Thursday, October 17, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor, Sed de Venganza y más: Week of October 14, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -   Sed de Venganza
  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!




#73 – Part 1 of 3

Whoa!! That was a lot. The bad guys are thinning out.

Felipe keeps pointing a gun at Pedro and denying his paternity. Josie tries to convince him to lower the gun, saying that Pedro is intelligent. [The brains skipped a generation.]

Memo breaks the news about Lucrecia’s death to Ale and Ric. [But she did a lot of damage before she bit the dust, telling Josie the identity of Silvestre Dávalos.] Ale realizes it was Pedro who killed his own auntie.

Pedro has un berrinche (tantrum) throwing and kicking things. Antonio comes in, and Pedro tells him whose grandchild he is.

Josie tries to talk her bad seed down from his rage about Pedro. Felipe tells his mother she was pleased he killed the mother of his child, and now he’s supposed to feel like a father. Felipe tells Josie he’ll turn Pedro in for the reward if Pedro sets one foot in their house.

Ale says that San Jacinto will wake up to a town covered with posters bearing Pedro’s face. Carmen and Teresa learn that Pedro was an imposter.

Josie is about to kill a huge spider to extract some poison. [Huh? Would this work?] when Antonio walks in, looking aghast. She tells him to leave.

Miguel Aguilar comes into a room where that official from the capitol is waiting to speak with him. Miguel tells the guy (sorry, I forgot his name) about Gerardo’s having told him to bow out of the race or else his wife and child would be killed. He goes on to say that that prior attempt on his life was arranged by Gerardo. AND Mr. Blue Eyes also set up the murder of the President’s brother so he could take his place. Miguel gives the guy a folder with evidence. There was a witness, one Hilario Fuentes, who was killed before he could testify (about Ramiro shooting the President's brother). But he left a written declaration.

Felipe tells Antonio to kill Pedro if he sets foot in their hacienda.

The guy from D.F. tells Ale he has all the proof he needs of Gerardo’s crimes. And that the evidence of Gerardo’s having killed the President’s own brother should convince the President to stop supporting Gerardo.

Ale tells the D.F. guy that Pedro killed Ruben Cruz.

We see Pedro skulking through the streets of San Jacinto, his fedora pulled low. The flyers Ale had printed up with his face and real identity are everywhere.


#73 – Part 2 of 3

Nanny and Mari talk about how badly David feels about his father’s crimes. Josie has come there to taunt David about being Silvestre Dávalos. But she manages to overhear the two say who is David’s real father. [Oh boy! I’m a long-term telenovela fan, but I am getting really sick and tired of the eavesdropping trope.]

Josie comes to see Dylan, all wifely sympathy, when he collapses on the floor, clutching his stomach.

David has come to see the Count, but Memo tells him there’s a surprise. The Aguilars come into the room. David says he can’t even look them in the eye. But Ernestina assures him that he’s not to blame for anything. Lorena tells David why they’ve had to seek refuge in Casa Conde.

A triumphant smile on her face, Josie kneels by Dylan. She tells him she’ll get over his loss enjoying all the money he left her. Brendan walks in applauding the performance, Ale right behind him. Dylan then leaps to his feet. He snarls that he’s surprised she thought him stupid enough to keep taking her poison. Brendan shows her the antidote the Count provided.

Brendan tells Josie that they’ve turned over the poisoned food to the authorities. Brendan then administers the coup de grace, showing her what she signed. The document says she agrees to divorce Dylan and give up any rights to his fortune. And she also agreed to return to Mariana Zambrano the house they’re standing in and all other things that belonged to her. Dylan tells her she has to leave by tomorrow.

Ale tells Josie who he really is, reminding her of the day the police came for him and her having said “What good does it do him being innocent.”

Josie is in a state. She remembers Benjamin telling her she has until the next day to get off his property.

Antonio is about to beat feet with two suitcases when Pedro comes into the Zambrano house. He’s come to get his hands on some dinero. Antonio smiles wickedly and tells him that Josie has lost everything, and the police will be here soon to arrest her. Pedro pulls a gun and orders Antonio to open the safe. After doing so Antonio tries to throw a heavy object at his head, but Pedro shoots him, seemingly in the heart. [Everyone on Team Memo/Violeta is now pleased.]

Josie hears the shot, discovers Antonio, and is overcome.

Ale and Memo talk about Josie’s fall. Ale says he’s going to get Mari out, by force if necessary, by the following day.

Ric has come to pick up Amaranta from Casilda’s place. And he tells her that Pau also survived.


#73 – Part 3 of 3

Josie had had Antonio’s body carried to her bedroom. She orders Chole to keep quiet. And she also tells Chole not to let her husband come in. Looking confused, Chole says that Mr. Harrison left. The increasingly deranged Josie shouts: “No, Benjamin!”

Pedro walks quickly through the streets with the money from Josie’s safe when Teresa spots him. She runs after him while Ric Jr. keeps calling and running after her. She catches up, calling Pedro Francisco. He pulls a gun on her. A crowd gathers, and he does not dare shoot. He moves toward the street and BAM!! he’s hit by one of those 1950’s cars that don’t dent if you lean against them too hard. The money flies out of the suitcase and people are scrambling to pick up the bills.

