Monday, February 03, 2025

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Familia, Sed de Venganza y más: Week of February 3, 2025

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

  • 10-11PM - La Familia*
  • 12-1AM  - Sed de Venganza

*La Familia will not be shown on Tuesday, February 4. At least that's what my DirecTV guide tells me.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Monday, pt. 1 of 3, Nueva Etapa
Aslan is with his therapist and actually taking it seriously for a change. He tells her that he is afraid. Of becoming like his father, of his mother having chosen him to be the prince, afraid to love, and so on. I hope this session works for him.
Bedri meets with Salih. (!) They put a hood over his head and take him away.
Aslan talks about Devin. She was different than anyone he’d known before. He cries and blames himself for Devin being in the hospital now. He more scared than ever because of the baby, because of the thought of losing his wife. After all this, the shrink asks how he feels now and he says he feels good. (She smiles a little like this is the right thing but I think it’s weird. He should still feel like crap).
Next scene, Aslan is home and Eko enters the room. Eko wants to tell him something that he should have told him sooner. Aslan lets him off the hook and lets Eko know that he knows about the baby, Eko’s baby that is. So confusing. But Aslan gets why Eko kept the secret, because he knew he’d then be blamed but he didn’t blab. All is good between the two and they hug.
Hulya is at the hospital when Kiymet calls her to make some threats. They threaten each other. Hulya tells her she (Kiymet) gave birth to a dog but she (Hulya) gave birth to a lion. Blahblah. Kiymet says she’s doing one last favor and will tell her who spilled their location. She tells Hulya to watch the video that she sent.
Now all the Lads are with Aslan and Aslan tells them he believes that they are all innocent. They ask who he thinks it is.
Hulya is watching a video on her phone when Nedret comes in and asks what she’s looking at. Hulya says nothing and she has to go. She goes. (Doesn’t look good for Nedret).
Cihan shows up at the Boy’s club and tells them his mole with Ilyas got killed so no help there, and then Hulya shows up there and says she knows who did it. She shows them the video Kiymet sent. It was of the previous visit Bedri had with Ilyas that we saw a few days ago. As Bedri was leaving, Ilyas invited him to dinner but Bedri said he wanted to be with his mother and spilled where the Soykan were going to be! (He didn’t seem to do this on purpose, but just didn’t think about what Ilyas would do to the Soykan. Looks like Nedret is off the hook and was also right about telling Bedri to shush about the Ilyas visit).
Hulya asks Aslan what he’s going to do and he’ll do what he needs to.
Back to present day Bedri, who is yelling at Ilyas about him almost killing a pregnant woman, about the blood on his hands thanks to Ilyas. Ilyas yells back that they killed his son and his daughter, “your siblings!” Bedri denies the familial connection and tells him they didn’t kill Serap- he did that by being a terrible father. More yelling. Bedri wants to leave but they won’t let him. Ilyas orders him taken inside and Bedri yells that he’ll kill Ilyas. He inspects the window but there are bars on it.


