Monday, January 20, 2025

El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar #1 1/19/25

There is a list of the main characters in my previous posting.

Here we go . . .

A man is screaming as an interrogator is torturing him and asking him if he knows Leonor to be a witch. Leonor shouts for him to just say yes and save himself.  As she thinks back on her romantic relationship with the man, she is branded with a cross on her chest. She screams.   In the present, Diana awakens with a start and also with what looks like a cross shaped birth mark on her chest,    Clearly disturbed, she  gets up to get some water in the kitchen and is soon joined by her sister Malena wondering if she had the same nightmare again. Diana says she did.  Malena  comforts her before going back to bed. The sisters do not know what they would do with each other. Diana takes a shower and fixates on the cross on her chest. 

At the same time, Mario is on a plane to Mexico City.   He notices the man sitting next to him ( Gonzalo) is looking at a pamphlet with a  painting by the Italian colonial artist Medoro who worked in Peru. They are both fans of the artist and have something to talk about.  It turns out this is  Mario's first time in Mexico. Gonzalo offers to give him some tips since he knows all about Mexico and Mario knows nothing.  Mario welcomes the idea. They toast. 

Malena  is busy restoring an antique painting as Diana is leaving for work. Diana  plans to go see her therapist after work and then will meet up with Malna at the gallery.  Her therapy is usually Tuesdays and Thursdays but she needs to see him today. Malena  suggests that she sees her therapist so much it must be for  more than professional reasons. Diana scoffs at that idea saying she only needs a full night's sleep. Malena laughs saying she urgently needs "something else."

Diana is an obstetrician-gynecologist and she is at work. She  prepares a patient for a C-section and and successfully delivers  her baby. 

Joaquín, Diana's therapist, is in a lecture hall talking about where phobias come from.  Do they come from the dark side of the moon? some other place?  Some other time?  Why is it that persons who have never had a fear of heights suddenly develop vertigo? A student asks if he is talking about alternate realities. Joaquín says maybe past lives.  The student thinks that has to do with pseudo science.  Joaquín reminds him that until recently,  people considered psycho-analysis to be a pseudo-science so  it is important to keep an open mind.

At the same time, Mario arrives in Mexico City.  As he walks through the airport, he experiences a weird kind of dizziness and a buzzing in his head. At the same moment, Diana experiences the same thing as well as Joaquín in the lecture hall. There is a flashback to the same torture scene that Diana dreamed of and then a close up of her glowing eyes(!)  

A fellow physician Irene checks Diana out. Diana blames it all on only having  coffee for breakfast. Diana cuts the check-up short so they can go to a  department briefing. 

Mario sits disoriented at the airport. Gonzalo asks if he is feeling better. Mario asks if there was an earthquake.  Gonzalo says no. Mario blames the altitude.

Accompanied by colleague Rolando, Joaquín takes out an asthma inhaler and seems to be in the middle of an attack. He soon recovers. Joaquín hasn't had that strong of an attack in a while.  Rolando  asks about the patient he told him about, Joaquín admits that he cannot stop thinking about her. He has never felt like that about anyone.  Rolando  suggests that he pass her on to a different therapist if his feelings for her continue. Joaquín has thought about it but he feels this special connection to her. He assures Rolando that he would never do anything that would cross the line. 

At the department briefing, Diana is informing  the doctor in charge Enrique that she is not going to allow her patients to be used like guinea pigs  for a doctor who went around U.S. protocols. Enrique  assures her this is a clinical trial and not experimentation. Irene acknowledges that due to clinical trials, we have half of the medicines we use today. Diana coldly reminds her that she doesn't need her to define "clinical trials." Irene says "it wasn't personal" Enrique stops the squabble. Next, he wants to tell them how the new head of their department will be chosen. It will be one of them determined by a project due in three weeks.  Irene says there must be a mistake. Enrique answers that there was no mistake. Diana leaves telling Irene "it's nothing personal." Irene is clearly surprised by the competition. 

Gonzalo offers to take  Mario to his lodging but Mario is going to be met by a person from his lab.  They agree to meet that night at Gonzalo's gallery event. 

