Saturday, November 03, 2007

Vocabulary - Dichos, refranes, idioms, etc. 11/03

Here are some fun and interesting phrases that have popped up in our telenovelas over the past few months. They are mostly new but there might be one or two repeats. A huge shout out to Maricruz for holding our hands through many of these translations, and to Judy B. and other beloved commenters for your input and assist with the vocabulary.

Caray, Caray recappers...a big high five to you all for making these telenovelas fun and...ahem...dare I say educational? Enjoy!

ahogarse en un vaso de agua = to make a mountain out of a molehill (Lit. to drown oneself in a glass of water)

“Al quirófano y al matrimonio no hay que meterse sin anesthesia” = to the operating room and to marriage you can’t enter without anesthesia.

Blanco es, gallina lo pone, y frito con pan se come. = This is a Mexican riddle and is trying to make the point that the answer was obvious. The riddle would be; it is white, a hen lays it, you fry it and eat it with bread.

Chinches bravas! = How annoying! Shoot! (At first we thought this meant “brave bedbugs”, but MariCruz set us straight: 'I just realized yesterday why Juan keeps on saying chinches bravas! He is using the word "chinches" in stead of the offensive word "chin", like somebody would use shoot in stead of sh*t, (you know what I mean). The word “chin” is not that offensive per say, but depending on how you use it could mean f***. For example the worst offense that somebody could tell you is "Ve a c***gar a tu madre" [I'm blushing here] you get the idea. No wonder Juan changed it to chinches bravas.')

como agua para chocolate = hopping mad, fizzing, about to explode (Lit. like water to chocolate, referring to [I think] if you put water in a pot of melted chocolate it will fizzle and make the entire pot of chocolate seize up into an unmovable mess)

dar alguien una sopa de su propio chocolate = give someone a taste of their own medicine (Lit. give someone a soup of their own chocolate)

dar el ancho = to be up to the challenge. (Lit. to give it wide or big?) “No se si des el ancho para dirigir la compañía”. I’m not sure if you are up to the challenge to be the new company director.

estar hecho polvo – to be really down, shattered (Lit. to be made into dust)

Estoy tan perdido como un volante sin un poste = I’m as lost as a flyer without a pole. (referring to “Los Voladores de Papantla”)

hablando del rey de roma = speaking of the devil (lit. speaking of the king of Rome)

hacer la barba = to suck up to (Lit. to give the beard “El nuevo empleado es un barbero, le hizo la barba al jefe" The new employee is a suck up, he sucked up to the boss”

hacer la vista gorda = to turn a blind eye (Lit. to give the fat look)

hacer de tripas corazón = to pluck up one's courage (Lit. make heart from tripe)

irse de nachas al piso = fall on one’s sword, fall down butt first (Lit. to put one’s butt on the floor)

jugar el todo por el todo = to bet everything, be all in (Lit. to play everything for everything)

“ladron que roba a ladron, cien años de perdon” = a thief who robs from a thief gets a hundred years of forgiveness

Ley de Hielo = To give someone the silent treatment (Lit: the Law of Ice)

mandar a la goma = tell someone to get lost (Lit. send them to the rubber)

El martillo implacable del destino cuelga sobre mí = The implacable hammer of destiny hangs over me, i.e. the Acme anvil, the sword of Damocles

matar la víbora en Viernes = to get lucky (Lit. to kill the snake on Friday)

me devuelve el alma al cuerpo = I’m relieved (Lit. my soul has returned to my body)

me importa un pepino = I couldn't care less (pepino = cucumber)

me salio el tiro por la culata = my plan backfired on me (Lit. I got shot in the butt?)

meterse en camisa de once varas = to complicate things unnecessarily, to bite off more than one can chew. (Lit. to get into a shirt of eleven sticks?)

mucho tilin tilin y nada de patas = all talk and no action (Lit. a lot of ringy-dingy but no legs)

multiplicarme por cero = make myself scarce (Lit. multiply myself by zero)

no alborotes el gallinero = don’t make things worse (Lit. don’t frighten the henhouse)

no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver = there are none so blind as those who will not see.

no te pongas tus moños = don’t be picky, don’t give yourself airs (Lit. don’t put your hair in a bun)

no tiene ni vela en este entierro = somebody innocent (Lit. somebody without a candle in this funeral)

un ojo de hormiga = someone so far out of mind they are as small as an ant’s eye, out of sight out of mind (Lit. an ant’s eye)

otra vez la burra al trigo = he/she’s back to her old tricks (Lit. the female donkey is going again to the wheat)

ponerse las pilas = get one's act together (Lit. put on the batteries)

¿Que desayunamos alacranes? = Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? (Lit. Did we breakfast with the scorpions?)

qué la importa un comino = she doesn’t give a d**n (Lit. a grain of cumin isn’t important to her)

rascarse la barriga = to twiddle one's thumbs, laze around (lit. to scratch one's belly)

Se me fue el santo al cielo = time flew by and I did not realize it (Lit. the saint left me and went to heaven) I know it doesn’t make much sense, but I think this expression was used to denote that time flew by because when you are watching a heavenly vision you lose the sense of time.

ser un cero a la izquierda = to be worthless, no good (Lit. one zero to the left)

sin dinero no baila el perro = he/she needs money (Lit. without money the dog doesn’t dance)

¿Soltaste la sopa? = Did you spill the beans? (Lit. Did you let the soup out?)

tener mala leche = to be a complete jerk (Lit. to have bad milk)

¿Todavía andas derrapando por Yadira?— Are you still crazy about Yadira?” (Lit. Are you still skidding along for Yadira?)

usted dice rana y yo salto = I’m ready for whatever you need (Lit. You call frog and I jump)

vete a ver si ya puso la marrana = get lost, go fly a kite, don’t just stand there, do something (Lit. go see if the sow laid an egg)

(By the way, please feel free to correct or improve upon any of these if I have missed the boat so to say.)

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Friday, November 02, 2007

Destilando Amor - Nov. 1, 2007 'tis the beginning of the end for Isa and Pancho

EPISODE - Nov. 1, 2007 (ULTIMAS SEMANAS! countdown to the gran final - 19 episodes remaining):
* Aaron and Bruno are discussing the business - Aaron presses his pa for decision on who will be in charge; Bruno hesitates, wants to take time to think and talk with Granny P before making any huge decisions like that.

* Pancho is in a hurry to leave the hacienda as he comes downstairs to see Sofia and James in the living room. Pancho talks with Sofia and becomes jealous of James being there alone with her; Sofia tells him to stop it, he will be late for his plane. As Pancho is about to leave the room, James pipes up and asks Pancho about the medicine he is going to be purchasing in Mexico City. Pancho doesn't respond and leaves. James asks Sofia if she's ready to be a widow. Sofia wants to enjoy wounding Pancho horribly first.

* Rod welcomes Erika into his office. He is very excited to see her, but leaves to attend a business meeting. Just then Dani stops by to see her brother. Margarita tells her that Dr. Erika is in the office waiting for Rod. Dani is surprised and intrigued. Dani enters the office and greets Erika. Dani is glad Erika is there - with the impacto information she has to give Rod, she's sure he's going to need major psych. help.

* Gavi and Clara have a personal phone conversation about the Montalvos(?). Gavi hangs up with her mom as Alonso enters her office to discuss Don Roberto's job offer in London, and the new campaign (crop piracy). Alonso reminds Gavi he needs to know her answer in two days about the London job.

* Rod, Patricio and Bruno meet with Aaron in Aaron's office. Aaron quickly signs the documents. He makes a comment then a call comes in. Aaron takes it in private. Rod and Patricio discuss Aaron's attitude towards quickly signing it, and about Aaron's secretive business dealings. Patricio leaves as Aaron returns to his desk. Aaron makes another comment and Rod leaves.

* Rod returns to his office. Erika excuses herself so Dani can talk with Rod alone. Rod is so disappointed his private shrink/girlfriend is leaving. Dani asks Rod to sit down. Rod sits in his chair - he thinks Dani is going to argue with him about his feelings for Erika and Gavi again - he doesn't want to hear it or argue with her anymore. Dani stops him - she says it's about his son, Ricky. He stops and looks directly at her. Dani says she finally spoke with Dr. Tijeros and says that Ricky isn't his son. Rod is very impactado. Dani cries as she continues to relay the whole truth about Isa's sick trick on Rod - that Dr. T said Isa was pregnant before the insemination was even done; on how Isa used Dr. T to cover it up. Rod growing furious and still in shock, asks who is the father? Dani says they don't know. Rod punches the desk, stands up and stomps his way to the door. Dani tries to stop him. He throws her off and she lands on the floor. Rod stops and sees Dani down - He apologizes to her, he cries in desperation - he is my son! he is my son!

* Isa talks with Ricky about their trip and how time away will hopefully make life better for their little family. Maid enters with an envelope delivered by special courier. Isa signs for it and takes the envelope. Maid waits as Isa opens the envelope. Isa is impactado over seeing the checks inside. Maid quickly vanishes from the room.

* Rod sits in his chair, crying and angry over Isa's dirty rotten trick. Dani continues to talk and calm him down. He grow more and more angry and punches the desk and pushes all the items off the desk. Margarita enters to see if everything is alright. Dani covers for Rod. Margarita leaves.

* Isa calls Dr. T's office and speaks with the secretary. Dr. T is busy. Isa leaves an irate message for Dr. T. When the secretary hangs up, Dr. T suspects it was Isa and she just received the checks. Dr. T talks with the secretary about how he will have to handle things on his side of Isa's treacherous scandal.

* Dani and Rod continue to discuss the deception scheme - Dani reminds Rod that legally Ricky is Rod's son. Rod realizes that they need to come up with ways to keep Isa and Ricky in Mexico City. They also wonder who could be Ricky's father, and who is Isa's lover. Dani asks Rod a poignant question about if the lover may be someone they know. Rod gets a light bulb over his head and remembers Sofia's phone call earlier. He calls for Margarita to contact Sofia at the hacienda immediately. Dani asks what that's about and Rod explains Sofia's phone call.

* At the hacienda, Sofia and James discuss Pancho's lies about leaving for Mexico City versus what James knows to be true. Sofia is growing furious with her husband. The phone rings - it's Margarita. Sofia takes the call - Rod comes on the phone - Sofia urges her brother to take immediate action so Pancho and Isa don't run off and skip town together. She tells Rod everything she and James had discovered about Pancho and Isa being lovers all this time. Rod is impactado and furious. Sofia is crying and ultra-upset. He stays calm and tells Sofia to do the same - he and Dani are on her side. He asks to speak with James - Sofia sits down on the sofa - James agrees to help in Rod's plan. As James hangs up, he goes to comfort Sofia. Rod tells Dani that they have to stop Pancho and Isa immediately and decisively.

* Pancho is at the airport on his cellphone. He doesn't pay attention and runs into another passenger with loaded baggage. He falls and hurts his shoulder (oh, poor baby! I play my widdle violin for you.) He cries for help. No one pays any attention.

* Rod, with Dani in his office, calls for Margarita. Margarita enters. Rod tells her to get in contact with someone. Margarita leaves. Rod calls, and calmly talks with Isa - he has changed his mind, he will be accompanying them on the trip, after all it is Ricky's first plane trip. Isa is in shock. After Rod hangs up, he explains to Dani how he is planning to set up Isa (in very calculate moves). Bettina(?) enters. Rod gives him instructions on spying on Isa and reporting in on her every move. Bettina leaves.

* Gavi cries in her office. She misses Hurricane Rod and all his mood swings. She feels so alone and abandoned by him. She quickly wipes her eyes as Alonso enters. He asks if she's tired, she can go home to rest. Gavi refuses, she will stay to finish with the project. Alonso leaves. Gavi calls Rod's office - Margarita answers. Gavi quickly hangs up - she decides not to speak with Rod, instead she will patiently wait for Rod to return to her on his own.

