Wednesday, November 23, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #77 Tue 11/22/11 Loose Lips Sink 'Ships (Relationships, that is.)

¡Hola a todos! Sara here, filling in for Gloria who had some pre-Thanksgiving commitments. Y'all know the drill--bullets are my are requests for fill-in where needed. (Psst: Maybe it's just me and my lack of comprehension, but there wasn't a whole lot of new stuff. The end makes it all worth it, tho.)

El Refrito
DWMMB (emphasis on the MANIPULATIVE) hasn't changed since my last recap. She's planting seeds of doubt in Camilo's head. She tells him all about Iván helping change Lucía's tire ( euphemism...I swear!)

Lo Nuevo

  • Berenice and David are enjoying a quiet evening at home. She's spilling the beans about Perlita's paternity. She's really sad about it and so is Dave, but what can you do? Berenice says you can get a divorce and marry the guy you love for one. Dave says Camilo adores Lucia and besides...the scandal!  appearances! (groan.) Berenice says there are some loves that just can't be forgotten and Ivan and Lucia have one of those  loves. David asks if he and she have one of those and she coquettishly says "we'll see." smoochies. 
  • Camilo confronts Lucia about Ivan and the tire. He haz a big jealous. She explains it was just a co-inky-dink and she doesn't care if Camilo believes her or not. He wants to know what they talked about. She doesn't want another argument and is tired of it all. She and Perlita will stay with Carlota. Camilo says no. She can stay right there. He'll leave.
  • Esther and Judith on the phone. They miss each other and Esther is continuing with the plans to divorce JJ. Saúl comes in as the ladies are saying goodbye. He tries to convince Judith that they need to convince Esther to return. Judith thinks it's a terrible return to this hell hole? Saúl thinks she's exaggerating. He tells her to think about it. If Esther isn't there to take care of JJ...Judith may have to spend the rest of her life doing it. (ew)
  • Meanwhile Tía Whatserface (Evangelina? Esther's sister) is convincing Esther to return to JJ. Have to avoid the scandal, you know. It's a woman's lot to put up with (aguantar) crap. What sort of role model is she being to her daughter? (A mighty fine one if you ask me.) Thanks for nada, Tía. 
  • Lucia enters Carlota's room with Perlita and asks if she can stay there. Carlota asks if there are problems and Lucia asks her if she told Camilo about the tire business. Carly says no and asks if Camilo is freaking out. Carly apologizes to Lucia for pushing her into the marriage (really? now she's sorry?) Lucia takes some of the blame saying she wanted a dad for Perlita, but that Camilo changed so much and can't control his jealousy. Carlota tells her no more than Lucia can control her love for Ivan. Lucia says at one time she was willing to try to bury that love, but now that Camilo is being a twit...not so much.
  • Meanwhile, Camilo is discovering that Lucia is AWOL. Commercial break
  • Ditch digging.
  • Lucia comes back into the once Camilo is not there. She goes to the dining room and asks Gloria if Camilo left early. Gloria confirms he left and says she has to get breakfast to her royal B!tchness, MP.
  • Camilo takes his camión de compensation to Iván's house and bangs on the door. Inside Tony, Ivan and Alex are enjoying breakfast. Alex wants to go see Lucia and the baby. Ivan says maybe tomorrow and he'll go with him. Benito announces Camilo's visit. Ivan tells him to send Cam to the office. Alex wants to say hello but Tony tells him to finish breakfast and go take Bruno for a walk. He advises "cordura" (good sense) to Ivan. Cute scene where Alex wants to know what "cordura" is. Tony says he'll explain...later (isn't that what they always tell this poor kid?)
  •  Ivan sees Camilo. There are stilted niceties. Camilo doesn't shake Ivan's hand. Camilo wants to know if Lucia called Ivan for help with the tire. Ivan confirms it was pure coincidence. Camilo says that ever since Ivan arrived, he's being destroying the happy marriage he and Lucia have. Ivan gives a rehash of the MP plot-line (ok. We know; so does Camilo.) Camilo says that was a decision Ivan made.
  • Lucia and Carlota are making plans for the extra room (I believe they called it the "bodega" later in the episode.) Carly asks if this is really what Lucia wants. Are they really not going to live as a married couple? Lucia says "and pretend? No." Carlota says well, then get a divorce, one more scandal won't hurt anything. Big Sis walks in and I have to pause and take a deep breath. Really.Hate.Her. She asks in that fakey innocent voice "so whatcha doin?" Carlota spins a tale about crying Perlitas and sleepless Papás. ¡Huy! ¡Qué mierda! Maripaz clucks a little and leaves. Lucia calls her a víbora after she's left. Carly says she wishes she could find a way to get her out of the house. (You and me both, hermana)
  • Camilo says he tried to respect Ivan and not get involved with Lucia. Ivan says his plan all along was to  get rid of MP and come back to Lucia and he finds out that a mere month and a half after he left Cam and Lucia got married? Why? Cam claims it's because they fell in love. Ivan says maybe you were in love, but Lucia wasn't. Camilo says Ivan always thought he was better than Cam...especially after he found his gringo that gave him everything. No, says Ivan it's because I can see it in your eyes (how she looks at him?) Camilo shoves him. Ivan says he knows Lucia was already preggers when the two of them married. Camilo lies like a rug and says she sought comfort in him and they made love. He wants Ivan to leave them alone. They have a family...a happy one. It's not his fault Ivan and MP didn't make a happy family. Don't try to destroy his...Camilo won't allow that.
  • Judith asks for time off to help mom (?) They yammer. She about Carlos, David about Berenice, both about their jacka$$ dad and mom's decision.
  • Ivan tells Tony about the conversation. He can't believe Lucia would sleep with Camilo so soon. Tony reminds him that the slept with Maripaz pretty quickly, too. Ivan says he already explained: He thought of Lucia (What, so it doesn't count?) Tony says maybe Lucia did the same.
  • Camilo arrives home to discover Lucia is moving into the bodega. Oh snap!
  • Lucrazy is of course freaking out about appearances and Carlota is slinging the crying baby/sleepless daddy crap again. Camilo comes in and wants to talk to Lucia. He starts is celos act, the dialog speeds up and basically Lucia tells him he's been a butt ever since Ivan came back to town. He apologizes (as he does at least once every episode since they married) and tries to kiss her. She is a little cold fish...but luckily Carmen interrupts them.
  • Lucrazy knows something is up and Carlota tells her it was a mistake for Lucia to marry Camilo. She's knows now that she'll never come to love him as she came to love her Teodoro. Lucrazy starts flipping about a possible divorce and MP walks up just in time to hear that. She says that Lucia couldn't possibly divorce Camilo since he adores Lucia and Ivan is really just about the sex. Why, they went at it like bunnies in LA. Carlota calls her a liar. MP asks to take Lucrazy's car and Lucrazy says ok (idiot. accessory to murder, I say.) Of course Lucrazy believes MP's story about nightly nookie and thinks they should tell Lucia. Carlota says Tony swears it was just once. Lucrazy doesn't believe that. Tony could be lying. Anyhoo, upshot is Lucrazy doesn't want Lucia divorced. When Carly reminds her MP married David and divorced weeks later. Lucrazy says MP is MP and Lucia is Lucia. Oh for pete's sake.
  • JJ, Tony and Ivan: insurance 90% small price increase, he'll take the same blabbity blah FF>>
  • Carmen tries to talk to Lucia about her and Camilo. Lucia doesn't really divulge anything and sends Carmen to do baby duty. (And we all know Carmen is just looking for scraps of gossip...she doesn't really care.)
  • JJ tells Ivan about Camilo and the Ag Ass presidency. Something is said by JJ about Ivan being his son and Tony says Ivan is *his* son.
  • Antolin and Cuthberto yammer. I think he campaigns for Camillo for Prez. Some Ag Ass meeting later?
  • Ivan calls Lucia. He tiptoes around the "when she had sex with Camilo/ when she last has sex with Ivan" subject. Eventually he straight up asks if Perla is his. She says no and hangs up. Ivan ain't buyin' it.
  • Carmen at home with mom. Fills mom in on the marital problems and wonders if Lucia will leave Camilo. Mom "¡ay ay ay's! and prays things work out. " She knows Camilo is a loose cannon ready to blow.
  • Anto visits Caro and they talk a little about the transplant and is work with JJ. She says again how much she dislikes him working for JJ.
  • Camilo comes to visit Lucia in her new quarters. She's tired of talking and Perla is asleep. He promises it won't end in an argument. He begs her to come back to their bedroom. She says they just need some distance (I'm thinking a "break" a la Friends?) He asks if she's leaving him. She says that she needs time for things to calm down. He says ok, but asks one favor of her: If Ivan asks, please tell him Camilo is Perlita's baby daddy. As he leaves, he is met outside by his soul killing sister in law. She offers him a sip of her drink. He takes a swig. She busts a move...a big one. They lock lips for quite a while. Cleto sees. MP tells Camilo she overheard her mom and Carlota talking divorce. He goes back to his room and beats on the furniture (again, double entendre) and says "no puede ser" a couple times.
  • Cleto and Gloria gossip FF>>
  • Tony, David and Ivan talk business and the other area farmers. Send and engineer out to make a report yada yada FF>> After David leaves, Tony says Ivan should be getting back to LA so Alex can go to school. Ivan says he'll be enrolling Alex in school in Alamos. He plans to stick around...for Perlita. Tony accuses him of trying to influence Lucia to get a divorce. Ivan denies it and Tony doesn't believe it. Alex comes in and reminds Ivan he said they would go visit Lucia today. Tony offers to take him. After they leave, Ivan calls Lucia. He asks about Perlita. I'm pretty sure he says he wants to meet her. He lets her know Tony and Alex are heading over to visit, he hopes it's not a bother.
  • Anto goes and tries again to convince Camilo to run for Ag Ass president.
  • Alex arrives to visit Lucia and in the meantime, Cleto goes to tell Carlota all about what he saw the night before.
  • Lucrazy and MP are returning from where ever. She greets Tony with "suegro" and he reminds her he is no longer her "suegro" (it.was.awesome.) MP asks Alex (who has a death grip on Lucia) if he's going to come give her a hug. Before he says a word, Carly comes flying out of the house and She tells MP to get the hell out of the house. She then proceeds to tell all assembled about Cleto's news.
  • DWMMB claims Camilo kissed her by force.
  • Camilo wants to know if Lucia knows (She does.)
  • A mistake is the beginning of the end for Camilo and Lucia.


Monday, November 21, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #76 Mon 11/21/11 The Bitch is Back!

The show started 12 minutes after the hour, so let’s not waste time and go right to where we left off.

MP has just made an unwelcome return to the homestead, to the surprise of Lucrezia and Carlota. Lucrezia and MP are the only ones happy about it. Carly wants to know why she’s here. Well, she just decided to change her ticket to Europe to a ticket to Mexico on the spur of the moment. Carly’s not keen on her staying in the house (considering she DID kick her out of her house the last time they spoke), but Lucrezia won’t have her favorite daughter stay in a hotel. She’ll stay in Lucia’s room from before. “Before what?” MP wants to know. Lucrezia gives her the 411 on Lucia’s marriage to Camilo. “Does Ivan know?” She’s happy that Ivan’s dreams of marrying Lucia are frustrated.

In her bedroom, Lucia is lying in bed, moping and crying. (What’s new?) Shirtless Camilo enters and looks in on Perla. (Since he’s been such an ass lately, his six pack has the same effect on me as it does Luica…meaning, no effect.) He begs her forgiveness and says he’ll go back to being the Camilo from before. (Uh huh) He begs her to help him, and she turns into his embrace. He tries to kiss away her tears.

