Friday, May 16, 2008

I Love Juan, Thurs 5/15 - The King of Lies, the King of Sharks

In order to avoid confusion here is how I will deal with the twins:

CL = when CL is himself and out of disguise
Sandro = Sandro Arenas
S2 = when CL is disguised as his twin Sandro Arenas
"Sandro" = when people are talking about who they think is Sandro, but it's really CL

And now on with the recap:

Juan sees S2 and Paula in the Club. He makes his escape hiding behind a waiter's drink tray. Does S2 see him? The cheeky bouncer snags Juan's invitation as Juan leaves the premises. He bubbles that the office will think he's the biggest liar in the world!

Ana gets ready for her hot date as she recalls Nidia's words, go with the flow and relax.

Marely has an awesome screen saver. It features Sandro and Juan both vying for her affections. She tells Screensaver Sandro that Juan was her first love. "But not your last," reasons Sandro, "there's chemistry between us." Screensaver Juan performs his charming Juanisms and then mocks Sandro. "Marely...Marely..." Marely awakes with a start! It's young Juanito calling her name and he can't sleep.

Willy and Ana are at an expensive restaurant, it has violins, several of them and all quite loud. Willy makes his moves which track exactly as Nidia predicted. First he'll kiss the hand, then... Ana should play hard to get as the enemy advances his position. Willy claims he loves her innocence, he wants to protect her (bleh). Ana becomes hot and bothered. She needs air!

S2 arrives home to a worried Sandro. He tells Sandro that he saw none other than Juan Dominguez at the club. Juan came to look for Hillary Paris but he left empty-handed. That unhappy cactus Juan will lose the last bit of respect Paula has for him, Bwa-ha-ha-ha!

Back at the restaurant the pot is about to burst and it's dangerous; Ana tries to escape. Willy lays a big fat wet one on her as the violinists play, undaunted. (It's a pretty lame kiss after all that top-notch Colunga kissing in Pasión.) WOW is all Ana has to say. Willy proclaims his love for her. How does Ana feel about him? She goes into her neverending Samuel story. Wrong move mamacita, better keep it short or the Neanderthal's gonna bolt. But no, he's got it bad and says he loves her innocence. (Again.) She agrees to give him a try. Woo hoo, with that passionate promise he says he's the happiest guy on earth. She says she wants to be discreet. He has no choice but to agree and they seal the deal with a kiss. Allow me to insert Kris's comment from yesterday's recap here: "Man Ana is killing me. Acting all prude and worrying about what people will think. I didn't elaborate in the recap, but come on!! She was the lover of a married man for years, and had his illegitimate child, all despite knowing he was wed and had his own family. Barefoot nun, my pompis!!!" Thank you Kris.

The next a.m. for once everybody at Farell shows up on time. Everybody wants to see Hillary Paris.

Juan and Juanito groom themselves in front of the vanity at home. Juanito tries to press the treasured business card onto an uninterested Juan. Juan finally looks at the card - HILLARY PARIS!?!?! You know her?!?!? Juan faints onto the floor.

Over at Farell Julia and Ruth Buzzi pour champagne in anticipation of Hillary Paris. Julia schools Ruth on all the plastic surgery that Hillary has had.

Pastor tells Heriberto that Hillary is the quintessential Mexican jetsetter. What would she see in Juan?

Paula gloatingly tells Marely that no way will Juan show up with Hillary Paris. S2 joins them at the catered table, everything is perfect for receiving his majesty the king of lies. S2 and Paula snicker.

Angarita takes Yadi to a lovely apartment and asks her how she likes it. She's confused, is it for business? He tells her no, it's hers. She looks surprised and suspicious. Anga smiles proudly while she is probably thinking "you old goat"!

Paula is calling Juan a coward and looking mighty pleased with herself when the elevator dings. Marely gasps and all eyes are on Juan as he strolls in, proudly kissing the dainty hand of Hillary Paris. We are serenaded by Maná as we go to commercial break, "Everyone calls me the king of the sharks..." Perfect!

As jaws drop Juan bubbles that they can all take their chocolate horns and bust with jealousy, ha! Hillary graciously greets the group, then Pastor proposes a toast. Heriberto pushes through the crowd of cell-phone paparazzi and effusively describes her beauty in his own base way. Juan introduces Hillary to the crowd starting with Paula, S2, and his dear friend Marely. He basks in their jealousy and shock.

Yadi, suspicious and sickened, tells Anga she can't afford the apartment. He says it's a gift, a place for her and her daughter. As Anga approaches Yadi backs up, she doesn't know what to say. She doesn't understand why he would do this. He says it's because she's a good employee and he likes to share with people that he, uh, likes. He offers to pay for her school too. He wants her to think of this as a type of commission if the Farell deal pans out. It's a gift from the business. She softens and tells him he's the sun. She thanks him profusely and hugs him.

S2 wants to talk biz with "Barbie" but Juan won't allow it. He and the doll have to talk. In private. He affectionately escorts Hillary to his office and Ivonne slaps Fer for staring too hard.

Yadi cries with joy, nobody has ever been this kind to her. Anga loses a couple of tears himself and proclaims that he sees her as the...the...daughter he never had. She calls him her fairy godfather. He asks only that she never doubt his intentions. He hands her the key and she sobs on his shoulder. He also cries with joy. Ok, I admit it, me too.

Juan has Hillary alone in his office. He nervously futzes, shuffles, and refills his marshmallow bowl. She wonders why the intrique? It takes him several minutes to get to the point which is, the entire office believes they are dating! Hillary is wide-eyed impactada.

The office lizards gossip and gawk until cranky Paula throws water on the party. Everybody back to work!

Juan grovels. Hillary stands up; she looks angry. But no, she bursts out laughing, she's never heard such a story! No, she's not mad, and if that Paula thinks he's low she'll help Juan show her how high he has risen!

Ivonne interrupts them. "Sandro" and Paula want to talk business. Hillary clings affectionately to Juan. They sit down and S2 proposes that Farell do business with the Paris family. Hillary makes a smoochy face and says anything for her love. Cat butt face from Paula.

Paula has had enough and tries to leave but Juan has more torture in store. He insists she sit down, what's the rush? Hillary tells Paula and S2 that her father will work with Farell but she wants something in return. Can she count on them to help her out with her pet charities for which she is famous? Paula is forced to be civilized and agree.

Hillary comments that "Sandro" is identical to his brother. Poor Monica, she adored her, but CL was such a womanizer he could never be faithful. She hopes the widow isn't in too much pain. "I am the widow!" snarks Paula. S2 squirms and Juan gets bug-eyed. Hillary apologizes, she didn't know. Paula says she knows very well the kind of man CL was! S2 displays the CL twitch. Hillary coos over Juan, that's why she adores him, he'd never be that way. (If she only knew!) Juan gives Paula the double-eyebrow-lift which sends her over the edge. Paula and S2 can't get out quickly enough.

Juan and Hillary hug and giggle. They are now conspirators.

Hillary says Paula was about to explode! "Tú crees?" Juan asks. He thanks her and stuffs his face with marshmallows. Hillary says it's not free, it will cost him dinner. They agree to meet at 3:00 at "Mon Ami" which confuses Juan. Una mona de mi? (Sorry, I didn't get the joke. Anyone?) She corrects him, "Mon Ami" is a restaurant.

As Juan escorts Hillary to the elevator Anga and Yadi enter. Yadi is astounded as Marely confirms that yes, she just saw Hillary Paris.

S2 calls Sandro and tells him everyone was impactados when Juan walked in with Hillary Paris. S2 is all sour grapes, these millionairesses are always having it on with chauffeurs and gardeners. Juan is just her fling of the week. Sandro reminds S2 that Juan also has a way with the ladies, or has he forgotten about Juan and Paula? S2 tells his brother to go the devil! Sandro = 1, S2 = 0

S2 is summoned to Juan's office. Anga and Yadi are muy, pero muy impactados to see a dead man. Juan assures them he's alive, "Sandro" is CL's twin brother. Yadi composes herself and she and S2 head for his office to talk business.

Anga tells Juan that "Sandro" gives him the same bad vibes that CL did.

Yadi presents her business plan, such as it is, to S2. She becomes Temporarily Sweet Yadi as Cupid's music plays in the background. S2 sees nothing wrong with her plan. She accidentally calls him CL, whoops! She apologizes and coyly places her hand on his. Should they sign the contract? He says he wants time to read it calmly. In the meantime can he "tutear" her?

Yadi turns it on full blast and says she just knows it will be a pleasure working together, tee hee. S2 looks all, Uh OK, if I have to.

Paula bitches to Marely that Hillary Paris probably wants Juan for her museum of conquests and she doubts very much that Hillary is serious about him.

Juan asks S2 to find a job for Laura. S2 balks, isn't that Pastor's job? He asks if Laura is another of Juan's little friends. Juan pulls rank and S2 puts his half-eaten marshmallow back in the bowl. (This is becoming a habit for him.) Certainly he will do it if it's an order from the president. As he leaves, S2 turns around for one last jab, "Congratulations Juan, for having bounced so high after starting so low." Juan rises, stares at S2 curiously and asks, "How do you know where I come from?"

Tomorrow: Laura arrives at Farell + Paula sees her = Catfight! Hillary kisses Juan.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

wed 5-14 - Juan Q - Juan is deep in kimchee, Pau thinks this couldn't be, and we get to meet Hillary

Hey, a quickie because I'm stuck working since I have jury duty tomorrow.

Juan tells disbelieving meddlers, Sandro and Pau, that Hillary is really busy and going here and there, and wouldn’t have time to come in. They tell him, "But you said her business was having problems" he says well, she’s still busy and he wouldn’t presume to bother her with something silly like this. Pau throws in that if she is so open and laid back like he said, then it shouldn’t bother her to come in.

He explains that he doesn’t want to mix the two, presumably work and play. Sandro says that he was thinking maybe they could make a strategic alliance with her company that would benefit everyone involved and essentially it would be worth her while to come in.

Just then Laura calls and Juan takes advantage of that opportunity to lay it on thick to her, that he wants to suggest a strategic fusion and will talk to her tonight about it.

Juan continues that they have mutual respect so he’s not going to assume her schedule or desires will permit her to come in to Farell and agrees he will discuss it with her. Pau is still convinced this is a ruse.

Juan bubbles that he shouldn’t be such a bigmouth and he should subscribe to less tongue and more gray matter.

Pastor and Anga discuss Yadi’s traits that are similar to his. Pastor says could be coincidence and if he tells her he’s her Dad it would be like a novela, imagine that.

Anga says he won’t say anything, he just wants to make up for not being there as Dad. He’s excited at the possibility that Nid Mich could be his grandchild! Pastor is still skeptical.

Ana seeks the wondrous advice of Nidia/ Dr. Laura.

Jito runs with Flor to get her despensa ( box of food items and supplies for less fortunate folks).

