Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Enamorandome de Ramon #109 1.3.18: Untraceable Dumdums & Untimely Deaths

Osvaldo throws Rulo’s phone down to the ground and chides him for talking to Dalia by himself when they agreed to do it together. Rulo warns him to not cross because Dalia is his woman and she would never betray him. Dalia calls Rulo again but he doesn’t answer this time.

At the station, Dalia and the detectives deduce that Rulo and his cohorts are having problems from the little they heard. Either way, they still don’t know where they are, and the call didn’t last long enough to pinpoint it. Dalia swears she heard Osvaldo on the call when he stopped Rulo from telling him their location. The detectives suggest they give Rulo some time to call back as he probably won’t answer know.

Ramon goes to visit Fabiola to tell her that they were able to get some parts, but the rest are very expensive, and they need more money. They agree to call Andrea after to dinner, so they can ask her for more money. Just then, Juana comes from out the kitchen and they fill her in on the latest news.

At their lair, Chava also chides Rulo for talking to Dalia but Rulo assures them he won’t say where they are. Osvaldo asks him to call her now, in front of them, and get information out of her. When he does, Dalia tells him that MedFer is closed and they are all out of a job. Dalia asks him why he did it and Rulo explains that he wanted to give her the very best, but they shouldn’t think about it as they can’t change the past. Dalia tells Rulo that she wants to escape with him, but Osvaldo tells Rulo to end the phone call and Rulo obliges. Unfortunately, the call was not long enough to trace their location though the detectives are sure they are not in Mexico City.

Francisco calls Carlos to accept the offer on the clinic. They go over the numbers and Carlos offers to arrange a meeting between him and the buyer. Francisco agrees, and they hang up.

Rulo assumes the police are clueless about who the true drug culprit is but Osvaldo reminds him that they are the only ones missing so they are the likely suspects. On top of that, they still must worry about Palomo’s bosses and they all agree that they must leave Mexico but have no idea how. Rulo suggests they send Dalia the money they need and have her falsify their documents. Osvaldo doesn’t trust her though, so they are at an impasse.

Dalia fills Valente in on the phone call and he nods as he knew it wouldn’t be so easy. He then offers to take her home, but she prefers to stay, just in case Rulo calls back, and he offers to stay with her. Dalia then asks for his phone, so she can call Luisa to tell her what happened.

Fabiola calls Andrea to ask her for $15, 000 pesos and Andrea offers to call Julio immediately to get it as they need it for tomorrow to buy parts. Fabiola hangs up as Margarita arrives and tells her about the offer on the clinic. Fabiola thinks it’s too low, but Margarita explains that it’s the only offer. Fabiola agrees to it as she wants to be divorced ASAP and the extra money will help though Ramon also has his reservations. Margarita will call Francisco tomorrow then and tell him Fabiola accepts. She then leaves as does Ramon, who will wake up tomorrow early to begin working on the cars.

Andrea calls Julio but he doesn’t answer. Jorge suggests she send him a text, so he answers when he sees it. They then discuss the franchise and how they need to find a location for their business ASAP as well.

At home, Hortensia calls Julio as it’s getting late, but he also doesn’t answer her. He arrives just then, happy as can be and a little drunk, and Hortensia chides him for treating her house like a hotel. Julio doesn’t care though as his bad luck at gambling is over and goes to his room. He then sees the text from Andrea and curses his luck as he will stay with nothing again after paying Noe back and giving Andrea the money she asked for.

The next day, Margarita and Diego eat breakfast and he asks her to tell Antonio how much he loves him when she sees him. He then goes to get ready for school as Pedro calls Margarita to ask her to come to the office.

In bed, Porfirio complains that his headache is getting worse as Margarita calls him to see how he’s doing and ask if he can go visit Antonio as Pedro needs her in the office. He would be happy to and hangs up before telling himself that all he does is to make sure Margarita is happy.

