Wednesday, May 23, 2012

El Talismán #81 Wed 5/23/12 Cameela Lies, Cries and Confesses All to Padre


What good are many friends, mon ami, when you have one bad enemy? M. Hercule Poirot

Today on El Talisman:

Pedro, Cameela, the Gasbag and Tonio are still talking about Cameela marrying Tonio. Cameela wants to talk to Pedro, alone out in the hall. Pedro and Cameela leave together. The Gasbag is left with Tonio, when, guess what happens? Anyone!!!!! You won't beleive it, but Lucrazy is calling The Beltbuckle on his cell phone. He doesn't answer it and the Gasbag happens to look at the phone and says, wait for it, it is really good, Isn't that Lucrazy? How could it be Lucrazy if she is dead??? HUMMMMM. The Beltbuckle blows the Gasbag off and tells her it isn't Lucrazy they recycle cells phones at Alcatrash to save money. Naw, he really didn't say that, but he wanted to. (Note to the Beltbuckle, really dude, you couldn't have gotten her a burner phone, untraceable to boot, for the one bad enemy you are truly estupido, jus' sayin'). He changes the subject on the Gasbag and warns her if Cameela rats him out to Pedro he will make sure the Gasbag ends up in la carcel (Thanks Blue Lass and Rosemary la Otra). Lucrazy is calling him back again, being very frustrated cause he won't answer the blasted phone, he picks it up and tells The Gasbag it is a call from the ranch. He picks it up and says wadda want GUSTAVO, really dude. Lucrazy tells him to get his asshatedness back to Alcatrash and by the way it is VERY URGENT. He tells her he will get there when he gets there, GUSTAVO. She hangs up and is pithed so badly she throws the cell phone. (Ed note: I just have to say the only actor that can throw a cell phone is Sergio Sendel, he is the master of those, ask the prop people at Uni, jus' sayin'). Tonio is wondering what is taking the indio so long.

Cameela and Pedro are in the hallway of the apartment building and Pedro is begging Cameela, why are you marrying this guy, I know you don't love him, you love me, right, RIGHT! (Note to Cameela, aw come on now, he so knows that dog don't hunt, just fess up already). She keeps insisting she has mysteriously (I added that for effect) fallen for the Beltbuckle and nothin' and noone is changing her mind. Got it? She asks him to forgive her. (Note to Cameela: Are you SERIOUS, come on now. Fess up already would you forgive Pedro if he did this to you? Jus' sayin'). She asks him to vette and leave her in pax. He goes. She cries. After he leaves, she goes back inside and the Beltbuckle wants to know what she said. She tells the Belbuckle she told Pedro what he wanted her to. Cameela tells her *blessed* Mama, er, the Gasbag that it is all your fault. Oh, The Gasbag is laying on the guacamole. Oh, the Beltbuckle lurrrves you. (Note to Cameela, go to El Capitan and fess up already, you don't have to go thru this agony, jus' sayin'). Cameela cries. The Virus to end all Viruses tells Cameela to calm down. The Beltbuckle tries to get close to her, and she reaches up to slap him, but he stays that arm and tells her he is her future (say what? You soooo don't get it dude. She hates your guts jus' sayin'. Sleep with one eye open. You may have no avacadoes when you wake up in the morning. Member I gave you fair warning.). Oh, and the Beltbuckle tells her, now are you ready for this, our wedding night will be sooo wonderful. (Note to Beltbuckle: You sure bout that dude? I thought I heard Cameela talking about Supergluing a part of your anatomy, jus' sayin').

Army and Angel are still at the cafe and Army tells Angel he has found a job. I guess it's not a great job, but Army doesn't care, as long as he gets enough money together, he can go to Canada and be with his amor di mi vida, Fabi.

Tracy, Alberta and Flor are all in the kitchen talking about the upcoming wedding. Flor is really pithed off, she blames Cami for everything including her dear sister's banishment to Canada. (Note to Flor: Canada is beautiful, get a job, save the money and go be there with her, you'll love it). No matter how many times Alberta and Tracy try to tell Flor that Cameela is a wonderful person, she is so not buying it. Doris comes into this little convo as does Valentin. He tells the assembled ladies that the wedding is tomorrow. About this time the Beltbuckle, Prince of Darkness, has come into the room and informs them the wedding is tomorrow, that's right, tomorrow, like don't ever forget it! The Prince of Darkness tells Flor she better be there, and Doris better be gone. She gets in his face and tells him SHE will be the Duena of ESA CASA. Flor, the one with the avacadoes, doncha know, gets in the Prince of Darkness' face. He looks like he is about to slap her, but gently touches her face and reminds her she will RESPECT Cameela. The Prince of Darkness has left, along with the smell of sulpher, and Doris gives her a big ole hug. Doris has left and now Alberta and Tracy are setting up the wedding from hell and Flor is still pithed off at Cameela. Flor says she hates Cameela with every ounce of her being. Tracy tells her that Cameela is a victim, same as Flor. Flor wants to know the chisme on that, but Tracy tells her that is all she needs to know.

Pigorio and Valentin are having a little meeting. Pigorio tells him he saw Mariana, and wait for it, same old, same old, kill her like yesterday. Valentin is so not down with that. Pig tells him he will never have pax until she is dead, punto.

Mariana has come to the hospital to visit Manuel, and interrupts Maria and Manuel. Mariana apologizes, but Manuel tells her it is ok. I think Mariana did an end run around the receptionist, but Manuel said it was ok, if she came in. Manuel has to go somewhere, and Maria stays with Mariana. Mariana thanks Maria for giving Manuel a second chance.

Pedro is all alone, poor fella, and thought bubbles about Cameela being in love with Tonio. (Now Dude you are supposed to be the galan here, didn't all those tears hold a big clue for you?). He just doesn't beleive it.

Tonio has made it back to Alcatrash to the little cabana housing his looney tunes sister, and she is in a dither about Mariana of all people. She is just now realizing that other women, besides HERSELF, mind you, might be interested in her hunk of man. He tells Lulu to callete, don't talk and he is marrying Cameela tomorrow. Yes, he is really doing it. She congrats him and is over the moon, but what about her and PEDRO ES MIO? She tells the Beltbuckle she is sooo in lurrrrve with PEDRO ES MIO. Your getting Cameela, so why can't I get Pedro es Mio? He tells her, your upset (Note to Beltbuckle: Ya think?) Your sooo obessed with Pedro. (Note to both: really you are both obsessed.) She says she will be marrying Pedro es Mio so there! Lulu wants to know what Papa Pig thinks of all this? The Beltbuckle doesn' t care what he thinks. He tells her he told Doris not to give Cameela trouble. The Prince of Darkness has a meet, after leaving the cabana from hell, to meet Dr. Doh-mo (Thanks Rosemary la Otra). Evidently Dr. Doh-mo has fixed the pills and inserted the new poison. The Prince of Darkness can't wait for his Papa Diablo to die a slow suffering death for what he has had to deal with all these years.

Mariana has come back to El Tal and Pedro tells her it is absurd, doncha know, that his Cameela es MIO, is going to marry that asshat Beltbuckle. She has no words. Pedro tells Mariana that Cameela wouldn't tell him a thing, but he is sure the Beltbuckle is holding something over Cameela, ya think! Mariana insists that Cameela does love him. He is sooo confused.

El Virus, Cameela, Army, Angel and Maria are gathered together to mourn the loss of Cameela's brains, and her avacadoes. El Virus is telling Cameela I'm your Mama. (Note to the Virus: I hope you roast for all your evil deeds. The anvil that crashes on you can't be big enough). Cameela cries. Tia Maria and her primo Angel, and her brother Army all tell her not to marry the asshat already., but Cameela is towing the sad, party line and says she just has to, and that will be the end of the subject, cause she is pleading the 5th. (Not really but the same thing). Padre has come to the Virus infected apartmento to see Cameela. She doesn't want to talk, but Padre tells her you have some serious 'splaining to do. She and the Padre go off to have their serious convo, and Army, Angel, and Maria gang up on the Virus and tell her this is all YOUR fault. You are making your poor daughter Cameela suffer over your own misdeeds. The Virus looks like she is getting ready to blow, but doesn't quite get there. Instead we are treated to a *slight marmot screech*. The Virus asks Maria if she is coming to the wedding?. Maria tells her not on your life. It's horrible what you are doing, and you are ruining your daughter's life.

Padre has taken Cameela to a, wait for it, perfect setting by the way, to a church. Yay, Padre, she will have to tell the truth here, or go to the you know! She tells Padre, oh, Padre, please understand I have to marry that Beltbuckle, the Prince of Darkness. Padre wants to know her secret. He knows she is holding something back. He tells her secrets are not mountains, good one Padre. She still won't rat out the Prince of Darkness. Finally, finally Padre has worn her down. She will only tell him with confession (Note to Cameela: How could you? Now you know he can never, ever say anything). So he tells her, as you wish, and she unloads everything on the Padre, every last detail. (Ed note: You can actually confess in front of a priest now, no confessional booth necessary as long as you let them know you want the sacrament of confession). She tells him it would be bad for Pedro and her *sainted* Mama if she doesn't go thru with this wedding. The Padre can't beleive it. This is just horrific to him. He tells her she is ruining her life, all for the Prince of Darkness, but Cameela tells the Padre she could never forgive herself if her *sainted* Mama went to prison. (Note to Cameela: Stop feeling guilty, just 'memeber about the superglue, if you go thru with this, jus' sayin'). Padre tells her she is ruining her life, ya think? She says she feels bad doing this to Pedro. Padre tells her she needs to tell Pedro the truth and stop pleading the 5th. She says she won't. Padre also wanted her to go to the policia to rat out the Prince of Darkness, but she wouldn't go.

Pigorio and Panchito are in the office at Alcatrash and Pigorio asks if Cameela is really marrying the Prince of Darkness tomorrow? Panchito says oh yes.

