’s a cuckhold. On the couch, Fredesvinda pretends to be asleep but listens intently while inwardly instructing Adalgiza on how to comfort Benito and suggesting she confess her feelings for him ASAP.

In her room, Juana prays that Ramon returns soon and realizes the error of his ways. Andrea comes in to say good night and goes to hug Juana because she hates to see her sad. Andrea hopes Ramon will come back and explain but happened though Juana thinks no explanation is necessary. She then suggests Andrea to go sleep and she obliges. Once alone, Juana hopes Ramon comes back alone because she doesn’t want to see him if he comes back with Sofia as he betrayed her as much as he betrayed Fabiola.

Ramon tells Sofia that their captors are gone through the day for long periods of time, so they must find a way to escape. Sofia tells him that the deal she made was, so they could be released, not so they could stall. Ramon thinks they should do something, soon, but they stop talking as soon as Dario comes in with some food. He undoes Sofia’s hand ties, so she can eat and feed Ramon. Sofia thanks him but Ramon can’t stop staring at Dario, willing himself to see through his mask. When Dario asks him to look elsewhere, Ramon obliges, reluctantly.

Antonio arrives home and finds Roxana sitting at the counter, waiting. She asks him how it went at the shop, but Antonio asks her to drop her act as he knows she called Lucho. Roxana chides him for lying but Antonio did to avoid a fight, which is exactly what is happening now. She demands to know where he went, and Antonio confesses that he went to see Margarita. Roxana can’t believe he tells her like that and that Margarita continues to look for ways to be near him. Antonio confesses that he wants to be near her as well, much to Roxana’s chagrin.

In her apartment, Margarita fills in Fabiola on what happened with Porfirio and the fact that she is now out a job and a friend. Fabiola suggests she fight to show Porfirio he is wrong, and Margarita confesses that Antonio said the same thing. Fabiola asks if she saw him and Margarita nods. She tells Fabiola that Antonio is a great friend and human being and Fabiola agrees.

Antonio tells Roxana that Margarita is his friend and will continue to be it even if she doesn’t approve. Roxana reminds him that she was more than a friend recently, but Antonio reminds her that it’s passed and he’s with her now. Roxana doesn’t trust Margarita though, but Antonio won’t budge; Margarita is his friend and she will continue to be not matter what she says because he and Roxana won’t be what they were again because of her actions. He then asks her to calm down as stressful situations are not good for the baby. He then goes to bed.

The next morning, Roxana puts aside her breakfast and tells Antonio that she isn’t hungry. He asks if he should call the doctor, but Roxana will if she feels bad. Antonio won’t be calm unless he knows she’s okay though, but Roxana reminds him of what he told her yesterday. Antonio just told her the truth, much to Roxana’s disappointment as she thought they were repairing their relationship. Antonio shakes his head and Roxana asks him to not be with her if he will never forget what she did. Antonio asks if she’s sure and she nods before telling him that she can survive on her own with her kids. He leaves without another word and Roxana realizes that, if he’s not at her feet with a risky pregnancy, he will never be under normal circumstances.

Over lunch, Fredesvinda asks Benito if he’s finished because he hardly ate; she hopes he doesn’t get sick. Benito explains that he’s lost the will and reason to live before bidding them goodbye until tomorrow because of work. Once alone, Adalgiza sighs noisily and Fredesvinda asks her what is wrong. Adalgiza is worried about Benito and Fredesvinda agrees as lovesickness is horrible. She then reveals that she knows she has feels for Benito but Adalgiza tries to play dumb. Fredesvinda confesses that she invited playing dumb, so she shouldn’t lie to her. Adalgiza is shocked to learn this and Fredesvinda asks if she loves Benito. Adalgiza reveals that she does and Fredesvinda smiles.

Benito arrives at the bus stop and sees Luisa. He imagines her making out with Finito and then approaches her but turns around as soon as she gets close. Luisa tries to get his attention, but Benito tells her to please not talk to her even if they run into each other. Luisa confesses that she was waiting for him, to talk, but Benito prefers not to see her every again. He flags down a taxi instead and leaves Luisa by herself.

