Saturday, January 06, 2018

Caer En Tentacion #55, 1/5/18: Benji is a Pawn in Miriam’s Diabolical Game

NOTE: Today's episode was all in the present time
Andres tries to convince Raquel to go home to rest. Raquel does not want to because she wants to stay with Mia. She asks Andres if Miriam is going to fight for custody of Benjamin. He confirms that she is, but tells Raquel that there may be something that can keep her from proceeding.

Bebo goes looking for Jose Fumeneces. He finds him and asks him to help him to prove that Nacho was at home the night Carolina was murdered. Jose tells him that he made many pizza deliveries and it would be hard to remember but Bebo reminds him that the night in question he delivered a pizza and he was jumped and Nacho helped to scare the robbers away. Jose does remember that night and will go with Bebo to see if he remembers Nacho.

Raquel goes to Santi where he tells her that they found the gun that killed Carolina and it has a fingerprint that they are analyzing. He also informs her that Nacho found the possible alibi in the pizza delivery man. Raquel then tells Santi that Miriam is already starting to fight for custody. Santi goes insane and says that he will not allow anyone to take Benji away from him. He will do things his way from now on and all Raquel can do is tell him to check with her before he does anything.

At police station Alina and Bebo try to tell Antonio that there is a witness that can place Nacho at home the night of Carolina’s murder, but Antonio tells them that this does not matter right now because they found the murder weapon and since it has a fingerprint they will need to analyze it first before any judge will look at other evidence.

At Santi’s house Lola tries to cheer up Santi but he tells her he is a little sad about their situation and apologizes to her because he knows that she is also a victim of the situation. Lola tells him that she is sorry she did not realize how much he loves Raquel and she is sorry for that.

Cynthia informs Raquel that in Laura’s news cast she revealed that Damian was Benji’s father. Raquel does not understand why Laura hates her so much. Cynthia than says that it’s probably her fault because Laura wants revenge on Cynthia. Raquel tells Cynthia to stay away from Godoy in order to avoid problems.

Lola goes to see the gynecologist and he tells her he will order tests to see if she has an infection or possibly is pregnant.

As she leaves the clinic, Juan cuts her off with his car and picks her up and forces her into her car, she struggles but ultimately has no choice because he overpowers her.

Santi let’s Raquel know that he is running away with Benjamin. Raquel tries to plead with him but he hangs up with her. He calls Lola and leaves her a message to meet him at the day care in 30 minutes.

Bebo goes to visit Nacho and tells him that they found the gun that killed Carol and Nacho because excited and is pleased that they found the gun. He also tells him that he found the pizza delivery guy.

Ruedas goes to see Alina in her office he tells her he will do whatever she wants in order to have her disappear from his son’s life. She says “are you sure you want me to go away?” He confirms he is sure otherwise he would not be there. She gets up and talks to him in a seductive voice and tells him “are you sure because you know I like to close a deal with sex” She gets close to him and Ruedas gives in to her seduction and they begin to kiss. Outside her door Nico approaches as he reads a file, gets the door handle and walks in.

Raquel goes to visit Miriam; she tells Miriam that she wants to negotiate. She is willing to give her everything that she owns of Legato in exchange for Miriam to stop fighting for Benjamin’s custody.

Lola tells Juan that she wants to leave; he just wants to start over. He says he changed all he wants is to be with her. He swears that he is different and regrets everything. Lola asks him why did you try to kill Bebo Juan says he was just trying to scare him. He pleads with her to not abandon him. She says she will believe him when he proves he is changed, and then she opens the car door and is able to walk out of the car without Juan going crazy. She walks away.

Miriam tells Raquel that she cares so much about Santi that she is willing to do that for him. Raquel says Benji does not deserve to be treated as a pawn in Miriam’s game and all that Raquel cares about is Benji. Raquel begins to leave because apparently Miriam does not want to negotiate. Miriam tells her that all she wants to do is save Benji from being in the custody of a murderer who is responsible for putting Damian in a comma. “Are you or are you not interested in the deal?”

