Monday, January 06, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Doña 1, El Señor de los Cielos 7, y más: Week of January 6, 2020

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

• 9-10PM—La Doña 1 (abridged)**
• 10-11PM—El Señor de los Cielos 7

**Telemundo will be concluding the abridged version of its popular telenovela La Doña at the end of this week. Season 2 of La Doña will begin next Monday, January 13, at 9 pm. From the little that I've read and am able to report without spoilers, the plot will begin two years after the events of season 1. Saúl and Mónica (La Doña's daughter) are married. He is working as a lawyer for the Fundación Renacer and she is a law student. Together with Mónica's aunt Regina, they are working to end violence against women.  Their efforts are opposed by los Arcoiris, a gang that is known to torture and murder women. For several reasons, Altagracia Sandoval (aka La Doña), who has been living outside Mexico, decides to return. Needless to say, THE PLOT THICKENS. I should add that many of the actors in season 1 have returned for season 2, along with a number of new ones, among them David Zepeda, Carlos Ponce, and Marisela González.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Dondi356: Something tells me either Violeta, Joaquin, Andrea or Angela might get whacked this week.


Dondi356: Things are getting crazier.

1.) Ojeda the psychopath getting freaky with Dalila & one of the prostitutes.

2.) El Capo plotting one final attack on the Casillas family.

3.) Navarro catches Colon, Corina talking to Amado, Diana & Co.,

4.) No surprise as Navarro goes off on Amado & calls him names.

5.) Guns are drawn. I wonder how Navarro will get himself out of this situation.

6.) STUPID Berenice still has no damn clue that Jaime whacked her Mommy.


Steve, we are in Etapa Culminante now so expect a lot of craziness and probably a lot of bloodshed.

Somehow everyone always ends up at Dylan's club. Ojeda and Dalila hooked up with Javi's cousin Alejandra! I don't think that will work out well for her.

Nice daddy-daughter scenes with Javi and Angela. Wake up Rutila, you have a good man in Javi. Don't blow it.

Cabo demands that Dylan locate a Casillas, any Casillas, for him or else he's going to go after Dylan's partner, Cecilio. Dylan's got 2 days to get it done.

I had to laugh at that confab with Colon, Corina, Navarro, Amado and Diana. Amado is still on his high horse about deadly Fentanyl. At least Navarro called him out on dealing coke, etc. Navarro made a dig at Castillo and I agree--Castillo's a disaster at his job.



I'm up to #26 on YouTube. So I've covered the Telemundo showing and then some.

I guess it was Telemundo's intention to only air the first season as a filler of sorts, but they could have and should have done better with it. I could have done without Decisiones instead.

I don't want to comment on the show since others might not have finished.

deb, are you continuing to watch? I plan to continue as I find time to do so. It could take me years!



dondi, yep, still watching, on #28 (w/ english subtitles)

I found a set with spanish dubbing and captions, (26 english starts exactly as 50 spanish)

(the voices are too strange/different for me)

it takes a while for me to get some things like when Ibrahim (the devil as Hurrem now calls him) gets a big dinner table for his palace and everyone goes wtf, and now he has life sized greek statues on his front lawn, ha!

season one ended with Hurrem holding that bowl of turkish delights, I'm glad I didn't have to wait till the next season to see how that turned out.

so what's a day without a Hurrem smirk or a Sümbül smile?



"Operación Pacífico" premiers Monday, February 10 at 10pm/9C.

"Shot in Mexico and Colombia, this 60-episode police drama centers on Amalia Ortega (Majida Issa), a fearless woman, wife, mother and captain of the Secret Intelligence Unit of the Police, who jeopardizes her career, her life and her family in an attempt to capture El Guapo (Julio Bracho), a mysterious and powerful Mexican drug trafficker."



Dondi356: I'm going to assume Andrea got whacked by Ojeda ?


