Thursday, January 11, 2018

Enamorandome de Ramon #115 1.11.18: Two Big Coincidences & One Evil Plan

Hello all! Well, here we are, the end of another story. Not the best story but one of the best patios I've had the pleasure of being a part of. It's true what they say, "the worse the novela, the funner the patio," and this has never been more evident than during this subpar story. 

Regardless of it's shortcomings, it was fun to recap and discuss the actions (we thought about them more than the writers did) with all of you. 

To the recap team of RGVChick, Sandie and Cynthia: thank you for taking this journey with me. I know there were some slow and hard times but we powered through it. I couldn't have asked for a funnier or more dependable group to share recapping duties with. Thank you!

As for our loyal commentors: Kirby, Diana, Susanlynn, JudyB, Lucio, Nina, Carvivlie, Steve, and many others. I thank you for sticking with us through the hard and fun times. It's been a pleasure. 

See you at the next one! :) 

Sofia declares that she will win back Ramon’s love because he will be hers or else.

The next day, Ramon takes Fabiola to their new home and Fabiola is over the moon. She wonders when Ramon did all this and gives him a big kiss. As Juana hands Andrea and Jorge the baby so they can see her up close, Antonio and Margarita congratulate the couple on their new home and baby. Ramon then goes to show Fabiola the nursery, and Fabiola loves it, but she wonders what they will call the baby. They joke to about naming her Ramona or Fabiola but ultimately decide on a name they both liked: Ana. They smile and hug each other.

As Benito and Adalgiza look over the recipe for the love potion, and are unsuccessful in figuring out what happened to Finito, Fredesvinda arrives and they help her with the groceries. Benito takes the opportunity to ask her about the love potion and Fredesvinda explains that, should the affected person be allergic, they may suffer from spasms, paralysis and may even die. At hearing this, Adalgiza begins to figure out but Fredesvinda can’t figure out why. Either way, she suggests a remedy and offers to give Benito some later for his friend.

In her apartment, Hortensia tells Julio that they may not be able to cover expenses this month and wonders where all the clients he said he had went. Julio shrugs and explains they cancelled so Hortensia suggests he find a job, any job, soon because they are running out of money. She storms off then and Julio wonders what he can do.

Adalgiza calls Luisa to ask about Finito, who still has hives but is doing better, and to tell her about the remedy they found out about. Since it has the same effect, only milder, as the original love potion, Luisa worries that he will want to sleep with her but Adalgiza asks her to give him the remedy before he leaves to go meet her at 9pm. Luisa smiles and nods.

At the sub shop, Finito realizes that he forgot his checkbook and asks Teofilo to go his house and ask Luisa for it, as he has to pay rent. Teofilo runs off.

Julio calls a potential employee about an assistant accountant but finds the salary is too low. He hangs up immediately and finds another potential job for an import-export company and decides to call.

Teofilo arrives at Finito’s and asks for the checkbook. As Luisa goes to look for it, she receives a text message from Adalgiza, instructing her to give Finite 10 drops and she will be free of him soon. Teofilo sees this and thinks it means they are going to kill Finito. At that moment, Luisa comes back with the checkbook and Teofilo runs off.

A few moments later, Teofilo arrives at the shop and tells Finito that Luisa wants to kill him. He then tells him about the text message and Finito is shocked. Teofilo instructs him to be wary of anything Luisa gives him from now on or else.
That night, Julio arrives home with a scheme for Hortensia: they take out a mortgage on her apartment and start a new business together. Hortensia is unsure but Julio tells her that they will likely triple their investment in a year because the import-export business is very profitable. Finally, Hortensia smiles wide and accepts.

Finito arrives home but tells Luisa that he isn’t hungry enough for dinner. She offers to make him a tea and goes to make it as Finito wonders how he will tell her that he has to go out. When Luisa comes back, Finito hesitates before drinking the tea and asks Luisa for a bit of sugar. When she goes to get it, Finito switches the tea and lays back. Luisa comes back again and Finito tells her about his late night meeting with a meat provider. Luisa finds it strange but nods and tells him that she will go see Dalia if that’s the case. They both smile then and drink their tea.