He is enamored with the woman handing out the boxes, turns out she is Hillary Paris!!

Fer yells at Juan about what is he going to do now. Juan tells Fer he is supposed to quash his crazy ideas. Fer says it’s not his responsibility and anyway you are too stubborn. We see Fer is the pessimist, and Juan the optimist. Fer says they are sunk, Juan still is thinking of a way to work it out. There was a Chinches Brava somewhere in here.

Hillary asks if Juan needs anything and Flor chimes in he needs nothing he’s rich, his Dad helped me go to school. Juanito says he’s like you, and I bet he’d like to help. She asks what he does and Juanito explains he’s part owner of a huge important business. Of course you knew this was coming. So Hillary gives Juanito her card and says she wouldn’t mind meeting his Dad if he really would like to help.

Ana is nervous about what she’s feeling, she feels bad about respect for Samuel. Nid tells her she’s the real widow and even she doesn’t feel bad about moving on. Go for it. Ana says she isn’t like that and is worried about what people will think. Oh please.

Colgar tacones

Fer’s wisdom is for Juan to admit defeat to Pau but Juan replies not, Mandarina en Gajos.
Fer suggests to say she’s out of the country...Juan says no she’s too photographed, they would know where she is, yeah then there is no photo of you with her, either, Fer reminds him. He starts looking in the phone book but Fer says no millionairess is in the book. He says he’s looking for the agents of Pablo Montero his buddy who may know her.

Mar and Pau discuss Juan’s face when they asked him to present Hillary. Pau still doesn’t believe Paris would look at him. Mar says but you and I did and Pau says it’s different, we had this connection this caring, etc. Mar looks unconvinced.

Flor doesn’t want help from Juan and disappears into her house obviously agitated.
Ana tells Nid she’s only boinked Samuel. Nid can’t believe it and compares her to las Carmelitas Descalzadas. Nid offers her services as sex consultant.

Jito complains to Profe that Flor is mad but doesn’t know why. Lorenzo asks if he’s sure about that.

Juan gets through to Pablo and finds out he doesn’t know Hillary. But, he finds out there is a fashion show tonight that she is attending so he asks Fer to go with him. Fer says no way, he’s busy.

Laura calls again, and wants to know when they are getting together tonight. Doh, Juan is stuck refusing again and wants to do it another time, but he’ll see her tomorrow because she’s coming in to the office, remember? We earn another Chinches Bravas.

Mar is telling Pau Juan will be humiliated in front of everyone if Paris doesn’t show up. Pau says he deserves it and while they are discussing this, the foghorn tells Pau she has an e-mail. Crack me up. Not a little ding, or click, but a honking foghorn that takes over her entire screen. Good thing they don’t do any real work there. It’s from Sandro, that Hillary is coming tomorrow. Across the hall, yet another Chinches Bravas. Juan wants to murder him.

Lorenzo enlightens the young Jito to his first experience of jealousy. He suggests that Flor likes him and that she’s mad from the kiss. He thinks he should ask her to be his novia, he agrees he likes her.

Juan yells at Sandro...another Chinches Bravas.... He claims Hillary is busy, but Sandro thinks that she is very accessible. San suggests that Juan is acting as if maybe he really doesn’t have her as his girlfriend. Juan thinks he’s starting off wrong here, but Juan takes the bait and gets mad and assures that Hillary will come. Gray matter Juan, think gray matter.

Nid advises (Escote cadencia caminar) to walk with a swing and sashay, to pull in your butt and push up your chest. Ana promises she’ll think about the advice. She’s off, and just then Perafan comes out complaining about the phone ringing and no one answering, and Nid complains about him being her nightmare of a husband.

Ivy excited to see maybe meet Hillary, Pau not so much. She’s been the girlfriend of all these famous singers etc, there’s no way she’s the girlfriend of Juan. Ivy says well guess we’ll see tomorrow. She thinks Juan will invent a bunch of reasons why she couldn’t come.

CL yells at San for eating with Mar. San apologizes. CL asks if he’s interested, and San replies she’s very special and pretty, but CL says not as much as Pau. He thinks San is wasting his time with the secretary when he should be worrying about Pau. Sandro says don’t you think the secretary is important? Turst me I'm doing my job. Cl eventually comes around and agrees.

Sandro wants to sleep. CL wants him to call Pau. He doesn’t, so CL makes the call and invites her to dinner. She agrees and gives him the address, which of course he already knows.

Jito tells Pa about his "angel" who kissed him. Juan is proud of his son’s querendoness. Jito asks him about his first love and I think Juan tells him that he was always a girl chaser. Jito says oh, by the way, she gave me her card because I offered that you would help her with her care packages. He’ll look at the card later; now, Jito needs to take his bath.

CL picks up Pau and earns the icy stare from Ana. As her usual cynical self, she admonishes that he shouldn’t bring her back late. He promises to treat her like a cenicienta.

Juan goes to the event, but alas, he is stopped by the bouncer for not having an invitation. Caray! He didn’t say it.

He begs the bouncer for help because it’s a question of love, can you lend me a hand?

Ana invites Fer to dine with her and Ana. Willy shows up and invites her to dinner and will take no excuses. She says she’s dressed horribly. He says go change then. Fer promises to care for Ivy.

Juan tries to find an alternate way. Ok there is the Chinches Bravas. He’s stuck in a window trying to get in.

"Sandro" is at it again and took Pau for her favorite enchiladas and she questions that as well. Question man is back and she gets annoyed. He tells her she makes him feel like a new man.

Juan gets out of the window, but falls on a smoking man. Juan tells him he’s sorry but he lost his invite. The guy says here, take mine. He wants to drive home but Juan (public service announcement) says you are too drunk I’ll call you a cab. Smoking man is muy agradecido.

Sandro asks Pau to go dancing, as friends. He found CL’s membership to a club. Gee where is this one going?

Juan and the doorman: Here is the invite. Where did you get it? Here is the invite. Where did you get it? Here is the invite. Where did you get it? Here is the invite. The doorman smirks as Juan dances past.

Once inside he is looking all around and asks if a guy saw Hillary. He obviously doesn’t know what she looks like and approaches a woman who is not she and once he greets her as Hillary she thinks he’s casting a line and tells him to go be with his abuela.

Just then, who walks in, but Pau and Sandro/ CL/ CL as Sandro. They sit, and as Juan is looking around for Hillary, what does he see? He can’t believe it. His Palomita with the devil.

And Chinches Bravas!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Juan-Tuesday, 5-13-'08 We Have a Feeling She's Falling (Marely, that is)

Warning...I've got a fever, sore throat and am tanked on Advil so if this recap doesn't make sense, jump in and correct it. Seems adored grandchildren can be dangerous to one's health.

Rehash from last night. Lounge lizards are joyously spreading gossip about Juan and Hillary Paris, making sure everyone knows, whether through e-mails of face to face discussions.

Juan sails in, mangling French right and left, we know he's saying "Bonjour" but it sure doesn't sound like it. Laying incomprehensible "bonjours" all around, he sails past Ivonne with a "con permua" which he evidently thinks is French for "con permiso". What a charmer!

She tells him someone is waiting for him in his office and he assumes it's his little palomita and he's considering letting up on her a little bit...but lo!'s Sandro. The music sinks and so does Juan.

He thinks they pulled a fast one on him (ya me chamaqueron) and tries to get to the bottom of why Sandro would accept a post as administrative vicepresident for a salary that's less than that of a chauffeur.

And Sandro has all the answers, complete with charts which, naturally, Juan doesn't understand at all. Sandro assures Juan he likes challenges and he intends to increase business to the point where his salary will rise as he shows results. Juan looks mulish and mystified( nothing new here) so Sandro suggests they call in Paula and ask her opinion.

"Paula!" sniffs Juan to himself..."Licenciada Paula to you, you upstart!"

We switch briefly to Juanito's school where all is joy and pandemonium at seeing Lorenzo return.

Then the warehouse where Angarita is asking Yadira about her birthday. It's the 30th of May, she's a Gemini but not typical and there's some blah blah blah but the upshot is that Angarita is now sure that she's his daughter...the dates confirm the presence of the birthmark mole.

We're back with Juan, Sandro and Paula...Juan is treading water furiously, baffled by the charts and Sandro's analysis. He also wonders to himself, "when does this guy sleep?". How did he have time to prepare all of this? What do I say?

And we segue to Alirio who ALWAYS knows what to say and is doing so at length, not giving Pepita a chance to tell him she's changed her mind and no longer wants a divorce. When she finally gets a word in edgewise and tells him she's withdrawing the petition. He's furious.

Alirio roars back that she can't play with his time...she has to pay for those two consultations they had. This isn't some store where you can "return the merchandise" after all!

Back at Farrell, Juan's given up trying to figure out the charts and is praying to Santo Niño for help. He's searching for the word to describe Sandro's''s....RISKY!!! That's it..especially in a country such as ours, he blathers on.

He's saved from further babbling by Ivonne entering with coffee. Paula wants to send her right back out...we're in a meeting!..but Juan insists she stay. More squabbling and Sandro discreetly excuses himself, opining that they probably need to talk over this decision among themselves.

Now, what's going on? Paula glares. Wow, you're missing really great coffee, stalls Juan. Paula accuses him of avoiding the topic at hand but what's new with that?

Sandro has moved on to Marely's desk and things are going very well there. He's brought her the books he promised and they just happen to be books she hasn't been able to find in the bookstores. Score major points for Sandro, plus he invites her out for lunch and she gladly accepts.

Juan's still fulminating about Sandro. How does he understand so much about our business? Isn't that suspicious? Paula points out that they are an international corporation, there are certain common principles, it's not surprising that someone with a background in finance and business would find common ground. He's acquitted himself well on every challenge you've offered, she concludes, and besides, where else could we find someone with his background who would put up with your stupidities?

From there the discussion degenerates into an old-fashioned slanging match with Juan shouting about her and Marely's trying to find out about his girlfriend and her shouting about Juan following her and Sandro in his unmistakeable classic red Mustang.

More blah blah blah and then Juan throws out, Well, if I have to take Sandro, then we have to offer a job to Laura Berrocal too. More screaming and Juan thought bubbles that once again they are fighting like fishwives (verdulero de mercado, literally vergetable sellers)

And of course Alirio and Nidia are fighting like fishwives too. She's not going to let him charge Pepita a penny, much less 5 thousand pesos, and the two women fall all over each other with endearments and compliments, a far cry from their last discussion. Alirio rightly wonders, "Whose side are you on?!"

Sandro is now in Paula's office where she asked him to wait. She's frazzled, even her hair is mussed, and he wonders if her and Juan's discussions are always I don't want to meddle but really, Juan seems to be like a controlling, jealous husband, he adds.

She agrees that Juan always tries to win discussions by yelling and Sandro gently advises her to get some fresh air and calm down and recover. In the meantime, of course, he's happily heading out to lunch with Marely, who is looking lovelier than ever these days.

