Friday, December 01, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #75 12.1.17: One Foot Too Short & Five Years Too Late

Roxana calls Daniel to tell him that she was arrested at the airport because the police found drugs in his bag. Daniel tells her he will be right over but calls his associate, Morales, and tells him to disappear before leaving.

At home, Osvaldo lounges about and asks Jorge about Luisa because she hasn’t arrived and he’s hungry. Jorge tells him that she asked for the day off, so he shouldn’t wait for her, and then tells him that he is going to the car wash and then to visit Hortensia. He chides Osvaldo for not visiting her yet but Osvaldo waves him off and Jorge leaves. Osvaldo then receives a text from Ofelia, who tells him that she had a great time and wants to see him at the same hotel. Osvaldo smiles to himself as he texts her back.

At the park, Margarita explains that should Roxana not show up to the custody hearing, it will be a win in Antonio’s favor as but would should she doesn’t care about Diego. Antonio nods as he receives a call from Roxana, who reveals that she’s been arrested for drug trafficking. Antonio and Margarita are shocked.

At the notary, Fabiola is fidgety as she waits with Francisco. Francisco asks her what is happening, and Fabiola admits that she’s not sure about signing to buy the clinic. Francisco is disappointed, as he thought she trusted him and was earning her love back, but nods and asks her to tell the doctor herself because he’d be too embarrassed. He does tell her that the notary will likely need to be paid for services rendered but ultimately understands that she doesn’t want to trust someone she doesn’t love with her money. Fabiola can only look at him as the doctor arrives and greets them. The notary arrives then and greets them, but Francisco tells them that they will not sign because Fabiola has something to say. After a moment, Fabiola tells them it’s nothing and they should continue. The notary asks them all to go to his office and they oblige.

Antonio can’t believe Roxana is involved in drug trafficking, but Margarita asks him to calm down, find a babysitter for Diego, and then go to the police station and see what they can do to help Roxana. Antonio decides to call Andrea to ask if her she can babysit Diego and Andrea agrees but asks him why. Antonio confesses that Roxana was arrested for drug trafficking, but Andrea can’t believe it. Antonio doesn’t either and he’s going to the police station with Margarita. He then hangs up and goes to get Diego, who thinks he wants to ditch him to spend time with Margarita like Roxana with her new boyfriend, but Antonio assures him that it’s not the case. Margarita tells Antonio that she has to go and tries to give Diego back his ball, but he hits it out of her hands. Margarita, dejected, leaves and Antonio assures Diego that he will never abandon him before giving him a hug.

Roxana is waiting in handcuffs for Antonio when the airport police arrive and let her know they are going to transfer her to the anti-narcotics police station. Roxana begs them to wait as her family is on their way, but the representative tells her that they will let her family know where she’s going. Roxana begins to cry but the police remain unmoved and take her away.

Hortensia begins to wake up from her sedative coma when Rebeca shushes her quietly and gives her some water through a straw. She then goes to open the door as Hortensia whispers “help” to an empty room. Rebeca opens the door for Jorge and introduces herself as Jorge asks her how Hortensia is doing. Rebeca explains that Francisco saw her that morning and adjusted her medication. Jorge nods and then goes to see her. He finds her trying to say something, but no sound is coming from her lips. Jorge hears reads her lips as she says Francisco’s name and Rebeca offers to call him. Francisco answers and Rebeca passes the phone to Jorge, who tells him that Hortensia looks anxious and has been calling him. Francisco asks Jorge not to force her to speak and then asks Rebeca to up the dosage of the sedative. Rebeca tells him that she already gave her the sedative less than 6 hours ago, but Francisco demands he give her a little more and Rebeca obliges.

Antonio drops Diego off and Juana offers to prepare him some food. She takes him too the kitchen as Antonio begs Andrea not to tell Diego anything. Andrea nods and wonders if Roxana was going on a trip with Agustin though they both doubt he would get Roxana in trouble like that. Antonio then receives a call from margarita, who informs him that Roxana has been transferred to the anti-narcotics police station and she will meet him there. Antonio agrees, hangs up, and asks Andrea to call him if anything before leaving.

