Thursday, May 16, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of May 13, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Abrazame Muy Fuerte (Unimas)

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Cuando me Enamoro  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 

6-7 PM: Abismo de Pasion (Unimas)

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Nadie Como Tu #30
Well technically this first post should have been put on yesterday's page but that one is already 80 comments long so I'm putting it here , so here goes my first attempt at a recap of a show I seem to be the only one watching. Nadie Como Tu #30
Ximena gives Jose Maria the flashdrive of the information from Jonas’ phone. When he asks how she managed to get it she shows him the ring Jonas gave her and that she agreed to marry him. She tells him that while Jonas was drugged in the hotel room an IT guy was paid very well to download the info from his phone. Romina overheard about the ring and runs off to let Salvador know.
*Carmen's mother learns from the clinic doctor that Carmen was pregnant. Maybe she ran off to be with the baby's father, the Dr. suggests.
*Amelia is able to buy the land where her house used to be. She and her son can leave La Encantada and have their own place again.
*Jonas again has a nightmare featuring Carmen asking how he could kill her and their innocent baby. Carmen's mother hears his muttering from the doorway to his bedroom.
*Young Citalli is back at the orphanage or foster home, not sure which it is. The foster dad is making her clean filthy bathrooms and all the dishes of what appears to be an industrial kitchen.
*Eduardo and Jazmin are denied entry to Theresa's room at the “ clinic” .
*Begonia is removing all of Fabian’s clothes and sending him packing because she saw the text from “that lowly waitress”. He threatens to expose her fake illness so of course it is a stalemate and they kiss and make up (make out).
*Jonas is giving Nestor a hard time. Nestor says this is the final day he will work for him. Jonas receives an anonymous note from La Encantada.
*Salvador questions Jose Maria about his disowning his own daughter Jazmine. JM changes the subject by giving Salvador the flash drive but not how he got it in the first place.
*Eduardo and Jazmine are now being denied entrance to her father's home! Jazmine manages to convince the servants/guards to let Eduardo in with the help of Hugo. Eduardo tells Jose Maria about how his father drugged Teresa to make it look like a suicide and that the clinic was keeping her drugged, but in a rare moment of lucidity she was able to tell Eduardo what really happened. E wants JM to help him get her out of the clinic.
*Romina (the anonymous note sender) tells Jonas that Ximena and Salvador have shared a bed.
*While Ximena and Martha are discussing the mezcal production and distribution Jonas calls Ximena to meet him in town.
*JM and Eduardo in ski masks hold up the clinic and free Teresa.
*Salvador and his detective access the texts from Jonas’s flashdrive.
*Jonas confronts Ximena about her relationship with Salvador.


VIVIR #55 Part 1

We have a brief repeat of Rebeca entering JE’s office. No pleasantries are exchanged as JE gets right into it – who is the father of your baby? Poor Adolfo scampers out of the office as quickly as he can. As the best defense is always an indignant offense, Rebeca tells him it IS his child. He contemptuously tells her she WILL undergo a paternity test. She pretends to look mortally wounded as JE starts to lose it, screaming and clearing off his desk with his arms flailing. Rebeca tells him if anything happens, it is on his conscience and then storms out. “Maldito Brayan” she murmurs. JE’s shoulders heave and he sits down.

Angel and Elena have tea and gossip. They discuss Santiago and Angel thinks back to the scene where she saw Santi gambling. Angel seems to start to get suspicious but shrugs it off.

Doris brings Sebastian to the marketplace and he looks all in smiling away. Doris greets various customers and Carmelo welcomes them. She enthusiastically seems to order the entire menu as Carmelo happily writes it all down. Armando peeks around the corner.

Luciano recalls his most recent romantic kisses with Fatima as he berates himself. Ahhh, Fatima is also recalling their addictive smooches. Then, she snaps out of it saying nooo, and tells herself his place and responsibility is with his children.

Romina is scrubbing all the polish off the dining room table and finally gives up, sitting and moping. I believe she gets a call from her lawyer saying she is off the hook for the fraud. She is relieved and smiles. Meanwhile Mati and Javier are playing b ball and talking about the possibility of moving.

Rebeca meets Brayan and just as he is saying how guapa she is, she smashes him in the face for what he did. He acts appropriately injured and then he grabs her as she shows her strength by pushing him away. Then he shows her the picture of JE and Angel.

JE calls Fatima telling her what transpired with Rebeca. She tells him Rebeca is infirma (as all of viewerville vigorously nod our collective heads). JE does (foolishly) allow there is a possibility the (nonexistent) child is his.

Rebeca and her pouty face walk as she sobs that her vicious lie is in grave doubt.

Carmelo greets Armando who seems to be stalking Doris. He nonsensically accosts various customers babbling like the idiot he is. Good thing he seemed to stay away as I’ve no doubt Gi will have his head on a stake if he doesn’t!

Doris gives Sebastian lessons in the consumption of hot chilis. Sebastian’s face is on fire! While he can’t keep up with Doris, he is giving ingesting the fiery spices his all!

At the jail, Lupe tells Lucas he is a good, valiant person. Lucas holds his head high and they talk about Mati and Ramiro. The decision has been made. He tells Agent Corral he will try and ensnare Brayan in a sting. Luis and Lupe smile; do they have any idea of all of the things that can go horribly wrong?

Another food centric scene. Don Emilio and JE are having a lovely dinner with Pedrito, Loli and Marisa. Don Emilio and JE seem almost as smitten with Pedrito as we are, JE beaming at him in their last scene.

Cris asks Petra where her father is; the answer is that Don Emilio is out with JE. And Mau? Petra says he is dead as a doornail. Actually, she didn’t say that I made it up. She does say he went out and hasn’t returned.

Monica and Misael have several conversations most of which were above me. She accosts him about what occurred with Mau and I believe he tells her he covered his tracks and planted the evidence. When Adolfo comes in, she leaves and pops some pills, washing them down in her crystal highball glass.


VIVIR #55 Part 2 of 2

And now, Mau’s final fate is revealed. We see his face as the body bag in which he is laying is zipped up. And with that finality, the prospect of surviving yet again is squelched. RIP.

Adolfo and Misael have a tense scene with Misael making many recriminations against him and for being with both Cris and Monica.

Cris is in her gorgeous beige fur collared ruana trying to reach Mau. She shares this with JE who tries to divert her concern by telling her she looks hermosa and twirling her several times to showcase how lovely she looks.

Sandra surprises Fatima as she gets out of the shower and gives her advice for the lovelorn. How Sebastian hasn’t noticed this charming, lovely young woman is beyond me.
Romina makes it clear that if Luciano doesn’t go with her back with her to Monterrey to save their marriage, she will take the children and everything he’s got and leave without him!

Bruno opens the door to a drunk as a skunk Monica. She barely stumbles into the room when she removes her shirt and jumps Bruno’s bones. Next she is on top of him on a recliner which just looks ridiculous and extremely uncomfortable.

Adolfo runs into Cris who is lamenting Mauricio.

Rebeca calls Monica (now clad in Bruno’s shirt) threateningly telling her she wants to see her alone. She says something about Misael and the hospital.

Rebeca is at the hospital and picks up the phone. She disguises her voice and calls Angel saying she is needed at the hospital for Alma. Elena takes umbrage (you can’t blame her there) as Angel tries to defend Alma.

Rebeca enters Alma’s room and it is clear Alma is terrified. She accuses Alma of talking to JE and Angel and Alma says she told the truth. Next, Rebeca flourishes a huge hypodermic needle and grabs the bag of fluid. Rebeca threatens her (I also thought she mentioned Loli am I wrong??) and Alma backs down, crying and begging her to forgive her. How utterly awful.

