Monday, February 26, 2018

Papá a Toda Madre, Episode 29, 2/26/2018: ♪♪ You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This Unless You Mean It Like That ♪♪

At Logatoys, Kika explains that she took the risk of talking to Anifer because she cares about him. She just hopes that the nanny isn’t putting any ideas in his head that would turn him against her. Mau tries to tell her not to refer to Renée by that name, but stops himself because he thinks it would be of no use. When he asks why Renée would do something like that, Kika responds that it’s obvious that Renée is very much in love with him and wants to come between them. Mau doesn’t think it’s true, but Kika assures him it is and adds that Renée doesn’t realize that she shouldn’t be hoping for someone like him…ever! Mau assures Kika that Renée isn’t hoping for a man like him; so Kika sighs and tells him that men never see things clearly while women have a sixth sense about these things. She knows that Renée is in love with him…that’s why Renée hates her. (Good choice out of so many good reasons, Renée)

The Next Morning—
At Mau’s house, Mau is combing Anifer’s hair and wonders why she is so happy; so Anifer tells him that she thought about the surpirse her mother is going to send her and wonders if Mau knows what it is. As Mau tells her he doesn’t know and wouldn’t tell her anyway if he knew, Renée approaches and Mau shows her how Anifer is ready even for the theater.

Renée smiles at Anifer and tells Mau that she made coffee. When she reminds him that they weren’t able to talk the night before and it’s important, Mau responds that they can talk later because he still needs to take Anifer to school and she needs to have breakfast, but Anifer suggests that they both take her to school. After Mau jests that Anifer probably wants to go to school with a whole procession following her, Anifer responds that she just wants her family with her…that’s all! As Anifer walks away, Mau is left with his mouth open as Renée looks at him.
At Veronica’s house, everyone is eating breakfast as Fidelito comments that Pepo wants something to eat. Veronica has no idea what he is talking about so she motions Toño away from the table. When he explains that Fidelito has an imaginary pet and suggests that Veronica follow along, Veronica goes back to sit down and tells Fidelito that they will feed his pet later because they have to rush so she can attend Fidelito’s festival. (Not suspecting that Pepo will not perform his best on an empty stomach.)
At school, Renée tells Anifer not to be so sad; she will make many friends; and Mau reminds her that she promised her mother she would go to school. Anifer agrees to go in and kisses them both good-bye.

Renée then comments that she feels guilty about tricking Anifer with the phone call. Mau agrees and shares that Anifer sometimes catches him off guard; sometimes she seems so innocent, but other times she seems so mature that he is not sure if she believes everything he tells her about María or if she is just playing along. When Renée wonders what Mau is waiting for to tell Anifer the truth, Mau replies, “For her to grow up. If I tell her now that her mother died, she will suffer a lot…and I… no, I couldn’t see her so sad.” Renée smiles and tells Mau that it seems he is finally turning into a real father. When Mau explains that one just needs to be sensible, Renée nods and tells him that if he doesn’t want to accept it, that’s fine, but she does want them to clear up some things about Kika because there are several things that he needs to be aware of.
In the principal’s office, Jorge stutters as he tries to explain that his is a very long and complicated story. He hopes she doesn’t judge him, but the important thing is that the four kids are his. When the principal asks if they all have the same mother, the four kids simultaneously say, “No!” Valentina and Samuel explain that they have their mother; and Baldo and Lilí tell her that they have their mother…they are half-siblings. Jorge interjects that the important thing is that they be enrolled so that they don’t lose credit for the school year. The principal seems to understand and tells them that they can start immediately, but on probation. She adds that they have come to the right school since they accept all kinds of families…from single mothers to homoparental families. After Samuel questions the term “homoparental,” the principal explains what it means as Jorge clears his throat and looks perturbed. The principal also tells them that they accept their type of family, though she doesn’t know what to call it..either way they are welcome. Jorge then tells his kids that they will stay there and when classes are over, they are to go home; he can’t come for them because he has too much work. After he leaves, the principal asks them what grade each one is in and starts to take notes. (Her gold Lamé headband has already tarnished to a paisley blue.)
In the parent meeting room, Toño wonders what is taking so long. As Veronica comments that she may have to leave, the children walk in and start the presentation. As Fidelito walks forward with his box and announces that he brought Pepo, Veronica worries about what he is going to show since his pet is imaginary, but when Fidelito opens the box, he shows his mouse! Everyone starts yelling and getting on chairs. (As they and Pepo immediately realize that Fidel is below the size limit for killer mice, thus safe, but their lives are all in mortal danger.)

