Monday, November 06, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, #59, 11/6/2017: Dead Men Don’t Talk and Talking to "Ramón" is Expensive.

Repeated scene courtesy of Cynthia: Let’s get married and go to Europe or to Canada. I can get a scholarship.” Fabi says to him, “Are you sure you really want to marry a woman who all she wants to do is forget? You know I don’t love you.” Franc then says, “But for now, what I feel for you is enough for me. I just know that along down the line, when you wake up from this bad dream, you are going to love me.” (At this point to me he is sounding a lot like his character Federico in “Despertar Contigo”) Fabi then says, “Oh Francisco, you are so noble! You have so much love for me and I am unable to return your love.” Franc answers, “Just think about what I am saying. Let’s get married and let’s go far, far, away from here. What do you say?" Fabi replies that she will think about it; so Franc wants her to go to bed and dream that they will marry, be a family with children, and be very happy. When he leaves her bedroom, Franc tells Marg that Fabi is calmer; he gave her a relaxant. He gives her his number in case she needs to contact him. When Marg thanks him, Franc tells her there is nothing to thank him for; he would give his life to not have Fabi go through what she is going through. Marg thanks him again and he leaves. As he walks out of the building, Francystco thinks about the idiots who are trying to get the money, but that money has to be his. He sees Dalia has called him 5 times and tries to call her, but gets no answer. He then calls Rulo and tells him to meet with him if he wants the money, so Rulo agrees to meet him.