Gabriel kisses Mati as she imagines Lucas’ face. He notices and asks her if everything is all right. She says yes but of course it isn’t.

Lucas, padded like the Michelin man, is all wired up, getting instructions from Agent Corral. Lupe gives him the “good job” fist. Lucas looks terrified.

Cris realizes something is clearly amiss with Mau. JE opens the safe and Cris cries at the missing contents. The necklace is gone!

Elena sit in a chair in the hospital hall as Angel ascends the stairs. Alas, Rebeca is hiding on first landing, ready to pounce. Rebeca grabs her, accusing her of being with JE. She manages to free herself from Rebeca’s clutches but Rebeca grabs her again as Angel tells her to leave her alone. Rebeca, a far more imposing figure, shakes Angel like a rag doll. As she starts screaming she is pregnant with JE’s baby, Elena looks up from her seat. Rebeca continues spewing her lies and when she tries to grab Angel again, Rebeca “loses” her balance and tumbles down the staircase of doom. Her face is bloodied as her crumpled body hits the floor…


Nadie Como Tu

Congratulations on your first recap Kat!

I'm not watching but you are off to a great start!

I really enjoyed it especially "*Begonia is removing all of Fabian’s clothes and sending him packing because she saw the text from “that lowly waitress”. He threatens to expose her fake illness so of course it is a stalemate and they kiss and make up (make out)". :)

I hope others are watching and can comment. Wishing you the best of luck.


Vivir. Excellent recap as usual, Diana! "best defense an indignant offense;" " Rebeca and her pouty face walk." Yep, being zipped up in a body bag is a pretty clear sign of death. Though in real life (and the occasional crime show) there have been cases of someone in that kind of bag coming back to life--not very likely here though. Wonder how long before Mauricio's corpse is identified and Cris, et al, hear he is dead. Now Rebeca has 2 problems: (1) to prove she's pregnant when she's not; (2) to prove that JE is the baby's father when he's not. What effect will her fall downstairs have? And what will happen with Lucas' undercover assignment? Will Brayan and his gang find the wire? How Law and Order or Blue Bloods! The scene with Sebastian trying to eat that ultra-spicy food was very funny! Was there some kind of class difference being represented there?

Vivir. Btw, Pedrito was disappointed and not as enthusiastic about school because he was in a class with students who were quite a bit younger than he. I thought JE and d. Emilio did an excellent job of cheering him up and encouraging him. [all the more reason to work really hard seems to have been their message.]


61.) Karina FINALLY gets the divorce decree & marry Lazaro: They're the only ones getting their happy ending in this chaotic Telenovela.

62.) Gullible Renata still gullible when it comes to Scumbag Augie OMG. She has no idea what this scumbag is all about.

63.) In the meantime, the youngsters: Anibal & Alison strolling through the La Bonita Mansion Grounds.

64.) Cruz de Desamor: Saul gets a briefcase full of cash & Scumbag Augie tells Saul to convince Marina to begin a new life with him.

65.) Anibal tells Alison about his late mother & the whole story of his origin including other details from back in the day.

66.) Honorio catches Connie with the crying baby, which Deadbeat Corina left behind because my theory is that Deadbeat Corina is USING Connie in order to try to take $$$$$$ from her.

67.) Isidro & Ines discussing Renata's return to La Bonita. Isidro's getting more suspicious while Ines convinces Isidro to talking to Antonio & enlisting his help in getting Renata's fingerprints because both Isidro & Ines are convinced that Renata is Regina's daughter.

68.) Matias, Adriana, Julieta sitting inside some cafe in Mexico City discussing the Chema situation.

69.) Psycho Fina & Nutjob Blanca in the crazy scheming & plotting: Fast Forward!

70.) More of the lovebirds Lazaro & Karina: AWWWWWWWWW.

71.) Padre & Antonio both concerned about Tata & the involvement with Saul, who will be causing more chaos in Tata's life again.

72.) Lazaro & Karina get married HORRAY!

73.) Everyone attending the grand opening of Chema's business venture: everything goes well until Chema collapses. UH-OH!



Dear Diana, thank oh for that excellent account of everything that transpired in this episode .

Now Becky will weepily blame Angel for deliberately pushing her down the staircase of doom and causing her to lose the baby that was no longer there, and Elena was right there as a witness.

So ...Can we assume that adorable Pedrito is living at Alma's house?

Monica launching herself at Bruno as soon as he opened the door was funny, especially while she struggled to pull off her blouse . We always know exactly where Monica will sit when she enters a room ..whichever chair is closest to the decanters.

The spicy not lunch date was interesting.

Romina , the relentless .




Diana, thanks for a delightful recap. "And Mau? Petra says he is dead as a doornail. Actually, she didn’t say that I made it up." -- loved it!

The Sebastien actor's face turned red so I'm sure he was eating hot peppers for real.

Elena, you better not blame Angel for Rebeca's fall.

I'm trying to think of what Mauricio might've left behind (unintentionally) that could be helpful to Cris. But I'm coming up with nothing.


Thanks Diana, another great recap. Lots of drama in this episode. And a few happy moments as I loved JE and Don Emilio eating with their friends from the barrio. JE should tutor Pedrito so he can be with kids his age.

Cris all dressed up for her date was probably a replay of her marriage. I feel bad for her. And yes, we know Mauricio is dead this time.

I hope Lucas will be ok. The police in these telenovelas are no Danny and Jamie from Blue Bloods!

So how much did Elena see? Will she blame Angel for pushing Rebeca. I actually thought she had pushed Rebeca back, I hope Rebeca did trip. Obviously she can’t pretend to be pregnant after this, or can she? It depends on if she can pay off the doctor. If she tries to blame Angel it will be bad for Angel. Rebeca can blame Angel for trying to steal her husband, but she did it first. She’s a sicko so her reasoning makes sense to her but Elena should know better.

Elena is also trusting Santiago way to much. I’m pretty sure she knew he gambled money away. She should have him on very limited funds.

I do not want Sebastian with Doris. And Armando must have a huge crush on her.

I guess the kids chose Romina as she’s threatening to leave with the kids. In the phone call she said something about getting a new job. And while scrubbing the table she said she did not like being a housewife!



Niecie, Mauricio had put some papers in his suitcase. He covered them up with clothes. I hope they’re important and incriminating! He slipped the suitcase under the bed. We’ll see how thorough the housekeeper is!



SpanProf, thank you for your always kind words.

Thank you so much for explaining what Pedrito was saying about school. It was clear JE and Don Emilio were cheering him on, but I couldn't translate what was being said.

"And what will happen with Lucas' undercover assignment? Will Brayan and his gang find the wire? How Law and Order or Blue Bloods!" HA, love it! I have to say though I have a very bad feeling about this; Brayan is highly suspicious by nature and of Lucas in particular. I really hope I am wrong.

I believe Rebeca set the entire scene with Angel up so that Rebeca can blame her for what I believe she will claim is a miscarriage. Rebeca is truly frightening in her desperation.




Susan, thank you.

"Now Becky will weepily blame Angel for deliberately pushing her down the staircase of doom and causing her to lose the baby that was no longer there, and Elena was right there as a witness" nailed exactly what I expect (and fear) will happen.

After JE and Don Emilio's appearance at Marisa/Alma's yes, I do think she has taken Pedrito in. High time.

"We always know exactly where Monica will sit when she enters a room ..whichever chair is closest to the decanters" had me smiling. I wonder if she and Bruno had fun filming that scene, it certainly had me smiling away.