Cameela is all alone in her room, thinking of Pedro and that *hawt* night in LA and then the Prince of Darkness, threatening her. She prays, Oh Dios Mio, ayuda mi. Just then there is a knock on the door. The Virus opens it and it is Mariana come to call on Cameela. Of course the Virus thinks she is there about what else, on the count of three, *El Cheque es Mio of course, but Mariana looks at her like, have you lost your mind? and says I have come to talk to Cameela. Of course, the Virus tries to dissuade her, but Cameela comes out of her room and tells the Virus she will speak to Mariana. Mariana tells Cameela that Pedro is very upset, and she wants to know why Cameela is marrying the Prince of Darkness, when just a while ago she interrupted Cameela's wedding to Pedro? The whole convo is about WHY? Cameela tells her now Mariana will have a second chance with Pedro. Cameela says I am marrying the Prince of Darkness, ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies. Not really but essentially that is how the convo went. She won't spill the frijoles to Mariana. She tells Mariana you just don't understand, ask me no more. Mariana says she doesn't want Pedro to suffer, and she knows darn well that Cameela is so not in love with the Prince of Darkness. Cameela tells her, she isn't saying anything else. Mariana really wants to know why Cameela would marry someone she doesn't love? Cameela tells her to vette, she says now is your chance with Pedro. Mariana leaves, and Cameela cries.

Now we have Papa Pig and his sluttily dressed ex-daugher-in-law having a little powwow in the bedroom. He tells Doris nothing will ever seperate me from you. You are ES MIO. He tells her she won't leave Alcatrash. He asks for his pills. (Note to Doris: Don't touch that bottle) She brings the pills to the Pig. She gives him smoochies, yuck (Note to Doris, do you have enough Listerine? Jus' sayin"), He tells Doris he is sooo happy with her. She knows Cameela is coming to live at Alcatrash. Doris tells him she is upset, because of Cameela and the Prince of Darkness her fabby Fabi is in Canada.

Maria has gone back to the hospital and consults with Manuel. She is soo upset her poor neice has to marry the Prince of Darkness. Manuel says that Cameela really should go to the police and fess up. Maria says she won't because she doesn't want to hurt her *sainted* mother. Oh, please already. Maria says she has to respect her neice's wishes. Manuel says it is a heavy cross to bear.

Cameela, Army and Angel are having a last supper together. Cameela tells them not to worry about her. Then guess who calls, of course, it is the Prince of Darkness, just wanting to touch base, so to speak. He tells her along with the Virus, the boys can come to the wedding too. Oh Yay.

It is the day of doom, the apocalypse for Cameela so to speak. She is with the Virus, Army and Angel. Cameela is in a wonderful, sparkley, white dress, her wedding gown, sans veil. She is looking lovely. Virus tells her the Prince of Darkness is a wonderful guy (Oh please where is the anvil for this virus). What a wonderful wedding it will be. Cameela gives her the death ray, and tells her, this is no, wait for it, wedding, its a funeral! (Note to Cameela, maybe someone will stand up at the wedding when they say if anyone has a reason why these two shouldn't be married. I wish you best of luck).

Valentin comes in to give congrats to the Prince of Darkness. The Prince of Darkness tells him this must be the PERFECT wedding. Papa Diablo comes in to give congrats to the Prince of Darkness and wants to shake his hand. The Prince of Darkness won't do it. Papa Diablo tells his Prince of Darkness that you marry, you leave Alcatrash!

All of El Tal has gotten together and talked endlessly about how could Camella do this to our Pedro, some using power tools, and the Padre was in the mix too, but without a power tool. Oh, and Santiago has been freed from the social services, Liliana has a heart after all, and Padre is the one that got him out. He is very happy to be with Pedro again, and also can't beleive that Cameela is with the Prince of Darkness.

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Wedding from Hell Begins. Will it go through? Tune in tomorrow to find out!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

El Talismán #80 Tue 5/22/12 HOLA CHULA

“Hola Chula” says Antonio upon answering Camila's call. Already I can't stand where this is going so I end up counting the comb marks in his brylcreamed hair. Camila promises to marry him.  He tells her “Congratulations”, then to himself “I told you that you would be mine”.

Mariana and Margarito are eating soup prepared by Donatila.  They are “mmmm”ing it to the heavens.  Did anyone catch what kind of soup it was?  Donatila's Tomatillo?  Margarito spoils the meal by asking if Mariana is there to see Pig.  Poor Mariana dang near chokes on an avocado pit before answering that no, she's not ready for that yet.

Mariana and Margarito are joined by Sarita and walk through the grounds at El Tal.  They talk about how beautiful it is and hope it helps restore M's memory.  Pancho comes up and they introduce him to Mariana.  Suddenly Mariana gets an “I See Dead People” look and wants to explore further down the property. 

Rita, Rennie and Dr. Doh-mo are talking about Elvira being an asesina saying that if she did try to roast  Pig it would have been for his bacon. 

As proof that not all props are created equal, Gabe comes up carrying a huge door.  He's helping Pedro with some project, but gets a little testy after hearing that same old marriage lecture getting crammed down his throat.  Gabe is tired of everyone pressuring him.  After that huff, the guys do end up having a nice chat about love, Lucrecia, Santiago and the meaning of life. This is followed by a rest break in which they are sipping something in teeny tiny cups.  What is that?  Soy sauce?  Dairy creamer?  Sacrament water?  Fluoride rinse?

Angel is talking to Elvira.  She is hyper-ventilating. Armando comes in and rightfully rags at his mom that Camila has decided to sacrifice herself and marry Antonio.  Elvira's response:  Then I won't have to go to la carcel? 

Antonio's fake policia are still at the door.  Camila tries to calm her mom down. Elvira emerges to face the music as Antonio calls Dr. Doh-mo, who in turn calls the policia to end the threats.  All hear the radio call that this has all been a mistake.   The policia leave.  The kids are mad at her, but jocularity still ensues as Elvira is elated and giggling.

When Dr. Doh-mo hung up from Antonio, he told Renato that Antonio is crazy.  Lol.  He need look no further than the man in the yachting clothes and his pantsless “sobrina” / amante to stare crazy in the face.

Pig is pulling branches and plastic wrap off a tombstone.  (Okay, I am now 2 for 2 in recaps with tombstone scenes.) He drops a rose on the stone.  It reads “Para Mi Amor de Mi Vida”  “Matilde” .  Pig starts in on what trouble Matilde's daughter has caused him.  He should have killed Mariana so she could be with her mom.  She's not a good person.  Just like her dad.   Pancho interrupts telling Pig to hurry and hide, here comes Mariana!

Padre is at the court house talking to the social worker about the orphanage and Santiago.  Santiago will be the first kid at the orphanage, and the social worker is encouraging Padre to adopt him.  QTF?  
As he is leaving, our sway-backed Padre collides belly-button to private part with Lucrecia who is disguised as Cher.  Good thing Padre doesn't have an “outie”.  He does not recognize her...yet.   As if we wouldn't all recognize that cute butt of hers in those same painted on black pants.

Lu asks the desk clerk about Pedro.  She is shocked to hear he has been released. 

El Capitan is telling a guy (the investigator?), I don't know his name, we'll just call him “my next boyfriend”, that he wants surveillance set up at El Tal.  He is worried for Pedro's safety and knows the Negrete's are threats.

The kids are now letting Elvira have it for being so selfish and not caring about them.  Armando is so frustrated saying “and with Fabi going to Canada today what more could happen?”. I'll tell you what more could happen... Antonio could be at the door.  Camila answers and we get another “Hola Chula”.  He starts in with his threats, she says she hates him, he slips a ring on her finger, tries to kiss her hand, which she pulls away and the doorbell rings again.  This time it is Pedro.  Elvira blurts out “Camila is engaged”, Antonio says “we're getting married tomorrow” and Pedro has an incredulous look on his face. He says this is an absurd situation.

Pedro tries to get Camila to talk to him. 
    Pedro:  Were we a mistake?
    Antonio:  Hey, if my woman called you, it was cuz she's honest and wanted to tell you in person
    Camila:  Yes, that's why I called you. 
Pedro has a look like he's waiting for everyone to shout “April Fools” or “Punked”.  He says I'm not leaving til Camila tells me to.  Tell me what's going on?  Don't I deserve that?   Face it, Pedro, you are in a game of rhetorical fisticuffs with yourself.  Antonio is sneering and Bump on the Log Camila is standing there emotionally flaccid.  Finally Camila asks permission from Antonio to speak with Pedro.

Mariana presses on going deeper into El Tal property.  She is drawn to this area although it gives her the shivers.  She finds the grave.  “Quien fue Matilde”?  That was your mother, but she's buried at Fresno Cemetary.  I'm not sure who put this gravestone here.  Mariana smells the rose while Pig and Piglet spy.  

The primos are in a cafe.  Did you see the sandwiches in that place?  These boys sure do know how to nosh.  I want an Armando / Angel sandwich.  Not the sexual kind, mind you.  Especially with Armando in the mix.  Angel has an idea.  They know Antonio has evidence against Elvira.  If they can find out what it is, they can steal it.  Good idea! seconds Armando.

Back at El Tal, sipping tea, Mariana, Doma and Sarita are talking about the grave and move on to specualtions about what's up with Camila.  Sarita follows Mariana out to her car when she leaves and asks “A ti te gusta Pedro?”  Mariana says he's guapo, but not the man for me.  

Lurker Lu peeks out from behind the bushes, overhears this and rages back to her hideout.

Maria and Manuel are in the office talking about Elvira.  They share a sweet kiss.  They look like a snowman and snow woman kissing in their white medical coats.  (You do know how to tell the snow man from the snow lady, right?  By the snowballs.)

-The social worker tells Santiago they'll look for his mom in Mexico.
-F2 whines that she is miserable and it's all Camila's fault
-Padre gets on Gabe's case about living in sin

Avances:  Wedding preparations and Camila tells Mariana that she has to marry Antonio. 

Recap by Rosemary la Otra; posted by Blue Lass


Monday, May 21, 2012

El Talismán #79 Mon 5/21/12 Yes, We Have No Avacadoes, We Have No Avacadoes Today!