Sandro waits for her downstairs while she gets a few letters off and the "new Julia" accosts him and asks whom he's waiting for, adding that the big news on office romances is that Juan is dating Hillary Paris.

Another romance is not going so well. When Angarita phones Nidia she snorts, "Are you asking me to return to work? Well forget it!" No, he wants to know if she remembers the night they spent together before she married Samuel Cachon.

Nidia is outraged. What are you insinuating!? I arrived at the altar a virgen!!!! Angarita assures her he could never forget that night and he doubts she could either, but Nidia contends that with her memory problems, thank God that's one thing she's forgotten.

A hot dream sequence follows. Haven't we all had those elevator fantasies? But I's the Advil talking.

Anyway, Juan dreams that he and Paula are waiting for the elevator together. They get on, just the two of them. He prays to Santo Niño to press the right button and lo and behold, the elevator stops, he declares his love, Paula responds...DRAT! a commercial breaks the spell...but then we're back, clothes are coming off, "te amos" are being said and DOUBLE DRAT! Ivonne wakes him up, tells him she's going to lunch with Fernando and asks if he needs anything.

Clearly he does...some better air-conditioning for one thing. He's hot and bothered and darn disappointed. As are we. He explains to Ivonne that he was thinking about a business prospect concerning elevators and also warns her not to play with the buttons.

Sandro and Marely are having a deep discussion over lunch. He's talking philosophy, she's looking dazzled. And surprised that he has such a philosophical interest given his background in business. He replies that business can lead to material riches but one can still remain so "poor" inside. She's double dazzled.

He's afraid he's boring her. On the contrary, do you know how long it's been since I've talked about anything really important with someone? she asks.

Okay, I'm on board...clearly Sandro is a better match for Marely than Juan. I'm ready to let go of that dream.

Then Sandro wants to know why a young woman with her education, her beauty (what's that got to do with it?) is stuck in a job like hers. She replies that first of all, Paula is her half-sister and she's her right-hand man. Also she's learning a lot from Paula and when the time is right, another job will present itself.

Besides, she's a little afraid of change. He admits he is also. (Excuse me while I try and get my cat off my notes). Okay...where was I...oh he adds that she could have the world at her feet. Marely continues to be dazzled. Who wouldn't be?

Brief return to one of our plot extensions. Lorenzo is phoning Juan to tell him he's been reinstated and furthermore will be giving Flor extra tutoring so she can catch up with the other kids. Juan says he'll help out by buying books for her and anything else she needs. Lorenzo assures him Juan has a big heart. For sure!

Ah, back to our courting couple...really Marely is looking quite lovely as Sandro offers to look over her application for a scholarship. She's dazzled all right but also puzzled...he looks so much like Cesar Luis but is sooooo different.

Just then the old devil calls and is furious when he figures out that Sandro is with Marely. And she is temporarily suspicious that Sandro is fending off the questions of a girlfriend.

Cesar Luis wants Sandro on Paula's case 24 hours a day but Sandro puts him off...and scores more points with Marely by saying the caller was his old boss trying to get him back but Sandro has found what he's always been looking for at Farrell...and we know, and so does Marely, that's it's not the crappy salary he's talking about.

Another romance, if you wish...Pastor and a multi-hued Herbierto. Words fail me when I try to convey the impact of his outfit. If you missed the show, you missed a rainbow. Orange suit, green shirt, deep orange tie. The wardrobe folks are having fun.

Pastor is trying to coach him for better things by teaching him about "organigramas" (flow charts) but Herbierto thinks it's some kind of musical instrument and says he's hopeless at music...though he could dance, given some insruction!

And another romance...stalled at this point. Willy is accusing Ana of avoiding him. She pleads work pressures and the need to cover bare walls of the gallery with new paintings. He wants to get to know her better...not as a friend but as something more. She avoids answering and he's left looking baffled, once again.

Yadira is also baffled...why does Angarita keep staring at her? "Tengo monos en la cara o que?" (do I look funny or what?) Angarita covers by saying that he's just thinking about her and Enrique and the baby and how to help them...because...well, because he thinks of them like family.

She warns Angarita not to put her and Kike "en lo mismo plato" because she's not ready to make a decision to return to him yet. First she wants to change her image...from a lazy uncultured (add your own adjectives here) to an independent woman who can support herself. Not like her mother who married out of economic

Angarita approves her plan and notes that she's "luchona" (a fighter) and has "caracter"...just like himself.

Sandro and Marely have returned from lunch, stars still in their eyes, and she gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek. He stammers (trabar or trabarse) as he has a tendency to do when around her.

Then the phone rings and it's the evil twin again wanting to get Sandro back on his Paula assignment. Sandro tells Cesar to stop pressuring him...besides he's getting important info from Marely. For instance, that Juan is dating Hillary Paris.

Juan and Paula fight like cats and dogs and clearly Juan has interest in this other woman. Cesar scoffs (nobody said he was stupid) but Sandro sticks to his story.

In the meantime, Juan, as a peace offering, has brought tacos to Paula's office. He sucks it up and says she's right, they would do well to hire Sandro.

And then you'll have more time to pursue your millionaress girlfriend, right? she snipes back. I imagine she's very demanding.

Oh no, quips Juan, she's very understanding and tender, never angry...LIKE SOME PEOPLE I KNOW! And some more blah blah about watching home movies, Hillary snuggled up on his shoulder. You know, fuel to the fire.

Pastor, in the meantime, has been called out of the office by Angarita who can't wait to tell him that now he's sure...Yadira is HIS daughter!

Now Sandro and Paula are talking, but she is still visibly upset by her discussion with Juan. She tells Sandro that Juan is someone who can turn an apology into Chinese torture.

And they talk about the Hillary Paris story. Paula believes it's another of Juan's lies, Sandro maintains that a woman who has had everything from birth would find a simple, normal man like Juan attractive. Normal!!!!???snorts Paula, that's the last thing Juan is. (Gotta agree there)

No matter...Sandro has a plan. If Hillary really is Juan's girlfriend, why shouldn't they request that he introduce them? Imagine the flow of money if Farrell could become the purveyers of foodstuffs to the chain of restaurants the Paris family owns!!

Juan, ever suspicious, breaks in on their discussion and then is horrified to find that, since his romance with Hillary is an open secret (secreto a voces) why not introduce them?

And thus we end, with Juan, as usual, in a tight spot of his own making.

ya me chamaqueron they pulled a fast one on me
salir airoso de algo acquit oneself well in something
voltearse la tortilla shoe is on the other foot
dame punteria give me a clue, give me a shot
trabarse to get tonguetied (what happens to Sandro when he's with Marely)
a como dé lugar anyway we can
organigrama flow chart
verduleros de mercado vegetable sellers but used as in "fighting like fishwives"
un secreto a voces an open secret
tengo monos en la cara? do I look funny?


Yo Amo a Juan, May 12, Mon. - All About Spars, Stars and Scars

Mystery Questilon #1: Who is Hillary Paris

We enter Juan's office where Pastor is telling Juan with scary forthrightness that Sandro not only wants the Vice Presidency but he wants THE COMPLETE PACKAGE. Some other skirmishes then Paula telling Marely that tomorrow Juan will get the surprise of his life when he learns that Sandro has come in and has accepted the job (even with this ridiculously low salary.

Back at the spy and shoot camera scene as Nidia enters the garden and struts her stuff for Lorenzo while Pepita learns that the perpetrator with her husband is no other than the new lawyer's sympathetic wife. What country are we in, she ponders as Lorenzo and Nidia slink up the stairs. (beats me).

Paula tells Sandro the salary doesn't match his capabilities. But Sandro repeats that the important thing to him is to take the position even at this ridiculous salary so that he can work closely with PAULA. She is flattered and confused. He will be back the first thing tomorrow morning to begin work. Sandro stops by Marely's desk and reads over her shoulder something interesting. Is it related to her work? No, she is trying to get a scholarship. Oh and the coincidences never stop, He happens to know one of the committee members who was his professor. And he will loan Marely some of the professor's work so she can know about this person's interests. Que padre, indeed. He then talks about his lower than low (bajisimo) salary but he will have the pleasure of working with the lovely Marely. [Such a galán compared to the snippy imposter, Marely will be getting whiplash if SandroSandro changes places often with Faux-Sandro, me thinks]. Over in Juan's office, Juan and Fer laugh about getting to see Sx2 self-destruct as he walks toward the elevator.

Nidia is explaining to Lorenzo how she will explain to his wife that they are only platonic friends. As they hug, Pepita walks in with an aha and continues to snap pictures of the sinners.

Paula is jumping Pastor about the ridiculous salary he allowed Juan to insist on for Sandro.

Pepita has proof of the adultery and inspite of NIdia's protesting, Pepita gives her a sound slap. Nidia talks fast about the error made here in identity and intent of the friends not adulterers, but Pepita talks faster. Her only error was in marrying Lorenzo. Jeanne did such a good job of translating all these great insults on Friday that I won't repeat them here but look at her vocabulary list if you need to and dare to use these fun words to amaze your friends and family. Is anyone out there a lawyer? We need to have disclosures here on safety of usage. Lorenzo looks like this is an unexpected outcome as Pepita storms out of the room.

Paula continues her tirade against Juan but he sidesteps and blames Pastor for the unfortunate salary. Paula yells and leaves asking Marely to come to her office while Ivonne asks what is going on now. Fernando tells her that the salary that Juan offered Sandro is less than he made when he was a chauffeur. Ivonne says she doesn't think Sandro seems like such a bad guy. At least he doesn't share the worst traits of his brother. Fer acts a bit jealous and Ivonne seems flirty and pleased at his display. She assures him she only has eyes for him.

Paula continues at her screechy level telling Marely that Juan acted badly in bad faith but the surprise of his life is coming tomorrow when he sees Sandro come in to accept the job. Marely grins that she already knows, Sandro told her. Paula then continues on to the other maddening theme of Juan's supposed romance with Hillary Paris [see above link] what a filthy lie (cochina mentira) he is also telling about this romance. She also guesses that Juan is now reaming out Pastor for his advice.

Juan is doing just that and calling Pastor a Judas for not warning him what reaction Paula would have. Pastor tries to reason that he was just being prudent about the well being of the company but Juan whines that he should have been worrying about taking care of him not the company in this case. Juan waxes poetic about his injuries of the matador's dagger. He has been betrayed, he wishes he had never met Pastor as they say in the song [which song?] You betrayed me!!

CL and Sandro discuss the awful offer while Sandro giggles that he was offered a salary too low for a messenger boy but he came out looking like a prince in front of Paula and Marely for accepting the job anyway. Cesar Luis seems to be okay, at least "they" are inside. Sandro tells him that Paula asked him to stop sending flowers. CL calls her a mustia (hypocrite) and a hypocrite (hipócrita). Overall his memories he is turning over of his marriage to Paula, the real CL wants to deliver a lesson to Juan Dominguez. [Obsession is spelled obsesión in Spanish].