Julio goes to visit Fabiola to give her the money and to ask how much more money they will need as the account will dry out quickly at this rate. Fabiola is slightly taken aback by his comment but explains that Antonio will be out soon and will pay them back. Julio nods and then kisses her goodbye as Fabiola calls Ramon to tell him what happened with Julio and that she has the money they need.

The detective brings Dalia and Valente a coffee as Porfirio arrives and asks for updates. The detectives have nothing yet and Porfirio suggest they move everything to Dalia’s home, so they can be more comfortable. The detectives will consider it, but they can’t discuss it further as Rulo calls and asks Dalia to find out who can sell them fake passports. She agrees and then tells him that things have gotten worse as Antonio was arrested and Rulo laughs because Antonio was too trusting and now he’s in jail even though he did nothing wrong. Dalia then reiterates that she wants to escape with him and Rulo promises to call her soon before hanging up. The detectives confirm that Rulo is somewhere in Chiapas, but they don’t know exactly where though they are close. Porfirio then asks them to submit the recent phone call into evidence as Rulo confirmed Antonio is not involved in the drug trafficking and they nod as Porfirio congratulates Dalia on a job well done.

The MedFer mechanics have set up shop in a nearby hostel and have begun working on the cars they had pending. Lucho comes then and asks Ramon and Fabiola for another $5,000 for more part. Fabiola calls Andrea to ask her for the money and they discuss Julio’s attitude that morning though they agree he has no reason to be mad as 1) it’s not his money and 2) he suggested they withdraw small amounts to not draw attention to themselves. Once Fabiola hangs up, she receives a call from Porfirio to tell her the good news: Antonio will be free man soon!

In his office, Julio curses the fact that he will not have money again after paying everything he owes back. He then receives a call from Andrea, who asks for more money, much to his annoyance.

Antonio gives Porfirio a big hug once he’s out of the jail cell and thanks him immensely for his help. Antonio hopes he can repay him one day, but Porfirio asks him not to worry as his case has helped keep his mind off his own problems. Porfirio then explains how he got Antonio out of jail and Antonio promises to pay him back the bail money soon enough. There is still one problem: the MedFer accounts are still frozen but Porfirio hopes they will be unfrozen soon enough. Antonio nods and they walk outside as Margarita runs up to Antonio and hugs him. They kiss as Porfirio looks elsewhere. Once they separate, Margarita tells them that the family has prepared a small welcome for Antonio and they are both invited. Porfirio offers to catch up with them later and they leave but don’t notice that Porfirio has begun to bleed from his nose again. He goes to the police station bathroom and begins to clean his face as another patron asks if he needs help. Porfirio shakes his head and the patron leaves but, once alone, Porfirio realizes that the nose bleed isn’t stopping.

The sisters and Juana prepare lunch when Antonio and Margarita arrive. Diego, who is playing with Ramon and Jorge, sees him and gives him a big hug as Antonio promises to never leave him alone again.

Sometime later, Porfirio, now surrounded by bloody tissues, faints on the floor of the bathroom. He is found by one of the detectives on Antonio’s case, who radios his men to call an ambulance immediately.

Antonio thanks everyone for their help as Julio arrives and reminds him that he could’ve gone to jail for a long time. Margarita reminds him that Antonio is innocent, but Juana can’t help but roll her eyes at Julio’s lack of tact. She then goes with the sisters and their boyfriends to prepare the food as Julio asks Margarita and Antonio for more details on his release.

Carlos and Francisco meet with the clinic’s buyer, who confirms that he will pay Francisco 2 million (officially) and another 2.5 (unofficially). Francisco asks for advancement of 1 million and the buyer promises to have it tomorrow. He then asks Carlos to prepare the documents immediately and Carlos nods.

