Monday, September 23, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of September 23, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

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I won't be able to watch tonight's episode due to the doubleheader on Monday Night Football.

Let me know if anything juicy comes in tonight's episode.

El Conde, Monday, pt. 1 of 3

It’s ultimos capitulos or thereabouts. All juiciness all the time!

But first, a rehash of last weeks episode ending with Mari noticing a problem with Ger in the hospital and she gets help and they kick her out of the room. She looks upset. Not sure why. It’s just Ger. Doc later tells her he just had a hemorrhage or something and will survive, but they don’t know what condition he’ll be in.

Ale talks to Ric and Amaranta about their next plan- to steal all of Vic’s money from the safe. Vic and all the employees will be distracted by La Gran Rifa. (The lottery?) This will be his venganza because money is the only thing important to Vic.

Mari tells Josie and Felipe about Ger. Josie defends Felipe taking over at the direction of the president of the country. Then they argue about the fake will. Then Mari tells them that Ger might have a brain injury and Felipe points out it’ll be just like Ger’s father.

Leticia fills in Rodrigo about finding the pics of the girls. They talk about Vic’s wife but can’t remember what her name was. And just then Carmen comes in and Leticia has to hide the newspaper clippings she stole from Carmen.

Felipe pours a drink and toasts them. Dylan comes and gets the terrible news about Gerardo. He feels bad having good news to share while feeling bad about Ger. She asks about his illness. Illness? He’s as healthy as ever! Josie smiles but we know she doesn’t mean it.

David can’t figure out who would hate his dad that much. But what if he was a monster that Lorena and her family think he is? What is he is the one who had Ale killed? David is confused.

Dylan wants a honeymoon with his beloved that he put off. She doesn’t want to leave the business but he says it’s fine. They can put Brenden in charge! (Never mind about that other capable if slightly murderous administrator, Antonio, that Dylan fired). So maybe this is Dylan’s plan? To steal her business? He was a good guy last week but there still has to be a catch. El conde wouldn’t have stuck him with Josie without a good reason.

Memo talks to Vio about the fake identification she wants. She’s nervous but Memo is in fixer mode and he needs some info from her to get her the papers she needs. Caye came through for her.

Josie is mad about her stupid husband being healthy. How dare he! But she argues with Felipe about him (Felipe) thinking he can do without her. Doesn’t he remember that prostitute (the one he killed)? The one she “helped” him take care of? He does and she and his daughter are in his brain. He has serious mommy issues.

Ale comes to see Mariana. He asks for news about Ger. He’s been dying to come see her but has stayed away at her request. She wants to know what his deal is and why he got David to investigate her past. She’s very annoyed at el conde. Meanwhile, someone who I don’t know if talking to David, I think about putting him on another case.


El Conde, Monday, pt. 2 of 3

Ale gave him the job as the good reporter he is but David chose to pursue the truth and there was nothing el conde could do. She’s mad and he asks if she’s ashamed to have been in love with a campesino. But she tells him don’t you dare talk about them like that. It’s between her and Alejandro Gaitan.

The guy I don’t know is offering to give David some dates and info so that David can investigate the killing of the Aguilars and the brother of the current president. And to see if his papa is involved.

The maid or cook talks to Pau about the food, Dylan’s food, that Josie is taking charge of. The maid is worried about him, and rightfully so. Pau looks worried too.

Meanwhile Dylan talks to Josie about how life is more than work and they should enjoy themselves. She asks for a couple months to get the business ready for Brenden, who just learned Spanish and is probably just out of college, to take over for a bit while they go on the honeymoon. Dylan is fine with that, as long as she doesn’t want that infeliz Antonio. Then we get a close up of the Soup of Death.

Ale and Rodrigo talk about Vicente and how he mistreated Ale’s mother? Something bad. Anyway, he’s a big dumb jerk and deserves what’s coming to him.

Vic talks with Dolores and Teresa about the wedding and when Dolores stands up quickly, she gets dizzy. He asks about her and she blames a diet to fit into her dress.

Mari tells Nanny Adela that el conde knew exactly what he was doing when he asked David to investigate the story. Nanny reminds her that she thought he was Ale, but Mari says they are very different. She goes into Ale’s good qualities and how el conde is not that.

Carmen discovered that Vic was robbing the Gallardos and that’s why she had to die, Ale tells Rodrigo as he fills him in on the whole story. El conde is going to help Carmen get her kids back. But he’ll need Leticia to help (I think is what he said) take care of Vic first.

Josie beams over to wherever Antonio is and tells him to get over being offended. Blah blah blah. Antonio is sick of that gringo, but not to worry, she says, because she’s taking care of him. She mentions the will, getting all his dinero, and asks Antonio for two months to take care of things. But he wants to know what’s in it for him. A share (I think) of the business. He’s in! And he forgives her. He’s an idiot. But only in love because he's a pretty good businessman.

