Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Juan Tues. June 3 '08 Paula Bares Her Heart...And A Great Deal More

Alternate Title: "Be Careful What You Want, You May Get It!"

¡Dios mio! There was a lot of drama tonight and a lot of cleavage to go with it.

Here's how things shook out....so to speak.

Brief rehash of "Sandro" lamenting to real Sandro that his plan to win Paula isn't working; Juan ended up garnering her praise and admiration, not he.

And Juan blindsides poor lambypie Marely by saying he needs her at his side, the sun will cease to shine in the house if she leaves, he can't live without her, it breaks his heart to see her go and so on.

Is this a "broma de mala gusta" (bad joke) snaps Marely. Don't you have enough women...and prettier, more famous and richer than I?

Prettier, no! answers Juan, and besides, not one of them is my "official novia". And goes on to say how generous, how noble she is, the pillar of the family...the ideal woman, always ready to help. And Juanito will cry for a whole year if she goes to Spain!

What about Paula? asks Marely.

And wouldn't you know, the scene changes. We're back with "Sandro" and he's decided to take a new tack with Paula. He's groveling. He wants to talk. He feels like an idiot after this morning. She wants to go to bed early. He won't take much of her time. He could even come to the house. As he says to his doubting twin, the role of victim is my only weapon now.

And now a weird segue to the movie theatre where Herbierto is shrieking with each gunshot, spilling popcorn all over and finally wrapping himself around a bemused Gaytan, who spoon feeds the remaining kernels of popcorn into Herbierto's huge maw.

Back to Marely and Juan (this is like watching an automobile accident...it's horrible but you can't look away)

How long will this sudden love last? she asks. Five minutes, six months, a lifetime? Juan launches into an explanation that he was in love with two women when he came to Mexico City. And he had dreams of Marely as his companion, the mother of his children, someone to grow old with.

And then Paula arrived, and the dream vanished, Marely adds.

Yes, but what if Paula is the illusion and you are my reality, my destiny? Juan protests. Ay yi yi, my head is spinning and so is Marely's.

Quick switch to an equally uncomfortable tête à tète between Paula and "Sandro". He's whining that he took the job for her. He didn't need the paltry salary (yes, I know, you inherited a fortune, she snaps) but he was attracted to her.

Paula looks bored and uneasy but "Sandro" soldiers on. I wanted to show you I was worth something, I wanted the applause and admiration that Juan got this morning.

It's not a contest, replies Paula. Yes, it is! snaps "Sandro" losing his temper and being very Cesar Luis in spite of himself. I sense that you're not indifferent to me, he continues. You're attractive, she concedes,( not looking attracted at all.) I'm tired of solitude...I've found the ideal woman, he continues, really laying it on thick and getting nowhere.

And we're back with Marely and Juan while he tries to explain why he and Paula are a non-issue. We've hurt each other so much and ended up with nothing. But why now? adds Marely when I'm on the verge of leaving for Spain.

Because I'm an idiot, replies Juan (we'll agree on that point) and because, as the song says, "you don't know what you have until you lose it". He advises Marely to "consultar plumas de ganso" (which is like saying "consultar la almohada"...in other words to "sleep on it".

More discomfort...we really get to see Cesar Luis twisting in the wind. Paula insists on telling him how great it was with Juan and how she can't forget his caresses even as she tries to remake her life. CL looks like he's swallowed bile and them some. The humiliation is piling on and there's more to come, folks.

Marely now walks in on Yadira who is crying piteously and for a moment we think she's regretting her decision to divorce...but no, she's weeping over a telenovela and only reluctantly turns it off because little sis needs to talk to her.

Juan asked me to be his "novia" Marely says. And honestly, I don't know if "novia" in this context means "official girlfriend", "fiancée, bride or what. Take your pick.

Marely explains her doubts. Is Juan doing this just to get over Paula? Is it real love...the forever kind? Oooh, you want security, commitment, eternal love, laughs Yadira. That doesn't exist. Those are just pretty words.

Marely admits she doesn't know what to do. She's dreamed of this so often and now... What would you do in my place, she asks. Yadira doesn't hesitate...I'd stay with Juan. And lose the scholarship? Well, what do you want? A little adventure in Spain or someone to warm your feet for years to come?

Break to Juan, telling Juanito to hop into his pajamas. Earlier he told Juanito about Marely's decision to go to Spain and the little bugger won't let up on Dad. Well are you going to let her go!? Juan concedes he asked her to be his "novia" and Juanito is pleased. They both look at each other, hands on hips. These mirror scenes with these two are really cute. I'll miss those.

We have a brief skirmish with Yadira and Kike. She yells "Where were you!?". He reminds her that they decided to treat each other with respect. She tones it down and tells him they have a date with her lawyer tomorrow. Have your lawyer talk to my lawyer, he replies.

Now the inevitable scene with Nidia and Marely. Mom admits she just happened to overhear the news about Spain. Because she had her "oreja pegada a la puerta" (ear pressed to the door). And she's ready for a real tear-jerking scene a la Libertad Lamarque (Argentine actress who was known as "the novia de America" and appeared in 65 Mexican films).

She tells Marely it hurts to see her go. Who'll keep Nidia in line? Who'll make her recite her "our Fathers" and "Ave Marias" when she needs to? But in a surprising turn, she adds, don't take anyone else into consideration...think of yourself and what you want. It would be great for you to travel, know the world a little, grow up, develop as a person.

But why so sad? Does getting your dream lead to depression? Nidia adds. Juan asked me to be his "novia" explains Marely. And we break with Nidia looking muy muy muy impactada.

When we come back, we have a repetitive scene with Ana and Paula. We've seen this one a gazillion times. Ana is saying, get rid of that "Sandro" (Cesar Luis insert here). Juan is your true love. No, I don't interest him anymore. It's too late. Resign yourself, mom, as I have.

The mother daughter discussion continues...but with Nidia and Marely. Nidia is musing on her life, messing around "sin ton ni son" (without rhyme or reason) looking for love and ending with nothing. She wants better for Marely.

Marely, of course, protests that Nidia's life was meaningful and every good thing about Marely comes from her. Follow your dream, insists Nidia, don't sacrifice because you'll pay for it.

But what if my dream is Juan? Well, welcome to the club! laughs Nidia. But I'm not sure, adds Marely. No way to be sure, other than to dig a hole and jump in, confides Mama.

Now we're at the office. Paula notices that Marely looks exhausted and assumes her sleepless night is due to thoughts of the trip and changes to come. Marely confides that her mom already knows and is encouraging her to go. Paula laughs and says, "For the first time in my life, I'm in agreement with Nidia Cachon!"

Well, I don't know if I should tell you, hesitates Marely, but Juan last night asked me to be his "novia".

Paula goes ballistic. No no no! You've never been more than a friend! This is just Juan's selfish way of trying to keep you around. He'll say anything. He's a liar. You supported him, you were a confidante, but that's all it is!

Mercifully, we get a break from all this shrieking. The scenes switches to a pensive Juan and Kike at the breakfast table. Kike is all about what a great idea it is for Juan to hook up with Marely. She's the perfect woman, meant for you, great for settling down with ("sentar cabeza"). Ya think so, says Juan hopefully.

Shriekfest at office continues. Paula is downright insulting, refusing to believe Juan could actually love Marely and so our little rose garden unloads all the lovely things Juan said about settling down, having a family, she's his happiness, his mood brightener, his reality, his destiny...rather than the illusion of Paula.

So what did you say? Paula finally asks. Nothing, Marely answers...and he's waiting for a reply. Do you love him? From the very first moment. I hid it. I tried to forget him with Fernando and with...she trails off. But he never left my heart. You don't know how I've suffered. I felt such jealousy...all those women! (half-sister Paula among them), but finally HE LOVES ME! Marely concludes.

Well, will you work out as a couple? Paula queries. (I'm pretty sure she means Will you be compatible in bed...like she and Juan surely were!) And Marely admits she's scared about that. What if it falls short, what is the relationship is unreachable, only in my imagination. Should I accept? she adds.

Paula slips out of answering by reminding Marely that she's much more sensible than herself. She's made such a mess of things. She's sure Marely will make the best decision.

And when Marely leaves for the embassy Paula wails (and I do mean wails!). WHY HER!!?? WHY JUAN...WHY HER!!!???

Cosy little scene with Pastor playing nursemaid to a feverish Angarita and Angarita not liking it one bit. We're not kids, Gaytan remonstrates, you've got to take care of yourself. No hanging around Casa Cachon, no going to work.

And speaking of no going to work, Alirio is sacked out and snoring on the bed after being out all night boozing it up with Gutis. Compassionate Nidia wakes him up by clanging two frying pans together and telling him to take a shower, wash off the stink of cigarettes and look for real work!

Juan in the meantime is looking for something special to bring to Marely. Flowers? No, too humdrum. A ring? Whoops, no, that has never worked well for him. A stuffed animal? Grow up Juan! Chocolates? she may be on a diet. CD's...boleros by Lucha Villa? (most famous singer of "rancheras", born 1936 in Mexico).

He waltzes into the office with a blue bag, but we don't know what's in it. Notices Marely's empty desk. Has he lost? Has she gone off to Spain? Instructs Ivonne to have a chauffeur take Hillary's car back to her.

Brief scene with Marely at the embassy, wondering about all the papers she has to have for a whole year's stay, and the official reminds her that she must notify them if she wants to come back to Mexico at any time. She leaves and he looks with great interest at her backside.

Paula in the meantime is in full meltdown. And though I haven't mentioned it before, she's in a lavendar wraparound dress that didn't quite make it around her assets. We're seeing a whole lot of Paula and have to give the plastic surgeon credit...he did a great job.

She's crying, she can't go on, she can't breathe, she's dying. Ivonne enters and is understandably sympathetic. A well endowed woman herself, she leans over to comfort Paula and the phrase "bosom buddies" comes to mind.

And now, further humiliation for faux Sandro, real Cesar Luis. Laura is futzing in his office, worried that Pastor will find out she's working for him. So what? Pastor is not more important than I am. Well, I'm really worried about upsetting Juan. Oh, you've fallen under his spell? Oh yes...I would really love to get something going with him, Laura assures him. CL looks like he's swallowing bile again.

