Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #80 & #81 12.6.2017

Cut scenes in blue

Courtsey of RGV and Myself:

Enamorandome de Ramon #80: Lighting Strikes & Accidental Kisses

Osvaldo lays beaten on the ground. As Jorge is home on his computer, Osvaldo, who has somehow managed to get up and find a phone, calls asking for help because he has been assaulted and is very hurt. Jorge tells him he’s on his way and runs to tell Julio that Osvaldo has been assaulted. After Julio asks too many questions that Jorge can’t answer, they rush off.

At a restaurant, Valente helps Guero in to meet Dalia. When Dalia asks what happened, Guero tells her Rulo jumped him and he didn’t have a chance to react. Dalia will tell off Rulo the next day, but Guero doesn’t want her to make matters worse; if Antonio finds out he’ll run both of them off. When she realizes Valente is sitting at their table, she wonders what Guero and Valente were doing together, so Guero explains that Valente was passing by when he saw Rulo beating him; Valente stepped in for him. Dalia thanks Valente and notes that it’s the second time he has put Rulo in his place, but Valente tells her he didn’t even realize it was Rulo until he got closer…even less did he know it was Guero that was getting beaten…he would have done the same for anyone else. After Guero thanks him, Valente starts to get up to leave, but both Guero and Dalia insist he stay; so he does.

At Sofía’s apartment, Ramón and Sofía have dinner as she comments that Dalia told her about Fabiola’s pregnancy being a misunderstanding and wonders why he hadn’t mentioned anything. When Ramón replies that he didn’t think it was important, Sofía lashes back that he knows it’s a sensitive topic for her; so Ramón wonders why even touch upon it. He reminds her that the pregnancy had no influence on his decision to be with her. After she concedes and asks that he pardon her, Ramón tells her not to worry about it. It’s getting late and he has to leave; so he gives her a quick kiss on the forehead and walks out. After he leaves, Sofía thinks she was dumb to ask him anything; the only thing she did was remind him of Fabiola.

At the police station, Julio is yelling at Osvaldo telling him that this is a consequence of the prodigal life he is leading. He has told him several times he needs to straighten out, but if he’s not going to understand the easy way, then he will have to understand the hard way. When Osvaldo obnoxiously sneers that if he is going to lock him up in his room, he tells Julio that is ridiculous…what happened to him could have happened to anyone; Julio should stop with his speeches. Jorge shouts that they shouldn’t argue, Julio replies that all Osvaldo does is cause him to worry. Osvaldo then tells Julio to cool it; no matter how much he pretends to care, Osvaldo doesn’t believe him; he never has cared about him. Julio storms off and Jorge tells Osvaldo this is not the time or the place.

At the prison, Antonio meets with Roxana who brags that she will always have a way to get him there. Antonio replies that he is there, not because of her threats, but to make things clear. He will not allow her to continue blackmailing him. If she does, he will tell Diego the truth, but Roxana doesn’t think he would be capable. Antonio dares her to try it, undoubtedly it will hurt Diego. He may even have to take him to for counseling, but Diego is very intelligent and will end up understanding that his mother is in jail for getting involved with a drug trafficker. Roxana curses him, but Antonio tells her he is only putting an end to her blackmail. If she continues to manipulate, he will even dismiss her lawyers. When she wonders why he is there, he explains that he came to advise her that she will be getting a notice; they awarded custody of Diego to him. She curses him again and chides him for taking advantage of her situation to take her son. Antonio snaps that she doesn’t care about Diego; she only uses Diego to manipulate him. When she yells that she is Diego’s mother, Antonio agrees; she is a selfish mother who only cares about herself. If she cared about Diego, she would have thought twice before getting involved with that guy. Roxana tells him it was a mistake. Antonio wonders if she was thinking about her son when she made her plans to go to Europe. Her little game has ended; now she will do things as he dictates. If she wants him to take her out of there, she will not call Diego again; and when she is out, she will not tell Diego she was in prison. He will think of what to tell Diego. Antonio then cautions Roxana not to do anything that would hurt Diego; or she will stay there forever.

At the opposing auto shops, Sofía crosses the street and asks Fabiola why she is looking at her and wonders if she lost something at her shop. Fabiola snaps back that she must think the she owns the horizon. Sofía tells Fabiola not to act stupid; what she wants is to find out if Ramón is still with her. When Sofía snottily confirms that Ramón is still with her, Fabiola wonders if that was her reason for crossing the street. Sofía responds, “Yes, and to insist that you stop looking for him.” Fabiola then suggests that Sofía not tell her…she should be telling that to Ramón. Fabiola doesn’t beg him like others do, he is the one that looks for her. Sofía replies that Fabiola should convince herself that she is only Ramón’s past…and it won’t be long before she becomes a bad memory. When Sofía tells Fabiola that she should dedicate herself to her husband and let Ramón be in peace, Fabiola thinks Sofía must not be too sure of herself if she has to come ask her to do that. Fabiola then tells her that she is sure Ramón doesn’t love Sofía…and Fabiola’s not even sure he ever did. (Knowing Fabiola is right) Sofía shakes her head and leaves.

At the prison, Roxana’s cellmate asks what Antonio told her. When Roxana only shakes her head and cries, the cellmate tells her she had already warned her not to believe his lies that he would take her out of there. Roxana then confides that Antonio took custody of her son. When the cellmate wonders if she will ever see her son again, Roxana explains that if she does everything Antonio wants, she will. The cellmate then asks if she even cares about seeing her son, so Roxana quickly affirms it, but it more focused on cursing Antonio and swearing that the day she gets out, she will make Antonio’s life impossible.

At her office, Fabiola recalls that she just saw Ramón arriving and kissing Sofía. As she tries to shake of the thought, Andrea enters happily, but quickly notices Fabiola’s anguish. When Andrea asks about it, Fabiola recounts her argument with Sofía. When Fabiola asks is that isn’t a huge sign of insecurity, Andrea agrees and tells her Ramón’s love for Sofía is probably not even close to his love for her. After Fabiola states that is Sofía’s problem, she wants to forge the whole incident. Fabiola has many things to tell Andrea about. Andrea then gets up to see her father’s picture and thinks he would have never dreamed that both his daughters would be working at the auto shop.

Ramón enters Sofía’s office and sees that she is upset and crying. When he asks what’s wrong, she coldly tells him, “Nothing! What is it that you need?” Ramón just came to tell her that the 50th work order just came in. When Sofía praises him, Ramón replies that not all the credit goes to him; so she smiles. Ramón starts to leave, but then looks at her and gives her a big, juicy kiss. After he leaves, she wonders if when he kisses her, he is thinking about her…or Fabiola.

As he drives, Margarita calls Antonio who offers to pick her up for lunch. He will tell her about his visit with Roxana, so Margarita agrees.