Ric and Ama open Vic’s desk (?) but the money isn’t there! But they find the safe finally and get it open. As they are taking it out they hear someone coming. Uhoh!

Vic is at the event where Caye watches him from the front row. Vic introduces El Conde de Montenegro. There will be a new winner every week!

Josie is getting ready for bed and Dylan tells her how beautiful she is. She asks how he’s feeling. Better than ever!, he says. Dang, she probably thinks. She begs off sex, telling him how tired she is. He’s had enough of being put off. She’s his wife and they’ll have naked time whether she wants to or not. (I think is the gist, right? He didn’t seem the rapey type). But she looks concerned.


El Conde, Monday, pt. 3 of 3

Chao enters Vic’s office with gun drawn. Ama is sitting at the desk with her back to the door and a cigar held out, pretending to be Vic-ish. But Ric is behind Chao and knocks him on the head! Vic comes back to the office and finds Chao and his empty safe. Ha!

Rod has filled in Leticia offscreen and she thinks he needs to go to jail. She now understands that Carmen came back to SJ to find her daughters. Rod asks her to trust el conde, especially after what he did for Sofia. She kinda rolls her eyes. Pretty sure she'd put Vic in jail right now!

I miss what Memo asks el conde- he’s ready to start a new life?- but first Ale wants him to finish their projects for the people of SJ and then to protect the people they’ve taken in. (And maybe then he can, oh I don’t know, save Vio and get with her after Vic goes to jail or hell or whatever. Just a thought).

Antonio talks to Pedro. Antonio makes it clear that he doesn’t trust Pedro and I think he wants all the bordello money to stay with the bordello, to pay back Vio maybe? Relatively not the worst bad guy here.

Vio goes into Vic’s office and finds the empty safe and a drunken Vic at his desk. He accuses her of stealing the money and slaps her hard. She cries that she didn’t and he kicks her out, fortunately for her.

Ger is waking up! Yay? He calls for Mariana.

Nanny is on the phone getting the news about Ger when Mari comes in to tell her she’s going to see el conde to clear things up with him. Nanny fills her in so she’ll have to go to the hospital instead. Josie and Felipe are there because they’re family and want to support her. (snicker). Mari rather sarcastically says something about them being a united family, like always. Mari asks if they want to accompany her to the hospital or if they want to stay there alone, FELIPE. She directs that right to him and we remember how she caught him going through Ger's desk.

Pau fills in Memo about what the maid told her, like he doesn’t have enough going on already.

David visits his papa (the fake one) in the hospital. I think they are rehashing a usually argument about David’s journalism career or the article. But Ger tells him, You’re my son, my blood, my heir. Just as Mari enters and looks guilty at all that.

Josie is annoyed that Ger woke up and yells at Felipe. She wants to send him to the hospital to say hey to Ger so they won’t look guilty. She’s pretty sure there will be a way to stick with their plan of making Felipe the worst president Mexico has ever had.

Ger and Mari talk and he mentions having read the article about Alejandro Gaitan. Seems like he’d have other things to worry about, like who shot him, but what he wants to know is if she ever had a relationship with that peasant. Looks like getting shot didn’t change him one bit.



This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

So part 1 disappeared and I reposted it. And then the repost went away. I won't try again and hope that it can be resurrected. If not, I can try again tomorrow.


K: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode. Basically I didn't miss anything from the chaos of last night's episode.

I see Memo wants out ? Since Violeta will get whacked sooner or later, I think he'll be with Carmen (if she's still alive by then).

Slippery Pedro is still Slippery Pedro. This dude has so many loppholes to get away with & Scumbag Villarreal is still Scumbag Villarreal.

Slick Felipe being pushed by Buji Joise to become President of Mexico LOL. It'll NEVER work.

Harrison attempting to rape Buji Joise. I smiled reading that part, sorry to push these trigger buttons, but NOT sorry.

Snooping Leticia is still Snooping Leticia.


K, I can add a few things. Conde and Memo discussed Conde's will. Pretty sure he is making Memo his heir but he wants him to continue dispersing the money in charitable ways.

Ake and Rid were acts talking about Carmen, not Ale's mother. He had a flashback to Vic mistreating Carmen.

David and Gets discussion was about the last time they were together. David has remorse about the harsh words they shared. When Gerardo was shot and near death David feared his last memories of his dad were their altercation and fight.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Typo corrections....*Ale and Rod were actually* , Ger's

K, you lost a comment and meanwhile my comment got posted twice. I tried deleting the second one but it is still there.

K, I retrieved your first Part 1 of 3 and deleted the repost. If comments "disappear", it's probably because the Spam monster has eaten them. You can e-mail me at rgvchick627(at) and I will retrieve them as soon as I can.


Thanks very much, K, for this excellent recap. I REALLY needed it today, since the power went off in my apartment building about half-way through last night's episode, so I never saw the second half of the episode. I should add that the power remained off all night and a good part of the morning.