At the mall, Luisa, and Dalia shop around for a dress for the engagement party. Luisa thinks the dresses are too expensive at the store Dalia chose but she offers to help her pay it as they don’t get married every day. Luisa tries on various dresses, but Dalia likes none of them until they find “the one.” Dalia demands she try nothing else on as that dress is perfect.

Anselma informs Julio that the dialysis machine has arrived, and the nuns will learn how to use it, so they can help Betito daily. Julio thanks them and then assures Betito that everything will be okay.

Juana and Andrea play games with Diego, hoping to distract the boy, when the doorbell rings and Andrea answers. It’s Jorge, who asks her how everything went with the notary and the vegetable garden. Andrea tells him it went great, as she’s now the owner, and Jorge jokes that they finally have a house for themselves. Andrea shushes him, and Jorge then goes to sit down and play with Diego. Juana takes the opportunity to leave, as she must go get ready for Luisa’s engagement party, and Jorge is surprised to know she’s engaged. Juana nods and tells him that Finito is the lucky groom and Jorge asks if Julio is going with her. Juana prefers not to talk about it and leaves Diego asks why Juana and Julio would go together. Jorge tells him that they are in a relationship and Diego is frustrated to learn everyone wants to be paired off. Jorge and Andrea laugh and then they go back to playing.

That night, Luisa and Dalia arrive at the restaurant to finds Finito and the others waiting. Finito greets them and then tells Luisa all the beautiful things he loves about her as she blushes. He kisses her hand and takes her to her place at the table. Luisa greets everyone with a big smile on her face.

At the station, Antonio is frustrated that they haven’t seen Roxana yet, but Margarita explains that there are protocols they must adhere to before Roxana can state her testimony. Just then, the representative asks Margarita to come, as Roxana will be giving her statement, and Antonio must wait outside the interrogation room. Margarita assures him everything will be okay and leaves.

Valente wonders if he should sit next to Dalia but his thoughts are interrupted by the blond mechanic and he goes to sit elsewhere. Blond mechanic congratulates Luisa and then goes to sit next to Dalia as Valente looks on, disappointed.

Margarita arrives at the interrogation room, but Roxana demands she get out as she is her husband’s lover. Margarita explains that she’s there as a favor to Antonio and Diego but, if she would rather have a public defender, she can go. Roxana stops her and accepts Margarita’s services. Margarita sits down and asks the officers to begin taking her client’s statement.

Benito texts Luisa to inform her that he’s in the bathroom and demands she come or he will go to the dining area and start a scandal. Luisa is unsure of what to do as Finito asks her who texted her. Luisa tells him Jorge, who congratulated her, and Finito offers to invite him to the wedding. Luisa nods and then sees Benito scurrying across the restaurant and going into the bathroom. She goes to meet him seconds later and demands to know what he’s going there. Benito explains that he wants to stop her from making the biggest mistake of her life, but Luisa argues that the 5 years she wasted on him was the biggest mistake she made. Benito confesses that he still loves her, but Luisa argues that he moved on with Adalgiza. Benito blames Luisa for their breakup though but Luisa reminds him that he never told his mother the truth and never gave her the place she deserved as his life partner. She tells him that he only used her, but Benito tells her that they both used each other, and they bother love each other. He offers to show her how much and kisses her. Luisa pushes him off and slaps him, but Benito will not give up. He tells her that, no matter what she says, he knows she loves him. Luisa screams that she hates him, but Benito doesn’t believe her. He offers to take her far away, like Romeo and Juliet, so they can live their love freely. Luisa considers this.

Roxana explains that she only registered the bags, but she had no idea that Daniel’s bag carried drugs. The officer reminds her that both bags had her information as well as women’s clothing. Roxana had no idea how that happened, but she knew nothing of the drugs.

Luisa tells Benito that Finito has demonstrated how much he loves her by publicly asking for her hand in marriage. Benito threatens to end his life, but Luisa demands he stop his foolishness and begs him, in the name of the love they once shared, to not ruin her night. She leaves as Benito sighs, sad.

Margarita meets Antonio and tells him that the situation is a lot more difficult than they thought but the police are looking for Daniel and Marta, her friend who introduced him to Roxana. Antonio hopes Roxana will be free when they find him, but Margarita explains that Roxana admitted to registering the bag and will be processed for drug trafficking. Antonio is dejected, as Roxana was taken advantage of, but Margarita reminds him that the police found the drugs are her person and she can receive at least 15 years in jail. Antonio wonders what he will tell Diego.

