Thursday, November 28, 2019

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Final del Paraíso, El Señor de los Cielos 7, y más: Week of November 25, 2019


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

•   8-9PM—El Sultán (starts Monday, Dec. 2)**
•   9-10PM—El Final del Paraíso
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos 7

**A new novela, El Sultán, is scheduled to begin this coming Monday, Dec.2, in the 8 PM time slot. A Turkish novela dubbed into Spanish, El Sultán was inspired by the life of Suleimán the Magnificent, who consolidated the Ottoman Empire. Telemundo offers the following summary: A story full of love, betrayal and intrigues that tells the rise to power of "Suleiman the Magnificent", one of the most important figures in the history of the Ottoman Empire, who assumed power when he was only 26 years old.  "During his conquest of the World, 'Suleiman' will find himself in the midst of a power struggle between the two most influential people in his life, who will unleash a bloody game full of intrigue, conspiracy and death where the final victory will have a high price."  Telemundo also has a short trailer.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Sin-Seños4 # 76 part 1

El Final del Paraíso

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Lots of flashbacks in this episode.

No, Santi, don’t do it! Put the gun down! He’s not taking any morality and parenting classes from Aurelio “El Titi” Jaramillo. Finally, Santi says Titi isn’t worth the bullet. Cata calms her guys down. Titi leaves with Shadow for his training session. Cata says Santi scared her. She thought he was going to get his hands dirty.

Flashback to when Mari had her baby. (they were so happy then.) Santi wants to blame Titi for ruining his daughter, he calls him a monster. He does admit that Mari was never an angel. Flashback to when Mari cut her wrists in the bath. What was Mari’s problem? She told her dad, you’re never around; you don’t accept me as I am. Flashback to Mari admitting to Cata she was at Titi’s place after little Sebas ratted her out.

Santi says that Titi was a grown man who knew he was messing with Cata’s daughter. (That’s not completely true IIRC. Titi found out much later and I believe him when he says he never would have touched Mari.) Santi can never forgive him even if Cata can.

Cata says this is so painful, we worked hard to make Mari an amazing woman. But Mari chose the wrong path. Cata’s not absolving Titi but says, we can’t allow our love to blind us. Before Titi came into Mari’s life, she was a problem. Flashback to Mari making an apple pipe. Cata continues, Mari smoked weed. She slit her wrists to manipulate us. She drugged Hernan Dario to sleep with him. All before Titi.
Cata says she’s done everything to get Mari back and Mari’s tried to kill her twice. Mari continues to make the wrong choices.

Albeiro is already training when Titi and Shadow arrive. They talk the same old trash—Titi’s a murdering narco and Albeiro is a freeloader. They need to be separated by Leandro and Shadow.

Luis has made the morning coffee for Hilda and Leticia. Hilda tells Leti her heart has turned to ice. Leti says never say never. The heart keeps record of the good and the bad. Love is imperfect. The doorbell rings, Hilda goes to answer thinking the guards need something and Leti goes to get some juice. Surprise! It’s Sal, Mateo and Maribel. Maribel pushes her way in. She starts to explain what happened between her and Sal. Sal says give me two minutes to explain this was all Jo’s doing. How dare you, says Hilda. Mateo speaks up to confirm Maribel’s story.

Cut to Jo being released from prison. She has not been humbled at all by her prison stay. She’s as nasty as ever. She’ll be seeing Sal again soon.

Hilda wants to hear nothing from Maribel or Sal. She doesn’t trust anyone to tell the truth anymore. She asks them to leave. Sal says he loves her. Mateo says Hilda needs time and they leave. Leti sadly looks on.

Hand Jr’s plane is still on the ground. Alex says, no worries the police won’t find us. The next plans are interrupted by breaking news: the authorities have offered a 500 peso reward for info leading to the capture of those responsible for the retirement home attack. Alex says we’re fine as long as no one here is a rat. Mari’s thinking and making faces, Sebas takes notice.



Sin-Seños4 # 76 part 2

El Final del Paraíso

Santi says if there is a way to get the kids back, it must include the love we shared as a family that kept us together for so long. Cata agrees. Santi has a question, if we get the kids back, can we go back to living as a family? Cata says, yes, we will always be a family. We will always be Mari’s and Sebas’ parents. But a man and a woman don’t have to be together for the sake of the children. She continues, if we were to get back together, it’s because it was meant to be. Santi smiles at that last sentence. He loves Cata and will do anything for her.