Josie calls Gerardo saying they have to talk. She wants him to come to her house. She tells him she knows who Silvestre Dávalos really is. He’s someone quite close to him. It wasn’t Ramiro who betrayed him.

Paulina is conscious. She tells Caye that the Count needs to know that Mariana didn’t betray him. She married Gerardo to save the life of her son. But she faints before the big paternity reveal.

Gerardo comes to see Josie with 3 men to protect him. She says there’s no one else at the house, and she has something very private to tell him.

Ama comes back to Casa Conde. They take her to see Pau. Viewerville is ready for the happy reunion, but the bed is empty.

Ay, Pau! She’s snuck into the Zambrano hacienda, and Felipe grabs her up immediately. She accuses him of killing Amaranta. He starts in gloating, waving a pistol at her. She tells him Sofia is alive. The Count saved her, and she lives in another country with Javier Gallardo. He gives her one of those familial hard slaps. Then he goes for the cut glass container of alcohol. He sucks a glassful down quickly. He tells Pau he’s going to finish her off like stepping on a worm with his shoe.

Josie tells Gerardo to come with her to the Living Room. She’ll tell him what she promised, and she has a fantastic tequila to offer him. He says she’s lying about knowing who Dávalos really is.

Felipe is reveling in having Pau under his control. He says he’s like to see her die slowly. He sucks down another glassful. He tells Pau he’s looking for a first lady to be with him when he’s President of Mexico, one who’ll give him a son. He starts feeling uncomfortable, spitting blood, and collapses.

Josie walks in with Gerardo. Pau tells Gerardo that Josie poisoned the tequila. Gerardo tells Josie she’s living with the consequences of her actions. Crouching over her dying son, she tells Gerado that David was the one who wrote as Silvestre Dávalos. And he’s not even your son. He’s the son of Alejandro Gaitán. Ask Mariana. “You’ve been a fool all these years, raising the son of your worst enemy. Alejandro Gaitán is El Conde de Montenegro!”


Novelera, you said it. The bad guys were dropping like flies. I also wondered if extracting tarantula venom, and, as we now see, ingesting it was lethal. As seen on TV, It must be. Josie is definitely off her rocker.
I almost thought Dylan ,after jumping up after his death scene performance, was actually going to tell her he was an actor playing the part of a rich man (funded by Conde).
And the there was 1. (Josie no longer counts)...showdown time between Ale and Ger for the gran finale.


Novelera: How ironically seeing Antonio, Slippery Pedro & Slick Felipe all dying LOL.

Kat in SC: I laughed watching Old Man Harrison faking his Red Foxx heart attack sequence 😃.

Now we get to see the Big Showdown between Scumbag Villarreal vs Alejandro.

My question is why did Paulina sneak back into the Zambrano House of Horrors...... only to get slapped again by Slick Felipe ?


Novelera, Juanita, Kat in SC, Niecie, Dondi356, Susan & Co.,:
Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my personal thoughts on last night's episode.
1.) Crazy Whacky Fern continuing her evil ways & manipulations.

2.) Gullible Elisa is still Gullible because she's got no damn clue that Slippery Rpbert is cheating on her with Crazy Whacky Fern.

3.) Gabriel (based on Jackass Antonio Elizalde) taking some pills. Hmmm 🤔

4.) Alonso (Camilo Elizalde 2.0) still an uppity jackass.

5.) We FINALLY see the youngest del Pino brother, Sebastian (Santiago Elizalde 2.0) via cell phone.

6.) Gullible Elisa & her BFF discuss BFF's relationship with Slick Alonso.

7.) Francisco, Marcelo, Fermin meeting at Revenge HQ.

8.) Daddy del Pino & Gabriel playing golf at the golf course.

9.) Eugenio & Crazy Whacky Fern still plotting & scheming.

10.) Gabriel's wife (forgot her last name) crying to Gullible Elisa inside Gullible Elisa's office about something that I couldn't comprehend.

11.) Need to see Slick Robert's family members in this Telenovela.

12.) Francisco meets with Ana at the hospital/institution. She tells him that she didn't kill Mommy del Pino.


Novelera, wow...yes, that was A LOT. Thank you for bringing us every anvilfilled moment as karma arrives to make the rounds of the villains.

I only saw the first part, so now when I watch the end, I will know the dialogue.

The actor playing Felipe seems to be in everything lately. I didn't recognize him in " Sed de Venganza" I guess he always plays a ner do well.

Jo was not having a good day. She did relish telling Ger that wasn't the baby daddy.


Your first sentence says it all!

But hit by a car? That’s seems a rather pedestrian (ha) way to go out. I expected more drama for Pedro’s death, but maybe that’s all he deserves.

And poor Antonio, who should have bailed years ago. Was he really going to stay with Josie or leave with Vio (before the whole getting shot thing)? But yay for Memo! He deserves someone nice.

Who should have beat feet was Pau as soon as everyone else was distracted by Felipe dying. What was she thinking?