Luisa comes out of the bathroom as Finito asks her if she’s okay. Luisa tells him that she felt a little light headed but is fine now. Finito nods, takes her to her place at the table and then prepares to make an announcement. He looks at everyone and then at Luisa before reciting a love poem for her. As everyone looks at Luisa and smiles, Luisa can’t help but be captivated by Finito’s words. Benito, who is watching from the back of the restaurant, sees as Finito finishes and then asks Dalia for her mother’s hand in marriage. Dalia stands up and agrees before calling Finito “dad.” Finito nods, slightly nervous, and gets down on one knee before taking out a ring. He asks Luisa if she wants to marry him but, before she can answer, Benito comes out and announces that she will not because she loves him.

As they leave the police station, Antonio still can’t believe Roxana has been arrested for drug trafficking. He also can’t believe she was so stupid to fall for Daniel’s trap. Antonio wonders what he will tell Diego and Margarita suggests he lie and tell him his mother went on a trip though she is not sure of how long they will be able to sustain that lie. Antonio worries about the psychological affect this situation can have on Diego, especially if Roxana asks to see him and Diego will have to see his mother in jail, so Margarita suggests he talk to Roxana and convince her to give up her parental rights.

As Ramon and Valente restrain Benito, blond mechanic and another guest try to restrain Finito. They scream obscenities at each other and Benito demands Luisa admit she loves him. Luisa demands Benito leave, as he doesn’t want her there, but Luisa demands Ramon and Valente get him out of the restaurant. Benito demands she admit she still loves him, but Luisa is quiet as Ramon and Valente carry Benito out. Finito looks at Luisa and demands to know if Benito had anything to do with her lightheadness. Luisa is quiet.

Roxana, now in a jail cell, asks if they will let her go but the officer tells her that she refuses to understand the gravity of the situation. He tells her that she will be processed and sent to jail as Roxana cries and repeats that she is innocent. The officer thinks it may be true, but everything accuses her and there is nothing they can do.

Luisa explains that she went to see Benito in the bathroom to tell him that she wants nothing to do with him. Luisa begs Finito to believe her, but he is silent. Dalia demands Luisa stop begging but Finito tells Luisa that he believes her and asks if she loves him as much as he loves her. Luisa tells him that she couldn’t help but love him, especially after all he’s done for her and how special he has made her feel. Finito tells Luisa that he believes her, and she smiles.

Rebeca takes Hortensia’s pulse and finds that it is too low. She calls Francisco to tell him and thinks they she forgoes the sedative, for now, but Francisco demands she follow his orders and not question them. He hangs up and Rebeca picks up the sedative but hesitates when she sees Hortensia agonizing. Hortensia opens her eyes then and looks at Rebeca, who puts down the needle. Hortensia smiles and nods, thanking her.

Outside the restaurant, Ramon asks Benito to control himself as Valente chides him for even showing up. He suggests Benito learn to lose and Ramon wonders how he found out about the engagement party. Valente confesses he did and Ramon chides him, but Benito thinks they are both bad friends for not helping him. Ramon tells him that Luisa made her decision and he must make his peace with it. Valente tells him that they will have some drinks later, but he must go. Benito finally obliges but is sad to leave the restaurant without his Luisa.

In the living room, Rebeca researches the medicine Francisco asked her to administer to Hortensia (what kind of nurse is this???) and finds that in doses higher than 100mg per day it can cause a heart attack. She is shocked.

As Ramon and Valente come back, Finito holds Luisa’s hand and asks blond mechanic for the ring. He gives it to Finito and Ramon wonders why he’s even involved. Valente reveals that he is dating Dalia and Ramon nods but wonders why Valente looks so sad. He looks at Dalia then and Ramon realizes that he likes her (and Dalia may like him too as she looks at Valente longingly) as Finito gets down on one knee again and asks for her hands in marriage. Luisa, who looks like she is attending a funeral with red and puffy eyes, accepts and Finito puts the ring on her finger. Finito then announces that they will be married in a month and everyone claps including Sofia, who can’t take her eyes off Ramon, though Luisa looks as happy as someone who had a root canal.