* Pancho finally calls Isa from the airport public pay phone. Isa is very upset and angry. He explains about his sore arm and the delay in calling. Isa tells him that Rod has changed his plans and wants to go on the trip now. They hang up quickly. Maid enters - Isa tells her to tell Rod she couldn't wait and had to leave now. Just as Isa leaves the condo, Rod calls. Maid answers and tells Rod everything - from the messenger with the envelope with the two checks inside, the mysterious phone call for Isa, and that she just left without Ricky. Rod hangs up and tells Dani. They discuss the curious events.

* Isa is driving in her car.

* Dani and Rod are bewildered about Isa and the new turn of events. Rod picks up the latest tequila magazine with their grandpa on the cover. He flips it open to show Dani the phone article about Gavi and Alonso. Dani wonders about Rod's feelings for Gavi. Rod doesn't want to think about that now - he's too upset with Isa and Pancho.

* Fedra visits her son Aaron at the apartment. Aaron gives Fedra some good news over his latest plot.

* Pilar talks with Don Roberto by phone about Gavi. Don Roberto tells her that he has offered Gavi a prestigious position at the London office, just Gavi hasn't decided whether to accept or not. Pilar is happy and hopes Gavi does, it will be so great for Gavi's career to take the position. Don Roberto also informs Granny Pilar that Alonso will be going to London also. Granny P is surprised. She thanks Don Roberto for the information.

* Alonso thought bubbles to himself in his office.

* Sofia finally arrives in the city and cries and talks with Rod and Dani in Rod's office about Pancho and Isa's deception. Dani informs Sofia about the rest of the scheme - that Ricky isn't really Rod's son. Sofia is impactado and more furious. Bettina calls and reports in to Rod about Isa's latest movements. Rod informs Sofia and Dani that Isa is definitely going to meet with Pancho. Sofia wants to go with Rod to the confrontation. Rod thinks he should go alone. Dani agrees. Aaron walks in and interrupts the conversation - he brings up Gavi and Clara's inheritance. They brush him off and he leaves. Rod and Dani discuss whether to involve Gavi - Rod says no, this is a private family matter.

* Aaron calls Gavi and tries to start a fight with her about Clara's inheritance. Gavi tells him off and hangs up. Aaron is furious and frustrated.

* Bruno and Fedra meet with Granny P at the house. Fedra is furious when Granny P tells her about Gavi's job offer in London.

* Gavi and Don Roberto are hosting the latest tequila presentation to the public - this party is for Tequila Corso, and includes an art show. Don Roberto makes the opening remarks and then turns the microphone over to Gavi to introduce and explain the tequila products to the invited guests.

* Rod, Dani and Sofia continue discussing plans to confront Isa and Pancho, and about Ricky. Bettina calls in again and reports that Isa is with Pancho.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Destilando 10/31 - in which we discover that Texto-60 is your best bet when the agaves putrify.

Sofia, on her way back to Montalveña, portentously tells Dani: "I may be back here sooner than you think."

Blondie asks Gav straight out: "How's your love life going? Because you whacked on Minerva you have to get the hell out of Dodge, these catfights are bad for CRT's prestige. We want you to come to the London office - with ME!! I need an immediate answer." "But my mom -- " "She can come TOO!" "Still, I have to ask her. And London is not exactly a place of good memories for me -- " "That can CHANGE! You can live in a GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD and enjoy EXCELLENT CULTURE [and coffee? -Ed.] and meet VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE!!"

"If I don't accept, can I keep working here?" Blondie says that would be tough - she couldn't go to any Important Parties and couldn't keep working at her current elevated level. "Then the spiders have won..." She refuses to give an answer.

Pilar looks happy talking to Roberto on the phone. I forget who Roberto is. She urges discretion.

The Sperminator's secretary calls Daniela to cancel her appointment for the umpteenth time. She decides to go sit in his office until he'll see her. There are a lot of people in his waiting room. She tells the secretary she'll wait until dawn if necessary.

Gav calls, to find out if Rod's psychologist is (hopefully) old or married. This information is a critical component of her go-to-London decision tree. Dani is non-committal.

Rod tells Isa he's glad her parents are back from their super luxurious luxury cruise or wherever they've been: it's time for deadbeat daddy to pay up. And she, menacingly, says tonight's the night to talk about divorce, particularly DINERO.

Rod calls Erika and, all brisk and cheerful and confident, asks her to go look at new offices with him and then have dinner.

Francisco and Sofia are back at the hacienda. Ofelia and Roman fuss happily over Sofia and ignore Frankie completely. He complains (nobody is listening) about the agonies of flying tourist class and asks Ofelia to make him a glass of pineapple juice with celery and perijil which is an ingredient too fancy to be in my dictionary. He brags to James that they had champagne on their flight.

An extra arrives and says there's trouble out in the fields. James jumps up and wants to go but Frankie says no, it's my work. He dashes out. Sofia: "Ofelia, you can forget about that glass of juice."

Sofie and James look at page after page of calls from Frankie to Isa. Sofia is rabid; she can't believe she ignored so much evidence that Frankie was playing her. "Isa betrayed me! I helped her! I sided with her even when I didn't agree! She's a ruin! A low rat, there are no words for her vileness!" [Excuse me, what about Frankie?] James is sympathetic. She continues, "Why was I so stupid? It was right in front of me, I didn't want to see it, I can't accept that Frankie married me por interes (to get his hands on the loot)." She reviews, to rub salt in her wounds, the many times her suspicions should have been aroused.

Out in the fields, Frankie looks with neophyte horror at some twisted, putrified agave plant. The guys say they need CRT's help, this is an emergency, but Frankie doesn't want any scandal. "Maybe it's just this one crummy plant that didn't get enough copper sulfite and the others are all fine."

They ignore that and ask what they should do. "For the moment, nothing - and don't say a word to James." [This guy would make a fine president of the United States. --Ed.] He dabs himself nervously with a fine silk handkerchief.

At Isa's apartment (La Basurero, heh), big Ricky is dandling little Ricky and saying the kid looks to be an authentic Duarte - "I don't see anything of the Montalvos in him." At this Isa demands that the nanny remove Ricky Junior (a.k.a. the incriminating evidence).

She tells Ricky Sr. it's time to get with Rod and pay up. "Babydoll, I've had a severe financial setback and won't be able to pay him."

Isa loses it and starts screaming, "You can't do this, you'll go back to jail, you'll deprive me and little Ricky of the fat, fat divorce settlement which would set us up for life, Rod will get the apartment, the car, you got me into this now get me out!"

Nuria sides with her husband, but Isa says the tables are turning: "Sofia's no longer on my side, Dani is on the way to discovering the truth about Ricky Jr., she'll convince Rod one way or another." "Then run away with us to the Bahamas, we'll get you a good divorce lawyer there." "The baby has no passport and I'd need Rod's signature!"

Daddy goes to call his bank buddy, but the bank buddy has looked into the situation, doesn't trust daddy's 'clients,' and refuses the loan. "Don't worry, Princess, Rod is rich, he can take the hit."

Isa shouts some more: "I hate you! Get out of here!" She sobs and sobs as visions of the expensive cars that were to have been her future fade into the distance. After the commercial she stops crying and gets a little Scarlett O'Hara backbone. "I'm not conquered! Rod and his family will give me what's mine!"

Frankie, still dabbing his anxious sweat with his fancy handkerchief, walks into the bar. Crispin to bartender: "Here comes that clown." Frankie commits what even I, a lifelong teetotaller, know to be a big fat bar faux pas - he says "nothing" when asked what he'll have.

He asks Crispin as casually as a sweating, terrified jackass can ask: "Hmm, I have a - a friend - he didn't have enough money to use enough copper sulfate on his agaves - there's been a l'il outbreak, nothing significant - but - if copper sulfate were to be applied now, would it solve the problem?" "No, copper sulfate is a preventative measure, it's too late for that. He would need, instead, TEXTO-60 FUNGICIDE (don't tell me this was a product placement!!!!!!), and it's very expensive." "Aren't there any other alternatives?" "Yes..." (Frankie brightens hopefully) "... tell him to pray."

Isa barges into Rod's office and gets the usual que haces aqui? (everybody was supposed to learn this one: "What are you doing here?"). "I came to give you good news: Daddy can't meet you today but he can settle up with you on Monday. Meanwhile, I need to de-stress, I'm taking little Ricky to the beach." Rod says no she isn't, she says she is, he says she isn't, and she grumpily stalks out.

Then Sofia calls and wants Rod to run right over to the hacienda. He says he's too busy, she says it's a delicate matter and she'll come to the city and be at Pilar's the next day.

As Isa is grumpily stalking, Francisco calls. Fleeing putrid agaves, he suddenly can't live without her. She reminds him what a jerk he was the previous day and says it's too late. He begs and begs: "I had an infernal night, my marriage is over, I'm so anxious, I'll get on a plane right now, there will be a future for us, I can't stay here at the hacienda, it went to the devil in my absence, and James wants to run it anyway." He tries his crappy French on her.

[My daughter asked me the other day to try to be a more optimistic person. What can I say?]

Well, the Sperminator has avoided Dani for weeks and weeks, but he's stuck now. The last, last patient leaves and Dani's still there. He lets her in. He starts by mumbling the stupid lies scripted by Isa long ago. "Doc, enough of the cat and mouse game, tell the truth."

Dani explains that this kid is the trump card in a gigantic big-bucks winner-takes-all Montalvo war - "The kid would be the last inheritor of the Montalvo fortune. I want documents I can take to a geneticist to review, and then I won't bother you again."

Tejeiros starts mumbling about getting somebody right on it (like in the next century) but Dani cuts him off: "Or, I know, let's give little Ricky a DNA test right away. If he passes, we'll give you a case of tequila and our apologies. If not, it's lawyers and jail for you."

Tejeira folds. "She was already pregnant when I did the tests for her. She said it would ruin her marriage - she would have to abort - my life is the struggle for life in the womb - I had to help her - " "And how much did that help cost?" He folds further. "At first I didn't accept her checks - my ethics and my career ended when I helped your sister-in-law - at least I never had the nerve to cash her checks." He hauls out a big envelope with wads of checks in it. I gather by Dani's eyebrow-raising that the sums were large. She asks who the father was but he doesn't know.

Frankie is breathlessly rushing around preparing his evacuation. "SanJuana, get my suitcase and two changes of clothes..."

"Where are you going?" asks Sofia. "To the city, to uh, buy cattle medicine." "I'm coming with you." He tries to dissuade her, and he already has a ticket, and he says he's coming back next day. But she says she has business in the city herself. She gets her own ticket. Frankie makes a pointless crack about not sitting around Pilar's watching the family fight.

Sofia tells James that Rod should know, this very day, about Isa's affair with Frankie.

Rod reads the riveting CRT magazine. Well, his gramps is on the cover. He reads about the famous party, there's a big picture of Blondie and Gav. He sags reading: "Doctor Santovenia said he cannot imagine his life without her."

Gav is reading it too, Nancy looking over her shoulder and crowing, "Now all the world knows! All that's missing is an engagement ring!" Was there something about Rodrigo and "ant eye"? Gav thoughtbubbles: "My heart belongs to Rodrigo, there's no room for anybody else."

Blondie and Av* discuss Gav's personal life and the chances of her accepting the London job. Then - it seems some guy who was about to be sent to Madrid can't go. For a moment Blondie is terrified Av* is going to send him, Blondie, to Madrid instead - he insists he has to be with Gav in London (he's a little unhinged in his own wussie way, wouldn't you say?), Av* merely asks him to review the list of possible Madrid candidates. Blondie suggests Nancy deserves a promotion. [I say, not until she gets over those hysterical crying jags. --Ed.]