At Benito’s, Ada tells Fredes that a new man was hired to work at her workplace. Fredes wants to know if he is good looking, so Ada tells her he is, but somewhat young. Fredes thinks it doesn’t matter, he will be good enough to make Benito jealous. Ada likes the idea.
Antonio calls Marg who tells him she will be working with Don Pedro. He is glad for her; she is an excellent lawyer. She then tells him about the call Juana received in which she was told Ramón was kidnapped. When Antonio wants more details she tells him about their doubts because of the photo and the girl he left with is the daughter of a Mafioso; it seems he had a dark side when he lived in Tijuana.
In her bed, Fabi cries her little heart out.
At Andrea’s, Santiago leaves and Jorge stays. He goes on with his little act and tells her Santiago is a pretty good guy. She wants to know what he is up to she doesn’t know what game he is playing but she hates him. He laughs and tells her that he can’t forget her, and wonders why she can’t admit that she can’t forget him either. She flirts with him and tells him it’s true, she can’t forget her, but when he closes in for a kiss, she grabs his arm and twists it behind his back. As they laugh, Juana walks in and tells Andrea that Ramón was kidnapped. She received a call for a ransom. When Andrea wonders where she is coming from since she didn’t go to the police, Juana tells her she went to tell Fabi, but Fabi doesn’t believe Ramón was kidnapped. When Andrea asks why, Juana tells her about the photo Fabi received. Andrea hugs Juana who doesn’t want Ramón killed.
Outside near the auto repair shop, Francystco meets with Rulo and demands to know why they are asking for ransom, but Rulo denies it and tells him Darío planned everything. Rulo then warns Francystco not to make more trouble because, after all, he is the one who ordered Ramón’s disappearance. When Francystco tells Rulo he doesn’t have the money, Rulo tells him to call him when he does have it. After Francystco leaves, Chava approaches and asks about the money. Rulo tells him about his conversation with Francystco. Chava thinks Rulo will have problems with Darío, but Rulo replies that he will talk to Dario first. They may even have to split the money with Darío. He tries to call Darío, but the phone is off.
The Good Samaritan (Good Sam) wife cares for Ramón who still has a fever; and Sofía sits beside him. Sofía doesn’t know what she will do if something happens to Ramón so the woman tells her to have faith. Hopefully her husband will find a doctor; the only thing they forgot was to have her husband contact Ramón’s family. Sofía tells her she has no one to contact for herself and knows nothing about Ramón’s mother. When Good Sam woman wonders how that can be, Sofía recounts her history with Ramón. As she talks, Ramón seems to be remembering the events and opens his eyes for a couple of seconds
Rulo tries to call Darío again, but still can’t reach him (he might be in middle earth). Chava is afraid Francystco will try to contact Darío or try to find him, but Rulo doubts it because Francystco has no idea where they took Ramón.
Next Day—
Osvaldo is still with Dani who tells him he has to leave because she has things to do. She gives him only 1000 pesos which he complains about, so she tells him it wasn’t what she expected.
When Julio enters his home, he is greeted by Jorge who wonders why his father didn’t sleep at home; so Julio tells him had an all-night audit. Jorge then tells him they tried calling him several times to tell him about the call Juana got asking for the half million in ransom. Julio immediately goes to see Juana who throws herself in his arms crying. He makes excuses for not being available…his battery died (the phone that is J ). When Juana tells him Don Pedro was with her, Julio frowns, but hugs her and tells her he is with her now.
Andrea goes to see Fabi who still thinks Ramón is lying. Ramón is only trying to get money. Fabi then shows Andrea the picture she received and explains that is why she doesn’t buy Ramón’s story. When Andrea suggests she get rid of the picture, Fabi refuses; she wants it as a reminder of the pig that Ramón is. Andrea wonders if she doesn’t even have the slightest of doubts, but Fabi has no doubts; Ramón will not get any of her money and she will not fall for any of his tricks.
At Andrea’s, Julio wonders how they found out she had money and if Juana told anyone. When Juana replies that she didn’t tell anyone…she just wants her son back, Julio silently thinks she is going to use the money.  Juana then tells him about the call and doesn’t know whether to call the police or what else to do. Just then, Juana receives a call from the kidnapper who asks if she has the money. He’s thinking of sending her one of Ramón’s fingers to prove that he’s not kidding. Juana yells not to do that; so Julio grabs the phone and states they will negotiate with him, but Rulo ends the call and wonders who the idiot is. Juana thinks they hung up because they heard his voice and cries as she tells Julio what the kidnapper said. She then calls Don Pedro because he always knows what to do…as Julio rolls his eyes.
Outside the hospital, Dalia confronts Francystco and chides him for not taking her calls. She knows he’s behind Ramón’s kidnapping. Francystco acts like he knows nothing and accuses Ramón of taking advantage of the situation and wanting to get money from his mother. Dalia doesn’t believe Ramón is like that, so Francystco chides her for believing in Ramón after what he did. He then tells Dalia about the picture Fabi received and warns her that if she wants to open her mouth, it’s up to her, but when they find out she was responsible for Sofía finding Ramón, she will be the one to look bad. Dalia knows she has her hands tied.
Rulo thinks Juana called the police because he heard a man say that he would be doing the negotiations. He curses himself because he thought she would just hand over the money. Chava is afraid the police will trace the calls to them, but Rulo thinks that only happens in the movies. Rulo will give Juana a few minutes and call her again.
Juana calls Don Pedro and tells him about the call she just received. When he tells her that half of what they say are just threats, Juana wonders what if they aren’t. She doesn’t want anything to happen to Ramón. Don Pedro thinks Julio shouldn’t have intervened, but regardless, he advises her that next time they call she should ask for proof that Ramón is well and that she wants to talk to him. Don Pedro will go over to accompany her. Julio is upset because, if she calls Don Pedro, then he probably doesn’t serve a purpose there (nope!). Juana reminds him she called him at night and he never answered; Don Pedro was there for her when she needed him most. Juana tells him what Don Pedro advised and that he will be over to help her.