Fredesvinda brings out a handkerchief full of pills and reveals that she never took a pill, but Adalgiza did, and she was faking everything from not hearing Benito talk about Luisa to her English detour. She explains that she would never allow Benito to marry Luisa as her husband left her with a daughter and she’s a woman of loose morals. Adalgiza gasps at her tale as Fredesvinda vows to be dead before her prince of a son marries someone like Luisa. Adalgiza nods but asks if Luisa is that bad. Fredesvinda thinks she’s worse as she wanted to take Benito away from her. She also chides Adalgiza for giving Benito advice on how to repair his relationship with Luisa and hopes she makes her move now that he’s single. Adalgiza reminds her that Benito only sees her as a cousin but Fredesvinda asks her to trust her and she will make sure Benito is hers. Adalgiza agrees.

Dario opens the door to find Sofia and Ramon sleeping. They wake up and Dario tells him that he is taking her to her room as he must go out and he’d rather be safe than sorry.

In his office, Francisco calls a credit union and asks how for some requirements on their loans as well as interest rates. He thinks they are too strict and high but knows he will recover any money he invests now soon. He hangs up after making an appointment.

Antonio arrives at the shop and goes to see Fabiola. She asks him why he looks so down, and Antonio tell that he had some issues with Roxana and Fabiola knows it was because of Margarita. Antonio nods and explains that Roxana gave him an ultimatum, chose between Margarita or her, and he doesn’t want to lose Margarita or his family, but he and Roxana will never be what they were. Fabiola asks him to think things through before deciding and Antonio nods. He then asks about Margarita and Fabiola tells him that she’s moving forward and looking for a new job. Antonio smiles and leaves.

As Margarita picks up her office, Veronica comes in, shocked that Margarita has the audacity to show up after what she did. She thinks Margarita was lucky as she would’ve personally sued her but, since Porfirio doesn’t want to see her ever again, she won’t rock the boat. Margarita tells her that she doesn’t want to see Porfirio either and storms out. Once alone, Veronica calls the Grupo Cresta lawyer to tell her that their problem is finally gone, and their deal is complete. She smiles to herself.

Outside the office, Margarita runs into Porfirio, who is shocked to see she took anything from her office as Cresta must have paid her a pretty penny to betray him. Margarita slaps him and tells her to ask Grupo Cresta personally or sue her, but she never wants to see her or Veronica again. Porfirio tells her that she can prove she betrayed him, so Margarita suggests he take legal action then and storms off.

Moments later, Porfirio storms into Margarita’s office and announces that he will sue Grupo Cresta and Margarita. Veronica is confused as she thought he was going to let Margarita and the whole issue die off quietly, but Porfirio is decided. He goes to his office to draft the sue.

Dario goes outside the cabin and drives off as a man watches close by. The man stops for a second and then walks toward the cabin.

Ramon listens and hears as Dario drives off. He then slides over to the door in his room and tries to untie himself.

Emilia is having a glass of wine at home when Susana’s words reverberate in her mind: “Osvaldo only wants your money.” She tells herself that men still desire her and calls Julio. She asks if he’s going to the casino and they make a date to see each other there later.

Francisco signs all the documents necessary for the quickie loan at the bank but grows impatient when the representative tells him that he will have to wait a week to get the funds. Francisco asks if he can receive it quicker, but the representative shakes his head though he’s sure he will be approved quickly as he requested the max cash. Francisco nods, defeated, but worries about the interest rate on such a large amount of funds.

Juana is cleaning when she receives call from Pedro, who wants to know how she’s doing. Juana tells her the whole Ramon-Fabiola debacle and Pedro can’t understand what happened as Ramon was madly in love. He inquires about Fabiola and Juana confesses that the girl is destroyed as is she because Ramon’s actions reflect badly on his upbringing. Pedro assures her it does not, as Ramon makes his own decisions, but Juana doubts this. He offers his support, any way he can, and Juana thanks him before hanging up.