Gael, a genetic engineer and now colleague, picks up Mario and takes him to his apartment

Diana tells Joaquín how weird her experience was. It was like everything was shaking  with an unbearable buzzing. He asks if she got dizzy.  She admits she blacked out but doesn't remember for how long. Joaquín remembers his own experience and asks how she has been sleeping. She says poorly as usual. He says in her phone message she mentioned the same dream she has had since childhood.  Was it the dungeon dream or another one? She answers that this time she dreamt that she made love to a man but she couldn't see his face.  He explains that  the experiences she dreams about are paired with  life and death.  One naturally leads to the other.  She nervously laughs thinking she was doing better rather than going backwards. He reminds her that she needs to be patient. It takes time.  It turns out her father left their  home and died when she was very young. She doesn't even remember him. Joaquín thinks that is an avenue to explore.  He suggests trying  hypnosis since they have been working together for more than a year. There is something holding her back. She has to leave and will think about his suggestion. 

Mario arrives at the  colonial art event at the gallery. He couldn't miss the chance to see a real Medoro. Gonzalo introduces him to his partner and "crack" colonial art restorer Malena. She quickly adds that she only owns 5% of the business.   Gonzalo takes him to see a Medoro painting.

At the same time, Diana enters the gallery and her sister greets her. Malena wants to show her to this really handsome guy that Gonzalo met on his trip. She starts to lead a reluctant Diana to where Gonzalo is looking at the Medoro with Mario. Gonzalo has to leave him and Mario remains alone in front of the painting. Gonzalo needs Malena for something and Diana is left alone, also. She turns around and her eyes fix on Mario's back.  He senses her gaze, turns around and their eyes meet. Time stops.They both smile. She approaches him. He says that they know each other, don't they? She also felt like she knows him. He doesn't know where he knows her from though. They introduce themselves and as they shake hands, the lights start to flicker and the sound system catches on fire. Diana stands frozen in fear staring at the fire. Joaquín's head starts buzzing and he has another asthma attack. Diana leaves and hears someone say "your eyes", a horse neighing and galloping.  The buzzing starts again accompanied by screams. She starts to run hearing somebody saying "You will aways be the same until eternity passes away." She messages Joaquín that she is ready to start hypnosis.  

As the gallery is suddenly back to normal, Mario finds out that it is a small world and that his co-worker Gael is Malena's novio.  Gael remarks about the coincidence of it all. Malena thinks it is destiny. Mario was supposed to be there. Mario thinks in spite of destiny, it is time for him to go. He mentions that he met a woman but doesn't know where she went. Her name is Diana. Malena  identifies her as her sister and offers to give him her number.  He politely  refuses and leaves telling Malena to say goodbye to her sister for him. 

Diana grabs a cab and Joaquín narrates:  Sometimes it seems like life is full of coincidences that causes us to get close to others or to distance  ourselves from then. Some think it is simply the brain that is slow to make these connections, but what if is something beyond that?  What if  the connections between us came from other times, other lives? Diana does not look convinced as her hypnosis session begins. 

As the metronome sounds,  Joaquín counts backwards and Diana enters a trance. Joaquín tells her to go back in time. She sees the fire. He asks her to go farther back to before her existence in this world. 

Suddenly, Diana sees her smiling  image reflected in an ornate tray on a side table in an opulent room in a wealthy  home in  colonial Mexico of the 1600's. She hears somebody call Leonor.  She puts down her embroidery as her father tells her to tell her mother to come to dinner.  The Inquisitor General Brother (fray) Rodrigo of  Treviño arrives.   He  has received correspondence from Spain from his brother the Count of Treviño and  he has asked  has asked for the hand of their beautiful Leonor in marriage. Leonor is overcome by joy. Leonor asks her father if he will say yes. 