Aaron tries to get his dad to retire and let Aaron run the corporation unimpeded, it needs his energy. "Give it all to me while you're still alive," he suggests. [That sounded sort of like a threat, I thought. --Ed.] "You need to rest, you're tormented by the decisions I make, you'll have another heart attack!" "You propose to buy me out with your stock market gains?" Aaron says if that money isn't sufficient, he'll get a bank loan.

Bruno asks what he's supposed to do with his time if he sells out. "Travel! Be happy!" Bruno says, "Wait till I'm dead." Then he muses, "But you're in an awful big hurry for me to go..." He says they can talk about it later. Aaron gives him till the following day.

We end with Frankie, who still hasn't managed to get out the door. He pretends to be jealous of James and Sofie spending time together. Sofia says he doesn't have to come back. James asks: "What medicine is it exactly that you're planning to buy for the cows?" "Why, let's us go down to the stables and ask them what hurts!" is Frankie's weak retort.

Tomorrow: Dani tells Rod about Ricky Jr.'s lack of Montalvo blood and Rod knocks her down. Aaron and Gav have words about Clarita's inheritance.


Destilando - Tuesday Oct 30 .... Where stubborn people do stubborn things

After Pillie asks Clarita (" just what really happened between you and Amador?"), Aron demands Clarita tell them if Gavi is a Montalvo or not. Clarita asks that she and Pillie talk in private about this.

When they are alone, Clarita tells Pillie that it's really hard to touch on all these subjects from the past, but that she can assure Pille that Don Amador always treated Clarita like a daughter and never betrayed Pillie. She starts her story: long, long ago.... Clarita came back to the Hacienda when Gaviota was just a month old, and that don Amador, in thankfulness that she saved his life, offered to help her out by building her a small house and giving her money every month. But Clarita refused this (like mother like daughter! :)) telling him that instead, she would like him to give her a job every spring when she comes back for the Agave season. The year after, people started saying that Gavi was Amador's daughter. For that reason, Clarita preferred to separate herself form the group of jimadores, and Amador gave her the little hut to stay more comfortably; he loved hearing Gaviota sing her first songs when she was a child.

Gavi then asks her mom why she never told her about her dad, and Clarita responds that she was embarrassed to tell her because she would be giving her a bad example. Gaviota, crying, assures her mom that she has been the best mom ever and that she's very proud of her. Pilar is moved by all this and thanks Clarita for her kind words.

At his office, Alonso is nervous because Gavi is not answering the phone and thinks that maybe she is with Rod.

We then get to see Gavi and Clarita on their way out of the hacienda, where Gaviota is telling Rod that she doesn't want the hacienda provided to them by Don Amador. Gavi: We don't want to know anything about you guys. Rod: you are probably saying that because of me. Videgaray will take care of the paperwork. But Gavi says she prefers not, as she doesn't want to see his face again. She asks Dani to call a taxi.... Rod says "no Dani, our driver will take her". Gavi: no, I want a taxi! Rod, with a sigh: whatever, OK Dani, get her a taxi. I am sure these are the moments when Rod gives thanks for Erica in his life. Anyhoo...

Dona Pilar talks to Clarita, and begs her to take the hacienda in memory of Don Amador, as it was his wish. Clarita says she'll talk about it to Gaviota. Gavi gives Dona Pilar many thanks for everything and says sorry for the pains caused. Rod gives a special thanks to Clarita, and congratulates her on her Bday. Gavi says good bye to Rod. He congrats her too, on the big palisa (beating) that she gave Minnie. G: well, it's been a while that I owed her one! Outside, Gavi asks Dani if she knows Rod's psicologa. G: Not that I'm jealous!! hehe.. JUST curious, ya know?? Dani: Tomorrow I'm going to see her and I'll tell u.

Erica is talking on the phone to a friend, telling her that falling in love with Rod is a risk, but life is constant risks and needs to be lived fully.

Pillie is now sure that Amador never cheated on her and she's super happy. Rod too, probably cuz he knows he didn't boink his own aunt. Pillie says that Gavi is an amazing daughter and woman, after seeing how she behaves with her mom. Rod: I know granny! Elvis walks in, jokingly suggesting he get his piece of the fortune by Amador. She says her usual: suficiente Elvis! Suficiente!

Pillie tells the rest of the family that Gavi is not a montalvo. Fedra: ah! finally good news on this day! Aron reminds them that she is a simple jimadora. Pillie says some good things about Gavi, and Minnie gets jealous. Frankie wants to know what Clarita told her. Elvis jokes about Frankie getting some money from the herencia. Frankie gets excited, but Sofie bursts his bubble as she sarcastically tells him not to get too excited since it's a joke. They talk about how they will divide Gavi's ranch if she gives it to them. Aron says she better give them the land. Minnie says that Aron should not expect miracles from someone like Gavi.

At home, Clarita and gavi are talking about the hacienda. Gavi says if they keep it, they'll never get rid of the Montalvo plagues. Gavi then takes out a gift for Clarita's since it's her Bday; Clarita utters a 'Como asi!' and cries as she puts the earrings on. Gavi says Clarita is the best ma. Gavi: ma, now I gotta talk to you... I need your honest response from the bottom of your heart.

Right then, doctor Coffee calls, he's been looking for Gavi all day. He wants to talk to Gavi at work tomorrow. They hang up. Gav: ma, what do you think he wants to tell me? Clarita: he's going to ask you to marry him. Do you know what you'll tell him? I don't know ma, but I need to know something more important. I need you to swear to me that I am not Amador's daughter. Clarita: m'ija, I swear to you! Amador has always been very nice to me. He loved you very much. Gavi: Ma, what about my dad? Clarita: Ah, it's not worth it... if it weren't because you were born of my story with your pa, I would have forgotten about it a long time ago. Gav: Ma, please tell me the truth. Clarita, dreamy eyed: Ok...

I met Jacinto, and all girls wanted to be with him. He made us laugh with his stories, jokes, and his laugh was like listening to a music box. He was so similar to you, blonde, honey eyes and curly hair like yours. He was tall, flirty, and I would get all shy when he talked to me. And... he made me fall in love with him. One day, I went to a party; all the girls wanted to dance with him...but he danced only with me, and that night, we spent it together. When the morning came I was sure that my life was going to be with him. We were gonna get married, but one morning, he packed his things and left.

Gaviota: I hope to see him someday...I know my dad will find us one day! C: No Gavi, don't have those expectations. Plus, he lost most, because he missed seeing you smile and grow up and hear you calling him Papa! G: Maybe one day I will see him again. C: shortly after, I found out he crossed the border to work in the USA and as he was crossing the river he drowned. I don't even know if they gave him a Christian burial. That's why I wanted to keep this away from you all this time. G: Ma, I am grateful! Now I know where I came from, and I have such a good mom! And what about Don Amador?? He loved you like a daughter.... and you? Were you in love with him? C: I don't know m'ija. Some days I waited and waited to see him. We'd talk and talk. He was so smart, so nice, he treated me like I was equal to him...he talked to me about his problems and work, and when he laughed, it was's getting late huh?? G: I'm noone to judge you ma! Don't feel bad that you fell in love with a man that belongs to someone else! You are not hurting anyone!! Ma, we both fell in love with a Montalvo....

Next morning, Gavi is getting ready for work. She asks Clarita what Rod told her when he picked her up. Gav: Did he ask you for me?? C: no, he behaved as if nothing ever happened between you. Gavi looks sad about this.

At his home, Rod is in Ricky's room, playing with him. He kisses Ricky, asks him what he dreamt the day before. "I know, you were playing football...goaaal!! no no... you were galloping on a horse! I promise you that when you get older, you will ride horses with me in the fields and lakes. I promise you that I will do it."

At Pillie's home, Frankie kisses a very serious Sofie and tells her he loves her. They're getting ready to leave...he kisses dona Pilar's hand and tells her to stop bye the hacienda. Sofie says goodbye to her abuelita. Abuelita gives her the blessing, Sofie then hugs Dani. D: when do you come back?? S: sooner than yout think! And she leaves.

Gavi, at the office, is asking Dr Coffee what he wants to tell her? Alonso: Gavi, how's your sentimental situation? Gavi: hmmm... this means that Minnie has accused me with Avellaneda huh? Alonso: no no...she hasn't mentioned anything to him at all. I'm just worried that the conflicts with that family are affecting the institution. Gavi: so I have to quit?? Alonso: no.... I propose you go work at the offices in London.

Tomorrow promises to be a good one!
- Isa gets a hysteria attack after her dad tells her he cannot pay Rod back. Isa: I hate you!!! I'm not your daughter anymore!!!
- Doctor Tejeiros dishes the truth to Dani as he tells her that Isa was already pregnant when she came to see him.
- Sofie finds proof of Frankie's betrayal; she calls Rod to let him know.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Destilando 10/29/07 Rod wonders, "Was it Love or Just Aunts in his Pants?"

Wow what an emotion packed episode..So the translation may be light, but the emotion crosses all language barriers.

We begin with a flashback of Clarita’s fateful phone call to Gavi….Yadda Yadda Yadda…
The Montalvo short bus is coming to pick me up cause looks like Don Amador mentioned me, can you believe it, me moi? In his much anticipated 4 year later will. “Que the Hell, Ma”, whats up with that.
Don’t let anyone, no one & especially those sucking Montalvos in the apartment till I get there.
I will take the first plane home to Mexico City, DF.

Gavi hangs up and Dr. Climate (I don’t remember his name, but he was actually able to work with Gavi and not fall in love) comes running up. Hey it food time, he tells her. Sorry, gotta go involved in yet another personal drama back in DF. Gavi has desk clerk chick try to find an earlier plane. No such luck. Okay time to call Ma. Hey Ma, I am having trouble hookin up with an earlier flight, so wait & by the by am I “Amador’s kid?”, cause hey Ma, “That means I am in love with my nephew”. Ma….Ma….Ma answer me. Gavi gets no answer. I am perplexed would not a si or no have sufficed? Maybe Clarita is like damn it’s my birthday, my party..she is relishing the attention.

Meanwhile, Rod is over at the Pilar mansion, he feels so dirty, have the flashback to the story of Amador’s great Jimadora love & she was a singer too. No Rod, no shower is going to wash that away.

Meanwhile Isa gets a phonecall, No surprise it isn’t is her buddy Sperminator, the fertility doctor. Actually they can’t afford to pay Dr. Sperm to be on so we only get a one sided conversation where Isa tells him, he can’t possibly see Dani Drew young teen detective. Cancel those appointments.

Now in a public service announcement SanMama is reading a magazine with a big ol’ glossy of Hil, cheesing it up in a toothpaste ad..SanMama reads outloud and it is rather painful. Hard to believe just a few months ago she was in that other soap, where she was yet another female psychologist in love with her psycho patient. Ahhhh that is why they call it acting. Anyway Meeester James comes in with some advice. Say now SanWanna you should be happy, you are having a kid. Say why don’t you go to school. Well looks like lil SanMama wasn’t too much into book learning. Mr. James however, with just some Christian compassion is able to get SanMama to talk about what she’ like to do. I believe she would like to design or make clothes, or maybe just bedazzle them. Anyway, it is never too late to start.
Some advice SanMama, Hil is earning big bucks...get the DNA & slap his ass with child support..jes sayin. You can take a lot of classes at Tequila Tech with the money.

Rod comes to get Clara. He arrives at the door with roses for her birthday. Always the gentleman. Clarita tells him she wants to wait for Gavi, but she also has a hair appointment. Egads, Rod will accompany her to the salon and wait in the car. Please I swear he is season two away from Will & Grace. He could have done some awesome dreadlocks for her.

Gavi arrives back at the apartment. Window washer general laborer kid is out in front. Say is my Ma here?
Nah she took off with the guy in the white car. You know that guy that used to stalk you night and day, you know the guy that dumped you, my amigo says that dude is stalking some hawt shrink who wears fluffy sleeveless garden dresses and smells really, really, really nice if you know what I mean. Okay so I added the second part, but you know the kid wanted to say it, his lines ended up on the editing room floor.
Thus said Gavi heeds a Taxi.