Niecie, thanks so much.

"The Sebastien actor's face turned red so I'm sure he was eating hot peppers for real". Of course you are right on point as always Niecie!

I love that Doris has no airs. She enjoyed every bite of her food, the hotter the better, packing it away, clearly comfortable in doing so.

So, if I were a betting woman (or Santiago), I would be comfortable placing a large wager that Elena will turn on Angel for causing the "fall." I fear this is gonna be wretched.



Thank you very much Liz.

"JE should tutor Pedrito so he can be with kids his age" is a wonderful idea!

"I hope Lucas will be ok. The police in these telenovelas are no Danny and Jamie from Blue Bloods!" You can say that again!! They don't exactly inspire confidence, do they??

You raised a very interesting possibility of another set of papers! I had thought Mau merely stashed the papers in the suitcase when Cris surprised him and then retrieved them before he ventured out on his last, fatal adventure. But I like your idea and will be interested in what transpires.

With JE insisting Rebeca have a paternity test, she knew the walls were closing in and that she needed to act quickly. Pretending to have a miscarriage is one thing but making it seem as though Angel pushed her in front of THEIR mother could not have been more cunning. I would love it if Elena believes Angel but I have serious doubts.

Yes, Elena should certainly have Santi on "very limited funds". How can she be so blind to both Beca and Santi but so hard on Angel who has really been the perfect, dutiful daughter?


If Rebeca loses the baby why would JE stay with her? She loses any hold she had over him. He may possibly blame Angelli for the loss, but he was told it wasn't his supposed baby anyhow. So if she claims a miscarriage then he should demand a DNA test on the lost baby to clear it up, then discover there was no baby after all.

Vivir #55

Good work, Diana.

How long ago did Rebecca miscarry? It feels like it was long enough ago that doctors can say "She was not pregnant when at the time of the accident."

However, I'm sure that Elena will still blame Angeli for this. She will defend Rebecca until the end.


Hola, Patio.

Diana, I watched the episode before I read your recap, and you still got me with “Petra says he is dead as a doornail!” Your recap gets 1O crystal highball glasses (out of 1O). Now hide them from Mónica.

Doris, yet again, serving platinum comedy this episode. When Sebas says everything looks and smells delicious, she says, “Por su pollo que es.” That’s ’hood for “Of course it is.” She calls Carmelo “Csrmelucho Chucho.” So poetic. Carmelo is impressed with Sebas and tells her, “This is the first (date) you bring here wearing shoes!” LOL. For that he gets threatened with a zapatazo - which probably carries more weight than the usual chanclazo. It’s all in good fun. Her order made me hungry: Sopa de fideo (nice and hot), tortillas, and Serrano peppers.

Romona was cleared of her charges now that the police think d. Emilio signed off on the money transfers (which the patio knows is bollocks). The FIRST thing she asked was if she’s able to go job hunting. Telling. Hence, she and her outstretched tentacle are ready to scoop up the kids and skedaddle.

According to Armando’s rant, he’s upset with “mi hija” (Doris) going out with Sebas because who knows what Sebas’ intentions are. He threatens Sebas with moquetazos (punches/going upside his head). When did this Maury Povich arc start? We thought he was ogling Doris for more nefarious reasons.

Another fine/low point; when Rebecca was in Alma’s room playing Pop Goes the IV Bag, her threat involved Loli indeed. If Alma doesn’t shut up, Rebecca will kidnap Loli. You know? Like Alma kidnapped her? …and she will never see her parents again. That’s cold


Darcy: I posted my recap of yesterday morning's double episodes on here. It's suddenly NOT here. What happened ?



Kat, I'm sure Rebeca will blame her "accident" on Angel which will have far reaching consequences, including her relationship with JE. I'm guessing she will not be free of him yet.

Urban, thank you. I'm not sure about the timeframe (which is so difficult to track in TN time) but "I'm sure that Elena will still blame Angeli for this. She will defend Rebecca until the end" is a sure bet! Ack.



O.S., thank you for your nice words and wonderful comment, I savored every syllable.

"When Sebas says everything looks and smells delicious, she says, “Por su pollo que es.” That’s ’hood for “Of course it is” was fabulous. Thank you for translating what Carmelo said, I guess Doris' dates haven't been of the highest caliber. Too funny.

Loved "he and her outstretched tentacle are ready to scoop up the kids and skedaddle" and "...O crystal highball glasses (out of 1O). Now hide them from Mónica). :)

"Another fine/low point; when Rebecca was in Alma’s room playing Pop Goes the IV Bag, her threat involved Loli indeed. If Alma doesn’t shut up, Rebecca will kidnap Loli. You know? Like Alma kidnapped her? …and she will never see her parents again. That’s cold" I feared it was something to that effect thank you for expanding on it. Rebeca is horrid.

"Pop Goes the IV Bag" and "Maury Povich arc" were marvelous.



Hmmm....if the late not so great not so dearly departed Mau had those IMPORTANT PAPERS in his carryon, where is that small case????




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How wonderful to see your recap here!!! I'm not watching Nadie so I can't say much about the show but I find it inspiring how much effort you are putting into learning Spanish so you can communicate better with your in-laws. I hope you continue to recap and that others watching Nadie can enjoy the show with you!


Thank you Diana, this crazy show is a roller coaster of emotions, from the cute - DE, JE, and the kids; to the horrific - whatever Rebeca is doing; and you unfailingly capture every mood and set the tone!

One thing I keep thinking about Rebeca, is that it's weird that everyone is still calling her Rebeca!!! Shouldn't Elena at least be calling her Frida? Usually in novelas with double identities you have half the cast calling the character Rebeca and have Frida, while the patio just calls her Refrida! But in this show, 'Frida' hasn't materialized and everyone (including the patio) has just embraced Rebeca! Not that it matters in any way, it's just interesting and I noticed that we even stopped calling her Refrida.

Yeah, the whole Lucas undercover thing makes no sense, if he had done it BEFORE the store robbery when he should've maybe, but now? After the fact? After he's already ran away from the gang and denounced it??? Weird. The one thing Lucas might have in his favor is that Brayan doesn't seem homicidal. Yeah, he's beat him before and he's threatened his family, but some thugs use threats to keep people scared and don't ever actually do anything. Somehow, I doubt Brayan will actually stoop to murder. He seems to be all bark and no bite. I hope that doesn't change. We've seen how he didn't hurt Loli or Pedrito, and he didn't harm Angel when she confronted him. We know Lucas could be in danger of getting a beat down but hopefully his life isn't in danger.

I keep thinking about the look on Aldolfo's face when JE said that Rebeca's baby wasn't his. He looked like he recognized that story too!!! Then Rebeca came in before Al could say anything, but I'm wondering does Al know Misael isn't his? Maybe he found out just like JE did, after he was married? After Misael was born???? Maybe I'm imagining things, but there was something about that look....

