Saturday, February 17, 2018

Caer en Tentacion #94, 2/16/2018: Federico issues ultimatums; Damian killed Carolina, maybe.

Note: Patio Uni has left the scissors for now. This is complete episode 94
Present time
Raquel hears Nico tell Fede that Santi went away with Alina and asks “are you sure Nico?” “Yes I'm sure” she says she is OK and leaves. Once she is gone Fede says that it may be for the better. Cynthia arrives home and senses the tension asks what is wrong and Fed asks her to go check on Raquel, that she just found out Santi did something and needs her.
Raquel is in her room crying when Cynthia gets there and asks what happened. “they lied to me again, I just found out Santi left town with Alina, I asked him and he said it had nothing to do with her, it was about Juan supposedly” Cynthia tries to justify him, and Raquel blows up at her “do you have any idea how hard it has been for me to trust anyone, for him as well this is a betrayal, he lied to me, I can’t believe it”
Nico goes to Mia’s room, she wants to know what he is doing there, he says trying to understand her, well “it’s easy you cheated on me” “do you have any idea why Alina was able to get in to my life?” because you never loved me and I never knew what to expect from you” they continue discussing she says Sammy told her everything, she is hurt so even though he asks for forgiveness he says the only thing that unites them is the betrayal of Damian and Carolina, just like Nico betrayed her. She asks him to leave, she is not interested she hurt him, he hurt her and now it’s over.

At hotel Bar Alina is playing her little game of seduction with Santi, she comforts him tells him that everything will be over soon She keeps saying that her men will find Juan and then they will turn him over to the cops. He thanks her, then she makes a move and grabs his hand, he tells her he loves Raquel, she says she just wants to be direct and tells him that she is attracted to him. Blah, blah blah.  She keeps spewing her venom, saying that Raquel is a jealous woman, and that she is obsessed with Santi. Santi defends Raquel.
"Bottom line is that you were with Nico and I love Raquel” it’s not love she says, he says it is love, because he misses Raquel, and wants to be with Raquel. They get one more round of drinks.
Rueda goes to see Miriam and tells her to leave the company and leave anything that has to do with Andres, she wants to know why, Rueda explains that Andres had dealings with the drunk (Vicente) and that Andres may have been involved in the accident. She then explains that the money that Damian was going to give Vicente disappeared that night and that Andres knew about it, she thinks they should confront Andres about it but Rueda is hesitant to do that because Andres has dealings with very dangerous people. His advice is for her to leave the company.
Cynthia continues to try to make Raquel feel better but Raquel says that “I will not allow anyone else to play me and lie to me, I will not allow it” she takes off her wedding band and ring.
Fede tells Carolina that she can’t lie to him anymore because he knows that he is Damian’s lover “why did you do it, why did you do it Carolina?” She asks him to come in, can’t even look at him. She tries to explain but says “it is very complicated, I don’t know how to explain it, it happened”
“It happened, same thing my dad said, what happened?” “Well this that happened to us, I don’t know how to say it”
“You want me to tell you? My dad is married, has two kids, a wonderful family, you have  Santiago, 3 kids, my mom that adores you, you are like a second mother to me, you are my best friend’s mother, how could you lie to our faces?” “Forgive me, forgive me please”
What woman are you talking about Mia?” she replies “you talked to Fede, but won’t talk to me” she tells him that she wants him to tell her what he and Fede discussed. Damian gets offended that now he can’t talk to his son about women or whatever, then he tells her “you are just creating conflict, and giving your mom stupid ideas” Mia keeps insisting that he and Fede talked about something that she has to be a part of, but Damian tells her point blank that it is none of her freaken business, tells her to leave because he wants to talk to Raquel
Raquel looks pissed, but Damian does his little dance that all he talked to Fede about was about his sensible side and that it was nothing, he is fine. Raquel says you are not telling me anything; well you can go talk to him. Raquel falls for it and Damian breathes a sigh of relief
Fede tells Carolina that she knew that Raquel has emotional problems, and she can get sick did you ever think of her, “you don’t know, this is hell of course I thought of her, your dad and I did not want to hurt anyone,  I swear, don’t tell your mom please, I will end this, I will end this
For your own good it better be like that” he gives her the dirtiest, most intense look he has ever given anyone and leaves. Leaving Carolina devastated. Florencia was there and heard everything.
Carolina is shocked, Flo asks her why did you do this to Santi, you are judging me, oh you are offended. "I made an error that any woman could make, and I ask you to please not say anything to Santi" She says she won’t say anything not for Carolina but for Santiago, because she can’t look at Santi in the eyes and lie to him. She leaves.
Carolina immediately calls Damian tells him that Fede was just there, “he told me some very harsh things, everything is over” Damian looks lost and asks her to calm down.
Next day Damian takes Mia and Fede to school (he finally remembers he has kid) he kisses Mia and wants to talk to Fede. “I know it’s my fault, I will make a decision”, Fede is angry at this and says “You will not make any decision, you are going to end it with your lover, you will not hurt my mother”

Drunk Santi is taken to his room by Alina, he falls asleep.
PI comes to the room to let her know that Juan has disappeared again, he probably went to Mexico. She asks for him to go back to Mexico City, to put two men at Alvarado house and two men at Juan’s house. PI is about to leave when she asks him to come back to the room tomorrow morning and tell her the same exact thing he just said, well of course PI doesn’t understand why but she writes his checks so he will do it.