The scene changes and Diana has visions of her torture. She sits up with open eyes and says your eyes can change the way they look but the soul that lives behind them will continue being the same until eternity passes away. . . . until eternity passes away.  She closes her eyes still in her trance and falls back on the couch clearly getting upset.  Joaquín decides to bring her out of hypnotic state as she is back seeing the flames and somebody being hung.Diana awakens shaking in tears. She is cold and is given a blanket and tea. She remembers what she saw but it makes no sense.  It is like a movie. Joaquín suggests it might be visions and explains that the brain has a range and abilities we are not capable of understanding.  By visions he means experiences from other times. They know that she has a sleep disorder: parasomnia.   But after today he thinks there is more beyond that, Diana thinks all that belief in past lives is fantasy. He answers that they have to recognize that science does not have an answer for everything. She never experienced what she experienced today with that level of detail. He has read it is a special ability that some people have, like a third eye.  He thinks she has opened some kind of portal as she started to have visions that she never had before. He wants to continue because he thinks he can help her if she lets him.  She grabs his hand and thanks him. 

Back at the hospital, Diana meets with her colleagues and Mario. They smile at each other. Her boss Enrique introduces them. He mentions that Diana also has a specialty in oncology. Mario extends his hand but Diana refuses to shake it because she thinks he wants to use her patients like lab rats.  Enrique tells her this not the time pr place for that. She thinks it is the perfect moment to tell him not to count on her patients for his "experiment." She leaves but  looks back at him 

There is a montage of scenes from the past as  the camera settles on Leonor hurries down the stairs to join her family in greeting Don Eduardo de Carvajal. Leonor's father informs his wife and daughter that Eduardo is a distant relative of his father and has been sent by the King of Spain Felipe IV. He has been sent to investigate political corruption something that does not concern them. They are there to extend hospitality and lodging. Eduardo is introduced. Eduardo and Leonor seem to have an immediate romantic connection. Diana awakens in her bed seemingly to have seen it all in her dreams.

 Mario is getting ready to start his clinical trials.  Rolando is left behind and seems resentful. 

Diana is expressing her concern for the lack of ethics in running Mario's clinical trial to Irene.  It seems that her patient Aurelia might be involved. Aurelia is also  Irene's mother.  Diana wants to talk to Aurelia first but that is not happening. Aurelia is tired of being treated for her evidently terminal condition. She only wants to go home and enjoy what she can for as long as she can away from the hospital. Diana tries to talk her out of the trial and offers another round of chemo.  She is not interested in the clinical trial or more chemo because nothing is going to cure her.  That being said, she ends up signing up for the trial  because Irene asks her to do it for her. 

Mario enters the room wanting to talk to Diana. She heads to her boss' office instead complaining that one of her patients is going to be a part of Mario's experiment and doesn't know about the risks. Mario insists it is a clinical trial. Enrique says it is their job as doctors to explain the risks to their patients. Diana says her problem is if Mario had everything under control, he would not need to come to Mexico to do his clinical trials. Enrique tells her that nobody is forcing her patients to take part in the trials against their will.  They are giving her patients a choice. She responds that it is a chance to be a lab rat. She asks Mario what his reason is to come to Mexico to do his clinical trials. Do they have better tech than  MIT?  Mario agrees with some points she made. . . She is done listening and leaves. Mario grabs her arm and she hears a man's voice calling her Leonor and telling her to be careful. She asks Mario what it was he said. He answers that he said nothing. She wrenches her arm away from him and leaves. 

It seems that Diana has missed her therapy appointment. Joaquín is concerned and leaves his office to find her. 

Mario meets with the patients in the clinical trials in the presence of their doctors to express his gratitude. He is hoping they will be able to stop advanced cancer without using radiation .Irene thanks him for choosing them for the clinical trial.  They are ready to start. Irene thanks Diana for giving  permission to allow her mother (Diana's patient) to participate  in the trials. Diana says sheknows how to respect her patient's decisions even if she does not agree. 

 Joaquín is on the phone with Rolando telling him  how he is now at the hospital looking for Diana. He is concerned because she missed her appointment after a hypnosis session. Rolando thinks Diana's behavior is normal but Joaquín's isn't.  He finally reaches Diana on the phone.  He explains why he was concerned since she missed her appointment. She had a busy day and it slipped her mind. She decides to take a couple days off of therapy. He is okay with that. 