Since the power was off, I didn't know anything about your missing part 1. I'm glad that Rgv Chick was able to restore it.

I can't really add anything to what you said. I should mention, though, that I loved your remark about the closeup of the Soup of Death! I also enjoyed your comment about Vicente kicking Violeta out, "fortunately for her." And yes, Josie is still intent on "making Felipe the worst president Mexico has ever had. "


A rich recap, K. You had me at "All juiciness all the time!" Thanks for all the details and your choice snark.

I'm placing Dylan in the villain column. By now, he must notice that Josie is just not that into him. So instead of wooing her or calling it quits, he pulls out the "I'm your husband and you'll do what I say" card.

ITA Vio was lucky Vic let her go, but I'm not sure he's done with her.

So Felipe finds a photo of an unknown woman (Gabriela's bio mom) in Gerardo's desk. Felipe is too dumb to figure this out, but I don't think this is good for Mari.



Beginning identifying word is conde I hate to keep harping on this, but you all are putting out some fantastic recaps, and I want future Caray visitors to be able to SEE THEM. As far as I know El Conde would not work.

Loved, just loved your recap, K. Wish I had your ability to put up those snappy, snarky comments. Liked "It's just Ger."

I'm not happy about the recent behavior of Leticia. Sure, she cares about Carmen but snooping through her things and even taking them to show to Rodrigo didn't sit well with me.

So, one of the big developments last night was the bombshell that Dylan had the medical checkup of a 40-year-old. Josie's face almost cracked as she tried hard to look delighted. I like your theory about Dylan's plan to take over Josie's liquor business. And..."the Soup of Death". Perfect.

Dolores was quick on her feet with the line about needing to fit into the wedding dress was having her eating very little.

So, as we could have predicted, Josie came back to Antonio. He must be amazing in the sack. But I noticed that, after she said she'd give him half the liquor business, and they embraced, she had a hard, unforgiving expression on her face. I think she's playing him. She told him he'd be sorry when she left after that quarrel.

More than one raffle winner! Yay!

We are surely seeing the Dylan that Ale had some skinny on. He's morphed into a tough guy from the adoring wimp that we first saw. I think he does plan to force Josie. So...two months have gone by without any sex for him?

Pedro, with a haughty expression on his face, gave Antonio a few pesos of the money that was Violeta's. He doesn't have a clue about how dangerous Antonio could be.

Pretty sure the reason Vic didn't choke Violeta again was her quick reasoning. "If she'd taken all that money, why would she come right into his office?"

Loved: "Gerardo's alive. Yay?"

I changed the heading on my template so will try to get it right the next time.

If Ale is talking about his will, is he planning on dying? Killing off the galan isn’t typical.



The mention of the will made me nervous too. I am hoping it's just a way to throw a scare into Viewerville.


#57- Part 1 of 4

We return to Gerardo asking Mariana if she was the woman described in the article in the newspaper. She stalls, saying they’ll talk about this when he’s recovered. Ger: “Then he wasn’t trying to kidnap you when he escaped? You were going to run off with him? [He’s referring to when Ale came to her just before the cops took him away all those years ago.] He tells her he’ll recover faster if she forgets about the divorce. [I thought Gerardo saw them together once, and he knew all along they were an item.]

Paulina tells Amaranta that she came to see Memo to let him know that Josie may be poisoning Dylan. Just like she killed Sofia’s baby. And like she poisoned Pau herself. Ama wants her to leave that house, but Pau says she’s convinced Josie she’s helping Felipe. She also says that she suspects that Josie poisoned Benjamin Zambrano.

Vic comes to tell Josie that the money the Count paid him for the hotel in D. F. was stolen from his safe. She asks him, sneering, if he hasn’t heard of banks. Vic: Eso es harina de otro costal. (That’s another kettle of fish.) He wants a loan to cover the wedding. When she almost laughs in his face, he tells her that if he goes down, she’s going down with him.

The investigator from D.F. gives David a copy of the judicial case against Alejandro Gaitán. He says the original mysteriously disappeared. He tells David that the man was declared guilty of murdering Gonzalo Aguilar and his wife. And that Gerardo Villareal was the D.A. “If you find irregularities, it could affect your father.” David tells him that, as a journalist, it’s his duty to discover the truth.

Nasty little Dolores tells Carmen she wants the adjustment to her wedding dress to be perfect. It’s from Pariis. She wonders if Carmen has the skill to do the alteration. Teresa looks on in disgust. Later Teresa tells Carmen that Dolores is pregnant.

Ale has called Ramiro’s wife (or partner…not sure of their status) to come in so that he can tell her that she has won the raffle. She’s so sweet, innocent, and overjoyed. He says something about 2 months to claim the money. [What? I know he wants Ramiro locked up before she gets it, but wouldn’t this seem odd?]