Rod is sitting in his car stalking no one in particular, old habits die hard. Clarita comes running out, looks like beauty takes time. Rod has to wait.

Meanwhile, over at the departmento or house or tomb or whatever that place Pilar calls home is, the family is sitting around discussing, every once in a while one takes flight and circles the others looking for signs of weakness. Zopilotes. They start in about what if? Seriously I am expecting them to start pulling up the couch cushions looking for pesos. OMG, does the second will override the first? What are they going to get.. It can’t be It can’t be Oh what a wicked world…what a wicked world. The phone rings it is Rod calling home. Dani answers and he tells her he is waiting outside a hair salon for Clarita. Meanwhile Gavi arrives. Dani greets her with a “What’s up Tia?”. This does not sit well with Gavi, but Dani keeps it up.
I gotta say Gavi is all shades braver than I am, there is no way I would want to walk into that by myself. She did think Clarita would be there, but alas Clarita is trying to clean off decades of Agave dust.

Gavi wants to talk to Videray, but Aaron does one of his finger snapping dismissive gesture, no talk in front of all of us.

More of this we are not going to accept the crap of this new will. Sofie tries to temper the speculation. Aaron always the gentleman inquires, “Do you know who your Daddie is?” Gavi answers, “No, my mother always closely guarded the secret”. However and I do paraphrase here, “I can not stand the idea that I could be part of this family, we work for a living, we don’t live off others, play the lottery, expect to marry rich men or wait for an inheritance from heaven”, pointed look given to Isa, the Trophy Whore Barbie. Frankie looks a bit uncomfortable. Gavi says she is proud of her blood and no offense Dona Pillar, she don’t want the name. Gavi goes on and says no matter what is left to them, they don’t want it. All in all I think Gavi did a fine job of making rich people look uncomfortable. I do have to insert here that Pilar greeted her and was nice as well as Bruno. Aaron, Minnie, Fedra & Isa were all ready to steal the nickels off a dead man’s eyes. Dani looked remiss, Frankie uncomfortable & Sofie, like Jeez could I have been wrong?

Now for another trip down the road of futility, Cassandra (and I don’t mean to be mean here, just snarky, but that chick always scares me. WTH is up with her make-up, she has the permanently startled look constantly.) is meeting with Dr. Blondie Stoic, trying to find out how his hot and heavy romance is going. Well it is proceeding in a timely manner and extremely slow timely manner. He says Rod has changed and is not longer the maniacal crazed jealous man he once was. Rod & Gavi have not hooked up again. So Dr is sitting on his laurels just waiting to declare himself to her. Cassandra does some pumping up, you are good looking, intelligent, awesome go for it. Oh Cassandra, the Virgin Mary is crying tears of blood over your lies, hey if they use this on little kids, well they can’t tell anything compared to this whopper.

Rod & Clarita arrive. Hey let’s get the show on the road. People offer Clarita a seat, but Gavi won’t let her sit down. Gavi has a tude going, or maybe I am being overly judgmental, if the Zopilotes think you are weak they will swarm on you.

At this point we dismiss Frankie & Isa, the non-Montalvos from the room, they are not blood so get out. The same could be said of Minnie & Fedra, but it would take an enormous shoe horn wedged under each respective ass & a lot of leverage, thus not willing to fight physics, they are allowed to stay.

Now we get this totally awesome Cheese Commercial for Manchego Noche Light. A bit of bantering from our young chef Frankie & the help. She brings him the cheese and he opens the package, slices off a wedge…ummm Muy Rico…(I have had that type of cheese and Frankie ain’t wrong it is muy Rico), here come Isa with NotRod’sBaby’s bottle. Here servant lady, go heat that up while I heat up Frankie. Seriously like that kid needs a bottle, he is like giant baby.

Since the family is distracted circling the Hernandez Clan, this would be a fine time for Isa to start her shrewish, harpy nagging. Hello, I have seen enough TeleNovelas to know, the Amante is always loving, extremely sexually & willing to please, well at least to the dumb guys face. Isa, Frankie ditched his mother he doesn’t want another one. She starts in with we have to ditch the Montalvos before Rod figures out the kid isn’t his & does a DNA & lil Ricky gets cut out of a lifetime of family backstabbing & screwing everyone over. She pressures Frankie, but he just isn’t ready to jump off the gravy train.

We get another “Hey this is what the will would sound like if I was alive”, flashback from Don Amador. Greeting & Salutations, Okay here it is “I leave the hacienda “Los Miercoles” , located in Tequila and said land to Clara Hernandez and in the event of her death to Theresa Whatever Hernandez. It is to be their land and property”. Something about Clara has reached the age of reason 50 anos, Happy Birthday. Clara is the soul of the land, she is a Jimadora, she represents the whole Jimador working people (unfortunately the other jimadors only got a mention and no land). Amador gives this in payment to her. He owed his life to Clara.

Everyone is stunned. I’m stunned he owed his life to her and she got a hacienda, when she was fifty? Dude she hacked a boat load of Agave in that time. Not that I am greedy, but he did say he owed her his life.

Gavi does the Thanks but No Thanks. Rod says that is excellent land. Gavi is, NO we don’t want it. Clara does not look so certain. I could do a serious smack down on Gavi right now. Nobel is nobel, but you are stupid. I’d be doing “Uh Uh Uh, We got your land, We got your land” . This however is not to be confused with the big Hacienda, the Montalvo’s still have that. At least for now.

Now upon questioning Clara begins to explain her good fortune.
Poor Clarita her parents died careening down a mountain on a bus, alas they were poor…to poor to afford color, all these scenes are in black and white. Clara was all alone, but she was a migrant worker and one year she came to the Montalvos…to earn the abundance of pay that those folks at Tara were willing to give their slaves…oooops scratch that, I have my kind-hearted wealthy planter people stories confused. Anyway this was Norma Rae days, Clara was tough enough to become one of the first female jimadors. She was counting her cash and belting out a tune…some guy named Timothy came in said
Don Amador wanted to see her. She stashed her ducats and left. Of course Tim & an accomplice stole her cash. Clara comes back and questions Tim, Don Amador didn’t ask to see her. You can see the black and white wheels turning in her head…Hey she runs into the lil cabana, come out and knocks Tim to the ground she is wailing on him. Don Amador pulls up in a vintage jeep. He pulls her off.
Rod has a flashback to pulling Gavi off a jimador she was wailing on. Oh these women.

Now we are left to wonder, did turn Don Amador’s thoughts to love like it did his grandson?

Stay tuned …
Gavi wants to leave, but not so fast, Pilar wants to know “Just what condition Amador’s condition was in”
Or “Were you doing my husband”
Looks like Rod is on the phone with Erika, does this mean she will call him sobrino? Hey I mean that in a totally playful manner.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Destilando Amor 10/26/07: All In the Family

[This episodio's recap is dedicated to Jerry Lee Lewis, whose "great balls of fire" led him to marry his thirteen year old cousin. -ed.]

Furious, Gavi comes in with an angry slam of the door and scares the bejesus out of Clarita who screams at her for being so thoughtless, shaking the walls and her sainted icons to the foundation, not to mention scaring the unholy hell out of her that late at night.

Gavi smarts back that Clarita needs to have a large talk with those saints of hers, considering the way they fed her to the Montalvo hyenas earlier that evening. She explains how the three Scorpion Queens, Minerva in particular, provoked her by telling all the guests the Happy Hooker version of how she spent her summer vacation years ago in Paris. So, of course, this made her lose her cool and so she grabbed Aaron's lesser half in the bathroom, by her hair, and shook the tar out of her.

Clarita gets frantic to find a newspaper so they can start looking for another job right away, IF they are lucky enough that those people don't throw Gavi into jail immediately. Gavi snickers that since the giant giraffe was drunk out of her gourd and such a mess, that nobody would believe Gavi really hit her. However, she admits that she regretted it after she found out Minnie was pregnant. Gavi promises never to lay a hand on a Montalvo again, provided the baby stays safe and sound.

At the penthouse, Aaron is in a tizzy, but not over the trashing Minnie's tresses took in the toilet from the evening tribute's Tramp in Charge. He is furious with Minnie for drinking so heavily and causing such a scene, especially since the family could figure out that her pregnancy is bogus, as in, nobody who is pregnant and in their right mind would dare to get so sloppy drunk. For Minnie, about now, however, the only thing she gives a rat's rude patoot about is the fact her head is splitting.

Aaron, the king of compassion, is spazzing he's so furious with her. As Minnie's hangover hell turns the room into tiltawhirls, he scolds her at the top of his lungs, roughly poking and prodding for signs of a concussion. (Cheer!)

Back at the Montalvo manse, Dani tells her cover story to Pilar and Sofia: Minnie was so drunk she probably fell and hit her head against the wall, then decided to lie about it and blame it on Gaviota just to wreck her reputation with the membership. Sofia says that makes sense to her. Pilar must be having another senior moment here because she says she cannot believe that Minnie would go to such extremes just to cause grief for Mariana Franco.

Dani reminds her grammy then that the only reason that the gruesome threesome went to the tribute at all was to annoy Gaviota. Sofia reminds her that even though Pilar had asked them all to stay away from her and to respect her, they didn't listen.

Dani continues to explain that the part of the story Pilar doesn't know is something even Uncle Bruno can attest to. That was the way they humiliated Mariana in front of all the guests, entertaining them all with their story of her supposed life of sin tramping through Europe and how afterward she got sexually involved with all the executives at the Corporate Office.

Pilar asks if Dani would swear that Gaviota did not hit Minnie. Dani says she wouldn't "put her hand in the fire" for anybody, but if it were up to her and those three had slandered her that way she'd have kicked the teeth out of all three of them.

Gavi is angry about the fact those three will bring up and chew on it all over again at the reading of the codicil the next day, but says she doesn't care since she's so tired of that plague of a family. "Even Rodrigo?" Clarita wonders. So Gavi tells Clarita how changed a person Rod is and how polite and behaved he acted towards her and during the event. "It's as if he were a totally different person and not the Rod I always knew. He was a perfect prince, so magnificently noble."

Clarita can't believe there wasn't some sort of giant ruckus or the need to call in the police. "So he didn't ask you to pack your things and go off with him? "--No." "--Nothing about how he missed you or needed you?" "--No." She says he simply congratulated her over the event's success, told her she was as lovely as the first time he met her, but never talked once to her about love. "He just raced off afterward to some major engagement he had planned." "--Did that doctor perhaps just weaken him when curing him of his jealousy?" Clarita wonders. "--No, nothing justifies it! That man! THAT man is going out with another woman!"

Gavi says she is sure now that he is going out with the psychologist who brought him out of his jealous breakdown that weekend away, and has convinced him that she is the only woman in his life. "Are we talking about the Rodrigo Montalvo who yelled to the four winds that he'd never love any other woman but you and would go to the grave loving you???" "-Yes, Ma." "--That sly slug of a liar!!"

Gavi explains how Dani caught up to her to tell her that so far nothing has happened between them; but Gavi tells Clarita that it could since now he realizes she is not the only woman in the world for him. "She's certain to convince him to stay with her instead." "--Ah, I warned you that psychologist would discourage him about you. So now what?" Gavi remarks that he was so calm, it was such impressive pacifism. "Well, he should just stay with her then, especially since he realizes now there are other women in the world!"

Speaking of pacifist pap, we are shunted back to Erika's apartment where Valeria and the others are raving over Mr. Entertainment. Considering these nurdlike 60's retreads, taking me so unwillingly back to that girls' school in '70-71, with the love beads and their Baez balladeering, I figure Rod's Duranguese daring-do couldn't be anything but a giant goose on that group's gas pedal. As for Rod, he is enjoying this new found popularity he's bought with the iconoclast crowd at highschool --even getting to date the queen of this not-so-in-crowd!

