Friday, September 16, 2011

Teresa Thu 9/15/11 #139 Poor Professor Hottie finally learns the truth


This time I was able to get an HD capture of the episode, so hopefully will have a few screenshots.

Here's a preview of one that's worth quite a bit of discussion:

Poor Professor Hottie's face as he is finally told that Fernando dumped Luisa for . . . TERESA!!!

I'm going to post this recap in installments, as I down my Pepsi and get through this episode! 


A drunken Arturo is told by Mariano that Teresa has left him for Fernando. Professor Hottie, who is completely sloshed, doesn't believe him. Aeeeda comes in and observes that Professor Hottie is "super borracho."

Teresa is talking with Fernando. He's worried about how Luisa is doing after the bad news.

Mariano and Aeeeeda drag a very baked Arturo back to his apartment, where Lucia is waiting. They deposit him on a couch.

Juana and Cutberto are sitting on a couch at Juana's place. Teresa is there and she asks if she can spend the night there. She is talking about her pending divorce and how things have become with Professor Hottie. Juana says it's not good to be here alone with Fernando. Teresa says she's going to go talk to her parents and she hugs Juana.

Mariano, Aeeeda, and Lucia have deposited a prone and totally baked Professor Hottie on the couch. They all look down on his peaceful, prone form and talk about the whole marriage mess between him and Teresa. Mariano leaves, first leaving his card with Lucia and saying his apartment is room 209 if she needs any help. We see Professor Hottie utter "Teresa! Teresa!" in his drunken sleep.

Quick shot of poor Luisa remembering happier times with that dirty dog Fernando, as she leans against a wall at the hospital and quietly cries.

Teresa is visiting her parents and telling them the big news about dumping that loser Professor Hottie. Refugio immediately starts having some sort of attack. Armando quickly gets her her pills and she gulps it down as she gasps for air and looks generally distressed.

She says that Teresa should not consider divorce, that if there are problems, a woman tries to help work things out and is supportive. But Teresa says that's just not how it's working and that Professor Hottie isn't doing his part since he's a sloppy drunk and all. Mom suggests that maybe Teresa doesn't really love Professor Hottie. Teresa says (with some sincerity) that she adores him, but can't take what he's doing.

Luisa sees Aurora at the hospital and in a crumple of tears, she wants to know where Mariano is, she needs to talk to him! Aurora offers to help and wants to know what's going on. Luisa just keeps saying that she wants to tell him that he was right, he was right. Aurora is mightily confused.

Some scene between Hernan the Galán and Esperanza. They talk about the check that Mayra gave her to help in her search for little Rodrigo. Hernan says he'll hang onto the check and hope that they don't need to use it. He's not quite sure why she was given so much money. Esperanza says that maybe because Mayra is a mother and a woman too and understands what Espe is going through, and maybe she wants to set an example for Aeeeeda.

Aeeeeda has returned to Mariano's apartment with him and they're chatting. Conversation turns to how things are going with Aurora. Not well. Then Aeeeeda zones in for the kill, planting a big kiss on Mariano's lips. He seems to be semi-responsive.

But after the break, we see that he pulls away. She of course starts to whine about this. He explains his thing with Aurora. Blah blah blah. Then when it's obvious he's not going to relent, they start talking about Espe's baby. Aeeeda doesn't believe the suggestions that her dad may have been behind the kid's being missing.

Aurora has taken Luisa back to her place and wants to medicate her in order to calm her down. Luisa says no. She starts to dissolve in tears and cries about how she wants to die. Poor Aurora gives her a hug as she cries some more.

The source of all this current pain, Teresa, is talking on the phone with the other source of pain, Fernando. He's worried about Luisa. Teresa says in that calm, creepy sharky voice that Luisa is fine, she's with Aurora who is a doctor. She plans to meet Fernando at a hotel. Fernando just looks sick with worry. After Teresa hangs up, she has a flashback of happiness with Professor Hottie and says to herself, he's the one she loves, and that Fernando is just there for the money. She looks at her big fat diamond ring and cries, lamenting, "Oh, Arturo. Why were you so stupid?"

At the Professor Hottie apartment, both Lucia and Professor Hottie are sleeping on couches or chairs, covered with blankets. Lucia wakes up and realizes that they've got an appointment with the Germans, it's time to get up! She tries to shake Professor Hottie awake.