Over lunch, Julio and everyone talk about the food franchise though he notes that there won’t be any money left over if MedFer continues to need money. Andrea reiterates that MedFer is the priority and their food franchise can wait. She then reminds him that the money is hers and Fabiola wonders why he’s so annoyed with the situation as they are in it because of his son, Osvaldo. Juana chides her for bringing it up, but Fabiola has only spoken the truth. Julio nods slowly and confesses he feels horrible but prefers to leave as he has lost his appetite. Once he’s left, Fabiola apologizes but everyone thinks Fabiola was right though Juana looks stressed. Diego then tries to defuse the situation but showing Antonio the gift he made him: a drawing of them both. Antonio loves it and they all smile as Margarita receives a call from the hospital to inform her that Porfirio is in grave condition and on his way in.

At Dalia’s, the detectives set up their listening devices and instruct Dalia to tread carefully as they don’t want to scare Rulo. Luisa then arrives with provisions and she confesses to the detectives that she is shocked to hear Osvaldo is involved though Dalia asks her to stop because she’s rambling. Finito then hands them the sandwiches as Julio calls Luisa to tell her to be in his apartment early tomorrow. Luisa nods and hangs up before telling everyone the good news. Finito prefers she work with him but Luisa reminds him they have discussed this, and she is happy where she is. Valente then offers to go get drinks and Finito goes with him as Luisa and Dalia set the table.

Porfirio wakes up to find Margarita and Antonio by his side. She is sad that he didn’t tell her how bad he felt but he preferred to help Antonio and Margarita. They shake their heads but ask him to fight and live so that they can continue to be the best of friends. Porfirio nods and holds both their hands.

As they get things ready, Dalia wonders why Luisa doesn’t accept Finito’s offer to work with him. Luisa thinks she should have her own job and money, just in case, and Dalia asks if she’s having trouble with Finito. Luisa shakes her head, but she would rather be safe than sorry.

As Finito and Valente walk back with drinks, Finito asks if Adalgiza and Benito have set a date for their wedding. Valente tells him no but wonders why he’s so interested. Finito is just making conversation though and Valente then asks him how the sub shop is doing to pass the time.

Porfirio’s doctor confesses to Margarita and Antonio that Porfirio’s cancer has not disappeared, and he didn’t follow his instructions so he’s worse off than when he started. He then reveals that Porfirio didn’t come to the last appointment and margarita wonders why Porfirio hid the truth from them. The doctor promises to do all he can, but Porfirio’s condition is grave. Margarita begins to cry on Antonio’s shoulder when she hears this.

Juana tells Ramon and Fabiola that she was shocked to hear Porfirio’s disease was so grave and advanced, but they can’t talk any further as Francisco arrives to tell Fabiola that he can only give her $800, 000 pesos right now as the buyer only has 1.6 million pesos. Ramon thinks Francisco is massively shortchanging Fabiola, but he declares that it’s the best he can do. Fabiola promises to think about it overnight, but Francisco tells her that, should she accept, he wants to see her alone tomorrow. She then closes the door on him and tells Ramon that she will accept so she can be free of him forever.

The next day, Porfirio wakes up to see Margarita holding his hand. He smiles when he sees her, and Margarita wishes him a good morning. She tells him that neither she nor Antonio left his side all night though Antonio went to take Diego to school. Porfirio then asks about his health and Margarita chides him for overexerting himself and hopes he will focus on his wellbeing from now on. A nurse then walks in to take a blood sample and check his vitals and Margarita stands up to leave them alone for a bit, but Porfirio holds her back and asks that she allow him to see her properly. Margarita smiles and nods.

Fabiola goes to have breakfast with Diego and Juana and confesses that she didn’t sleep well because of all the nightmares. Juana nods and goes to make her breakfast as Diego leaves to get ready. Once alone, Juana asks if she feels bad because of Francisco’s visit and Fabiola nods. Juana assures her that her ordeal is almost over though, and she has her family to protect her. Fabiola thanks her and begins to eat.