At Marg’s apartment, Fabi tells Andrea she should have never fallen in love with Ramón. Andrea thinks it’s something that happened and she should now try to forget. When Fabi tells her about Francisco, Andrea thinks that’s not the route to go, but Fabi thinks Francystco has treated her so well and she feels very comfortable with him. Just then Francystco calls her. As Fabi talks, Marg walks in and tells Andrea it seems Fabi is calmer. They discuss the kidnapping and Marg voices the same opinion as Fabi.
As she walks by herself, Dalia knows Francystco is right; she would be getting the short end of the stick. She then wonders if Ramón is really trying to get money from his mother; so she thinks she should go see Juana to see what she can find out. When she calls Antonio to ask for some time off, Dalia notices he has his doubts too.
Rulo calls back and demands to know why Juana got the police involved, but she clarifies that it wasn’t the police and promises it won’t happen again. She also promises she will get the money, but when she asks to talk to Ramón, Rulo quickly hangs up. Rulo tells Chava that someone is advising the woman…he needs to think of what to do. Lucho then approaches wondering what they are up to.
At Good Sam’s house, Ramón is looking better, but Sofía will feel better when the Good Sam gets back with the doctor and checks Ramón. The woman suggests that Sofía rest while the doctor arrives.
Chava thinks that if Juana doesn’t talk to Ramón, she will not give them any money. Rulo thinks they need to talk to Darío; if they have to give him a cut then they will do so. In the meantime, they will see what they can do to get the money.
At Benito’s house, Ada is putting on her make-up as she asks Fredes how she looks. Fredes thinks she looks fine; they just need to see what Benito will think. Just then Benito walks in and tells Ada she looks pretty. Fredes tells Benito about the young man who just started working with Ada and that Ada thinks he is good looking. Fredes asks Benito what he thinks so he says Ada is doing the right thing. After Ada leaves, Fredes hopes the young man will know what a fine catch Ada will be.
Juana tells Julio he can leave if he has to, but he doesn’t want to leave her at a time like this. Luisa then arrives to ask how things are going; so Juana tells her about the calls and the advice Don Pedro gave her. Afterwards, Don Pedro arrives and tells her he is late because he was contacting a former student of his, Vicente Figueroa, who works with a federal agency that specializes in kidnapping cases.
Andrea calls Santiago and asks where he is going so he tells her. They make plans to meet after his excursion with his students. After she hangs up, Andrea sees Jorge and tells him she wants to tell him how much she appreciates that he behaved so well when he was at her house to get the book for Sara. Andrea thought he would have already given it to Sara since he was so rushed to see her. Jorge denies being rushed. but admits he did feel like seeing her. When Sara mentions that Jorge didn’t like Santiago, Jorge admits he felt like that at first, but now thinks Santiago is great. He wants to make plans for the four of them, but Andrea refuses. Jorge and Andrea continue to argue, so Sara gets upset and tells them to clear things up between them and leaves. Jorge then asks Andrea what she was intending to do; and she replies she was just paying him back for last night. When Jorge tells her nothing happened last night, but Sara is now upset, Andrea sarcastically says, “Sorry, each one reacts how they can; in contrast, Santiago is so smart, he doesn’t fall for his little jealous fits.”
At Andrea’s, Juana wonders why they hung up when she asked to talk to Ramón. Don Pedro thinks it could be one of two things: they will call back to let her talk to him; or it’s only is a matter of extortion since they know she has money, but no contact with Ramón. Juana thinks only someone close to them would know she has money and that Ramón left. Just then Dalia then arrives and wonders what has been happening, so Juana once again recounts about the calls. When Dalia wonders if it’s not just something Ramón is doing to get money, Juana replies that if that were the case, Juana herself would ask the police to find him so he could explain everything.
Sofía notices Ramón no longer has a fever. The woman knew the tomatoes on his feet would bring down the fever. As Sofía caresses him, Sofía murmurs to Ramón that he will get well and nothing will ever separate them. With his eyes still closed, Ramón remembers one of Sofía’s kisses.
At Andrea’s, Dalia apologizes for having such a bad thought, but Juana excuses her because she isn’t the only one that has that same suspicion. Luisa, however, doesn’t believe Ramón would be capable of such a thing. Juana doesn’t know how she can believe in him especially since she saw that photo. Luisa thinks the good thing is that she has the money; and Don Pedro agrees with Luisa. Rulo calls again and Don Pedro tells her to turn the speaker on and insist on talking to Ramón. When Rulo notices the difference in sound since she has it on speaker, Juana tells him it’s the signal and only the man he heard before is with her. Rulo tests her and tells her they have been watching the house and know there are other people with her. When she remains quiet, he knows he is right and tells her that if she wants to talk to her son, the ante is raised to $600,000. Juana agrees, but before she gives him any money, she needs to talk to Ramón. Rulo chides her for making demands and snaps that he is the one that will set conditions right before he hangs up. Meanwhile, Dalia somewhat recognizes the voice. As Juana cries, Julio gets a call from Jessica and has to leave. As Juana continues to cry that she just wants her son returned safely to her, Dalia receives a call from Fabi who asks if she is going to go to work. Dalia tells her she has Antonio’s permission to be late. When Fabi tells her she needs to talk to her urgently, Dalia leaves, but will return later.
Rulo calls Darío again but still no answer. He is afraid their little scam will go sour, but then wants Chava to impersonate Ramón. Chava is afraid they will catch them. Rulo just wants him to groan and say “Mama” while Rulo will pretend to be hitting him.
Good Sam gets to the clinic but the doctor will not arrive for 2 days; he is the only doctor they have.
At Andrea’s, Vicente arrives and asks specific questions about the calls and the caller. Juana answers his questions and tells him they raised the amount when she asked to talk to Ramón; so he thinks it’s someone without experience. He adds that it’s easier for them to make errors, but it’s also more likely that they can get violent.
At Good Sam’s house, Ramón has his eyes open and says, “Sofía, my love.” When Sofía comes to him and asks how he is, he mumbles something about money to get out of DF, then closes his eyes and speaks gibberish…I already ate, Grandma…I fixed the limo, Don Cipriano…I’m going to San Diego, Ma…Onward, Valente…I’ll take care of the wedding, we’re lost. Sofía mentions that he’s incoherent so the woman asks her not to get scared. Since he got hit in the head who knows what moved in there.

