Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Destilando 10/20/07 "The Fact that So Many Stupid People are in One Location and I'm Not, Makes Me Smarter by Default"

The title is true..I won't go into the statistics behind it, but trust me, there are only so many people and with all of them on the left side of the bell curve, Well?

Before I go any further…I apologize ahead of time, cause I am way sketchy on any details, I changed hours at work & can’t stay up late. Oh who am I trying to kid? The thrill is gone. I have a serious hate-on for each and every one of the people. With the possible exception of Margarita, Nancy, Elvis & Dani, but Dani you too are skating on thin ice. Get more assertive with your “Special Brother”.

When start out with the whirlwind “Japanese Dinner” at Erika’s fine departmento. The three Geishas are shuffling out in their little wooden shoes and Erika is confused. It’s dinner Erika not Pearl Harbor. She quickly recovers when Dick Slick, better known as Rod comes thru the door. He is quite the charmer. He has a fine bottle of white wine to go with their Sushi or whatever the hell they are eating. Rod slams a couple of wineglasses down on the table and let’s eat drink and merry. There is some flirting back and forth. Once again Erika is the best thing since those little pine air fresheners you hang in cars. I bet Rod has a trunk full of them. Rod is no longer “Timid” around women. Great Swell, this is one for the annuals.

Now for artistic comparison, we see Gavi and Clarita, sitting in their modest apartment, a vinyl tablecloth on the table. This too stokes my Fires of Rod Hatred. Rod is so proud of his Doctor, she is attractive, classy, someone the family would approve of, especially if they got a discount. Gavi is lamenting her suck day to Clarita. Blondie is bound for London, Rod hasn’t called. The entire coven of Brujas are coming to the big CRT Shindig. She tells Clarita how they have to come cause Don Amador is getting some special Dead Guy Award. Tears run in a virtual torrent down Clarita’s face. Now then if that was your mother would you not wonder? Every time his name is mentioned Clarita goes all rainforest on her. I mean sure he was a great boss, he let you cut his Agave. Seriously, like that was the best job you ever had? I guess Gavi is far too depressed to notice, of course I guess each and everytime this has happened for the past four years, Gavi has been too depressed to notice.

Aaron is still day trading, he won’t let anyone leave. I really don’t know what is going on. I guess he was heavily invested in Lettuce futures and there was a report that it was contaminated. Prices are plummeting or maybe he was involved in Hidden Valley and this would have an effect on him? Maybe he was making some kind of alcohol out of lettuce. I am so lost. Anyway he gets to act all pissy and push people around which is fine with me.

Hil comes home to find the buxom SanMama on his couch. She does not hear him come in and he wakes her up. Hil is mad that she is there. She tells him that he is going to be a father, as she in true soap opera form rubs her belly. Hil says he doesn’t believe the kid is his, plus he had to be drunk to do her, plus she smells like a barn. Way Harsh Hil, I am glad to see you too are a bit of an ass. I guess in the next couple of episodes we will get to see Elvis bitch slap Pilar down the steps, really it would be a bad thing kind of.
SanMama says you’ll be sorry. She leaves.

How weird his Mom is sitting on the bed writing a letter to her beloved son. Roman comes in and chides her. They get into it. Roman will never forgive Hil for falling in lust with the Patron’s wife. Ofelia rants at Roman. Now then, why in the hell doesn’t Ofelia take some of that money Roman has been squirreling away for years and hop a bus to the city? Really buses run to Mexico City daily. Shut the Hell up and do something about it.

Rod has further conversation with Erika, she says he still loves Gavi. That roles right off Rod, it does not appear to me that he is thinking of Gavi right now. I’m not really sure what Erika is trying to pull right now, cause she keeps the Gavi thing going, which I don’t get cause hey he is in your house, feeding you sushi, fine wine & he gave you his 4-H trophy. The most Gavi ever got was some free samples of Tequila, some guava juice and her socks knocked off in a crappy island hut. Sorry I forgot about the one of ten thousand silver agave necklace.

Later Rod is at home, terrorizing his NotBaby with some kind of space invader thing, that made loud noise. I think it was for ages 3 and up. Isa comes in and is like How goes it? Rod whips out the bills, like it could be anything else. Rod starts yelling about where in the hell is she spending all this money. Isa takes Rod’s NotBaby and leaves the room.

Erika is talking to I guess her shrink on the phone. She tells him she can’t continue to see Rod cause it is very dangerous. Not cause he is a maniac sociopath, crazed garment sniffin stalking thief, but because he is in love with another woman. Gee your loss move on. Sadly Erika is in love with Rod.

Gavi is in bed crying to herself, Rod has forgotten her. Well yeah Gavi kinda.

Say this would be a good time for a song: What could say it better than Tainted Love
Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
From the pain that you drive into the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
I've lost my lights
I toss and turn I can't sleep at night

Ed….if you get a chance check our Tainted Love on YouTube
The SoftCell Version..it was voted the gayest video of the eighties…wow who knew?

Rod meanwhile tossing and turning he can’t sleep at night, gets Isa all wound up. He starts saying he can’t find Isa’s Pa. He doesn’t return his phone calls and he only pays the interest not the principal. Yeah you gave a huge loan to a chronic gambler. Is it too late to say bad choice. What’s next Rod free Tequila samples at the AA meetings.

Finally Finally it is the next day….

Margarita is talking to Rod, Gee has the CRT called, he asks. “Well no”, says Margarita, “Not since you sent the e-mail telling them to go screw themselves”.

Now we get to see Rod talking to his cell phone..are you happy that I have left you alone.
Gavi talks to her cell phone..just eight numbers..you never call.

Gavi is in talking to Dr. Dull. Blondie is saying that yes he has to go to London, I think the Agave is ripening too early due to global warning. Maybe Blondie the airbag will go to the cooler climes and blow some cool air down. Gavi will be very sorry to see him go. My Gawd this girl so needs a night out. 20 million people in Mexico City, and you are stuck with these two AssHats. Gavi is so desperate she is drinking his coffee. It starts like that, the first couple of cups are free…then

Av* wants to see Dr AssHat in his office, but before he goes he makes some of that could be taken two ways small talk. Insisting she call him Alonso. He leaves and Gavi has that deer in the headlight, muy impacted look. Stop Stop Stop, I have been far too generous with you up until now. Just because a guy isn’t pouring shooters down your throat, admiring your form as you work in his fields & knocking your workboots off under the only shade tree in a hundred miles, does not mean he is not coming on to you. He told you he loved you before he went to Japan, did he stutter?

Av* is rounding up Blondie for a trip to Guadalajara, the only reason I can think of is that Av* wants to commit suicide and just can’t bring himself to do it. Trusting that spending time with Blondie will probably stiffen his spine right up. Anyhow I think this too has to do with the mysterious Global Warming.
Av* asks if Blondie has asks Gavi to throw caution to the wind and run off to London. No he is waiting, waiting to see how she & Rod react when they see each other. Like if a bottle of Tequila was missing and strange noises were coming from the coat room, why the noble Blondie would just raise a cup of java and salute the fates. As if, he’d have his big head right in there, but hey why waste the calories it would burn to ask her a question. He who hesitates is lost.

Roman is dragging a couple of suitcases around the hacienda, Sofie is standing there and gives him instructions. Ofelia is too watch for Frankie’s cell phone bill. James comes in and starts to talk to Sofie, here comes Frankie in his best Tennesse William’s, big southern planter guy white suit. It is time to go to see Granny. Frankie wants to wash the Sulfate crap off his hands. I forgot he was doing a deal with the watered down chemicals earlier with Basilo, who really is not as hawt as I once thought. Just another childish dream of mine shattered. While Frankie is gone, Sofie feels James in on the phone bill idea. What says James, are you not trying to work things out? Aren’t you having his hijo? Sofie answers no it was “Una Falsa Alarma”, how cute is that? “Una Falsa Alarma”, see these people could speak English if they would just try. James is like Yipppppeeee. Frankie comes back down. James gives Sofie a kiss on the cheek before she leaves. Frankie looks all concerned…As If. They leave and young James sits on the steps with a big old “Pleasantville” smile on his face. Sofie isn’t pregnant and it looks like Acacia is a permanent resident at “Loco Acres”, geez could life get any better?

Av* calls Gavi in to meet some artist guy, I have seen him in other TeleNovelas. They have some fine muy magnifico, modern painting to express that Mexico is a totally hip happening place. I think it is part of the Dead Guy party.

Dani meets Elvis and tells him she is tracking down Sperm Doctor, I think he was out of the country and had his appendix out. Please I had mine out two years ago and I was back a work in a week. I was out of the hospital the next day. It is just done with a scope thing now. I would indeed volunteer to grow it back though for the morphine and a paid week off from work.

Isa is on the phone screaming at her Ma trying to track Pa down. She wants him to make good on the debt pronto.

Aaron is still watching the markets..sell sell, no no, suddenly the price of lettuce goes through ceiling, sell sell, Aaron is rich, he is a genius, he makes all his trader slaves clap for him.

Rod & Bruno sit and talk about the state of Agave, the plague is back in the area. Ya think? What till they find out the Hacienda is the epicenter. Oooooopppppsss, leaving Frankie in charge, Bad Rod Decision #482. They want a meeting with Aaron, but he is gone home. Bruno shows his disgust over the day trading.

Aaron runs in and tells Minnie, we’re rich, we’re rich, it’s just like when Jed told Granny about the Texas-T, only Aaron is a lot more snotty and self congratulating, then Jed was when to his and the opossum’s good fortune he missed his shot. Minnie is thrilled. You can see she is proud of her boy, she has a “He is all mine” look on her face.

Clarita, Gavi & Jose (Frankie’s Ma) are sitting around eating some pretty yuck looking food. Whatever it is, they like it. Jose says Frankie doesn’t like food like that. This leads to another argument between Jose & Clarita. Jose got a promotion at work. Gavi says it is Clarita’s birthday tomorrow, Clarita has a funny look on her face, what is it? Oh yeah, now I recognize it, it is the same look I had on my face when I was seven, “I never get nothin good for my birthday”. Gavi says they will go to Jose’s hotel and celebrate & guess what Jose gets to go as a guest. Sweet.

This is all I can stand…Also Hil came to see SanMama at Cassandra of the scary eyebrows, he lamented about Isa. But for the life of me I don’t know what he said. I just didn’t want to go down that road with Benjamin & Mrs. Robinson.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more of the same.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Destilando Amor, 10/19/07: No Gavi, None of the Time!