Back to Paula, tears (and a few other things) spilling over. Hillary...I was jealous...but I could handle it. Laura with her cheap coquetry..I was jealous, but I could handle it. But Juan asking Marely to be his "novia". No no no...the man I adore, the man I dreamed of, the man I waited for, the man I learned to treasure TOO LATE!!!!....and on that shriek we end this evening's episode. ¡Dios mio!


consultar con plumas de ganso, consultar la almohada (pillow) sleep on it

sin ton ni son without rhyme or reason

despabiladar wake up, get with it, get act together

sentar cabeza settle down

lleva la papa a la casa bring home the bacon

la nave (lit. ship) car

ni falta que hace no matter

tracala trick, swindle

dar tirria a alguien have a grudge with someone

albur a chance, a risk (can also mean play on words, pun)


Yo Amo a Juan, June 2, Mon. - So Juan as Lucy says to Marely as Charlie Brown, "Come on, just kick the ball one more time, I won't pull it, really!"

Another fun week of Juan lasting longer than anyone ever imagined.

The beginning recap on the show is Kike picking up his precious daughter Nidia Micaela and telling her how he hasn't seen enough of her lately and most important he tells her that she is the only good thing the her mother Yadira has ever done. An almost contrite Yadira listens outside the bedroom door.

Hillary explains she has left a message for Juan who, mysteriously, has not called. Papa tells her to get used to it, yesterday he straightened Juan out about a few things like the futility of trying to take advantage of his daughter. HIllary protests that Papa had no right... but he insists he will continue... but she presses on that Juan is the most, best, blahblah... Not all men want just her money, but Papa, like lots of caring suspicious fathers, thinks otherwise. HIllary feels like she has become just merchandise. But Papa says Juan is an ignorant and stupid (naco) who is newly rich [Ed note: nuevo rico es mejor que nunca rico, ¿no?] Hillary struts off declaring she will continue to date Juan.

Paula and Yvonne make faces at the door bell and sound of Heriberto bellowing for admission

Nidia actually discusses her heartbreak at Angarita's betrayal with Alirio. If you can call what they do a discussion. Alirio is more than happy to condemn Angarita, in fact Nidia's realization of the facts is an occasion to celebrate.

Heriberto has come to make his declarations to Yvonne. Paula walks through and tells him to lower his voice and calm down there are people sleeping in the house. On bended knee, Heri begins his declaration to a less than eager Yvonne who can't avoid hearing him out. He starts right off telling her she would be better with him than that thin donkey, Fernando [is it an additional insult that he uses the feminine burra flaca..]. As he holds her hand he loses his composure when she insists she doesn't love him, she loves and wants only Fernando. Then he angers and accuses her of two timing him, playing on two teams, being a ravenous (devoradora) eater of men. Paula finally breaks it up saying Yvonne has spoken. Heri leaves in a huff.

Juan is giving a "we are family" speech to Fern, Pastor, and Lorenzo who applaud appreciatively.

Angarita cries in his little pj's as Pastor tries to ask him he has informed Yadira of his suspicions (about his paternity) The destroyed Anga says no and how could he be taken as a dirty old man wanting her as a woman?? [Why indeed, this group isn't smart enough to be mind readers]

Juan and Juanito have their now familiar argument as Juan dresses in a special shiny tie explaining he has to appear like a king in front of Licenciada (Paula). Juanito scolds him that she isn't worth it and only one person is worth it. Juan just wants to know if Juanito doesn't need to pack his backpack for school as he continues to preen in front of the mirror. Down stairs they encounter a waking Kike on the couch [the most used prop in the Cachon scenes]. Kike yawns that he can't sleep in the same room as Yadira but at least his daughter is close by again. Juan inquires about Yadira's sudden return home to be informed about the nerve (descaro) of that Angarita. Juan asks with true surprise, what, badly positioned/silly little (desubicadito act has he committed. Kike launches into Angarita's fall from grace and Yadira can't even bear to go to the market again. Juan thinks he better investigate since clearly Anga isn't telling the truth yet...[duh, we could have cut a week or more of moronic dialog here...]

Kike enters the room for his things and Yadira says she doesn't want create a battle ground and ruin the peace of the entire household. Kike agrees that the parents errors are not the baby's fault. Yadira wants a civilized negotiation and they discuss getting another lawyer who can work out a favorable-to-all compromise. BREAK

Now in the office of the president, Juan proudly produces his pie chart and analysis to save money which includes outsourcing all the transportation costs including shipments and chauffeurs. When Paula gives an approving, good point, Juan moves on to the bar chart of points of sale. S2/Sandro (it's always CL in the office now, right?) jumps in to criticize that if they sell off the outlying stores (malbaratar) cheaply, it won't get them very much money. Juan pulls out another bar chart to show that they can expand sales with their special gourmet market. S2 tries to put this down as a new field they haven't tried before [isn't anyone asking how does Sandro know??] but Paula dubs it that magic word "diversification" and declares that his entire proposal is realistic and brilliant and will involve everyone in the company. Juan beams. Paula asks, And what does Sandro think?? His sour puss shows his chagrin.

Anga finally dressed is in the market asking Remolacho if Yadira has come. No but here comes her "EX", Kike appears but merely asks for the list of deliveries. As he walks away, Anga asks him if he has talked with Yadira. "What do you think?" he quips. Anga says thinks are not what you think they are, it is all a confusion. Yeah, a confusion in your head, says Kike. He adds that Yadira doesn't want anything to do with him and will not be coming back to work. As he leaves, Angarita begins to clutch his chest and sits heavily while poor Remolacho asks what's wrong. Anga merely barks, that he should mess in other's business but get back to work.

Back at the triumph of the charts, Juan continues to shine brighter than his tie while Paula, overlooks S2's ideas which he says are so like this, she says they should adopt Juan's proposal immediately to avoid (evitar) the layoffs (despidos) so no one will lose their work. Juan thinks how he loves having Paula's approval. Moments later the three face the lounge lizards en masse while Paula announces the good news that no one will lose their job. And the thanks goes to the brilliant financing ideas of their president Juan. Bows and applause and Juan really gets to give his "we are family" line. Next with the boys in his office, they all joke about Juan's triumph while Juan reminds himself that he is no longer the crude driver, but now has the reins of the company. Fern adds that his learning phase is over. Heri can't believe he still has a job but Juan assures him he will still be Pastor's assistant and he doesn't have to fear Sandro. Pastor is pleased and they all lay on the praise. Juan graciously shares the credit with his Santito de Atoche and his great friends who all helped him.

Yvonne tells Pastor that Paula had to run Heri out of the house for his grossness. She does defend that his his more wild (silvestre) than a brute. Pastor still has dreams about winning Heri for himself, but Yvonne very kindly tells him she isn't sure that Heri has the same preferences that Pastor has.

Juan tells Sandro, that Heri will not be layed off but S2 still gets to deliver a blow to Juan's happy hour as he announces that Marely has resigned her position. When shortly after Juan is questioning Marely, she tells him, finally, that she has decided to go live in Spain. [Ed note, Given your weakness for Juan, dear Marely, I would have sent him a postcard from Madrid for safety.]

Pastor and Heri continue discussing Heri's pointless quest of Yvonne. Pastor tries to be conciliatory and ends inviting Heri for a movie and dinner on him tonight.

Juan is thinking instead of talking to Marely but at least about her and how is he going to keep his rose garden, his little guardian angel who has always been there for him. Marely explains how she wrote the essay, got a grant and is so excited about her new future. What did Paula say, he asks. Well she was the first person to encourage her. Later, Juan is telling Paula how hard this will be for him and for little Juanito then drops the bomb that it will be for ONE year. Before we leave the office, Yvonne and Pastor discuss the handling of Heriberto who should not be bothering Yvonne anymore. Pastor demurs discussing his methods but how can he help but enjoy the results a bit with Heri turning toward him during his distress and loss.

A week can't go by without a visit to the garage with Gutis and Alirio discussing their dilemna. Alirio has the bright idea that they can drown their problems in wine.

Back to Juan having his series of flashbacks of the lovely Marely offering support and love to him and to Juanito on so many lovely occasions, and a little fantasy kissing thrown in.
But, YIKES. Out in the lizard lounge, Hillary arrives asking for Juan. While Paula, Marely, Yvonne and Fern watch with wonder, Hillary walks in after Yvonne announces her. Juan kisses her on both cheeks and she starts off saying she is so upset (apenada) since she heard what her father said to him. Juan tells her not to worry, he understands her father perfectly. While she warms up he continues to think of Marely and how he can't do without her smiles and wise council and care.... BREAK

Paula leaves the office alone after trying unsuccessfully to get Marely and then Yvonne to go with her. Inside Juan's office Hillary wants Juan to come to some event with her but he begs off to spend time with Juanito who has suffered with all papa's late hours lately. They decide to leave together while he tells her he will be returning the car she loaned him in another day or so. When he stops to say good night to Yvonne, Hillary gives her a pretty compliment about her hair and asks what kind of shampoo she uses. Juan thinks HIllary always has something kind to say to everyone. He looks over his shoulder at a less than thrilled Marely and rues the pinched look (estrujada). Off goe the beautiful couple just as Laura in the strangest tights seen yet sees them then Julia has the fun in cluing her in on how amorous Juan is with the famous Hillary. Laura stomps off on her ugliest of legs. Another elevator door opens and Kike comes in to flirt with Julia.

Back in Casa Cachon Yadira tells her mother that Kike hates her. Kike tells Julia that Yadira has returned but he is still planning the divorce. They continue planning their brilliant business in trucking together.

Heri struggles in the exercise machines with a breathless Pastor at his side when the ultimately thinkable happens: The WIG (peluca) finally snaps off onto the floor!! [Ed note.- how many months have we waited for this?]

CL and Sandro discuss that Juan is smarter than CL gave him credit for. The strategy simply isn't working. What will work, CL ponders....BREAK

Paula tells her Mom how he came through, probably by luck, to save the company and give all his heart to save the situation for his friends and fellow workers. Ana says it isn't luck, it is because Juan is a noble wonderful person.