So now most everyone is dead or living at el conde’s. One more to go! I’d like to know how Dolores is doing. She was a brat but I feel for her.


K: Were you able to watch last night's episode of "VENGANZA" ? Isabella Castillo is doing an excellent job of portraying an evil Antagonist very well.


First, Kat thank you for the Wednesday recap. I don’t know how you manage to get this done so well each week.

Great Thursday recap, novelera. There was a lot, but you followed it in your typically snarky style.

Crazy editing in the final week. People are teleporting all over the place.
“The guy from D.F.” is the appointed San Jacinto DA, Lopez Verdia.

I thought Antonio agreed to kill Lucrecia. He changed his mind or did Pedro change it? I guess I missed that.

“I expected more drama for Pedro’s death, but maybe that’s all he deserves.” ITA, K, but are we sure he’s dead? Would have been nice if it was Dolores driving the car that hit him.

Memo will win Violeta by default. Okay with me.

Not happy with Pau going to the Zambranos. But she gets to witness revenge first hand without firing a shot. I had hoped that Josie would swallow poison by mistake, but it was her loser son. Maybe Josie’s headed for the manicomio.

I’m looking forward to watching and recapping tonight’s ep. Recap will be up on Saturday.


Hello All!
I have taken some time off from novelas and dizi, but I will join you on Sed de venganza and perhaps La familia. I don’t comment often, but I do appreciate the recaps, comments, and summaries!

Dondi, Antonio was off the hook for murdering Lucrecia because the blackmail Pedro had over him (his affair with Vio) had been revealed to Josie so he no longer had any reason to kill again.
K, had to laugh, how pedestrian a way to go (along with Novelera's 50's car that doesn't dent when you lean on it.) .


Dondi, I loved your suggestion "It would have been nice if it was Dolores driving the car that hit [Pedro]."


K .." A pedestrian way to go" ....yes , right on . Back in the day, for some reason we used to hope that a villain ( especially Sendel) would be hit by a pie cart....don't know where that came from, but it was a common comment.


Wow, novelera, MANY thanks for another marvellous recap, complete with some delightful snark, such as "[The brains skipped a generation]." Yes, the brains may have skipped just one generation, but sanity and decency seem to have eluded all three.

Ah, the absurdly overdone eavesdropping trope! I join you in wishing telenovelas would find other, more imaginative ways of spreading supposed secrets.

I think my favorite scene in this episode was Brendan's entry applauding after Josie has gloated over the supposedly dead Dylan.

I confess I'm still a bit confused about the document Josie foolishly signed without reading it. IIRC, in an earlier episode Brendan said he was taking the signed document to a notary. My admittedly limited experience with notaries is that they won't certify anything not signed in their presence. (And while I'm beating a dead horse, I'll say once more that I'm confused about why Josie had to sign what she was told was Dylan's will. Why would SHE have to sign it? And no, I'm not a lawyer or notary, nor do I play one on TV.)

Novelera, it wasn't until I read your recap that I put together Dylan's telling Josie she'd have to leave by the next day and her meaning Benjamin when she said "my husband." Your recap made it clear that Benjamin had said the same thing to Josie many years before.

Loved the scene where Pedro gets hit by a car, his suitcase filled with money opens, the bills fly about, and a crowd of people eagerly grab them up.

It's true that Pau stopped short of telling Caye that David is Ale's son, but Caye is quite bright and, of course, obsessed with Ale. My guess is that she's smart enough to figure it out from the little Pau said.

I understand why even while still weak, Pau goes to the Zambranos, gun in hand. She is enraged by how both Josie and Felipe have (mis)treated her, her daughter, and Amaranta (who she thinks Felipe has killed). I suspect she'd happily shoot both of them (though at the moment, her anger is probably focused primarily on Felipe). I would have cheered had she killed him, but I'm even happier that he died thanks to Josefina's poisoned tequila.

I'm not sure we've heard the last from Josefina, but I think the next two days will focus mostly on Gerardo. He really has pulled ahead of Josefina in the competition for nastiest of the nasty.

Juanita, so I'm not sure how laws work in Mexico, and maybe someone going to a notary there just means it gets a seal put on it so that it is a valid document. To beat the dead horse, it was NOT a will she signed. It was a transfer of ownership paper, that she didn't read before signing. A major mistake on her part.


Gracias, Novelera. Terrific storytelling of the nonstop action.

I hate that Pau never got to sock Felipe real good.

Loved the passerbyers scrambling to pick up Pedro's stolen cash. There is no one to mourn him, as he deserves.

Looking forward to Memo getting a pep in his step when Vio is without Antonio.

I tried an episode of that one but it’s a bit too dark and will probably hold out for La Familia and give a Turkish show a try. I did see Mañana es para Siempre and liked it so don’t think this one can compete.

Niecie: Scumbag Villarreal is now on the warpath: David, Blabbermouth Mariana, Gabriella & Nanny better watch out.

I hope Alejandro has his backup crew ready.

I don't think Bratty Dolores ran Slippery Pedro over.