Cata doesn’t know how to face Yesica. She’s the powerful First Lady and Cata is the DEA traitor, a wanted woman. Santi says there must be someone, a relative a victim, who knows Yesica exists and would be willing to testify. Aha! Yesica’s sister! We get a flashback to the beauty pageant where Amparo showed up to confront Yesica for stealing her identity and got a bullet to the gut. Cata remembers Amparo had children. She wants to find them; they might want to testify that Yesica killed their mother. Cata will call Vanessa to investigate.

And speak of the devil, Vane shows up with Jota. They have great news. Someone is back and has the evidence needed to finish Diabla. Jota says look for yourself—he took a picture of her on his phone. We don’t see what Cata and Santi are looking at but they are shocked.

Rogelio is writing he is giving up the fight. He’s stepping aside not to be hit with hate filled bullets. He sends this message to Vane, Cata, Shadow, Granados and Santi.

Valeria is putting on her act and talking funeral arrangements with Nelly. Weepy, gullible Nelly is just as devastated as Val. Nelly and Enrique will take care of all the arrangements and keep Val informed. When alone, Val vents to her loyal bodyguard, Leon, she’s had it with Nelly and Enrique but that idiot finally died! She says, I should have been and actress. What would make Val happy is if Leon kills the journalist, her enemies and Karla’s family. Leon is ready to take on the task but they have to be careful about the journalist.

Titi has a question. He heard fighters have died in the ring. Well, Shadow has to admit that Al and Jota killed the last fighters they faced. Titi takes this opportunity to call out to Al, hey freeloader, does my princess know you’re a murderer? Al says he was fighting for his life and he’s here to fight for his son and for Cata. We will see who is left standing. Titi says, your son is yours but Cata is mine. Al says, the murderer never gets the princess.


Sin-Seños4 # 76 part 3

El Final del Paraíso

Al gets a phone call. It’s Valeria. He gives condolences on her loss. She has news about Albeirito. He will be found soon. He should be excited about being with his son again. Al is grateful that Val is still checking in when she has so much going on. Val says she does this because they formed a bond during their captivity. Bobiero thanks her again and says soon you will be president. Well, she will always be Valeria to him.

Al has a flashback to when Calvo brought him to the park to meet his son. Leandro interrupts Al’s flashback and wants to know what’s going on. Al says, I have news about my son. What happens if I don’t fight? Leandro says, I’m happy for you but there is no way Titi can beat you. Let’s do what we have to do and end this. Al gives no answer.

Pilar wants Cuina to make amends with Reina. Cuina says no way. She swears on Malverde she will cut out Reina’s heart and feed it to her until she pukes. Pilar wants to know what happened between them. Cuina says Reina sold her out to the DEA when she was dumb enough to trust her. Pilar says, you shot her? Yes, right in the head and then Cuina bribed the police and journalists to tell the story right. Since then, Reina’s been hiding. Now Reina’s in Columbia looking to kill Cuina but Cuina will kill her first. Cuina’s hoping to get Diabla’s help. (Cuina shot Reina? I thought Cuina ratted out Reina. If anyone has a better understanding of this sibling rivalry, please explain.)

Shadow asks Titi if it’s true he messed with Cata’s daughter and they had a baby. Titi repeats if he had known… There’s a flashback to when Mari and Dayana brought little Catalina to Titi. Titi says to Shadow, your son is a thug but you love him with all your heart regardless. Shadow gets pissed off and walks away.

Alex tells Mari he knows about Catamedia. Alex wants CataM brought to him. This way they can take care of both Catas. Mari relents, she will do as Alex wants and contact the captors. Yadith gives Mari the satellite phone so it can’t be traced. Alex and the others leave to talk. Moncho asks Mari if she’s really going to obey Alex. She tells him to leave her and do what Alex says. Mari dials the phone but who is she calling? And we’re out.



Dondi356: I see Amado held Diana tightly so that the Preggy Doctor can give Diana a special "treatment" to calm her down.

Big question is whether the Casillas family sees the video of Jaime killing Mommy Amuhada ? We know Castillo & Carla are seeing it.

Sin Senos 4

Dondi, thanks for your great recap! I was thinking that Jota's mystery hoodie stalker might be defaced Karla who somehow survived, but Jota wasn't frightened by her looks. I had mentioned noticing Amparo's eyes pop open while she was being dumped, and thought she would resurface much sooner. Then when Majida exited the series, I wondered why her real life sister didn't take over the Diabla role. Now it looks like the writers wanted undead Amparo to confront the refaced Diabla. It also seems like the flashback of Amparo ambushing Diabla at the pageant included new confrontational dialogue. I didn't remember Amparo being that feisty.

I suspect this season will end with several cliffhangers that include CG still being disgraced and Valeria becoming president and using Albierto to get Albiero to marry her. If never married Albiero marries Diabla, that would be a real kick in the pants to CG, Hilda and Marcela.