Today on El Talsiman:

Cameela has come to El Alcatrash to tell the Beltbuckle she isn't marrying him, punto. Beltbuckle continues with the threat of sending her Gasbag, er her Mama to the carcel. She tells the Beltbuckle to go ahead and call the popos she will just have to make a call on her own and tell them about his blackmail and threats, so there take that, ya Beltbuckle! She leaves the Beltbuckle fuming, and runs into Doris. So are ya marrying the Beltbuckle or not, she asks Cameela. Cameela tells her hey sister, ain't doin' it no how, no way. She tells Doris I am marrying Mi Pedro. She tells Doris don't worry you will still be the duenna of this casa. Cameela leaves.

Pedro is thought bubbling about his wedding to Cameela and their song plays, "Dios Mio Que Mujer".

Gabe and Sarita are talking about the same old, same old. I want to marry but can't, not prepared for it, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah. Sarita is getting madder by the minute, and Gabe is all talked out. Sarita is yelling at Gabe and interrupts Pedro's daydreaming. He goes in to see what the fuss is about. Sarita is saying the same old thing. She tells Pedro, Gabe won't talk to her, and Pedro tells her Gabe is very confused right now. (Note to Gabe: just tell her the same thing you've been telling her, maybe she will open her ears long enough to hear, jus' sayin'). Gabe took my advice, but it didn't work yet again. He threatens to get a job elsewhere. Sarita is so not down with that. Pedro tells her to stop pressuring Gabe. Gabe tells Sarita he truly loves her, but he isn't ready for marriage. Gabe leaves. Pedro tells Sarita, he's not marrying Cameela either. He doesn't understand, and told Mariana about it. Sarita and Pedro commiserate with each other.

Tonio is looking for Valentin. Valentin finally comes in and the Beltbuckle sends him on a misson. I didn't quite get what it was, so someone please fill in.

Tracy and Alberta are talking about Fabi leaving today. They are having a little chisme when Alberta lets slip that Cameela ain't marrying the Beltbuckle. Tracy is like, ya don't say. I have to talk to her.

Margarito and the Padre are talking about Cameela's about face, and not marrying Pedro.

Army has managed to scale the walls, so to speak, of Alcatrash again. He has come to tell Fabi adios. He tells her this is only temporary. He is finding a job, and once he has enough dinero, he will come to Canada to be with her. They swear undying love for each other, and promise each other they will be together soon.

Maria and the Gasbag, er, El Viral have come home. Maria wanted to bring El Viral back to the apartmento to get the full story why she is soooo upset. Maria tells her to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. (Note to Maria: When has that ever happened?).El Viral says it is a disaster. Maria tells her to be calm (yeah like that is ever gonna happen) and asks if this is about the kids? El Viral tells her it is about Pigorio. She tells Maria she helped Tonio try to kill Pigorio and now she is in the heap of pig droppings. Maria is shocked, I tell you shocked, to hear this. She tells Maria that unless Cameela marries Tonio she is going to the carcel! (Note to Maria: Please lock her up in the manicomio now. Don't wait, she is the Titanic crashing into the iceberg right now. There is no redemption for her.). She tells Maria that, wait for it, THE BELTBUCKLE MADE ME DO IT!!!! (Note to the Gasbag: Is this the same thing as the Devil made me do it? Cause ya know that excuse never works, jus' sayin'). Just about this time, Cameela has come back from that meeting with the Beltbuckle, and tells her Gasbag of a mama, guess what, not marrying that asshat. Cameela tells the Gasbag she will find her a lawyer tomorrow, and take it from there. (Note to Cameela: You got some guts girl, cause that gas is building, jus' sayin', and the headband is getting tighter by the millisecond). Maria tells her Gasbag of a sister to, wait for it, WOMAN up and accept responsiblity for your OWN actions!!!! (Note to Maria: You go!!! But I don't think that is working for her). The Gasbag tries to turn this on Cameela and tells her, I am going to the carcel and it's YOUR fault. Maria and Cameela are looking at her like she should have been in the Manicomio a long time ago. And on top of all her other sins, tells Cameela, well ya know, I already told Pedro you are marrying Tonio. Cameela and Maria are pithed. The Gasbag is thrusting the knife deeper and tells Cameela, that if she marries the Beltbuckle all this goes away, as if. Cameela is so not down with that. Maria says you have no conscience as far as your children go, enough already. Course the Gasbag's brain is full of gas and she storms out of the room. Army comes in and asks Cameela if she is ok? Cameela tells him Tonio threatened to go to the policia about the Gasbag. Maria tells Cameela, well she is an accomplice after all, get her a good lawyer, and above all please, call Pedro, the amor di tu vida, and explain just what the heck is going on. Cameela calls Pedro for a meet. He is confused, but will meet with her. Maria is going to work, and tells Cameela if you need anything call me. Cameela tells the Gasbag that she has called a lawyer that will meet with her in two hours.

Fake Doc/Major Domo examines Pigorio and tells him he is just fine! Well Pigorio, who is lying in the bed, isn't taking this lying down, so to speak. He tells the fake doc, then why am I feeling worse everyday? He tells fake doc he is not beleiving his so-called miraculous recovery. He asks fake doc/major domo if he has talked to Tonio. Of course he has. Pigorio then tells him, I don't like you, I want MIO DOCTOROCITO Valdez, and not you. Fake doc/major domo looks like he has swallowed several avacadoes whole, and tells Pigorio to be calm, don't upset yourself. He leaves. Doris confronts fake doc/major domo and asks how Pigorio is? He tells her he is fine. Doris doesn't beleive fake doc/major domo either. Tonio talks to the fake doc/major domo and isn't liking what he is hearing.

Lulu and the Beltbuckle are in the cabana, and Tonio tells her all about what Cameela said about going to the popos on her own and telling them what she knows of the Beltbuckle. But he tells Lulu that his planes are still at the go stage and Cameela es Mio. He tells Lulu he is siccing the police on El Viral as we speak, and that's why Cameela es Mio. Lulu laments to the Beltbuckle that this is a bad time for her to be dead. (Ya think). He keeps telling Lulu that she will have to remain dead for awhile, but he won't let her down. She'll get Pedro es Mio as soon as things settle down. She tells the Beltbuckle, Pedro is my ultimate goal. He tells her Fabi is leaving. She can't beleive it, she isn't down with that.

Fabi is packing for her trip to Canada and Doris comes in. She tells her Mama Doris that she will be better off in Canada and away from Alcatrash.

Padre, Margarito, and Pedro are together and Pedro tells them Cameela called him. He has no idea why she wants to talk to him.

There is a knock on the door and it is, wait for it, the police looking for, you guessed it, The Gasbag. They have some questions for her. Meanwhile the Gasbag has hotfooted it into the boys' room. (I guess she has no avacadoes. Her hideous pink outfit is so bright with matching headband, the police couldn't miss her, jus' sayin'). The police tell Cameela that this is very serious and they need to talk to her right away. Cameela is rolling her eyes. Meanwhile the Gasbag has run into the boys' room, and wait for it, does a slow *marmot screech* about the popos have come for her. Meanwhile at the door, Cameela tells the police that her Mama is meeting a lawyer, in like, two hours if they want to wait. And in the boys' room, the Gasbag, THAR SHE BLOWS AGAIN, for like the millionth time. She claims, wait for it, SHE WANTS TO DIE, Army and Angel are both there, trying to calm her down. She is hyperventilating and hysterical. They tell her to stop crying and that Cameela will get her a lawyer. Army decides to go join Cameela, which leaves poor Angel to cope with El Viral (Note to Angel: You are truly an Angel to put up with this crap, just fix her a huge mug of sleepytime tea and you'll finally have some peace). Meanwhile Army goes out to see what is going on, gets the scoop and rolls his eyes too. (Did you notice one of the policeman was rolling his eyes too? It was too funny). El Viral is still ranting and raving to Angel that her new home will be the CARCEL (yeah, if only. She needs to go there ASAP). And on top of that she is crying hysterically. Angel looks like he wants to hurl. The police meanwhile are still trying to convince Cameela they need to talk to the Gasbag and here is the paperwork by the way. They leave and Cameela tells Army that the Beltbuckle called the cops on mama. Cameela tells Army well I guess I will have to marry the Beltbuckle after all, to stop this crazy train. Army begs her not too. So without waiting any further, she picks up the phone and , wait for it, calls the Beltbuckle. She tells him I know you sicced the police on my sainted (just kidding) mama and are you ready for it, ya sure???? Ok, on the count of three, She will marry his asshattedness. Oh, saints perserve us, please, Oh Dios Mio, not again.

Tracy, Alberta and Fabi have gathered together to say goodbye. Fabi tells both of them she will miss them, and to please look after Flor. All three are crying and they have a big group hug. After this, Fabi goes to her room and talks to Flor. Flor is crying. She doesn't want Fabi to go, but Fabi tells her it is best and that Tracy and Alberta will always be there for her. Fabi and Flor both agree they don't want to be seperated, but this is how it is now. Flor accompanies Fabi to the foyer, and there is the Beltbuckle. They give him heck about being seperated and all he cares about is Cameela. He tells them he cares about them, but they know it is empty words. (Note to Beltbuckle: you are an asshat of the lowest grade, to give up your daughter for a woman that hates your guts, jus' sayin').

Mariana has come to El Tal and is talking to Margarito. Mariana says she wants to talk to Cameela on Pedro's behalf to find out what is going on with this Beltbuckle business. Margarito asks if she has any memory back yet? Mariana tells Margo that Manuel is trying to help her find her past, but so far she really hasn't remembered anything .

Pigorio is up out of the bed and is dressed, looking more chipper and healthier. Doris compliments him on his looks. They are talking about his pills. I think Pigorio said he has stopped taking them and is going to see his own doctor. ( I just have to say here, Pigorio is smarter than we thought. I think he knows those pills are poisoned). Doris informs Pigorio that Fabi is leaving for Canada, and Pigorio says well the Beltbuckle knows best, he loves his daughters. Doris doesn't agree. She doesn't want Fabi to go. Pigorio tells her Fabi is her daughter too. He said something else to her I didn't get. He leaves.