Moments later, Pedro gets a call from Margarita, who asks if she can work at his office as she no longer works with Porfirio. He is surprised but asks her to come and meet with him at 7pm so they can discuss things. Margarita thanks him and hangs up.

The man goes up to the cabin and knocks on all the doors and windows, asking if anyone is inside. Ramon and Sofia hear him and begin to scream for the man to help him. The hear hears them and tells them to calm down as he finds a way to get inside the cabin. He goes over to the back and finds a small hole which he crawls through. Inside, he kicks open the door to Sofia’s room and goes to untie her but find he can’t with just his hands. He goes to find something to use as Sofia begs him to hurry as their kidnapper may come back soon.

In her office, Fabiola receives a call from Francisco, who invites her to lunch as he has the day off. Fabiola has a lot of work, so she proposes they go to dinner and Francisco offers to pick her up at 8pm. Fabiola agrees and hangs up as Francisco smiles to himself because Fabiola’s walls are deteriorating.

The man comes back and unties Sofia, who tells him that she and her friend were kidnapped. The man is horrified at the things some people are willing to do. Ramon wants to know what is going on and Sofia tells him that she’s cutting herself loose and will be there soon to untie him.

Antonio is outside Diego’s school, waiting, when he approaches one of the teachers and asks about Diego. The teacher tells him that Diego left with his mother and Antonio talks her before walking away and calling Roxana. The call goes straight to voicemail and Antonio wonders what Roxana could be thinking.

Sofia arrives with the man at Ramon’s room and they begin to untie him as Dario arrives. Ramon screams for them to leave and go get the police. The man tells her to go out the back, as he went, and she runs away as the man tries to help Ramon.

Outside, Dario arrives with the food and goes inside. He senses something afoot when he sees the open doors to the rooms and puts down the food slowly before taking out his gun. He goes to Ramon and the man and points his gun at them. He warns them to be cool and tells the man that his interference is going to cost him. He cocks his gun as Ramon begs for the man’s life. Just then, Sofia appears behind Dario and hits him over the head with a stick. Dario falls, unconscious and all three of them run out the front door and through the woods.

Moments later, Dario wakes up and sees the blood dripping from his head. He ignores it and gets inside the van to chase them down the unpaved road.

Ramon and the man run ahead as Sofia, who is having trouble breathing, stops in the middle of the road. Ramon goes back to help her as Dario turns a corner and barrels straight toward her. Ramon pushes Sofia out of the way but is clipped by the van and falls on the side of the road, unconscious, next to Sofia. Dario tries to straighten out but crashes into a tree nearby and hits his head on the steering wheel.

Sofia wakes up and tries to shake Ramon awake but finds him unresponsive. She begs him not to tie on her as the man comes back and tries to help them. Sofia begs him to take them to a hospital, but the man reveal that it is, at least, two hours away. She runs to the van, which has smoke coming out of the hood, and sees Dario, blood running down the right side of his face, unconscious. The man goes to the van, looks at the front, and tells her that it’s totaled. He then tells her that they must take Ramon to his house instead and goes to him as Sofia continues to stare at Dario…


Wow, Alfredo, that recap is so detailed and was delivered so quickly !!thank you so much. Sofia and Ramon will be secluded together at their rescuer's remote home while she valiantly nurses him back to health . mmhhmmm.

Maybe Marg will end up with her new boss...Pedro.

Thank You Mr. A Very detailed. I might add one teeny detail, It was Sofia who ambushed Dull-o and conked him over the head from behind as he held his gun on Ram and Good Samaritan.

BTW who was that masked man? Was he just a neighbor who happened on the cabin, Keemo Sabe? Once again Lips saves Ramoon's bacon.

I know this is out there, but when the smoke clears, maybe he should let Frankenfarter have that Townie Brat and stay with Sophia. What's not to love? Hell, she probably knows how to fix carburetors too. (Unless he is actually afraid of her) Man up Ram.