Ramon is working on his schoolwork when Ana starts crying. He goes to carry her, as Fabiola is resting, but the baby won’t stop crying so he decides to sing her a song. At that, Ana goes to sleep immediately.

Benito is waiting for Luisa at the park when she arrives, hot and ready for anything and everything, and kisses him deeply. He proposes they go back to his house and get it on but Luisa worries that Fredesvinda will be there. Benito explains that she left for the night and won’t be back till tomorrow. At this, Luisa kisses him again and they go off.

Adalgiza goes to meet Finito and he sits her down because he has something to confess: Luisa is trying to kill him. Adalgiza is shocked so Finito explains what happened with Teofilo. Adalgiza realizes his mistake but is happy to know Teofilo didn’t see the message came from her. Finito then confesses that he switched the teacups and Luisa drank his tea. Adalgiza opens her eyes wide because she knows what the next step is.

At Benito’s, Luisa and Benito are going at it when Fredesvinda comes in and goes to Benito’s room to see if he’s asleep. Benito throws Luisa off the bed as Fredesvinda opens the door but forgets to hide her dress. Fredesvinda walks in, finds it, and demands to Adalgiza at once, as he will have to marry her. She is shocked to find Luisa hiding, not Adalgiza, as Benito declares that she is his one and true love. Fredesvinda, shocked by his confession, clutches her chest and faints on the bed. Luisa and Benito try to get her to react but Fredesvinda is unresponsive.

The next day, Fabiola and Juana walk in the park with Ana and they talk about how much times have changed. They stop at a park bench so Fabiola can check the baby’s diaper but neither notice the biggest coincidence ever right across the street: Sofia, who almost ran over a couple crossing the street, she’s Fabiola and realizes that she’s not only alive but had Ramon’s baby. She peels off, cursing how happy she looks when she’s miserable.

At the hospital, Fredesvinda is better but she chides Benito and Luisa for almost giving her a heart attack. They tell her that things would’ve been easier if she would’ve accepted their relationship and Adalgiza nods behind them. Fredesvinda argues that things are different now, as Luisa is married, but Luisa is going to get divorced so she can marry Benito. Fredesvinda would still like to have grandchildren but Luisa is too old though Adalgiza argues that she’s too old too and she will have to accept Benito’s love for Luisa. Luisa hopes Fredesvinda accepts her soon but she won’t give Benito up either way. Benito won’t either and they kiss.

At the sub shop, Finito tells Teofilo want happened with the tea but they wonder if the poison was not effective as Luisa was fine that moment. Either way, Finito isn’t drinking anything else Luisa prepares and Teofilo suggests he divorce her before she kills him another way.

In her car, Sofia curses Ramon and Fabiola but experiences the second biggest coincidence ever: Francisco going into a market right in front of her. She recognizes him, gets out of the car, and goes to him. Francisco tries to pretend he doesn’t know her but Sofia reminds him they have something pending: their revenge on Ramon and Fabiola. She suggests they go talk elsewhere, as Francisco looks nervous, and he nods.

At the bank, Hortensia wonders if mortgaging the apartment is a good idea but Julio begs her to listen to the representative’s pitch. Hortensia worries she will lose her apartment if they can’t pay the mortgage but Julio tells her it will be fine as the representative comes and shows them to his office. He explains that they will first need to do an appraisal on the apartment and then they will give them a percentage on that. Hortensia thinks it’s too low but Julio asks about the interest rates. At this, Hortensia declares that there is no deal and storms out as Julio apologizes.

Sofia welcomes Francisco to her apartment and confesses that she’s shocked he is running from the police. She proposes a deal: he helps her destroy Fabiola and win back Ramon and she will get him out of the country with her father’s contacts. Francisco is unsure but ultimately accepts when he finds out Fabiola had her baby.