Padre and Pedro go to see Liliana the social worker about Santiago again. She tells Pedro, sorry not gonna happen, can't adopt him. Padre tells her that he is getting some kind of letter from Santi's mama in Mexico. She is skeptical, but says ok. But Pedro still can't adopt him. She tells Padre he has character.

Now for the best part of the recap. We have Rita and fake doc/major domo talking together. Rita wants to know what he has been up to? He tells Rita he is doing a job for the Beltbuckle. Oh, Rita is swooning, she just lurvvvves the Beltbuckle. Rennie comes in the room and tells Rita that the Beltbuckle is muy peligroso. Fake doc/major domo tells Rennie that the Beltbuckle has taken El Viral in hand. Rennie is like say what? Rita and Rennie want the chisme like yesterday. So fake doc/major domo tells them that, wait for it, El Viral is a killer! Rennie can't beleive it, but Rita is sooo down with that. Fake doc/ major domo tells them that is what Tonio told him. Rennie's wheels in his brains start turning and he says so, just a better grounds for divorce. (Yeah ok Rennie, you go with that, until the anvil comes to bite you too).

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Pedro confronts Cameela and Tonio at Alcatrash!


Friday, May 18, 2012

El Talismán #78 Fri 5/18/12 A Miracle in Fresno--Camila Grows a Pair of, Wait for It--Avocados

Forward: We see that these are the Ultimos Capitulos. I do want to thank Anita, Editor in Chief of the Fresno Underground Gazette, for being the first one to keep the El Talisman flame alive when this crazy show was shunted off to the dreaded afternoon time slot. Anita, the FUG may be gone but you will always be our Editor in Chief. Gracias.

And now, on with the show...


This episode is cliché driven.  So sorry.

As we start the first in the series of Ultimo Capitulos, a sad, sad Camila is sitting on the couch in Maria’s apartment sadly reviewing her options—1) marry Antonio this weekend, live unhappily ever after so mama doesn’t have to rot in jail or 2) refuse Antonio’s unromantic threat to be loved and cherished in sickness and in health by him until she dies or mama can spend años in the carcel (don’t we wish we could phone in our votes the way it’s done on DWTS).

Armando comes in and tries to cheer her up.  Surely Marvelous Maria will think of something to save her from a fate worse than death.  Camila doesn’t want him to say anything to the Tía.  With more people knowing the terms, the higher the probability is that it will get back to the Ant and the game will be lost before it’s played.  Army just doesn’t think it’s right for Ant to salir con lo suyo (get what he wants).  Angel returns to find the saddest siblings in Fresno, still lamenting Camila’s fate.  They won’t give him any reasons for the announcement of the upcoming nuptials which don’t include Pedro.

Over at El Tal, Manuel arrives to rescue Mariana from her latest identity crisis.  She freaked out after seeing the baby clothes for the second time (Camila was with her the first time, or the writers forgot).  She’s upstairs resting but feels better.  Mariana tells Manuel that her recall included the sensation that someone was hitting her and she felt frightened and in pain.  She mentions a “door” with someone on the other side knocking, but she was too frightened to answer.  Manuel conjectures that perhaps it’s her past on the other side.

Downstairs, Pedro tells Margarito that he’s going to surprise Camila since she doesn’t know yet that he has been released from jail on his own recognizance.  He and Gabriel are seen outside, walking  across a bridge to nowhere.  Pedro is telling Gabriel that he can’t have it both ways—staying single and getting it on with Sarita for free.  Marriage is good (this is really a PSA for the rationale of state marriage license fees as a revenue enhancer).  Gabriel agrees, but the fact is he is very young and has nothing to offer Sarita.  Pedro says, not to worry, he’ll make sure he has lands and everything else he needs to start out (what a boss).

Over at El Alca Cabaña, Lucrecia is being visited by Ant.  He’s pacing and reflecting on his decision to ship Fab away to boarding school (and here we thought she was already in college) for her own good.  He doesn’t like the idea of her being away from him (like he really cared when she was around—sheesh).

Lucrazy can’t believe her father loves her more dead than alive.  Before he leaves, she has a favor to ask.  She wants a wig and clothes like she does not normally wear so she can get up close to Pedro without him being aware of her presence.  She’s going stir-crazy shut up in the cabaña.  Antonio says she IS crazy (better truths have ne’er been spoken).  Ant warns her that she’d better not put his grand plan at risk by going out.  Lulu says she’s going to get out and if Ant won’t help her, she’ll go straight to Pedro and let him see that the reports of her death were greatly exaggerated (apologies to Samuel Clemens—not to mention the retraction that FUG will have to publish).

Anti tells his crazy sister that she is going to do what he tells her.  It’s convenient for her to be dead, so she can’t just waltz out and do what she wants, especially, not to see that Indio.  If she goes near Pedro, he warns, he’ll kill her—she’s already dead anyway, ha-ha.

Ex-Princess Doris the Ho is accosted in the hallway by Piglet, the Court Jester.  King Piggorio the Sugar Daddy is poorly.  She really can’t be bothered, her nail polish isn’t dry yet.  Ex-Princess says she was just thinking, the two of them should form an Unholy Alliance to fight the common enemy, the Evil Prince Antonio the Slosher.  It would be advantageous to both of them to join forces.  They would be under the protection of the King.  If Piglet would help her become the King’s Queen, she will help him establish his paternity and be legally recognized as the King’s son (wait a minute, is this Game of Thrones or Wheel of Misfortune), then, WAIT FOR IT, he can call her Mama.  Ok, nails are dry, Doris leaves.

Gregorio yells for Panchito, but gets Valentin instead.  He wants a doctor to come to the house right away and to use the back door so no one will see him since he doesn’t want anyone to know how sick he feels.  Right away, says Val, and straightaway runs to tell Antonio.  The Ant tells him to forget about it and if Don Gag asks, stall him.  Later Val tells an angry Gregorio that the doc was operating and he’ll be there in the evening.

Don G is up and about with Doris and Valentin, all of them dressed in dark and dreary black.  Don G is also riled up and there is much yelling until Doris leaves.  He simmers down and wants to know if there’s anything new on Mariana—is she still at El Tal.  Val thinks so, but isn’t sure.  Don G says they will have to be ready for anything.  Later, Gregorio is with Piglet and learns that indeed Mariana is still at El Tal.  Somewhere during his agony, Don G tells Piglet he’s not going to leave anything to Antonio and later that he’s going to put Piglet in his will to inherit everything since he’s been the only loyal progeny.

Elsewhere in the hacienda, the F-Sisters are bemoaning Fab’s fate.  Everyone is dressed in black, reflecting the doom and gloom hanging over them.  Flo is desolate.  She doesn’t want Fab to leave.  Fab is resolute—she will not accept Camila, the condition for being allowed to stay (silly girl; Camila could easily be avoided, as both her parents were and she would get to stay near her boyfriend—ah the hormonal adolescent mind isn’t working in this case).  If Fab won’t stay, then Flo wants to go with her.  That won’t be possible to arrange since she is leaving for Canada in the morning (so this is the best Lulu came up with—Seattle or Boise weren’t good enough?).

Pedro has arrived at Maria’s apartment, bearing flowers and expectations.  He’s confronted by Sad-Eyed Camila who tells him to forgive her, but she can’t marry him (QTH—isn’t he still legally married to Mariana while waiting for a divorce and aren’t he and Camila considered married by the church; separation of church & state does have its shortcomings…..)

P:  Here I brought you these flowers.  What’s going on here?
S-E C:  Nothing is happening.
P:  Tell me, something is going on.
S-E C:  Forgive me, Pedro, but I can’t marry you.  Vete (a gentler variation of Largate), por favor.
P:  At the very least, you owe me an explanation.
S-E C:  I don’t owe you an explanation, so vete; simply put, I’m not going to marry you.
P:  We promised each other not to fall into gossip or entanglements and we would defend our love.
S-E C:  We said a lot of things to each other.  I’m not going to marry you, so leave.
P:  Where is this attitude coming from that you are asking me to leave.  I don’t think I deserve this.
S-E C:  I don’t have anything else to say.  I beg you to leave and don’t come looking for me anymore.
P:  I’m not moving from here until I learn what is going on.

Armando and Angel have retired to their bedroom to continue their discussion of the Camila affair.  Army lets on that it’s all Elvira’s fault that Camila’s life is ruined.  Angel could have guessed that and finally persuades Army to spill the beans.

Back in the living room, Sad-Eyed Camila and Pedro continue their non-communicative conversation.

S-E C:  Understand—our relationship is over, no more discussion.
P:  I’m not moving until I learn what’s going on.
S-E C:  I have no more to say—leave.
P:  Camila, I know you, you don’t change your mind from night to day.  Someone is pressuring you.
S-E C, pretending to be mad:  Ok, Enough, You asked for it—our relationship was a big mistake.  I should never have known you (awkward statement—does she mean in the biblical sense?).

Hooray!! Here comes the cavalry to the rescue!! Oh, no, it’s just one big cow dressed in blue to step in some stuff she already left on the ground.  Elvira opens her big mouth and yells, leave my daughter in peace.  Then three-way yelling starts.  Elviral wants Pedro Out-of-There.  Pedro refuses to leave without details.  He tells El-viral to STFU (thanks, BL), this is between himself and Camila.  He wants to know who’s putting the pressure on her.  Fortunately, Elvira can’t contain herself and blurts out that Camila is marrying Antonio *this* weekend.  Pedro is muy impactado.

P:  This is all absurd.  Camila can’t marry someone who has deceived her, lied to her; she *can’t* marry the Ant.
ELV in Tears:  It doesn’t matter, Camila *has* to marry the Ant, so please, leave.

Armando enters.

P:  I’m sure you, Elvira, are behind all this.  I’m going to find out *why* you are pressuring Camila.  And one more thing—he slings at her as he leaves—Camila and I are going to continue to be together, whether you like it or not (good luck with that; you’re dealing with a lot of mentally deranged people all aiming at derailing YOU, Pedro).