Rod has surprised Erika in her office and is pacing back and forth excitedly jabbering a hundred miles an hour to her about the fabulous success and acceptance that he had promoting his new tequila. He says it is just the moment to make a change in his life since Ricardo will pay off his debt shortly and then he will be able to get his freedom from Isadora.

His priority will now be himself. (Sorry, but what is new about that, Rod?) He'll become an independent businessman and own his own tequila manufacturing and distributing company. It's all due to her coaching and advice. Erika, secretly crossing all her fingers and toes, asks him where Gaviota fits into his plans. Rod says later on they will have to think about what will happen with Gaviota since now, no she is clearly not a part of his future.

Back at the hacienda, an angry Frankie asks Ofelia who opened his mail and when she says it was Sofia he orders her to go fetch her for him. James walks in to remind Francisco that the copper sulfate has to be sprayed again, and it's particularly important now since there have been outbreaks in the surrounding area reported recently. Frankie rudely tells him he knows by now what his responsibilities are. James backs off and grumbles under his breath.

Back to Erika's office. For spite, in a gesture that definitely rates a 12+ on the mean and nasty scale of 1-10, Rod gives Erika his recognition award from the promotional tour. (Rod, I am so going to enjoy it when the anvils of retribution right the wrongs you have so ruthlessly committed these past four years, and especially these past few weeks. You're gonna be eatin' so much humble tarta. I have grand visions of plagued agave plants, bankruptcy, and much grovelling at the feet of the new head of P.R. at the CRT while you're desperately trying to save the reputation of the Montalvo brand....) Erika, somewhat brighter than the average Burly Bear, doesn't accept it at first and demurely says it should go to Gaviota.

Rod tells Erika that he will take her rejection as a slight. "Why don't you want it, because it has my name on it?" He says it should be hers for having "cured" him through her (miraculous, condensed and transient) therapy sessions. She must agree 'cuz she accepts the gift immediately, throwing any semblance of caution out the proverbial window, and places it on the credenza behind her desk.

Rod insists on seeing her again the next day. She gives him a feeble "I'll be too busy". He asks if she doesn't want them to see each other anymore. She stutters over some non-answer which he cavalierly ignores. He kisses her on the cheek and walks out the door saying he'll call her tomorrow. (What?? Dr. Erika, therapeutic top doc of the D.F., doesn't see the pattern in his manic behavior?? To wit: Rod feeling insecure; Rod hearing bad gossip about his girlfriend; Rod believing gossip and not girlfriend; Rod running to nearest gorgeous available female; Rod spitefully entering relationship with said "other woman"; Rod devastating girlfriend but later wanting her back; and Rod saying to hell with the other woman in totally jackass-style chauvinistic, spoiled, rich-boy triumph.) Erika hugs the plaque looking like she's just hit the sexy charm jackpot with Mr. Mania. (And now he's her man-ia.)

Frankie confronts Sofia for opening his mail and calls it a crime (who should know better than the Fraudster?) and a nasty invasion of his privacy. "Oh, so now I'll have to deal with your lawyer?" "--Don't kid around, Sofie." Sof says it shouldn't matter unless he's got something to hide and by the way, just why does he owe so much money and why is he behind on his payments? Frankie is so damn fast on his feet, he never fails to entertain with chutzpah up to his eye-balls and then some. "--Well, to keep up my image, of course!" Then the weasle throws the blame onto greedy BIL, Rod.

In yet another oscar-winning performance the great de la Vega complains that HE could have taken a great paying job in Japan, but NO-O-O!! HE chose to stay there sweating like a horse on the hacienda to please Sofia. However, don't worry about him. He plans to take out a loan from the bank to pay it all off, even has a lunch meeting with the bank manager planned to discuss it. Why??? Because HE IS NOT A KEPT MAN! And with that he exits, stage right.

Rod arrives home and spies the brand new BMW sedan sitting in Isadora's parking space. Belisario reports to him that the car was purchased the past week by his wife and that nobody visited her except Minnie and Fedra. In fact she has to be pretty lonely because she hardly even left the apartment. Rod considers this as strangely suspicious.

Across town Hilario is playing Truth or Dare with his two little girlfriends. He answers their question about wanting to ever get married. "Not in your wildest dreams."

We cut to the couch at Casandra's where San Juana is caught napping as the boss lady walks in. San Juana says she's been extremely tired lately, figures it's worms and is ready to take a home remedy. Casandra says she has a much better idea and will take her to the doctor's office instead. (That works for me.....)

Rod gets home and begins playing with little Ricky. He shows him the presents that he brought home for him and pointedly gives the maid a gift of perfumed lotion, but he purposely ignores Isa. She has to ask twice if there is a little something for her. Rod says no, since he has no idea what she likes and besides she has a credit card for things she wants, like the pretty car she just bought. (And he had the gall to tell Gavi that he wasn't a millionaire?) Isa gets her nose all out of joint and says she got tired of waiting for him to trade in the other and anyway, she deserves something for being the mother of his child. She walks out and leaves Rod to smirk.

Next morning Aaron has another fit about the fall in prices on the market and is ranting at the traders who are apparently speculating on the futures market. Bruno walks in about this time with Medina to assist in getting his books in order for review and repayment of Aaron's loan during tomorrow's business meeting. Aaron screams he wants to wait till Friday when Oñate returns, but Bruno refuses. As he leaves he says hopefully what Aaron's just lost won't interfere with the repayment of the loan to the corporation.

Aaron breaks another cell phone on Medina's desk and screams at the traders to start buying even though they're telling him to sell everything. Rod walks in and complains that whatever Aaron's doing it is risking the solvency of the corporation. They snipe at each other and Rod asks if it's true he'll be repaying the loan the next day. Aaron screams frantically to let him just do his job. Rod leaves.

Rod asks Margarita again if there were any calls from the CRT. She reports that there was one call. He is extremely interested in knowing who it was from and gets depressed after hearing that it was only Nancy calling on behalf of Dr. Santoveña, and that no, she didn't leave a message. He of the brutal, major league brush-off last month says to himself that it's clear, as far as he's concerned, that Gavi has completely forgotten him. (Dunno, but it seems this guy's elevator is still stuck somewhere a floor or two shy of the penthouse.)

At the same time over at the CRT's P.R. department, Gavi is asking Nancy who called so far for her. Nancy answers everybody except Ing. Montalvo. She tells Nancy it doesn't matter now that the so-and-so means nothing to her anymore.

Dani is waiting for Rod in his office. She's impactada to hear that Rod gave his award to Erika. Dani asks Rod what he's going to do about the hacienda if he stays in the city to start his own tequila business. He says he'll leave it in James' hands. She asks if his plans include Gavi. He says he's decided to kick her to the curb. He refuses to fall into that same deep, dark pit and jealous Hell. He doesn't need or want the upset. Anyway, it was Dani who set him up with the great Dr. Erika Robledo to help him solve his problems and he's supposed to be getting over Gaviota. Rod refuses to continue to talk about her anymore, ever.

Nestor Videgarray, the ever charming, dependable and loyal old legal eagle, arrives for his appointment. Rod has Dani sit in. Nestor tells Rod that Isa's daddy hasn't paid a dime towards the principal and the best they can do is wait the remaining few days till the deadline has passed. He is certain Ricardo's banker buddy will make him the loan like he said.

That's not enough for Rod. He explodes over the thought of what it will mean if Ricardo Duarte defaults on his debts beforehand: a full year's earnings of the hacienda's and no capital to supply his organic tequila to his new American or European customers. Rod, conveniently forgetting that he, an arrogant jack-ass, chose to sign the papers in a fit of ego-maniacal machismo, orders Nestor to make sure that Ricardo's banker buddy authorizes that loan and that he gets it signed and in writing on his desk ASAP. (Talk about your cuckoos fouling their own nests.....)

Nancy informs Gavi that she sent the invitations to the bevy of brujas de Montalvo by special messenger. Neither of them are looking forward to hosting them. Gavi tells Nancy that if Rod should call to tell him she's not in. Nancy says well, seems like she still hasn't given up hope.

Finally, the prodigiously pedantic Professor Santoveña, having shown himself to be a totally disappointing dud as a romantic rival, arrives back at the office with another predictable "pffft." (Rod, if you only knew.....) Gavi greets Alonso politely and ignores the embarrassing declaration he made to her a month earlier. They discuss the matter of the invitations and she assures him it went by messenger, signature only, so that the women couldn't cause trouble saying that they never received them.

Avellaneda sends Nancy in to tell Alonso he needs to drop everything and come to his office immediately. Gavi stays to file something. Out in the hallway Nancy tells Alonso that Rod hasn't called Gavi once and that Gavi seems resigned to the fact it's over, since she ordered her not to put Ing. Montalvo through to her if and when he does call. Alonso starts smiling from ear to ear.

Frankie is at his office in town and orders Basilio, his crooked foreman, to advise him when the copper sulfate shipment arrives. The foreman warns him that they have had outbreaks of Brotes de Erwina and Picudo in the area, but Frankie brushes him off and says that the agave is healthy enough. It won't matter a bit if they continue spraying at half concentration. He bribes Basilio with a percentage of his cut to "quiet his conscience."

Isa calls right then and tells Frankie that she's deposited the money into his account and in exchange she is demanding he gets divorced from Sofia immediately. Frankie 's jaw drops down to his drawers.

Avellaneda tells Alonso he's got to go to some global warming summit and present against the U.S. since, darned if it isn't the good ol' U.S. of A. who is the biggest baddest CO2 producer/polluter worldwide. (This is presumably the reason their agave, according to this farcical fantasy, would need 2-4 years less growing time. Damn! Count your blessings, man!) Alonso mentions that global warming is complex and numerous other interests are involved in it.

In the meantime, Don Roberto informs Alonso that the London delegate feels overburdened and is considering resigning. He could do so at any minute. They've decided that the best possible replacement for this post would be Alonso himself, leaving Gaviota to take his place as director of P.R. for the CRT in Mexico City. Alonso, impactado at the horrid thought of his leaving Gavi forever, insists that for him to accept this highly prestigious position, Gavi will be leaving with him!

Avellaneda replies that it looks as if Mariana has proven absolutely indispensable to him and they'll discuss it further later. It's best he be prepared. Alonso is left alone and he starts imagining himself in London together with Gaviota. On the other side of the building, though, Gavi is in her office complaining to herself that she can't concentrate because of Rod invading her thoughts.

Frankie tells Isa she's asking the impossible right now. Isa says do it or else. He says he refuses to become hers exclusively. She should just forget him for good. Isa gets incensed and screams back that he's hers and she is not about to share him with that dimwit, Sofia! He calms her down by telling her that they haven't had intimate relations for a long while now. It gets thick in there as he tells Isadora he's only been keeping himself for her. Right then the maid comes back with Ricky and her invitation to the CRT Grand Assembly. Isa covers quickly and hangs up.