Fredesvinda arrives with the gang to her house and Finito sees them all come out of a taxi. As he wonders what they are doing together, Fredesvinda demands Luisa get divorced ASAP or she won’t be with Benito. As Benito declares that nothing will separate him from Luisa, Finito comes and declares that Luisa is his wife and she will continue to be his wife, no matter how many times she tries to kill him. Adalgiza steps in and explains that it’s all been a big misunderstanding, as they only wanted to make sure they are all happy. Finito understands this to mean Adalgiza tried to poison him too and drags Luisa away from them in a huff. Benito tries to run after them but Fredesvinda stops him and declares that this is why she didn’t want him close to her.

As Ramon and Lucho discuss a car they are working on, neither of them notices Francisco watching them from across the street. He calls Sofia, who asks him to take a picture of Ramon because she’s ding to see him, and leaves after taking it. Sofia caresses the picture and states that she will be with Ramon soon enough as only she can make him happy.

Hortensia and Julio arrive at home and he tries to convince her to mortgage the apartment to no avail. She has a better idea though: she can sell the apartment and that way they will have more money for their business. Julio loves the idea and Hortensia is happy to be out of the apartment building since she’s tired of seeing riff raff in the hallway. Julio calls his real estate agent, who tells him they may have a buyer already, and he hugs Hortensia because they will soon have the money they need.

That night, Francisco follows Ramon to their old apartment building and sees Fabiola get into the car with Ramon and their baby. He calls Sofia, who instructs him to follow them and see where they live. He agrees and gets into his car to follow them.

Teofilo brings Finito some sandwiches for himself and Luisa. Finito grabs them, slaps the door in his face and joins Luisa at the dinner table. She begs him to let her go so they can both find love with the people who love them but Finito is not listening.

Francisco arrives at Sofia’s and hands her the address to Ramon and Fabiola’s apartment. She tells him that it’s very close to the park she saw her at and smiles. Francisco wonders if she’s going to ask Rosendo’s men for their help but Sofia declares that this revenge is personal.

The next day, Hortensia shows the buyer and his daughter around and she declares that she loves it. They decide to close on the sale as soon as possible and they all shake on it. Once the buyers have left, Julio hugs Hortensia and declares that they did it. She asks him to calm down, as they don’t have the money yet.

Benito tells Fredesvinda that he is going to get Luisa but she stops him and asks him to be reasonable. Just then, Finito and Luisa knock on the door and Benito lets them inside. Finito tells Benito that he thought about it a lot and he has decided to give Luisa the divorce. Benito cheers and Finito then asks for Adalgiza’s room. Fredesvinda shows him where but they only find a letter from Adalgiza, who has left without one word because she has nothing left in Mexico City without Finito’s love. They all tell him to go to Indianapolis and bring Adalgiza back or else. Finito nods and Fredesvinda goes to get her address so Finito can find her.

Julio meets with a representative from the import-export company and they go over various options for investment.

As Juana and Fabiola walk around the park with Ana, Fabiola declares that Ramon is the most beautiful man she’s ever seen, and Juana smiles. Juana then goes to get some ice cream for them but neither notice Francisco watching them from behind a tree.

Adalgiza comes back home and Fredesvinda is shocked to see her. Adalgiza explains that she thought about it and she doesn’t want to be alone in Indianapolis. Fredesvinda tells her that Finito went to go get her though and Adalgiza tries to call him but can’t reach him. They decide to wait until Finito’s plane lands and tell him to come back to Mexico and find her.

Julio comes back home and shows Hortensia the various options they have for investing. She thinks it looks very good on paper but wonders what will be the best product to export. Julio shows her and explains that they will have to find their own clients, using the company’s contacts. Hortensia is unsure, especially since they will be investing the full sales price of the apartment but Julio pulls out more brochures to show her how well their business is going to go.