Osvaldo arrives at the hotel room and finds a table stocked with champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries. Ofelia comes out then and they toast with a glass of champagne when Osvaldo takes the glass out of her hand and begins to kiss her. She smiles, throws him on the bed and feeds him a strawberry as he takes off his shirt and kisses her.

Benito arrives home and finds Adalgiza sulking on the couch. He asks if she’s not going to ask where he was but Adalgiza doesn’t care. Benito asks him what is wrong as she’s never spoken to him that way but Adalgiza thinks there’s a first time for everything. Benito leaves to his bedroom and Adalgiza is sure he is sad because of Luisa’s engagement party. She smiles and tells herself that she will cheer him out tomorrow, but he can suffer for the time being.

Andrea and Jorge have finally managed to put Diego to sleep but they comment on how much energy he has. They sit down on the couch and Andrea tells him that Diego almost put them to sleep though Jorge hopes she isn’t too sleepy as he thought they could spend the rest of the night together. Andrea smiles and tells him that she is not so sleepy now and Jorge kisses her.

Francisco is working on his laptop when he calls Fabiola over and tells her that he will only be working at the hospital part time because he wants to dedicate plenty of time to the clinic. Fabiola nods and, when Francisco goes to caress her leg, she pushes it away and tells him that she is going to make some quesadillas if that’s all he had to tell her. Francisco suggests they go out to eat but Fabiola just wants to go to sleep. She leaves and Francisco vows to make her pay for her indifference.

As Andrea and Jorge make out, Diego comes out asking for water, slightly sleepy, and sees them. He gasps and asks if they are together, but Andrea and Jorge quickly explain that he was trying to help her get some dirt out of her eye and he’s just confused because he was sleepy. Jorge then tells him not to say anything to anyone because they are cousins and, therefore, family. Diego doesn’t see what the big deal is but Andrea bids Jorge goodbye and tells him that they will see each other tomorrow for the vegetable garden. Jorge nods and goes as Andrea goes to get Diego some water.

Outside her house, Luisa thanks Finito for the wonderful dinner, despite the unwelcomed interruptions. Finito tells her that her love gives him the strength to suffer through any interruption. Luisa nods and thanks him for loving her but Finito tells her not to thank him but to love him back because this night will be imprinted in his heart forever. He then asks if he can kiss her and Luisa agrees but Finito only gives her a peck on the lips before pulling away. Luisa is disappointed but bids him a good night and goes inside. Once alone, Finito tells himself that Luisa is full of passion and smiles.

Ramon drops off Juana at home and she bids Sofia a good night before walking up to the building with Ramon. Juana looks at Sofia again and asks Ramon if he’s trying things out with her again. Ramon looks at Sofia and tells Juana “no” but he is open to moving on. Juana thinks he’s doing the right thing and then gives him her blessing before going inside. Ramon looks back at Sofia, who smiles wide, and considers this…


Good Morning!!

AAA, Awesome title to go with your captivating and speedy recap!!

I laughed when Benito jumped on the counter to kiss Luisa, but it was a little too late.

A second close call for Jorge and Andrea, will the third time be the not so charming?

Marg being Roxana's attorney? Not so good.

Poorfi's condition doesn't look good at all. Hopeo they don't kill him off.

Naughty Nurse is very naughty, but she has a heart...and a brain.

More laters...

Happy Saturday!!


Yes, yes, Good Morning everyone, and a big thanks to indefatigable Mr. Alfredo.

The episode last night was like when the cable box goes crazy and has to be reprogrammed. You flip on the TV to your fav local news and instead BBC World News is showing an engagement party in East Timor with the local Consulate General proposing to some retarded girl. Who are these people? Why do I see them? Is there enough money in the world to pay me to care?

I did like RaMoon and Val taking Benny out in reverse airplane mode. #Bennyandthejets
Finito cleans up pretty nicely, as does Dalia. That unit's "Service Soon" light is on pretty bright these days. Fasten your seat belt and dive in blondie.

It was tasty watching Roxie eat her own words when she at first rejected Marg as her attorney.