Julio looks around Osvaldo’s ransacked room and finds some expensive watches to pawn. He then goes to leave as Luisa arrives and bids him good morning. He chides her for arriving late and leaves after slamming the door. Luisa wonders why he’s so angry and then remembers the Osvaldo situation before seeing the ransacked mess of an apartment.

Margarita and Antonio discuss Porfirio’s health at the cafeteria. She tells him that he’s better but needs to rest. The conversation then turns to Francisco and Fabiola and Antonio fills Margarita in on what happened. They agree that they sold the clinic for too little but it’s the best thing for Fabiola’s peace of mind.

Francisco is getting ready to go out when Fabiola calls him to tell him she accepts his offer. He promises to call when everything is ready and then confesses that she looks terrible pregnant. She hangs up on him then but Juana wonders why she’s so angry as Francisco only said those things to bother her. Fabiola nods and they hug as Juana assures her that she looks beautiful pregnant.

As the nurse checks on Porfirio, he goes into heart and respiratory failure. She begins CPR, but Porfirio’s eyes are unmoving.

At the cafeteria, Antonio and Margarita can’t believe they didn’t notice how bad Porfirio was but they can’t talk further as a nurse announces over the intercom that Porfirio’s family members should report to his room immediately. They both run off.

Julio hands the attendant at the pawn shop both watches, but he’s shocked at how little they are worth. Ramon then calls Julio to ask him when he can pick up the money and Julio tells him to meet him at his office in an hour. He then goes to the attendant and tells her that he accepts her offer, low as it may be.

Margarita arrives at the nurse’s station and asks about Porfirio. The nurses ask her to wait at the station as Porfirio is with the doctors. Margarita thanks her as Porfirio is wheeled away to the OR. His doctor promises to do all he can, but Margarita looks inconsolable as Antonio hugs her.

In the OR, the doctors get to work on Porfirio but, even unconscious, he begins to smile when he remembers all the good moments he had with his beloved Margarita: from their early days in college, to when they found each other again, to their various dinners and romantic outings.

Porfirio's essense then wakes up in a white room and, with tears in his eyes, grabs an outstretched hand and walks toward a bright light.

Back in the OR, the doctors try to revive Porfirio’s body but cannot. Years later, everyone will say he died with the warmest smile on his face…


Thanks Alfredo!

The character of Porfirio was treated so shabbily. First Veronica and her shenanigans, losing out to Antonio and then death. Marg seemed so much happier with him than she ever has with Antonio.

Alfredo, thanks much for this excellent recap. Your title, 'Untraceable Dumdums & Untimely Deaths' is spot on, but sad.

Well, I think we all suspected they were going to kill off Porfirio, and they did. I think that had they let him live, and be OK with Antonio and Margarita, attend the wedding and all, we would all be happier.

Julio is as dumb as anyone in this TN, and that's pretty dumb. He has dug himself a hole and, instead of climbing out when it might just be possible, he is drawing attention to the fact that not all is well with the money he is charged with handling. His just desserts should be served up quite soon now.

And the best that the Untraceable Dumdums can hope for is a long stay in prison. If the bad guys get to them first...

Wow, we really could have used another bachelor party or something to lighten things up tonight.

I am very late to this TN. Would someone mind explaining the relationship of Margarita and Porfirio to me? I have seen flashbacks where they were very happy. How does
Antonio figure into the picture. I must admit that the latter to me is cuter, but P.
looked like a really nice guy. Many thanks.

Floridia, Margarita and Poorfirio were friends in college, and then she came to work in his law firm years later. Antonio was married to a family member and Marg apparently always had the hots for him. I have never been able to keep it straight how he and Marg are NOT related. I'm sure one of the gals here has it down pat.