Back at Montalvo Corp. Rod gets his current bank statements from Margarita and looks through them. He notices the huge amount of money Isa took out recently and wonders what's up.

At the Mexico City manse, Pilar gets alarmed when she sees an invitation arrive addressed to Elvis Perez III and wife since he and Daniel aren't married, and we get a nod to free love from Dani. Elvis says he will definitely be attending the Grand Assembly with them all. It would be a major snub to the family not to go. A bit later Dani reminds Grammy P. that Mariana complied with her request to invite the Montalvo wives. Pilar admits Mariana had no choice.

At their penthouse, Minnie gets a call from Fedra to tell her she's received her invitation to the CRT's Grand Assembly honoring Don Amador after all. She tells Minnie that she has an idea for a major snub of Mariana Franco during the event. They plan to invite Sofia and Isa over to discuss it. Minnie is eager to finally confront the famous husband stealing hussy and, speaking of husband-stealing, we can only hope Pammy doesn't pull a sick-out for this event.

Alonso and Gavi discuss if Avellaneda asked about the invitations to the Montalvo wives to the Grand Assembly. She reiterates they were sent by special messenger, signature only. He tells Gavi that it's possible he'll be transferred to London. He asks her what she thinks. She's muy impactada at the news and says that when they put another executive in charge, the person will be very capable, but the department will not be the same without him. Alonso says nobody's indispensable. She tells him that for her, he is indispensable. This chokes him up. Embarrassed, he takes her advice to go home to rest up after 14 hours in the air nonstop. She's left thinking to herself that now this one's leaving her too.

Dr. Manzano tells SJ that she's a bit anemic and sleepy because she is about 7 weeks pregnant. Happy happy joy joy. San Juana now has a hook in Hilario. Across town, meanwhile, Hilario is getting a massage and enjoying the idle lifestyle of the rich and single.

Frankie meets with the black market copper sulfate buyer in town and gets his cash literally under the table. This time they plan to pick it up in front of the chemical plant.

Aaron has another fit over the losses he's incurred that day. The trader warns him to sell so at least he can recover some of the losses. Aaron tells his trader he is an idiot and ignores his professional advice. Rod comes in at this point to check on Medina's progress and Aaron chases him out of the trading room again.

Casandra drops San Juana off at Hilario's apartment. SJ is dreamy eyed thinking he'll be jumping for joy when he finds out he's going to be a daddy. Casandra says he'll be jumping up and down all right, but probably not because he likes the idea. He is not ready for this kind of responsibility. SJ doesn't listen and tells her she'll be fine and he'll be fine. Casandra leaves and San Juana takes her regular place back on the couch and waits for him to come home. The housekeeper comes in and she tells her she's waiting for her boss, then orders the woman to bring her popcorn cuz she's got a heck of a craving. She rubs her belly and smiles to herself.

That night at the hacienda Frankie gets home to find Sofia and James in the living room chatting. Sofia reminds him that they're supposed to leave for Mexico City in the morning. Frankie says he can't because he has to meet the copper sulfate delivery. He makes a big deal for James' benefit about needing to stay to supervise the mixing as well as the spraying especially because of all the reports of infestations around the region lately. Sofia says James can handle the delivery, but Frankie obviously can't allow that and refuses his help. They finally agree on changing the flight to midday and he goes up to take a bath.

Sofia tells James that she's feeling confused after getting on Frankie, especially about suspecting Isadora, and wonders if it wasn't just a ridiculous fit of jealousy. James tells her he thinks Frankie is truly committed to his job at the hacienda and asks why the sudden change of heart. Sofia smiles conspiratorially and says she thinks she's pregnant. Now James' jaw drops to his drawers.

Gavi goes home that night and tells Clarita the depressing news about Alonso being sent to head the London office. Clarita wonders if she told him she'd be upset to see him go so far away. Gavi says no, because although she'll miss him, it would have probably caused him to start telling her things that she wasn't in the mood to hear.

Erika's in her apartment on the phone with a friend telling said friend how Rod surprised her earlier and that she knows she's playing a dangerous game with him so any therapy she gets for herself will have to be with her pillow. All of a sudden there is a knock at the door. She opens and a fully catered Japanese meal is brought in and set up by Geishas.

The Geishas leave and Rod appears. They sit down and flirt about her actually letting him in or even being sure she was home that night (we know how he finds that out, don't we?) and him not wanting to run the risk of her leaving him out in the hallway. She asks where his shyness around women went and he tells her that since the therapy she applied was totally a success it is gone. They toast each other all smiles.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Destilando Amor - Oct. 18, 2007 where everyone seems to be developing OCD

EPISODE - Oct. 18, 2007:

* Don Roberto and Alonso in a heated discussion about the fight between Gavi and the "Witches of Montalveno". Don Roberto wants an end to the ban of the witches to the events; Alonso agrees and suggests Gavi take his place with the public relations projects. Don Robert agrees. Don Roberto tells Alonso to be ready to attend the meeting tonight for work. Alonso stutters and tries to get out of it - Don Roberto won't let him.

* "The Witches" meet with Granny P at the house. Granny reminds them to stay away from Gavi, and don't cause any problems with Don Roberto or the ag. commission. Fedra is insulted by the lack of support from Granny - Minnie and Isa support Fedra - they leave. Dani enters and talks with Granny P. Granny is tired of fending off the witches from Gavi - she can't take anymore, especially with Don Amador's memorial ceremonies and the general assembly coming up.

* Gavi tells Clara over the phone about the invitations that Alonso has stacked on his desk. They will attend all of them, and she will be so busy, she won't have time to even think about Rod or his family. Just then, Alonso enters her office - Gavi hangs up with Clara and asks "why such a long face?" Alonso tells her about his meeting with Don Roberto, that he's been summoned to attend meetings around Japan and Asia for the commission. Gavi is a little sad but understanding. Alonso explains the plan for the office in his absence. Alonso is disappointed that he has to cancel their plans for tonight.

* At the hacienda, James works on computer in the living room. Pancho and Sofia enter - Pancho is trying to convince Sofia to go to the Fair with him tonight. He really plays up how much fun it will be and what will be there. Sofia reluctantly agrees to go. Pancho goes upstairs to use the jacuzzi. Sofia stays downstairs to talk with James. James wonders if they've patched up their marriage. Sofia says ignore what you've just heard - nothing has changed, they are as far apart as ever. Sofia and James discuss Sofia's continuing suspicions of Isa and Pancho. Sofia wishes Rod would return soon so she won't have to confront this deception alone.

* Aaron comes home to the condo and kisses his wife, Minnie. They talk about his tequila project and he over-embellishes how wonderful his tequila venture is doing. She mentions Bruno. He grumbles and then changes the subject. Minnie tells him the latest about Gavi's ban on her, Fedra and Isa, and about Rod's trip. Aaron puts down Rod's business acumen. Aaron then mentions Isa being lonely without Rod around. Minnie tells him about their curious evening together, when the two men (Eugenio and Alfredo) flirted with Isa. Aaron becomes jealous over the thought that Minnie was flirting with another man. Minnie calms him down and says she left the table and Isa got rid of them. Aaron and Minnie realize they really don't know Isa very well.

* Isa calls the hacienda - Sofia answers and tells her that she and Pancho have been together all day long, and now they are preparing to attend the Fair all night. Isa mentions Granny P. Sofia hangs up. Pancho asks what Isa wanted - Sofia says she doesn't know and doesn't really care.

* Gavi returns home and commiserates her disappointment with Clara about Rod and Alonso both on business trips away from Mexico. They go through what Gavi likes about Alonso, in comparison to Rod. Gavi wonders if she's in love (with Alonso).

* Rod sits nervously in a waiting room, thinks about the advice Erika gave him, and wonders how he can get past the absence of Gavi (his personal challenge).

* Gavi cries her question. Clara tries to advise and console her - take this month to figure out what she wants. Gavi cries and wonders if the psychiatrist will cure Rod so he forgets all about her. Clara tells her not to think like that, then (like every jewish mother I've ever known) she goes to make something to eat.

* Gavi comes to the office as Hurricane Alonso gives Nancy whiplash as he prepares to leave on his trip. He calls and calls for Nancy to check on papers and reservations and things. In the midst of the Hurricane, Dani calls and Gavi takes it in her office. Dani and Gavi discuss Rod, Alonso, the two business trips, the "witches" and Granny P's wish. As Gavi tells Dani to assure Granny that all the family will be included in all the events for Don Amador. Gavi has to hang up as Hurricane Alonso starts shouting for Gavi. Dani mutters she hopes that Rod isn't wrong.

* Gaspar is about to leave on a business trip and goes to see his wife in the office - Pammie is still in bed. They discuss Pammie's need for vengeance against Aaron and the astuteness of Aaron to commit fraud and hide it so well. Gaspar says he will be diligent in investigating for proof of the fraud and crimes, especially surrounding Artemio's death. Just then Pammie enters, Gaspar has to explain to her about the questions that surrounded Artemio's death. She prompts her dad to do whatever he has to do to get the proof needed to hurt Aaron badly. She won't have any peace until then.

* Aaron in office working with his three employees on earning money through the futures markets.

* Dani is on phone with secretary of Dr. T. Elvis enters and listens as Dani ends the phone call. She explains that she needs to find out for her brother who is little Ricky's real father - she needs to see the medical records in Dr. T's files. She also tells Elvis that Rod suspects Isa has a lover. They change the subject and Elvis gives her the good news about his new project for a video business.

* Hurricane Alonso is still going full force in his office. He shouts for Gavi - she enters and has to show him where the documents are in his briefcase. He shouts for Nancy - where is his luggage? Nancy enters in tears to explain about the chauffeur taking them down to the car. Nancy leaves. Alonso is frantic looking for his laptop and stuff - Gavi has to show him the laptop case and calm him down before he leaves. He gives her last minute instructions. Before he rushes out the door, he tells Gavi he loves her. She is impactado.

* Bruno spies on Aaron and his employees working on his futures transactions. Bruno enters and asks what in the world he's doing? Aaron explains his game plan. Bruno says this isn't a game, it's speculation! Employee tells Aaron they are losing money on the Tokyo market. Aaron looks at the screen and tells them to sell. Employee says they can't, too late. Aaron is frustrated and sits at his desk. Bruno comes around and asks how much did he lose. Aaron tells him. Bruno hopes he isn't using corporation money for his little "game". Aaron is confident he can cover all his debts and repay the loan to the corporation. Bruno reminds Aaron about the important conference coming up, and then asks about Rod's return. Bruno leaves to go ask Margarita. Aaron mutters to himself what new surprises are in store for him, and if Rod will return to seek out Gavi again.