Yes, RGV there is a Santa Claus, and he gave Naughty a heart.
What girl doesn't think of Hopping a Frankenfarter in broom closet #3? #nightshiftcanbelonely

Sophia's dress had a certain WOW factor. Ramoon are you blind? Jefe said it is OK, wade on in, the water is warm.

HOPPY Saturday

R a m o o n. . . I wore my prettiest dress just for you.......

Alfredo, thanks for another great recap! Judging from the title I'd say you were interested in Benito's antics in this chapter.

I got quite a kick out of the way he jumped up onto the counter for his turn at the old 'take her into your arms' bit. Still... five years. Five years! I don't blame Luisa for turning him down, though I have difficulty imagining her with Sr "Qué pasión".

But the winner of last night's "Human Being of the Night" was clearly Nurse Blondie, showing that even naughty blonde bimbos can have concern and compassion for another human being and a patient, and demonstrate professionalism in the face of her boyfriend's self-proclaimed doctor godliness. Who wudda thunk it?

But this story line must have been cribbed from some other script and can't last. I even felt sorry for Hortensia, of all people! Compassion and competence, this cannot stand! But I'm sure this was just a short lapse of vision on the part of the writers. Expect large doses of brain dead Roxana and never-had-a-brain-to-begin-with Fabiola to bring us back to, um,... reality?


Ya know, I didn't think I even had the cerebral horsepower to think this, but could Nurse Blondie, to the exclusion of the likely candidates, Rulo, Julio, Chewbaca, Dario et al., be the one to bring down Cyst?

Kirby, "could Nurse the one to bring down Cyst" You just might be on to something!

Nice Dr. Parrot bird on a wire? ...careful with the breakers, Dr. Parrot!

Andy, cute avatar!

Busy day...more later...

Hello there,all . Alfredo ,thank you for the time and effort that you a!ways take to provide us with a great recap. Loved the true.I like Finito 's Romantic ways, but Ben is a better kisser. late and a dollar short as the saying goes.

I do not understand much dialogue, but I could tell that Hor was pleading with nurse, and Naughty but nice was listening.

Thank you, Alfredo.

"Jorge jokes that they finally have a house for themselves" - now, that could be the reason that convinced Andrea to buy the garden.

Fabiola treats Franc as an annoying roommate. Pretty soon she would be trying to stay late in the office just to avoid coming back to that uninviting apartment. Franc has not made anything to make her like him. He should try to be romantic, sweet. Then she would not get away from him. The way things are going she won't bear it for much longer.

Kirby, "R a m o o n. . . I wore my prettiest dress just for you......." - Sofia deserves some kind of a reward.

OT....Alfredo..only two more episodes for season three Outlander. If you do not mind spoilers and want a taste of season three, google..YouTube Jamie and Claire hurricane. It has been a good season and stayed pretty close to the book Voyager.

To be honest, I do not see what the 'Nito boys are fighting over. If either one of them had the sense God promised the first Billy Goat they would be after her daughter, or even Add-a-Geezer.

But Broomstick Lady, I just don't see it.

I think Sofia made a mistake by not asking Ramon for driving lessons. It worked so well for Fabiola.

I believe the theme song for this show should be "Perhaps Love" by Placido Domingo. One of the most beautiful love (and not love)songs ever.

Kirby...just listened to his duet with John denver. Lovely!

Thanks. Is that something?

With that song a guy might be OK to cry.

Thank you Alfredo. Terrific as always.

I really thought Fabiola might renege on the clinic deal. I think instinctively she knows something is off but the (slight) guilt over cheating on her husband is causing her to make concessions she normally wouldn't.

Luisa should stay single. She's right in that Benito's 5 year failure to proudly show her to the world and to tell his mother to accept Luisa or else is too much to overcome at this late date. Finito is a nice, straight up guy and deserves more than to be married to someone who doesn't love him.

"could Nurse Blondie, to the exclusion of the likely candidates, Rulo, Julio, Chewbaca, Dario et al., be the one to bring down Cyst?" She certainly could be Kirby. While she obviously feels no guilt about adultery, it seems she may draw the line on murder.

"I think Sofia made a mistake by not asking Ramon for driving lessons. It worked so well for Fabiola". Indeed Lucio...

Rgv Chick, I am now thinking Porf will end up with Mags (if he isn't killed off). Rox's incarceration will be bringing her back with Ant, whether we like it or not.