At home, Yadira tells someone on the phone that her sister isn't there. When Marely appears she hears that she is to appear at the embassy to get her papers at 12 tomorrow. Gracias a dios. She now tells Yadira for the first time that she has a grnat to study in Spain. No one knows, but now the eavesdropping Nidia behind the door knows too. Cut to her crying out to Juan that she is destroyed. Cut to Juan entering Marely's room where she is packing and he sits down to tell her something so important. She is the pillar of this family and how can they get along without her. Juan starts to think his romantic thoughts before he comes out with the ending sentence that he wants Marely to be his girlfriend!! END

naco = stupid [the most used adjective in this entire TN, everyone better get this right in the exam to follow]

burra flaca = skinny burro [but hey, it's feminine used to describe a guy, extra points on the insult scale]

devoradora de hombres = man eater

descaro = nerve

desubicadito, desubicado = badly positioned or silly

malbaratar = to sell off cheaply, or at a loss

evitar = to avoid

despidos = layoffs, dismissals

silvestre = wild

apenada = upset

estrujada = pinched, squeezed

peluca = wig


Monday, June 02, 2008

Synopsis of “Querida Enemiga,” translated to English

Here is my translation – be sure you check the YouTube intro clips that our Anonymous source gave us in the Friday, May 30 recap comments on Yo Amo a Juan.

Lorena and Sara grew up together in an orphanage. They love each other as sisters although they are very different. Lorena dreams of starting a family, and what she loves most in life is to cook. Sara is materialistic; she has always resented the poverty of living in an orphanage, and her ambition is greater than her scruples.

Lorena dreams of becoming a chef; one day she says goodbye to the nuns who raised her, to go and study cooking (gastronomy) in Mexico City. The same day, the Mother Superior discovers that Sara has stolen all the money from the orphanage, and the Mother Superior suffers a heart attack and dies when she confronts Sara. Sara runs away with Chalo, her lover and accomplice, stealing her file and Lorena’s file. When she reads them, she finds out that she was found in a trashcan, but Lorena was abandoned in the orphanage without any explanation by her grandmother, the millionaire Hortensia Armendáriz. Sara's first impulse is to go in search of Lorena in order to help her confront her grandmother and demand her rights, but then Sara thinks it over and decides to usurp Lorena’s place in the Armendáriz gastronomic empire.

Totally unaware of this, Lorena finds work in the same company (her grandmother's) as a cook's helper. Lorena meets Alonso, a young physician with whom she falls in love, and becomes his girlfriend. But, Sara won’t rest until she separates Lorena from Alonso.

Hortensia uses all her resources to avoid confronting the harm she has caused to everyone around her.

When Lorena discovers Sara’s schemes, Lorena realizes that she never really knew the person she loved as a sister. In the midst of her suffering, Lorena has a confrontation and discovers a new hope from the hand of the person she least suspected could love her.

(Note: Also see Wikipedia, which translated has a slightly different translation and some elements added that esmas.com did not have).


CAST of Querida Enemiga – more information on the main characters to come (esmas.com only has profiles on six of them)

Lorena: Ana Layevska
Alonso: Gabriel Soto
Ernesto: Jorge Aravena
Hortensia: María Rubio
Sara: Carmen Becerra
Chalo: Mike Biagio
Jaime: Luis Xavier
Bárbara: Luz María Jerez
Vasco: José Manuel Lechuga
Omar: Alfonso Iturralde
Zulema: Socorro Bonilla
Julián: José Carlos Femat
Diana: Luz Elena González
Bruno: Marco Méndez
Darío: Eduardo Rivera
Paula: Sharis Cid
Bettina: Danna Paola
Maruja: Patricia Martínez
Rossy: Bibelot Mansur
Arturo: Mauricio Aspe


Here is the esmas.com original synopsis, for those of you who are interested:

Querida Amiga Sinopsis

Lorena y Sara crecieron juntas en un orfanato y se quieren como hermanas, pero son completamente distintas. Lorena sueña con formar una familia y lo que más le gusta en la vida es cocinar. Sara es materialista, siempre ha resentido la pobreza que se vive en el orfanato y su ambición es mayor que sus escrúpulos.

Lorena sueña con aprender alta cocina; un día se despide de las monjas que la criaron para ir a estudiar gastronomía en la capital. Ese mismo día, la madre superiora descubre que Sara ha robado el dinero del orfanato y al encararla, muere de un paro cardíaco. Sara huye con Chalo su amante y cómplice robando su expediente y el de Lorena. Al leerlos se entera de que mientras ella fue encontrada en un basurero, Lorena fue abandonada en el orfanato sin explicación alguna por su abuela, la millonaria Hortensia Armendáriz. Su primer impulso es ir en busca de Lorena para ayudarla a enfrentar a su abuela y luchar por sus derechos, pero luego recapacita y decide usurpar su lugar en el imperio gastronómico de los Armendáriz.

Ajena a todo esto, Lorena encuentra trabajo en la misma empresa como ayudante de cocina. Conoce a Alonso, un joven médico del que se enamora y al poco tiempo se convierte en su novia. Pero Sara no descansará hasta separar a Lorena de Alonso.

Hortensia, por su parte, lucha con todos sus recursos para evitar encarar todo el mal que ha causado a la gente cercana a ella.

Cuando Lorena descubre las intrigas de Sara, se da cuenta de que nunca conoció realmente a quien quería como a una hermana. En medio de su sufrimiento, se enfrentará y encontrará una nueva esperanza de la mano de quien menos sospechaba que pudiera amarla.


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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan – May 30, 2008 – In Which We Wonder If It Will Ever End.

Memo to Televisa/Univision/Esmas: One year is too long for any Telenovela except La Fea Más Bella

Is there such a thing as a total episode of filler on a Friday? If so, this was it. Maybe I’m mistaken, but it felt like filler. Maybe it's just me. I counted again, folks. I think I had it wrong—the ending looks more like June 20. So sorry—for all of us. (In all seriousness, I will miss Juan and all these “originals” in the cast.)

Juan—still in last night’s mode—talks in circles about how Farell is a third millennium company and they have to use methods of operating the business to stay in the vanguard of world businesses. He cites a new Chinese method, “PLC” which apparently has no real explanation. Or substance. S2 (fake Sandro, nod to Cap’n Sylvia) tries to nail him to specifics and Juan tap dances around, getting Paula’s support, until S2 gives up for the moment. Juan thought bubbles that this is way better, getting her with the program. [Ed. Note: in a really bad bit of editing, S2’s glasses were on/off/on with no visible movement. So, his secret’s safe again.] S2 wants to reduce the executive positions. He concedes a little where the rank-and-file are concerned, to salve Juan’s social conscience but it’s not enough for Juan. S2 lets his irritation show and Juan has the upper hand. Point to Juan. Juan’s going to provide a comprehensive plan. Paula’s with Juan’s program. Juan gives him the “gotcha there, bud” look and S2 gives him back the “for now, pal,” look. They remind us of Fernando and Aldo in LFMB facing off with Lety in the middle.

Julia is So Glad to see Kike at her desk. She loved all the lovely things he told her on the phone – even if they were just for show. Well, some were true. Julia pries—which? Well, when I don’t see you I miss you bunches. Julia and Kike play the “how much do you miss me?” game until they miss each other from here to eternity, (and along the road to Cuernavaca on the way). Kike is totally charmed by the game and Julia’s pretty pleased with the results. Kike wants to know what’s up—what bug bit all these folks. Julia tells him about the threatened layoffs (recorte-cutting, trimming, staff cutbacks). Kike is impactado. The lobby is more full with lobby lizards than ever. [If I heard about threatened layoffs, I’d be at my desk looking Really Busy.]
S2 tells Paula and Juan that they better consider that with every day that passes, they’re another day older and deeper in debt. ;-) Juan wants more time—S2 asks “when.” Juan has no quick answer. But, he thinks on his feet as always, and it’ll be tomorrow. Paula jumps right in with both feet; it’s tomorrow. They’ll put their heads together and come up with something. S2 is Put Out, but okay, they won’t layoff anyone today. By tomorrow, Juan’s got to come up with Plan B. Juan thought bubbles at S2—are you steamed? Pour some water. S2 is definitely steamed.

Ivonne and Marely find each other in the ladies’ room—shades of LFMB again. [It’s been nearly a year and I still miss it, folks.] Marely doesn’t want to meddle, but….she thinks Ivonne needs to clear up things with Fern. What for? He hurt me again. Marely ends up spilling the beans that Fern saw Ivonne go into the apartment building where Sandro lives, and since 2+2=4, they’re getting it on. Marely asserts that S2 is a Judas in disguise.

Juan and Paula are meeting—he really appreciated her support earlier—and S2 busts in. “Am I interrupting?’ YES. No. [Ed. Note: J&B scotch very clearly placed in the background. You’d think they’d have higher-class scotch, like Macallan 18 or something really smooth.] S2 wants Juan and Paula bails as fast as her 3-inch heels will take her. [Question—are they open-toed tonight or closed?] Juan thought bubbles that he doesn’t know what bananas this little monkey (chango) wants from him. S2 has brought him a better offer for his shares of Farell. What? You’re so eager to get rid of me? Why don’t you just fire me? Another point to Juan. Juan turns him down cold. He ain’t sellin.’ S2 is impactado. Anyway, not selling to YOU. Juan hands the folder back with the new figures. S2 wants to know why—does it have something to do with the proposed personnel cuts. Yep. But, remember, we’re reconsidering. Juan remembers, but there are lots of folks who might be on the street. He pats S2 on the shoulder and gives him the brush off. S2 is bemused and frustrated—again. They give each other A Look as S2 leaves. Point to Juan again.

Ivonne and Fern come down a lovely set of curving stairs while she tells him how it bothered her to learn what he had thought about her and his lack of trust. He scolds her about going to that guy’s house. She scolds back that he shouldn’t be judging when he hadn’t even asked her about it. Fern gets her out of the main gossip highway and reminds her he took her to that house plenty of times and it hurt like h***. He isn’t buying her “I have to clear some stuff up.” She tells him he could be a witness to what she saw that night. Fern is lost, so finally, she tells all—there are TWO of them there. ¿¿¿Qué??? Yep. Ivonne calls him a “know-it-all” (sabihondo), fills him in and asks his help in investigating if CL is still alive and well in the D. F. [Maybe the detective work will go better now, folks.] Fern is muy impactado.