Teresa's on the phone with a frustrated and angry Fernando. She didn't show up at the hotel last night! She gives some smooth excuse about being with her parents, her mom is very traditional and upset about the whole divorce thing. She couldn't call either because she left her phone with her madrina, blah blah blah. Fernando says he wants to talk to Luisa to explain things, ALONE. Teresa wants to go with him, but no, ALONE.

Lucia is artfully pouring water on a hungover, sleepy Professor Hottie, to wake him up. He wakes up with a start, accidentally breaks the glass vase that she was using to pour water on him. She asks how he's doing. Well, BAD. He starts in with how sad he is that Teresa is divorcing him. She says that he should fight for her. But he sees no point in fighting for a love that doesn't exist. She only wanted his money. It's his turn to dissolve into tears as Lucia gives him a comforting hug.

Professor Hottie's sister is in an equally bad way. She's telling a sympathetic Aurora about how she regarded Teresa as a sister, never thinking she'd do this. There is no excuse for what either Teresa or Fernando has done.

Fernando's mom busts into the house, all enthusiastic about his suit for the wedding. He looks severe and serious and just blurts it all out in one sentence. "I'm not going to marry Luisa because I'm in love with Teresa."

The look on Oriana's face is really, just priceless.

More with poor Luisa and Aurora. Luisa wants to warn her brother. Aurora says that's not something you can say over the phone. Luisa talks about how Mariano warned her but she didn't believe him. Something in the way she tells this gets Aurora's antennae up. So Mariano was really visiting Luisa and not Teresa? This changes everything, you can see it in Aurora's face.

End of the first installment of this recap. 

As you would expect, a BIG SCENE between Fernando and mama over this shocking news. A BIG slap on the face is administered to Fernando. Then she commences with ripping him a new one. Everything she says is right-on. He's betraying his best friend, going off with a married woman, is he CRAZY? Fernando is defiant, says he's already told Luisa, that it's better this way since he doesn't love her. "Better for for whom? For Teresa? Certainly not for Arturo and especially not for Luisa!" She pretty much nails all the finer points. This is selfish and crazy and Teresa is only doing it for the money.

A crying Luisa is talking more about her misfortune. She's not a strong woman and this is just too much for her. Aurora tries to comfort her. Aurora says to herself that she was stupid (this in regards to doubting Mariano, I think).

More with Fernando and his mom. She thinks that if he hasn't yet told Professor Hottie, it's not too late to undo this. Go back, talk to Luisa, take it all back and things can go on as before, and they can get married. But Fernando doesn't want to do this because he doesn't love Luisa. She yells at him that what he feels for Teresa is not love, and better to be dead (? I think) then get hooked up with this social climber. Wow, that's intense!

Luisa is still crying. She lost the love of her life and her best friend at the same time! She then remembers, that they were all at Zacatecas together. She then wonders how she lost Fernando.

More with mom and Fernando. She keeps saying that Teresa is just a social climbing fortunehunter. She really loved Mariano and only married Professor Hottie for the money. Fernando has of course drunk all of Teresa's Kool Aid and doesn't believe any of this.

Lucia and Professor Hottie are chit-chatting over coffee. Professor Hottie has cleaned up and looks sane and sober again. Teresa walks in and has the nerve to act jealous at this scene. Professor Hottie doesn't miss a beat and says, "Do you believe that you're the only woman in the world?" He plays the situation to his advantage for once, praising all of Lucia's good qualities, as poor Lucia looks on uncomfortably at this way-too-personal domestic dispute unfolds in front of her.

Even more with Momma and Fernando. She says, by all means, sleep with Teresa but don't marry her! You don't love her! You'll never be happy with her, after knowing what you did to poor Arturo and Luisa! Fernando gets in a snit and walks off, saying that they're not able to talk about this any more. Momma looks very impactado and worn out from all the screeching. She breathes heavily and actually starts to clutch her chest.

End of second installment of this recap. 

More with the awkward scene between Teresa, Professor Hottie, and poor Lucia. Professor Hottie says that Teresa is just pretending to be jealous, when all along she never could feel any such thing. Lucia just wants to get out of there. Professor Hottie says no, it's okay, he has nothing left to say to Teresa. He escorts Lucia out as they both leave the apartment, leaving Teresa looking upset. When they're gone, she breaks out into tears and says that he's not going to go with that "tipa"!

In the hallway, Lucia and Professor Hottie talk a little more. He says that he shouldn't have said anything about her to Teresa. She says, but it's only the truth, you could get another good woman. He says, not in his case, he wants Teresa more than his life.