Fabiola keeps playing with her baby as Francisco looks on but doesn’t move. Just then, a woman arrives and asks Fabiola is she knows where a church is. Fabiola walks away for a moment to show the women where it is and then bids her a good day. When she turns back around, she finds that Ana is gone and begins to scream for help…


Yes Alfredo thanks a million for all the work you've done as our recapper With Julio and Hortensia selling the apartment I suppose we all know where this is going to go. As soon as he gets his hands on her money it will be back down to some Casino somewhere.

And children are OFF LIMITS babies are double extra off f___ing limits. So they can go ahead and kill off Lips and asswipe whenever.

I havent read the recap yet,but I will . But I Did happen to glance at your
Comment Kirby and I totally agree,kids
Are off limites. Those will 2 will likely die together.How is she gonna make somebody want her skanky butt?. Stealin babies? Hell to the No!

Nina: This is getting out of control fast!

Stealing kids ? WTH ?????

Kirby: Julio will NEVER change because he's a gambler & the only way he stops is if somebody in the mob whacks him.


Alfredo, thank you so much for your excellent work here. Here, there and everywhere on Caray. I am so appreciative that you brought our growing group together. It's a bit unfortunate that this TN lost its way along the line, but we've all had so much fun being here and with each other.

"She peels off, cursing how happy she looks when she’s miserable" and "the second biggest coincidence ever" wee among many favorites.

Well, of course there had to be a kidnapping. This TN has followed every formula used by most so it was not a total surprise. No need to express my outrage as our friend Kirby's "...And children are OFF LIMITS babies are double extra off f___ing limits" succinctly said it all. Blech.

What was really disturbing was Fabiola's broken hearted scream at the end. That was way, way too authentic. It made my heart plummet.

So we know Sophia is now the devil. Guess attempted murder wasn't enough to convince us. They needed to add abducting a baby to her list of crimes. Blech.

"Fredesvinda, shocked by his confession, clutches her chest and faints on the bed". Yes, she did. Right after she snuck a quick look behind her to ensure she would land on the bed. Basta!

Looks like the star crossed lovers will finally get together despite Fredes' interference.

I am (unkindly) relishing Julio depriving his mother of her home with her full consent. I don't think Hort will take too well to homelessness! :)

Let's hope the "hell to the no" (thanks Nina) scheme falls flat quickly. Only tonight to have the huge anvils land on Soph and Fran.

Are we going to see Rulo again? Will Dalia's schemes become known or will they stay secret?

Alfredo, you are the man. Truly. Thank you.


I'm absolutely Luuuurving the New and Improved Whortension.
No, not because she has not babynapped anyone, she has just shown us something in this TN we have not had before.

Let me explain:
Up to now, all the GOOD people were STUPID.
All the BAD people were SMART.
::: Good=stupid, bad=smart = boring and frustrating

Now Whortension is BAD&STUPID Viola! something new and interesting.

Can not wait to see Whortensia and Julio at a street corner traffic light washing windshields for tips.

Import-Export business?
Import proceeds from apartment---Export proceeds to Four Kings Casino.

Ramoon was cute singing to Ana. Did you all see her little hand clutching his necklace, that long pointed stone on a chain, as he sang and rocked her. Be still my heart.

And yeah, I have 'Hell to The No' written down in my little book now. Thanks NiNa.

RealStella is staring in the new Descontrol. Remember her? The girl who hates fabric? Yeah, woof.

Thank you, Alfredo. You put a lot of work in these recaps. And let's not forget the double episodes. Really appreciated.

Kirby, yes, Ramon was cute singing to the baby. All the scenes with the baby were cute. Fabiola walking in the park with the baby was the happiest woman in the world. Chatting with Juana about how her baby got her green eyes from her papá. And how her man is the most good looking on the planet. And how her baby is the most beautiful. Happy family.