Monday, pt. 2 of 3
Cihan goes to see Ceylak and his kitty cat. Cihan points a gun at him and asks if wants to talk. Ceylak tells Cihan to shoot, go ahead and he’ll say hi to his wife. Camera moves outside and we hear the shot.
One of Ilyas boy’s comes down to tell Ilyas and Salih that “the boy” escaped. He somehow removed the bars. Ilyas shoots the messenger, the Salih’s surprise.
Aslan shows Nedret the video and she defends him by saying he didn’t do this on purpose. Turgut enters and tells Aslan they are ready to go. Nedret begs Aslan to consider her and asks what he is planning. He tells her her son will die. He sounds sad about this, so progress?
Ilyas calls Nedret to ask where Bedri is. Nedret yells at him that Aslan is going to kill her son and it’s Ilyas’s fault. She says something about a fish market or something is where he is, and then tells Ilyas to save her son. Ilyas is going. (This whole family needs that therapist).
Ilyas and his boys show up at the docks or whatever scary place this is. They find Bedri at a table inside. Ilyas asks why he’s there, and Aslan enters. We go back to when Bedri got out of the room- he went to a store to use their phone and called Aslan to tell him where Ilyas is. Aslan demands to know once and for all which side he’s on. Bedri says he is with Aslan to the end. Then back to the conversation Aslan had with Nedret and we hear him tell her that he is not actually going to kill Bedri, but Ilyas is gong to think that he is. He tells her what to say when Ilyas calls. It was all a setup. Before Aslan and the Lads leave, Aslan assures Nedret once more that Bedri will live.
Back to present time in the warehouse. Ilyas says to Bedri, you’d do this to your father (something like that). Before Bedri can answer, Ilyas and his guys all get shot by the “good” guys. Bedri doesn’t move from the table. Ilyas isn’t dead so he asks Bedri why he’d do this to his own father. Bedri answers that he’s already told him (Ilyas) that he is NOT his (Bedri’s) father. Ilyas says he IS TOO the father and Bedri carries his blood and someday will understand. Bedri just looks at him and when Cihan says to “come with me”, Bedri follows him out of the room.
Aslan says he went to his house to clear this up once and for all. That he wanted to leave in peace. Ilyas says he will never have it…more mob talk. Aslan tells him he has killed all his men and he still isn’t at peace. Talk of his child. Then the camera goes outside to Bedri (sparing us the murders of people who have names but not all the others) and we hear a shot. Bedri looks a little resigned but doesn’t otherwise react.
I realize we don’t know what happened to the cat. Let’s hope it moved to a safer neighborhood.
Shots, CAMERA shots, of various faces of people looking sad. Aslan x’s out the faces of Salih and Ilyas from his chart of death, and he goes out to see Cihan. The only guy not x’d was Ceylak and Aslan asks if it was done. Cihan nods. (Chances this is true? I vote no). Aslan gets a call from Yagmur.


Monday, pt. 3 of 3
At the hospital. Aslan goes to Devin’s room and she’s awake! He cries and kisses her head. She says she’s ok. They are both fine. He is so sorry that he couldn’t protect her and asks for her forgiveness. She tells him it wasn’t his fault. “We” are still here and still alive (referring to the baby). He tells her he was so scared, bit of dying but that he’d lose her and their kid. He says there is nothing to fear anymore. She asks about Ilyas. He tells her Ilyas is dead and doesn’t exist anymore.
Kiymet, who they forgot to kill, is sobbing and tosses a glass on the ground. Kitty! The kitty cat is there to lick up whatever was in the glass and then Kiymet sees something and looks up, surprised.
Back to the hospital, with a convo I missed between Devin and Aslan. But no matter because…
Ceylak! He walks in and says “I’m home” to Kiymet, so that’s nice for her. (Until they all start the murdering again). (But at least the kitty cat has a place to live, for now). (Chances Kiymet will let this go?
She should just keep the one grandkid she has left and call it good).
Kiymet asks Ceylak what he did. Flashback again. Ceylak telling Cihan to shoot and he’ll greet his wife. Ceylak tells Cihan that he and Cihan were alike. Serap was like them too. She found him in the trash and took him home and maybe if they all had better families, they wouldn’t be like they are. He asks Cihan to shoot him. Cihan doesn’t (obviously). Cihan says that he can tell he’s a good man, maybe because he likes cats. Cihan makes him promise to be a good man. To not go back to that hellhole (to Ilyas’s barrio, I assume). Ceylak promises. Cihan shoots off the chain and says he never wants to see Ceylak again.
More hospital stuff with Devin and Aslan.
Ceylak comforts Kiymet. Says he had a father but Aslan killed him, with anger in his voice.
Devin and Aslan love each other so much, they tell each other, while Ceylak’s voice over says he is going to kill Aslan.
Later. The happy couple are talking about baby names. Or Aslan is. He’s picking all boy names and Devin thinks they are all too harsh, and besides, it could be a girl. He says no because her dream was of a boy. The docs comes in to discharge her but there is something they need to talk about. Uh oh. She has pulmonary hypersomething from the injury. It’s a high risk pregnancy now and will affect future pregnancies. There is a risk to her life and doc mentions terminating the pregnancy. Aslan doesn’t want to chance her life but she wants more details that doc can’t give now.
And we’re out. And no show tomorrow for some reason so Ceylak and Kiymet have a couple days to plan something. Looks like Cihan and the cat are terrible judges of character.

Kat in SC: Howdy from the Alamo City. Looking forward to seeing your recap of last night's episode. 😃👍🇺🇸🇵🇭😎😃


K, thanks VERY much for another delightful recap. I love your casual style! "Blahblah" conveys the characters' discussion perfectly!