She and he appeared to be pretty close in college, then she moved on. Many years later when she joined his firm, we saw that he had always been in Loooove with her, but she just considered him a dear friend. Very sad. Probably the most marry-able guy on the show if a girl did not require a warranty. :-)

Floridia, Porfirio and Margarita were best friends since very young. Porfirio had always been very much in love with Margarita, but the feeling was not mutual. Margarita did love him very much as a friend, but nothing more. Porfirio never came right out and told Margarita his true feelings until recently and only after Margarita was hurt by Antonio for the umpteenth time.

Antonio was separated from his wife, Roxana, when the TN started. Margarita was in love with Antonio and started seeing him as a "friend with benefits" but she always wanted more. The relationship suffered when Roxana became pregnant by another man, but told Antonio he was the father. In time, and after Roxana lost the baby, Antonio found out the truth so his relationship with Margarita resumed. During Margarita's last break-up with Antonio, Porfirio professed his love to her, but she was honest with him and told him she did not feel the same about him, though she continued to love him as a friend.

Kirby, our comments crossed.

Yes, I was really disappointed in how the writers handled Porfirio's story line. Kirby, I agree he was "Probably the most marry-able guy on the show". Though Margarita is not really a "bad" person, I hated the way she dismissed Porfirio and never considered his feelings. I felt so bad for Porfirio when Margarita. threw herself at Antonio and flooded him with kisses...and Porfirio just watched. Being his "best friend" how could she not see that he was looking and feeling sick or that he was not following his doctor's orders? She seemed so selfish...

Alfredo, I agree with AndyBanda...the title was great. Said it all. Succinct and accurate. And sigh, very very sad.

But the Porfirio story was sad from the get-go. Yearning for Margarita but unable to tell her. Able to tell her but not getting the green light. And then being a close up and personal witness to lots of passionate smooching between the two.

Yes RGV Chick, in that area, Margarita was selfish. But people in love (infatuated) often are. They're so caught up in the pizazz of the hot romance, other people's feelings don't even register. And let's face it, when someone wants you and you don't want them back, their unrequited yearning can actually be annoying.

Often the storyline in these triangle telenovelas is that the galans come to like and respect each other towards the end (after earlier antler-bashing) and end up saying something like "If we hadn't been fighting over the same woman, we might have become best friends." Male bonding and mutual respect seems to be a big thing in these stories. Women are a sexual prize but male friendship is the nobler sentiment.

Of course we're not going to see that with Don Julio and Don Pedro because Julio is a baddie, therefore "incapable of noble feelings". Ditto for the loathsome Francisco.
Ditto for the slimy Rulo. He and Valente will not be best buds either, but it looks like Dumb Dalia is finally seeing the light with Ramon's homie.

Alfredo, you've been a stalwart recapper on this and so many other telenovelas. CarayCaray and the Patio are very lucky to have you. Thanks as always.

Alfredo: Good recap.

Kirby: RIP Porfirio ? SMH.

Judy: Julio keeps digging himself a bigger hole isn't he ? Juana is PREGGERS ?

RVG Chick: Here's hoping Karma hits selfish Margarita soon!

Thank you, Alfredo.

Goodbye, Porfirio. A good man. Till his last day the best friend of Margarita.

It is amusing how the "Trio of tontos" believe Dalia is going to help them. Rulo thinking Dalia wants to be with him. Sure, be on the run with the drug dealer, every girl's dream. They are going down.

Julio is selling his watches in a pawn shop. Thinks don't look good at all. I liked Fabi speaking up. While everyone is banding together in the time of crisis, Julio is not. His real face is starting to show.

Goodbye Poorfirio, sweet man, probably too sweet for high powered hoochie lawyer margarita. Even my dog was crying last night. :-( no wagging

OT: In the thirties here last night and snowing very lightly not far away. Had to rescue my electric blanket from the Goodwill box.

One of the electric utilities North of me was having rolling blackouts due to extreme usage.

Kirbo has ZERO hobbies which can be accomplished shivering in the cold with numb appendages.
Don't put up with Q-Tips and fireants to freeze to death in my sleep.