At the auto shop, Rulo walks bringing in a bag when Chava catches up and asks if he is going to bring that here. When Rulo assures him that his locker has a lock and they need to keep the merchandise close at hand, Guero approaches and tells Rulo he is fed up. If Rulo jumps him again, Rulo will find out exactly who he is, but Rulo mocks Guero for being so “machito” (brave)…and that’s because his buddy is there to stand up for him. Guero then pushes Rulo and tells him when he fights he does it facing his opponent, not like him who fights when backs are turned. As Chava holds Rulo back, Guero continues that if Dalia has never wanted him, it’s not his problem and warns him not to mess with him again…and much less at work where he doesn’t want problems. After he leaves, Rulo huffs and says Guero just bought his ticket…but in time, because right now he has to focus on the “business.”

At Julio’s, Osvaldo tries to eat and tells Julio he feels worse that what it looks like. Julio reiterates that he looks for his problems with that lifestyle he has, but Osvaldo wonders what that has to do with his assault. Julio doesn’t believe it was just an assault; there had to be more to it. He warns Osvaldo that if he continues his path, he will end up worse. Osvaldo explains that he has been able to find a job that meets his expectations…one where he won’t be taken advantage of and that pays well. When Julio suggests he can work with him, Osvaldo scoffs at the idea and thinks he can find something on his own. Julio then tells him he can count on him…he also left some arnica cream for him. After Osvaldo thanks him, Julio leaves.

At Andrea’s home, Luisa arrives bursting with happiness because Finito gave her money to buy her wedding dress. She invites Juana to go with her. Juana agrees though she shouldn’t after the mess she made with the rumor about Fabiola’s pregnancy. After Luisa leaves, Juana hopes Luisa isn't making a mistake…she hopes Finito is the man of her life.

During their lunch, Margarita is very happy that Antonio put Roxana in her place. Antonio feels relieved; in order to protect Diego he was allowing Roxana to blackmail him, but he will no longer allow it. He will help Roxana out of jail only because she is Diego’s mother, otherwise, he would let her rot in jail. Margarita agrees that Roxana is not a good person, but it would be right…what Roxana did does not merit so many years in jail. Antonio agrees and hopes that the time she spends in jail will help her reflect on everything she has done.

At the sub shop, Finito works on his verses. He then asks Teófilo that, if someone would sacrifice themselves for him, what he would do. Teófilo doesn’t know but his mother would always say, “For those born good, you should always be appreciative.” Finito thanks him, finds the perfect words for his verse and rushes off.

At the bridal shop, Luisa comes out to show Juana one of the dresses. When Juana sees her she imagines herself as a bride as Julio walks in. She asks what he does there, but he doesn’t believe in superstitions and kisses her. When he sees the price tag he complains and thinks it’s highway robbery.” Juana snaps out of it. Luisa wonders why Juana was in trance, so Juana tells her she was just thinking how happy Luisa will be with her boyfriend.

At the mall, Adalgiza is handing out fliers for the mausoleum business when an older lady stops. Adalgiza tries to entice her, but the old lady is deaf and misinterprets a few words (good try at humor, writers…pffft!) When the lady leaves, Finito arrives and tells Adalgiza he shouldn’t have turned his back on her. He should have listened to her, just as she did when he needed her most. True friendship is not being inseparable, but to be able to be separated. Loyal friends are like looking up at the heavens and seeing a bright star; and you are a very special start in my heaven. Adalgiza is muuuy impressed!

At Med-Fer, Guero tells Poncho about his incident with Rulo and hopes Antonio doesn’t run them both off. Poncho tells him he should talk to Antonio, but Guero doesn’t want to be a snitch; whatever will be, will be. Osvaldo then arrives because his car heated up. In the meantime, he will go see Fabiola. As Fabiola shows Andrea something on the computer, Osvaldo walks in and they are horrified. When they ask how he is, he tells them his nose is broken along with a couple of ribs…etc. After he complains that lately everything ends up badly for him, including not be able to find a job, Fabiola suggests he work there. Andrea is helping out only temporarily, so it could be perfect for him. Osvaldo tries to decline, but Fabiola insists he start after he is better and goes to tell Antonio.

Finito needs Adalgiza to understand that he needs to give Luisa her rightful place since she will be his wife. As Adalgiza looks disappointed, Finito continues that for that reason, he will not be able to see her as often, but he wants her to know that his heart continues with her. Adalgiza replies that his words do her well and she has come to appreciate him very much. She and Finito are like twin souls and that is why she understands him more than anyone. As they have an intimate moment, Finito catches sight of Luisa and panics; so he ducks and hides behind Ada. As Luisa and Juana approach, Adalgiza quickly steps up and greets them…trying to make a sale, but Luisa tells her that he last thing on her mind is hanging up her shoes (…kicking the bucket…whatever). After they leave, Finito stands and starts to leave, but when he turns back quickly his lips bump into Ada’s lips…they are shocked.

Francisco calls Margarita who is at her office because the nurse told him she was concerned about her mother being sedated…still. Margarita questions why she is still sedated if her mother no longer has fever, but Francisco argues that the infection is still there so Hortensia needs to be completely at rest. When he brings up the psychotic episodes, Margarita thinks it is just his preference to keep her sedated, but Francisco again argues that it is recommended in such cases. He assures her that he is doing what is best for Hortensia; she is not only his patient, but also part of his family. Margarita concedes, but when she hangs up, there is something that she doesn’t like about the situation. Meanwhile, Francisco doesn’t think Margarita was convinced, but his thought are interrupted when a new patient comes in.

At his office, Julio enters and shows Jessica some of the brochures he obtained. When she wonders why they are all from restaurants, she wonders if he is buying a restaurant, but he tells her they are for his “niece’ who loves to cook.

That night, Andrea arrives home and tells Jorge and Juana that Osvaldo will be working at the auto repair shop. Jorge is can’t believe Osvaldo would work as a mechanic, but Andrea clarifies that he will be taking Dalia’s position. Meanwhile, Osvaldo arrives at his home and tells Julio he has found a job a Med-Fer to help Fabiola with the administration. Julio congratulates him, but Osvaldo isn’t sure it’s what he wants… he just did it to keep Julio happy.

Sometime later, Jorge shows Andrea and Juana a list of businesses where they can sell their produce. He has already had some interviews and it will all depend on the price they ask for. If the sellers like the price, they’ll agree. Juana then mentions the truck they will need to purchase and suggests Ramón help them select one; Andrea agrees. After Juana leaves to get coffee, Jorge quickly puts down his laptop to kiss Andrea. She worries that Juana will catch them, but Jorge thinks coffee will take long to make. Just then, they hear Juana coming back so they quickly separate.

At Benito’s, Adalgiza thinks about her kiss with Finito and sighs deeply. She then imagines Finito kneels in front of her telling her that he can no longer silence what he feels for her. He wants to make her laugh; he wants to conquer her, he wants to love her, and make her fall in love with him; he wants to kiss her and hug her; he wants to be with her the rest of his days. As she calls out his name and they pucker up, she snaps out of it and shakes her head and wonders why think about him; he is only her friend…but how nice it felt when he kissed her. She sighs deeply.

At the sub shop, Finito is also thinking about his kiss with Adalgiza. He doesn’t think it’s very gentlemanly of him to kiss her or be thinking about that kiss when he’s engaged to Luisa. Teofilo comes then with an order and distracts him from his thoughts.