Yep, Rebeca is going to blame Angel for killing her baby and yeah, Elena is going to take Beca's side.....sigh

A drunk Jonas confronts Ximena about the night before (she insists he was drunk and fell asleep in the hotel room) then asks about her involvement with Salvador. “Swear to me”, then pulls out a gun and points it at her head!
*Jose Maria is caring for Teresa. Turns out his accomplice was Hugo. JM calls Sal to tell him he is away on business.
*Raimundo gets a call from the clinic to tell him his wife escaped. Jonas enters and says it's obviously JM that rescued her. Ray accuses Eduardo of helping free his mother, and he has no clue but admits he has seen JM. Ray is furious demanding why and Ed breaks the news he is married to Jazmin, which earns him a right hook in the face.
*Teresa wakes up. JM tenderly kisses her and assures her, “nothing and no one will ever separate us again”....
*Sal asks Ximena if he knows where JM is. Nope. Lala and Chivita arrive. Ciril and Fidel are trying to escape. Fidel draws a knife on Ximena but the police arrive in time and arrest them.
*Ray is now trying to strangle Ed but Jonas arrives and separates them. Ray spews vitriol at Ed, leave my house and land, etc. I think Ed says he is his mother's representative and he is protecting her and his rights as it was her money that bought the property. Ed
*Ray furiously tells Jonas that Madrigal and Figueroa blood shall never mingle. Jonas points out what a blow it will be to the Figueroa’s to lose their daughter to a Madrigal …
*Martha and Ximena discuss the new mezcal line, distribution and marketing. Martha asks Ximena if she has computer experience. A little when at school. Can I do it on my phone(😂, as I type this recap on my phone). Martha says she has an old laptop she can lend her.
*Teresa and JM again. She is looking better and is out of bed. He gives her some juice and says he has to leave to get some food but leaves his cell with her. Teresa calls Eduardo to let him know she is safe. He asks where she is, but she can't tell him as she doesn't actually know where they are hiding out.
*Raimundo arrives at La Encantada with police officials (crooked Chief Laureano of course) looking for Teresa and Jose Maria. Ray claims JM kidnapped her, Salvador fires back you drugged her. Salvador doesn't know where they are so Ray and the officials leave. Tristan and 2 of the workers show up to tell Salvador something I didn't understand….
* Romina wearing a very revealing white shirt, (you have to see this one to believe it, kinda like what you see on a red carpet) get into another argument.
*Tristan and Toña are talking about wedding plans. As they hug each other Romina watches furiously….
*Celia and Nestor are talking in the cafe. He needs a new job. She looks over at her sister and says they need a waiter (for their half dozen tables at a nearly always empty establishment). He accepts.
*Casa Hogar Copullos. I'm guessing this is a group home for the orphans in Oaxaca. Citalli, aka Cinderella, is asleep in a corner of the kitchen. The foster dad, whose name has yet to be divulged, berates her for not finishing the dishes. She complains there are so many and she is hungry and tired. Now her job is to cook for all the other kids. She can't be over 9 or 10 years old! He then gets some food from the walk in cooler and throws it on the floor at her feet.
*Jacinta and her husband (whose name I've forgotten) discuss Carmen's disappearance. He says his ( or maybe Carmen's, it's not important to the storyline as we know she is dead) aunt hasn't heard from her.
*Hugo moons over Jazmine’s picture on his phone. Erendira tells him she is with Eduardo and to forget about his hopeless love. She mentions God and he then says God doesn't exist or he wouldn't be a half blind bastard. He is going to kidnap Jazmine just like Jose Maria Kidnapped Teresa!


Darcy, I've got my own little TN going on between mi neura and mis consuegras! Not sure when I will get to practice with them, but my DIL's brother, his wife and 2 children came for a visit to our house. She is from Colombia, he was born there but raised in PR, so their native tongue is Spanish. I understood a lot of things this visit which was rewarding.


That is so great! I remember the feeling when I first realized that I could understand people talking in real life and I wasn’t dependent on subtitles!


I forgot to say earlier Romina’s request of Luciano proves she’s entirely selfish and doesn’t care about her family. She’s demanding Luciano leave his job to move back to the city so she can look for a job. What kind of mother encourages the abandonment of the only family income? And if he doesn’t she will take the kids to live with her where exactly? And she’ll provide for them how??? Luciano should call her bluff!!! She doesn’t want to be responsible for the kids, alone.

El Amor no tiene receta

Did everyone watch his show last night at 9pm? That was a surprise . I didn't think that we were getting an episode last night because of futbol, the game started at 10. Uni is unpredictable.

VIVIR #56 Part 1

We see a repeat of Angel and Rebeca tussling as Rebeca does her best flying Wallenda imitation down the staircase of doom. Rebeca, blood garnishing her upper lip, screams at Angel asking if she is satisfied. She sneers that if she loses the baby, you are responsible. Elena rushes over and as the stretcher arrives, tells the medical staff Rebeca is pregnant. Elena glares and shakes her head at Angel, standing there innocently and helplessly.

Cris is still trying to absorb the shock of Mau’s treachery; she’s positive he took the family jewels and money. Adolfo tells her Mau doesn’t deserve her tears. JE asks how she knows it was Mau but Chris just knows. She berates herself saying she was an idiot to take him back. Adolfo assures her it isn’t her fault as JE comforts his mother.

Monica is still lounging in Bruno’s shirt as viewerville can’t help but notice his hideous tats. Monica is still swilling her liquor and reminds him they don’t have alibis. She warns him that if Misael makes a mistake, they are going down too. She assures him Cris will be the one implicated in Mau’s murder.

Cris still blames herself that the maldito fooled her. She thought he’d changed and believed him. As she berates herself, JE hugs her and Adolfo looks heavenward in sympathy.

Monica tries to call the doctor to be sure her “niece” is being taken care of but isn’t getting any info. She thinks all men are stupid.

Elena doesn’t understand how Rebeca fell. Angel tells her they were arguing and Rebeca threw herself down the stairs. Elena can’t believe it. Arms folded with a piercing stare; Elena relates that Rebeca said Angel pushed her! Then, Elena takes Angel’s phone and calls JE. Mi vida JE answers thinking he is speaking with Angel. Elena coldly corrects him and tells him Rebeca is in the hospital. Don Emilio chooses that indelicate moment to arrive and sees the downcast faces. When he asks what is wrong, no one answers.

Marisa visits Alma and gives her a picture Loli drew for her. Alma attempts to smile but can’t quite carry it off. Marisa has to break the news that Rebeca is in the hospital. Alma starts freaking out and wants to see her daughter.

JE, Adolfo and Don Emilio and Cris discuss the situation. Adolfo assures Cris that she isn’t alone at this difficult time. He curses the day Mau returned and hopes he has left the country. JE finally takes off…

Cris calls Fatima who wishes she could be there for her mother. Fatima wonders what happened to Mau. Then Cris tells her about Rebeca as Fatima briefly closes her eyes in frustration. She calls her a mentirosa and cautions Cris not to worry about that liar. She says all Rebeca wants is to control JE.

Romina tries to think of someone who could help her get Luciano back to Monterrey. Luciano talks about his situation with a lawyer. He wants a divorce but worries Romina will take the kids (of course she will the patio affirms. She doesn’t want them but doesn’t want you to have them even more). Luciano is advised that Romina can indeed take the kids if she has a means to support therm.

Misael sees Cris and she tells him that JE is at the hospital and what happened. Misael’s eyes widen as big as saucers.


VIVIR #56 Part 2

Marisa wheels Alma into the hospital corridor as Elena’s eyes widen. She is hostile and makes it very clear she is not wanted there. Elena tells her she is to blame for all that happened to Rebeca. She doesn’t want her, a thief, anywhere near her daughter. Anel tries to speak up but Elena isn’t having it.

Yet another crooked doctor approaches Rebeca and tells her Monica sent him!

JE joins Elena and Angel just as the doctor arrives. He relays that Rebeca is fine but the baby did not survive. Elena is distraught as Angel looks aghast. JE swallows hard, his face a study in grief. He wants his child, even though he is dead. The “doctor” stares in panic.