Erika, all smiles, is anxious to know how Rod handled seeing Gavi or if he mentioned that he was coming to see her tonight. Her professional pride wants to know how it went, what he felt seeing Gaviota again after all this time, but the female in Erika needs to gloat. Rod admits that although it was pretty bad to see her with her boss, he's not going to get in the way if she wants to be with him instead. He assures her that he didn't mention visiting Erika's because he didn't want Erika to think he was using her by trying to make Gaviota jealous, since finally he managed to detached himself from her.

Rod confesses he'd rather have stayed and says that at one time he might have gotten crazy jealous and fought with that little doc, pursued and argued with, or harassed Gaviota. He smiles a bit sheepishly then and says he is resigned and getting used to the idea of letting her go. Finally he feels he's loosened himself from her. Erika beams at this.

Meanwhile, across town in her darkened living room, Gavi is crying to herself for the umpteenth time over having lost Rod to another woman. (I was sighing and sobbing a bit myself at this point when the Hubster up and says she deserves to lose him if only because her taste in living room furniture is so gawd-awful. I got a bit angry at this rude verbal intrusion, but the more I stared at that sofa, the more I figured he may just have a point.)

Next morning Isa walks out to the living room and finds Rod curled up asleep, still in his clothes from the night before. She screams for him to wake up and asks where he was that he ended up like that on the couch. Rod gets up with a start and says if she's worried he was with Gaviota, not to because he wasn't. Isa screams that that was obvious since the woman stayed after he left and got into it with the three of them at the tribute, and she had the gall to air out all her daddy's dirty laundry in front of the entire group of guests. Rod says it sounded like something Isa would have done.

Isa gets irate then. "No, it was a jealous fit she got into once you left! She even attacked Minerva!" "--Minerva?" Isa tells Rod that Gavi waited in ambush for Minnie in the bathroom and beat her up in there, but that Dani and Elvis and she lied about being with them all night. "--So, how is Minerva?" "--Only her pride was hurt." Rod snickers and says that if Gavi had really gotten into a fight with Minerva, Minnie would have ended up in the hospital in a bloody heap.
Isa stomps off angry as all get out and once she's left Rod laughs to himself and says, "Gavi, you are tremendous! Ha! Nobody can handle you!"

Gabby flies to Guadalajara with Urban while back at the CRT in Mexico City Avellaneda tells Alonso that Mariana's reputation has hit an all time low after the incident with Minerva Montalvo the night before. She can no longer work there. Alonso threatens that if she's fired then he's handing in his resignation. Avellaneda explains he wasn't thinking of getting rid of her, only transferring her and wonders if Alonso had discussed her going to London with him yet. Alonso explains that he was waiting till she returned from Guadalajara first.

Minnie and Aaron come downstairs, but just before they leave for Pilar's, Minnie has to take an antacid for the heartburn she's got after last night's binge, and we get another gratuitous plug for Mexican Pepto Bismal.

Isa refuses to go to Pilar's house in order to avoid being riddled with questions about her daddy's debt (and why it's all been done without their knowledge, no doubt). She says Amador's will has nothing to do with her anyway. Rod says to get herself ready anyhow because he wants to take Ricky since nobody's seen him since he was born. She makes excuses knowing that if they look close enough and see he still doesn't look like Rod they'll start asking questions (and she needs to make it through that 90 day deadline so that daddy gets his debt covered and she can claim 50% of Rod's fortune as mother of his child and Amador's heir.) Rod says he's taking Ricky whether she comes or not.

The family begin to arrive at the manse. Dani takes evil delight in teasing Minnie about having thought she'd be stuck in bed all day. Minnie says she'll shut her pie hole pretty darn quick once Mariana Franco gets hit with the lawsuit she's planning and Dani has to testify. Dani says she hopes then that Minnie has regained her sobriety by the trial since she's been getting stinking drunk lately and it's become an affliction for her. Sofia pipes up then that she doesn't understand why, if Minnie is pregnant, she was drinking so heavily last night at the tribute.

Aaron shakes his head and prepares for the worst. Minnie defends herself and says she didn't drink nearly enough to cause hallucinations. Dani says she and Elvis and Gavi didn't either and Gavi was with them the entire time. Minnie screams to stop covering for her and says they must put a stop to this woman once and for all because next time she'll end up killing her!

Pilar demands that Minnie and everyone else forget about suing Gavi since there are better, more civilized ways of handling these types of problems and indiscretions. The last thing the family needs is an open squabble between a bunch of cats and dogs. She adds she is planning to have Avellaneda ensure that the young woman never has contact with the Montalvo family again.
Fedra adds her two cents' worth and says she should make sure they keep her 10 kilometers distance away from the Montalvo's for the rest of her life since the woman is a danger for them all. Minnie flaunts her bruised forehead at that. Aaron adds that luckily there was no threat of aborting the baby or the woman would be in jail right now charged with homicide, then moves to hug his wife in an exaggerated show of support.

Gavi calls home to check in with Clarita and tell her she landed safely. Clarita says Alonso called to confirm he's picking her up later that evening. Gavi asks if Dani called because she has a terrible feeling that right now the whole group of them are over at Pilar's talking trash about her.

Rod and Isa arrive with Ricky finally. First thing, Isa asks Sofia where her hubby is. She answers that Frankie is in the kitchen dishing up hors d'oeuvres he's made for the occasion. Dani asks to carry her nephew and Isa runs over to Minnie to ask how Pilar took the news about the bathroom brawl. Minnie says she stuck up for Mariana and Isa says she won't do a thing because Mariana Franco is her protegee. Minnie tells Isa then that the absent-minded old bag has another think coming if she thinks Minnie is just going to stand around with her arms folded.

Dani and Sofia are both looking closely at Ricky to find some trace of Rod's features in him. Isa suddenly realizes this and immediately orders Imelda to take away the baby to finish his nap. Videgaray arrives at last. Aaron tells him he wants to get down to business immediately so Pilar directs them all into the dining room.

Dani and Rod stay back and chat in the living room a bit longer. He laughs a bit and asks if it's true that Gavi hit Minnie. "--What do you think!" "--Knowing her, of course she did it! Now, though, she's in a real jam." Dani tells him not to worry because she's her alibi. She begins to tell him that Gavi was asking all sorts of questions about him after he left the tribute, but Rod rudely interrupts her and insists that he is not interested in hearing anything about Gavi then walks off. Dani frowns, a bit put off and no doubt feeling guilty for putting him together with enchanting Erika.

Gavi sits through Urban's boring lecture.

Vid opens the sealed envelope that Amador left. Inside it are two identical envelopes numbered 1 and 2. He opens the first and begins reading Amador's handwritten letter.

"I hope that at this time all of you are enjoying health and happiness. I'm anxious for all of you to be together and that my adored wife, Pilar's, sharing of my worldly goods has not caused a rift between my sons or between my grandsons. My only intention was to protect the heritage that I managed to preserve myself with great effort during my lifetime. My one great wish is that the corporation and the hacienda have been administered under the moral principles that I taught and emphasized repeatedly to you; and that rectitude and ethical management are guiding you in your business dealings; that both of course, have not been sold nor held in lien by by a third party, nor that they are being used as collateral for somebody else's commercial trade (big meaningful guilty look exchanged here between Nestor, Rod, Dani and Isadora complete with symbol crashing); and that my son, Felipe and my grandson, Rodrigo must never forget that the land is remembrance!"

"You're wondering what is contained in the other envelope. Well, when all my goods were doled out, I chose this date specifically for the reading of this letter with the irrefutable condition that there must be present Clarita Hernandez Garcia, or, in her absence, her daughter, Teresa Hernandez Garcia."

Stunned doesn't even begin to describe the kind of impactado Rod's feeling about now. We are talking major stockyard mallet-stunning impactado here. The group is all a buzz with confusion. Pilar, looking slightly more awake than usual, asks who in the world Clarita Hernandez is. Rod shakes himself out of his stupor and tells them all that she is Gaviota's mother and we have group-wide, jaw-dropping impactado as chaos reigns at Mansion de Montalvo. Nestor quiets them down and continues reading:

"Seek them out. Around this time they should be cutting jima in the fields for the hacienda like they do every spring.--" Aaron interrupts the reading of the letter here and confronts Rod saying Rod knew about this all along, but he eventually sits down again. "--I demand that you strictly comply with my wishes. Regards, Amador Montalvo."

Aaron screams at Pilar, "What sort of damned idiocy is this? It has to be some sort of perverse joke!" Minnie and Isa agree saying it's an unpardonable mockery. Bruno asks Nestor for an explanation, but he says he hasn't one and is just as flustered as the rest of them.

Fedra accuses Vid of having gotten rid of the original contents of the letter and forging this one purposely in cahoots with Rod and Dani to protect Gaviota. Minnie says no surprise and he probably did conspire with Dani and Rod. Rod stands up for Nestor's integrity and tells her he won't permit her to talk about Nestor that way. Aaron yells back that Rod isn't going to prevent his wife from anything! Bruno sticks up for Nestor then as a long time close friend of Amadors and the family's long time attorney. Aaron demands an explanation then demands he open the envelope and read it immediately, but Nestor refuses. He says he's obliged to comply with Amador's instructions.

Pilar steps in and says it will only be opened in Mariana's mother's presence and its contents will be honored. Minnie says she and Aaron should just leave now since everything was probably going to Rod and that...woman anyway, but Pilar says nobody is leaving til the matter is cleared up.

In the middle of this bedlam the resident family dipstick, Frankie, appears decked out in his chef's tall-hat and apron, balancing a tray of food, asking if they're ready to try some hors doeuvres. (Speaking of dipsticks and other more familiar phallic references to undesirable individuals' noggins, what's with the fruity two foot high chef's hat, Frankie??) They ignore him and scowl as they go back to their discussion. Suddenly Nestor jumps up and angrily offers to have a third party verify his care-taking of the envelope. Rod and Sofia step in and say nobody better than his wife to verify the letter so Pilar looks it over and verifies Amador's handwriting and asks Vid to locate Clarita and get her there ASAP to clear up this mess.

Dani tells Nestor she has Gavi's home phone and Isa snidely suggests he just ask her brother for it since he knows it by heart. Bruno asks Nestor why the courtesy to the two female jima cutters? Nestor is clueless. Fedra pipes up to say that perhaps Amador had an affair with her mother. Aaron angrily knocks over the tray of hors d'oeuvres from the buffet at this suggestion and says that is all they are needing after the trouble Mariana Franco has caused them all these years, to have to accept her as a relative. Minnie whines that now she has to live with and get on in the same family as her attacker.

Pilar and Rod go into the study for a private talk. Rod says Gavi had told him that ever since she can remember she and her mother would go work at the hacienda every spring. Pilar says there were always rumors that his granddad had a woman jima cutter for a lover and that now she can be sure that her husband cheated on her with Gaviota's mother. Rod says nobody's sure of anything yet. Pilar tells him that ever since she found out Gavi and Mariana were the same person, she'd noticed how different Mariana was from the other jima cutters. Her eyes, her skin tone, her bearing and demeanor were not like just any jima cutter's. "I always thought I saw something in her features and now I know why!!"

Rod is left thinking to himself, "Dear God please it can't be! She can't be my grandfather's daughter!"

Gavi's daydreaming of the part of the evening before when Rod took time to speak to her and told her she was as lovely as the day he met her, and even more so now. Then she remembers how prim and proper he was when he said good-bye and rushed off for his big date.

Nestor calls Clarita and asks her to get over there immediately; she's confused about the situation thinking it's a trick to throw her and Gavi into jail for defending herself against the likes of Minerva Montalvo. "This is not the first time that familiy has threatened us. They've already left us to starve in the streets once. We'll get our own lawyer!"