Juana calls Ramon, who is having dinner with Sofia in her apartment, to ask if he could give the used truck they are buying for the farm a good once-over during the weeken. He would be happy to and then hangs up after a good night. He informs Sofia, but she thinks that they should go to MedFer and have the mechanics there look at it. Ramon reminds her that it is a favor for his mother, but Sofia reminds him that it is a favor for the sister of his ex-girlfriend as well. She thinks Fabiola is behind this favor, because she and Andrea control Juana, but Ramon asks her to not be silly as it is a favor for his mother. Either way, her comments have put him in a bad mood and he leaves for the night, much to Sofia’s annoyance.

Fredesvinda arrives home and sees Benito walking toward her. He is happy to see her but she is struck by lighting when she holds up her keys to wave. Adalgiza comes outside and gasps but neither she nor Benito know what to do.

Ramon receives a text from Sofia as he arrives home. She apologizes for her behavior, but she was jealous. Ramon shakes his head and goes inside to find Valente. He fills him in on the situation with Sofia and Valente assumes she’s jealous. Ramon agrees but he will not allow anyone to disrespect his mother, no matter how jealous. Valente nods and then Ramon asks him to drop the topic and he will go make some dinner. Sofia texts him again, begging Ramon to answer, but he refuses.

Adalgiza and Benito bring Fredesvinda inside the house and try to call an ambulance, but no one answers.

In her apartment, Sofia kicks herself for acting jealous, especially because Ramon won’t answer her. She knows Fabiola is behind the truck favor, no matter what he says.

Rulo and Chava make a deal and receive some money for the parts they stole. As they smile and count the money, a police car drives pass but they try their best to act natural. Once it’s gone, Rulo asks Chava to be calm, especially if he wants to be in business with him.

Jean Claude looks Fredesvinda over and declares that her vitals are fine, even if she’s in shock right now. He suggests they let her rest and she will be fine. After all, only 30% of people who struck by lightning suffer lasting consequences.

The next day, a new client brings Ramon her friend because she was very happy with his service and hoped her friend would receive the same service. He smiles and helps the friend out of the car as Fabiola and Andrea look on from MedFer. Andrea can’t believe how many women flock to mechanic shop since Ramon is there but Fabiola shrugs. When Sofia arrives, Fabiola can’t take it anymore and storms inside with Andrea in tow.

At home, Benito tells Adalgiza that he will take the day off, but she is off today and offers to take care of Fredesvinda. Adalgiza offers to cook him breakfast but Benito would rather leave. Once alone, Finito texts her to thank her for yesterday and Adalgiza thanks him for his friendship, especially when she needs it most since Fredesvinda was struck by lightning.

Ramon goes to see Sofia in the office and she demands to know why he didn’t answer her. Ramon is honestly shocked that she reacted the way she did, but Sofia already explained what happened via text. She also explains that Fabiola’s words, namely, the fact that she is just a consolation prize, hurt her. Ramon is shocked she would think that.

Adalgiza opens her door and finds Finito standing there with a sandwich. She thanks him for coming as soon as she asked, and he tells her that he will always be there for her. He comes inside, and they sit in the living room as Adalgiza tells him that she’s worried about her aunt, especially because lighting strikes are so rare. She begins to cry and Finito hands her a handkerchief. He assures Adalgiza that her aunt will be fine soon, and they move closer to kiss but are interrupted by the phone ringing. It’s Jean Claude, who called to ask how Fredesvinda is faring. She explains that she gave her the medicine but there is no change though she will call him if there is. She hangs up and Finito hands her the sandwich. He tells her that everything will be fine and then goes as Adalgiza thinks friendship is beautiful, as beautiful as a sunset. She smiles to herself.

Ramon tells Sofia to calm down because her thoughts are taking her to a place he doesn’t like. He wonders why she’s so insecure and she begs him to tell her how much he loves her. Ramon tells her he does and he’s with her because he wants to be. Sofia gives him a big kiss and then Ramon tells her that he will see her at lunch and leaves. Sofia doesn’t look any happier than she did a few minutes ago.

Finito walks back to the sub shop when Luisa texts him that he hopes he is thinking of her like she is thinking of him. He wonders what to respond, as he feels guilty about thinking of Adalgiza, and decides to lie as that will be better than the truth.

Porfirio arrives at the doctor and asks if there are any options for him moving forward. The doctor assures him there is, but he needs to run a few more tests and the sooner the better thought he will have to be hospitalized right away. Porfirio nods and then receives a call from the detectives on Roxana’s case, who tell him that he needs to be present at the polygraph tomorrow, but Porfirio asks if Margarita can go in his place as he will be busy. They agree and hang up.

In jail, Roxana goes back to her cell and tells her cellmate that the polygraph will be done tomorrow, and she will be free. Her cellmate tells her that those results can be inconclusive but Roxana is sure she will be free as she has nothing to hide.

Andrea watches from MedFer as millions of women ogle and drool over Ramon…

Enamorandome de Ramon #81: Spiteful Exes & Impatient Girlfriends

Andrea spends a couple of hours seeing the endless parade of female clients that go to RamSo to drool over Ramon. As the gears in her head turn, she smiles to herself and goes to see Fabiola in her office. She proposes the same thing Antonio and Lucho already did: they should use Fabiola to bring in the male clients like RamSo is using Ramon. Fabiola is initially wary of accepting but Andrea offers to dress up with her and Fabiola agrees. They discuss the outfits they will wear with smiles on their faces.

Margarita goes to visit Julio at his job to talk about Hortensia. She explains that their mother is no better or worse than before and it’s ridiculous that Francisco still has her sedated. Julio reminds her that he is the doctor, but Margarita would like a second opinion as it’s the quality of life of their mother. Julio thinks it’s ridiculous that they will waste money on another doctor since they have Francisco, but Margarita offers her own money. Julio wonders how they will tell Francisco, but Margarita will also take care of that. Just then, she receives a call from Porfirio, who tells her he is going on vacation for a few days and needs her to be present at the polygraph for Roxana. Margarita agrees, tells him to have fun and hangs up. She then tells Julio that she will tell Francisco about her concerns and then call another neurologist and ask for his help. She bids him goodbye and leaves.

That night, Dalia meets up with Guero since they are going to dinner but Guero also invites Valente, much to Dalia’s delight. Valente is unsure, but Dalia asks him to please go and then they can go home. He relents and smiles as the three go off.

Ramon goes to Sofia’s office to take her home. She is almost ready and tells him that she would like to go on a road trip with him to visit a pyramid a couple of hours away. Ramon nods and she explains her plans for the trip.

As Francisco and Rebeca kiss, Margarita opens the door to Hortensia’s and they quickly separate. She greets them, and Francisco explains that he came to visit Hortensia and is going to run some tests to determine if he should continue sedating he. Margarita nods before telling him that they will look for a second opinion from the neurologist that operated on her though Francisco thinks they should wait for the blood tests, as Hortensia only has a simple infection, and Margarita nods. Fabiola arrives then, and Francisco tells her that her family doesn’t trust him though Margarita explains they only want a second opinion because they are worried. Fabiola assures her that Francisco has taken good care of Hortensia, but it is their decision. They go to see Hortensia then as Rebeca chides Francisco for agreeing to stop giving Hortensia the sedative. Francisco is only bidding his time while he finds a solution though Rebeca reminds him that he promised not to kill Hortensia.