In the dining room, Carly wants to know what MP’s plan is—to bother (fastidiar) her sister, or to pursue Ivan? MP denies it and claims she worried about them after hearing about the hurricane. She’s going to stay a while (una temporada) and see her friends. She even offers to help pay the hacienda expenses (with Ivan’s money), but Carly refuses on Camilo’s behalf. Lucrezia takes her demon seed off to gossip, and Carly holds her head from the gigantic MP induced headache that she already feels coming on.

All alone in his mud-colored cave, JJ sips his forbidden tequila and mopes. Judith enters and tries to get him to stop drinking. It’s now her job to care for his health now that her mom is gone. JJ uses this as an opportunity to try to bully Judith into asking her mom to come back. She refuses, so he tells her to butt out. She knows where the door is.

The next morning, Ivan and Tony get ready to head off to visit the other ag associations in the other zones. Alex will hang out with Benito and visit his peeps like Gerry and Carolina. He also wants to visit Lucia again, but Ivan says Lucia is too busy with her husband and baby. Alex is not happy about it. He hugs Ivan and Tony goodbye.

Camilo gets dressed, while Lucia holds adorable Perlita on the bed. She’s going to see her professor to schedule her final exam to get her degree. Camilo slyly slips in that if she intends to leave, to please let him know (me avisas). He’s got ranch biz and insurance biz to take care of.

Camilo runs into MP on the inside patio walkway. He is also unpleasantly surprised to see her. She is wearing a short robe, insists that he hug her, and then pulls him towards her for a very un-sister-in-law-like kiss. (I think we’ve found out what mischief she’s decided to cause.) Camilo is left speechless, and vaguely guilty looking. Outside, he runs into Celia and Carmen, who have just arrived. He begs Celia not to tell Lucia what they spoke about the night before (when he was having one of his “why can’t she love me the way she loves Ivan” tantrums).

Celia greets Perlita and brings her a pink and white sweater she knitted. Celia offers to bathe Perlita, but wonders of wonders, Carmen actually takes her nanny job seriously and says she will do it! She then picks up the baby and gets really affectionate with her after Lucia leaves. (Did we judge Carmen too harshly?)

Hey, it’s an ad for La Que no Podia Amar, and it looks like it will replace Fuerza.

MP is telling Lucrezia that she has a right to visit her son since the judge gave her twice a month visits. She doesn’t care that she won’t be well received in Casa McGuire. She also comments that Camilo is looking mighty fine these days… Lucrezia slaps her hand and tells her not to start! (And if she does, I am sure Lucrezia will do NOTHING about it, as usual.) “I was just saying Mama.” She wheedles the use of the SUV out of Lucrezia. Lucrezia says that Lucia won’t be pleased to see MP in the house. “This is my house too, isn’t it mama?”

Celia and Lucia are sitting outside, enjoying the peaceful (for the moment) view and talking about what Lucia will do once she receives her professional degree (título). Lucia does intend to work, but for the moment only part-time because she doesn’t want to be away from Perlita too much. Celia admits she’s never worked outside of the house. But she did take in ironing after her husband died, even though the boys provided for her. They give each other compliments and Celia says Lucia is neither common nor ordinary (común y corriente). (Remember, Lucia said the same about Celia some episodes back to her mother.) Celia asks about MP being back in town and in the house. This is news to Lucia. Just then, the b!tch herself flits by and into the black SUV to head into town.

Gloria brings Carmen a bottle for the baby. Carmen takes the opportunity to ask about Lucrezia going to the market, being that Monday's coming up and that’s when she usually goes. Since MP’s just come into town, Lucrezia’s schedule has likely changed, thinks Gloria. Carmen asks if the Curiel women go out at other times. Surely, being ladies of society, they must go into town regularly to visit friends. Gloria gossips that they are persona non grata since the family fell into disgrace. No one invites them anywhere. Carmen calls up Saul and relates the non-news. He wants more details.

JJ tells Saul he wants him to get a job (chamba) and doesn’t want to see him being lazy (flojo). Saul begs again for the money for the surgeries. Not happening. JJ tells him to get a job as a busboy/waiter (mozo). Saul stares at his broken image and says he hates JJ.

Ivan, Tony and Carlos meet with the new ranchers in the other zones. Looks like they’ve got good products.

Alex visits with Caro, but his Papa Gerardo is off working. The hurricane has been a boon for him. Alex tells Caro how sad he is that his Papa Ivan can’t now marry Lucia. Caro tells him that things aren’t always how we want them to be. But in any case, Lucia still loves him (Alex). She pulls him into a warm embrace. They say how much they’ve missed each other.

MP’s wearing all black, like the black crow of bad luck that she is. Benito spots her entering Casa Lomeli and wonders, what the heck?! Alex is understandably upset and begs Caro to not let MP take him. He huddles more tightly to Caro and gives MP the stink eye as she tries out a few “mi amors” on him. “Leave me alone.” She says she wants to take him to get a burger. She claims she has a right, since the judge said she can visit him every 15 days. (She neglects to mention that she is required to be in Casa McGuire, and in the company of another adult, during that visit.) She insults Caro and Benito when they refuse to let Alex go with her. It looks like she’s about to get her way, when Antolín enters and tells her he doesn’t give a damn about a judge’s order and to beat it. She does. Anto can’t believe that Benito was going to let her take Alex. She may be Alex’s mother, but she’s a hateful slut. (Tell it Anto!) “She only slept with Ivan because she was horny (por calentura)!” “Antolín!” Caro is horrified that he just spoke so openly in front of Alex. Anto looks horrified at himself too.

That night, as Ivan is tucking him into bed, Alex innocently asks what is “calentura?” Ivan thinks he means it literally so he explains what having a temperature means (also calentura).
Alex: Anto said you slept with my mom “por calentura”. Were you sick?
Ivan: Well, Alex. It’s a way of saying when one person likes/cares about (querer) another person, and feels really attracted to them, even if you don’t love them.
Alex: So you cared about my mom?
Ivan: Yes, I cared for her (la quería), but I didn’t love her (no la amaba). I cared for her because she was really pretty, nice, daring (atrevida), and really attractive. There were a lot of things that I liked about her. But there was one missing ingredient. It’s best that you be in love when you have a relationship with a woman.
Alex: I’m not going to have a girlfriend unless I love her.

Ivan asks why Antolin said this, so Alex reveals the Wicked Witch of Alamos is back and tried to take him out with her that day. Ivan looks as happy with this news as we would expect.

Benito is at that moment updating Tony of the day’s events. He thinks the only way she’ll leave Ivan and Alex alone is if she’s put in the nut house. Ivan joins the conversation. Ivan wants to know WHY she’s here. Tony is sure it was just to cause problems between him and Lucia since he intended to come win her back. Tony is sure she’s happy with the news of Lucia’s marriage. Ivan wants her to just go away already. Will he never be free of that p…(starts with p, ends with erra)?! He catches himself and says, woman.

Mr. and Mrs. Galvan also chat about MP’s arrival. Lucia does not feel comfortable having MP under the same roof. Camilo takes this as an opportunity to suggest they move into their own house, but Lucia points out they don’t have the money for the added expense of rent right now. “We could live with my mom. She’d welcome us with open arms.” Lucia doesn’t think that THEY should be the ones scurrying away like rats. She’s determined NOT to give into MP like she’s done her whole life.

Saul and Gordo discuss their harebrained scheme. Considering that they still don’t know much about Lucrezia’s schedule, and she usually goes to the market with the servant, Gordo is beginning to think they need some more time and planning and more help. Saul wants to keep it simple, and he doesn’t want any killing. “Then, why did we take Anto’s gun?” Saul says they’ll use it to fire at the car and such.

Lucia’s in bed on her phone and seems to wrap up plans to see the person on the other line tomorrow. She ends the call sending kisses. Camilo cautiously asks who she was speaking with. (Asshole! If she was talking to Ivan, she wouldn’t be so open about it when you could enter at any moment.) She explains she and Berenice are meeting their professor tomorrow about setting up their final exam. He offers to go with her and wait for her in the parking lot. (Creepy.) Lucia says it’s not needed, then quickly turns away and turns off the lights before Camilo can get frisky.

The next morning, she’s driving the road from the ranch to Alamos when one of her tires goes flat (se ponchó una llanta). She gets out and flags down an approaching car to help change the tire. Who should appear in his big old SUV, but Ivan. He gets out wearing sunglasses and a blazer and looking every bit in control. Lucia finds it hard to hide her nervousness, but tells him what the problem is. He gets her jack and spare tire out of her trunk. He wants to use the opportunity to talk. She claims she’s got nothing to talk about with him. “Well I do.”

Berenice is waiting at the university and calls Lucia. Lucia won’t make it on time, so Bernie will let the prof know what happened. Ivan finishes up the tire change. Since he heard she missed her appointment, he knows she now has time to chat.

Ivan: Why did you get married so soon Lucia? Why?
Lucia: Because...just because.
I: That’s not an answer Lucia. Let’s go someplace and talk, and we can have someone come for your car and take it back to Socorro.
L: No, no. Camilo will find out.
I: And what? Are you scared of him?
L: No, no. It’s not that. But he’s jealous and I don’t want problems.
I: Is he a jealous husband?
L: Only when it comes to you.
I: Lucia, this isn’t right.

He says her name over and over and hugs her close. They both start to cry. She asks, “Why did you leave me?”
I: I told you that I would come back for you.
L: It’s too late.
I: No. It’s NEVER too late.

He leans in for the kiss and doesn’t eat her face off this time. It’s actually a decent kiss. He calls her his life, his love. Lucia can’t take it anymore. They’ve taken different paths and it’s best that they forget. She thanks him, gets in her car, and leaves sad Ivan by the side of the road.

Lucia’s moped and cried all the way home. She finds Carly in the living room and grabs hold of her. “Abuela, I miss him. I can’t forget him. He was the love of my life and still is.”

Camilo arrives at the ag association to speak to JJ. The secretary lets him pass. JJ tries to bullshit him, but Camilo gets right to business. He wants to see the insurance documents. JJ tries out his new lie, that the error was the cause of the secretary’s mistake. The farmers are covered 90%. His coverage being 100% was the error of the insurance agent and he’s working to fix it right now. He’s going to pay and get the same as everyone else. He shows Camilo the new (backdated) paperwork. The ranchers can come by starting tomorrow to receive their payments. Does Camilo still want to replace him as president? Camilo claims not, but is stony-faced through the whole discussion. He wants JJ to clarify things with everyone during the upcoming meeting. He leaves, and JJ curses him. He’d rather be dead than let Camilo take his job. Actually, it would be better if Camilo were the one who was dead...

MP is telling Lucrezia that she wants to buy herself a new car. In the meantime, she wants to use Lucrezia’s car again. They continue to gossip. This time about Esther leaving JJ. MP thinks it’s the perfect opportunity for Lucrezia to marry JJ. Lu fakes shock and changes the subject when Gerry walks up. Surprisingly, Gerry seems pleased to see her. MP immediately starts spinning some tale about how Ivan hired some guy to falsely testify that he was her lover so that he could get rid of her and keep Alex. Gerry and Lucrezia don’t look like they believe one word of this, and Gerry is telling her exactly that as they enter the house.

Lucia is in the living room bottle feeding Perlita. Perlita looks content and ready for that bottle to be placed back in her mouth, but first she is greeted by grandpa Gerry. MP cuts to the chase and asks how old Perla is. When Lucrezia says she was premature, MP crosses her arms and says the baby looks very healthy and non-premie like to her. She wonders if Lucia was getting it on (comer la torta) with Camilo before they married. Lucia keeps her cool and leaves the room.