Kike has come to see Juan, who has to tell Kike about the change of plans. Sorry, but I’m not selling my shares to “Sandro” and there won’t be cash to buy the lovely White Dove truck cab. Juan’s not leaving the company to that short guy (Chaparro) with no heart. Kike calls him a bigheaded (cabezón) So-and-So (zutano) (he’s more big-headed than nice). Juan apologizes, but it’s what he has to do. Kike, understands Juan’s desire to take care of his people and though Kike’s sad, he’s prouder than ever of Juan because Juan is committed to saving the jobs of the Farell work force. They’ve got their whole life ahead to set up a business.

Fern, still muy impactado, points out to Ivonne if she’s right, there could be unimaginable consequences. Exactly. Ivonne wants to keep on finding out what she can, starting with the name of the so-called agent who brought the news. Ivonne swears to Fern she feels nothing for “Sandro.” He asks her forgiveness and they make up. Friends? Ivonne gives him a look. And novios? She smiles and gives him a fond whack on the arm. All is well. It won’t happen again. He’s worried about what people will think—they’re going to think she’s nuts. He gives his word that he’ll help. They look around and steal a kiss in the middle of the Farell gossip thoroughfare. Even Fern smiles.

Juan is on a life-or-death phone call when Pastor and Heri are ready to see him and he waves them in. Pastor gives the floor to Heri, who announces he’s annoyed to the marrow of his heart (mohíno hasta la medula del corazón) due to that little monkey’s threats of layoff. Pastor defends his Heri. As Juan tries to calm them down—it hasn’t HAPPENED yet, Fern comes in to join the chorus. Juan’s depending on everyone to help with the solution (remedio - remedy, cure, relief). Total silence from the troops.

S2 is engaging Paula again, but she’s got her hackles up and he can’t wheedle today. He’s playing the game, though—never thought that implementing the financial plan would cause such a commotion (revuelo). [Hah.] He thought he’d get more support from her. Well, after looking it over, she didn’t hadn’t seen all the consequences. He backpedals and tries to convince her he’s looking for an intermediate solution, which she appreciates. Well, then, maybe they can have dinner and think about the plan? Noooope. Don’t feel like it, I have a lot of work, and I’m tired, Paula tells him with a tight smile. He’s hoping they can do it another day. No smiles for “Sandro” from Paula today.

Speaking of the King of Rome, Juan is cursing “Sandro” to Laura. Laura chews noisily on a marshmallow and remarks she’s never seen Juan so upset. So, why not ask her out for dinner? Juan doesn’t have a lot of time on his hands. He’s got some heavy lifting to do tonight. Juan tells her it’ll have to be taquitos at the greasy spoon. He names the kinds off (¿qué? Rabbit tacos? And others too terrible to name here? (toche- rabbit, and ojos – eyes, ))and she tries not to gag. Would that bother her too much? No problem, Laura swallows hard, represses her gut instinct, and out they rush for….exotic taquitos. That’s what he likes, spirited women! (Entronas) They probably won’t be too greasy….but Laura’s on a diet…..

Kike spoons food while he confesses to Julia he always wanted his own business with Juan. Ever since they’ve known each other, he’s wanted that. It’s their dream, but it’s postponed. He explains and Julia is enchanted by Juan’s support for the people of Farell. She’s glad because when he’s in Farell, it’s a calmer place. [Ed. Note: Amen, sistah.] He notes that Juan’s not an obstacle (tapón), he’s a conduit (ring cromado chromium-plated ring, my best guess.) Julia changes the topic—does Kike needs lots of money for his business? Kike outlines what he needs: two more trucks, and drivers, etc. Julia urges him to get a loan, one of those for small businesses. Kike hadn’t thought of it but it seems like a good idea. Wait, he’s got no one to co-sign, and he’s got no credit cards as collateral. But, Julia does. ¿Qué? All he has to do is ask and she’ll be his business partner. He kisses her everywhere but her lips. [Ed. Note: Kike, romantic fool that he is, still loves Unfaithful Yadi and Julia’s going to be disappointed.]

Anga is more than satisfied with Yadira’s work on the books. They’ve never looked so clear. He tells her he needs someone to help him with the business. Yadi’s not so sure, and she’s helping with what she’s doing. Anga comes closer—he doesn’t want her for just an employee, but more of a partner. He wants to leave his business in her hands. Yadi is impactada. Little by little, though, of course, he adds. Wow. She appreciates his faith in her, but is she ready for this kind of position? Yep, he thinks so. He has all the confidence in the world in her. Yadi is sooo thankful. Suddenly, the tide turns. He’s decided to put part of the company in her name. Yadi begins to register alarm.

Kike isn’t sure what he’s done to win Julia’s trust [and we aren’t sure, either], but he’s thankful. She’s knows good things about him, especially because she’s seen him work, she’s in charge of the Farell gossip, and she’s a good observer. He’s a little anxious, still, but Julia reassures him that he knows the business end and she can take care of PR and administration. She’ll deal with the bank, etc. They can pull it off (jalar)! Kike’s ready but he doesn’t want to abuse her friendship. Julia reassures him she’s always wanted to be her own boss and this will give her an opportunity. They give the secret handshake to firm up the deal and Julia’s knuckles are killing her.

Yadi is getting concerned about what she’s hearing. She really appreciates all he’s done, but….she pries about why she’s doing it. She deserves it. Yadi’s not so sure—what about Pastor? Anga tells Yadi that she and Nidia Michaela are the family he’s always wanted. Okay, so Anga’s laying the family ties on a little thick for a guy who hasn’t shown his real daughter his birthmark that matches hers. He strokes her arms and all sorts of other creepy things. [Ed. Note: if you have an opportunity to play this back, look at how their ears even slant the same way, folks. It’s downright spooky.] Anga tells her how she’s the perfect woman, her youth, beauty….he feels blessed to have a little gal like her. [Ed. Note: THAT’S a quote, folks. He said it, not me.] He’s never felt the happiness he feels with her near. Yadi’s alarm hits high pitch. Now she’s got it; something is definitely Not Right here. She asks him to cease and desist, please. He tells her he can’t contain the feelings he has for her. He’s never felt this for anyone. Anga tells Yadi how much he cares for her. Yadi is bemused/alarmed/impactada and it’s way too much for her pretty little head.

Delirio visits Gutis in his rat hole—what, we couldn’t have just one episode without him?—and is trying to quiet Gutis down using about six more paragraphs of flowery Spanish than necessary. His dear fugitive from Justice. Gutis wants to know Qué the heck Delirio is doing there. Delirio notes that Gutis hasn’t called him, and Delirio wants to be paid for his complicity in this deal. Gutis wants him to be patient—for at least the second time since they began the latest scam. Delirio gives Gutis all the bogus reasons why he needs the money now because his wife is getting impatient (since Nidia is supporting him, anyway, and Marely, and Juan, we wonder what the big deal is). Delirio wants a little advance from Gutis’ own funds. [Ed. Note: Delirio, would he be living here if he had funds?] Gutis breaks out the rotgut tequila and tells him to be patient. Delirio moans that if he doesn’t get paid soon, he might have to look for real work!

Yadi doesn’t want to hear more. She moves away from Anga. It’s not the time or place to talk about these things. He agrees; there’s lots of work and they can talk at her place tonight. He IS invited for dinner, right? She remembers her promise….yes…..it is his house. He’s off to the storeroom and leaves her to her work. Yadi watches him leave, in shock.

Sandro thinks that CL’s over eagerness cost him the opportunity to get his company back. CL denies it. He’ll pressure that jerk until Juan gives him another chance to buy it. Sandro thinks not—and Juan’s not the fool CL thinks. He’s learning to be wary of CL. CL thinks Juan could bring the company to the brink of bankruptcy and Sandro disagrees there, too. He could lose all the ground he’s gained in a matter of seconds, Sandro tells him. CL is irritated and tells his twin to shut up but Sandro tells him he better think it over carefully, or he could be getting into a huge mess. And, don’t even think about firing Marely. CL takes evil pleasure in retorting that she’s already resigned. Your fault, Sandro shoots back sadly. CL thinks it’s best she’s far away so Sandro’s distraction with her won’t blow the scheme all to h***. He stalks across the apartment living room, leaving Sandro looking like he’d rather be doing just about anything else in the world.

Anga returns to the office and asks Remolacho where Yadi is. She’s gone home because she just HAD to see the baby. Remolacho says he warned her to let Anga know when she left, but she didn’t pay him any attention and took off. Anga chuckles that she misses that little bit of heaven. Well, not to worry, when Kike gets there to unload the cargo, Anga can go off and see his…oops. Remo’s impactado face says it all. I mean, Anga continues, Yadira. Remo stares at him, thinking the worst.

Nidia races down the stairs to answer the pounding on the door and screaming for them to just hang on, she’s coming. Nidia is startled to see Nidia Michaela come in her door—and of course NM’s Mami, too. Qué the heck? Yadi’s in tears; Nidia was right. She thought Anga was helping because he’s good people, but no, he wanted what they all want. Nidia demands answers—what did that old lecher do? She threatens to do him in. Yadi sobs that he didn’t do anything, but confessed his love. Nidia swallows hard while Yadi tells her all that Anga said—well, not all, she can’t stand to tell her Mami. Nasty old man! Nidia calls him a swine (canalla). NM gets fussy listening to her Mami and Abuela fussing. Nidia wonders if she didn’t hear it wrong. Nope. He was totally serious. That WRETCH! Nidia is incensed. Trying to buy her love! That old lecher!

Speaking of the King of Rome, Anga goes to the apartment and “communicates” with Filomena—where’s Yadira? Filomena gestures about Yadi packing it in and blowing out of there. Finally, she shows him a letter. It’s from Yadira, of course, and tells him thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. “In the beginning, I accepted it because I thought it was generous (unselfish – desinteresada), and now I realize you want something from me I can’t return. It began with you like a friend, like a father, and nothing more. I’m sorry, but it’s better if we never see each other again. Yadira.”