A nice little scene where Aeeeda actually tells Aurora about her encounter with Mariano, and how he didn't respond to her and how he still loves Aurora. Aurora is very encouraged by this. Aurora is a little surprised that Aeeeeda tells her all of this and seems accepting that she's lost Mariano. Maybe I'm maturing, Aeeeda laughs. They hug and Aeeeda wishes Aurora happiness, and during the hug you see the sadness on Aeeeda's face.

Oriana is prone on a couch as the servant lady hovers over her. Oriana looks a bit worn out. She tries to get up and stumbles a little. She calls and leaves a message with Luisa—"I know what stupidity my son wants to do, call me back, please."

Professor Hottie and Lucia are coming out of a pretty building, I am assuming their business meeting went well. He gets a message on his phone, it's from Oriana. He's not going to answer right back, I don't think he has the time (?) yet. He says that Oriana will be happy to hear that he's divorcing Teresa. He says that Oriana has been like a mother to him sometimes, but she doesn't understand how he feels about Teresa. Lucia takes his hand lovingly and says, "You're not able to stop thinking of her, are you?"

Aeeeda is looking bummed. Pop asks her what's gong on. Man trouble, she loves Mariano, lost him for good this time, blah blah blah. She's thinking of leaving Mexico and staying with her mom in Spain for a while. Pop says something ranty about Mariano, but she's actually reasonable and says it's not his fault. She actually sounds resolved and sane throughout the whole conversation.

Teresa's waiting at her parents' apartment and Professor Hottie comes in. He wants to talk. "About the divorce?" She asks. The law has made it much easier to divorce. But Professor Hottie has other things on his mind. He wants her back. He goes in for a deep kiss and she responds as their love song swells in the background.

More kissing. He wants her back, all he wants is her, blah blah blah. He tells her to reconsider, because today he's going to fix things. She looks moved and transfixed as he slowly withdraws and goes off to presumably fix things.

Aurora calls Professor Hottie and says that she's got something sensitive to tell him and it's better that she see him alone (not with Teresa).

Mariano chats with his dad. The subjects discussed include Professor Hottie arriving drunk at his apartment, what could he do but help. Aurora is a great girl, dad approves. Dad also approved of Aeeeda when Mariano was with her. But Mariano doesn't love Aeeeda, even though she's a great girl. What he feels for Aurora has no comparison.

Juana and Refigio sit over coffee and get caught up on everything that's going on, so people who have missed a few episodes can find out about what they missed. Refugio wants Teresa to give Professor Hottie another chance, not divorce him. Get him to Alcoholics Anonymous or something.

At the hospital, Esperanza goes to the chapel and prays to the Virgin Mary to get her son back. Hernan the Galán comes in and kneels by her side, supportively.

Teresa is talking with her parents about the divorce. She is not sure what to now—she seems a bit rattled by Professor Hottie's hot kisses, I think. Her mom says to listen to your heart, it's never mistaken.

Rubigote and Geno are talking about something. I guess about how Mariano and others are suspecting him of taking the baby? I need another infusion of Pepsi if I'm going to follow their conversation, I apologize. FF>>>

The final, big scene. Professor Hottie is ushered in to see a sleeping and crying Luisa, who is staying at Aurora's place. She tells him, brokenly, through tears, that she's not going to marry Fernando, that he called off the wedding. Professor Hottie erupts in outrage over this news. Then Luisa says, "that's not all." No, Fernando not only dumped her, but dumped of for someone else. Before she can spit out who "someone else" is, Professor Hottie is again ranting and raving in protective, brotherly rage. But finally she is able to get out that final tidbit. Fernando is leaving her because he says he's in love with Teresa! There is a look of disbelief on poor Professor Hottie's face and that is where we end the episode!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Teresa Wed 9/14/11 #138 Broken Hearts, Shattered Lives

Luisa stops by Mariano’s office to find out why he came over to her house earlier. Was it really to see her or to cause trouble between Teresa and Arturo. If that was his motivation it worked: they’re getting divorced.

Mariano warns Luisa not to trust Teresa. She is not as she seems. He drops the bomb that Teresa is hooking up with Fernando to secure her monetary future.

Luisa scoffs at the absurdity of his claim. After all, she’s about to get married! Mariano matter-of-factly informs Luisa that, for Teresa, that is not an impediment. He recounts how he too once thought he was going to marry Teresa and that nothing would change their minds. Arturo entered the picture and Teresa preferred money.