Outside, Lilí tells Baldo that she likes the school; it’s not as strict as the one Valentina and Sammy attended. As Baldo agrees, some kids come up to them and ask to show them the cafeteria. As they all walk to the cafeteria, Baldo invites them to a party at his house…and they can spread the word to their friends; it would be best so that they can get to know each other. When they ask when the party will be, Baldo tells them it’s on that same day; as soon as classes are over they can all head over to his house. As the others walk ahead, Lilí smiles in wonderment and shakes her head. (She is now sure Baldo will eventually work for Spacex, as his specialty is sending people into orbit. Just slap 'JORGE' on it's fuselage and stand back!)
At the school, the chaos continues because Pepo is running around. When he is cornered, Veronica hands Toño a broom; so he slams it down on Pepo, killing it. (Toño is now 2 for 2) When Fidelito sighs that he killed it, Veronica covers Fidelito’s eyes and tells him not to look. Toño rambles that he didn’t know what he wanted to do, then accuses Veronica that she is the one who gave him the weapon, but Veronica retorts that she told him to trap it, not to kill it! Toño looks at all the children as they glare at him accusingly. (Yet another 'Trade Places' scene for Toño, the rat just needs a bigger broom .)
At Mau’s house, Mau argues that Renée’s little story that Kika wants revenge for something that happened so many years ago sounds like an exaggeration…or maybe Renée was hallucinating. Renée becomes frustrated and retorts, “What is it that you are trying to say? What you are thinking is that I’m crazy! And if that is so, then come and stand here in front of me and tell me! Don’t be beating around the bush! Stand here and tell me!” Mau moves closer and tries to calm Renée, but she continues to tell him to just spit it out and not treat her like an idiot. Mau says, “Calm down. Take it easy!” After Renée finally gets quiet, Mau continues, “For the record, I didn’t want to say this, but since you insist, here it goes. Kika says that you made up this idea that she wants revenge because you want something more with me.” Renée laughs quite loudly so Mau continues, “Maybe you haven’t even realized it yet and that’s why you hate Kika. It’s not right, but understandable…just look at me!” Renée responds, “Enough! This is enough of so much idiocy! It’s best you don’t continue with this made up theory because even you said that there could be nothing between us…that it was something unattainable; it could never happen…never in our lives.” As Renée shakes her head at the thought, Mau wonders if she really thinks that, so Renée replies, “Of course, I’d have to be sick in my head to even look at you. No! …do you agree?” Mau responds, “Yes, I agree, but…” After Renée asks, “But what?” Mau moves closer to Renée and continues, “What if I don’t…what if it’s not crazy…or unthinkable…or…” Renée starts to fidget and asks, “Or? Or? Or what? You sound like an idiot!” Mau adds, “What if…” After Renée asks, “Can you imagine that?” they both laugh and say, “Naah! What a dumb idea!” After they turn and move away from each other, they look at each other. Not being able to fight their magnetic passion, they rush toward each other for their first long-awaited, very passionate KISSSSS!!  (These two are reminiscent of a pair of bar magnets in school science class where no amount of skill can push them together, until one is flipped around, then they snap together with even more resolve) (TN clue: Neither one wipes their mouth, it must be true love!)
At the school, Fidelito comments that Toño killed Pepo. After Neto comes in wondering what happened since their shouting could be heard outside, he sees Pepo and remarks, “Pepo!” but quickly denies knowing about Pepo. Veronica tells them they will talk about it at home and tells Fidelito that a mouse, even though named, cannot be a pet. It can be dangerous for everyone, especially him. When she asks why he had it in a box, Neto starts to explain that it was because his father gave away Carola and told them he would bring them another pet…then Pepo arrived at the house. (Are there little tiny Carolas sprouting in the Roses and Dahlias yet?) Veronica explains that it was probably a misunderstanding and asks where Fidelito got it from, so Neto responds that he got it from the kitchen…where his father hides the trash…and says that the mother-in-law won’t see it. (Toño, if I resembled a week and a half old Mackerel I'd be terrified of the dumpster too. You would be sucked into the landfill vortex for sure.) After Veronica shakes her head in disbelief, Toño motions to Neto to cut it out and tells Veronica that it’s just a saying. When he adds that everyone has their little hiding places, no one agrees with him. Veronica then tells Toño to explain to Fidelito where his little pet went to, so Toño explains that Pepo is now in the kingdom of Pepos…in the kingdom of the mice where they have big parties and where there are famous rats…like Super Rat, Topo…and Mickey! When Neto wonders if Toño also killed Mickey, Veronica tells everyone that this man got confused; Mickey is very well and is at his castle. A little boy tugs on Toño’s shirt and asks is Santa Claus is alright, so Veronica assures him that he is. (In a cage match, my money is on St. Nick.)
At her suite, Kika talks to her sister, Charitín, who wants to know how things are going with Mauricio. After Kika hesitates and tells her she hasn’t had breakfast yet, Charitín thinks Kika sounds strange and wonders if her quest for vengeance is wavering. Kika responds that is not the case, but thinks it’s time to bury the past…after all their Daddy is fine and what happened, happened. Charitín chides her for forgetting about her revenge. When Kika tries to explain that after having reencountered Mau and after that night of unrestrained passion, she thinks…Charitín yells, “You fell in love with him again! Oh, no!” Kika confirms that she thinks she has.
At Mau’s house, the passionate kiss continues, but Renée suddenly pushes Mau away and they both start apologizing and neither one knows what happened. They start their Ren-Maumbo Jumbo until Mau tells Renée to go ahead and say what she wants to say first. When she says, “It’s okay,” Mau interprets it to mean that the kiss was okay and asks, “You think?” Renée clarifies that it will be okay that she speak first and tells Mau, “Yes, it was a mistake…I think;” so Mau responds, “Yes, I believe so. What were we thinking? After all we are very different! You are not my type.” Meanwhile, Renée is talking and agreeing with him until Mau says, “Of course I’m not your type. You like doctors who are jealous, manipulators, nerds…” so Renée counters, “And you like women who are frivolous, big-lipped, with little brains…but that’s not my problem; it’s yours!” (Are the duck lips and mountains normally sold as a discount package?)