JE speaks with Fatima, tearfully relates what has occurred. Fatima is sorry for her brother but does tell him she hopes he will follow through with the DNA test. She expresses her doubts saying Rebeca will use the loss of the baby to keep him tied to her.

The doctor tells Monica her sobrino wants to see his baby! Monica (growing more repulsive by the second if that is even possible), suggests he find a dead baby. She screams he is already up to his neck in it and needs to take care of it.

“Why are you here” Rebeca says annoyedly, pushing Misael and his hands away. We do see that there is (only) one tiny cut above her lip which hardly seems capable of spurting out all the blood we saw after her fall, but I digress. Misael begs her to leave the county with him but she wonders what he can offer her since he is an assassin. He knows she is just angry that JE still loves Angel but shares the harsh truth that she will never be good enough for JE. She tells him she truly loves JE and she is willing to KILL to keep him. Misael is livid and says something to the effect she is twisted as she goes to hit him. He assures her that she is his. And only his. I’m not quite sure what was said after that but at the end of their conversation she says si accepto…

At the restaurant, Renato walks in on Santiago who is in office, trying to steal (again). Renato seems to call him on what he’s doing but gets a call from Angel and he tells her he’s on his way.

Adolfo tells Monica her sister is going through a difficult time. Monica, who could care less, helps herself to another drink. Adolfo leaves in disgust for not supporting her own sister. Oh buddy, you have no idea how much trouble and torment Cris is in for!

Misael is on the phone with Monica as she gloats she was right about Mau. Cris was stupid to think he had changed and if she is suffering it is because of her own gullibility. Monica (rightly) thinks the news about Mau will be a bombshell.


VIVIR #56 Part 3 of 3

Cris enters her room and holds on to the doorframe for support as she tortures herself recalling Mau’s lies. She walks near the bed and her foot hits something. It is the suitcase! She opens it and finds (ta da) the money and jewels. She thinks back that Petra had assured her Mau didn’t take any luggage.

Misael is sure the money he planted will be found. Monica decides she will call the police herself to report Mau and does just that.

Cris is with Adolfo and Don Emilio as she receives the news from JE that his child has died. She starts to ask about Rebeca but JE hangs up as the doctor appears. The doctor solemnly brings JE into his office where we see a small alabaster container with an angel gracing the lid. JE stares and asks, “what is this”. We realize quickly that this container contains some type of (cigarette?) ashes. But poor, brokenhearted JE thinks it is those of his deceased nonchild and picks it up as ominous music plays.

JE, Elena, and Angel enter Rebeca’s room. Rebeca yells she doesn’t want to see Angel who tried to kill her! As Angel shakes her head no, Rebeca pleads with Elena, saying her mother saw how she pushed her down the stairs. Because of Angel they lost their baby. Angel was relentless never stopping until she ruined her life. Rebeca tells Elena to make Angel leave. JE, very upset, puts his hand across his forehead and says nothing Rebeca is saying makes sense. For a brief moment, Angel says “mama” trying to appeal to her mother. Elena then does tell Angel to leave, she shouldn’t upset Rebeca any longer. Elena leaves as well telling JE her daughter needs his consolation. Rebeca sheds more crocodile tears as JE stares.

Bruno admonishes Misael for putting them at risk, asking if he is loco. Bruno thinks to himself that he needs his cut and wonders who he can enlist to help him.

Romina worries about their marriage (as well she should). Luciano gives her more fuel for her fire when he says that moving back to Monterrey won’t help. He suggests she find a job there. He reminds her that their marriage ended when she abandoned him and their children.

Angel wants the nightmare to end. Elena comes in, breathing fire saying that she saw what happened and forbids her from seeing Rebeca! Elena needs to protect her.

Rebeca spews her poison trying to convince JE that Angel pushed her down the stairs. He tells her, loud and clear that it was an accident! He defends Angel telling her to stop blaming her; Rebeca needs to accept what happened and move on. She cries that he isn’t defending her, his wife!! Laying on the guilt trip with a trowel, she asks surely he isn’t leaving her alone after she just lost their baby is he? JE tells her there is nothing between them, except a divorce! She stares stonily saying she will not give him a divorce.


ivir. Another amazing recap, Diana! I especially liked "best flying Wallenda imitation down the staircase of doom." It looks as if Rebeca got exactly what she wanted: an accident to mask her previously genuine miscarriage, a way to blame Angelli, and a cremated "baby" who can't be tested for dna. Once again the novela is giving a terrible impression of Mexican doctors. Is there no Mexican equivalent of the AMA? It does seem so weird that Elena is always willing to believe Rebeca and not Angelli. It's certainly taking a long time for the characters to find out that Mauricio is dead. Did he not have any id on him? Oh, the suspense--as usual. We do find out that it was Misael who stole the money and the jewels and planted them in Mauricio's suitcase.

Vivir. And as a former prison inmate surely Mauricio is in the "system."

Who ever heard of a baby being cremated in a matter of hours at a hospital. The crooked Dr. told JE it was the mother's wishes. In the US crematoriums are elsewhere, but who knows how it is in Mexico.

Susan, I watch Receta on YouTube TV and have it in my library so I generally watch it the next morning. By the magic of YouTube TV it records it whenever it plays. I could have managed watching it last night at 9.


Thanks so much Diana, a great recap of an action packed episode. I feel that Elena has crossed the line and I don’t see how Angel can ever forgive her. How can they ever be as close as they once were. I’m so disappointed in Elena.

Misael and Rebeca are made for each other as both are ready to kill to get their way. But Misael is probably realizing Rebeca will never be his as she’s always had her eye on JE.

Right now JE believes Angel. I hope he continues to believe her but stays away from her. He doesn’t realize how crazy his wife is.

Santiago is now stealing from the restaurant again. I think Elena deserves to lose it and Santiago deserves to be broke with her. She believes her two lying kids and basically throws Angel out. What a poor judge of character.

I guess next they pin the murder on Cris. And Alfonso will defend her. That should get interesting.



Darcy, thank you for your nice words.

" this show, 'Frida' hasn't materialized and everyone (including the patio) has just embraced Rebeca! Not that it matters in any way, it's just interesting and I noticed that we even stopped calling her Refrida". You are so observant as always!

Brayan does semm to be more bluff than action, but I am still a tad concerned. Misael started out with a good piece of his soul intact but then...I just don't want anything evil to befall Lucas.

"I'm wondering does Al know Misael isn't his? Maybe he found out just like JE did, after he was married? After Misael was born???? Maybe I'm imagining things, but there was something about that look...." - I think you nailed that!!