Again Luisa scoffs at Mariano. Mariano says he is embarrassed to reveal this to Luisa, but he and Teresa made love the day before her wedding, she promised to escape with him, and Arturo knows about it.

Fernando and Arturo run into each other in the foyer as Arturo is leaving for court. Arturo shares the news that Teresa asked him for a divorce and left the house. Fernando gives Arturo the “Bro Stare”, a deep look into a bro’s eyes that’s supposed to reveal if he’s telling the truth, (usually only effective after several drinks) and asks if he’s got something going on with Lucia. Arturo flatly denies it. Look, that Lucia chick is hot, he says, but Teresa is a very special piece of tail. How could he want anyone else?
For Fernando, that answer does not compute, but he is interrupted by a phone call from said piece of tail, and Arturo runs off to court. Teresa and Fernando make arrangements to talk later.

Mariano assures Luisa he’s being straight with her. The only thing that matters to Teresa is money, and Arturo no longer has it, but Fernando does. Luisa angrily cuts him off. She doesn’t know what Mariano’s game is, but she is sure his ulterior motive is to get Teresa back. Poppycock, Mariano says, his heart belongs to Aurora. He just finally realized Teresa’s true nature. He tells Luisa to mark his words; she’s been served notice. Luisa is dismissive and warns Mariano not to come sniffing around the house for Teresa, as she gets out of Dodge.

Luisa pauses in the hallway and has a flashback to the time when she recently caught Teresa and Fernando in a tight embrace. Her expression turns to worry, as she begins to fear the possibility that Mariano’s words have a basis in truth.

Esperanza is venting to Aurora that she’s losing her mind over her missing child. Aurora has an idea how she can help.

Aida enters Mariano’s office like the wind has been let out of her sails. She’s actually not screeching. (Yes, you read that correctly). Aida is down in the dumps about Aurora and Mariano being “novios”. Although she held out hope that Mariano would get back with her, Aida feels she should leave the clinic project, as she gives Mariano a pile of project records.

Aida is shocked to discover Rodrigo was kidnapped. She also learns Esperanza is in the hospital due to a nervous breakdown caused by the trauma of the kidnapping. She thinks it’s absurd that anyone would suspect Ruben. She points out Ruben may have fought for the right to see the baby, but that’s a far cry from stealing a child; “What kind of human being would do that?” she asks.

At the Dog Park (thank you for that one Paquita, hahaha) Fernando and Teresa greet each other with a passionate hug and kiss. He tells her Arturo was devastated by her leaving and asking for a divorce.

Fernando is now very reluctant to hurt Luisa. He admits he has not spoken to her yet. Teresa works her mojo. She snuggles her pectoral fins (boobs) against Fernando and reminds him it will hurt Luisa more if he waits until the wedding day.

In between passionate kisses and boob scraping she tells Fer that Mariano found out about them in Zacatecas and threatened to tell Arturo and Luisa. He was about to spill the beans to Arturo when he got into a fight with him at Esperanza’s house. Ter feels it’s best to get ahead of the game and come clean with them now.

Luisa pensively walks in as Lucia is finishing up some work. Obviously something is wrong. Luisa discloses her conversation with Mariano: Teresa wants to take off with Fernando. Lucia’s jaw drops to the floor.

Luisa’s doubts about Fernando are percolating as she recounts the time she caught Fer and Ter hugging. Lucia says that sort of thing can be easily misconstrued – look what happened when she hugged Arturo. She suggests Luisa remain calm and discuss it with Fer when he gets home.

Mighty Excalibur! Our dog Fernando has a bone (so to speak) and is ready to hump Teresa’s leg. It must be Humptoberfest time. Teresa pulls away as Fernando is cocked n’ loaded. :^) Fernando angrily yells out, “Teresa you’re just PLAYING WITH ME!! You and I WANT this! DO NOT DENY ME ANYMORE; I WANT YOU TO BE COMPLETELY MINE NOW!!!” (That’s quite a romantic gesture, Fernando. Just what every woman wants to hear.)

“Here?” Teresa coyly responds.

Teresa is saved by the bell – her cell phone rings. It’s Luisa. She doesn’t answer but takes the opportunity to coax Fernando into talking to Luisa now. She will do the same with Arturo.

Mariano walks in and Aurora gives him the cold shoulder. She won’t even deal with him and leaves the room.

Ruben tells Aida it is Esperanza’s fault that Rodrigo was kidnapped. If Rodrigo had been with him, none of this would have happened. He claims Arturo and Teresa are both determined to incriminate him.