As Nico is walking in the secretary tells him that Alina is busy thus warning her, when Nico finally goes in Alina and Ruedas are no longer kissing and they send Nico to go get coffee and cigarettes for Ruedas. Alina tells Ruedas that she will call him to finish what they started another day; Ruedas says “you think I’m just going to sit around waiting for you?” Alina confirms that yes he is because all men only want sex.

Santi picks up Benji early from day care. He tries getting in touch with Lola again. He tells her that he is running away with Benji. Lola tells him to come home so that they can discuss his decision.

Alina calls Nico complaining that he has taken too long, he tells her that he is her assistant but that he does not do personal errands. Alina is floored at his audacity.

Nico instead goes to visit Mia and tells her that he will stay by her side. Then he tells Raquel that he wants what’s best for Mia.

Godoy goes to try and get Laura to stop her unethical behavior. He tells her what do you want? She says that she wants him to come back home. He will not go back home because of the way she is behaving.

Santi gets home and asks Lola why are his things to run away not ready. Lola says that it is crazy to run away because that will only split the family and make things worse. Santi hugs Lola and apologizes, Benji just looks at everyone, and (he is such a great actor). Nico calls Santi and tells him something, but Santi tells him to come home that they can talk to him then.

Andres tells someone on the phone that what he just told him better stay only between them. Miriam comes to Andres and tells him that he

Nico tells Santi and Lola that Raquel is giving her part of the company to leave Benji with Santi.

Santi than asks Nico what is wrong with him, Nico finally tells Santi that he has a relationship with Alina, but that he is getting fed up of it because she is very controlling and wants things her way always. Nico tells Santi that he fell in love with Alina. Santi tells him that he can fall in love again with someone else. Nico looks as if he is in pain but listens intently to what Santi has to say. Santi than goes to give him a very comforting hug.

In the office at Legatos’ Azucena is reviewing a file she found and Miriam walks in and asks her what she’s doing, she says that she is gathering some documents for Raquel because she needs to make some payments. Miriam tells her she does not need to do that because from now on she is in charge of everything herself, so tells her leave everything where it is that she will take care of it. At that moment Miriam is distracted by a phone call and Azucena pretends that she is leaving the file but actually takes it with her and looks at it one more time as if she has discovered something interesting.

Mia’s doctor says that she is getting better and will be able to release her soon. Mia tells Raquel that she did not want to kill herself, and that she is sorry and wants Raquel to forgive her. Raquel says that she does not need to ask to be forgiven but just wants her to not do that again.

Alina discusses with Bebo that if the results of the fingerprint analysis come negative for Nacho they may be able to release him. Bebo wants to know how soon, but Alina does not know how soon. Antonio walks in and informs Bebo that they will need the witness to come see a lineup to be able to identify Nacho.

Santi goes to see Raquel at the hospital and ask about Mia. Santi then asks Raquel to not trust Miriam because she is not trustworthy. He tells her not to do it because it is her business. “Please don’t do it for me” Raquel says “I love you and will always do what I need to do for you”

Godoy waits for Cynthia at the hospital, and tells her that he talked to Laura and she will not bother her or Raquel anymore. He asks to see her at another time and Cynthia says what for, he tells her to talk but she says there is nothing for them to talk about. Godoy leaves and says “later then”. As he leaves Andre catches a glimpse of him and tells Cynthia “what are you playing cops and robbers?” Cynthia tries to tell him it’s none of his business but Andres reminds her that they have a past together. She tells him it’s in the past, Andres says that she matters to him. She says no thank you. Andres grabs her and tells her that’s what your mouth says but that her body says something else.

The pizza delivery guy Jose is shown a lineup of 5 different men and is asked if he recognizes the guy that saved him. Jose is having a hard time identifying Nacho.

Cynthia asks Raquel why does she punish herself by leaving Santi. What Mia did is more about her being disappointed by Damian and being Benji’s sibling.