Raimundo welcomes Jazmine to the family and his home. He then proceeds to blame her father for kidnapping his wife and that they were lovers 20 plus years ago which surprised both Ed and Jaz.
*A drunk Jonas serenades Ximena outside her bedroom quarters. A scene I got to enjoy for a whole minute as Jonas has a very nice voice (I looked him up, he is also a singer). He again demands Ximena to marry him and to help make up her mind 2 of his henchmen have 2 of her workers on their knees with guns to their head. Salvador comes out of the main house and demands he leave. Then Tristan comes out with his gun trained on Jonas’s thugs. Jonas asks Ximena again and she says yes she wants to marry him. Firearms are dropped and Jonas sucker punches Sal in the face.
*Jose Maria and Teresa enjoy a romantic dinner at their hideaway house including rose petals. Followed by “bedtime”.
*Ray is trying to convince Ed and Jaz that his mother really did try to kill herself but I don't think Ed buys it.
*Back to Jonas and Sal fighting. Drunk Jonas is no match and Sal has the workers escort the ‘trash”off his property.
*Endirina is at the church praying when the padre enters. She tells him she is worried about Hugo because of who his father is, Raimundo Madrigal. (It may or may not be significant in the future, the talk was not in a confessional …)
*Ximena and Salvador talk about their night together. Ximena recalling Jose Maria's displeasure of a relationship between them brushes off the importance of her talk of love. “It is best to talk of love with your novia, Romina”. Hugo witnesses their encounter and sees her tears after Sal leaves.
*Jazmine returns to her home for a night after the upsetting news Ray disclosed and tells Salvador what she was told. She then asks about him and Ximena to which he responds it wasn't real. Romina is selfless and to be admired (for being willing to donate a kidney to their mother) Romina overhears and grins (gloats)…
*Toña is helping a clueless Ximena with the laptop. Pushes some buttons…oops. Blank screen. They killed it.
*Jonas and Ray talk. Ray sees the battle wounds and learns they were fighting over Ximena. Ray is opposed to that relationship too..
*Begonia (leopordita) and Fabian are making out at the breakfast table. If he is going to continue to pretend to be gay to hide their relationship she has to pay him. She makes him call Lola to terminate their relationship which he does.
*Cirili, her abuela, Salvador and Ximena are at the police station where Cirili’s stepfather is sentenced to jail along with her mother for doing nothing to protect her from his sexual abuse.
* Eduardo is bringing charges against the meditation clinic his mother was treated at for unlicensed use of drugs and holding her against her will. The center is in danger of being shut down.
*Teresa and Jose Maria are enjoying the afterglow. She plays Moonlight Sonata on the piano which the house just happens to have or JM arranged to be delivered along with the food and flowers.



Susan and Kat, yes I did watch El Amor last night.

Susan, Ginebra is almost unwatchable at this point. Pure evil.



Thanks so much SpanProf!

"Tt looks as if Rebeca got exactly what she wanted: an accident to mask her previously genuine miscarriage, a way to blame Angelli, and a cremated "baby" who can't be tested for dna". You perfectly encapsulted that. Thank you!

"It's certainly taking a long time for the characters to find out that Mauricio is dead" is so true. This is mirroring the extended timeframe of the first time he died, right??

I agree with your point regarding Elena. The look on Angel's face when she tried to get a bit of comfort from her mother but was rebuffed was hard to watch. As sad and frustrating as it is watching Elena continuing to side with Rebeca, I keep trying (but not always succeeding) to cut her a bit of slack, only because when she finds out who Rebeca truly is, her world is going to come crashing down. Again.



Diana, I forgot to record today's episode , so I am looking forward to reading your recap of Becky going bump bump bump down the stairs.

OT...I wonder why Uni decided to put El Amor on at 9,pm. I can't remember who recaps it on Thursdays , but I am wondering if the recapper didnt realize it was on an hour earlier than usual.



Susan, today's epi was a good one, I think you'll like it.

Looneyvision's rationale is hard to fathom. I don't know who recaps on Thursday either but perhaps they didn't know it was on...



Liz, thank you very much.

"Misael and Rebeca are made for each other as both are ready to kill to get their way" is exactly right! And to think that there was a sliver of hope for Misael early on; that has certainly evaporated.

"I’m so disappointed in Elena" and "what a poor judge of charater" mirrored the disappointment in her perfectly!!

Now that Rebeca has refused to give JE a divorce, what is next?? Great point in that she is unbalanced and both he (and Angel) need to stay away from her.


This comment has been removed by the author.


Darcy, my comment on Thursday's show also seemed to have disappeared.

Lol, Novelera, this evenings Nadie #32 also disappeared. I tried twice an hour apart. May try again tomorrow. I had to dice some from #31 because it was too long so I am trying to make them briefer.


Can people actually refuse to divorce ? I dont know many much about the process.

Susan, if I were him I'd try for an annulment as the actual marriage was never consummated. Refusing to grant a divorce may stall the proceeding for years, but like you I'm not sure how it works in Mexico.


Novelera, I remember seeing your comment; I know I responded and don't see mine here either.

I've asked Rgv Chick to check things out as well as your missing comment Kat.



Rgv Chick has now posted everything that was in the spam folder. Thank you Rgv Chick!

Novelera, one day blends into the next for me but I did think you posted yesterday and that I answered but there wasn't anything to be found...



Novelera, Rgv Chick solved the mystery. Your comment from yesterday, Thursday is on the previous (Monday's) heading as is my reply comment.

Thanks again Rgv Chick!



Thanks, Diana. Wow. Am I now senile?


Not at all Novelera. I was right there with you!!



And many thanks to Rgv Chick for locating my misplaced comment. I'm just about to watch today's Vivir (tonight). Being on the Left Coast often has me posting obvious things that everyone else has already noticed. On Telemundo I did a lot of recapping, and it was completely necessary to put the recap up the same night the show aired. Otherwise, you Right Coasters looked for it in the morning, assumed there was no recap, and checked out of the blog.


Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of this morning's double episodes:

*Smarmy Saul continues to further manipulate Gullible Marina with his so-called attempt at getting her back into his control.

*Scumbag Augie flexing his inner Joan Crawford by going completely unhinged after seeing Anibal & Alison kissing outside his fancy mansion. Scumbag Augie & Anibal get into a heated argument over............... what else: Alison.

*Priscilla likely spiked something in Carlos' drink because we see Matilde giving him that cup of coffee.

*We do see the beautiful moments of the lovebirds: Gonzalo & Regina enjoying their honeymoon while Lazaro & Karina are planning their upcoming wedding.

*Following Chema's death from brain tumor, Adriana & Matias are back in charge full-steam ahead. PS: Diego & Selene both got married.

*Marina back at Uncle Padre's house: crying over Jeronimo. Gut feeling she's NOT long for this world.



Terrific recap, Diana. You were right there with the snark all the way! I had already deleted the episode with the stairway of doom so I couldn't rewatch it. I thought when I saw it that she fell accidentally. But all you sharp-eyed Caray folks on the patio figured out that it was a way to avoid wearing foam baby bumps for 7 months. Was she even more devious than I thought? I imagined she'd done that fake receptionist phone call so Angelli would come to the hospital and hear Alma retract her tale about the baby not being JE's. Now it seems it might have been for the very encounter at the top of the stairs.

Amen on Bruno's hideous tats.

We saw the real sperm donor Misael completely shocked at the loss of his spawn. I think we can safely say that Mexico was perhaps spared a serial killer by Mau's giving Rebeca an abortifacient. Can't even imagine the outcome of these two sets of genes.

I got a kick out of the crooked doc's face when JE wanted to see the supposed miscarried fetus.

Yep, that tiny cut on Rebeca's lip bled a whole lot. I smiled at Rebeca going ballistic when Misael, bad as he is, told Rebeca that JE was not a su altura (at his level). Misael seems to realize that his cousin is an honorable man.

Pfft. Santiago tries to open the safe to get the rest of the money we saw there so he can send the Del Olmo Restaurant on the path to bankruptcy.

The scene with Adolfo and Monica was a good one. ¿Cómo puedes disfrutar los dificultades de tu propia hermana? Yes, what kind of monster is so envious of her sister that she enjoys seeing her in pain, not to mention jumping into bed with, I assume, both men involved with Cris.

What are the odds Cris puts the stuff Misael hid in Mau's room back in the safe and says nothing about it when the body is revealed to be his? Nah! That would be too easy.

Bruno caused me to look at the Reverso Diccionario on my phone while watching. Two new words for me in one monologue: tejada - share or cut and de bruces (face down). I had heard de bruces a looong time ago but forgot what it meant. Bruno is figuring out a way to get away with some $$$ after Misael's plot fails and the guy with the man bun ends up face down in the dirt.