Gerry wonders why MP always has to pick on her sister. MP plays innocent, but then wonders out loud if Lucia wasn’t cheating on Ivan with his best friend. Gerry gets pissed. He doesn’t want to hear her say anything like that again! He leaves; then Lucrezia starts laying into her. If she’s going to continue to say these ugly things, then best get herself to a hotel! And no one believes that crap about Ivan hiring someone to lie about being her lover.

In the kitchen, loose lipped Gloria gossips about MP with Carmen and all the trouble she used to cause in the old house. Lucrezia interrupts the gossip session. She wants Gloria to prepare the grocery list, considering the things that MP will also want. The vodka MP wanted will NOT make it to the list. Lucrezia decides she will indeed go to the market on Monday. Carmen then finds out from Gloria the hour Lucrezia usually goes to the market (10-11 am), and then fishes for more gossip about MP’s drinking habits. Gloria doesn’t think MP’s changed at all.

Carmen excuses herself and calls Saul with the update. He’s waiting at the ag association and signs off calling her “mi reina” (my queen), just as Anto walks up. He wants to know who is this “reina.” He doesn’t care who it is, as long as it’s not his sister. He stares a hole through Saul until he’s made it through the other side of his father’s office door. The secretary brings Anto the list of ranchers to call about assembling to discuss the insurance update.

JJ is telling Saul that he’s useless to him in this state, and calls him stupid. Saul’s had enough. “Why do you hate me so much?”
JJ: Because you were my pride (orgullo). My eldest son. An alright guy, bold, clever…you had it all to make it in life. But you preferred to become a drunkard, a womanizer, and who knows what else.
S: And what? You weren’t a womanizer (mujeriego)? You going to say you didn’t like to drink (tomar un trago)?
JJ: Well, yeah. But I knew how to handle my adventures. And I can count the number of times that I’ve gotten drunk and become idiotic like you. And look at how things have turned out. Your brother, who I always thought was a fag, has turned out much better (than you).

He tells Saul that Esther has abandoned them and wants a divorce. He proposes a deal. If Saul gathers his siblings and they convince their mother to come back, then he’ll pay for Saul’s surgeries. Saul agrees.

Gerry shares with Caro what went down with MP at the ranch. He seems to be shocked at what an egotistical witch MP is. (Where’s he been this whole telenovela?) “Where did I go wrong?” Caro thinks she learned well from Lucrezia. Gerry thinks she’s worse. Caro is scared for Lucia and the baby with MP in the same house. Gerry doesn’t think MP would go THAT far. Caro doesn’t trust that demon.

Berenice visits Lucia. The prof is cool with rescheduling their meeting. Lucia tells Bernie that it was Ivan who helped her change the tire. MP is listening at the door. Lucia actually gets up and closes the door and locks it before getting into more detail, but it’s too late. MP already has enough info to do damage. Lucia continues to tell Bernie that she still loves Ivan. Bernie finally has the nerve to ask who is Perla’s real daddy. Not sure why she looks so shocked when Lucia admits it’s Ivan.

Ivan’s looking at beach pics of Lucia in his bedroom. Unfortunately, his t-shirt is on. (I guess he broke up with the wall, because he’s looking at hard copies, and not caressing the slide show on the wall.) Tony comes in and they chat about the ranchers they met with. Ivan tells Tony about the flat tire incident. He saw in her eyes that she still loves him. He’s done the math, and he’s certain she was pregnant when she got married. He sure as hell knows Lucia wasn’t cheating on him; she’s not that kind of person. That baby is HIS! “OK. Supposing she is. And???” Ivan sees this as a continuation of the failure of his mission in returning to Alamos in the first place. Sometimes he feels so unhappy. What would Tony do? Tony says he would steal Lucia away and take her to the ends of the Earth. “If only it were so easy.” “Then why did you ask me?”

Saul and Gordo meet over beers. Saul isn’t so sure he needs to continue with the kidnap Lucrezia plan since his dad may now pay for the surgeries. Gordo is ticked. Saul can’t leave him holding the bag. He’s already contracted the guys. “We are going to continue with this till its ultimate consequences!”

Camilo is enjoying a cool glass of lemonade and trying to unwind after a long day, when in sashays MP ready to spread her poison. She asks why he won’t buy his wife a new car. It’s just some advice, so that if her car breaks down (descompuestar), SOMEONE ELSE doesn't help her.
C: Her car broke down?
MP: Yep. But luckily a gentleman came by and helped her.
C: Why didn’t she call me?
MP: Why? If the person who came to help her was Ivan?

Yes indeed folks, the bitch is back!

Avances: Camilo goes crazy with jealousy and goes to physically confront Ivan. Lucia says she’s had enough. Ivan begs Lucia to tell him the truth. Camilo asks Lucia if she’s leaving him, with tears in his eyes.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #75 Fri 11/18/11 Showdown At The Alamos Corral or Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

The gang’s all there again…er… minus Maripaz, as we return to snoring Alamos (which I have to admit seems as much a losing battle for all involved, plurally, as the The Alamo ever was singularly).  The two buff BFF’s get ready to butt heads over Lucia.

Ivan faces off with Camilo and asks him why he did it.  Cam says, hey, you decided what you wanted to do with your life and the two of them then did also.  What’s the big deal, anyway?  “—You married a woman who doesn’t love you.”  “—What do you know!  You have no right to talk to me about my private life!” Van screams back that his life is interconnected with theirs, so that gives him plenty of right!  Cam says not now it isn’t.  And, so don’t come looking for Lucia.  “--I forbid it!”  “--Oh yeah?  Why?” (Duh, it’s obvious, isn’t it?)  Instead of answering, Cam throws the truck keys back in Ivan’s face and storms away.

When Ive gets home, he admits to Anthony that he ran into Cam outside the office, and agrees he was looking for a showdown.  He saw the truck there parked outside.  Yep, and they did discuss Lucia.  “—He forbade me seeing her.”  Tony thinks Cam was right to do it.  Ivan asks why, was he afraid that something might resurface between the two of them?  Perhaps, says Tony.  Well, says Van, sooner or later she’ll have to see him.  Tony warns him to stay out of their lives.  They’re married now and have a child.  Leave it alone!

At El Socorro, aka Sucker’s Ranch, Lucia’s not to keen on having Carmen be her nanny.  Carlota talks her into it though, by convincing her it’s one good way to finish her degree finally and on the other hand, Cam asked specifically to allow his sister to take the job.  Cam drives up in a taxi right then.  He tells Lucia that he returned the truck to McGuire & Son and will be buying a new truck.  Ok.  So why not use the car?  Because it’s useless in the fields.  Ok, but so why the grumpy ‘tude?  Because Ivan is back and he had the nerve to gripe at Cam about marrying her! He admits then that he warned Van to stay the heck away from her and not to mess with him.  Lucia says well, let him come see her!  Cam asks WHY?  She says to clear up things.  That’s WHY!   If he married Maripaz and left and then got divorced, well that’s his problem now!  Cam is squinty-eyed-impactado when he hears she knows Ive got divorced.  So why didn’t she bother to tell him?  Cuz, she says, every time she brings up Ivan he gets “this way.”  There’s no reason for it.  “--OH? He threw you up at me and told me to my face that you aren’t in love with me!”  Lucia softens her tone to therapist level and says he’ll realize that’s not so when he has a chance to speak with her.  Cam doesn’t think so and worries that she’ll only end up giving him high hopes [illusiones]. 

Lucia tells Cam to get real.  (I’d say he’s being very realistic.) They’re married and have a daughter now.  “—Yeah, but it’s HIS daughter,” says Cam.  That’s why it’s so important that they have a kid of their own now, he explains.  He feels like she only wants him as a substitute daddy for the other guy’s kid.  Lucia insists that it’s just too soon to have another child (man, I can relate to that one!) and besides, Cam promised he’d love and take care of Perlita as if she were his own!  Cam gets mad then because she’s been using an IUD.  Lucia screams back that hey, women aren’t exactly kiddie factories (Good one!  10 points Team Lucia!)  They have other things they’d like to do with their lives, too, like finishing a thesis.  There’s plenty of time to have theirown kid—LATER!  Cam starts accusing her of purposely waiting and hoping for Ivan to return to her.  She tells him she’s in no mood for his jealous fits and walks back out to Carly and the baby.  He comes out and hops into the taxi, heading back into town.

Lucia explains to Carly that Ivan’s back in Alamos and it’s got Cam in sh!t-fits.  He’s making her life miserable, accusing her of still thinking about getting back with Ivan and he goes off every time something has anything even remotely to do with Ivan.  Her worry now is that because of this, once they have another child he’d begin to ignore and eventually disown [desconocer] Perlita.   She refuses to allow that.  Lucia admits to herself--and to Carly--that it probably would be best if Ivan went back to L.A. and never returned to Alamos. 

Back in town, Ivan goes into the office and greets the secretarial pool which he now sees includes Judith.  He then heads into the meeting with David and Tony.  David explains that with the crop situation the way it is, he’d set up appointments to speak with the neighboring ag associations and to suggest that they provide [surtir] them with their produce.  Tony and Van agree to leave him run the company while they divvy up the appointments with the other associations.  Ivan, though, wants to also know how the local farmers are doing since the hurricane.  Davy has to admit that his father screwed them over with the insurance policies he set up, so that they won’t get anywhere near full coverage for natural disasters like this one.  Meandragon apparently managed to ensure that he’d get full coverage, though, and probably managed to cover it up somehow so that he wouldn’t lose his position as president.  Ive and Tony look at each other like “so what else is new?”

Benito brings Alex over to Gerardo’s for a quick visit.  Alex tells Gerry and Carolina that Merry Piece and Ivan are officially splitsville and that he doesn’t miss her in the least.   FF>>

Saul tells Gordo that he’s planning to kill two birds with one stone [tiro= shot/throw] and blame the kidnapping? (and murder) on Antolin. Gordo argues that Anto’s known for knifing, not guns.  He has one but doesn’t use it much.  Saul orders Gordy to steal Antolin’s gun from his house “sometime when he’s gone—you keep watch, meathead!” Why Gordy and not him?  --If you have to ask a cripple why not him go hobbling in to snatch a gun, Gordy, then you’ve got to be mentally retarded yourself, duh--which, is pretty much Saul’s implied meaning when he answers….  

Saul calls Carmen who tells him she’s still waiting to find out if she’s got the job as nanny for her S-I-L.  Saul yells at her to get moving on it already!  She hangs up and asks Arcelia, who tells her she doesn’t know and just to keep her fingers crossed that Doña Carlota agrees to it.

After his visit at Gerry’s is over, Alex whines and wheedles till he gets Benito to take him over to see Lucia at the ranch.  (What?  Like Ben’s really going to say no to his boss’s long lost and newly found grandson?)  Ben makes it a point to advise Alex against telling anybody else, especially Lucia, about his daddy’s personal business.  (Uh, yeah.  Let’s see how well that works with the chipmunk factor.)

In the meantime, Celia calls Cam, who’s now sporting a humongous new truck he’s buying on time payments [de plazo= in installments], to ask if Carmen’s supposed to nanny for Lucia or not.  Lucia gives the ok. Carmen secretly calls Saul back to give him the news. 

When Saul finds out that Carmen got the job as Lucia’s nanny, he tells his ex to keep him up to date on the daily schedule and overall gossip around the place.  She says she wants to be paid for keeping him up on what’s what at the rancho.  No problemo, he promises her. 