Arm to El:  He reads you like a book, Ma and I don’t think he believed anything you said.  Knowing how he feels about Camila, I’m sure he’s not going to let Camila marry that tipo.

There is a sad, sad shot of a sad Camila remembering Antonio’s marriage proposal.  Angel wants to know what he can do for her.  There’s nothing to be done.  Angel says that it’s not fair.  Camila convinces herself she must forget Pedro forever.  Angel is not convinced.  He’s there to help, or at least to be told what’s going on.

Out in the living room Elvira is disconcerted that Pedro will investigate—they just can’t let him.  Elvira whines that Pedro is to blame for everything.  She tries to make Army agree that Ant is a much better match for Camila.  After all, he’s already divorced and he’s rich.  Armando just looks at her—almost with pity—and tells her she is the worst mother in the world.  Elviral is left to chew her cud on that one.

Armando rejoins Angel and Camila in the other room.  Army says she can’t do it; she can’t sacrifice herself for their mother.  She doesn’t deserve it.  Camila replies, what does he propose, let her go to jail?  Angel is confused.  His Tía could go to jail?  The sibs try to tell him to forget what he just heard, but Army finally explains that through a “mistake,” Elvira is about to be accused of murder (wait, it must be attempted murder, El Piggorio is not dead yet).  In the end, he tells about the Piggorio and the poison and the pills.

Antonio, meanwhile, has left the cabaña and shows up at the House of Happy Pleasures, although he’s not seeking any just then.  Brigitte tells him it’s not Happy Hour yet anyway.  He wants to know if Lucas is around.  Brigitte offers to contact him and voilà, there he is.  Ant reminds him that he pays well.  He wants the name of a defrocked doc (apologies for the mixed metaphor, it sounds good)—someone who has lost his license and is willing to do some questionable jobs.  Lucas says that is not going to be easy.  What does Ant want him for, to kill his dad? Joke…Ant doesn’t think so.  He needs him tonight.  Lucas says it’s going to cost him double because he will be required to share some important information about the doc in question.  He’s the same one that falsified the diagnosis that El Piggorio contracted for claiming severe injuries that a Mr. Renato suffered so he could sue Antonio.  Ant is furious that his own sweet dad snookered him.

At El Tal, Manuel is still upstairs with Mariana, having a little tête-a- tête with the Padre.  The good Padre acknowledges that when all this was happening to Mariana, he lived in Tijuana, but Pedro kept in touch, so he’s up to snuff with all the details.  He is also convinced that Don G was responsible for the beating and disappearance of Mariana.  He fills Manuel in on what kind of person Don G is—a man without a soul.  And the son, Manuel wants to know?  They say he is worse than the father (but, but, Padre, Antonio hasn’t killed anyone yet—he’s just evil).  Mariana stirs from the bed, still freaking out.  She was seeing herself in the hospital and Pedro was telling her she lost her baby.  She remembers that she lost the baby, but nothing else.  Manuel asks her not to stress herself and suggests they go home so she can rest.  He wants to know if they can take those personal belongings with them—they might help.

Mariana is now in the living room talking to Pedro (whaa—hey, continuity and editing crew, wake up; where did Manuel go and how did Mariana perk up so quick when she was being taken home to rest, but ni modo).  She wants to know what is wrong.  He tells her about Camila’s new wedding plans that don’t include him.  She offers to help him in any which way, maybe talking to Camila to find out why this sudden turn about.  Pedro is sure it is Antonio pressuring her.


Renato is still living in his old apartment (the one Elvira thinks is half hers), so he can’t be flat broke.  Rita is probably “working.”  The doorbell rings and when Renato opens the door, Antonio’s fist comes through the door first.  He tells Renato he’s been found out about the medical fraud game he and Don G were into.  Ren denies it.  Ant continues to accuse.  Ren denies it and claims there is no proof, whereupon Ant pulls out a paper with names and facts.  Ren still thinks Ant is bluffing and urges him to largate and go to the police if he wants to.  Antonio tells him to relajate, he has a proposition.  Don G will keep on paying him to move the suit forward, but he’ll also pay not to move it forward.  He wants Ren to get in contact with this doctor and for that, he’ll pony up 10% of what he will pay him for a job he has in mind.  Renato doesn’t even have to think twice—although he pretends to think it over.

In no time at all, the shady doc (apologies to the esteemed medical profession), shows up and Ant wants to talk to him, a solas.  Ren makes himself scarce, but probably still within earshot.  This medical unprofessional understands what Antonio wants and agrees to introduce a poison that leaves no trace and kills very slowly (à la Marcela).  He’ll be well compensated as long as there are no betrayals and Don G stays alive.

Downtown at the Only Hospital in Fresno, Elvira walks into Maria’s office.  Que Haces Aquí, Maria wants to know.  Elviral is oh, so weepy.  She needs Maria’s help.  For what, what has she done?  Elvira doesn’t want Maria to be judgmental, but this is the worst time of her life.

Back at Maria’s apartment, Camila’s troubles do not seem to have had any effect on the cousins’ appetites.  They are indulging with great gusto on spaghetti, crunchy rolls, fresh green salad and orange drink (but where are the avocados and raisins).  Camila doesn’t want the boys to tell Maria anything.  Army says that’s foolish, she can help.  There’s got to be a way to keep Elviral out of jail without having to sacrifice Camila’s happiness for her mother.  Something will occur to them—and for her sake, she shouldn’t marry Antonio.  Camila leaves the table—what’s done is done and they shouldn’t try to change her mind.  They boys clear the table while Armando wonders out loud if there isn’t something wrong with his mother’s head—it’s not normal to be so greedy.  Angel agrees that he can’t understand how a mother could be so ready to sacrifice her own children.

Over at El Tal, the boys in black are talking about the Camila affair (you would think this would be on the front page of FUG—it will be, just give me another couple of hours to finish the story).  Padre says that indeed, Pedro is owed an explanation.  He and Camila are man and wife before God and that’s enough for him.  Pedro says he’s tired of fighting for this unattainable love.  Padre doesn’t want him to give up.

Doris, in the El Al hacienda living room is kvetching about Fab going away to boarding school.  She pretends in front of Bertie that she knew all along, she just didn’t know that Ant was really going through with it and so soon.  Knock-knock (I didn’t hear it, but never mind); Who’s There?  Doc-Not; Doc-Not-Who; Doc-Not is Me; here to see Don G.

Antonio breezes into the despacho to learn from Val the new Doc-Not is examining El Piggorio.  Bertie bursts in to tell him there is someone to see him.  He starts to harangue her for not knocking before entering and stops in mid-harangue when Camila sweeps in and confronts him defiantly.  Val and Bertie withdraw.  Antonio coos at her, thinking he’s won her.  She tells Antonio to shut up.  She’s here to tell him she has *NO* intention of marrying him.


I didn’t catch the avances, but we will all be breathless to know if—Camila’s new pair don’t shrivel, Maria thinks of a way out, Doc-Not botches the job, Renato gets paid, Pedro gives up, and Lucrass takes a hike over the fence to El Tal.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

El Talismán #77 Thu 5/17/12 Yakety-Yak (Don't Talk Back!)

Apartamento Manuel:

Manuel and Angel are having a product placement pizza party. Manuel runs through all the tenses in Spanish 102, telling Angel that he has always loved, still loves, and will continue to love María. Angel replies that he just wants his Mom to be happy and not suffer, and if Manuel can do that for her, he is perfectly happy to trade his endorsement for a large thin-crust with jalapeños. Guau, that was easy. I predict a run on Domino’s by slightly creepy lovelorn middle-aged guys.

Apartamento María:

The Nájeras are all standing around in a medium state of friqueando when Antonio bursts in and kicks it up a notch. Two rules, he says! First, you can’t tell Pedro I forced you to marry me! Second, you have to pretend you love me! Camila and Army put up some token resistance, but clearly they don’t have a thought between them. Tony tells Camila he’s tired of fighting fair. Camila points out that he doesn’t know the meaning of fighting fair, which is true but not helpful.

Elvira starts squealing and stamping her paws, and Tony tells her to STFU. I realize at this moment that I actually like him more than I like her, which is scary. We made a deal, Antonio shouts, so it’s time for you to deliver the goods! I have sunk costs! Camila is horrified to realize that her mother has literally sold her to the highest bidder.

Antonio bashes out with as much grace as he bashed in, and the siblings confront their mother: now you've ruined both of our lives! Elvira protests tearfully that she was just trying to do what was best for Camila – she wanted to find her a good husband. The kids aren’t buying this, but they’re still too stupid to think of a way out, so Camila announces that she’ll go through with the wedding but hopes her mother is wracked with guilt for the rest of her life over what she’s done. Yeah, good luck with that.

Police Station:

Pedro’s mournful lawyer gets him out on bail, but I can’t follow the conversation because Rosemary’s got me fixated on the guard’s nightstick. He really does seem to have quite a lively relationship with it. Anyway, on his way out Pedro runs into the social worker, who tells him that even though he’s free, he’s still not going to make it to the top of the foster-parent list. Against her better judgment, she lets him meet with Santiago to say goodbye. When Pedro sadly informs the little moppet that he can’t come back to El Tal, Santiago calls him a lying liar who lies and says he never wants to see him again, ever. Maybe we can get Shirley Temple to play him in the movie.

El Tal:

Mariana drops by to see if Camila can come out and play some more of those fun memory games, but Camila’s not home, so the Padre takes her up to her old room instead. She heads right for the haunted suitcase and starts fondling the baby clothes. She has a really creepy flashback of a faceless Gregorio kicking her on the floor and goes into medium-high friqueando mode. Padre just watches.

Just then Pedro arrives and thinks it’s a good idea to sneak up silently behind her and try to “comfort” her, which of course scares the quesadillas out of her. He’s lucky she doesn’t bite his nose off. Poor Mariana ends up curled into a gibbering ball on the bed, repeating my baby, no, make him go away, my baby, etc. Unfortunately, once she comes around she loses that memory, too, so we’re really no forwarder than we were before.