Two federal cops come to arrest Vic for the amapola (poppies) discovered growing on his land. [Hmm. They kind of give him the Miranda warning. That wasn’t until 1966 and in the U.S., as far as I know.] He’s led away in handcuffs.

Gerardo tells Felipe that he was shot twice. And one barely missed his higado (liver). He grabs Felipe by the lapels and says he knows who did it.

Memo tells Ale about the Federales arresting Vicente. And that the press was there to watch him taken into custody. Ale tells Viewerville that he wasn’t the one who ratted Vic out about the opium, but he has his suspicions. He tells Memo that there’s more damage coming for Vicente.


#57- Part 2 of 4

Josie tells Gerardo (who’s in his hospital bed) that his accusing Vicente of growing poppies may have been too much. Gerardo barks back that Vic was the one who arranged the hit on him. He also says that, as soon as he’s out of this place, he’s going to make him confess. He calls him a miserable murderer. [Pot…kettle, killer of the noble Alfredo Gallardo.]

Gerardo stares at Josie and tells her he wants her to answer a question. Many years ago, she told him that Alejandro Gaitán was sexually harassing Mariana. But now the newspaper says that the guy had a romance with a woman of high status. Was that Mariana? Did you make up the part about his harassing her?

Amaranta tells Ric that she’s worried about Pau living with Josie, who’s a killer. Not to mention Felipe a crazy drunk.

Speaking of Pau, we see her sneaking into Josie’s bedroom and searching. Fortunately, Josie is on the hot seat at the hospital, so Pau finds those herbs wrapped in a handkerchief. [Hmmm. Did Josie locate another bruja? I thought Ale warned the one she used before about ever providing poisonous plants.]

Josie tells Ger that what she said back then was true, that campesino pursued Mariana and was obsessed with her. Ger: “But she returned his affections. You lied to me about Gaitán chasing after her. They were in love.” She kind of lets this one go. She says she needed his help because Sofia deceived her. [The help was getting Javi locked up.] But the thing with Mariana is different. She says she’ll do what he says about the will. He warns her that, if he keeps discovering more tricks and lies from her, he won’t be her ally. And she wouldn’t want him as an enemy.

Gerardo tells his doctor that he’s leaving the next day. He’s running for President.

Josie orders Antonio to get a good lawyer that can get Vicente out of jail.

Dolores turns off the radio that Teresa is tuned to, listening to the news about her father. She orders her sister to stay indoors. She thinks that “Francisco” could cancel the wedding. Pregnancy does NOT bring out the best in our DeeDee. She accuses her sister of being envious of her.

Vic tells the Fed grilling him that it’s been years since he set foot on the land where the poppies were discovered. The guy kind of laughs at this, saying that all the land in the vicinity is used for that crop. Vic replies that it must have been un enjuague del capataz (a scheme by the foreman there). Just then Antonio shows up with one Pastrana, Vic’s lawyer. The lawyer says the questioning without an attorney is illegal.


#57- Part 3 of 4

Big surprise, Felipe is drinking. He tells his mother he’d prefer to be drunk when Gerardo sends the assassins after him. He says that Gerardo had him send the documentation about the growing of poppies with Menchaca. He says that at least he’ll be reunited with his daughter. Josie: “You really think you’re going to heaven!” Felipe again says that Gerardo is going to kill them.

Violeta comes to urge Memo for the fake passports.

Ale comes to see Gerardo, now at home with a nurse in attendance. Ale says he came to tell him about Vicente being arrested. Gerardo smugly says that growing poppies is a crime, and Vicente has been known for negocios turbios (murky business dealings). [I wonder how Ale managed to keep his face calm listening to a guy just as “murky” as Vic.] Ale wonders why this happened now. First Miguel Aguilar and now Gerardo. “Looks like someone is trying to clear the way for their own candidacy.”

Mari continues to be annoyed with Ale for abetting David in writing that article. He asks if she’s happy that her husband is home. He wants to know if she still plans to get that divorce. She tells him she can’t talk about the two of them until she is divorced. He gives her an invite to the premiere of Caye’s movie. David comes in, happy to see Ale. They embrace. Ale invites him to the movie premiere as well. He puts his arm around David’s shoulders. Mari gets a bemused look on her face seeing the two of them like that.

Vic comes home. Teresa runs to her father. Dolores looks pissed and asks if he’s a trafficker. Then she puts her hand over her mouth and runs out. Vic: “Again? She needs to see a doctor.” Violeta assures him it’s wedding nerves.

Pedro has come to see Ale. He doesn’t want his noble name mancillado (sullied) because of the scandal surrounding Vicente. Ale reminds him that Vic was released. Pedro: “Isn’t liberty for those who can pay?” [I have to restrain myself from throwing a shoe at my TV every time Pedro appears.] Ale works him some more. “Maybe we should stop the wedding. Wait until you find another fiancée.” Pedro backs off fast, seeing that inheritance going away.