Nidia is still lecturing Yadi, but in support of her making a good decision to come home. This erudite old man won’t dare to come to my house, she asserts. Yadi says she left it all and brought nothing he’d bought for them. Nidia points out she’s got all she needs here [of course she does, she left everything here when she took NM out in the big box and raced off in a cab.] Nidia continues that right here this child has an exemplary father and a mother who….the music grinds to a stop. Well, a mother who is human and makes a few boo-boos. But when she realizes, she fixes them. Yadi soaks it in, not retorting, wisely. Nidia smiles and tells Yadi she’s proud of Yadi, who asks forgiveness for having messed up (bajar – lower, humiliate, and lots of other definitions) the love of her Mami’s life. Nidia calls him a swine (cochino) again. She doesn’t ever want to remember that time of her life again. Yadi wheedles pitifully—could she stay here? It’s always your house! Nidia is ecstatic to have her grandbaby back—and of course, you, hija. Yadi tells Nidia she’s such an idiot for paying attention to her horoscope—it was supposed to be a day when she got some very good news. Hah.

Juan’s called Don Lorenzo in—remember, he has a great self-taught background in finance and should have been in the VP position in the first place. But, that’s just our opinion. They’ve been hard at it for hours with Heri, Pastor and Fern, going through the budget with a fine toothcomb and plenty of pink marshmallows. Juan moans that they’ll be here all night and Lorenzo says they have lots more to study. Can’t they postpone it? Nope. Gotta have it in the morning. Juanito is fine with Pepita. Juan thinks that Lorenzo and Pepita are angels who came to him from heaven.

Ana, Paula and Ivonne fix dinner and Ana lectures Paula a little about how she thought Sandro was the greatest and now look at where he’s left them. Ivonne sets the table and chimes in that she’s warned Paula she can’t trust the man. He makes Ivonne nervous, like he’s hiding something. [Yeah, and you know exactly what, too, Ivonne.] Paula tells them she doesn’t want to turn it into a witch hunt (cacería de brujas). Sandro’s just doing what they asked him to do. At the cost of so many folks who’ll lose their jobs, Ana wonders. She doesn’t like it. Paula says that business decisions have to be made coldly (con frialdad – with coldness). Ana is unhappy that it sounds like Paula’s agreeing with him. No, but Paula understands why they have to cut costs and have layoffs. So, what now, Ivonne wonders. Paula tells them Juan’s on it. He’ll have a counter proposal. Ivonne asks if by tomorrow, they’ll have an idea which is the better proposal. Sure, but no matter what happens, Paula will make sure Ivonne still has her job. Ivonne thanks her—if the medical costs aren’t paid, she’ll die, literally. Paula comforts her, and Ivonne remarks that Paula’s been so good to her that she’s doing something for Paula. Paula wants to know what, and Ivonne tells her it’ll have to wait until she’s confirmed her suspicions. [Ed. Note: is there anyone here who can imagine Paula waiting patiently on this? I didn’t think so.] Ana and Paula exchange puzzled looks.

Anga drives his clean, lovely, big white car up to Nidia’s house. He strides over to ring the bell, and gets a face popping out of the window upstairs. Nidia hurls out insults at the old swine and he begs see Yadira and clear things up. Nope, no can do. Nidia tells him to beat it and go find some other little girls to mix it up with. He wants to see Yadi, it’s just between them. Nidia thought he was a guy with scruples, but she was wrong. Where has her love gone? They fuss back and forth, but Nidia won’t give in and disappears into the house. Anga rings the bell. Yadi runs to talk to her mother about the crazy guy ringing the bell. It’s that perverted Angarita. He keeps ringing and Yadi is going to tell him to leave but Nidia won’t let her and tells her she needs to be thinking about looking for a different job. Yadi doesn’t think she can get another job. Anga waits. And waits. It gets dark and starts raining. Anga waits. And waits. And gets drenched. Anga waits. And gives up, going to his car.

Back at Juan’s office, they’ve come up with about 10% in reductions without massive layoffs, but they need 20%. Heri is starving to death. [Hah.] Pastor agrees; they need to eat. Lorenzo exhorts them—no rest for the weary, there’s too much to do, we can’t get distracted, and be patient. Heri just wants a five-minute rest. [One wonders if he’s even really helping]. Heri points out even the best horse needs to romp about (retozar). [K, that farm reference was for you.] Fern sternly tells him if they keep their noses to the grindstone it’ll be done faster. Heri retorts and Fern shouldn’t be messing with him. The boys get ready to face off. Juan tries to hold them back with a few calming words and reminding them of the work ahead, but Heri is loaded for bear. Turns out, it’s about Ivonne. Fern’s stolen her. Fern chuckles and goes behind him but suddenly turns ugly, whipping Heri around to face him. Pastor steps between them, probably a dangerous move. They yell at each other with Fern asserting she’s his girlfriend, whether Heri likes it or not. How could Heri even think she’d like him? She’s had some bad times, but never bad taste. Heri begs Pastor to tell Fern that Ivonne’s hitching her wagon to him [Okay, I took some liberties interpreting that into English]. Heri’s ready to take Fern out to the corner (esquina) and have a round. Pastor finds himself in the middle of a boy fight. He might not mind it so much. They spin and spin and Heri bails. Fern waves Pastor out the door after him.

Marely is thrilled to see her big sis back home as she comes into the kitchen where Yadi is making up baby formula. What are you doing here? Yadi informs Marely she’s home. Marely thought she was very happy in her new apartment full of luxuries. And with Don Angarita taking care of all her whims. Yadi admits it all has a price—her love. He was only looking for me to buy himself a family. Marely reminds her gently that everyone warned her. Yadi knows, she doesn’t need the reminder. Why was she so foolish? She swears she thought he only viewed her as the daughter he never had. [Ed. Note: little do you know.] Marely points out there are lots of folks in the world with bad intentions. Yadi really thought he was different. Marely encourages Yadi—what’s important is that she realized and didn’t stay in the game! Yadi says she thought she could get that independent life she wanted and be comfortable, have comfortable things for her daughter. Marely tells her she still can if she’s willing to work hard, exert herself. Yadi is doubtful. She tells Marely it’s all because she gave too much credit to her horoscope. Excuuuuuse me? Marely gives her the raised eyebrows. Yadi quotes the horoscope. “An older man offers you his sincere friendship.” What sincere? Marely can’t understand why Yadi’s still paying attention to such things. Nothing they say in horoscopes really happens, anyway. Yeah. Yadi is pretty sheepish. Marely mocks about Yadi believing in tarot cards—does she remember? You were convinced they said you were a cautious (recatada), serious woman, responsible, decent—give me a break! You? Okay, Yadi concedes, at least we don’t pay the woman. Old Liar! (the writer of the horoscopes). Yadi is NEVER going to pay attention to her horoscopes again. Never. Anyway, Baby Sis is so pleased to see her. The sisters hug.

Anga is miserable at home, coughing and choking with a cold from the rain. He’s sitting on the sofa in his jammies, sneezing and wheezing, feet in warm water, with a towel over his head and shoulders. He remembers Nidia’s harsh words that Yadira doesn’t ever want to see him again in this lifetime, so get out and go look for other little girls to conquer. Anga shivers and shakes.

Nidia sits on her bed, remembering another scene—this one of love, played out in the central market. “You love me so much?” she asks Angarita. He wonders what he has to do to convince her. He loves her. Nidia is back in her real world. She pounds on the bed. Liar! Liar! Delirio comes in and wonders who his puchi puchi is calling a liar.

Kike comes home from a long hard day to find his errant wife and precious baby in the room. What are you doing here? I’m back. I missed my home and my family. Yadi makes no eye contact, but rocks the baby in her baby seat placed on the bed. Is there a problem? Now there’s eye contact. He chuckles—better you tell me a cowboy story, because I don’t believe a word you’re saying. He kisses his baby girl. Yadi grudgingly admits that she accepted Anga’s help and it was mistake. Happy? He believes that even less. What really happened? Well, she tells him, Don Angarita asked me for something I couldn’t give him. Kike is muy impactada as they face off.

Hillary leaves a message for Juan. [Ed. Note: Whew, what a living room. I could never live in an all white house with all white furniture, because it wouldn’t be long before it was all gray. But, then, I don’t have a million people cleaning up behind me.] She wants him to call and leaves him a kiss. Papá Paris strolls in, with purpose. He neeeds to talk with her. He suggests a drink and they go off for the chat.

Kike thinks that Yadi is condescending. She asks him to do this without insults. Kike says its not an insult, and thinks she and Anga had their first fight as lovers. He pushes and Yadi tells him enough. [Nidia Micaela is such a unique kid—she’s just staring at Yadi while she fusses with Kike.] He thinks she emptied Anga’s wallet. Yadi stands up, totally incensed. Kike continues—he told you for the first time he’s not going to support some of your many whims. So, what did you ask him to buy? A Bengal Tiger? No? A romantic trip to Paris with all expenses paid? No. How about a total laser depilation? Yadi rushes across the room to give him a thump and Kike grabs her arm. She yells at him to mock her all he wants. She doesn’t care. They trade insults. Kike says he’s going to feed his little girl and heads for Nidia Michaela. Yadi reminds him—at 90 decibels, that it’s her room and her bed. She tells him to get out and find another place to sleep—he and Perafán are just pebbles in this house. Kike repeats that he’s going to feed his child; he has that right since he’s her father. Yadi spits out another quasi insult and storms out while the baby cries. Kike talks to NM and asks her “who loves ya, baby?” He tells her that she’s the only good thing Yadira gave him, the one sincere and honest thing her mother has done in her life. Yadi hears all this through the door.

Papá Paris wants to know who Hillary was talking to when he found her in the McMansion. She tells him she was leaving Juan a message. It’s strange that he hasn’t called all day. Papi informs her she’s not going to hear from him again. How come? Well, yesterday I had an appointment with him to clear up a few things. WHAT? Well, Papi tells her, you’re my daughter and I have to make sure no one takes advantage of you. He explains that Juan’s pretty clear that he’s got no future with Hill. Hillary is Put Out and tells her Papi he has no right to do that. And we are reminded that any similarity to reality is purely coincidental.


Recorte – layoffs, staff cutbacks, trim, cut
Chango – small monkey
Sabihondo – know-it-all
Chaparro – short guy
Mohíno hasta la medula del corazón - annoyed to the marrow of his heart
Remedio – solution, remedy, cure
Revuelo – commotion, stir, fuss, rumpus
Toche – hare
Entronas – spirited
Tapón - obstacle
Ring cromado - Chrome-plated ring (maybe a conduit?)
Jalar – pull it off, work hard at it, do it
Canalla – swine
Cochino – swine (there must be 50 ways to leave your lover and about that many synonyms for swine in Spanish)
Witch hunt - cacería de brujas
Con frialdad – with coldness, with a cool head
Retozar – romp, frisk about
Esquina - corner
Recatada – cautious



Friday, May 30, 2008

I Love Juan, Thurs 5/29 - An unholy alliance is formed

Ahoy all,
We do the best we can but we don't always get it right. Corrections and suggestions are very welcome.