At Santi’s house he is served with court papers to go to Family court over the custody of Benji.

At Legato, Raquel meets with Ruedas, Andres and Miriam to sign over the business to Miriam in exchange for Benji’s custody. Raquel signs but when it is Miriam’s turn to sign she hesitates than grabs the agreement and rips it saying. “It does not hurt you to give up the factory, what hurts you is losing Benji, there is no agreement” Raquel is stunned and visibly rattled.



Thanks Sandy for the prompt and great recap.

Santiago's distrust of Miriam proved to be correct and Raquel was snared once again by the evil mother-in-law. Looks like the battle will have to move to either further blackmail or the custody courts. Perhaps the document that Damian's secretary spirited out in front of Miriam has information to implicate either Andres and/or Miriam in something illegal so Raquel will have a bargaining chip to make Miriam back off with her attempt to get custody of Benjamin. Miriam apparently believes that Santi is involved in the accident that has left Damian in a coma and thus unfit to raise her son's child.

Lola would be crazy to trust that Juan has changed.

Since the entire episode was in the present, surely we are more than halfway through this dark TN. How much more of the past can have bearing on the present?

Sandie: Poor Benji :(

Anon: This episode pissed me off! Miriam & Andres are likely to brainwash the little kid into EVIL.

Bold Prediction: Dumb Lola will fall for Juan's Oscar performance of "changing"....

Nico needs to get a girl his OWN AGE!

Gracias, Sandie.

Was there actually a DNA test to compare Benjamin's DNA to Damian's? We know that Santiago isn't his sperm donor but do we know for certain that Damian is? There is still also the possibility that the results are faked.

Mia still needs to be in a psych ward. Cinthia is half right about Mia's issues. Mia is angry with the situation and Damian's betrayal of their family but that does not discount or excuse her nastiness about Raquel's relationship with Santiago and her treatment of Nicolas. This girl needs hospitalization and a good shrink.

Lola might also if she falls for Juan's pitch. She needs to get as far away from him as possible and he needs to be locked in a padded room at a facility for the criminally insane.

Nicolas needs a girl his own age. A sane girl. Too bad he didn't see Alina and Ruedas but it's only the halfway mark to this series.

Miriam deserves to burn in hell. She is looking to strip Raquel of what is rightfully hers while taking Benjamin from the only family he has ever known. She knows that Andres wants Raquel so she would disinherit him as well... if he doesn't kill her first.

Santiago needs to be less impulsive. That's why Raquel is good for him.

I fail to see why police evidence needs to be examined in any order at all.

Laura needs to lose her job and Fernando needs a new start... without ugly Cinthia whom nobody can trust and who is always the epicenter of disaster. She is soon to be Andres' next victim. He will likely get her hooked on drugs again so she will do what it takes to keep feeding the beast and he will use her sexually while she's zonked out and deny everything if she can even recall his actions.

Thanks Sandie!

I’m glad Lola was able to talk Santiago out of running away with Benjamin. In the heat of the moment he was only thinking about Benjamin and not Lola and Nico.

Raquel shouldn’t have underestimated Miriam. The conversation between Raquel and Santiago towards the end was really sweet. Raquel was willing to sacrifice everything for Santiago. Their love isn’t about revenge anymore but now seems pure.

I can’t believe Rueda got seduced by Alina again. Alina was obviously didn’t expect Nico to disobey her.

Anon 8:09: Yes I believe there are approximately 50 episodes left so that’s just over 100 total.

Thanks, Sandie. Your coverage of last night is excellent.

I'm no SinCin fan, but even if she steps away from Godoy, Laura will continue blasting nasty broadcasts. She was going to out Benji's paternity no matter what, too juicy not to tell.

Raq signing over Legato to Miriam thinking she would follow through on not fighting for custody was nuts. Raq was desperate to help Santi, but what about looking out for her kids' rights to Legato. Anyway, at the least, Miriam can gain abuela visiting rights.