Thanks all. Great comments today! I think we all have mixed feelings about Antonio. Thinking about last night, to me it was notable that Antonio had the combination to Josie's safe all along. [Did we know that before last night?] but he was leaving without robbing her.

Susan, I loved "karma arrives to make the rounds of the villains". I also remember the pie carts from long ago Caray villains getting their due.

K, you got us all laughing with Pedro's "pedestrian" death. And ITA that Pau should have left the scene while the Big Baddies were spitting fire at each other.

Dondi, I also wonder if Pedro might have survived. I liked your idea of Dolores having driven the big, all steel 1950's car.

Babachita, glad to have a visit from you. I do plan to watch, and probably recap a bit for La Familia.

Juanita, yes, it was understandable that Pau wanted to put a bullet between Felipe's eyes after everything he'd done to her and thinking he'd killed Ama. But she looked so weak from the usual grave, muy grave illness she contracted from her dive down the waterfall. Notaries in Mexico seem different than the ones in the U.S. I looked that up a long time ago, but it's forgotten and I'm not in the mood to look for it again! They almost seem like they have a lot of the powers of actual attorneys.

Niece, yep, the writers mostly dropped the ball on Pau decking a villain. Maybe tonight?

You do realize "VENGANZA" is based off of the Colombian original, "PURA SANGRE" ?

Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my personal thoughts on last night's episode.
*Mirna meets with Crazy Whacky Fern at the cafe in Miami, FL.

*Mooching Alonso gets annoyed with Tatiana. Just like Camilo & Erika on "MEPS", I don't think it will end well for Tatiana.

*Mirna better watch her back because Crazy Whacky Fern is freaking NUTS.

*Francisco meets with Private Detective discussing efforts of clearing his name.

*Gabriel determined to become President of the del Pino construction company. Good luck with that buddy because your wife, Brenda will cheat on you soon.

*In Dallas, TX: Crazy Whacky Fern suffocates Eugenio.

Dondi356: You're doing the recap of last night's episode ?


conde #74 part 1

Previously: Josie tells Gerardo that David is Silvestre Davalos and the son of Alejandro Gaitan, and the Count of Montenegro is Alejandro Gaitan!

Josie cries over her dying son. Ale and Ric arrive, and Pau fills them in. Ale goes to find the evil ones and Pau tells Ric that Gerardo knows Ale is the Count. She adds, we must help Mari, she’s in danger.

Gerardo teleports home and begins to process the stunning revelations. He whispers, Mariana, you made a fool of me. Flashback to La Isla. Ale realizes Gerardo put him there to have Mariana for himself. Ale vows, I’ll destroy you. That’s all I care about. Your time to pay will come and you will regret everything you’ve done. [I won’t hold my breath waiting for Gerardo’s regret, but I’ll welcome his downfall.]

Ale witnesses Felipe’s last words to his mother: you killed me. Josie weeps—no, no, I love you. Felipe dies. Ale makes the sign of the cross for the departed. He says, it’s over, Josefina. Josie turns to Ale and states, Gerardo killed him. No, Ale replies, you did. Your son died knowing you poisoned him. Another one of your victims. Like Sofia’s son, Felipe’s dad, and Benjamin Zambrano.

Pedro is still alive and in the hospital. We hear the voice singing: Who told you that there will be another chance? Who told you that I will never forgive you? The doctor tells Pedro he’s lucky to be alive. Pedro says he can’t feel his body. The doc gives Pedro the bad news—a spinal cord injury. He’s paralyzed. Pedro is now a prisoner in his own body. The voice sings: you are a thief who doesn’t know how to steal. Pedro can’t live like this. I need my body, he shouts, kill me! I want to die! The voice sings again: give up…

Josie tells Ale, you were always good to everyone. People thought you were a hero. I did too. It was Gerardo who sent you to jail. Ale reminds her she never said a word in his defense. Josie whines that Gerardo threatened her if she did. Stop lying, Ale replies, you’ve all always been accomplices. Justice will take care of you now.

Josie grabs the gun on the table to kill herself. Ale quickly disarms her. Josie has auditory hallucinations of her mother, Benjamin, and Antonio. She shouts back at them. Ale is like, WTH.

DA Lopez Verdia comes to the Villarreal estate with a couple of cops. Are you going to arrest me without evidence, Gerardo asks. Unlike you, the DA replies, I follow the law. He warns Gerardo not to leave SJ. Gerardo tries to extract information from the DA. The DA won’t give it and advises Gerardo not to arouse more suspicion. Don’t try to escape. Don’t leave your estate.

Delusional Josie begs non existant Antonio to help her take Felipe to the hospital. Ale calls her out on faking insanity to escape justice. I’ll stay here until the police arrive, he says. Were you trying to kill yourself? I won’t let you take the easy way out. Josie begs Ale to let her die. Her life has no meaning without Felipe. She bends down over Felipe. She hears something.

David knows his father is a murderer. How could we have lived with him all this time without realizing it? Don’t blame yourself, Mari replies. David wonders how he can go on knowing he’s the son of a murderer.

Dead Felipe has spoken to Josie. She turns to Ale. Felipe says you are cursed, that’s why you and Mari will never be together. You’ll never be able to be close to your son! Ale flinches—my son?