Topete comes in still sand or flour covered and whines about his needing to be with Yadi right now. She wants nothing to do with him and tells him to get lost. She has enough boxes of onions surrounding her. Yadi brags about her JOB here and pushes him out, he turns back to argue but Kike to the rescue, pushes him they face off with words and dust flying. Kike makes sure Yadi is okay then faces Topete taking his jacket off ready for a very silly looking fight. Topete and Kike throw a variety of empty boxes and pieces of fruit until Angarita shows up with a very real and long machete. She asks him to disappear from her life forever. He assures him that he won't because he loves her still. She avers that she never loved him [actually she never did say it, did she?...] He's still pinching a peach. Yadi ank Kike pull on him until she falls down. Then Kike gets him out of the market, Anga threatens to call the police if Topete doesn't get out, then he helps Yadira to a chair concerned and comforting he sees a slit in her blouse which reveals the telltale crescent moon scar/birth mark on her side. She sees him staring at it and tells him not to be a fisgón (my guess is inappropriate starer, leerer) He looks puzzled and lost in thought.

Nidia comes into Aliro's office telling him to stop his suit proceedings (tramites). What are you talking about? About Dona Josephina she can't divorce her husband.

Juan and Juanito come to Lorenzo to take him back to school but Lorenzo looks like a beaten dog instead. He tells Juan that this wife has just found a lawyer.

Flip to said Lawyer announcing that sentiment must be set aside while this important case (for him) continues as the wife has asked him. She tries to cut in that he isn't understanding what she is saying. But he goes on, not stoppilng to listen, after all he has to earn his daily bread even though this is a matrimonial mess, disappointment (fracaso). He hugs Nidia telling her she didn't anticipate that working for him would bring her into a world of intrigue, disappointments and deceptions of the world. She demands that he cannot continue with this divorce but he sites moral high ground that he must continue despite what it cost whom.

Back at the food fight, I mean market. They are picking up boxes, smashed fruit and Yadi cleans off Kike's face tenderly. Anga says time is money and they all have to get back to work. Kike says he will change clothes and get back to delivering his order. Then Anga mentions Yadira's lunar mark on her side. She says she has had it since birth, its' so awful but her mother wouldn't have it removed. That is the first thing she would do if she could afford it, she would have it taken off.

Ivonne tells Pastor that she doesn't want him to spread the news to the four winds but the operation she had means she can never have children.

We flash over to Angarita saying it can't be, as he inspects his lunar mark also on his left side at the waist (just like Yadira's). This has to be a coincidence.

Pastor tells her that Fer doesn't love her because of the children that she could give him but he loves her as he Pastor also loves her. He tells her how much Fernando loves her. If this isnt' a grand love, what is? She cries that after the chemo she isn't going to be the same or even like a woman. Pastor tells her she should just tell Fer so if he has an objection he can voice it but if he loves her it won't matter. They continue after the break to speak. Pastor says the best is to tell Fer immediately and face her fears. She doesn't want to risk rejection because she may be an egoist but she really needs this affection from Fer.

Juan and Lorenzo discuss that Nidia came to console him and saw Pepita Josefina. Lorenzo tells how Pepita came on like the Paparazzi taking pictures and discovering their meeting. Juanito comes in to tell him that the principal Tello is in the living room. Lorenzo tells him to get to the point. The principal tells him an error was made, actually he made an error and the upshot is that the teaching job is his again. In fact he should come this morning if he can, the children need him so.

NIdia is at the gate ringing for Pepita. Pepita wants nothing to do with her.

Angarita approaches Pastor and asks him if he has a lunar mark on his back. Pastor plays coy but then asks him if he means the Popov mark (of the Austiran royalty). Mommy told him that it was a mark of authenticity. Are they related to Europeans, asks Anga in great innocence? Yes for sure. Only the women have it and pass it. Anga stand up to show him the mark which looks like a piece of salami cut in crescent moon shape. Is this the royal mark?? Oh yes! Well guess who else has this mark? None other than Yadira Cachon. Pastor draws back in disbelief.

Nidia tells Pepita off that she is a fool to divorce this man. Lorenzo is not going to be lost in a hole, Nidia would pursue him. Lorenzo and I had a wholesome friendship. I loved him but he only loves you Pepita. If you are silly enough to leave him, there are so many women that would line up for him.

Anga and Pastor continue to discuss the size, color, location etc. of the lunar mark. Pastor is sure that Yadira doesn't have the regal Popov luna but a vulgar copy. Anga is sure it is just like his and that it means that she could be his daughter. The daughter of Nidia and him. What does Pastor suggest? Pastor says well start off with seeking proofs like exactly when was Yadira born? Anga looks the happiest we have ever seen him. Break

Paula continues her latest tirade about Juan and his childishness in her most childish whine at her mother. Ana points out as a wise mother that Paula's fury is due to her caring about Juan and he fury at his mystery girlfriend is based on jealousy. Paula can't wait until Juan sees Sandro come in tomorrow.

Nidia rushes up the stair into Juan where they continue to discuss the mess of Lorenzo and Pepita. Nidia explains how she tried to help the couple get back together. Lorenzo is making a call to Pepita as she shows up in the doorway. They hug and make up. She was stupid. He is so grateful she is back.

Juan serves Nidia a diner. They discuss how things aren't black and white and NIdia may have done some good after all. She confesses that she didn't really want Lorenzo. Meanwhile Lorenzo and Pepita hug in bed and she promises never to leave his side. He tells her the most important things in his life have returned: her and his children.

Marely walks into Juan's room with Juanito asleep in the bed. Again, she asks about his mystery girlfriend. He refuses, kisses them both and leaves. Next moment he is toasting with Laura and she has finally gotten smart feeding him four cheese macaroni [way to a boy's heart] Laura also asks about Sandro who looks so suspiciously like CL.

The lounge lizards swarm into the lounge where one announces that Juan is officially seeing Hillary Paris. Juan sweeps in wishing everyone high five BONJOURs . Fer slides up to tell him the rumor spread in only five minutes to all parts of the office. Ivonne greets him and tells him Paula is in his office. Paula is actually with Sandro who rises up to tell Juan he has decided to accept the position. Juan is left with mouth very wide open.

Next: Juan can't understand why this salary trick didn't work right....


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan – Friday, May 9, 2008 – In Which Paula Pries Pitifully and Sandro Receives a Virtual Slap

On a bright, sunny day in the D. F., we review the anticipated glorious demise of Profe-wannabe Topete at the Instituto Tlalpan S. C. Juanito and crew have strung up a booby trap to trap the booby. Juanito is left with a telltale handful of string.

Fernando can’t believe what he’s hearing as we continue our review from last night—this is the worst idea he’s heard from Juan since he’s known Juan. Juan can’t understand why Fern thinks that. Well, it could be because Juan scarcely knows Laura and is pushing her candidacy for the VP position. He convinces a very reluctant Fern to help him.

Still in the review reverie mode, Ivonne strolls into Farell’s lobby with the lobby lizards gaping. Paula’s right behind Ivonne, so they try to keep it in check. Marely greets her warmly and Ivonne returns the favor. Ivonne kicks Julia out of her seat—but not until Julia has made pointed remarks about what might have been altered during Ivonne’s little procedure. The doc surely messed up because Ivonne looks just the same! Julia speculates on what got augmented – or not ….Ivonne gets her seat back with Julia grumbling. She’s got no new info to pass on. She makes a parting jab at Ivonne that it’s a durn shame they can’t operate on a personality. Ivonne is indignant impactada.

Fern emerges from seeing Juan to first scold Ivonne for getting out of her sickbed so soon, and then kiss her from sheer joy at seeing her back. He runs off on an errand for the boss while Ivonne sighs happily after him.

At the Instituto Tlalpan S. C., the booby trap is ready and the booby is approaching the classroom. Ruperto runs jubilantly back to his seat, advising his mates. The bucket of white stuff empties perfectly on Topete’s head, though one wonders why Juanito didn’t notice that the school director was standing right next to Topete when Juanito deftly yanked the cord to empty it. The incensed educators look up, and then in the direction of the rather thick and unmistakable cord that goes directly into Juanito’s hands. Juanito is busted impactado. Flor and Ruperto tremble for him, too. Topete, whose looks are somehow improved slightly when dusted in white, removes his glasses and the school director looks at Juanito in a way that suggests suppression of his need to collapse in laughter. The worried-impactado kidlets stare at the white-coated educators [pun intended], who glare back with fiery threats emanating from their eyes.

The Perafán , etc., and Associates firm has just gotten its first call, which Nidia answers soooo professionally while Delirio utters sweet nothings behind her to interrupt her train of thought. For what it’s worth, that train left the station a long time ago. She looks at him for approval as she continues, and he continues to interfere from the side. The prospective client is an unwary (incauta) victim, Nidia tells Delirio while she muffles the phone with her hand…, a client! She gives directions to the oficina Perafán Rocha de Francisco y Asociados.

Fernando, meanwhile, has gone procuring for Juan. He approaches the waitress in Juan’s favorite restaurant and asks a favor. She’s not keen on the idea. He mentions Juan, and her eyes light up. You mean that really nice guy who comes here to eat sometimes? She’s keen, all right. The waitress describes Juan in shivering, drooling detail, eyes glazing over—his smile, his arms….sometimes you’d just like to eat him up. Fern stammers nervously. Will she do the favor or not? Sure, for that Prince, Juan, she’ll do it. Fern tells her it’s easy and walks with her to explain the favor.

Juan’s not losing any time—he gives Ivonne a great big kiss to welcome her with about a dozen “Bombons” to punctuate his joy in seeing her back at work. He missed her! Well, she missed the office, too. [Ed. Note: That’ll last all of ….what….twenty minutes or so?] She gives him a big, grateful smile. He orders her to rest if she finds herself needing it no overtime! He kisses her again on the cheek and the phone rings, so Ivonne runs to answer. It’s a mystery woman asking for Juan. May I tell him who is calling? Hillary Paris. Ivonne is muy, pero muy, impactada. The waitress hands the phone to Fern while Ivonne hands the one on her end to Juan. Juan’s end of the conversation sounds positively delightful. He asks how his caller is, and Fern sarcastically responds that he’s there following up with the boss’s whims. Juan talks about the little massages and (sauna-temascal/oven hot??) and how Hillary must be really bored with all that. He runs on about the lovely little hands giving the massages while he notes Ivonne’s stunned face. Ivonne stage whispers—is it really Hillary? The one in the magazines? Juan tells her it is and she can leave already. Ivonne wants the confirmation again. Juan continues his fake conversation with Hillary Paris. Ivonne slides away, but listens intently. Juan “scolds” Hillary, that when she calls, she shouldn’t be giving her name. Ivonne plays with her ID badge.