Masterful Alfredo. I loved your recap.

"At their lair" had me smiling.

The perils of Dumb, dumber and dumbest paled in comparison to the passing of Porfirio.

He was indeed the most marryable man here Kirby and certainly the sweetest, kindest and most genuine. Your beautiful, colorful avatar is most welcome this morning.

RgvChick, I so share your disappointment in Porfirio's fate. I don't think any of us were surprised he died Andy but once in a while, the writers surprise us with a twist. I was rather hoping that would happen here,

"Porfirio didn’t come to the last appointment and margarita wonders why". Really Margarita? Did the man not run to answer every call and appear every time needed? "Porfirio hid the truth from them" and "Antonio and Margarita can’t believe they didn’t notice how bad Porfirio was". While I agree they were in the haze of love Judy and primarily concerned with each other, I do think Marg could have been a bit more solicitous of him and his health.

"Porfirio's essense then wakes up in a white room and, with tears in his eyes, grabs an outstretched hand and walks toward a bright light" was lovely Alfredo. But this begs a question. Whose hand did Porfirio take when he went to heaven? Was it God? Someone else? The look on his face was rather joyous and I admit I cried.

"Julio...real face is starting to show". Indeed Lucio!

Thank you Alfredo!


Work closed today. It's been raining all morning and about 10 minutes ago turned to icy snow...blizzard conditions to follow

Please be careful and stay safe and warm everyone!


AAA, thanks for your stellar recap! and yesterday I was so rushed I forgot to thank Sandie your recap was excellent, thank you!

Rushed again, today..expecting more "Kids" ACKK!!

Man, that trio of tontos is certainly living up to their name. Oozie was skeptical for a few seconds, but caved in to his dimished IQ...we never saw him use drugs, but it surely does seem like it!

Kirby, I can completely relate to your freezing temperatures and need extra blankets, extra layers of clothes...and there have been several outages in the RGV too...I've been lucky.


dimished = diminished but it could also be de-mushed?? :-)

It doesn't come close to counterbalancing the angst of seeing Poor Firio go to a place where he will truly be loved, but it is satisfying to see the wheels beginning to fall off the Julio Express on its journey down to where NO ONE is Loved.

I am almost ambivalent about the Rats on the Run except I hope somehow they, on their way down, expose that tattooed-craw chick knew about the kidnapping all along.

Is this show going to pull a Vino on us and leave Betito, Dalia's knowledge of the kidnapping and a list of other things unanswered as these stories ride off into the FIN sunset?

Kirby: You want to bet Julio goes into full Psychopath mode in the final episodes ?

At one point I think we hoped that Juana would make Julio a better man, that ship has sailed I think.

More than Julio, I want Francisco to really suffer in these last episodes.

Rulo thinks Dalia is as low as himself but she isnt. Luisa steadies that ship.

Wow, that just happened !!! Thank you , Alfredo, for yet another detailed, excellent retelling.

Writers?? really?? You thought it was a good idea to give the sweetest, noblest character such an awful storyline followed by such an ignoble ending??? Dropping over in the men's room after watching the love of his life joyfully canoodling with her novio. Then, alone in a hospital bed having visions of...the love of his life frolicking with him in the great outdoors ..and then a hand (who's hand ) reaching out to pull him towards the light. Who's hand? It looked like a woman's hand. Was poorPor hallucinating that Marg was taking him to heaven..literally not figuratively . I cannot even. do you finally get the one that got away somehow when we get to heaven?..a doppleganger for unrequited love? PoorPor died with a smile on his face . why?

Alfredo, as to wearing socks to bed ..yes, you need warm yours to fall asleep. we here up north think in terms of layering . Winter is howling outside right now. it is 24 and gray. We are not supposed to get too much snow here, but the strong winds and low temps closed local schools. However, I am glad that we were at the Jersey shore last week because they are getting hit with lots of snow and wind today.

judyb..I always love your telenovela analyses. Someone here at CAray (maybe you) compared them to morality plays.