Alina and Rueda. Eeoow. This man is that hot for a woman that's driven his son loco?

Thanks Sandie!

The fact that Miriam would reject Legato just to hurt Raq is twisted beyond belief. I still don't understand where all of this hate is coming from.

Miriam tried to kill her son, in front of many witnesses, and her granddaughter tried to commit suicide in her house. What judge in his right mind, or not paid off, would give her unsupervised visits with Benji let alone custody?

Super disappointed in Rueda.

O Sandie thank you for this recap without Past and present jumping back and forth.That was kind of annoying.I know They had to keep going back and forth like that to bring us up to the point of what led to the murder, but it was kind of annoying, and I hope this is the beginning of them not doing that anymore cuz we pretty much got it now.

In Thursday night's episode when Miriam told Rudue to start custody proceedings for her grandson and then she said "the one that Damian had with Carolina",is there another grandson we don't know about? cuz I don't think this was Damian's first rodeo. It's probably too late in the story to bring up that possibility, but it's something to think about and if there is another sibling by someone else that Damien cheated with on Rachel Miriam probably pay her off and Damian may not even know about that one. And
That is a whole new tn. One tragedy at
A time.
I would love to know what's in the file that auzua,(I don't even know how to pronounce that name let alone spell it but you know who I'm talking about) the secretary in Miriam's office. She
Don't like miri either,or andres.Shes
Been there a long time.She's probably
Seen some stuff, heard some stuff. If
Secretaries to talk.
Sometimes judges don't have to be paid
Off, their just dumb. And can hand that child over to Miriam cuz they they think she can provide better cuz
She got mega bucks.

I really hope santi don't run,cuz that
Would be more trouble that he needs
Right now.And I hope his prints aren't
On that gun. That would just ruin the
Whole show.

Andres is really into how much he can do with his body. And his seems to be the only one that's talkin,cin is treating him like he has badbreath and
He probably does.

Ok thank you Sandie.

Thank you, Sandie. Miriam is just as twisted as the rest of them as proved by her latest move made just to hurt Raquel as much as she could. Anyway it was not a smart move on Raquel’s part to sign her part of the company away so Miriam’s latest move doesn’t bother me much. Santiago should have taken his own counsel and left town with Benjamin as he had planned. Juan is a dangerous scum bag and Lola keeps playing with fire. Lola has a hard time saying “no” to people. What if she is pregnant? After her weekend away, who might the father be? This is such a sordid story, I fully expect her to be pregnant or at least have a nasty STD and will be surprised if it doesn’t. On to next week. Now who does that fingerprint belong to?

Lola being pregnant would be a disaster. She is too young and she needs to finish college and get her career going. Also, this would likely tie her to the psycho Juan. She doesn't need this. Is anyone else concerned that Juan might hurt Benjamin? They need a restraining order last year.

I'm not ready to buy Mia's apology to Raquel.

Santiago needs a good lawyer ASAP because nobody can trust Screaming Mimi.

Urban, ITA about the restraining order. The whole “Juan plot” is exasperating because nobody takes him seriously enough. ITA about Mia,, too. I feel like she is “on hold” snookering Raquel in and ready to explode again when it suits her purposes.

Sandie--Thank you. As usual, this is my Sunday feast, but doggonit you had it ready on Saturday. I had to restrain myself. Lots of comments to digest as well.

Jarifa--I so agree. Is he still teaching? Is Lola the only one he's treated this way in the last three years? If so, then it's because Lola won't bring charges. As a typically abused partner, they swallow the whole "sorry, I won't do it again" spiel and proceed to do it again and blame the victim for provoking the action. (I didn't use any pronouns because there are a small number of female abusers out there.) OTOH, restraining orders have been shown not to work. In fact, IMHO, they just provoke the abuser even more.

I think Juan is much more likely to hurt Bebo. He doesn't hide his anger.