At Fernando’s end, he tells Juan not to be so rude with Ivonne there. The waitress, pleased to help with the joke, chuckles and walks away. Juan laughs at Fern and tells “Hillary” they’ll see each other tonight—“my love of a thousand loves.” He’ll bring the champagne. Ivonne has continued her slide to the door, still listening for all she’s worth, as Juan says his sweet farewell and kisses the phone. He “notices” Ivonne messing with the mini-bar and asks if she’s all right. What about it? I’ll send the custodian—she gestures toward the bar. Juan chuckles and thanks her as a very somber Ivonne leaves. Juan cracks up. He’s got them! The gossip mill can take over now.

Topete and the school director stand in a cloud of white powdery stuff in the office. The director points out accusingly that when Profesor Lorenzo Pomposo was in charge of that class, they were model students, totally compliant and studying hard, always on the honor roll. On the other hand now…..Topete attacks the director—you’re going to blame ME for them changing into wild beasts? [Schoolmarm note: Yes.] The blame is THEIRS! The director sees it differently. Since Topete has been the teacher, the classroom has become a battleground. Topete accusingly yells that the kids not only don’t like him, they hate him. [Ed. Note: at least you’re becoming more perceptive as time goes on, Topete.] The director is sorry, but Profesor Lorenzo has to return. And me? You’re out. But, Topete pleads, we’re friends. I’ve just lost the woman of my life, and now this. The director tells him he’s not cut out for this position. He’s sorry, but Topete is OUT. He goes and leaves Topete reeling, impactado.

In the classroom, Ruperto worries that something awful will happen. Juanito asks how they were supposed to know Topete would come in with the Director? The kids discuss their problem—they hope they won’t get suspended. Ruperto’s folks will just kill him. Juanito gives them a pep talk and the director is at the door, sending everyone scrambling to their seats. He announces that what just happened cannot happen again. He doesn’t imagine that if he asks for the names of those responsible he won’t get them—he has no doubt they all collaborated on it. Am I wrong? One little girl nods, as little kids do when they forget they need to feign innocence. He points out that they need to remember that many children in the D. F. would like to be there, to study and become something in life. Juanito, ever the brave little soldier, tells him they know that, but that Topete was a terrible teacher. They didn’t like him! For that reason, Profe Pomposo is returning. [Ed. Note: Not to put too fine a point on it, Director, but you haven’t asked him yet. He could just tell you where to get off. But, sigh, he won’t.] The class cheers.

Juan tries his best to schmooze Laura into good humor. She’s not buying it. She tries to hang up, but he begs prettily for her to listen. She indignantly complains that she was subjected to humiliation. She gives Juan an earful about her interview. Paula was tough on Laura and he didn’t defend Laura. He tells her, in a firm but kind voice, that she hadn’t prepared for her interview too well. Laura knows she’s busted on that, but still complains. He let this woman offend Laura. Laura paints her pot furiously. What, you think she was only tough on you? For sure, I think that. She took advantage of that moment to get back for what happened long ago [not that long ago, we think.]. And you, Juan, helped her.

Ivonne has gathered the troops in Paula’s office. Marely and Paula stand behind Paula’s desk, sisters united, while Ivonne stands in front. [Surely she should be sitting down!] Paula wants to know what’s so important that she’s come to see them right now. Well, she’s found out more about the mystery woman. What? Ivonne explains about the call that came in while she was in Juan’s office. Well, who was it??? Laura? No, no way. You’ll never guess, never in years! Marely want to know why, do we know her? Well, yeah….well, actually, everyone in Mexico knows her. It was Hillary Paris! Paula plops into her chair, impactidíssima. Marely is equally impactidíssima.

Juan continues his attempt to unruffle Laura’s feathers. He begs prettily some more and invites her to dinner. She’ll consider it. He pours it on, and she tells him there’s just one thing—if he stands her up this time, she’ll never forgive him, never. He’s going to find her work in another part of the company. Really? He’d do that for her? He says for such a lovely woman, and he doesn’t want her staying resentful with him, he’s capable of most anything. Laura declares it’s impossible to stay mad with him. He’s such a charmer (encantador).

Fern has made his way back to Farell and to Juan’s office. He hears Juan uttering a farewell with kisses to her. Fern wants to know if she was a wild animal like he told Juan she’d be? More or less. But Juan brags that there’s no lioness that can keep those fangs sunk into him for long. Fern wants to know what happened with Ivonne. She bought the whole story. At this very moment, she’s busy informing the Licenciada and Marelicita. Like in baseball. They high five each other, jubilant. I told you, Juan brags.

Across the hall, no one is jubilant. Are you SURE? When I answered the phone, Ivonne tells them, she told me her name. Marely can’t buy this story at all. She hedges about Hillary Paris, well, she’s a really pretty woman, right? Pretty, nothing, she is a MILLIONAIRE! Ivonne calls it like it is. Paula is pained to note that her company is one of the biggest in the entire country. Ivonne reminds them she’s in all the magazines, and ah, those boyfriends!! The most attractive in the world! The sisters gasp; and now she is….now she is….with JUAN??!!! Ivonne nods firmly, lips pursed. “With Juan Dominguez?????!!!!” Another nod. “Juan Dominguez Coral???!!!!!” No! Can’t be. Marely argues it’s another of his pranks. The girls are stymied.

Nidia ushers Pepita Pomposo into the living room at the Casa Cachón. No, make that the Law Office of Perafán Rocha de Francisco y Asociados. He’s presently occupied, but Nidia wants to know what she can offer Pepita. Pepita needs nothing…..but whimpers enough that Nidia sits beside her to comfort and help. It’s a very sensitive matter. When she talks about it, she it on the verge of tears. Nidia tells her no problem, she’ll get an entire box of tissue. Pepita spills the story about her wandering hubby –imagine, after almost 20 years married--and Nidia empathizes—the JERK! Nidia runs at the mouth about all those men being the same. She imagines it’s some good-for-nothing, layabout sleazy wench (pelafustana cualquiera), a scarlet woman (meretriz-prostitute, harlot, etc.)! [Ed. Note: Nidia, if we didn’t know you better, we might agree about Lorenzo’s new little friend]. Nidia is all sympathy and Pepita describes how he’s trying to convince her this hussy is just a friend. Nidia says that there’s a payback for everything in this life. Pepita is very pleased to hear that Nidia thinks so.

Paula walks into Juan’s office, shoulders slumping more than we’ve ever seen. He congenially welcomes her. She gets to the point. Is the woman you’re seeing Hillary Paris? That’s right. Why? Paula has no answer. Good thing, since we’re going to the commercial.

Juan, if this is another of your lies…..Paula is righteously indignant. Juan wonders why she thinks they’re lies and thought bubbles that he doesn’t get why she lacks faith in him. Hm. Paula asserts it’s not possible. She’s young, rich, lovely, very famous. Juan adds that Hillary Paris is “chula” – very cute and acts offended that she doesn’t think he fits the picture, but he’s snickering on the side. Paula, oblivious to his snickers, rattles on about her not being quite as attractive as they say. What’s more, she’s not even in his reach (alcance). She is outside his universe! Paula gestures in frustration, like she can convince Juan that this is just foolish. This woman will never really pay attention to……Juan fills in the blank—to a guy like me, to a fool (naco- stupid, trashy, fool)? Paula is taken aback. No, I never said that. El Rey Tiburón music plays in the background. No, but you thought it. Don’t forget that now I am the 50% owner of a great company, at the international level. Paula steps more carefully, backpedaling so not to offend Juan—it’s just that this woman is out of your league, and mine. Juan smiles as he leans toward her over the desk. Hillary Paris hangs with impresarios who have international standing, way higher than ours; with members of the European royalty (realeza). You’re not this woman’s kind of guy. Juan points out that Paula should explain to her because it appears she hasn’t understood that. Paula tells him this is all in his head, a dream, and he knows it….right? He thought bubbles that his boots have seen the dawn under Paula’s own bed, or has she forgotten that night of passion they shared? She tells him that this dream is….what, Juan asks. Well, it won’t happen. Juan wonders why she thinks he would invent something like this. Well, to bother….Paula stammers. To bother….someone??? Juan is carefully sets her up. Like who? Paula looks away and shrugs. She changes the subject a little and protests. Let’s stop playing games and you admit this is a tall tale, Juan. Juan smiles sweetly but smugly at her over the desk. After a little more of this game, he points out it’s late and he has work to do, if she doesn’t have anything more to cover with him. She petulantly smiles and tells him not to worry, she won’t waste any more of his precious time. She’ll leave him with his great fantasy. Juan watches her leave, thought bubbling about her jealousy and cracking up, doing a victory dance over his success. He thinks that there never was born a little goat who couldn’t scale a mountain, and there’s never been a gal who wouldn’t succumb to the arms of this irresistible man. He puts his boot on the desk and slaps his knee in glee.

Pepita waits for Delirio and Nidia brings coffee for the two of them. Nidia assures Pepita she’s there for Pepita. She’s been a victim of those men. She tells the story of Samuel putting the horns on her and we hear the mooing. Pepita tells how she’s given up the best years of her life for that man, and she was stupid. It’s over, Nidia tells her. Now you’re going to have the strength to confront him. Pepita can’t live like that. Nidia declares that now Pepita’s husband of loose morals will be left like a dog with no owner. This pleases Pepita. He’s such a cynic, with this matter of his little friend. Ha, a simple friendship. Can you believe him? Nidia rolls her eyes in disbelief and makes disbelieving noises emphatically. She calls the woman a harpy, shameless. [Ed. Note: Well, Nidia, if that’s how you want to describe yourself…]. Pepita describes how he talks about this woman, with these flowery phrases. This gouger (gurbia, my best guess from Babylon’s definition), must know the Kama Sutra [Ed. Note: one wonders if Nidia has a clue what she’s talking about], upright and upside down. [Ed. Note #2 – whew, had to fan myself here.] Nidia paints the picture of an insatiable beast in the bed. Pepita is scandalized—she cannot tolerate this in her marriage! She has to get rid of the rage she has! Nidia exhorts Pepita to leave off crying and get practical. Pepita looks around, then lowers her voice to ask what Nidia recommends. Nidia says that the Licenciado will give her the details, but Nidia recommends Pepita catch her hubby red-handed with the woman—photos, the whole nine yards. Then confront him. When the divorce is finalized, she’ll be on top of the heap. Pepita giggles with glee. Delirio comes and tells them how he’s been on an international call—very international, Nidia chimes in, with the US. He ushers her into the office, but first Pepita thanks her new BFF for the advice.

Marely and Ivonne pace Paula’s office while the three consider this very strange situation of Juan and Hillary Paris. When’s he coming down off this cloud? Paula did her best, but Juan thinks it’s so funny to invent these stories. Ivonne thinks they shouldn’t put so much brainpower on this—don’t obsess. What does the man really want? To focus your interest. Marely and Paula see her point totally. Marely thinks this is his vengeance for Paula nosing around and making inquiries into his private life. Paula thinks they shouldn’t give him the pleasure. Ivonne agrees, and points out they probably have plenty to do. Yep. They agree to get back to work so Paula can have all the accounts ready for the new VP.