SIN SENOS#4/#5 Final


YES..SANTI, been thru a lot. flashback when you almost crash the car. When you found out Titi was da BABY Daddy! CLASSIC

CG,YOU’VE LOTs TO DO WITH THIS CATASTROPHE! MARIMETH was a demon since birth. What the heck was she smoking-PCP?

YES-BULL PEN IS DEEP, THEY’RE GOING HAVE TO FIGHT Dr.Evil. How?? They’re too busy fighting each other..

Mari meth shower scene .. we watched her progression /having a borderline narcissistic episode..

The bullpen at the gym. When does this fight happen ? what’s the point.? to get Plata for next year.. to pay for soldiers in the war…

Flashbacks to watching Mari meth as a common street addict hooker or dressed like one/this show HINTED that chick was a crackhead.. she smoked Da-bli-tos[ rock/coco/weed. Oblivious -cause she never got the munchies.. she was always trying to even /level -out the geek/rush with liquor
.. Mari meth always was a dope fiend and one -pipe- hit from being …‘on- the- corner’

Santi and Cg , forget-abt IT.. wait until CATAMEDIA gets free, its on! Catamedia owes Mari meth an aszz whopping/then some..

CG Told Santi. NO remarriage, she has Alboo-boo, on her mind…little -does -she- know, Alboo-boo is Valeria’s ‘Boo’ now..

Sister Ampara …she never believed anything abt Yessica’s lifestyle.. just rumors ? their mom was living large/in high style$..

Yes, the script has flipped …CG is the wanted criminal!!

Nelly . how blind can you be!
Sorry, but Berrios , you ‘re overconfident/ hitting that kitty cat the whole time… bye!!

AL bobo where $what happen to the$$ legacy left to the Marin family..??
AL bobo’s body..yum!!.filling out nicely. He’s bulking out very nice!!!
Titi don’t get killed.. stop ‘f’ing with Al please!!
BULL PEN,THERE WAS A LOT OF ‘SMACK/TRASH ‘TALKING ..selling Wolf tickets! You- abt- to-get-smoked!!BUT IT’S A PSYCHOLOGICAL GAME!!

HILDA AND SAL.. has a drinking /a slut problem….did he use a condom??
Jo out of jail, how.? didn’t that heifer hold somebody at gun point, and had police held at bay. How??$she must have some real connections$

Valeria is sucking AL bobo [heart] in with that baby- talk voice..

Cuina and Reina.. I never would have thought Cuina turned out to be a ratfink tattle tail snitch to the feds??!!Or who- shot her ?? wha?? I think they are both lying….!!

Why is Shadow pissed at that statement, you have a son.. psycho..but yours.. does Shadow plan to forgive him… does Dr.Evil have cousins/twin?.

Okay this show wraps up Monday.. ? I am lost??!!!
Last day or last week??Its all been a lead up to a new series old series .. cause why bring in people from two seasons ago. Where is the FINAL IN THAT OR IS IT FINAL FOR SOME.?

TRUST ME.. THEY BETTER NOT ‘F’ with. Titi or Al or Hilda/ Yessica is the lynch pin.. teenagers will lead??



excellent recap dondi!

we must be into the over-budget part of the story, all talk and no action.

I think the reward was 500 million pesos.

yep, the sisters quarrel story is probably different, depending on who's telling it.

does any one care about Nat and Ivan, hope they are sharing a room.



El Final del Paraíso

Thanks for commenting, MCM, Halimacandy and thanks a “million” deb. I need to proof read better.

MCM, thanks for reminding me about Amparo. It’s totally possible she’s the one but why is she in this mansion washed in red light complete with a gun toting henchman?

I still can’t believe this is it and they will wrap everything up in one week, but that’s how it’s being advertised. Agree Halimacandy, they better not F with faves, especially Titi, Al and Hilda. The writers need to respect the characters who have been with us for so long. Don’t insult us with a crappy ending.



Sin Senos 4

Dondi, a soap website (Soap Dish Daily?) reported that the producers promised a new chapter series after this season. I'm expecting cliffhangers.



El Final del Paraíso

MCM, I haven't been able to find anything to confirm a continuation. If you have a link to share, it would be appreciated.



Second season of La Reina del Sur is available now.


Sin Senos 4

Dondi, here's the link:

Last paragraph:

"Fans are already taking to Twitter to make their feelings on this sudden announcement known. Some feel misled, as fans had asked if this was it, in light of the name change. People running the official page said no, it was just the beginning of a new era."


Sin Senos 4

Dondi, now I'm confused! People magazine isn't sure either:



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