Jorge visits Juana, who tells him that they will go check out the truck tomorrow. Just then, Julio arrives, and they tell him about the truck though Julio thinks they are wasting too much money on the farm. In fact, he has an alternate proposal for a restaurant franchise since Juana is an excellent cook and that will be a better option. Jorge shrugs and then leaves as Juana chides Julio for butting in again and being unsupportive about her decision to buy the farm. She cries and confesses that she even dreamed of…she stops herself then and tells Julio that their relationship is going nowhere, and they should stop seeing each other.

Jorge runs into Andrea in the hallway and tells her that they should go to his apartment as Juana and Julio are arguing in hers. Andrea nods and they get in the elevator.

Julio asks Juana to reconsider but Juana reminds him that he’s been distant and has likely forgotten all the “love” he said he felt for her. Julio knows he has been but offers to make it up to her. He goes in to kiss her, but Juana pushes him away and asks him to leave. Julio nods but tells her that he will show her what he is willing to do for her love and leaves.

At Jorge’s, Andrea tells Jorge about her plan to make sure they get more clients and use their beauty as the main selling point of MedFer. Jorge doesn’t agree and thinks they are being ridiculous, but Andrea is surprised that he doesn’t support her now when he always has. Jorge just can’t agree with the fact that they will be exhibiting their bodies for clients, but Andrea chides him for thinking she would do such a thing and leaves in a huff.

At home, Francisco researches cases like Hortensia’s as Fabiola thanks him for being so attentive and considering her grandmother part of his family. She offers to make him a coffee, since it will be a late night, but he shakes his head. Fabiola then goes to bed and Francisco wonders if there is a way for Hortensia not to remember anything she heard.

At the casino, Julio has a drink and thinks of a way to placate Juana without having to marry her. He does acknowledge that Juana has been harder to fool than he initially thought.

The next day, a female client asks Ramon when her car will be ready and tells him that she would like him to hand it to her personally. He agrees, and she leaves as Ramon notices Fabiola and Andrea, dressed in matching, tight and white jumpsuits, welcoming clients. He can’t believe they have stooped so low, but Valente and Benito arrive then and see that the sisters have copied their strategy. Ramon still thinks they are being crazy.

Antonio arrives at the shop with Diego and smile. He tells Fabiola that their strategy is working and Fabiola nods as Diego tells her that she and Andrea look beautiful.

Valente tells Ramon that the sisters look very good and he’s not the only guy to think so. He proposes that they dress Sofia and Dalia in matching jumpsuits as well, but Ramon demands he shut up as Sofia arrives and laughs at MedFer’s ridiculous strategy to gain new clients. She thinks they just need some music, so they can begin to dance and laughs before leaving. Ramon demands again that Valente and Benito get back to work.

At MedFer, a male client arrives, and Fabiola greets him. He explains that he didn’t need any service done but they should check the brakes on his car now that he’s there. Fabiola smiles and takes down his information as Jorge arrives and apologizes to Andrea for being unsupportive, but he was jealous. Andrea smiles and forgives him but asks that he not make their relationship so obvious. Jorge whispers that she looks great and then gets in his car and leaves.

Roxana is taken to an office for the polygraph but is unhappy to see Margarita is there instead of Porfirio. She prefers to wait but Margarita warns her that the judge will likely not agree to another polygraph though it is her choice if she wishes to proceed. Roxana considers this.

In the OR, the doctor tells Porfirio that they will administer a local anesthetic and extract a sample of bone marrow from his spine. Porfirio tells them to do whatever is necessary and the doctor begins the procedure.

The police questions Roxana about her relationship with Daniel though Roxana is angry that Margarita can’t take her eyes off her. The police ask her to focus and continue their line of questioning to examine the validity of the results.

Sometime later, the detective in charge of the case meets with Margarita and explains that Roxana didn’t lie during the polygraph and this is on top of the fact that they fingerprinted the contents of the suitcase and Roxana never handled anything inside. Margarita smiles and the detective offers to give her the official polygraph results soon, so they can be included in the defense file for Roxana.

Francisco explains to Rebeca that he found a solution to their problems: mix two medicines that, when done right, cause memory lapses for anything the patient has seen or heard. Rebeca smiles as she was worried Hortensia would tell everyone the truth if she was no longer sedated. Francisco asks Rebeca to trust him because he has the solution to all.

Ramon is outside looking at the MedFer show when Juana calls him to ask if he can go with her to look at the truck. He hesitates for a second but agrees before hanging up. He then wonders what he will tell Sofia.

In her office, Sofia wonders if Ramon is still looking at Fabiola and expresses a desire to get rid of her once and for all. She stops then and smiles as she will have Ramon all to herself that afternoon and she will erase any trace of Fabiola from his mind. Just then, Ramon comes and tells her that he is accompanying Juana to buy the truck and suggests they go on their trip later that afternoon. Sofia refuses to accept and tells him that the trip is cancelled but she’s not surprised as she is the last person he thinks of. Ramon can only shrug. Once alone, Sofia curses the fact that Juana is now ruining her relationship too.

As Antonio gives Lucho his check, he tells him that his nieces are geniuses because business has been booming since they started greeting people at the entrance. Antonio agrees and Lucho leaves as Fabiola arrives and tells Antonio that, for being the first day, it went exceptionally well. Antonio hopes business continues like it is now when Osvaldo replaces Andrea and Fabiola laughs before nodding. Antonio then tells her that he is on his way out and hopes that he has a good dinner with Margarita and Diego. Fabiola then asks about Roxana and Antonio hopes they have her out soon.

Outside, Jorge and Diego check out a car as Andrea talks to Juana. Andrea tells her that she will ask Ramon if he wants to ride with them to see the truck since Jorge is taking her and Juana. Juana thanks her and hangs up as Andrea tells Jorge that she is going to tell Ramon to come so he can take them. Jorge nods as Antonio comes out of the office and picks up Diego before leaving.

Andrea finds Ramon in his shop and offers him a ride to see the truck. He agrees as Sofia comes and asks if she’s Fabiola’s sister. Ramon introduces them, and Andrea then tells her that she will wait for him at MedFer. Once alone, Sofia chides Ramon for accepting Andrea’s offer, but Ramon reminds her that the Medina sisters are very close to their mother and he won’t stop talking to them just because she says so. He then gives her a stern look and walks away.

Jorge tells Fabiola that Andrea went to go find Ramon to offer him a ride as Andrea comes. Fabiola chides her for doing so and gets inside her car because she prefers to leave before seeing him. Her car won’t start and, as soon as Ramon arrives, he offers to look at it, but Fabiola prefers a mechanic look at it Monday. She goes off to find a taxi, but Andrea thinks she is being ridiculous because they can offer her a ride and they drag her to his car.