The Only Psychiatrists’ Office in Fresno:

Manuel reports to María that her son told him to make her happy, so they now have no choice but to become novios. She seems to agree. It really was that easy! More pizza!

He’s draping himself across the desk like Marlene Dietrich when his phone rings. It’s Pedro, saying he’d better come over to El Tal and get Friqui Mariana, who’s having a wicked bad day. Saved by the bell! I was afraid he was going to start singing.

El Traz:

Everybody gathers back at the family homestead for a big ol’ threat-swap.  Tony tells Doris to pack her bags and get out before the weekend. Doris tells Tony he’s not the boss of her. The Pig tells Doris that she is forbidden to leave without informing him. Tony tells Fabi that it’s Stepmama Camila or the highway. Fabi says she’ll go pack. Flo freaks.


Pedro brings Camila flowers, and she tells him they’re through. OH GOD NOT AGAIN.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

El Talismán #76 Wed 5/16/12 The Truth is Out There and Blackmail is the Way To Her Heart


Today on El Talisman:

Cameela confronts her Mama, er the Gasbag about what Tonio just said. She hems and haws and finally admits she "helped" Tonio but had no direct poisoning of the pills. That was all Tonio's idea. (Look on the side bar about the quote of the one that holds the leg of the cow, is equally responsible with the one that kills the cow). Cameela says, so you tried to kill Pigorio? Now your a killer? (Note to Cameela: Move into El Tal and stay there, don't go back to the Toxic One and tell her you are dead to me.). Poor Cameela she can't get a break. Her Gasbag of a mother admits she bought the poison, cause Tonio gave her dinero, she did it, and now she is crying like a lake of tears.

Padre has come to see Pedro in the carcel. He tells Padre all about how Lucrazy is loca (like anyone in town thinks otherwise), that he was trying to save her from that burning inferno, but all she kept saying to Pedro was we are dying here together, and that she didn't care if they both died.

Pigorio and Doris are having a little convo. He is fit to be tied that that Pedro Ibarra has killed his Lucrazy, his only hija (You sure about that El Pig, the way you rutted around who knows how many other hijas and hijos you have running around, jus' sayin'), he is pithed off noone else is mad his only hija is dead. Especially Doris. She tells him to calm down already.

Fabi and Flor are in their room and Fabi tells Flor she knows her Daddio hates Army, she wishes she could stay with Flor at Alcatrash, but probably in a little while she will have to go to the boarding school. They mourn the loss of their Tia. Alberta comes to their room to let them know what Cameela is here to see their Papa. They are thinking it must be true he is wanting to marry Cameela. Alberts says so not true.

Army and Angel are still at the school. Army can't beleive that Pedro killed Lucrazy, he's such a good guy, no way. Angel gets to talking about his Mama and hopes she will be happy now that Manuel is in the picture. Who cares about El Viral anyway? (You got that right Angel).

Pedro meets with a lawyer, and the lawyer tells him he is culpable for killing Lucrazy and that he should take a deal. Pedro is like no way Jose, I am an innocent man and I didn't kill her and I am sticking by my story, come hell or high water. The lawyer isn't buying it, Pedro in essence fires him and the lawyer says well good luck to you but you will be in prison for many years.

Mariana and Manuel are at the hospital. Mariana tells Manuel that she is happy now she feels more like a sister to Pedro and that Cameela's and Pedro love is very grand. She just wants to get her memory back so she can move on with her life. Manuel tells Mariana he has to get to work, so Mariana says work for realz, or concentrating on Maria? Dr. Raul comes upon them and tells them that Pedro has been arrested for killing Lucrazy. They are astounded.


Now we have The Pig and Panchito and they have come to, wait for it, El Capitan's office. The Pig wants to exact his brand of justice on Pedro for killing his ONLY HIJA, which means the Pig killing Pedro with his bare ham hocks, er, his bare hands. El Capitan tells him we will not have this in my police force. He lets the Pig know he is investigating and it isn't completed yet. He tells the Pig you know she tried to kill Pedro before, right, right? He tells Pigorio to go on home now. He keeps insisting that Pedro killed his hija. El Capitan tells him, oh by the way, do you know we are still investigating what happened with Mariana, you know the pregnant woman who lost the baby due to a beating, and then promply disappeared? Pigorio's bacon is curling around the edges and he says, oh, she's here? El Capitan tells him, yes siree bob, she's down in the carcel visiting Pedro. He tells the Pig, as a matter of fact, why don't you stay and you can talk to her yourself. The Pig is so not down with that, he uses the lame excuse he has to go to the doctor, so sorry so sad can't stay. El Capitan asks him what are you afraid of? hmmm. El Capitan is insisting he meet Mariana. Why don't you want to meet her? He turns it around on El Capitan and tells him Pedro will pay for killing his one and only hija! Panchito and the Pig leave. El Capitan is shaking his head. The Pig and Pancho walk out of the office and see Mariana, but she doesn't see them. Panchito pulls the Pig around the corner so Mariana can't see him. The Pig has left he building with Panchito and now they are in the Pig's truck. The Pig is worried Mariana will get her memory back. Panchito tells him he will be by his side for better or worse. Pig says lets go, I don't like being near Mariana.

Mariana has high tailed it to the carcel to see Pedro. Mariana knows why he is there, and he tells her he is innocent, he didn't do it. She beleives him. He tells her Tonio lied about everything to the popo's and now they think he did it. He tells her again he is innocent. She tells him she beleives him. She says she will help him anyway she can. He tells her Cameela is very upset about what has gone down. He tells Mariana he has to find a way to prove his innocence. He is looking for a new lawyer. He tells her that El Capitan would like to have a word with her before she leaves.

The Beltbuckle and Lucrazy are in the deserted cabana on Alcatrash. She is bored silly, I knew she would be, she is getting the cabin fever. The Beltbuckle tells her to chill out. About this time Alberta calls Tonio and says he has company and to come on back, guess who it is viewerville, on the count of three, that's right, Cameela.

Tracy and Cameela are talking in the living room of Alcatrash. Tracy can't beleive that Cameela is there. What are you doing here? Are you crazy? Cameela tells Tracy what the Gasbag did, and she did it for (we all know what she did it for, dinero. Tracy is like O M Gee. Tonio comes in and tells Tracy to Largate. He lays it flat out for Cameela, either you marry me or your blessed mother (oh, come on now, you don't have a clue do you? Well of course not you never did) or she goes to prison for many years. The Beltbuckle tells her and oh, by the way, it has to be this weekend. She stands her ground and says he is loca, she doesn't love him and she won't do it. She tells him you are obsessed with me, my heart belongs to Pedro. He grabs Cameela by the face and neck and squeezes her. She is yelling at him SUELTE MI. He warns her again her *blessed mother* will be going to prison for many years. Think about that. (Note to Beltbuckle- she hates her *blessed mother* as much as she hates your asshat, jus' sayin'.). I have to say here, Cameela stood her ground, she is so not intimidated by the Beltbuckle. He tells her to Callate, and that he will, wait for it, Make her love him, oh please, somebody take this dude out, Lucrazy are you listening? He keeps threating to send her mama to jail. He even tells Cameela he is going to call the police so they can investigate. She begs him not to do that. He gives her an ultimatum, either marry me this weekend, or suffer the consequences. He walks out and she is crying her eyes out. Tracy comes back in and tells her don't you do it. He's crazy. Tracy says it could be a lie what he said, but Cameela knows it's true. She doesn't want her mama to go to jail. She can't and won't marry the Beltbuckle (you go girl)! She tells Tracy is not going to think about marrying the crazed Beltbuckle. She is leaving. Doris comes in and basically none to gentley gets Tracy out of the room. Doris wants to know why Cameela is there. She lets Cameela know that this house will be, wait for it, ES MIA, (what is it with these people and this house? What is there some magic here, oil, a diamond mine, jus' sayin') and if Cameela marries Tonio she will regret it. Cameela stands right up to Doris and tells her she is never marrying that Beltbuckle and she doesn't love him. She says the Beltbuckle asked her but she told him no. Doris wants to know why? She doesn't tell her. Doris says well if that is the case I will help you. Say what? She admits to Cameela that she still loves Tonio. Cameela leaves and calls Padre and tells him she is ok. All at El Tal were worried when she didn't answer the phone. She tells him I'll answer all your questions when I see you later.

Army has gone home and catches his Gasbag of a mother at home. She had thought bubbled about her confrontation with Cameela and the Beltbuckle. He tells the Gasbag about Pedro being in jail and that the Beltbuckle is responsible for putting him there. That hopefully he won't be in jail a long time. The Gasbag then tells him she might be going to jail. She tells him why, and he wants to know if she really tried to kill the Pig? She says she helped Tonio for dinero, but the Beltbuckle actually tried to kill him,and besides Cameela won't let her go to jail. Well Army and his new avacadoes says oh, yeah like Cameela should sacrifice herself for you? Of course the Gasbag doesn't answer him.

Margo and Padre are talking about how they will get a new lawyer for Pedro. They meet with the new lawyer.

Liliana the woman from social services comes to see Pedro and she tells him no way no how you are ever adopting Santiago. Even if you are proved innocent, not happening. As a matter of fact, we are looking for new parents for him, punto. Adios, Senor Ibarra. Pedro is pithed.

Mariana goes to El Capitan's office and meets him. She says so Pedro told me you want to talk to me. She tells him how she doesn't remember any of her past and doesn't remember the Pig. El Capitan tells her the Pig is probably responsible for what happened to her. She tells him she had gone to El Tal with Cameela to see if she remembered anything, she didn't, and she also tells him she went to Alcatrash with Tonio, met Lucrazy and there were no memories there either. She tells El Capitan she doesn't remember a thing. She tells him how Pedro brought documents for her to see all her money from before is still in the bank. Meanwhile a guard has come for Pedro and tells him to come with him. They go to El Capitan's office and he meets with El Capitan and Mariana. He gives some papers to Mariana. I don't know if it is bail or adoption papers maybe for Santiago. Mariana also tells how Tonio lied to her about Pedro.