Finally Rod takes the phone and listens to the rest of Clarita's rant. "Who is this? How many of you are there? You little men, flocking together against two defenseless women! Well, you want us then come for us and see if you're capable of getting us out of here!--" "--Clarita, it's Rodrigo Montalvo. It looks like my grandfather may have left you something."

Clarita says she thinks it's a trick to put the two of them in jail but he assures her he could never do that. She wants to just let his grandfather rest in peace. He explains he doesn't know anything more and that the letter cannot be opened until she is there in person with them, or, if she'd rather, Gaviota. She takes his word for it and agrees to have him pick her up at 4PM, but she'll have to call Gaviota first to discuss it.

Pilar cries over her wedding picture that she'd hope to bury Amador's infidelity with him but now she has a name and it's Gaviota's mother!

Rod tells the group that Clarita's agreed to come over and he's picking her up. Meanwhile they're free to speculate on whatever the heck they care to. Aaron says he doesn't want a jima cutter in the place but Rod says he can leave then, nobody's forcing him to stay. Minnie says she won't give him the pleasure of leaving now. Frankie tells them dinner's ready. Nobody has an appetite and they all wander off.

Frankie looks at Sofia and, encouraged by the thought that's just passed over him like an attack of gas, says that undoubtedly her granddad changed his will and left them something after all. Sofia just pats him on the shoulder and walks off in disgust.

Rod goes into the living room with Dani. She asks what Clarita said when she got the news. He explains her fear of a trick but says she's calmed down. Dani says it's odd, but today's her birthday. Rod says his only concern is that his grandmother now believes their grandfather cheated on her with Gavi's mother. So that would mean Gaviota would be their grandpa's daughter and that would be terrible because that would mean he is in love with his aunt! (Shudder!)

Clarita gets hold of Gavi and tells her what's just happened. Gavi doesn't believe a word of it and tells her to get Alonso to bring over a policeman or a lawyer and lock herself in. Clarita though tells her that Rod got on the phone to explain it all to her and is coming by at 4PM. Gavi tells her to wait till she gets back and not to say a word or go anywhere till then. Then she adds that this all is so strange and she's really upset that there are so many things here that Clarita knows but obviously hasn't bothered to tell her. "So just how well did you know this man, Ma?" It's all silence on the other end. "Clarita, did you have an affair with him?"

Clarita turns strange. "I knew him. Period!" Gavi gives in and tells Clarita that she is not to open that door even if it is the president of the republic, and to wait till she gets back home. Once she gets home they are going to have a talk and she is going to tell her everything. "Everything, do you hear, Clarita?"


Friday, October 26, 2007

Destilando Amor - Oct. 25, 2007 - the stinky stuff hits the fan

EPISODE - Oct. 25, 2007 - Now in its 'ultimas semanas':

* Rod and Gavi finally reunite at the assembly. As they are catching up, the witches enter and interrupt. They make their usual snide comments and Gavi is very cordial and leaves quickly. Rod and Fedra exchange commentaries about why the three witches actually appeared and then Rod leaves.

* Gavi and Alonso talk as the witches spy on her from across the ballroom.

* Lluvia stands with Dani as she talks with Fedra and her witch students about Don Amador's memory and the threesome's real reason for appearing there (to cause trouble for Gavi). Minnie drinking martinis states she welcomes the fight with Gavi.

* Don Roberto starts the unveiling ceremony and walks Granny P to the stage area. Rod stands at Granny's side while Don Roberto gives the presentation speech. At the appointed time, Don Roberto asks Granny to pull the cord and the curtains open to reveal the plaque with the building named in honor of Don Amador Montalvo.

* At home, Clara has her own little crying party while holding her photo of Don Amador.

* The assembly starts - everyone is sitting along each of the long tables. Don Roberto is speaking then presents Granny P to give a few words on behalf of herself, and her family. As she finishes, everyone stands and applauds. Pancho and Isa take the moment to sneak out into the alcove. Isa stops Pancho to rehash a new plan to throw off Sofia's suspicions about them.

* Gaspar stops Rod to congratulate him and the family. Sophia looks around the ballroom for Pancho.

* Isa and Pancho are still in the alcove discussing Sophia's suspicions and her idea of what to do about it. Pancho doesn't like the idea and tries to dissuade Isa from going through with it. Isa is forceful. As he agrees, Sophia appears and stares at the two of them together. Pancho starts to spout the cover story explanation for why he and Isa have been together all this time (as Isa had just told him to do). Sophia grimaces at the late-blooming explanation. (Ed. Note: All I taste is bile and barf.) As Pancho and Isa continue the story of half-truths to Sophia, Sophia stops them, smiles and says "let's let bygones be bygones, shall we?" Pancho is half-relieved. Isa plays happy that they are still friends. She gives Sophia a half-hearted hug; Pancho takes a deep breath and gulps as Sophia watches him like a hawk.

* Everyone in the ballroom has broken up into small groups around the room. Isa meets up with Fedra and Minnie and the witches watch Gavi and Alonso with the press corp.

* Rod says his good-byes and tells them he has to leave, he has another pressing engagement to attend tonight. As he leaves, Minnie and Isa gossip about Rod and Gavi. Before he leaves, Rod finds Gavi to say good-bye.

* Erika and her friends are having a sing-a-long at her apartment.

* Rod talks with Gavi - he advises her to be careful around Minnie. She tells him about her trip tomorrow to Guadalajara. He wishes her best of luck and then leaves. Alonso goes over to Gavi to talk with her about Rod - she's too irritated with the witches and their horrible attitudes - she needs some tequila shots to get through the event with them present.

* Erika and her friend talk quietly about Rod, as the songfest continues in Erika's apartment.

* Mama Barbara is with Pammie at the hospital - Pammie had another epileptic episode. Mama explains to Pammie where she is and why she's there, as well as that Papa Gaspar had to attend the assembly and unveiling ceremony for Don Amador in Mexico City. Mama tries to get Pammie to give up her vengeance plot against Aaron but Pammie adamantly refuses.

* Gaspar talks with Don Roberto. Gaspar has to return to Guadalajara to be with his wife and daughter. Gavi approaches as Gaspar leaves. Don Roberto tells Gavi about Pammie's epilepsy and to be discrete with the information. Gavi promises.

* The witches sit and gossip and watch Gavi (their favorite subject). Alonso and Gavi chat with the assembly guests. The witches are drunk, especially Minnie, and interrupt Alonso and Gavi and the guests. Minnie starts to spout her mental picture about Gavi the whore in Paris and London. Alonso starts to sputter but Gavi stands up and defends herself by spouting the whole entire truth about her life in Paris and London. Everyone is very interested and intrigued except for the witches who yawn and are bored. Bruno is shocked and horrified and tries to make the witches leave right now. They refuse - Minnie and Isa try again to put Gavi down as a gutter-snipe but Gavi steps up to the challenge and gives her "check-mate" to Minnie and Isa as she expounds on the truth behind their and Aaron's illegal activities at Montalvo Corp. and about Ricardo's huge debt that Rodrigo had to bail him out of. Bruno is totally impactado and humiliated.

* Across the ballroom, Gavi vents to Dani her anger. Dani tries to calm her down. Alonso comes over to offer his support to Gavi.

* Bruno confronts Isa about Ricardo's debt and scolds the threesome. He orders them to leave now. Bruno leaves the group. Fedra and Isa walk away. Minnie goes to find her purse and go to the restroom.

* Gavi calms down with the help of Dani, Elvis and Alonso. Gavi watches Minnie leave for the restroom.

* Gavi follows Minnie inside the ladies room. Minnie looks up in the mirror and makes a crack about her husband. Gavi approaches angry and starts to shake Minnie to get her to answer the question about how many lovers was it? (Catfight!)

* Gavi calmly strolls back to the ballroom and asks someone to call her a taxi as she then approaches Dani, Elvis and Alonso. Alonso says he will be happy to transport her back home, but Gavi declines.

* Fedra and Isa wait at a table for Minnie; Aaron comes over looking for his wife - they don't know where she is. Aaron walks around. Minnie comes out all disheveled, drunk and upset. She starts to whine, cry and shriek about Gavi beating her up in the ladies' room. Aaron and Bruno are mortified and in disbelief. Aaron picks up the shrieking Minnie over his shoulder and carries her out of the building. Gavi talks with Alonso. Bruno and Granny P ask Fedra and Isa what that was all about - Fedra tells them what Minnie had cried, that Gavi beat her up in the ladies' room; Bruno decides the family needs to leave right now!. Isa leaves. Fedra stands there, stomps her foot and says they need to get Gavi fired right now! Bruno and Granny P. negate that immediately. Granny and Fedra leave together. Sophia and Pancho leave behind them. Bruno approaches Gavi for her side of the story. Dani steps in and gives Gavi an alibi, as well as reveal that Minnie had been drinking heavily all event and is pregnant; Gavi is impactado. Gavi then answers Bruno's question. Bruno leaves. Alonso and Elvis join Gavi and Dani. Gavi tells Alonso if he wants her to resign, she will do so. Alonso says not to think about that. He tells her good luck on her business trip tomorrow and not to worry about her mother, he will take care of her and help celebrate her birthday.

* At the apartment, Erika tells her friend, she thinks Rod stood her up.

* Elvis goes to get the car. Dani talks with Gavi about Rod and Dr. Erika - Gavi is upset and presses Dani if there is a serious relationship building between Rod and his psychiatrist. Dani won't answer completely. Taxi arrives. Dani cheers Gavi up about the family reunion tomorrow and about Don Amador. Gavi leaves in the taxi. Dani thought-bubbles to herself.

* The party continues at the apartment. Door bell rings. Erika answers. Surprise! Rod finally arrives, bringing tequila gifts and a mexican polka band. Rod and Erika start to dance together.

* Clara is waiting up as Gavi finally arrives home. After Clara gives her own telenovela rendition of the evening, Gavi corrects her with the truth - she vents about the witches who provoked her all night long, especially Minnie.

* Aaron plops Minnie, who is totally drunk, on the bed. He is fuming angry and scolds her. She so drunk she's not paying any attention.

Tune in tomorrow for: The mystery letter from Don Amador is finally opened and read -- Granny P asks who is Clara Hernandez; Rod thought-bubbles to someone that he is in love with his AUNT (Gaviota)!


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Destilando 10/24 - during which cymbal crashes are wasted at a prodigious rate.

I don't care how much scary music is played or how many cymbal crashes are cued, none of us care whether the witches attend the party at CRT.

Minerva, Isa and Fedra, however, are very pleased with themselves, imagining how their absence will be of such great importance to everyone at the Don Amador memorial bash...

Rod doesn't trust his father-in-law who's barely paying interest on his huge debt. Videgaray reminds Rod: Don Amador's will does not allow the hacienda to be mortgaged. Rod muses: maybe I can leverage factory earnings somehow to avoid the worst consequences of my own stupidity in signing for Ricky Sr. Videgaray reminds us: tomorrow is the opening of the special codicil of Don Amador's will. Rod tells him (again): prepare the divorce papers.

Isa asks the new doorman (or manager) of the condo: Why was my sister-in-law asking about the other guy? (The one she got fired cause he knew too much about her dalliances.) "I dunno, but I gave her his contact info." Isa is furious.

At the hacienda, James is sitting alone, impactado because the telephone bills Sofia has been waiting for arrive. Looking at them crosseyed he muses portentously, "Sofia's matrimony hinges on these bills." To cut to the chase, he opens one and finds many calls from Frankie to Isa's apartment. He calls Sofia and tells her, but says he can't possibly open Frankie's cellphone bill. She says she'll open it herself when she gets back to the hacienda. Frankie was sneaking up behind during this conversation and asked what was up, Sofia says James was just asking if he could prepare a welcome feast for the harvesters.