Andres is a horse of a different color. He's just as angry--at Raquel, Caro, Lola, SinCin and who knows who else for rejecting him. He can't even get prostitutes he paid for to "do" him. He lets it seethe inside him but uses less obvious tactics than murder (or--we shall see...) to dispel his anger. I guess now he's going to come to Raquel's aid as her champion.

I didn't watch that scene as closely as I should. Did he know Mimi was going to tear up the contract? He wants Raquel's share and her out of company business. Remember, she's the only one that knows he's been fleecing the company, though the story he gave her about sending back bad flour, she accepted.

Can't wait to see what it is that Azucena saw in that file and why she took it. I have a feeling it's something she's going to show Raquel.

Ay, Santi, I hope you don't jump to the conclusion that Raquel double-crossed you and is now on Mimi's side.

Carvivlie--"The fact that Miriam would reject Legato just to hurt Raq is twisted beyond belief." I think Miriam believes she can eventually get all of Legato anyway, so in her twisted mind, this was a brilliant move and more proof that Santi and Raquel were having an affair long before the accident. She never liked Raquel and she likes Santi even less.

Andres is the 1st to guess right, then have it confirmed on video
Azucena is the 1st to know who it is
Miriam is the 1st to have a pretty good idea and to confront Dam with her suspicion
Vicente is the 1st to take a stab at it and then capitalize on it
Gabriela suspects with minimum amount of information when she told Raq she knows Caro's type and saw the way Caro looked at Dam
Lisa suspected something after seeing Caro or being told she was seen in the town with an elegant man and asked Caro if she and Santi were separated
The Midwife, although not having anything to do with them, interacted with both although we never saw Caro and Dam actually with her
Agustín overheard something significant and was pretty sure it was not about Lola or work
Nacho heard it from Agustín and confronted Caro
Lola, Fede and Nico get bits of information but haven’t put it all together
Mia was still guessing but she was more obsessed with the idea her mother and Santi were having the affair, based on the multiple times she saw them together and those famous foursome tell-all talks she eavesdropped on

Sandie, thank you for the excellent recap.

"Raquel signs but when it is Miriam’s turn to sign she hesitates than grabs the agreement and rips it saying. “It does not hurt you to give up the factory, what hurts you is losing Benji, there is no agreement” Raquel is stunned and visibly rattled". OMG. So was I! While Raq is obviously in love with and supportive of Santiago, I felt a twinge in that she didn't seem to consider how disposing of her children's inheritance was going to affect them (as noted by others too).

Miriam becomes more despicable every day. Carvivlie, I think we on the patio are the only ones who seem to remember that she tried to kill her own son.

Was whatever Azucena saw the contract that Miriam ripped up or was it something else? Did anyone else think Raquel didn't even give the contract a dirty look but signed not knowing exactly what? My thought was that Azucena changed something and whatever Raq signed wasn't what Miriam drafted up. Does this make any sense?

"Raquel tells Cynthia to stay away from Godoy in order to avoid problems". Not happening.

"Ruedas says “you think I’m just going to sit around waiting for you?” Alina confirms that yes he is because all men only want sex". And of course as sex and power are all Alina wants, she is also describing herself.

Did she really think Nico wouldn't tell his father about their affair?? I still think she wanted to seduce Santi but of course that would never have happened even if she wasn't involved with Nico. I smiled when he told her he wasn't her personal errand boy...

I keep waiting for something, anything to become clearer. For me, every episode seems more murky...


Diana, ITA abut the “murkiness” just increasing.

Maybe they'll get around to clearing up the murk this week. I really hope santi don't run. Stay and fight that Ol battle ax.

Diana: Nick FINALLY grew a backbone & told the Latina Mrs. Robinson where to shove it!

Thanks, Sandie! Happy as always to see you catching things I missed. Andres is a slug, but a sly slug and I felt SinCin's disgust wiping away that sloppy kiss of his. He is so UNappealing despite his fancy clothes and supposed higher education, upbringing, etc. Yech!