We begin with a repeat of Willy and Ana's kiss (boring) and Juan popping off on Papa Paris for trying to deny Hillary her freedom in life and in love. Papa Plutarco Paris is muy, pero muy impactado. Juan thinks he looks like he's got something stuck in his gullet.

Willy and Ana pretty much do a tourism commercial for British Columbia. We see a plane overhead signifying they are headed back to Mexico. Guess the BC sleuthing theory is a bust.

Willy drops Ana off at home and Ana tells Paula that she is engaged. Paula is stunningly beautiful when she smiles, a rare treat.

Juan takes Juanito and Flor out for an ice cream treat and thought bubbles that he really pinched the monkey's tail with Plutarco Paris. He looks at the kiddies and thinks how nice it is when love is requited.

Ana apologizes to Paula for not telling her sooner how she felt about Willy. Paula is all "you're kidding right? I knew even before you did, I'm your daughter and your best friend." They admire Ana's ring.

Juan goes to Farell and tells himself he's going to distance himself from Paula by accepting "Sandro's" offer. He boldly strides into the office, then decides to put on the brakes so he doesn't appear too eager. He thought bubbles that deep down inside he still wasn't sure he wanted to separate himself from his Palomita forever. Way to make up your mind Juan.

S2 (fake Sandro) tells Laura that since they are both new at Farell they should form an alliance. He asks for a complete list of all personnel including salaries and everything else, but he needs her to do this without Pastor's knowledge. The wardrobe assassin/HR clerk from hell immediately agrees but wants to know why. S2 replies it's because he needs to drastically cut costs and he's going to fire a lot of people.

Laura pretty much only cares about her position. S2 assures her that she's safe, they are a team, right? He adds that the VP of Personnel (Pastor) is on the list and wouldn't Laura love to have his position? "Hell yeah" she grins, baring her fangs like a hungry hyena.

Ivonne asks Marely if she remembers the name of the agent that came to tell Paula about CL's death. She makes up some lame excuse and asks Marely to find the name and number.

A group of people are outside "Sandro's" office. They go in one by one and each comes out weeping or angry.

Pastor is the next to be dressed down. S2 tells him that based on his past indiscretions, i.e. the embezzling and pirated software, Pastor should be the first to lose his job. Pastor reminds him that CL gave him another chance and he begs for the opportunity to prove himself. S2 grudgingly agrees but points out that Pastor will be on probation and will most likely lose his job.

It's Fer's turn to be run over. S2 insults Fer regarding his journey from chauffeur to applying for the VP job. S2 says bottom line, Fer's salary is not appropriate to his current job, he makes too much. "Are you going to fire me?" asks Fer. S2 prefers to rephrase it, based on his evaluation of the staff, at this time the staff is not aligned with the commercial interests of the company.

Ivonne is next on the gurney. In short, S2 tells her it was inappropriate of someone in her position to take such a long vacation. She reminds him it was a personal leave, she had a sore throat operation. S2 accuses her of lying and hanging out on the beach. Ivonne becomes indignant, Paula and Pastor visited her in the hospital! S2 says a doctor's excuse is missing from her file and it's likely her services will no longer be needed.

Marely is up to bat. S2 starts in on his spiel but Marely cuts him short. She tells him to stuff it because she's leaving that very day! He watches her retreating backside with a new look, a touch of respect perhaps? Nah, it's probably pure lechery.

Heri is the next calf to be slaughtered. He tells S2 that he's not done learning the business skills he needs to take back to the ranch. S2 doesn't want to hear Heri's life story. Fine, says Heri, let's not waste our breath like pulque in the cantina. He says he's not an employee but rather a partner. S2 laughs and points out that Heri's daddy's money accounts for less than a half percent of the company and Heri can get out right now. Poor Heriberto, for the first time he is mute.

Yadi and Angarita are in her apartment. She begs him to go back to work. He doesn't want the market to turn into a war zone. She promises to keep her lip zipped and he stupidly agrees. God help him she can come back to work.

Heri goes to Pastor's office to complain about being fired. How will he pay for all his new clothes? Worse still, he was on the verge of having Ivonne, the light of his eyes, in his arms! Pastor vows that neither Paula nor Juan will allow such an injustice.

At the playground, I mean the marketplace Anga and Yadi go over some paperwork together. Kike sees Anga's arm around Yadi's waist and coughs to get their attention. They barely notice.

Ivonne and Fer commiserate about "Sandro's" threatening behavior. How could he do these things without consulting the bosses?

Kike uses the phone on Yadi's desk to make a romantic phone call. He gets all sweetie pie and blows kisses to his mystery novia while Yadi fumes. When she snipes at him he says it's no worse than what she and Anga are doing. Anga tries to reason with him, no more arguments please. Kike blurts out that he needs the job but soon he'll fly far away.

Fer tells a shocked Paula what "Sandro" has been up to and that he seemed very well prepared with salary and performance information. Paula can't believe he would do such a thing. Fer tells her that the guy already fired half the world, she has to do something!

Kike and Juan are big rig shopping and looking at a bright yellow truck the same color as Juan's shirt. Kike is worried, will Juan really be able to afford one of these bright new trucks? Juan assures him, since when has Juan Dominguez had a problem with money? (I am always suspicious when people answer a question with a question.) Juan spies a white truck, he polishes and kisses this Palomito Blanco. He tries out the drivers seat and imagines a smiling Paula, then Marely, then Hillary sitting beside him. Back to reality, it's actually Kike bouncing up and down on the seat next to him. Juan gleefully honks the horn.

Laura leans over S2's desk displaying her feminine attributes. She reports that the secretaries are in tears and everyone is talking about his threats. Must he resort to such drastic measures? He coldly tells her it's the only way to save the business. She stares at him oddly and says he sounds just like CL. When he offers her is unconditional frienship she smiles diabolically.

Juan and Kike go to the taco stand where Juan tells his buddy all about his altercation with Papa Paris. He really told that snobby millionaire off! Juan mimics Papa Paris, "You are not allowed to see that Juan Dominguez!" Kike asks Juan will he stop seeing Hillary? Juan's only answer is to tell Kike to eat his tacos.

Paula goes off on "Sandro" for not respecting people and not treating them as they deserve to be treated. (Interesting, coming from her.) She won't allow all those people to lose their jobs! He says he hates it too but hard decisions must be made to save the company. He's objectively evaluating staff (only the people aligned with Juan we notice) and she has to have confidence in him.

The Lizards have gathered outside the office awaiting Paula's word. Paula assures them that Sandro is merely evaluating the situation, nothing more, she'll find a solution. Pastor leads the battle cry, "He's going to sack us all!"

Marely finds Ivonne crying in the bathroom. Ivonne doesn't know what she'll do if she gets fired and loses her medical benefits. Marely is sure that Paula will never let that happen.

Juan and Kike return to the hellmouth, aka Farell. Kike flirts with Julia who seems to have forgotten about the sackings.

Fer tells Juan what the imbecile "Sandro" did. Juan is muy impactado...QUE??? Fer says that he, Pastor and Heri are all going to the chopping block. Paula gave them some lip service, she talked to "Sandro" but then came out with her tail between her feet. She said things but she promised nada. Juan vows that the people of Juan Dominguez of Achichipico are untouchable!

Marely complains to Paula about "Sandro", worst of all she found Ivonne crying. Paula clucks indignantly.

Pastor tells Juan that "Sandro" blacklisted him, he was treated worse than the soles on "Sandro's" shoes. Juan thought bubbles furiously that he's got to stop this guy right now!

Juan goes to Paula's office and launches into an impressively long tirade about the new VP's antics. Paula tries to get a word in but with each breath Juan blusters with renewed vigor. He works himself into a frenzy and finally stands up to leave. Paula blurts out "Can I speak?" Juan shouts, "No you cannot!" Paula insists, she tells him he's right. He looks shocked. She repeats, yes he's completely right and they can't allow Sandro to do these things. Juan tells her she's created a monster.

Juan and Paula confront "Sandro". He insists to Juan that they have to cut staff by at least 30% if the company is to survive, otherwise they will all lose their jobs, all of them! Juan is impactado.

Marely whispers to Fer that "Sandro" told Paula he wants to fire Ivonne. (There is a serious lack of confidentiality in this company.) Fer comments that once again Ivonne has stumbled. We see Ivonne in the background as Fer explains himself...he saw Ivonne leave work and go to "Sandro's" apartment. What she did with CL she is now repeating with his twin. Marely is impactada. Fer stalks off as Marely stares uncomfortably at Ivonne.

Juan instructs "Sandro" that firing people is too easy a solution. He insists that a company's greatest value is its human capital. S2 replies that they can't ignore concrete measurements (medidas concretas). Juan is confused, measurements in chalk? (medidas con cretas) Juan pretends to understand as S2 continues...you know, concrete measurements, i.e. practical solutions, just how does Juan suggest utilizing this great human capital? Uh oh, Juan thought bubbles, now he has to make something up on the fly.

Juan says they should employ the concept of Productividad en Lineas Cruzadas (Crossed Line Productivity, Juan crosses his arms to demonstrate), aka PLC, just like they do in China. S2 is skeptical, he's never heard of it. Oh yes, Juan continues, he read about it in a magazine article, it's a new concept used in emerging economics to avoid massive layoffs. Paula agrees with Juan that they should try PLC before firing anyone from Farell. She and Juan nod in agreement. S2 squints his eyes and looks like wants a cigarette and a drink, and any similarity to real life is purely coincidental.

Tomorrow: Juan tries to kiss Marely? Dude, give the poor girl a break! Paula weeps.

Gaznate = Gullet
Gastar saliva = To waste one's breath (Lit. to waste one's saliva)
Sacarse algo de la manga = To make up something on the fly (manga = sleeve)
Tengamos la fiesta en paz = Let's have no more arguments (Lit. let's have the party in peace)


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Juan Wed. May 28 '08 Ana and Juanito Get Lucky-- But Not Your Recapper

No closed captions on Juan tonight! Diablos had 'em, even the ads for Juan had them but no captions for the actual show so I'm flying blind this evening. Please correct any major goofs or omissions.