Juana tells Vicente that there are some that think Ramón is behind all this. When he wants to know why, she explains how they thought Ramón had left with a former girlfriend. When she tells him it was 3 days between the time Ramón left and the calls, Vicente says that’s usually the amount of time it takes for kidnappers to contact families and wonders if she is sure he went with the girl. When Juana she tells him about the photo, Vicente doesn’t think there’s enough to show that it is a self-kidnapping. He then suggest she use a made up nickname to see if it really is Ramón. If the man responds to the made up name, then she‘ll know it’s not really him.
Marg is at her new office and sits at her desk as she receives a text from Antonio wishing her a good day.
At her house, Roxana talks to her employer and thinks she is going to go crazy if she doesn’t work so her boss agrees to work from home. Roxana talks to her baby and tells it she will take it easy from now on. She overdid it for a while, but it was worth it; his/her father is calmer.
Julio is at his office as he gags on his coffee because it is too sweet. He can’t get Don Pedro out of his mind since Don Pedro makes him look like a fool (very easy to do) in front of Juana.

At Andrea’s. Vicente tells Juana that next time the man calls, he will tape the conversation. Rulo calls and tells Juana she will now hear her son. Juana waits nervously until she hears a man yell. She pleads with Rulo not to hurt him, so Rulo tells her to hurry up and get him the money. When she hangs up, Vicente asks if that was her son. Juana cries and says she doesn’t know. When Vicente advises her that he is going to replay the tape so she can listen and determine if it really is her son, Juana doesn’t want to hear the tape, but he insists that it will be the only way they can be sure it’s her son. He plays it again…and she still doesn’t know.


Thank You Ms Chik. I couldn't figure out the new guy, especially since they seem to be running out of names....:-)

"(he might be in middle earth)" perfect We'll check with NiNa later.

Julio would much prefer they just kill Ramoon, and then that is one less obstacle between him and all that money.

We are halfway through this episode and Ruh-Roh don't even Know-Oh that Dull-Oh is Dead-Oh and they don't even have Moon-Oh to hold for ransom-Oh anyway-Oh.

Can't somebody just tell Wolfio to STFU and leave?

Has Antonio not noticed that the majority of his people are not even working there lately?

The little grey Egg dress is woofworthy, but she is flakier than a box of Corn Flakes. She's all yours Cyst with ears.