Novelera, thank you so much.

"Bruno is figuring out a way to get away with some $$$ after Misael's plot fails and the guy with the man bun ends up face down in the dirt" was great.

"Was she even more devious than I thought?" "Devious" is perfect! Relentless, cunning and cruel, Rebeca has thought of every detail, such superlative scheming.

"Yes, what kind of monster is so envious of her sister that she enjoys seeing her in pain..." I'm raising my hand as in addition to Monica, I can think of one other.😊

Santi fell right off the wagon. He and Rebeca are a two person wrecking squad aren't they??



Thank you, Diana, it was a frustrating episode but a splendid and funny recap!

I actually don't think Romina wants to keep the kids from Luciano, I think she's just using them as leverage because she knows Luciano won't abandon them like she did. If she actually left with the kids, she'd be returning them by Friday, but she won't leave with them because Luciano will buckle under the threat. That's why I think he should call her bluff!!! 'Bye kids, see you this weekend when you're moving back in!'

It occurs to me that Angel and Elena are alike in some ways. They are both comfortable making entirely inappropriate demands on others. We've said a lot about Elena expecting Angel to embrace Rebeca and just accept her stealing JE with a smile (and rightfully so) but Angel has twice tried to telling Mommy she should just forget about the fact that Alma STOLE her child and give her hugs and sympathy because she's such a good woman!!!! LOL

I agree with you Novelera, it would be awesome if Cris just put the stuff back in the safe!!! The only problems are: JE, Aldolfo, and DE saw the stuff missing and unlike the lying to protect each other Mon and Mis, JE, Al and DE have integrity. And, Monica called and reported the theft to the police. Without the JE and DE angle, the police could show up, see the stuff and play it off like Mon is crazy/drunk and doesn't know what she's talking about. But putting the two together, it's too many loose ends.

When Rebeca was accusing Angel of pushing her, she said that she pretends to be a good person but her heart is full of hate!!! It's interesting, it's almost like she is self-aware and describing herself but attributing it to Angel. But on the other hand, she thinks she loves JE and she definitely doesn't....she's convinced herself of her own lie and is delusional!



Diana, thank you for reporting every dark , dangerous detail.

Becky is on a crazy revenge tour and projecting her every evil deed and motive onto innocent, passive Angel. Becky and Gin from El Amor are cut from the same psychotic cloth. Uff



Thank you Darcy!

I agree that Romina is calling Luciano's bluff; sadly, she has no real interest in her children. Knowing she already left once without them, hopefully he's savvy enough to know she will do it again.

I agree that Don Emilio, JE and Adolfo live by a honest moral code and will always do the right thing.

"When Rebeca was accusing Angel of pushing her, she said that she pretends to be a good person but her heart is full of hate!!! It's interesting, it's almost like she is self-aware and describing herself but attributing it to Angel". A wise and insightful comment; if Rebeca isn't looking inward, she certainly should be...



Susan, thank you.

After reading "Becky and Gin from El Amor are cut from the same psychotic cloth", I had to sit and absorb this for a few moments.

Anyone that would hurt an innocent child (human and/or fur/fin/feather) deserves the worst punishment. Although Ginebra has done both, Becky threatening to hurt Loli certainly moves her into an even more reprehensible category. Although I do think Ginebra has no evil equal, Beca is similarly cold, unfeeling, unremorseful and extremely dangerous.



Gracias, Diana. I had a blast reading your recap. This gem deserves yet another citing, so here it goes again: "Rebeca does her best flying Wallenda imitation down the staircase of doom..."

I am ready to triple-slap Elena. How dare she accuse Angel. Any mother worth her salt would at least concede the fall was an accident, to not take sides and try to smooth things between the two sisters.

I'm finally taking a seat at the "Doris will get reformed table." This is the only way all Rebeca's lies can be outed.

ITA on Romina not wanting the kids. Too bad Luciano never officially charged her with abandonment.

I got a kick out of Bruno trying to think all by himself how to escape what could be a sinking ship.


Thanks so much Niecie!

"I am ready to triple-slap Elena. How dare she accuse Angel. Any mother worth her salt would at least concede the fall was an accident, to not take sides and try to smooth things between the two sisters". If only Elena had heeded your Solomon like words! Every day she is adding to the guilt, grief and remorse she will feel once Rebeca is exposed.

I agree that Doris is going to be key and wonder what the catalyst will be for he to see the light. Or in this case, the very dark...I fear it won't be for a while as we have such a long way to go.


Vivir de amor

Diana, thanks as always for your great recaps! I am catching up and enjoying things, though I admit to being confused as well, probably due to my poor memory.

We saw Misael shoot Mauricio. Where were they when Mau was shot? I don't remember, but it wasn't out in the boonies somewhere, and it matters because it bears on who is zipping him up in a bag. I believe Cris tried to see if he had been in an accident and called the hospitals. (There must be a lot of hospitals in CDMX.)
I'm not yet certain Mauricio is dead. But we will see.

Doris was looking really good. Less goofy sparkly stuff around her eyes and hair; nice dress. Hot stuff Doris!
I would really like to see Doris get away from Rebeca and do well.
I don't believe that Armando's interest in Doris is anything like fatherly.
Next date maybe she and Sebas will go to taqueria El Califa de León, which just got a Michelin star! But no chairs, gotta stand and eat your tacos.

Perhaps Bruno is already receiving his anvil, one named Monica. He's younger than she, but she's on track to wearing the guy out.

Rebeca is a very daring young woman! Not easy to let yourself "fall down" a long flight of stairs! But crazy people will do crazy things.
The fact that Rebeca/Refrida is crazy may yet be her escape clause. I'm not sure she will wind up with a terrible anvil; we will see when the time comes, but I think there have been hints.

What a crazy novela this is! But fascinating sometimes.

More later.


Vivir #56

Great work and great comments. I don't have much to add other than JE needing to calm down and enquire like a cop about why that "cremation" happened. He has to realize that this is extremely suspicious and that Rebecca did this specifically to dodge a DNA test.

Per the earlier comments about her accusing Angeli of her crimes, that's called Narcissistic Projection. It's disgusting.


Andy, thanks so much.

I always learn so much from you. Tonight, I particularly appreciated the info on "taqueria El Califa de León". I think Doris is a foodie and wouldn't mind standing at all, likely enjoying her meal with gusto as she usually does. I might suggest she order the Gaonera taco which would be my choice.

Good question as to where exactly Misael shot Mau. It seemed they were in an alley not far from the street but that is simply a guess.

"Perhaps Bruno is already receiving his anvil, one named Monica." I totally agree!

Rebeca may be insane but she is insanely smart. So far she has been the consummate bad witch, using all of her powers to inflict evil rather than good. As of now, I can't envision her changing and her future seems dark and murky. But again, there's a long way yet to go.

Yes, this is fascinating Andy. I am never bored; a bit frustratated sometimes but it races along with a lot of moving parts. It seems there is at least one pivotal revelation every episode. For a generally unlikeable bunch of characters, they do keep it interesting.


Vivir de amor

A few quick comments re #56

Elena was pretty rough on Alma, but I can't say she was wrong. Alma and Antonio kept Refrida for something like 20 years. No ill intentions, but good grief, it was someone's lost child!

There must be quite a few irate doctors in Mexico, very annoyed with the portrayal of Mexican physicians. Monica seems to have no difficulty finding those who will supplement their earnings with a nice bribe.
But they should be careful. This doc almost got caught off base when JE wanted to see the baby, even dead. How far along was Rebeca supposed to be though?