Ojeda beat the stuffing out of Alejandra, but she's still alive. He dumped her in front of an ER at Delila's insistence and then drove off. He was worried about being caught on camera. Angela and Javi got the call and took off to the hospital. If Alejandra survives, maybe she can give some valuable info on Ojeda's whereabouts. I'm not sure if Ojeda or Dalila know she's Javi's cousin. This certainly adds fuel to the fire.

Interesting scheme being cooked up by Ismael. He wants to pretend he's breaking away from Amado to get into the fentanyl business. The objective is to team up with Ojeda, which will ultimately lead them to Cabo. Amado and Rutila are not so sure it will work but Ambar is ready to jump on board. I'm sure Laura will not approve.

Dylan is agonizing about turning Luzma over to Cabo. He's wondering if he can placate Cabo with some other info. Cecilio thinks he's crazy to risk everything for Luzma. Right now he's considering giving Cabo info on Luzma and warning her. It's a long shot.




deb, I noticed the Spanish episodes on YouTube as well. I'm sticking with the Turkish.

Hey, there's always a bit of culture shock when you are building an empire! Most of our major characters have stated ancestry from varied places. Even the Valide Sultan was a Crimean concubine, IIRC. Ibrahim (Theo) is Greek and Venetian, so perhaps his enjoyment of the dining table, statues and also Leo's artwork comes from that.

I don't know if Monica Teresa, sister of Gritti, showed up in the Telemundo episodes but the actress who played her, Bergüzar Korel, is the real life wife of Halit Ergenç (Suleiman). They have acted together in other shows, too.



Dondi356: Dylan handing over Luzma to El Capo would further piss off the Casillas family if they find out.

On Izzy joining forces with Ojeda: he's signing his death warrant if he does that (remember how that worked out for Victor when he plotted against Aurelio ?). I agree with you that Laura is NOT going to like that one bit, but she KNEW what she was signing up for.... get used to it & toughen up little girl.

On Alejandra: I don't think she survives. I cannot see it happening. Big question is whether Super Javi finds out what happened & if he finds out Ojeda viciously beat her..... Ojeda & Dalila: both of you are on borrowed time.



I saw a promo for "Bad Boys for Life" with Will Smith.

with Paola Nuñez, good girl in "Reina de corazones", terminator in "La Reina del Sur 2".

and Kate del Castillo.




Dondi356: I see Alejandra survived & we saw flashbacks of Ojeda beating the SHIT out of her.

1.) Corina finds out from Dalila on what happened.

2.) Castillo getting cranky as Alvaro & Female Military Chick are inside his office getting scolded.

3.) Valdes sending his henchmen to eat breakfast.

4.) Refugee Chick's eating breakfast with the Venezuelan Ambassador to Mexico.

5.) Ambar still hanging out at the Casillas family mansion.

6.) Isturiz & Luzma still getting freaky in the bedroom.

7.) Dylan plotting to have Luzma kidnapped. This dude needs to get his Karma.

8.) Jaime still drunk as a skunk.

9.) Berenice is still a STUPID idiot.

10.) Berenice & Diana get into an argument over.... you guessed it: Psycho Jaime.

11.) Navarro chews out Castillo over the phone. What else is new ?

12.) Izzy & Laura getting freaky in the bedroom. Sounds like more kids are coming LOL.

13.) I see Joaquin & Violeta are still alive..... for now.

14.) El Capo with the 3-piece suits.

15.) Interesting to see if El Capo & Valdes' plot will work. Odds are it will NOT.

16.) Looks like Dalila is going down tonight.

La Do~na. Nah, Monica is the romantic lead. I don't think that even as violent a show as La Dona would kill her off. But you never know. Btw, burning Gabino alive was really awful. And Rafael is Monica's father?But he had tried to get her killed because of some misplaced idea of revenge? And here I though this tn would be less disgusting than a narconovela.

La Dona. And darn! Yesenia may have died heroically, but she still died! (I assume).

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