Although Aslan has just told the therapist how scared and awful he feels about what has happened to Devin and the kidney bean, I didn't find it weird that he told the therapist that he feels good. I assume that in spite of feeling scared and awful, he also feels good because he has unburdened himself. Perhaps the first time, he has admitted his fears to someone else.

I've always had some sympathy for Ilyas--perhaps it's just that I found his face sympathetic. But no longer! His shooting the messenger ended my sympathy and made me cheer when the episode included his death.

Wow, does Ilyas have video cameras everywhere? I was astonished that Kiymet was able to send Hulya the video of Bedri's earlier visit.

I was fooled by the shot we heard after Cihan was unsuccessful in getting info from Ceyrek. I assumed he'd shot Ceyrek, and Cihan seemed to confirm that when Aslan asked whether he could cross out Ceyrek's face from his list of baddies. Obviously, I was surprised (and pleased) when the flashback revealed that Cihan had shot the chain.

Well, I'm not sure about Cihan being a poor judge of character. It's true that Ceyrek never told him what he wanted to know, but I don't think he ever lied to him. Ceyrek just remained loyal to the man he had come to look upon as his father. (As for the cat, he's loyal to whoever feeds him.)

I can't believe that Devin is again coming up against serious pregnancy problems. Come on, writers, once is more than enough!! I hope this problem proves as groundless as the first one, though I fear that Devin and the patio will have to go through days of angst first. Yuk!

I think La Familia is being pre-empted tonight (Tuesday) by the return of "La Casa de los Famosos All-Stars," starting with four hours of this [expletive deleted] from 7 to 11 PM.

Venganza #64. A Monday night massacre

Short one. I watched it this a.m. but I had to go weed with my garden club so I didn't have time to recap then. Let's see what I remember.

Roberto jokes to Elisa his remission was a miracle. He won't sign. The divorce decree, and now she is committing adultery a lawyer will be able to get alimony from her if they divorce. She runs to Daddy about it, who has just given Paty a check to pay off her car.

Ana and Joseph arrive at a nice modest hotel room for their tryst. She wants it dark but he says he'd love to be able to see her. They undress, mostly, but she chickens out, scoops up her clothes and seems to leave the room in her skivvies. Awkward. Joseph seems to be a good guy

Elisa Francisco and Ana walk along the Oceanside walkway. Ana is over her crush. They all get along and laugh a lot. Elisa says this is what you need. Laughter in your life . I think this scene was before the hotel hook up.

Ignacio gets to eat at Erika's house. He raves about the cooking, compliments of Claudia. He'd like to reciprocate but he has a small apartment and can't cook. Claudia invites him to join them anytime.

Alonso gets a positive answer to his proposal to Tania. She is so guilty ridden. He says not right away, I still have to recuperate and make sure things work. She says sex isn't important. Not what any guy wants to hear.

Fernanda and Mirna meet for a meal. Looks like they are going to try and have a relationship.

Earlier scene with Richards, the lawyer, and Fernanda. She wants to hide her money offshore and fake ID in case she has to make a getaway.

Rafita and Miguel scope out the Ferrerro estate. They call 2 guys. The hit is tonight.

Adelberto and Ninette have a nice cozy evening together. She was always jealous of Marie Louise. He says it hurt because Alfredo was like a brother and he betrayed me. But, the first time I saw you I fell in love with you and Marie Louise meant nothing to me. And then the bandits arrive, shoot the maid in the kitchen with a silencer. They attack the couple, they yell for Brenda who tries to help them but she gets dragged to the kitchen counter. force him to open the safe. He says I gave you everything you asked for. Rafita or Miguel says, sorry Charlie, our boss wants you dead. Bam. Then it is the same for Ninette. Brenda seems to have been spared a rape, almost hope they did violate her so there is a better chance of DNA being left behind. One of the guys, Rafita or Miguel, injects her with a drug in her neck.

The massacre makes the news of course. Marcelo is back in town so Elisa, Francisco and he watch the breaking story on his cell phone.


That was Moni and Fernanda meeting for the meal, not Mirna. Mirna was in 1 scene with Tania wearing a posh dress, expensive jewelry, etc. compliments of Fernanda. Tania has put out a help wanted on the internet.


K, thank you for that bouncy recap as we ask for whom the bell tolls this time. ...well, not for the cat or Ceyrek . I am glad that the cat is still alive , but Cihan will regret letting Ceyrek live to run back to Grammy Beans. Now she will send him to kill Aslan. Perhaps Cihan will end up sacrificing himself to save Asian . Cihan has the been tragic figure of this tale from the start. Susan



Thanks, for the recap, K.