Mau then adds, “It’s fine with me if you like corny, killer of the healthy, ridiculous, skinny, ugly and bug-eyed...tu-roon-toon-toon!” Renée is beside herself and says, “Tu-roon-toon-toon! You too! Don’t pretend! You like women that are annoying, racist, arrogant, and superficial!” Mau adds, “And he has that Cantinflás moustache…and is like a stretched noodle; he even looks like a windmill!”
At her suite, Kika is still talking to her sister and tells her that she agrees that there have been some things that have turned out the right way for her, but this time it will be different; she promises. Charitín continues to chide Kika for falling in love with that lout. When she asks Kika if she has forgotten about what they did to their father…and that their father was in prison for five years because of Mau’s father…and it wasn’t a prison in Miami or Caracas, but in Communist China, Charitín scowls that Kika is crazy to be in love with that lout! After Kika tells Charitín not to call Mau such an ugly word, Charitín is dismayed that Kika is defending Mau after he called Kika worse names. Kika agrees that she is defending Mau just a little; so Charitín thinks Kika is being influenced by her sexual desire…because it wouldn’t be the first time since Kika’s hormones seem to function better than her neurons. Kika thinks that if it were sexual, she would have already gotten over it. When she adds that love is something that comes when you least expect it, Charitín thinks that Kika is just infatuated, but Kika again thinks that if it were infatuation, she would have already gotten over it. Kika thinks she is truly in love with Mau; she may have never stopped loving him since they were in high school. (And exactly how does the Fabby-Hop fit into this?)  Charitín thinks Kika is being stubborn because she knows Mau will never love her. Kika tells Charitín to be quiet! Kika adds that she is sure that she and Mau were made for each other…and she will prove it to Charitín, but Charitín doesn’t care; the idea was for Kika to take revenge, not to fall in love. Kika then tells Charitín that what happened between their father and Mau’s father is their (the fathers’) problem; she is not going to be the vengeful daughter. Charitín responds that Kika continues to be the same fat girl who never did anything right…but that’s fine; Kika will see how things will turn out with Mauricio. After Charitín hangs up on her, Kika thinks Charitín is so bitter!
At Mau’s house, Renée continues rambling, “And me…crazy! Crazy! I can’t imagine myself with someone who is immature, irresponsible…and a snob!” When Mau is shocked to be called those three things, he shouts, “You’re right! It would be impossible for anything to happen between us. If I need the services of a handywoman, I’ll just look on the web and hire one!” Renée counters, “It doesn’t surprise me because you couldn’t even change a light bulb by yourself! That’s why it’s not that strange that you are afraid of an independent woman! I don’t need you for anything!” Mau finally gives up and tells Renée, “Enough! This ends here. I have to go to Logatoys to do MANY things that are VERY important! I am a businessman who is very successful and who is VERY busy!” Renée, retorts, “Busy? Busy in rebuilding your company because you made it go to pot!” When Mau reminds Renée that he continues to be the owner of a factory and that he has a marvelous girlfriend with whom he has a super relationship…and she is unconditional (Check with Fab....?) and continues to be the same as before, Renée tells him to shut up and give up his fantasy. She tells him that it’s best that he leave and go keep an eye on his tropical girlfriend to see if he can find something out before she does something against him! And if Kika does something against him, it won’t be her problem; it’ll be his problem! They continue yelling at each other until Mau shouts, “My dear…Renée, better known as ‘Cachifa,’ Good-Bye!!”
At Nerón’s house, Nerón is taking care of Milady when Flor comes in to tell him that she will be making something for him so he can eat later tonight while he works as a night guard. After Nerón whispers that Milady won’t miss him because she will be fast asleep, Flor wonders how long Nerón will be able to withstand being a night guard. She has been thinking that Nerón should talk to his sons so they can help him pay the fine, but Nerón refuses because it is his repair shop and he will pay with HIS money; so Flor stops arguing and tells Nerón he should take a nap so he won’t get sleepy on the job. Nerón doesn’t want to take a nap because he wants to spend time with Milady; he doesn’t want to repeat what he didn’t do for his sons.
At Veronica’s house, Veronica complains about all the mess and now knows why they have mice in the house. When she tells Toño that she had been smelling something for a while, (But thought it was Toño?) Toño responds that he didn’t know mice would like hiding under the sink. (Nooo…you usually discover them in your recliner catching Days of our Lives at 3:00) Veronica then chides him for not taking the housework seriously; he doesn’t care! When Toño retorts that he needs practice, Veronica responds that he should stop pretending that he is on vacation. He needs to be firm with the children and the house. If the kids are taking advantage of him, it’s because he just goes with the flow. When Toño tells Veronica that the kids sometimes do what he tells them, Veronica responds that they may do it “sometimes” but she is fed up with working double time. She breaks her back during the day at work just to have to come home and wash dishes, clean the kitchen and cook! (Vero, he may not bring anything on trade-in, but it is time, Girl.)

After Veronica reminds Toño that they agreed that he would take care of the home, Toño tells her she doesn’t have to rub it in his face; he already knows and sees it. After he adds that from this day forward he will be the househusband and that Veronica will be the official provider for the family, Veronica nods; and Toño continues that it’s not easy providing for a home; these are difficult times…no matter how badly her day has been, she needs to arrive home with a big smile because, for her information, her husband and her children are not to blame if she had the worst day in her life. After he asks her if she understands, Veronica remains pensive. (As she is trying to remember if she still has that Mace in her purse.)
At Logatoys, Mau meets with Falcón who tells him that as soon as that last edits are made to the designs, they will start producing the toys. When he asks how soon that will be, Mau responds that it will be very soon. Fabián interjects that everything should be ready in a couple of days and that, by Christmastime, all the stores will be filled with their toys. Falcón hopes that everything will go as well as they expect because his loan has certain conditions; and, as Mau might understand, he wants his money as soon as possible. Mau assures him that he will have his money back ASAP. After Falcón and his troop leave, Jorge tells Mau that they still need to work on the patent; so Mau asks Fabián about the patents, but Fabián tells him that he should have told Jorge to take care of it. When Jorge tells Mau that he hasn’t asked him to work on the patents, Mau is surprised that his designs are not patented yet.

Outside the neighborhood, Veronica complains to Renée that she will have to work through her lunch hour to make up the time she spent at the festival. When Renée tells Veronica that she needs to go pick up Anifer, Veronica suggests that Renée take turns with Toño in picking up the kids…if Renée is brave enough to deal with her three little angels. After Renée agrees, she shares that she kissed Mauricio. Veronica smiles and tells Renée that she knew it! It was just a matter of time. When Veronica wonders why Renée has such a long face, Renée tells her that she made a mistake; the kiss should have never happened. Veronica wonders why, but quickly figures out that it’s because of Kika. Renée confides that it is because of Kika, but there are many other things. When Renée asks why people fall in love with those that they shouldn’t fall in love with, Veronica (looks around for a mirror?) responds that she is no one to tell Renée that she did right or wrong. After she asks if Renée still thinks Kika wants to do something against Mau, Renée responds that she is almost sure Kika is up to something. Veronica then juxtaposes that if Mau finds out that this woman has ill intentions, he’ll leave Kika and might look to Renée, but Renée thinks that that will never happen. Veronica wonders if Renée is sure…and Renée just doesn’t know.
Mau storms into his office followed by Fabián and Jorge. Fabián can’t believe Mau went to showcase the toys at the Miami festival without having them patented. Mau then reminds Fabián that he was supposed to promote to toys without Falcón knowing about it. He continues ranting that, other than Kika, no one took off with his toys; and in regards to the patents, no one told him anything. When Fabián retorts that no one should have to tell him…unless he needs a nanny like his daughter, Mau is shocked and starts whining that Fabián should tone it down. (Besides assuring there are fresh diapers for Mau and that his bottle is the right temperature, what does Fabian actually do?)