Joaquín and Mario enter parallel elevators. As they pass each other, the electricity sputters and the elevators lurch around. Mario's coffee stains his shirt. Suddenly,  the men are suffering again from the buzzing in their heads. Finally, the mayhem stops and the men are delivered to the correct floors. 

Diana and Mario run into each other. She asks about the coffee stain. He says it was an accident but he was coming to see her. He wants to talk to her for five minutes about his clinical trial. If he doesn't change her mind in that time,  he will let it go. She agrees to ten minutes over coffee. He changes his shirt behind a semi frosted glass partition in her office. She certainly notices his shirtless torso through the non-frosted sections. They leave. 

Gael comes home. Malena is there doing business on the phone. Gael cannot keep his hands off of her. The call ends, She explodes asking what is wrong with him. He says if she lived  there with him he wouldn't be so "hot to trot" all the time. He sits on the couch sexually frustrated. 

Joaquín sees Mario and Diana leaving together. 

Mario tells Diana that he honestly would never put a patient at risk. She suggests that  they should start calling each other tú because they have argued so much already it is as if they were novios.  She smiles as does he. He will be totally honest with her. He says in spite of his solid research it could have taken years to run a clinical trial in the USA due to the power of the pharmaceutical companies. She knows about the "cancer business."  Mario makes the point that  if he would hav been able to act quickly, his wife would be alive today. Diana expresses her sympathy. His wife passed away a little over a year ago. She regrets his wife's death but that doesn't mean she agrees with the clinical trial. It turns out she doesn't have all of the data that is available. He shows  the results from the preliminary tests done at MIT. As he shows her on his phone and their hands touch,  there is a scene of glass breaking and a bloody hand. They drop hands having both experienced something, Diana hears a man's voice telling her again to be careful. . .  They recover and look over the data. She admits that the data could change things from what she is seeing but she will have to give it a look when she has time. He agrees to e-mail her the information. 

Gonzalo tells Malena that they did okay financially for the gallery event.  She asks if she owes him some money. He says no. He notices sheis upset. She tells him how Gael wants them to live together but she likes her independence. He thinks she needs to disconnect and he has a way to do that and takes out a flask of tequila.  He wants them to celebrate the first year anniversary of the Motas-Salazar Gallery. She is shocked. Yes, he is putting her name on the gallery, too. He explains saying "partners are partners." He shows her ideas for their new logo. They toast. 

Night has fallen and Mario walks Diana to her door where in Diana's head, they linger and kiss.  In reality,  after a kiss on the cheek, Diana goes inside alone where she sighs and smiles. Mario does the same in his car.  

Malena wants to know where Diana was. She answers she was out for coffee. Malena gives her the good news about being included in the gallery name. She takes a closer look at Diana and says  she looks like she was out on a date not out for coffee. When Diana says it was a coffee with Mario, Malena  is sure it was a date. Diana says it wouldn't be a date because he is the most arrogant guy ever but she can't get him out of her head. Malena thinks she is attracted to him. Diana thought he was going to kiss her at the door but nothing happened nor will it happen because he is a widower;  he is still in mourning;  they are co-workers and she is a disaster when it comes to men. Malena is tired of Diana focusing on that how "she is a disaster" bit she does and trips on.  She is a great person. She tells her to stop it already.

Back in the seventeenth century, Eduardo is enjoying a drink with Leonor's father. Gustavo.  He explains he is there to investigate suspicions about governor Otalora's activities. The word "corruption" has popped up in the King's court. Gustavo recognizes that as a serious accusation. Eduardo says not yet.  It comes down to the Zacatecas mines. It seems that the king is getting less than his due.  Eduardo is there to see if there is any truth to the suspicions.  Prudence is of the utmost importance. He doesn't want the governor to be tipped off as to the reason of his visit. Gustavo says Eduardo can count on him. They toast. 

Leonor and her mother are discussing  her trousseau. Leonor dreams of a silk wedding dress embroidered with gold thread and buttons.  Eduardo is passing through the room and could not help  but overhear  the discussion. Much to Leonor's delight,  he offers to send for whatever Leonor  wants ; the best of the best Spain has to offer in his next shipment. Leonor is impressed he would do that for her. Her mother tells her to behave herself with the gentleman. Gustavo enters and says that  won't be necessary because her future husband will be in charge of buying her trousseau. Leonor is betrothed. Eduardo apologizes and leaves. 