Dr J


There, that matches this celestial recap of an earthly show.

Thanks RGV Chick, I'm almost done watching this episode. Loved the part where Julio chokes on his coffee because it's too sweet. I loved it when you said: "He can’t get Don Pedro out of his mind since Don Pedro makes him look like a fool (very easy to do) in front of Juana."

Now with Ramon and all his incoherent talking, do you think it would be safe to say he most likely has a concussion and now he's lost his memory? I'll just be there is amnesia coming next and it will take him a while to remember he's not with Sofia and that he's really in love with Fabi.

Thank you, Kirby and Cynthia.

I would say Julio is truly cold-hearted but that would be giving him too much credit...the man has no heart. And Don Pedro doesn't make him just "look" like a fool, he is a fool. He looked clueless when he was there pretending to be supportive.

Cynthia, it does look like Ramon is going to have some type of partial memory loss. He seemed to be having memories of people in his past, but not his immediate past. I will be disappointed if Sofia takes advantage of that. She seems the be going down the obsessive delusional path...especially when she told Ramon that nothing would separate them... and being that she knows Ramon was not going to leave Fabiola for her.

Kirby, thanks for that beautiful avatar... such a nice way to end the day :-)


Rgv Chick, ha ha ha!!! “He makes excuses for not being available…his battery died (the phone that is J ).”
Osvaldo getting the pesos was funny. Is that $50? Not too bad.
Andrea and Fabi were both kind of disgusting to me tonight.
Thanks for the summary!

Thanks, CHickie....

"An all night audit"....Is that what the kids are calling it these days? I am married to an accountant, and I would not buy that one.

Uh oh, young OZ gets a bad job evaluation.


Don Pedro knows people. I think that we are seeing Pedro becoming a knight in shining armor..okay an older knight. Be afraid WOlfio.

I had a student who said that she had been kidnapped in Mexico CIty. I guess it is a thing.

CaliA, yes, Ossie getting $50 was funny especially for his "not too bad" job...hehe

Susy, Don Pedro is such a gentleman...definitely Juana's knight. Too bad she's in the Dum-oh, can't see past Juli-oh mode

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, the "all night audit"! Can't believe he used that one. I've done a lot of auditing in my life (my degree is in accounting and I have a financial background) and I've had some nights I work late, but never "all night!"

Dalia knows that voice. I wonder when she is going to say something.

Susanlynn: Yes, kidnapping is big in Mexico. My nephew's wife is originally born in Mexico but she is a US citizen after her parents came to the USA and they became citizens. Anyway, she and her mother decided to take a trip to Mexico to visit family who still live there. She took their daughter with her and made her little daughter understand to PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH IN PUBLIC because someone can realize that they were really U.S. citizens and a kidnapping could occur. So my little grandniece kept very quiet the whole time and did not speak English. Actually those kids don't speak Spanish either, so my little grandniece never said a word out in public.

I keep hopeoing that Dalli-Ah has some semblance of a heart and realizes that it is Ruh-Roh who has Ramon as she recognized the voice. If she ever truly had feelings for Ramon, especially after all he has done for her, she must put two and two together and DEDUNCE that it is Francysto behind it all.

And how many hundred times does Ruh-Roh have to get an "Out of Service" message from Dull-Oh's phone before he goes to investigate? But he is like the other bad guys, too busy counting all that money which is not his, to notice. We should be treated to a shit in the pants moment when he finds that van, assuming in TNLand that a auto wreck will just sit there until the plot-important person finds it, (Never discovered by popo).

Francumfarter and Julio see 'The Ransomer" as competition for the money, but has it not dawned on these dim bulbs that they are in competition with each other? Come on, drop the Oz--horny cougar and Andrea-Jorge-Red Butinsky--Santa stories and add Francofarter trying to KILL Wolfio--Wolfio trying to KILL Francisco---story.

Oh it could be so much fun. Poison, tampered brakes, GUNS, my favorite, fistfights, but those two would look like a couple of sorority girls fighting over a hairbrush, scratch fighting,..... knives, blackmail, kidnapping again, it could almost be as good as Double Life. :-)

And thanks again Ms Chik for a great recap with that special RGV flavor.