Gran finale kidnapping, just to make us worry a bit and set up anvils for Cyst and Sofia.

Thank you, AAA!!! Great title and a recap to match. I would also like to thank you for being such an awesome leader and providing us such great opportunities to discuss, mock, rant, and ponder about this TN...and other stuff :-) Am I wrong or is this one of the first TNs where the faithful patio peeps are not sent to detention?

Kirby, "With Julio and Hortensia selling the apartment I suppose we all know where this is going to go." and "Can not wait to see Whortensia and Julio at a street corner traffic light washing windshields for tips." I would also love to see HorHellia pushing a shopping cart!

Diana, "What was really disturbing was Fabiola's broken hearted scream at the end. That was way, way too authentic. It made my heart plummet." I felt the same way. Esmeralda is a great actress who can show any emotion with such intensity. I wish they hadn't made her out to be such a childish ditz with only a few flickers of the light bulb she has upstairs.

I agree, Ramon was adorable singing to Ana. He can sing to me anytime! :-)


Alfredo, thank you so much for this recap, and for all the wonderful recaps you have given us. You have been a fearless , awesome leader.

It seems like the writers wanted to make us suffer just a bit more with the kidnapping. Meh. I agree that poor Fabu's desperate scream was too real. Heartbreaking! When she turned her back to give that woman directions, I kept thinking, "keep your eye on that baby!!!!"

I must admit that the thought of nasty Hor and selfish Julio being homeless makes me sad. Having the comfort and safety of a home is so important to me that I hate to think of anyone being without a home.

Nina..."Hell to the no!" You always give me a smile even on this gray, rainy day.


"Can not wait to see Whortensia and Julio at a street corner traffic light washing windshields for tips" and "Import-Export business? Import proceeds from apartment---Export proceeds to Four Kings Casino" is cracking me up. Kirby, you are on fire (again) today.

Lucio, the "happy family" was just for a nanosecond right?? :) Sigh.

"I would also like to thank you for being such an awesome leader and providing us such great opportunities to discuss, mock, rant, and ponder about this TN...and other stuff :-) Am I wrong or is this one of the first TNs where the faithful patio peeps are not sent to detention?" Rgv Chick, couldn't have said it better! And the answer to your question is I don't think there has been a minute of detention on this patio for anyone. Yet. :)

Susanlynn, you are so kind hearted in not wanting anyone homeless. Even Julio and Hort.

Judy, where are you? :)


Kirby: Where is the Karma Anvil with Sofia's name on it ?

I want her to DIE! First she tried to kill Fabiola & now she's kidnapped an innocent baby ?

Diana..I think judyb went to Charlotte and is probably busy. I wonder if you are sharing my weather. Yesterday and today was a warm up but the temperature is going to fall again tomorrow. Yoyo p.S. Hope your hubby is on the mend.

Thanks so much Alfredo for all of your awesome recaps on this horrible show. Though not as horrible as some. So maybe not horrible but just awful. Anyhoodle, you and all of the recappers have done a tremendous job.

So have Hor and Julio figured out where they are going to live? Shouldn't finding an apartment be their first order of business?

I expected Hor to be smarter than this. Julio lost a ton of money and now they are talking about investing in a company where they basically have to do all of the work to make it successful? Sounds like a scam but maybe Julio has no intention of taking it that far.

Glad the Benito, Finito, Aga and Luisa storyline has finally been resolved.

So Sofia doesn't know that Fran was the one who paid for the kidnapping? Would she be using him if she did know? Probably yes because at least he brought them together! I hate this storyline though.

Thanks Alfredo! It's been a real pleasure being part of your team, it really has. You do a great job of recapping and retelling what happened during the episode, so no one feels like they missed anything. Sometimes this one was difficult to recap becasue the story was sometimes farfetched and silly, but that's sometimes what also makes it a lot of fun. I had funny making snarky comments about the characters.