I guess Aslan couldn’t unload in front of Devin. Ha, no tissues in a therapist’s office?

Did I hear correctly? Bedri said that the Soykans did nothing to Serap? So it was all Ilyas’ fault? In the end, I felt sorry for Ilyas. If you ask, how can anyone feel sorry for Ilyas because he’s a killer, then we shouldn’t have sympathy for 75% of the cast. Even Devin has compromised her values a couple of times. Apparently, Ilyas doesn’t deserve another chance, while the Soykans continually do. I’m ticked that they are redeeming Hulya.

I got a kick out of Aslan picking baby names and rejecting Devin’s choice. Otherwise, I’m getting tired of AsDev. I’m more interested in the other couples. Leyla and Ceylan have become house furnishings. They are just “there”.

“Looks like Cihan and the cat are terrible judges of character.” Yep, he should have killed Ceyrek and taken the cat. Fatal mistake, my soft hearted Cihan, I’m afraid you will pay the price for it. ITA, Susan.



Gracias, K. Always a treat reading your recap.

No pity for Ilyas from me. He could've killed Aslan (and maybe Hulya too) for what Yusuf did, but nope he's got to try to slaughter the whole family and their in-laws.

I'm so surprised Bedri let slip without thinking the Soykans' location. Intentional or not, that put me off about him marrying Yagmur.

Juanita, ditto everything you said about another risky pregnancy for Devin. Bad enough this second baby is in danger, but any future babies too? GrrrrH!

Poor Cihan. I'm not buying what Ceyrek said about Serap. I don't believe she ever noticed Ceyrek even lived in the neighborhood.



Dang,dang,dang,damn....thye killed momma Nanette,OH NO!!! WTF....!!
these people were CLUELESS..ALL-that money and enemies!!.... and they walked around like disneyland simps....all that happen ..THEY NEVER INVESTIGATED Thier own sons death..?? ?? they were over confident..!!!!!!!!!!..IN THE DOPE MURDER CAPITAL MIAMI....!!!


Thanks for the recap, K.

My first post didn't go through and then was lost, so this will be shorter.
Cihan, what were you thinking? You would kill Hulya, who raised you, but let Ilyas' protege go free? Bad, bad.

Cute scene with Aslan choosing baby names.

Bedri is on Team Soykan at last.

Sadly, I find it hard to see how Aslan & co. survive, given all the muders they committed.

Beth S.



K, fantastic job on this recap. Loved all your asides.

It was good to see snarky, sarcastic Aslan absent from his therapy session. I was actually surprised he went to one without Devin prodding him. ITA with dondi that it could have been because he didn't have to posture in front of Devin.

I liked Hulya telling Kiymet she raised a lion instead of a dog. Talk about hitting someone where it hurts.

I enjoyed Bedri accusing Ilyas of being the one who ruined Serap's life. Maybe the writers meant living Soykans not at fault since Yusuf has been gone more than 5 years.

Worst career path ever: Employee of Ilyas Koruzade.

I did not feel a bit of sympathy for Ilyas. I'm with Niecie. He would have killed Ceylan, Leyla, and Devin, none of them guilty in his twisted children's deaths.

I'm pretty sure I couldn't get a clerk at the nearby 7-11, which is what that place looked like to me, to hand me their cell phone to make a call.

Loved "looks like the cat and Cihan are terrible judges of character".

I find it interesting that the writers have made an old woman who always covers her hair into such a monster.

Kat in SC & Halimacandy: Howdy from the Alamo City. My personal thoughts on last night's episode. It'll be very short:

*I called it from the beginning: Goodbye Daddy & Mommy Ferrero. You two idiots were sooo uppity & overconfident.

*Brenda got the drug injection in her neck LOL. You're NOT long for this world either.

*Kat in SC: You want to bet Gabriel & Alfredo will want to have Monica killed next since she's Beltran's heir ?

*Still NOT convinced Eugenio's dead. He's got so many cronies all over the world.

*Tania: You're on borrowed time.

*Ana still will relapse I'm afraid.


Venganza #65 the kiss of Judas

Ana talks with her dad in his home office. She probably won't be seeing Joseph again. Gabriel comes in with the horrible news about the Ferrerro family. The 2 act shocked and dismayed. Ana looks at them suspiciously.