Back at Sucker’s Rancho, Ivan’s van drives up—shocker for Carly and Lucia!  But only Ben and Alex hop out.  As soon as Alex sees Perlita he considers her his little sister.  The Chipmunk immediately runs off at the mouth, telling Lucia and Carlota that Ivan got divorced and wants to marry Lucia now.  All the adults are muy, but muy uncomfortable—like there’s just been a loud expelling of methane.

At the same time, Gordy and Saul see Anto leaving the house.  The Gargantuan One waddles inside as fast as he can to start looking for Anto’s pistol.

Judith, meanwhile, lets Davy know that Mama moved out of the house and in with their aunt, and is going to be getting a divorce from Daddy.  Great, says Davy. ‘Bout time.  Oh, whines Judi, it will be so lonely there without her.   (Time to get used to being away from Mami and Papi, don’t ya think?  Anyway, that’s what telephones and the post office are for.) 

Meanwhile, Gordy comes racing back out of Anto’s place holding a sock.  It’s got his .22 revolver in it.  Hopefully that will keep him from smudging out Anto’s fingerprints.

Juan Jaime is trying to deal with having just been abandoned by Wife #2, his once meek and submissive Esther.  Judi walks in and he wants to know if she knew about this and why she didn’t let him know.  Happened too quickly, she admits honestly, and it’s Mama’s decision, anyway.  So she stayed out of it raced off to work.  Anyway, what could she say about it?  Nothing, agrees her papi--but only, he snipes, since since Judi’s got nothing in her head to begin with.  Ugh.  Instead of slapping the old fart a good one across the choppers, Judi frowns and makes for her bedroom.  FF >>

That night, Alex tells Van about his big day visiting all the relatives—including the ones that should be relatives.  He mentions that he saw his future baby sister at Lucia’s.  Ive has to explain to him that Lucia is now married to Cam.  (No mention of him running off at the mouth despite what Benito warned.)

Speaking of Cam, he’s on the phone to Dave and says he’s got business so will head over to the office since Tony and Ivan are going to be on the road today visiting the neighboring associations.  Outside on the street, Lucia is coming to see Ivan and knocks.  Ben answers and goes for Ivan since she doesn’t want to enter the compound.   Unfortunately, Cam is arriving just then and walking up the street.  He sees her and begins yelling at her about it.  “--So, what in the Hell are you doing here?” She says she’s there to explain things.  He grabs her arm just as Ivan opens up.  Ivan yells over at them.  “--Since when have you been so rude to women, Bro.”  “--She’s my wife so stay out of it!”  “—So, do you treat my godmother or your sister the same, too? Just when did you change?”  Cam snaps back.  “--Since you came back!  You shouldn’t have!”  

Lucia breaks in and says she’s got nothing to defend herself for and she’s there because Alex came by and told her that Ivan wanted to marry her.  Cam is WTH impactado and turns to face off with Van again.  “--You told Alex that?”  “—Yeah, because I didn’t know you two had gotten married because everybody hid it from me!  Don’t worry, I’ve already explained that to my son.”  Then it’s been settled, says Cam and he grabs Lucia’s arm and starts pulling her along.  Van tells him to hold on and says he asked him to look out for her and to help her for him.  Cam says he did, and they fell in love and got married, so what’s the problem?  Lucia rolls her eyes and looks totally disgusted from the odiferous scent of urine encompassing one and all about now. 

Ivan looks over at Lucia while he tells Cam that he still loved Lucia and still does. Of course, this only infuriates Cam even more.  He pushes Ivan hard in the chest and knocks him back a few steps.  “—How dare you!  You’re talking about my wife!”   Ive says it’s not exactly news, now is it?  Yeah, she’s his wife now, but he’d better not make her unhappy!  Van struts back inside the compound.  Cam turns around and angrily asks if he’s making Lucia unhappy.  (I guess you’d call that question a damned fine example of ‘blind jealousy’.)  Lucia doesn’t hesitate. “--Yes!!!”  She turns on her heel and walks off down the street, back the way she came. 

Ivan tells Tony about what just happened and Tony tells him whether Ive likes it or not, it’s not his business—they’re married now and if there’s any kind of abuse in the relationship it’s up to Lucia to put a stop to it, not him!  But, whines Ivan, he still loves her!  Tony says he should have told him they were married.  So now he knows, but the way Van’s taken it he suggests it would be better for Ivan to return to L.A. and let him finish up their business in Alamos.  Van refuses to leave without first having a chance to speak with Lucia alone.  He walks into his bedroom and slams the door.  Tony calls Carly and says they have to talk ASAP.

Carly sees Cam walk in, looking like he’s still on the warpath.  He goes into his and Lucia’s room.  He starts to put his arms around her and to try apologizing, but Lucia’s not having any.  “—Let me go!”  She breaks away.  He wonders why she went; she says she already explained; he asks if she wanted to be with Ivan instead?  She says no, but they can’t go on like this!  He asks if she wants a divorce?  She says no.  They’ve got to come to some agreement, though.  She can’t leave, he says, cuz they have a child.  Well, a child isn’t the answer to a faulty marriage, says Lucia.  They have another argument over him wanting a child of their own, and him taking issue with Perla’s not being “his own flesh and blood.”  Lucia says that either he takes on the responsibility for Perlita as her father, or she will resort to something drastic.  Cam sneers then, go ahead!  She can just give the kid to Ivan!!  He immediately realizes what he just said and races over to beg forgiveness.  He admits he’s frightened of losing Lucia.  She’s his whole life!  (But isn’t Perlita supposed to be also? That isn’t quite clear here in Viewerville.)  She wants to know where the old Cam went—the loving, kind, and self-assured Cam she used to know. She wants that Cam back!  He hugs her close and asks how does he do that.

JJ visits with Lucrecia in another part of the ranch house.  He tells her that Esther’s left him.  Yes, he probably deserved being called an ogre.  He wanted things his way.  Men are like that.  Does he really miss Esther, asks Lucrazia?  Well, yeah, you don’t live so long with a person—nearly thirty years--and not get used to them. He wants to avoid the gossip of a divorce, tho’. The two start flirting.   

Outside Sucker’s Ranch, Carmen starts flirting with Cam’s right-hand man and pumping him for info about Lucrazia's schedule and all her comings and goings.  They see Tony and Benito drive up.

Inside the ranch house again, Lucrazia starts gossiping about Ivan’s being back in town and how he and Lucia are probably still very interested in each other.  Bad news, especially since he’s divorced Merry Piece, she adds.  JJ is pleased to hear it and says it wouldn’t be a bad idea if Van came back to marry Lucia. (This guy is always scheming!) MP was a real piece of work, truth be told, but he never has cared for Camilo Galvan, and now the upstart’s got all the ranchers turned against him.  Lucrazy smiles and says he pretty much deserved what he got and more.  She’s wise to his tricks.  He tries to deny it and blame it all on a recent mistake the secretary must have made. Lucrazia laughs it off.  Tell it to somebody else, cuz she knows him better.  Lucrazy then smiles at her charming, impish JJ.  She says she likes men like him, strong-willed and daring [con arrojo].  JJ admits he always been attracted to Lucrazy because he likes women with (a mouth the size of the Rio Grande and) brains.  (Well, we can all vouch for the size of her mouth, at least.)  Some slap and tickle ensues.  FF>>

Tony comes inside to the living room and greets Carly.  They get down to business re the business with Ivan and Cam.  Carly admits Cam’s only gotten rough with Lucia recently, all because Lucia doesn’t want another child right now.  Ivan’s return to Alamos hasn’t helped things.  It’s only made them worse!  He doesn’t mistreat her, but they’re definitely arguing almost all the time now.  He’s turned really jealous and is constantly giving her the third degree about everything!  Carly begs Tony not to say a word to Ivan about Perlita being his daughter.  Don’t even think it, says Tony.

Ivan and Alex share a little father/son time. When the cook brings Alex’s orange-ade, he asks the cook if she knows when Cam and Lucia’s baby was born.  She fakes it, plays ignorant, and then races back off into the kitchen to “take care of her burning beans”.   He doesn’t get an answer and goes in to see if David knows anything.  David squirms out of it also.  

Ivan finds Judith in reception and asks her if she knows when Perla was born.  Jud is a bit uncomfortable, but admits it seemed the baby came prematurely.  What was strange though, was that the baby didn’t spend any time in an incubator.  She was brought home only a couple of days after being born.  If no incubator, Ive tells her, then that would mean Lucia was two-timing him with Cam; but he doesn’t believe that would even be an option here.  Judi ends up admitting that the baby was born only six months after they got married and that means she was already pregnant when she got married.

Meanwhile, Tony must have left because now Carly’s giving Lucia grief for racing over to Ivan’s this morning.  What was she thinking???  Why couldn’t she just have called him to explain things?  Why did she have to speak to him in person?  Lucia admits she went to see how she’d feel about Ivan once he was standing in front of her again.  Bad idea, says Carly.  She still cares about Van.  Lucia denies it.  Don’t lie to me, says Carly.  She knows better.  Lucia insists she didn’t have time to even think about that because Cam showed up and then all Hell broke loose.  Just then her phone rings.  It’s Ivan. 

Ivan apologizes for the scene he made this morning.  She tells him no biggy.  It wasn’t his fault.  He says he’s got two questions for her: 1. How’s her marriage going with Cam.  Oh, just fine, she lies.  Didn’t seem like it to me, he tells her, but hey, if you say so….  2. Why did you come by to see me, anyway?  Lucia says it was to tell him—no, to beg him—to return to L.A. and leave well enough alone.  Cuz, otherwise, her life is going to become Hell!  You don’t mean that, really, he says.  If you value anything in this life, she yells at him, LEAVE!  CLICK!

Tony tells Van he’s going to have a sit-down with Meandragon about the screw-job he gave his Association members.  He wants Van there at the meeting with him  despite the fact Van has no use for the man.  Van says fine, but what bugs him right now is Lucia’s baby.  She was preggers when she got married and the question is who is the real baby-daddy!  Tony says it’s Cam’s of course.  Naw, say’s Ive.  She’d have been cheating on him.  Tony says yeah, she was, so forget it already.  Ivan says no, because he doesn’t buy it.    “--They got married only six weeks after we left!  That baby is MINE!!  Even if she is, says Tony, the baby’s registered as Cam’s child.  He’s the legal father and Lucia and he are married.  “--They’ve formed a family and are happy.  (You only wish, old man!)  Let it be!  Let them live their life in peace!”  “—And what about me, Dad?  Don’t I have a right to live my life in peace or to be happy???”

Cam shows up at his mothers just as Carmen heads out to spend time supposedly with a few of her friends from work.  He’s such a grouch that Celia guesses he’s had problems with Lucia again. 

Around the corner, Carmen meets up with Saul as planned.  They race away–well, she does—to avoid Cam walking out and catching them together.

Cam starts yelling about how Ivan’s back in town and that Lucia went to see Ivan behind his back that morning.  Celia tells him to calm down already cuz he’s making himself sick.  No, she is, he screams back.  She’s got any excuse that comes up to go out now and it’ll be to see him!  Celia reasons that Lucia’s too good a person to cheat on him like that.  He tells her that after living with her all this time he realizes that the heart can’t be commanded.  She may try being faithful to him, but her heart, her thoughts are all with Ivan.  True, says Celia.  She might be dying inside, but she won’t ever cheat on you.  But, says Cam, she can’t love me either.  “--It’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted—and she can’t.  And now he’s returned a free man.  He’s divorced, did you know?  He thinks because of that he’s got the right to approach her!  It doesn’t matter a whit that she’s my wife!” 

Celia says they’re nearly brothers, he’d never go after Lucia so spitefully.  "--He was like my brother, but it’s payback time.  I kept quiet and let him take the fall for what Antolin did, killing that guy back then!  I let him risk his life fleeing somewhere away from here.  He was my friend; what can I hope for now after that, Mama?"  Anto walks in on the two of them and guesses the conversation was a pretty dark one.