Teresa, ever the expert at manipulation, dangles the promise of horizontal recreation if he calls off the wedding now. Fernando reluctantly agrees. It's like he's taking the apple in the Garden of Eden all over again. Chicas...sigh...

Teresa grins like a Cheshire Shark as Fernando calls Luisa and tells her they have to talk. Teresa does the same and calls Arturo.

Apparently Mayra is going somewhere because Aida says she will miss her. Mayra counsels Aida not to keep grudges. This falls on deaf ears, especially when it comes to Teresa and Esperanza.

Refugio’s and Armando’s wedding anniversary is coming up. FF>>

Teresa and Arturo meet to discuss their marriage. Teresa tells him “it is a fact” that they are getting a divorce. Arturo wants to know the real reason their marriage is ending.

Mayra drops in to visit Esperanza. She offers her support; she too is a mother and knows this is a tough time. She gives Esperanza a check and says to use the money to find her son. She could give it to Ruben, but knows he would make bad use of it. Mayra asks Espe not to tell Ruben about it.

Arturo goes on an angry rant as he accuses Teresa of being in love with another man. Teresa insists she fell in love with him. Arturo yells “No, Teresa! Mariano was right. You fell in love with what I had, what I could give you! How could I be so stupid?”

Teresa swears she fell in love with Arturo. He cuts her off and completely loses his temper. He roughly grabs her by the shoulders and SLAMS her to the couch, SCREAMING at the top of his lungs, “LIES!! THIS IS A VILE LIE!! YOU ARE THE MOST CRUEL OF ALL WOMEN!! You only PLAYED with me and had it all figured out!!”

She again insists that she fell in love with him. She felt like an idiot and was a fool to stand by as HE put her through one test after another to prove her love! She is sick of how he did not want to regain their standard of living, tired of his drinking and fed up with his ABSURD JEALOUSY!!

Arturo continues to rough her up. He yells that his jealousy was more than justified. All the times she told him that she wanted him were LIES! Teresa rebuts and says after the Europe trip, he became the most important man in her life. Arturo quips, “Oh, yeah? So at what point did you STOP loving me? WHEN I RAN OUT OF MONEY, OF COURSE!!”

Arturo slams her against a loveseat and pins her down. He shouts, “I married you believing that you loved me and we’d be together for life. I dreamed of growing old with you.” Teresa replies, “And life is not made of dreams, but realities.” Arturo angrily snaps, “Well yes, of course, in MY case, the only reality is that the man YOU’VE always loved, Mariano, FINALLY WON THE WAR!!”

She screams, “Not because of Mariano!!” and blowing his stack, he shouts, “ENOUGH TERESA, say no more; no sense trying to justify yourself!! It is very clear that I had to buy you, otherwise, you never would have been my girlfriend, much less my wife, and that is the worst thing you could have done, because I’ve never had a woman in exchange for money, well, at least not consciously, because I swallowed that story that you loved me!! I don’t want someone who will only love me in exchange for money!! Your love is WORTHLESS to me!! TAKE OFF WITH WHOEVER THE HELL YOU WANT, GO NOW!!! GO!! Beat it Teresa!! GO TO MARIANO, he’s the one you want to see!! GO TERESA!!”

Arturo throws Teresa’s purse at her and rushes her out the door, brutally slamming it behind her as he collapses into a near fetal position, his soul shattered, and in tears. On the other side of the door, Teresa is sobbing and clinging to the door.

Fernando begins breaking Luisa’s heart. He tells her he cannot marry her because he doesn’t feel the same way about her. Luisa begins to stagger about. She is horrified and in disbelief.

Back at the Penthouse, sadly, Arturo begins to drink heavily.

Fernando apologetically asks Luisa to forgive him. She’s losing her composure and aghast. She can’t believe it’s true what he said – he’s not going to marry her because he doesn’t feel the same??

A tearful Teresa spots Mariano waiting for an elevator. Mariano sees her tears and begins to lecture her. She quickly tells him to shut up. He says, “You and I were very happy Teresa. You didn’t know you were wasting true love, and that cannot be reversed. For your boundless ambition betrayed me, lied to me and I ended up totally disappointed in you.”

Teresa says, “I don’t follow.” Mariano tells her, “If you really fell in love with Arturo you have to fight to fix your marriage. Show that just because he has no money, you don’t want to look elsewhere, and forget about Luisa’s boyfriend.”

Teresa snaps, “Stay out of my life.”