We start with the usual rehash..Ivonne, looking very dejected tells Ana and Paula that Fernando has broken up with her but she doesn't want to talk about it. And she's not going to shed one more tear about it either.

Ana applauds her take-charge attitude and Ivonne makes an early night of it, heading off to bed. Paula, pensive, notes that love can really hurt.

Are you talking about Ivonne or yourself? probes Ana. Paula tells her it's obvious Juan no longer cares, he's leaving Farrell, getting away from her, and clearly ready to start a new life with Hillary Paris. Paula's affection, her tenderness (Lordy, when have we seen that?!) mean nothing to him, much less her love.

Ana points out, quite reasonably, that they need to talk honestly, face to face (frente a frente) and clear things up. Obviously Ms. Ana doesn't know telenovela rules...you NEVER TALK HONESTLY...if you did, the show would wrap up in a few weeks rather than a few years. Sigh.

In the meantime, Juan and Juanito are getting ready to attend the grand opening of Ana's gallery and exhibition. He's bought Juanito a new shirt and tie and now the little cadger wants to know if he can invite Flor.

Have you asked her to be your girlfriend? queries Dad. Nah, he's been too shy so we have a funny little scene where Juan gives coaching on how to be cock of the walk...stick out your chest, swagger in, close your eyes and make the jump! And as we see, Juanito is a very good pupil.

Our not so macho Kike is being consoled by none other than Remolacho. The boss played you dirty, he sympathizes. Well, the worst of it is, I can't quit no matter how Angarita treats me...I need the money, laments Kike.

Switch now to Alirio's office, Nidia still piping up when she should be quiet. (Well, what's new?) and Yadira's very expensive lawyer is concluding the meeting by saying "this will all be decided by the courts".

Shall I see you to the door? coos Nidia. You can count on me for whatever. YOU STAY! bellows Alirio. You're the worst secretary and worst wife ever! The lawyer hastily exits, noting that he knows the way to the door.

Yadira was with Topete first, now she's with Angarita! Reason enough for any judge to give Enrique custody! continues Alirio, but you refuse to help us. From now on I'm not your wife, I'm the "widow Cachon" sniffs Nidia, as usual, completely unfazed by anything Alirio says, even when it makes sense....especially when it makes sense! Still she's a loyal mama...got to give her that.

Wuf! things just got warmer in here. Paula is remembering Juan's seduction (or was it Paula's seduction?) Well, whatever. I missed this the first time around and I have to admit, pretty steamy stuff. Bra straps loosening, belt buckles being tugged...I may have to take a break here.

Okay, I'm back. And it's grim reality again. Alirio has given up on Nidia and is chastising Kike. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!!???? You had a good chance of getting custody but now, with the kidnapping...Don't yell at me, Kike pleads. I did it without thinking. I was holding her, looking into her little eyes, the door was nearby....Nevertheless, the case is going to be very tough now, chides Alirio.

You're my last hope, cries Enrique. If they take my child, I'll kill myself! Don't talk rubbish, snaps Perafan, but you will need to get Nidia on our side.

And that's just what Kike tries to do, with no more success than Alirio. I miss my daughter, he pleads, I'm the papa. And I'm the grandmother, she snaps. But I'm not going to tattle on my daughter "la ropa sucia se lave en casa" (we wash out dirty laundry at home) No way am I going to testify against my daughter. What I say, I say between these four walls. But forget about me helping you.

And now we're at the lush, Hawaiian themed, art gallery exhibit of Ana's paintings.
There are palm trees, leis, undulating navels and hips, bare-chested, muscular waiters...there may even be some paintings but who can see them with all the
tropical hoohah going on!?

Ana looks ready to faint and even unflappable Willy looks worried. I wanted something simple and formal, Ana squeaks but Nidia blows that off and instead hastens over to Hillary and her cranky dad who have just arrived.

Nidia introduces herself...and as an afterthought Ana...and moves in, chest front and center, to make acquaintance with Señor Paris. She thanks Hillary for bringing all her wealthy friends and reminds them that the art is for sale.

Papa Paris is"muy offendido" and thinks Nidia is about the most vulgar woman he's ever met! And he's also grumpy because Juan hasn't arrived yet..Lack of punctuality is lack of manners, he grouses.

Just then our bright-shirt, short-tied, long-haired galan arrives with Flor and Juanito in tow. Hillary introduces him and Juan gives Papa a handshake so vigorous it ruffles his hair (Papa's not Juan's) and Juanito does the same.

At Yadira's apartment, another papa is basking in his daughter's company. She's thinking of going to the gallery, she knows her mother is expecting her and asks Angarita to come along. He says he wasn't invited. Well, hey, she doesn't want to go anyway. How about staying for dinner? He happily accepts.

In the meantime, our ever lecherous Nidia is checking out the buns of a distinguished looking hombre who's studying a painting. Like it? it would look good in your office, your home..or for your girlfriend, she probes. She moves her hands along his shoulders and arms (Good Lord Nidia, hold your fire!) and he turns away. Well if you want to buy it, make your move, she adds, there are other people interested in it. And the painter is an intimate friend of Hillary Paris, she adds for good measure.

Flor and Juanito are also studying the pictures, remarking on the lack of clothing for one thing. Good time for Juanito to make his move and he does, exactly as his dad taught him. Once Flor gets him to open his eyes, she happily agrees to be his "novia" and he squinches up his eyes in bliss.

We get another shot of the undulating hula dancers, flanking the life sized portrait of Juan "au naturel" and our dear Juan is being grilled by Hillary's father. Are those his kids? Is he married, divorced, widower?

Juan manages to get in that he's a single father before the discussion moves on to his business dealings. And here I pretty much got lost, but Dad seemed to be quizzing Juan about how long he'd been with Farrell, what his business background was, his investments etc. Hillary was upset that her father kept up the third degree while Juan smilingly protested that it was quite all right. Then...ta dah..in walks "Sandro" and makes straight for Paula, all charm and smiles.

He jokes with Ana about the ukelele music, tells her not to worry, the party's great and he PROMISES to buy a painting. She protests that he shouldn't do any such thing if he doesn't like any.

Off in a corner, Gaytan and Ivonne are chatting and Pastor wheezes, Whatever gave them the idea of hiring Nidia!? Well, Ivonne laughs, for one thing she needed the money. Well, Pastor thinks the tropical theme is outlandish but the waiters(bare-chested and muscular, remember?) are great.

Herbierto arrives...paws the ground and snorts when he sees Ivonne but then complains about the skimpy food. They're called "canapés" sniffs Pastor. Fine, but let's go somewhere else and eat, replies Herbi. Ivonne declines but Pastor replies "de mil amores" (I'd love to!) and off they go.

Now Willy explains to Nidia that the man she was groping earlier is an art critic. She's incensed. Don't come here and criticize my friend Ana, she yowls. Willy pulls her away and explains carefully than an art critic evaluates art rather than attacking it.

Nidia switches the discussion to a topic she's more familiar with...passion! She advises Willy to make his move now...her friend needs it and wants it and times a'wasting.

Back to cranky Dad Paris. He wants to go. He hates the music, he hates the whole thing. Hillary wants to stay, things are just starting up. Let's just enjoy it. Impossible, he retorts.

At this point, the ukelele stops and some hot dance music comes on, thanks to Nidia. "Sandro" leads a protesting Paula out on the dance floor and Juan meets the challenge by asking Hillary to dance but Dad insists they're going home NOW.

A reporter noses up, asks if Juan is Hillary's boyfriend (or fiancé.."novio" can mean either) and Dad snaps that "NO, he's just a friend of the family" and Hasta luego and adios!

Juan muses that with a bitter dad like that, who suspects all men of wanting to use his daughter, that he's isolating Hillary from others.

Still crestfallen, Juan watches Paula dancing with Sandro and turns and asks Marely to dance with him. But she's not interested in being his "fall-back position" and snippily turns him down. He reasons that he really should be fighting for the one true love in his life but is not.

Things are going better for Angarita though. He tells Yadira that other than having Pastor's company, he's eaten alone 99 % of the time. His life has changed completely with Yadira.

She's happy to do whatever she can to pay him back for all he's done for her. But I don't want it to be an obligation, he protests. Are you a sheep in wolf's clothing or a wolf in sheep's clothing, she smiles. Just a wolf. No, I think you've got a big heart. But why are you doing this?

Your mother was the love of my life. You're her daughter, Nidia Michaela is her granddaughter. Other than Pastor, this is the closest I can come to family, he explains. Helping you has been my greatest happiness, he adds.

Hmmm...didn't look that way when you saw the lawyer's bills, Yadira quips.

Things are better financially at the gallery...in fact every painting has sold! Willy and Ana are over the moon, not to mention Nidia. Ever flirtatious though, she asks Willy if he has a twin brother, since she'd love to trade in her husband (can't fault her there).

And she adds, If things don't work out with you and Ana...well, call me! Nidia, growls Ana...Oh don't worry, Nidia replies, I always respect other people's property.

Now we move to a shot of Juan in bed...with Juanito...musing over the lost women in his life, while the only woman he has ever really loved is now in the arms of another. Well, not exactly Juan. She's hugging the teddy bear you gave her, while a tear trickles down her cheek.

Oh my, will these two adorable star-crossed lovers ever get together? You bet your sweet bippy they will but probably not until the last 15 minutes of the last show.

Now it's the next morning at Ana's house and Willy is reading the reviews which are great. Paula's on the phone with Nidia, congratulating her for her part in the success; and after Ana reads the glowing reviews as well, she calls out to Paula that she and Willy are going out to breakfast.

Nidia gives Paula some song and dance about how Ana's going to be spending the weekend off with her which confuses Paula but it's all a white lie so Paula won't worry when Mom doesn't come home that night. Alirio's fuming in the background thinking Nidia's cooking up something naughty but it's strictly her arrangement of a honeymoon for Willy and Ana.

And besides, she fires back, I'm working day and night (de sol a sol) to pay the mortgage on this house so belt up! I'm working too...and on a very important case! replies Alirio. (well, really, you can't shut either of them up)

Now we see a plane flying, obviously breakfast is going to be far far away...Vancouver perhaps. Yes, Nidia has packed Ana's clothes and a passport and booked a suite for them. One room!? dithers Ana. Okay, two, sighs Willy. No, one, she hesitates, no, two...no, one. Whew.