Carmen, meanwhile, is discussin’ bidness with Saul over beer and taco chips.  She tells Saul that Lucia leaves once a week to do the shopping [ir al mandado/hacer lo mandado].  Anything else he needs to know, he’ll have to give her a chance to find out.  If nothing else, Gloria is very loose-lipped. 

Back at Celia’s, Cam tells Anto that the blood rushed to his head when he saw Ivan and Lucia together.  He couldn’t think straight.  He doesn’t know what will happen with them now or if he’ll be able to handle it or not.  Anto says to calm down first and control his jealousy.  If he can’t deal with it then just leave her.  Cam thinks Antolin is nuts, not to mention about as callous and cold-hearted as a corncob.   He’ll NEVER leave Lucia—and besides, they have a child together!  Yeah, a kid, says Anto, but is it yours or Ivan’s??  Cam jumps out of his chair in a flash and grabs Anto by the collar.  Anto apologizes, and adds that he can’t exactly ignore the fact that the two of them got married in a rush [a las carreras = racing/ in a hurry].  “—Fine!  Alright, then I’ll tell you!  Yeah, it’s Ivan’s kid, alright?”  Anto’s mouth drops in utter disbelief with the realization that his brother would love a woman enough to take responsibility for another man’s kid.  (Yeah, that’s the old Cam that Lucia says has gone missing.)

Back at Sucker’s Ranch, Lucrazia and Mama are discussing Clan Meandragon’s crack-up.  Serves him right, says Carly.  Too bad about Judith and David, or poor Saul—is he even paying the boy’s expenses or for his therapy?  Dunno, says Lucre-zia.  He didn’t mention him.  Cam walks in and politely asks after Lucia then says goodnight.  Lucrazia notes how down-in-the-mouth he is.  Well, we all are like that after what fell from the sky the other day, she adds.  Carly says he’s got other problems.  Oh?  Yeah, Ivan is back now.  Lucrazia wonders if he came back for Lucia.  Carly explains that she went looking for him instead and that Cam caught them!  What can you do if the two of them are still in love with each other?  Lu-lu refuses to allow another divorce in their family!  (She may have to eat that bit of crow, though.)  Cleto appears at the door and says look who’s come home!  In bounces our own supposedly traveling, tonsil-hockeying tartlet, Maripaz!  “--¡Hola, Familia!”  As if things weren’t bad enough already…


Friday, November 18, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #74 Thu 11/17/11 La Fuerza de Ag Association drama

Ivan can't believe Lucia married Camilo. Toni thinks it's not only possible, but makes perfect sense. He couldn't expect Lucia to wait for him forever! It was a stroke of luck that they busted Maripaz with her "amante" (lover). But Ivan whines on…and then he starts getting bitchy. Toni tells him to chill out and think. The two of them fell in love, they got married, and that's the end of it. Ivan needs to accept it just like Lucia had to accept him marrying Maripaz. She suffered, but she got over it and got on with her life. So Ivan needs to forget her and leave her alone. Ivan says no way--the two of them owe him an explanation! He runs out of the room, ignoring Maripaz in the foyer. Maripaz tells Toni she's going to take her lawyer's advice and take the settlement. However…she's going to need a little distraction to get over all this mess, and an all-expenses-paid trip to Europe would be just the thing. Toni chuckles and tells her to have the travel agency send him the bill.

Ivan goes up to his room and he's so upset he dumps his suit jacket on the floor. Well, fine, whatever, he'll just send it to the cleaners and make them deal with the wrinkles. He moans about "his" Lucia and mopes about his room.

Toni calls Carlota to let her know that Ivan now knows all…except for the part where the kid might be his. And he didn't take it well. He'd just gotten his divorce and gotten custody of Alex and was flying high and getting ready to go back and reclaim Lucia, so Toni had to tell him that wasn't an option anymore and, well, he reacted predictably. Carlota is sad for him. She would have been happy to have him marry Lucia, but fate just didn't want it that way. Lucrezia comes in moaning about everything being a disaster. Carlota ignores her and continues her convo to Toni. Toni figures he will go back, but he'll cool off first. Carlota asks about Maripaz, gets an answer, sends Toni a hug and gets off the phone. She tells Lucrezia that Ivan and Maripaz are divorced and Ivan has custody of Alex. Maripaz cheated and she's going off to Europe (cause that's where they send you when you cheat on a rich guy), Ivan knows about Lucia getting married to Camilo and he's upset. Lucrezia thinks he had it coming. Carlota doesn't want to talk about it, and she definitely doesn't want to talk about what a disaster the ranch is.

Lucrezia goes to visit Lucia and Perla. Camilo's out in the fields. Lucrezia tells her that Ivan knows about her marrying Camilo, but she doesn't know if Ivan knows about the baby. By the way, he also just got divorced from Maripaz. Ivan has custody of Alex. "You know, Ivan's still in love with you. Too bad you didn't wait for him." Lucia says they all agreed she needed to get married ASAP and cover up her little misstep. Lucrezia can't help fantasizing about the awesome life Lucia would have had marrying Deep Pockets Ivan. Lucia doesn't care. She's fine with Camilo and she's grateful to him. "Hey, you're the one who cares about appearances so much. Imagine the scandal! First I was Ivan's girlfriend, then he left me and married my sister, then he divorced her and married me!" Lucrezia agrees it sounds horrible. Lucia hopes Maripaz stays in Europe forever. She says she's not made of wood, so yeah, she does hate her sister for ruining her life.

Toni checks in on Ivan, who is still moping. He lets Ivan know that he granted Maripaz a trip to Europe to shut her up, but she's looking for her passport. Ivan retrieves it from the locked drawer. Alex is busy with Benito and Bruno. Toni tells Ivan he's really sorry.

Antolín and Gerry talk about the damage to the ranches. Gerry supposes the insurance they have through the Ag Association will cover it, but Antolín said he's seen the contract and it looks like their coverage sucks. "Antolín says Mr. Mondragon is tricksy," says Carolina. "That's not news," replies Gerry. But he must have gotten some coverage for earthquakes and hurricanes. Antolín says he didn't get a chance to see how much because right then, JJ came back into the office. "If he didn't get coverage up to 80%, they're all screwed." Gerry tells him he'd better let Camilo know and Carolina says he should give Camilo the money he saved for her operation. Antolín refuses, saying what Camilo would need is more than what Antolín can give him. Besides, they still don't know how things are going to go yet, so there's no reason to get ahead of themselves. Plus Ivan and Toni aren't going to leave everyone in the lurch. "Besides, if Mondragon is committing fraud, the ranchers need to get together and sue him."

Camilo is sad they won't be able to go forward with construction on the house. He would have liked for them to have their own space, without feeling like they're mooches. Lucia says he's the only one who feels that way--neither her mom nor her grandmother feel that way. She tells him Ivan knows everything now. She's not sure if Ivan is going to come now. Camilo hopes he won't, now that there's nothing for him to come back for. Lucia agrees and earns herself a suspicious look from Camilo. Tío Antolín comes to visit. Damn, if not for the fact that he'd also be highly likely to land you in jail, I bet he'd be the coolest uncle ever. He brought Perla a teddy bear. Antolín holds her for a little bit, but Perla starts fussing and he hands her off to Lucia. Lucia moves off and Antolín lowers his voice and asks about Camilo's Ag Association insurance. He recommends that Camilo go demand that JJ show him the contract. "Tell him you have a right to see what percentage is going to be given to each of the ranchers for the hurricane damage." "Do you think he did some kind of shady deal?" "Don't you?"

Ivan talks to David. He's sent letters to the presidents of the Ag Associations in regions that weren't affected by the hurricanes and now he's got to wait for responses so he can meet with them in person. "And what about the insurance?" David says he doesn't know. He knows his dad changed providers, but, "knowing him, who knows." We only hear Ivan's part of the conversation as he asks what David thinks and says they'll see. He asks David to keep him informed. He gets off the phone and calls down to reception, asking Jenny to get him a ticket to Hermosillo tomorrow.

At the Ag Association, JJ is dealing with a lot of pissed off ranchers. He says they've gotta pull up their bootstraps like they always do. The government is offering them free seed to re-plant with. "And what about the insurance?" "When are they going to pay us?" "At 100%?" JJ says no company would pay 100%. Also, he got them the cut-rate insurance. They hadn't had a hurricane in years, how was he to know? Camilo says that as president of the association and an expert rancher should have taken precautions. JJ tells Camilo to back off. "I've been at this for years and you just got here!" Camilo says that doesn't matter. "We want to know how much the insurance is going to pay us!" JJ tells the secretary to read it out. It's 50%...minus the deductible. That does not go over well. Lucrezia stands up and says this is unacceptable. "Why didn't you warn us?" He says it was the best he could get. Insurance companies are less willing to cover meteorological disasters. Camilo says he should have kept looking. He asks if the insurance is individual or collective. "Collective, of course…but there are exceptions. Some of us have more land." They all know he's talking about himself. He adds Lucrezia and Cuthberto to the list. "So the rest of us can just go screw ourselves, is that it?" demands Camilo. "Are you accusing me of fraud?!" Camilo says he is and he demands an audit of the new insurance and a meeting to remove JJ from office and elect a new president. They all loudly agree and JJ leaves the meeting room in a snit. Just before he gets into his office, he can hear them all chanting Camilo's name. Antolín comes up to Camilo and encourages him to run for president. Carlota and Cuthberto say they're on his side. So does another rancher who says he likes that Camilo has the balls to stand up to JJ. Camilo, that little weasel, tries to back down. The other ranchers aren't going to let him and they start up another cheer.

Back at home, Lucrezia whines that Camilo's not up to JJ's standards. He lacks connections and experience. Lucia is confused and Carlota fills her in. "The ranchers want to chuck out JJ and put Camilo in his place." Lucrezia warns Carlota that she won't vote for him. "Have you forgotten that I'm the one who votes?!" Lucrezia is still hung up about Camilo being a "pelado" (a nobody, a peasant). Carlota reminds her that he's an engineer, intelligent, and her son-in-law. "Only because he did Lucia a favor and married her to keep up appearances." Lucia tells her not to talk about her husband that way. "But it's the truth!" "Maybe it's your truth, but it's not my truth, or my grandma's truth, or the truth of the other people who know him." Lucrezia refuses to discuss it further and takes off. Carlota tells her that Lucrezia always looked down on Gerry. She always wanted a "macho" by her side and that macho was JJ. Lucia diagnoses her with neuroses stemming from frustrated desires and says she ought to see a psychologist before she gets worse.

Camilo hands a folder over to David, but he says he's too busy to look at it and besides, it's to do with his dad. Camilo knows that, but he reminds him that as an employee of the McGuire's, it's in his best interest to review the contract. If he does something to benefit the ranchers, that in turn benefits the company. David tells him Ivan's coming in a few days. Camilo says that's good and leaves.

Toni is insisting on going to Alamos with Ivan. He doesn't trust him to handle the Camilo and Lucia situation well. Ivan insists he wants to know why they did it, but Toni knows he really wants to "reclamar" (complain). He understands them falling in love, but he still thinks Lucia should have trusted in him and kept hope alive. "Hope of what?! You were married to Maripaz. Please, Ivan! Leave that sentimentality and jealousy aside and think logically!" Toni accuses him of wanting Lucia to wait for him forever. "We live in another world, another era. She decided to get on with her life. That's what you expect of a mature, intelligent woman. So I'm going with you." And since Alex has 2 weeks of vacation left, he can come with them. Toni calls Jenny and tells her to get 3 more tickets--for himself, Alex, and Benito--and not to forget that Bruno travels with them. Alex comes running in to announce that Bruno found himself a girlfriend and her owner agrees they can date. Toni says it's too bad, Bruno will have to wait, since they're all going to Alamos. Alex is excited.