Rocksie is a bitch with a C. Now she has stolen Diego. Ant should track her down, have her arrested, and let her go to term in jail. Hey Ant, you're the one who married her, what happened? Slow Learner, big arms, teeny brain.

I wish they would give us a little more to go on in the Vero hates Marg bout. It appears somebody in addition to her has a personal grudge also. From her phone call to that person it sounded like more than just business. Somebody needs to throw a bucket of water on her. Was she sent to work for Poorfyi just for this purpose, and this has been the plan from the get go?

The only bright spot in the Benny and Lu show is Ada. She is so sympathetic, and not even catty, given the situation. And she is pretty, really pretty. She'd be a knockout in color. Crib tested, Mom approved. Use it or lose it Ben.

So Frankenfarter can get a hundred K signature loan from the credit union? They are not as generous with Engineers, I can attest.

BTW is Dull-o Dead-O? If so, they should have taken Sophia's money and cards back before he stiffened up.

Hoppy Friday


Alfredo now you have me thinking about a plot I am (supposedly) not even interested in, Emilia and her money supply.
She appears to not work and lives a pretty comfy life with copious amounts of money to fritter away gambling.
Her home is palacious compared to where most of our other characters live.

Q1: Is all this coming from Susanna's Father?
Q2: Can he simply stop sending it to her with no court order forcing him to do so? How generous he must be.

Most excellent (as always) Alfredo.

You have such a wonderful way with words. The title was fabulous. You filled in all of the details I was struggling to understand.

Ramon and Sophia's rescuer came out of the blue. But even if they had gotten a better start, Dario's pickup would have tracked them down. I loved that it was Sophia who hit Dario over the head. The woman is fearless. Susanlynn, I am rather enthusiastic about Sophia nursing Ramon back to health! A minor victory for Team Sophia.

“She was mad in the beginning but now she understands that you must be with whoever makes you happy and that’s a harsh lesson she’s learning”. Some minor forward movement for Fabi.

"Dalia suggests she forget him then because he can’t see the great woman he’s leaving behind" may also show some sign of support for her mother.

Who is the biggest loser in the Fredesvinda/Benito/Luisa mess? Adalgiza of course (viewerville is a close second).

It seems as though Antonio is gravitating toward Mags again. Perhaps Porf will end up with Adalgiza?

And I so agree that "Susana got the best revenge". Sweet. So sweet!

I am sure Pedro can get to the heart of the information stealing. I loathe that Marg and Porf are on opposite sides, wounded pride and disbelief one would betray the other so viciously.

Alfredo, thank you, thank you!



Kirby, it took me an hour to finalize my two cents so our comments crossed.

Another spectacular avatar. Very impressed.

"Hell, she probably knows how to fix carburetors too. (Unless he is actually afraid of her) Man up Ram" might have been pulled from my very thoughts. There seems to be little this woman can't do.

Other than catch any sort of break of course.


Thank you, Alfredo.

Sofia seems better for Ramon by the minute. The chemistry with Fabiola was great, but that flighty girl does not have what Sofia has. With the partner like that, you know your back is covered.
Fabiola, on the other hand, well, today is Tuesday. Ramon was kidnapped on Saturday, three days ago. She has already been on two dates with Franc and scheduled another one for tonight. I don't see her resisting for long. Francisco has always been able to manipulate her easily.
Like someone here said, I think Kirby, if roles were reversed, Sofia would have probably believed in Ramon, and moved heaven and earth to find him.
And quote from Fabiola, said to Antonio: "You don't have to stay with someone that you don't love. Think about it." Will she take her own advice?

Fabi may be Ms. Para Siempre 21, but Sophia is Para Siempre period. Thanks Susy.

Kirby..I did think of your admiration for Sofia when she very calmly bashed the bad guy over the head. I knew that you would be so proud.

Alfredo, thanks for the giggle..." My eyes saw Sofia, my mind thought Xena, and my hands wrote Ramon."