Susy and RGV, I too was impressed with Don Pedro last night, as, apparently, was Wolfio the little bitch standing over there eye rolling. It doesn't take much to make him look like a buffoon, he does a pretty good job without DP's help. DP is like that last pinch of salt in a perfect stew.

But how aware is Don Pedro of what a snake Wolfio is? Has he figured out that Wolfio ONLY wants the money, and will break Wannahasnobrain's heart to get it? Also, does anybody know how much Wolfio is gambling, besides Peckerforhire? It is too bad Wanna is not more on top of her money and can see it leaking away, but she seems to only be interested in knocking the rust of her ovaries with Wolfio.

I wish Don Pedro had never shown any romantic interest in Wanna, as now, if he advises her against Wolfio, it does not carry as much weight, their being romantic (supposedly) rivals.

RgvChick, this was outstanding. Far, far, superior to the actual episode.

“Dead Men Don’t Talk and Talking to "Ramón" is Expensive” was beyond!! "Good Samaritan (Good Sam) wife" and "he might be in middle earth" were among many favorites.

"With his eyes still closed, Ramón remembers one of Sofía’s kisses" and "Since he got hit in the head who knows what moved in there" said it all. Ramon is hovering between the present and near past which are vastly different.

I know I'm going out on a limb here, but I think Sophia should fight fire with fire. Her leaving Ramon was done simply to save his life. She gave up hers for him. She is alone and has no one. She fought hard to find Ramon and used her considerable brains (and yes brawn) to do so. While "In her bed, Fabi cries her little heart out", Sophia fought tooth and nail to help she and Ramon survive their kidnapping ordeal and escape.

Folks, Fabi refuses to accept Ramon was kidnapped! It really is a stacked deck in Sophia's favor (IMHO).

I completely believe moron Rulo still hasn't put two and two together to figure out that something is wrong with Dario. He also now knows the doc has no money but I suspect even that won't deter him. Idiot.

I did get a kick out of the faces Julio was making behind Pedro's back. No actually they were more right in front of his face.

CaliA, normally, Andrea and Jorge's little games and jealousies might have been cute, but they were a bit tiresome last night.

"DEDUNCE" was excellent Kirby. So is the beautiful moon.

"young OZ gets a bad job evaluation" - great Susanlynn.

Cynthia, thanks for confirming Dalia recognized Rulo's voice. She is going to have to come clean. There is no redemption otherwise.

RgvChick, superb. Thank you!



RGV and NiNa, our weather yesterday was almost August-like again, mid to upper eighties but dense fog in the morning. Today, clear as a bell and 70 right now. Luuuurve the fall in FLA. You can actually DO something without dripping sweat all over it.

"Oh Francisco, you are so noble! You have so much love for me and I am unable to return your love.”

Are we to believe that she is actually Really that If that is the case, she is too stupid to be with Ramoon, who it appears is a prince, compared to everyone else except Don Pedro. Hmmm he does share a lot of qualities with Sofia doesn't he?

Like Hmmm saving on car insurance does make sense......

I hopeo Sofia gets her skivvies off with Ramoon before he remembers he don't Luuuurve her.

Diana do you believe Dahlia will come clean? She seems to be torn right now and has been doing some serious thinking the past few episodes.

Grace, mid-flight. You have mad, mad skillz Kirby.

I think Dahlia is lying, deceitful and hard. Aligning with Fran is definitely causing consternation. I think it is a mixture of guilt and fear. Knowing Ramon is kidnapped should have been more than enough to confess what she knew. And what she did. If Ramon still was being kept captive, her mulling it over would have wasted precious, crucial time.

I'm not sure if she will spill or if Fran will rat her out first.


Kirby, Dali-A might have a semblance of a heart, but as the Cyst pointed out, she has much to lose if she opens her mouth. She not only was responsible for getting Sofia together with Ramon, she is also responsible for Roman getting beat up and kidnapped since she gave the Cyst Ramon;s address...wouldn't that be considered being an accessory?