* Maintenance engineer finishes installing the new blinds in Alonso's office, under Gavi's supervision. Gavi is on the phone talking with Dani about when Rod will return, also when Alonso will return. Gavi asks Dani not to say anything to Rod about her phone call. Gavi hangs up. Maintenance engineer leaves. Nancy enters and compliments Gavi on the blinds, says Alonso will faint in delight when he finds out Gavi did it. Alonso calls and tells Nancy he will return tomorrow morning, but he doesn't speak with Gavi. Nancy asks Gavi what happened between the two, she and Alonso haven't spoken to each other for the entire month. Gavi is vague and goes back to work.

* At hacienda living room, Sofia holds the mail and asks Ofelia if she's seen the latest phone and cell phone bills. Ofelia says not lately. Sofia asks her to keep watch for them. Ofelia agrees and leaves. Sofia opens one of the bills and starts to read it. James enters and scares her. Sofia explains to James that she's checking one of Pancho's bills. James is shocked she's opening the bill. Sofia says it's an old one. James tries to come up with humorous story. Sofia is curious about what Pancho is spending his money on. James mentions something about Pancho's secret activities in the office, then leaves. Sofia sighs, and mutters that when she gets her hands on the fracture of the cell phone, she'll know for sure if Isa and Pancho are seeing each other.

* Don Roberto and Gavi are discussing the marketing campaign for the Tequila Casadores de Arana. A knock at the door. The secretary shows a man inside. Don Roberto introduces Gavi to Inaqui Andabulo(?). Inaqui talks with them about his new tequila "Tequila Corza" and the campaign to launch it to market. He shows them the artist drawings for the bottles.

* Isa and Pancho have their secret phone conversation. She tells him to call her immediately when he arrives in Mexico City. He agrees with pleasure. He then asks her for a huge favor - for some money. She asks what for? He tells her his sob story of his credit cards and the list of creditors. She asks how much does he need? We don't hear the amount but from the bugged out eyeballs on Isa, we can only imagine the number of zeros on the amount. She tells him she will have to talk with her banker to see what she can do. He apologizes for making such a large request and promises that as soon as his business is successful, he will pay her back in full. "I'm sure you will," says Isa.

* Larry the snake meets with Aaron the skunk to show off the latest figures about their investments. Aaron is very pleased with the results and tells Larry to keep up the great work. Larry leaves just as Rod walks down the hallway towards them. Rod stop to talk with Aaron. Rod goes off to his office - Aaron enters his office to return to work on his 'futures trading'.

* Rod enters his office with Margarita following him inside. He tells her about his successful business trip and shows her the award he received in Brussels. She asks where he will display it. He wants to give it to someone very special. She smiles, thinks it is for Gavi. He plays along with the assumption. As Margarita is about to leave to wrap up the award, Rod asks why there are no phone calls from the ag. commission. Margarita says because there are none. Margarita leaves. Rod is impactado.

* In a meeting with department advisers, Gavi isn't paying attention to what they are saying. They ask for her signature on a document so they can get started with construction. She snaps back to reality and asks about invitations. The men ask her about the points they just went over. She apologizes for not paying attention - she has a lot on her mind today and asks to reschedule for tomorrow. They leave. Gavi calls to Nancy to make a phone call. Nancy calls Margarita, who informs her that Rod was at the office and then left for the day - Nancy relays the information to Gavi. Gavi looks disappointed.

* Rod makes a surprise visit to Dr Erika's office. He puts the gift box on the desk and enters to start his impromptu psychiatrist session with Dr. Erika. She's impactado and smiling. Rod tells her that he was so tempted to call Gavi -- BUT HE DIDN'T! He didn't call because he wanted to see her (Erika)!

* Gavi tells Clara her disappointment because Rod returned but didn't call her. Clara tries to cheer Gavi up, but Gavi is too disgusted and hurt. Clara asks about Alonso. Gavi says he told Nancy he returns tomorrow morning. Clara tells Gavi to be prepared with an answer for Alonso.

* Rod gets all excited talking to Erika about his successful business trip through Europe and the U.S. He is so excited that his father's dream has really come true. He is equally excited because before his life seemed to revolved around Ricardo, Isa and Gavi and now with his venture becoming so successful, he finally has something all for himself. Erika asks him about Gavi and he tells Erika he came to this conclusion after thinking about something she told him before he left - he is doing this for himself only. Then he pauses and starts to think and wonder how Gavi is doing.



Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Destilando 10/17 - in which Gav plays Linus and Rod plays The Great Pumpkin

My back really hurts tonight because I had to haul a morbidly obese goat around by the horns three times today. Why I had to do that is for the other blog (maybe tomorrow). I took some painkillers and watched Destilando in kind of a haze. Especially at the end when Av* got started with the Department of Agriculture, the details are quite fuzzy...

Unless I tell you otherwise, every scene in which Gaviota appears tonight, she is gazing at the phone and begging Rod to call her, or standing in a dark corner ditto. I remember this from high school. It never, never worked. Or it's like waiting for the Great Pumpkin. Clarita is disgusted.

Rod, however, is having a splendid time with Erika (since she is no longer his doctor I am dropping her title). He likes her smell, etc. She dares him to call Gav (since he's staring at the phone), in response he says he'll be the shrink this time. He says Erika is nervous, depressed, paranoid, and crazy, partly for her car and the drunk electrician, partly for Rod. She says she isn't the solution to Rod's problems, she's just a distraction, he's substituting her for the other woman. He's using her. He's like those cigarette smokers who ask a friend to help with the quitting. But when the friend leaves the room, it's back to the coffin nails.

Dr. Blondie is constantly watching Gav watch the phone and asking, "Has Rodrigo called you? Are you upset?" I say MYOB.

Sofia, distraught, sits in bed next to Frankie, who is sleeping peacefully. She's reviewing scenes of Isa and Frankie together over the months. Now their odd behavior makes sense.

Rod gets home from his late night at Erika's apartment and asks the maid if Isa's been going out lately, if she's given the maid weekends off. "No, but she did go out the other night to see her parents. She didn't take the baby." He seizes the phone and starts to call Gaviota, but Isa comes into the room and asks who he's calling. "Just business." They have an icy interchange, she leaves. He sits with his chin near the phone and a shotglass of Ardiente Pasion. Gav sits with her chin near the phone.

Next day Rod dandles little Ricky to say goodbye. Nuria (Isa's mom) calls and Rod takes the call, telling Nuria he has a message for her husband. "Oh, but he's on a trip, has been for more than a week." "Oh, hmm, Isa said she visited the both of you this past weekend." Nuria sort of denies it. Rod confronts Isa. She is impactada into the commercial.

You'd think that, having had the entire commercial break during which to pull herself together, Isa would have shaped a better retort. Her explanation is feeble. Rod, in parting, carelessly warns her: "Next time you say you're visiting your rents, take the kid." Isa calls her mother and asks "EXACTLY what did you tell Rodrigo?" "No, you tell me, what are you getting yourself tangled up in?"

On the way out Rod asks the new apartment manager if he can look at Isa's list of visitors when he gets back. No problem Massah.

Gav at work: "Nancy ... any calls for me?" No. Nancy reveals she wasn't really sick Saturday, she just wanted [to avoid listening to the boring Dr. Blondie I don't blame her I'd do the same. -- Ed.] to leave the two possible future lovebirds alone together, everybody knows Blondie loves Gav. Nancy also says there's a special surprise in store...

Dani visits Rod and sees he is ruddy and beaming from his time with Erika, but still disturbed about Isa's father's disinclination to pay his huge debt. He also lays some of Isa's little lies before Dani, who asks if he'd mind if it turned out that Isa's been betraying him. "I'd be indignant, because of all her jealous rages about Gaviota." Dani is a little perturbed to see how, suddenly, her brother is all Erika Erika Erika.

Meanwhile Erika is at her own shrink's office, confessing that due to his tenderness, etc., she is falling in love with Rod. She's decided to quit him, not only as a shrink but also as a friend.

Dani warns Rod: maybe his goony delight in the doc will turn into a love affair. Rod: "Whatever, what's gonna happen is gonna happen." As a parting shot, Dani points out he might not want to be distancing himself from Gaviota this way when she's about to spend a month alone with Dr. Blondie. This infuriates Rod in the old way and he picks up the phone and calls - Erika. She's in the car. He's all beaming and appreciation and "let's get together as soon as I'm back." She puts him off.

Gav has Nancy call Montalvo Corp. and, using a disguised voice, ask if Rod has left. He just left. Blondie instantly slinks in and asks how she's going to do this month without her big boy. Fine, she lies. Blondie says it will be the greatest month of her life, not only lots and lots of work, and all the coffee she can drink, but loads of invitations to all sorts of interesting (?) events. He tells her to dry her tears and come to his office.

Dani tells her granny Pilar how much Rod likes his shrink and how 'successful' the therapy seems to be. Pilar thinks it will make him a family man but Dani says with Isa no, not so much. Fedra calls for Pilar. I can't bear to recap this all again! The witches visit Pilar, they complain about being left off the guest lists again by that maldita husband robber Mariana Franco, Pilar assumes they're back to their evil scheming and it serves them right, they flounce out.

Dr. Blondie is discussing the naming of a building after Amador, four years after his death. [My eyes commenced closing like Gav's during the coffee cantata. --Ed] He invites Gav to go to a place with AfroCuban music, she accepts because, she informs him, she isn't a masochist. She starts to smile. Why close doors with Dr. Santovenia when nothing will ever work out with Rodrigo?

Av* summons Blondie. [Now my head is swaying on my neck and my eyelids are drooping. Remind me never to take a job at CRT.] Due to lots of rain and global warming there are now agaves that mature more quickly, this will destabilize world markets, Dr. Blondie has to go to Japan he can't stay home wooing Gav in his slow-but-sure manner, and in fact he has to give some talk this very night, it's an emergency, adios AfroCuban night on the town!

And this trouble with the brujas is getting on Av*s nerves, and of course they have to be unerased from the guest list for events honoring Don Amador! And if Gav can't take it she will have to go elsewhere!

Tomorrow: Blondie tells Gav he loves her. Rod goes on his trip but he has a present for a certain someone.