What is Sofia's mentality? She really has to be off her rocker or a psychopath to plan kidnapping Fabi and Ramon's baby. She thinks she can trade the baby for Ramon and that is going to work out for her? How dumb can you get? He doesn't love her. You can't force someone to love you, Sofia! Love has to be a freewill action, not a forced action. So let's say she is able to lure Ramon out and she has her henchmen (or her father's "gente") capture Ramon and drug him, then puts him into a private jet to go out of the country. How the heck is that going to make Ramon love her? She is going to have to keep him drugged up so badly he turns into a robot she can program. What kind of a relationship is that? And somehow I think that Daddy Rosendo would not be pleased with her actions either. I can't wait for her to make a mistake and get caught, both her and Cyst. They both need to be in the "carcel" and Cyst can become someone's "girlfriend" there. After raping Fabi, he deserves that.

I loved seeing Ramon sing to the baby. It makes me so happy to see good fathers like that.

And whatever comes Horrortensia's and Julio's way, they deserve. She is one of those mothers who thinks her wayrward son can do no wrong. Either Julio will end up in jail and Horrortensia will end up homeless. She should have stuck to her guns about him going into therapy/rehab, but it looks like she is not. Selling the apartment? You have to be freakin' kidding! How can she buy into this import/export business "investment" without having a lawyer or CPA check it out. No, she just keeps enabling her sick son with the gambling addiction. have put a lot more thought into Sofia making Ramoon her love slave than she has or the writers for that matter. Stupid last-minute storyline. I swear some of these new telenovelas seem to be written one day at a time. The writers get to work ,grab a coffee , sit down, and say, "okay, what happens next?"

Susanlynn, it just made me angry and heartbroken for Fabi when she turned around and found that her baby Ana was just taken in the few seconds she had turned her back. Being the Grandmother of 3 lovely granddaughters (3, 9mos, and 8 weeks) I am so in love with, this kind of thing really makes me mad. Anyone who would harm an innocent child should go to hell and be tormented in pain and suffering in the afterlife after spending their life in prison (after getting caught.) I felt like strangling both Cyst and Sofia. (Where is Liam Neeson when you need him? LOL!)

Um..Whortensia have you thought about how the last family member fared when she let Hoolio manage her investments?

'Cyst can become someone's "girlfriend" there. After raping Fabi, he deserves that.'
'Tis better to give than to receive, Cysto...just remember that Dr. Bendova.

“Glad the Benito, Finito, Aga and Luisa storyline has finally been resolved.”
Yeah, Me Too, did we just see the Spanglish equivalent of “Wife Swap”?

I hopeo we get to see Naughty one more time. Her moral bankrupcy has no effect on her Woofability.

And where is Augustin? Is he still at Roxie's grave with his roll of Charmin? “Enjoy The Go.”


Kirby: I have no idea what happened to Agustin. They really left us hanging with him. Last I saw, he moved out of Cyst's place and I think he still had his job with the solar company.

Now I'm wondering, did that investment make it? I know Juana invested the money in that venture, is that where it stayed?

Detention hall..kirby and I were regulars. I used to be so well behaved. We did not have detention hall at my high school , but they had it at the senior high where I taught , and I hated detention duty. ..alone with all the juvenile delinquents and druggies after school in a room in the basement away from any help. Anyhoo , Kirby and I both have been striving to behave. It is a process.

Perhaps the good old days of telenovelas like Alborada, Amor Real, and Pasion are long gone. I stay here for all the lovely recappers and commenters whom I have met here. I am now commenting on an Outlander forum, but you guys are my peeps.


Susanlynn, yes, we are having lows of 2 degrees but 50 today. One day the ice is melting, the next day is as slick as a skating rink. Very dangerous!

Alfredo, I agree on your comments on Jose and Esmerelda. They have shown brighter elsewhere but for good reason as you noted. I did like their chemistry.