Ivan looks at the pictures from the vacation they took with Lucia and throws a temper tantrum. "It's true. Love isn't eternal. But I never thought it would end so quickly, Lucia!"

David brings Judith home after a long day at work. She's exhausted and goes to rest. Esther says she knows everything's a mess--JJ was in a foul mood. David sees Saul and greets him happily, but Saul is being his usual charming self. David has found a doctor in Hermosillo who might be able to help him, but Saul demands to be treated in the US, like a "decent" person. "He's a specialist and he trained in Europe. I can pay for it." Saul refuses. JJ comes in and David asks to speak to him about the contract with the insurance company. "In few words, it's apparent that you've been embezzling from the association members."

Camilo goes to whine to his mom that he doesn't feel ready to be the association president. She, of course, thinks he'll be great at it. Camilo is also worried because Ivan is coming to Alamos. I tune out most of the conversation. Arcelia thinks if he explains things to Ivan, Ivan will understand. Pfft!

David points out that the contract for the rest of the ranchers only covers them at 50% for hurricanes, but his personal policy covers hurricanes at 100%. At the same time, he's paying the same premiums, so how is that possible? JJ says that's how business is done, and what would David know about it. "How do you think I made the ranch prosper? And paid for this house? And all of your educations? My father left me nearly broke and I had to make do somehow. Anyone with any brains would have done the same." David says not at the expense of others. "Whatever. You don't know anything, so shut up." David says he'll have to answer for his actions, since Camilo's the one who asked him to review the insurance contract. JJ's not worried. David advises him to resign his position. JJ scoffs at him. "Who do you think you are? I had two sons who are good for nothing. One who ended up being a loser, a drug addict, a delinquent. And the other who wants to betray me. But neither of you can beat me." JJ leaves. David apologizes to his mother for having to turn JJ in. She's proud of him. She feels sorry for JJ. She says she's loved him since she met him and always hoped he would change. "I've made a decision. Tomorrow, I'm leaving this house. I'm going to stay with your Aunt Rosario. And I'm going to initiate divorce proceedings."

Lucia loves the idea of Camilo being the Ag Association President. And she thinks he'll be great at it. But Camilo feels insecure about it. Lucia cheers him on. She reminds him he has an education and has worked hard. Camilo says it's always cost him blood, sweat, and tears, but Ivan had it easy. "That's not true. Ivan had to leave the country because you kept your mouth shut about your brother's crime. Do you think that was so easy for him?" They get into an argument about her "always" defending Ivan and wake up the baby.

Saul tells Gordo he needs money. Carmen trips bringing them drinks and Saul laughs at her. He tells Gordo he just got an idea and maybe they can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Carmen drops off their beers and tortas and Saul invites her to sit down for a little while. "After the way you treated me last time? Besides, I'm working. I'll get fired." Saul says he'll meet her outside at closing. He asks Gordo to borrow his car to give Carmen a ride home. "What? After what happened last time?" But Gordo agrees. Carmen is surprised to hear that Saul actually has been thinking about her and wanting to talk to her. She says she'll think about it.

Carmen meets Saul outside. He blows some smoke about how much he's missed her. Then he proposes a fantastic business deal that will make money for them both. He's sure that JJ is seeing Lucrezia and if she helps him get proof, JJ will have to give him money. Seriously? Seriously?! Carmen doesn't know how to help. Saul tells her to get herself hired at the Curiel's and keep him informed of Lucrezia's movements. He smooches her into submission.

Carmen goes home and gives her mom a sob story about some drunks coming on to her and pinching her on the ass, so she quit. She begs her mom to help her. "Talk to Camilo. Ask him to get me a job at the Curiel house. I don't care if it's at a maid. Or I can work in the fields or take care of Perla, whatever!"

Saul tells Gordo they're going to kidnap…someone. The baby? We haven't had a baby kidnapping yet. I guess we're due. Gordo doesn't think they have the money to pay a ransom, but Saul says they can get the money from the McGuire's. Dumb. Asses.

Esther leaves JJ his Dear JJ letter on the busted mirror. Judith sees her. Esther tells her she's made up her mind and she's leaving. She begs Judith to go with her. "I can't. I can't leave my job just like that. Especially not now while there are so many problems." Esther hopes she can get out of this house, this hell, soon. Judith is glad Esther is finally doing this. They say their goodbye's and Esther gives Judith her blessing.

Arcelia invites Camilo over to beg for a job for Carmen. Camilo balks at first, but he leaves it up to Carlota.

Carlota says they don't have a lot of money and they don't really need more servants. Camilo says maybe she can work on the farm. Carlota doesn't think there's a lot to do. And she doesn't think it's proper for a woman to work on the land. She suggests the assign Carmen to take care of Perla. She is her aunt, after all, and will take care of her as well as Lucia does. And she has experience with kids. Carlota will talk to Lucia and see what she thinks. She reminds Camilo that she supports him as Ag Association president.

JJ reads Esther's note. He stumbles over the words "malos tratos" (mistreatment) but mocks the rest of the letter as he reads it, eventually descending into "blah, blah, blah" before he reads out the closing. He calls his secretary and tells her to send the insurance agent over to his house. He shouts for the maid as he rips up the letter from Esther. He tosses the scraps on the floor and tells her to pick them up.

Ingeniero Hottie, whose name hasn't registered with me yet, praises Judith for her work and invites her out for a coffee. She doesn't want to leave JJ alone, since her mom just left him. Ingeniero Hottie takes a rain check.

JJ asks the insurance agent what they can do so that the ag association members don't lynch him. "We could include addendum where the coverage goes to 90%, but the premium would be higher." JJ asks if it can be backdated. "Um, you're getting me into trouble here, Mr. Mondragon." JJ says he's in trouble to, and if they remove him from the presidency, they'll choose another insurance company, and that won't be good for him. "And also, you have to give me the same coverage as the rest." The agent suggests claiming the 100% coverage was a clerical error and hoping they believe it." I lose the rest of the conversation as the DVR cuts off.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #72-73 Wed 11/16/11 Benito Earns his P.I. License; Tony and Ivan Prepare to Lower the Boom

Recap by Urban Anthropologist
Amusing that I not only covered Merry Piece's two weddings and her adultery, but also her divorce! I got lucky to find this episode online so I got a head start. Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


Camilo swears nobody will take Lucia from him. Bob tells Maripaz it's over. She goes home in a snit and does her nasty little trick with the phone. Tony and Benito talk about what he discovered. Benito seemed to love being Sherlock Holmes for a day.


Casa Galvan: Arcelia confronts Carmen about why she hasn't attended her classes since the beginning. She makes excuses about not having a computer and not being able to do the work. Arcelia gets on her case for being dishonest about this and not coming clean about it with Camilo. When Carmen finally tells her she was looking for a job, Arcelia tells her she will have to work at whatever she can because she's fed up with her sponging off the family. She slaps her several times. We don't blame her for this.

Casa Lomieli: Gerry and Carolina talk about her upcoming operation. He tries to encourage her to be optimistic. Camilo calls him about building a house on his land. They agree to meet the next day to talk about it. Lucia is worried about the expense now that Camilo no longer works for Tony.

Casa Galvan: Arcelia is clearly annoyed about Carmen when Antolin comes in happy as a clam about Carolina's decision to have the operation. Group hug with Lichita.

Rodriguez Apt, LA: Bob comes home with a shopping bag which he puts on the sideboard. Juliet confronts him:

Juliet: You're late.
Bob: I had some extra work, but I brought Chinese food...
Juliet: It's rather strange. Twice the phone rang and … nothing. I checked the number and it was Maripaz's cell phone. That advertises –
Bob: Wait a minute. Let me explain –
Juliet: What are you trying to explain? You're getting it on with that bitch.
Bob: Very well. I did; I won't deny it. But it was only a few times. It was just something different. It wasn't romance. It was strictly sex. That's it.
Juliet (rolls eyes and looks to the side): I asked you about this before --
Bob: I know, baby, but her husband doesn't touch her. He doesn't sleep with her.
Juliet (sarcastically): Why? He's impotent? He's gay?
Bob: No, nothing like that; she told me a few stories. He married her only because of their son. I don't know what the truth really is. She says she loves me. I was desperate. I didn't know what to do. Believe me. If you want to tell your father so he can fire me, do so! But I've had enough!

For your sake, we hope so, Bob. Your Merry Piece has Fatal Attraction written all over her.

Commercial Break starting with a movie promo.

Los Angeles: Juliet calls the McGuire Mansion. Upon being told Ivan is out on business she doesn't leave a message with Maria.

Rancho Galvan: Gerry arrives to discuss the plans for a house, saying something about possibly a pre-fab, since Camilo isn't asking for anything really big. When Camilo kisses Lucia it's obvious to us that she's so not into him and it should also be obvious to her dad.

Casa Mondragon: JJ pours himself a tequila. Esther reminds him that the doctor forbade this. Judith tells him she's was going to keep Saul company, but he wanted to be alone. At his constant slur at her spinster status, she tells him she wants to work. He does his standard Rush Limbaugh thing about women not being competent to work until she says something about possibly working with David at the McGuire company. JJ changes his tune at the possibility that this could benefit him. Esther has the “oy vey” look.

So what else is nuevo?

Hacienda Curiel, outside: Camilo and Lucrazia talk about the plants and he says something about a new fertilizer that will strengthen them.

Hacienda Curiel, inside: Lucia explains that it would be better for her and Camilo to move out so that there would be no future problems between Camilo and Lucrazia. However, when Carlota asks whether all is well, Lucia exits using Perla as an excuse. Carlota knows that all is not well.

McGuire Mansion: Ivan and Alex return home. Benito, Tony, and Bruno are outside to greet them. Alex hugs Bruno, who is all doggy smiles. Awwwwww.

David's Office: JJ actually talks to him about hiring Judith. David doesn't currently need anyone. He gets David to talk about his novia, who is also a child psychologist. Not from an important family, but intelligent and a friend of Lucia's. He's happy. JJ talks about how intelligent women are only trouble. [While you're at it, JJ, why don't you just get yourself a blow-up doll?] He makes a comment about how he only wants broads [viejas]. As he exits, David looks more than a little disgusted. Good for you, David. Maybe you can persuade your mum to hit the divorce court.

McGuire Mansion: Ivan tells Tony about the trip and how happy Alex was to be on a boat and looking at marine life. He asks about Alamos and Tony tells him all is well.

Ivan: And Maripaz?
Tony: Same as ever.
Ivan: Of course. I'm going up to bathe; see you at dinner. (exits as Benito walks in from outside)
Benito: What happened? Did you tell him about Maripaz?
Tony: Of course not. I never like to start off with bad news. Let him bathe, relax, etc., and we'll see about it in the morning.
Benito (looking a little disappointed): Why in the morning?
Tony: I said in the morning.
Benito: OK, in the morning.
Tony: [something about dirty or disagreeable stuff] (Benito exits, laughing quietly)

McGuire Mansion, upstairs hall: Maripaz comes out of her room and sees Ivan.

MP (fake-happy, as usual): Hola, you're back! Is everything good?
Ivan: Yes, very well. And you? (checking her clothes and noticing that she has a purse) Where are you going?
MP: Is that important?
Ivan: You're not even asking about your son?
MP: Is that important? Bye! (exits with her usual merde-eating grin as viewers salivate over what will happen next)

McGuire Corporation; Ivan's office, the next morning: Ivan is on the phone with Tony, explaining that he got up early and thought he would get an early start at the office. Juliet arrives, telling the secretary she wants to see Ivan. She identifies herself. Jenny calls Ivan, who has just explained to Tony that he left Alex in Benito's care. Finally, Juliet enters Ivan's office.