Mariano says, “At least I have to tell you that if you’re still always looking where there is more money, nothing will ever be enough.”

Teresa rationalizes her ambition and hooking up with Fernando by saying Mariano’s mother died for lack of money and Rosita died under similar circumstances. Mariano says that isn’t true. His mother’s illness was incurable and money would not have prevented Rosita’s situation.

Teresa says, “What if life is now going to give me what I deserve, Mariano, and nothing is going to miss me.” Mariano says, “Are you sure you’ll have love?” She says she has it to spare – Mariano, Arturo, and Fernando all love her. But Mariano points out, maybe she doesn’t really love anyone.

Fernando explains that he thought his wavering feelings were just a temporary confusion, but it was stronger than him. Luisa asks if he was only marrying her because of pressure from his mom. Fernando denies it. Luisa demands an explanation – when did things start to change!! Fernando says it was just out of his control, he swears he did not want to hurt her.

Luisa cries, “You’re breaking my heart!! You were the love of my life!! I believed in you!! You promised me if anything went wrong YOU WOULD TELL ME!!! She screams, “TELL ME THE TRUTH!! TELL ME!!

Fernando cowers and meekly says, “Luisa, I’m in love with another.” Luisa is stunned and heartbroken. She can barely speak but says, “Is it Teresa?


Fernando says, “Yes, it is Teresa.” She says, “Then it’s true what Mariano told me – that you and HER...!!” Luisa ERUPTS WITH ANGER. She starts WILDLY swinging at Fernando, hitting him repeatedly as he falls on the couch, saying, “YOU ARE AN A$$HOLE, YOU WRETCH, YOU FOOL!! YOU MOCKED ME AND WENT AFTER THE WIFE OF YOUR BEST FRIEND, YOUR BROTHER!!!” Fernando says he didn’t mean for this to happen. Luisa shouts, “SHUT UP!! I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU MEANT!! YOU’RE A HYPOCRITE AND A DAMN BLOODY TRAITOR!!!”

Fernando tries to stop her as she storms out, but it’s no use. She’s gone.

Arturo continues to drink heavily. He stares at his wedding picture, sadly embraces it, and breaks down in tears as he reminisces about better times in Europe.

Teresa calls Fernando and they decide to meet to talk things over at Juana’s apartment.

Teresa begins to cry. She says under her breath, “Arturo, why? We could have been so happy. I sacrificed so much to be with you, and now, now that I love you so much...I have to leave you.” She fights to regain her composure and says, “Enough. I have to control my feelings; I have to be, I am.”

Juana and Zilchberto have returned from Zacatecas. Refugio tells them about Rodrigo. FF>>

My girl Aurora joins Hernan and Espe and turns on the television. A community service bulletin is broadcast asking the public for help finding baby Rodrigo. The baby has a gold medallion. A reward is being offered for information. They post a picture of baby Rodrigo who’s got a WTF deer-in-the-headlights look on his face.

The scene cuts to Fito sitting at a cantina watching the announcement on the bar’s TV. He jots down the contact number and remembers he has the baby’s medallion.

Hernan and Espe thank Aurora for her help in setting up the broadcast as she leaves. FF>>

Teresa is at Juana’s place and Fernando arrives. Fernando says he feels terrible. Teresa and Fernando start to get kissy-kissy on the couch, and just as Fernando is heating up – BLAM – the door opens and Juana and GritBerto have arrived. Fernando and Teresa hastily get unstuck from each other. Teresa explains she is there because she’s getting a divorce from Arturo.

Cutberto points to the door (yes, I said Cutberto) and he tells that dirty dog Fernando to GET OUT!! (I really like that he did that, so just this once, I will not call him Zitberto, Scourgeberto, Bugberto, Cowberto, Gookberto or even Splotchberto).

Mariano is on the phone, apparently ordering some white roses for Aurora again.

There’s a knock on the door, and it’s Arturo, absolutely drunk as a friggin’ skunk. He mumbles some drunken banter about his wedding and says he’s there looking for Teresa.

Arturo proceeds to stagger around Mariano’s apartment shouting for Teresa.

Mariano tells Arturo to calm down; that he is looking in the wrong place for Teresa, she’s not with him. Arturo says, “Ah, no? (hiccup) Then, who? With whom, Mariano? (hiccup)”

Mariano firmly says, “With Fernando, Arturo.”

Uh-oh. It’s gonna hit the fan now. Plus, Arturo looks like he’s about to puke.

...And now you know what happened in episode 138.


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