The woman that Ramiro doesn’t deserve tells him about her winning the raffle. She says they’ll have enough money to buy land and leave this area. He’s happy.

Caye tells Ale about Violeta wanting documents to get away. Again, she’s very unsympathetic toward Violeta.


#57- Part 4 of 4

Gerardo has asked Josie to come to his house. Mari is also in Ger’s bedroom. He’s got the documents ready that give Mari half of the distillery. Josie: “What?” Ger: “Here’s the notary, and all is ready. You only have to sign.” Mari is seen with a slight smile. She tells Josie: “You said that, if there was something wrong with the will, you’d also been deceived. This is your chance to fix things.” Josie: “What’s the hurry?” Gerardo tells her that, after what happened to him, he realizes that life can be short. “With this you can go off with your husband.” She tries for a delay of a couple of months. He says that the two months will give Mari time to work with her to understand the biz. We don’t really see her sign, but I believe it happened.

Vic grabs Violeta and says something about her having been seen with a suitcase and Luisito. He threatens to kill her if she tries to leave him.

Teresa confides in Ric Jr., telling him that Dolores is pregnant, Violeta was seen leaving with a suitcase and Luisito. “I think she wants to leave my dad.” Ric Jr. comforts her.

Blue eyes blazing, Gerardo tells Felipe he heard about the speech he made on the radio, very clear and well done. Sounded like someone trying for the Presidency. He also heard that friends of his mother were speaking to the cabinet about Felipe as a candidate. He says that the President almost fell on the floor laughing. “You who can’t even abrocharte los zapatos (tie your own shoes). Getting angrier and angrier, Ger says that he only gave Felipe the job (as campaign manager) because his mother insisted. “Bad move to trust you and your mother, a pair of traitors, capable of stabbing me in the back.”. Felipe thinks he’s fired, but Ger says he’s keeping him around to watch him.

Paulina tells Mari about the Count’s doctor giving her an antidote to the poison Josie was putting in her food. “I think she’ll do the same to Dylan.” She wants to change those herbs she found for something else. She leans forward and tells Mari that she wonders if her father (Benjamin) died of natural causes, that maybe he was poisoned.

Josie tells Felipe that Gerardo is behaving like an animal, biting to the left and right. She says that she knows a secret that could destroy him. Felipe: “Tell him about Mariana and Alejandro Gaitán?” Josie tells him no. She knows who really killed the Aguilars. It was Leopoldo and Gerardo Villareal. Gaitán was innocent. Ramiro Menchaca was sent to do the killing. “Destiny was in my favor. I happened to be in the street. I saw the killer’s face.”

Novelera: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Enjoyed reading your recap of last night's episode.

More back-stabning of the usual folks & I see Slippery Pedro is continuing to go deeper into Karma quicksand LOL.

PS: How long before both Antonio & Violeta both get killed off ?

Snooping Leticia didn't make an appearance last night ?


Novelera, thank you for all the details as Ale's revenge plans have the villains snarling and snapping at each other. So are the anvils going to be jail or death for for the baddies ? Ger is out of that hospital just in time to get his anvil.

It would be nice to see faithful friend Memo with Vi at the end. She would surely bring some spice to his life!
Then , We will see Pau finally free with Ama, and I guess Caye will be with sketchy RIC
After so much suffering, I hope Ale and Mari are reunited and it feels so good.


That was me , Susan ...above .


Many thanks, novelera, for another superb recap. You cover just about everything, while also offering some very helpful Spanish and many delightful and perceptive asides.

I don't really have much to add to what you've said. I knew that Josie had been visiting Gerardo in the hospital, but I wasn't sure she was still there when when Pau was going through Josie's things in search of the poison. As a result, I was very nervous, fully expecting that Josie might return while Pau was busy searching. Of course, that's probably exactly what the writers were trying to make me feel. Arrgh.

When it comes to assassination attempts, the only person I think of is Ramiro. Does Ramiro sell his services to whoever is willing to pay? I kinda doubt it. So does Vicente have his own assassin to call upon to do in Gerardo? Chau/Oddjob? I can easily imagine him killing someone, but more with his bare hands rather than shooting from a car.

Speaking of Ramiro, I wasn't sure what to make of his response when his wife/fiancée tells him she has won the raffle. It took him a while before he looked happy, and even then the look was more subdued than I would have expected.

So Josie witnessed the killing of Gonzalo Aguilar and his wife. I wonder how this is going to play out.


Gracias, Novelera. Fine coverage of all the bad guys circling each other. Thanks for "Eso es harina de otro costal." I knew Vic had made a metaphor but I was puzzled how flour (harina) figured in. ;> Your recap is a win-win, with details and vocab.

Gerardo is still an evil murderer, but the fact that he thought Ale was harassing Mari back in the day when in fact it was a romance should make him feel stupid that Josie played him.