Paty and Ana get into an insult fight. Ana won.

Moni and Sebastian discuss how things went with Fernanda. She said surprisingly well. Fern gave her an expensive piece of jewelry. She would like to see photos of her infancy and childhood. One of the few scenes I felt sympathy for Fern.

Fern tells Mirna about their visit together. She wonders if Eugenio was right and she has no maternal feelings since she and Mirna seem to have nothing common.

My grandbaby woke up. Influenza A is making its rounds so I have to take care of her.

Most of the episode was Brenda in the hospital with Gabriel comforting her. Claudia is suspicious of Rafita and Miguel and Gabriel. Marcelo and Francisco likewise about Gabriel and Alfred, especially learning that Gabriel is back with Brenda. Fernanda is totally convinced Gabriel and Alfredo are guilty and calls them and accuses them.

As I said, main points. Pretty sure wiping out the whole family will raise suspicion with the police. When I said in yesterday's post that a maid was killed, turns out it was a security guard.


KAT;...............THANKS A BUNCH....!!!

YES....Brenda...your whole family had died in less than a year?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no suspects??? no worries...??

Claudia ,who do you think you are kidding, are you brain dead..!! or clueless/imbecile....both..!!!

Kat in SC: Looking forward to seeing your recap of last night's episode. With 32 episodes left, the Body Count will be increasing non-stop.

HALIMACANDY: Brenda will NOT be among the living when all is said & done.



I'll post something a little later this morning.


fam2 #70 part 1

Devin is discharged from the hospital. AsDev have a difficult decision to make about their baby.

Seher writes a bucket list. She also asks for ingredients to make something to benefit AsDev’s baby. She’s anxious to have that great grandchild.

Bedri is remorseful about the bloodshed on NYE. That bastard got blood on my hands, he says. Nedret immediately absolves him. Your hands are free of sin, she replies, he (Ilyas) is the sinner. [yes, let’s forget all the other criminal things Bedri has done.] Bedri says he wants to start over, and he wants to start over with Yagmur. AsDev has approved. Nedret is thrilled.

Devin arrives home and everyone falls all over themselves to please her. There’s mention of Seher’s special concoction for the health of the baby. Bad reminder for AsDev. Devin goes to her room.

Bedri gets a call from his guys at the marina. Something’s wrong. He complains about having to deal with everything himself. [didn’t he want to be the marina boss?]

Hulya wants a word with Aslan. She senses something is wrong. All Aslan says is don’t talk about the baby until further notice. But that’s not what she wanted to discuss. It’s about Kiymet. She will seek revenge for Ilyas. Aslan says the police raided Ilyas’ neighborhood. Kiymet has lost all her power. Hulya begs to differ. A woman with money is still powerful. Kiymet is not a powerless elderly woman. Aslan says he’s not the old Aslan. He tells Hulya, I won’t dirty my hands ever again.

Ceyrek has a plan. Aslan needs a new enemy, and we need support, he tells Kiymet. I’ll kill two birds with one stone. We will become stronger, and Aslan Soykan will die. But we need money. Kiymet reveals a ton of cash hidden in chests.

Aslan visits with Seher. She’s playing with those matches again. [I don’t know, do they represent her family?] She mentions Yusuf. She tells him Azrael (the angel of death) is here. He’s holding her by the throat and wants her soul. Don’t say that, Aslan replies. She pulls out her bucket list. You will all get to read it. Seher says, there’s only room for one more match—the great grandchild. Another reminder of the decision AsDev must make.

Nedret is over the moon about Bedri and Yagmur. Devin is happy about it, too. Nedret senses something is wrong with Devin.

Bedri was brought to the marina over false pretenses. He is surprised by Yagmur with a bouquet, who wants to apologize for how she treated him at the hospital. Turns out the bouquet is made of skewers of liver [Adana specialty]. Bedri says he will ask her mother for her hand. Yagmur is hesitant. She wants to date a little longer. He wants to get married right away.

Devin admits she’s depressed. The doctor gave them unsettling news. Hulya enters the room, and Devin asks her to sit. Devin explains the situation. Nedret says, sometimes the heart speaks when the mind is quiet. Your beautiful heart has healed many and will heal you, too. Hulya weighs in. She’s happy to have a grandchild, but Devin’s well-being comes first. I found you recently and I don’t want to lose you, she says. Seher is eavesdropping. [she better make more of that baby concoction.]


fam2 #70 part 2

The family reads Seher’s bucket list at the dinner table. Eat shaved ice. Get on a jet and fly. Travel to Adana. Devin’s turn to read and of course it’s about the great grandchild. Hulya tells AsDev that they know the situation.