I didn't think you'd ever decide, adds Willy. I'm dying to be with you but I'm scared, she explains. I love you and I want to share my life with you, he replies. Good answer Mr. willy!

Now they're walking through a lovely park (have they gone to bed yet? curious minds want to know) and she's exclaiming what a marvelous place it is. Only what you deserve, he replies.

And tadah, he takes out that well-known little ring box and asks her to marry him. I never thought I'd hear something like that, she gasps. Should I say it a thousand times. Well, once more would be good. And so he does and she says "YES!" I'll compress the rest of the scene...they're walking by the water, she's musing how she never thought she would ever marry. Resigned herself to always being unwed.

Same thing for him. He thought he'd always be alone, but then he met her...and came back to Mexico determined to win her. Why now, why so late in life? she wonders. Maybe the best was saved for last, he replies.

And now the big smooch scene. Wanted to like it but goshdarnit, they both just looked really uncomfortable. Reminded me of the first time I kissed a guy who had braces. Not good. Sorry folks. On the other hand, Juan and Paula, I must say, do the job right.

Still, the conversation is good. Willy continues that he wants Ana to be his wife, traveling companion, friend, colleague. Is that all? she teases. And lover, he adds. More tight-lipped uncomfortable kissing. Oh well, guess there's a reason Muñoz usually plays the bad guy.

And speaking of uncomfortable, cranky Dad Paris is chewing out Juan big-time. Telling him his daughter is not a prize to be plucked off the shelf and if she ends up with Juan, don't get your hopes up! I'm not giving you a penney!

To Papa's surprise, Juan fires back just as big-time. I don't know if we'll end up together, he bellows, but if we do, it's certainly not for your filthy money.

And we end with Papa looking "muy pero muy impactado".


Juan Q Tues. 5/27 - Discord for all except a quiet Heriberto

For Maloke Efimba

Heri confirms with Pastor he shouldn't give compliments. He asks Ivonne then if she heard about the exercising he and Pasty did together. She says yes and that you ran screaming from the massage. Heri explains that as saving his body for her hands only and he laughs like Beavis and Butthead. That earns him another condecending Heri, Heri, by Don Pastor who tells him to also refrain from silly remarks (sandeces). Ivonne tells him he looks better quiet. (Calladito te vez mas bonito. - I can think of plenty of people I'd love to say that too.....) He asks really, and she says, ah but you just spoke and the magic went away. He promises to be quiet forever while she gives Pastor the, I can't believe you are making me do this, you owe me such a big favor look.

Juan wonders how Laura is doing on her first day and offers to help with her stack of junk. She says she's fine, but complains about Pastor being demanding. Nah... She wants to chat so he asks her to enter his office. I read about but didn't see these bizarre tights. To me, they make her legs look like Nemo the clownfish.

Heri chats with Pastor about the results he's seeing with the method. He thinks she looks at him now with soft lanquid eyes and not the eyes of a cow that has just been milked. I can count on my boy Heri to get those animals in there somehow. Whoo - all is not lost. He says how hot she makes him and Pastor warns him to control his hormones. Heri discusses that now that Fer and she have had a good fight so much so that they aren't going together anymore. He thinks he has a chance. Pastor says he told him so, if he follows the advice.

Laura tells Juan she's heard rumors that he's novios with the millionairess, and he speaking to himself wonders what he should do, lie or tell the truth, so he decides to say the truth, that they met a few days ago and they are only friends now. ( He neglected the part about her professing her love to him, of course) Lau is placated and calmed to hear this.

In the squalid tin can Gutis yells at Perf for leaving him high and dry. Perf swears he had a good reason, Hillary ate dinner with them. Gutis says it could have been Jennifer Lopez for all he cares, he should have been here as they are dealing with serious people. Perf says look I'm here now and here are the checks for the accounts. He wonders about the internet keys. I think Perf doesn't have them yet, he wonders when Gutis will put the money in the accounts. Gut asks him to be patient just like he is being with Perf.

Kike and Nid Mich show up at Farell and Julia fawns over her. She agrees to watch her while Kiks talks to Juan.

In Juan's office Fer and he are chatting about the price he should ask for his shares. Juan thinks that's high, but Fer thinks it's a fair price. Juan can't wait to put some distance between him and Pau, but Fer isn't so happy because he knows that won't be good for him in the long run.

Kike goes in and Juan tells him about his plan to sell. Kike is pleased and thanks Juan for his loyalty, but thinks Juan may need to save that money to get him out of the klinker because he just stole his daughter away. The laughing stops and the pair stare at Kike impactados.

Sandro is up to his usual flattery and wonders how long since Pau's taken a vacation. Then he drops that he will be pleased to be her colleague because Juan agreed to sell him his shares. Pau is impactada, but San is smug. I guess we are back to the cleavage shows with Pau. The productors took "filler" literally.

Fer and Juan berate Kike for taking the baby. He says he wanted to talk, but that woman can't be reasoned with, so he grabbed and ran. Fer and Juan say the judge must decide this, that he can't take justice into his own hands like this. Kike is still upset.

Pau can't believe Juan is doing this as it was his dream. San says he will offer a good price. She still wonders why, and he says well after all Juan is still a chaffeur at heart. He adds that maybe this is small beans now that he is going with Hillary. Pau doesn't believe that either that this is a huge business. San still insists that maybe Juan is extremely ambitious. Pau is still not convinced that Juan has lost all interest in Farell and it's people.

At Farell, Anga shows up with Yadi and Julia hides the baby. Ivonne interrupts the arguing boys to announce their presence. They wonder why the baby hasn't been spotted yet. We are then treates to a split screen struggle, on one hand the papas and on the other, Tia Marely discovering that Julia has the baby and she tries to get her back. Among all of this, a cry is heard and Yadi runs out to pull the baby from Julia nad yell at her never again to touch the baby. Anga supports her and tells Kike they'll see him in court. Juan holds him back as he painfully tries to go after his daughter.

In the elevator Anga tells Yadi he gave Kike an opportunity to do things the right way, and he went way too far. Anga vows to support Yadi with all his might. In the lobby the Farell crew console Kike and tell him he needs to chill out because he's doing more harm than good.

Juan and Pau are having a chat about Kike costing himself a lot with that move when she slips it in: Why are you selling your shares in Farell? Juan gives her a proud response along the lines that he's done it all there already, all the levels and he's the highest he can be, he wants to see the world, and there is nothing more for him here. Besides the two firm heads can't ever come to an understanding and they are always at odds, there is no chemistry, get it? She wonders what happened to the nice innocent guy who came to the DF full of hopes and he responds that guy was pulled out and his face doesn't even remain but it's time for this doll to fly in other skies, take on other projects and relationship, if you know what I mean. He tells himself her sad look is killing him, but words of love aren't coming to him, and he's stuck with his pride in this war he's waged.

Fer explains to Kike how he shouldn't behave in that manner because it's really best for the baby to share custody with her mother, the baby needs her. He wants to change the subject so asks how things are with Ivonne. Fer essentially explains that she's up to her old tricks and that he can't believe he hasn't learned his lesson yet and keeps falling over and over again for the same thing - referring to his perception that she is after "Sandro."

Pau wants to know what the business is that Juan in interested in and he fusses and makes up that he has a code or phobia that if he tells about business deals before they happen, they will fail like a wet whistle, or like a screaming whistle firework thing at the fair that is supposed to pop or boom, but instead it fizzles or duds - essentially it won't work out the way it is supposed to. {ceban, like chifladores mojados or cuentones at the feria who don't pifan or truenan like they are supposed to. } We just call that Murphy's law. Pau just thinks he doesn't want to tell her. He tells himself that neither of them was saying anything to salvage some love and that it was moving further and further away from the two of them.

Yadi and Anga go to an expensive lawyer to discuss how to get the baby from Kike. Anga is pi--ing me off, really!!!

Kike thanks Julia for her efforts against Yadi by taking her out for ice cream. She says she's sorry to see him this way, that she wants to support him, because that woman doesn't know what she's lost, he's a great guy and deserves someone who supports him like herself. She puts in his head that he needs to have another. He's a little daft, so she spells out for him that she is willing to be this other. They make a pact with handshakes.

Anga asks if Yadi is sure that she wants to divorce and fight for her baby, after all Kike's not such a bad guy. Expensive lawyer, complete with great view of the city presents his bill and Anga flinches royally at the suggestion that the case will cost much more even. Yadi presumes he's of course brought his checkbook.

Julia and Kike solidify their plan to be novios to show Yadi what she is missing. Me thinks Julia is hoping for an "in" here...he asks here to eat with him.

It looks to me like Expensive lawyer shows up at the Cachons. Nid wants to listen in, but Perf says nope sorry only the lawyers, she doesn't listen to him and goes in anyway to "take notes".

Mar tells Pau about her plans to get ready for Spain, but Pau isn't listening as she's upset about Juan leaving and rehashes to Mar who thinks maybe he's more interested in Hillary than they thought.

Sandro is reviewing his proposal and offers Juan a sum higher than he and Fer had figured. He decided he will keep a poker face, and asks for an even higher figure, thinking the business is much more valuable and kicks Sandro out of his office for now.

Hill calls to invite Juan over tonight and he tells himself to be prepared for the seriousness of this step, so he says that he needs to be with Juanito tonight and unfortunately can't make it. She tells her Pa it's not going to work tonight, and Pa says well best before the weekend then.

Perf tells lawyer that Yadi is emotional and unstable. Nid says she's a good mother, but Perf pipes in that she is a bad wife. Nid keeps interrupting the discussion to insert her opinion and frustrating Perf's negotiating tactics. Perf learns of the kidnap from opposing counsel. (Never a good thing to learn such things about your client from the other side...) Perf gets mad at Nid for interfering. She ends up saying she'll be a witness for the defense!! Definitely, counsel's worst nightmare.

Ana, Pau and Ivonne chat about the Fer situation and she resolves to not shed another tear. Ivy goes to bed. Pau tells Ana of Juan's plan to go, and refutes that Juan still wants her, that he's now with the famous person, who can offer more than she can and she ends up confessing that she really feels it's too late for them.


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