Poor Godoy. How he could still feel anything for Laura and her admitting to him that she wanted him home like it was simply a matter of homegrown emotional blackmail. ITA she won't stop leaking or surmising because that is what her boss wants to get her to the top of the charts and for his station/production to stay there. Dunno what kind of libel laws they have in Mexico but smearing private persons's lives/reputations simply because they become part of a bigger story should be illegal anywhere. It shouldn't be public fodder.

ITA about Rueda, but then he's a wimpy slug also - fooling around with your son's lover, ex or otherwise, is too disgusting.

As for Miriam tearing up her set of papers--fine and expected by Viewerville, but what happened to all the papers with Racquel's signature giving up her portion of Legato that Rueda took? NO attorney read them beforehand to see that they specifically say "tit for tat" re: Benji. So, now will naive Raq have lost everything due to Miriam's major bait and switch?

Tell me if I'm wrong, but if Raq briefly went out with Andres at minimum 18 years ago (basing the number of off the kids ages) Cynthia would have been a minor herself. Knowing Andres likes them young is it possible Andres raped or sexually preyed upon a young Cyn and that is why she got into drugs? The guilt, shame, hurt all pushed her into drugs? Also, maybe that is why she resents Raq too...because deep down she feels like her sister brought this man into their lives and her older sister didn't protect her? To me Cyn is just another child victim but 10 years later. I could totally see Mia like her 10 years from now or Lola.

Carvivlie--I think you nailed it. Raq was in college and threw Andres over when she met Damian, so SinCin most likely was in high school.

Carvivlie, I don't think Cinthia is much younger than Raquel, but if Andres preyed upon her after Raquel broke up with him you'd think Cin would have ratted him out at the time. Her drug problem probably began earlier than that.

He did prey upon her when she was in rehab 3 years ago when she was very zonked out. We don't know whether she remembers that.

She once talked about resenting Raquel because she was the good student, the popular girl, everything that parents usually want their daughters to be. Cin herself was the screw-up.

Thanks Patio peeps for stopping by and leaving your great comments.

I tend to agree with most of the comments especially the ones about Juan. He cannot change unless he gets professional help. I fear for Bebo because Juan is a psychopath.

Urban: I couldn't help but notice your comment about Raquel being good for Santi. It was just 3 years ago when the very impulsive one was Raquel. I remember how very impulsive and overly pushy she was when she wanted the banquet business, when she wanted to help Santi with his business and with trips she forced both families to take. She has changed and toned her impulsiveness down quite a bit and she is good for Santi.

The other comment I agree with is anything calling Ruedas disgusting. No wonder Sammy is a mess.

Urban, considering how neither Mia or Lola willingly outed any of their attackers I don't think it is hard to believe that Cyn wouldn't have told Raq of an attack by Andres. Especially since he is very good at finding a person's weak spot and blackmailing/exploiting for his own good.

Alfredo--It's been too long to have heard your "voice" on a tn I've been watching. We're a small but dedicated group of commenters. Welcome to the Patio. We keep being amazed by what Giselle has been doing to us watchers.

P.S., Alfredo--Carlos Ferro was beloved in Reina de Corazones. I'm so pleased you remember him from Eva Luna. He spent most of his time off screen and in jail. I'm so glad he wasn't typecast as an antagonist.

Good to see you here, Alfredo.

This series has unique challenges and I'm glad I signed on for it. I agree that the young actors are delivering in a very challenging story. I'm sure Ela Velden is enjoying playing a disturbed bad girl after being such a goody two shoes elsewhere.

Alfredo, regarding the theme music, I was thinking the same thing. I'm wondering if it is being used to convince us that Damian really loves Caro, despite not talking of divorce at all to be together. I do wonder if she was free would he be as interested?

Isn't that interesting, about the theme song. After I translated the lyrics, I thought the words better described Santiago. Next to La Candidata's theme music, which is wordless, this is the most haunting intro song/music I've heard in a long time.

I think Santiago and Raquel have their own theme song, "Prometo."

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