CHickie..Gee, those are some fertile goats !! Are twins common?

Carvivle..yes, at the beginning , I thought that Julio was going to fall in love with JUana and be redeemed but her innocent goodness, He has been slipping down a slippery slope and has become even more of a skunk than he was at the start of this telenovela. Marcelo should be a galan.

Great recap, Alfredo and I loved your title too. Os, Rulo, and Chava are dumb-dumbs. If they had any sense about them, they would not stay together. They would have all split up so they would have been harder to find. But the Mexican police department does seem to be behind the times. If I were watching a CSI show they would have already contacted the cell phone company to ping the towers that Rulo’s calls are made from. Plus all modern phones come with a GPS so it makes for very easy tracing. Google always knows where you are and Siri on iPhones seems to know all about your whereabouts too. But who says TNs have any good sense? LOL! They have to make the story more interesting. At least it looks like Valente is having chance to get to know Dalia and she is finding out who the better man is. It was nice to see him bring her a meal and she did look very appreciative as he offered to stay and keep her company. It really doesn’t look like Dalia has any friends.

Julio is going downhill very quickly! Bring in the auditors now before the money is all gone! 

That actor who is playing the doctor buying the office practice/clinic from Francystco is the same guy that played the psychiatrist (lost his license) who was hired by “DisGrace” (Kimbery dos Ramos) to mess up Fernanda’s (Sofía Castro) mind in “Vino el Amor.” He is good as a dishonest character.

Poor Porfi. He’s the kind of guy that most girls would love to marry. He was kind, sensitive, intelligent, and successful with the kindest looking demeanor.

Take care of yourselves, those of you in the path of all this bad weather and blizzards.


Oh, oh, I forgot to say this: I’m still waiting for Columbo to show up and figure out that Francystco was behind Ramón’s kidnapping and not Rosendo Vazquez. We are going to have so much fun watching Franc sink down, down, down and pay for his sins. I want to see him rot in prison! Of course, they have to catch the three dumb-dumbs first. One of them will have to spill the beans, either Chava or Rulo.

Right now the Sofía/Rosendo line seems so out of place and the Columbia thing with the drug trade. I wonder where that is going.


OT..?Cynthia..I thought of you and your orange trees when I looked at the oranges at the grocery store..4 for $5.00 !!!

Thank you Alfredo. The beautiful part
Of this episode is Porfi being set free from all the crap around him and
That body of pain. And you captured it
Beautifully.The rest of the episode...
Well it is what it is. Your recap was good.
Franky is a pisshead jerk.
The three embecils are still.
Julio is..........
Jaja,andre and all the other stupid
People on This show is the same.

You stay warm patio,especially us here
In Flo.We don't get this kind of cold weather in winter always, but when we
Do, its a bitch. Stay warm yall.

SOfurious did a sudden slip down a slippery slope in her obsession with Ramoon. If she is now involved in daddy's drug deals, she is headed for jail, too. The jails are going to be flooded... Sof, her dad, his henchmen, Fran, RUlo, Chava, OOze, Julio ! Maybe there will be some gunfights instead of filling up the prisons. Fran is the one whose anvil I am especially looking forward to . I hope that we get to see his vision of descending into Hades like we saw of Poor POr going through the Pearly Gates to heaven! ..maybe El Diablo holding out his hand with his Pitchfork in the other ..welcome to hell, Fran!!
So, is Hor going to get any karma coming her way at this point?

OT..Alfredo, have you watched season 3 of OUtlander yet? Now there is a love story. I think that you will love it. So much happens, and it follows the book pretty closely. Let me know what you think.

OT to Susanlynn: Yes, I am full of oranges right now! And my neighbors brought me oranges from their tree too. I have so many that a lot of them are going to rot.