Diana, "Folks, Fabi refuses to accept Ramon was kidnapped! It really is a stacked deck in Sophia's favor (IMHO)." Yes, it does seem the stack is decked in favor of Sofia...just one little may be that Ramon will not remember, but he told Sofia that he loves Fabi, not her. I really don't want to see her turn selfish and devious; I would rather she be honest with him and let him make his choice. It would be so much better for her to know that he is with not because he wants to be with her.

Poor Valente, Ada is going to use him...I hope she realizes he is a much better catch that BentOverForMom.

Kirby, yesterday temps were in the low 90's here; and it should be about the same today. There's a cold front coming, so Thursday is predicted to range from the high 50s- low 70s. My closet must be very confused...winter? summer?

Kirby and Diana I was writing while you commented...

Kirby, "[Fabi] she is too stupid to be with Ramoon, " YES SHE IS!! The writers expect us to believe that a devastated, broken-hearted abandoned bride-to-be can turn right around within a day (it was a day, right?)and allow herself to be swayed by the likes of a THAT is stupid.

Diana, "Aligning with Fran is definitely causing consternation. I think it is a mixture of guilt and fear. " well stated...the woman is in turmoil right, she got herself in a pickle and the vinegar is stifling her.

Kirby, great shot of a bird in flight...thank you!

OK. I threw the remainder of the left over Halloween candy in the garbage and today is garbage day.

I WILL NOT go to the curb and root around for another KitKat bar to smear on my snout.

LOL Kirby...hmmm KitKats and Doritos...interesting combo :-)

Pot o' Chicks...I may have found a new way to "grow" chicks...ya think I'll become rich and famous? NOT!! :-)

I spilled some Chickpeas in the yard the other day. Wonder what I'm gonna get?

When I was growing up we always had baby chicks around. They were too delicate for a pet for a rough and tumble boy, but my little Sis was forever trying to house train one.

Frankencysto thinks he has it all goin on, but one little thread has to start to unravel and he will not have a contingency plan.

Dahlia is doing some soul searching, (coming up 'no files found'). Ruh-Roh has not even discovered that he is down one partner. Eventually the police, be what they are in Mexico, will get involved, and then does Dull-Oh have any living relatives? Who does the van belong to? How much does the van owner know?

Whose cabin were they using? Did the owner even know they were there?

How long can they keep up the ransom charade without one shred of evidence that they actually have Ramoon? No pictures?

When a horse eats an apple, why is there no core?

On the wind

Kirby, you cracked me up when you posted: "Dahlia is doing some soul searching, (coming up 'no files found')."

Diana: I think eventually Dalia is going to have to speak up. Next time she hears Rulo talk she will confirm that this has something to do with him. But if she is smart, she won't confront him. She should go to Antonio first with her suspicion who can take it to the police.


Kirby, you pose some good thoughts and questions...I wonder how many of those will be left unanswered..or will there be a slew of coincidences again?

I think Dalia should go to the ol' wise one, Don Pedro...

Thank you, Rgv Chick.

I think it is an easy case for police to solve. All communication is going through cell phones: Rulo's demands for money, Francisco sending Ramon's picture. Using their own phones. Disabling caller ID and changing SIM card is not a problem for the police, the phone company has records of those calls.

Kirby, liked the idea of Franc and Julio fighting for the money. Certainly more entertaining than watching them taking candy from a baby Fabiola and baby Juana.

I have a problem with Margarita. It was her idea that Ramon kidnapped himself and extorting money from his mother. Maybe from heartbroken Fabiola, but not from Margarita. Really? Seasoned lawyer comes up with this? She could have been the voice of reason for Fabiola.

Cynthia, I have low opinion of Dalia. Remember, she tried to get Ramon for herself by connecting Ramon with another love interest - Sofia. Don't expect her to put two and two together, or make any noble gesture. Especially if it harms her.