So class, what have we learned so far?...
1) Do not bunnyhop with your daughter's Beau...don't even borrow her mascara.

2) do not walk away from a guy who looks like Ant and is a good father and a decent person and then expect to easily get him back. When you set something down, someone else is sure to come along and pick it up.
3) do not jump to conclusions and assume the worst if the supposed love of your life suddenly goes missing 4) do not ask your parrot for advice.
5) cut your mommy's apron strings early and often.
6) do not date a mama,'s boy.
7) If you are a good looking guy,ctry hard to also be a good guy.Pretty is as pretty does is a wise saying.

All were gems Susanlynn but "cut your mommy's apron strings early and often" was particularly good advice.

It's a sunny day here on the patio. Exceptional company, wise words and avatars to savor and enjoy.


Thanks Alfredo!!!

Sofia rocks! Gosh do I hope she finds someone worthy of her and not end up dead by Daddy. We know Dulo has a cellphone, Sofia should find it in the truck and call for help. I mean they must get service out there because Rulo and Dulo have been calling each other.

Oh Alfredo I didn't even think about memory loss for Ramon. Oh I hope the writers don't go there.


Yeah, Carvivlie I wondered why they didn't ransack the truck after Dull-Oh seemed to no longer be a threat.
1) get some of Sofia's money back
2) get that cell phone, Good point.

OT Took this this morning. Nice birdie.

Kirby..gorgeous picture. Nature is wonderful and stress relieving, right?

Well, it is too bad that Carvivle and Kirby were not the rescuers because I am wondering if Sofia and GOod SAm will remember to look for the cellphone and SOfia's cards

It is going up to 70 here. So let's look at the calendar...OCtober then May..


Nature is wonderful, but I don't have a lot of experience with stress so I don't know. :-)
Thanks Our Winter Eagles are filtering back to their nests. Yipeee. !

I hate it when the victims don't take the gun either! I mean they just left it with Dulo. I thought he was going to shoot them from the truck but I guess he was happy enough running them over.

AAA, you get an A++ for this riveting riveting, rockin' recap!!

Again, everyone has pretty much voiced my sentiments. Sofia the Warrior Princess was exceptional last will Ramoon be able to resist. Alfredo, if he does get memory loss, at least he won't remember Fabi and set his sights on Sofia again. By the time he gets his memory back hopeofully he'll realize Sofia is his true love.

Could the masked man possibly be a neighbor who is keeping an eye on that property? OR could Sofia's father have had her followed and the man was waiting for a good time to go in? Only time will tell...

Diana, I just love to read your comments, today "It's a sunny day here on the patio. Exceptional company, wise words and avatars to savor and enjoy." was my favorite because it is SO TRUE!!!

Susy, your list of lessons learned exceeded expectations...all are so on target.

Kirby, thank you so much for always brightening our day so much more with your avatars.

This patio rocks!!..along with today's Rockin' Recapper :-)


Just had a that Emilia lost her little bank, is she calling Julio to "get" him? Does she think he has money? I don't remember her ever calling him before...

I suspect Dull-Oh! didn't think he would have as good aim as say, a cowboy bumping along on a galloping horse, and thought he would have better luck with something the size of two sheets of plywood rather than a 9 millimeter bullet.

I never understand why when the chasER is a vehicle, and the chasEE(s) are on foot with dense forest on the roadsides , they choose to attempt to outrun a vehicle with 120 on the speedometer on foot right down the road. A rabbit or squirrel would never do that.

By the time his memory returns he and Sofia will have two kids. (Roxie factor)

RGV I wondered that about Emilia too. It is nice that the doldrums are gone and the exciting trade winds are blowing us into a tasty storm.

If she pissed away every penny on gigolos and gambling (Great Moms aboun here?) then she may not have money to live on. I wouldn't want to foot the bill for her powder and paint, battleship that she is. I want to see her in a battle with Wanna? for that, that's Benny, I meant Wolfio.