Destilando Amor 10/16/2007 "Scent of a Woman Redux"

If we got to dance with Al Pacino after suffering through the snorking scenes it would be one thing but, sheesh!
I am here to substitute for "La Ilustre Tash" with pleasure but with fear of more groseras y tontorias, but hey old Rodrigo woke up fresh and handsome and so full of himself he was almost sexy again. To purify and clear my head I was forced to attend to my homework for Literatura Mexicana y dios mio I read with pleasure about Sor Juana Inéz de la Cruz, the 16thC. uber-intellectual, feminista monja (nun). Well to get on with the tonight's story: Enter Gavi in tears leaning against a wall.

Frankie the Francophile descends the stairs (not nude, too bad) saluting the day with 5 cents worth of French and looking for his gourmet breakfast. Since Slave Sofie is in the kitchen he slips into the study to make a quicky clandestine call to Isadora to warn her that her calls in the madrugada are getting on his last nerve and making Sofie mighty suspicious. She appears outside the study door to hear him making sweet murmurings of a call later and sending besos. Sofie scares him by walking quietly into the room, he feigns looking for the paper. Other than reading "The Metrosexual Male" while steaming his face one day at Pilar's there is no other evidence that he can read. On seeing that he's getting bagel and smoked salmon, he graciously takes the tray from his impactada wife and sweeps out of the room. Now look at the clothes she has on today, hair down and feminine without being adolescent, purple shirt with nice cleavage, and a black skirt (not denim for a change). This subtle improvement of wardrobe gives her the sudden electric power in her brain to use redial. When she realizes that Isadora is the voice on the other end she throws the phone down like it was a snake. IMPACTADA hardly describes it. Isa is looking confused on the other end, get a clue girlie, your game isn't working so well this morning. So quick but too short a scene after all our waiting for this show down, mean tease!

Gaviota is mopey in getting ready for Alonso to come, Clarita is jumping around like she has Mexican jumping beans in her pants. Gavi is worried about missing a minute by the phone in case Rodrigo calls, Clarita has another moment of clarity and insists that is exactly what she must not do to herself (and Clarita is ripping for a bit of fun on the town and a long week of sayng, "como asi"). Her clarity comes when she reminds Gavi that after she demanded that Rod not bother her life or work and he complies, she says now look at your face (long and about to be weepy). Saved by the bell, Clarita sprints to the door while making a quick stop at the santos shelf, praying for an eye on the house, asking for love to work out with others and avoiding the tragedies (we are all too used to). Gee, I hope they put those candles out for fire safety before they leave, they always seem to be lit. Alonso sweeps in, well scrubbed in immaculate clothes. All smiles he gets Clarita wound up then side bars to Gavi that he hopes she doesn't feel forced to go out. Duh, buddy boy. Clarita and he arrange to go to a lugar con comida tipica since Clarita prefers it and this place will surely have a Mariachi band. Gavi hisses that she will not be singing so don't even ask.

Slip to the 3rd stage setting back in the country, Erika is looking doubtful at her jolly and very dirty mechanic who is still pulling wires out from the hood and mumbling something about cables. I thought it was carburator trouble a few days ago but this guy is quietly milking the repair opportunity when Rodrigo shows up in his humming white luxury carriage ready to sweep the princess off her feet. Rod avers that it is pure coincidence that he is stopping by. He would like to talk to her and after almost leaving her he leads her over to the restaurant assuring her that he needs her to be friendly to him, talk to him nicely on the ride home and to realize that she is not his therapist. At the table he beams that he is most satisfied with her treatment and feels all fixed up. She does show her professional best by saying perhaps there will be outbursts later and she is ashamed to have compromised her professional ethics by getting all borracha with him. The mechanic repeats that the electric system no va. A more borracho than thou electrician shows up. Rodrigo gets his town mechanic on the phone and arranges for a tow truck to come for Erika's car.

Parallel Universe time, cut to the other table where no-fun Gaviota, Alonso and Clarita are ordering. Gavi is so blue she only wants nopale salad and water with horchata. Of course Clarita wants huge platos of comida and tequila to wash it down with. Alonso is right with her. The Mariachis play some lovely but muy triste songs that bring Gavi to tears as they sing about lost in my abyss, I have nothing left, and I remember being in your arms until your betrayal.....oh gawd, hankies please.

Holy cats, the show is half over and que the hell is going on in the Hacienda?? Go ahead cut to commercial, bastardos.
Sorry but first the Rod/Erika show gets in the luxe car and sweeps toward DF. Universo paralelo time again. We get the same song on Rod's radio as is suddenly played live at Gavi's table. Solo una amiga....sweet memories of my life. Gaviota suddenly offers to take a cab but Alonso doesn't look like he wants to stay with bouncy Clarita. Gee once again it looks like nobody is who they want to be with. Doesn't this remind you of high school dating?? The Alonso date ends with him making blue puppy eyes up at her windows.

Finally Sofie is shown suffering, (I know it's unkind but some of us have been waiting with bated breath for this). She flashes back scenes with Isadora that suddenly make sense, Frankie's hankie from his hankie pankie, etc.

Good old James appears his shirt is almost normal looking if not for the embroidered pocket flaps. He is in tears before Sofie can let out a sob. Acacia was glad to see him today but perhaps he will have to face the fact that she is stuck in that awful nut house (so rude, I should say sanitorium or what is the pc phrase for the place where you get to keep people in straight jackets, I forget). Do they still do shock treatments? Poor Acacia she was such a lovely creature. He cuts himself off politely demuring from depressing Sofie who he thinks momentarily is crying for his story. She sputters out that she's been thinking all day and then we have IMPACT, folks, Frankie has deceived her and with ISABELA. Triple impactada. James goes into immediate denial. There must be some reason this seems wrong but isn't. So have you ever noticed that two of the three Montalvo children barely have time to hear about James really, really tragic story of an abused, fragile wife who couldn't keep it together. You'd think he had described a nasty break in her leg because they jump to their cesspool tragedy to howl in the wind about fracadas of their own making after a minute of two of ceding the stage to him. Franco must have a sense of doom since he hovers at the door then slinks in to hear Sofie insist that she has influenza, what a martyr in the making, no? Franco is so solicitous he even offers to walk her around the pueblo. Remember that last time, you moron?? Every babe within 20 kilometers is purring at him. James finally leaves quickly in disgust. I almost turned off the set but hey it gets more than slimey. He has more aces up his sleeve than a Los Vegas bum. He has the gall to suggest it is time for them to make babies. eeewwwww, yuck gooey kisses and so much falsehood.

Back to Clarita and Gavi where Clarita has another clear moment of saying Gavi could love this doctor who only want to be nice to her, he would die for you. She gives that motherly speech that we have mostly all heard about shop and compare then choose but WISELY. Her TN reference here is "Amores Paralelos" about the mujer who loved 2 men and couldn't choose so she ended up as a NUN. Listen carefully, girls, this could be your sad fate one day!

Gavi talks briefly to Dani who knows nothing of Rodrigo's whereabouts but is surprised Rod didn't call Gavi. They resolve to stay in touch. She got the invitation to Elvis Perez III & Señora (did I miss a wedding here).
One last scene with Rodrigo in Erika's apartment. Here talk turns to French and German literature and the science of smell. I actually had been thinking of Marcel Proust and "Remembrance of Things Past" when this whole smarmy aroma deal invaded the script. Siskind with "Perfume" shows us that Erika is an intellect to be reckoned with. I am not familiar with Bargo's work on the connections of aroma and absence. Supposedly the brain houses olfactory senses near long term memory areas. Let's discuss, I'm not nor have ever been a brain surgeon nor a neurochemist. But I like to talk about these things.

Pilar comes in and I could swear she smiled or her eyes moved a bit when she thinks the psych work on Rod will make him forget Gavi. I would hate to have to lip read her face. Pilar has been out and about with Nestor and reminds Dani that the 4 year anniversary of Amador's death and the Letter is to be read (listen for the sound of the other shoe dropping, stay tuned).

Next time: More sad music, Gaviota does not hear from Rodrigo but Erika does. Alonso and Nancy looked worried at Gaviota's depressing ways.....

Buenas noches amigos and amigas.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Destilando 10/15/07 "No Puede Ser" Rod, seriously it sucks to be me watching you.

Yes, Rod that title is devoted to you, cause Dude I am so over you. I swear to Gawd that better be a tumor causing that behavior.

Sorry, I am really hit and miss on this one, so feel free to add any fine points of detailed conversation.

We begin with Erika hunting Rod down in the local eatery/bar he has fled, but hey Rod you can’t run away cause AssHat you are your problem.
Gavi meanwhile is breaking bread with Dr. Blondie, but now drop the Dr. part cause he is just Blondie to her. We get a brief diatribe on how the presentation of the food is half the battle. Whatever Dude. Gavi is very thrilled with Blondies hard work, but in a “Good job Boss”, not a “I want to eat Tequila soaked Strawberries off your hairless pale chest kinda way”.

Blondie asks if Gavi can live without Rod. Gavi asks why do you ask me this question. Then he brings up the idea that she can go pedal Tequila in Europe & America. She says she’ll think about it when it is a real opportunity not just passing conversation. Blondie fires back that it is a real question. Gavi plays it off as she’ll have to talk to the amazing Ma. Oh yeah and Rod? counters Blondie.
Gavi says she would need time to make a decision.

Minnie calls Isa, the maid says Isa is out visiting her rents…No way, Minnie isn’t falling for it. She smirks.

Isa arrives at a hotel lounge and greets Eugenio, the guy from the other nite. Minnie your smirk was dead on.

Rod is sitting at the table do what? Okay audience shout out the answer, wait I can’t hear you…What is that? YES DRINKING!!!!! Drinking what? TEQUILA!!!!! Very good audience. Okay I am not sure I am even remembering this right, but sorry I can’t bare to watch it again. Erika worried about Rod’s condition shows up in another low cut perky scarf dress. I’m sure she is just trying to give the despondent Rod a reason to live. Rod tells her she didn’t have to worry & makes a gesture like hanging himself, cause he wasn’t going to kill himself over Gavi. Some flirting starts, Rod gets another glass, soon he & Dr. Erika are doing shooters. Hey if this awesome therapy works, maybe they could send Acacia a case of Tequila & a hawt doctor. It just screams of cutting edge medicine.

Dr Erika says they have to leave, but no way cause the resort is so well not fun, so after some merry bantering and Dr. Erika playing peek a boo with her scarf over her eyes she leaves the table. I believe at this point Dr. Erika wanders off to call the Resorto del Locos, some schizophrenic will have to put the top back on the whip cream & the box of wine back in the fridge cause Dr. Erika has suicide watch tonite. She leaves a scarf on the table. Rod picks it up. He looks around he has a very guilty expression. He stuffs it in his coat.