Eduardo meets with governor Otalara who is curious about what the King is like. He thinks he must be a fascinating person. Eduardo agrees  but he is also reserved. Otalara could tell from the instructions the king sent. Eduardo says the King's instructions are always a secret. The governor says he will be discrete. Eduardo has no doubts about that. He is requesting the records of the payment of the  "quinto real tax " (royal fifth tax )  from the last 12 months. The governor looks nervous. 

At the next dinner, Gustavo announces to Leonor that he has hired  master Quevedo to paint a portrait of her in honor of her marriage. She is excited. She and Eduardo glance at each other and hold each other's gaze a bit too long. Later,

 she literally runs into him on a walkway. He grabs her hand and asks if she is okay. There is a mutual attraction. Her mother sees them and calls Leonor's name. She excuses herself. He remains deeply affected. 

Diana wakes up with a smile,  caressing a pillow. 

Mario is at the hospital meeting Irene's mother. Diana arrives and  calls her by her first name but quickly corrects himself to calling her Dr. Salazar. Irene notices. Mario leaves. 

Malena and Gael  have sex. Afterwards, he asks her what's wrong. He apologizes if she is still angry about him interrupting her phone call. The apology is accepted. He starts to harangue on her moving in with him again.  She is not ready. He reminds her they have been together for years. She practically lives there anyway. She asks him why he cannot accept that she likes her independence. She doesn't want to argue anymore.  He doesn't either. She tells him about the name change at the gallery. Gael laughs and shakes his head.  He thinks Gustavo only did it because he is crazy about her. Hasn't she realized it yet? Malena asks if she cannot have a friend who likes her and values her artistic talent. He says he didn't say that. She begs to differ and  thinks she better go stay with Diana. She is a better listener. 

Mario looks at photos of his deceased wife and thinks back on her last days talking about a trip to  Germany they made. He smiles. His phone rings. It is Irene inviting him out to dinner to acquaint him with the city  and to talk about her mother. He accepts. 

Diana is still at work and hears her name being called. 

Mario and Irene toast to the new hope he is giving to her mother. She thanks him for coming. He thanks her for asking. 

Diana hears something break. She asks if anyone is there. There is the sound of horses. She hears screams from the past and sees the fire extinguisher cabinet.  Reflected in the glass she sees a man from the17th century and a voice tells her to be careful. She seems to recognize the man  as her father.  The glass explodes.


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FYI, I am working with only one good arm and hand these days so I hope there are few typos but who knows? So hard getting used to new characters and their names with everything else I am watching. I will be back to comment later.

Looking forward to it. I do all my typing on my phone but if I had to do it with my non dominant hand, yikes. New characters comment. Could they have found 3 guys that looked more alike with similar hair and beards, or what! That really throws me off.

Jarifa, I'm simply in awe. This was electrifying!

I hope your arm and hand are on the mend. You did beautifully typing this with one hand.

I'm not quite sure what to make of this.

It seemed there wasn't a moment where nothing happened. It whizzed from scene to scene, from past to present without pause, at a dizzying pace. I understood a bit of the premise and action but without your extraordinary recap would have been lost.

I thought the main characters were fleshed out rather quickly although first impressions are not always correct.

So interesting that Joaquín is experiencing the same signs and "symptoms" as Diana and Mario. He is quite clearly taken with Diana althought not quite obsessed. Yet. The supernatural element is certainly pervasive throughout.

Irene is clever and determined but I'm not warming up to her. I'm reserving judgement on Malena. Mario is earnest and convincing. The chemistry between Diana and Mario is fairly combustible, a Boyer/Rulli certainty.


Gracias, Jarifa. Terrific recap. I'm so glad you provided a heads-up about this TN and the present/17th century split.

Diana pointed out my biggest puzzle. Why does the therapist have symptoms like Diana and Mario?

Malena was so annoyed with Gael that I was surprised she got busy with him later. She simply is not that into Gael. Honestly, I did not want to peek at their nekkid selves.