Moments later, as Jorge and Andrea smile in the front, Fabiola and Ramon wiggle in the backseat trying to get comfortable without touching each other. Fabiola then receives a call from Francisco and makes a show of calling him “my love” and all that as he tells her that he is at Hortensia’s, so they will meet there to go home. Once she’s hung up, Ramon receives a call from Sofia and does the same thing as Fabiola. Sofia tells him that she reconsidered and accepts his offer. Ramon tells her that he will see her later, so they can go away for the weekend. He then blows her kisses as Andrea and Jorge continue to laugh.

As Fredesvinda tries to move, Jean Claude explains that he is unsure of how much longer Fredesvinda will be immobile. They suggest they go to the hospital, but he asks them to be calm as they will tell her the same thing he did. They all agree to keep a close watch over her at home.

As Diego and Antonio play at the park, margarita arrives though Diego could not be less welcoming. Antonio asks him to be polite as Margarita reminds him that they used to be good friends and they can be again. Diego thinks that she is the reason her parents are not together, and he doesn’t want to see her. He pushes her to the ground and Margarita is speechless. Antonio chides him for doing that and asks her if she’s okay. She is but prefers to leave. Once alone, Diego screams that he wants his mother to come back and pick him up, but Antonio tells him it’s not possible. He then tells him that they are going home because he’s being rude.

Jorge arrives and gets off as does everyone else. Fabiola refuses Ramon’s help as Andrea asks if she will go see Juana for a bit before going home with Francisco. Fabiola shakes her head and Andrea leaves to go pick up Juana with Jorge. Once alone, Fabiola crosses her hands and tells Ramon that she hopes he has a fun weekend with his girlfriend. Ramon hopes she has a fun weekend too and hopes Francisco makes her as happy as he did one day. Fabiola tells him to stop talking and tries to leave but Ramon grabs her and confesses that she is the woman who drives him crazy. Fabiola stops short but then demands he let her go. Ramon obliges but goes in to kiss her before stopping himself. Fabiola thinks it’s ridiculous that after they slept together, he went back to Sofia, but Ramon reminds her that she also went back to her husband. Fabiola nods and then demands he tell Sofia to stop bothering her though Ramon tells her that she needs to leave Sofia alone. Fabiola calls Sofia a liar but is done talking either way and storms off as Jorge arrives. He tells him that, despite the distance between him and Fabiola, their hearts still want each other. Ramon nods slightly.

Fabiola curses Ramon and Sofia while waiting for the elevator. Just then, Juana and Andrea arrive, and Juana asks Fabiola why she’s so angry. Fabiola demands she ask her son and goes up in the elevator. Juana then tells Andrea that Ramon and Fabiola can’t be together, but Andrea thinks they need to air their differences ASAP. Juana thinks they shouldn’t think about this, as both are in relationships, but Andrea thinks they still love each other. Juana agrees but they shouldn’t mention it.

Moments later, Juana and Andrea find Jorge and Ramon waiting. Juana goes to Ramon and asks him what he did to Fabiola. Ramon tells her that he did nothing, but she destroyed her life and his heart. Juana caresses his cheek as Ramon receives a call from Sofia, who asks him how much longer he will take. He tells her that he will let her know and hangs up as Juana shakes her head.

Sometime later, they arrive at the dealership and ask the representative to show them some used trucks that are good for carrying farm goods. Ramon then receives a call from Sofia, who asks (again!) how much longer he is going to take. Ramon explains that he may be a while and Sofia agrees, dejected. Ramon then goes back to the group and they begin to look at several models.

In her apartment, Sofia (who has nothing better to do apparently) continues to text Ramon but he doesn’t know how much longer.

Sometime later, the group decides on a truck and the representative gives them the information for the bank transfer and tells them that they will have the truck ready as soon as payment is received. Andrea proposes they celebrate with some tacos as Sofia calls Ramon again. She tells him that it is too late to go anywhere, and Ramon agrees. He suggests they leave it for another weekend and invites her to eat dinner with him and Juana. She tells him that he has put her in a bad mood and will see him tomorrow.

Sofia throws her phone down and thinks she’s been an idiot. She has no idea why he prefers dinner with Juana than with her before thinking that it must be an excuse to see Fabiola without her knowing. She wonders why Ramon does this to her.

In the supermarket, Fabiola and Francisco go shopping but Fabiola continues to chide him for picking only expensive things when they are on a budget. He chides her for being so stingy, especially now that she has millions in the bank, and tells her that he would never deny her anything if the money were his. She puts the expensive wine and ham he chose back in the cart and storms off with a satisfied Francisco in tow.

Antonio calls Margarita and asks her if she’s okay after the incident with Diego. She is, and he apologizes for Diego’s behavior before wondering what Roxana may have told him. He wonders if they should even help her get out of jail, but Margarita reminds him that she is innocent, and the proof says so. Either way, it wouldn’t be ethical (or legal) to keep her in jail so they could be together. Antonio is amazed at how kind and forgiving she is and Margarita assures him they will be together and happy soon enough. She then sends him a lot of kisses good night and hangs up.

Juana sits down to eat when Julio calls her and asks her not to make any plans tomorrow as he wants to go to dinner with her. She agrees and hangs up as everyone orders. Jorge and Andrea then decide to go to the pharmacy as they wait for their orders and Juana and Ramon take the opportunity to take about Sofia. Juana wonders if she’s always been so needy. Ramon thinks about this and tells her that she wasn’t always like this, but she has become super jealous and processive and he doesn’t like that. Juana nods.

Around the corner, Jorge stops and tells Andrea that he wanted to be alone with her. He gives her a kiss, but Andrea stops him and tells him that they can’t kiss on the street. She proposes they go out tomorrow, so they can be by themselves and Jorge agrees before kissing her again. She then tells him that they need to go buy something in the pharmacy, so no one suspects. He nods, and they go.

As Porfirio walks around his hospital room, he thinks that Margarita should be there with him, but she is not. The doctor walks in then and tells him that they will run more tests tomorrow and then proceed with treatment. Porfirio thanks the doctor, who leaves, and thinks that tomorrow he will find out how much time he must live.

Benito hears the clanging of some pots and pans and texts Adalgiza to see if something fell in the kitchen. She tells him that she is in her room and someone came in the house to rob. They will both go check it out and Benito grabs his bat as Adalgiza grabs a hair dryer to defend themselves. They go in the kitchen and find Fredesvinda cooking up a storm. They hug her, happy to see her up and about, and she tells them that she is starving as she didn’t even get peanuts during the flight. They wonder if she’s had a memory lapse.

The next day, over breakfast, Francisco tells Fabiola that Hortensia’s results came back, and she is free of any infection, so they can start to reduce the sedative. Fabiola offers to call Margarita and Julio, so he can tell them. Francisco nods.

Ramon goes to visit Sofia, who has made him breakfast, and they sit down to eat as Sofia tells Ramon that she wants to spend the day with him, alone, since they didn’t go on their road trip. Ramon offers to take her to the movies, but Sofia prefers to stay in though she ultimately agrees to go with Ramon. She thinks that he would agree to whatever Fabiola wanted as he tells himself that he has no desire to be alone with her after yesterday.