Mari tells David there’s something important he needs to know. She can’t hide it any longer. Sweetheart, your dad… something interrupts them.

Quick cut to Josie dropping the bomba on Ale. You’re David’s father. His real father. Ale is stunned.

Gerardo orders Mari to come with him. He needs to speak with her alone.

Pau and Ama reunite. All is joyous until Pau faints.


conde #74 part 2

The cops take Josie. She’s howling. Let me go! She begs Benjamin not to let them take her. She shouts for Antonio. Chole appears. Josie yells at her, tell your son to shut up! He shouldn’t have caught Antonio and me! That’s why we had to kill him! It’s his fault! Chole shouts back, it was you! You killed my child!

Josie sees Felipe’s body being carried out. She starts howling again. Uncover him! Felipe! She’s taken out behind him.

Ale is reeling from Josie’s bombshell. Ric comes in and Ale says Josie wasn’t making any sense. He gives Ric the gun to turn in to the police. Ric tells him that Antonio was found dead in the bedroom. He was shot.

Ale is distracted and Ric notices. Ale starts to talk, but then says to forget it. Instead, he mentions “poor Felipe”, poisoned by his own mother. Don’t tell me you feel sorry, Ric replies, and he adds that Gerardo knows that the Count is Alejandro Gaitan. Mariana could be in danger.

Vi tells Memo that Antonio stood her up. She laments, why don’t I lave luck in love? She thought she was lucky when she found Vic. He treated her like a queen. Too late, she realized he was a monster.

That’s probably why I fell for Antonio, Vi reckons, I was feeling alone and craved affection… he was so sweet to me. It was another mistake. She thinks Memo was right to say Antonio wouldn’t change. Memo replies, maybe it’s time for you to start a new life with someone who truly deserves your love. Someone who respects and appreciates you for who you are. [got anyone in mind, Memo?]

Gerardo tells Mari about the hellish scene at Josie’s. Mari is aghast. Gerardo says that Pau was there, too. She was badly beaten. Mari asks if Pau is ok. Gerardo is peeved. He asks, if Josefina had poisoned me, would you have felt sorry for me? Do you know why I went to the estate? Josie said she had something important to say. Do you have any idea what she said? Mari looks uncomfortable.

Gerardo answers his own question—she said David is Silvestre Davalos. Did you know? Mari’s silence gives him the answer. Josie was right, I had the enemy in my own house, he says. Sendel picks up a little table and throws it. Mari is frightened. Gerardo has a more important question. Is David my son or Alejandro Gaitan’s?

Vi wonders where the convo with Memo is going. He’s got something to say but not saying it. He’s making her nervous. He starts by telling her Ale and Ric were at the Zambrano estate. Vi stops him there, she doesn’t want to know if Antonio was there with la vieja esa. She’s ticked if he chose her.

Memo shakes his head and blurts—Antonio is dead. His lifeless body was found covered in blood on Josie’s bed. We don’t know if Josie or someone else shot him. Vi breaks down. Poor thing! He was going to come with me after all, she sobs. She feels guilty. She hugs Memo for comfort. Poor Memo.

Looks like Pau will be ok. Ric tells Caye what happened at Josie’s. Josie screamed like a madwoman. Antonio was found dead. It was a miracle that Pau survived. Caye asks, where is Ale? Ric says he went to the Villarreal estate. He wanted to go alone, but I’ve already gathered men and I’m going. Caye starts to tell Ric info that Pau said. Guessing it’s about David but we don’t hear it.

Gerardo asks Mari, is David the son of that bastard? Mari doesn’t want to answer. Gerardo continues, is that why you married me so quickly? You didn’t want anyone to find out you were pregnant by that murderer?

Mari stands up to Gerardo. He [Ale] is no murderer. It was your father who ordered the Aguilars killed. Gerardo delivers a bofetada that sends Mari across the room. Mari turns and says, hit me all you want, it won’t change the truth. Gerardo responds, it was David who wrote those articles against me, right? He’s not my blood. Something could happen to him and that will be the price you pay for deceiving me.


conde #74 part 3

Gerardo turns to leave but Mari grabs him and sinks to her knees. No, please don’t, I beg you. Do what ever you want with me but don’t hurt David. He’s not your son but you raised him. He sees you as his father. I beg you, don’t hurt him.

Nothing you can say will change the anger I feel, Gerardo replies. Do it for Gabriela, Mari pleads. Gerardo questions Gaby’s paternity, too. He refers to Gaby as that damned orphan. He tells Mari, Cordelia was the same or worse than you! Gerardo says he knows Ale is the Count. He vows, I’ll do with his son, what I should have done with him. Mari grabs at Gerardo again and begs. Gerardo breaks away and locks the desperate Mari in the room.

Meanwhile, Gerardo’s henchies throw David into a storage room. David barks to let him go. A henchie pulls a gun. David declares, I’m Gerardo Villarreal’s son, why are you doing this to me? Gerardo’s orders.