Fede goes to see Raquel  in Cynthia’s room and finds her asleep with Cynthia, very endearing music playing, goes to Mia’s room same thing she’s asleep then he goes to see Damian, and Damian sees him, both look very sad
Next day Nacho goes to see Nico, Bebo is there. Nico asks him if he knew that Santi lied and went away with Alina. Nacho reprimands him and says he had very strong reasons to go and it was not to be with that woman. Alina got some investigators to follow Juan, well why did he not tell me, so that he would not worry you. Lola walks in and asks if they are arguing? OMG and she has Benji in her arms and he asks the same thing "tiendo"….CUTIE PIE!!!! Love that kid.
In the hotel room Santi wakes up hears the shower; Alina has made herself at home and is showering. Her phone rings, calls her lets her know that her phone is ringing, she asks him to pass it to her, he tries to hand it to her without looking, but she makes it almost impossible.
Raquel and Cynthia are having coffee, when Groucho Mia comes in to say that she has changed her career choice because she wants to be a doctor to be able to take care of her dad since it is obvious that Damian is a burden for Raquel {yes Mia, Damian is a big, fat, cheating, lying burden} “I put family first, unlike you”
PI comes to tell Santi the story that Alina asked him to repeat, she pretends it’s the first she hears of it and apologizes to Santi.
Therapist is showing Mia how to massage Damian’s legs when Raquel comes in, Damian sees her and says hi to Raquel.
Police casing Laura’s house sees Andres arrive. Calls Godoy lets him know that Andres Becker is there.
Santi tries calling Carolina from Hotel, but she is not picking up. He leaves her a message wants to talk and talk about everything that is going on.

Damian calls Raquel over and thanks her; all she can do is stare at him.
In the kitchen Cynthia comes in to tell Raquel she is getting a phone call, Raquel says she will not answer it and leaves. Mia asks Cynthia if it’s Santiago, Cynthia like the good sister she is says she has no idea. But Groucho Mia goes chasing after Cynthia. Noisy therapist asks “Santiago? sorry it’s none of my business” {yes noisy rosy it’s none of your business, we pay you to massage Damian and that’s it}
Jovita does tell him that Raquel and Damian are separated, so try to help Damian without involving or pressuring Raquel.
Santi gets home, asks for Benji, Lola and Bebo say Flo took Benji to the park, (Jaws music starts) and we know shark is on the prowl. Sure enough Flo is at park with Benji and Juaws is hiding looking at Benji and Flo {I swear if anything happens to Benji, I am going to scream, pick on someone your own size creepo}
Patio this is really not important but here it goes Nosy therapists apologizes to Raquel for pressuring her to be part of Damian’s therapy, he really feels bad because, blah blah blah. Raquel says what matters is that Damian gets better.
Momster comes to visit Damian.
At the park Benji sees Santi and runs to him “daddy, daddy“ (he is soooo cute, did I mention I love that kid), Santi tells Florencia they have to leave Now!

Momster tells Damian everything she did the good, the bad and the ugly was because she loves him too much, he stares her down with hatred. She tries to justify that  after her husband died, she  hung on to him, “ I made mistakes,” can you forgive me, can you forgive me son, puts her hand on his and he pulls had on way and tells her “leave, leave” she can’t believe it but leaves and tells Raquel that she got away with what she wanted, Miriam leaves and Raquel goes to Damian’s side asks if he is ok.
Santi back at home explains to Florencia why he acted like that at the park, "because  of Juan" Nico then gets there and says "I know why you left with Alina, I don’t get it, we can talk later, we are not discussing this in front of Flo. "Save your explanations for Raquel she knows she is not happy you lied to her.

Santi goes to see Raquel," I want to talk to Raquel , I won’t leave until she tells me that she does not want to see me"
Andres and Laura, yuck, yuck, yuck

"hat woman was dangerous for all but for me she was a blessing, what are you talking about?

Godoy walks in and says he is talking about the fact that he killed Carolina

Mia is at Damian’s bedside.  Damian remembers Carolina getting shot, he becomes very agitated, Mia worries and asks him what is wrong "you are very upset what is wrong?" he says “Carolina, I killed her” “I killed her”

Mia  just stares in disbelief.



My new theory of the crime is that Damian fired the shot but that he had already been hit on the head and the bullet hit the wrong target. He passed out, Andres and his accomplices buried Carolina and left the gun where it was.

However, he may not be remembering all of it. He may have some feelings of guilt that will make him take the blame. I hope that he remembers more in the next episode.