Well, that didn’t last. Paula focuses on work about 10 seconds before she’s spouting to Marely that it’s just not possible that a woman like Hillary Paris is interested in Juan Dominguez. Does Paula look like a crazy woman? No, Marely tells Paula, totally startled. Okay, so this guy is more or less a handsome guy, but really, a woman like her isn’t going to pay attention to someone like him. Paula agrees, not even in his dreams. Marely asserts it’s just a mean trick. Julia interrupts with a guy delivering lovely flowers. Guess who? Sandro sent them. It’s the second arrangement he’s sent. Paula looks positively sullen.

Juan is teasing Pastor about how his eyes are sparkling and how Pastor must have had chicken skin (Hawaii term for the Mexican version of Chinese skin) when he heard the name. Pastor blushes. Was it so obvious? For all Pastor tries to keep a cool demeanor – his presence is so overwhelming (apabullante). So, who is this paragon of machismo? None other than Heriberto! Juan gives Pastor a pep talk about Heri’s manly traits. He tells Pastor that Heri’s Papi Aldemar is the founder of the Union for He-Men of Achichipico. They fight for the rights that real men have lost, does Pastor understand? Pastor, wide-eyed, understands—but what cynicism! At least Heri didn’t come in to work with his pistol in his belt. Pastor appreciates Juan’s efforts. Juan changes the subject. They have the candidate for Administrative VP. Who? Sandro, of course. In this office veneration of Paula counts for more than many years of experience do. Juan denies this and Pastor has to laugh. But now Pastor has his turn to disabuse Juan of his impossible love. Sandro has sent Paula the most divine arrangement of flowers! Juan slams his fist on his desk and stands, scowling.

Speaking of the King of Rome, Sandro strides across the lobby, hands in pockets and focused on the floor or forward at Marely, it’s not clear which, so he bumps into Ivonne who is also focused elsewhere. She confuses him for César Luis and faints dead away since this is the first time she’s seen Sandro. Sandro is embarrassed and uncertain what to do.

Fernando, on the other hand, knows exactly what to do. He calls her name until she comes to, looking at an unfocused face that is remarkably like CL’s, but way kinder. Sandro asks if she’s feeling better, and Ivonne groans and remarks that they had told her he was CL’s living image. She asks his pardon; they had told her but she didn’t realize how identical they were. He tells her it’s fine; he’s getting used to folks thinking he’s his brother’s ghost. He’s not, though, and introduces himself to Ivonne. Sandro helps her up—Paula is waiting for him. She leads the way, muttering that he really gave her a scare. Fern scowls after them—jealous?

Juan attacks Pastor—they aren’t going to discuss the personal situation of anyone. Pastor points out Juan was just discussing Pastor’s. But then, Juan is boss and Pastor is a peon. Juan accuses him of taking it out of context. Pastor tells Juan that on the contrary, his mistake in the company has been to be too sincere, telling folks truths they haven’t wanted to hear. They exchange heated words about how it was then and how it is now. Juan declares that CL must have been the eighth wonder of the world, and Pastor asserts he was, but that time has passed. The guy in his seat is nothing like CL. Juan points out that even if Pastor doesn’t believe it, Sandro has the credentials and experience to do the job, equal or better than CL’s. [Ed. Note: Probably so, since they are CL’s credentials and even a little more added for effect]. Juan crosses himself for about the third time, so CL will rest in peace. Pastor proclaims that the credentials and experience, even the very face, may be the same as CL but it isn’t him. He’s certain this guy doesn’t have CL’s nose for great business, his intensity (fiereza) for closing the deals, his intuition for guiding the company. Okay, Juan acknowledges, you could be right. What’s more vital and sensitive……what? Well, this Sr. Sandro Arenas doesn’t want the vice presidency. He wants the whole package (paquete, which has double meaning here—the entire position and the total package). What package? He wants to be the owner. Juan laughs. Pastor joins him laughing, but it’s fake. It’s simple—if he’s the owner of all the effects CL left, he can have both the company and the dueña Paula. Juan’s brain clicks on. The Licenciada Paula? Yessir. Juan is impactado and Pastor’s voice continues. The decision was made. You handed him the Licenciada Paula on a gilded platter. Pastor takes a pink marshmallow and makes to leave, but Juan calls him back. Don Pastor. Wait. Don’t. Go. Pastor smirks a little, and turns back. Talk to me, Juan. Juan just looks at him, trying to assemble jumbled thoughts.

Paula, meanwhile, greets Sandro. She’s cold, but he thanks her for her confidence and assures her he’s going to devote all his abilities, time, his whole sole into the mission they’ve given him. He won’t disappoint them (defraud). They sit and she tells him she believes they chose the best person. He’s ready to start whenever they want, even today. Paula reluctantly asks a favor before they finalize his contract. She wants him to stop sending flowers or making any other sort of gesture like that (obsequio – gift, courtesy). Sandro, who already told CL it was a Bad Idea, hangs his head and asks if she didn’t like them. Sure, she liked them, and appreciated it a lot, but it could be misunderstood. There can’t be any appearance of favoritism in the company; she doesn’t want the gossip. Sandro lifts his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose in embarrassment and then nods in chagrin.

Juan is still incensed about his discussion with Pastor. He acknowledges that he messed up big time and opened the doors to this backhander/chump (tarugo, two definitions). Pastor still eats his marshmallow, totally smug about his coup. He points out that this is the result of Juan listening to the advice of Fernando. Juan tells Pastor to sit down, not scold him, and help him get his bearings (guide him). What can Juan do? Well, if I understand correctly, you haven’t finalized the work conditions for this Sr. Right, we’re doing that today. Okay, offer him an insultingly low salary (sueldo-salary; bicoca-slap, smack) and he’ll turn you down! Juan likes this plan a whole lot.

Lorenzo is showing his frustration with a caller—Lorenzo doesn’t want a credit card, nor a retirement plan, nor does he want to reserve his site in a cemetery. Delirio interrupts to assure him that Delirio isn’t selling anything of the kind. He’s Pepita’s attorney. Her attorney? Yep, I want an appointment with you and she wants a divorce. Lorenzo is muy impactado.

Juan’s Santo Niño de Atocha fountain bubbles on while Juan offers a marshmallow to Sandro and welcomes him. Paula is there, too, so they can finalize the position details for the contract. Juan points out this is his house [closer than you know, Juan]. Juan expects with Sandro’s expertise they’ll recoup their losses. Juan waxes eloquent about how Sandro will contribute to their place in the market, with clients, etc. Sandro looks awestruck and Paula squirms in her seat, disgusted with Juan’s sermon. Juan continues about starting at the bottom to finally occupy that chair –and pats his own chair. It’s a great responsibility. Juan thought bubbles about his strategy to intimidate Sandro, who smiles goofily at Juan while the cuckoos chime in the background. Juan thought bubbles about how he told the Sermon on the Mount and the Parable of the Prodigal Son, etc. and then his Palomita put the brakes on. Paula interrupts to get to business—salary expectations. Juan remarks it’s a very good point. Sandro begins a discourse about the state of the company, etc., and Juan thought bubbles that Sandro should just spit out what he wants. But this seems to be a divine help so he can do what Pastor advised him. He can twist Sandro’s tail with the salary he’ll offer.

Lorenzo’s on another call—to Nidia. He needs to talk to her, someone he trusts. The situation with Pepita is worse than he thought. Pepita wants a divorce! Nidia sits in her living room where pretty much anybody in the house can hear her, telling her new boyfriend to calm down. She’ll escape from work and see him. He needs a hug in the worst way (apapacho). Super Nidia is just the person to give it. Lorenzo tells her to imagine losing his job and his wife at the same time! What will be next? What will happen, she tells him, is you have a nice cup of tea and get out of this funk (leave this panorama that’s so dark). This woman is intimidating you all the way to taking away your smile! She agrees to see him and makes him promise to calm down. He’ll try. She gets the address from him. [Ed. Note: no spoiler here, but we can all see what’s coming in the next ten minutes--Pepita going home with Nidia’s advice about catching Lorenzo red-handed, right? ]

Paula thinks that Sandro’s request is reasonable. Marely interrupts; there’s a call from Argentina for Paula. Sandro’s eyes twinkle (and we can even hear them!) at Marely. Paula excuses herself and leaves, with Sandro drooling after Marely. And the wolf is left alone with the lamb. Juan jubilantly thought bubbles to himself that we’ll see now how far Sandro is willing to go so he can work at Farell and be close to Paula. The boys grin widely at each other as the real negotiations begin. We’ll see how long your smile lasts, Juan chortles to himself. Sandro tells Juan that he’s made his position clear and the ball is in Juan’s court. He wants to know what Juan thinks. Juan says he agrees with Paula, what Sandro has asked is perfectly reasonable. Perfect! On the other hand, Juan continues quickly, we’re in the tank here and it’d take a miracle to give you what your resume suggests you’re worth. Sandro, still clueless about what’s coming nods and wonders what the offer will be, then. Juan feigns thinking about it after his discussion with Pastor, and pulls open a drawer with a folder. He offers it to Sandro who looks at the figures, looks at them again, and then looks up in shock and disbelief. Juan, meanwhile, is thought bubbling that Sandro shouldn’t forget to close the door behind him when he bails. Sandro pushes his glasses up and pinches the bridge of his nose.

Pastor has joined Juan and Sandro, who is telling Pastor and Juan that the offer seems awfully small to him. Juan is slick as he understands Sandro, what a shame it is, but really the company (right, Sr. Pastor?) the company is in desperate straits and that’s our offer. Pastor empathizes, it’s lamentable. The three talk over each other, Juan and Pastor empathizing and Sandro finally tells them, okay, okay. He’ll think about it, he promises, but with this figure….Pastor remarks that it’s such a shame with their financial situation that they can’t offer….he looks beseechingly at Juan to raise it [Ed. Note: Good cop/Bad cop]. Juan sighs in regret, and draws them closer to listen as he lowers his voice and explains how CL took them down. He and Pastor cross themselves. Administratively, the man was a disaster. Sandro looks at them, puzzled. Juan and Pastor play off each other as Sandro watches back and forth. Juan points to the salary they offered—“here are the consequences.” Pastor chimes in and Juan stops him—they’ve said enough. If that offer is unacceptable to Sandro, with all the pain in their hearts, they’ll understand. Sandro looks at the figures again doubtfully, and at each of them.