SanJuana flounces around the hacienda, as irritating as ever. Ofelia wants to throttle her, as we all do. "Ofelia, I know you don't think this baby is Hilario's, but there are ways of proving that it is." Hil, in his apartment, brooding over her pregnancy, also does not believe her - "It's a vile lie," he thoughtbubbles.

We now come up to the most hilarious and preposterous product placement I have yet seen on television in my entire life. Nancy is in tears again, she's just so so upset that the Montalvo wives are not coming to the homage and are going to write a complaining letter to Avellaneda (see, I can spell it if I try). I was thinking "dang, that girl needs tranquilizers." But, instead, she says she has a stomach ache and Dr. Blondie leans over her desk, reaches into his suit's inner pocket, and whips out a huge box of antacid. The camera zooms in for a loving closeup and he says it's a very effective remedy against gastritis. Needless to say, Gaviota and Nancy are both astonished by its wondrous powers.

Oh, we just can't go through this again, can we? Gaviota wants to quit again. Blondie tells her to hold her ground. The witches toast their own cleverness with malevolent glee. Pilar arrives and reams them out. "If you care more about humiliating Gaviota than you care about honoring Amador, you are not part of this family. If you're not at this homage tonight, you will not be welcome at my house tomorrow for the reading of the long-awaited codicil to Amador's will."

[When I paused my tape, Fedra's mouth was extremely wide open in indignation/astonishment at Pilar's pronouncement. As I have bragged before, Fedra's dentist in real life moved from Mexico City to Chapel Hill and now sings in the chorale I direct. Nice work on those teeth, Becky!]

[I detect little or no motion on the witches' faces. Was it Botox day on the set?]

We are given a new opportunity to hate Rodrigo when Dani asks if he's nervous about seeing Gaviota and he replies cheerfully: "Oh, I'm coming to the homage for Gramps, not for Gaviota, and anyway I'm seeing Erika later." He chuckles to himself at the very idea that Gaviota's presence could possibly have mattered to him. Don't you want to just smack that complacent puss of his?

Minerva gets off the phone with Aaron and whines: he's glad she isn't coming - he's probably gonna be with one of his so-and-so's. Fedra says she's not sure "their" plan is working... so maybe - better they should go to the party and provoke a fight with Gaviota's inner jimadora. Let her get wild (ooh, catfight!), they might get beaten up a bit, but having her lose control in front of everybody will be worth it.

Everybody dresses for the party. The witches have a little beauty fest. The party starts. Blondie and Gaviota greet all the arriving guests, and a TV crew, and Pammie's daddy (who pulls Avellaneda aside to tell him he has disquieting documents from Eastern Europe and they should meet soon to discuss them)...

And kudos to Susanlynn for reminding me that there was a brief shot of Pammie in a bed somewhere (I couldn't tell if she was wearing a bikini) looking like hell with her worried motehr holding her hand...

... and Patricio and his fiance, and Aaron. (Patricio tells Aaron he'll be happy to assist him should his business ever be legitimate, but count him out of future adulterated shipments of tequila. Aaron says he made so much money on the stock market he's set for life. He brushes off Patricio's complaint that he risked corporation money as well as his own.)

... and Pilar and the granddaughters, who speculate over whether Blondie and Gaviota are an item. Pilar is very gracious to Gaviota and tells her the behavior of the Montalvo girls is not her fault. She reminds her grand-daughters: "Gaviota told me her love for Rodrigo is eternal."

The ceremony is about to start. Rodrigo strides in late. Gav gives him tearful puppy dog eyes, but he's sort of chipper and businesslike with her as with everyone. He gets lots of congratulations for the success of "Ardiente Pasión." He apologizes halfheartedly for his crass rejection of CRT's help but says he still doesn't want it - "I'm into being independent." He takes a look at Sofia, says she looks sad, and says, "Oh I get it, you must be pregnant!" Way to go, boob.

Dani pulls him aside to ask how he feels about seeing Gaviota. "She's more beautiful than ever," he says.

At another location, Erika is setting up a big party; Rod will arrive later. Or wait, is that the sound of an anvil whistling towards her apartment? She and her friend remind each other that Erika is in love with Rod, but Rod is in love with another woman.

Back to CRT. Frankie is telling a little circle of uninterested people: "I have an English assistant, but basically the whole weight of the hacienda falls on my own shoulders, and though my POLO CLUB FRIENDS tell me the work is below me, I do it for the sake of the family." Rod overhears some of this and says, "Gee, you must be tired, working so hard."

Rod gets a moment to tell Gaviota she looks beautiful, and then the witches stride in like Charlie's Angels, though instead of wearing spandex they sport frumpy, fussy frocks. They are already a bit boozed up and immediately commence drinking more. Gaviota, seeing them, immediately throws back a shot of tequila herself against Dr. Blondie's advice that "tension aggravates the effect of alcohol."

Tomorrow: Isa is telling Frankie, in a corner somewhere: "Someone will discover us," when somebody does - Sofia. Gaviota chokes Minerva in a bathroom, asking how many executives she's been with. Then she asks Dani if Rod is in love with Erika. Stay tuned for the answer to these and other gripping mysteries.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Destilando Amor - Tues 10/23: Dumbest. Idea. EVER.

Gaviota is having lunch with her mother and Doña Jose. She breaks up an argument about Frankie by changing the subject to Jose's job - turns out Jose's been promoted. They seize this opportunity for a tequila toast. Gavi mentions that her mother's birthday is the day after tomorrow. They agree to celebrate that, and Doña Jose's promotion, at a nice hotel restaurant. They take another shot of tequila to seal the deal. Clarita squeaks out a feeble "como así."

Elvis and Dani have lunch and she teases him about some drawings he's done of ballerinas. He says he wants to put an ad in the paper for a model - he's going to do a mural on the history of glass. Actually, Dani is the model he wants. Surprised, she agrees.

Isa, Fedra, and Minnie meet at Minnie's to discuss their continued campaign of horror against Gavi. Isa doesn't have the baby with her - she explains that he's slightly feverish (again? wasn't he grippy last week too? should we be concerned, or is he teething or something?), so she left him at home. Smirking, Fedra says he must be growing and changing - does he look like Rodrigo? Isa says no - each time she sees him, he looks more like her father. Minnie warns that Aaron is still there - she urges them to keep there voices down so he doesn't hear what they're planning. They decide to call Sofia.

Frankie and Sofia arrive at Pilar's. Frankie immediately starts complaining about the unpleasant plane ride over, the filthy wine they were served, the chaos at the airport, and the nasty immigrants working there. He says the Montalvos should really have their own plane. As Sofia covers her face, shocked at Frankie's crassness, Pilar tactfully explains that they did have one, and it crashed with Sofia's parents on board. This shuts him up just long enough to mutter an apology and walk Pilar to the door. Then he confides to Sofia that they should buy their own apartment in the DF so they don't have to stay at Pilar's house, because when he's there he feels smothered by her relatives.

"If you want your own apartment, you'll have to wait," she tells him very seriously. She opens her mouth to say more, but just when you think she's gonna give it to him good, Imelda comes in with a phone call from... drum roll please... Isadora!

Frankie suddenly becomes very interested in his wristwatch (or is it his smarm bracelet - I can't tell) as Sofia asks Imelda who the call is for. Why, it's for Sofia, of course! Sensing that he has just dodged a speeding anvil, Frankie excuses himself with a smarmy grin so that the sisters-in-law can speak in peace.

"Hola, Sofia, you could have at least called and let me know you were coming to Mexico." Sofia coldly replies that it was a last-minute decision. Isa asks why Sofia hasn't been calling her all. "Well, why haven't you called me?" Isa brushes this off, saying okay, Sofia's right. She invites Sofia to come over and hear Fedra's latest plan. Sofia says she's tied up right now, but will call or come over later.

Aaron breezes through his living room, greets the brujas, and leaves. Fedra gets down to business and says they're not going to the event. Minnie and Isadora leap out of their chairs in surprise. What? But they've already RSVP'd! (Ha... after all they've done, apparently the one thing that they would be ashamed to do would be to say yes to an invitation and then not show up at the party.) Isa is more concerned about Pilar's reaction. Fedra agrees, but says this is the chance she's been waiting for.

All this time, the CRT has been snubbing them; now they're supposed to just pretend like nothing ever happened. They have pride and dignity, and if the CRT thinks they are just washcloths that they can use and throw them away, well, they're not. Gavi even sent the invites via special messenger because she's so afraid they won't show up to the Don Amador tribute.

Isa points out that Gavi will probably be relieved if they don't show up. Fedra says no, she's wrong. Gavi is playing at being manager; what will the agave union folks think when the Montalvo women aren't there for a tribute to their esteemed relative? When people notice that they're not there, they'll see it as a protest against all the injustices Gaviota has committed against them.

Isa still looks puzzled. You probably do too. No, you didn't miss anything. This plan is so dumb, it's embarrassing. Fedra is beyond BSC if she thinks everyone in the agave/distilling/tequila business doesn't realize by now what a bunch of nuts the Montalvo women are.

Minnie is not sure how they will pitch this to their husbands, since Pilar has pressured them all into going. Fedra says they should just say they're going to go, and then back out at the very last minute.

Isa says Rodrigo's not going, in any case. He's got important plans. Fedra rolls her eyes and says of course he will go. No one dares defy Pilar Montalvo, the Dictator. Minnie and Isa giggle.

The grownups (Pilar, Bruno, and Rodrigo) are having a meeting at the corporativo. Aaron shows up late, and Bruno coldly tells him that they started without him. Aaron snottily hands out his financial reports.

Bruno explains that Patricio isn't with them because he went to Japan. He'll be back in time for the CRT event. Pilar reminds them that the CRT and the National Chamber of the Tequila Industry (CNIT) is honoring her husband and she wants the whole family to be there for it. PLEASE, she says, tell your wives to put aside their grudges with Mariana Franco and comport themselves with altura (i.e. rise above it). "Oh yeah, you bet," the men hastily agree.

Rodrigo shows his own personal report to Aaron. I think he says that Ardiente Pasion has made enough money to offset Aaron's debt to the company. Aaron merrily says he'll answer to that in a moment. Bruno is thrilled with Rodrigo's numbers and congratulates him. (Aaron clears his throat loudly and impatiently.) Pilar is surprised to discover that he's sharing a portion of his profits with Montalvocorp. He says it's only fair, since he used the corporativo for most of his efforts. (In fact, it was a long while before I realized that Ardiente Pasion wasn't an actual Montalvocorp product, myself.) Pilar tells Rodrigo he's just like his granddad.

Bruno then tells Aaron they all know his company is doing well, so he ought to be able to pay back his debt. They don't want to pressure him, but it'd be better if he paid it back now, before he gives in to the temptation of the stock market and loses everything. Offended, Aaron says he's already taken care of that, and shows his bank statement to Bruno. Bruno points out that this money Aaron's paying them was just deposited into Aaron's personal account earlier today. "You didn't just invest YOUR capital - you invested OURS too!"

Aaron tries to throw a tantrum, but having no phone handy to throw, has to settle for making funny faces. He is shocked that Bruno doesn't admire his GIGANTIC transaction. (Aaron is waving his crazy finger indignantly.) Bruno is shocked that Aaron doesn't get why it was not cool to use the company's money for personal benefit - they could have lost everything. Aaron is shocked that his father is so upset about something that didn't even happen.

Pilar mildly tells them to calm down. In a slightly more civilized tone, Aaron reminds his father that he is "a man of risks." (Ha!) Buy low and sell high, that's all he did, and that's what Rodrigo should do too, and not be selling all these puny little boxes of organic tequila.

Rodrigo says "That's funny, because you tried to do that with Tequila Turquesa and failed." And if he, Rodrigo, were going to crash and burn, he wouldn't want to risk taking the family down with him. Aaron crows that the price of agave is going to fall (due to the faster maturation), and then what's Rodrigo going to do to cover his losses?