Mia wants to become a doctor? No way in hell should anyone allow that to happen. She has no remorse about her attempt on Alina's life and she is lying to Raquel about what was happening in her session with the shrink. She is gaslighting Raquel and that is despicable.

As for Alina, she should be a military commander instead of a lawyer; she knows how to set up the chess pieces to create distractions and stories for witnesses. She is intelligent but highly misdirected. This could destroy Santiago and Raquel's relationship for good.

As for Miriam, it was about time Damian told her off. There is no excuse for what she did to him and he was totally within his rights to tell her to leave. I wish he had said more. I also wish he had told Raquel what was up.

UA: Godoy walking in on TMZ Laura & Andres having sex..... WOW! He didn't look surprised.

Nora Gaxiola 2.0 wants to be a medical doctor ? No way in EXPLETIVE.

I wouldn't be shocked if Damian did indeed whacked Carolina.

Thanks Sandie!

Laura has stooped to a new low. That scene at the end when Godoy walked in on them was kinda funny.

Benjamin is the only normal, innocent character in this story. And yes, he is super adorable.

Raquel has a right to be mad at Santiago. And even Nico. I’m glad he said something to his dad about it. It seems like Nico has finally learned his lesson regarding Alina and now he’s the one scolding Santiago.

It seems surprising that Damian would blatantly admit guilt, assuming he does remember everything. Is he guilty or is he covering for someone?

Thank you, Sandie for the excellent recap!

IMHO, there is too much time left in the novela for Damián to be the killer eventhough he has confessed.

I loved when Damián told Miriam to get out.

At least Santiago was thinking and managed to save Benjamín from that psycho Juan.


Thank you Sandie for the great and very timely recap.

Urban's theory is plausible but I have a few thoughts which might cast some doubt on this. First, we have to assume that Damian has recalled everything which from the screen shots we really do not yet have a clear picture. Does Damian know, or recall, that Carolina met her death by a gunshot wound? It is not impossible that his 'yo la mate' meant that he feels guilty because he was driving the car that crashed and led to Carolina's death, hence ' I killed her'. Second, if he by mistake shot her, who picked up the gun (with gloves on) and threw it in the bushes? It could not have been Damian given the timeline. Do we think Damian 'buried' her as well? Timeline again.

I think there were more actors at this scene other than the rock throwers/robbers. They could have included: Mia/and or Fede, Vincente and even perhaps Andres (the money is gone!). I feel almost certain that Vincent buried his sister. He may not have fired the fatal shot. But clearly there was someone trying to strangle Carolina. Urban may be right that Damian got the gun (from where?) and tried to shoot her attacker and hit Carolina instead. Viewerville will just have to wait, perhaps another 9 episodes, to find out who did what and when.

I think Miriam's part in this TN is over. But Santi and Raquel have a huge part to play before the curtain falls. I surely hope Fede is not guilty of the killing. Andres needs to go to jail. Alina needs to leave town. Mia needs to be committed. I suspect that this TN will end with no one happy or as a couple.

Thanks, Sandie. Great job.

I agree Damian is feeling "yo la mate" because had it not been for him Carolina wouldn't have been there in the first place to get shot. She would've been home safe with her family if he hadn't started her on the downward spiral of their affair.

Hated Santi being so stupid to take a road trip with Alina. Numbskull.

Eeeooh, Andres and Laura in bed together. Nothing she won't do for a story.

Good call on numbskull Santiago.

Sandie--I'm only half-way through and am in suspended animation with your retelling of an episode that just broke my heart. I cried along with Raquel--if only she had seen how Santi was defending his love for her from that manipulative bitch, but still getting so drunk (remember Florencia's kiss?) that he couldn't even get himself into bed.

I was so sure Alina was going to use the old powder in the drink trick and take selfies of herself with him. For all we know, she might have taken some photos for a keepsake. Still, he should have kept his head and pushed her out of his room--although she tells a different story about how he ended up in her room.

So, Raquel finally took off her wedding rings. It was about time, but sadly it was because these two men have failed her--and not because it's over with Damian and she loves and is committed to Santi.

It's snowing......more later.

Question--Does Damian even know Caro was shot and buried? It seems to me all he knows is that she died? True some of his flashbacks show him seeing *someone* choking Carolina, but what after that? I'll have to rewind the episode because I can't remember if we heard a shot fired.

Anon and Urban--Unless the tn continuity editors made a big mistake, we still don't know how Santi's dad's gun got BACK in the case AFTER the accident and then disappeared only to show up in the bushes. I wonder if somehow, they meant that scene to take place in the past, but Benji wouldn't have been that big and we wouldn't have seen Caro take the gun out to point it at Vic.

The last place we saw the gun was in Vic's hands after he got the gun away from Carolina during the confrontation between him, Carolina and Damian. We know Carolina took the gun out of the case to take with Unless they intended us to forget about that, Vic still had it all this time.