Ceyrek visits Babur the Albanian’s gym. He starts, my father was Kara Ilyas. He’s dead. Babur mocks Ceyrek, my father was Popeye the Sailor. He’s dead, too. I ate spinach to make me strong, but that was a lie. From then on, I kill whoever tries to fool me. Ceyrek is unfazed. I’m here to do business, he says and lifts a big black bag in front of Babur. You wanted the Soykans’ marina, and you were turned down. We could take the marina. Babur warns Ceyrek again.

New and improved Hulya asks Nedret about Bedri. Nedret says they have decided to move on from the past. She says Bedri is in love with Yagmur. Hulya is stunned.

Ceyrek opens the bag and it’s full of TL. I’m not here to lie to you, Ceyrek says, but your nephew lied. He tarnished your reputation. Ceyrek shows Babur the video of Aslan and his crew coming to the gym and beating the crap out of everyone. Babur is pissed.

Hulya asks about Bedri’s relationship with Yagmur. Nedret notes her concern. Is there something about Yagmur? Hulya mentions Eko. Nedret says she knows about that. Nedret presses—if there’s anything else, please tell me. Old disgusting Hulya would have thrown Yagmur’s past in Nedret’s face, but New improved Hulya makes an excuse to get up from the table.

Nedret is troubled and asks one of her guys to investigate Yagmur. Asuman eavesdrops.

Enraged Babur beats and berates his nephew, Saffet, and the other men for letting Aslan have his way with them. Ceyrek says, you know that Aslan left the business. He doesn’t have money or men. Babur says Aslan went from being a lion to being a kitten. Ceyrek feeds Babur’s anger--that kitten invaded your gym and dishonored it. I’ll say it again, Ilyas was my father. My name is Ceyrek. He hands Babur the bag of TL. Babur says let’s meet Aslan. Let’s see if he’s a lion or a kitten.

No surprise here, Devin tells Aslan she wants to have the baby. No surprise here either, Aslan doesn’t want to lose his wife. They debate. Let’s decide this as a couple, Devin pleads.

Devin meets with the therapist, Neslihan. They talk about the baby situation. Nesli can’t tell Devin what to do, but Devin can tell her how she feels. Devin says Aslan wanted to come but she didn’t want him there. She understands how he feels. But this is the second time she would lose a child.

Aslan is holding a luncheon for the marina staff.

Eko gives Aslan a gift from Elif. Ugh, it’s a baby beanie. [No beanie jokes, *wink*]

Nesli asks, how did you feel after the doc broke the news? Fear, Devin replies, but not about dying. I was afraid to put Aslan and my family through this. Nesli says that Aslan came to see her. They talked about his feelings and his loved ones.

A little comic relief in the kitchen. Nedret and Hulya are making things for Seher to try. This might have something to do with the bucket list. The shaved ice? Seher complains. Nedret and Hulya bicker a bit.

Devin mentions a professor in college. She asked, who do you want to save, Devin? Why do you want to be a psychologist? The answer? My family, Devin says, and those who have been hurt by their families. But later I learned something I wasn’t willing to admit. I needed to save myself before I saved others.


fam2 #70 part 3

Back to the kitchen. Seher rejects Hulya’s dish. Nedret gives it a try. Seher doesn’t even taste it. Hulya says she has something to do and leaves.

Aslan is emotional about the beanie. Eko notes it. Aslan says he’s not upset and says to thank Elif.

Devin says she became a mother at 9 yrs old. From that day on, she hasn’t done anything for herself. I was a young child… I just wanted to play with other children, she cries.

Hulya gets a gun from her bedroom. Arif gives her some paperwork. Hulya tells her driver to take her to the Koruzade residence.

Devin says the first time she found out she was pregnant, she was scared of becoming a mother. She knew it would be difficult. But now I want this, she tells Nesli. For the first time in my life, I want to do something for myself. Deep inside, I know our baby will be born and he will grow up healthy. Aslan and I will enjoy great times with him [default gender]. We heard his heartbeat. I felt like he was asking me not to give up on him. I feel that is true. No matter what, I won’t give up.