Jarifa, Diana, Kat in SC, great to be watching a TN with ya'll again!

Jarifa, wow you got so many details I missed. I now think it is easier to identify a character early on if I've seen them somewhere else. Joaquin is the same guy as is in Fugitivas, right Diana (Alejandro)? If not, he sure sounds and looks like him. And the cancer patient looks like the mother of the guy that was murdered in Juana ( I'm promptly losing recollection of the names of characters in the Tn's that have ended.)

So I'll see you all next week again. Jarifa, wishing you a speedy recovery.

I wonder if Joaquin is the guy Leonora was betrothed to in the past. So are the flashbacks taking place in Spain? I haven't quite determined that. Or Peru since the mining enterprise appears to be withholding the kings due.

In trying to determine the actors and put names to faces I of course went to the internet. I kept seeing, watch the entire season on ViX Plus throughout so I feared they were going to hook us in and then make us buy premium ViX. But the ads are for season 2. So this season is 8 episodes, at perhaps 1.5 hours each. I'm guessing we won't have the series resolve at all this season. I like reading the entire recap without it being broken into parts.

Jarifa!!! Wowee wow wow !! What an amazing recap of a fast moving first episode with so many characters and so much happening !!!

I felt a little dizzy myself with all the vertigo the three characters were experiencing. I wonder if the psychiatrist is also from the past life since he experiences dizziness when he is near Mario.

The chemistry between Angelique and Sebastian is always unbelievable .

I love historical telenovelas , and this one has a super natural twist . The intense feelings these three experience remind me of one of my favorite TV of shows " Highlander : the tv series" when immortals meet and feel each other's presence .

It looks like this will be a wild ride ...something to help us get through the cold and snow. sorry about your hand and arm, Jarifa . Thank you so much for an outstanding recap under duress. Susan

P.s. Enrique was the corrupt police commissioner in Juana . So fun to see familiar faces . Susan

Thanks so much, Jarifa, for the splendid recap! You cleared up many things that went right by me. And you did it with one hand! Reminds me of the dicho about Ginger Rogers having done everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels.

I had the impression that Mario is meant to be Colombian. Not sure if I'm right. And, yes, what's up with Leonor/Diana's eyes glowing and turning golden?

I think they're going for Irene being Diana's rival at work and for the affections of Mario.

Joaquin is a bit too eager to hypnotize Diana. I'm not sure if this is meant to be a way to prove his theories or a reflection of what may have happened between their two characters in colonial Mexico. The sound system bursting into flames was a bit too over the top for me.

I was seething at Gael's pawing at Melena while she was having an important conversation over the phone about IIRC her being taken off a special restoration. Would bet the farm this relationship is doomed.

My ears perked up at the mention of the mines in Zacatecas. That city was one of my favorites the last time I visited Mexico. I flew into León, then taxied to Guanajuato for the Cervantino festival. I then took buses to other cities. Zacatecas was one of my favorites. I took one of those tours of sights with a woman from Durango and a couple from D.F. Got praised for my Spanish, boosting my ego. We went through a silver mine in one of those mine carts and caught a glimpse of a famous nightclub entrance that's at the depth of the mine. Feeling a bit too long in the tooth for a night at that club, I did not return at night.


What Univision showed as Episode 1 of Season 1 was really Episodes 1&2 and there are only 8 total. What Univision edited out were mainly nude scenes and an extended Malena sex scene and a couple throwaway scenes that did nothing to alter the plot. They did a good job editing.

Jarifa, I have no use for gratuitous sex scenes, especially if hairy chested Gael is the guy! I'm glad they were cut. I expect future episodes will only fill a 1 hour slot? Otherwise you will only have 4 long episodes to recap.

Kat, the next two Sunday's are 90 minute presentations, too.

Kat, yes, Joaquin is the same actor who played Alejandro in Fugitivas, Arap Bethke.


Diana, thanks. I am wondering how Joaquín fits into this, too. It is so strange seeing Arap Bethke again here when I was not really aware of him until Fugitivas. Looks like he has been around a long time but not in productions that I watched. Boyer and Rulli always bring that "je ne sais quoi" when they are in productions together plus they are such excellent actors on their own.