Ivan: Good morning, Mrs Rodriguez. (shakes hands with her) I haven't yet had the pleasure.
Juliet: Nor I, but Maripaz has said much about you.
Ivan: Come in, have a seat.
Juliet: I didn't think you'd be so young or attractive.
Ivan (businesslike): And how can I help you?
Juliet: As I just told your secretary, I was a friend of Maripaz, but we're more like strangers. We were at school together in Denver and recently encountered each other again. She hasn't changed. How can I put it? She was always a little wild [locada] and … flirtatious.
Ivan: Don't worry; neither was this a secret from me.
Juliet: Perhaps, but surely she now has a secret. She's been fooling around with my husband. (Daytime suspense music begins as Ivan's attention is riveted) This was a fling for him, but she is obsessed. She calls his office, insists he see her. He doesn't want anything to do with her but she's after him all the time. She even calls the house. I don't need this to continue.
Ivan (pleasantly): And it won't, Señora.

Commercial Break leading with the Sunday night show promos.

McGuire Mansion: As the music continues, Ivan arrives home. Tony is talking to David as Ivan enters. He ends the call, commenting that David's sister is looking for a job with the company, then changing the subject to what we're waiting for.

Tony: What's up? Why are you back so early?
Ivan: Papa, I just met with the wife of a guy named Bob Rodriguez. She says that Maripaz has been fooling around with her husband. That she doesn't know how to get free of her, that she keeps calling the house, ..
Tony (taking a brown envelope out of the drawer and handing it to Ivan over the desk): Look.
Ivan: What's this?
Tony: Proof of your wife's infidelity.
Ivan (looking at the pictures): How did you get these?
Tony: I had Benito follow her.
Ivan (disgusted): She was always a tart. [zorra]
Tony: Are you hurt?
Ivan: No, how could I be?
Tony: I thought that this could help you get a divorce and full custody of Alex.
Ivan: This isn't photoshopped?
Tony: Por favor! Do you think Benito or I are capable of doing that?
Ivan: Of course not. But how am I going to explain this to Alex?
Tony: There's no need to tell him his mother is a slut. Just tell him you don't get along.
Ivan: And if she tells him the truth to hurt him?
Tony: As I understand it, if a woman deceives her husband she has no rights to alimony or anything. So you could make it worth her while to keep her mouth shut. Or are you going to forgive her?
Ivan: Of course I won't forgive her!
Tony: So you've decided to divorce her?
Ivan: Dad, of course! (smiling now) As soon as possible. Alex is of no importance to her. We can get her out of our lives.
Tony: Then would you like to call a lawyer?
Ivan: Maripaz is here or she's out?
Tony: I didn't see her go out, but it's better you don't say anything. First we talk to the lawyer who is a friend of mine. (picks up his cell phone)
Ivan: I can't believe I'll finally be free of her.

McGuire Corporation, conference room: Lawyer Vasquez is (played by an actor who routinely plays doctors and corporate bosses) looks at the photos and explains that they first must prove that they aren't photoshopped. He believes Tony, but it's better that they have an expert to testify to this. A thorough man worth his fee. They discuss Maripaz' citizenship status (she currently only has residential rights as Ivan's wife) and finally agree that Ivan will file for divorce citing adultery as grounds. Ivan mentions the poker chips and the illegal gambling, but Tony says they need to focus on the adultery (We know this is a mistake). Ivan confirms to Vasquez that he is looking for a divorce and full custody of Alex. At Vasquez' questions about this, he states that Maripaz has no feeling for him and that Alex would not want to live with her. He would also prefer to not have to involve Alex in this business. Vasquez says the judge may want to speak with him. He asks about confirming the adultery and Ivan explains that Juliet would be willing to testify. “This case sounds easy, but we'll see.” [Viewers are already singing “The Anvil Chorus”] Vasquez then asks him whether he's fooled around and Ivan vehemently tells him no way. The legal eagle is just covering all bases. It all sounds like it can be resolved quickly.

But we know better.

McGuire Mansion, Billiard Room: Benito and Alex are playing when Tony and Ivan get home. Tony continues to play with Alex while Ivan and Benito exchange a few words about Maripaz in the next room. Ivan thanks Benito, who goes to attend to Bruno. Ivan calls his office to get Juliet's phone number, then calls her to ask whether Bob would be willing to testify before the judge in the divorce. He explains that he wants the divorce and to get custody of his son. She doesn't want a scandal, and neither does he, but since they're not celebrities he doesn't see a problem. He mentions the compromising photos.

Commercial Break

Hacienda Curiel: Camilo is taking care of business on the computer and Lucia mentions needing to see the doctor soon. She isn't taking mother's milk anymore and – didn't I predict this – Camilo starts talking about having another baby. He goes on about how every man wants his own biological child. Lucia wants to finish her thesis and work and besides, Perla is very young yet. But all Camilo can think about is Lucia's rejection.

Por dios, Camilo!

Casa Galvan: Camilo complains about this to his mother. He is sure that Lucia is still in love with Ivan. Arcelia reminds him he knew about that from the get-go and tries to get him to be patient, even tells him that having one baby after another isn't particularly usual anymore. He's not going for it.

Los Angeles, night: Ivan thinks about his impending freedom and that he will go back to Lucia.

Rodriguez Apt: Bob gets home and Juliet tells him about Ivan's request to appear in court. He doesn't want to, but she tells him that there are photos. She will forgive him, but is inclined to cooperate with Ivan because Maripaz betrayed their friendship.

McGuire Mansion, Alex's Room: Alex is on his laptop as Ivan enters. He gets Alex to skype Lucia, who is tending to the baby. When she answers Alex tells her how much he enjoyed the trip. She's happy to see him... until Ivan gets on the line and talks about coming to Mexico. Alex reminds him that this will have to be before school starts. She makes an excuse and ends the call. Ivan looks suspicious, and rightly so.

Hacienda Curiel, study: Lucia tells Carlota about this, begging her to have Tony tell Ivan about her marriage. Carlota is concerned about the whole situation, considering that things are not great between Lucia and Camilo. When Lucia says that it's because Camilo thinks she's still in love with Ivan Carlota asks whether she is. We don't need to hear the answer and neither does she.

Commercial Break

McGuire Mansion, Tony's study: Carlota calls Tony to tell him about Alex's skype and now he has to tell Ivan that Lucia is married to Camilo. Lucia is very upset. [alterada] Tony explains that Ivan is about to file for divorce because he discovered that Maripaz was cheating on him. Carlota is afraid of what this will start because Camilo will not give Lucia up. Furthermore, if Ivan and Maripaz had a marital relationship it's too late for a divorce on the grounds that there was nothing. Tony starts saying “But it was only once” and Carlota hangs up on him.

Hacienda Curiel, Lucia's bedroom, night: Lucia lies awake, unable to sleep. Camilo wakes up as she tries to get up without disturbing him. He tells her he needs to be more patient but will not rest until she loves him with all her heart. She returns the favor by boinking him while thinking of Ivan.

This certainly won't work for long; we give it twice, tops.

Rancho Galvan, morning: Arcelia arrives to see Camilo about Carmen. He reacts as she predicted he would, with a combination of anger and frustration. He finally declares that neither of them will help Carmen anymore. She will have to move out, work, and make her own living. Lichita will stay with Arcelia. Score one for Camilo since it looks like Arcelia is on the same page.

Somebody's Office: Antolin talks to the doctor about Carolina's operation. Date hasn't been set yet because they need a cornea to transplant and they will have to do tests when they do. Antolin wants an absolute guarantee of success.

Rancho Galvan: Gerry presents the plans but they're more expensive than Lucia thought they would be. Camilo somehow doesn't seem worried.

McGuire and Sons office, Alamos: David introduces Judith to Ingeniero Orozco, who is young and attractive. She likes what she sees. Go get him, girl!

McGuire Mansion, various rooms: All are sitting down to breakfast. Alex's smile disappears when Maripaz arrives. Shortly after Maripaz has to sign for an envelope.

It's the summons. She charges into the billiard room.

Maripaz: I just got this envelop from the superior court. Do you know anything about this?
Ivan: It's my petition for divorce, as I told you.
Maripaz: Divorce? What the hell are you talking about?
Ivan: I discovered that you have a lover, Maripaz. That writes the end to our marriage.

Capitulo #73: Tormentas, Pero no en un Vaso de Agua

Alamos, street: Lucia and Berenice see Saul trying to walk with a cane; they talk about his accident. El Gordo is with him. The ladies duck out of sight.

McGuire Mansion, Billiard Room: Ivan and Maripaz get nasty.

MP: It's a lie!
Ivan: No, it's not a lie. We have photos of you in a hotel with Bob Rodriguez. Besides, his own wife came to me at my office and told me everything.
MP: That woman is crazy and it's not true! She is dying of jealousy.
Tony: I'm going out to be with Alex and Bruno. I don't want any of these scenes in front of him.
Ivan: Maripaz, this is going to court. The judge will decide.
MP: No. Those pictures are phony!
Ivan: No. The photos have been analyzed and they are not composites. You were giving that guy a very passionate kiss.
MP: No es verdad! This is not true!
Ivan: Calm down. Accept it. I'm at peace because this marriage was only for Alex.
MP: But... but you slept with me! We slept together!
Ivan: Yes, we did. It was a mistake which I profoundly regret. The lawyer knows this.
MP: Then does he know how you hate me? How you never treated me as a wife? That I have the right to look to another man? [Get real, ramera.]
Ivan: I don't know. Try that out on the judge and see what happens. What I can never forgive you for is how you had no use for our son. Never a single word of affection for him. Nor even any attention.
MP: This child doesn't love me!
Ivan: You never loved him. You only used him to get me to marry you. To have a better economic status. For Alex's good we decided not to talk about your gambling. I told the lawyer to leave that matter alone.
MP: What's the matter with you? I've never –
Ivan (pointedly): Don't try to deny it. I found the chips in your room.
MP: You went through my things?
Ivan: Yes, yes, yes.
MP: Of course. You did all this to get back together with your querida Lucia.
Ivan: Yes.
MP: But you are not going to succeed!
Ivan: Maripaz, I advise you to show up on the court date. If you want, get a lawyer. (exits)
MP: Infeliz! (takes out her cell phone and calls Bob at his office)
Bob (answers his cell without checking it): Hello.
MP: Don't you dare hang up! Don't ignore me, maldito!
Bob: What do you want, Maripaz? What do you want? (pause) Yes, yes. I know.
MP: It's all your wife's fault for running to Ivan with gossip!
Bob: I told you clearly – many times – that it would be better to end it. Agreed? But you didn't pay attention.
MP: Yes, but now I am. I got a summons to go to court! Can you be my lawyer?
Bob (almost laughing): Por favor! But I am the co-respondent.
MP: But you're guilty, too! The least you can do is help me.
Bob: If you want I can see about getting you a lawyer. But that is the only thing I can do for you. Right? Agreed,
MP: Yes, please. I can't be divorced. I will lose everything. Everything!

Ramera, you should have thought about that from the beginning.

McGuire Mansion, patio: Tony and Ivan discuss the situation. Tony asks whether Ivan mentioned money to Maripaz. Ivan is repulsed at the idea of giving her anything after all she's done, but Tony reminds him that this is to protect Alex from the ugly truth. Alex, Benito, and Bruno return and they quickly change the subject. Alex asks if they can get another dog as a playmate for Bruno. Tony isn't up for this at the moment. Maripaz comes out. Bruno – who had been on his hind legs happily leaning against Tony – retreats to hang out next to Benito.