Paula looks at the figures and expresses her misgivings. That can’t be right. It’s too little. She didn’t think the company’s figures were so bad. Sandro didn’t, either. He expected about anything, but not that. Her partner and Pastor Gaitán explained the circumstances but that offer is completely inappropriate. She agrees. Then she remembers that this decision, from her discussions with Juan, was to be based completely on the finances from the get-go. Paula can’t do anything more. [Ed. Note: Looked to me, gentle readers, like she had an “aha” and realized she could avoid a lot of discomfort if he decides against it.] She regrets it so much, but her hands are tied at the moment. He understands. Maybe later, she continues, when they are out of the crisis. Sandro goes into thinking mode. Nope, he’ll accept this post with this ridiculous salary. [Ed. Note: it’s not like you are broke, or anything, with the CL inheritance.] Paula is skeptical-impactada.

Pepita is armed and dangerous with her camera. It’s not long before Lorenzo goes to the front gate to let his amour in. Pepita gets shots of Lorenzo greeting the woman, muttering about this husband-stealer, hussy! Look at them hugging on the street in front of the world! How could Lorenzo dare to do this to me? Nidia looks around, guilty. Lorenzo thanks her for coming and guides her into his happy home. Pepita keeps shooting and suddenly realizes who the hussy is. This woman is the wife of my attorney! How can it be, what country are we living in? She shoots away, then growls in hurt, anger and frustration.

Paula just cannot grasp that Sandro is going to accept this absurd offer. It doesn’t match his credentials. Sandro self-effacingly points out that money is not always the most important thing, right? It’s not important what you pay me. Why? Because this company has enormous potential. Sandro is going to generate what’s needed so he can be paid what he’s worth. But, it’s for the fact that he wants to work with her. [Ed. Note: and we notice that he’s tutearing her here, too, folks.] She doesn’t know what to say; it seems so unfair to him! He points out that if all goes well, things can change in the near future. He grins sincerely and tells her there’s no more to say; tomorrow first thing he’ll present himself to work! And he asks her to tell her associate he’s accepted the offer. Paula, bemused, agrees to let Juan know. He tells her it’ll be a pleasure to work with her. They say their goodbyes. Paula stares after him, thoroughly baffled. Sandro sees Marely doing something not very work related and finds she’s doing research on some writers, preparing an essay for a scholarship (beca) competition. Imagine this, he knows the writers. Marely is pleased to find he knows the work. No, Sandro knows this one guy personally, as he was one of Sandro’s teachers. Marely is impressed. He’ll loan her some of the guy’s work; it’ll help her with the essay. Marely thanks him, and Sandro says he’ll bring it tomorrow. Marely is impactada. Does that mean he’s the new Veep? Yes. Even though he’s going to earn a very low salary….but when he’ll get to see such a lovely woman…he feels more than satisfied. Sandro chuckles and Marely shyly smiles. Heavy breathing and shy stares ensue.

And we are reminded that any similarity to real life is purely coincidental.

Monday: Will Paula bust Juan’s chops about Sandro’s salary? Will CL create havoc for Sandro and everyone else? Will Juan’s jealousy erupt as Sandro/CL become(s) embedded in Farell?

AND.....hold your applause, everyone.....we are in the Últimas Semanas, according to the Monday preview!!!!


Incauta – unwary victim
Temascal – sauna (my best guess, a temascal is hot, or an oven)
Encantador – charmer
Pelafustana cualquiera - good-for-nothing, layabout sleazy wench
Meretriz - scarlet woman (prostitute, harlot, etc.)
Realeza – royalty
Gurbia - gouger (my best guess from Babylon’s definition)
Apabullante - overwhelming
Fiereza - intensity
Sueldo-salary; bicoca-slap, smack -- an insultingly low salary
Apapacho – hug
Querendón – irresistible man
Beca - scholarship



Friday, May 09, 2008

I Love Juan, Thurs 5/8 - Death by loud music (and long telenovelas)

Ahoy all, as always, please feel free to correct any errors, and there might be many considering my closed caption was bonkers tonight. Thank you.

Review from yesterday: Pastor tells Anga to be firm with Nidia, don't let her off the hook, no way Jose! Nidia gets angry, quits, and hangs up on Anga. CL rants that Paula will pay. Team Paula scowls at Faux-Sandro's flowers.

Paula tells Ivonne and Ana that Juan surprised her by announcing that Sandro is the best candidate and should be hired. She still wonders who Juan's mystery woman is, the one who is making him act unpredictably. Ivonne and Ana wonder too.

Anga tells Pastor he lost Nidia and it's all Pastor's fault! Pastor correctly observes that Anga should see a psychiatrist.

Nidia shares her revelation with Yadi...Anga only hired her so he could keep an eye on her. "Ya think?" asks Yadi, hiding her sarcasm.

Fer visits Ivonne. She asks how the interview went. He reports, and I paraphrase, that Paula busted his balls. He changes the subject to Ivonne. She becomes reflective and says due to her surgery she gained some things, Pau's friendship and his love, but she also lost things. She has an echo-y flashback of her doctor telling her she might never be a mother.

Back in the apartment of double vision CL orders more flowers for Paula, then insultingly commands Sandro to report to Farell the next morning with a good excuse why he sent the flowers. Sandro has an attack of nervous ticks and hopes he doesn't screw things up.

Welcome to a weird and uncomfortable meal at Las Dávila. Paula asks Fer if he's mad at her. Ivonne pipes up he's sulking about the difficult interview. Paula matter-of-factly states she was just doing her job. Then she becomes unnaturally nice and tells Fer he's a good employee with a good future at Farell. This just wasn't his time. She's interrupted by the sound of loud horns and a happy tuba.

Ana looks out the window - a serenade! "From Juan?" asks Paula, possibly hoping for a second visit from Pablo Montero. Surprise, it's Heriberto! Ivonne looks at Fer accusingly. How did Heriberto know she was there? Outside, an excited Heriberto nimbly prances along with the music. Not bad for a heavyweight.

Juan, dressed in his frilly apron, prepares dinner while Marely watches. She's surprised Juan agreed to hire Sandro because she thought Juan was jealous. Juan doth protest too much. She commands he look her in the eyes, does he love Paula? Is he jealous of Sandro? Juan turns away and pretends to fumble in the drawer. She accuses him of making up his mystery woman. Does she or does she not exist?

Juan formulates his response during the commercial. Yes the woman exists, he has been waiting his whole life for her! Marely's face falls but she powers on, "Why won't you tell the name?" Juan goes through a list of excuses and settles on, "She's famous, a big star." "In your dreams," says Marely, stalking out of the kitchen. We see that Juanito has been eavesdropping.

Heriberto is now completely jacked up and dancing next to the tuba. He's one with the tuba. Fer wants to go out and stop the noise but control-freak Paula insists she will go out. She's probably right, Fer would just make things worse. Drowned out by the cacaphony of the band Paula explains to Heriberto that Ivonne is very sick. She has a condition where she cannot listen to loud music or she will experience an allergic reaction that could be fatal! Heriberto stops the music to the relief of all but the band. Paula graciously bids Heriberto and the band adios as Tuba Man squeezes out a few final toots.

Nidia tells Juan she and Lorenzo share a platonic love. "Oh please," he says, disgusted. He scolds her for breaking up a solid marriage. She babbles, lamely excusing her behavior.

Fer rants about Heriberto and claims he will imbed his fist in his mouth. Ivonne cheerfully accuses him of being jealous.

As Juan tucks his son into bed Juanito asks if it's true that Juan is dating a big star. Juan tries to change the subject by scolding Juanito for eavesdropping, but the curious kid has a one track mind. "Is it true or not?" Juanito asks.

Paula verrrrry sweetly tells Fer goodnight and makes a last-ditch effort to find out where Juan goes when he disappears.

Pastor, reading Wuthering Heights and feeling sorry for himself, tells Ivonne (on the phone) that he is doomed to be unlucky in love. Ivonne tells him to have faith, he should go after Heriberto. (Seems like a lost cause to me but maybe she knows something we don't.) She keeps urging Pastor until he says maybe she's right. Heriberto could be lucky number three. After his first two strike-outs of Fer and Juan, "Heri" could be his hit and home run.

Pau continues pressing Fer for the chisme on Juan. She sidles up and sweetly says she's only concerned because Juan is her partner and friend. It's Laura, right? He says he can't tell her something he doesn't know. They make fake nicey-nice faces at each other because they know they are both full of it.

Yadi eavesdrops on Alirio and Nidia arguing about Anga. Nidia works her angle, does Alirio need a secretary at his practice? If he still needs her she'll call Anga first thing in the morning and tell him no thanks but she's going to help her husband. Yadi angrily bursts in.

Pastor finds Anga quietly crying on his bed watching TV. Anga blames his tears on the telenovela but Pastor knows Nidia is the cause. Pastor tries to cheer him up and says it's a genetic thing, they should be more optomistic and less tragic about love.

Yadi scolds Nidia, "For the love of God why would you work for this man?" She and Alirio sneer at each other.

Juan dreams that a lovely Paula knocks on his door. Fer the butler answers, but when he tells Paula that Juan is busy with his Mystery Woman Paula leaves with Sandro who has been waiting on the sidelines. They snuggle as they depart.

Meanwhile, CL recalls his lunch conversation with Paula. He drinks heavily and tells himself "You can't love her! It's hate, only hate you feel for her!" He angrily puffs his cigarette.

The next morning Yadi and Kike arrive at work. They have bad news, Nidia is not coming to work. Anga is stricken.

Next we have a rather Shakespearean scene of confused intent. Heriberto visits Pastor in his office. He gives a little wink and Pastor is hopefully delighted. Heri goes on about how much he looks forward to being close to Pastor. He's grateful that Pastor would be interested in him, a coarse rancher. He wants to become a polished businessman, more delicate like Pastor. Pastor is thrilled, lucky in love at last! Is Heri sure he wants to be with Pastor? They share a lingering handshake. Heriberto says he wasn't sure about the idea at first, but then he realized he wants to be with Pastor, to be near him. Pastor quivers and excitedly pops up and down in his seat. He jumps up and they share an embrace.

Pastor has cried through the commercial. Such happiness, such emotion. Heri has made him the happiest man in the world! "Really," asks Heri, "just by becoming your personal secretary?" Uh oh. "Que?????" asks Pastor, his world crashing down around him, "What are you saying?" The bitter truth reveals itself to Pastor, Heriberto is happy to be Pastor's secretary, nothing more. Heri, cheerfully babbling about his career plans, is oblivious to Pastor's heartache. Pastor can no longer listen, he wants to be alone. After Heri leaves Pastor weeps. "It's the same yet again, oh how lovely my little Fattie is," he sighs longingly.

Ivonne has cabin fever and decides to accompany Paula to work.

Yadi tries to cheer Anga up. What did he expect? He fired Nidia. Anga hoped that Nidia's needs would surpass her pride. Ah well, it's better that she not return.