As Fabiola gets dressed, Francisco calls Rebeca and gives her new instructions: reduce the dose by half and she should be good in a few days. He than hangs up as Fabiola comes and tells him that she is going to the mall to get some things. He nods as she notices some invoices on the dining room table and looks at them. Francisco explains that they need to be paid as he bought some new things for the clinic. Fabiola is shocked he bought two flat screens and new couches for the waiting room. Francisco thinks that image is everything, but Fabiola thinks he is being superfluous. Francisco thinks she is overreacting, first at the supermarket and now with the clinic, and making him feel like a kept man when that won’t always be the case. Either way, $300,000 pesos is nothing compared to all the money she has. Fabiola is shocked to hear he spent that much but goes for her checkbook either way. Francisco smiles to himself.

The doctor arrives with the results and explains that Porfirio’s leukemia is more severe than he thought, and his liver has also been affected though they don’t know which one came first. He then tells Porfirio that they must start an aggressive round of chemotherapy to see how he responds as his cancer is too advanced; each round consists of 8 individual sessions and there will be 4 rounds. Porfirio solemnly nods and tells the doctor that his life is in his hands...



RGV Chick and Alfredo, thank you for this loooong and detailed recap. Thank goodness we have you guys to do this and to fill in the blanks that Univision keeps creating. What gives with those guys?

Anyway, I'm glad Fredesvinda is back. She, Benito, Finito, Ada, and Luisa are a troupe of idiots, but it's all in fun... mostly. And Ada is, to borrow a word from RGV Chickie, Telenovia worthy.

It's late, more tomorrow.


Alfredo and RGV Chick thank you for your recap. The amount UNI cut is shocking. You both are to be commended for the amount of effort you put into recapping the entire episodes.

Will Francisco take the chance that Hortensia will not remember what she heard over the phone? Or will he just kill her?

Sofia is going drive Ramon into the arms of Fabiola and Francisco is going to drive Faviola into the arms of Ramon - eventually. Each partner seems to be exhausting the patience of the other.


Ah Alfredo, you are a wonder. That recap must have taken a long time and we really appreciate the dedication you bring to this voluntary service. I enjoy watching this show and picking up more Spanish, but clearly the network is cutting out enormous amounts of material which we could not enjoy without your hard work. Kudos to you...and all the recappers who give their time and energy to bring us the parts that Univision has withheld.

Alfredo and Rgv Chick, thank you both for the exceptional, detail laden recap. I'll echo Andy and Anon in that we are so fortunate to have you! Just as everything starts to boil, Uni turns the heat off, slicing and dicing. Without you, we would have missed so much.

Far too many wonderful lines to note but "After all, only 30% of people who struck by lightning suffer lasting consequences" (drat!) and "Andrea watches from MedFer as millions of women ogle and drool over Ramon" were among them.

"She also explains that Fabiola’s words, namely, the fact that she is just a consolation prize, hurt her. Ramon is shocked she would think that". Of course you would Ramon. You haven't a clue.

It seems as though Sophia is now a prisoner of the green eyed monster. As Sophia has always been bright and self assured, and had never even raised a jealous eyebrow, this of course makes no sense. But I suppose they had to make her unlikeable so we'd be pulling for the eternally fabulous Fabi. Sigh.

"He wonders if they should even help her get out of jail". Yes, there's a thought Antonio. Sinking to Roxie's level, are we?

And there are those who never fail to learn, to those to whom beatings and incarceration seen to have little effect. "Osvaldo obnoxiously sneers that if he is going to lock him up in his room..." and "swearing that the day she gets out, she will make Antonio’s life impossible.." 'Nuff said.

"Fabiola then tells her that she is sure Ramón doesn’t love Sofía…and Fabiola’s not even sure he ever did". Cruel Fabiola. Ice cold cruel.

Poor Porfirio. He can't quite get Mags out of his head. Hope does spring eternal for some it seems.

Thank you both. This was a wonderful recap.


Thank You Alfredo and RGV
So Jorge and Julio have to go get shitforbrains in the middle of the night, and the next minute he walks in to MedFer to see Fab and Andrea all bandaged up?

They sure didn't show us much of Andrea and Fabi's new White, Camel Toe outfits, RATS.

If someone told me that as soon as they got out of jail they would make my life a living Hell, I will give the patio ONE guess how much effort I would make to get them out of jail.

CLUE: zero is a number also.

Add Antonio to the dumb list. Wait, in the interest of efficiency, take him off the smart list which is a boatload smaller list.

Marg is not far behind. If she does not uncover Frankerfarter's smelly scheme before long she is going on the list too.

Am I soon going to be just watching this show for the bird?


This comment has been removed by the author.

There is one mystery to me. Why is Juanna sometimes Blanca, and others Juana? It seems to have started a few days ago. Is it a speech to text Ooopsie?

Kirby: Good question.

Thank you Alfredo and RGV Chick. Excellent recap. And of two episodes. Really appreciated.

I am really sad about Sofia's changes. She was one of the better characters on this show and the writers decided to change her personality and turn her into a completely different character.

Osvaldo, got expelled from school, has not worked a day in his life, have not shown any dedication to any responsibility. This is the person Fabiola cheerfully invites and insists to work at her family business. Another one of those Fabiola's decisions. With employees like Fabi and Oz, MedFer's future is bleak.

"$300,000 pesos is nothing compared to all the money she has" Wow, spending what amounts to a worth of a brand new car, without consulting! In Fabi's place I won't be going for the checkbook. That stuff is getting returned! And rules of family budget clearly explained to the husband.

And Lucio another thing, Francisco has either quit his normal job at the hospital or drastically reduced his hours. He has told Fabulously Dumb Honey that earlier, so that he can "Devote more time to getting his clinic up and running."

Now I was under the impression he was buying a 'Going Concern', and it was a matter of taking the reins, so to speak, from the previous Doctor, but now it appears he is starting from scratch.

"With employees like Fabi and Oz, MedFer's future is bleak."

It appears that hardly anybody in this show actually takes employment seriously, whether as an employee or an owner.

Having been in business, and seen many small businesses flourish and others fail, I can tell you it is at least a sixteen hour a day job. The ones who work like these guys and girls are rich for a while, and then there is the inevitable selling off of the assets and going to work for the competition.

If you can have a great affluent life in Mexico working a day or two a week why on God's Green Earth does Mexico not want a wall to keep us out? You can't do that here.

Lucio, it seems we agree (with sadness) as to what is being done to Sophia's character. While jealousy is a definite turn off, at least she is not a "Fabulously Dumb Honey":)


Good Morning, All! Thanks for all the kind words and insightful comments.

OMGoodness. I do apologize! Kirby, the Blanca thing must be me. I'm going crazy doing recaps for Mi Marido too and the the main mother is "Blanca." I'm SO sorry! I will be more attentive.

ITA with all the comments about the changes in Sofia. Is this a new thing with writers taht they make the main rival likeable, then turn her into a wicked witch? In all the TNs that I have seen (not as many as some of you), the antogonist is quite antagonizing from the get-go.