And what about the two guns in the bucket? These are the things that are driving me crazy.

I guess it's all over between Nando and Laura. Good riddance. He and Cintia need to take it slow. They are both damaged goods now.

Mia wants to be a doctor? Despite her very disturbed psyche, she's never thought about anyone else in her life. It's always been about Mia, with Fede, Raquel, Jovita and Damian all enabling her. Nico just stepped into that mess. No wonder he didn't know what to expect of a relationship with her. He didn't know how to give 100% and get 0% in return (except for a little sex). He came from an entirely different world. I remember recapping the contrast between the two family's at dinner. One warm and inviting and the other cold as ice.

I feel so sorry for Raquel. True, we don't know hers and Cintia's backstory, but I don't think she was prepared to be subjugated by Damian, Andres and Miriam during her marriage. No wonder she wanted to establish her freedom. She became bold and brought Caro into the plan because she saw Caro needed "saving" too.

As I commented in my rant day before yesterday, Fede is the most wounded of all. He's right. The two adults who should have considered their families first, should have kept the physical part of their relationship off the table. "It happened" is a feeble excuse. We all saw how Damian pursued Caro and wouldn't let her put an end to the affair. He kept sucking her back in.

So, I put most of the blame for the affair on Damian. That's why I felt so badly for Raquel, through her tears and grief, wondering what was wrong with her--failing as a mother, a wife and a woman, that Dam would want to do this.

Thanks Sandie!!

Urban, did we ever find out exactly what Miriam did to Dam?

Caro is so awful. If she had one iota of affection, no respect, for Raq she would not have rejoined the catering company. She would have tried to stay faraway from Raq. So obviously She has no conscience.

I'm thinking Mia isn't the killer even though she is my number one suspect. Fede is looking more likely. I guess I will disappointed if a family member isn't involved in some way, other than Vince.

Sandie, this was truly one of your finest recaps yet. The screen shots were incredible and added to your engrossing narrative. It was gripping reading Fedes' accusations to Caro.

Sometimes when I'm not quite sure what to say, I try and note something that occurred that was incredulous. Here, it was Mia expressing her desire to be a doctor. I have no idea what her clinical expertise might be. She certainly had the ability to ponder, dissect and decimate every aspect of her parents, brother's, Nico's lives, trying to twist things around, to bend to her will. She was single minded and to her, everything was black and white (mostly black) but rarely gray.

She almost committed murder and we do not yet know if she was successful in another.

Urban, Niecie and Jarifa, I also don't think Damian killed Caro intentionally. If by chance he shot her, it was a mistake. I think he feels guilty for her death which he certainly should. As you noted Anita, she kept trying to get out and he continued to pull her back in.

Something is off with Santiago. If he was desperate to really go off with Alina thinking it would save Lola's life, then that is what he should have done. What he shouldn't have done is lie to Raquel. Isn't one of life's ironies that lies are readily discovered?

I didn't like Nacho angrily scolding Nico that Alina was helping Santi and that there was nothing romantic involved. Nico knows exactly what and who Alina is yet Nacho never would have listened. He has always had Santi on a pedestal and insinuates himself in Santi's affairs far too much for my taste.

I could be totally wrong but I completely believe Alina took some "incriminating" shots of her and Santi.

My take on the physcial therapist may differ from what the patio might think. I thought he had genuine concern when he questioned Jovita. I don't think it inappropriate at all to be filled in on the famly dynamic as he is going to be taking care of Damian. Anyone could have been cast in this role, so I am thinking this character will have some important role to play before the end.

Loved Godoy walking in on Laura and Andres.

I think Mimi's ties with the family are now severed. I'm glad.

Very relieved there was no chance for Juan to get Benji. Does Alina have any plan at all to stop Juan or is that just more lies??

I fell conflicted. If Caro was shot by accident (from anyone, especially Damian) and if this was all just a robbery gone bad, I will be very disappointed. However, I don't want any of the kids to be responsible for the murder. Raquel, and we, could not take it.

Sandie, thank you so much.


I was surprised to see who was cast as the therapist. Agree, he must have a big role to play. A new love interest for Raq? Which would mean this ends with Santi out of the picture.

Carvivlie--Oh my, love me some Arturo, but he only has 10 episodes in which to do what it has taken Santiago to do in 90. I'm committed to Santi fixing things with Raquel and the two of them get to raise Benji together.

It's only been hinted at what Mimi did to Dami when he was young. Raquel shared with us that it took him years of therapy before he could talk to her about it.

I had the impression that Dam was already a man when his dad died and he had to come in to fix the bankrupt factory. But, if Mimi molested or in some other way abused Dam while he was still small, her confession that she "used" him in place of his father doesn't ring right. If Dam was already an adult when his father died, he wouldn't have let Mimi do anything that might be deemed sexual. So that must mean his father died when he was still very young. He and Andres would both have been kids, so how did the business go bankrupt and the two came in to rescue it? Was Mimi running it? Shoot, I really don't care, but GG needs to keep her stories straight for overthinkers like me.