Mau asks why Fabián has been so hard on him lately, so Fabián and Jorge look at each other in disbelief before Fabián apologizes…Fabián still can’t believe it; they are all idiots. Jorge clears his throat and tells them to calm down; he can take care of all the paperwork for the patents.

After Mau orders them not to say a word to Falcón, Jorge asks if all the designs are there at Logatoys; so Mau responds that some are at his house, but if Jorge needs them he can go for them. After Jorge leaves, Fabián again apologizes for losing it, but Mau acknowledges that Fabián was right…he messed up. Fabián comments that Mau has been distracted and wonders if it is because of his romance. Mau confides that the other day they had a fantastic time, but he still has some existential doubts…to be or not to be? Fabián doesn’t quite understand, so Mau explains that Kika is incredible, but Renée is suspicious of her just as he (Fabián) is. When Fabián asks if Renée also told him something, Mau starts rambling that Renée did mention something, but he has a hard time believing her because she is so confusing. After he adds that she started yelling and got furious…they kissed…they continued yelling…Fabián interrupts and asks, “What? You kissed?” Mau responds, “Ugh, no-o-o. It was just a little kiss.” (If that’s what he calls a little kiss? What would be a long, hot kiss?).
In the records room, Jorge calls Valentina and asks if the four of them are home. When he asks about the twins, Valentina tells them they are there, but are acting strange; they were whispering all the way home. When she adds that she will not be cooking for the twins and that they can prepare something for themselves, Jorge tells her to tell Lilí that Lilí will have to cook too. Jorge thinks that the twins are acting strange because they just arrived to the city; so Valentina shouldn’t exaggerate and get him nervous. After they hang up, Jorge watches them on his phone and sees that they are fine. Meanwhile, Baldo tells Lilí that they need to hide Sami’s and Valentina’s phones so that they won’t call Jorge; so she agrees as they both giggle. (The Olympics may be over, but the Siblympics are just starting!)
In her suite, Kika makes a tutorial about reflecting for her followers. It’s from Kika, the philosopher, because she is not just a pretty face and a sculpted figure. (So that we understand each other, Kika, you just wished those plastic mountains into your bra?)  Today’s topic is “Should we pay attention to reason or our hearts?” She asks the audience for their opinion…”duty or love?” After she finishes, Fabián comes a-knockin’ which takes Kika by surprise. When Kika tells him he should have notified her that he was coming…since she is not at everyone’s disposal at whatever time they want, Fabián tells her that he was not going to risk her saying “no” and demands to know what she is up to with Mau. Kika silently growls and smiles.
At Veronica’s office, Veronica gets a call from Toño who wonders if she is busy. When Veronica tells him that she has a meeting in ten minutes and asks what he needs, Toño, who is washing dishes, reminds her that today is the deadline for paying the electric bill, the schooling, the second semester of swimming and the ballet classes. Veronica asks if they all have to be paid on the same day, so Toño affirms and adds that they have to be paid in cash and before 7:00 p.m. (Do they not have autopay in Mexico?). He is getting ready to hang up, but then tells her that she needs to go to the bank before it closes…in an hour! After he hangs up, Toño laughs…

At Mau’s house, Mau has returned and is looking through a box for the designs as Renée watches. When she offers to help, Mau refuses and tells her he is sure he left everything there…somewhere. Anifer wonders why he just doesn’t tell her what he is looking for so she can help him…he shouldn’t be stubborn! Mau finally tells her he is looking for the designs where they made edits to the “Father and Mother” toys. When Anifer describes the tablet he used and Mau confirms that is what he is looking for, Anifer asks why he wants it; so Mau explains that he needs to review it so that he can look into the registration, rights, and other things that are boring for a child such as her. When he tells her to help him look for it, she tells him that she thinks it is in her room so she runs off to look for it. In the meantime, Mau and Renée make an exerted effort not to look at each other until Renée breaks the silence and asks if he is going to give Anifer credit for the designs when he registers them and gets the patent. When Mau points out that they are his designs, Renée recalls perfectly well that Anifer was the one who gave him the idea for the “Father and Mother;” and Anifer was the one who first sketched them. If he didn’t get that ingrained in his head, then that’s another thing, but he needs to have her work recognized. Mau struggles to admit that Anifer did have some ideas…within her age limitations. When he asks if that will satisfy Renée, Renée responds “no” and adds that it is not about her; it’s about Anifer having the original idea and getting the legal recognition she deserves. Renée points out that this is his daughter’s talent, work, and effort. When she wonders what will happen if the company succeeds because of those toys and if Anifer will be given credit, Mau frowns. (Another BIG slurpy kiss, in front of Anifer this time, might bring him around Renée; try it.)
At Jorge’s house, Samuel and Valentina go to Baldo and Lilí and ask what they are up to because they are acting very strange. Baldo responds that it is nothing; they just organized a small party to get to know their new schoolmates. After Valentina asks if their father knows and Baldo laughs it off, the guests arrive with refreshments…

At Mau’s house, Mau shows Renée his original drawing and compares it to the final one with Anifer’s edits. When he states that there is not much difference, Renée sarcastically remarks that they look identical!