Yeah I doubt that van had a GPS tracking device in it. Didn't appear to have the latest seat belt upgrades either. Hmmmm

Dari-Oh(shit) should be ripening by now and blowing up pretty good. What you put out comes back to you, earthworm food. Don't you wish you had tried harder to just shoot him? Oh never mind, you are busy.

Yes RGV, Francystco is E A C T L Y the SAME character as in Despertar Contigo. I watched it from beginning to end, I don't think it was even recapped here on Caray, and was not very popular. I enjoyed it, and thought it was a pretty entertaining show.

But Mr. Hotel?... the same hair, clothes maybe not occupation, but personality. Same beard.

Thank RgvChick. Good recap. This kidnapping scheme is abit frustrating.
The kidnappers are annoying.And I hate
The way they're talkin about ramon,hes
A good guy, a little slow. And he did
Not fight hard enough to keep that kiss from happening with Sofia. She is
Being abit pushy. And everybody don't want their money. Except a few greedy guses. And Why isn't she (fabi) more
Thoughtful and suspicious about franc
Farter. He wants to marry her and Take
Her Far far away. From everybody.

Iam so tired of seeing jauana being so
Stupidly trusting. And those pigtails
Don't help.

I would hate to think that Sofia would be underhanded and keep Ramon awayFrom
His mother,just to keep him from fabi. If he has amnesia from the fall. That would just be wrong, and not very nice of Her. I understand her delima Havin a mob boss for a daddy and her wantin to run away.But you don't steal some
One else's man. Even if she had him first. She left him a Broken man. And
It looks like fabi is doin the same thing unbeknownst to what's really up
In Denmark.
I just want all the bad guys caught and exposed and I want everybody In love to be with the person they love.
We need some happiness, the world is screwed up. Happy happy happiness for

Lucio, ITA about Margarita, she is a complete disappointment as an attorney. To base a decision solely on a photo is ludicrous. But then she didn't even bother to put a password on her computer knowing that someone in Poorfi's office was sabotaging her Alfredo stated perfectly, most people in this TN seem to have been lobotomized.

Alfredo, I think we are hard on Juana because she just doesn't think...period. She is completely oblivious to Julio's intentions and it seems no one is advising her otherwise either. Luisa should know exactly the type of person Julio is, especially regarding the gambling problem, yet she hasn't said a word against him; instead she was very happy for Juana. I do have some, limited, compassion for Juana since she now thinks her son has been kidnapped, but I tend to criticize her because prior to the ransom request, she actually believed he had willingly left with Sofia and even thought he was involved with her father's "business." What kind of mother is that...and all based on the photo setn to Fabi. What I don't get is how Fabi's parents could have given her the responsibility of handling the insurance money. Surely they must have seen some brain activity in Juana...but we haven;t seen it yet.

Kirby, I had never seen the Cyst or Mr. Hotel in anything...from what yuo state, looks like I didn't miss much.

Nina, "I would hate to think that Sofia would be underhanded and keep Ramon awayFrom
His mother" Me too. I don't want to see Sofia go bad. And you are so right...we need happiness in this TN that is supposed to be a comedy drama. The comedy has fizzled out.

Oh RGV I hated him. Even after the show was just a bad memory when those commercials would come on I'd scream at the TV. "After what you did to Maia, you think I'd buy a dog turd from you?" CLICK ! :-)

Oooohh, Alfredo, my mistake. You're right, about Fabiola and Andrea being hard in Juana, especially Fabiola.

BTW, that Vicente guy, wan't he in Doble Vida as Palomita's father...who sold her to Blake?

Yes, I actually miss DV too, that was one fast track TN. It was a bit heavy on the "messages" but it kept me on my toes trying to figure out what was coming.

Fabiola is starting to remind me of David in Vino...really, really stoooopid!

Ah Vino. It was so fun hating Disgraceful. So creative making up names for her. And dim Dave is playing a very different role in Carr at10pm. He is hounddog in that one.

I miss all those despicable knuckleheads in Vino, too. The clunky shoes, the spattered paint, the snarky teenage angst , the b!onde ambition, the poor engineering choices, the soccer, the romps through the grapes. Good times.#!lioncubwhereareyou

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