***I am so totally creeped out by this scene, I have visions of Ofelia missing big white panties from the dirty laundry basket, I’m sorry, some of you may disagree, but my pervdar was totally clanking.***

Then to add insult to injury, he pulls it out and does the deep deep deep sniff. For one brief shining moment I was hoping he was going to stuff it in his coat & later strangle her with her own scarf, but no. This is like something you would see on CSI, where the creepy dead guy has a huge collection of fibers and feathers up his nose.

Back in Merry ol DF, Gavi & Blondie have completed the ninth meal of the day. Gavi tells Blondie, that he should open a restaurant. ***In trying to save the trees, some people just recycle old scripts***
Pears, soaked in Chocolate & Tequila, that just makes me gag thinking about it. Now they wander out into the living room, I believe Gavi looks ready to leave, but wait there is more. It is time for a fine cup of coffee, as well as music to drink coffee by & land o’ goshen, Blondie is gonna read all about something coffee? Or Bach? I don’t have any idea, but whatever it was..Gawd it was dull. All of this to the fine music of Johan Sebastian. Gavi falls asleep. Blondie says she is so beautiful.

Now Rod & Erika in true therapy fashion are continuing the shooters, Rod chooses this point to blurt out “Hey I think Isa has an Amante” Erika looks intrigued.

OMG what a coincidence Isa is having drinks, Isa is toying with her drink & sucking on a maraschino cherry. It is high school again, we had a more experienced girl who used to tell us that guys would think that was sexy. Well looks like Eugenio thought is was sexy, Isa wants another drink, but he is like no. Then she wants to dance & he is like “Look babe we are adults here, lets just down to the dirty”. Believe it or not Isa walks out. This guy was an idiot a few more drinks & he’d nailed her.

Now back at the bar, there is a Banda band. Rod wants to dance, Erika says no, geez cause that wouldn’t be professional. Rod stops the band and makes everyone beg Erika to dance with him cause he won’t let the band play until she does. So of course they dance while having a conversation, right up in front of the band. Yeah that would really happen. I don’t know how many of you have actually heard Banda music, but it is usually ear splitting up close. Rod starts doing this wicked sniffing thing while dancing, even Erika seems a bit creeped out, he keeps insisting it is her Odor, she says no it is her perfume.
Personally I don’t care what it is, he is just way to twisted, with the sniffing & the souvenir stealing. I mean I get it if your beloved is gone and sleep in his shirt cause it smells like him, but please he has known her like three days and it isn’t his lover…or at least not when she is in the room. Maybe later after she leaves.

Every once in while Dr. Erika mentions Gavi only to get a “I’m so over her scowl” from Rod. Rod pours yet more Tequila, lets have toast, others can toast to love, but let us toast to our best buds friendship”.

Blondie wakes up Gavi & takes her home, but not before asking if they can hook up tomorrow. Gavi says Thanks but No Thanks, she & Ma have weekend stuff to do. Really she is just blowing him off.

Now over at the Bar, Rod is trying to hire the band to go back to “Resorto del Locos”, Erika all fun and flirty is telling him they can’t cause everyone is sleeping. Rod is sloppy stupid drunk by this point, he slurs more than when he is just sober stupid. Always the gentleman he gives his coat to Erika.

Gavi arrives home and Clarita is sleeping on the couch. Clarita questions her about her evening. Gavi tells her about the job offer. Clarita asks if Blondie declared his love yet? Gavi says well not openly. Clarita says she knows he will, he is just shy. Gavi looks very nervous.

Isa wanders in her apartment. Hey this would be a fine time to prank call your babyDaddy. Isa calls & Frankie reaches over Sofie for phone, he asks who it is and Isa says it is Moi, Frankie plays it off like it is a wrong number. Isa says he better call, muy pronto.

Gavi is pacing the floor, what is a girl to do? Blondie is really nice, but boring and would read to you about boring things while playing boring music and eventually your face would freeze much like Pillars. This makes me wonder if perhaps there is truth to the saying “Bored to Death”? Maybe that is what happened to the late Mrs. Blondie. Maybe she was dead like six years, but it took him two years to stop reading and notice she wasn’t just resting her eyes as he read. I think I need to google this. Anyway Gavi is having a Rod Flashback…Girlfriend you are so wasting your time, Rod so does not deserve you. Gavi says to herself, Rod is the only man she will ever love. She looks out the window and has RodVision, she imagines he is lying on his car mouthing Te Amo, up to her. Then she blinks and he is gone. Gavi cries.

Say what is Rod doing? Why driving down the totally not lit Mexican roads. Good call Dr. DumbAssa.
***I know, but I am so over these people, they are just sad***
They get out of the car & Rod still has a big ol grande size bottle of Tequila, Dr. Erika tries to get him to give it to her. Rod is what I really hate, a loud, stupid, sloppy drunk. They flirt, they giggle, they slur..Rod gives her the bottle, she takes a swig, & runs off, you know slow, like catch me, catch me…Rod catches her, he picks up her scent…He starts well..groping her. She is trying to push him away, I don’t know why she had to know this was gonna happen. He is like really creeping me out here cause he is just all sniffing all over her. Erika pulls away and sends “Rin Tin Tin” off to his kennel.

Gavi is now sitting and drinking a shot of Tequila thinking of the love of her life, too bad she can’t see him at this point, cause she’d probably rethink that only one hombre thing.

Meanwhile Blondie is over at his house having deep thoughts. He thought bubble that he will declare his love to Gavi. I guess this is supposed to be a break through or a happy moment, but his expression looks like someone that has just gotten the news it is time for a colonoscopy.

Now Erika is in her rooms smelling Rod’s jacket.
Rod is in his room lying on the bed smelling the scarf. Seriously and this isn’t on pay for view. He is all giggly remembering their dance. Then suddenly he remembers Gavi. Oh no bad scarf he pushes it way. We are one scene away from cat-o-nine tales and flagellation.

Another point, both of these bloodhound de ultra sensitive noses live in Mexico City and I am telling you the truth, the air in Mexico City is so dirty you can taste it. How do the uber sniffers survive?

Finally….Finally it is another day.

Erika comes out and gives Rod his jacket, she is sober (literally & figuratively), she tells him, he must find another doctor. Rod makes it like it is a joke. This is like the bestest time evah…he wants to spend each and every moment obsessing over her. There are some people in the background who are doing Yoga. Rod gets louder and louder. He wants to spend the whole day with her. She says no. Like the crazed man-child he is Rod pouts. Erika walks off from him. His yelling disrupts yoga class and clearly whatever stress the yoga class had removed, returned. See the dude is a freak you can not take him anywhere.

Gavi is lying in bed and Clarita comes in all bouncy and wakes her up. Clarita is like having a seven year old with a really bad case of ADHD. She forces Gavi to get up. Gavi doesn’t want to do anything but sit around and wait for Rod to call. Clarita is yelling at her. The phone rings and in a typical identical cousin “Patty/Kathy” scene they both run for it. It is the Blondster. He invites them to dinner, Gavi signals Clarita NO, not NO but Hell No. Clarita says fine, pick us up in an hour. Gavi is furious, but Clarita yells at her and says get over Rod.

Meanwhile the best is yet to come. Frankie comes downstairs and asks Ofelia where Sofie has runoff to. Well Sofie is out catching a salmon from the local stream, clubbing it over the head, de boning it and preparing it for Frankies breakfast.

**I do have to stick up for Frankie here, Listen Ofelia, no matter what a rat bastard Frankie is in his personal life, he is not the one nicking your undies, so stop giving him the stink eye.***

Frankie sneaks off to the study to call Isa. Isa coming straight from the shower, with her robe and hair in a towel answers. She puts the squeeze on Frankie to come see her, but he can’t cause Sofie is on him like white on rice. Sofie, breakfast tray in hand is standing outside the door listening. She creeps up behind him as he tells Isa he is sending her a kiss. He hangs up. Sofie speaks and Frankie jumps, he says he was looking for the newspaper. She gives him his fine breakfast of Salmon & Bacon. Sofie now light years ahead of her brother in intelligence presses call back…
Isa snaps that phone right up. Sofie hangs up on her. She is Muy Muy Maximo Impacted….

Well at least they ended on a light note.

Unless they can attribute Rod’s behavior to a tumor the size of grapefruit in his big ass head…well I am sad to say, I am giving up my position as a Rod supporter.

Stay tuned tomorrow when Sofie tells steadfast James of Frankie & Isa betrayal. James can’t believe it. I’m sure he can’t believe Frankie is shagging Isa when he has all the hawt young locals.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Need Destilando Recapper Tuesday October 16

Dear Destilando fans,

I have a family issue going on and won't be able to recap destilando tomorrow Tuesday. Could someone please fill in?


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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Destilando Amor, 10/12/07: Counterpoint Confidential

We are once again at the retreat to treat Rod. This is the point of this weekend and we find that he and Erika are heavily into discussing the specific traits of Gavi's which have made her so attractive to him, and why other woman don't seem to possess them (I think). Bottom line, all those things rolled into one and wrapped with a bow, she's a babe-magnet for guys and he can't get enough of her. It gets him at the gut level like no other woman ever has and brings out the caveman.

Back in the D.F., Alonso is picking up Gavi for a day of Galloping Gourmet. He, as Rod's suave and savvy nemesis, shows us all how it's supposed to be done: instead of sniffing and snorting all over Gavi's upper torso like a panting pet mastiff to declare there's something inebriating in her scent, Alonso smoothly comments to Gavi about her delicious perfume. Hoh-boy!

It is tame so far and Dr. Erika has managed to remain professionally detached and to keep her cool despite Rod's odd responses and actions. They discuss his lack of a relationship with Isadora and how any friendship they initially had fell apart early on, little by little. She draws out that he's never had a female as an actual friend before, except perhaps his sister, Dani. Rod say he feels that despite the professional barrier there is between him and Dr. Erika, he considers her his first true female friend. They agree to meet back in the garden in the middle of the afternoon since she has other sessions and professional meetings to attend till then. Before they go their separate ways he embarrasses her when he says that it's her female scent that is like perfume to him.......uhhh-huh.

Minnie, Fedra and Isa are in the penthouse waiting for their gossipy guests to arrive. Minnie mentions to Isa in a side conversation what a shock to see her with a couple of drinks in her the night before get so flirty with those two "gentle little lambs" so obviously looking to get racked. Isa plays dumb and apologizes for any inappropriate behavior. Minnie asks her then if she thinks Rod's really having a weekend away with Gaviota, but Isa says he called specially to check in and says he is there with the lady psychologist with every intention of forgetting Gaviota forever, and more power to her if she gets the job done!