Ceyrek tells Kiymet that they control Babur now. He stirred his anger against Aslan.

Cihan calls Ceyrek. Ceyrek lies and tells him he’s left Istanbul for Adana. Cihan warns Ceyrek he better not be lying.

Cihan makes arrangements to finish Serap’s grave. [I fear he might be lying next to her soon.]

Yagmur calls Devin. She wants to meet up. Devin wants to meet, too. She has something to tell her sister and mom.

Aslan addresses the marina employees. He officially turns the marina over to Bedri. The marina is renamed 01 Marina, as all Adana patents start with that number. Hayirli olsun! Best wishes! Afiyet olsun! Enjoy your meal!

Too bad there won’t be much time to enjoy the meal. Babur, with an army of men, arrive at the marina. He knocks out a guard with one punch.

Babur enters the hall and fires his gun. Employees scatter. Aslan and Bedri’s men jump to their feet and draw their guns. Stare down between Aslan and Babur.

And we are out.



Thanks VERY much, dondi, for stepping up to give us this splendid recap!

I was amazed to see how much money Kiymet has amassed. Yes, it's Turkish bills, which I assume are worth less than USD, but still, the sum she has is huge!

Thanks for explaining that the skewers of liver are an Adana specialty. I thought it was pretty gross, but there's no arguing with specialties.

I was amused by Bedri's response to Yagnur's saying she wanted to date a bit longer. I think he said (with a grin on his face) that he wanted them to be maried ASAP "so we can enjoy each other more fully." Hmmm...I wonder how Bedri will/would respond to learning about Yagmur's pre-Eko past.

It's hard to see how Aslan and Devin can decide "as a couple" how to proceed, since they have such strong, totally opposite opinions.

When Ceyrek comes to Babur's gym, he shows Babur a video of the fight between Babur's guys and Aslan's at the gym. I'm continually amazed that in this dizi there seem to be cameras everywhere. Surely none of the guys would have stepped away from the fight to record it on his phone.

I was moved by Devin's telling the therapist that at the age of 9, she essentially had to become a mother (to care for Yagmur after Nese cracked up), and that from then on, she (Devin) never did anything for herself: "I wanted to play with other children, I wanted to be a child." She goes on to say that "for the first time in my life, I want to do something for myself."
I think it's clear that Aslan is going to have to give in to her wishes. I just hope that all will be well. I gather that dizis don't always have HEA endings.

I didn't understand why Cihan calls Ceyrek and says it's a good thing he isn't in Istanbul. What does Cihan know and how does he know it?

At the very end of the episode, Babur and his guys force their way into the luncheon Aslan is hosting for his guys. The episode ends with the usual gun standoff between the two groups, but I think I saw Bedri bend down next to where Aslan is sitting, as if he's reaching for something. I have no idea what if anything that was about.

Venganza #65

Well I started a recap, drove home and it is gone as I hadn't reached a publish point. I'll do a Steve type of recap with the characters highlights.

*Alfredo and Gabriel congratulate each other on their good job and discuss thing in the hospital corridor. Where's a good eavesdropper when you need one.
* Alonso has truly turned a new lead and I believe it's sincere. I think he has his doubts about Gabriel. Tania helps him get a wheelchair so he can go and give his condolences to Brenda. On the way he encounters Sebas and Moni. He apologizes to her, but she just walks away.
* Rafita and Miguel think it may be a good time to get out of dodge, though Rafita would like to pillage the Del Pinot place on their way out.
* Delusional Paty thinks she will become a Del Pinot herself. Claudia scoffs at the possibility.
*Erika talks to Joseph about Ana. She tells him about her history. She says if you really care about her give her space and she is worth winning. ( I still want Ana to be Adelberto's daughter. Her mother prayed all the time about something, this could be it).
*Roberto gets a furious call from a totally disillusioned Ana. She can't believe he lied about his cancer. And now he is blackmailing Elisa for a divorce. Fernanda is footing his lawyer bills and has guaranteed his job. She wants a financial report on the company from him the next day.
*Fernanda wants to sink the company. She doesn't care if she loses money, this isn't her only nest egg. She wants Alfredo (and Gabriel) to be fried in an electric chair for killing Adelberto and family. She wants Francisco and Marcelo to lose everything also.
Francisco gets a call from Fernanda in which she tries to win him back. He hangs up. He still feels she had a raw deal in life by Eugenio's actions etc, but his love is Elisa.
Brenda is mentioned as a possible love interest for Marcelo by Elisa and Francisco . He is actually thinking about it. These 2 need to step in and help Brenda run the family business.
*Gabriel tells Brenda he will take care of her father's business. She recalls how her father hated him. I'm not sure exactly what will be done. It seems to me they should wait for the will to be read.
*It's the Ferrerro funeral. Brenda gives a moving eulogy to the family. No church, everyone is standing, no chairs. Not like any funeral or wake I've attended. Then Alfredo also gives a eulogy! Adelberto has to be rolling in his casket to have this lying murderer talk at his funeral. Alfredo weeps crocodile tears thanks to the liquid oil he and Gabriel use to fake cry. The last attendees to arrive are Fernanda and Mirna. Fernanda claps her hands at the end of Alfredo's staged performance.