Yadi has a business idea she wants to propose. Marely told her that ever since CL died Farell has lost many of its suppliers. They could make Farell an offer, thereby securing a lot of their merchandise to a regular client. Anga balks in order to add tension to the plot. Oh, and he doesn't like the idea of doing business with "those people". Yadi reminds him that CL is gone and he would be dealing with Juan. Anga looks interested and Yadi whips out her notes to show him the numbers.

Juan arrives at work, sees Fer, and drags him into his office. A lot of fast talking ensues. Juan has figured out a way to keep his Palomita in line. No, he does not intend to reveal that Laura is the mystery woman, not after seeing Paula's reaction to her. Fer points out that Juan has no other mystery woman lined up. Oh, but Juan says he does. First, he'll make the most of the office gossips because surely the rumor will explode. Today everybody at Farell is going to find out who the mystery woman that Juan Dominguez of Achichipico has at his feet! Hoo hoo! Fer looks sceptical and very worried.

Over at Juanito's school he and the other obedient children have set a trap for Topete. They quickly take their seats as Juanito holds the cord that will trip a bucket which sits above the doorway. He winks at Flor, his ardent admirer. The children pretend to do their schoolwork as they await their victim.

Fer tells Juan he's crazy, his idea won't work. He doesn't even know "that woman" (still a mystery to us). This detail doesn't worry Juan, what's important is that people think it's true. Now will Fer help him or not? Fer reluctantly agrees.

Ivonne arrives at Farell to the surprise of the office lizards. Julia can't figure out why Ivonne looks the same. No uplifted boobs or lipo? Ivonne kicks Julia out of her desk and takes her rightful place. Fer is thrilled to see her and gives her a public kiss.

Back at the school the kiddies are excited. Topete is coming! The Flight of the Bumblebee plays to heighten the anticipation. Topete enters and Juanito pulls the cord. The bright yellow bucket of sand pours over Topete...and the school Principal! Uh oh, cara impactada from Juanito who is in big trouble now.

Bufete = Lawyer's practice
Cumbres Borrascosas = Wuthering Heights
Incrustar = To imbed
Jonrón = Home run
Ni hablar del peluquín = No way Jose (Lit. Nor speak of the toupee)


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Juan Q - Wed 5-7-08 - Try though he might, the devil can't change himself into something he isn't..

Just a brief forward. Readers, just want to make sure that you all know that you can scroll down the home page and see every blog posted within at least the last week. You can also click on the label at the end of a recap for the show you want and it will bring you to all recaps that have the same tag label. Finally, you can click over on the link on the sidebar and get the links for that showthrough an outside website, Delicious.

Know though, that each of the shortcuts to recaps or tagging links have to be added separately, and often times are added at a time later than when the original recap was posted to the blog. The most current and best way to see what has been posted most recently is to scroll down the Caray Caray home page and see if a new post for your Novela is there. That way you know you aren't missing anything. Often a post is there, but just hasn't been linked up yet to the tagged shortcuts. Thanks.

This recap is dedicated to my cousin who, though full of life, passed away last week, much too young.

Pau tells Sandro that they tried to save their marriage many times, but it was impossible. She doesn’t want to talk about it. She wonders why he’s got such an accusing tone as he asks her if maybe she’s feeling guilty. He apologies and agrees to change the subject.

Juan laments that his Palomita is eating with another and thought he wouldn’t be jealous anymore. He worries if this stranger will be the man of her dreams. He tells himself to calm down that what will be will be she’ll be his or she won’t.

Pau and Sandro continue chatting, not very amicably it seems. She thinks he seems different than before. He suggests that maybe they talk about him to change the subject. Of course his favorite topic!!

She thinks he surely has a girlfriend and he says nope no luck in love. She says he has wonderful qualities, so soon he’ll find someone for sure. He wants to ask her a question and she says depends, and he on what. She says that a poorly placed question could be the beginning of a very bad relationship and that’s not the idea is it? He says no, but he’s willing to risk it. He wonders if her betrayal led his brother to take such drastic measures. She says of course not, why do you ask, and he says, well, you are so beautiful so of course you would have opportunities and she gets irritated.

She tells him that it was actually Monica’s selling of the shares. CL was not the picture of perfection anyway, rather of deception. She eventually tells him she doesn’t feel comfortable talking about this with him as a stranger. She tells Sandro he seemed and looked different before but today reminds her more of CL. He wants to ask another question. She’s almost had it at this point, but of course lets him do it. He wants to know why Dominguez is going around chasing them.

Marely yells at Juan for interrupting her to ask silly questions about whether Pau is back or not.
In another restaurant, over another conversation, Profe tells Nid his wife left him today. She feels for him, especially if she had something to do with it. He thinks that her presence was coincidental, that his problems were deeper and maybe she just drew the final straw. Nid says she’ll go to tell the wife that they are only friends, but he says no, nevermind, he thinks if he chats with Pepita maybe they can resolve their differences.

Pau tells Sandro she doesn’t know what's up with Juan, and that’s the first time he's done this, so maybe he wanted to protect her from strangers, and essentially tells Sandro to ask Juan that question, that she doesn’t know. They get the check and on the way out, 20 questions man asks yet another. IS there more between you and Juan than just being Socios? Pau looks at him in disgust with an eye roll that she is soooo good at.

She tells him she’s not answering because it’s none of his business. She tells him to knock it off and he says, ok fine, let’s be friends.

Dona Pepita shows up to see Juanito. He’s excited but tells her she doesn’t look well, and she tells him he shouldn’t say such things to a woman. Pepita goes in to see Juan and is crying. He doesn’t like seeing her cry and sees she’s a kind creature under her hard shell. She tells him Lorenzo is seeing another woman and asks if she’s younger and more beautiful, she knows he saw the woman. Juan says to himself he’s going to lie, and he couldn’t see her well, but she was carrying the ugly stick. Pepita wonders if he knows a good lawyer. He says no, the only one he knows he wouldn’t recommend to his worst enemy. She is mad and thinks he is deliberately not helping him.

Anga sees Nid and yells at her to come. She gets back in the taxi and rushes off.

Back at the office Marely tells Pau that she likes Sandro, and to back off because she saw him first. Pau tells her no worries there, he’s creepy. He asked me personal questions and at times she felt like she was actually with CL. Marely thinks she’s just normally nervous because he’s identical to CL. She says she doesn’t like this. Mar accuses her of being like Juan now with her feelings, oh and he asked about you a million times. Pau tells her that he followed her, etc.

Fer tells Juan Pau is back. He rushes out to get her and Fer warns against it, that this will come back to bite him. He tells him to tolerate this and just hang tight. Juan finally backs down and agrees he’s right.

Pau and Mar are still chatting and Pau thinks maybe they should discard Sandro. Mar thinks that’s silly based just on feelings to get rid of a perfect candidate. But Pau thinks she’s almost convinced but something still bothers her. Just then Juan knocks and they discuss Sandro’s employment. He begs to speak first and tells her Sandro is perfect for the position, and she’s right so lets get him on board. She says she was just thinking maybe they should listen to his feelings. He is surprised and tells her now that feelings aren’t everything and that they should give Sandro a chance after all. She is impactada and I think makes the Cat’s Ass Mouth again.

OK, what’s up with the bikini shot before the commercial cut?

Anga is telling Yadi that he’s pretty sure that he saw Nid. Yadi wonders if he was sure and he says he’s worried because if it wasn’t her something could have happened. Yadi wonders what could have happened she’s only a little delayed. He remarks that she could have swallowed a fish bone and gotten it stuck in her throat. She’s been gone for three hours, and was late arriving and this is her first day! Yadi tells him he should go home and relax and watch a movie on TV and anyway should relax because if he keeps worrying something will happen and he’ll end up dead.

He agrees and says if she sees Nid, tell her he loves her, loves to kill her that is.

Delirio is pounding the pavement and passing out flyers for hiring him as a lawyer. He is nearly assaulting people to give them out.

Pau tells Mar of Juan’s change of heart. She thinks she has no choice now but to hire Sandro. Mar thinks that’s good for her, since Mar likes him.

Juan tells his mate Fer that the plan has been executed perfectly to the mission impossible theme. He says but now they have to hire him and that wasn’t what he wanted. Fer thinks he carried it too far, that he was only supposed to avoid jealousy and act with indifference. Fer now is upset because that means that now he won’t get the job. Fer is not afraid of the dead, but the very much alive. Juan offers to help think of something to get them out of this, but Fer begs him not to help.

The police approach Perafan and arrest him for soliciting in front of the justice hall.

Juan says he’s supposedly working but all he can do is think of his Palomita. All of a sudden she comes in and he tells her they need to stop this game and proclaim their true feelings of love to each other, she agrees and tells him she loves him. They move in for a kiss and we hear snores and the yelling of Heriberto, today dressed like the Oscar Meyer Wiener man, for him to wake up.

Juan wonders where his Palomita is and is mad at Heri. Heri says there’s no bird here. He wants to talk to Juan about helping out Gaytan. Juan thinks that’s a good idea, they’d make a great team and that from now on Heri will be his secretary in particular. Heri likes the sound of that. Poor Heri.

Juan visits Lorenzo and tells him what Pepita said. He asks if Nid has something to do with this.

At the Cachon house Yadi and Kike berate Nid for messing around with her employment. She said she got scared when she saw Anga so she fled. They want to know where she was. She says she was with Ana but they say no way. She spills that she was with Lorenzo. They are impactados. Just then Delirio marches in and proclaims he’s the lawyer of the hour, that soon he will have millions of clients.

Just then Pepita walking on the street receives a word from God in the form of Delirio’s flyer.

Juan talks to Lorenzo about seeing Nid and he confesses that he’s interested in Nid and is willing to risk his marriage for it.

Back at Casa Cachon, Yadi is trying to talk her out of it that she has Perafan eating out of her hand and poor Anga who breathes for her, so now she’s changed lights and wants this other guy? She tells her at least Anga deserves her candor and apology.

Anga tells Gaytan over dinner what Nid pulled today. Pastor counsels Anga that he needs to take a drastic measure like firing Nid to get her in line.

Pau gets home and sees a huge bouquet of flowers. Ana hands her the card and of course they are from Sandro.

Nid calls Anga and tells him her day was horrible. She says she got a last minute call and had to run off to help them out, but it won’t happen again. Anga, getting egged on by Pastor tells her, yes, this will be the last because she is fired. She begs that it was an emergency. He says he understands and she can now have all the time she needs to tend to emergencies. She says well he loses because he won’t see her anymore.

Ivonne comes down the stairs and sees the flowers and wonders who they are from, and learns from Sandro. Ana begins her usual skepticism.

In the apartment Sandro thinks maybe it was too soon to send flowers. CL says he needs to know if she remembers him and most of all if there is anything between her and that nagual (sorceror) Juan. He admits she didn’t answer and he doesn’t know. He gets mad at Sandro’s questioning of his methods and swears that though Pau painted him out as a villain, the real villain will show when he gets his revenge and she is begging him for his love. He gets starry eyes, as if drunk with evil.


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