Diana--I feel the same way you do about "just a robbery gone bad." Serious disappointment. What a set up we've had, with all the dicing and slicing of the characters personalities and conjectures as to the culprit.

When the "someone" was choking Carolina at the accident scene, I was led to believe it was Vic--it sounded like him--then he was really angry. But if it was the money he was after, you'd think he'd be choking Damian to get his money back. I'm beginning to think he didn't kill her, though. He's abused and manhandled Lisa, Caro and did a job on Santiago, but he's never gone through with actually choking any of them to death.

It's still snowing....

If you re-watch the opening episode both Raquel and Santiago were at home the night of the accident. We were not told where any of the kids were.

It would be very upsetting if Federico is the killer. It would not be surprising if Mia is. But it would be intensely cruel to Raquel if it were either.

The one person who would do this without a hint of conscience is Andres. Miriam is second on that, but she might be too afraid to risk this.

As to how the pasta factory was bankrupt when Damian's father died, I'm wondering whether Miriam just said so in order to keep Damian near her. We didn't get any details about this from anyone who was in a position to know anything about it. Andres is probably the same age as Damian and he has said nothing. He is Damian's paternal cousin, so was his father also dead at that time? We finally saw Miriam's house and it is not something cheap to sustain if one goes bankrupt. How long does she have that house?

My guess is that Miriam began abusing Damian once he was either well into or just past puberty. He probably couldn't wait to get the hell out of her house but probably didn't get to do so until after college. That he, Andres, and Raquel were all in college together tells me that they likely went to a local one rather than one far away.

Anita, please don't read this!!!

Psst, Carvivlie...I have to admit I thought exactly what your question posed. I don't know what he and Raquel said, but she seemed to like what she heard. And as I know she is quite observant, she may have also liked what she saw :). Ahhh Arturo

Seriously, though...on the very slight chance Santi did have anything to do with the murder, I would feel much better thinking Raquel might have someone to comfort her. That said, like so much here, this was likely devised just to get us talking and conjecturing. Oh look, it worked! Mia gave him a sly look the first time we saw him and the only thing I'd be upset with is if he ended up with her.

Whatever happened between Mimi and Dam (I'm starting to think we will never know), by the way Dam reacted, it must have been very bad. If so, why on earth would he have worked with her rather than shunning her?

In the early flashbacks after the murder with Santiago, Vic was cold as ice and seemed to hate Caro and her memory, blaming her for his guilt over murdering their father and his failure/inability to move on. Later flashbacks showed her memory haunting him and his dreams. He's so unbalanced and unpredictable, nothing would surprise me.


Sandie this recap was superb. And the
Characters even more so. Now as for D
Feeling guilty, well thats warranted.
He kept doggin her to start up again.
And she gladly obliged. He's NOT the
Blame alone. It took two people that
Caused this train wreck,they are equal
The blame he didn't make her come back
To hell,she dived in with both feet.

So glad raq took off the rings, cause
It's over. Mrs. Becker has left the
Building.When she said "Iam not puttin
Up with being lied to again"(I'm just paraphrasing here)(damin and stupud
santi),the lady is done.I don't
Blame her not one bit for being pist with Santiago. He knows what she went through When she found out about damn Damian and Carolina.
And he goes and makes the appearance
Of the same thing,and lies to her too.
I said "appearance"because he lied and it looked like cheating to raqeul.That is beyond stupid. But I want them Back together. The irony of it would be that the 2 people hurt the most by this wicked betrayal & affair would get together And actually be happy in spite of what These two very selfish people did to them. But Santiago is
Really screwing this up for all of us.
Stupid Santiago!

Yuck!Yuck!Yuck! Y'all know who I mean.
Moving right along.

If the hot therapist is a major player
Then who for?I don't want him sniffing around raquel cuz she's taken. As soon
As santi gets off the jackass train.

I was so happy to hear Damian tell his
Mommie dearest to get out.I dont speak
Spanish but I understood that.And Good
Riddance ol goat.

There is so much to write about this episode but not enough time.I'll write
Some more tomorrow. I really enjoyed
Y'alls comments. Everybody got really
Good opinions. I like em.

Thank you much Sandie.

One more thing,Mia being a doctor? Who
The hell is sick enough to trust her with their life? God help them.

Mia is a good candidate for serial killer status if nothing is done about her. There are so few episodes left I wonder whether it's worth speculating on how long she can lie to Raquel about what is going on in the therapist's office.

Raquel's latest crisis about what didn't happen between Santiago and Alina is probably distracting her from realizing that Mia is lying. Nobody of any intelligence could possibly believe that Mia is the only person who cares about the family that is already broken beyond repair. You can glue a broken pitcher back together but it won't hold water. Mia doesn't see that; all she sees is the family she wants but doesn't have. She has no remorse about her attempt on Alina's life and only pulled back when it occurred to her that Alina could steal Santiago from Raquel.