Bruno says if they don't knock it off, they'll have to end the meeting. Pilar says she doesn't understand why they sound like enemies when they should be cousins working together. Rodrigo says they're not going to be working together, because he's resigning from Montalvocorp. Pilar and Bruno shake their heads in disbelief. Aaron's mood improves considerably.

Rod assures them that Aaron can take over as general director again. Rod wants to start a new business, be independent, have his own office, maybe even start his own distillery. He's left everything in order. He'll still continue to be a member of the family, run the hacienda, attend meetings and such. Aaron sarcastically offers to attend meetings too, to keep up on how Rod is running the hacienda. Rod gamely agrees to this and offers to share all the paperwork with him. Aaron hints that perhaps not all is as straightforward and honest as it could be.

Bruno gets angry and tells Aaron he has to take over Montalvocorp, but he's going to watch him and make sure he doesn't play with the company's money again. "Fine, whatever, old man" Aaron replies like a sulky adolescent. Bruno angrily drinks a glass of water in Aaron's general direction.

The meeting breaks up and Rod tells Pilar he won't be able to stay very long at the Don Amador event. Pilar says all that matters to her is that he shows up and brings his wife.

As Pilar is leaving, Margarita tells Rod that Dr. Robledo is on line 2. Rod and Erika compare notes on their day. They make small talk, he tells her he resigned, and asks to come over and see her.

Back at Pilar's, Frankie is fixin' to visit his cousin Estefan. "You weren't going to tell me?" Frankie says he didn't want to bother her. Sofia says "wait - I'll go with you!" Frankie is taken aback by this, then recovers and says Estefan is bummed because he broke up with his girlfriend, and Sofia doesn't want to hear all about that, it'd be boring. They'll just stay home instead.

Dani and Elvis show up just in time to prevent some grisly crime - not sure whether that would be Sofia killing Frankie, Frankie killing Sofia, or me killing both of them. After a round of warm greetings to Sofia and a reminder of the upcoming reading of the last part of Amador's will, Elvis taunts Frankie not to get his hopes up. Amador never met either of them, so they don't stand to gain so much as a pin. And even if he had met them, he probably wouldn't have left either of them anything. (That's Elvis's way of telling snotty Frankie that Amador wouldn't have held him in any higher esteem than he would Elvis. Actually, I get the impression that Amador would have enjoyed both of them - Elvis for the sincere laughs, and Frankie for the fun of mocking him.)

Frankie haughtily brags that he's here because he was invited to the CRT event. Elvis says he was invited too. "You'll look like a fly in milk," Frankie laughs. (I bet he stayed up all night thinking of that one.) Elvis says he's not sure if he's the fly or the milk, but he's certainly going, even if he is on the council's "blacklist."

Oh my gosh! I just realized something... Elvis is BLACK! Why wasn't this brought to our attention sooner?

The women giggle, and Elvis (who is BLACK!) excuses himself to visit Granny-Fish.

Frankie's cell rings. It's Isa, now alone at home. "What is going on? I'm waiting!" He greets her as Estefan and says okay, we'll get together some other time. He then hangs up and tells Sofia that Estefan and his girlfriend got back together and they'll be too busy for company. Frankie's going to watch a movie. He tells Sofia to get him a glass of dry sherry and some prosciutto. He strides out of the room with a huge smirk on his face.

Sofia tells Dani she knows he's lying. Dani offers to listen if Sofia wants to talk, but it's okay if she doesn't want to talk, except she might get an ulcer. Sofie says she'd like to explain, but she doesn't want to until she has proof. Which is too bad, because if she and Dani were to compare notes on their suspicions about Isa, this telenovela could be wrapped up by the end of the week.

Isa tries to call Frankie back and is angry to find that he's turned off his phone.

Minnie tells Fedra she's not feeling well. Fedra laughs knowingly and jokes that it must be the pregnancy. The joke is somewhat cheapened by the fact that only Fedra knows why it's funny. Aaron comes home and sarcastically announces that he hasn't lost a penny of the family's money. Plus, he's regaining control of Montalvocorp. Fedra hugs him and says she's proud of him. Then he tells them about Rodrigo's resignation.

Rodrigo meets Erika at her office. They talk about the situation with Ricardo not paying his debt. Nothing new is revealed, except that he's worried that Aaron will find out that the hacienda's earnings are at risk. He wants to solve the problem before he has to report the hacienda's finances. Erika points out that once he solves this problem, he won't need anything from his wife; and after all, none of this is her fault.

Erika senses there is something else on his mind. He admits he's not sure of his wife's fidelity either, but still has no proof. He ponders the divorce, hopes they'll come to a fair arrangement and that he won't have to fight for the right to see his own kid.

Pilar and Sofia interview Dani about Rodrigo's progress with the therapist. Ha. Ha ha. He's trying to make a change in his life, and trying to forget about Gavi. The big test of that will be at tomorrow's CRT event. In other news, Rod and the psychologist aren't dating, but their relationship isn't strictly professional either. They are "friends." Pilar looks hopeful. Sofia looks skeptical.

Rodrigo tries to set up a dinner date tomorrow with Erika. She already has plans with some friends, and she reminds him of the CRT event. He's looking for a reason not to go - she says he can come to this thing with her friends too, if she wants. But she wonders why he's so reluctant to go to the CRT. Is he afraid he'll lose control when he sees Gavi? He admits that he feels more at peace now that he's not seeing her. Not to mention Dr. Blondie. Erika tells him he should take this opportunity to see whether his feelings for Gavi really have changed. He kisses her cheek goodbye and leaves. She seems bemused by the kiss.

Clarita and Gavi talk Dr. Blondie. He hasn't said anything to her directly. Clarita says something folksy about hot salsa and cockfighting. They wonder about Rod's therapy. I think Gavi points out that the psychologist she went to wasn't able to cure her. (Guess what Gavi - Rod's seeing the same exact quack.)

Ofelia and Roman talk about how spring is coming, and with it, the jimadores. They reminisce about Don Amador, and how different things are at the hacienda now. Rodrigo getting married, and Gaviota's face when she found out. According to Mr. James, Rodrigo fell sick with jealousy and had to get away from Gavi; that's why he threw himself into his work. Ofelia says it's like their love was cursed.

The word "cursed" is barely out of Ofelia's lips when SanWanna bursts in. She seems surprised not to get a warm welcome. Actually, they yell at her and tell her that if she came for some type of severance payment, to forget it. She shrugs this off and proudly announces that she's here so they can "resolved things" for her child. They try to kick her out, and she asks if they really want to fire the mother of their future grandchild, since the squirt she's expecting is Hilario's. Hilario didn't take the news well, said nasty things, and said it wasn't his, but she swears it is.

Ofelia doesn't believe her either. She says this is all because Hilario changed his luck and now SanWanna is trying to get a piece of the pie. SanWanna insists there wasn't any other man. Ofelia again tells her to get out.

But Roman sticks up for SanWanna and says that since his son isn't man enough to do it, he'll take responsibility for his grandchild. (Ofelia waves her hands around in disbelief.) SanWanna's gonna stay! Ofelia runs out in a snit. Stunned, SanWanna can only say "Thank you, Roman." But Roman refuses to meet her eyes.

Rodrigo gets home. Henrietta hands him a piece of paper and a phone. The wife and kid are in bed, and the piece of paper is Ricardo Sr.'s new phone number. Rod calls Ricardo Sr., who is in a private poker lounge at this very moment (Ricardo does not know this) and answers in English. He insists that his financial situation has improved considerably, and not to worry. After he hangs up, he jinxes himself by telling the others at his table, "tonight's my night!"

Here is what I've learned from this telenovela so far: gambling is an evil vice that cannot be enjoyed in moderation, but tequila is very sophisticated and mostly harmless. Folk remedies aren't effective in keeping agave plants healthy, but love potions are extremely powerful. And if you're black, you should make lots of jokes about your race, to put others at ease. (Because it's your fault if people are uncomfortable.) What else?

Rodrigo and Gaviota sit alone in their living rooms. Then they both get up and start pacing. Then they each have a tequila. More pacing, couch-sitting, faces in hands, sighing, crying. (This is done on a split screen to make sure that we totally get that they're, like, joined at the soul and junk.) Each turns sideways on the sofa so they're facing each other on the split screen. They gaze into each others' eyes in absentia and murmur each others' name.

The next day: Dr. Blondie is briefing Gavi on the agaves-maturing-too-fast problem. Gavi's old boss (Demetrio Urban) will go to Guadalajara first thing in the morning and Gavi will join him there later. It'll be a super-quick visit, like lightning. Gavi is bummed because she won't be able to take her mom out for her birthday. Dr. B says no problem, he will take Clarita out himself. Gavi reminds him that he's got another event to attend.

He asks if she's made sure the Montalvo women have been invited. Gavi confirms that they have. He leaves her alone for a moment and she makes a quick prayer to Virgencita for protection against the nasty Montalvo crows who will try to pluck out her eyes.

Frankie finally calls Isa. She's angry it's taken so long; he says Sofia wouldn't leave him alone for a minute since they got there. Fortunately she's out shopping now. He scolds her for calling on the house phone, but she says that's what he gets for turning his cell off. He reminds her that it's dangerous to keep calling, and all these "wrong numbers" are making Pilar nervous. She says they'll never know the calls are coming from her, since she's calling from her own new secret phone that nobody else knows the number to. He points out that it's still in her name, and someone could report it (for making harassing hang-up calls, I guess).

Isa wants to see him ASAP. He says they'll see each other at the CRT thing for Don Amador. She says nope, she's not going. And she needs to see him because things are getting very complicated.

While they're talking, Sofia arrives at the lobby of the Basurio (whatever it is called, where Isa lives) and asks Belisario (the concierge) about the night man. The concierge says they recently got a new one. They had to get rid of Pascual because Isadora had some unspecified problem with him. Apparently this happened on the same exact day as Sofia's last visit. She asks if there's some way to contact him. Belisario gives him the business card of the agency that employs Pascual.

Isa is still on the phone with Frankie, saying that she needs to get out of here before all the anvils come crashing down (maybe not in so many words), when the doorbell rings. As Enriqueta lets Sofia in, Isa says "oh, gotta go Mom [the captions incorrectly say "Dani"!], I just saw a ghost, it's my sister in law Sofia, talk to you later, kissies" and hangs up. She tries to act casual, but Sofia is stiff with her. Isa tells Sofia about the brujas' plan to not attend the one and only important CRT event they've ever been invited to, the one that will honor the man whose big bucks allow all of them to live in cushy penthouse luxury.

Meanwhile, Minnie is giving Nancy hell over the phone and retracts the RSVPs on behalf of herself, Fedra, Isa, and Sofia. Nancy tries to clear things up, and Minnie lets her know that there's no confusion. They're going to send an open letter to Av* to explain their reasons. She hangs up and Fedra snickers happily.

"You can't do this!" Sofia tells Isa, because it'd upset Pilar rather than Gaviota. Before she can point out any of the other many fatal flaws in the brujas' plan, or maybe turn the conversation to something much more interesting, the phone rings. It's Minnie, saying she made the call to the CRT. Isa urges Sofie to go to Minnie's with her so they can congratulate one another on how clever and evil they are. Sofia says "count me out." This is about her grandfather - and for her, that's sacred.


  • Frankie catches Sofie on the phone with James. (Sofia, if you were thinking of making an ironic comment, now would be a good time to do it.)
  • Pammy's dad tells Avellaneda about some documents he dug up during his trip to Asia. "You're scaring me," Av* says.
  • The brujas commit the ultimate social faux pas - they attend an event they said they wouldn't.
  • And oh yeah, Rodrigo and Gaviota meet face-to-face.


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