Gerardo is trying to contact the President. His call won’t be put through. He’s livid. They hang up on him. A man is with Gerardo, not sure who he is but I think we’ve seen him before. An advisor? Gerardo says he wants to go to the capital to speak in person with the pres.

The advisor tells Gerardo that the situation is very delicate. They have started legal proceedings against him. Judge Ancira already has the file. They can issue a warrant at any time. Gerardo gulps, Ancira owes me favors. He won’t harm me. The advisor is not so sure. There’s solid evidence and pressure from the capital. An informant says the Count spoke with the president.

Gerardo is defiant. That bastard has been conspiring against me for months, he says, he’s crazy if he thinks I’ll surrender so easily. Gerardo tells the advisor to speak with Ancira. Tell him I’ll go after him and his family if he tries anything.

The advisor thinks it’s a bad strategy. Gerardo shouts for his henchie, takes a gun from him and points it at the advisor. Do as I say. Tell him [the judge] not to order anyone on my property, or I’ll kill my own family. The advisor backs off and leaves.

Gerardo tells the henchie to prepare everything for them to go to the port. Get a boat to leave the country immediately. Money is no object. Tell the men to shoot in case the police or anyone approaches the estate.

Nanny tries to get Mari out of the room. Locked, no key.

Meanwhile, Ale has made is way into the Villarreal estate and overtakes a guard. He holds a gun to him and tells him to get out. The guy quickly runs off. [security isn’t the same without Ramiro.]

David is brought to Gerardo. He shouts, why are you treating me like a criminal? Because that’s what you are, Gerardo replies. You slandered the idiot who supported you all your life, Silvestre Davalos. He holds up the newspaper and continues, my worst enemy was living in my house. He flings a section of the paper at David and asks, why the hell did you do this to me?

I didn’t know what I’d find, David replies, I only wanted to write a good story about SJ and prove to you I could be a good journalist. Gerardo responds, by attacking me? David says his intentions were always to uncover the truth, not to attack. The first thing I discovered was what my grandfather did.

Gerardo yells, don’t you dare talk about my father! David does not back down. He gets in his father’s face—it was very hard to discover what he had done and who you really are! Both of you committed very serious crimes, Dad. Gerardo throws the rest of the paper at David. You had no right to get involved, he snarls, no less to accuse me. I did what I had to do, period.


conde #74 part 4

David fires back, my grandfather ordered the Aguilars’ murder, and you covered it up. You condemned Alejandro Gaitan. You sent him to death in the dungeon on La Isla. I know you attempted to kill Miguel Aguilar, and I know about the many horrible things you’ve done! I wasn’t going to be an accomplice to your filth. Gerardo smacks David across the face.

Mari desperately searches for a spare key.

David responds, hit me. What difference does it make? What really hurts is knowing I’m the son of a murderer. If that’s what hurts you the most, Gerardo answers, you don’t have to worry. I’m not your father, you idiot. Your mother lied to me. David shakes his head in disbelief. Gerardo continues, she made me believe you were my son, so I’d take care of you, but you are nothing more than the son of that bum Alejandro Gaitan.

Ale to the rescue! He busts open the door to Mari’s room. She rushes to hug him and states, thank God you are here. Gerardo’s gone crazy. He knows you are Alejandro and that… What, Ale asks, what is it? Mari can’t hold it in any longer—David is our son.

Gerardo snarls at David, we’re so different. [you got the good genes, David.] That’s why it was so hard for me to love you. Didn’t you ever feel the same? David is shellshocked. The henchies break in—boss! The estate is surrounded by police. They have barricaded themselves at the main entrance.

Gerardo knows they are coming for him. He orders his men to stand their ground. Tell the police my wife and kids are here, and if they enter the house, I’ll kill my family. David shouts at Gerardo not to touch his mother or sister.

David is our son, Mari confesses, I found out… but I thought you were dead. I couldn’t tell you. We see Nanny in the background. Mari continues, he’s your son. Ale is rendered speechless. Nanny tells them Gerardo has men guarding the house and Gabriela is with one of them. Ale snaps out of it and says not to worry, he will find David. Mari warns him to be careful.

Pau wakes up. Ama tells her she’s safe at the Count’s estate now. Pau asks about Josie. Caye says she’s been arrested. Felipe? She remembers and says this is a nightmare. Ama says it’s all behind them. Pau asks about Mari. Caye tells her the Count went to the Villarreals. Ric and men went too, and they will rescue Mari. Trust the Count.

Vi tells Memo she will miss him a lot. She has asked all her saints to protect him. She adds, I know you’ll find love in no time. [he already found it, she doesn’t realize.] Memo hands her a Madrid address he got from Caye. It’s for a Spanish film director, Luis Garcia Berlanga. [Wiki says he’s “acclaimed as a pioneer of modern Spanish cinema”.] He might help to revive Vi’s career.

Memo tells Luisito to take good care of his mother. Vi says she hates goodbyes. Memo is sure they will see each other again [yes!] He adds his condolences about Antonio. Vi sums it up—Antonio died the way he lived. Josie was a dangerous woman. They both chose the wrong path.