I also thought Sophia looked beautiful. And what a smile!

Beautiful bird on a wire.

Alfredo, thank you, thank you.


"Perhaps Love" is a beautiful song, but I also love "Algo Divino", the current theme song sung by Lupita D'Alessio.

These telenovelas are just packed with great songs. Another favorite is "Quiero Amarte" though I have never watched that TN.


I agree Andy.

Like you and Kirby, I also think "Perhaps Love" is beautiful. "Algo Divina" is great. Caer also has a good song.


Oh, ooo ooo, you know which other TN has a great song? El Chapo theme song “Vienen a Verme” sung by iLe formerly of Calle 13. If you have it on the stereo with some bass, it is awesome.

Thanks so much Alfredo!

Sophia is so heads above Fabi that i hate that Ramon can't see that. She deserves to be someone's number one, not a second choice.

Benito being carried out with arms and legs outstretched was hilarious. He looked so tiny.

Rox is getting her just desserts but Diego will suffer.

So Andrea owns the farm but Juana will work it?


I loved the theme song for Alborada sung by Placido.

Carvivlie that is kinda what I took away from it, that it was sort of Andrea's little farm, but she will of course need Juana's help. And LOTS of work from Jorge.
Off the books, ya know.
Undercover Work.

I wonder where the parrot will now live?

He's kinda one of my favorites, as he and Don Pedro are the two most stable, sensible one on the show.

But I believe Dr. Paqrrot is a bit more direct with his advice. And usually spot on too.

Speaking of Don Pedro, is he ever going to return?

Good recap Alfredo.These people's luv lives are really a soap opera. But we
Got it.
So her so-called friend used her to send dope to europe,or where ever.The
Crime she's she innocent of and nobody
Believes her. What goes around comes around. And she's gettin slammed with
Anvils. Her and horhellia.
The nurse seems to have a conscience.
Let's hope that sticks. Maybe she'll
Grow an even bigger one and stay away
From "Dr I'm to sexy for my own good".
If he don't kill her first. He wants to kill his Partner in crime.Horhellia told him to go after bobblehead and he did and got her. Stupid girl.
Lucio it worked for fabiola but then she shot Everything to hell with her giant ark of stubbornness.Which is why she's in big trouble. She married a would be murderer. Sucks to be her.

Ok y'all have a nice weekend. Thanks

Kirby: Ramon cannot seem to get away from his former girlfriend.

Good Sunday Morning Patio Pals. Thirty seconds into the news this morning, I am ashamed to admit I'm a human. Makes me wonder how far off these TNs actually are.

I have often wondered what would happen if suddenly world wide, money had no value. A million dollars would not buy a loaf of bread, but instead , the ability to tell the truth would get you a nice meal.

Now that would change things wouldn't it? And people who know about land and growing things and can get along with all the animalitos would eat, and those who can not would do something else, maybe eat each other. Happiness all around. How many of our Luuurvin' RaMoon would survive?

Andrea and Jorge would be set up on her little farm, but would there be a place for Fab? Might they be able to teach her to do anything productive? "Hey Fabi, kissing that tree is nice, but that isn't what Jorge meant. It needs food and water."

Julio, it probably doesn't matter WHAT you tell that Rhubarb, it wilts every time you go near it. Plants know.

Ozzy, I don't really care that the goat "Doesn't like You", you two work it out. Your job is to milk it. No milk, no food for you. Everybody has a job.

Francisco, sorry, but we have traded you to the cannibals in town for two goats and a beaver. They're picking you up tomorrow. Hungry?

Happy Sunday patio.


"Julio, it probably doesn't matter WHAT you tell that Rhubarb, it wilts every time you go near it. Plants know".

I agree (laughingly) Kirby- so do our animal companions.

Truth and kindness seem to be in short supply today. It's sad when random acts of kindness seem few and far between.

So, who always seems to have told the truth in Ramon land? Why Sophia of course. Nary a lie yet. (I'm not counting a few untruths to her father who deserves nothing).

Other than Betito and the parrot, I can't think of anyone else who's told the truth consistently. Possibly Diego.


Diana....I think that we can add Don PEdro to the short list of truth tellers.