UA: Guessing this means Santi will be stuck with nobody in the end.

I think the gun was there because Santi told her it was his father's gun and about the only thing he had left of his father's (a police colleague of Antonio's).

We've been (or I have, along with some Anon) have been talking about this ever since the gun identified as killing Caro belonged to Santi's dad. There were 10 guns with close enough serial numbers, but the other owners apparently weren't worth running down. Antonio thought they had their man.

In fact, I just brought it up again in my first comment of the day---
"Unless the tn continuity editors made a big mistake, we still don't know how Santi's dad's gun got BACK in the case AFTER the accident and then disappeared only to show up in the bushes. I wonder if somehow, they meant that scene to take place in the past, but Benji wouldn't have been that big and we wouldn't have seen Caro take the gun out to point it at Vic.

The last place we saw the gun was in Vic's hands after he got the gun away from Carolina during the confrontation between him, Carolina and Damian. We know Carolina took the gun out of the case to take with Unless they intended us to forget about that, Vic still had it all this time."

Your guess will be as good as ours.

Diana--Anything that you write IS going to get read. You may be right about Leandro and Raquel, but I see Mia going after him first. He's a therapist, not a doctor. I wonder how long Mia would last in medical school. She gets bored easily and withdraws into her head to imagine all sorts of conspiratorial things. She hasn't done well with her contemporaries in school and medical school is much more cutthroat (says someone who's only seen hospital TV dramas).

About that final scene in this episode. In Dam's flashback, we see Caro with a bloody face (probably from the accident), then a shot is heard and Caro crumples. That's when Dam says, "I killed her."

I fear it might be Fede after all. Earlier, during the Caro/Fede confrontation at her house, she tells Fede she's going to end it. Fede looks at her and says, "Por tu bien, asi sea," or loosely translated, "For your own good, it had better be." That sounds like a threat to me.

OTOH, It still could have been a robbery gone wrong. We're pretty sure Vic was there, choking Caro--or someone was. He was crazy with anger. A shot is fired and Damian may have really shot her, accidentally or not. Nothing else really matters after that--the killing, who buried her or anything about the gun's travels.

What matters in the end was how the accident/killing affected the survivors of the two families. I can live with that.

Alfredo--you are so correct--we *don't* know if Caro took the gun with her the day of the accident. We haven't seen that day yet. What we DO know is the last person WE have seen with the gun was Vicente, when he took it away from Caro in the famous scene--it shot itself and Dam comes running in and Vic points it at both of them. I guess I'll have to go back and watch that scene again.

Alfredo--I hadn't thought of that--Raquel taking the gun and disposing of it to save Santi--but she didn't know at the time it was that gun that was involved in the shooting. They were away on R&R when the police raided Santi's house and found the case and the bullets.

Also, if we are following what we actually saw broadcast and it is the gun that killed Caro, who would have taken the gun out AFTER Raquel saw it and driven to the accident site and tossed it for the boys to find. Algo no me cuadra--as Antonio would say.

Alfredo--I remember The Killing. I followed it for two seasons. It also reminds me of The Bridge with Demian Bichir and Diane Kruger on FX. It was the process that kept my interest.

OK. I'll buy the theory that this TN is "about the journey, not the destination". But I just wonder about the following points: will the mysterious "judge" who is directing Antonio and Nando's "investigation" of the murder of Carolina be satisfied with just the journey? Also, whoever was the hooded attacker of Carolina (after Damian shot her by mistake --never mind how Damian got the gun, a gun that seems to shoot by itself, a possible defense?!) must have dragged her body through the woods and then tossed the gun while one of her red shoes fell off. We have to assume who ever did the attack (Fede, Mia, Vincent, Andres, etc.,) did all this while the ambulance arrived. But our judge will need to know who did what and when for him to close the case. But then again, it might just end up with Damian being charged with manslaughter and Viewerville left with the mystery of who beat her up, buried her and threw away the gun with Damian's fingerprints on it. Not a satisfying ending but an end nevertheless.
Perhaps we are overthinking this plot.

Patio thanks for all the great comments I for one need answers. Plot Guns have bothered me from the start. Why mention that there were 10 possibilities? Why did Raquel find it? Why did Vicente keep gun? How did it get back to the drawer? Or did it? These are the questions that bother me and I want answers. I also want to know where did the money go? How did Garrido know to be there? Vicente? Who was driving car? Fede? Mia?
So many questions and I hope they all get answered one way or another.
One more thing that bothers me is Juan. I don’t like him lurking around Benjamin. I want him out of their lives. But that’s all of the patio
I did not consider Leandro being a major character. I don’t see the point this late in the story.

As much as I would hate it if the murder was a botched robbery, I would vastly prefer it to Fede being the killer.

I've always felt Fede was a gentle soul. I think his anguish was genuine sorrow and while he was obviously very angry with both Caro and Dam, did it intensify to end in murderous rage? He clearly loves his family and the only thing I can see to propel him to that end would be to protect his adored mother. However, as that would decimate Raquel, I surely hope that does not happen. I fear Mia will continue to break her heart...