Memo takes Vi’s hand and says, you deserve to be happy. You’re a great woman. It’s time to achieve your dreams. She says she will take advantage of this chance. They hug. Poor Memo feels the pain of unrequited love.

Ale walks through the door into Gerardo’s office. Gerardo greets him. Alejandro Gaitan. I’ve been waiting for you. I’m glad you finally know who I am, Ale replies, I waited a long time for you to figure it out. I had forgotten your face, Gerardo says, a nobody like you is easily forgotten. I must admit your disguise as a count… is quite good. [I must admit I chuckled at that.] He asks, who’s fortune and title did you steal?


conde #74 part 5

Ale answers with a gun pointed at Gerardo’s head. Where is David? Henchie leads David into the room at gunpoint. Gerardo mocks Ale. Even with your fortune, you’re still the same resentful, opportunistic peasant I sent to jail. Ale says to let David go. Gerardo faces Ale and replies, did you think I’d give up so easily? Ale does not lower his gun.

Mari asks Gaby to be brave and to hide in the closet and wait for Adela. Mari grabs an object from the dresser and when the guard comes into the room, she bashes him over the head. She takes his gun and gets Gaby from the closet.

Gerardo continues to bluster, you thought I’d let a lowlife like you defeat me? Ale cocks his pistol. I won’t ask again—let David go. You mean your son, Gerardo replies. Say it! He addresses David, come on, tell your father to defend you. David answers, you are my father. Soulless Gerardo turns to David, I didn’t procreate a treacherous bastard like you.

Ale says David has no blame. Don’t be a coward, Gerardo. This is between you and me. Gerardo tells Ale to drop the gun first. Ale hands it over. Gerardo lets David go to Ale, then he fires the gun.

Gaby is scared, she heard the gunshot. Mari tries to keep her calm as they sneak through the house. She tells Gaby to get in a closet again. Mari sees Nanny with a guard and fires her gun in their direction. She shouts, don’t move! I’ll kill you! [lol, Nanny has her hands up, too!] Mari directs Nanny to take the guard’s gun and find something to tie him with. [Gerardo should regret killing Ramiro.]

Looks like Ale was grazed in the arm by the shot. Ale shouts at David to leave but Gerardo grabs him and holds him at gunpoint. Gerardo doesn’t give a damn what happens anymore. You, Alejandro Gaitan, will pay for your arrogance in confronting me.

Ale says to point and shoot at him instead of David. I’m not a fool, Gerardo replies, I condemned you to hell for looking at Mariana. Imagine what I can do after what you’ve done to me. I want to watch you scream in pain as you watch your only son die.

Mari tells Gaby to go to the river with Nanny. Gaby doesn’t want to leave her mother. Nanny is reluctant to leave, too. She doesn’t know how to use a gun. Mari tells her to just shoot anyone who gets in the way [lol]. Gaby continues to resist.

David asks Gerardo, what about Gabriela when she learns you killed me? Gerardo says Gaby was just an excuse to keep Mari. He no longer needs that orphan. Ale asks if Gerardo feels anything for David. Let him go. I’m sunk, Gerardo replies, but the two of you are going down with me. David makes a bold move and knocks the gun out of Gerardo’s hand and takes off. Ale picks up the gun and shoots the henchie before he can shoot David.

David finds his mother and sister. He tells Mari, he saved my life… Alejandro… my dad… Mari wants to talk about it, but David says it’s not the time. They are fighting in the study, he says, I’m going to get the police. He wonders why they haven’t entered the house yet. Mari explains that the police think they are hostages. She gives the gun to David and tells him to go with Gaby and Nanny. Call the police and she will catch up with them.

Ale puts the gun down. I should have killed you 18 years ago, Gerardo snaps, but now I’ll do it with my own hands. He lands the first punch.

David doesn’t want to leave his mother, but Mari begs. She hugs her kids and runs off.

Ale and Gerardo fight. Ale knocks Gerardo down and starts to choke him.

And we are out and on to the gran final!

My last recap for this TN. Thanks for reading and commenting, everyone! Many thanks to my fellow recappers. You are all amazing!


Trying to learn the characters names, there's a lot of them. I'm done recapping Conde so perhaps I will take this one on. Anyone besides Steve watching it? If I recap I'd want to know if there is any interest in it. Monday I have retinal surgery. I'm hoping I can type things while keeping my face down as that is a requirement for 5 -14 days post surgery. A gas bubble is put in the eye and it needs to be at the back of the eye until it gets absorbed....

One thing I want to comment on this episode, why in the world didn't Eugenio tear the plastic sack Fernanda placed around his head. Perhaps it was some indestructible plastic bag, but I surely would have done that first.
Alonso makes an indecent proposal to his sister in law, Brenda. He doesn't have the same dysfunction as his brother....that earned him a slap.

I'm a bit confused about the arena Gabriel bought. Is this sand for construction, a plot of land, ??? It is now war between the 2 consuegros though as both companies wanted it.
Fermin's wife, not sure her name, it seems 2 or 3 sisters all work for the del Pino family, was not happy with him partying all night...speaking of the sisters they are shocked no one from the del Pino family have sent flowers or have mentioned Manuela's funeral. Looks like the hired help get Sundays off so they won't have to take leave to attend. I know Fernanda forbade one of the maids to tell Elisa about her death as she doesn't want her to be sad just before her wedding.