Great Caesar's Ghost! How many studs and dangly bits does Angel have in her ear(s)?

Santiago is just disappointing. He has a gambling addiction, he needs to seek help with it, not go stealing his family's money.

Bruno wants to get his butt to safety, but I did not understand his inner dialog. My thanks for clearing that up.

I'll stop here, I have nothing to add that has not been covered already by Diana and commenters.

I'm looking forward to Monday. Or am I dreading it? Nope, hope springs eternal, maybe more fetching Doris.




Urban, "Per the earlier comments about her accusing Angeli of her crimes, that's called Narcissistic Projection". Thank you for identifying that.

I have a feeling our very hot headed "galan" will lean toward defending Angel but we will see.

Andy, you are so right; I am sure physicians in Mexico bristle at what's being portrayed here. I don't think we've even seen one good, kind, caring doctor, have we?


Andy, if you like fetching females (and males) I recommend Nadie Como Tu. That cast has lots of eye candy.

This comment has been removed by the author.


Kat, thank you for the heads-up!

I most certainly do like fetching females, and a telenovela without some is a waste of time, generally.

But I have learned that my limit is one novela at a time; my Spanish is not that great, and watching novelas can be trying as well as fun.
Especially with the nonsense that Univision and its sister networks, Unimás, etc., dish out. I generally record and watch later, so as to skip commercials and be able to back up to hear some dialog again.

It is, of course, all about the Spanish. At least that's what I tell my friends :-)

Thanks again.



I wonder how Becky will manage to keep her talons in JE now that he knows the bebe is gone . Will he still buy her the dream house?

OT, Andy. I tell my friends the same thing. My church has a lot of Spanish speaking members, in fact the Spanish Mass is standing room only it is so full. Our priest is from Colombia. When I mention I watch TNs I get a "those things are crazy" response. I've found my biggest aid in learning Spanish has been Duolingo. Keeping characters named straight in multiple shows is the biggest challenge. I've got 4 I'm currently watching and I also record them (or binge on ViX..mi marido tiene mas familia).


Hola, Patio.

Diana, thanks for tackling the latest humorless and bleak episode of our show and making it fun. It’s Sunday, and I’m still laughing at your Flying Wallenda reference. I have watched the stairwell scene a few times. We know Ang wouldn’t harm a fly, but Elena is so blind (lately) that there’s no telling how much mileage the writers will get from this event.

Fun fact: defenestration is the act of throwing someone out of a window. Oddly enough, I couldn’t find a clear word for throwing someone (esp. one’s self) down some stairs.

I too noticed that Rebecca went from Gene Simmons to paper cut lip in between scenes. LOL

The final piece of Misael & Rebecca’s exchange was her accepting that everything she is doing is because she hates her sister and wants to have everything Ang has. She claims she is going to keep JE(!) because she truly loves him. In fact, she loves him so much that she’s capable of murder. dun Dun DUN.

Ok. Maybe there was some comedy buried deep in this episode. First, quick-thinking crooked Dr. finds an ashtray from S&H Green Stamps. Next, he convinces our sexy sapheaded galán that Rebecca’s fetus had been fast-tracked to its final resting place. This would be tragic (as the music would have us believe) if it weren’t so absurd.

Since I’m late and everyone has covered everything in great patio fashion, here are some things I’d like to see next week:
•Romina’s outstretched tentacle removing Bruno’s hideous ink.
•Mónica in rehab for addictions to booze, pills, cradle robbing, and lipstick.
•Santiago in rehab for gambling.
•Alma in witness protection (or an off-Broadway proction of Carrie. She’d make an excellent Margaret White).
•An honest doctor.
•Romino showing her true colors and leaving the family again for a job on another continent.
•d. Emilio finds some Mexican Prevagen®️ and remembers that Misael is a creep and a crook thus lighting a fire under these trite empresa storylines.
•More Bruno soliloquy and plotting (which is hilarious and enriched our vocabulary) as long as he keeps his shirt on.
•MORE Doris!

OT...Kat, my family and friends think I am a little eccentric watching telenovelas , including my friend who is a Spanish teacher . Some of my family members have taken or are taking Spanish classes and one tried Duolingo .Some of the Spanish speakers I know who are lawyers, doctors, dentists are kind of outraged that I watch tns. It is my guilty pleasure and escape from reality for a bit. Someone here at caray once advised us to let our brains float like a pear in Jello when we watch these shows. That's what I do. I just kind float in the Spanish , and a few words soak in now and then. I dont concentrate....I do that for enough other things in life. I just use the shows and the patio to relax and chill out. I have " met" many people from many places and learned a lot from people here.

P.d. Does anyone remember who first coined the term "the patio" for this site?

OT...O.S. ....Your clever comments always make me smile.


O.S., thank you so much.

OMG, you had me laughing out loud.

"I too noticed that Rebecca went from Gene Simmons to paper cut lip in between scenes".:)

I loved your entire list but my faves were:

"•Romina’s outstretched tentacle removing Bruno’s hideous ink and
•Mónica in rehab for addictions to booze, pills, cradle robbing, and lipstick".

I think one of your wish list items "More Doris" will surely come to pass. She is one of the few lifelines left to stop Beca in her tracks.

Finally, "Fun fact: defenestration is the act of throwing someone out of a window. Oddly enough, I couldn’t find a clear word for throwing someone (esp. one’s self) down some stairs". I never heard of denestration thank you so much! It WOULD make sense to have one word denoting chucking someone down the staris!!



I forgot to say the other day that I once had a tiny cut that just bled and bled and bled. The way it was bleeding you would have thought I had a huge gash but it was teeny and it took forever to get it to stop bleeding!!!


IMHO, there is no better way to learn Spanish than by watching telenovelas, especially the traditional ones from Televisa that use "Televisa" Spanish (slow and repetitive). Watching them alongside some kind of course will, obviously, make them more useful.

But the hardest part of learning a language, at least for me, is understanding the language when it is spoken. Telenovelas, especiallly the traditional ones, employ a whole lot of cliches, repeat phrases frequently, something will happen and then other characters will comment on it, etc. All of this is useful.

And, well, if the telenovela is good, that's all the better.

I started with Destinos (a Spanish language course in the format of a, quite good, novela) and tuned our TV to Spanish-language channels whenever the set was on.

I'm surprised by the attitude of the Spanish teacher.


Thanks Diana and friend, another excellent recap. When Misael pulled out those scissors I thought he was going to go after his mom. But so glad he cut that awful clump of hair. When he showed up with his hair pulled back I figured he must have put a ton of hairspray on the bit he left.

My favorite scene was Elena hanging up on Rebeca. And to answer your question of same situation or different I say different. Rebeca has harmed her mother, Angel and Santi. Also JE. To bring her back home would endanger them more, and the baby too. DE doesn’t know all that Missel did, I’d say it’s a matter of the finances. DE probably feels that can keep a close watch on what happening to the business financially. I would take back kids that messed up financially or in other ways. But I think I’d have to turn them away if they were putting my other kids at risk.

I wonder if Rebeca will get Doris to help her. Doris already declared she’d be there for Rebeca.

Hope Wanda and Pedrito will be reunited this week!



I just wrote a long comment and it failed to publish! And it’s gone! So I’ll just say thanks. And the situations are different (Elena and DE)as Rebeca has hurt her mom, Angel and Santi. So they, JE and the baby would all be in danger.

Loved Misael cutting his hair and Elena hanging up on Rebeca.


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