And Kirby..maybe we should stop watching the news least over the holidays ...they really can harsh your vibe.

Okay, off to make a big pot of chili for the chilly weather. Getting ready for the second last episode of season three Outlander. I do not have any whisky in the house, so it !ooks like mint tea for me.

Yes, yes, Don Pedro, for certain.

The news continues to be more mind boggling and depressing. It's hard to ignore.

Enjoy Outlander Susanlynn!


OT...Diana...;-)I am enjoying it!!! So romantic. I will be sad next week when the last episode of season three is over. Then, a long doughtlander before we get season four. I will just have to reread the books.

Yes it is hard to ignore the news that is why I look at the Hallmark Channels there's Christmas movies on 24/7 but at least they're honest and they might be a little fantasy like,but hey they are not as depressing as the news where everybody's getting fired for being sex perverts.
Hey Where did Fredis disappear too? Or Did she Decide To finally move away &
Let little benito grow up? We can only

Good evening to All!

Enjoyed reading all the comments. NiNa, Fredes went to to Phoenix (I think) or somewhere in the USA because her aunt is on her death bed. Ada is doing a good job of being manipulative and underhanded without her help though.

OT...Nina and CHickie..I saw two good movies yesterday Hallmark.."Finding FAther Christmas 2016 and "ENgaging FAther Christmas 2017. However, some of the movies do seem like a two hour commercial for ornaments. Also , there is a formula..Big city girl ends up in a small town, meets a small town guy, has a small town Christmas, and love ensues...modern fairy tales. Well, better than the news. ;-)

P.s. Saw that huge super moon hanging in the sky at 5:50 this morning driving in the car.

"Ada is doing a good job of being manipulative and underhanded without her help though" said it all Rgv Chick.

Good morning all.

Yes, I saw the super moon this morning as well Susanlynn. Perhaps Kirby will post his avatar (?)


Good Morning!

OT- Susy, I've seen both those movies; and they are good. You are so right about the formula! There's one called, "Christmas with Tucker" that doesn't follow the of my favorites. I think even Kirby would like it...hehehe

I've been seeing the supermoon too..usually early in the morning as well. Just mesmerizing!

I like those small town Christmasy movies.Especiallywhen it's cold outsid e, which it will be this weekend. Not
Crazy ice cold like up north of us but
Wintery. Yaaah. I can't help it I like
Cold weather.

Alfredo....."I need some gratifying
Romance right now",well hallmark's got
It.All The way up to January 31st.And
Then they start with valentine's day.

OT...Alfredo, " gratifying romance" will happen in Season three Outlander , but only after several episodes of heart wrenching sadness , pining, pain, and despair. Uff. Are you planning to binge watch? If so, get a supply of tissues and SCotch whisky.

OT: The two hour gran finale of El Chapo was last night. Awesome.

The way they left it, there HAS to be a season 3 coming.

El Chapo, now THERE'S some anvils. I liked it when Arturo is full of bullet holes and choking on his own blood with the coke and alcohol keeping him conscious, and the only thing he could move was his eyes, and Chapo took out a hundred dollar bill and laid it over his eyes. ANVIL.

Well, let's see what El Franco does tonight.

Laters peeps

Nurse whatshername better be careful
Shes about to figure out hes out for blood. And he could include hers in that. Frankfarter likes to inject
People with meds they don't need.Kinda
Wonder who else he's done that to.

Rebecca, AKA Naughty, AKA Blondie, AKA Nurse Goodbody, AKA Broom Closet Bopper, AKA Bunny Hop Bimbo,

I'm laughing, but she may turn out to be a heroine.

She wouldn't be the first Good girl who made a couple Bad Hops. Tee Hee.

Well, well, it appears my local Univision has morphed into Unimas, but on the same frequency and same call letters as the old Univision. And it is showing La Tierra Prometida rather than RaMoon. I noticed this morning rather than Despierta America, I had some news show too, but didn't investigate it.

If they have done what I think they have, I'M OUT.

Update: It seems that Univision is broadcasting the UniMas programs on both the local frequencies. For us here in Fla, those channels are 50.1 WFTT and 62.1 WVEA.

And ther same programs are on the native channels 25 and 47. So who forking knows.
Drop the Mike.

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