Niecie, yes, it is great to be all together on the patio again. It has been a while.
Malena has evidently found Gael to be annoying for a long time , so why is she still with him? "I did not want to peek at their nekkid selves." Me either but I ended up seeing way too much of them for too long in the original.

Kat, thank you for your good wishes. BTW, I am a KAT, too, IRL. The flashbacks are all taking place in colonial Mexico. I am HOPING Univision would show season 2 right after this like they did with their other premium offering "El gallo de oro." last year. I guess they will let us know what is up at the end of this first season run.

Susan, thanks. Your kind wishes are appreciated. "It looks like this will be a wild ride ...something to help us get through the cold and snow." I tried to get into Highlander a few times but I never could. Guess I am not a fan of historical dramas but with the past lives supernatural aspect and Boyer/Rulli, I was hooked. I am always happy to see some variety in programming.

novelera, great to see you on the patio! I always loved that Ginger Rogers/Fred Astaire quote. Thanks. Yes, Leonor's golden eyes are truly bizarre and almost horror movie quality. "The sound system bursting into flames was a bit too over the top for me." Yes, and especially when a few minutes later they are all going on like it never happened. The sprinklers went on but there was no lingering water. LOL Thank you for sharing your Mexico trip and Zacatecas mine experience.

Jarifa did you mean Outlander? I loved the books by Diana Gabaldon. Since the show was on some premium channel ( Starz or something) I never watched it. I was such an avid reader years ago, and historical romance topped my preferred reading list. My favor author is Georgette Heyer. I have all her books. Her mysteries rival Agatha Christie and the regency romance remind me a bit of Jane Austen.


Kat, I loved Outlander. I found the tv series of the first book on Starz and at the same time, two of my best friends were reading the books which they passed on to me saying" You can't put them down." Then, I researched Diana Gabaldon ( a fascinating person) and started communicating with her on a forum devoted to Outlander . I have not read the last two books . I think one more is coming ( #10). The tv series was good, but it changed some storylines which made fans unhappy. I started watching the tv series again on Netflix. Susan

Jarifa, I saw Arap as a villain in a Telenovela starring Livia Brito on Uni and as a galan in a telenovela with Big Ed Yanez and Cynthia Klitbo on Telemundo.. It seems that actors can now go back and forth between Uni and Telemundo. Arap is popular right now. Susan

Susan, thanks for the info. You are right about actors going through cycles where they are hot and then not and then hot again.

OT, Susan, I'm also a few books behind on Outlander. I probably would have to start over again since it has been maybe 20 years since I read them. Wonder if my eyesight is up to it. My vitrectomy was a success in that it closed the hole. Unfortunately the vision in that eye is a lot worse. I go for another appt in 15 days to see if I need cataract surgery next, or if an RX change can buy me time.


I first saw Arap Bethke in Doña Bárbara in 2008. He played a young vaquero. Coincidentally my long-term Spanish class was reading the novel during its run on Telemundo, and I put up some thoughts on the differences between the novel and the telenovela here on Caray. Doña Bárbara is definitely in my Top 5 TNs. I was very careful when posting to be sure to never describe anything that hadn't occurred on screen. The novel has great descriptions of life on the llanos in Venezuela.


Novelera, I watched Dona Barbara, That was a wild ride. Edith Gonzales was fierce as the leading lady. I didn't realize that Arap was one of the young guys in it . Thanks for pointing that out . Susan

Gracias, Jarifa. Great job.

Not happy about the censorship but I also wonder about how long we will have to wait for new episodes going forward. The 1988 series had 196 half-hour episodes. No complaints about the story.

However, they need better costume research, Angelique's dresses looked much more 18th century than early 17th. The skirt shapes were way off.

OT, Novelera, I will have to look into Doña Barbara. Especially if it has been recapped. My Spanish is improved but having recaps means I also get to read, which I always preferred to watching TV. May have to look for the book at a library.

Unfortunately, who knows what Univision will do? It’s the same old, same old.

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