Mau concedes that Anifer’s sketch is not as muscular as his. When he starts listing more differences, Renée tells him he doesn’t even know what he is saying. As she points to Anifer’s sketch, she points out that it didn’t exist when he came up with his version of the father; Anifer changed how it looks, its name and the templates. When Renée adds that Anifer’s design should have been patented, Mau concedes that she has won…the “Father and Mother” have nothing to do with his original design! Anifer’s is much better; and he doesn’t know why it didn’t occur to him before. Renée nods and smiles as she tells Mau that the important thing is that he has acknowledged it. When Mau comments that it doesn’t mean he is going to give Anifer partial credit, Renée raises her eyebrows as he continues that either way Anifer will benefit because the money will pay for her schooling, her clothes and her food…since she does eat a lot! The legal aspect doesn’t matter, Mau is practical and easy. Renée remarks that Mau won’t always be at Anifer’s side; so it is his obligation to make sure she is protected as of now. Mau retorts that Renée is killing him and wonders what she is trying to do. (Kiss extraction, per chance?) Renée explains that she is trying to make him think ahead; he needs to think of Anifer…she will not always be a child. Anifer will grow up and need his support to do whatever it is that she wants to do. His duty as a father is to think of her future. When Mau points out that Anifer’s future will take many years…a lifetime, Renée adds that he may not realize it, but being a father is a lifetime job.
At Jorge’s house, the party is in full force. Valentina complains to Samuel that she doesn’t know what Baldo and Lilí are thinking. Their father will be furious when he finds out. When she asks Samuel for his phone because she can’t find hers, Samuel tells her he can’t find his either. Valentina figures out that Lilí and Baldo hid their phones and reproaches them for the blowout they are causing. Baldo tells her to calm down and asks if they have never had a party there. When Lilí tells them not to have such long faces and that they should join the party and have some fun, she adds that the party is also for them; it’s like a welcoming to the new school since they are all new to the school. Valentina thinks that her father will go berserk when he finds out; and when Sammy agrees that his father will be furious, Baldo shouts, “That’s the point of this!”
Veronica is busy at her desk when, Tina, the secretary comes in with some documents that were pending. When Veronica sees the amount of documents she still has to review, she complains and tells the secretary that she’ll never get home to see her kids; so she’ll review them the next day, but the secretary reminds her that she has a meeting with the directors first thing in the morning. Veronica groans and realizes that the report of the document review will be needed for the meeting…she won’t get to see her kids tonight. (And obviously the electricity will be turned off; and her kids will be kicked out of school, swimming, and ballet?)
At Nerón’s house, Pablo is eating as Nerón tells Flor to close Milady’s door softly so she won’t wake up. As they tiptoe away, Pablo comes and asks why he is leaving so early, so Nerón explains that since it is his first day, he was asked to arrive early. When Pablo reminds Nerón that they still need to go talk to Jorge about giving him some work there in the cul-de-sac, Nerón tells him that he shouldn’t be so shy…and he should go by himself to ask. When Nerón adds that he just needs to keep an eye out for Jorge’s arrival, Pablo nods and agrees. As Nerón kisses Flor good-bye, he hears Milady cry out so he rushes to her. Pablo notices how quickly Milady calmed down when she saw her father; and Flor reminds Nerón that he will be late if he doesn’t hurry…she will take care of Milady.
At Jorge’s house, the party goes on as Valentina and Sammy watch the others dance. As Baldo tells one of the boys that they are waiting for some speakers to make the music louder, the doorbell rings; so Lilí goes to open the door and sees Pablo. When Pablo tells her that he is there to see the man of the house, Lilí tells him that Jorge will be arriving very late and asks if Pablo wants to leave a message. Pablo explains that he just wanted to tell Jorge that he is looking for small jobs there in the cul-de-sac. Lilí keeps smiling and tells Pablo that he talks funny. When she asks him where he is from, Pablo replies that he is from close by and adds that she talks funny too…he had never heard anyone talk like she does; so Lilí shares that she is from Tijuana. She invites him in to the party, but Pablo refuses…though he is VERY happy to have met her. When Lilí goes inside, Pablo could kick himself for being so stupid…he should have accepted the invitation. (Two words Pabs, JAIL..... BAIT or LONG....WAIT, your choice)
At Kika’s suite, Kika tells Fabián that this thing about revenge against Mau is just something the nanny made up just to come between her and Mau. Fabián tells her he doesn’t believe her; there is something she is hiding and that is what is motivating him to keep her from going out with Mau. After Kika asks him if he is also going to tell Mau that he slept with her, she adds that she can just imagine how Mau will react when he finds out that his best friend…his brother betrayed him. Fabián smirks and tells Kika that she is not in the United States. In the Latin countries, the woman is always the one to lose. When he adds that Mau will think that she is easy…a fox, Kika retorts that she doesn’t think Mau has such chauvinistic thinking as Fabián does. She is a liberated woman, not a libertine…but she doesn’t care what Fabián thinks of her. Fabián wonders if she cares about what Renée might tell Mauricio and warns her not to underestimate Renée because she could take Mau away from Kika. Kika smugly asks how Renée would do that… and if she would use voodoo; so Fabián shares that Mau just told him that Mau and Renée kissed. Kika is not a happy camper… (As the first salvo of Renée bombs begin to fall around her…)

By Rgv Chick and Ghost


I'm lookin fer the fella who killed my Pa. They say he calls himself......Tono.

Great balls of fire!! What an episode! I can't believe they fit all of that into the regular time slot.

That kiss was electrically much so that they were "shocked" :-) Too bad they landed in the pit of denial...and the jealousy was quite evident.

The title was suggested by Ghost and as some of you may recognize, it is part of a song by Toby Keith. It would have been perfect for the kissing scene. If you haven't heard it, you can find it here:

And for those of you who like to learn new Spanish words, here are some that I learned tonight...or that you may not have heard:

cursi = corny
sangrona = annoying
soberbia = arrogant
müérgano = lout
fresa = snob

More tomorrow...Have a nice evening!


OMGoodness, Kirby! That is hilarious!!

Thank You thank you Ms RGV Chik. What an episode. You can tell the way they hate each other they will be together. Great recap I am impressed.