Kat in SC: Your recap of last night's episode was on FIRE.
165.) Brenda: You're on borrowed time, you gullible naive woman. You have no damn clue of what evil plans Gabriel & Alfredo are cooking up.

166.) Mooching Gabriel still upping the ante even further by his determination of keeping Gullible Elisa by any means necessary.

167.) I agree with Mooching Gabriel: Slick Alonso is FAKING this so-called new leaf. Never liked him from the beginning & never have.

168.) Kat in SC: Maybe we can get Cordell Walker or Jimmy Trivette eavesdropping the conspiracy plots between Alfredo & Gabriel: You & I both know they're plotting something in store for Francisco & Marcelo especially Francisco AKA the Wealthy Gardener.

169.) Monica: You need to WATCH YOUR BACK.

170.) Claudia: I agree with you because Paty is freaking delusional if she thinks she will be part of the heinous criminal del Pino family.

171.) With blood-sucking parasites like Alfredo, Gabriel, Alonso, etc., who needs Eugenio & Crazy Goldie Locks to increase the Body Count.

172.) Erika talking to Joseph about Ana's backstory. Halimacandy: I hope you're wrong about Erika losing the baby.

173.) Kat in SC: I really hope you're wrong about Ana being Adelberto's daughter because if that comes to fruition, Alfredo's head would explode.

174.) Crazy Goldie Locks & Francisco: Fast Forward.

175.) Marcleo being a potential love interest for Brenda: Let me help solve that theory: NOT HAPPENING because I'm afraid that Brenda will not be alive much longer.

176.) The Funerals of Daddy & Mommy Ferrero: No seats ? Weird.

177.) Crazy Goldie Locks wants to not only destroy the del Pino's but Francisco & Marcelo. Crazy Blondie is still on a rampage.


Cute that Bedri will commit all sorts of crimes, but sex before marriage? Heavens to Betsy no! Yagmurbwas right about waiting but will Bedri pull an Eko when he finds out about her past? (Probably not given that it’s ultimas semanas).

I too was thinking that Serap’s marble topper might want to wait. Cihan doesn’t seem to have a strong will to live and there are still plenty of chances for his to be sacrificed for his family. It’s be a shame to have to dig up a brand new marble. But he still has his sense of humor. When the marble guy gave him a lifetime guarantee for the marble, he asked “life time guarantee? For dead people?” Ha! I’ll miss him.



Gracias, Dondi. You've made it all crystal clear. "[No beanie jokes, *wink*]" - ha!

Dang, every time Aslan tries to have a clean business deal, some idiots screw it up. So Ceyrek the meek is now Ceyrek the mastermind.

I enjoyed Nedret and Hulya each hustling to make a dish that would please Seher. I vote for the strawberry crushie.

Hulya has interfered in so much, for horrible results. But it looks like she is needed here to focus on Kiymet.


Dondi, I commented, but I don't see it , so I will just say thank you for that recap of the continuing violence and angst. I am getting tired of the never-ending shootouts at the Not Okay Corall..Marina.

It looked like when the bad guys walked guns a blazing , everybody stood up except Aslan . Then, Aslin touched Bedri's arm to get him to sit down. I think Aslin"s three amigos got up and started shooting . I wonder if all three will survive to the end. .

Is episode 75 the FINALE? Also…does anyone know if Jefa is just a super violent telenovela. Though La familia had violence, there was a lot of storyline fuera de violencia, the trailer for LA jefa looks super tragic and very violent. I was hoping for a new telenovela en Telemundo or Univision to start after we finish La Familia.

Forgot to write La Fam at top of comment…sorry

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