RGV don't fret, we all fingered it out. I simply wondered if there was something crucial to the (non)plot that I had not seen having to do with her second name.

So now Juana has morphed into a take charge business lady(?), and Sophia has turned bright green before our very eyes.

Ooze is going to take Dalia's old job with no experience or qualifications, not that she did much when she was there, except hand out those jumbo boxes of Handi Wipes disguised as auto parts. Kinda funny, that no matter whether one of the mechanics needed a spark plug or a radiator, she would priss into the parts room and return with a box of Handi Wipes from Sam's Club.

Thanks Alfredo!!!

The writers are doing exactly what I feared, turning Sofia into a jealous shrew.

I think with Juana, 'Money changes things', like it or not, including her. Uncomfortable as she initially was with the money which is kinda sorta not actually hers, she is seeing now that it gives her a lot of power and control.

She has not yet figured out that Julio is the demon that he is, but she looks to be on the cusp of that realization. If only there were an equally attractive, AGE APPROPRIATE male sniffing around who has no interest in money, she could see the big picture more clearly.

Alfredo you touched on it earlier, that this show is full of people whose happiness is dependent on someone else. I would add that a few of these are just plain delusional. Roxie, first and foremost, is locked up on some pretty serious charges, and is still a demanding, selfish annoying little bitch. Oozzie has no skills, no education, no personality, no looks, no ambition, no experience, can't be trusted as far as you can pee, and he will only accept employment at a wage he deserves doing what he likes. HUH? Let's get the word out to the few kids who are still entertaining the thoughts of going to college or trade school and let them know "Don't Bother" there's an app for that.

What Francisco and Julio and the others will never know is the freedom, independence , and power you feel knowing that you did it yourself with no help from anyone. That you and you alone are in control of your destiny and your happiness and you can make it happen.

Wow, CHickie and ALfredo, you two make a fantastic team recapping all this crazy. By the amount of blue , it appears that Uni has cut more than it has shown. Then again, I appreciate not having to watch some of those inane scenes. Let's all send up a big thank you for not having any of these people in our own personal orbits.

I guess the message here is that Ramoon's chick magnetism is a curse rather than a blessing. At this point, he should just move on and try to find a chick who is neither an insipid airhead nor jealous , obsessed nut. Too harsh???

Poor POrf . I feel so bad for him. this guy cannot catch a break.

Poor is taking a village to babysit this kid.

As for Ooze getting a job, in some cultures, family comes first, last, and always. The stronger family members carry the weak ones..forever .

even formerly sweet FIn has turned into a creep creeping after another woman. Basta.

What makes Roxy think she can be master of the universe?

These people are unbeievable oxygen wasters. ..OOze, Roxy, Fran. Ugh.

CHickie, I knew that the Blancas came from Mi mardido. No worries. I do not know how you are managing all the recaps that you are doing. Amazing !!!

Judyb....HI !!! I have been missing you !!!

Well, off to real life and an elementary school Christmas concert...jingling all the way.

I, too, wondered about the Juana/Blanca names, but I can see quite a few similarities between Juana and Blanca (from "Mi Marido"), despite the age difference.

Since we're clearing things up, can someone tell me why Ramoon calls his mother "Jefa"? She doesn't seem the type to crack the whip :-)


Kirby, "What Francisco and Julio and the others will never know is the freedom, independence , and power you feel knowing that you did it yourself with no help from anyone. That you and you alone are in control of your destiny and your happiness and you can make it happen." Such wise words...if everyone would live by those words, we'd have a lot less people needing therapy...or incarceration. thank you, Kirby :-)

Andy, "jefa" is just a used as nickname. Although, she doesn't "crack the whip" so to speak, It's more a way of showing that she is respected and that her opinion is valued...IMO

Alfredo, our comments crossed. And yes, I do believe Blanca would be insulted LOL

Yes, there is a silent 'R' on the end of the word. It is pronounced in English as Heifer.


Kirby, ah, no, I don't think so :-)

The main story in this TN doesn't interest me all that much, but the side stories do. I just loved Wanna's fantasy about marrying Julio with the price tag still on her bridal gown, and his reaction to the price.

Are they trying to humanize Julio?


Andy, I think they are going that way with Julio. He has had his moments of decency. His main problem seems to be the gambling, which causes him to become money hungry with morals going out the door.

"I believe her pain (even if it's unfounded) and I believe his yearning (even if he should move on). There is a spark between them and I wish they had a better story to go with their gifts".

If only Alfredo. If only. Very well said.


Who said "Haters arer gonna Hate."?

So here goes, I thought Wanna's fantasy with her dress and Wolfio showed that she is beginning to see the real Julio in spite of her pubescent fantasies.

It may have been Taylor Swift about Katy Perry And/Or Vice Versa.
So it's gotta be true.

Hi Susanlynn. And yes, Alfredo, I'll hang in there till the end. And apologies to Rgv Chick for leaving you out of the thanks for doing double duty on this one.

I remember the first time I heard "jefa" or "jefe" as slang for Mom and Dad, about 9 or 10 years back when I started watching telenovelas. I mentioned it to someone I knew who taught Spanish and she found it insulting, but it seems to be a slang used among the working class. Fabiola would not have called her mother that but Ramon yes. However, we, at times, used to refer to our mother as "Mambo" a play on Mom and Rambo because she was a tough "My way or the Highway type mom.But that doesn't seem to be Juana's MO.

Jingle all the way, Susanlynn...enjoy!

Thanks Alfredo, this was loooong and
Tedious. These people are still crazy.
And I'd hate for Sofia to turn into a
Clingy girlfriend. Are worse. She got
Reason to be jealous,but what will be will be.And what wont,won't.Bye sofia.
Remember, her dad is a mob boss, the acorn May not fall far from the poison ivy vine.See theres nothing going well
On this show. Benito actin like he's
Cheating,a crooked Dr and nurse,a nut
Job moma manipulating her child to go
Against his dad's girlfriend,and other
Crazyass people.Will something go rite For somebody in this show?

There are some people in this story is
Just filler, tho they do have a funny storyline, like:the two itos,(benito &
Finito).I think they must be the comic
Relief. Cuz if they weren't they'd be so boring.
Still don't like Roxy. I wish she'd go away. Shes mean and nasty. And she has
A bad influence on Diego. That kid can
Be down right nasty,just likehis nasty
Moma.And that's what he will turn into another her,only male.Tony need to let
Him, tell him to apologize. I don't care how upset he is abouthis moma he
Don't push adults or be disrespectful. Ive seen him do that a few times, Tony need to put a stop to that. I just do
Not like ill-mannered children.No I do
Not have kids but I've taken care of other people's children, so I know how
They're suppose act, Diego that ain't it. That kid is a good actor.

Now about the money fabi has, it was one million dollars,1. So how did it get from 1 million to millions?As this
Is what Franco saidto fabi atthe super
Market.Did the writers forget we heard
It was only 1 million? Did I miss something? Y'all let me know if I did.

Jauana and Julio are just plain silly.
The end.