What a downfall Dolores will have when she discovers the truth about her baby's daddy. She's a nasty one, but I still feel the Count has unfairly made her collateral damage. She's no where in league with the murderers and thieves.

I caught the David and Javier actors in an interview today. Asked to describe with a single word certain cast members, they said "honor" for Fernando, "fuerza" (strong?) for Chantal, "mommy" for Ana Brenda, and "divertido" (amusing) for Sergio. I'm guessing it was a fun set with the 50s clothes and cars.


Regarding the poison. I think Josie has another supplier since she managed to get something to abort Sofia's baby. Or she has used whatever herb it was on herself in the past since Felipe is an only child and doesn't need an herbalist to supply that to her. A rudimentary knowledge of herbs and she can probably harvest dangerous ones herself.


I thought that Ramiro was happy about this, probably because his job would no longer depend on having to kill people when his murderous employers don't want to get their hands dirty.

Will be interesting to see el conde's face when he finds out that Dolores is pregnant. Will he feel a little guilty about this? But Dolores will be fine. She has the World's Best Stepmom of Women Willing to Marry Vic and Lucrecia will certainly help her out. Pedro might even grow up a little (while in prison, of course).

If Gerardo calls Josie's bluff, then she has to spill that she saw the murder and said nothing. Not a good look for her.

If Mari takes over her half of the distillery, does that mean Brenden is out of a job? What will Dylan think of this?


Conde #58 part 1

After Josie's shocking revelation Felipe wants her to tell her story to the newspapers. She wants to play the long game.
Conde tells Memo that Mari was evasive about getting a divorce.
Pau tells Mari about her suspicion that Josie poisoned her father and plans to do the same to Dylan. Pau says she and El Conde are searching for proof. Mari "El Conde?". Then Felipe walks in. Mari gives him a dirty look and leaves. Pau playing the supportive wife reassures him Mari doesn't hate him, just worried about Ger.
David reads the newspaper at his father's sick Rd commenting about the ruckus Vic's arrest has caused, and his speedy release. Ger brings up Lorena Aguilar. David doesn't want to fight about that topic. Ger actually seems to have softened his stance on the match and gives the same advice to back off from the relationship for now. (Is he sincere or setting him up?)
Nanny and Mari discuss the time of Benjamin's death. Nanny recalls how Josie personally took over his meals and tea. Mari wants to find the truth and send Josie to jail.
Vio accepts Caye's condition. Vio is petrified of Vic. Why does Caye want to destroy him? Caye says I'm not at liberty to tell you why yet ...
Ramiro is discussing the attempted assassination with Ger who says Miguel Aguilar is an idiot who runs a clean campaign. Boh great, now Ray has a new job, make Lorena disappear!
David and Lorena celebrate the parental acceptance and plan to marry after the election as their theme song segues into ominous music.
Josie is loaning Vic money to pay for his lawyer. They discuss Ger. Josie happily tells him he's the prime suspect, but don't worry they have no proof. Not totally confident in the rest of their dialogue so I'll leave that part out.


Conde #58 part 2

Ger is up and at em and going to the ball (Caye's movie preview) with Mari. He has to show his adoring public how strong he is. He thanks her for her devotion and care. He mentions her talk of divorce, has she changed her mind, and she cuts him off.
Caye pirouettes in a beautiful blue gown before Ale and asks how does she look. Like a Star, he replies. She thanks him and says she owes it all to him. Ale, "the world is going to learn your true history.. and the guilty will pay.."
Vic and Xiao are doing something with boxes of money. The lottery is discussed, well Vic speaks and Xiao nods his head. I'm thinking he is a mute, I've never heard him speak, have any of you? Or is this a way Telemundo keeps salaries down, I think if an actor has a non speaking roll they earn less .
Delores is ready for the ball also in a pretty lavender dress that apparently has not needed to be let out. She calls for Theresa, then discovers she is already outside flirting with Ric Jr. Their PDA seems to make her gag....
David is reading the trial transcript when Mari walks in. He has come to realize Ger manipulated everything. Mari is genuinely shocked.
Delores is going to tell on Theresa. But wait, if you tell on me I tell on you about your pregnancy. Checkmate.
David tells Mari about Ruben and Vicente being the 2 witnesses against Ale, and that the case was rushed through the courts without calling any other witnesses. He is convinced that Mari is the reason it was a rush job, as she recalls Ger's asking her about her relationship with Ale from his sick bed. (I'm thinking David is barking up the wrong tree here and Ger was just protecting his father, and thus his family name). Ger walks in and David leaves to get ready for the premiere....(I'm not liking Marianas dress in this episode)
Ric and Pedro are getting ready to. Pedro says some disparaging things about Vic and Delores. He goes to the bathroom and Ric searches his closet. He finds that incriminating red velvet sack with the gold coins Ale gave Ruben before he was murdered. Ric puts it back and closes the wardrobe just in time (I think) as Pedro leaves the bathroom.
At El Conde's
Memo sends Lucretia off to the hotel to make sure everything is running correctly there, she wants to stay for the premiere, but if course that doesn't suit Ale's plans so off she goes.
Josie has a really beautiful dress on tonight, she almost looks like Glenda the good witch from the wizard of Oz, but we all know she really is the wicked witch of the West.. J: Conde, your Dr saw Dylan, he has no sign of cancer! C: What good news. You must be so happy. He lays it on thick, begging her pardon for slamming her incorrectly about her husband's health.
Pau and Mari discuss finding proof about Josie's guilt. I was a bit lost in this conversation also