Thanks Sandie. Telenovelas usually end by having all of the issues resolved. We still have seven or eight episodes to discover what happened in the pasada. I think that the affair lasted for about three years. I think that the pasada has about 5 or 6 months to go ...

ITA Sandie. Tho the journey has been
Very frustrating and brain boggling, want answers. And I want to see all
The bad guys get their extra heavey
Anvils. Especially that skank alina
Who thinks she so irresistible to men and boys alike. I'm glad Mia didnt get
To poison that ho,she needs to suffer,
As for jaun....why is he still here
Annoying people? Why didn't have him
Off himself? He's in the right mind
Frame, insane. Want somebody he can't and won't get. I just hope he don't
Lola or bebo on His way out.

Ok this is exhausting, so I'm parking
It for now.

I also hate missing words.
"Why didn't GG have him Off himself?
" I just hope he doesn't kill Lola and Bebo on his way out"and I want answers

I say it in my mind but it don't quite get in my fingers and onto the screen.

Maybe Damian, trying to save her, shot at whoever was attacking Carolina and she got flipped around at the last second as a shield, thus killing her by mistake.

They have less than two months for the timelines to cross. Caro & Dam were discussing their "anniversary" a couple of episodes ago--two years, nine months and two days. It's getting close.

Thank you Sandie for compelling recap.

Alfredo Aparicio,
Your commented posted at 12:38pm asks about if gun was in box when Raquel
found it. Well, now I have theory. It is
This: the gun was in box when Raq
found it. She removed the gun and took with her for safekeeping, especially because Santi has short fuse or so Benji didn't find and play with it. Perhaps she took it home, and her kids found and borrowed it on fateful night. One hole with this
Theory is how It went from Vincent to Santi's. And we know it got returned from Vince because cops confiscated
It. Wait maybe Raquel took and then returned it before police found it???
Just saying, or thinking outloud.

I wondered why Mia changed her
Mind. I thought it had occurred to her that it was morally wrong to take a llife. Thanks for bringing up the real reason. That is bad, you are right she shows no remorse and doesnt even see what the big deal is since she didnt do it.

Mia is completely amoral. She must have gotten this somehow from Miriam.

Something tells me that we will get to the end of the story without Mia and Fede finding out about what Miriam did to their father. We don't even have the details despite this revelation and while I understand why Raquel was not enumerating Miriam's offenses in that scene a little more specificity would aid our understanding of Damian as well as Miriam and the timeline of abuse and treatment.

Not that Miriam has any excuse. Considering how much she has always hated Raquel we can allow our imaginations to envision the worst case scenario for her abuse of Damian. The remaining question after that is why didn't he cut and run from Miriam as soon as he was old enough. My theory is that his father didn't have a will and Damian may have been just under the age of majority, so had no legal protection from being disinherited. Our latest information may be that this is where Miriam's sexual abuse of him began.

So, was the business really bankrupt or had Miriam embezzled money from it prior to that and sold Damian a bill of goods to guilt-trip him into staying? That's an answer I'd like to have.

UA: Big question is whether TMZ Laura loses her job ?

Anita, I agree with that last comment. I think that Zalivar was the ultimate recipient of the money and it wasn't about taking out a hit on anyone.

So, is Vicente the killer or is it Andres? Miriam? Some combination of any two or all three? Vicente could have been drunk during all that; he frequently is. If so he is unlikely to have clear memories of the murder.

Urban, that was Alfredo. He and I vie for the longest comments, haha.

Yes, I also agree with Alfredo. So glad you caught up. It's nice to have a fresh voice. I'm also going to go along with your theory, up to a point.

Leticia--The police did not confiscate Santi's gun. The gun case was empty when they raided Santi's house. The two boys found it in the bushes--before the raid, which is what prompted the raid--so it was not confiscated. All they took were the bullets, which they say match the bullets that killed Caro.