Time for the Gaviota gossip fest Fedra had planned in Minnie's penthouse pad. Nobody shows. They note the time and since nobody has arrived yet Minnie flies off into another rage saying Mariana Franco has managed to make them the laughing stock of the entire association. It galls her that they're being humiliated by a woman who should be the CRT's cleaning lady instead of their Assistant Director of Public Relations.

Fedra says she hoped to gain the support of the executives' wives with this little luncheon, but it seems she's thrown a party and nobody's come. So Fedra calls Sra. Urbano to see where she'd gotten to. Dorita tells her she pretty much believes her husband's version and has decided she's got better things to do with her time. Fedra is shocked she told her husband when Fedra had asked her to keep it just between "us girls".

Dorita says there was no way she could do that to her husband. Just then Demetrio takes hold of the receiver and tells Fedra flat out that she'd better stop scandalizing the CRT continually with stories about Mariana Franco because the CRT and everyone who works there hold Mariana in the highest regard. They don't appreciate the Montalvo women's constant attempts at wrecking her reputation with insinuations that are both base as well as baseless. CLICK!

From here on out it is all point, counterpoint as we switch back and forth between the two couples. Alonso and Gavi arrive at his place and she sees the photo that Meinsdrucken took of her, Rod, and Alonso as the third wheel that day of the tour. Nervously, Gavi says she'd rather forget that day ever happened. Just then Nancy, practically in tears, calls Alonso's to say she's down with a bad cold and can't come over to join them and was too sick to even get over to the university.

Qué awkward for Gav. She can't hide that she's a bit uncomfortable being stuck there alone with her boss in his bachelor pad. Alonso, seeing that Gavi is a bit up tight, gallantly offers to take her home. She is a trooper and swallows hard before saying this is her job and no reason to stay couped up in her apartment all day, so let's get started. He insists that while she's at his home she call him Alonso and they drink to the gourmet dishes they are going to prepare.

Back at the retreat and treat, the mechanic calls Erika to tell her that the car won't be ready until the following day because they had to call a second auto parts place further away for the part. It'll take a day to get there to him. Rod heads for the reading room to look for an encyclopedia. He wants to look into the differences between aroma, essence, smell and perfume and some other gibberish about making the connection between these words and their sensations.

Casandra informs Hilario that she's hired on San Juana and not to get shocked if he comes by and finds her there. Hilario says he will never step foot in her place again then.

In a kitchen fit for an amateur Emeril Lagazza, Gavi laughs at seeing Alonso use his chef's hat and apron while he cooks. He pulls out an extra hat he just happens to have for her to use. He plumps it over her perm and as he adjusts it on her head he looks wistfully at her. Then the two begin to chat and it's a relief to hear it is in Spanish rather than Swedish, and my competing Muppet flashbacks of Miss Piggy and the gang quickly fade away as he of the piercing baby blues --or maybe it's actually haunting hazels--mentions the house will be so much nicer the day a woman he loves starts living there, which truly does bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "cookin' with gas"......

Alonso and Gavi put together the various ingredients for the dishes he's going to prepare and gives her a mini lesson on cooking them. She starts crying as she chops the onions and he tenderly dries her tears with a napkin and says he's glad this time it's only the onions causing her tears and begins racking up points against the away team. A bit later she calls Clarita to ask if "you know who" has called and Clarita says she hasn't gotten a one. Alonso listens in frustration to the conversation and politely pretends to ignore it.

Meanwhile, Erika suggests to Rod that Gavi is his obsession because perhaps he has a fear of failing sexually with other women. She asks him to define the difference he sees between Gavi and other women. He cannot express it in words, becomes agitated and walks off repeating the mantra that she is his ideal just because she is.

It's time to try the first set of gourmet dishes they've prepared and Alonso and Gavi finally sit down at the table. He opens the wine and begins to play 20 questions. He tells her that although he has never asked her before and understands there's a deep love that she and Rod share together, he must admit he is interested in her past.

Gavi ends up explaining that Rod's marriage is only one of convenience, that Raging Rod is not as randy as other guys and why it seems he cannot go out and play with the other girls the same way he does with her. Alonso is impactado and more than a bit confused. "There were no other women in his life?" She explains then, rather uncomfortably, that Rod is obsessed with her because she is the only woman who he has been able to love. (Dunno, but I think the last thing Rod would appreciate is her telling his rival about his "little problem".) She confides that Rodrigo Montalvo has been the only man in her life and says they've lived through things together that have marked them forever.

Rod insists to Erika that aside from the great sex with Gavi, he actually loves her and would never worry about failing with her. He's happy and complete when she's together with him. That's why she's his ideal love, and lover, because he doesn't need to wonder about doing the deed with other women then. To him that is what love, true love, is all about. (Too bad Gavi isn't a gadfly in that garden right then. I'm sure she'd appreciate this reaffirmation of his feelings for her. 'Course, it still remains to be seen if Erika may have her own agenda prejudicing her approach to his therapy.) Rod assures Erika that Gavi is the ideal lover for him and becomes agitated when he tells her that that they will not be able to be together while he works through his economic problems because of this.

Erika wonders why Gaviota isn't there for him now and he explains her inability to live with the thought of being the cause of his separation from his family. Gavi is telling Alonso at the same time pretty much the same thing: she feels guilty knowing that if she'd never inserted herself back into his life, Rod and his wife and child would be living happily together ever after. (WRONG!)

Rod takes the blame for committing mistake after mistake after mistake with Gaviota in their relationship. Erika has him to consider whether she is honestly helping him at this point. He explains that Gavi feels very guilty about the breakup of his marriage with Isadora. Erika realizes that he's been unreasonable with Gaviota. (Uhhh, okay.) He continues that sure he'd love to have her there with him, supporting him during all this financial and family upset, but it just isn't possible and he/she cannot deal with it anymore. He's looking to Erika to help him avoid going crazy during the remaining period of time he cannot see her while his problems are being resolved.

Meanwhile, Alonso is on his 3rd(?) glass of wine and asking Gavi if she is certain Rod is the one man she wants to spend the rest of her life with. She doesn't hesitate. "Yes." Gavi has to admit though, that Rod's aggressiveness, his obsessive jealousy and outbursts as well as the many sudden changes in their plans have tired her out, so she doesn't know if she can put up with much more.

Gavi continues to explain that they'd agreed not to see each other while he worked out his problems without a lot of added pressure. She couldn't stand the thought of Rod doing something crazy simply on account of his extreme urge to be with her. He might do something he would regret later on.

Erika asks if Rod trusts Gavi working with his rival. He replies that he trusts her, but not that little doctor guy of a boss of hers. That's the reason, he says, he begged her to quit working for the CRT, and now that he's there, away from her he fears he might lose her to him at any moment. Erika says, "Then why don't you just put shackles on her and place her under a bell jar? Where's the trust?" "--Whose side are you on, huh? Hers or mine? She would have left the CRT, too, if I hadn't had to eat my words. You'd think she would have at least thought to change departments, but no! She stayed right there! Right there! Together with that little doctor guy of hers!" ''--And where's the trust? The trust in her?"

At the same time Gavi is explaining her version to Alonso who is still all ears. She says she was ready to leave the CRT in hopes that it would settle things down, but then came the delay and they agreed not to see each other again till he was separated from Isadora. She isn't about to become his..... mistress. He asks her how long she will wait. She answers that she thought it would be a month or so, maybe, but then who knows now with this trip of his it's hard to know. She admits she doesn't know with all that's occurred what is going to happen and cannot say.

Now Erika tries to make Rod see how unreasonable and unrealistic it is to ask Gaviota to give up her lifestyle and future career just to demonstrate how much she loves him while he searches for a magical resolution to all his problems. That is not an idyllic love, just an impossible one.

Alonso asks Gavi if she still loves Rod as much as at the beginning. She answers that she feels hurt. She's suffered a lot because of him, what with his family, his tantrums, and obsessive jealousy, then the change in plans, and now the trip of his. "I don't know what I feel. I am very tired. I can't say I don't love him, but neither can I say how much, or if I can put up with much more."

Erika suggests that Gavi, the "ideal woman" is not with Rod now because she doesn't want to be bothered with his problems; although he wishes that she would not continue working there, next to the man who causes him enormous jealousy, she thinks of her own economic well-being and future career. He is the "poor victim" in this. (Patience, folks. Dear Dr. Erika has obviously never been left to sleep out on the street hungry and without a peso in her pocket, nor had to shlepp around hawking obsolete encyclopedias for a piddling draw against an even piddlier commission all the while worrying she'd be thrown into jail for defaulting on her debts because she couldn't get a decent paying job.) He gets upset and asks if Erika is mocking him again, but she insists she's not and wants him to understand. "Well, maybe you're right. If she loved me like she claims to, then she'd be with me now, right?"

Erika tries to clarify a bit, though for Rod (as well as for me) it's about as clear as mud about now. She tells him not to jump to conclusions yet, but he should try to be more realistic. She doesn't mean that their relationship is meaningless, but perhaps if he thinks about it a bit, analyzes it and tries to deal with the immense love he feels perhaps he'll discover the root of his problem. (Pardon me while I try to untwist myself from my undies here as I have a WTF??? moment of my own while trying to ponder the prior presented possibilities of existentially perfect people-pairing.)

Dr. Erika doesn't realize the literal-minded lunkhead she's just finished theorizing to. Despite her admonitions, Rod is left thinking to himself still that if Gavi truly loved him like she says, then why isn't she there with him now, conveniently forgetting the obnoxious way he shut her down earlier with that nasty e-mail of his the day before.

Gavi tells Alonso that love alone isn't enough. Too many other things separate them like his wife and child, his whole family, as well as the way he behaves. He tells her she's fortunate to have plenty of time to make any decisions about her future. They make another toast and there is a definite difference in the look they share with each other this time around.

In the Caymans, Oñate shows Aaron the earnings statement from the sale of his new ersatz tequila and the huge order some fool importer just placed with him. Aaron is most positively impactado at the amount and says he'll be able to buy out his cousin real soon with sales like this. Then Rod will learn fast that he's only an apprentice at this game.

Isa leaves and Fedra comments to Minnie about what a long-suffering wife she is with a husband like her nephew. Minnie declines a glass of sherry, pretending it's due to her pregnancy and still unaware that Fedra knows it's all bunk. Fedra thinks to herself again that she'll never forgive either her son or this woman for not giving her a grandchild with her family's blood in its veins.