So Kika is involved with Fab and Mau, and Mau is involved with Kika and Renee. So Fab and Renee are getting the short end of the deal, quantity wise.

More tomorrow.


Rgv Chick, thank you very much for this great recap and the screenshots. And for the vocabulary lesson! It's really helpful. I actually did hear "fresa" but didn't get a lot of what surrounded it, and I wondered just what a strawberry had to do with anything.

Toño has sunk a bit lower. He's not really helping Vero, just sabotaging her. I think Vero needs to borrow Dulce's whip (Jorge probably knows where it is) and work Toño over before their marriage goes down the drain.

Fun to see Mau and the lovely Renee doing some serious lip locking.

RgvChick , thank you for your comprehensive recap. I especially enjoyed your snarky asides as well as the title. Very funny.

Well even though, Mauricio and Renée’s romance is now officially launched, for me the evening belonged to Bepo the rat complete with “rat vision” and everything until Toño wielding his broom took him out. Toño will never live that down.

Wow wow wow Rgv Chick, from the title (love it and love Toby Keith) to the last word, just a bombshell of a recap. And I'm delighted that you put in vocabulary again.

"As the others walk ahead, Lilí smiles in wonderment and shakes her head. (She is now sure Baldo will eventually work for Spacex, as his specialty is sending people into orbit. Just slap 'JORGE' on it's fuselage and stand back!)"

Loved the above as well as speculations about Toño's trade-in value (zilch), his mortality record (2 for 2), the usual Ren-Maumbo Jumbo, and many many more but my sinus headache this morning is making me forget.

Sure hope this recorded last night. Dying to see that kiss again. But if not, thanks for the sizzling hot screen cap.

Really fabulous. The show completely paled in comparison to your bright, intriguing, smart recap.

The dialog was pure icing on the cake.

Like Judy, loved "She is now sure Baldo will eventually work for Spacex, as his specialty is sending people into orbit. Just slap 'JORGE' on it's fuselage and stand back!)".

"Her gold Lamé headband has already tarnished to a paisley blue)" and "TN clue: Neither one wipes their mouth, it must be true love" made me smile.

"Charitín responds that Kika continues to be the same fat girl who never did anything right"… So much for sibling love and affection.

"for me the evening belonged to Bepo the rat complete with “rat vision”. Hear, hear Jarifa :)

Murder #2 for Tono. Oxygen waster (can't take credit for that but it fits perfectly here. "After he asks her if she understands, Veronica remains pensive. (As she is trying to remember if she still has that Mace in her purse)> I say bring out the pesticides. Not to use on any insects, but on Tono.

Kirby, what can I say? Excellent...

Baldo and Lili are certainly making themselves at home. Jorge may end up appreciating Val and Samuel a bit more. Not perfect, but Baldo and Lili are going to be trying...

Renee and Mau move closer, then disconnect. I suspect, not for long.

Is it just me or does Anifer's hair look messy? Are they supposed to be lopsided ponytails?? She should just do it herself.. I'd say stick to your day job Mau but you can't do that right either :)

Thank you RgvChick, especially for the vocab and amazing screen shots!



JudyB, this one is worth the watching. May you headache be a short one!

Diana, you are so right about Anifer’s hair. Great question: What can Mauricio do right? Breathe? Look good? Kiss?

Andy, yes, Toño just keeps sinking lower. What a petty little man! How much more will Verónica take or will she just end up keeping the status quo and suffering?

Kirby, yes, Bepo’s family should come track his executioner down.


RGV Thank You again, especially your vocabulary lesson. Toby Keith was perfect for their kiss. So the dam has broken now, what will Mau do next? Unfortunately, he just is not smart enough to make any kind of sensible decision, and Renee is not exactly helping.

Ani's hair looked like he used the leaf blower to dry it. I guess the offset ponytails were on purpose.

I have to admit, I like Baldo and Lil. They have some gumption, and are full of life. A handful, sure, but not malevolent, just trying to make some sense of their scrambled up life. They should be a good big brother and sister to mousey little Val and Sam. Jorge, you grew it you chew it.

Poor Pepo, poor children of Tano. Yeah, I know, and I probably have a mouse trap around here somewhere myself, but Pepo was already tame enough to be handled. Maybe it is because a squirrel is just a furry-tailed rat. It is hard to find a pet store which does not offer rats and mice. Oops, Wait, What? Oh, snake food? Never mind.

RGV, plastic? I was hopeoing home grown.

So what happened to the bills which had to be paid in cash (is their credit nonexistent) by closing time? I looked and later when the sexatary came in to give Vero that next pile of work, which she would have to stay late to do before her meeting first thing AM, that Vero had on the same outfit, so it was the same day. Was Tono just making up another lie to torment Vero about the bills for electric, school, etc? Thus his sly smile?

What a fun show, what a fun recap, and what a fun patio. Chikie, you rock.

Yes, Pepo. I don’t know why I keep calling him Bepo. . .

Yes little Mr. Pepo is probably a first cousin to my favorite rodent Mr. Squirrel, so I did not appreciate Tono's brooming.

Jarifa, well, we all knew who you were talking about. :-)

JudyB, this weather has the plants confused too. I saw a buddy yesterday and he looked like he had been in a fight or car wreck, his face was all messed up with a sinus infection from allergies. My little pearl car is yellow after being outside yesterday.

Kirby: I'm still betting Anifer's Mommy is not dead.

Good Morning, Patio Pals! Thank you, everyone, for your kind reviews and most welcome comments.

It seems like everyone is at the same table regarding Tono...slice, dice and throw him out! He must have slammed the wood part of that broom on poor Pepo because I have chased and hit a mouse or two with a broom and they just scamper off. Kirby, I absolutely loved your avatar! I hopeo the family comes and makes a nest on Tono's head...they would probably make some improvements to that stringy hair...and they won't have to worry about getting brain poison because Tono just doesn't have one. Jarifa, "Toño will never live that down." AGREED!! And if they knew he killed Carola...he would definitely be chopped liver.