Thank you Alfredo

Thanks Alfredo, this was loooong and
Tedious. These people are still crazy.
And I'd hate for Sofia to turn into a
Clingy girlfriend. Are worse. She got
Reason to be jealous,but what will be will be.And what wont,won't.Bye sofia.
Remember, her dad is a mob boss, the acorn May not fall far from the poison ivy vine.See theres nothing going well
On this show. Benito actin like he's
Cheating,a crooked Dr and nurse,a nut
Job moma manipulating her child to go
Against his dad's girlfriend,and other
Crazyass people.Will something go rite For somebody in this show?

There are some people in this story is
Just filler, tho they do have a funny storyline, like:the two itos,(benito &
Finito).I think they must be the comic
Relief. Cuz if they weren't they'd be so boring.
Still don't like Roxy. I wish she'd go away. Shes mean and nasty. And she has
A bad influence on Diego. That kid can
Be down right nasty,just likehis nasty
Moma.And that's what he will turn into another her,only male.Tony need to let
Him, tell him to apologize. I don't care how upset he is abouthis moma he
Don't push adults or be disrespectful. Ive seen him do that a few times, Tony need to put a stop to that. I just do
Not like ill-mannered children.No I do
Not have kids but I've taken care of other people's children, so I know how
They're suppose act, Diego that ain't it. That kid is a good actor.

Now about the money fabi has, it was one million dollars,1. So how did it get from 1 million to millions?As this
Is what Franco saidto fabi atthe super
Market.Did the writers forget we heard
It was only 1 million? Did I miss something? Y'all let me know if I did.

Jauana and Julio are just plain silly.
The end.

Thank you Alfredo

What Ramon needs to do is take Sophia shopping and insist on buying her a little leather jacket with 17 zippers and some miniskirts one size too small.

If she will go for it, take it from there. :-)

Ramoon, it is kinda like riding a bicycle. You never forget how, even if it is the old bicycle you thought you gave away.

Wow, Kirby, your line about riding a bicycle was exactly what the heroine told the hero in Outlander when they were finally reunited after being separated for 20 years !!!! (However, she left out your thought about the old bicycle.)

Air up the tires, dust off the seat and give it a whirl. You might wonder why you tried to give that old bicycle away in the first place.

It would still beat scooting along on your skateboard watching someone ride around on that shiny little bicycle you test drove that time.

But that's just me.


Or: "That little 10 speed that was yours until your card was declined at the register."

Boo Hoo. Waaaahhh.

Get Over It Moon.

AllRighty ten minutes.

Yipee. Looney Vision has Rosa de Qualudes on at 7 tonight.

I wonder if Ramitonin is now at 8 maybe

Oh RQ at 7 Football at 8, 9, 10.

They are pushing it.

I just turned into UNi and thought that Rosa was just running a little late. My tv listing has Ramoon at 7pm. We will have to see what happens at 8pm.

My guide shows Futbol Central on for only one hour at for 8 E and Mi Marido still at 9 Ramoon!

Just as well.

We fans are not getting much respect from Uni..smushed episodes and now no episode at all. This is getting to be a habit.

Good Morning!! Thought I'd give you all a good laugh ---------->

It's snowiiiinng in the RGV! This is the second time in my lifetime that I have seen snow. Last time was in 2004; it snowed more then so I actually got to make snow angel...not this year...oh well! My sisters asked if it was a snow chick, I told them it could be whatever they wanted it to be :-)

Have a great Friday!!

Thanks Rgv Chick.

Enjoy the snow! As a New Englander, I still enjoy a light blanket of snow. The 10 foot piles of snow? Not so much...

Susanlynn, I think there are around 116 episodes and yes, Uni is really hurrying this along...


Since there was no episode last night and they are only showing half the episodes now I thought I might do a recap SANS an actual episode.

So a young man and a woman are kidnapped and held for a week, tied up, fed only hay and made to poop in their pants. A neighbor discovers them and helps them escape. They resume their lives and think “Wow, that sucked.” End of story.

Gigilo son of corrupt gambler is beaten to within an inch of his life in the process of servicing a wealthy cougar. He survives and is given a job in his cousin's Auto Shop. He thinks, “Wow that sucked.” End of story.

Margarita discovers that Doctor, husband of her niece may be slowly killing her bedridden Mother. She considers a second opinion, but then thinks , “Wow that sucks.” and instead of getting a second opinion, goes over to screw her Sister-in-laws husbands brains out. End of story

Profitable family Auto Repair shop is mysteriously losing money despite being a former thriving business. Cause: Dishonest employees are stealing it blind. So Twit fires Twat and thinks, “Wow that sucked.” End of story.

Illiterate stupid maid thinks corrupt gambler is romantically interested in her. But it has been 32 years since she has had sex. She asks the Parrot for advice. Parrot tells her it is like riding a bicycle. Maid thinks, “Wow, that sucks.” End of story.

Ramoon sees Fabi, and has a Boo Hoo Poopy morning.
Fabi sees Ramoon and has a Boo Hoo Poopy day. End of story.


Chickie, overcast and cold here . Prediction of 1-3 inches of snow for tomorrow.

Wow , Kirby. ..and yikes. Sister in law's husband ?


Kirby, you made me laugh once again! That was hilarious...thanks!!

Oops. Maybe sisters husband. I still do not know how all these numbskulls are related but on second thought a SIL hubby might be a brother?

OMG Kirby too funny!

UniMas is showing two episodes per night of that La Tierra Prometida or whatever it is called. I just can't watch these shows where EVERYBODY looks to need a razor, haircut, and some soap. A LOTS of soap.

So Roxie and Marg are sisters, right? That sibling rivalry will get you laid quicker than flowers.

They are not sisters Kirby. Rox isn't related to anyone else in these families. Marg is related to everyone.



Yipee Kai Yeah, my listing shows Livin' Stupid on at the regular 7:00 slot tonight.

OK so Marg is the sister of one of the deceased parents, the Mom, I think, and Antonio is the brother of the other deceased parent. I believe Fabi's Dad and he are brothers, and were co-owners of MedFer.

What mechanic is jumped in the parking lot at work by a couple of coworkers and does nothing about it? They did a tad more than rough him up a little. Kicking on the ground would earn you a reciprocal ass kicking or shot where I come from. So Susy, check with your Hubba and see if he would just go: "Darn, that sucked, I hope they don't do it again." or maybe be a bit more proactive to ensure it will not happen again. These passive people who just let life happen to them send me into orbit. I am not vindictive and mean, just really religious, "An eye for an eye", You know. :-)

Ms chick the last time it snowed here
Was 28years ago. Nobody expected that
Much snow In North Florida. Christmas week, All the bridges were closed nobody could go anywhere. The kids didn't have any mits So they were given sox for their little hands. They had fun pickin up Snow and tryin to throw it with thoseSox-mittens,lol. All we're gettin is water And thunder & lightening.Not bad it's just really wet, cold and nasty. And Im Off the weekend so I don't have to go out there in. I'll just stay in and read the recap & comments. And bake cookies. Yummo! Thank you raquel ray.

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