Rod, more depressed and frustrated than before after his therapy sessions, leaves for town and a good stiff drink of tequila.

Alonso and Gavi are cooking round two when he answers his phone again. It's Casandra, who complains that he stood her up for the jazz concert. He excuses himself but cuts the call short after explaining he's in the middle of choosing dishes to cook for the upcoming Gourmet exposition. After hanging up he tells Gavi how much he appreciates her being there at the house with him.

Erika gets word from Eloina that Rod left the hotel very upset. She becomes alarmed and has the chauffeur take her to town to go looking for him.

Gavi calls home again to see if Rod called her yet.

Rod ends up at an outdoor bar, takes a table and orders a shot of tequila, Gavi-style.

Back at Alonso's, he's opening up a bottle of champagne to down with the last set of gourmet goodies he's cooked up. Gavi wonders what he's doing with the champagne. He stops and looks at her very seriously. He says he's going to ask her a question and wants her answer: Can she live without Rodrigo Montalvo?


Friday, October 12, 2007

Destilando Amor - Oct. 11, 2007 the scent of a woman - dirt, sweat and agave plants

EPISODE - Oct. 11, 2007:
* Minnie wonders about Rod and his doctor. Isa doesn't care, she only wants the results. Isa makes googly-eyes with men at next table.

* Rod goes to reception desk and asks about Dr. Erika - she's late for their very important date. Just then, Dr. Erika calls the desk and tells the receptionist about her car trouble. Receptionist takes down the direction information and hangs up. Receptionist then relays the news to Rod, who gets in a panic. As receptionist is about to call for a private chauffeur, Rod insist on going to pick Dr. Erika up. Receptionist gives Rod the directions and Rod leaves.

* Gavi returns home to find Clara's note. Gavi is depressed after learning from Dani that Rod is staying away from her.

* Rod pulls up the driveway to the restaurant. He sits for a short time to spy on Dr. Erika with the handy mechanic. Rod smiles. Mechanic pulls out the oil dipstick and shows Erika that there's no oil - that is a problem. Erika is in a hurry and panic and encourages the mechanic to fix it quickly. Mechanic returns to the car. Rod pulls up and parks beside Erika's car. As Erika swings her purse at the doorpost, Rod sneaks up and surprises Erika. He explains, in a humorous way, how he waited at the spa for her and came out to find her. She asks how long he'd been there - he says not long, long enough to use her trick of watching people - it's very fun and then explains his observations and his two theories about her backstory. She laughes. He asks what really happened to her car? She explains what she knows, which isn't much. He says they can go inside and wait. She doesn't want to leave the car. Rod calls the mechanic over. Mechanic tells them of the broken part; he can fix it but the shop is closed and won't open until tomorrow morning. Rod agrees with the mechanic for tomorrow's repairs. Erika is upset but agrees to it. Mechanic goes back to car. Rod noticing the chill in the air, takes off his jacket and puts it around Erika's shoulders.

* Clara serves some taquitos with everything on them to herself and Gavi. Clara is enthusiastically telling about her day at the hospital and in the cafeteria. Clara notices Gavi's somber, depressed mood. Clara asks Gavi about it - Gavi mumbles - Clara asks if it is about Rod. Gavi explains how he won't talk to her, see her and doesn't want the P.R. office's help with his latest trip. Clara notices the obvious - that he's living up to her wish to be left alone. They continue talking. Gavi mentions her discussion with Dani, about Rod seeing a 'piscologa' (psychologist). Clara is impactado and wonders why? did the montalvos make him go crazy? Gavi explains it's for his anxiety problems. Clara gives her opinions on the subject, which eventually leads into Clara's very brief summary of another telenovela, Locos por Amor. Gavi listens and thinks that doesn't fit this situation. Gavi explains her experience with a psychologist - and remembers when Ben V. took her to see Dr. Erika. Gavi explains her positive reaction to the session. Gavi hopes Rod has the same type of experience. They both hope for one month of tranquility.

* Minnie finishes talking with Fedra on her cell phone and then tells Isa about Fedra's meeting tomorrow with the other tequila grower's wives. Minnie is ready to leave - Isa reluctantly agrees. Minnie calls for the check. Isa takes out her credit card - Minnie tells her to put it away, this is her treat. Instead of bringing the check, the waiter brings over two glasses of champagne. Minnie asks who sent them. Waiter explains the two men at the other table sent it over, along with paying for their bill. Minnie seems insulted, and insists on not accepting the glasses and hands the waiter her credit card to take care of her and Isa's bill and tips. Waiter leaves. Minnie explains to Isa why she can't accept the flirting from the strangers. Isa smiles, laughs and wants to have fun with them. Isa says they should celebrate that Rod has successful therapy sessions this weekend. The men (Eugenio and Alfredo) come over to introduce themselves and join Isa and Minnie at their table. Isa welcomes them; Minnie is extremely uncomfortable.

* Rod and Erika arrive at the spa. Rod compares the spa to his family hacienda. Erika reminds him they need to keep their voices low. Rod whispers to ask where his room is. She points in the direction of the building. He laughs and points at another building for other patients. They laugh and she points to where her room is. She asks if he's hungry. He says starving. She asks him to raid the kitchen with her. He agrees. They walk down the path to the kitchen, talking.

* Clara is ready for bed. Gavi is dressed and pacing the floors - she can't sleep. Clara can't believe Gavi wants to leave at 10 at night. Gavi offers to take a taxi and go to the local bar alone. Clara grumbles and says good-night. Gavi calls for a taxi.

* Outside the kitchen door, Erika tells Rod what Mina the cook would do if they are caught, before they sneak inside.

* On the street, Hilario drives up on his motorcycle as Gavi leaves the building. They hug. She invites him to join her at the bar. He offers to drive her on his motorcycle. She says it's better to take the taxi - in case they drink too much. (how very responsible of her. - ed. note). Hilario moves his motorcycle to a safe lot before they leave.

* Isa and Minnie still with Eugenio and Alfredo. Isa is busy flirting with Eugenio. Minnie pokes Isa in the arm, wanting desperately to leave. Alfredo, Eugenio and Isa continue flirting. Eugenio and Alfredo don't want them to leave. Minnie is insistent and pulls Isa away from the table. Isa is disappointed that Minnie doesn't want to stay. Minnie tells her to stay if she wants, but it will be by herself. Isa apologizes and agrees to leave with Minnie. Minnie says she'll go to the restroom and Isa is to make their excuses and get the men to leave the table. Isa returns to the table - makes the excuses to the men - Eugenio gives Isa his business card - Eugenio and Alfredo return to the other table. Minnie returns and totally ignores the men. Minnie leaves with Isa following (and still flirting with Eugenio). (ed. note: Isa, you're such a slut.)

* Erika and Rod start raiding the bread basket and refrigerator to make some late night ham and cheese sandwiches with juice and milk to drink. As they talk about Rod's idea of friendship with Erika and why he's not comfortable with sessions at her office, Erika makes two sandwiches. She presents them to Rod - Rod blurts out, "you are the culmination of all the qualities I look for and want in a 'true friend'."

* Outside in the garden, Erika and Rod walk and Erika has Rod explain his definition of a true friend. She then asks him about his search for his true love, for Gavi. Rod pauses to think. They part for the night - tomorrow is a busy day (with his sessions and her car repairs).

* At the bar, Hilario explains to Gavi his problems with San Juana (SW) Gavi wonders if she'll return to the hacienda. Hilario doesn't care; she's not his problem any more.

* SW cries on sofa of Casandra's apartment - Casandra apparently picked her up and brought her home. SW is pushing for Casandra's sympathy, pity and support.

* Hilario and Gavi continue talking at bar. Hilario explains his long-lost love for his friend's wife. Gavi cries with his story. Hilario says the friend is still married to her, and they have a child. He can't fathom breaking up a happy family. Hilario explains to Gavi that the lady only considers him an "adventure". They shake off the sadness, clink their glasses and take a drink. Later, Hilario and Gavi sing a karaoke mariachi duet.

* Rod, alone, lays on the grass and looks up at the stars in the night sky.

* Next morning, Rod finds Erika sitting at the fountain reading a psychology textbook. Rod congratulates Erika on the spa. He starts to describe the wonderful aromas he smells. Erika takes the hint and starts his morning therapy session. She asks him why he mentions all the smells? and about Gavi's smell? Erika tries to get Rod to close his eyes and tell her what he sees with the smells. He starts, stops, and says he can't concentrate. She asks him to describe the aroma of Gaviota. He starts, gets nervous and stops again. She tries again. He asks to go someplace else. As Erika reaches for her book, it falls on ground. They bend down to pick it up, and Rod gets a huge whiff of Erika's aroma - he declares, "It's you!" Erika smiles. She says it's her perfume. She turns the subject back to him and what he feels and remembers with the scents. They walk along the garden path.

* Clara enters the bedroom and talks with Gavi, who is putting on her make-up. Gavi tells Clara all the problems SW is causing for Hilario. Clara grumbles her disgust for SW.

* SW is vacuuming the rug of Casandra's apartment. Casandra wakes up and pulls the plug. She asks what SW is doing? SW, enthusiastically, tries to get Casandra to hire her to be maid, cook, messenger - even willing to work for free room and board. Casandra isn't interested - SW keeps talking fast and Casandra discovers that SW has no intention of ever returning to the hacienda. Casandra looks up at the ceiling, and thought bubbles, "Daddy, I have cider in my ear." (Sky Masterson's line in Guys and Dolls.)

* Gavi's all dressed and ready to leave. Clara enters with mops in hand and is curious where Gavi's going. Gavi explains about making tequila recipes for the upcoming food conference with Alonso. Clara is skeptical. Gavi assures her it's for work. Clara starts to mop. The doorbell rings. Gavi mentions about her and Rod, then leaves the phone number in case of emergencies, and kisses her mom before leaving.

* Rod and Erika walk through the garden. Rod talks about the scents and his long-time problem with women. He decided to dedicate himself to work and his studies to avoid the problem. Erika asks about his feelings for Gavi. Rod tells her about all the qualities that make him enchanted by her, and how he feels when he is close to her (knot in the pit of his stomach). He says it's a combination of sensuality and true love. He's never felt anything like it with any other woman.

* Alonso on sidewalk with Gavi. He asks her about her worries over Rod. Gavi tells him what she discovered from Dani (in brief). Gavi notices that Nancy isn't in the minivan. Alonso says that she had to go to the university for some classes so she won't be joining them. Gavi is surprised but agrees to go ahead with their cooking plans. They walk to the car - Alonso sniffs Gavi and remarks about her perfume (he likes it).


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