Andy, you said it perfectly, "He's not really helping Vero, just sabotaging her." I think he was exaggerating about the bills...just to show Veronica that being the provider of a home is not easy.

JudyB, hope your headache subsides. And I hope you get to see that was like 2 meteors colliding...oh that reminds me...there is a song titled. "Collide" by Howie Day...another good one for Mau and Renee.

Diana, "Baldo and Lili are certainly making themselves at home. Jorge may end up appreciating Val and Samuel a bit more. Not perfect, but Baldo and Lili are going to be trying..." You hit that one on the head. Jorge isn't going to know what hit him...I feel for his poor glasses.

Diana, "Is it just me or does Anifer's hair look messy? Are they supposed to be lopsided ponytails??" It looked AWFUL! What I don;t get is how Renee could let her go to school like that...and she was like that all day! can you imagine if a kid went like that to school in RL? The kids would laugh her out and I'm sure the teachers would do something about that hair.

Kirby, "RGV, plastic? I was hopeoing home grown." Considering the body she had as a teenager, there's gotta be plastic...and botox...and...!

Steve, some of us suspect that Maria may be alive. And I was thinking, if Maria isn't dead, maybe others that we have been led to believe are dead, aren't! Fabian's parents? Mau's parents?

Have a great day, Patio Peeps!


Thank you so much , CHickie! Love the title. I used to listen to Toby and liked him back in the day. I missed this episode , but I remember that kiss from the previews. There have been recappers in the past who did vocabulary reviews at the end of each recap.

Judy...healing thoughts..allergy headaches are awful.

Diana....I heard "oxygen wasters" from my friend Herbie who was a fire fighter. Parties were always interesting and educational because one of my friends was married to the fireman and another was married to a cop.
Have you heard the term "blanket party?"

I think that both Lily and Baldo will be good for Sam and VAl.

As someone who is responsible for getting a 7year old with hair down to her waist ready for school every school day, I can confirm that brushing and styling hair that long is a challenge...even her mother doesn't do it.

As for the Mousie, it brought back memories of my college roommate trying to hit one with her crutch.


Kirby?..paper?...plastic?...or natural? Definitely plastic and paid for.

"Your KIss Is On My List" by Hall and OAtes of my favs

Some of us know ALLL about blanket parties,,,,Ouch
Tis better to give than to receive.


Vocubulary reviews? Hmmm, careful what you wish for; you might just get a pop quiz! ;-)

I'd go for a Mom quiz?

Susy All time best kiss song Faith Hill 'This Kiss'
And she is from my home state Mississislurpy.

Olympics are over and life is getting back to normal. And I still did not get to watch everything I recorded. Ack.

RgvChick - Thank you for your recap. And snark. (lol)

Kirby - kudos. LOL

Susanlynn - Yes. Hall & Oates. Have their greatest hits on my iPod playlist.
Kirby - Yes. "This Kiss." Another good one!


Rgv Chickie, "Jorge isn't going to know what hit him...I feel for his poor glasses." :-)

:-) Yep, they should get quite a workout. :-)

Great patio music playlist!

I like Faith Hill and that is a really good song!

Here are somethings I was wondering about or are bothering me...

What could Mau's father done to get Kika's father jailed in a China prison?

Pablo and Lili...will Jorge hit the roof?

Why does Jorge even bother to ask Val if they are all home...he has the camera and checks it even after Val had already given him a report. That just goes to show how untrustworthy Jorge is of Val and Samuel.

Charitin mentioned that Kika's hormones function better than her neurons...and there was reference to previous that pretty much contradicts Kika's comment that she is not a libertine!

I actually enjoyed watching Neron with Milady. He is really becoming attached to that little darling...but could it be too much? Will he end up being a stay-at-home dad and Flor, the breadwinner?

RGV didn't Charytin mention something about that their Father is alright now, even after having been in that prison in Communeesta Cheenah?

If Kika is boinking Mau on even days and Fabia on odd days what does that make her. NOT a libertine, I'm friggin sure, but...................

According to Google "If it quacks like a duck, Hops like a duck, and has duck lips, it is most likely a libertine duck".

And I just flat assed don't like Jorge. A secret second family is bad enough, but he doesn't trust his (primary) children when they are pretty good kids as compared to what he should be reaping. Even when Val sneaked out and was offered alcohol, she turned it down. And if we executed every boy with Sammy's transgressions, humanity would be gone unless women have perfected assexual reproduction like some plants.

Jorge just reinforces my theory that the most untrusting people are the most untrustworthy themselves.
Fabia = Fabian


Thanks RGV!

Only have a couple of minutes but Jorge's chauvinism is really wearing on me. Because Val and Lili are girls they must do the cooking and cleaning for the whole family? No wonder Dulce ran far away.

Mau and Renee's kiss was great.

Tono is only hurting himself by sabotaging Vero. And why can't he go to the bank and pay the bills? Do they not have joint checking?

Jarifa, Pepo. Bepo = Bebo!!! Hard to mind our "P's" and "B's". :)

Carvivlie, "Can't he go to the bank and pay the bills?". If I were a betting woman I bet he doesn't even know where the checkbook is :)


Kirby, yes, Kika's father is fine now. he supposedly spent five years in the Cheenah prison...but my inquiring mind wants to know why? Smuggling? Drugs? Theft? Espionage?????

Finally got to see this. Definitely a yowza kiss. Worth two or three great songs. And then some.

And love the new eagle pic, Kirby. Thank God you explained how to see the enlargement or I would have never appreciated your camera work.

Rgv Chick, yeah, bring on the pop quizzes Teach. We're ready for a challenge. There's always detention hall with Doritos if we flunk.

Tono used to pay the bills himself before, so now he's letting the breadwinner get a taste of what that feels like when she would do it to him.

Thanks Judy yeah that Avatar viewing is a well-kept secret it appears

Either that or I figured a way to skirt Google system

That sounds like you kid.

OK, I'm back. I was typing that other stuff in the car at a traffic light on the way back from my favorite raptors nest. Junior says 'Hello Patio'.