RGV Chik, the masked man didn't appear to me, to know Sofia or Ramoon or anything about their situation, as Dull-Oh! caught him completely by surprise. I assumed he was just a curious neighbor, as he seems to have a house nearby. And he didn't look athletic or agile as a hired goon usually does.

Yeah, you're right Kirby. The man looked nothing like a goon. Ideas just trying to predict dome kind of twist to get Sofia's father back on her trail.

I agree with your comment about the chaser and chasee. I kept wondering why they didn't run through the woods. If the man was a neighbor, he should know some trails or a short cut to his house.

Ideas? That should be "I was"

Our Good Samaritan may have just been out for a walk near his country home and noticed evidence of activity at a neighbor's usually empty house. Like tire tracks.

Or blood curdling screams or somebody kicking down a wall in an empty house. Whatever the reason, I'm happy with it.

These TNs always have brilliant Evil people pitted against Dumber than dirt Good people. And after 119 episodes of the smart evildoers winning, the Dummys finally prevail and win because they are good in ep 120

For once I would like to see colossal dumbness rewarded with misery and suffering. IE: As perky and cute as Fabi is, if she is that dense to even T A L K to Francisco, let her marry him and let him take all her money and then dump her for nurse Goodbody. Then FIN as we see Sofia and Ramoon putting the finishing touches on their new pool they just had put in.

Thank you Alfredo for your amazing recapping and retelling of the episodes both yesterday and the day before. Sometimes I just don't have the time to comment, so please forgive me.

I am wondering what Veronica's end game is. I haven't figured her out yet. Does she want to bring down Porfi's law firm? Or did she just want to get rid of Margarita? Me thinks there is more to the story than what we see right now.

I am hating Francisco more and more. He really must be deepsh** in debt trying to get a loan. What the heck does he spend his money on? He has a good job as doctor!

I am so BORED with Benito and his mother. Can we just get on with it? It stopped being amusing at least a few weeks ago. I cannot stand the Fredesvinda character, the whole thing is just not very entertaining anymore.

I hope Dario is dead! I hope Ramon will be alright, I hope he doesn't go into a coma or something.

I also wondered if Emilia decided to aim her charms at the father now that the son may not be interested in her anymore.That is going to be interesting because they are both looking for money..not love.

And, I , too, was surprised by the appearance of the Good Sam. Sofia will now have some time with Ramon.

Alfredo, I had not thought about amnesia. As to whom Ramon ends up with, in telenovelas, are you allowed to rescind a declaration of "you are my one true love?"


Alfredo..I was introduced to the amnesia plot in my first and still favorite telenovela "ALborada." The leading lady HIppolta (Lucero) got a hit on the head and awoke with a massive bandage on her head saying.."WHo are you?..Who am I?" ..Where am I?

Who knew that there would be two women enamored of Poorfy when this show began many, many centuries ago?

Any guesses as to who ends up with whom at the end ? I want Wolfio to be redeemed because he is just too pretty to be a skunk. Have the writers misplaced Jorge?

"rescind a declaration of 'you are my one true love?'"

The first and second ones are not, but three and above may be recanted in dire circumstances. IE: Someone better comes along.


I always thought that in the world of telenovelas, as soon as you tell someone that he or she is your one true love\soulmate..that's it. However, telenovelas have changed. When I first started watching telenovelas, the leading lady only had one partner for the bunnyhop...her one true love. The leading lady only got ONE one true love. And for the leading man, Once you uttered those words..that was returns or refunds.

Off topic!

As a staunch lifelong SF Giants fan, I congratulate the Houston Astros on winning their 1st World Series Championship in franchise history.


Steve..Hubba was happy with that win.

Thanks Alfredo. Quick question, why
Didn't somebody take the gun and get the keys out of his pocket, get in the away instead of running.
And also get the phone and call the police. Brains much anyone? O and run through the woods not the street so he
Can't run you down with van. So Again, brains Anyone?
That Roxy is a piece of work! Jerked.

Thanks Alfredo


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