Diana, so glad that work is closed so that you are not having to manage that perilous drive. Listening to NPR it seems New York City is practically shut down with blizzard/whiteout conditions. Yowza, Mother Nature has really been on a tear this last year, one catastrophe after another.

Verry cold here, so am happy for warm socks and a space heater for the bedroom over the unheated garage. Brrrrr indeed.

I loved the way they filmed Porfirio's exit (once he'd been rescued from the men's room). It doesn't matter "whose" hand it was. It clearly belonged to a loving being who was welcoming him into a better life. No more tears, no more pain as Nina mentioned.

Whenever another friend dies, I always go back and read some of those Near Death Experiences accounts which seem so reassuring--just as this scenario was. Whatever the grief in his life, Porfirio died happy. We were the ones who were grieving.

Now on to some Big Anvils for our Crappy Characters!

"Whatever the grief in his life, Porfirio died happy. We were the ones who were grieving" was so true Judy. Reading that made my eyes tear up.

He was indeed kind Cynthia and fit ever descriptive word you mentioned.

Susanlynn, yes, I was wondering if it was Margarita Porf was "seeing" although it makes no sense. He is at peace as Judy mentioned which is the important thing.

Thank you Alfredo...

We are in white out conditions now and am praying we don't lose power. Neither hub nor I can shovel and our snow plow guy retired last month. I had arranged for someone new and I fervently hope he shows up. :)

The patio is warm and comforting today. Thank you.


I would like to think that the hand that was reaching out to Porfi to was a heavenly escort taking him to his final reward.

Praying for all of you in the cold zone!

Hi there, Diana. I ask so glad that you did not have to St e this day. We did not get much snow..just windy and cold, but the schools still closed. Hope that your hubby is recovering.
Yes, whose hand was that? ..perhaps his mother , sister, friend, or some other longlost love who died. I once had a student who told me that in her religion , they believe that if a baby dies, he or she will pull the mother to heaven when she dies which is a comforting thought for someone who has lost a baby. It would be nice if someone whom we have loved and lost to death would greet us in heaven.

Sorry... I hate this fire 7" tablet..and it hates me. That was supposed to be..I am so glad that you do not have to drive today.

Alfredo thanks again for your great recap. This episode despite having had the loss of a very loved character by this patio, was actually a great episode. I agree with all that Porfi should not have died, and not in that way. So what, he had a smile on his face, but he is still dead. The patio has made that fact a little more comforting knowning that where he went he will no longer be suffering physically or emotionally.

Julio the demon is screwed, he is in a downward spiral and is making everything worse hour by hour. Can't wait for his anvil.

Now the question I have is why does Fabi agree to meet stupid Frank alone for the money? Ok fine he does not want to see Ramon, but someone should go with her. Frank is up to no good I tell you. Alone why????

The trio of tyrants will be caught soon no doubt about that. Julio is free falling into an abyss where he will not be able to climb out. But what about Frank, sofia, and Hortencia, oh let's not forget Bimbo nurse what about her, free and clear??

Anyway just felt like ranting a little.

To everyone in the path of the Blizzard and the cold front, prayers and blessings. To everyone who is not, the same to you because at one time or another we all need prayers and blessings.

RIP Porfirio.


OT...Alfredo, I am big Buffy fan, but I have not watched any episodes in a long time. You are right . Those three could also be a trio of Tontos. The good guys had the advantage of being very clever in Buffy. I loved the Buffy \Angel chemistry, but I also warmed eventually to the Buffy\Reily dynamic. Hey ! Hurry up and watch Outlander! I want to know what you think. I will tell you how they changed the story from the book if you want.

Alfredo: Juana reminds me of the late Bizzaro Gaviota from Telemundo's "EL SENOR DE LOS CIELOS", who kept nagging & nagging until BPN whacked her.

Sandie: Sofia needs her Karma & anvil.

OT..I forgot the Angel\Corderlia match up. Was that in the Angel spinoff ?

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