Conde #58 part 3
Caye welcomes all to the premiere and gives a bit of her history, including the fact that she Mexico is her home country. Conde introduces her costar, Senor Carranza ( is he a famous actor from that time period or a present day one, I'm not familiar with that many Mexican actors yet,).
Memo and Pau meet in the hall. He giver her some innocuous herbs to replace the deadly ones and warns her to be careful.
Caye invites Mari to sit next to her in the front row...the first scene is Caye on a runaway horse and Mari relives her first meeting with Ale.
Delores rushes to the bathroom, Theresa follows. DD "me llegó la regla". Is she saying she lost the baby? I need to watch this part with English subtitles tomorrow....
Now the movie is reliving Josie and Antonios story...
Mari tells Pau in the foyer, that the movie is her and Alejandro's story ...
In the kitchen Ric tells Memo that he found proof that Pedro killed Ruben
Josie wants to beat a hasty retreat. Dylan wants to socialize. Felipe listens in... I think they are going to leave Dylan behind and head home with the excuse of Josie feeling ill.
Theresa and Ric Jr. Meet up in the kitchen for some kidding. Ric sees them. Theresa is taking Delores home. Ric chews Jr out.
Mari confronts ale about the movie. Felipe has found Pau and they are going home. ger walks in and the movie is discussed. Neither of them liked it .
Uh oh, Lucretia is back in the kitchen with a basket of vegetables. She sees Pedro....he rushes off. She finds out he is the Marques from one of the guests.
Another fun scene with Josie. They are home. Pau loved the movie. She and Felipe are discussing scenes from it and laughing Josie thinks it is for the ignorant masses...she's going to bed, she has a headache.
Lucretia is in the kitchen. Caye comes in. luce asks where the Marques is staying, Caye thinks he's staying at the Zambranos. Lucretia rushes off
Theresa is waiting for Vio at home. Delores did lose the baby, or as Theresa suggests, it was a false alarm. A bit of cattiness on Theresa's part. Uh oh, you no longer have any ammunition. Delores can tattle on you now ..
Dylan and Ale. Ale fills Dylan in on what Josie did to Sofia
Lucretia is at the Zambranos. A maid brings her to Pedro. What are you doing here he snarls?
Josefina also tried to poison Paulina. Dylan is reeling.



Juanita, part 3 got eaten by blogger if you can retrieve it ....

Slamming = scaring

Kat in SC: I see Scumbag Villarreal is still determined to become President of Mexico LOL. Ramiro will try to kill Lorena ?

These Karma anvils are too DAMN SLOW to come.

PS: Bratty Dolores will indirectly get Ricardo, Jr., killed if Jackass Vic finds out about Teresa & Ricardo, Jr.,


Conde #58 part 3
Caye welcomes all to the premiere and gives a bit of her history, including the fact that Mexico is her home country. Conde introduces her costar, Senor Carranza ( is he a famous actor from that time period or a present day one, I'm not familiar with that many Mexican actors yet).
Memo and Pau meet in the hall. He gives her some innocuous herbs to replace the deadly ones and warns her to be careful.
Caye invites Mari to sit next to her in the front row...the first scene is Caye on a runaway horse and Mari relives her first meeting with Ale.
Delores rushes to the bathroom, Theresa follows. DD "me llegó la regla". Is she saying she lost the baby? I need to watch this part with English subtitles tomorrow....
Now the movie is reliving Josie and Antonios story...
Mari tells Pau in the foyer, that the movie is her and Alejandro's story ...
In the kitchen Ric tells Memo that he found proof that Pedro killed Ruben
Josie wants to beat a hasty retreat. Dylan wants to socialize. Felipe listens in... I think they are going to leave Dylan behind and head home with the excuse of Josie feeling ill.
Theresa and Ric Jr. Meet up in the kitchen for some kissing. Ric sees them. Theresa is taking Delores home. Ric chews Jr out.
Mari confronts Ale about the movie. Felipe has found Pau and they are going home. Ger walks in and the movie is discussed. Neither of them liked it .
Uh oh, Lucretia is back in the kitchen with a basket of vegetables. She sees Pedro....he rushes off. She finds out he is the Marques from one of the guests.
Another fun scene with Josie. They are home. Pau loved the movie. She and Felipe are discussing scenes from it and laughing Josie thinks it is for the ignorant masses...she's going to bed, she has a headache.
Lucretia is in the kitchen. Caye comes in. Luce asks where the Marques is staying, Caye thinks he's staying at the Zambranos. Lucretia rushes off
Theresa is waiting for Vio at home. Delores did lose the baby, or as Theresa suggests, it was a false alarm. A bit of cattiness on Theresa's part. Uh oh, you no longer have any ammunition. Delores can tattle on you now ..
Dylan and Ale. Ale fills Dylan in on what Josie did to Sofia
Lucretia is at the Zambranos. A maid brings her to Pedro. What are you doing here he snarls?
Josefina also tried to poison Paulina. Dylan is reeling in shock at everything Conde has revealed to him.