Dondi, this last week has been jam packed. I'm so glad for your recaps. I understand about 75 % of the dialogue now, so your thorough descriptions fill in what I'm unsure about.

I also laughed at Nanny saying she didn't know how to use a gun. Good thing David showed up so she doesn't have to.

Until this episode I had no idea the stable boy that was killed was Chole's son.

I'm a bit disappointed the investigator left Mari unprotected and pretty much ordered Ger to be under house arrest, with his potential hostages.

That frantic search for a key when the French doors had glass inserts! I'm like, break the glass you idiots. Mari is small enough, she could have fit through. And then for Conde to be able to open them with a strong shove, I totally get that. French doors are not terribly secure..... Until Monday.....

Kat, I am watching and also still trying to learn the characters! I would be surprised if Eugenio dies this early. Probably just enticing us to the next episode!


¡Muchísimas gracias! dondi, for yet another magnificent recap!! You've done such a splendid job that I have little to add, other than to say how much more I get from the episodes after reading your recaps.

I loved your side remark "[got anyone in mind, Memo?]". I wonder whether Violeta will change her mind in the last episode. I was interested to learn from you that Luis Garcia Berlanga is indeed an accomplished Spanish film director. It would be cool if the actress playing Violeta turns up in one of his films.

Like Kat in SC, I couldn't understand why Mari didn't use one of the items in the room to smash the glass in the doors. I kept urging Mari to do so, but she ignored me.

Whatever love or loyalty David feels for Gerardo probably vanishes when he hears Gerardo gloatingly declare, "I want to watch you [Ale] scream in pain as you watch your only son die."

Clearly the fight between Ale and Gerardo will be continued in the gran final. I'm assuming--no, make that hoping--that the good guy wins, and that there will be HEA endings for all the deserving characters.


Wow! Such a terrific recap, dondi. You filled in some things I didn't grasp and put in your trademark funny asides!

Yep, you would definitely turn blue awaiting the slightest regret from Gerardo.

Kudos to the writers. Pedro survived to face (for him) a fate worse than death. Just the best karma.

I'm sure we did not know about the boy who saw Antonio and Josie in the stable being Chole's son. Why didn't the writers include a bofetada from Chole right in Josie's chops?

I completely missed the part about Gerardo not really caring about his daughter. That she was only a tool to hang onto Mariana.

I was right there with Kat and Juanita yelling at my TV for Mari to break one of those panes of glass and escape.

I got a kick out of "security is not the same without Ramiro".

That was a nice touch having the writers put in a real Spanish director.

Dondi, you said "Gerardo continues to bluster". Ain't it the truth. Gerardo has blustered his way through life, except when killing to get his way.

I know it's supposed to show what kind of man he is, but I was not best pleased Ale put down the pistol. He needed to get someone to tie his hands behind him and get the police to take him away, holding the gun on him the whole time. But then there wouldn't be one last episode, would there?


Kat- I had the same thought about the glass doors. Maybe glass was stronger in the 50’s?

And poor Chole. I didn’t realize that was her son. She must feel terrible about working for her kid’s murderers all these years. I hope she gets a big raise when things settle. Or maybe a big fat severance package.

Shouldn’t people living on a ranch know how to use a gun? I did target shooting once at camp when I was about 10. Pretty sure I could hold a gun better than Mari did. I was afraid she was going to hit Gabi or Nanny!

I’m still rooting for Memo and Vio but probably for the best that she gets herself together first. Maybe we’ll get a jump at the end and she can come back as a financially independent and successful actress. And then get with Memo. :)

So they’ve dispatched with every bad guy but Gerardo! His badness will have to carry us out in Monday.



Dondi , thank you for this recap and for all your excellent recaps . I know how much time , talent, and effort you put into your recaps. I am grateful.

I had to secure my beanie during that whole scene with Ale , Ger, and David . I had to suspend my disbelief , and I could only do so because of my love for my very first Telenovio Fernando .

I grew up on a farm and was surrounded by hunters , including my dad . I had a boyfriend who was an avid hunter like a lot of our friends .He taught me to shoot a rifle from his front porch,. It scared me , so I never did it again, but I knew women who hunted. Being in a rural area, maybe Mari knew how to use a rifle but not a handgun.

P.s. Dondi, I am still watching " Amor Prohibido"...yikes. Susan



I am watching this show, but I am a little lost.

I have never seen the actress playing Fernanda before.....yikes ...she is scary stone cold evil. Susan

Susan and babachita, glad to know there are some others watching it. Pura Sangre was perhaps the 4th TN I watched about 15 months ago. I really hope the storyline differs significantly. PS was the first dark TN I watched so it really made an impression on me.

Once again the business talk confuses me, but, in my Duolingo journey I am now learning business words so perhaps I won't be quite so confused. Of course TN business and real world business are like night and day so making sense of the show will be a stretch I'm sure.

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