The Beltbuckle has gone back to the cabana, and the first thing Lucrazy asks if Cameela has consented to marrying him? He tells her he threatened to put her mama in prison. He tells Lucrazy that Cameela is different from other women and she drives him crazy. (Note to Beltbuckle- you are already crazy dude and not about love). Lucrazy isn't sure the plan will work. He tells her to be calm, and she says so now we wait? She is bored witless, not that she isn't already, jus' sayin'. The Beltbuckle has brought her a computer. He tells her she has to stay here. (Bet me she doesn't email somebody? This reminds me of Maria del Rosario from CS 09 except with better bennies jus' sayin').

Pedro has met with a new lawyer and the new lawyer is really good. He tells Pedro he has a good attitude and he will do everything in his power to prove Pedro didn't do this.

We have a Manuel sighting. He is ordering a pizza, evidently the doc can't cook. He is calling, wait for the product placement, Domino's pizza! He wants jalepenos and I don't know what else. (Note to Manuel: If you want to impress Maria, get a cookbook, start small and work your way up, jus' sayin").

Army and the Gasbag are still talking and he wants to know where Cameela is? The Gasbag tells him she went to see the Beltbuckle. Cameela comes in and tells them what the Beltbuckle said to her. El Virus, er the Gasbag, says so I'll go to jail unless you marry him? You'll marry him right, right? (Oh Dios Mio someone give her a really huge mug of sleepytime tea, can't stand the building up of the gas I am seeing) that headband of hers is tightening again and she begs and pleads to Cameela that she doesn't want to go to the carcel (hummm I think it would do her good, she would, MAYBE, see the error of her ways) and to forgive her PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE (Note to Cameela-tell her you are Dead to Me. Do not pass go, never collect any dinero ever again).

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Tonio and Pigorio are fighting over what else? Alcatrash!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

El Talismán #75 Tue 5/15/12 Boots in the Cemetery, Boots on the Bed. Pedro in Jail has a Golpe on his Head.

*I literally got a speeding ticket rushing home from work to do this re-cap! 

We begin with suitcase-less F1 walking in and being confronted by a raging Antonio. “Have you been spying on me?”   “No, papa, no vi nada.”  “I haven't seen anything.” She said she was off doing homework with friends, but when Antonio wants her to call them for proof she fesses up that she was with Armi.  He threatens to send her to Hogwarts tomorrow.

The primos are sitting in their car discussing the Fabi situation.  Armando, showing more sense than Assgusto and Paolo (Abismo) combined, worries about her being under age.  Oops, I spoke too soon.  His next sentence is “I will take her out by force if I need to.”  He can't wait a whole half year until she turns 18.  Yikes, I feel a statutory rape charge comin' on.

The doc is examining Pedro in jail.  Yep, he has a golpe en la cabeza.  Chief tells him to get some sleep (opposite of what the doctor would have recommended, right Carlos?).  Pedro retorts with a chuckle that tomorrow Antonio will testify against him and he is sure the chief will believe those lies.

Key-thief Manuel walks Maria to the door.  She turns down his request for a glass of water, but then gives him some sugar.  It's one of those biting-lips kisses.  I am visualizing Elvira on the other side of the door, toilet paper tube held to her ear trying to hear what's going on.  Instead up walk the primos.  “Mama” says Angel.  Awkward.

Camila is bawling her eyes out on the couch while Geno pets her head.  Camila wonders why all the bad things always happen to her.  Her?  I bet Pedro, Mariana, Tia Pati and many others would beg to differ. Geno tells her to have patience.  “At least you won't have Lucrecia, Rest in Peace, making your life impossible.”  LOL!

Antonio is trying to hide Lu, and tells her to keep it down and stay hidden as he is going to deliver the news of her death to Pig.

Pig and his poke are lounging in bed.  She is telling him he is a marvelous lover.  (Bring Me a Bucket!)
Ewwww, also Pig is shirtless.  That is one bacon strip we did not need to see.  Antonio knocks, Pig grunts, Antonio says he has bad news and it's important.  Pig hurriedly dresses in a white tee shirt, black shirt, pants, socks and ties his silk robe while Doris hides.  He is hollering at Antonio for bothering him.  What could be so important?  Antonio answers back “Pedro killed Lucrecia”.  Gulp.

Lulu is in Lala land with the confidence that Pedro cares for her because he told others she was still in the burning building.  Simultaneously, Pedro is in a dark cell (pupils evenly dilated) praying to get out and Camila is laying on her bed WITH HER BOOTS ON!  Is this acceptable in Fresno?  It's happened more than once.

Pig seems to be doing his infarto thing again.  He reaches for his pills.  Antonio takes the bottle away from him saying it's not time, but also getting his prints on the bottle. Doris, looking like a mouse sneaking a peek from a mouse hole, thinks “I need to hurry and marry him before he dies”. 

Antonio grieves for about as long as it takes him to make love to a woman, then starts in on Pig that he wants Alcatraz.  Pig actually gets a second wind, takes a swing at Antonio and accuses him of only caring about the property and Antonio truthfully replies “Soy igual que tu”.  “Just like you.”  Pig tells him they have a burial to plan.  Antonio realizes too late that Lu's charred bones should be in the shack. He storms out, and Petunia comes out of hiding to comfort Porky.  She rolls her eyes behind his back as she is hugging him.

Margarito visits Pedro in jail and brings him a Whole Foods bag with organic fruit, granola and blankets.   He gives him a pep talk.

Gabe, Sarita and Domitila are gossiping about how they don't feel so sad about Lu's demise.  Sarita says the important thing is the ones who are still alive and Camila and Pedro are really messed up.  Lol. 
No caca, Sherlock.  Gabe is concerned that the battle between El Tal and Alcatraz will now escalate. 

Camila is eavesdropping from upstairs.  They invite her down.  She acknowledges that her bad luck won't go away until the Negrete's do. 

F1 and F2 are talking about how weird their dad is acting.  I hear harp music.  Why is there harp music in Hell?

Oh!  This is new!  Antonio is running around a dark cemetery, panting and looking for someone to dig up.  Nice, scary scene.  I thought it was a preview for Dark Shadows.

While Armando is practicing posing for what is sure to be a Dateline-esque photo blasted across the internet, Sweet Angel is telling his mom to go for it with Manuel.  He wants her to be happy.

Manuel comes home and finds Mariana on the couch, having fallen asleep reading a book.  Even so, he proceeds to tell her about his adventure with Maria and how happy he is.  She sleeps on.  The next morning, when she is awake and responsive, he tells her again, including that Maria must learn to deal with Elvira's hissy fits.

After mutual dreams of their romantic first meeting when he nearly ran her down in his truck, Pedro gets a visit from Camila.  She tells him not to worry about her, she's strong.  It is all about her, after all.   Lots of te amo's.

Antonio enters the hideaway.  Seriously, how much of a hideaway can it be if it is on their property and they have a ton of workers flitting around.  I know of a nice casa azul in the Yucatan (Abismo reference again), if they really want to keep her hidden.  The good news is that Lu changed out of her Superman baddie clothes!  She's been wearing them since the wedding.  “Ya, they stink, but dang I look hot”.  Hot enough to set a shed on fire.

Pig and Valentin are discussing getting even with Pedro.  Panchito suggest maybe Lu isn't really dead, it's all happened so fast. They totally disregard him.

Camila goes to visit The Headband.  Elvira immediately starts in, but Camila interrupts telling her Pedro is in el carcel.  Elvira responds with an I Told You So.  Antonio comes a knockin' and smugly  makes threats because Elvira tried to poison his papa and Pedro was an accomplice.  We get one of Camila's QUE?s.  Notice she does not add the T F, to the Q, like we do.  Elvira puts her hands over her ears and even stomps her foot.

Padre visits Pedro.  In the background the police officer is suggestively stroking his night stick.

When F1 tells F2 she wouldn't mind going away to Boarding School, F2 stomps her foot just like Elvira did.  She wants to go too.

Tracy, Alberta and Panchito are conjecturing that Antonio is wound so tight, he is ready to kill someone.  Shhhh, here he comes.  Antonio walks by without even a Hey.

F1 informs Armando that Pedro killed Lucrecia. Another “Que?”.

We end with Camila demanding an explanation from The Headband.  Julieta Rosen is such a pretty lady, but those faces today leave a lot to be desired.

Avances:  Antonio is in Camila's face about getting married to him this weekend.

Recap by Rosemary la Otra; posted by Blue Lass.


Monday, May 14, 2012

El Talismán #74 Mon 5/14/12 The Plot Thickens or The The Dumb Are Afoot

She's delirious. I assure you this is how she is. M. Hercule Poirot

Last time on El Talisman:

Lucas has come to see Doris. He tells her he likes her and will tell her all of Pigorio's secrets.

Today on El Talisman:

Alberta brings Pigorio some tea. He tells her he feels really bad but hopefully tomorrow he will feel better. He wants to know if Alberta has heard if Mariana has gotten her memory back. Alberta crosses herself and says she hopes so.

Beltbuckle and Lucrazy are still arguing about Cameela and Pedro. He keeps telling her to Largate and Callate. She says it isn't her fault that Pedro loves Cameela and that they are together. He calls her estupida, he calls Pedro an indio, again! He slaps her so hard, she falls down and is knocked out, with blood coming from her nose.

Mariana, Cameela and Pedro are still together. She thanks the both of them for telling her about the check. Padre calls Pedro on his cell looking for the papers from the orphanage I think. Pedro tells him to get Margarito to help him. He tells the Padre he'll see him tomorrow. After he gets off the phone, he tells Mariana they are going, but she asks to speak to Cameela alone for a moment. Pedro goes and waits in the hall. Mariana tells Cameela she can see how much her and Pedro love each other and that she won't stand in their way. Cameela tells her she was jealous of Mariana, but Mariana says don't worry. I am more like his sister now. Pedro comes back and Mariana says she is happy for them both. She understands that Pedro doesn't love her that way. Pedro tells her they will have to get a lawyer to sue for custody of Santiago. Mariana says the divorce will go thru quickly. He will keep Mariana posted on what happens with Santiago. Pedro says he is glad he has his "sister" back. They leave.