Back to Alfredo's theory and my musings.
1.In Tato's (didn't know his name) flashback, they were going through Dam's wallet and he was on the ground, out like a light. He claimed they didn't have time to search for the big bucks Dam was supposed to have had because they heard the sirens and took off.
2. So when did the physical attack on Caro and the shooting actually happen? If the two rock throwers were supposed to be there and pick up the money, they would have gotten to the car before anyone else--I would conjecture.
3. I'd bet a small amount of money that Vic still had the gun for some time after the confrontation in his shack. He had plenty of time to return it, but why? Did he suddenly have a change of heart at Caro's pleading that it was Santi's gun and he didn't know she had it? And what about the two guns he already kept in the bucket? Could one of them have been Santi's gun and once the police began investigating, he got cold feet and took it back?
4. Vic could very definitely be the one driving the Legato car, but wouldn't that have alerted Caro in the next car? He wasn't driving his own car, although it was perfectly logical for him to be driving back to Puebla from the city.
5. I'm going to deduct Miriam from the killer/driver list. Most of her evil comes out of her head, but never her hands. I don't think she would ever directly want Dam harmed. She would want Caro out of the way, but I bet she didn't really have any knowledge of his comings and goings with Carolina or that they had been planning a romantic getaway.
6. I can see Andres and Miguel conspiring to harm Dam, but Vic only tangentially. It would have been at cross purposes for Vic and Andres--Andres wants Dam out of the way, but Vic would want him alive to keep on sucking at the golden wallet. Vic wouldn't have wanted Caro harmed, unless he was still pissed off by her pointing the gun at him in his hut and then having it go off. Maybe Andres has promised to subsidize Vic in place of Dam, figuring he can get Saldivar or one of his henchment to get rid of Vic later--Vic has a big mouth, as Garrido learned the hard way.
7. More and more I think my finger points at Mia and Fede, but for all the reasons we've talked about, this would be a devastating blow to Raquel--especially right now as she feels betrayed by all humanity.


Alfredo--At the accident, remember that we saw Damian phoning in the 911 call while he was still in the car and thought Caro was dying. I wondered, when initially it looked as though the two were knocked out (we saw them through the window) the ambulance came almost right away to a lonely spot on the highway and the car deep in a ravine. Hmmm. Timeline again is of the essence.

Santi's first dip into algo sucio was when Dam suggested they NOT sign a formal contract for their association because it would mean more paperwork and more taxes. That's what got him into trouble later with Mia and others thinking it was a loan he never paid back. So, yes, that says a lot more about Damian.

If anyone cares, I wrote a nice long piece on Urban's Karmageddon for what the "good" people deserved.


Alfredo--I'll have to go back to that scene of Raquel finding the gun case. I could have sworn the gun *was* in there. Tell you later.

When I shut own a few hours ago to go out something occurred to me: Why didn't Raquel threaten the revelation about Damian's abuse when Miriam cut off her money? Considering the incest theme's running through GG's series, why did they hesitate? How would this have been too big a card for Raquel to play then?

I still think that Andres must have molested Mia once upon a time. When? Her behavior is so abnormal it's hard to believe that she was raised by the same parents who raised Federico. This would also account for why she either lies to her parents or tells them nothing.

Did they say where the bullets
Were lodged? In Carolina? Did they check the trees for any stray bullets? Now I know we all
Assume The CSIs did but I Just
Thought I'd throw it out there.
I think they did tho, they could match the bullet to the gun. We
Are going around in Circles and
Back again. A week and a piece
Left right? Oboy :/

Wait a minute--when was Raquel kidnapped? It's vague. Don't know where it fits in.

Nina--There was only one bullet in Carolina--the gun just went off by itself, haha. Actually, we only heard on gunshot from Dam's flashback.

Mia would fling caro's body and
Not Think about it, cuz that little sicko Would see it as throwing out the trash That just interfeared in her so called
Happy family. When you're crazy
And mad like that little psycho, you can muster up the strength to drag somebody. And she could
Bop daddy over the head to try to protect him. Yes in her sick
Little twisted head that was the best to do for daddykins. And
Then just completely forget it.
Now there is a case of the male voice someone heard while asking and choking carolina about the money.Now that would just do away with my theory. One thing is really for sure Patio "the truth is our there" (Thank you agents Mulder&scully).
You know they probably would have solved the case by now. Cuz There is Plenty of space cadets in this story.

I do remember her in the car next to him. She was unconscious and he was calling for them to send an ambulance and he didn't sound too good himself.
Somebody bopped him over the head and took Carolina and y'all my money is on Maya and her twin fede. He was really pissed off when he found out that that woman and his daddy hurt his mama. Yes I can see both of them to doing it. It
Would not be the first time twins came up With the same idea,for different
Reasons. And got the same result, the
Problem has been eliminated. In Mia's
Head "Now we can have the Perfect family" and in Fede's"no one will ever
Hurt my mother again".

I think that some of the problems with the writing may be that GG tried to basically stick to the Argentinian outline of Ämar despues de amar on which the Mexican version is based. She changed some of the characters to make them fuller and more believable but this may be why it does not always flow smoothly. The Mexican version and actors are far superior in my opinion.

Thank you for what you said about the original, Lynette. Never having seen the original, but good things have been said about it. I'm glad you found the Mexican story better. The choice of actors made it all come together.

Alfredo, thanks for clarifying....I just couldn't place in my mind any situation where Raquel might have been drugged and tied up--leave that for La Piloto, etc. No, it wasn't a kidnapping. Too many people knew she and Santiago had gone away. I do remember the couple. If anyone was guilty of "kidnapping," it was the R&R couple and Andres.

Just got back from seeing Darkest Hour. I love that sort of movie. I already know the written, public facts, but to get inside of Churchill's head was amazing. If I have time tonight, I'll get to the original scene and patch it together with the two or three flashbacks we've had since then.

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