Cynthia, do you think Augie and pretty blonde nurse (see,already forgot her name) hooked up and left together?? :)


Diana, Rebeca was the name of the pretty blonde nurse who had the affair with Cyst. I don't know if that will also leave us hanging as well. Augie is certainly a much better choice than Cyst!

Wow, Diana, it's that cold? I can't imagine that cold. What state are you in? they actually have to make a new RU!e that you had to have an ending before you start?? In the compostion classes that I taught, the structure was very exact. The students had to hand in an outline first. The composition had to have five paragraphs with the first and last giving general information and the three in the middle giving details.

I am avoiding the dark shows. Too depressing.

Diana..we seem to be getting similar weather. ..up and down. It is confusing. I wear layers of c!othing.

Needed more Bunny Hopping and Bullets. :-)

Alfredo, thank you is not enough for all you do for this Patio. Man I started recapping because of you, Urban and Vivi. Remember her? You guys are masters at this, and the time and effort is greatly appreciated.

This TN does not compare to LC and CDLP but the patio sure has been lively and fun.

Sofia needs to get her anvil tonight please!! I am afraid they will leave us hanging until Monday but hope I am wrong. The writers need to do a better job at tying up all the lose end. Dalia and the Nasty nurse are the two that annoy me the most. Dalia is the one that helped Fran with Fabi, and the Nurse having the affair with Frank and helping to drug Hortensia should not remain unpunished.


Ronaldo, Good Morning, the coffee is about ready.
Good, what ya got for today? The cast will be getting here shortly.

Man nothin dude. I must have writers block. I was up till two this morning and wrote one chicken shit little scene, and I don't know if they will even use it.

Well, you better think of something, we have had them break up and make up for every reason on earth and a couple from aliens.

I know Juan, help me out here, you always have some good ideas.

Here's a good idea: I'm going out to my car and get my laptop and see what those crazies on Caray are talking about. They always have something outlandish cooked up. Maybe we can use something from there.

Yeah, GO.


Kirby: Too funny! But we would make the best TN consultants.

You guys are so funny and much more creative than these writers.

How about more pregnancies?? There were plenty of females having sex...Dalia, Lu, ANdrea SuoerMarg. Pregnancies always produced lots of drama in real life..both wanted and unwanted pregnancies.

I think that what bothered me the most was Frede and her meddling and love potions. Mama's boys are the worst.

I stopped paying attention to the Benito story long ago. I got bored with him as soon as I heard his cat yowling noises.

A lot of women in Mexico are into "brujeria" or witchcraft, so a character who is into this stuff doesn't surprise me. But they should have made their house haunted or something and had Fredesvinda exorcised. ;)

Nurse Naughty, goodbye. I will miss you.

"Kirby and I both have been striving to behave. It is a process."


Thanks Alfredo. A HAPPY episode. With
Very sharp thorns. First off, why not
Pick up Ana while showing the lady how
To get to the church,instead of turnin your back on your newborn? Man these Writers got these people dumb to the end.

Sofia has flown Over the kookoo's nest
And crashed. Fatally.

How stupid is finito? He's just as bad as fabiola. You do not put your bag down in the airport and turn your back
Its a goner.

I'm In late with this comment so I'll stop now cuz I gotta comment on tonight's epi. Tomorrow.

Thank you Alfredo. Good episode. Even
Better recap.

Ok now the polar air makes a return to North florida, its gonna be a fun cold
Weekend. Later.

OMG "It is a process". I laughed out loud Kirby.

Great advice Nina!

Cynthia, I'm in MA. Raining cats and dogs. Was 58 today and tomorrow the deep freeze begins and we will be down to 10 degrees tomorrow night. I'm far more afraid of ice than snow and that's what's on the menu here. So dangerous.

"Was it ever cleared up to Benito that he didn't actually sleep with Adalgiza? She tricked him into thinking that but nothing ever came of it...god these writers do suck". I wondered about that too Alfredo. I mean, the sleeping part - not the writers. I agree with your assessment. Totally.


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