'Zip it Junior. Give me your best side, I have places to go."

BTW Anon 2:08 I didn't get the impression that Vero had mistreated Toro about the bill paying earlier, as pretending to work appeared to be his only ongoing day in day out responsibility.

But I wasn't really paying much attention to that family back then either.

Kirby, “ pretending to work”. Perfectly put. Love the jr. photo!

It’s not about Vero mistreating him, but they both agreed that each one has to fully accommodate to their new role (that he resents, but she now enjoys, that is if she didn't have to come home and assume the housewife role too). So he’s now reminding her that she has to pay those bills, which she obviously never did or thought much about before because she was shocked about the amounts. For all we know there may be other things Tono used to do that went under the radar and went unappreciated too. He wants her to know it’s not all about just going to work and bringing home the check.

I am finally able to get back on the patio..sometimes real life interferes with my Cyberlife. Great comments.

I thought of another appropriate so Prince's "Your Kiss."

I'm probably being too harsh on Tono, but when we drop in on Vero, she is up to her behind in alligators.
When we drop in on Tono we wake him up.


Susy where have you BEEN?

1. Auto accident
2. Hubba in Hospital
3. House Fire
4. Earthquake
5. Locusts
Welcome back

Thanks RGV Chick! I am always amazed at how well you cover all the details of the episode. It makes me feel like I’m really watching it all over again. 

When Mauricio and Renée kissed, I thought of that Hall and Oats song, “Kiss on my List”
He is in love with her, no doubt about it. But she definitely has the inside track and she loves Anifer, something that Kika doesn’t feel. Didn’t Kika say something about shipping Anifer off to boarding school in an earlier episode? I know that Renée must love Mauricio too. It’s all over her face, she just doesn’t to admit it to herself.

Did anyone notice Veronica’s hair? It doesn’t look the same lately like it did in “Vino”. Her hair, although the same style looks like she is wearing a wig. I wonder why? I wonder if the actress actually changed her hair or something and they are putting a wig on her so we don’t get shocked with a brand new hair style. Don’t get me wrong, she looks really nice but I think her hair is a wig. I noticed that a few days ago and wondered if anyone noticed it too.


Cynthia, something looks different, maybe it is a wig. A good wig.

How can they ever tell Anifer her Mom is dead. If there was no love between her and her Mother to begin with, and she already saw Renee as a Mom, it would be different, but she speaks of her Mom or what she told her, continuously.

Q: Is it better for Anifer, to let as much time as possible pass so that her bond with her Mom is not so fresh and strong, and maybe, maybe Renee has become more Mother-like to her?

Or tell her the truth now and let the healing start.

It is encouraging when Little Bit says things like wanting her WHOLE FAMILY to take her to school (with hair which would break a mirror).

I almost want to wait, in the hopeo that Maria is not really dead, and Anifer can be spared that anguish altogether.
But that is only a guess, and a long shot at that.

Kirby...oh no...thank God..none of those things. I am knocking on Wood right now. Just taking care of business. might be right about Vero wearing a wig. People are complaining about Jamie's hair in Outlander . In season one and two , it was the actor's own long hair. Then, he got a movie role and cut his hair. So season three...wigs...and not very good ones. #doritosfordinnertonigbt

Cynthia this is what Google thinks is the most recent picture of Veronica. Might explain that hair question.

And here is the real Veronica in a promo for Papa. Blow it up and look closely.

Kirby...whoa!!! I think that your research has answered our questions . I guess TPTB did not want a blonde Vero. Whatever did we do without google??? How it has changed life!! All kinds of information at the touch of our fingers.

Thanks, Rgv Chick.

So that kiss was real. I missed a lot of the show last night but caught the kiss and thought somebody must've been fantazising. Houston, we have liftoff.

I was wrong about Yuriria's kids. I figured they were better raised and would actually turn out to be a good influence on their younger hermanos. Wrong! Jorge better include Baldo in the party cleanup, or I'm done with him.

Yes Susanlynn, all life, it seems, revolves around having a fast internet connection. Is anyone else signing the petition to ask Congress to reverse it's recent decision on net neutrality?

Neicie, agree. Jorge needs to try and get control of the situation or things can spiral totally out of control soon. Baldo is almost a grown young man and is much more of a handful than Val and Sammy.

Kirby! That's really wild! Veronica looks so different as a blond, but I really like it. I wonder if they will have her keep wearing a wig or if she will say she is going to the beauty salon one day and come home wearing this new hairstyle for the whole family to admire? I wonder if Tono will like it. He probably won't and they will have a fight over it. Well, that's what I think, because he is turning out to be a jerk.

Sorry Vero, not enough feathers for Kirbo, and you can't even fly. Pffftt

In looking at her online, she can look more different ways than I believe any current TN actress. Veronica can look nerdishly wholesome like in Vino to downright "Fasten Your Seatbelt' sexy and everywhere in between. It is no wonder so many of us here adore her. And she is just an entertaining girl to watch.


JudyB you do know how to use the left and right arrows to cycle through the avatars, right? If one is gone you can go back and find it.

Just dropping in to the patio one more time before the TN starts. The comments are a joy to read after a long day, so THANK YOU to everyone.

Anon 3:27, I can understand that Vero and Tono agreed to assume their new roles. What bothered me was that Tono seemed to enjoy putting Veronica in a panic. She has taken the bull by the horns. She has a much more difficult job than Tono had and he would still expect her to come home and help with cooking and cleaning. She finally put her foot down and now he is trying to show her up...and to me, that makes him a bigger idiot than before.

Cynthia, I noticed Vero's hair since the beginning of the TN and always thought it was a wig.

Niecie, I thought the same about Yuriria's kids. I figured she had raised them to be more responsible and respectful..guess we were both wrong.

Kirby, thanks for that pic of Vero...amazing how the woman manages to morph into the various roles. And thank you for tha amazing pic of the I wish I could fly freely...

Have a nive evening, Patio Peeps....enjoy the episode tonight!


Nive??? that should be NICE!

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