Alex: Hola, Mama.
MP: Yes, I am your mother. But your father wants to fill you with deceptions and lies. It's unfair. Very unfair.
Ivan: Maripaz, por favor. Do not involve the child in this. It's our business and only our business.
MP: But he will have to know the truth. That want to cheat in order to get rid of me and get back together with Lucia.
Tony: Maripaz, ya basta por favor! (leads her back into the billiard room)
MP : Leave me alone! I have a date with –
Alex: What's up, Papa?
Ivan (hugging him): You'll know, son. You'll know.
MP: You won't come out of this unscathed! I have a lawyer. He will defend me!
Tony: Your lawyer won't be able to do a thing. I'm going to tell you something. Don't you dare raise your voice to me. We found you out. We have photos. Your lover's wife accuses you of sexually harassing her husband.
MP: Of course, because she's a hysterical, jealous, old, sick...
Tony: You can't get out of this. Understand that.
MP: I am not Bob's lover!
Tony: You may not be now, but you were. Right? And you know what? Ivan has every right to file for divorce and get full custody of the boy.
MP: No! He can't get custody.. Not when prostitutes have the right to their children.
Tony: Alex does not love you.
MP: Of course, because you turned him against me! With vacations, gifts, and that damned dog!
Tony: You never paid any attention to the boy. Because you don't are about him. Wait, why are we wasting time? The only thing that was ever important to you was money.

He's got you there, Merry Piece.

Commercial Break

Alex's Room Ivan explains to Alex that he and Maripaz are separating and he will stay with him and Tony. Ivan explains to Alex that he married Maripaz only because she had been given custody of him. Before that Alex has to

Lawyer's Office: Maripaz talks to an elderly lawyer about the situation.

MP: He always rejected me. We only had sex once and after that he never touched me. As my husband he had an obligation to have relations with me and when he didn't I had the right to look elsewhere.
Lawyer: How long were you married?
MP: A little more than a year.
Lawyer: In view of the situation, why didn't you ask for a divorce before?
MP: Because I had hoped that our relationship would change one day.
Lawyer: Señora, a lawyer always needs to know the truth.
MP: We were married because of our son. In Mexico I obtained full custody of our son and he loves him very much. That's why he asked me to marry him and I accepted out of love. But he was in love with another woman. He wants to divorce me to marry her.
Lawyer: Has your husband had relations with this woman?
MP: No; it's impossible. She lives in Mexico.
Lawyer: Does he travel there frequently?
MP: Not as far as I know.
Lawyer: And she to Los Angeles?
MP: I doubt it.
Lawyer: We'll investigate that. What is this woman's name?
MP: Lucia Lomieli Curiel. She's my sister.

The lawyer looks up. He clearly senses this is a quagmire.

McGuire Mansion, Billiard Room: Tony and Ivan talk about the situation. Ivan will pay Maripaz some alimony and get her an apartment as Tony had before. Ivan is confident that they have a lock on the court case because of Maripaz' infidelity. Alex wants to stay with him because Maripaz never did anything to win his love.

Casa Lomieli: Antolin and Carolina talk about her upcoming operation and that he plans to get money out of JJ because of what he knows. She doesn't like this. She's afraid, etc.

Restaurant: Saul and El Gordo sit down and Carmen shows up to wait on them. He tells her that Antolin is responsible for his accident. Carmen seems to know nothing about that. He tells her to get them their beers then tells El Gordo that he'll get Antolin for this.

Casa Lomieli: She's not comfortable with him getting money from JJ via blackmail. She tells him he should denounced JJ. There is another Romeo and Juliet reference when Antolin speaks of their dying together to be together for eternity. “Do you believe in eternity?” he asks her. Uh oh.

Berenice's Apt: As a storm begins outside David arrives. They kiss and he tells her he loves her. He explains about his ED. She's a smart chick and doesn't pressure him. They sit down and talk about it. However, it does look as though things are looking up.

Hacienda Curiel: Gloom and doom abound. The ladies watch a news report on the hurricane on a portable TV set. They're all sitting in the dark. The storm will get to them in the morning. Camilo has done what he could for their crops, but they all look worried. The hurricane has been upgraded to category 3 and Lucrazia says something about their being ruined. Camilo is upset because the crops were almost ready to be harvested, but he's taking this pretty calmly.

Commercial Break

McGuire Mansion, Billiard Room: Tony tells Ivan about the hurricane. In order to fill the orders for their clients they will have to acquire crops from other areas.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucrazia and Carlota listen to the news on the radio. Gloria brings in new batteries for the radio during this. [pilas] It's still pouring outside. The news report is not good, talking about large areas being without electricity. Lucrazia talks about putting on her boots to go out and look at the damage.

McGuire and Son Offices: David calls Ivan and puts on the speaker phone so Orozco and Camilo can both explain what's going on. All about getting produce from elsewhere and assessing the damage after the rain stops. When Ivan asks if he will help he says he has to tend to his own property. Tony gets a call on his cell at the same time. He finally tells Ivan that Maripaz' lawyer is going to charge that Ivan did not discharge his duties as a husband. The judge wants to see Alex in chambers. Ivan doesn't like this, but Tony isn't concerned. The judge is a woman.

Hacienda Curiel: Berenice comes to see Lucia and the baby. All went well last night for her and David. ¡Olé!

Commercial Break

Rancho Socorro, a few days later: Work goes on. Camilo explains to Lucia that his crops are ruined and they have to suspend construction on their house. She responds not to worry; her dad will understand. Camilo also says that Ivan will be arriving soon and he doesn't think that Tony told him about their marriage or the baby. Lucia looks a little guilty.

Courthouse in LA: Alex and Tony wait in the corridor and talk about what is going to happen.

Judge's Chambers: The lawyers present their cases. The judge is a matronly grey-haired lady in a dark suit who reminds me of my sixth grade teacher (who was actually pretty cool).

MP's Lawyer: So are we speaking in Spanish or in English?
Judge: In Spanish, so there are no mistakes. You are all Hispanic, as am I.
MP's Lawyer: As you please, Your Honor. As you can see in the petition, Señor Ivan refused to have relations with his wife. So she impulsively sought love with someone else.
Vasquez: Señor McGuire and Señora Lomieli had an agreement. She had won custody of their son in Mexico.
MP: But no way did we not agree to be a true husband and wife.
Ivan: Of course, yes, as I told you. Once I said we could have a normal life. If you would have shown affection to our son.
MP: But you prevented me with trips and gifts to get him to be on your side. You used your money and undoubtedly spoke badly of me.

The judge watches with eagle eyes. She's not missing a thing.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia and Carlota talk about Ivan's arrival and the divorce. When Lucia leaves the kitchen, Carlota calls LA and gets Benito on the phone. He explains that Tony is at the courthouse about the divorce. She tells him to have Tony call her when he gets back. As she ends the call she looks concerned.

Courthouse in LA: Alex tells Tony he doesn't want to live with MP. The lawyers come out of chambers and Tony sends Alex in.

MP: Mi amor! (hugs Alex, who couldn't look more uncomfortable)
Judge: Señora, don't try to influence the child. Por favor.
MP: But, Ma'am...
Judge: Please, behave yourself.
Alex (running to Ivan, who embraces him): Papa.
Ivan: Sit down, son. Sit down. (Alex sits in the leather chair on the left; Mariipaz sits in the other)
Judge (to Alex, as he sits down) Well, Alex, is that your name?
Alex: Yes, Senora Juez, or Jueza? How do I say it?
Judge: As you wish. Do you go to school?
Alex: Yes.
Judge: Are you diligent? [aplicado]
Alex: Yes. Because my papa helps me in the afternoons. I'm good at math, but my dad knows much more than I do.
Judge: And your mama?
Alex: I almost never see her. She's out all day.
MP: Why are you trying to compare me and my husband?
Judge: Silence or you will have to leave. (to Alex) Do you know what we're doing here?
Alex: Yes. To find out whom I will stay with. With my mama or papa. But I want to stay with my papa. And my grandpa, Anthony, and Bruno.
Judge: Who is Bruno?
MP: An aggressive dog that once bit me. [mordio]
Alex: That's not true. He didn't bite you. You grabbed me by the ear and he defended me but he didn't do anything. (MP shoots a dirty look at Alex) You gave orders to kill him.
MP: I have the right to [discipline?] my son, don't I?
Alex: I didn't do anything. When you were talking to someone and said I wasn't to say anything to my papa. I said I. wouldn't but you grabbed my ear. (gets out of the chair and hugs Ivan, who was standing behind him) Papa, don't make me go with her. Please.

Ivan comforts Alex as Maripaz smiles evilly and the Judge doesn't miss a single note of this exchange.

Commercial Break

Courthouse: Alex comes out of chambers telling the lawyers the judge wants to see them. They go inside. Alex looks optimistic as he sits with Tony.

Chambers: The judge rules in the presence of the lawyers and the parties to the case:

Judge: Very well. In view of the wife's adultery and lack of attention to the child, her indifference, and the minor child's testimony I am granting the divorce and full custody of the child to Señor Ivan McGuire.
MP: But that's unfair! And if I want to see my son?
Judge: Yes. Once every fifteen days and always at his father's home in the presence of another adult. That's all. You may go.
Ivan: Thank you, Your Honor.

As they leave chambers, Maripaz is not so merry. She looks like she wants to kill Tony, Alex, Ivan, or all three.

Ag Ass Office: Antolin enters and JJ talks about the damage of the hurricane. The promised help from the government doesn't sound adequate. Antolin has come for his check, which is not to come from the association.

Antolin: I want Carolina to see.
JJ: Ah, the blind one. Lovely girl. You know, I've never had sex with a blind woman.
Antolin (angry): I've said you're not to describe her in this way.
JJ: Calm down. Calm down. I wasn't being serious. You love her, verdad?
Antolin: Yes. And I'm going to marry her. And then, what?
JJ (taking a check from the drawer): Well, I can't give you what you asked. Only part of it. [?]

Antolin takes the check and leaves.

JJ: Never would I give charity to that ruffian.

McGuire Mansion: Tony, Ivan, and Alex come home to Benito and Bruno with the good news. Alex is happy and hungry; he wants a burger as big as a table. Benito and Bruno escort him to the kitchen so he can get something to eat after telling Tony that Carlota called and wants him to call back. As Alex exits with them, Ivan tells Tony that the only thing he doesn't like is that Maripaz will be allowed to see Alex, even if it's only twice a month. Tony doesn't think she will bother. Tony tells Ivan they have to talk before he calls Carlota.

Commercial Break

McGuire and Sons office: Judith and Orozco enter his office for her to take dictation. He tells her to call him Carlos; they're not old fogies. The letter has to do with the storm; didn't get much of the content. But Judith digs Carlos.

Rancho Galvan: Camilo explains to Gerry that most of the crops were lost in the storm so the construction has to stop. He will pay any outstanding bills. Gerry understands.

McGuire Mansion, Tony's study: Benito comes down to tell Ivan that Maripaz wants to talk to him. Tony says she can wait. Her bags are packed. After he leaves, Tony gives Ivan the really bad news. The real reason Camilo resigned is because he and Lucia are married and have a baby.

Avances: A furious Ivan goes to Alamos knowing that Camilo and Lucia are married.

alterada upset
aplicado (a) hard-working
locada ???
morder to bite
pila battery
puerco dirty; low-down
vieja n., colloq. Mex. broad
zorra tart, prostitute


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