Never mind about retrieving the lost post. I was able to backtrack last night and I copied it into my notes file on my phone. Bonus, I got to edit it that way.....


Kat, thank you so much for that snappy recap as we tumble to the end. Our recaps just get better and better .
I liked Mari's gown..loved the color . Blue is my favorite color. I also liked Jo's fancy gown . I agree that it was the complete opposite of her toxic personality. I am still watching younger Chantal in Amor Real.

Oh my, I can't believe that awful Ger wants Ramiro to kill Lorena .

Wow, Caye's film is a replay of the past.

What's going to happen now that Ale told Dylan about Jo poisoning Sofie?



Susan, I'm not sure he necessarily wants her killed, but to disappear like what happens to so many young girls. If others don't clarify some scenes I will probably watch it again. That 20 p.m. slot is hard, especially since I'm now watching from 8 till 11 (12:30 on recap night.). I had to set my alarm for the first time in a while so I could leave the house by 6:30 this morning). Dogs woke me at 5:30 but I wanted a bit more sleep ...

10 p.m. fat fingers at play.

Kat in SC: Not shocked Bratty Dolores lost the baby. For the baby's sake, it got lucky NOT having two scumbag assholes as parents.

Scumbag Pedro being hostile towards Annoying Lucrecita: I wish he would kill this NAGGING OLD GOAT ASAP & quickly.

Ricardo chewing out Ricardo Jr LOL. Dude: You weren't even in his life.

Susan: I still think Harrison's involved in the sinister conspiracy to framing Alejandro. His body language bothers me.



Thanks very much, Kat in SC, for this terrific recap. I'm glad you were able to reproduce the missing Part 1. I'm on the West Coast so I didn't see your message about its being missing until after you'd posted your "never mind" message.

Yes, one meaning of "la regla" is the menstrual period, and so "me llego la regla" means "I got my period." It's not clear to me whether that's what happened or whether Dolores in fact had been pregnant and had a miscarriage. She was nauseous several times (remember Vicente saying she should see a doctor), so my guess is that indeed she had a miscarriage.

Lorena is clearly in danger, but whether Gerardo wants her killed or just out of the picture isn't clear. I was interested in your comment that the theme music for David and Lorena becomes ominous. I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out.

I found it really bizarre that Caye's movie is mostly (?) a replay of Mari's relationship with Ale. I realize that El Conde is trying to get a rise out of Mari and all the others (e.g., Josie and Antonio) who seem to be represented in the movie, but I'm surprised that Caye sees the movie as somehow a normal film rather than a bunch of seemingly unrelated incidents. I don't recall her ever expressing puzzlement over this. Oh well, at least Mari now seeems sure that El Conde is Alejandro. That should move matters along rather forcefully.

In the scene with Chau and Vicente, they switch the real raffle tickets with fake ones. I assume that Vicente intends to make sure he wins.

When near the end Teresa and Dolores are talking, I think Dolores says something about their father probably killing Teresa if he finds out about her and Ricardito, and--oops--out pops Vicente, who asks "Who is Ricardito?" Uh oh!

I too wonder what Dylan will do now that he's been told that his beloved Josie has killed Sofia (not true, but she sure tried) and tried to poison Paulina.


Juanita, thanks for explaining the regla significance. I have a sleeping baby currently so rewatching the episode and just got to the switched raffle tickets part. I was going to start another thread with what I missed, but you covered it so I don't need to now!

Susan, I like the color of Mari's gown. What bugs me is the close ups with her head rising from the ocean waves of her dress, or no dress visible at all as she speaks to David...... Were strapless dresses really that prevalent in the 50's. Caye's dress distracts me in the same way. Camera pan out further!!!! Josie has a nice mink stole covering her strapless number....


Gracias, Kat. So much fun reliving last night's epi through your recap.

Everybody dressed to the nines for a movie premiere was great, just about all the cast in the same place at the same time. I give Josie best dressed. Oddly, none of the guys' attire is memorable.

Wondering who wrote the screenplay. Ale, really? Including Josie and Antonio's storyline was a surprise. I thought Dylan might pick up on his wife and young capataz in the story, but he didn't.

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