Maria has come back into the office to put her wallet back into her purse, and of course doesn't notice her keys are missing. (Note to Maria-please get a lock for that purse or the Doc will keep going thru it, jus' sayin' who knows what he will jack next). He wants to go out somewhere with her. She says she can't do that, and he knows it. He wants her to wait. He tells her their love is sooo not over (Note to Doc Manuel-please dude, get her some flowers, roses are nice, chocolates ya know the Belgian kind make them dark, take her to her favorite museum, concert, get my drift?). She leaves, while smiling really big (Note to Maria: you sure are giving him lots of signals there). He still has her keys of course, little does she know. He decides to leave too, cause here is his golden opportunity. Maria is in the parking lot looking for her keys. Manuel asks if everything is ok? She tells him she can't find her keys. He says with a purse as big as that, no wonder you can't find them. He offers her a ride home so she won't have to get a taxi. She says Angel is probably waiting for her,and Mariana must be waiting for him. He calls Mariana he won't be home right way, he is escorting a very beautiful woman home. Manuel says he wants another chance with Maria, yet again, (listen dude see advice I gave you above). She tells him, you know I can't and why, but she is smiling. She tells him Mariana is waiting for him. They go.

Lucrazy is still knocked out. Beltbuckle is trying to revive her but isn't having too much luck,so what does he do, wait for it, pours tequila down her throat. (Note to Beltbuckle: Man up and call an EMT, with the smell of alcohol they will think she fell). When he can't revive her he tells her this is all Pedro's fault. He keeps calling her name. He keeps saying it can't be. Tonio leaves the room. He goes to the small office takes off his shirt, changes into another one, and grabs the gun Val stole from Pedro.

Cut to the Gasbag, er El Viral who is having *another* pity party for one. She wants to know why she can't be happy? Why noone loves her? (Get a clue ya Gasbag, you are toxic, that's why. Get a job already and stop living off your poor daughter, your son, and most of all your sister, jus' sayin').

Tonio has dragged Lucrazy all the way to El Talisman. He leaves her on the ground, goes a short distance and fires the gun in the air. Pedro and Cameela hear it and wonder what the hey is going on? Pedro wants to go outside to investigate, Cami wants to come with, but he tells her to stay. Sarita, Gabe, Margarito and Domitilla all come in the room to to find out what is going on. Pedro and Margarito decide to investigate. Sarita says it is probably Lucrazy. Tonio is outside kissing Lucrazy on the cheek and crying. He tells her this is all Pedro's fault. Gabe, Sarita, Cami are worried Pedro hasn't come back yet. Sarita says she is very nervous.Margarito and Pedro have made it outside and Beltbuckle hides in the bushes. Pedro and Margarito find Lucrazy. Pedro checks her pulse and she slowly wakes up. She tells him her head hurts. Pedro is attempting to carry her, she asks her if that gun is his? Meanwhile Beltbuckle makes his escape and hides by the barn building. He is still crying. All in the house are very worried. Margarito tells them everything is ok. They found Lucrazy and Sarita says Lucrazy probably shot the gun again. Pedro has taken Lucrazy to the nearest building, which looks like a barn to me.

Lucrazy is starting to get some of her senses back. Pedro asks her why is she trying to always ruin his happiness? She tells him she loves him. Pedro tells the delirious woman (See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above) why did you try to kill me with a gun? Lucrazy tells him she doesn't want to be there, and she doesn't want to fight with him. Pedro says he will help her, but she has to leave El Talisman. She starts screaming like a banshee when he mentions Cameela's name. She doesn't want to hear about her, takes the Coleman lamp on the ground, smashes it, causes huge flames and tells Pedro if doesn't want her, they will die together right here. Tonio is outside this building the whole time, crying. (Note to Beltbuckle: Man up Dude, who knew you were such a wuss? Get the girl some help, put her in the manicomio, where she will be protected from your skanky ass, and maybe she can be normal after lots of help from the docs. Jus' sayin')

Army and Angel are on their way to the movies, when Fabi shows up. She tells Army she has escaped Alcatrash and wants to be with him. He tells her he isn't equipped to help her right now. No, money and living with the Gasbag, er his mother, Tia, Angel and Cameela. She begs and pleads but Army tells her she needs to go back to Alcatrash. She tells him what her Dad did to her and why she is looking for his help and she loves him. Of course guess who interrrupts this convo? Anyone? Wait for it, The Gasbag of course who insults Fabi YET AGAIN. The Gas needed to be vented, I guess. (Note to El Viral- GO to the nearest 7-11 and get that GAS-X Already!!!!!) Army tells her to shut it, and she whines and says, are you ready for this, I'm yo Mama. Angel hustles her back in the apartment and Army and Fabi finally have some alone time. Army tells Fabi he wishes he had a place for her to stay, but in a little while he will. He tells her to be calm and go back and as soon as he can, he will come get her and they can be together. He tells her not to provoke her Daddio and to be calm and do what he says until he can come get her.

Everybody at El Tal wants to go outside to find Pedro. Padre comes down from upstairs and notices the fire. He wants to know where Pedro is? Tonio is still standing by the barn, doing nothing.

Pedro tries to save Lucrazy, but she is laughing and howling and wants to die with him. The Beltbuckle finally moves his butt comes into the burning barn, finds Pedro and knocks the crap out of him. Beltbuckle saves Lucrazy and leaves Pedro on the burning floor. After Tonio gets Lucrazy outside he slaps her and tells her to Callate, she screams and he puts a hand over her mouth.

Everyone from El Tal runs outside. Margarito and Gabe go into the burning barn and rescue Pedro. Someone has called the Fire Department and the Police. Pedro wants to know where Lucrazy is? Noone knows.

Meanwhile Beltbuckle is telling Lucrazy to shut it and to say nothink. (Sgt. Schultz, couldn't help it), So Tonio goes screaming for Lucrazy. El Capitan is there with his some of his policeman as is the fire department. Pedro is screaming that Lucrazy caused this and Beltbuckle is like so not, El Capitan has to keep them apart. Beltbuckle tells El Capitan that Pedro probably did this. Pedro tells El Capitan that Lucrazy came to El Tal with a gun again, everyone in the house heard the shot. He reminds El Capitan that Lucrazy tried to kill him (Note to Pedro: Should have gone to El Capitan and pressed those charges while you had the chance.). Beltbuckle tells El Capitan that Pedro probably tried to kill Lucrazy by setting the fire and oh, by the way where is she? Beltbuckle says obvio she is still in the barn. Pedro says he tried to get her out, but then he got knocked out. He asks Beltbuckle how he knew Lucrazy was in there with a pistol? He says he was looking for her. He claims Pedro let her die in the blazing inferno. El Capitan tells Pedro, under the circumstances I will have to, wait for it, arrest you. (Note to El Capitan: Now look I know you are the hardest working cop in Fresno, but COME ON, you should know better, especially since this a Negrete, there is no body yet, so you should have waited, jus' sayin'). So poor Pedro is going to be hauled off to the Only Jail in Fresno. Cameela and all the El Tal inhabitants try to tell El Capitan that Beltbuckle is lying, but it is like talk to the hand, the ears aren't listening. Before they pull away, Padre tells El Capitan, this is an injustice and that Pedro is innocent. El Capitan says they will investigate of course, but he has to go to the hoosegow now. El Capitan puts him in the cell, and Pedro tells him you know damn well I am innocent. El Capitan tells him, that in his gut, he knows he is probably right, but for now he has to stay in jail.

Panchito went to M. Brigette to get Doris, on the Pig's orders. M. Brigette tells him she isn't there, but he tells her he knows she is there. Lucas has left, and M Brigette takes Panchito to see Doris. He tells her the Pig is doing badly and to please come back to Alcatrash. After some hemming and hawing, she goes. She goes into Pig's room and tells Panchito she is in charge now and to go. She sits on the Pig's bed and he wakes up with a start. He says oh, my children and you are against me. She assures him she is not against him, and only wants to marry him. He says he has to battle his two kids to get Alcatrash ES MIO back from them. Doris says what about marrying me? She is kissing him as she asks this. He says one day, maybe.

Angel has driven Fabi and Army to Alcatrash. Army assures her, he will come for her as soon as he has enough dinero and a place, he swears he will come for her even if she is in China. Army and Fabi are in the back seat and kissing and swearing undying eternal love. Angel tells them he hates to break up this romantic mood, but please hurry up, before someone from Alcatrash comes out. They say their goodbyes and they leave her there.

After Pedro is arrested, Beltbuckle goes back to where he left Lucrazy and asks her if she got all that. Beltbuckle thinks he has won this one, and tells Lucrazy they (the popo) think that Pedro did her in. He says Pedro is goin' to jail. Lucrazy says better in jail than with that bruja. He tells her let's go. The go back to Alcatrash and Beltbuckle hustles her back into the study. He leaves and runs into Fabi and wants to know where the hell she has been? He is grabbing her arm in a death grip and she is terrified. (Note to Belbuckle: Hell is toooo good for you, jus' sayin').

Now finally El Viral, er the Gasbag, as her pity party for one continues, she thought bubbles, Why does my daughter Cameela hate me so, Why doesn't my son Army want to be with me? (See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above). I am soo alone, boo hoo, I don't want to be alone. (Note to the Gasbag: Please take the great Greta Garbo's advice (I vant to be alone!!!!!). Anyhoo, she says, wait for it, I will get Manuel back. Oh, yeah that is SO NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Beltbuckle tells Pigorio I want ALL of Alcatrash!

*Tomorrow we have joining us a new recapper, Rosemary la Otra, who will be doing regular Tuesday recaps, and on Friday, we have the return of our Intrepid Reporter, Ms Anita who will be doing the Friday recaps. *


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